2025年1月31日(金曜) キンバリーGIAレポート
It's the 31st of January 2025, coming up on today's Global Intelligence Agency Operations report.Old Covenant surface as we move forward with current adjustments.Apparently the black magician had plans if his agreements were ever terminated. And the real story behind the Blackhawks? American Airlines mid air collision.And as January comes to a close, so does the Deep States window to perform on their promises.Well, we made it to the end of January, folks.As I said, it was going to be a bumpy ride, and bumpy it has been. I apologize for missing Wednesday's report there. I was quite busy for many, many, many hours on Wednesday and really haven't slept much since, so hopefully.As of tomorrow morning, we'll have rounded the bend of where we need to be and that's the most important thing. So we'll get into that in just a little bit.
But first I wanted to take a few moments and go over some regular news.Things have gotten a little bit crazy out there with this new Trump administration. It's not. I say by administration, I mean Trump operatives known as Duck Dynasty.Apparently there are some really crazy executive orders coming out, and some of that is obviously affecting average everyday Americans. There are.There are talks about.Union workers going on strike or retiring Early in our Field Messenger report earlier today, there was someone that actually received a notice.Who does work in a government department to retire early or an offer to retire early?So.There's a lot that they're doing that makes no sense. I did tell you that if they were going to.Falter. If governments were going to falter, the first thing they were going to do.Was to cut off all humanitarian services provided by the government, in this particular case we are talking about.Out right now it seems like Medicare and Social Security are not on that list, but government grants, you'll probably see some effects. With student loans or student grants, you're going to see some effects as far as.Probably the EBT programs or food assistance programs. I know that that is on the chopping block right now and there are a number of other services that the government provides to people that are.Ruin very rocky ground right now.They think that by doing this, they're going to save some money. There's not enough money to save because there's no savings to save at this point and things are going.Pretty belly up pretty quick.
組合員がストライキをしたり、退職したりする話があります。本日のフィールド・メッセンジャーのレポートの冒頭で、実際に早期退職の通知や早期退職のオファーを受け取った人がいました。政府機関で働いている人は誰ですか? つまり、彼らがやっていることは意味不明なことがたくさんあります。彼らがひるむなら、私はあなたにそう言ったでしょう。
もし政府が弱体化するとしたら、まずやることは、政府が提供する人道支援サービスをすべて打ち切ることです。私たちが話しているのは、この特定のケースです。今のところ、メディケアと社会保障はそのリストに載っていないようですが、政府の補助金には、おそらく何らかの影響が見られるでしょう。学生ローンや学生補助金に関しては、EBT プログラムや食糧支援プログラムなど、何らかの影響が見られるでしょう。
There are rumors going around behind the scenes that if they don't do something with the banking system very soon that the banking system is going to falter.Now by banking system we are not talking about you, meaning your bank accounts, your ability to use an ATM machine to pay with a debit, debit card or a credit card at your local grocery store if you are in the United States.We're not seeing that yet and we're not going to see that if we have anything to say about it.But what is faltering is the system that you never got to take a part in, meaning the MERS system, which is the mortgage system where they sold derivatives off your mortgage and created several mortgages off your one mortgage. And you know, leverage, leverage, leverage, leverage, leverage.We are also seeing some major falterings with holdings of companies like Black Rock and Vanguard. They are delaying loan payments. There is quite a bit of stir as it relates to.Boards of banks, As an example, one of the things that we're seeing today is the boards of the banks. This would be Wells Fargo, Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase.And I think it's a Bank of New York Mellon and a few other larger banks here in the United States are very confused at the moment. You see the contingencies.Based on the promises that were made are not coming through. They were told that by noon today they would have some answers. They were told by 3:00 PM today they would have some answers and this is Eastern Time and they were also told that.The meeting is now going to be pushed off until tomorrow morning at 10:00 AM Eastern Time. And right now they all seem a bit confused. They have no idea where they're going or what they're doing.Are they going to wait in rank and file for these people to perform some kind of magical function? Probably. It doesn't look like they're going to talk to anybody. But as it relates to the actual banking system that we care about as people.I'm not seeing that changing much anytime in the near future.They're making money on your money and leveraging and all the income that they used to make for their genetic shareholders. Yeah. Now, on the other hand, that looks pretty grim at the moment, their ability to leverage against production contracts and other things of that nature.Are extremely you could say limited and in some cases you could say non existent. The way that they do high level lending in the commercial sector is also faltering quite a bit.There are many operatives that were expecting a big paycheck today in a big payout for services rendered in the past or in the present and of course that didn't happen. Matter of fact they did not get on any of those calls at 12 and three I think probably by.4:45 I think some people actually came to the phone, so I didn't hear a whole lot of anything except for a bunch of yelling and screaming that there's a crisis going on, you know, and they can't make it to the call and they tried to send in other people.But there are others that are saying, oh, well, well, wait, you know, we'll wait. And I don't think this is going to end real well. They are trying to also reschedule that call till 10:00 AM tomorrow, Eastern Standard Time.I'm hoping that something is going to happen because we're still within the three day window of the new moon. Yes, if you happen to be watching this and you are an operative, you are waiting for a three day new moon window.In a hope of somehow the Moon's position helping them out in some way.So we'll get into the deeper aspects of that in a minute and why I wasn't here on Wednesday, but we're still continuing with regular news. That being said, by the time Asia wakes up this morning, because they were also promised money by today slash tomorrow and their time.All heck is going to be breaking loose between now and Monday. You're going to see governments everywhere, everywhere, going broker and broker by the day.
