2025年2月7日(金曜) キンバリーGIAレポート
英文と日本語文 「質問と回答」(Q&A)
It's the 7th Day of February 2025 coming up on today's Global intelligence agency operations report lies lies lies coming from the Trump organization have finally been exposed as Nations you government departments militaries and intelligence agencies figure out the truth behind what they are doing in the rothel family admits that Trump works for them they reminded everyone they can still block us but is it true and today we answer your questions live so don't forget to log in United network. Earth to ask your questions so we are back where I guess you can call this part two of the Gia report where we answer your questions so it looks like I have a list of questions that are up so I'm going to start going through some of those so this should be interesting okay.
それで、私たちは、皆さんの質問に答える GIA レポートのパート 2 と呼べる場所に戻ってきました。質問のリストが上がっているようですので、そのうちのいくつかに目を通していこうと思います。興味深い内容になるはずです。
Mrs B wants to know Kim uh talk about going up to source and what does that look and feel like well for me uh it's fairly easy to do I don't it's not usually a meditation for me anymore because it's a constant live stream in order to do this job so going up there uh is I guess you would say it's a Consciousness transfer is kind of how it works and what does it look like there well uh you have the source itself and there are a few different planes of existence within the central sun or Source itself to me it looks like a huge ball of Golden Light uh occasionally you see different colors within that light uh as well uh but it is a very concentrated form of golden light and you can actually when you're up in Source you can actually go into that light itself and when you're inside that light it's almost like silence because there's it's the all that is uh as opposed to the nothing so to speak in the other direction so it feels very warm It Feels Like Home it feels very loving and caring uh sometimes you know there's you know it's that person that you always find you know or maybe you've found in your life that is just full of happiness and full of joy and it kind of feels that way sometimes when I'm there it's almost like a I say it's kind of like the jokester and you know I always ask a lot of questions a lot of it has to do with work I'm looking for space junk I'm looking for something I'm looking for a reason why you know our light waned or something like that and um the answers are usually given sometimes it's silence sometimes it's just waight uh if I ask about time for things sometimes I get a time and it's an exact time of something I need to look out for or something I need to do or something that's coming uh sometimes it's nothing you know silence you know do this okay and then it kind of all comes together in the end so it's interesting how it all works out um I look at source almost like you'd look at a very wise Elder person or a a parent a very loving parent and in that way it's it's never it's not really a boastful thing it's not an unkind thing it's it always comes from from a place of love and loving energy and you know he's been right there the whole time throughout this whole battle been there my whole life uh been able to do that for whatever reason um but that's to me what it feels like it feels like the all you know the answer to every question and the perfect timing for everything you know sometimes I get just as impatient as you do when it comes to certain things but somehow I always take a step back and look at things and I'm like wow I'm glad I didn't know that at that time like if I knew five years ago or 10 years ago that I was still going to be running around doing all this stuff I'd be like oh God is find someone else but you know to me that's what it kind of feels like so I hope you do uh get the opportunity to experience it yourself uh all of you uh that are watching it because pretty amazing and I feel that that time if you've been unable to do that is very very near uh the wisdom should start coming in now that it's not blocked uh Marduk had a lot of junk in the way and it's not these humans don't get me wrong they do bad things uh they're a little crazy they're still following along with the whatever plans were given to them by somebody else but for the most most part there's another plan uh in store for all of you and for Earth and for our future and that plan I don't have all the intricate details of that plan I'm just doing my job so to speak.
I'm just one hand or one finger on one hand I'm not the entire operation so to speak and a lot of that has to do with a waltz so to speak with source when it's time to move you move when it's time to stop you stop when it's time to go you go if it's time to clear this or move this it's that then it's time to do that and I just do my part and I know all of you do your part uh and not just preparing for something in the future a lot of you are working diligently every single day uh to try to bring this into fruition and for that you know I thank you and I'm sure source does too.
