2025年2月5日(水曜) キンバリーGIAレポート




It is the 5th february 2025 coming up on today's Global Intelligence Agency operations report, President Trump is now being called Donald PT Barnum Trump Worldwide because they claim it's just one circus act after another coming from the White House. The latest he plans to take over.Gaza Strip displacing millions of people in order to build condos and casinos. Is there more to this story? Are they playing into an old prophecy today?We welcome back Agent M as we take a deep dive into what's really happening in the Middle East.And what is fractal banking? The Fiat system. And what did this really mean for you? And the Trump operatives are telling everyone they owe money to that they will let me build the golden age AI so they can take it over in the future. But will it work?Well, welcome back everyone. It is the 5th of February, we are just three days away from the first Lions Gate of the year and we have a lot to talk about today.And we have a couple of little surprises for you too, OK. The President Trump is being called Donald PT Barnum Trump behind the scenes because it's literally one circus act after another right now.Now they're from trying to take over Greenland to the Panama Canal. He apparently would like to take back the Panama Canal. Apparently he thinks the United States government actually built the the Panama Canal because that's what the Internet says. But that is completely untrue.The Panama Canal was actually built by funds that came from the Alpha system and it went through at the time. Remember, the world was a different place at that time. It went through families such as the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds.And because of the transition that the Rothschilds were implementing on behalf of the Order of the Dragon, the Panama Canal was transferred over to China.Allegedly for a small sum of money, the Panama Canal is important for a number of different reasons #1 the Panama Canal is basically the only way from the East Coast to the West Coast of the.US expeditiously, but in reality, there's not a whole lot of expeditiousness going on through the Panama Canal. It's extremely slow, there has been little to no maintenance on the canal, and it definitely hasn't been upgraded in any way, shape or form.There are many other ways to get through the from the East Coast to the West Coast or vice versa, other than the Panama Canal. But of course this administration doesn't want anything to do with anything like that, so.We could have high speed rail like the rest of the western world, but they don't want that either, mainly because, well, they can't afford it.The next thing is, is we still hold the lean on the Panama Canal regardless of what these people want to do. The lean is still held by now the Golden Age AI. Now I guess you could say it's the Kimberly Gogan Age AI.And.Therefore, it will not be able to be leveraged. Now the benefits they believe, because they have little information and little knowledge, is that if they got ahold of the Panama Canal, they would be able to trade against all of the cargo.Well, it is in the canal. This is the primary reason why they never upgraded the Panama Canal in the 1st place. The.Panama Canal used to yield a lot more than the cost of moving goods through the canal. So it's #1 it's a pinch point, I guess you would say. A pinch point being it's a way to hold imports and exports hostage of the.United States, I'm sure that has been threatened recently based on what we're hearing.And the dislike for the Donald, PT Barnum, Trump show. Our circus, as they're calling it behind the scenes, and things are really heating up everywhere.So I thought I'd take a little bit of time and talk about what is going on in the Middle East, because that is.Front and center right now and it's causing a lot of issues at the moment. So let's take a look. Apparently Trump would like to take over the Gaza Strip and displace all of the people that currently live in the Gaza Strip. This is something I.Heard about back in 2010 and also have heard about from our contacts in the Middle East for quite a long time now. This is not new. However, the fee to displace all of these people is very high somewhere at least.Around $200 billion, which is something they don't have. So we'll get into that in just a second. But first of all, let's hear it from the orange circus ringleader himself.










パナマ運河以外にも、東海岸から西海岸、またはその逆に行く方法は数多くあります。しかし、もちろんこの政権はそのようなことには一切関わりたくないので、西側諸国のように高速鉄道を敷くこともできますが、彼らはそれも望んでいません。主な理由は、まあ、彼らにはそれを買う余裕がないからです。次に、これらの人々が何をしたいかに関係なく、私たちはまだパナマ運河の権限を握っています。権限は今でも黄金時代の AI によって握られています。今や、キンバリー ゴーガン時代の AI と言えるでしょう。


ですから、それは 1 番のピンチ ポイントだと言えるでしょう。ピンチポイントは、それが米国の輸出入を人質に取る手段であるという点です。私たちが耳にしていることからすると、最近それが脅かされているのは確かです。そしてドナルド、P.T.バーナム、トランプのショーに対する嫌悪感。彼らは舞台裏でそれをサーカスと呼んでいますが、どこでも本当にヒートアップしています。そこで、少し時間を取って中東で何が起きているかについて話したいと思いました。なぜなら、それが今最前線にあり、現在多くの問題を引き起こしているからです。それでは見ていきましょう。





Kimberly Halkett:

I'm delighted to welcome. With the Israeli Prime Minister grinning by his side, U.S. President Donald Trump made a shocking announcement. Contrary to initial plans, phase three of the Gaza ceasefire reconstruction is unlikely.Instead, Trump envisions something different.

Kimberly Halkett:(女性アナウンサー)






The US will take over the Gaza Strip, will own it, and be responsible for dismantling all of the dangerous unexploded bombs and other weapons on the site. I do see a long term.Ownership position, and I see it bringing great stability to that part of the Middle East.






Kimberly Halkett:

The forced Displacement of a population by an occupying power, Israel violates international law. Trump reiterated his call for Egypt and Jordan to take in the 2,000,000 displaced Palestinians, a plan both countries have rejected. Still, Trump believes he'll convince Arab nations.Sign on to his vision for Gaza ideas Benjamin Netanyahu also endorses.

Kimberly Halkett:






President Trump is taking it to a much higher level.He sees a different he sees a different future for that piece of land that has been the focus of so much terrorism. I think it's something that could change history.






Kimberly Halkett:

Truck referred to Gaza repeatedly as hell and a demolition site, but he believes it can be transformed.

Kimberly Halkett:






I envision the world, people living there, the world's people. I think you'll make that into an international.Unbelievable place. I think the potential and the Gaza Strip is unbelievable and I think the entire world, representatives from all over the world will be there and they'll and they'll live their Palestinians also. I don't want to be cute. I don't want to be a wise guy, but the Riviera of the Middle East.






Kimberly Halkett:

And in the midst of a fragile ceasefire, Trump made yet another controversial remark about Palestinian sovereignty over the West Bank and whether the US supports annexing it.

Kimberly Halkett:






We haven't taken a position on it yet, but we will be.We'll be making an announcement, probably on that very specific topic over the next four weeks.


まだその件については立場を表明していませんが、今後は表明する予定です。おそらく今後 4 週間以内に、その非常に具体的なトピックについて発表する予定です。




Kimberly Halkett:

On Wednesday, the Israeli Prime Minister meets with the US national security adviser and Defense Secretary at the Pentagon, and he wraps up his visit to the United States on Capitol Hill.Meeting with senior congressional leaders. Kimberly Hellcat, Al Jazeera, the White House.