I know in a Hail Mary move it looks like we had the.Crypto president now apparently that's the new jam they think they're going to be able to introduce.I call it SH coin or one of these other crypto currencies that is going to change the banking system and it's going to deflect a failure of the dollar, but that is not the case at all.And they think if they replace it with crypto, then they can use cryptocurrency worldwide and then they don't have to worry about the dollar, you know, and, and their inability to issue any. But that is definitely not the case.We've talked about this many, many times and all of you that have been following, but in brief.Most of the world doesn't even have consistent electricity, let alone consistent electronic systems to handle a fully electronic payment system. The blockchain can't handle it. Supernap can't handle it. The NSA, who actually runs all crypto, can't handle it. They.Cried repeatedly to install it. China's tried their cryptocurrency and their BRICS currency and everybody has failed. The Bank for International Settlements tried using a program called Enbridge that also has failed. There is no way to run an entire world on cryptocurrency.In short order, number one and #2 the key integrated monetary system will not permit cryptocurrency to be the world's trade currency, mainly because of its origins. Number one, it's highly insecure.I I know that for a fact the.Bottoms up and bottoms down of Trump coin or whatever they're calling it. First he's not involved with it, then you know he's never heard of it, and then it's millennia coin all of a sudden and you know, they're trying to take money from people every which way but loose.Now he all of a sudden is now the crypto president. Well, at the same time, we're not having any central bank digital currency system, which is what he told the World Economic Forum. I, I, I almost feel like we have a bipolar.Situation there and there should probably be some kind of a checkup for all of those people because nobody knows what anybody is doing at this point in time.
To make matters worse, there was a horrific crash. You've heard about the helicopter crash in Washington, DC, where it crashed into an American Airlines passenger plane, and there were many fatalities on the passenger plane.On a Blackhawk helicopter which quote-unquote
initially accidentally ran into a really large airplane. Now for those of you veterans out there that have flown a military helicopter or two or maybe seen one or.And in one, you'll know that that is damn near impossible. For that to have been an accident, you would have to override every system that is in that Blackhawk. Then someone tried to tell us a story that, well, it wasn't that airplane they were after. There was an airplane.Behind that airplane that was a threat or something. And you know, and so they accidentally hit the wrong plane. I mean, I've heard it all in the last few days, but here's the story that I'm hearing from the electronics that night.In the helicopter itself.The pilots of the helicopter do their job. You know why on a Black Hawk? I'm not sure, but they were transporting some of the Trump operatives from one place to another.Well, the Trump operatives were having a conversation in the back which sounded like anarchy and terrorism. They were talking about the possibility of Now remember, this person doesn't know anything about what you know. They don't know anything about the pilot doesn't know anything about.That, you know, this is not a real president, that kind of thing, just a patriot flying an aircraft because he's on duty so.They were talking about killing the now president, possibly staging an assassination could be a terrorist attack. They are looking for a big distraction because of.The failure of their failure in every aspect, and they're trying to find a way to implement martial law. That's their latest and greatest, I should say, repeat operation, which they're trying to sell.To people.And for that, they need some kind of a big event.
さらに悪いことに、恐ろしい墜落事故がありました。ワシントンDCでヘリコプターがアメリカン航空の旅客機に墜落し、乗客機で多くの死者が出たという話を聞いたことがあるでしょう。ブラックホークヘリコプターは、 最初は、非常に大きな飛行機に誤って衝突したのです。軍用ヘリコプターを 1 機か 2 機操縦したことがある、あるいは見たことがある退役軍人の方は、それがほぼ不可能なことがおわかりでしょう。
There they were talking about killing a lot of American people on this craft they were also talking about.Out bombing, potentially Washington, DC. This is what the operatives were talking about and this is who they are.They're worse than what they were saying.With this pilot so allegedly, what seemed to happen is the automatic features of the Black Hawk were overridden and the helicopter crashed.It looks like it's an intentional crash by possibly by somebody who.Let's just say didn't want to see thousands, if not millions of Americans die.So.I'm feel terrible about what happened to those families.I guess it, you know, sometimes people panic in a split second decision is made, but that's what it looks like from the outside looking in.You know I.I'll tell you in war, you know, if you've ever been to war, you've had family members that have been to war.Real war is even.Worse than you could possibly imagine, you know, even though they may have been to Afghanistan or Desert Storm or Iraq or you know, and they've probably seen a lot of things, there is nothing like we have seen in the last couple of years so.And this is a tragic event.
