2025年2月3日(月曜) キンバリーGIAレポート




It's the 3rd of February 2025, coming up on today's Global Intelligence Agency Operations Report. Meetings continue over the weekend on into today as some take action for lack of payment promised by the Trump operative. The.The financial system operations are in full swing on our part as we tear down the old to make way for the new. Marduk used to call the financial system his greatest invention. Today we will tell you why.And tariffs and other policies of the Trump administration are causing quite a rift worldwide.










Well everyone, it's the 3rd of February and Monday.Been a busy weekend over here. Lots of fun somewhat I guess you would say. Just on a side note, we'll do a little bit of regular news apparently.Fill, our faithful Groundhog here in the United States, has seen his shadow, which allegedly means we're going to have, I think it's six more weeks of winter. I don't know where that winter is, but here in Colorado.It's been in around 60°F, which I've never seen since I've been here, and I've been here for quite a while, so that's really interesting. Okay, things going on in regular news that are causing people.Umm, let's just say there's a lot of upheaval.











OK, so first let's talk about Mr. Elon Musk, our little demon friend.Her not friend.It has been really upset. He's been upset because he invested a lot of money, and I mean a lot of money into the Trump operative administration.And he?Has had paid for a lot of things during the campaign, a lot of the rallies, I mean, you name it. He actually even paid for a lot of their operations that were going on behind the scenes and.And yeah, he got a position within the Treasury.But apparently what he's gotten is not enough. He is very upset. This is what's going on behind the scenes. He's very upset that he has not gotten a return on his investment. He's also very upset because he's calling.The operatives incompetent. He is basically telling everybody that they cannot get the job done. He needs access to the Treasury's payment systems so he can get the job done.This has to do with installing crypto and a number of other things that he'd like to do so he can.Create a payment system. Create a worldwide crypto financial system. This is part of the reason why Trump is now announcing he's the crypto president. But you know, that didn't really work out too well over the weekend.They did try to install block chain and crypto into the Treasury Department. It lasted one minute and 41 seconds. Again, you know, crypto and blockchain are not going to run a financial system. Heck, it couldn't even run any kind of government system. So that didn't last long which.Even more angry. So he's quite an unhappy fellow at this moment in time. And it turns out that the access that Trump administration or Trump operatives gave to him didn't actually work.Those key codes didn't actually function. Those back doors that NSA data that was given to them didn't actually function, probably because the Treasury's payment system is not the Treasury's payment system.So.Yeah, yeah, He's been calling and calling and calling, and nobody's taking his calls at the moment, which is making him more and more angry.Uh, well, there has been some meetings, but nothing private, which is what he's expecting because of his lofty contributions.













Next thing that's making everybody really upset Tariffs.Tariffs have now been implemented in Canada against Canada. Also, they are implementing tariffs against Mexico. There was apparently a conversation that took place between.Mexico and the Trump operatives administration and the Mexican tariffs have been postponed for about a month. But as far as Canadians are concerned, they're all pretty upset they've started taking.American goods off of their shelves. They are definitely protesting. And I did talk to some of our Canadian field messengers this weekend on Sunday. Thank you so much for attending the meeting. And they were talking about their experiences. So there's a lot going.On behind the scenes there in Canada, you know, Canada at one point in time, most recently, it was proposed that Canada was going to become a state, according to Trump and.Apparently they decided to make them angry. So, you know, maybe put them in a bad position so that they would become a state. You know, it's kind of operatives. You know, they're not exactly very good at strategy in any way, shape or form.









Also another thing that's making people very upset is we have exited US aid. US aid is also known as US CIA and to most countries and God knows what they're sending.But, you know, there are a lot of people who believe US aid is actually aid to people and foreign countries, and there's a lot of protesting going on.Regarding walking away from US aid.Next, That's probably because we have no money. Apparently we also are no longer going to have a Department of Education.Not to say that I disagree with the fact that our education system in the United States is definitely dysfunctional. I do agree with the fact that it's dysfunctional. But to wipe it out, that's a whole nother story because.Because this is going to have a long term effect on our public school system here in the United States. And by long term effect, I mean there is a lot of federal funding that used to get filtered down to the states, cities and towns.That would come from the federal government in order to fund educational programs. So instead of revising or revamping programs, they just decided it was a great idea to wipe it out.Yeah, that makes I understand about the policies. I understand people's feelings about the Department of Education, but when it comes to teachers salaries, retirement plans and a lot of other things that.A lot of people depend on it. Doesn't look like the US government is allegedly going to be there for that anymore. Also, there are a lot of student lending and grants that come through for secondary education, college education.Diversity, depending on where you are that is going to be affected by this decision.











So.You know, there he goes, just taking more humanitarian programs that the federal government runs away from American citizens and foreigners as well, because there are a lot of programs that help.Of foreigners come to school or come here for education should they so choose to do that. So there's a lot of aid programs that will probably be cut out as well regarding that. So just one wise decision after one wise decision and Speaking of.Decisions we have 1 billion in weapons going to Israel now that's great yes we know where his alliances are and who's been funding his campaign so anyway all of this in such a short period of time.