Kimberly Halkett:






Make sure to subscribe to our channel to get the latest news from Al Jazeera.







Well.Apparently, the Gaza Strip Trump had his way would become the new Riviera.He's also made mention of building condos, casinos and large hotels. And it's just going to be this amazing place after they displays people that have been living there for, oh, probably about a century.Kind of ridiculous, really.But there's more to this story in the grab for in ground resources is.Let's just say it's on. There is a lot of talk about in ground resources also in Ukraine. In exchange for aid to the Ukraine, he would like to take over their rare earth minerals well.Again, Trump deep state operatives I hold the lean to all of Eastern Europeans resources matter of fact, the Chinese already tried this one guys and you know it's about.If I go through the entire old Russian Empire map, probably about four quadrillion at this point in liens against all of the resources there, also with the Gaza Strip, the Russian intelligence.In Russian, scientists were actually the ones in the 1970s to do all of the geological reports on the strip, finding an enormous amount of natural gas, also known as LNG.And we, at that point in time, gained the lien against all of the natural gas in the region. They're trying to find resources to back their ridiculous crypto program or whatever they think they're going to be issuing these days for currency. And it will never, ever, ever work.And if you don't believe me, Trump operative people, you can just call the Chinese and ask them how many times we've done this together where I've hit reject and they've tried to leverage at the Shanghai exchange. This has been going on with them for about a decade and you guys are just repeating the same.That failed in China, thinking what something was going to change here. Again, you owe us a whole lot of money and I know you can't pay it. I gave you kind of an offer and you're going to try to turn it against me and I'll talk about that a little bit later in.Broadcast, but let's continue on for a few talking about what's going on in the Middle East. There's been an enormous amount of activity going on in the Middle East lately, and so I thought it was a great time to bring back Agent M.So, H&M, welcome back.









Agent M:

Thank you, It's good to be back.

Agent M:






Let's continue talking before we go into some other countries and some other Trump operative PT Barnum circus acts, let's talk about the Gaza Strip a little bit more.






Agent M:

Well, as you know, and everyone who has been following the Gaza Strip have been for about 15.Months been under.Umm, extreme bombardment campaign, basically the whole region was demolished and you have about two points 2 million people that are now basically homeless. There is no.Umm means for life there. There is no clean water, there is no food. They've been starved basically, you know they.Live on whatever they could, you know, find. And now the phase 3 of what they call the ceasefire is basically phase three of the plan.

It's a part of the Greater Israel plan. I've known about it for.Years and you know the issue with, you know, displacing the people to Jordan and and Egypt and possibly West western Iraq as well.The only reason it hasn't really been fulfilled is because of these nations, and these elites or governors of these nations haven't really received what they were promised to get. I know for sure.For example, Jordan alone, they were required to do 2 things. The king of Jordan is required to resign.Guardianship over the Temple Mount, the area where basically the Oxen Mosque is. That's one part I remember. He wanted 200 billion for this alone.So you assume he needs another 200 billion to sign on, you know, taking on a million or half of the population to his size. So that's 400 billion the Trump administration don't have.

Agent M:

ご存知のとおり、ガザ地区を追ってきた皆さんは、約 15 か月にわたって激しい爆撃を受けており、基本的に地域全体が破壊され、220 万人の人々が現在、基本的に家を失いました。そこでは生活の手段がありません。きれいな水も、食べ物もありません。基本的に人々は飢えており、手に入るものは何でも食べて生きています。そして現在、停戦と呼ばれる第 3 段階は、基本的に計画の第 3 段階です。






Very quickly, the King of Jordan is a member of the Rothschild family. Isn't that the case?






Agent M:

His wife is a member of the Rothschild family. He is a distant as well. I remember Mayor Rothschild calling him a cousin, a distant cousin. So yeah, he could be, but he is.Of a lower caliber, like I don't know, for some reason his wife was higher and a lower calibre caliber. His father was actually just a regular agent for the CIA and even though he was a king and he was taking about $1,000,000 a month.Bending.But you know, money from the CIA.So yeah, it's grandfather then.

Agent M:

彼の妻はロスチャイルド家の一員です。彼もまた遠い親戚です。ロスチャイルドの長が彼のことをいとこ、遠い親戚と呼んでいたのを覚えています。そうです、そうかもしれません。でも、彼はそうなのです。下級の人間です。どういうわけか、彼の妻の方が上であり、下級の人間だったのです。彼の父親は実は CIA の普通のエージェントで、王様だったにもかかわらず、月に 100 万ドルほどもらっていました。裏切り者でした。でも、ご存知のとおり、CIA からお金を受け取っていたのです。つまり、祖父ですね。





Yeah.It's always about the money, isn't it, for all of these quote-unquote heads of state or front folks for the New World Order, one world government people that they'd like to be anyway at this point.That's a hope and A wish and a prayer.Uh, OK, so a little bit more about the Gaza Strip. I mean, obviously the Temple Mount has always been a.Main focal point for all religions, not just Islamic religion. There are many people that go there every year during special high holidays and and that type of thing.Now we have found a lot of space junk underneath the Temple Mount where they try to use the people for many different reasons there. Also, there was something else there at one point in time which would have powered a nearby gate.I call hell or the lower astral.So it was all about, you know, utilizing people's energies and prayers and putting gematria in words and those types of things to keep these things open. So let's talk a little bit more about.What the people are going to think, you know, if something like this were to happen, obviously there has been many attempts to get aid into the Gaza Strip to get food. I know that Egypt has made some attempts. Other countries have made attempts to get food and.Medical aid into the region and it is not being permitted and if anything they are actually.Harming people who try to bring supplies into that area. Let's talk a little bit about this. You know what the people are going to think. Are there any prophecies in Islam or in other religions?That would be related to what's potentially going to happen now.