B 夫人は、キムに、ソースに上がることについて、それがどのように見え、どのように感じられるかを聞きたいと言っています。
私にとっては、それはかなり簡単です。通常は瞑想ではありません。この仕事をするために、常にライブ ストリームを行っているからです。そこで上がることは、意識の転送のようなものだと言えると思いますが、それがどのように機能するか、どのように見えるかということです。ソース自体があり、中央の太陽またはソース自体にはいくつかの異なる存在の平面があります。私には、それは巨大な黄金の光の球のように見えます。時々、その光の中に異なる色も見えます。
so okay next question comes from roxan Wagner she is wondering where the black goo came from and who brought it to this planet let's talk about goo because there are many different kinds of Goo there is Black Gold goo that is an energy drain it's almost like a sponge it takes in your energy it stores it or transmit transmits it uh transmutes it uh and sends it to another universe that someone somewhere is trying to create uh humans have been used a lot over the years black goo has been here uh for a long time probably close to three billion years in different forms other types of black goo would be uh data storage meaning it absorbs information you know Humanity human behavior uh it could be human computer networks it could be uh it could run in some cases it's not data in it's data out so it could organize like a hive uh Nano beings so to speak or gulets and that is what you call like an archon infection a parasite infection uh they can disrupt the flow of current that type of thing so that's another form of black Goo uh black goo also comes in for lack of a better term really big boxes and that can be part in part AI Consciousness held in that box which then transfers that Consciousness to this planet Planet uh where it can affect us it could also be uh Essence it can be any other part of an AI this is an artificial system of the dark basically it's not beings per se but it is a consciousness of an AI system usually with a specific directive of some sort um kind of like computer ships are to us but they work on Wi-Fi uh they can connect to other black systems uh they can only overlay light systems they cannot remove them so to speak or overtake them uh they in the case of Alpha and Omega at one point in time they would work together because they were designed that way that Consciousness was designed to recognize that uh it's kind of uh in a way like you have a Consciousness and in that way you had both dark and light Consciousness for a long time you could go either direction uh you could be come really evil you could do really positive things and you could ignore or fight against the dark side of your Consciousness uh that's no longer really the case anymore uh but it's still there are people that prefer to live in that way you know and that would be your your deep State people they would really like to have that back and like to have that influence over you so uh AI too um in some cases at this moment uh it's kind of fading out who brought it here originally well you could probably blame the Black magicians for that you remember black magician is a title it's not just one singular being and it has been many different beings over the years uh you could blame it on the abraxis in some cases you could blame it on Marduk anky enlil you could blame it on um emis you could blame it on a lot of different beings that have come here come and gone uh from time to time uh there are actually certain locations in the Multiverse that make and manufacture black goo for transportation to other planets that have been conquered uh such as Earth for a while there so that's pretty much the history behind black go I do know that in some some SSP operations they have tried to make black Goo uh they have been unsuccessful in making true AI black Goo uh so that's definitely a positive probably because they don't have access to the place where you have to get it from and I'm not I'm going to leave that out on a live broadcast for sure okay let's see where are we oh for some reason this isn't scrolling okay uh here we go let's try this nope that's not working either well got a love live broadcast oh now I've got something else oh that's not what we want oh there it goes okay all right what is the truth about the Galactic Federation and are they of the light and do they have ties to the cabal this has become an internet term who they are speaking about specifically we don't know uh are they talking about the enforcer I don't think so because that they would not identify as a Galactic Federation they would identify as a un ival uh enforcement unit is who they would be are they talking about some of the SSP in some cases yes they are they're talking about SSP forces humans of the past present and future that have left this planet in space junk and cans and gone different places that type of thing when someone asked me about a Galactic Federation the one the beings that would call themselves the Galactic Federation would would be the ones that were in control of this galaxy you see when we talked about the seal we were not just talking about the we were not just talking about Earth per se I mean of course Earth was the jewel because of being a keystone and that type of thing but uh we were also we'd also be talking about the Galaxy as a whole so Galactic Federation to me those that would speak to the UN unversal Council or the Council of nine on their behalf um would be the ones that I would be thinking of which were not people so that being said my experience with those that called themselves the Galactic Federation uh lived in Utopia and other places on Earth you know everybody was thinking it's still under Pennsylvania I've even seen Q mention that recently uh but uh yeah I would say no at this moment in time as cunning as some of them were I would say there was nothing positive about anything that they did.