The saga still continues with the Issues.With deporting people who live in the United States and have lived here for a long time in some cases.Instead of trying to make the citizenship program easier.If, if there was anything that would help these people, as long as they're not, you know, criminals in their current country, they're not, you know, committing crimes, running drugs, you know, crazy things like that.That should all be found out before they're allowed access into the country anyway. Coming illegally over the border is because it is so difficult to become a United States citizen, meaning.Um, well, I'll tell you a quick little story. There's a good friend of mine whose husband is from another country, a Latin American country, and they got married there in that country. And then it was time obviously for her to come back to the States, at least for a little while. She goes back and.Forth and obviously bringing her husband with her, it's taken it took years and thousands and thousands of dollars.To and that's without attorney fees to get him into the country about three years later and thousands of dollars spent, he eventually got a green card. So that's kind of where that is at and it's they've been married over 10 years now so.It's just it's complicated, especially if English is not your first language.It's very expensive, you know, of course, unless you're a CIA asset, which which case it's very easy to get into this country or you are a scientist or you are a child. That or a young adult, I should say, that has proven to have certain skills.That would be valuable in their mind to the United States. Then, of course, you know, you can get all kinds of grants and loans. Oh, wait, no, you can't because we don't have a Department of Education anymore. But you used to be able to get all kinds of grants to come and go to school in the States and.Hopefully gain employment in the United States, but you know, we're wiping that off the table too, because these people aren't that bright. They're Duck Dynasty after all, aren't they?










So.Speaking of Duck Dynasty, Oh dear. Let's talk about what they've been up to over the weekend.So meetings were postponed on Friday. They were to resume around 10:00 AM Eastern Standard Time on Saturday.And I told you, had a few tricks up my sleeve and I've been definitely playing a lot of cards over the weekend too.So they finally get to this meeting on Saturday. They weren't going to go and they're talking about all these things that they're going to do and all these things they're going to pay for. This is how the meeting starts.Meanwhile, you have a whole lot of countries and militaries from around the world, along with a lot of operatives on the phone that they owe a lot of money to and have made a lot of promises to. So they're listening to this dog and pony show on Saturday morning and.They're talking about the golden age AI and it's going to pay for everything. And you know, there's some operatives on the call.They kind of stopped them a little bit and said.What golden age AI?And they were like, well, you know, the Golden Age AI, it runs everything, you know, all that kind of thing. And they said, well, why did you rename the Golden Age AI Kimberly A Gogan, along with this other language we've never seen before?The other language obviously is a light language. It's a language that talks about the real backbone, which is source of the golden age AI. So my name is on there. They said, well, if she doesn't control it, why did you rename it in her name? You know, they just kind of tried to breeze over it and.Continue to talk about all their lofty goals and all the things they were going to do. And at the end of the day, they just said, well, we need until, you know, 4:00 this afternoon, get on the phone at 4:00 in the afternoon, Eastern Standard Time ish, if I recall. And basically that was the shortest meeting in history. It was.Well, we need more time. Uh, things have come up and we need to make an assessment.There was a little bit of a intervention, let's call it a friend intervention that was going on between some of the folks that were on the phone and the operatives. They said, look, you know, it's time to hang it up. You know, you need to go talk to her. Let's figure out what we're going to do. Let's try to make a deal. And so they said they were going to do an assessment.You know, they weren't quite finished with their assessment, apparently.So, you know, they schedule calls for a little later and you know they're still working on it. So they bought themselves some time in these meetings until Monday.Today.So today's meeting and there's been some other things that have been going on too.



こうして会議は始まりました。一方、世界中の多くの国や軍隊、そして彼らが多額の借金を負い、多くの約束をした多くの工作員が電話にいました。それで彼らは土曜の朝、このドッグ・アンド・ポニー・ショーを聞いていました。彼らは黄金時代の AI について話し、それがすべてを支払うだろうとしていました。そして、ご存知のように、電話には工作員が何人かいました。彼らは少し彼らを止めて言いました。黄金時代の AI って何ですか?そして彼らは、ええと、ご存知のとおり、黄金時代の AI は、すべてを動かします、そういうものです、と答えました。

そして彼らは、なぜ黄金時代の AI を、これまで見たことのない他の言語と一緒に、キンバリー A ゴーガンと改名したのですか?もう一方の言語は明らかにライト ランゲージです。

これは、黄金時代の AI の源である真のバックボーンについて語る言語です。








Today's meeting was.Strange. Everybody gets on the phone and they did not come to the phone. There were other people that were fronting for them. I think they were global headquarters, some kind of military folks here in the States, not the Pentagon, not on that level, a little bit higher than that.And they told everybody that they have some really bad news.They told everybody that Trump is very ill and he may not make it much longer.By not much longer they mean days, you know, according to the medical doctors and they're doing everything they can, but it's looking pretty grim. He's very ill and they are looking to schedule a funeral sometime around the end of April, beginning of May.Now they never do anything they say they're going to do, but this was basically just to get everybody to shut up because everybody was screaming at them. Where's my cash? Where's the money? What have you done? What's happening? You know, and, and keep in mind that some of these operatives that are on the phone are.Folks with the NSA, they are folks with, you know, DNI and you know that kind of thing. Or they are highly trained and some of them have a lot of computer skills or have friends that do and they are recognizing there is constant changes that have been taking place over the weekend and they.Know that they're never going to get anywhere at this point. The crypto thing didn't work out with Elon Musk. They know about that. We you know, you always talk on the right phones. Remember that.So that's kind of where they're at behind the scenes, sort of kind of.