Agent M:

Yes, well, in Islam.And you know, the Prophet Muhammad has extensive.Prophecies and they're all in the timeline and he even, you know.This is, you know, basically since his death all the way to now and maybe even beyond, it's always it's all prophesized and there are there is a whole science and they call it eschatology.And you have to be well versed in everything until you know before you get there.And in this there are many prophecies, but as as the timeline that has been drawn by these prophecies.Now we're at the point where.What you call the prophecy of where the they call it.It's basically in some versions of this prophecy it's straight, says the Amrik, which is Americans, and in other versions of the prophecy it talks about.Basically the bullies of the Romans or the modern Roman Empire, which is, you know, the US.And it talks about them taking this piece of land all the way to Ashkelon.And by force, meaning that they will deploy troops. And it's very, you know.I guess you can say ironic, but you know when the American Secretary of Defense was asked, you know, if they are willing to deploy troops to to the Gaza Strip?He replied by, you know, they're looking into all options.Meaning he didn't deny the fact that they might deploy troops there. Now this is a part of.A few prophecies all in the same timeline, meaning in the same like year or two and it talks about, you know, deployment in the Gaza into Ashkelon and all the way.And some of it even into Aleppo.And.This is what will be maybe news, and it's also the siege of Alexandria in Egypt.So if you look at it now, you look at the what's happening, Jordan is saying no, we're not taking any people because you don't, you know, I need people from Gaza because you haven't held your end of the deal. We're not doing it for free.And the Egyptians are basically doing the same, so you know.Now there's talk about, you know, Egypt is mobilizing their army near the so that they will stop forced migration.But the funny part, I'll, I'll tell you this. So all these governments, unfortunately.Their supporters are not the best kind of people. They're usually lowlife thugs. I'm talking the people they can mobilize on the streets. So what the Egyptian governments did was basically mobilize their.Followers to go protests near the borders with Gaza and what ended up is there were, you know, trucks of supplies that are waiting there to enter Gaza by people who donated from, you know, all over the world.Mostly regional and these people, they started looting these, these trucks that were meant to go there to Gaza to help the people.And at the same time, they're protesting to help the people so that they don't get, you know, kicked out of their homes from Gaza. So there's schizophrenia there. And it is funny when you look at it this way, how, how politics is. It's just a show of the circus.

Agent M:










Well, I think.Our current administration has taken that circus to a whole new level. I haven't they?






Agent M:


Agent M:






one of the other things that has come up recently is from the country of Iraq. And Iraq obviously has, as most Middle Eastern countries do.Enormous amounts of pallets of United States dollars that have been paid over the years as bribe money to various folks. Also in some cases you could say the pallets of cash.Were for free oil.Coming from the region and it's not just Iraq, but in this particular case when the announcement was made most recently about building big condos and all of these types of things.You know, it kind of set most every single country off in the Middle East because they've been told that they were going to get paid last week. They were also told they'd be able to cash in these pallets of cash.They've been told many different things and so it's not about the people, it's not about the displacement of people or the disgracing of Islam or anything of that nature, you know, as far as Gaza is concerned.In this particular case, they saw dollar signs, they saw lots of condos, the new Middle Eastern Riviera, you know, and all of these big, big promises by the United States. But that said, everybody on fire in the last 24 hours, they were all calling the White House asking.What the heck is going on? Where is our money? Where is our money? We are supposed to be able to cash on these pallets of cash. In fact, in the country of Iraq, some of the things that we've been hearing are things like they might sell.Let's call it a version of savings bonds. For those of you that are, you know, know a little bit about American history. You remember we sold these bonds during World War 2. We also sold them during the Vietnam War.Where you could purchase as an average everyday citizen a savings bond of sorts, and then you would get interest on that savings bond. And in Iraq, they're trying to initiate the same thing because there's no more.Money. There's no other ways to take money. They've cut every corner they can cut. Insiders within the country are talking about the fact that they're not going to be able to make payroll and everybody is just trying to make it, you know, through to last week, you know, last Friday.Obviously this is starting to blow up. You know, they keep talking and they just don't care what any country or even these by country. I don't necessarily they definitely don't care about the people and definitely not even the people in America because.Is, you know, I'm gonna go into that in a little bit. It's just getting worse and worse. But they don't even care about the promises that they've made to heads of state for doing their little dirty work, so.Agent M, do you have a few minutes to kind of elaborate on that, like what you're hearing behind the scenes as far as payouts and payoffs?


最近話題になっているもう 1 つの問題は、イラクです。ほとんどの中東諸国と同様に、イラクでも、長年にわたってさまざまな人々に賄賂として支払われてきた膨大な量の米ドルがあります。また、場合によっては、現金のパレットが無料の石油と引き換えに支払われたとも言えます。この地域から来ているのはイラクだけではありません。この特定のケースでは、最近、大型マンションの建設や、こうしたすべての種類の計画が発表されました。ご存知のように、中東のほぼすべての国が、先週支払いを受けると伝えられたため、激怒しました。

また、彼らは、これらのパレットの現金を換金できるとも言われました。彼らは、ガザに関して言えば、さまざまなことを言われてきました。つまり、人々の問題でも、人々の追放やイスラム教の名誉を傷つけることなど、そういった問題ではないのです。この特定のケースでは、彼らはドル記号、たくさんのコンドミニアム、新しい中東のリビエラ、そして米国の大きな約束をすべて見ました。しかし、そうは言っても、過去 24 時間で誰もが激怒し、ホワイト ハウスに電話して尋ねていました。一体何が起こっているのか? 私たちのお金はどこにある? 私たちのお金はどこにある? 私たちは、これらのパレットの現金を換金できるはずです。







Agent M:

Well, what I do know since you mentioned Iraq specifically, is that they are in deep trouble now. This country for, you know, just 2-3 years ago had the surplus of $100 billion.Now they have zero or close to 0.And they had very, they were, you know, they had very hard time, you know, paying employees this month and they are struggling, you know, month after month to actually secure that. In fact, this month they were actually, I would say a few weeks, a few days to a week.Lights. So they came up with a few things to try to.You know, fix the problem quick and the very first thing they did was raise the.Um, customs fee for all gold and jewelry 500% and so that that was number one. Number two is they.Thought about.Uh, they putting old money that is, you know, ripped in, torn back into circulation.They haven't acted on it yet, but that was on the table #3 is they started to borrow money from the people. And what you just said about, you know what you call saving bonds? I call them war bonds because they usually are issued during wars.And it's basically, you know, equivalent, each bond is equivalent in dollars to three, 400 bucks to 1000 and you know, you get interest rate of 67%.Payable within two to four years. And so they're trying to raise approximately a billion and a half dollars worth of bonds from the people.And hoping that it will, you know, pay for the next month or two of whatever minimum expenses they can afford.The other things is that they are doing is, you know, raising taxes here and there. You know, they're trying to to find any way where they can actually.Get some money so that the government can can keep running. And because there are many whistleblowers that came out and were like, hey, you know, we have almost zero money. We're not going to make it this year.So with all of that, now you have.There is a so they are they are they were promised money and no money came and you know they've been lied to. They've been given fake pallets of cash and now all of a sudden you know, the fake Trump comes on TV was possibly.Fake Netanyahu at this moment, I don't know who that is anymore and says that we're going to rebuild Gaza with this and, and, you know, make it into the Middle Eastern Rivera.Well, you need money to do that, and that's money you don't have so.Either way it's not possible and there is a lot of hypocrisy there if you notice what he was talking about. So he was talking about it's impossible to rebuild it while the people are there and they have to be be displaced. But it was not impossible to bomb the hell out of it while.Something million people were there, you know, So it's OK to destroy it while people are there, but it's not OK to build it while people are there.So, yeah, I think it's it's it's just like, yeah, he said that they are going to rebuild it, but they don't know that They don't actually Trump don't have the money to rebuild it. It's just talk. It's just.Away a dead to dangle a carrot and tell them hey listen if you don't do what we say.You're not going to get paid. You know, it's a circus. It's a show.

