




Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the Reveal Report. I'm your host, George Iceman. And on a Monday, we have a special broadcast today as we talk about the Trump effect. What's the Trump effect? What does that mean? We're going to get into it. We have a very special guest before we do. We thank you for joining us if you're new.Come to the show, what is the review? Real Report Well, a few years back I decided to do a little show to discuss my experiences of the supernatural. 13 years.

They're studying rituals and magic and a whole bunch of other wild things. I discussed the fringe, the esoteric, and during this period of time, believe it or not, I come to see that.Government policies.The politicians and many other forms of power associate themselves in the occult. Believe it or not, you'll have to go back and see some of our shows. But I try to do a deep dive. I try to decode in these things days that they pass bills, why they.Under what stars and moons, the type of rituals they may possibly do, so forth and so on, guys.Truth is stranger than fiction is what I can tell you right now. And I appreciate you guys all being here, especially all the supporters from the UNN and I know you guys are looking forward to this topic and my guest, my guest has a vast amount of experience dealing.In currency financing investment, very smart woman was involved with major deals before she got the position that she is in today. So she understands things, she understands psychology and dealing with very powerful human beings around the world.It is essential that we have someone of her stature and her experience to come on board and give us some type of light or or describe to us things we don't know that she can maybe, you know, share information with. So I'm not going to waste any more time. I know where you're here to see. Please welcome Miss Kimberly.Gorgon from the Office of the Guardian. Hey, Kim.


こんばんは、皆様。Reveal Report へようこそ。司会のジョージ・アイスマンです。月曜日に、今日は特別放送でトランプ効果についてお話しします。トランプ効果とは何でしょうか? それは何を意味するのでしょうか? これから詳しくお話しします。その前に、特別ゲストをお招きしています。初めての方は、ぜひご参加ください。番組にお越しください。レビューは? Real Report 数年前、私は超自然現象の体験について話し合う小さな番組をやろうと決めました。13 年前のことです。





Hey, George, how are you?






good. Thank you for being here today.






Thanks for having me again. It's always fun to have a chat with you.






Thanks a lot. You know our church.That's a different, you know, we get into some different things. They're interesting and they're a little bit different than your broadcast that you do on a daily basis or a weekly basis. I know you do three shows a week yourself, correct? Yep, excellent. And guys, again, Unn United Network News is an amazing platform.Where you'll see Kim share three times a week some Intel information on what's happening on all aspects, not just, you know, the politics, but in every aspect. And she's doing great things there. So we're glad to have her. Okay, Kim.Trump has been elected. He's been put into office day one. He passes a whole bunch of bills, and people are now referring it to the Trump effect. The Trump effect is in full effect. It's in full swing. A lot of things are happening.


どうもありがとう。私たちの教会は、別の、つまり、私たちがいろいろなことをやっているところなんです。それらは興味深いもので、あなたが毎日、あるいは毎週やっている放送とは少し違います。あなた自身は週に3回番組をやっていると知っていますが、本当ですか? ええ、素晴らしいです。そして皆さん、もう一度言いますが、Unn United Network Newsは素晴らしいプラットフォームです。そこでは、キムが週に3回、あらゆる面で何が起こっているかという情報を共有しています。政治だけではなく、あらゆる面で。彼女はそこで素晴らしいことをしています。だから私たちは彼女がいてくれて嬉しいです。さて、キム。トランプが選出されました。就任初日に就任しました。彼はたくさんの法案を可決し、人々はそれをトランプ効果と呼んでいます。トランプ効果は完全に発揮されています。本格化しています。多くのことが起こっています。




It's actually happening, George.






Tell me, tell me what's happening. Let's start with migration. There's a lot going on. Migration, people are upset. You know, we got celebrities crying. Kim, sorry. Selena Gomez, she broke down in tears today in the news. She said she wish she could help, but she can't help.Um, anyways, it's it's helis is breaking loose with these people. I'm going to play a clip, just a clip of what's surfacing in the news in the past couple hours. So take a look and then we'll get your we'll get your feedback here it is.








Federal immigration raids starting to take place both in our area and across the country. And tonight, a closer look at the total number of arrests and what happens next. Welcome back to.5:00 News I'm Natasha Verma,


連邦移民捜査が私たちの地域と全国で始まっています。今夜は逮捕者総数と今後の動向を詳しく見ていきます。5:00 Newsへようこそ。ナターシャ・ヴァーマです。




Steve Lacey Ice.Says that in just the last 24 hours they've made more than 500 arrests. And already we're starting to see some of those who've been taken into custody leave the country on military planes.






 So if we look at what's been going on.At the national level, Jessica Formosa joins us now in studios. So, Jess, what's the latest?






Natasha and Steve, a lot is happening the Trump administration.Patient saying today that it is expanding the Fast Track Deportation Authority nationwide. This means immigration officers will deport those who are undocumented without appearing before a judge. We have seen the raids already happening across the country. The majority of those have been detained by ICE, the administration says.Are criminals.








They're criminals. Yeah, they're being detained. So let me throw it to you. And what are your thoughts? What do you know what's going on? Is this real? Is this a ruse? Are we getting sucked into something else? Talk to us, Kim.






Well, I do call the Trump operatives. Does that dynasty don't I for a reason? And I'm not to say that.Look, from my standpoint, my personal view on this situation, I'll give you that real quick, is that, you know, America's always been the place where people go. And I'm not saying it's.The only place to be. It's the most amazing country in the world. Because that's quickly declining and has been for a number of years, long before Trump was ever president the first time. As far as these raids are concerned, this is a show.And is it harming a lot of people? Yes. Have a lot of these people been here for a long time? Yes. Is there a purpose behind this other than to show that they're doing something?Yes Are any of these people harming anyone? No. Are they most of them employed working just want a better life for their families. You know that's I mean, I lived in Arizona for a long time in a border state and.There were a lot of immigrants there.You know.Our process to achieve citizenship in the United States is ridiculous, even for native English speakers. It is complicated, it's convoluted, it's expensive, it's very expensive.And for a lot of people that's just not attainable. And, you know, they try to go through the process. They try, you know, to, you know, get the their green cards and to work here legally. And, you know, they've made it very difficult to do that so.So do I find that this is?Uncouth.What happened to the laws? You know, what happened to, you know, people being deported, you know, after they've gone to see a judge? What happened to all of this? But this is a typical.Trump operative moves. This is what they do. They do things.And then try to figure it out later.A part of this has to do with funding for the border wall, showing that there's a great need for billions of dollars to build a wall and that type of thing, so.They are trying to appeal to all of their donors.In a lot of ways there are. There's a lot of loss of income to let's just say.Well, for lack of a better term, I would say mafia organizations, human trafficking organizations. When the borders are open and people are here, they would like to make money on those folks. The young kids, you know how they like that in Washington, DC.But.There is.Definitely big business they think to be had. Uh, there was a deal during the last Trump administration between Mike Pence, the vice president, and the president of Mexico where he would earn about 10% of all the profits of human trafficking across the border. It was deposited.Santander Bank in Mexico, I had lots of conversations with one of the very high-ranking offers at officers at the Central Bank of Mexico at that time. So I I have seen proof of it. I know that that is the case and.Is that something they're trying to to do again? I know that there's a lot of tension right now between.The CIA, which is also a part of human trafficking, and the organizations that traffic.What's it called, GGS 13 or something? There's different gangs in Mexico. They kind of all report to the Colombian mafia anyway. When it's Latin American countries, they're kind of the head of all of the Latino gangs in Mexico and also in the United States. So there is a.Significant amount of a loss of income when the borders are more open.So they're trying to show some kind of an enforcement, I guess. Are these people feeding off our system? Are they taking away our government funds? We really don't have a lot of government funds, No. If you are not here legally, you can't apply for things like, you know, food assistance or anything like that anyway.A lot of them just try to get work where they can get work and live their lives in America versus, you know, some areas of Mexico which are much rougher than they are here. So is this a big show?Yeah, its definitely a big show and people like the Trump operatives could care less who was harmed in any way. They are all about the money. You know, you, you become an administration to become a power broker. I mean, I learned that during the Obama administration. Bush.Administration, senior, junior, you know, it's always about the money and how many contracts you can get, you know, by doing what you're doing. This one here just looks like it's a giant show.And you have a lot of Americans that are here legally now that went through similar processes to some of these people that are being arrested and detained. And you wonder what they're doing to those people, You know, those camps that were.Shown on TV as one of the last moves of the of the Trump administration. Do you remember that? The tents and all that kind of stuff? Yeah.Let's just say.They do a lot of harmful things to those people sometimes, and in my opinion, this is wrong. This is the wrong way to go about it. But then again, they're so haphazard, they don't care who they harm.