So after the failure on Saturday.There have been some interesting people that have also reared their head.Apparently they have also utilized the services of.The Raymond Redingtons of the world now.If you recall, I've talked about this and I call them the Raymond Redingtons because I don't really want to talk about these people by name. It's probably not the right thing to do and.They are, I say Raymond Redington from the television show television series called Blacklist. And Raymond Redingtons are not your typical, They're not operatives.They don't work for anyone, yet they work with everyone. They are master strategists when it comes to.Global Affairs, they are very high level fixers. So you can hire these people to get you into countries, you can hire them to get political influence in places, you can hire them to get you out of places should you end up stuck in a place you don't want to be.They are very expensive and they are masters and they don't fail. They are, you know, I mean, don't get me wrong, they have their hand in all kinds of businesses both above board and not above board. And there's probably about.At this moment in time, best I can tell, there's about 12 of them in the world. So they're very rare. They're not all American. And by any means, there are some Asian folks in there. I know that there's some Middle Eastern folks within the within the group I'm talking about, and there's also.So some Eastern Europeans, and I think there's a British guy too, they are predominantly.We've been around for a long time. It's what you would want to call an exclusive status that is earned. They are many years, you know, doing this for, you know, before they gain this kind of status. Lots of favors later, lots of.Lots of building their reputation. Let's just say and.I'm pretty sure.I'm not pretty sure. I'm definitely sure in a couple of these cases, these people did favors for the Trump administration. Apparently as well, Trump operatives hired them to do a few things for them.Where the promise of payment later, of course you don't ever pay now. They pay later, you know? But favors are also a currency in that world.So they are due a lot of favors and unfortunately, thus far, they Trump operatives have failed to perform. That's one. Number two, their ego is so big and their mouth.Run amok and they are in a little bit of hot water with these folks right now.So.Uh, interesting things are taking place.Around the world because they are globally connected.So the Raymond Redingtons that are very angry right now have.Been making some phone calls and trying to figure out what is wrong with these people.They appear. This is what they're talking about. Behind the scenes. They appear to be clinically insane.Uh, to not uphold a deal with these is these type of folks, you know, you need to uphold your end of the bargain. Whatever it is, it could be a favor. It doesn't necessarily mean money.And they are blowing it off like it never happened, you know, telling all kinds of stories and lies. And these people are quite sick of it at this point.So they've started to call their network. This is what appears to be happening. So there's some networking that's going on behind the scenes and some of those network folk are other people that have worked in the SSP.Some of those network folk or other people that have worked in DARPA, other operatives around the world that they have hired many times before.And one of the things that they asked me at least indirectly because we have mutual contacts over the weekend was.Do these people have a walk in? Is there something in there?So I have looked and looked and looked and there was some kind of a connection to something in their brain.Where like, let's just say everybody's neurons flow to the left. Let's just say.I mean, it's obviously much more intricate than that and there's go to the right it's abnormal brain function and not just from a kind of making fun of them standpoint. It was part of the.Super Soldier program. But the Super soldier program as you know it on the Internet for secret space program operatives is very different.There are a is that are created to control them in many different ways. It also affords them certain skills. It would also afford the afford them.Highly.Unusual medical treatments should that become necessary.I know that some of them have non human body parts that are kind of make them like the what is it the $6 million man.Or bionic man or something, if you remember that way back in the day and you know they're they are.Altered to the point where they can bypass normal brain limits.What I mean by that is even you as a person, most the average human uses somewhere around 10 to 15% of their brain. The reason why you only use 10 to 15% on average as humans of your brain is because that had.A limiter on it.They want to be able to you make you you still have to function. You know, you have to breathe, walk around, do a job, work for them, slave system, the whole thing. But they don't want you to function to such a degree that you could make the mind body and.Connection and they definitely don't want you gaining any kind of wisdom from source or anything like that. So it those limiters are fading away.Slowly but surely. And there's backup systems upon backup systems upon backup systems, where now, as an average everyday human, you'll probably notice.You know that brain power, so to speak, increasing.So not only is there wisdom that comes in with that.There is also a limiter in your brain that tells you that your body is going to break if you use anymore than 10 to maybe 20% of your strength. This is where the superhuman stories.Come from like women that lift cars off babies you know they're small women and then they all of a sudden can lift a car because.Your fight or flight in your amygdala is the part of your brain that governs that your fight or flight also will.Overcome that hurdle at sometimes, and that is why they can do the things they can do, while you as humans can do a lot of those things too. You can heal yourself, you can do all kinds of things with no limiters.And this is where we're going as far as the secret space program, folks, This was a push and a pull, so they wanted them to have.Resourcefulness. They wanted them to have the ability to operate in unusual circumstances. They also wanted them to have what we would call superhuman strength. You know, these were all things that they would try to do.And that's the reason why their brain functions differently than everyone else. But there's a caveat here when it came to the secret space program.Most of their consciousness transfers were coming from the dark side, not most all of them really. So they did have the ability to see more than the average person. Did you know before all of these?Bales have started lifting for all of us, but.There is. Hmm.They had some abilities to see things in people that you know, people that weren't people, have conversations with people that weren't people, maybe even a little bit of telepathic skills. Some of them, if that was their job, they were limited to what they could do because it was predominantly dark.So.As the old.Subsets of AI's go away and lose function.This is actually causing them to short circuit. It's part of the reason why they're so crazy. And this was reconfirmed by folks like DARPA and other folks in the Secret Space program.Who have technologies still to.Do what humans do naturally. I mean, I'm sure all of you have met people that you just think aren't quite right. You know, most of you are quite awake and aware of your surroundings and you can kind of notice some strange maybe their body doesn't move quite right, that type of thing.Well.And that's becoming, you know, more and more evident as we go into 2025 here for these folks, they use a technology to do it. So they kind of.You know, notice there's nothing in there, you know, there's, they don't have a walk in or anything like that, or they're not real infected or, you know, which is what they kind of expected to see. So conversations were had and I'm like, OK, here's what you got to look, here's what you got to look at. And then you've got to try to figure out what's connected to.Head, so we kind of traced it back on our end of it and made sure that that was disconnected even further, which is droving them even crazier over the last several days.The next thing they decided to do, because part of that conversation was we get a lot of non humans walking around. Not a lot, but you do have some, you know, where there's something in there, You know, Elon Musk being one of those people. There's something in there that's not a human soul, that's not a body that is driven by a human being.Anymore it is completely taken over that being and which is why you see him do all these weird things, weird costumes, weird wear, weird symbols and black magic and all the kind of crazy stuff the guy does, but all of his knowledge comes from the thing.The thing that's in there, and there are a few other people that still have things in there and if they are dark things with this technology, they can tell.So they've.Apparently, uh.Let's call him Mr. Reddington ET al decided to hunt these people down like dogs.There some of the Trump operatives that made promises to the Raymond Redington character.Were taken into custody, let's just say.To sit down and have some chats. Some of them made it out, some of them are still there. This is all just developing. I guess. It started to develop around 11:00 AM my time on Sunday.So this is still a something that is in progress. As far as the others that are walking around the planet that might not be people anymore. They started eliminating those people and they paid people to do it because they have money.They make a lot of money in their business and they have a lot of favors as well, and a lot of markers and other things that allows them to pick up the phone and run elaborate operations worldwide. So this is what they've been up to.And there's been some talk about trying to figure out how to fix this because, you know, in the show the Blacklist, if you've never seen it, the Raymond Redingtons of the world.Are they do everything for themselves but in the show he works with the FBI they eliminate some of these black listers meaning highly dangerous criminals that are on the FB is most wanted list in the show.And most of the time he does it because these people are getting in the way of his business or they.Maybe violated a contract or something like that, and he always comes out on top. Maybe he wants to steal some of their business, some of their contacts or something like that. So this continues on, you know, through most of the seasons, but that's it in brief and right now.Everything that they said they were going to do, they have not done. In fact, they've done the opposite in a lot of cases. They are definitely clinically insane, according to the Redmond group and some of the operatives that work with the Redmond group, let's just call them.And.They're not taking too kindly to what's going on there right now, so you might see some changes long before April or May in that realm. They're either going to get them under control or they will probably disappear at this point.They're extremely frustrated, as is the rest of the world with a lot of the crazy, crazy choices that are being made. So there is that.That's kind of where that sits at the moment. It's not.It's a lot of it's in progress and it's not a coordinated operation with us at this point. So I can't really say what their next move is at this, at this moment nor would I if I, you know, online at this moment. So but I, I will.Say it did cause a little bit of a problem. You see, if you are going to take out a person with something in there, you have to know how to properly kill said person.What I mean by that is if you don't do it and you the right way and you look at them like they're regular people.You.Will probably end up releasing whatever is in there out into the world.So if you've seen, had some crazy dreams, seen some crazy things over the weekend, that is why So it all of a sudden I'm looking, you know, and I'm like, what is going on out there? I'm like, there is I, I've got alarms going off. I've got, you know, I've not seen, you know, I'm like, did someone open a portal somewhere?Where is their son? Did they find a pocket of dormant, you know, aliens or demons or something? I'm like, what is this? So it took me a while to figure out what was going on. It doesn't take long to clean up. We're still running scans as far as cleanup operations because I'm guessing they're still going to continue.And the understanding of, you know, how to kill an alien 101 is not the same as how to kill a human. So hopefully those people that are doing this out there might hear this and just be careful. There are people out there, you know, I know there.Around here locally that know how to do it too. So don't take my word for it. Maybe phone a friend because I don't want anybody to get harmed either because what they'll do is they'll they've got about 72 hours to find another host.It has to. The being has to have a specific type of DNA, meaning able to host that large of an energy depending on what level.Of the lower astral they hailed from at one point in time. So if it's like a level 8 or 9 or density 8 or density 9 being you know you you got to have some serious.Vessel power, so to speak, to hold that or they'll kill the host, and they know that too, so they're always looking for those beings.



