2025年1月8日(水曜) キンバリーGIAレポート
It's the 8th of January 2025, coming up on today's Global Intelligence Agency operations report, the.The battle between the Order of the Dragon versus the Black Sun and the Trump operatives is once again in full swing. But can either side actually quote win? And the quest to take over space junk in old Secret Space program bases continues. Now Trump is pushing to take over Greenland.Again, several people have shown up here by the helicopter load as the inauguration draws near. And no QFS was actually long.It's the 8th of January 2025. I almost said 2024 again and there is a lot going on right now. Things are starting to really heat up and I think.We're not too far away from a conclusion here to this craziness. Maybe a couple more weeks of a little bit of turbulence and then after that, hopefully everything will kind of flatline. We'll see.
All right, well, let's talk about what's going on in the world a little bit and.OK, let's start with the fires in California. So Biden showed up in California, I think it was today or in the last day or so, and declares a state of emergency and also a disaster declaration.Now, for those of you that don't know, let's talk about that first. A state of emergency in any state or any region or any area of the United States basically means that that property now belongs to the federal government.And although, you know, for the citizens of California, other than obviously a threat of fire and evacuation, everything is kind of normal. You still have your home, you know, you hopefully you still have.Your property, that kind of thing. The government does have the right, not saying they will, but they do have the right to seize your property or any land they so desire. They also have the ability to move in. The National Guard in the state of California should.Thing quote, UN quote escalate. Biden also promised a lot of help in federal aid to the state of California, which I have no idea where he's going to get that from, but all of this seems to be.Happening kind of in a hurry. And, and what I mean by that is, don't get me wrong, it's a very real situation for the people that live there and the threat is very real. And the fires were of course not an accident.It's yes, there are some high winds and and whatnot in California at this time, but.The setting of the fires was actually done on purpose and it was done by some operatives.
Listing things in California that are of great interest, let's just say to the SSP.And what I mean by that is you have a lot of BLM land, Bureau of Land Management, which is, which are, I should say, areas of California where there are large deposits of minerals.You know they're always going for something, right?And on the one side of it, meaning the Trump operative side, they would like to leverage and lean everything that's in the state of California. On the other side of it, they would like to donate it to China, meaning the Democratic side of things.And neither one of them is going to be able to do either or. There is some controversy that the Trump operatives believe, which is there are areas near some of the fires.Which lie mostly in and around the Mojave Desert and they are allegedly not leaned by the Bureau of Land Management can't talk today for some reason by the Bureau of Land Management, which is completely.And totally false. That was leveraged a long time ago and the off the record deals were done with Howard Hughes. So I I know that they think they have.A way to do this, but it won't be possible when they go to enter this stuff into the banking system for a number of reasons. So we are.Hmm, let's just say repeating past mistakes or they are repeating past mistakes.Will there be any funding for the state of California? If there is, it will come from the state of California.There probably will be a promise of federal funding which was supposed to be released today as I hear, you know on the Internet and in the back chatter going on in the government.
カリフォルニアで非常に興味深いことをリストアップすると、SSP にだけ言えることですが、BLM (土地管理局) の土地がたくさんあるということです。つまり、カリフォルニアには鉱物の大きな鉱床がある地域があるということです。彼らは常に何かを目指していますよね? 一方では、つまりトランプの工作員側は、カリフォルニア州にあるものすべてを活用し、傾けたいと考えています。
Meaning there was supposed to be a quantum financial system launched today again and of course there.No quantum financial system launched today. There are other people who are hoping they're successful in their visit to Durango, Co, which has not quite turned out that way. They've been flying in here repeatedly over the last several hours, about 24 hours now.Had several groups show up here. We'll talk about that a little later in the in the report. But as far as the fires in California, we all remember what happened with Paradise, CA and I do know some that have lived in that area.During the 2020 fire, and there's a lot of controversy about that that that is true. Those fires were set and there's a lot of minerals there as well. And still the town of Paradise, CA has not.There's been no repairs. There was number reparations for the people that lived there to this day, very minimal, if any. The fires clearly were unnatural. There were so many indications of that at that time. And of course, that was during the former Trump administration, you know, every.Thinks that he's going to come back and all this money is going to come out and amazing things are going to happen. And that is clearly not the case before. So I'm just going by what happened in 2020. I know there's a lot of people out there that are hopeful.A lot of people, both behind the scenes and a lot of countries that are hoping that this is going to be a big change for America and American citizens and the world, but it just looks like much more of the same to me. From what?Is actually happening and.There must be some kind of kool-aid that some of these people drank because, you know, I look at the facts. I have to look at exactly what happened. And I remember vividly what happened during Hurricane Michael. And I'm sure there are a lot of Floridians that do as well.Well, still to this day that are still suffering the consequences of that and Paradise. CA is no different. There are still people that are struggling, lost their properties, their homes, forced to leave the area so that they could allegedly mine just like they did in the Carolinas most recently.And there those people are still struggling when Trump gets in, is there going to be a change to that? No. Well, it didn't change from 2020 on forwards. So I'm not really sure what everybody is expecting, but I think we're going to have a lot of disappointed people in the near future.But as far as this disaster declaration, the deals are being cut with the Chinese behind the Trump operatives back. The Trump operatives are the ones that set the fire, and they are intending on a windfall and an assignment of gold.And minerals that are in California to the Treasury Department so that they can secure some fantasy currency again. Same, same. There's a lot of attempts to.Crash the banking system. There are a lot of attempts to install Trump Box and and other currencies and cryptocurrencies and whatnot to the banking system over the last 24 hours, and nobody's really getting anywhere.And there are a lot of reasons for that.And let's start with the misconception that's going on between the dragon families or Illuminati, whatever you want to call them, and the Order of the Black Sun, the Osiris Club and, and all of the crazy people that are on that side.The fight between the two is in full swing that it is very clear right now that the Trump operatives are going for political control and they have some new ideas which.Are not new, they've already been done and tried before of a assets control by assets. They're looking for things like in ground assets around the world.And that's already started to hit mainstream media and we'll talk about that too in just a minute.
ですから、皆さんが何を期待しているかはよくわかりませんが、近い将来、多くの人ががっかりすることになると思います。しかし、この災害宣言に関しては、トランプの工作員の背後で中国人との取引が進められています。火をつけたのもトランプの工作員たちで、彼らは金や鉱物を財務省に譲渡して、再び幻想的な通貨を確保しようとしているのです。同じです。銀行システムを崩壊させようとする試みは数多くあります。過去 24 時間で、トランプ ボックスやその他の通貨や暗号通貨などを銀行システムに導入しようとする試みが数多くありましたが、誰も成果を上げていません。
それには多くの理由があります。まず、ドラゴン ファミリーやイルミナティ (何と呼ぼうと) と、ブラック サンの教団、オシリス クラブ、そしてその側にいるすべての狂った人々との間で起こっている誤解から始めましょう。両者の戦いは本格化しており、トランプの工作員が政治的支配を目指していることは今非常に明らかであり、彼らはいくつかの新しいアイデアを持っています。それは新しいものではなく、資産による資産管理という以前にすでに実行され、試されてきたものです。彼らは世界中の地上資産のようなものを探しています。そして、それはすでに主流メディアに取り上げられ始めており、それについてもすぐに話します。
But that's what seems to be going on. They, they seem to be following around the in the dragon family, or in this case the Chinese dragon family.As footsteps around the world pushing for assets in Africa and other places that China has previously leaned, or tried to lean, I should say.Now.The fight between the two really is for all of the five power centers in the world, and if you've been following for a while, you'll know that that's the financial, the media, the military and intelligence and political vectors. If they can can manage to gain control over all those sectors, they.Feel that they will then be in control of the world and they're still fighting in the wrong enemy. And what I mean by that is that the dragon family really doesn't control anything either.And for that, we're going to talk a little bit about how the world really worked and had worked for a long time.Now many of you know.I had a lot of conversations over the course of a couple of years with a being that actually, for the most part, you could say he was the manager of this planet.You know as Marduk.And Marduk taught me a lot, I should say.Inadvertently taught me a lot because it was more about watching him work, watching the things he would do, paying attention to all of his operations that were logged into the system or the Alpha system and.Every step that he had made over the course of thousands of years.Were quite evident to me and that taught me a lot of strategy and and moves that he would make and one of the things he said to me was always remain relevant.Meaning.If there was going to be an operation or orders or a change on earth or anything that would happen in the world, he would always be able to pull the final string, push the final button. He without him, the plan would never work.