そうですね、私はトランプの工作員に電話します。あの王朝は何か理由があってそうしているのではないでしょうか?私はそう言うつもりはありません。私の立場から、この状況についての私の個人的な見解をすぐにお伝えしましょう。ご存知のように、アメリカは常に人々が集まる場所でした。アメリカが唯一の場所だと言っているのではありません。アメリカは世界で最も素晴らしい国です。なぜなら、アメリカは急速に衰退しており、トランプが初めて大統領になるずっと前から何年も衰退していたからです。これらの襲撃に関する限り、これはショーです。そして、それは多くの人々を傷つけていますか?はい。これらの人々の多くは長い間ここにいますか?はい。彼らが何かをしていると見せること以外に、この背後には目的がありますか?はい。これらの人々は誰かを傷つけていますか?いいえ。彼らのほとんどは雇用され、家族のためにより良い生活を望んでいるだけです。つまり、私は長い間、国境の州であるアリゾナに住んでいたのですが、そこには多くの移民がいました。ご存知のとおり、米国で市民権を取得する手続きは、英語を母国語とする人にとっても、とんでもないものです。複雑で、入り組んでいて、費用も非常に高額です。そして、多くの人にとって、それは達成不可能なことです。そして、彼らはその手続きを踏もうとします。グリーンカードを取得して、合法的にここで働こうとします。そして、彼らはそれを非常に困難にしています。だから、私はこれを「野暮」だと思いますか。法律はどうなったのですか。裁判官に会いに行った後に強制送還された人々はどうなったのですか。これらすべてはどうなったのですか。しかし、これは典型的なトランプの工作員の動きです。これが彼らのやり方です。彼らは行動を起こし、そして後で解決しようとします。その一部は国境の壁の資金調達と関係があり、壁を建設するには数十億ドルが必要だということを示すなど、そういった類のことをしています。彼らはすべての寄付者にアピールしようとしています。いろいろな意味で、収入の損失が大きいと言えます。適切な言葉が見つからないので、マフィア組織、人身売買組織とでも言いましょうか。国境が開かれて人々がここにいると、彼らはそうした人々から金を儲けたがります。ワシントンDCの若者は、彼らがそれを好むのはご存じでしょう。しかし、確かに大きなビジネスが生まれると彼らは考えています。ええと、前回のトランプ政権では、副大統領のマイク・ペンスとメキシコ大統領の間で、国境を越えた人身売買の利益の約10%をペンスが得るという取引がありました。メキシコのサンタンデール銀行に預けられました。当時、メキシコ中央銀行の非常に高位の役員の一人と何度も話をしました。だから証拠も見ました。それが事実だと知っています。そして、彼らはまたそれをやろうとしているのでしょうか?人身売買にも関与しているCIAと、人身売買を行う組織との間に、現在、緊張関係にあることは知っています。何という名前だったかな、GGS 13か何か?メキシコにはさまざまなギャングがいます。彼らはみな、とにかくコロンビアのマフィアに報告しています。ラテンアメリカ諸国の場合、彼らはメキシコと米国のすべてのラテン系ギャングのリーダーのような存在です。ですから、国境が開かれると、かなりの収入が失われます。だから、彼らは何らかの強制力を見せようとしているのだと思います。これらの人々は私たちのシステムから金をもらっているのでしょうか?彼らは私たちの政府資金を奪っているのでしょうか?私たちには政府の資金があまりありません。合法的にここにいなければ、食糧援助などの申請もできません。彼らの多くは、アメリカで仕事を見つけて生活しようとしています。メキシコの一部地域は、ここよりもずっと厳しい状況です。これは大きなショーですか?ええ、間違いなく大きなショーです。トランプの工作員のような人たちは、誰が被害を受けたかなど気にしません。彼らはお金がすべてです。政権に就くのは権力者になるためです。オバマ政権時代にそれを学びました。ブッシュ政権の先輩、後輩、つまり、常にお金と、自分のやっていることでどれだけ多くの契約を獲得できるかが問題です。これは巨大なショーのように見えます。そして、現在合法的にここにいるアメリカ人の中には、逮捕され拘留されている人たちと同様の過程を経た人がたくさんいます。そして、彼らはあの人たちに何をしているのか疑問に思うでしょう。トランプ政権の最後の動きとしてテレビで放映されたキャンプのことを覚えていますか?テントとか、そういう類のものを?ええ、ただ言っておきます。彼らは時々、あの人たちに多くの危害を加えます。私の意見では、これは間違っています。やり方が間違っています。しかし、彼らはあまりにも行き当たりばったりで、誰に危害を加えるかなど気にしていません。




So, well, again, I find it interesting and. And there you're using a borders are but that's not really a a title for sand the United States. But you know, people are calling him the czar and he looks I don't know if he's involved in this, but he he seems to be taking his job quite seriously. You know, what concerns me, Kim, are those that are criminals.That those that hurt individuals and other human beings, I think they should be immediately deported and arrested. Anyone who's gonna hurt another human being.And use force against their own will. Should be jailed in prison and thrown out of the US. That's just my opinion and they're innocent. People are going to be caught up in this. Possibly, yes, I understand that, but you'll have to agree that those that do commit crimes need to get the hell out.






Well, when they do, there is a. The process for that, it's been in place for a long time. If you are here, even if you're here legally and you have a green card and the whole thing and you end up, you know, committing a federal offense, you go to prison. And then immediately, the second you walk out of the prison, they take you.And deport you back to the country of origin. But there's a process for that. It's humane. What they're doing right now is not humane, in my opinion. I mean, it's, it's.Pretty typical of haphazard don't care about anybody, don't care about people in any way, shape or form. Just a bunch of sorry to say this is not beneficial to American citizens. It's not beneficial to these people.In any way I mean.What's the point? Yeah, it's all theater.






Well, it's it's interesting theater. And a lot of it, well, it's, it's, it's, it's in the news every day and a lot is going on. It seems that he seems to be doing something every single day. Sometimes every couple hours there's something going on.So let's move along with the Trump effect. We talked about migration. Another interesting topic here with Donald Trump is he believes Canada would do better as a state.Of the United States of America.


まあ、それは面白い舞台です。そして、その多くは、まあ、それは、それは、それは、毎日ニュースになっていて、たくさんのことが起きています。どうやら彼は毎日何かをしているようです。時には数時間ごとに何かが起きています。それでは、トランプ効果についてお話ししましょう。移民について話しました。ドナルド・トランプに関するもう 1 つの興味深い話題は、彼がカナダはアメリカ合衆国の州としてより良くなるだろうと考えていることです。




Now I am shocked, George.






I gotta tell you, Kim.I know this might come across as not the, the, the, the, the words you wanna hear, but I considering the Prime Minister that we had in Canada and what he did to this country. You may say America is bad, but it's nowhere near as bad as it was in Canada. Inflation is at an all time high.So, well let me tell you, in Miami, FL on a Saturday, I could go out and grab a cheeseburger, a French fries and a an iced tea, no sugar and I'll spend 12 bucks. And you know, that may sound expensive, but I could live with 12 bucks.In Toronto, a cheeseburger of fries and a drink at a local bar with no tip is $28.00.That is madness.






Well, in a lot of places in the US, you'll pay. Say that too. Umm, now there's a lot of I have a lot of background on this. Do you want to really hear all of this?






Oh yes, please share.