ですから、これらの人々を雇うことで、国に入ることができますし、ある場所で政治的影響力を得るために雇うこともできますし、行きたくない場所に閉じ込められてしまった場合に、そこから脱出するために雇うこともできます。彼らは非常に高額ですが、達人で、失敗することはありません。誤解しないでください。彼らは、公然のビジネスも公然でないビジネスも含め、あらゆる種類のビジネスに携わっています。そして、現時点では、私が知る限り、世界にはおそらく約 12 人います。ですから、非常に珍しい存在です。全員がアメリカ人というわけではありません。

もちろん、アジア人も何人かいます。私が話しているグループの中には、中東の人も何人かいますし、東ヨーロッパの人も何人かいます。イギリス人も 1 人いると思いますが、彼らは主に、長い間存在しています。獲得した特別な地位とでも言うべきものです。彼らは、このような地位を得るまでに、何年もこの仕事をしています。たくさんの恩恵を受け、たくさんの評判を築き上げてきました。はっきり言って、私は確信しています。確信はありません。これらのケースのいくつかでは、これらの人々がトランプ政権に恩恵を与えたことは間違いありません。

どうやら、トランプの工作員が彼らにいくつかの仕事を依頼したようです。後で支払うという約束は、もちろん今支払うことはありません。後で支払うのです。でも、恩恵はその世界では通貨でもあります。ですから、彼らはたくさんの恩恵を受けるべきなのですが、残念ながら、これまでのところ、トランプの工作員はそれを果たせていません。それが一つです。 2 番目に、彼らのエゴは大きく、口が達者で、彼らは今、これらの人々とちょっとしたトラブルに巻き込まれています。


そして、これらの人々は、この時点で、かなりうんざりしています。それで、彼らは、ネットワークに電話をかけ始めました。これが起こっているようです。舞台裏ではネットワークが構築されており、そのネットワーク関係者の中には SSP で働いていたことがある人もいます。ネットワーク関係者や DARPA で働いていたことがある人、彼らがこれまでに何度も雇った世界中の工作員もいます。週末、共通の知り合いがいたので、少なくとも間接的に私に尋ねたことの 1 つは、「これらの人々にはウォークインがあるか? 何かがあるか?」ということでした。私は何度も何度も調べましたが、彼らの脳に何らかのつながりがあることがわかりました。


