2025年1月10日(金曜) キンバリーGIAレポート




It's the 10th of January 2025 coming up on today's Global Intelligence Agency operations report as fires rage in California set by the Trump operatives. They try to plan another disaster in today's meetings because no money came and they don't know what's wrong.And the clock is ticking. Only 10 days left until a convicted felon takes the office of U.S. President. Right now, this administration looks like the captain of the Titanic.








Well, it's the 10th of January and well, it's been an interesting week to say the least. We had the quote UN quote Carter funeral that seemed to go off okay. I know everybody was on alert.You know, and it didn't quite what they wanted to do, didn't quite happen.There are has been some interesting meetings though. We've been listening to this morning and this afternoon. This had mainly to do with the fires in California. As you know, there's been a lot of aid promised.From the quote, UN quote federal government and the Trump operatives who actually set the fire, they said that they weren't sure why the money didn't come and this is was the discussions they were having in this meeting.Now in the past, and I mean the past, there was a fund that was there for creating disasters and creating harm and pain. And a lot of that fund that they were referring to or thinking that was going to just.Open wide would have been under the May wall line or the Lilith Isis line.And that hasn't existed in a while. And as all of you know, Maiwa has been gone for some time and there was no one to push any button to release any funds except for, well, me. And that didn't happen.So they, they were contemplating in this meeting, creating another disaster, maybe a 9/11 type event, something bigger, you know, than just fires where they could declare maybe a, a national disaster, you know, all over the country, something like, you know.World Trade Tower is going down, maybe some other towers they'd like to take out, but they there are other people in the meeting that are even saying can they afford to create another disaster?What they mean by afford it, not just monetarily.You know how much of the American people going to take, and they've got a very short window to do it in because there's only 10 days left to the inauguration, allegedly, if it does go off.On time.










And it's not a whole lot of time to plan disasters. You know, fires are cheap, very expensive in the long run. You have a lot of insurance companies. There was a conversation that happened between.Aeon Insurance Company and some of our, I think it was Tom who had the conversation and they were saying that they're not, you know, they're going broke anyway. Part of the reason why they're going broke has to do with issuing of.Pools and bonds and and those types of things on a larger scale, but paying out millions of dollars to homeowners and land owners and business owners is not gonna go real well for these insurance companies.And yeah, there's a lot of talk in the mainstream media about increasing, for example, the cost of insurance policies to homeowners, making homeowners pay more. Maybe they're not able to get homeowners and insurance in different parts of California, but that's.Gonna really solve the problem. The problem is is that they already did insured all of these homes and they're gonna need to pay, which will happen even if insurance companies go bankrupt. Just as an FYI to you.Something that is not made public and definitely not made public to consumers when you buy insurance is something called a guarantee fund. Now you might be able to find some information online about it. I am definitely aware of it.In all, insurance companies are required to pay in to this guarantee fund, and what the guarantee fund does is in the event an insurance company goes bankrupt, this fund will then kick in and handle the consumer business. It's kind of like.FDIC insurance, but it's not really a federally mandated thing, it's more of a an insurance association thing where they all pay into this fund so.I mean, I'm sure the homeowners will end up getting the insurance payouts eventually.









You know where 2 disasters in now in the last several months.And this is going to be tough for the insurance industry and.Hmm. You know, maybe it's something that needs to change anyway. Maybe we need to change the way we do things. And I look at these things sometimes and mean obviously people, you know, are going to be very stressed out if the insurance doesn't pay on time or takes months to get.Payment and that type of thing but.There are ways to do things and everything has its own timing, so we're seeing an entire industry wobbling right now based on poor decisions that were made.Regarding pooling of life insurance policies, pooling of.Insurance homeowners insurance policies and pooling of bonds in writing what they call an insurance wrap on bombs in ensuring corporations for bonds and thing corporate bonds and whatnot that were issued.Behind the scenes, as you know, Black Rock actually went bankrupt. Officially, what you saw was a little kerfuffle in Louisiana. Unofficially.They filed bankruptcy and are trying to wipe out a lot of their debt behind the scenes now. You know, like I said, this is all steamrolling because people are not going to be able to wait.Another six months, you know, there is talk about certain intelligence agencies looking at for contingency plans, other ways of working. They say by the summer, I don't think it'll last that long.And it's really starting to wobble. That House of Cards is starting to fall and.And is if they create another disaster, is that going to make money come out? No, this is already 2, you know, 2 down. There isn't a whole lot of things they can do.