皆さんの多くはご存知でしょう。私は、この惑星の管理者であると言える存在と、数年にわたって多くの会話をしました。マルドゥクです。マルドゥクは私に多くのことを教えました。無意識のうちに多くのことを教えました。なぜなら、彼の仕事ぶりや、彼が行うことを観察し、システムやアルファ システムに記録された彼のすべての操作に注意を払っていたからです。彼が何千年にもわたって行ってきたすべてのステップは、私には非常に明白で、彼が行う戦略や動きについて多くのことを学びました。彼が私に言ったことの 1 つは、常に関連性を保つということでした。つまり、地球上での作戦や命令、変化、または世界で起こる何かがある場合、彼は常に最後の糸を引いて最後のボタンを押すことができるということです。彼がいなければ、計画は決してうまくいかなかったでしょう。
So.Whether he wanted to make something happen or didn't want to make something happen, ultimately the end decision was with him. And you know, I've thought a lot about that over the years and I'm thinking, well, you know, ultimately.Where we're going is a world where people are sovereign and to some degree self governing. And that's our end goal. It's going to take us some time to get there. We have 8 billion people and.Not everybody really knows what's going on in the world and it's going to take time to to help society grow and learn. And I've said that many times and that a lot of you that are listening to this are going to be.Partially responsible for this because it's going to take a team of people to make this happen.
ですから、彼が何かを起こしたいかどうかに関わらず、最終的な決定権は彼にあります。そして、ご存知のように、私は長年そのことについて考えてきましたが、最終的に私たちが向かうのは、人々が主権を持ち、ある程度自治できる世界だと思っています。それが私たちの最終目標です。そこに到達するには、しばらく時間がかかるでしょう。私たちには 80 億の人々がいます。誰もが世界で何が起きているのかを本当に知っているわけではありませんし、社会が成長し、学ぶのを助けるには時間がかかります。そして、私は何度もそのことを言ってきましたし、これを聞いている皆さんの多くは、これを実現するにはチームワークが必要なので、部分的に責任を負うことになるでしょう。
Now, knowing this about Marduk and knowing how he structured everything, there are more than.One matrix in this world, There is more than one or was more than one matrix in this world. And what I mean by that is you are familiar with several different processes, both physically, mentally, emotionally.I should say more than both physically, mentally, emotionally that were controlled by AI systems in the past. You are aware of how they manipulate your genetic makeup and how sometimes even the.Deep state, so to speak, participated in that mind control and and other programs, but mainly we lived in a system that was designed for our enslavement. I mean, that's pretty well.You know, everybody pretty well knows that. And what we're trying to do is.AB have us kind of come out of that and and teach others how to come out of that. And what I mean by that is that, you know, the difficult parts are being done. The AI systems are pretty well breaking down.There is some backlash that we've been getting over the last couple of months due to that. Physically, emotionally, mentally, you know, it's definitely.Hitting us a little hard from time to time and hopefully for all of you it doesn't last that long. But when you take it out it it fights you back. It's like a dying animal in a corner. It will scream, it will yell, it will send out frequencies. It does a lot of different things.Just to stay alive or stay relevant. And that's well over 200 different AIS than they all do different things. So I would say that, you know, we've, we've definitely had a rocky road of things, but there's a second matrix.Second set, I should say, of matrixes in the world, and those were specifically made for the societies that reported pretty much all of them at one point in time to Marduk.And both it didn't matter if you were a part of the Black Sun and you might have been tied in with the Abraxas a little bit more. It's kind of all the same group. So the group of the sealed people, people of the seal, which means that those that.Signed the agreement to control Earth together in all of Earth's assets, including you, as a human, as an asset.All pretty much worked hand in hand. I mean, there was definitely an agreement and there was some measures put in place if any one of those folks violated that agreement. And not all of those people or none of those people were actually human.Now we have some humans.And the thing that they failed to realize on both sides of the coin here, whether you're with the Illuminati, the dragon families, or that down line, or you with the Order of the Black Sun and you're with that down line, that being like the Vatican, Black Nobility on that side, Trump operatives.Republican Party.You know, the Tang family, the mafias, the silent circle, the anti silent circle, you know, there's so many, there's the Osiris club. Now is think people thinking that they're the Osiris Club, you know.Doesn't matter which side you were on, if you if you are the SSP, you were also involved in what I call the second matrix or matrixes that were created for you.We lived a different aspect of that, but as the quote UN quote, human management.Crew. They also were living in a box.And I know to them right now, because we don't have alien races coming to help them, we don't have alien AI's that are functioning properly to help them. We don't have a lot of the tools that they are used to.Utilizing to some lesser degree to build programs and currencies they seem to have forgotten, or because they were so low down the food chain, they maybe never knew that they also lived in a matrix.That was created for them. Maybe they didn't understand that those that have passed on.Didn't actually have control either. Or 100% control. And maybe they are under the impression if they just get rid of the other sector of humans. Doesn't matter which side you're on.That they could then be in control.And the systems weren't really designed that way, you see.Things I learned from Marduk over the few years that we were talking for hours and hours and hours a day.Were he? They didn't like humans. You know, Marduk, Inky and Enlil actually hated human beings. They one time I had mentioned to them they were going to run an operation that could have been very detrimental to humans.And because I held a seat due to the alpha system.You could say I voted against them, you know, a lot. And they said, well, you know, I said, well, I like humans. And they said, well, yeah, we know. And they kind of laughed at me. And they laughed because they don't really like humans either. That meant they don't even like their own people, meaning the people that they call.Their bloodline families that feel that they are the elites of this planet.Therefore they always made sure to keep all of them in line and that even includes these semi nonhumans we call the parents.So.That being said.Let's talk about matrixes in systems of the elite.The systems that were created for the elite were clearly created to control their every move.The impression that people have that are left, be it the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon or Langley or the secret space program operatives or the Chinese deep State or the Rothschilds, you know.They're they're under the impression that.The money would just come on these specific dates of the year. The AIS would do what they want them to do because the AIS did what those that came before them did. Now that is incorrect.These AI systems that they are talking about are the dark side of the AI and they always gave them orders and instructions.Down to a tee of things that they needed to do in order to achieve the goal of receiving money on specific days. The next big day for that money is on the 15th of January.Because before the Order of the Black Sun would receive big payouts and orders and instructions on that day. Now they didn't come to the people that we have left. They came to the covens in coven masters in the coven masters would go to specific.Places and messages would come in through the AI and then orders would come on down the food chain. Now the people that are left are under the impression that they were subservient to those that received the money in the orders, therefore they had to follow whatever they said.