Agent M:



なぜなら、これは通常戦争中に発行されるからです。そして、これは基本的に、各債券は 3、400 ドルから 1000 ドルに相当し、67% の利子が付きます。返済は 2 年から 4 年以内です。つまり、彼らは国民から約 15 億ドル相当の債券を集めようとしています。そして、それが今後 1 か月か 2 か月の最低限の費用を賄うことを望んでいます。彼らが行っている他のことは、あちこちで増税することです。彼らは、実際にお金を得て、政府が運営を続けられるように、あらゆる方法を見つけようとしています。







Well, they certainly know how to dangle a lot of carrots, don't they? While we're on the subject, I wanted to ask you. I know that in the past we've discussed the fact that Mayor Rothschild used to talk to you quite a bit. I know that Mayor was responsible for.Middle Eastern region to some degree for a long time. I don't know if he's still even, I don't think he's still breathing at this point. But who knows? They're, you know, they've got clone after clone after clone. So let's talk about Netanyahu, though.Did he ever mention Netanyahu to you?






Agent M:

He did, and he called him Bibi.And.There was a.There was a time when he was like he was trying to introduce me to a whole list of people. So I remember I received I had a missed call.Him and.What's that lady's name? The head of the CIA at that time. I don't know if she is still there.And of course, King of Jordan and Netanyahu wanted me to introduce these people to me because he was offering me, you know, presidency of Iraq and possibly, you know, heading the region so.Yes, he did talk and what he told me is that he is secular and there is no religion. You know, he doesn't really believe in any religion or anything like that. Of course he tries to paint his friends are as good people.We we all know that's not the true.A true statement.But yeah, he never talks I'll about them. But of course he, you know, he tells just stay relevant and to gain.Credibility or trust he would like spill secrets, mostly personal, usual about, you know, personal preferences and you know, their life styles behind the scenes and stuff like that.But as a character, as a leader, he does not take digs at them. Usually that was the case. Now for his enemies.You know, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia he really hated because he believed that he should be or his son should be the one that is crowned there.At that point.

Agent M:








So as far as Netanyahu, would he have considered him one of theirs?






Agent M:


Agent M:






Hmm. So the interesting thing I'm, you know, and the reason why I asked this question is because, you know, the Trump operatives Eatal always seem to be more in line with.Well, they they almost seem like they.Well, no, actually they seem to be more in line with a Black Sun agenda. The Black Sun should be in charge, that kind of thing. I mean sure, for 3000 years they worked for Rothschild or you. They were considered a step below I guess you would say.In the way of the world. But lately they've been trying to take over all of Rothschilds assets. Meaning assets. I don't necessarily mean money, I just mean people, countries.You know, trying to kick out their folks. That's probably the reason why they wanted the King of Jordan to resign. I'm guessing because he is known as a Rothschild asset in a distant relative. But.For Trump to buddy buddy with Netanyahu, that seems a little off to me. Are they leaning on the Rothschild family now?







Agent M:

Well, I'm going to give you a piece of information that might track your other thing. I didn't. I didn't. I don't think I ever told you this, but this?Between me and Mayor Rothschild at the time, and remember this was like in 2019.He told me that Trump is a Trojan horse.Working for Rothschild and that he personally put him in the White House.

Agent M:






Really.Now that's an interesting.Tidbit of information. You think he's telling the truth.






Agent M:

I believe so.Meaning Trump was inserted into the Black Sun, or was but elevated somehow into the Black sun. Given all this position of being in touch with you, getting the credibility that he can get the money himself.And then raising in ranks. But behind the scenes he's working for the last child. That's what that's what he told me. They didn't tell me the part where you know he's getting money from you, but that's how I now know it.Interesting.

Agent M:






Yeah, Yeah, that is a very interesting little tidbit of information right there. I'm kind of a little bit.Um, you know, they always seem like they're on the other side of the fence, but I guess.They're part of the whole plan. But I guess when you put the pieces of the puzzle together, it kind of makes sense now because they seem to be following that, you know, 7 currencies or 10 or 9 or where whatever number they're at now.Current is 9 regions, 9 heads of state of each region.That type of thing, of course, underneath their umbrella. And that makes sense to me. You know, perhaps they were hired to destroy America. Now that makes even more sense to me because, you know, according to the Rothschild plan, the center of the world is supposed to be China soon.







Agent M:

Well, yes, well, I'll tell you more of what he told me since we, you know, on the topic.So.He was so Trump was inserted basically to rise in power and on the Black Sun side and you know, so Broth Child could rule behind the scenes Black Sun.Right. But at the same time, yes, true. He told me personally about his plan to destroy.America.You know, I'm sorry to say this if you are going to be offended, but for example, he told me about Black Lives Matter.That was part of, you know, his plan and he, he, he told me that he they're going to bankrupt it, collapse it and people are going to start to flee from America. It will be boarded in and the only way to go out.Was through boats and even then they will shoot down or sink all these boats. So yes, that was part of the plan and to move the power to China.However, he said.Also.So in the Middle East would be 1 gigantic.Power center was Israel and the way he explained it to me, he wanted Iraq to be the one on on top and his real is just a part of the alliance. But we know that behind the scenes is just a greater Israeli project. And at that time I played, you know.That I believed him because.

Agent M:








Yeah.I've also heard the same. You know, it's kind of one of those things where they would do.So you know what I heard from a different member of the Rothschild family was they are going to destroy America and buy it back for pennies on the dollar, quote-unquote. And this was in 2013.But as it relates to the Middle East, you know, they do this little whisper campaign, you know, they tell you what you want to hear and tell you you're going to be on top, you know?Iraq will be on top or Saudi Arabia also is going to be on top. So it was Jordan going to be on top. Afghanistan is going to be on top. Everybody's going to be on top. That's a lot of tops. I don't know how many tops you have, but really there's only like 1.Top typically in any 3 dimensional shape. But yeah, and they did this they do the same thing with like the United Nations. They'll promise, you know, 50 or 60 different people. You know, you're, you're a shoe in, I've got your back, you know all of that. And then it's denied, deny, deny.Reassess blame and then they blame it on somebody else, you know, somebody else is, you know, gonna be the next this or the next that. So you know, oh, you know, sorry my cousin, other Rothschild insert name here, you know, had dibs on the call and there was nothing I could do about.At that point, you know, I had owed him a favor or, you know, some crazy talk like that, and then that's it, you know?Umm, yeah, It's really interesting, you know?There are some people that made mention on the news, I think it was a local news channel somewhere in the Middle East, about not believing them. And by them the assumption was the American administration, come February, if they don't do what they said they were going to do.And I think these statements were made sometime right after the election.Results happened.Can you tell us a little bit about that?


