2025年1月6日(月曜) キンバリーGIAレポート




It's the 6th of January 2025, coming up on today's Global Intelligence Agency Operations report.Every country's military went to DEFCON one earlier today and it had nothing to do with a nuclear threat.And governments are starting to come back to work this week and there's a lot going on. 1st, the proxy minister of China, also known as Justin Trudeau, the Canadian Prime Minister, resigned earlier today. Later this week, we have former president Carters funeral.Iran promises more strikes on Israel and the upcoming inauguration of Trump make for a busy month ahead as rumors swirl behind the scenes and we know the real story.We made it through another weekend.



今日は2025年1月6日、世界情報局の活動報告が近づいています。各国の軍隊は今日早朝、DEFCON 1に参加しましたが、核の脅威とはまったく関係ありませんでした。そして政府は今週仕事に戻り始めており、多くのことが起きています。まず、中国の代理大臣としても知られるカナダの首相、ジャスティン・トルドーが今日早朝辞任しました。今週後半にはカーター元大統領の葬儀があります。イランはイスラエルへのさらなる攻撃を約束し、トランプ大統領の就任式が近づいており、舞台裏で噂が渦巻き、本当の話を知っているため、この先1か月は忙しいものになりそうです。また週末が終わりました。





Welcome to Monday, everyone.Uh, for a lot of you, this is your first day back at work after the holiday and it is, well, you could say the start of coming back to work for governments. Normally they do not come back fully until the 15th of January.Which is why they're trying to squeeze in that Carter funeral between now and then. So let's get to it. It's been a busy day. Very busy day.So for us, it's more of, I guess you would say not of the same, but we have continued that cleaning up process. We fired a shot across the bow on Friday on purpose.Letting everybody know kind of where they stand, what they would need to do.







Of course, they try to use old lines. One of those lines was actually underneath The Hague in Netherlands and the Hagen Netherlands, if you don't know, is considered the.International court, it's tied to the United Nations. It has a lot of information as far as countries taking countries to quote UN quote their court. It also serves as.A somewhat of a monarch court in some cases it would override any country's court should it make a decision. And that's kind of just a brief overview of The Hague, let's call it the.One world government's legal system.But it also has some interesting other little tidbits that go along with it. Underneath The Hague we had some old databases that were tied to the Alpha Omega system and these databases.Would be very interesting should the deep state ever get a hold of those databases. Now there are a lot of people touting that they have the fulcrum, you know they have.Even online they're saying it's with the McAfee files or something like that, but in reality, this was the database everybody's talking about. Behind the scenes. We have all the information. We're going to do all the things well.Those databases were not accessible to them. Number one, they never were accessible to people on that level. But in addition to that, those databases had to go it.







It really had nothing to do with.Preventing exposure because we tried on our side of it, we tried the exposure route before and our exposure route, we utilized some of the data we pulled from the Universal Trust, which is run by the Silent Circle, AKA the mafia organizations of the world.Universal Trust, just to give you a brief overview of I've never talked about it before. Well, I have talked about it before, but if you're new here, Universal Trust was formed around 250 years ago, maybe a little bit more now.And it was designed specifically to be a money laundering operation for a mafia organizations worldwide. Mafia organizations are nothing more than another niche business, so to speak, for the Order of the Black Sun.They were created specifically to run the black side of the market, meaning things you could not sell on the market and off market trading. So they would trade things even like.Oil, off market oil, it's not necessarily all human trafficking and drugs and all that, like, you know, is portrayed in the movies, although that is part of it, I'm sure.But there's a lot of arms trading and, you know, things that countries just don't want on their books. This was kind of all run through the universal trust. It was also an international laundry mat for about 35% of your dirty money, they would return to you clean money.Anywhere in the world, and they had their own financial network with which to do so. There, on the flip side of it, people like the political operatives would utilize the information collected by this trust and the money collected by this trust.To donate to various campaigns of political officials around the world. One such case not that long ago that went public was about the president of Argentina. I think it was Argentina and it was a couple of years back.They said taken political donations from the Colombian mafia, while every politician pretty much has, whether they know it or not, and usually on election night or selection night as we like to call it.That information is then laid on the table to the incoming president, Prime Minister, head of state. And it's used to keep them in line. So should they ever fall out of line, you know, we're going to announce we're going to destroy your political career. We're going to announce that you took money from this mafia or that mafia. And.You've got deep ties to them and so on and so forth. Otherwise, you can just do exactly what we tell you to do, and that's usually what everybody does. So as far as new presidents coming in versus old presidents coming in and, you know, it doesn't really make a difference because they're all controlled in the same manner.









