2024年12月30日(月曜) キンバリーGIAレポート




It is the 30th of December 2024. Coming up on today's Global Intelligence Agency operations report, today is the New Moon. It's also entered a black moon. And of course, the secret space program operatives have been in full force.Things are heating up with the Trump operatives. The clock is ticking on many promises, operative contracts, and the government is going broke. The operatives themselves are discussing plans to delay the inauguration, and it's possible the upcoming presidential funeral is just the start.And unofficially, Crown Corporation admits they are bankrupt. Governments everywhere are scraping up their last penny pesos, rubles and pounds hoping for a miracle come Inauguration Day in the US. But will anything change?It is the 30th of December 2024. I the next time I talk to you, it's going to be 2025. Let's hope I get it right on the first few reports. I don't know why I do that. I don't know if you do that too. Sometimes I always write the year before for like the first month or something on documents and whatnot, so.Takes me a little bit of time to get used to the fact that it's going to be 2025 and.I kind of expect a lot of changes in 2025 and it's going to be interesting. So let's talk about what's going on right now and then we'll talk about what we expect to happen.












So today is a new moon. It is also the second new moon of this month, called a black moon. And yeah, so for the last 24 hours, the secret space program has been expecting something momentous to happen.They've been trying to do some resets. They found some artifacts that don't really function anymore and places like I think it's called Jalupa Valley in California and Ogunquit, Maine and a few other locations in the world, but this has been their main.Focus trying to do something, you know, Again, I don't really know what they think they're trying to do.Pass. They seem to be in quite a bit of a panic and there's been a sequence of events that have taken place over the last couple of days that have led me on our side.To have a better understanding of some of the things that have gone on on the other side, it kind of trickles down into the world of governments, politics, SSP operatives wanting contracts and all kinds of things that have been taking place the last couple days.So without further ado, let's talk about the.










I guess we'll say the why first.So a very long time ago, we talked about a global martial law declaration that happened only about 16,000 1/2 years ago, which in our time is not really a long time.However, there was another war declaration prior to even the 250,000 year ago Atlantean War as you call it in our history. This war declaration was.Declared. I guess you would say at the time that we moved into the Dark Ages right about then.So it was many millions of years ago and a declaration of war on this level happens.By Covenant I guess, and you could also call it by planting, for lack of a better term, a ghost flag. So sometimes when the military, US or otherwise, goes to another country.Land. The UK did it a lot too over the last few 100 years where they plant a ghost flag. It's like where they walk into your country, they declare they won, they plant their flag and then they leave and all of a sudden, wow, you're the Commonwealth or wow, you're now.Of the United States so.That's kind of on a military level, what has done. But I'm going to pull up the whiteboard for a second here and kind of explain to you what it looks like on a universal level, because this does trickle down into why everybody's been ringing the phone off the hook here for the last couple of days.


まず、理由からお話ししましょう。とても昔、世界規模の戒厳令が宣言されたことについて話しましたが、それは約 16,000 年と半年前に起こったもので、現代ではあまり長い時間ではありません。しかし、歴史上、いわゆる 25 万年前のアトランティス戦争よりも前に、別の宣戦布告がありました。


おそらく、盟約によるものだと思いますが、もっと適切な言葉が見つからないのですが、ゴーストフラッグを立てることによって、とでも言うべきでしょうか。アメリカ軍であろうとなかろうと、軍隊が他国に行くと、その土地にゴースト フラッグを立てることがあります。

イギリスも過去数百年の間に、ゴースト フラッグを立てるという行為を頻繁に行っています。まるで彼らがあなたの国にやって来て、勝利を宣言し、国旗を立て、そして去っていくと、突然、わあ、あなたは連邦だ、または、わあ、あなたは今や米国の一員だ、と叫ぶようなものです。