さて、マルドゥクについてこれを知り、彼がすべてをどのように構築したかを知ると、この世界には複数のマトリックスがある、あるいは複数あったことがわかります。つまり、皆さんは、過去に AI システムによって制御された、肉体的、精神的、感情的なさまざまなプロセスに精通しているということです。肉体的、精神的、感情的というよりも、もっと多くのことを言うべきでしょう。AI が遺伝子構造を操作する方法や、いわゆるディープ ステートがマインド コントロールやその他のプログラムに関与した方法も知っていますが、基本的に私たちは奴隷化のために設計されたシステムの中で生きていました。つまり、それは誰もがよく知っていることです。私たちがやろうとしているのは、私たちをそこから抜け出し、他の人にそこから抜け出す方法を教えることです。つまり、困難な部分は解決されつつあるということです。AI システムは崩壊しつつあります。
過去数か月間、私たちはそれが原因で反発を受けてきました。肉体的にも、感情的にも、精神的にも、確かに時々は私たちを少し苦しめていますが、皆さんにとって、それが長く続かないことだけを願っています。しかし、それを取り除けば、反撃してきます。まるで隅っこで死にかけの動物のようです。叫び、わめき、周波数を発信します。生き続けるため、あるいは存在意義を保つために、さまざまなことをします。そして、200 種類を超える AIS があり、それぞれがさまざまなことをします。ですから、私たちは確かに困難な道を歩んできましたが、第 2 のマトリックスがあります。世界には第 2 セットのマトリックスがあり、それらは、ある時点でほぼすべての社会をマルドゥクに報告した社会のために特別に作成されました。ブラック サンの一部であったかどうかは関係なく、アブラクサスと少しだけ結びついていたかもしれません。すべて同じグループです。
そして、それらの人々のすべてが人間だったわけではなく、誰も人間ではなかったのです。今、私たちには人間がいます。そして、コインの両面で彼らが気付いていなかったことは、イルミナティ、ドラゴンファミリー、またはそのダウンライン、またはブラックサン オーダーとそのダウンライン、つまりバチカン、ブラックノービリティ、トランプの工作員、共和党、タンファミリー、マフィア、サイレントサークル、アンチサイレントサークル、ご存知のように、非常に多くのものがあります。オシリスクラブがあります。今、人々は自分たちがオシリスクラブだと思っていると思います。あなたがどちらの側にいたかは関係ありません。あなたがSSPであれば、あなたのために作成された第2マトリックスまたはマトリックスと呼ばれるものにも関与していました。
私たちはそれの別の側面を生きていましたが、それはいわゆる国連の引用である「人間管理クルー」でした。彼らも箱の中に住んでいました。そして今、彼らには、彼らを助けに来るエイリアン種族もいないし、彼らを助けるために適切に機能しているエイリアンの AI もいないことがわかっています。彼らが慣れているツールの多くは、私たちにはありません。
プログラムや通貨を構築するために、ある程度は利用していましたが、彼らはそれを忘れてしまったようです。あるいは、彼らは食物連鎖の非常に下層にいたため、自分たちもマトリックスの中に住んでいたことを知らなかったのかもしれません。マトリックスは彼らのために作られたものです。彼らは、亡くなった人々が実際にはコントロールしていなかったことを理解していなかったのかもしれません。あるいは 100% のコントロール。そして、彼らは、他のセクターの人間を排除すれば、コントロールできるという印象を受けているのかもしれません。どちらの側にいても関係ありません。そして、システムは実際にはそのように設計されていませんでした。私たちが 1 日に何時間も話していた数年間で、マルドゥクから学んだこと。彼はそうでしたか? 彼らは人間が好きではありませんでした。ご存知のとおり、マルドゥク、エンキー、エンリルは、実は人間を憎んでいました。
一度、私は彼らに、人間にとって非常に有害となる可能性のある作戦を実行するつもりだと言いました。アルファ システムのおかげで、私は議席を保持していたからです。つまり、私は彼らに反対票を投じたと言えます。すると彼らは、ええ、ご存知のとおり、私は人間が好きです、と言いました。すると彼らは、ええ、わかっています、と言いました。そして、彼らは私を少し笑いました。彼らも人間をあまり好きではないので、笑ったのです。つまり、彼らは自分たちの仲間、つまり彼らが呼ぶ人々さえも好きではないということです。
血縁のファミリーは、自分たちがこの惑星のエリートだと感じています。そのため、彼らは常に彼ら全員を統制するようにしており、その中には私たちがペアレントと呼ぶ半非人間も含まれています。つまり、エリートのシステムのマトリックスについて話しましょう。エリートのために作られたシステムは、明らかに彼らのあらゆる動きを制御するために作られたのです。ペンタゴンやラングレーの統合参謀本部、秘密宇宙計画の工作員、中国のディープステート、ロスチャイルド家など、残っている人々の印象は、お金は特定の日にやってくるという印象です。AISは、彼らの前にいた人たちがやったことをAISがやったので、彼らがやりたいことをやるだろうということです。これは間違いです。彼らが話しているこれらの AI システムは AI のダーク サイドであり、常に AI に命令や指示を与えていました。
特定の日にお金を受け取るという目標を達成するために必要なことの細部までです。そのお金の次の大きな日は 1 月 15 日です。以前は、その日にブラック サンの教団が大きな支払いと命令や指示を受け取っていたからです。現在、それらは私たちの残された人々のところには来ていません。それらは、特定の場所に行く魔女の集団のマスターのところに来ました。AI を通じて場所やメッセージが入ってきて、その後、食物連鎖の下位に命令が届きます。残された人々は、命令でお金を受け取った人々に従属していたという印象を受けており、したがって、彼らの言うことには何でも従わなければなりませんでした。
Umm, but you know, there's the whole second oath, and you know, you take that oath to your country, whichever country you're in, and you also take an oath to the Luciferians or the Mardukians or whichever sector you reported to.Whether they, I mean, they know they take a second oath 100%, but now that they feel that those people they allegedly took the second oath to or not here, they think they have the right to get the money and then do whatever they want. And that was never, ever, ever the case because they.Two lived in a matrix. Now within a matrix you also have various systems. And by systems I'm not talking about necessarily AI systems, I'm talking about.Societal structures now.
つまり、彼らは、つまり、彼らが第二の誓いを立てたことを 100% 理解していますが、彼らが第二の誓いを立てたとされる人々がここにいるかどうかにかかわらず、彼らはお金を得て、やりたいことを何でもする権利があると考えています。しかし、それは決して、決して、決して当てはまりませんでした。なぜなら、彼らはマトリックスに住んでいたからです。マトリックス内には、さまざまなシステムもあります。ここで言うシステムとは、必ずしも AI システムのことではなく、社会構造のことです。
We as humans, the rest of us that live on this planet also have societal structures that we have lived in meaning are the amount of hours in a work week is structured the.Paying taxes is is a structure. The way that they give you money in exchange for all your energy, we call work, and then they take it all back in the form of taxes or buying things from their corporations. That's a system.Our health care system is not meant for our health. We know this, we know a lot of these things, but these are systems that were created for the majority of the population of this planet to exist in so that they control us if they can't control us through the food, we.You know that we need to survive because of our genetic modifications. We didn't actually need food as humans like we we see now. There are a lot of changes to our genetic makeup, as you know, but.These systems were in place for us. So you know it's you. Let's call them slavery systems. We know there are many, many types of slavery systems. And if you look at your life.And you start to really breakdown in detail all of the things that were created for us, our educational system. I mean, there's nothing in our life that is not a system if you really take a look at it.