つまり、すべての人のニューロンは左に流れているということです。つまり、明らかにそれよりもはるかに複雑で、右に行くと異常な脳機能になります。彼らをからかうという観点からだけではありません。それはスーパー ソルジャー プログラムの一部でした。しかし、インターネットで知られている秘密宇宙プログラムの工作員向けのスーパー ソルジャー プログラムとはまったく異なります。さまざまな方法で彼らを制御するために作成されたプログラムがあります。また、特定のスキルも付与されます。



そして、バックアップ システムの上にバックアップ システムがあり、平均的な日常の人間であれば、おそらく気づくでしょう。脳の力が、いわば増大しているのです。それとともに知恵がもたらされるだけではありません。脳には、10 % から 20 % 以上の力を使うと体が壊れると告げる制限もあります。超人的な話はここから生まれます。女性が赤ん坊から車を持ち上げるのと同じように、彼女たちは小柄な女性ですが、突然車を持ち上げることができるのです。扁桃体の闘争・逃走反応は、闘争・逃走反応を制御する脳の部分です。時にはそのハードルを乗り越え、だからこそ彼女たちは彼らができることをできるのです。私たち人間も、そうした多くのことをすることができます。自分自身を癒すこともできますし、制限なくあらゆることをすることができます。











彼らはこれらの人々を犬のように追い詰めることに決めたようです。レイモンド・レディントンの人物に約束をしたトランプの工作員の何人かは拘束され、座って話をするために拘束されました。何人かは脱出しましたが、何人かはまだそこにいます。これはすべて発展途上です。たぶん。それは日曜日の午前 11 時頃、私の時間で発生し始めました。




これはほとんどのシーズンで続きますが、簡単に言えば、今のところはこれだけです。彼らがやると言ったことはすべて、彼らはやっていないのです。実際、多くの場合、彼らはその逆のことをしています。レドモンド グループと、レドモンド グループと協力する工作員の何人かによると、彼らは間違いなく精神異常者です。そして、彼らは現在そこで起こっていることをあまり快く思っていないので、4 月か 5 月よりずっと前に、その領域で何らかの変化が見られるかもしれません。彼らは、彼らを制御できるようになるか、この時点で姿を消すでしょう。彼らは、世界中の他の国々と同様に、多くの狂った、狂った選択が行われていることに対して非常に苛立っています。そういうことです。それが、現時点での状況です。





だから外でこれをやっている人たちがこれを聞いて気をつけてくれるといいんだけど。外には、私が知っている人たちがいる。地元にもやり方を知っている人がいる。だから私の言うことを鵜呑みにしないで。友達に電話した方がいいかも。だって、誰も傷つきたくないから。だって彼らは72時間以内に別の宿主を探すことになるから。そうしなきゃいけない。その存在は特定の種類の DNA を持っている必要があります。

つまり、その存在がかつてどのレベルから来たかに応じて、その大きなエネルギーを宿すことができるということです。つまり、レベル 8 または 9、密度 8 または 9 の存在であれば、それを保持するには、いわば相当の器の力が必要です。そうしないと、宿主が殺されてしまいます。彼らもそれを知っているので、常にそのような存在を探しています。





Now, that being doesn't necessarily have to be real dark either. It could be someone.Whose real light where they'll try to jump in also. So just be aware of that. If you've experienced some strange things, you know, watch closely. The other thing they'll try to do is influence people. You know, they must have read the book How to Win Friends and influence people because they can.Actually influence you and convince you. Like you need power, you need this, you need that. So, you know, if you're having strange visions, strange dreams, that's probably why so.I don't know how long this is going on and I don't know how many of them are out there. I know that if the the ones that are free, so to speak or loose get picked up pretty quickly, meaning they're out there. They're out there in the without a host, so to speak.So we are continuing to constantly monitor for and eliminate anything we see out there now.Things get kind of quiet on that front if they happen to find a host during daylight hours. Usually they will escape their host at night. You know they'll look for a place to hunker down during the day.Even if it is not completely hospitable to their kind, so to speak. So there's a lot of hunting that goes on. I know last night for sure and also will tonight. So just to make sure that, you know, if they're going to continue this, we've got to clean up the mess on the other end.



ですから、そのことに気を付けてください。奇妙なことを経験したことがあるなら、よく観察してください。彼らがやろうとするもう 1 つのことは、人々に影響を与えることです。彼らは「How to Win Friends」という本を読んでいるに違いありません。人々に影響を与えるのは、実際にあなたに影響を与え、説得できるからです。あなたには力が必要だ、これが必要だ、あれが必要だ、といったように。








And OK, more news.So we are moving into that full currency system. We are planning on doing this without governments, without help, because we haven't found anybody who actually wants to help.We found a lot of people that would like to access our systems. There was a lot of hacking going on this weekend by the NSA SSP and it's been full on. Also, the SSP is looking for anything that they can connect their head to.Yeah, well, you know, maybe they missed their.Voices in their head, I guess.Multiple personalities or whatever you call it.As as we do move through this, there are a few other things I wanted to make mention of because this might make more sense to you.There's a lot of people out there that always talk about the gold standard and I've talked about it many times and I've drawn a lot of done a lot of white boarding sessions for you regarding a gold standard versus currency and.Uh, that type of thing. But you know, Marduk being a master human manipulator, you know, we need to control the humans as he would say, you know, at the same time not let them function as full celestials because we, we need that. We need them to conduct that.Source energy in essence and consciousness and all the things that source is the all that is. We need them to conduct that, but we also need to take it, you know, that's kind of their modus operandi.And something interesting as we've been cleaning up the financial system and moving forward into.Levels where we can protect and access your personal accounts and business accounts so to do projects without interference.