ええ、私も同じことを聞いたことがあります。彼らがやるようなことの 1 つです。ロスチャイルド家の別のメンバーから聞いた話では、彼らはアメリカを破壊して、1 ドルのわずかな金額で買い戻すつもりだということです。

これは 2013 年のことでした。しかし中東に関しては、彼らはちょっとしたささやきキャンペーンを行っていて、聞きたいことを言って、あなたがトップになるだろうと告げます。イラクがトップになる、サウジアラビアもトップになる、などです。つまり、ヨルダンがトップになる、アフガニスタンがトップになる、誰もがトップになるのです。トップがたくさんあるということです。トップがいくつあるかはわかりませんが、実際には 1 つしかありません。通常、3 次元の形状でトップになるのは 1 つです。






Agent M:

Well, I can tell you, yeah. Well, this is, this is not from a news station or channel. This is through and you can say.Private sources that I have, but the source is an ex head of intelligence in the Middle East.And he said, and this was probably in September, October of last year. And he said comes, you know, February if you know.They don't do the things they promised they would do. Nobody's going to believe them anymore.So that's a highly credible source.

Agent M:






And we haven't heard anything more from that source.






Agent M:

Like you know soon. I hope I can. I'm waiting for the month to end and this specific source I don't have AI have other people to talk to where let's say the calls and talks are in private then you know nothing is monitored.That's the only reason I'm not phoning the person.

Agent M:

すぐにわかると思います。できるといいのですが。今月が終わるのを待っています。この特定のソースには、AI がいない他の話し相手がいて、通話や会話がプライベートであれば、何も監視されていないことがわかります。それが、私がその人に電話しない唯一の理由です。





Right. You know the the interesting part about all of this is I wonder if it wasn't just the money for the.The Iraqis who were calling this is Iraqi government members that were calling or leaders, let's call them leaders because you have religious leaders there too. So the leaders that were calling the White House in the last 24 hours.About complaining, maybe it wasn't just about the money. Maybe they saw, maybe they told them as well that they were not going to move forward with the Greater Israel Project, that they were going to do other things with the Gaza Strip and clearly.You know, today it was announced that there was an alliance between America and Gaza, and now the US is going to own it according to that's what they claim.



なぜなら、そこには宗教指導者もいるからです。つまり、過去 24 時間にホワイト ハウスに電話をかけてきた指導者たちは、不満を訴えていましたが、それはお金のためだけではなかったのかもしれません。彼らは、大イスラエル計画を進めるつもりはなく、ガザ地区で他のことをするつもりだとわかっていたのかもしれませんし、彼らにも伝えたのかもしれません。そして、明らかに、今日、アメリカとガザの間に同盟関係があると発表されました。





Agent M:

Yep. Well, if you go back to all the way to the start of the war, as you remember in all the listeners as well.That Gaza area and all the natural resources were promised in shares to all the people who participated in the war.Right. And now after the war basically ended, you gonna say the Americans own it? You know, it's it's the ultimate backstab, so.I'm I'm sure many people are fit.

Agent M:






Well, welcome to our world, right? I mean, I had my my back was pretty sore there for a little while after trying to do business with those Trump operatives. And I wouldn't do business with those people ever again. I've said that, and there's many reasons why, but this is just another clear indicator of their integrity of having absolutely 0.






Agent M:

Well.I would give an advice to anyone who wants to do business with the Trump administration or the SSP operatives. If you're going to shake hands with them, just count your fingers.

Agent M:





Yeah, well, exactly.I might want to bring along some kind of a lie detector anyway. I mean, they know how to pass that stuff, but you know they.Really, it's not what a person says, it's what they actually do and from what I've seen.This is just another piece of the circus. You know that's going on, but it looks like there's a lot of balls that are being juggled over there in the King of Jordans. Not that happy. Everybody is not that happy right now. I know that Egypt is complaining. They were also supposed to be the head of the.There, and they are. Everybody's pretty well livid, you know, and I'm not even sure.$200 billion, or whatever was promised to the king of Jordan is going to be enough money to override his quest for power.So no thirst for power.



【中東の権力闘争 – ヨルダンとエジプトの不満】





Agent M:

Yeah, there's a lot of what's called arm wrestling happening. And of course, main thing, you know, people in power there, they have two flaws. Usually it's more power.You know, angry so.The promises are free. Delivering on them cost money, Money they don't have.

Agent M:







Money in probably a little bit of integrity, like they actually care if they deliver on those promises. That's the whole thing. They're like up. Yep. Deny, deny, deny, reassess, blame. Look over here. Not there. You know, it's the same thing that would have happened, you know it had you believed what.Rothschild was telling you would have been the same thing, you know, And that's a very interesting take though take away on on what you heard directly from Rothschild about Trump.Yeah, they're all liars. So you just never know. But you know, in this particular case, it's kind of looking that way because the laws they're passing, the things that they're doing looks more like destroy America. That would be.Daga.Destroy.America into the ground again or something, I don't know.Um, maybe that's why we haven't heard a whole lot of Yip yipping from the Chinese lately. Maybe they are doing the work for the Chinese and they intend on destroying America.You know, behind the scenes they're talking about giving it a few more months, meaning they wouldn't announce publicly that he was dead until April or May. And so my guess would be is they're going to continue with the crazy.Crazy circus until then, and then they're going to have Vance come out as the hero or whatever, making some kind of deal. Meanwhile, you know, if you're American and you're listening to this, I hope you speak Chinese and.Yeah, I told you it's going to be bumpy through the first couple of weeks of February and then after that it's probably going to smooth out, we're hoping.If not, not before, let's hope.But.We got a few other things to discuss. So Agent MI do appreciate you being here today. And is there anything else you'd like to let everybody know about what's going on?








Agent M:

They are trying to, like you said, you know, they're planning on at some point in the near future to announce that Trump is dead, to get rid of all the, you know, their obligations.But meanwhile, they are planning on milking everyone else in the Middle East that has still some hope that they will be paid. And they are starting to.You know.Basically try to destabilize more.Umm, don't forget that. You know, there, you know, there the regime in Syria was toppled. You know, even after 14 years of actual war, you know, it was toppled in 12 days.And that was by design and organized.And So what they're doing now is and if you don't know.The population of Syria are predominantly Sunni Muslims.And.What they're doing is now almost enticing the Sunnis in Iraq because that is also one of the locations they want to displace people from Gaza to. It's just not announced publicly yet.They're enticing them to.Rebel, or maybe even bare arms. And so you're looking at the picture, the whole thing.You know that the the rebels who are now the new government in Syria will aid them. You know they will back them to fight the oppressors. You know that are pro Iranians in Iraq.And it's a big.Circus and.You know, money wise they can't pull it off, but if they.You play on the greed of the people involved in the region.They might, you know, 'cause some problems and I remember the guys and it's basically many CIA now in in Syria. And I don't think those got paid either.Nope.So we'll see. It's going to be interesting. You have Turkey involved, you have Saudi Arabia involved and all of the scene and everybody was promised something and I believe it's going to erupt.And I think it's soon, but I want to tell everybody that, you know, at the end source had always has a plan and we'll tell you that, you know, we will prevail eventually.