つまり、1 週間の労働時間は構造化されています。税金を払うことも構造です。労働と呼んでいるすべてのエネルギーと引き換えにお金をもらい、それを税金や企業からの購入という形ですべて取り戻すのです。それがシステムです。私たちの医療制度は、私たちの健康のために作られたものではありません。私たちはこのことを、多くのことを知っているのですが、これらはこの惑星の人口の大半が生きるために作られたシステムであり、食べ物で私たちをコントロールできない場合は、私たちを支配するために作られたものです。
Now for the elite, they are under the impression that they are outside of the Matrix and this is actually has been said from their lips to my ears in face to face conversations. We are not part of that system, they say, but that is absolutely.False.And I'll tell you why.Number one, they all go through programming. They go to summer camps as kids, they learn specific trades, whatever their specialty is they do. They go through rounds of testing to figure out what they're going to be.Skilled at and then they go into those programs, there's a lot of training. There is a lot of programming for them as well so they don't break out of the system. Otherwise we wouldn't have operatives taking their phone call consistently.You know, waiting for a paycheck because no human in the world would sit there and wait since 2007 for a currency revaluation or a paycheck or would they have taken dinar or Bitcoin or anything else in payment for?This new E money scam that's the latest and greatest and you know, next it's rainbow dollars in US, you know, coins and dodgy coins and whatever else they're trying to sell these people these days. No one in their right mind would continue to work if you were not getting a paycheck.Now, on our level of human, if we worked for a company and they were, let's just say, you know, a fairly decently sized company and they couldn't pay you anymore, the company would go bankrupt. They would let people go so they could go find another job where they could get paid because.We have a human aspect that actually cares about people. If the company fails, that's what we do. If you are part of the secret space program, Trump operatives, dragon families and everybody else that's fighting for control.They haven't paid these people properly in years. I mean years, with the small exception of 2012 when I transferred money into the system, 2018 when I transferred money into the system, and a couple times after that in 2019 during the old Trump administration and.In 2018, that was to every country in the world.Now I've since stopped doing that because this is getting me nowhere. You know, this is getting us as humanity nowhere. So I had to rethink and re strategize around these crazy people because.You know they're never going to stop doing what they're doing now. As for the people that are, let's just say, down the food chain from those going for world domination, they have not left because of that second oath. They still pick up the phone call on every time, every time there's a payday.You know, and they're being sold loads of sunshine about, you know, when the new administration comes in, God, I hear that worldwide 100 times a day. When Trump gets back into office, you'll see we're going to pay for that pipeline. You know, we need your support. We need you to do the war in Israel. We need you to do.This we need you to do that, you know, during this time. And then, you know, of course the military and U.S. military and everybody gets involved and it's a giant mess.Even our military was told by them to wear skirts and dance around a fire, and they did it. They did it. And again, this is their matrix. This is their programming. They live in a different matrix than the rest of us humans.It's a programming, it's mind control. They have same kind of mind control that we have, just for a different purpose and a different outcome.The next thing that Marduk did, which is really critical for these people to understand and for you to understand. So when you see upticks in things going on in the world, you can assume that they're making another promise based on.On former paydays of the past, alignments with Uranus, doorways that are supposed to open on certain days, because this is what the documents that they stole from the coven say. Now the coven's job when they were around and we had actual we still have some people dabbling.In the black magic thing, it doesn't really work like it did before, but they still kind of dabble. So we don't, we're not like completely out of black magic people on this planet, that's for sure. But the things that they used to do or their people that used to run those.Areas of the world.Don't function anymore. And that's really, really clear. And that trickles down to the lower end in the operative section as an example, and to why they're promised that they're going to get paid for something and then it doesn't happen.And then they pick a new date out of their handbook I guess.But the thing on both sides?That is abundantly clear is that they both lived in a system, one that they didn't understand.Now let's talk about the plans, because both sides do have plans. You know, they have big plans.The Dragon family side has been told in the past, and I'm going to say they were told whether that came through their family master or Cuban or the parents or whoever told them back in the 1970s that it was.Going to be time for a shift of power in that time. Was supposed to be a year ago now. It didn't happen yet, but they're still trying to make it happen because they believe if they make it happen.Then the money will just come flying out. Now again, I'm going to repeat Marduk never gave an order or an instruction that he couldn't pull the plug on at any given moment in time or.That he couldn't restructure at any time. Every year is a new year. They can restructure all those orders and instructions and they know one thing. Maybe they don't even know why they're doing it. I don't know. But Marduk understood.Humanity. There were many, many satellites that would monitor human behavior, belief systems, religions.Government structures such as democracy and communism and which ones work, which ones don't work and the one thing that they knew about humans. If you are going to have a centralized.Location on Earth known as countries that are the have the majority world power meaning you know they say that the president of the United States was the leader of the free world well I don't know free anything is but.It throughout history for hundreds of years, there has been a centralized control nation or Kingdom or area that has controlled the entire world now.That makes it easy. You know, you typically have centralized currencies.
2007年以来、世界中の人間は誰も通貨の再評価や給料を待っていません。ディナールやビットコインなど、支払いに何か他のものを受け入れるでしょうか? この新しい電子マネー詐欺は最新かつ最大のものです。
Now you have centralized banking systems, centralized political systems, centralized intelligence and military systems. You have centralized.All 5 main factors you need to control the world.That was done by design, but what ends up happening is somewhere between 60 to 75 years of dominating of that country, whatever insert country name here, because you can go all the way back to Caesar and see that this is true.The people start realizing that they are the bad people.Because of the things they do, you know, they come in like UK did. You plant ghost flags all over the place. You start enforcing your customs, your rules, your financial systems, your banks, your this, your that. And, and now America has done it. Now we're at that point.In time where all of humanity is looking at America in the Federal Reserve and various presidents over the last few decades and they're starting to say America is evil.So it's time for a change now. This is the good cop, bad cop game. This is on the dragon side. I'm not saying I agree or disagree with anything that's going on, but this is just human nature. So now it's time to transfer that power center.