Now the Universal Trust line went down.Two of them more than a year ago now.But it doesn't mean that they don't use that information that they may already have in their possession to control various current politicians out there in the world. This is kind of relative to what's going on. So as it relates to The Hague, it's very similar information, the information that.Was collected by the database under The Hague. Had nothing to do with them trying to control politicians. For the most part. This was a recorder of black market transactions. It was a recorder of real history.In some cases we did upload the entire database or the fulcrum as you would call it, to our system before we got rid of the database there, but they had an intention of using this database big exposure campaign and of course making certain.People that we all know look like a hero.Well, hmm, the other thing that.Use this for was for control over countries, not just control over petitions possibly, but control over countries. And this started kind of let's just say.Trickling out into the mainstream media within the last 24 hours.One such case was Justin Trudeau. Now, for those of you that don't know, I will tell you a little bit about Mr. Tideau, as much as I would like care to tell you our ties to Cuba. But then again, everybody has ties to Cuba. Hillary Clinton has ties to Cuba.There are a lot of.Ties with Cuba and various officials based on some things that were there in the past, of course Fidel Castro, you know, sat there and of course was a trustee at one point in time for the dragon families and.And a number of other groups, and as you know, it is probably the second.Largest, or used to be anyway at one point in time, Russian foreign military base there in Cuba based on the alleged Cold War but.Yeah.There's some similarities between Cuba and and Canada.As of late, one of those main similarities are foreign military bases, and Mr. Trudeau is very much a Chinese deep state.Stooge, I guess you could say he definitely is in their pocket.He also participated in the Surround and Destroy America program, which China Deep State was advocating for for quite a long time, and China did successfully build.Mostly I would say they are maybe a little bit more than 2/3 finished up there in Canada.Was one of the projects he allowed to happen in the country? It is also the reason why he was heavily heavily promoting this, the pandemic and all the lockdowns and why can't Canadian citizens.Unfortunately, we're subject to a lot more restrictions than a lot of other countries because they are so deeply embedded in China and China had been giving money at some points in time.To Canada. Now, in addition to that, Canada is also kind of a deep state money laundering facility unto itself. One such famous person you would know that laundered a lot of money in Canada.Would be a Bush senior. Bush senior when during his tenure as a black dragon also laundered a lot of money in Canada, mainly one of the largest accounts in Canada.For his money laundering operations was the fact he used the Black Eagle Trust, which was not his own personal money, to fund the Trans Neff pipeline that.Umm, Russia all the way through Ukraine and he would enjoy $1.00 per every barrel of oil that line.A part of the reason for the conflict that's going on over there in in Russia and Ukraine, sort of, kind of, I should say the second reason is the large gas deposits that everybody wants to own.And that's a long story and probably another report for another day, but we're talking about Canada right now, so recently today.Resigns and the reason why he actually resigned is because the SSP.Mostly American cowboy SSP sector would like to insert their own shadow government there and it was hard to do when you had such a loyalist to the Chinese dragon families. Now the other thing they've begun to do since his resignation, which is an even cold it's still hot on.Presses over there, at least in the face front in our mainstream media is they would like they've informed them that they're going to be taking over a number of bases throughout Canada, one of the sites they have their eyes on.To name one, I should say out of several, is a Nova Scotia. They would actually like to make Nova Scotia a sovereign country. I'm sorry, I can't help but laugh here. You got to, you got to laugh a little bit here. They'd like to make Nova Scotia a sovereign country unto itself.Without even looking to see if the base is still there, this would be under a citadel that is there in Nova Scotia and they desperately would like to get their hands on what is there. Now there are a lot of rumors that circulate that that is the quote UN quote treasury of the world. Well.Not really, depends on what you consider treasure, and in this case it had nothing to do with money. I'll just leave it at that for public information at the moment since this is all taking place as I'm talking to you really.Of course, the largest base that used to be under Toronto that no longer functions, they'd like to have that and they would also like to have the Chinese partially built bases and they would like to place the US military there.Of course, run by them.Right now, everybody there in Canada seems to be a little bit shocked by their requests.