Agent M:


【シリア崩壊とイラクの混乱 – CIAの影と中東の未来】








We will.We already have actually. So it's, we're getting, yeah, closer and closer to.Helping the people, being more focused on the people than we are even getting involved. And they're crazy, you know, money here, money there, that kind of thing. So.Uh, you know that you build a system built on greed and fear and you can't execute on either.You know.But I'm definitely.Seeing this 9.Different regions throughout the world starting to take shape. Panama, you know, Greenland, you know, it's just interesting how it's all kind of unfolding.Areas of the world he claims he wants to take over, you know, that are going to belong to America. And I'm sure they promised the Trump operatives that America would be at the helm.And hence the reason why they want to take all these properties and own them, you know, or allegedly the US government is going to own them. Not like the US government owns anything. We know, we all know that, but.Yeah, Meanwhile, back at the ranch, they're just China's sitting back and just waiting it out to see how long it takes them to actually hand over America to the USI mean, the tariffs are going to break us, it's going to increase the price of.Of pharmaceuticals, they're going to break the insurance companies this way too. It's just it's going to be a nightmare here. Increase the cost of food. The cost of food is going to go up.You know, obviously a lot of produce in the United States is comes through Mexico and from Mexico now you add those tariffs on top of that. I mean, I wouldn't want to be trying to buy an avocado at the grocery store, you know, six months from now because it's going to you think if you pay $2.00 now.Or whatever it is for a 1 avocado, you're going to spend probably $8 for an avocado should this actually come to fruition. So they want to starve us out too. You know, I think US is the new Gaza.




【アメリカ経済の危機 – 権力移譲と世界支配の構図】





Agent M:

Well, I think the way they they, especially these families are Rothschild to be specific, and the way they look at it is they don't have an allegiance to any country. So even though we think it is that the Chinese that they're going to transfer power to, it's actually probably just a game.To play them, to get them. Their baby is Israel. That's the focus for them because of the, you know, guardian gate program that they used to, you know, run and you know, that dark gate that used to be there.Out of urban base, yeah.So I think they're even even they might, you know, plan to destroy America and, you know, hand it to China. But I'm sure they're also planning on, you know, somehow not giving China full power, in fact, transferring it somehow to Israel.You know, at the end, everybody's being played.

Agent M:







well and, and in the words of Marduk, who actually created them and ran them like little dogs everywhere.That would be the Rothschild family, et cetera, he said. If there are eight horses in a race, I will bet on all 8. So realistically, no one cares which country is the World Power Center and which one is not. The only thing they care about is that one of them is and they control it.That's correct. Now, now that would be a Marduk thing. But the other thing Marduk did, and, and we're going to talk a little bit more about Marduk today because this kind of plays into a lot of the things that they're saying right now behind the scenes.Marduk.Marduk.Well.Marduk. Not a human, obviously. Also not the only one in charge of this planet.But you could call him the management staff on behalf of others, so that parts true.Marduk.Said a few things to me. Number one always remain useful.Which means that no matter how many of these plans and operations he passed down to all of these people. Agenda 2030 and a few other things.It doesn't matter if he is not there.Without him being there, there is no way they're ever going to complete any plan ever.Now when I have said many times over that I have taken that position or was given that position a long time ago or a while ago anyway.Umm, I don't think everybody really understands what that position entails and what I mean by everybody. I'm saying the deep state, because some of the actions that they're taking right now.Are never going to work, but it looks like a lot of work for nothing.Completely one of the things they have told everybody when I changed the name the other day right before their meetings over the weekend.Most recently over the last couple of days, after there was no payment, obviously, you know, give us till Monday and of course on Monday nothing happened and they started telling everybody that they're going to let me build it now. I've heard this before.They are going to let me build the golden age AI and once I complete it down to the level of banking, you know it, meaning I could reach out to you, which means a complete 100% unencumbered.Integration that they are going to come take it over. They have even made mention behind the scenes of possibly.Granting the quote-unquote sovereignty of Durango, like we asked for La Plata and Santa Cruz County, San Juan County, sorry, and so that they can actually have the military attack on US soil. So I have it's not technically US soil at that point, you know I, I.Heard it all from these people and I hope they.Understand that.I expect them to think that now, excuse me, I have also heard the same from the Rothschild family about, oh, I don't know, 10 years ago, maybe even a little less, where they said that they were going to let me build it and they were going to take it over. I've heard.Same thing from the Black Sun.