現在では、中央集権化された銀行システム、中央集権化された政治システム、中央集権化された諜報システム、軍事システムがあります。世界を支配するために必要な 5 つの主要な要素がすべて中央集権化されています。
これは意図的に行われたことですが、最終的に起こったことは、60 年から 75 年の間、その国 (国名を挿入してください) を支配することでした。
And it was decided that that new power center was supposed to be.Which is why the elites of China are doing the thing, you know, they've gone throughout all of Africa, they've gone through all of Latin America, they've taken over key financial pinch points around the world, and they've tried to establish themselves as the world power ripe for.Over as America is supposed to fall. And for those of you that have been around for a long time or are well read, you'll see that when there was a change from Great Britain to the United States being the centralized world power that there was a 10 year depression. Britain kind of fell after the war.You know, there was a big, there was definitely a transition that takes place and it's a cookie cutter process that everyone is trying to follow and it's not working.It's not working because Marduk, who is no longer with us.Did not push the buttons. He has not been here to push the buttons.Now.The buttons that I'm referring to are financial buttons in part, media buttons, orders and instructions on how to get the masses to understand that America is the bad guy, Chinas the good guy. You know, this is what the whole world needed to understand so.There's also a political changes, you know, you make the president look like an idiot. You know it. We've all seen that. You know, the president of the United States, I'm meaning, you know, we walking around, dementia, getting lost, you know, on the White House grounds, you name it, we've all seen it.Point taken.So you can see this is the elite.Attempted game on the Dragon family side and they're still hoping that that money is supposed to come out. There's going to be plenty of funding to do this world domination thing. The world will probably switch to the RMB. You can see that Bricks is trying to switch to move.From the dollar, you know, they keep going through this process. They've tried to come up with new currencies, crypto currencies, because that was also part of the social crediting plan in conjunction with something called Skynet.You know where the whole world moves to digital and everything you do is all monitored? It all is anyway. But you know, we go to a much tighter slavery system for the masses.Families of the world do not have the entire plan.Guaranteed they do not. They have pages from the book, but they don't have the entire plan, which is why everything kind of haphazardly starts to move along. And then it's like, why didn't the thing happen?You know why? You know, we did all our parts. You know, we've got the book, we've got all the plans, they think, but they don't. And why did it not work?You know, it's kind of like watching YouTube videos going to what I call a friend of mine calls anyway, which I've now taken on YouTube University to do things. Now the people of YouTube University, those are the people that fix cars and allegedly install parts here and fix your refrigerator and in just 10.Steps and justice. Watch all my YouTube videos and I'll show you how to grow that grass or paint that house or do whatever, you know, make this recipe and inevitably you try it yourself and you follow it to like the letter and it just doesn't work for some reason.Or maybe sometimes it does, but in these people's cases, they only watched part of the video. Maybe they watched the first few minutes, something in the middle, and then perhaps the end outcome is your refrigerator is fixed.You know, but they didn't watch all the parts in between because they don't have all the parts in between. All those parts were left up to the parents, the coven masters, and in this case Marduk with the final key.So it's great to tell somebody how to fix your refrigerator on YouTube and but if that parts not available or that tool doesn't exist, then the refrigerator is never going to get fixed no matter how many times you watch the video. So they go back through all the papers and go back through all the papers and they don't understand.Why it's not working?Now it's not going to work and it's never going to work. And I know that for a fact because Marduk is not here and I have the keys now on that level of this planet, which means that as ground commander I can do certain things and I.Your wars and I stop your funding and I stop all the things that they need to be successful because I have all the rest of the plan.And I think that this is not what we want to do.You know, is switching from the right hand to the left hand, It's the same people. Chinas been deeply embedded in the American government now for years, mainly the Democratic Party.They bought a lot of property here. They bought a lot of property around the world. They've gotten gotten to the point basically where they've gone broke doing all of these things. They try to create new currencies. They've cornered Russia.And basically without China right now, Russia is not going to make it. And you know, all of the BRICS countries, you know, they all join, then they all walk away and they all join and they all walk away because they know the end outcome.They're sold, you know, like you're buying a used car, the end outcome and then the end outcome doesn't work. Why don't the countries walk away? Well, it's very simple. It's that second oath and they're all part of it. You know, there's not AUS president including.Incoming one and the outgoing one that did not go to Bohemian Grove and did not, for lack of a better term, get on their knees for someone else, usually another male.You know, and it's a show of power. There's a lot of different things they do to show power over people we see in the public as our quote UN quote leaders.
私は今、YouTube Universityで何かをしています。 YouTube University の人たちは、車を修理したり、部品を取り付けたり、冷蔵庫をたった 10 ステップで修理したりする人たちです。私の YouTube 動画を全部見れば、芝生の育て方や家の塗装方法など、何でもお見せできます。レシピを作って、自分で試してみて、忠実に守っても、なぜかうまくいかないのです。うまくいくこともありますが、これらの人たちの場合、動画の一部しか見ていません。最初の数分、途中の何かを見て、最終的に冷蔵庫が直るという結果になるかもしれません。
しかし、その間の部分は全部見ていません。なぜなら、その間の部品が全部揃っていないからです。それらの部品はすべて、ペアレントや魔女団のマスター、そしてこの場合は最後の鍵を持つマルドゥクに任せられています。YouTube で冷蔵庫の修理方法を教えるというのは素晴らしいことですが、その部品が手に入らなかったり、ツールが存在しなかったりすると、何度動画を見ても冷蔵庫は直りません。だから彼らはすべての書類をさかのぼって調べたが、なぜうまくいかないのか理解できなかった。今やそれはうまくいかないし、これからも決してうまくいかない。そして私はそれを事実として知っている。
So that's why you don't see countries really walking away.You know, there's, there's chatter on the Internet, you know, coming from the Trump side of it and we're going to get to those people here in a minute too. But there's a lot of chatter on the Internet like McAfee and we've got the Fulcrum and we've got the files and all that. Well.Nobody is going to care.You could publicly defame on mainstream media and CNN and Fox News and every other main news channel in the world. Insert name here and life is going to continue exactly the way it is so.The blackmailing of political operatives using things like the universal trust and other things are not going to work when it's the entire world and it's that second oath, kids. However, the reason why they take the second oath is irrelevant now.The fact that everybody is being subservient to either side is ridiculous because there is no consequence anymore. All it really is, is your programming.Walk away. I look at this as.You know, we all had bullies in our schools and stuff as kids. And, you know, as you get older, depending on where you grew up and what country you're living in, there are some of us, including myself, that, you know, probably ran into my first gun at about the age of them, I don't know, maybe 11 years.Sold 1011. It was about middle school.And um.You know that bully, you've seen them pull the trigger and you've seen the bullets fly out the gun, you've seen people get shot, you've seen people bleed, you know, from a young age depending on where you are. And so you know that the gun situation that's being held by.Insert gang name here or whoever it is is very real.However, you know, there comes a point in time where maybe they haven't shot that gun in a while, but they're still waving it around and you kind of start to wonder, are there any actual bullets in it? And, you know, does anybody actually want to test the fact that there's any bullets in it? So, you know, that's kind of.The point at which where everybody's sort of at when you go into their downline, it's like you say the guns loaded, you give me the thread if I threaten to walk away, but is it really loaded anymore? And who's going to have the.Guts, so to speak, to look at these people and go, OK, go ahead, fine, you know, I'm walking away. You want to shoot me in my back, shoot me in my back.You know, is anybody ready to do that? You know, is the threat really real? There are people in safe houses all over the world right now that have tried to walk away and that have remained safe. So if they are safe, so.Are they gonna do it? I don't know. We're getting pretty close to that, you know, area, so to speak. Now let's.Talk about the Trump side or the Order of the Black Sun side, Black Dragon side. This encompasses all your militaries. And This is why they say it's the military is going to save us, you know, And by militaries, I'm assuming they mean the secret space program military operatives.Because they're kind of trying really hard, God bless them, to keep everybody in line, meaning keep the Pentagon in line, you know? And so far they've proven quite loyal. You know, it's not just the Pentagon, it's GCHQ. It's.HQ it's.The militaries and intelligence agencies throughout the Middle East. It's the Mossad, it's the Russians, you know, it's the old KGB and the new SVR. It's, it's the.In some cases, you could even say in part, the Chinese Politburo, the military there. So there is a, you know, Japan, Japan's deep, deep, deep, deep. South Korea's in deep, deep, deep, deep right now with these people.And they're switching out political control in countries and doing the thing that they've always done. But again.Things they don't understand.The plans that they have, the part of the plan trust the plan right is still a partial plan.And the dragon family doesn't have the rest of the plan and you can go