彼らはまた、この飛行機で多くのアメリカ人を殺すことについて話していた。ワシントン DC を爆撃する可能性もある。これが工作員たちが話していたことであり、彼らが誰なのかです。彼らは言っていることよりひどいです。このパイロットの事件では、ブラックホークの自動機能が無効にされ、ヘリコプターが墜落したようです。これは、おそらく、何千、何百万人というアメリカ人が死ぬのを見たくない誰かによる意図的な墜落のようです。
The Secretary of Defense came out and made an interesting announcement yesterday. Pete Hegseth is his name. He said that the helicopter was on a mission.To have a continuity of government or a continuity of government mission.Basically what that means is that the is that there is an emergency, there is a government or a division, I think it might be of the Department of Defense called COG, which is a continuity of government for short.And they are supposed to make sure the government continues to function. You know, this is where your doomsday plane and all of these types of things come in. Should there be a.Emergency, a crisis, they're supposed to make sure that the government continues to function. And at this point, I don't think anybody knows what function is meaning functional government at this point, because things are.A total disaster over there. I mean, just left, right up down, policy this way, policy that way, and none of it makes any sense. For example, in addition to trying to lay off many people that have worked for the government for decades.They also are demanding that you take all pronouns off all government emails by 5:00 PM today.Well, that makes sense. You know, you can. You're no longer misses somebody or Mr. Somebody. You're just somebody. You know, I, I don't know why this is so important to pass an executive order.For something like this, when we have plenty of things going on, you know, like fires in California, we have helicopters and that have gone down.In a passenger planes that have gone down with families that are experiencing losses. And of course, it is most important to make sure that you take the pronouns off all your emails by 5:00 PM today.That's very real situation because, you know, if that's what was happening in your life and this was your family, that would be the first thing you would think of. Wow. I find it very offensive that you put Mr. so and so.Or passed away, or miss so and so passed away. And you need to make sure that you don't identify either way with anything.Umm, in your funeral announcement. I mean, this is awful. It's, it is the worst. It's even worse than I had ever anticipated so far. And it's only been what, a little over a week now it's been about.11 days,
国防長官が昨日、興味深い発表をしました。ピート・ヘグゼスという名前です。彼は、ヘリコプターは政府の継続性、または政府の継続性の任務を遂行するためにあったと述べました。基本的に、緊急事態が発生し、政府または部門が存在することを意味します。国防総省の COG と呼ばれる部門だと思いますが、これは政府の継続性を意味します。そして、彼らは政府が機能し続けることを確認することになっています。ご存知のように、これが終末飛行機やこれらすべてのタイプのものの出番です。緊急事態、危機が発生した場合、彼らは政府が機能し続けることを確認することになっています。
そして、この時点で、機能的な政府が何を意味するのか誰も知らないと思います。なぜなら、状況は完全に惨事だからです。つまり、上下左右、政策はこう、政策はああ、と、何も意味をなさないのです。たとえば、何十年も政府で働いてきた多くの人を解雇しようとしていることに加えて、政府は、今日の午後 5 時までにすべての政府メールから代名詞をすべて削除するよう要求しています。それは理にかなっています。
ご存知のとおり、できます。もう誰かを恋しく思う人やミスター・サムバディではありません。あなたはただの誰かです。私には、なぜこれが大統領令を可決することがそれほど重要なのかわかりません。カリフォルニアの火災やヘリコプターの墜落など、多くのことが起こっているときにこのような事態が発生すると、旅客機が墜落し、家族が損失を被っています。そしてもちろん、今日の午後 5 時までにすべてのメールから代名詞を削除することが最も重要です。
OK.Next thing I wanted to bring up on Mondays, interview with George the Iceman and I, I should have that hopefully over the weekend. He's going to send them right over, he said. So he gets a little busy sometimes. We'll see, but I should have them in the next few days. But he brought up.News report that was on Fox News and he mentioned mentioned to on that about that report. Sorry you know I'm really tired today so please forgive me folks. OK, so he mentioned.In his report before he played the report that these raids on immigrants are pretty brutal. Allegedly there has been some additional executive orders.Made in which the government is supposedly, and I say supposedly government here that they are permitted to raid homes and immediately deport.Illegal immigrants without any kind of a trial, without any kind of a holding, without asking any questions. And there's hurting a lot of people right now. It's actually.Really brutal and it's and it's come to my attention in the last 24 hours that it's even worse.Because of Fox News actually being there to record the raids, he automatically know there's something weird going on. I mean, how would they know when a covert quote-unquote FBI, etcetera.US Customs and Borders patrol organization is supposed to be in a specific place in the middle of the night and there just happened to be there to film it because, you know, they hang out at various illegal immigrant homes, alleged illegal immigrants.Homes and they just kind of hang out and they know they're going to show up eventually, so they keep the cameras rolling, right?
実際、それは非常に残酷であり、過去 24 時間でさらに悪化していることが私の知るところとなった。フォックス ニュースが実際に捜索を記録していたため、彼は自動的に何か奇妙なことが起きていることに気付いた。つまり、FBIなどの秘密捜査機関が真夜中に特定の場所にいることになっているのに、たまたまそこにいて撮影していたとどうしてわかるのでしょうか。
Probably not.So we did some digging.And.Here's what we have found.In the last 24 hours, we have figured out the following that about 80 to 90% of the raids that are happening are not happening by official government departments, meaning it's not the Department of Justice, it is not Customs and Border Patrol.It is not the FBI. It is not.Any local law enforcement in any way shape or form. These are complete off the books black sites.People are being ushered to what we would call black sites or unknown locations firstly within the United States, and it appears that they are selling these people.We strongly suspect, and again, this is a.We are suspecting and have indications that it's possible that the group known as the Boogaloo Boys are actually involved in this situation. Now we definitely know that they are.Some of them are actually under the impression that they have government badges and they are doing what the president says. However, they are not legal agency people.In a lot of cases.They are now starting to figure out that they are taking these people to.Strange locations and there is also chatter amongst the group. As we started listening in closer and closer, we are starting to figure out that.Guantanamo Bay is has allegedly been allocated money that the government doesn't have to expand their facility. Now I'm going to repeat this again. Guantanamo Bay is not a place where people take terrorists and hang bad people.Known as the Deep State or the Cabal. That doesn't ever happen there. Ever. The location is actually a secret space program site. They do a lot of surgeries there. They perform a lot of.Facial recognition, like changing your face. They also have superior medical technologies there and you could call it a glorified Med spa. There are also some human experiments that do happen there, but allegedly we're hearing that these people are in holding facilities.Not awaiting deportation, Immediate deportation.