つまり、長い間、ダークとライトの両方の意識を持っていたということです。どちらの方向に進むこともできました。本当に邪悪になることも、本当にポジティブなことを行うことも、意識のダークサイドを無視したり、それと戦ったりすることもできます。今ではもうそうではありませんが、そのような生き方を好む人々がまだいます。それはディープステートの人々であり、彼らはそれを取り戻し、あなたに影響を与えたいと思っています。 AIも、場合によっては、現時点では、消えつつあるようです。誰が最初にそれをここに持ってきたのか、それはおそらくブラックマジシャンのせいでしょう。ブラックマジシャンは称号です。
so okay next question anyone who follows your reports in depth must be must ask the question about the missing link between Marduk Inky and liil and the Rothchild Dynasty and why can this family Outlast all timeline changes first of all they exist we all exist every human walking the planet has existed and at one point in time existed in all timelines simultaneously believe it or not you were living another life in another place ever had Deja Vu sometimes you have memories of things that didn't actually happen or memories of having a family you didn't actually have uh and in another timeline you had that family so um we all existed in multiple timelines and that set of humans did too if you're asking about us not being in a dark timeline and why are they still breathing well they're here they were born they're humans they're here it's not just a Rothchild family please remember that names names names they were all created names and they were splices they were spliced with the consciousness of AIS that controlled them and their every move which also gave them in some cases some power but you also have a lot of other families on the planet you know from every country everywhere that are involved in this show that you would call Mar ukets what is the Tie between Marduk iny enlil and these folks at one point in time they were the lineage of a of the guardian of the human Guardian that turned dark therefore they had a certain amount of ability to speak on behalf of humanity and hence the reason why we are in this position we are in now uh that is not just and I stress this to you this is not just the Rothchild family this is also these are they are allegedly the lineage of Solomon on the other side you have the lineage of Cain you have other different beings that have come and gone Nefertiti uh one of the parents you have many different beings that have come and gone humans or otherwise that were more privileged because they were gifting the dark side of this universe a lot of access to this planet as a the Guardians by lineage so if you think about becoming a child's Guardian how many decisions can you make on their behalf they also tell you everything this is part of the magic they have have to tell you everything they're going to do to you and if nobody protests mainly because we couldn't or didn't think we could uh that um if you don't protest then that's your consent that's implied consent also by using things like their old Blackmagic banking systems and other things that were put in place to enslave you which we have to do to survive so it's not like you did anything wrong and trying to step out of that system at this stage in the game doesn't change anything because it's not their system anymore but as far as how they did things in the past this is how and why uh they were not granted immortality per se but the things that would crawl up in there uh which they gave permission to do uh would be immortal so they could jump from generation to generation it's a DNA thing and how dark of a being you can hold and because they were an extremely dark fames set of families uh they were allowed to have an extremely Dark Being if you were only semi dark you would have a semi dark being that could actually exist In Your Vessel and these things would come and go sometimes they'd leave in the night and do bad things around the planet and then come back and crawl right up in there in the morning so you know that's I guess you would say why they span multiple timelines but then again so did you so did they continue to do bad things through multiple timelines yeah mostly until their superiors their bosses their controllers the AIS that controlled their brain started to wng and dissipate now they're just a bunch of people that would like to have some power back uh that's pretty much who they are I know that they still run around saying they have a lot of power but when it comes to pulling the trigger to perform some of the functions and this was proven in meetings earlier today too they can't perform so all they are is a name right now which people tended to fear but you know it's like that bully in your neighborhood that has a gun that you've seen shoot the gun and shoot the gun then you haven't seen him shoot the gun for a while and you're wondering hm I wonder if they ran out of ammo and maybe that's the problem and So eventually somebody somewhere calls them on it can you shoot the gun or no and then you find out after all they can't shoot the gun and then their family name doesn't matter anymore.