さて、さらにニュースです。私たちは完全な通貨システムに移行しています。私たちは政府や支援なしでこれを実行する予定です。なぜなら、実際に支援したい人が誰もいないからです。私たちのシステムにアクセスしたい人はたくさんいます。今週末は NSA SSP によるハッキングが大量に発生し、それは徹底的なものとなっています。

また、SSP は頭をつなげられるものを探しています。ええ、ご存知のとおり、彼らは頭の中の声を見逃したのかもしれません。多重人格とか、何と呼ぼうと。この話を進めていく中で、他にもいくつか言及したいことがありました。皆さんにとってよりわかりやすいかもしれません。世の中には金本位制について常に話す人がたくさんいますし、私も何度も話してきましたし、金本位制と通貨などについて、ホワイトボード セッションをたくさん行ってきました。

しかし、マルドゥクは人間の操作の達人なので、彼が言うように、人間をコントロールする必要があり、同時に、彼らが完全な天体(celestial)として機能しないようにする必要があります。なぜなら、それが必要なのです。彼らにそれを実行してもらう必要があります。本質と意識におけるソース エネルギー、そしてそのすべてのもの、それがすべてなのです。彼らにそれを実行してもらう必要がありますが、私たちもそれを受け入れる必要があります。

ご存知のとおり、それが彼らのやり方です。そして、金融システムを浄化し、干渉を受けずにプロジェクトを実行できるように、個人アカウントとビジネス アカウントを保護してアクセスできるレベルに進んでいる中で、興味深いことがあります。





The another mechanism came to light that I wanted to share with you because I found it fairly interesting.So you know, depending on how old you are or where in the world you live.You might have noticed a change in your.Food.Back in the 1970s, might have started in the 60s, but it really kind of ramped up in the 70s. So if you lived, you know, in a rural area or even, you know, getting produce and whatnot from the grocery store.Food used to taste different now with the advent of GMOs and, you know, processing and radiating food and all those types of things that they do, which is just part of the whole process.But you know, unfortunately, which needs to end. But you might have also noticed that even when you go to, say a farm and you buy fresh blueberries or produce or directly from a farm that is an organic farm that probably doesn't use.Besides, that type of thing is what you would be looking for. You might have noticed a difference in the taste of that food.If you have been around long enough to experience food in the early 1970s.You might have noticed on your farm that, you know, the you didn't need much of it. You know, maybe you needed less food even because it tasted different. So this is a byproduct of a system.That happens to coordinate.With the going off of the gold standard.And A and in the initiation of a global worldwide financial system.Now, those two things don't go together, you know, They don't make any sense.But.I'd say.The mechanism goes like this, let's put it that way.We've often talked a lot about how gold generates.Source Golden energy.And sources.Energy essence consciousness in its purest form is gold. Its might seem kind of white, but it is predominantly a golden color and that is the color of source too. You know that's when you are directly receiving the.Currency, the current of source. You'll notice it's a golden current that would come to your person. Now this little Marduk.Hidden system within our financial system did not allow that to happen. So you would have seen source most all your life, possibly some of you might have seen it differently, but most of you would have seen it as white light. You know, we want the white light system. We want white light.Well.The same as your food is different.Because plants also receive direct current of source.You are different, you know you've been different.Meaning it might have been easier in the 1960s and 70s if you know, you've been around that long and you've been awake that long to see that golden light, you know, to to meditate and see thing the world in in a different way. And then now it's kind of light.So let's talk about the plants and the Food First, regardless of how organic things are. And you know, obviously these are all bonuses. Don't get me wrong. You know, you, you grow your vegetables, you try to.Hopefully hope for rain because that's the best water to water your plants. You're still not getting that same quality of produce that we used to get way back at that time. And I know that there are a lot of people that have seed banks, you know, some negative.To do negative things, some positively, around the world.But unless your seeds are really old, you know you're still kind of all growing the same stuff. Better quality than you can get in most places, it's not radiated, and it's definitely healthier for you and you'll taste a difference for sure.But with even plants and Earth being cut off from pure golden source light, they're not getting the nutrients that they need either. You're not getting the life force. They're not getting the pure life force.Now what Marduk had done is he had structured the financial system to go off the gold standard. Now everybody thinks that some president somewheres idea, Nixon or otherwise, but it wasn't. Everybody might think it's bread and woods, but it wasn't. It was Marduk.So up until this point in time.We were getting at least 21% of pure gold into our bodies and then that gold standard would then translate into the banking system as a backing of pure source energy for currencies.Interesting, isn't it?Right about the time that he was ready to launch the human sector, meaning human computer networks.The global financial system and start making it more digital is right about the same time that he made deals with various people on this planet that didn't care if we were on the gold standard. And of course he portrayed it as well. You know, you're you're not going to be on the gold standard.That's that shiny bars and that kind of stuff, Although that's a conductor for source too.You are going to be on the Fiat system so to speak, which if you look up what the word Fiat means, it actually means with approval. It actually means something that is enforceable.So, umm.Now.The source light essence in energy even to the minute amount that was coming into this planet that goes to you to keep you functioning that is still saleable.But it's not as good as the pure gold. You know that pure source energy to power bad alien tech? Let's just say.So they had to figure out a way to siphon off the golden, the pure, you know, so the pure nutrient rich, so to speak. Source.Life force off before it came to the human.