あと 6 か月、諜報機関が緊急時対応計画や別の方法を検討しているという話があります。夏までには、それほど長くは続かないだろうと彼らは言っています。そして、本当にぐらつき始めています。あの砂上の楼閣は崩れ始めています。そして、もし彼らがまた災害を起こしたら、金が出てくるのでしょうか? いいえ、これはすでに 2 つ、つまり 2 つ下がっています。彼らにできることはあまりありません。





They're discussing it right now as I'm recording this, of things that they could possibly do that would yield the money.And the problem is, is that we're down, we're down South low in the food chain. Now I don't think they really get the fact that there was always someone that pushed the money button always or would convert those numbers on a screen.Into actual cash with allocation numbers.No one else is left here but me, so I know that they would love to.Get me to do something. But that's not possible. That was proven earlier this week when security measures kicked in. And, well, local people also kind of declined to work with them too, so.I'm not really seeing much coming out of them, but what I am seeing is.Congratulation, Americans, you now have the first convicted felon as a president. Apparently as of today, they went ahead and did the conviction and.I still can't get over this part. So they went ahead and convicted him, but there's no consequences, no jail time, no, no, nothing. Just you're a felon now. And for the rest of us, you know, citizens, especially of the United States, I know for a fact you can't work at a bank. You can't even work at the Department of.Vehicles with a convicted a felony conviction. So I'm not you know, it's it's really strange that you can become the president. So if any of you listening to this are convicted felons, this is always a job option for you. You could always run for president.For as long as we have a government.So I find that very interesting. You got 10 days now to the inauguration. We'll see if it actually goes down on that day. I say that because there is some, they're starting to come to some realizations behind the scenes. I don't know if there's.Who knows? You know, are they going to go through with it? Are they going to fake a death?You know, and say all those were Trump's promises. Big Trump.You know, they're definitely having these discussions right now and.Are they thinking about going in another direction, doing something positive for people? No, not in any way. Are there many countries waiting for this to happen? Yes. Are there some terrorist organizations they agreed to pay waiting for this to happen? Yes. You do have the Houthis.Yemen, you've got a couple of groups in Iraq I know that are waiting for payment. You have some interesting Iranian groups that are waiting for payment. Lots and lots of people are waiting for payment right now.And it's almost better to just let it go. Let them go through with the inauguration and matter of fact, force them to go through with the inauguration and let them deal with their consequences of their big mouth and cowboy talk.I guess.There are some people in the government that are like, well, we might not go through with it. You know, we might, you know, we don't want that them in office if they're not going to fulfill their promises to us. I'm actually hearing this from government people, you know, higher level government people here in America.Well.Yeah, that was my advice to them. Just let it go through. Just let them get in there, let them deal with their own problems and then we'll see, you know, we'll see what happens from there. I'm I'm.I'm really at this point.Watching it because it could cause people problems. I'm also watching it from a security standpoint. Are we going to are people who receive funds from care to do a project going to be able to spend them?And live.In a way that is comfortable. That's my main concern.For me, you know, I've been kind of stuck here in the Hotel California now for for a number of years and I don't want to see that happen to anybody else. So I do watch this for that reason. I am listening to all the promises.
















Is in other countries, I am.Watching the Trump folk pick up plans from the Order of the Dragon.Such as a plan I've told you about many times, where the world is divided into somewhere around seven. I was told 7 was the original plan. Different banking sectors, seven. Bank for International Settlements, 7 currencies, 7 control systems for the entire world.And I've told you about this before, apparently now that is 10 different divisions. This is something else that they're talking about. And if they can divide it up into ten, you know, there still comes a moment in time where.Again, those who held the final key must push the button even on that they created themselves. And I'm not sure if the Trump operatives just feel like they're out of options because they're taking plans that were meant for the other side now.Regardless of that, you still end up with me. There's no more Marduk, there's no more other people. There's only me. So.You know, again, it doesn't look like it's going to happen or go anywhere, but there's going to be a lot of turmoil.And, and I'm hesitant to say some things right now because again, these meetings are going on literally as I'm talking to you. So I, I have information coming in while I'm talking to you.But I would say right now, they're kind of almost, I'm hesitant to say almost at a point where they feel like there really isn't a whole lot of directions they can go in.And they're not sure how to get out of it.At this point, that's what it looks like to me.