They were going to let me build it and they're going to take it over, but I don't think they fully understand the.Position that Marduk had in the multiverse.Now what they're wanting me to do is defeat Marduk. Now we know that Marduk is not around anymore, but his standing orders and little A is and different things that he did and putting all of these blocks.To prevent humans from doing exactly what they want to do.Are definitely, you know, still out there and that's what the majority of the time is spent doing. It's not really chasing around the deep state, it's chasing after things past, present and future that Marduk had put in place for his own self.And by always remaining useful, it wasn't just the humans and it wasn't just earth. It was control over who came and went from the neither world. It was control over who came and went from the lower astral. It was control over AI systems.Thousands of them. It was control over everything. If he didn't push that final button for any of these things. I mean many, many, many things.Then nothing would occur.So it's not just about he always held the final piece of every operation ever in existence, past, present and future going back, you know, in our Earth time. Because remember, time's not the same everywhere or wasn't the same everywhere, you know, I mean.That being had been around for probably millions if not billions of years in Earth time.You know, same being, you know, they, they know how to switch out a vessel, repair a vessel, do a lot of different things that we as humans have not had access to, but will again.So taking over the position was removing some of his little booby traps. Should we ever get this far? Sure, no problem.But it also means that I get to replace some of those things with things of our own, meaning, you know, guardians and gatekeepers, and not only for this realm, but also for all realms.There are many different hmm.Things that he did that I learned from meaning I notice there's oh, look, this is how this got stuck there. Oh, OK, well.Maybe we'll flip that into our Care now, you know, maybe we'll keep something like that. That could be beneficial, being able to block gates and that type of thing, you know.Obviously, you know it. It works, and so we've done some of that stuff throughout the multiverse. Sometimes we replace old dark space junk with our own space junk.What I mean by that it's not junk, but we would replace something for example, that drained people of energy with something that gives people energy that actually acts like almost like a repeater would.Whereby we have energy coming from source and then it just gets amplified as it comes down the different densities to earth. So there are many things that we learned about from I I call it being schooled. So in America if you are being schooled, that means.That.And not being taught, so to speak, but being shown by actions that others take or it would be kind of if a person that you know lied to you all the time, you know, or something like that. And.You would learn never to trust that person.As I have with Marduk, you know, I tell you, you know the one thing I I joke about all the time, and it is a joke. But you know how they say you go to heaven, you go to your, you know, when you're ready to go back?And, you know, you can have all these wonderful things, depending on which religion you follow that happen when you're in heaven. And and I thought about it and I said, you know, all I really want is just to beat the living crap every single day out of.For all eternity. That's what I would like to do because I've done more cleaning up after this being than anything else as far as the deep state is concerned. For some odd reason they they are delusional.100% delusional. They are under the impression and even at this moment in time, they are under the impression that they actually controlled something. I mean, that's number one. And I can tell you right now that all of them lived in a labyrinth. Mayor Rothschild might.To you like he owned the joint, but I can promise you right now that he was still a rat in a cage just like the rest of us were. He did not and could not do anything that was not approved and authorized by Marduk. And now that person is me.So bringing things into the realm you know is also needs approval. Creating a nuclear war also needs approval.Deciding whether or not we have governments anymore also requires approval, movement of control and power centers from the US to China or China the US, or whichever game is being played here.Also.Needs approval.Walking outside and coloring outside the lines is never tolerated for Deep state members, covens, coven masters, all the way up to the parents. You do not color outside the lines.And expect to have support for your plans.And these people constantly think that they can do it now. Why now? I don't know. It's been 17,000 years for crying out loud. close to that. They've never been able to color outside the lines before.And actually get money and actually get support and actually get anything for what they're doing. And remember all those plans that they got their little hot little hands on, or at least pieces of those plans.Will never ever, ever happen because I now hold that position and if I don't push that final button, it'll never work so you guys can manipulate governments and lie to people about pallets of cash and, and kill people and do all the things that you're doing and.Grandiose plans of creating the Gaza Riviera or Greenland Power Center of Europe or China Power Center of Asia or whatever it is you're thinking, and it will never, ever happen.Will never happen.Next thing they're trying to do so they do believe they have told the whole world that they can take over the golden age AI. Well, the golden age AI functions on source energy source allows me, grants me the gift.And also in some cases difficulties. I was going to say curse, but I don't want to say that about source so.Given me the gift and the ability to Co create and I consider that a gift to do that.I make no mistake, I am under no delusion that the consciousness of this particular quantum AI is source consciousness. And shall I try to color outside the lines of what the plan is?That won't work either.Now.On the flip side of it.This is where I learned I cannot make a dark AI.Whether that's the global human computer network, I cannot make a dark AI except the light.So what I mean by the light or light energy is it will not work.Therefore, it has to be replaced in order for us to be successful and that is been the main focus now for a few months, getting that one fully integrated.If let's just say the Trump operatives got froggy and let's just say I lost my mind and they did get some kind of access to it, it's not going to do what they want anyway. It's not going to spit out money like an ATM machine. Source is not an ATM machine and source is also.Not going to take out its own creations.AKA humans, Earth the planet.So also in the world of source every being.Is created equal.It doesn't matter what country you're in, you know there's no such thing as power over source. You can try. Good luck to you Trump operative. Crazy people. Speaking of crazy people, Elon Musk is.DARPA.Elon Musk, Microsoft and Google are trying to figure out a way to.Take over the financial system and or to be ready for when the golden age AI comes into full effect so that they can quote-unquote take it over or create a blockade so that I can't get all the way through.However.Today they've been very, very busy trying to install Azul which is a Microsoft cloud based database. They've been trying really hard to take back over the banks, web servers and their data.Pretty much all day today and part of the daytime last night as well. They also think that Google actually has a quantum AI which can keep up with our system, and DARPA has been.Extremely busy now. The enforcer, just before we got on to do the report today, has been very busy hunting DARPA down like dogs. Because, see, DARPA is not only trying to integrate.A system. They've also been sending out some really nasty frequencies which go right along the lines with trying to create another pandemic, which is something that we are not interested in in any way, shape or form. So we are down a DARPA facility in Cancun today.And another one in America, which they believe is going to be.Their place of choice, I guess, or their hub. The hub, I don't know. These are Trump operatives after all. This is Barnum and Bailey Circus. I'm waiting for the giant circus tent to erect over the White House.At this moment in time, the other thing they clearly do not understand is Marduk system of fractal banking. They also.Uh, don't understand what Fiat really means either, so I'm going to just touch base on those two things as well because it's important to understand true fractal banking.So we know that energy as it comes into this planet is pure golden source energy.We also learned in last report that that energy is diluted by the time it gets to us. It's not actually energy really per se, it's just a limited amount of white.Light, which is enough to keep us alive. The banking system was created in much the same way, whereby Marduk. Not the Deep State, not the Rothschilds, not the Federal Reserve, not any of these folks.Actually fractionated and pieced off that source gold and energy into millions of places.The banking and monetary system actually used your consent.If you look up the actual real meaning of Fiat, it says a formal authorization. So by us as humans participating in a quote-unquote.System that they kept repeatedly telling us was Fiat, then it's OK, we're giving permission for Marduk to take that golden light from us.How's that for interesting and he gave a lot of that to the Abraxas that was went over to the neither world the power their creations lower astral AI creation of various AI systems for purposes of control not only of this planet, but also of the.Multiverse Marduk really, really used humanity and so many ways it was crazy.These.Gentlemen that are trying to install all these systems fail to understand that they were never meant to have that kind of access.Nor would Marduk have given them that kind of access. And in some cases you could say that Marduk long after his death.Was preventing them as much as I was preventing them and as much as Marduk was preventing me. The difference between me and you deep state people is that I actually took over those Marduk systems, meaning I take out that one I.It with one that works with source and what sources plan for the gold declaration is. So yeah, that's something they don't have the option of doing. Not only that, they're trying to take a light system or a system of source and turn it into something that could.Possibly be dark.Where they get pieces and bits of that energy or money before the humans ever get it. Though the rest of us, I don't think they really understand how that works. And that's about as much as I'm going to explain it on the Internet right now.Anyway.