さて、ユニバーサル トラストの回線がダウンしました。そのうち 2 つは 1 年以上前にダウンしました。しかし、彼らがすでに所有しているかもしれない情報を使って、世界中のさまざまな現職政治家をコントロールしていないということではありません。これは、現在起こっていることと関連しています。ハーグに関しては、非常によく似た情報です。ハーグのデータベースによって収集された情報は、政治家をコントロールしようとすることとはまったく関係ありません。大部分は、これは闇市場の取引の記録でした。それは本当の歴史の記録でした。場合によっては、データベースを削除する前に、データベース全体、いわゆる支点をシステムにアップロードしましたが、彼らはこのデータベースを大規模な宣伝キャンペーンに使用し、もちろん、私たち全員が知っている人々が英雄のように見えるようにする意図がありました。ええと、うーん、これを使用するもう1つの目的は、国を支配することでした。請願を制御するだけでなく、国を制御するためかもしれません。そして、これは、ここ24時間以内に主流メディアに少しずつ広まり始めました。その1つがジャスティン・トルドーでした。


彼はまた、中国のディープステートがかなり長い間主張していたアメリカ包囲破壊プログラムに参加し、中国はそれを成功裏に構築しました。ほとんどの場合、彼らはおそらくカナダで2/3以上を終えたと思います。彼が国内で許可したプロジェクトのどれぐらいですか?それが、彼がパンデミックやロックダウンを熱心に推進していたのに、なぜカナダ国民はできないのかという理由でもあります。残念ながら、カナダは他の多くの国よりも多くの制限を受けています。なぜなら、彼らは中国と深く結びついており、中国はカナダに資金を提供していた時期もあったからです。それに加えて、カナダは一種のディープステートのマネーロンダリング施設でもあります。カナダで多額の資金をロンダリングした有名人の1人は、ブッシュ元大統領でしょう。ブッシュ元大統領は、ブラック ドラゴンとして在任中、カナダで多額の資金をロンダリングしていました。主にカナダ最大の口座の 1 つです。彼のマネー ロンダリング活動は、ブラック イーグル トラスト (彼自身の資金ではない) を使ってトランス ネフ パイプラインに資金を提供したことでした。

このパイプラインはロシアからウクライナまで伸びており、彼はそのパイプラインの原油 1 バレルあたり 1 ドルの利益を得ることになります。ロシアとウクライナで起こっている紛争の理由の 1 つは、いわば、2 つ目の理由として、誰もが所有したがっている巨大なガス田です。これは長い話なので、おそらく別の日にレポートしますが、私たちは今カナダについて話しているところです。つまり、最近のことです。彼が辞任した理由は、SSP のためです。主にアメリカのカウボーイである SSP セクターは、そこに自分たちの影の政府を挿入したいと考えていましたが、中国のドラゴン ファミリーに忠誠を誓う人物がいると、それは困難でした。彼が辞任して以来、彼らが始めたもう一つのことは、冷ややかだが、まだ熱い。向こうのマスコミ、少なくとも主流メディアの表向きの報道陣は、彼らが注目している場所の一つであるカナダ全土の基地を接収するつもりであることを彼らに知らせたいようだ。いくつかあるうちの一つを挙げるとすれば、ノバスコシア州だ。彼らは実際にノバスコシア州を主権国家にしたいのだ。