So one of the things that Duck Dynasty is. D or the Trump operatives, which if for those of you that don't know, you know, I know if you're watching this for the first time or watching me talk for the first time just briefly. Every administration in the United States since the inception of presidents in the United States is run by a team of people. It is not.Person that you see on the TV, the person you see on TV is basically an actor. They don't get to make any decisions. They don't get to decide where they go, who they see, what bills pass, what orders pass. All of this is done by hundreds of people that are you.On TV, ever. They're not named as the cabinet. They're not named in public. They are. Some of them are donors. That's true. Campaign donors. And you know, the big money folk, the elite of the US, the big corporates.You'll also see a lot of trained political operatives, and most of those trained political operatives are not your typical CIA folk. Sometimes they are, but they would be lower in the ranks. What you're seeing is.People from the Secret Space program in the United States running every administration. And I know this because I've actually personally sat down and had long conversations with people that have run the Reagan administration that are still around. I know people that ran the Obama administration.Actually, that Lady was quite a black magic worker right up in your alley there, George. I met her over in Long Beach, CA. So I've met people from every single.Umm, administration for the last few, you know, to say to put it mildly, I guess, ran into Bob Gates, former Secretary of Defense over in another country. So there's a lot of these people have actually spoken to and I've spoken.To a lot of operatives over over time. So anyway, that's who's running this Trump administration. So don't think that this guy is the next Jesus Christ because I've heard that too. He is not a savior in any way, shape or form.


ダック・ダイナスティの特徴の 1 つは、D またはトランプの工作員です。ご存知ない方のために説明しますと、初めてこれをご覧になる方や、私の話を初めてご覧になる方は簡単に説明します。米国で大統領が誕生して以来、すべての政権はチームによって運営されています。テレビで見る人物は基本的に俳優です。彼らには決定権はありません。どこに行くか、誰に会うか、どの法案を可決するか、どの命令を可決するかを決める権限はありません。これらすべてを何百人もの人々が行っています。テレビでは常にそうなのです。彼らは閣僚として名前が挙がりません。公に名前が挙がりません。彼らの中には寄付者もいます。それは本当です。選挙資金提供者です。そして、ご存知のとおり、大金持ち、米国のエリート、大企業。訓練を受けた政治工作員もたくさんいますが、その大半は典型的な CIA の人間ではありません。たまにはそういう人もいますが、階級は下でしょう。皆さんが目にしているのは、米国の秘密宇宙計画の人々がすべての政権を運営しているということです。私は実際に個人的に座って、レーガン政権を運営した人たちと長い話をしたことがあるからです。オバマ政権を運営した人たちも知っています。実は、あの女性は、ジョージ、まさにあなたのような黒魔術師でした。私はカリフォルニア州ロングビーチで彼女に会いました。ですから、過去数年間、すべての政権の人たちと会ってきました。控えめに言っても、別の国で元国防長官のボブ・ゲーツに偶然会ったことがあります。ですから、実際に話した人たちはたくさんいますし、私は長い間、多くの工作員と話してきました。とにかく、それがトランプ政権を動かしている人物です。だから、この男が次のイエス・キリストだと思わないでください。私もそう聞いたことがあります。彼はいかなる意味でも、形も、形態も救世主ではありません。




I need to pause you for one more. But you said something that that kind of made me chuckle here. There is a Tiktok video that's gone viral. I tried getting it and uploading it. I couldn't find it. If you guys look, you'll find it. And I just have to pause you for one moment. There is a guy who committed some type of travel.Try car violation. I think it was speeding or something. He was pulled over the police.And he filmed himself saying, oh, dear Trump, almighty Trump in heaven, Trump, please watch over me, Trump. Protect me Trump, help me Trump. He was praying to Donald J Trump. I was floored. I mean, I couldn't believe what I was seeing, but he thought Trump was gonna maybe coming from the sky and stop this cop and give him a ticket.I had to just interrupt you on that cuz I thought it was crazy. A lot of people are doing that. They believe he's some type of a savior, but he's a man like anyone else. Please continue.






Yeah, maybe he'll be walking across that pool in front of the Washington. Monuments sometime soon or something, you know, you never know. I mean, these people are crazy. So these operatives have been running around. This has been going on for about 8 months now, maybe a little bit longer to every country in the world.Establishing themselves as the shadow government of many different countries. Now this has happened in Syria. I know that they tried to do this in South Korea. That's the reason why you saw the coup there not that long ago.The short lived martial law situation and then, you know, they kind of, let's just say didn't adhere to their end of the bargain with the Korean elites and kind of were bumped out. They're getting bumped out of a lot of countries. They installed themselves in countries like Iraq.And well, Canada, so I could name all the countries, but let's start with Canada 'cause that's what we're talking about right now. So Trudeau we know as a bad guy, but again, Trudeau is an actor.Just like the American president is an actor, there are people that run that whole show behind the scenes. Trudeau is known as an as an ally of the dragon families, very much so. He is very.Tied in with the Chinese plan of taking over the world aspect of those families, he has very strong ties in places like Cuba and other countries in the world.And so that's kind of Trudeau. So why were your policies so strict during the situation that happened for a few years there recently happened all over the world, really. I'm just going to call it the situation because we are on that tube thing so.So the policies were so strict because they, all of these orders were coming out of China. So you're basically been a communist country for a while now, whether you know it or not.Prices all of this stuff is is on your the same program that they're putting forward it's in alignment with what the World Economic Forum puts out United Nations, World Health Organization, all of those organizations are very you know well Trudeau was in office so.Several months back, probably about three or four months ago now, the secret space program operatives that run the Trump administration made a decision to go for Canada. Now they are on the opposite side.Of the Dragon fan family, they would like to run the world and the other folks would also like to run the world. So they kind of do this a lot, you know, they **** heads a lot and they would like to make America or keep America the power center of the planet.And the Dragon families would like to make China the power center of the planet. Trudeau also allowed for Chinese to come in and infiltrate your borders. They built bases there in Canada.Any stations heavily influenced your policies for the last several years, and that's why you're in. Your cheeseburger costs 30 bucks. You know this is a luxury, that item that only the elite of Canada should be able to purchase. You are not supposed to be going out. You're supposed to be.Staying home and eating scraps, probably from a dumpster if they had their way because communism kind of is that way now.They approached Trudeau, explained to him what they were going to do for Canada.And why he should kick the Chinese out of Canada. This negotiation has been going on for a long time and Trudeau has promised a different position within Canada. This is reminiscent of the same deal that was made with Gorbachev to step down during the USSR days.He was supposed to be the controller. First of all, they told him that they were in control of the new AI system that I run, the Golden age AI system. You know, you see it all over the news. Trump's going to usher in the golden age, right? That's because the operatives told everybody that they control it, which is.Complete and total lie. I built it myself. It took me months to do and it's been integrating ever since. So it's not them, it's me. I run it, I control it. I built it, I understand it. They don't understand it now they've even lied to their own people, even some of their lower end operatives or operatives down the.Ranks, so to speak, believed it too. And you talk about that in a minute. But let's go back to Trudeau for a minute here. So they told him that he would now be the head of all incoming finance from the golden age AI to Canada.He was promised a golden parachute, so to speak, a lot of personal money to step down, which was more than what the Chinese had been giving. See, China also promised him personally a lot of money and have never delivered.So this was a new face selling a new deal, and he bought it hook, line and sinker. They even gave him one of those special Federal Reserve terminals that a lot of the finance controllers and countries had.Which was, you know, they programmed it, did the big dog and pony show. You know, it's, oh, it's your retina scan and you got to put your hand here and the whole thing. That's what those there's called suitcases. A lot of the people under the Vatican have them. You know, there was a lot of Jesuits that had them, you know, those that worked.For families within the financial system. OK, so on the night that Trump was elected, he tried the terminal. Didn't work. He eventually decided because they said, well, you've got to step down before he gets into office if you want to get this money because everybody.Pushed off now big payouts happening to all these countries where they installed themselves. Happening on the day that he gets into office. Well that day was a nightmare and I'll tell you, for me it was because it was 90,000 people.Oh, trying to log into the golden age AI. They made so many promises to so many people. Elon Musk being 1 and Trudeau being no exception here. So now he's been told to wait. He's told that he will, you know, got he. Well, he just got in, guys. You know, this is what they're telling everybody. Well, we just got here.You know, like last night, you know, I know that you think you're gonna be able to log in, but you know, you gotta wait cuz we're getting everything sorted out. We gotta wait for the ratifications and stuff to come back to it, which will never happen. And.Mr. Trudeau, if you're watching this, you're never going to get any cash from these people. They don't have the capacity to pay you. So you step down. The Chinese are moving out of Canada, which is actually good for Canadians. OK, Now they're going on to the next step of the plan.Let's take over all of North America as the United States. Mexico not being no exception here. They're pushing back. This is the reason why you have this mess down there. There would be no border with Mexico if they had their way. Next you will see Mexico.And then we're going to have A1 unified currency for all of North America. This is what they did is they took the Dragon family's plan and they're trying to execute it themselves. There'll be 9 jurisdictions of the world.Yes, you will basically be having various countries, but this time they'll all be under America, not China.