年齢や世界のどこに住んでいるかによって異なりますが、1970 年代に食べ物が変化したことに気付いたかもしれません。60 年代に始まったかもしれませんが、70 年代には本当に急増しました。つまり、田舎に住んでいたり、食料品店で農産物などを買っていたりする場合です。遺伝子組み換え作物の出現や、食品の加工や放射線照射など、彼らが行うすべての種類のことなどにより、食べ物の味は今では変わってしまいました。これは全体のプロセスの一部にすぎません。しかし、残念ながら、これは終わらせる必要があります。

しかし、農場に行って、新鮮なブルーベリーや農産物を買ったり、おそらくは有機栽培の農場から直接買ったりしても、おそらくは有機栽培の農産物は使っていないということに気づいたかもしれません。それに、そういうものこそが、あなたが探しているものなのです。その食べ物の味の違いに気づいたかもしれません。1970 年代初頭の食べ物を体験するほど長く生きていれば、農場で、それほど多くは必要なかったことに気づいたかもしれません。味が違っていたとしても、必要な食べ物が減ったのかもしれません。つまり、これはシステムの副産物です。

たまたま、金本位制の廃止と、世界的な金融システムの発足とが連動しています。この 2 つは一緒には起こりません。まったく意味をなさないのですが、メカニズムはこうだと言えます。このように言いましょう。私たちは、金がどのように生成するかについてよく話してきました。金のエネルギーの源。そして、エネルギーのエッセンス意識の最も純粋な形は金です。それは白っぽく見えるかもしれませんが、主に金色で、それはソースの色でもあります。それはあなたが通貨、ソースの流れを直接受け取っているときです。あなたに来るのは金色の流れであることに気づくでしょう。














So what you got is kind of the same thing that you're getting now as far as food is concerned. You'll notice it doesn't taste the same. You have to eat more of it in order to sustain your person, otherwise you're still hungry.You now take supplements and vitamins because you're not getting those things from food anymore, you know, And this was another big step in that process back in the 70s.Where, you know, it's, it's like we have food Light, so to speak. I mean, yes, we get a lot of additives and preservatives and especially if you live in America in your food and this weird GMO thing and you know.Ways of growing fish on farms and you know, it's just definitely different than what we normally would have, but that's because all your foods only getting that white light too. It's not getting that golden essence of source either.Anymore since they changed the financial system.Now what's even worse is so you, you're now getting nutrient, nutrients of source light into your body. They now take it all from you.You're constantly chasing, you know, I've got to pay my bills, I've got to go to work, you know, you're constantly on the wheel, you know, which wears you down even further because it takes even what little energy you're getting or nutrient light, you know, and it's taking it away from you.So it's like starvation, and that is what allows for other Marduk programs to come into force as well. It makes our vessels not last as long, therefore they created.It actually amplified. I shouldn't say it created it.But it amplified the incarnation program, you know, the recycling of of human souls on the planet like a farm.It also.Creates shorter lifespans. We don't live as long as we used to, you know, before these programs started.



なぜなら、それらの栄養素はもはや食べ物から得られないからです。そして、これは 70 年代に起こったもう 1 つの大きな進歩でした。いわば、食べ物が光になっているようなものです。つまり、確かに、私たちは多くの添加物や保存料を摂取しています。特にアメリカに住んでいると、食べ物には奇妙な GMO や、養殖場での魚の養殖方法などが含まれています。これは、私たちが通常摂取するものとは明らかに異なりますが、それは、食べ物もすべて白い光しか得られないからです。ソースの黄金のエッセンスも得られません。金融システムが変更されて以来、それはもうありません。







You're seeing a lot more disease out there than we had before you also have.Other medical things jab jab that are not healthy for you they the reason for the.Accelerated jab, jabs and other things that they put in your food that are not healthy for you either.Is also to siphon more energy, you know, off of you the other part to it, you know the reason why we have like aluminum in our deodorants and you know, if they're going to get it in you one way or another, these these metals.It's because they still would like to control or put a meter, so to speak, on your brainpower. You know, that's the purpose behind all of these programs. Not necessarily to make you a quote-unquote Cyborg, but they need you to be dumbed down.Basically.Your IQ, depending on your diet and what you eat. You know, a lot of processed foods, a lot of those types of things, you know, with a lot of heavy metals in them and what you put on your skin, what you put in your body.Also causes additional problems too. And sometimes you know those are cheaper foods, you know the organic chicken or organic foods, you know, and you don't have a farm nearby. Maybe you live in a city or can't afford it.All of these contribute to.Neuron firing issues, and not in the same way as the Super soldier program worked, but it does.Allow humans to use less and less of their brain.



アルミニウムを何らかの方法で体内に取り込むなら、彼らは依然としてあなたの脳力を制御、つまり計測器を設置したいのです。ご存知のとおり、それがこれらすべてのプログラムの目的です。必ずしもあなたをいわゆるサイボーグにするのではなく、あなたを馬鹿にする必要があるのです。基本的に、あなたの IQ は、あなたの食事や何を食べるかによって決まります。







So we are now somewhere still around the 10% mark and if they had their way it would be even higher. It's also the reason for chemtrails. It's it's the reason behind everything.And and these were creations like I said of Marduk, if you've seen an uptick in the last 24 hours in your particular area of chemtrails, I know I have. This is the reason why because as I take out the Marduk systems.And the systems behind the systems for siphoning off energy this.Energy system is also what creates global human computer networks and mirrors and connections. So they're seeing a lot of their functionalities, not just in the financial system going.Way But they're also seeing their functionalities and military and intelligence and facial recognition and all kinds of things start to fade because there's no energy going to it from you.Anymore.Hopefully once this process is complete, because it's kind of like diffusing a bomb. You don't want to, you know, make everybody crazy.So as the process completes and sources time, you know he knows the right time to start pulling the next piece and the next piece and the next piece. But as this process continues, we should start to see different crops.In the near future, more nutritious food, especially if you're sourcing it from your own garden or you're sourcing it from a local organic farm, you'll notice you'll need less food.Food in order to function, which over time will cure a lot of issues that we see in the world with obesity and other things because.You know, your body's almost trying to protect you from that food, number one, and #2 you need a lot more of it to get the nutrients to actually nourish your body. So there are.Folks out there that I have met that actually add specific minerals to their soil. Also others that add herbs and other things in certain combinations which re mineralize the soil which helps.A lot.In the food that you produce.Um, so there are ways to help with that, but it's kind of like us too, you know, we, we need that direct golden essence of source, you know.To really thrive as human beings on the planet.