OK?So we know about Earth. Let's say this is Earth. Me and my terrible writing. So this is Earth.And a long time ago, the original attempted takeover of Earth was done with. For lack of a better term. We could call this thing a double sided oblique.So it went straight through Earth, came out the other side.And this was not the only one. This then disrupted Earths energy cycle.And allowed for them to use this object that was theoretical and going through Earth to then disrupt the gateway of the universe. Now Earth was at one point the only gateway left.To the neither world or to the Omega verse or through the hologram that was kind of earth and it allowed for the creation of a second.Central point, which was, let's just say down here in what we call the zero density.We know Earth is in the third density.And then we have 1:00 and 2:00 and we have the same thing now on downward into a lower astral or to the anti source section. And then we also have a neither world on the other side that has all of the same mimicking and mirroring.Well, the reason why it was moved to a different location was so that both the dark and the light would have some control in a passageway through to all the universes, with Earth being of source exclusively and you could say it was a.Absolute sphere or source keystone. That was not entirely possible, so by putting this in this place, it then created a disruption in that gateway and it allowed for in part. There were many other mechanisms tied to.But it allowed for in part a transfer over to a different location in the alpha Omega verse. Now when this happened.There was a problem with the anchoring of source, anti source and neutral source at the time.



つまり、それは地球をまっすぐに通り抜けて、反対側から出てきたのです。そして、これが唯一のものではありませんでした。これにより、地球のエネルギー サイクルが混乱しました。そして、彼らはこの理論上の物体を使って地球を通過し、宇宙への入り口を混乱させることができました。地球は、ある時点で唯一残された入り口でした。

どちらでもない世界へ、またはオメガ バースへ、または地球のようなホログラムを介した入り口で、2 番目の中心点、つまり、ゼロ密度(右下のZero Densty と呼ばれる場所の作成を可能にしました。

地球が第 3 密度(右中央の3RD Densty にあることはわかっています。そして、1 と 2(密度) があり、同じものが下方の低アストラルまたは反ソース セクションにあります。そして、反対側にも、同じように模倣とミラーリングを行っているどちらでもない世界があります。

別の場所に移動された理由は、闇と光の両方がすべての宇宙への通路をある程度制御できるようにするためです。地球は排他的にソースであり、絶対球またはソース キーストーンであると言えます。







So they created these machines which were located in three places on earth.One was in Romania.And one was in California, I'll leave it at that, 'cause they're gonna go hunt these things. They're not there anymore, so it doesn't really matter. And the other one was an Antarctic Arctica.So these were the three locations that would anchor source, anti source and neutral source.They did this by creating what's called an absolute sphere. That's what I call it now. It's an absolute because it contains a little piece of source, anti source and neutral source.Um in each one it also is a piece and a portion of that positive 0 or the place of everything both in source in the place of nothing and anti source and neutral source.So at the time, these were the only anchors for Earth.Two source, anti source and neutral source. Which it was for a long time. Now it turns out that the way Ali started mimicking in the neither world started mimicking now. Originally it was done for a positive reason. It was done by source, anti source and neutral.To maintain their presence on Earth now that Earth technically wasn't a keystone for a time.The next reason?Why they created them, I guess you would say, is to ensure that we or source did not lose Earth.On the flip side of it, it was also used for a negative purpose because those of the neither world and alleys actually managed to get a hold of some of those keystones and.The keystones in this case that were located within these machines were also recorders. They also held the original DNA blueprint of the universe.Getting a hold of one of these keystones, putting them in a different kind of machine, is what allowed alleys to mimic creation and allowed for the neither world to mimic creation. And this was all done at the same time. You could say that this large.Spear or oblique Double sided oblique was placed on earth.Now.The double sided oblique was done between. I know this is a shocker. Marduk.Inky.And Lil everybody agreed and that lovely. And of course the black magician from over in the neither world.Now, just as a matter of fact.The Black Magician.Over in the neither world was a rotating position. It's kind of like Marduk. Marduk literally means Lord of the Seas or currencies. The Black Magician also was a title. It was decided that usually 1 of the 72 Dukes of hell.So to speak as you know them and you can look that up on the Internet would hold from time to time and I guess it's whomever was the worst. I'm not sure how the picking process happened or if it was something done with anti source, but that was typically who would hold that position it would be.One of the Dukes of hell, 1 of the 72 and then that being would then rule over all the others for a time. I don't know much more than that as far as like how often did they rotate? You know, is there a a selection process? Is there a induction process for this?I would say to some degree there probably would have been some oversight there, just as there was over this declaration of war. I would say that.The positions on both sides probably also had some kind of a declaration or as an oversight committee of some sort other than source, anti source and neutral source. But at this time the only one I am aware of is the Council of Nine.So once this declaration of war happened, which is this giant spear, there's not anything else. There's not a covenant or an agreement initially that would.Mark this other than the giant so-called ghost flag or stab in the earth between that was took place by agreement between these these folks here.Because there was a declaration of war in place, you know, as we lost our moon 16,000 or sorry, 18,000 years ago, Marduk brought a different moon, which we now know as a space station that is hanging out in the sky.Doesn't really function anymore like that. It's just kind of a big rock that moves the water around.