According to what the executive order says, they are awaiting transport there, possibly to sell organs.They have discussed the fact that that has been very profitable. This would not be the first time that they have done something like this during the Iraqi war. I know that.Definitely from someone's lips, to my ears who heard it personally, was a lot of talk from Mayor Rothschild about the fact that human organ trafficking made a lot of money and they had every intention of illegally detaining people.So that they could harvest their organs. They would never go back home. And then, you know, this would continue. And then they would make lots of money to pay for the war. So I'm thinking they think they're going to be able to do that here. But this time the bill is a lot higher.And This is why Duck Dynasty should never try to run a country because.Number one, this is extremely inhumane #2 legal or illegal human trafficking by the office of the President of the United States. You know, there are operatives that are running it. That's really bad.Really, really bad. Next, we're now locating all of these facilities and and plan on a very quick remedy, let's just say to this situation that is going on behind the scenes.And I can really not say much more about that, but I'll just say that the investigation has proven that we are correct in these people are not going back to their home countries. This is definitely an issue.So that is something else that we've been working on quite a bit because.I got to tell you, I don't know who these operatives think they are. I really don't. They're they're absolutely insane and although.Hopefully not for much longer.Organ trafficking and human trafficking is a multibillion dollar industry. It is still not going to pay for a war. It is not going to pay your bills because they've got a lot of bills. They made a lot of promises and have made absolutely 0 delivery on anything, not to any country anywhere.This is not going to cut the mustard, it is not going to take care of their untenuous situation at the moment.Behind the scenes we have, or I should say Tom Melville, because these people don't have any.Will or courage to talk to me directly. So they call Tom Melville. Well, they've been calling Tom and, you know, saying that they're arranging for the little plot of land over here.In in La Plata County, Colorado, to become, you know, sovereign land. And, you know, the lawyers are drawing up papers and I don't know, they must be writing them blindfolded with their feet because it's taking forever. But that's lawyers for you. And, you know, supposedly they want to make some kind of a deal.We've heard the same thing from the Fed and the banks. But then of course, no decisions are actually made by anyone ever. And they tell everybody just to wait, and for some reason everybody does. So there's that.Quite frankly.It's just a distraction. Saving people, saving lives is not a distraction. But what they're asking us for is or, you know, one day it's they're going to do this and they're going to do that and then they never do is just indicative of spending 3 1/2 years talking to the same people.They make promises. They never ever deliver. They promise to pay people, they never, ever pay people. And matter of fact, they usually go off the handbook of Bush Senior. Bush Senior was well known.Throughout the operative community for getting countries and people to do things for free. Matter of fact, he stepped up his game along with Blackwater and started handing out pallets of cash to countries, promising that they would be.Cash a bowl at some point in the future, and some of them have been waiting for decades or more to cash in these pallets and this situation is going to be the same. These people think they are clever. They think that they are better than Bush Senior and I have got to tell you that.During those times we didn't have YouTube and we didn't have a lot of these.You know, channels and worldwide calling and it was, you know, it's very expensive and we didn't have social media. We didn't have the ability to call country to country as easily as we do now as long ago as that started.So I.You know, if these people continue to wait and all these countries continue to wait, I wish them all the best. And we won't have governments anymore because we're.You know, we're starting to see the faltering already.
次に、私たちは現在、これらの施設をすべて特定し、舞台裏で起こっているこの状況に対する非常に迅速な解決策を計画しています。これについてはこれ以上多くを語ることはできませんが、これらの人々が母国に帰らないという私たちの考えが正しいことが調査によって証明されたとだけ言っておきます。これは間違いなく問題です。ですから、これは私たちがかなり取り組んでいるもう 1 つのことです。
I know that the talk behind the scenes is that the Russian government is just a few steps away from bankruptcy. I know that there's supposed to be some talks with China tonight, which I hope don't actually happen.Because.They would like us to talk to other countries too, you know, such as Indonesia and so on and so forth. Why? Because here we go again. You know, we know these people. We're getting our money from those people. And that is definitely not the case. We have no contracts with China. We have no.Doing any contracts with China, not the US, not China, not any government anywhere. At this moment in time, we have no.Talks ongoing, nobody has put forward anything that makes any sense anywhere and we're really not interested and we're more interested in moving forward with care and the people.So on that note.Umm, their window is.Closing and it's closing rapidly.By tomorrow we are going to see a lot of fighting and arguing amongst all of those people. You might even see some of this stuff starting to leak out in mainstream media because they can't seem to control that much anymore either, no matter how many people quit or get fired from.NBC See CBS. I hear reporters are dropping like flies.These days.Yeah, they get paid a lot of money. You know, they normally get paid a lot of money to talk.Crap to you and that money's not coming and people are getting angry, you know it's.
The mainstream media, news channels aren't making a whole lot of money these days. I mean, they're still making some kind of advertising money, but you know, there's not a lot of money right now floating around there and they're barely making payroll in some cases.I don't, you know, again, this is deep state corporations. The trickle down moves fast. When BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street start to falter, you're going to see a lot of corporations that would feed off of those.Few hedge funds.Just start to fail.Quickly.So we'll see what takes place in the next couple of weeks. Again, we're still in that bumpy period of time for more than one reason, and this is just one. So hang on to your hats. Everything that you've been hearing about for the last year or two is starting to come to fruition. It takes a little while.You know, for us to turn the tides a little bit, we have some planned.Operations for this weekend, which I probably can't talk to you about till Monday.Which will, let's just say, maybe help that along a little bit.We have a few things that we are doing on our side that.Are going to be a lot of fun for me.Be nice to have a little fun once in a while.So we'll leave it at that and we'll continue that in the end result of those things on Monday and Mondays. Report. OK, now let's get into the weird and wonderful world that we live in.And sometimes not so wonderful.So we've talked quite a bit about a transition that started sometime around the end of October and continued on through to the end of the year.There are a few more transitions that are taking place currently.And one of those transitions has a lot to do with reversing the ability.I guess you would say.Reversing time.And this portion started.I would say right around the time of the summer solstice.And we had a lot of resistance at that time. And I'm not talking about resistance by crazy operatives or anything. These are things that were put in place to specifically not allow us to.Reverse this cycle now.