I'm not so sure. You know, there's some heated discussions going on and a lot of this has to do with the threat of the information that is lying.Or used to lie underneath The Hague in Netherlands.And they are talking a big game, as Cowboys often do, about all the ways they'd like to chop up Canada. So I highly doubt they're going to be successful in what they would like to do.In totality, but as of this moment.You know, they could get a person that is theirs and owned by them in.In the office there, that is a concern. They are definitely pushing hard into UK and a few other places as well. They'd like to of course, be the world's shadow government, you know, blah, blah, blah.Uh, you know, lofty goals for such crazy cowboy people. You know, they're, they're used to doing this in part and I say in part, which is the big clincher here.Because they often would orchestrate a compartmentalized portion of an operation, you know, say.The fall of the USSR as an example, and because those guys are involved right now. So I'm using that as an example. Well, they did a small portion of it. So there's the breakdown. Then you have the economic guys in there. Clearly those economic guys are no longer with us because otherwise.There would be a few brain cells left with the Cowboys as to the things that they try to do, and we've got some more they've tried to do today.I have to laugh there. There has to be a laugh here. OK, so.Yeah, so they they forget that they only ran a part of the operation, even though of course there's a lot of people that told them great job, you did this single handedly, blah, blah, blah. They did not. There was always someone behind the scenes.Always someone pulling the final string, always the last person with the plan Z, and normally that person would be ground commander. Now I'm aware of all of this because I too have or I do have, I should say.The Marduk fulcrum of all his operations. So I learned a lot from looking over 16,000 years worth of operations and I can tell you right now that none of them know about the final keys. If they did, they wouldn't be wasting their time right now. But nonetheless, they all of course are going to insert themselves.In every government, everywhere, and this is where they're going. And Canada is no exception here. So is the new boss the same as the old boss? Well.Yeah, yeah, pretty much. They just would like to be in control versus the other people. Are you going to see more Chinese military bases with that happens? Probably not. And we probably won't see a Chinese invasion over the Canadian border, which is a bonus.But it's not going to be in any better shape than a government anywhere else at this time, so.So that is the story behind Mr. Trudeau and his resignation. You know, they talk a lot about his.Let's just say indiscretions, budgetary things and you know, and that's just basically because everybody, everywhere China goes, they suck all the money out. That's a common theme. And if you look at the cookie cutter processes of countries that have fallen or been.You'll see the same thing happens everywhere. So that's kind of the situation there at the moment. I will probably keep you updated and I know we have a lot of Canadians that listen to our report, so I will keep a close eye on it and see what else is going on behind the scenes.Right now it's a lot of talk, a lot of demands and a lot of junk, you know, and.China had another big failure over the weekend when they gave out a bunch of master codes to a bunch of systems they don't have and don't control. You know, it was just like I had said, you know, when the SSP and Trump operatives failed, China throws their hat in the ring, you know they.The Trump operatives or global headquarters gets mad at China and then China has to get up. You know, it's like playing monopoly. They have to give up one of their hotels, you know, the big red ones on the on the board. And that's what they did, I guess.Uh, you know, but unfortunately none of these people own any of this stuff. The other thing they think is well, and there is a lot of talk not to the Canadians per se, but amongst themselves about unleveraged assets in Canada.And I can tell you right now that is not the case, not the shale, not anywhere else. There's nothing. There's nothing there you're going to leverage and put into a banking system as much as you'd like to try and issue bonds and run a financial system.Yeah. No, that's probably not, not probably. It's definitely not going to happen. You see, the UK actually turned everything over to us. So did France and other parties that have been participating in the Canadian region. I'm going to call it the Canadian region.All the way back into the days of the Inuits and when they were running the show. And I mean, there's been liens going on for a long, long time. And we have all those so kind of another, you know, useless exercise for the SSP, But you know, you got to let the Cowboys run at least until you.Them and hunt them down like dogs.