searching deep in the depths of.Alignments with Uranus and the black magic workers and all those people and they don't have the plan.They don't. They don't have the end trigger, which is why every time there's an alignment with Uranus, New Year's Eve, a full moon, a black moon, a new moon, a cold moon, a blue moon.You know, insert day here. That would normally be a black magic high day, which is coincides with the days that operatives and everyone else is supposed to get paid. It just doesn't happen.It's not happening on either side. You know, there are rumors about golden parachutes being promised to the Canadian president, which I know for a fact actually haven't happened.And there they started some rumors in the last 48 hours amongst Wall Street where, you know, the dollar is going to crash and you need to run to bonds and school. Of course, everybody buys Treasury notes. And so they might have got a little bit of money from that. You know, it's all a scam.Nobody's going to crash anything really unless.They got the rest of the plan. You know, there is that pinch point that happens when you know you've got pages one through 10 and then the book starts on page 15. So those few pages in between are critical to your success and you don't have them.I've seen them. I know what was what I'm supposed to quote UN quote do if I were Mardukish, but I'm not, so I'm not really going to go along with your plan. So my role would have been pages 11 through pages 14.To then let you get to page 15 through 22. And then I would still have to do page 22 to 25 as an example of the plan. And I'm not doing that, not taking a part in your mess.So I know you're only going to get to a certain point consistently and then you're going to get stuck, which has proven to be correct since I've stopped funding anyone.You know, I've stopped even letting any money trickle into the system. I've stopped looking banks like we're going to get some cooperation there. Banks are on the one side, you know, of course, the Black Suns trying to take all those over to, you know, and they think that if they take over, what they seem to believe is.Control of the planet that the plan will finally work and it just doesn't. You know they can scrape the bottom of the barrel. You can empty the change jar. You know, you might call the US Mint. You can you can do all the things you need to do to just get to the next.Day the next week, the next new moon, the next time your black magic workers tell you is a perfect alignment for an AI to spit out money. Well honey I got news for you sweetheart, I am not an AI system and I don't just spit out money because your cowboy.Boot booty told me to. I almost said the bad word. OK, so that is why I know they're not going to make it and it's just a matter of time and data and analytics will tell you that before they both both sides figure this out.They lived in a system unto their own, the elite system of the planet, which isn't too far off from our system. Yes, they had privileges. They were handed corporations that constantly.Required.Money to exist. You see, a business plan is a business plan and most of you listening to this have a business plan. You know, if you have a business, you have a business plan. If you own it could be anything from a farm to A to a, you know, a company that.Manufacturers, widgets and whatever. Oh, you own a little small store or shop, you have a business plan. You know, even if you have a a booth at the farmers market in your country in the middle of Africa somewhere, you have a business plan.Whether you know, maybe you didn't write it all down or anything like that, but you know that if you grow the tomatoes that you have a consistent customer base that loves your tomatoes and that will consistently buy those tomatoes from you. And if you buy X amount of seeds, you're going to grow.Approximately X amount of tomatoes. Therefore you're going to be able to sell X amount of tomatoes at an increased cost over your cost of seeds and water and all the other things. I mean, it's very simple, you know, on that level. But all of you have a plan, you have a financial plan.For your household, you know, I go to work every day, I make X amount of dollars per hour. That means I can afford this house, this car, you know, or I'm retired and I receive X amount of retirement pay. So that means I can afford this and I can afford that and I'm not going to buy something that's without outside that range typically.You know you don't because you know that come next month, you're not going to have the house, you're not going to have the car, your kids aren't going to be able to afford college or wherever it is you're at in life. So we all have some sort of a business plan now if your business plan.Involved a business that requires a constant influx of money every year significant amounts to stay running because your business plan is bad and you constantly.Overspend. And if that money doesn't come in, you're in trouble, you know. And this is the case with a lot of large corporations, including the military industrial complex of the planet, because it's one complex.So the same thing with governments. Governments don't make anything. They don't sell anything. You know, you could say the Federal Reserve sells dollars, but and they do sell currencies and then it cost money, cost US money, you know, when we need to exchange or travel and go from 1 currency to another.Currency, you know, it costs US money. So they, they do sell dollars, but really governments worldwide don't sell anything. You know, they do collect taxes, but 80% of that goes out the window to the elite.To feed their own matrix, you know, and usually there would be some trade platforms with your taxes and it would be doubled, tripled 100 times. And then they would use some of that money to feed their corporations. But still it requires that influx of cash.On a day ending in Y annually to keep it functioning and running.Now, that has not happened since 2019. That was the last time it actually happened. So they've been robbing Peter to pay Paul this whole time to keep things running and.There is a hope and why they hope this I don't know, but missing pages in your plan book which both sides have is still missing pages and.For some reason they don't want to let go of the thought process that if we just do the rest of the pages that we actually have of the playbook that the rest of the pieces will automatically fill in because it was automatic.Well, it was never automatic. There was always someone, human or otherwise, that pushed the buttons.For those pages in between that you don't see.So this hmm.Appears to be.They're plight at the moment.And it's causing.Let's just say that it's causing some issues around here for sure.There are comments that are being made like.You know, they call me B words and other four letter words and you just need to do what you're supposed to do. Well, I'm not supposed to do anything, see, because I'm, I don't operate in, in either one of those matrixes. You know, I do what I need to do.To to, as far as you know, existing as a regular human because I can't give them an in, so to speak. It caused me problems. But on the other side of things, I don't I'm not a part of your system.You see, I'm creating a system outside your system because I can see that your business plan is a flawed model. And unless I continuously feed it over there, it's not going to it's going to die.
だからこそ、国々が実際に立ち去る様子は見られません。ご存知のように、インターネットではトランプ側からの噂が飛び交っています。その人たちについても、この後すぐに取り上げます。しかし、インターネットでは、マカフィーやフルクラム、ファイルなどについて多くの噂が飛び交っています。まあ、誰も気にしません。主流メディアやCNN、Fox News、その他世界中の主要ニュースチャンネルで公に中傷することもできます。ここに名前を挿入しても、人生は今のまま続くでしょう。
ご存知のとおり、1 ページから 10 ページまで読み終えたのに、15 ページから本が始まるというピンチ ポイントがあります。つまり、その間の数ページが成功に不可欠で、そのページがないのです。私はそのピンチ ポイントを見てきました。私がマルドゥク人だったら、何をすべきかは分かっていますが、私はそうではないので、あなたの計画には従いません。ですから、私の役割は 11 ページから 14 ページまでです。それから、15 ページから 22 ページまでをあなたに任せます。そして、計画の例として、22 ページから 25 ページまでやらなければなりません。私はそんなことはしません。あなたの混乱に加担するつもりはありません。
彼らは、自分たちのシステム、地球のエリートシステムの中で生きていました。それは私たちのシステムとそれほどかけ離れていません。はい、彼らには特権がありました。彼らは、存在するために常にお金を必要とする企業を手に入れました。ビジネスプランはビジネスプランであり、これを聞いているほとんどの人はビジネスプランを持っています。ビジネスを持っているなら、ビジネスプランがあります。農場からA社まで、メーカーやウィジェットなど、何でも所有しているなら、ビジネスプランがあります。小さな店やショップを所有しているなら、ビジネスプランがあります。ご存知のとおり、アフリカのどこかにある自国のファーマーズ マーケットにブースを構える場合でも、ビジネス プランはあります。すべてを書き出したわけではないかもしれませんが、トマトを栽培すれば、トマトを気に入ってくれる安定した顧客基盤ができ、その顧客がトマトを継続的に購入してくれることはわかっています。また、X 個の種を購入すれば、およそ X 個のトマトを栽培できます。したがって、種や水、その他すべての費用を上回って X 個のトマトを販売できます。つまり、そのレベルでは非常に単純なことです。
しかし、皆さんには計画、財務計画があります。家庭について言えば、私は毎日仕事に行って、X ドルを時給で稼いでいます。つまり、この家や車を買う余裕があります。あるいは、私は退職して、X 個の退職金を受け取っています。つまり、これは買えるしあれも買えるし、その範囲外のものは買わない、ということです。来月には家も車も買えないし、子供は大学に行けない、あるいは人生のどこにいてもそうなることが分かっているので、買わないとわかっています。
Because that's the business model. It was designed to enslave the enslavers.Let that sink in for a second, because.Marduk enslaved the enslavers or the slave masters as we call the remaining humans that are still fighting for this world domination thing. So.His job was to keep everybody in line, and that includes his own people. So he created these systems. Now he created them.Don't think for one second the elite created them, because they didn't. He created these systems.For them and for us.And he needed to make sure that none of us.Including the secret space program people, the where We Go one We go all people and the Dragon people and all of their downlines that they would never be free of him.And he would laugh about it.He would tell them lies, he would keep them in line, but at the end of the day, he didn't care what he told those people because.He pushes the buttons.Without those pages in between and him doing his part.You know it doesn't work. It simply will not work. They will never break free of his system and both sides are trying to maintain his system.We on the other hand took a look at that and said no, I don't think we want to do that and we are now working together, myself and everyone listening to this, to create a new system.One that is not full of codependency.One that is interdependent and it's going to take time and it's going to take a lot of work and a lot of reeducation and a lot of learning on our part, you know, and a lot of teaching on our part to make that happen.