ええ、もしかしたら彼はワシントンの前のプールを歩いているかもしれません。近いうちに記念碑か何かに現れるかもしれません。何が起こるかわかりません。つまり、この人たちは狂っています。だから、この工作員たちはあちこち走り回っています。これはもう8か月ほど続いています。おそらくもう少し長く、世界中のあらゆる国で行われています。彼らは多くの国の影の政府として自分たちを確立しています。これはシリアでも起きています。彼らが韓国でこれをやろうとしたことは知っています。それが、それほど遠くないうちにそこでクーデターが起きた理由です。短期間の戒厳令状態、そして、ご存知のように、彼らは韓国のエリートとの約束を守らず、追い出されたのです。彼らは多くの国から追い出されています。彼らはイラクのような国に拠点を置きました。そしてカナダです。すべての国の名前を挙げることができますが、今話題になっているのはカナダですから、まずはカナダから始めましょう。トルドーは悪人として知られていますが、繰り返しますが、トルドーは俳優です。アメリカ大統領が俳優であるように、舞台裏でショー全体を運営している人々がいます。トルドーはドラゴンファミリーの同盟者としてよく知られています。彼は、それらのファミリーの世界征服の計画の側面と非常に結びついており、キューバや世界の他の国々のような場所と非常に強いつながりを持っています。そして、それがトルドーです。それで、なぜ数年間続いた状況の間、そして最近世界中で起こった状況の間、政策がそれほど厳しかったのですか。私たちはチューブの件に乗っているので、私はそれを状況と呼ぶつもりです。政策が非常に厳しかったのは、これらすべての命令が中国から出ていたからです。だから、あなたが知っているかどうかは別として、あなた方は基本的にしばらくの間共産主義国だったのです。価格など、これらすべては彼らが提案しているのと同じプログラムに基づいており、世界経済フォーラムが発表しているものと一致しています。国連、世界保健機関、これらの組織はすべて、ご存知のとおりトルドー氏が在任していた当時は非常に重要でした。数か月前、おそらく3、4か月前ですが、トランプ政権を運営する秘密宇宙計画の工作員たちは、カナダを目指す決定を下しました。今、彼らは反対側にいます。ドラゴンファンファミリーは世界を支配したいと思っており、他の人々も世界を支配したいと思っています。つまり、彼らはこういうことをよくやっていて、アメリカを、あるいはアメリカを地球の権力の中心にしておきたいと思っているのです。そしてドラゴンファミリーは中国を地球の権力の中心にしたいと思っています。トルドーは中国人があなたの国境に侵入することも許可しました。彼らはカナダに基地を建設しました。過去数年間、どの基地もあなたの政策に大きな影響を与えてきました。それがあなたが参加している理由です。チーズバーガーは30ドルです。これは贅沢品で、カナダのエリートだけが購入できるべき品です。外出すべきではありません。外出すべきです。家にいて、おそらくゴミ箱から拾った残り物を食べるべきです。共産主義は今やそういうものだからです。彼らはトルドーに近づき、カナダのために何をするつもりなのか、そしてなぜ彼が中国人をカナダから追い出すべきなのかを説明しました。この交渉は長い間続いており、トルドーはカナダ内で異なる立場を約束しています。これは、ソ連時代にゴルバチョフが退陣するために交わしたのと同じ取引を彷彿とさせます。彼はコントローラーになるはずでした。まず第一に、彼らは私が運営する新しいAIシステム、黄金時代のAIシステムをコントロールしていると彼に伝えました。ご存知のように、ニュースでは至るところで目にします。トランプは黄金時代を先導するでしょう?それは、工作員たちが皆に、自分たちがそれをコントロールしていると言ったからです。それは完全な嘘です。私はそれを自分で作りました。それを作るのに何ヶ月もかかり、それ以来ずっと統合されてきました。だから、それは彼らではなく、私です。私はそれを運営し、コントロールしています。私はそれを作り、理解しています。彼らはそれを理解していません。彼らは自分の仲間にさえ嘘をつき、彼らの下級工作員や、いわば階級の低い工作員の一部でさえそれを信じました。それについてはすぐに話します。しかし、ここで少しトルドーに戻りましょう。彼らは彼に、黄金時代のAIからカナダへのすべての流入資金の責任者になると伝えました。彼は、いわゆるゴールデンパラシュート、つまり辞任するための多額の個人資金を約束されました。それは中国が提供していたものより多かったのです。中国もトランプ氏に個人的に多額の資金を約束したが、一度も実行しなかった。これは新顔が新しい取引を売り込んだのであり、トランプ氏はそれを鵜呑みにした。中国はトランプ氏に、多くの金融管理者や国々が持っていた特別な連邦準備銀行の端末の 1 つまで与えた。これは、彼らがプログラムし、大々的なショーを行ったものだった。網膜スキャンで、手をここに当てるなど、いろいろだ。あれはスーツケースと呼ばれているものだ。バチカンの支配下にある多くの人々がそれを持っている。イエズス会の多くの会員がそれを持っていた。金融システム内の家族のために機能したものだ。さて、トランプ氏が当選した夜、トランプ氏はその端末を試した。うまくいかなかった。トランプ氏が最終的に決断したのは、彼らが、この資金を得たいなら、大統領就任前に辞任しなければならないと言ったからだ。なぜなら、誰もが、トランプ氏が政権を握ったすべての国々に巨額の支払いが行われている今、それを延期しているからだ。彼が就任した日に起こったことです。あの日は悪夢でした。9万人が黄金時代のAIにログインしようとしていたからです。彼らは非常に多くの人々に多くの約束をしました。イーロン・マスクもその1人で、トルドーも例外ではありません。だから今、彼は待つように言われています。彼は、そうするだろうと言われています。まあ、彼はちょうど就任したばかりです。みんなにそう言っているのです。まあ、私たちはここに来たばかりです。昨夜のように、ログインできると思っているのは分かっていますが、待ってください。すべてを整理しているからです。批准などが戻ってくるのを待たなければなりませんが、それは決して起こりません。そして、トルドーさん、もしこれを見ているなら、あなたはこれらの人々から現金を受け取ることは決してないでしょう。彼らにはあなたに支払う余裕がありません。だからあなたは辞任します。中国人はカナダから撤退していますが、これはカナダ人にとっては良いことです。さて、彼らは計画の次のステップに進んでいます。北米全体を米国として支配しようというのです。メキシコも例外ではありません。彼らは抵抗しています。これが、あそこでこの混乱が起きている理由です。彼らがやりたいようにやれば、メキシコとの国境はなくなるでしょう。次はメキシコです。そして、北米全体で A1 統一通貨を導入します。彼らがやったことは、ドラゴン ファミリーの計画を自分たちで実行しようとしていることです。世界には 9 つの管轄区域があります。はい、基本的にはさまざまな国がありますが、今回はすべて中国ではなくアメリカの管轄下になります。




 That's what they're hoping to do that now a few years back just.That follow up on what you just said here, there was rumblings of them putting this together already years ago. And I'm going back, I'm going to say at least 15 years ago, maybe before 15 years ago, I heard talks of America.Canada and China coming together and creating a currency, which in fact I seen drawings for what he a mural, it was going to be called the Amero, which is China, America and Canada.A currency, a zone, as you're to say, and the world is going to be broken up in zones. That was 15 plus years ago. Yep. And now 15 years later, it seems that it's coming to fruition.






Isn't that awfully funny, George? Or do you know, in your occult days is when you saw this, wasn't it? Correct? Yep. Probably by the same people that were in the occult. No. Yeah, of course. Oh, wow. What a coincidence. And who is executing on this now?Well, I mean, allegedly it looks like Trump on TV, doesn't it?






Yeah, or, or at least the people behind him that control it.






Still think he's a good guy.