私がマルドゥクのシステムと、エネルギーを吸い上げるシステムの背後にあるシステムを取り除くと、エネルギー システムは、グローバルな人間のコンピューター ネットワーク、ミラー、接続も作成します。したがって、金融システムだけでなく、多くの機能が失われることがわかります。









And this is something as the financial system changes and the Marduk aspects of the financial system change, it will also change you and it will also change your food sources. So this is something I find really, really.Interesting and something I'm looking forward to seeing happen for all of you. So I'm excited about that on the operative front, you know they're going to get a whole lot of light when they're used to a whole lot of dark and their neurons are going to start having a problem because that Jason Bourne crack, as I call it, those pills that.Take and injections that they got or get are going to start spinning their head in the wrong direction, especially the really dark ones like the Trump people and and those types of folks, you know, those that are not involved in those programs won't see anything happen.You know, there are ways to detoxify from it and to fix it. But I don't think ones that are that far gone, you know, like the Trump folk or anything they're going to, they'll probably expire first.As far as the other folks that may have been in some of those programs willingly or unwillingly, well, you know there's ways to fix it.But it's also why you see some of them, you know, this is like the advent of PTSD and other things too, along with drugs that they give soldiers and that kind of thing too, and their food, so.Lots of positive changes on our side. We still have more operations to run.Let's just say counter.To what they're doing right now so I've been working on that and there's more and more every day it's like the gift that keeps on giving and I know they're getting pretty frustrated with me at the moment but you know that's a you issue not a me issue I am here to go it alone just.Like you told me you wanted to, I'm going it alone on my side. And I'm not alone, you know, We're all together in this.You know, I, I thoroughly appreciate all of you and all you do, you know, and holding the light and, and, you know, toeing the line, so to speak. And I know a lot of you get visions too, and, and.And act upon those visions to try to help change the world. And I can tell you it's working, you know, So don't think well, you know, I don't know if I'm doing it right. I mean, of course you're doing it right. It's being guided by source. So I just wanted to take a moment and say I appreciate all of you as well.











So I guess you could say we're going it alone, you know, more than anything.Just one more thing I want to mention to you Friday. Friday the GI A report will be live. I will do the GI A report and then I will go into question and answers. So if you want to ask a question, you can do so in our community chat.I think that there will be a live chat in on the app as well where you can ask your questions. So I look forward to talking to all of you again. That was kind of fun. Maybe depending on the next live usually we're going to try to do them, you know, around the first week of the month is.Hope we did take a poll and everybody chose 6:00 PM Eastern Standard Time for the live chat on Friday, not Saturday or another time. So I appreciate all your votes and you taking the time to give us your input we value.Your input and making these decisions because you know after all this is for you, so this is your channel.Uh, you know, if you're a field messenger, you know, and you're out there, then I'm sure, you know, more and more we're getting a lot of good feedback. And I was telling the field messengers that on Sunday and the field messenger meeting, I had an opportunity to attend.Which I rarely do, but I was excited to do that. And you know, this is becoming your channel more and more. You're, you are the news. So if you want to change the face of news, that's how you do it.Kind of gonna report it and you know, maybe join the field messenger chat and talk to others that do it. It's it's not as hard as you think and people are really looking for your information more than anything.They tell you how to hold your camera, you know, your phone, you can do it in just a few minutes and and bring to us information from your area that could be anything from, you know, recipes and cooking or juicing or it can be.A breaking news event in your area. It could also be something that maybe people haven't heard of something, maybe a plant that only grows in your area and what you can use it for and how it can help certain health issues or something. But just bring it forward. We would love to hear from you and I just wanted to say thank you to all of you.Do there's tons of good feedback on all your field messenger reports?I hear from people all the time, so loving the changes in the news. Loving seeing more of you and less of us.Which I think is wonderful too. So just a quick moment of thanks to all of you and I will see you on Wednesday.




私はGIAレポートを行い、その後質疑応答に入ります。質問がある場合は、コミュニティ チャットで質問できます。

アプリ内にライブ チャットもあると思いますので、そこで質問できます。

皆さんとまたお話しできるのを楽しみにしています。とても楽しかったです。次のライブ チャットの内容にもよりますが、通常は月の第 1 週頃に実施する予定です。

投票を実施して、ライブ チャットの時間を土曜日や他の時間ではなく、金曜日の東部標準時午後 6 時に選択していただければ幸いです。


UNN: https://www.youtube.com/@UnitedNetworkNews2024/streams



皆さんのご意見と決定は、結局のところ、これは皆さんのためのものであり、皆さんのチャンネルであることは皆さんもご存知のとおりです。皆さんがフィールド メッセンジャーで、現場にいるのであれば、きっと、ますます多くの良いフィードバックをいただいていると思います。そして、日曜日にフィールドメッセンジャーのミーティングに参加する機会があったことをフィールドメッセンジャーに伝えました。



とにかく、それを前面に出すのです。皆さんからのお便りをお待ちしています。皆さん全員にお礼を申し上げたいと思います。皆さんのフィールドメッセンジャーレポートには、たくさんの良いフィードバックがありますか? いつも皆さんからお便りをいただいています。ニュースの変化は嬉しいです。皆さんの姿が増え、私たちの姿が減っているのは嬉しいです。これも素晴らしいことだと思います。