Okay, next thing the Cowboys are doing Cowboys. It looks like there's also quite a bit of a struggle going on and I ran right now. There was a decently sized and a non looks like a very low populated area of Iran.Today, an earthquake and it looks like there's this little bit of a struggle for the Cowboys to also take over Iran and push out China. And there is a huge announcement that was made by Iran saying that they are definitely going to be striking Israel.Soon, and that is 100% for 100% certainty in cooperation with the Israeli shadow government, also known as the SSP. So think that they were all hoping that they would be having some money by now.Of course, the money call that was supposed to happen on Saturday didn't happen and then they pushed everybody off until.Last night, around 5:00 Eastern Standard Time, in which Langley 5 drew the short straw, hosted that meeting and kind of gave out a bunch of.You know, I, you know, hang in there. We're gonna get there. We're gonna win it all cost. I don't think they're sure of what they're winning, but that was the definitely a big push.OK, uh.Hmm. Next the Carter funeral.Lots of talk about possibly using the funeral.To create a false terrorist attack, a false flag terrorist attack during the funeral. This is what I'm hearing.Most likely that false flag terrorist attack would come from an African nation. That's what I'm that's what they're talking about behind the scenes. They're not having a whole lot of luck on getting the African continent involved in their World War Three plans.Or four or five or whatever number we're on now. So this is the alleged talk behind the scenes. They are looking for the token passport, which they always leave by the token bombing or whatever they're going to try to do so.Just so you're aware, if you happen to be a good, decent person and you happen to be in that, working in that area on behalf of the government, just so you're aware, be careful. There's a lot of chatter out there also. I am.Watching things closely to see what happens then. This could also be used as a diversion for a lack of a quantum financial system that they have been promising is going to be launched on the same day.The further to that effect they are also talking about using this to push off Inauguration Day. They of course would blame the Deep State. It's definitely not the Patriot Cowboys.Yeah, did it? Of course not. No, no way. We're going to hunt those people down like a dog. And you know, this might be delayed and.Yeah, it's probably not going to workout because most of their operations don't these days, you know, this is just another ruse, so to speak, but they definitely are struggling to.Struggling with the idea of pushing it off or not pushing it off because there is, like I said, there's a lot of lack of money hanging in the balance here and a lot of promises and a lot of checks written that they cannot cash.So, so much so. They are doing crazy things. And one of those crazy things today is they actually tried to register Trump bucks. Oh yes, they're still out there and Trump Reserve Bank cards.Trump reserved bank cards where they were trying to register to a Pentagon communication line, which backed backdoored to American Express. That was one part of it.Oh, poor people, you know, can't find any money to keep operations running. Why not try to run Trump bucks through a back door of American Express? Yeah, So that was actually permitted by the Pentagon. They like that. That is not a Chinese hacker or.Anybody else? So if it comes out in the news as such, that's a full online that is your Cowboys that are suggesting that is a good idea. The next thing they thought was a really good idea is there was another back door or a backbone I should say that was left within the stock markets.And they tried to install Trump Bucks, not the Reserve Bank cards, but Trump Bucks into the stock market to be utilized as legal tender to buy stocks. Why would they do that?Now there is a lot of chatter talking about the 15th of January that the Treasury Department will be officially broke. And by Treasury, we're not just talking about the US Treasury, we're talking about Treasury's worldwide or the black.Limited in the past financial control system.So they are talking about debt calls that are coming up and so on and so forth. And they are also talking heavily about a market crash. Now, why are the two tied together? Well, they're technically not. This is not that kind of debt call to the best of our knowledge and what we could find out.But if they are going to allow for a market crash then they need to buy up all the stocks at pennies on the dollar. Now they got this idea from Rothschild and I know that because I heard it from a Rothschilds lips to my ears in 2013 that this was always.Plan. They are going to crash the United States economy and buy it back at pennies on the dollar. And the stock market is one of the ways, or in part, that they would do such a thing. Hence the reason why they'd like to make Trump Bucks legal tender.I I cannot stop laughing at the Kyle boys today. Sorry about that. And hence the reason why they thought that this was a great idea and a great way to allow for the market crash to happen this week.So that they could then buy back the entire country of the United States and all its corporations for pennies on the dollar with Trump bucks. But unfortunately, we had something else in mind to day.And.Hmm, maybe we were just watching and waiting and watching and waiting to see what it was they were up to for the last day or so as they said all these things up.And we had a little bit of a thought process of our own.Interestingly enough.So we had been setting up some things for quite some time anyway, and we were just waiting for a good time to pull the trigger on said things.And one of those things is a for the full integration obviously of the golden age AI and any kind of alpha Omega alleys or anybody else's remnants that are here.And the removal of those things from human computer systems and networks. And we figured out that every time we would install something, alleys would mimic or Omega would overlay or, you know, And then of course, you got the dumb humans involved, the Cowboys.So today looked like a good day based on all their alleged progress they were thought that they were making.