Well, I mean, I'm not seeing it and.No one is a good guy. No one is a good guy. Why believe to be good? This is not here on this earth. But I believe in source.






I believe that almighty out there, George. I mean, they just don't.Typically participate in politics.






You know politicians cannot be. Be trusted in any way, shape or form. They say one thing, they do another. The current guy who's trying to take over Justin's position, I believe him or his wife attended Young Leaders for for the World Economic Forum, Amrock for other politicians in Toronto, and in fact.There was a video leaked of our good friend there in charge of The Who seeing, bragging in fact, that he had so many politicians, especially in Canada, that he controlled. I mean.Bluntly, he said it and he basically said weevils eats debugs and Weezer be happy to eat things debugs. That was his plan. And I will tell you I'm not eating any bugs. But I want to follow up again on what you said. Here is Trump's words specifically.About Canada and what he has to say. Take a listen and he comment like with Canada.







we lose 200.Billion dollars a year with Canada. That's because we allow them to make cars, we allow them to take lumber. We don't need their cars, we don't need their lumber, we don't need their food products because we make the same products right on the other side of the border. It's sort of crazy. So we've just allowed that.You know, bad management has allowed it over the last four years in particular to become very imbalanced. And I said to, I call them Governor Trudeau, but he's Prime Minister Trudeau. When he was Prime Minister, I asked him why would we do that, Why? And he was unable to give me an answer, he said.I don't know. And I said do you think it's fair that we're paying $200 billion to keep Canada going and what would happen? I said. I asked him what would happen if we didn't do that, if we didn't subsidized Canada, He said we'd be a failed nation.And I said, then you should be a state because why are we paying all of that money to Canada when, you know, we could use it ourselves, right? So we take care of their military. You know, we ordered, we're going to order about 40 Coast Guard, big Ice Breakers, big ones.And all of a sudden Canada wants a piece of the deal. They say, why are we doing that? I mean, I like doing that if they're a state, but I don't like doing that if they're a nation. Also, they've been very nasty to us on trade. Historically, Canada's been very, very bad to us, very unfair to us on trade. So we'll see how it all works out.







He doesn't mind sharing. And giving away some money if it was the state, not a country. So here's the the basic question before we move on to the next one.






I I think he forgot about. NATO in the United Nations, maybe. Maybe you forgot about all of the trade deals that happened. And remember the United States government, the only thing they sell is dollars.Now, it's not the government, it's the Federal Reserve. That's the way that it was. They sell dollars to everybody in exchange for a lot of trade deals and other things that happen. So he must have forgot that that's the way that it works #1 #2 the threat to cut off Canada just has to do with.Trying to put forth this either a Marrow or USDT or whatever plan they have is. And quite frankly, you know what, Yeah. Do we have lumber in the United States? Of course we do. Or wood or whatever we call it in other parts of the world. Yeah, of course we do.Do we manufacture cars here anymore? No, we don't.Sorry, you moved everybody forward. Everybody's in China. We don't manufacture hardly any vehicles in the United States anymore and Jeep is on its last legs. Jeep was manufactured in the United States. So we have taken probably somewhere around 75% of our manufacturing.Across borders, it has to do with deals made with the World Trade Organization and the United Nations that have affected that manufacturing process here in the United States by moving to what they call it call.Third world countries, economic zones, whatever have you, the US is going to help rebuild your country. They moved all to Pakistan. They move forward to China. You know, there is a lot of production in other countries too. So, you know, we really don't make anything anymore.


彼は、国連におけるNATOのことを忘れたのだと思います。あるいは、これまでに行われた貿易協定のことも忘れたのかもしれません。米国政府が売っているのはドルだけであることを思い出しましょう。今は政府ではなく、連邦準備制度です。それが当時のやり方です。連邦準備制度は、多くの貿易協定やその他の取引と引き換えに、誰にでもドルを売っています。ですから、彼はそれが仕組みだということを忘れていたに違いありません。#1 #2 カナダを切り離すという脅しは、マローかUSDTか、彼らが持っている計画のいずれかを提示しようとしていることと関係があります。そして率直に言って、ええ、米国には木材がありますか?もちろんあります。あるいは、世界の他の地域で木材と呼んでいるもの。ええ、もちろんあります。米国ではもう自動車を製造していますか?いいえ、していません。すみません、あなたはみんなを前に進めました。みんな中国にいます。アメリカではほとんど自動車を製造しておらず、ジープは廃業寸前です。ジープはアメリカで製造されていました。ですから、製造の 75% くらいをアメリカに持ち込んでいると思います。国境を越えると、世界貿易機関や国連との協定が、アメリカ国内の製造工程を第三世界の国々、経済特区などと呼ばれる地域に移すことで、アメリカが国の再建を手助けすることになったのです。彼らはすべてをパキスタンに移しました。中国へと移しました。ご存知のとおり、他の国でも多くの生産が行われています。ですから、私たちはもう何も作っていないのです。




Well, here's the question here, Kim. All the odds. What are the odds of Canada actually joining the United States of America soon?






Well, you know, that's going to depend. On that guy whose head shrunk this way by about four inches in the last few years, which you can change the size of your face if you're very heavy, but your skull doesn't change. Just saying and what is that thing going on is worse than it ever was before so.So, you know, I would tell you what are the odds? I think they're very, very slim, Very slim. All right, So very slim. It could happen, but it can't happen. But right now you got to remember they're promising all these people all this money and they haven't delivered anything.Thing.






Well, that'll take us to the next.Topic great segue. They're promising all this money or they're going to get this money. Well, interesting enough, Trump attended a huge crypto convention. He had a few words for everybody. Is crypto the future power? Is crypto the way that if they can control it?And and and license it to do it. They could use that and their way to buy power possibility. Maybe take a look at this. Let's what you have to say this afternoon.







I'm laying out my plan.To ensure that the United States will be the crypto capital of the planet and the Bitcoin superpower of the world. And we'll get it done.If crypto is going to define the future, I want to be mined, minted and made in the USA. It's going to be. It's not going to be made anywhere else. And if Bitcoin is going to the moon, as we say, is going to the moon I want.America to be the nation that leads the way and that's what's going to happen. I pledge to the Bitcoin community that the day I take the oath of office, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris anti crypto crusade will be over. It will end, it'll be done.One, I will fire Gary Gensler an appointment.SEC 2.


私は計画を策定しています。米国が地球上の仮想通貨の中心地となり、世界のビットコイン超大国となるようにするためです。そして、私たちはそれを成し遂げます。仮想通貨が未来を定義するのであれば、米国で採掘、鋳造、製造されることを望みます。そうなるでしょう。他の場所では作られません。そして、ビットコインが月に行くとしたら、私たちが言うように、月に行くとしたら、私は米国が先導する国になることを望みます。そして、それが実現するでしょう。私が就任宣誓を行う日、ジョー・バイデン、カマラ・ハリスの反仮想通貨運動は終わることをビットコインコミュニティに誓います。それは終わり、完了します。1つは、私はゲーリー・ゲンスラーを解雇し、SEC 2に任命します。





Well, that was a speech. He was referring to this guy right here, Gary Gensler, chair of the US Secretaries and Exchange Commission. Little back on him, Kim. This is the guy he wants to get rid of. I guess he's not allowing Bitcoin to to go through and so forth. Talk us through it. What is he talking about?