それが、少しは状況の改善に役立つかもしれません。私たちの側では、私にとってとても楽しいことがいくつかあります。たまには楽しいことをするのもいいでしょう。それでは、この件についてはここまでにして、月曜日と月曜日にそれらの最終結果を報告します。さて、それでは私たちが住んでいる奇妙で素晴らしい世界、そして時にはあまり素晴らしくない世界についてお話ししましょう。10 月の終わり頃から始まり、年末まで続いた移行について、かなり話してきました。現在進行中の移行は他にもいくつかあります。その移行の 1 つは、能力を逆転させることと大きく関係しています。
Remember, time is a flow. It's not just about what you see on your watch. It's not about what day of the year it is.Time also dictates things like aging, decay, disease. It controls a lot of different things or had controlled a lot of different things in the multiverse, including your mitochondria and why they go in the wrong direction.Your everything within your human rotating in the wrong direction which is unhealthy. Not only did that happen here, that also happened to Earth as well. Which is why.You know, I don't get me wrong, we've done enough damage as humans to the planet, meaning, you know, carbon dioxide, that type of thing. And then of course, we had a lot of alien tech and we have had things like weather manipulation and that's been going on a lot longer than we've had.Carries and governments. That is not something that was controlled by militaries and governments, contrary to popular belief. And HARP was a kindergarten toy compared to some of the other things that were out there.These were predominantly used by others, they were not used by governments or maybe they had minimal access to move things here and there. And of course that was all due to the connection of something that was created.Long before their existence.So in the same fashion.The control of time. Now, if you've ever seen a old movie, I'm going to say it's old, but I think it was from the 90s or the early 2000s, and it was called Laura Croft.The first Lowercroft movie, and in that movie, you know, the deep state, or Illuminati as they call themselves in the movie, we're trying to control time. And they said in the movie there was a specific time.You know, in alignment of sorts if you will, where if you could be in this certain place with all these certain trinkets at the right time, you would be able to control.Time now, of course.There's a little bit of truth in that as to what they thought they were going to be able to do.So starting around the solstice time, this is the reality of what was really going on, and then we'll give you a little bit to laugh about.With the Yoder, but starting from that time, you can think if you were to look at the world and you were to see a spinning wheel, a black spinning wheel that was spinning and a clockwise fashion.It doesn't matter which angle you look at the Earth from. Whether you're looking at it from the side to the north to South, or you're looking at it directly down at the North Pole or up from the South Pole, you're still looking at.Earth and a time wheel there. It was a three-dimensional wheel, so to speak. And it wasn't just for Earth. It was something that happened through a lot of the universe too. I'm not going to say all, but a lot.And this type of a structure, etherically speaking, is what perpetuated life moving in the wrong direction. So we were moving away from life and closer to death.It is also part of a black magic system that used to be used against us, not just by humans, but also by those people of the seal Marduk Inky Enlil.
This would be something that would have been used by the black magician.And a lot of it had to do with human control.Incarnation plans not allowing humans to live too long, only to produce so much energy. It's kind of you got to think about the way they looked at humans like you would look at, say, your laptop.If you are running low on battery.And you don't have the ability to quote-unquote
plug in or you're running down your battery faster than your you could charge it. Eventually you're going to get into a point where you're going to have to kind of conserve some battery in that laptop a little bit anyway till you could get.To a charger with humans, they would siphon off as much as possible.To keep us alive, you know, they wanted to make sure that they would siphon, siphon, siphon, siphon, siphon so they could power other creations elsewhere, power other worlds, if you will, other universes. Again, you don't realize how powerful you are as a human.And but this was definitely a mechanism that was in place to ensure.Your survival for a minimal amount of time.You know, they had determined that X amount of people gives them X amount of power.In fact, there were over 14,000,000.Alternative universes that were being terraformed based on the amount of energy that they would siphon off of humans. I mean, pretty incredible when you think about it, how much source energy that you could actually generate.And then of course, pay forward and give energy to things like creating and energy to other people and to your family. But it's pretty amazing that we're all still even here really with the amount.That they siphoned off of us. So the time wheel is a part of that cycle. It's not the only reason why it exists, but it exists to ensure that your.The regulation to ensure that you are staying alive to some degree.Or at least there was enough people to power all of their quote-unquote
creations into perpetuity was based on the population of humans on Earth.So.Reversing time or the flow of life so to speak, was extremely important as a part of restoration. We cannot be restored if we constantly are spinning in the wrong direction all the way down to your mitochondria.So this is not just for humans, because what happens on Earth happens everywhere else. And so everybody was subject to some degree. Of course, the higher the density, the less they were subject to something like this, but it would still affect.All life in some way.So this was something that started the reversal process sometime around the solstice time.But it's been kind of a fight as we created equal and opposite ways of.Movement of let's just say the atomic clock.The way that your mitochondria moves, that type of thing.Um, the way the life cycle of earth and plants and trees and everything functions, it was critical that we saw a change in movement. So we've been.I guess you could say installing something that is trying to push all life in the opposite direction. So if time is trying to push us, what you know is a clockwise motion, we are trying to push it in a counterclockwise motion because that's where eternal life exists, that is.Where immortality exists, that is where you're constantly regenerating, and it's also where nobody's going to be able to siphon anything to build alternative universes and worlds anymore either.Most of them dark, by the way.So it was critical we also do this for Earth because what happens with Earth then eventually travels throughout the multiverse. So this push and pull and tug has just been one aspect of operations that we have been performing with the creator AI, of course.Cooperation with source and we have been taking steps to ensure that we're not having major disruptions. So what it kind of looks like right now is it looks like.Umm. Or looked like.If you were to be walking forward and someone were to stand in front of you and put their hand on your chest and say, you know, you're not going anywhere and you keep trying to walk and you might be able to overpower that person, you know, for a while and but you're not moving really fast at that point.If you were to remove that person, you would be running right across the street or wherever you were going.And Earth looks the same way. It's been a push and a pull and a push and a pull and a push and a pull.You know, we would make further progress in going in the counterclockwise motion.Then some space junk would show up and we'd, you know, start moving slower again, you know, and then we've got to push that out of the way, get rid of the resistance, and then we would see more of a push in the other direction now.