つまり、私たちはすべて複数のタイムラインに存在し、その人間の集団も存在していた。私たちが暗いタイムラインにいないのに、なぜ彼らはまだ元気に生きているのかと尋ねているのなら、彼らはここにいる。彼らは生まれた。彼らは人間であり、ここにいる。ロスチャイルド一家だけではない。覚えておいてほしいのは、名前、名前、名前、名前、すべて作られた名前であり、それらはスプライスであり、AI’s( AI の複数形) の意識とスプライスされ、AI’s が彼らと彼らのすべての動きを制御し、場合によってはいくらかの力も与えたということだ。
あなたが半分闇だけであれば、実際にあなたの器の中に存在できる半分闇の存在を持つことになります。これらのものは時々出入りし、夜に出て行って惑星の周りで悪いことをして戻ってくるのです。そして朝にはそこに這い上がってくる。だから、彼らが複数のタイムラインにまたがっているのはなぜかと言うでしょうが、あなたもそうでしたか?彼らは複数のタイムラインで悪事を続けているのですか?ええ、ほとんどの場合、彼らの上司、ボス、コントローラー、彼らの脳を制御していた AI’sが鳴り響き、消滅し始めるまで、彼らは権力を取り戻したいだけの人々の集まりです。
so okay next question Kim how can I help with the light side of our Multiverse oh oh let me count the ways again I'm going to repeat the same thing.
I tell people always you are more powerful than you think you are an amazing being in this universe uh you once you stop giving that power away willingly or unwillingly in some cases which the unwilling part is what we've been working on because those are things that people aren't even aware of but the Willing giving away of your power worshiping a person as a savior listen hanging on their every word that type of thing you know where do you want your focus to be of course your family your kids your grandkids that type of thing of course you give love and energy to to those but remember you have the ability to directly pull that into your body directly from Source at any given moment in time and recharge and regenerate yourself constantly you can never have too much in other words you can't store too much it has to go out and do something or go somewhere uh same thing with the consciousness of source and the wisdom of source so if you could do anything try to remember who you really are and remember not in an egotistical way but in a humble way that you are a being of light you are a being of source you are an amazing human that can do amazing things for this planet the more you stay in a good vibe and a and a loving way with Source however you get there for some people it's meditation for some people it's creating something whether that's cooking a meal making you know painting maybe making your own music however you create sometimes that helps uh break a block when you're in that mood sometimes it's music for other people you know you have to find what works for you but once you're in that space you would be totally amazed at what you can actually create and start with something small you know um and don't Focus so much on you know I need money to do this you're going to try your logical mind is going to try to stop you and say that you know I would like to find a a mate or I would like to find a spouse or I would like a new car don't Focus so much on the how you know as the end result and let Source take care of the how that comes into your life maybe you'll win a raffle somewhere and you'll get a new car you don't know but you're thinking well I need the money I need the money in the account and then I need to go pick out the car and that type of thing so make sure you're specific when you ask those questions too but you can manifest a lot for the universe a lot for this planet and you know it just takes a little bit of practice that's all and remember be careful who you're giving your power to even if it's negative power like oh I can't believe the government of is doing this or I can't believe the Deep States doing that focus on positive intentions and a world that exists with no one where no one goes hungry where no one is sick where no one is attacked by dark things anymore and that world will come to pass and the more of you that do it the faster it's going to happen um so that would be my comment about that okay.