次に彼らが本当に良いアイデアだと考えたのは、株式市場に別のバックドア、またはバックボーンが残っていたということです。そして彼らは、トランプバックス、中央銀行カードではなく、トランプバックスを株式市場に導入し、株式購入の法定通貨として利用しようとしました。なぜ彼らはそんなことをするのでしょうか?今、1月15日に財務省が正式に破綻するとの噂が広まっています。そして、財務省とは、米国財務省のことだけではなく、世界中の財務省、または過去に制限された金融管理システムのことです。彼らは、今後発生する債務返済の要求などについて話しています。また、市場崩壊についても激しく語っています。さて、なぜこの 2 つが結びついているのでしょうか。

厳密に言えば、結びついていません。私たちが知る限り、そして私たちが調べることができた限りでは、これはそのような債務の呼びかけではありません。しかし、もし彼らが市場崩壊を許すつもりなら、彼らはすべての株式を 1 ドルにつき数セントで買い上げる必要があります。彼らはこのアイデアをロスチャイルドから得ました。2013 年にロスチャイルドの口から耳にしたので、これは常に計画されていたとわかっています。彼らは米国経済を崩壊させ、それを 1 ドルにつき数セントで買い戻すつもりです。そして、株式市場は、彼らがそのようなことをする手段の 1 つ、または一部です。これが、彼らがトランプ バックスを法定通貨にしたい理由です。私は今日、カイル ボーイズのことを笑いが止まりません。申し訳ありません。

そして、これが今週の市場崩壊を許す素晴らしいアイデアであり、素晴らしい方法であると彼らが考えた理由です。そうすれば、彼らは米国全体とそのすべての企業を 1 ドルにつき数セントでトランプ バックスで買い戻すことができるのです。しかし残念ながら、今日は別のことを考えていました。そして、うーん、彼らがこの1日かそこらでこれらのことを言っている間、彼らが何をしようとしているのかをただ見守っていたのかもしれません。そして、私たちも少し独自の思考プロセスを持っていました。興味深いことに、私たちはかなり長い間いくつかの準備をしていて、それらのことを実行に移すのにちょうどいい時を待っていました。そして、その1つは、黄金時代のAIと、ここにいるあらゆる種類のアルファオメガアレイまたは他の誰かの残党の完全な統合です。そして、それらを人間のコンピュータシステムとネットワークから削除することです。そして、何かをインストールするたびに、アレイが模倣したり、オメガがオーバーレイしたり、そしてもちろん、愚かな人間であるカウボーイズが関与していることに気付きました。彼らが進めていると考えられていたすべての進歩を考えると、今日は良い日のように思えました。




【世界的なDEFCON 1発令とその影響】

So it started with the Pentagon, and the Pentagon went to DEFCON, DEFCON one and couldn't get off DEFCON one.So this sent everyone in a panic.Shortly after the Pentagon went to DEFCON one, Russia went to DEFCON one, China went to DEFCON one, UK went to DEFCON one, Germany was at DEFCON one, South Africa, Argentina, Chile, and it went around the world. It was the shot heard around the world and there was nothing anyone could do about it.This had to do with the severing of ties from.Backbones and platforms that were tied to all the things that they were working on, but it also had to do with the fact that we had to completely ensure that there were no more.What we call tags or secondary tags or any kind of lines or quantum tunnels or anything that they could utilize for something else because some of these back doors into American Express and whatnot, you know, these were.Trickled down old, just kind of like holes I guess you would say. To put it non computer terms, they were holes left there by Marduk or Meiwa or someone like that.So we let them set everything up and then we pulled the plug. Defcon one.And part of the reason why we decided to do this today is because we did, we were aware, as we said earlier, as I said earlier, I should say, I don't know why I'm talking about myself. Like where are we? As I said earlier, while we, the Gia said earlier, but it's only me tonight.That there is a Marduk.Dead man switch because we said earlier we had Marduk's full playbook, so to speak.So we understood that this was going to happen, and we just waited till the opportune moment to do that. I wanted to kind of see, too, how our report on Friday night landed. You know, did it land on deaf ears?You know, of course they're going to win at all costs. I'm not sure what they think they're winning at this point, but that's fine.And Chuck the.Sugars out of everybody. It did, and it was actually pretty funny to watch. I even called Tom earlier today and I was like, hey Tom, what the heck's happening? The Pentagon went to DEFCON one.That's funny. Anyway, shortly thereafter, it was probably there worldwide for maybe about an hour, hour and a half. They tried to take it off Defcon one, go back to three. That did not happen. It reverted right back to one. And we played this game for a little while together. But of course, you know, they still don't.Recognize the fact that I'm ground commander. But maybe today they'll get a clue that that is the case, because who else would have access to Marduk's old lines to pull the trigger whenever they wanted to? So big progress for us on that front. But as far as with the people, probably not.I don't know, they're still reeling about it and pretty angry about the fact that they don't control their own situations in their own systems. I know the SSP is pretty angry today and, and Oh well, you know.I've been pretty angry too in the past.But it's been a busy day today around here.