そしてその多くは人間のコントロールと関係がありました。化身の計画では、人間が長生きしないようにし、エネルギーを大量に生産するようにしていました。それは、たとえばノートパソコンを見るのと同じように、彼らが人間をどのように見ていたかを考える必要があるようなものです。バッテリーが残り少なくなってきたら、そして、あなたは「引用符なし」の能力を持っていません。 プラグを差し込まないと、充電するよりも早くバッテリーが消耗してしまいます。
いずれにせよ、ノートパソコンのバッテリーを少し節約して、充電器にたどり着くまで待たなければなりません。人間の場合、彼らは可能な限り多くのエネルギーを吸い上げます。私たちを生かしておくために、彼らは確実にエネルギーを吸い上げて、他の創造物や他の世界、つまり他の宇宙に電力を供給したかったのです。繰り返しますが、人間は自分がどれだけ強力であるか気づいていません。しかし、これは間違いなく、あなたが最小限の時間生き残ることを保証するためのメカニズムでした。彼らは、X 人の人間が X 量の電力を与えると判断していました。
実際、人間から吸い上げたエネルギーの量に基づいてテラフォーミングされた代替宇宙が 14,000,000 以上ありました。考えてみれば、実際にどれだけのエネルギーを生成できるか、本当に信じられないことです。そしてもちろん、お金を前払いして、創造や他の人や家族へのエネルギーなど、さまざまなことにエネルギーを注ぎます。しかし、彼らが私たちから吸い上げた量で、私たちがまだここにいられることは本当に驚くべきことです。
つまり、時間の輪はそのサイクルの一部です。それが唯一の存在理由ではありませんが、それはあなたがある程度生き続けることを保証するために存在します。少なくとも、彼らのいわゆる「すべての」エネルギーを供給できるほどの人々がいたのです。 創造物を永続的なものに変えるという目標は、地球上の人間の人口に基づいていました。
なぜなら、そこには永遠の生命が存在するからです。不死が存在する場所、つまり、絶えず再生している場所であり、また、誰も何かを吸い上げて別の宇宙や世界を構築することもできなくなる場所でもあります。ちなみに、それらのほとんどは暗闇です。ですから、地球でもこれを行うことが重要でした。なぜなら、地球で起こったことは、最終的には多元宇宙全体に伝わるからです。ですから、この押し引きや引っ張り合いは、もちろん、私たちが創造主 AI とともに実行してきた操作の 1 つの側面にすぎません。ソースと協力し、大きな混乱が起こらないように対策を講じてきました。
What happened on Wednesday was something the Deep State was hoping was going to happen.I guess you would say they even tried to utilize old energy siphoning methods to appease the gods that aren't there anymore. I guess in order to send energy out to other universes as we had talked about.Earlier the week in the week, I think it was earlier in the week a little bit.Uh, so in this particular instance we hit a little bit of a bump and by bump.One of the covenants that recently expired had to do with the agreement with the Black Magician. Now Black Magician is a title much like Marduk was a title. And as Black Magician you normally would be 1 of the 72 Dukes of hell you that you would.See, you know in the Bible, I guess and other mythology and that position would rotate in accordance with what was going on. But you could say he would have been the Lord of the anti creation, you know for a time and the neither world.Along with other.Potential terraforming universes.So that was what he would use that for. Now he came into the picture.One other time recently, I say recently and I use that term loosely.About 3 million years ago and I didn't get to finish the Real History series, which we will do at some point.But about 3 million years ago, we had another hiccup like we've had recently, where the agreed amount of energy was not flowing to its or his creations.Now, although that being doesn't exist anymore, the dead man switches or the If you default on my agreement, I am going to wipe out all of.Creation kind of thing is what was triggered on Wednesday night. So apparently the deep state was under the impression or at least the secret space program operatives were under the impression that.And some of the Order members too, they were under the impression that when we got to this point where we started.Moving in the correct direction. All of life started moving in the correct direction.Towards a non siphoning.Way of life, so to speak, and toward which hasn't been happening for for a while now.And moving into the direction of no disease, living longer, that type of thing.Then they thought that a black magician would come back. Now the last time the black magician came back, also known as the Destroyer, was about 3 million years ago when there was another incident where we almost came out of.Let's just say slavery.And he crashed into Earth, came out through Ukraine. So not a surprise over there that the Ukraine war has been going on forever because it generates dark.Energy, which then they think will open portals and they probably would welcome this being here on Earth because it's their friend. They think anyway, you know, they've been conjuring those folks for a long time, you know, in their history, at least in the deep state's history.So in this particular instance, they were hoping for a return based on their calculations, based on our forward movement in the last several months of moving in the correct direction, they felt that the dead man switch would go off on the new moon.Which, well, I gotta hand it to him, at least you know, even a blind squirrel gets a nut once in a while. They were, they were right. It didn't take us long though, to counteract this stuff. We were pretty well done by maybe two 3:00 in the morning yesterday.So that's a positive, you know, a little bit more clean up today, that kind of thing, but now it's just real minor. It's just like little things that would show up in to human computer networks that didn't need to be there. You know, it wasn't money or anything that they were expecting and definitely wasn't a full.Reintegration of the Omega system or a reintegration of time systems or anything like that. So you know it, it was pretty minor once you got through the the worst part of it.And by the worst part of it, we mean there was his dead man Switch. If anybody ever cancelled that covenant, that would power his worlds or their worlds so to speak.The dead man switch would have been installed into most stars and Suns and.Planets in some cases, Earth being one of those planets to whereby first thing would he would knock out all the sons, meaning he would take all the energy from the sons and that would be enough According to him to power his creations for quite a long time.Therefore, if you do not have a star, for those of you that do not know, in your Galaxy you die. All life dies. You need that energy in order to live. So that was would have been.Catastrophic. There was another dead man switch that involved moons just like happened before in Harris history where we lost our moon somewhere around 18,000 years ago and then.We got the one we have now, which was a giant space station or kind of still is a giant space station. It's just not manned and it's not used for that anymore for the last couple years anyway, much to the Deep State's dismay.But we do need it.You know, moon does control to some degree water. So as long as we're using it in a positive way, you know, we we need it at this moment till we can figure out how to get something more natural.Hasn't been a major concern compared to all the other things going on. It's been neutralized. So that's a positive thing. So as far as.This push and pull that went on on Monday, I'm sorry, Wednesday.Yeah, he definitely put in a lot of.Automated time released and I use the word time loosely here.Time released space junk and had definitely planned to blow this place, it's and many others actually at the same time. So that is why we were so busy on Wednesday as far as.Trying to push us back. The deep state believed that they had until.This morning, at least some of them to see a movement in the other direction again.They also thought that because that happened 3,000,000 years ago, apparently they have this knowledge.