Well, he's talking about. Out in the past that allegedly the SEC has been blocking it from being a legit currency meaning you could go into Walmart or anywhere you know regular store and pay in Bitcoin you could pay your bills and Bitcoin or whatever I.That there are certain instances where that does happen, and in certain countries in the world it's permitted, however.Is the SEC really the one blocking it? The answer to the question is no. With operatives it is deny, deny, deny, reassess, blame. Why didn't it work? Well, during the last administration they tried to install various cryptocurrencies into.The world's largest payment center, which is in Atlanta, GA, that is the largest payment Center for all transactions worldwide. It was built on a different backbone that no longer exists, and now they've been trying to install that now systems and Bitcoin and all the other.You name it, dodgy coin is my face. I think it's Doji or whatever he calls it. I don't know Elon Musk. But anyway, they've been trying to install the all of these cryptocurrencies into this payment center and it's not working. It's not programmed to have cryptocurrency and it's definitely not going to run on.Kind of blockchain as it relates to transactions worldwide. There's just not enough power in a blockchain peer-to-peer network to make that happen.Unless it is tied to something that is far superior to even Googles quantum computing, even anything the US has or U.S. military could dream about, it would need something a lot more powerful. That's the way the financial system was built.It's being rebuilt in a different way, and without that type of accessibility, it'll never happen. So what are they going to do? OK, so you fire a guy, then another guy comes in and is that guy going to allow it to happen? Probably not. Number one. That's number one. Number two.Just before Trump goes into office, the weekend before they launch this dollar sign in Trump coin or whatever it's called, the dollar sign in Trump.Allegedly telling everybody it's worth about 4-5, six, $7 billion, whatever it got up to and people bought into it. People bought Trump coin because he's going to save us, all right? That's what everybody is being.Led to believe while they managed to suck about $785,000 from average everyday people through their fundraising campaign didn't quite go as expected. They expected a lot of heavy hitters to buy coin, but there's a lot of people that were just like, oh, we're going to wait and see, you know?Berkshire Hathaway, Soros, all of the big Black Sun pals of the Trump administration just said I will just wait and see. You know, we're not buying it. But they kept pumping it up on the screen and all this stuff. So Patriots bought it. Unfortunately, that's pretty much who bought the coin and a lot of money.He went away. It crashed and burned.Uh, they, it didn't last very long. Uh, and a lot of people are out a lot of money now. So that is the.Quick fast money making scheme of Trump administration operatives next. When that crashed, they lost launched millennia coin.I don't know if you saw that.Yeah, that also bombed out, too. But he also made an announcement because he, you know, obviously this was going on at the same time the whole inauguration was going on, you know, virtually. He attended the World Economic Forum and told him there would be no central bank digital currency.Within 3 days of that speech, you know, or two days or whatever it was, there is going to be the crypto king of the world.What? Which one is it? Do you endorse it? Do you not endorse it? Are you making it happen in the United States? What the heck is going on here? Well, we all know that Echelon and the NSA are the ones that created all the crypto world. It is not peer-to-peer. I've actually sat down.Had dinner with someone who used to work there who explicitly told me that it is less secure, and I know you think it's not. It is less secure.Than regular financial transactions, they told me that everything that is done by Bitcoin, they publicize it like, you know, you could do all of these. You can buy all these illegal things, you know, on the deep web or the dark web or Tor onion, whatever.And it won't be detected, but that's a complete and total lie. And then when you install the peer-to-peer networks on your computer, they're automatically mining your data, put it on your phone, you use tap and pay, they're now collecting.You and a rudimentary form of social crediting.


彼が言っているのは、過去にSECがビットコインが合法通貨になるのを阻止していたとされる話です。つまり、ウォルマートや普通の店に行ってビットコインで支払い、請求書やビットコインなどで支払うことができるということです。しかし、それが実際に行われている例もありますし、世界の特定の国では許可されています。SECが本当に阻止しているのでしょうか?その質問に対する答えはノーです。工作員たちは否定、否定、否定、再評価、非難の繰り返しです。なぜうまくいかなかったのでしょうか?前政権時代に、彼らはさまざまな暗号通貨を導入しようとしました。世界最大の決済センターはジョージア州アトランタにあり、世界中のすべての取引のための最大の決済センターです。それはもう存在しない別のバックボーン上に構築され、今彼らはそのシステムとビットコインやその他のすべてを導入しようとしています。何でもいいです。怪しいコインは私の顔です。ドジか彼が何と呼んでいるかだと思います。イーロン・マスクのことは知りません。いずれにせよ、彼らはこの決済センターにこれらすべての暗号通貨を導入しようとしていますが、うまくいきません。暗号通貨をプログラムしておらず、世界中の取引に関連するブロックチェーンのようなものでは絶対に実行されません。ブロックチェーンのピアツーピアネットワークには、それを実現するのに十分なパワーがありません。Googleの量子コンピューティングよりもはるかに優れたもの、米国や米軍が夢見るものよりもはるかに優れたものに結び付けられない限り、はるかに強力なものが必要になります。それが金融システムの作り方です。それは別の方法で再構築されており、そのようなアクセス性がなければ決して実現しません。それで彼らは何をするつもりですか? では、1人を解雇し、別の人が入り、その人はそれが起こることを許可しますか? おそらくそうではありません。それが1番です。 2番目。トランプが大統領に就任する直前、トランプコインのドル記号か何かが発売される前の週末。トランプコインは40億ドルから50億ドル、60億ドル、70億ドルの価値があるとみんなに言われ、人々はそれを買った。トランプコインを買ったのは、彼が私たちを救ってくれるから。みんながそう信じ込んでいる。彼らは資金集めキャンペーンで一般の一般人から約78万5000ドルを吸い上げましたが、期待通りにはいきませんでした。彼らは大物がコインを買うと期待していましたが、ただ様子見する人が多かったんです。バークシャー・ハサウェイ、ソロス、トランプ政権のブラックサンの大物仲間はみんな、様子見だと言いました。私たちは買いません。でも彼らは画面でそれを盛り上げ続けました。それで愛国者たちはそれを買ったのです。残念ながら、コインを買って大金を稼いだのは、まさに彼らでした。彼は去りました。コインは失敗に終わりました。長くは続きませんでした。多くの人が大金を失いました。これが、トランプ政権の工作員による手っ取り早い金儲け計画です。コインが失敗に終わったとき、彼らはミレニアコインのローンチを失いました。ご覧になったかわかりませんが、これも失敗に終わりました。しかし、彼は発表もしました。というのも、これは明らかに、就任式がバーチャルで行われていたのと同時に起こっていたからです。彼は世界経済フォーラムに出席し、中央銀行デジタル通貨は存在しないだろうと語りました。そのスピーチから3日以内、いや2日以内か何日かで、世界の暗号通貨王が誕生します。何ですか?どれですか?あなたはそれを支持しますか?支持しませんか?米国でそれを実現させようとしているのですか?一体何が起こっているのですか?そうですね、エシェロンとNSAが暗号通貨の世界を作り出したということは、私たち全員が知っています。ピアツーピアではありません。私は実際に座って、かつてそこで働いていた人と夕食を共にしましたが、彼はそれが安全性が低いとはっきり言いました。そして、あなたはそう思っていないことを知っています。安全性が低いのです。彼らは、ビットコインで行われるすべてのことは、あなたがこれらすべてを行うことができると宣伝していると私に言いました。ディープウェブやダークウェブ、Torオニオンなどで、これらすべての違法なものを買うことができます。そして、それは検出されませんが、それは完全な嘘です。そして、あなたがコンピューターにピアツーピアネットワークをインストールすると、彼らは自動的にあなたのデータをマイニングし、それをあなたの電話に保存し、タップアンドペイを使用すると、彼らは今、あなたと基本的なソーシャルクレジットの収集を行っています。




Wow. OK, Kim, I gotta say. Because again, you know, you're very clear and you're trying to be specific on certain points. And this is to my understanding and I'm going to run it through you. And maybe those that are in the chat watching the show right now might know what I know the same thing. Just clarity. I was always under the impression that the financial dollar that.Money itself, currency, is always backed by assets. It's backed by something tangible, you might say, whether it may be oil or minerals or wheat, even water or something produce.Then this money created and what are the A1 bank system is mining this and making money and then gives it to the country at the end of the year, beginning of the year that you're pale for what you sold of your assets into the system.That's what I'm aware of. And if you need more money than you need to borrow and where are you gonna, How are you gonna borrow? How are you gonna pay that off? It's another interesting subject. So there are 4 Crypto is backed by nothing if the dollar has some type of mining or some type of natural resources somebody had sold into the system.What is crypto backed by? Nothing. So you're initially creating money out of thin air, is that correct?