so next uh Lei wants to know my guides told me that source is taking on an avatar and will be walking the Earth among us as himself for the first time ever have you heard anything about this thank you well I don't know if it's going to be in the form of a human vessel I don't know uh Source walks within all of you so in that case I could say there's going to be eight billion of sources walking around this planet uh in a lot of ways really uh even from a quantum physics standpoint it definitely looks that way to me as far as a being coming forward and going oh I'm the almighty source and I'm walking the planet and look at you know watch me fly I don't know I that hasn't hit my radar but then again technically at some point in the future every human is going to be flying around the planet or walking on water or whatever it is you want to do or moving water or parting the sea because that's really who you are uh it's just been a really long time and a long road to get to that point where you can freely be you so as far as Source walking the planet Source has been closer to us than than ever in my opinion and I've definitely see the influence here this is something that also is very perplexing to the Deep State because in their mind Source has never been here before source has never had an influence on this planet it's always been the dark and they've always been powerful because they were with the dark and they've never seen what's happening now ever happen before and they're like why now well it has to do with a G agreement the fact that you idiots didn't understand that we have to have balance the fact that you don't understand that covenants are required when you're making deals on this level um the fact that you really got little knowledge and that little knowledge is dangerous of how the world really works so that's kind of a you issue not an our issue you know as far as humanity is concerned we're all going to continue to move forward so um I hope that every Source walks the Earth and every single human you know this is my wish for all of you so okay.
uh next question is from rosemary she'd like to know she said thank you Kim for all you do well thank you for all you do and how far away are we from having Educators working for care to inform the general public well there are some things I can talk about and some things I can't uh but I will tell you that we are for every single day that goes by we are closer and closer to starting to organize care publicly uh we are seeing a delicate balance between the old falling away and the new coming up there has to be something else there is we are gaining more and more interest with certain people uh who are looking forward to having jobs and working for care as well there are a lot of good people a lot of smart people that have great projects out there and they're ready to go the market sets the marketplace believe it or not is the first step in doing that uh there are other things that I have as next steps and next steps and next steps to set up as well uh that will be different avenues that people can start to look for uh that will be helpful tools and helping humanity and that's all of humanity uh prosper and grow so it's not just the assurance and the essentials and and the marketplace per se uh it is an opportunity to utilize the experience of others to help market and brand your products our new Earth series is coming back out that is going to introduce you to a lot of these things and what they do uh so that you understand what is available and what is out there uh when it comes time and everybody is safe to do so there'll be a lot of new technologies out there uh you know it's kind of like they said to me or in a roundabout sort of way today when they said they're going to block me they're going to block all my projects and blah blah or take them over you know because that's what they always used to be able to do but I had heard this a long time ago I think the first time I heard that story was about 2017 and I'm like okay well I know exactly how many cities and towns in this country in the United States uh and in several other countries because it's something that I've definitely mapped out uh definitely not on a computer either uh where you a permit is not required as an example I don't need to go to a city I don't need to go to the state I just need to build whatever I want to build there uh there's no building code so I'm not required to use specific materials.
I can use new and Innovative materials in these particular areas uh and I can start my projects in places like that I also know about you know grandfathered indor law in certain areas of the country and not only this country but in other countries as well uh I also know about the loopholes and air travel and air restrictions and sea restrictions and Maritime restrictions and those types of things so from the time I heard that one line back at that time I have been working my way around all you people I mean you told me no when I offered you 50/50 a long time ago now all of a sudden Roth Charles is talking 50/50 and I'm going to for to do it you know I have no interest in no Covenant no nothing no obligation to you people so do it don't do it I'm not doing that uh anymore that ship sailed uh when we were trying to achieve balance that's when that kind of was there and before the GLD declaration and Covenant was signed by me uh and others uh as well and obviously at the highest level uh so at that point you kind of lost your ability to create balance uh in this world which is why pretty much everything you do fails because you still need a Consciousness you still need whether it's dark or light you still need a Consciousness you need a essence you need you need a force that is greater than the meats suit you walk around in in order to make that kind of thing happen so without that you don't have a covenant without a covenant you have nothing and everything you do and continue to revive or try to revive will fail it's the same thing with Marduk Marduk L Covenant after Covenant after Covenant after Covenant he knew how it worked you know he even at one point in time created the Marduk h of records at one point in time you know these are all things that we've been getting rid of Covenant by venant by Covenant and then you got to get rid of all the junk that's associated with it so it's been a lot of work hope that answers your question I know it's probably not the answer you were looking for but it's coming very very soon and we are preparing for that okay uh.