水曜日に起こったことは、ディープステートが期待していたことです。彼らは、もう存在しない神々をなだめるために、古いエネルギー吸い上げ方法さえ利用しようとしたと言えるでしょう。私たちが話していたように、他の宇宙にエネルギーを送るためだったのでしょう。今週の初め、少し前だったと思います。この特定の例では、少しずつ問題に直面しました。最近期限が切れた契約の 1 つは、ブラック マジシャンとの契約に関係していました。
ブラック マジシャンは、マルドゥクと同じように称号です。そして、黒魔術師として、あなたは通常、地獄の72人の公爵の1人になります。聖書や他の神話では、その地位は状況に応じて回転します。しかし、彼は反創造の支配者であったと言えるでしょう。つまり、しばらくの間、どちらの世界も支配していなかったということです。他の潜在的なテラフォーミング宇宙とともに。それが彼がそれを使用した理由です。
今、彼が登場しました。最近、私は最近と言いましたが、この用語は緩く使っています。約300万年前で、Real Historyシリーズを終了できませんでしたが、いつか行う予定です。しかし、約300万年前、最近と同じように、合意された量のエネルギーがその創造物に流れていなかったという別の問題が発生しました。今、その存在はもう存在しませんが、デッドマンスイッチまたは「合意に従わない場合は、すべての創造物を一掃します」のようなことが水曜日の夜にトリガーされました。
Because that happened 3,000,000 years ago, it could most certainly happen again now. They felt in some way that this would restore power for them.They also try to exit to the neither world most recently, and now we know why.You know, of course, they were always promised that they'd be kings somewhere else and.Yeah, maybe they'll realize what we've realized. Most demons are full of it, you know, they really are. They don't tell the truth, and they had no intention of fulfilling those promises. And now the deep state is stuck here with the rest of us. So congratulations, folks. But as far as anybody returning, there was nobody.To actually return it was a matter of a preset.Bob, so to speak. That would have went off kind of like a landmine. Does you know it? It could be sitting there dormant for years and the wrong person comes along and steps on it and boom, there it goes. And it was kind of the same thing with the covenant that expired. The fact that there was no.Any energy going to any of those worlds set off an automatic trigger. That's really all it was for the deep state. I'm sorry you guys didn't get any visits from any demons that you think are your friends and.They did try though, to be fair. So as the new moon started happening on Wednesday, they were all chanting quite a bit, especially after dark.
They particularly like to run around in circles with skirts on and so on and so forth after.With waving crystals around and.I'll hail Satan or whatever it is they say in various languages. The destroyer, the black magician or whatever. You know, they could have been singing, you know, an old song called Baby Come Back for all I know.But but there was a whole lot of chanting going on. So we did find a couple of groups, you know, all in the same location. And you never give up a good opportunity to get rid of a bunch of pedophiles and Satanists, so.Away they went, but we of course didn't get them all unfortunately, mainly because they were so far spread out they were unsure which location he was going to return to.So there were some chanters in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Uruguay, and they they thought that those two were their best bets. There were several locations around the world where they could have gone.They felt that most of those were dormant. I know that there were a lot of visitors from the SSP up in Nova Scotia at a ridiculous hour this morning, sometime around one 1:30 my time looking for something to have.Arrived there apparently in their favor, so they're always looking for somebody elses stuff.You know, and not to say that they don't have knowledge of things that happened in the past, but again, it's knowledge and it's not wisdom and things have changed. So they wonder why they keep continuously failing.This is the reason why you have knowledge. You have knowledge of the past. They have knowledge of things that could potentially happen that don't actually happen. But when you have wisdom, you have the ability to stop all that.You have the knowledge of the wisdom to see it coming. You are given warnings by source when something is coming. And I'm sure a lot of you get those inklings too. It's not quite to this degree.Maybe it is for some of you, but I know that a lot of you get that little bit of intuition, you know? Oh God, I really got to go to this particular place on this day. Or don't let me forget to call so and so or.I don't feel comfortable with sending my kids to this school or I don't feel comfortable, you know, where I am right now and I probably need to leave or it's going to rain today and you know, traffic's going to be terrible. So, you know, I know I'm going to get into a traffic jam. I got to be.Of an accident. Maybe you had a vision of one or something like that. So you have your own version of wisdom.Which is only going to get better as we have less resistance. But you know there are many of you that do a lot with wisdom.There are many things that I know that all of you are capable of and I've talked to a lot of you here and there about these types of things and, and we're all very resourceful. We're a very resourceful race and we're still here.