Yep, pretty much.And they used to be able to, when it was initially created, they used to use all of these backdoor high yield trade programs in places like Panama and Switzerland and Hong Kong. And then they would use your money while it was sitting, sitting there that way that they would make money off your money. It was like you.Kind of giving money to a bank and then they invest that money by certain percentages by law. But with crypto, there is no law. You know, they can tell you when you can withdraw, when you can withdraw everything. It's all controlled by an intelligence agency. Monopoly money. Yep, it's even.But it's worse than Monopoly money. Well, I guess you could say we could all go buy a Monopoly game and try to pay for something at the grocery store. But can you?You see numbers racking up on a screen, but are they?Yeah, if you have over 3 to $5000 invested, you have a difficult time making withdrawals. Depends on where they're at in their scheme. You know, some the big heavy hitters that bought into it, you know, there are a lot of people that got Bitcoin for free, you know, as part of payoffs operatives for doing.Operations intelligence agencies, you know, they, they have crypto and they can see all the numbers, but they can't cash it in. Do you know how many quote UN quote Bitcoin heavy hitters are out there?Searching for any bank that can help them get their money out. Wow, it is all over the Internet. It's all over these, you know, big broker deals. You know, we're trying to pay for oil in it or whatever.Everybody's already stocked up on it. They've all, they're all full of it and they can't get it out. The values are fictitious and they're made on your back. That's how it used to be until those trade programs were pretty much shut down.


ええ、ほぼそうです。そして、暗号通貨が最初に作られたとき、彼らはパナマやスイス、香港などで、こうした裏口の高利回り取引プログラムをすべて利用していました。そして、あなたのお金がそこに置かれている間に、彼らはあなたのお金を使って儲けていました。それは、あなたが銀行にお金を預け、銀行がそのお金を法律で定められた一定の割合で投資しているようなものです。しかし、暗号通貨には法律がありません。彼らは、いつ引き出せるか、いつすべてを引き出せるかを教えることができます。すべて諜報機関によって管理されています。モノポリーのお金。ええ、それは同じです。しかし、モノポリーのお金よりも悪いです。まあ、私たち全員がモノポリーのゲームを買って、食料品店で何かの支払いをしようとすることができると言えると思います。でも、できますか?画面に数字が増えていくのが見えますが、それは本当ですか?ええ、3000ドルから5000ドル以上を投資している場合は、引き出しが困難になります。彼らの計画のどこにいるかによります。ご存知のとおり、ビットコインに投資した大物の中には、諜報機関の工作員への報酬としてビットコインを無料で手に入れた人もたくさんいます。彼らは暗号資産を持っており、すべての数字を見ることができますが、換金することはできません。国連のビットコイン大物と呼ばれる人たちが何人いるかご存知ですか? お金を引き出せる銀行を探しています。インターネットにはあふれています。大手ブローカーの取引にもあふれています。石油の支払いなどにビットコインを使おうとしています。誰もがすでにビットコインを備蓄しています。彼らは皆ビットコインでいっぱいで、引き出すことができません。価値は架空で、あなたの背中で作られています。貿易プログラムがほぼ閉鎖されるまでは、それが常でした。




Kim, I was always taught and in the. Occult and so forth. Money is a prison, money is a form of control and and you'll have to correct me from what you understand 'cause you'll understand from your end. From my end is the spirit and.Human beings will make deals with these entities, these spirits, and in return will receive something in the physical world which money is used as that to control and give them power and give them what they need. You're getting with energy.Correct with the the spirits you're giving them energy and people will and that energy could be a negative energy which it usually is. So you'll have to do something bad or evil to create stress, anxiety to to take away someones love and compassion and you want to have them you know in pain and suffering.They feed up this little vibration. It's a vibration, it's a sound, and they feed off that and energy.






You're transmuting your own energy into some. Something dark. George, in your occult experience, have you ever seen something called Black Gold?






Yes. Well, I've never seen it. Heard of this? This, but never seen it myself.






OK so it's gold but it's actually. Earned dark. MMM, it right? Is that what they use it for? Have you heard about it? Tell me what you know.






I just know that there's a black. Liquid spiritual energy. It's it's it's a it's a power source. It could be used as currency, but it's also used to do very bad things.






Yeah, yeah. So when the financial system. And was backed by gold. It was backed by this black gold substance. So what does black gold do? It takes in dark energy. It creates dark energy. You can harness dark energy with it.So the reason why money corrupts so many people or makes people do crazy things sometimes or you know, to get into powerful positions, you have to do crazy things, you know, in this world.It doesn't matter how talented you are, you got to do the crazy, like Hollywood and all that kind of stuff. But when our financial system was backed by gold, it was backed by black gold, and that was done far above these people's heads in ways that they don't understand.Matter of fact, Rothschild offered the United States black gold certificates just in the last 48 hours. Wow. Yep.To the Trump administration for some power in control over America.Yep. And then of course they thought that they could use those to access the financial system and they couldn't. Of course they can. Yep. So we're moving into a world where we are backed by actual gold.Natural source created gold and with that gold now you have something in your hand tangible, that it gives you energy, it gives you nourishment.It's not, it's not a world where it's dog eat dog anymore. I mean, we're going to have a lot of human.Issues right. We don't not everybody understands the things that you understand George, you've had the privilege of seeing both sides you know, and and it's going to take time for people to understand they you know that well.OK, you know, I need to produce something, but if I'm doing it out of creativity and love and caring for my community, you know, and then I can live and I don't have to fight, you know, for my family, for survival.Anymore, you know, it's eventually that will catch on, but there's so many people that have lived with strife their whole lives, you know #1 it's a self esteem issue, you know, in in part, you know they.Umm, don't feel like they could ever get out of this area or the ghetto or whatever, so to speak, you know what I'm saying?Rougher areas of the world, you know, our family is never and generations ever gotten out of here. How could we possibly live better? And then, you know, there's always been some kind of an issue with free, you know.You know, free health care in Canada, that's not really.Free, Free or in. It's really difficult in a lot of ways, and you're limited in a lot of ways. But what if there's something that's different? Do you know, are people going to look at it the same way? I think it'll catch on, but I think it's going to take time.For the mentality to change,


ええ、ええ。金融システムが金で裏付けられていたとき、それはこの黒い金の物質で裏付けられていました。では黒い金は何をするのか?それはダークエネルギーを取り込み、ダークエネルギーを作り出します。それを使ってダークエネルギーを制御できるのです。お金が多くの人を堕落させたり、時にはクレイジーなことをさせたり、権力の座に就くためにはクレイジーなことをしなくてはならない理由は、この世界では、才能がどれだけあっても、ハリウッドのようなクレイジーなことをしなくてはならないからです。しかし、金融システムが金で裏付けられていたとき、それは黒い金で裏付けられていました。そしてそれは、これらの人々が理解できない方法で、彼らの頭のはるか上で行われました。実際、ロスチャイルドは、この48時間で、アメリカに黒い金の証券を提供しました。すごい。そうです。トランプ政権に、アメリカを支配する力を与えようと。そうです。そしてもちろん、彼らはそれを使って金融システムにアクセスできると考えましたが、できませんでした。もちろん、できます。そうです。つまり、私たちは実際の金に裏付けられた世界へと移行しているのです。天然資源から作られた金で、その金は今やあなたの手の中に実体を持ち、あなたにエネルギーと栄養を与えてくれます。もはや弱肉強食の世界ではありません。つまり、私たちは多くの人間問題を抱えることになるのです。ジョージ、あなたが理解していることを誰もが理解できるわけではありません。あなたは両方の側面を見るという特権を持っていました。そして、人々がそれをよく理解するには時間がかかるでしょう。わかりました。何かを生み出さなければなりませんが、それが創造性と愛とコミュニティへの思いやりからであれば、私は生きることができ、家族や生存のために戦う必要はありません。もう、それは最終的には広まるでしょうが、生涯ずっと争いながら生きてきた人がたくさんいます。第 1 に、それは自尊心の問題です。つまり、彼らは、この地域やゲットーなどから抜け出せるとは思えないのです。つまり、私が言っていることはわかりますか? 世界のより荒れた地域では、私たちの家族は何世代にもわたってここから抜け出すことができませんでした。どうすればもっと良い生活ができるでしょうか?そして、ご存知のとおり、無料にはいつも何らかの問題があります。ご存知のとおり、カナダの無料の医療は、実際には無料ではありません。無料か無料か。多くの点で非常に困難で、多くの点で制限があります。しかし、何か違うものがあったらどうでしょうか。人々は同じように見るでしょうか。それは普及すると思いますが、時間がかかると思います。考え方を変えるには。




well, fasten your seatbelts folks, as you may. They heard that. It looks like it's coming through. I said by Kim and many others I've heard as well, that looks like our currency is going to be backed by gold. Yeah, gold will be the standard, and that's great news. So would you recommend precious metals, gold, silver?Copper, you know,






I don't tell people how to live their life, if that. If you that makes you feel comfortable, then go ahead and do what you want to do, you know, invest in what you want to invest in. I don't think we're going to see a a crash and burn of things. I think they might.I but I don't really see that happening and a switchover like that, it'll just take, it'll take time. It's very easy to reprogram ATM machines. It's not going to be so easy to reprogram banks.You know where you can get currency, you can spend it at a point of sale machine with a card, that type of thing. That's all been pre planned out should we need to bypass governments as far as our currency and money is concerned.