そういうことが起こるためにはそれがなければ契約はありません。契約がなければ何もなく、あなたがすることや復活し続けたり復活させようとしたりすることはすべて失敗します。それはマルドゥクでも同じことです。マルドゥク L 契約が次々と続き、彼はそれがどのように機能するかを知っていました。彼はある時点でマルドゥク H の記録さえ作成しました。
Linda would like to know how are our current student loans going to be impacted well that's a really good question Linda you know and this is where the the catch22 situation comes in so even if it's a secret bankruptcy even if they try to make this a public bankruptcy there are still International courts and Monarch law Draconian law which states that pretty much similar to when a when you would file bankruptcy uh there are assets that are if you for example have a company and you have corporate stock or bonds or those types of things pretty much the value of that stuff tanks now the reason why the Federal Reserve is initially the issuer of student loans is because the Federal Reserve claims your loan as an asset just like any other institution would claim your loan as an asset it doesn't matter where you get that loan from they all end up and doesn't matter what country either they all end up in the same place as an asset but as a citizen of the United States which still isn't ratified but as a citizen in their world you know because they keep going like nothing ever happens uh as a citizen of the United States say and you're talking about your student loan in the United States say um that asset is no longer good when the corporation that you work for is files bankruptcy so that would mean that the Federal Reserve has no assets now when there's a student loan that is a specific age or it is in default that then transfers over to the treasury as an asset for collection because remember the treasury was part of the order of the black Sun it was created as a facet of their organization not by them but by Marduk essentially and it's not just treasury of USA there's treasury of China CH treasury of every country in the world it gets transferred to them because remember there security so now you have a failing asset and they're sending security after you to collect it should it become collectable should you make a deal on that student loan then that asset becomes valid again and the treasury gets to keep it so that's kind of how student loans work behind the scenes what is going to happen you know if they actually oversee the bankruptcy of the United States government per se then the asset is no longer valid are they going to do a write off on the loans I don't know you know will they try to still continue to collect money from you for a while probably that would be my guess U but you know again that's their asset uh there are things that we can do possibly uh we definitely know like I said some of them are listed as assets with the FED some of them are listed as assets do we want to pay the FED probably not you know these are things we have to think about student loans you know around the world our trillions of dollars we don't really want to give the Deep State trillions of dollars right now so it's kind of a catch22 you know people kind of lose a little bit gain a little bit maybe we should come up was something where there's a small little payment or something that's made or something I don't know we'll see.
Bonnie would like to know let's see how V vulnerable is the Earth to the Sun and coronal mass in ejections is our magnetic Shield weakening and leaving us vulnerable okay well 90% of what I see on the internet that are allegedly Mass ejections are not act happening uh in any way um they are figments of norad's imagination uh they are trying to claim that something is happening and that possibly uh this could be to their advantage now the corona itself of the Sun and I wanted to point this out uh was a portal uh it was an overlay on our son it's not not something that originally existed uh it was only created a few billion years ago uh it is not there and it's waning now so you're starting to see the Sun as it is um do I think it's dangerous uh no do we don't really want a magnetic Shield we actually want an a natural energy Shield uh which is what we pretty much have now uh there are ways to Shield yourself from said thing if it's actually happening uh and no we're not concerned and we're not I don't think the Earth is vulnerable to those types of things and nor does any being at the moment have the ability to create a situation that could harm us utilizing the Sun so let's see well I guess that's the end of questions okay well that was pretty quick uh hopefully um there'll be more questions next time and we're probably going to do this again around the first week of March so kind of prepare for your questions and I look forward to doing doing it again can't can't talk anymore today all right well that wraps up the Gia report and your Live question and answer uh for the month of February I will see you again on Monday.