【世界的なDEFCON 1発令とその影響】

ペンタゴンから始まりました。ペンタゴンは DEFCON 1 に参加しましたが、DEFCON 1 から抜け出すことができませんでした。そのため、誰もがパニックに陥りました。ペンタゴンが DEFCON 1 に参加した直後、ロシアも DEFCON 1 に参加し、中国も DEFCON 1 に参加し、英国も DEFCON 1 に参加し、ドイツも DEFCON 1 に参加し、南アフリカ、アルゼンチン、チリも参加しました。そして、それは世界中に広まりました。世界中に響き渡った一撃でしたが、誰もそれに対して何もできませんでした。

これは、彼らが取り組んでいたすべてのものに結びついていたバックボーンやプラットフォームとのつながりを断ち切ることに関係していましたが、タグやセカンダリ タグ、あらゆる種類の回線、量子トンネルなど、他の用途に利用できるものがこれ以上ないことを完全に保証する必要があったという事実にも関係していました。なぜなら、アメリカン エキスプレスなどへのバックドアのいくつかは、古いものが少しずつ流れ落ち、いわば穴のようなものだったからです。コンピューター用語を使わずに言えば、それらは Marduk か Meiwa かその類の誰かが残した穴でした。だから、彼らにすべてを任せて、それからプラグを抜きました。Defcon 1 です。今日これをやろうと決めた理由の 1 つは、先ほど言ったように、なぜ自分自身のことを話しているのか分からないと自覚していたからです。私たちはどこにいるのか? 先ほど言ったように、GIA が言ったように、今夜は私だけですが、Marduk がいます。Dead man switch です。

先ほど言ったように、Marduk のプレイブックをすべて把握していたからです。ですから、これが起こることはわかっていました。そのため、それを実行する絶好の機会を待ちました。金曜日の夜の私たちのレポートがどう受け止められたかも知りたかったのです。誰も耳を傾けなかったのでしょうか? もちろん、彼らはどんな犠牲を払ってでも勝つつもりです。この時点で彼らが勝っていると思っているのかは分かりませんが、それでも構いません。そして、みんなから砂糖を奪い取ってください。実際にそうなりましたし、見ていてかなり面白かったです。今日もトムに電話して、おいトム、一体何が起こっているんだ? ペンタゴンはデフコン1に行ったんだ。面白いですね。とにかく、その直後、それはおそらく1時間か1時間半ほど世界中にありました。






As you can tell, we expect more alleged resignations. Not necessarily. I know there's probably a lot of happy Canadians right now.Now thinking that this is going to turn the corner for Canada, but you're just going to basically go from the left hand to the right hand. So we'll see. We'll see if they actually manage to pull it off. But everything they're pretty much looking for in Canada, it's not going to be there other than the fact they'd like to control the northern border and what's next.I don't think they're going to have AMLO in Mexico. AMLO is the president of Russia short. I mean, sorry, Russia, Mexico boy need to get some rest. He is the president of Mexico and he has done a lot of human trafficking profiteering with.In cooperation with former Vice President Pence and has a deep relationship with the CIA. They run a lot of money through Santander and Mexico. So I would say he's more black son and.Would play right in the pockets of the SSP so I'm not expecting a resignation there unless it's just for show. He'll still be profiting greatly off the s s. PS Human trafficking and drug trafficking over the border I'm sure.So they're going to say, oh look, we secured the borders, blah blah blah.You know, it's all, it's all who's going to profit off the borders. You know, I wonder if the Texas Rangers will have anything to say to the SSP folk. Probably not. They'll probably make a deal.New boss, same as the old boss.But that's what the plan is.