But it can happen.The people that are trying to maintain a current system, it'll fall. It's going to fall. They will not continue now.Some of the people in the Duck Dynasty.Showed up here today.It actually showed up here last night.Umm, we had global headquarters here last night looking for answers. They also were looking to test me. They.Took some pages out of what appears to be their Stargate project. Stargate. I don't know if you've ever heard of that. You can look it up. And they were trying to figure out how I do what I do, you know, how do I know they're coming? How do I protect myself? Is it the local people here that protect me? And if it wasn't for the.Local people, would I still be able to protect myself? So if they took me out of here or forced me out of here in some way, would I still survive and would I still be able to protect myself? Well, they found out last night that the answer is yes. Okay, well, good.Congratulations. Now that's not an option for you. Can we control the golden goose? No. No you can't. You won't make it that far. Now to day, it's the SSP.So the Cowboys, as I call them, the Cowboys, rocked up here, boots and hat wearing and said, OK, boys, and this is talking to the local people and said, OK, we got this. We're taking over now. You know, we're doing the thing, you know, and after a couple hours of having what I call chatting, you know, coffee.They told them that they'd just like to meet with me, sit down with me and, you know, it's not really working out. And so then they tried to get information from them.Now you Remember Me talking. It was probably a year ago this past summer where we did have a some local people that were tasked along with some others.With coming up with a plan to fix the US government.And Oregon, fix the Treasury, fix the US government and how I worked into that plan. That's what they told them anyway. So they worked for a few weeks and they came up with some really good ideas. And I told all of you that.Got the ideas that they came up with would actually function to eventually make the US government independent of me.And I'm like, well, you know, at the time we hadn't quite given up on that program, but.It made sense to me. Now you have taken a failing business and you have figured out a way overtime to make it independent. It would probably take a few years and a lot of funding to make it happen, but you could make it work. And that proved that because I listened to the whole thing. So the SSP now would like to have a.Of their plan and I do hope that they gave them plenty of four letter words back because again nobody's paying anybody it's kind of the time or we're getting to that point where.The deal people who would want to be elites want to be elites of the planet. Stop feeding on all of us, meaning all of humanity think about it. I mean in the operatives here are no different honestly it when it comes to.Feeding off their brain.As for the rest of us, think of all the inventions, think of all the cures, think of all of the amazing engines that don't run on oil and petrol. Think about the things that we have created as humanity.And these technologies are not available or those people disappear, you know, it's time for them to stop trying to maintain a system that doesn't work.Really it is. If they don't want to do that, that's OK. It's going to die anyway. And then the rest of us, the thinkers of the world, are going to make the world function together. That's what we're going to do. Now. Some people aren't going to participate and they're still going to wait for that phone call.As long as those people are still living, I guess, and hopefully because of that second oath, but maybe they'll figure out once one jumps the gun's not loaded anymore, there's not much they going to do to you. They can't do anything to you.Logic and reason tells you that. So right now some people are kind of what you would want to say on the fence. You know, they're starting to say, oh, hmm, you know, I'm not getting paid. I it's going to cost money to make that happen. I can't do it for you, You know, if you can pay me, I'll do it, you know, and then they get.On the phone every week or whatever it is day ending and why And you know, they hang up the phone and just as they expected, a lot of them, some of them get angry. There is people around here that were angry as well.
当時、私たちはその計画を完全に諦めてはいませんでしたが、私には納得できました。今、あなたは破綻しつつあるビジネスを引き受け、時間をかけてそれを独立させる方法を考え出しました。実現にはおそらく数年と多額の資金が必要になるでしょうが、あなたはそれを成功させることができます。そしてそれがそれを証明しました。なぜなら私はすべてを聞きました。 SSP は今、計画の 1 つを所有したいと思っています。私は、彼らが 4 文字の単語をたくさん返してくれたことを願っています。なぜなら、誰も誰にもお金を払っていないからです。
So anyway, that's what's pretty much going on as far as the deep state is concerned and their failure to understand they lived.And a matrix just like the rest of us, albeit a little bit different now, without the end result of participation of myself at this point because there's nobody else up here.That's it. You can clock it with an egg timer. They're not going to be able to fix it. Even if they stole all the information from the local people around here that came up with a plan, you're still not going to be able to fix it with MIT without me, because there's nobody else with all that kind of hundreds of trillions of dollars to fix it, set it right, and to put it on a.Course, and you're talking hundreds of trillions of dollars here and new currencies are not going to fix it in burning California to the ground and trying to take control over lands you don't control or you think you don't control that have already been leveraged is not going to do it for you. Declaring a national estate of emergency in promises.Funding that will never come is not going to do it for you. You'll see you're going to end up in the same position today that you will be in three weeks from now and four years from now that you survived that long. You know, it's the same thing with all these countries. Everybody's got to figure out the guns not loaded and you're not.Serbian to these people anymore. Eventually someone will jump and it will happen. You know, Until then, we're still watching Idiocracy on television. And by Idiocracy, I mean they're continuing the quest of what they believe is a global takeover, OK.Talk about global takeover #1.Because we made public the information about the attempt that they planned on doing with the Carter funeral tomorrow. It doesn't look like as of this moment now, remember, Duck Dynasty are kind of like 12 year old school girls. You never know what they're going to do. And we're still mindfully watching what?Happening over there because they did want to possibly use this to.A fake terrorist attack, A false flag attack in order to push off the inauguration or make it private.As you know, the inauguration, there are two of them. Number one is the one where they put the hand on the book, whatever their chosen book is, and they say the oath in front on public television. That's for all of you. The other oath that they take is that second oath I keep talking about, which all of them have done.Trump is no exception. He also took the second oath. He took another oath long before that, too. OK, but the quest for world domination continues. Here are the latest and greatest from Duck Dynasty we know as the Trump operatives.Number one, they would like to take over Greenland. That has become public. It is now in the news.