A disaster didn't work.You know, using somebody else's plans not working. I don't know if they know who they're trying to appease at this point in time, but yet the only thing I do know is that as of least this morning, nobody was discussing.Turning in our direction. Meaning by turning in our direction I mean.Actually willing to walk the walk, you know, take a marker because that's going to be required, and actually do exactly what they say they're going to do. So I'm not really seeing any of that. I'm seeing them still scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to figure out what they can do.The rest of it's kind of up in the air because.These things are happening in real time right now.








I'll probably have more information for you on those types of things on Monday. Monday is also a full moon. I'm sure they're waiting for something there to happen. I know that on the 15th they're also waiting for something else to happen which hasn't happened.Years as far as financial things to come through, and I talk about financial things a lot with these folks because that's pretty much what they're missing.They also are having trouble running normal operations as well. As far as fires and things of that nature are concerned, we have.Possibly something that you might see coming up over the weekend to try to help with that type of thing because now it's just a mess over there and we'll see what we can do there. But as far as these people.It's going to be a hot January.10 days from now, actually on the 21st is the day everything's supposed to happen. So by the 21st of January through to the end of the month, possibly the beginning of February, you're going to see a lot, and I mean a lot of turmoil.And there's really nothing you can do about the dying animal at this point. There's nothing I can do and nothing I want to do to help the dying animal.But just.Breathe and Justice know that if he brings us to it, He's going to bring us through it. As far as on the other side of things, we are still dealing with some remnants that are causing some disturbing frequencies.Tones, high pitched tones, low pitched tones. This is not something that the deep state is doing. This is something that the other dying animal, the main enemy that we have is automatically doing. I would say an AI sort of way.As it tries to regain some kind of control in a foothold here on Earth, that's not happening. We're not having any kind of an invasion situation happen.But there is a lot of attempts for AI's to reinstall themselves here.And of course dead man switches and those types of things. So yeah, I would say off and on it's been a little bit uncomfortable over the last couple of days, but it's it's getting less and less. There is.A lot less now than there was even two months ago.For it to actually do that will affect the humans on the planet, so that's a positive thing.As far as the deep state is concerned, they're more concerned with saving themselves than causing us more harm. I don't think that they.I don't believe they're going to create another disaster.At this moment it doesn't looks like, you know, cooler heads or saner heads are prevailing in this meeting right now, but they are looking for something else. What that something else is, I don't know as of this moment because we'll see meetings not over and everybody still talking and.We're always on guard anyway.Other than that, there really isn't a whole lot else that I can actually release in the report right now.Hopefully we'll have a quiet weekend. Hopefully these fires will start to recede and not continue to grow.Hopefully families in California, if you are in California and there are people that are in need of help, if you have the ability to do so, I hope that you, just like you always do as the people.




しかし、ただ、呼吸して正義を守れば、神が私たちをそこに連れて行ってくれると分かってください。物事の反対側に関しては、私たちはまだ不穏な周波数を引き起こしているいくつかの残骸に対処しています。トーン、高音、低音。これはディープステートがやっていることではありません。これは、私たちの主な敵である他の死にゆく動物が自動的にやっていることです。 AIのようなやり方だと思います。AIは地球上の拠点で何らかの制御を取り戻そうとしていますが、それは起こっていません。侵略の状況は起こっていません。







We take care of each other.You know, no one's going to come in and save us at this point. Definitely not these people. I'd just like to blow something else up and see if money falls out of the sky.So on that note, that's pretty much the GIA report for Friday the 10th of January. I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend and I will see you on Monday and hopefully I'll have some more information.