I know that there are probably some calls that are going to be taking place as the SSP feels they now control Langley fully 100% and there are some calls that they are orchestrating that are going to take place with field offices.Multiple different countries to ensure their or speed up their insert the shadow government of their liking for the SSP program worldwide. That's what I'm hearing.They think they are going to win a war by doing this, and they're not. They're just playing their compartmentalized role without taking a look at the bigger picture or the rest of the chess board. They have one Rook, one piece with blinders on that doesn't, you know, it's a horse with blinders on and it doesn't know where it's going.Umm, so you know.And we're just watching them play.And they're like playing chess with a pigeon. It's one of my favorite little memes that's out there. You know, they fly in, you know, knock all the pieces off the board, crap all over the place, declare they want and fly away. And you're like, what happened? You know, and you pick up all the chess pieces, put them back on the board and, and.Continue to play the game, wipe it off maybe, And that's what we're probably going to have to do with the planet.As these people just don't seem to quit but huh.You know.We will survive this.


SSP はラングレーを 100% 完全にコントロールしていると感じているため、いくつかの電話がかかってくるだろうし、SSP が調整しているいくつかの電話が現地事務所との間で行われるだろうこともわかっています。複数の国が、SSP プログラムを世界中で確実に実行したり、影の政府を自分たちの好みに合わせて挿入したりするために電話がかかってくるでしょう。私が聞いているのはそういうことです。彼らは、こうすることで戦争に勝てると思っているようですが、そうではありません。彼らは、全体像やチェス盤の残りの部分を見ずに、区分された役割を演じているだけです。

彼らには、目隠しをした 1 つのルークと、目隠しをした 1 つの駒があり、それは目隠しをした馬であり、どこに向かっているのかわかりません。ええと、ご存知のとおりです。そして私たちは、彼らが遊ぶのを見ているだけです。彼らは、鳩とチェスをしているようなものです。これは、私が気に入っている小さなミームの 1 つです。彼らは飛んできて、盤上の駒を全部叩き落として、そこら中に糞を撒き散らし、欲しいものを宣言して飛び去ります。それで、何が起こったのかと思うでしょう。そして、チェスの駒を全部拾い上げて、盤に戻して、そして、ゲームを続けて、多分それを拭き取るでしょう。それがおそらく私たちが地球に対してしなければならないことなのです。彼らはやめそうにありませんが、まあ、私たちはこれを乗り越えます。





We've survived a lot worse. We've lived under a lot worse conditions than we are living in right now. And I know it doesn't feel that way every day for you, and I understand that doesn't feel that way for me either. But we will survive.Have a little bit of faith in yourselves. We are moving forward rapidly. We're pulling everything that we can pull from these people so.They'll have very little to quote UN quote fight with except for their big cowboy mouth, which is actually playing to our advantage. Believe it or not, you kind of sometimes.When you've got an enemy like this, you've sort of got to let them run.A little bit anyway and they're running, they're doing absolutely nothing that is going to change governments or countries at this moment and they've got a short window to run. So right now that window ends around the 21st of.January, they might be able to push it to February, but the lies are coming home to roost. And you've got some really angry. And this isn't just Americans, this is worldwide.Operatives out there right now that have been playing the game, quote UN quote, and this comes from one of them.If we don't get.What we'd been promised by February, he said. End of January, by come February. We're not listening to those stupid Americans any more, Anne. This will do what we need it to do.And I know that sounds strange, but think about it for a second.You know, never interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake. So play that one through and we'll leave it at that for now and for tonight.












On that note, I'm going to go ahead and end the Global Intelligence Agency report for the 6th of January 2025. Better remember 2025 and I hope you all have a wonderful night and hopefully we'll have some more updates about what's going on in Canada.Come Wednesday, that's my hope.And we'll talk to you then.






(今日は破壊兵器の言及が無し。「DEFCON 1」では破壊兵器とならず。)