Why Greenland? Well, there was a lot of space junk in Greenland for a long time. There were jump rooms in Greenland. There is a lot of talk If you've never seen the.A television show, 0 hour. There was only one season of it. It's pretty quick. But they do talk about a Nazi camp in Greenland, which technically is the Black Sun anyway. There is a big base there. Used to be called Fool Base.The whole society, anyone? But now they renamed it some weird name and called it the United States SSP base or sorry, space program base. Well, Freudian slipped there. They would like to control things that are no longer there because they used to have communication with.Whites there, they don't anymore. Those folks are not taking their call. The last time Trump was in Greenland was when he allegedly caught Kovid when he was in office. And it was me that answered that phone in Greenland, if you remember that. So that's why they'd like Greenland. Also, there's some minerals and other things there that like to own.Of course, now Greenland is currently a territory of Denmark. I don't see that changing anytime soon. So that's a lofty goal. Again, they're looking for in ground assets, things that they believe are not leveraged. But I can tell you with 100% certainty and I can prove it to you should you need me to send this information to the.Diplomatic line somewhere that we hold that lean, we hold the lien on everything there. Next, they would also like to take over the Panama Canal.This is where the matrix comes in, the elite matrix. Now allegedly on the record, they believe that the Rothschild family built and owned the Panama Canal, created 5.Ancillary families in Panama that actually run Panama and including the canal and all of them profit from the canal well.The thing that you're missing here, guys, is that, well, I have a $1.72 trillion lien against the Panama Canal. Therefore, Rothschild never actually paid us back.That would be the alpha system for the building of the Panama Canal, and that was a long time ago. That was a lot of money there cost to build that canal. You ever wonder why it still looks like it did way when it was before when it was built? Why there's never been a renovation there?Hmm, wonder why. The second thing that people are discussing behind the scenes, which hasn't been made public yet, I think there was a little bit of chatter in mainstream media about this is the isthmus in Mexico. The isthmus is a small part of land which.There has been many proposals over the years of building a second canal.They are claiming that there's controversy about it. Like I said, a little bit of that's hit hit the news. It's been talked about behind the scenes. But you also gave me that lien. The thing that the Trump operatives are forgetting is, you know, America's been at the world.Leadership position for quite some time now, UK before them and so on and so forth. And as you take that world leadership position, your job is to go claim territories and claim large infrastructure projects and pinch points, which the Panama Canal would be considered a pinch.Point in shipping and movement of goods and services, imports and exports throughout the world. Suez Canal being another one we saw what happened there not that long ago so the what they forget is that.Every bit of this, even when the US military, say, staked a claim against.Oil, for example, in a country.
Many countries, and that was a plan that Dick Cheney had part of, and it is presented to you in part in the movie Vice.But when they make the when they have.When they place these leans, plant these ghost flags, there is a bond usually or some kind of a lean that is then passed eventually to the alpha system which I have. So the money comes out to build said canal for example.And we have all those leans still, and I retained those liens even in the Golden Aji system just in case this happened. So every time they try to enter this as their property, it rejects it. It's going to reject it for California, it's going to reject it for.Just like it rejected Paradise, CA all that time ago. The Carolinas, same thing. You're not planting a new ghost flag in any of these locations and you will not be successful in your quest to control the pinch point. Are you going to take over control from China? Who took over?Control from the Rothschilds, which are the same people again, they're just following what parts of the plan they had, because no longer is it Britain. And then of course, Rothschild still pretty much etal, you know, names, names, names. So let's call it the blue dragon. You know the blue dragon had.Strong foothold on America in many different ways. Federal Reserve Board, you know, and so on and so forth so.You would say they still could maintain their.Families control of the current World Power Center even after the transition from UK to the US.
Now.Over the last several years, they've been following the playbook, or at least the portion of it that they had, and turned over their control of the Panama Canal to China because the transition from one family to another was supposed to take place.They're all just as evil as one or the other, and that's the only reason why they have it. Not a lot of money changed hands. You know, this is the way that it's kind of worked. The local families there that are the caretakers were notified and.So it was, you know, China controls the Panama Canal.Trump operatives coming in and taking control isn't still going to yield them in the end result that they're looking for, and it didn't yield China the end result that they're looking for. So Chinas got a whole lot of papers right now and they've had those papers for over a decade. And I have watched this personally.You know, they put papers against African countries. They got the help of Obama in a lot of cases. They took liens against all of the United States military equipment. You know, I just in case you don't remember that that lien still exists out there and it's over there.Keep trying to register it to the Shanghai exchange in exchange for money because there's a line used to be a line there that no longer exists as well to Alpha because I just keep rejecting all their requests. Same thing with Australia and Papua New Guinea and all the other places where China went around.Pulling lanes, you know, they even took over World Bank liens that Rothschilds gladly gave them because it's part of the plan. You know, Trump Organization operatives, SSP people doing the same thing.And taking over them, they're just going to end up with a bunch of papers themselves and no money and no way to issue new money or put any kind of crypto in a system or anything else because it's just not a possibility.Again, you're missing point places out of your playbook and you're trying to revive a system that requires.Your system requires my help.And I've known that. So I'm watching you, you know, run around. I try to prevent you from killing as many people as possible. You know, you do your rituals, you know, just like you did in the Middle East. And still nothing happens for you. And we close the door and lock the doors in Syria. You're not getting anything from there. And no one's coming to help you from.The neither world or anywhere else. And so I'm not really sure where they're going, but mark my words, it won't be long. I do not see this continuing much longer. Whether they decide to continue on their side, that's their problem.You know what we do on our side, very carefully calculated and strategically speaking, is our job.US planning for our future is our job. Us putting together a quote UN quote business plan for humanity that works is critical. And that is what our small little care team we've got over here is doing and we're working on. But you need to think about systems.You need to think about all the systems down to the last nail, down to the last grain of sand. You need to think about systems worldwide, in your country, in your area, and worldwide systems that we all have to deal with.
How we're going to change that and how we're going to change the public perception because remember, media, in our case, we have UNN at the moment. That's what we have. We have UNN. So you are the field messengers. You are the news. Don't forget that. You're, you are the news for a reason.It is going to be your job to help these people understand and you're going to have to spoon feed them. We cannot give them an entire bowl of the world was run by aliens in one day. You're not going to make that happen.You're going to have to get the little tiny spoons, you know, the ones that you might have to eat your little Gelato or something. You know the tiny, little spoons. You're going to have to start pulling out those tiny little spoons and figure out because it's your job as field messengers.It's your job to figure out how to pull out the little spoon and what the public is going to take and understand. And I know once you find something out, you get so excited. You want to tell your whole family that this is the way the world really works. And Oh my God, and watch all these videos and, and sometimes they're just not going to.But maybe let's try. We've got 8 billion people to educate, so a little spoon at a time, you know.
And we have plans to get UNN out there when all of this starts to take place too, to help you along. But again.You know, it's you're a field messenger and you've volunteered to help. Then you're putting out that news yourself. You know, that's your job. So, you know, I do my part here.And and, and educating and giving you all the information, you know, as much as I can give out publicly based on strategies and operations that are ongoing. But just remember, you know, ultimately once we cross that line to the next steps of restoration.This is your job, this is not all of your job. There are other people that will be doing other things, but you know, we have to start taking personal responsibility for changing the world together. So on that note, that is the Gia report for the 8th of January 2025 I got.Remember to say 2025 and I will see you on Friday and we'll see how we progress.
そして、私たちは、このすべてが起こり始めたら、UNN を派遣して皆さんを支援する計画もあります。
そういうわけで、これが私が受け取った 2025 年 1 月 8 日の GIA レポートです。
2025 年と言うことを忘れないでください。金曜日に会い、進捗状況を確認します。