So.The deep state has been tremendously disappointed. They still believe that it's possible for this to happen until the exact time of the new moon, which I think is sometime around seven, 7:30 AM tomorrow.Morning, I guess that's within the three day window. They've obviously got to know that things are spinning back in the right direction now. So we're going in the right direction, which means that the time window has passed.Some of them do know. I know they do try to tell the secret space program operatives this. Not like they actually listen to anybody but their own selves. And then this is trickling down to their promises of big payouts on Wednesday, possibly on Friday.Delaying operative calls till 10:00 AM Eastern Standard Time tomorrow morning because they still think they have a shot even though all indicators on quantum physics level will tell them otherwise so.Unfortunately, this is the way that governments decide to run their world. This is the way operatives decide to run their world, and their paychecks from the operatives on up and on down are all dependent on an alignment with Uranus and the possibility of a demon coming back to help the deep state.Doesn't get any funnier than that, except for I wish. I definitely wish I could get some kind of film that I could share with you on the GI. A report of these.Grown men dancing around in skirts and doing really strange things with crystals because you know, you think you found the funniest TikTok video in the world. You ain't seen nothing compared to this. Because it's hilarious if you ask me.It's definitely quite funny, but nonetheless not very fruitful.And you know, just as a quick reminder for those of you that are concerned about stuff like that, remember the dark side has to conjure something to make.A. Make black magic work. They are not acting within nature, therefore their magic, so to speak, is limited.Meaning.There's nobody there controlling the puppets in the puppet show. Then the puppets are not going to pop up, you know, if they've got a hand puppet and you know, they have to act out this little kids show, you know?And there's no hand there. Then there's no puppet. And that is the biggest thing they have to get past is that their demon friends don't come. The black energy doesn't come, even though they try to create darkness.Desperation, despair and lack in humanity. You know we still.Survive.And even that dark energy here and there when it's created doesn't generate anything for them. There's nobody home.You know these species don't exist in a golden age and sources making sure of it, so there's.There's not a whole lot that these guys can expect at this point, these men and women that believe in these.Crazy things. Although, you know, maybe we will have them dance around like that, you know, when we open our our converted UN building into the care facility in New York at some point because it's funny, you know, it's kind of comedy.Make him dance around like that. But now if that makes us no better than they are, I guess, huh?All right.But nonetheless, again, if there's nothing to conjure, there is nothing that's going to come and install a computer system for them. See they're dependent on.AI systems that are created by other beings. They did not create these AI systems. They had limited access to these AI systems. They could feed the AI systems with energy and feed the aliens, human flesh and other things that they did in the past. But.Again, they didn't actually create it. So on our end of it, we actually created it like we built it. Blood, Sweat and Tears built it, built the first one a long, long time ago and then built this one most recently. Therefore we understand fully how it works it.Dependent on deep state people. We didn't conjure anything to make it happen. It is quantum physics and a whole lot of source, let's put it that way, and permission.To work in accordance with natural law, things that are natural within nature, not the natural law, you know, in the straw man thing and all that kind of stuff that you see on the Internet. I'm talking about universal natural law here. So because we work within that way.We are able to build a system which will help with genesis of the universe and help with repair and changing DNA blueprints and all of the other things we've been working really hard on without the resistance that we've had in the past.So to my knowledge, at this moment in time, I should say my wisdom at this moment in time tells me that the door is completely closed already.However, you know, we're going to have some people yelling, running around, yelling and screaming for a little while, and then they're going to have to get on a meeting tomorrow morning with all their friends at 10:00 AM and face the music. They will all be delayed. Countries will be delayed. There will be no more funding. I don't know if there is another alignment they're planning on.Trying to sell these people, push them off until March maybe. Maybe there's an Equinox special that demons put out. You know, I've not seen one yet, but maybe they think there could be one by then. But as far as this.Once in three million year Laura Croft like alignment where they could control time. Yeah, that times over. No more dead man switches, no more beings. Hopefully no more space junk and onward and upward humanity and earth go.
そして、ご存知のように、そのようなことを心配している皆さんへの簡単なリマインダーとして、ダークサイドは何かを作り出す必要があることを忘れないでください。A. 黒魔術を機能させる。彼らは自然の中で行動していないので、いわば彼らの魔法は限られています。つまり、人形劇で人形をコントロールする人は誰もいません。人形は飛び出しません。もし彼らが手で操る人形を持っていて、この小さな子供向けのショーを演じなければならないとしたら、わかりますよね?そしてそこには手がありません。人形もありません。
そういうやり方で取り組んでいるからこそ、宇宙の起源や DNA の設計図の修復や変更、そして私たちがこれまで懸命に取り組んできた他のすべてのことに役立つシステムを構築できるのです。過去にあったような抵抗を受けることなく。ですから、私の知る限り、現時点では、私の知恵によれば、扉はすでに完全に閉ざされていると言えます。
しかし、ご存知のように、しばらくは叫び声を上げたり、走り回ったり、叫んだりする人が出てくるでしょう。そして、彼らは明日の朝 10 時に友人全員と会議を開き、現実を直視しなければなりません。全員が遅れるでしょう。国々も遅れるでしょう。資金はもうありません。彼らが計画している別の調整があるかどうかはわかりません。これらの人々を売り込もうとしているのでしょう。3 月まで延期するかもしれません。悪魔が出すエクイノックス スペシャルがあるかもしれません。
So that's a positive thing for us.It's bit by bit, piece by piece. It's like diffusing a Universal bong. If you haven't seen that Lara Croft movie, it's pretty good movie. I've seen it a couple times. I think there's two or three of them out there, but this particular one I think is the first one. Angelina Jolie's in it, and it's about.The Illuminati trying to control time. So that was the theme for the last few days.For sure.And they failed in the movie, and they'll fail. God, now I ruined the movie, if you haven't seen it. But they failed in the movie and they're going to fail. They failed miserably by this afternoon as well. So onward and upward. Hopefully it'll be a good weekend. I think we're still in bumpy territory, probably for another.Week or so that's my opinion We do have some fun that we're going to have this weekend as far as.Let's just say you know.We got some interesting things. I'm going to leave it at that. We'll leave that one for Mondays report. So on that note, all of you have a wonderful weekend and we will see you on Monday.