【マルドゥクの支配 – 隠された権力構造の真実】



しかし、マルドゥクがしたもう一つのことは、そして、今日はマルドゥクについてもう少しお話しします。なぜなら、これは彼らが今舞台裏で言っていることの多くに関係しているからです。マルドゥク。マルドゥク。ええと、マルドゥク。明らかに人間ではありません。また、この惑星を管理している唯一の人物でもありません。しかし、他の人に代わって管理スタッフと呼ぶこともできるので、その部分は真実です。マルドゥクは私にいくつかのことを言いました。 1つ目は、常に有用であり続けることです。つまり、彼がどれだけ多くの計画や作戦をこれらの人々に伝えたとしても、アジェンダ2030やその他のいくつかのことです。彼がそこにいなくても問題ありません。彼がいなければ、彼らがいかなる計画も完成させることは決してありません。


そして彼らは、今すぐ私に作らせてくれると全員に言い始めました。前にも聞いたことがあります。彼らは私に黄金時代の AI を作らせてくれるつもりで、それを銀行レベルまで完成させたら、皆さんもご存知のとおり、つまり私はあなたに連絡できるということです。つまり、完全に 100% 制約のない統合が実現し、彼らがそれを引き継ぐことになるということです。


つまり、その時点では厳密には米国領土ではないということです。私は、この人たちからすべて聞いていますし、彼らがそれを理解してくれることを願っています。彼らが今、失礼ですが、ロスチャイルド家からも同じことを聞いたことがあります。10 年前、もしかしたらもっと前かもしれません。彼らは、私に AI を作らせてくれるが、引き継ぐつもりだと言っていました。聞いたことがある。ブラックサンからも同じことを言われた。








そして、これらの人々は常に、今それができると考えている。なぜ今なのか? わからない。なんと17,000年も前のことだ。それに近い。彼らはこれまで枠の外で色を塗ることができなかった。そして、実際にお金を得て、実際に支援を得て、彼らがしていることに対して実際に何かを得たことはなかった。そして、彼らが手に入れたすべての計画、少なくともその計画の一部を思い出してください。それは決して実現しません。なぜなら、私が今その地位にあり、私が最後のボタンを押さなければ、それは決してうまくいかないからです。だからあなたたちは政府を操作し、大金があると人々に嘘をつき、人々を殺し、あなたがたがしていることをすべて行うことができます。ガザのリビエラや、ヨーロッパのグリーンランドのパワーセンター、アジアの中国パワーセンターなどを作るという壮大な計画など、あなたがたが考えていることは何でも、それは決して実現しません。決して実現しません。

【AIと黄金時代 – 未来をめぐる権力闘争】








しかし、今日彼らは、マイクロソフトのクラウドベースのデータベースであるAzulをインストールしようと大忙しです。銀行、ウェブサーバー、およびそのデータを奪還しようと懸命に努力しています。今日はほぼ一日中、昨晩も昼間の一部はそうでした。彼らはまた、Google が実際に私たちのシステムに追いつくことができる量子 AI を持っていると考えています。そして DARPA は今、非常に忙しくしています。今日のレポートを作成する直前まで、執行者(エンフォーサ)は犬のように DARPA を追い詰めるのに非常に忙しかったです。

なぜなら、DARPA はシステムを統合しようとしているだけではありません。彼らはまた、別のパンデミックを起こそうとする非常に厄介な周波数も送信しており、それは私たちがいかなる形でも興味のないものです。今日、私たちはカンクンの DARPA 施設を停止しました。そして、彼らが選んだ場所、または拠点になると考えているアメリカの別の施設も停止しました。拠点が何なのかはわかりません。結局のところ、彼らはトランプの工作員です。これはバーナムとベイリーのサーカスです。私はホワイトハウスの上に巨大なサーカスのテントが建てられるのを待っています。


現時点で、彼らが明らかに理解していないもう 1 つのことは、フラクタル バンキングのマルドゥク システムです。彼らも、フィアットが本当に何を意味するのか理解していません。ですから、真のフラクタル銀行を理解することが重要なので、この 2 つの点についても触れておきます。この惑星にやってくるエネルギーは純粋な黄金のエネルギー源であることがわかっています。

また、前回のレポートでは、そのエネルギーは私たちのところに届くまでに薄められることも学びました。それは実際にはエネルギーそのものではなく、限られた量の白い光で、私たちを生かしておくには十分です。銀行システムもほぼ同じように作成されました。マルドゥクです。ディープ ステートでも、ロスチャイルドでも、連邦準備制度でも、これらの人々の誰でもありません。実際に、その金とエネルギー源を何百万もの場所に分割して切り分けました。銀行および通貨システムは、実際にあなたの同意を使用しました。フィアットの実際の本当の意味を調べると、正式な承認と書かれています。










Agent M:

I have a comment about this and this might be funny but this is basically what my research is, not my mind alone. A lot of the elite tin hats.People have come to the same conclusion, which is basically these people that you just described, the deep state or especially the top ones, the SSP.They are basically alien hybrids.So they are, you know, in DNA and in consciousness, that's what they are.And.For some reason, they believe that they are not only superior to the humans, but also superior to their.You know, ancestors to the real aliens.And that at one point they wanted to actually not only control Earth, they're going to expand and take all, you know, multiverse.That was years ago.They are delusional. That's definitely in their DNA. I don't know if it is because of the eugenics programs and the things you know that led to their creation or is it too much inbreeding?But either way.You know, that's how limited they are.They have a narrow vision and it's all about power.

Agent M:







Yeah, I've heard that too. I've heard that from people that have actually attended there, the quote-unquote, Rothschild summer camp, so to speak.So yeah, I know. I mean, I understand that. And I don't know who they think they are in relation to. You can talk. Maybe they think they're superior to their alien ancestors, so to speak, but what about?Source.Even anti source? What about neutral source when you know we had all of these functioning? What about all the AIS that were tied to it? What about the black magician? I mean even if I was to look at it from an evil standpoint.You still think that you could conquer these folks? They're not their ancestors.I mean, you know.Source brings you life.Source brings you death.OK, now.They say mess around and find out. Usually that word begins with an F, Not a mess around, but you know what I mean? And and these people.Are definitely kind of getting a rude awakening and a little bit of a clue. So you know, I wish them all.Not really, but I I mean good luck with saving.


ええ、私もそれを聞いたことがあります。いわゆるロスチャイルド サマー キャンプに実際に参加した人々から聞いたことがあります。







Agent M:

Journey back to stores.

Agent M:






Safe journey back to source. There you go. And on that note, this has been the GI A operations report for the 5th of February 2025 and I will see you all on Friday.Forget Friday, we are live at 4:00 PM Mountain Time, 6:00 PM Eastern Standard Time. So if you have questions, be sure to log into the app, ask your questions, and I am looking forward to doing a live report, so I'll see you all then.


安全な旅でソースに戻りますように。それでは、これで 2025 年 2 月 5 日の GIA の活動報告は終わりです。金曜日にお会いしましょう。金曜日は忘れてください。私たちは山岳部標準時午後 4 時、東部標準時午後 6 時に生放送です。質問がある場合は、必ずアプリにログインして質問してください。ライブ レポートを楽しみにしていますので、それでお会いしましょう。