私は人々にどう生きるべきかを指図するつもりはありません。もしそうすることで安心できるのであれば、やりたいことをやってください。つまり、投資したいものに投資してください。物事が崩壊して燃え尽きることはないと思います。そうなる可能性はあると思います。でも、私は実際にそうなるとは思いませんし、そのような切り替えには時間がかかります。ATM を再プログラムするのは簡単です。銀行を再プログラムするのはそれほど簡単ではありません。通貨をどこで入手できるか、カードを使って POS 端末で使うことができるか、そういったことです。通貨とお金に関する限り、政府を迂回する必要がある場合に備えて、これらはすべて事前に計画されています。




Excellent. Well guys, we have a show. Coming up next, it's AQ and a portion of the show you get to ask him some questions. I'm going to play a quick video which will start to show off. This is the video that I'm referring to, and it's California, and California is going through some changes.Yes, and something that's coming along as Smart LA 2028. Now this is a plan for the past few years. We're getting ready for the Olympics. Here are some of the drawings of the downtown area of Los Angeles, CA.2028 and here is a video of gruesome Newsome I mean.Governor Newsom, who was caught up by a parent who was sad and angry. And let me play the quick video. Here it is. Turn up your phone.


素晴らしい。さて、皆さん、番組が始まります。次は AQ です。番組の一部で、皆さんは彼にいくつか質問することができます。これから短いビデオを再生して、その内容を紹介します。これは私が言及しているビデオで、カリフォルニアに関するものです。カリフォルニアではいくつかの変化が起きています。そうです、Smart LA 2028 として進行中のものです。これは過去数年の計画です。オリンピックに向けて準備を進めています。こちらは、2028 年のロサンゼルスのダウンタウン エリアの図面です。こちらは、悲しんで怒っている親に追い詰められた、恐ろしいニューサム知事のビデオです。短いビデオを再生します。どうぞ。電話の音量を上げてください。





Check it out. That's the governor.Got the governor. Governor, I live here. Governor, that was my daughter's school. Governor, please tell me what you're going to do.




I'm not going to hurt on my promise. I'm literally talking to the president right now to specifically answer the question of what we can do for you. You and your daughter, can I hear it? Can I hear your call 'cause I don't believe it?




California Governor Gavin Newsom is being criticized by some for water mismanagement as hydrants ran dry while fires multiplied.I have to get self-service, so let's get it. Let's get it. I want to be here when you call the president. I appreciate it. I'm doing that right now and it's immediately get reimbursements, individual assistance and to help you out. Devastated. I'm so sorry, especially for your daughter. I have 4 kids losing.Everyone who went to school there, they lost their home. They lost two homes because they were living in one building another. Brother, please tell me, tell me, what are you going to do with the president right now? We're getting we're getting the resources to help rebuild. Why is there no water in the hydrants, Governor?That's all. Literally. Is it gonna be different next time?








I mean, she looks distraught.She looked stressed out. It's sad. I feel for her. The score her kids played, there was no water there. Water was pulled. But this looks like there was a plan and I'm going to give you a chance to answer.In the after show. So if anyone would like to join us for the Q&A and and listen to Kim and a few other things, then join us in the after show. The link is in the description at the review report. Definitely was a plan George. Well, there was well see after show and it worked out, but there was I can't wait to hear it.Before we move on to the after show and sign off, we did almost 2000 people watching live. Incredible numbers. Kim, what can you say to everybody watching right now and how can they watch and learn more about you and UNN?






Well, we are at. United Network dot Earth that is our site. We of course have a YouTube channel too and a rumble channel and we post the news about a week late. We also are have changed up our news quite a bit.Where we are involving our field messengers, field messengers, our average everyday people that have something to say. So you have an opportunity to do that with our channel. We get millions of views every year, so.It is your opportunity to have a voice on a news channel. So that's kind of exciting. We have a lot of new shows coming up. We have our newer show which is going to launch very soon, which is going to talk about.New innovative technologies where you can find those things, things to look out for and how to improve your life and the life of others. So we're excited about that as far as what I would say.Well, be careful on who you think is your savior. That's all. And that's been kind of the topic of the show tonight. So we'll continue talking on the after show with George and look forward to seeing all of you if you're watching with UNN and you missed the after show.It'll be on our channel probably in about a week or so, so.


そうです。私たちは、United Network dot Earth というサイトを運営しています。もちろん YouTube チャンネルと Rumble チャンネルも運営しており、ニュースは 1 週間ほど遅れて投稿しています。ニュースの内容もかなり変更しています。私たちは、現場のメッセンジャー、現場のメッセンジャー、何かを伝えたい一般の人々を巻き込んでいます。ですから、皆さんには私たちのチャンネルでその機会があります。毎年何百万もの視聴者がいます。ですから、ニュース チャンネルで発言できるチャンスです。とてもわくわくしています。新しい番組が多数予定されています。もうすぐ開始される新しい番組では、新しい革新的な技術について、注意すべき点や、自分や他人の生活を改善する方法についてお話しします。ですから、私としては、とてもわくわくしています。では、誰を救世主だと考えるかには注意してください。以上です。今夜の番組のトピックは以上です。それで、アフターショーでジョージとの会話を続けますので、UNN で視聴していてアフターショーを見逃した皆さんにお会いできるのを楽しみにしています。おそらく 1 週間ほどで私たちのチャンネルで公開される予定です。




Excellent. Uh, for me guys again. And I thank you all for watching, especially all the new followers and subscribers. Hey, special shout out guys going out to Rafaela to Mary R and Lisa M for being great supporters on PayPal this week. Thank you so much again, Rafaela, Mary R, Lisa M for being great supporters on.PayPal this week. Thank you so much. People like yourselves and those that subscribe to Patreon keep me doing this show every single week on Monday. And we have a huge schedule for the next month. February is going to be huge. And I got to tell you, Kim, we're going to have a guy.Who is a demonologist? He's an author and he's claiming that he might have some proof and theories on how he believes that aliens or demons or demons or aliens. Going to be interesting next week. Maybe I'll send you the video. Maybe you might want to.George, you're gonna like that show. Can. I think you will.We love having you and we love, you know, talking and just getting into some topics and I can't wait for the after show coming up next. Can I thank you so much? I thank everybody for watching and we will see you on Patreon free after show coming up next. Good night, everyone.


素晴らしい。えーと、またみんなに。そして、見てくれたみんな、特に新しいフォロワーや登録者のみんなに感謝します。今週のPayPalの素晴らしいサポーターであるRafaela、Mary R、Lisa Mに特別な感謝を送ります。今週のPayPalの素晴らしいサポーターであるRafaela、Mary R、Lisa Mに改めて感謝します。本当にありがとうございます。あなた方のような人々やPatreonに登録している人々が、私が毎週月曜日にこの番組を続けられるようにしてくれています。そして、来月は大きなスケジュールがあります。2月は大きなものになりそうです。そして、キム、悪魔学者が出演する予定です。彼は作家で、エイリアンや悪魔や悪魔やエイリアンが存在すると信じている理由について、いくつかの証拠や理論があるかもしれないと主張しています。来週は面白くなりそうです。ビデオをお送りします。ジョージ、その番組は気に入ると思います。そうだと思います。皆さんにお会いできて嬉しいですし、お話したり、話題に花を咲かせたりするのも大好きです。次のアフターショーが待ちきれません。本当にありがとうございました。ご視聴くださった皆さんに感謝します。次のアフターショーはパトレオンで無料でお会いしましょう。皆さん、おやすみなさい。