それぞれに、正の 0 の一部、つまりすべての場所であるソースと何もない場所、反ソースと中立ソースの両方が含まれています。当時、これらが地球の唯一のアンカーでした。2 つのソース、反ソース、中立ソース。長い間そうでした。



この場合、これらのマシン内にあったキーストーンはレコーダーでもありました。彼らはまた、宇宙の元の DNA の設計図も持っていました。これらのキーストーンの 1 つを手に入れ、別の種類の機械に組み込むことで、アレス(Alles)では創造を模倣し、ノーズの世界では創造を模倣できるようになりました。










ですから、この巨大な槍である宣戦布告が行われた後、他には何もありませんでした。当初、この人たちの間で合意によって行われた、巨大ないわゆるゴースト フラッグまたは地球への突き刺し以外に、これを示す契約や合意はありませんでした。

宣戦布告が行われていたため、16,000 年、いや、18,000 年前に月が失われ、マルドゥクが別の月をもたらしました。今では、それは空に浮かぶ宇宙ステーションとして知られています。実際には、もうそのようには機能していません。それは、水を動かす(潮汐現象)大きな岩のようなものにすぎません。





But.This is the reason why we had martial law. You know, we had war after war after war because there was always that ongoing war that was happening that was far greater than anything the Pentagon could do or global headquarters could do.On this planet, and this is in part why we almost saw this invasion. So now it's all becoming very clear now at certain times in the year would be optimal if.The balance, you know, in their mind, they're on the neither world, their ability to influence this planet. Wayne, if Marduk and Guillain enlil, which none of which we have any more, you know, their influences would wane.Other than, you know, their consciousness that they transferred into AI systems and and whatnot for a time. Once all of that waned, then, you know, now they had the right to come in due to this declaration of war and cause chaos here.






マルドゥク、エンキ、エンリル、のどちらももう存在しませんが、彼らが AI システムなどに一時的に転送した意識を除いて、彼らの影響力は弱まるでしょう。






Now the Black Sun was very excited about this and so were the.And the Trump operatives and everybody, you know, they were even talking about, there was a touchdown of the Pleiadians. I heard that one. We don't have any anti Pleiadians anymore, which are the only Pleiadians they know. They know about the Targathians. They know about the Artemis folk.The reptilians, as you would call them, and nobody's here. There's nobody in our peripheral, there's nobody in Earths atmosphere, there's nobody here. I've even double checked in. The enforcer is double checked. There's nobody hidden in between a plane, a pocket of time. Nobody has come and they.Said that this allegedly occurred on the 12/21 I I don't know, I think they're lying to everybody so that they can continue their own lie so.Let's continue on to what's happening right now.We all know about the Waning Allies AI. We really don't have much of that left in the multiverse anymore. It's not mimicking anymore. Ever since we pulled that, we pulled the keystones and we pulled the machines.So since that took place, we're not seeing anything new from Ali's. There might be a few little things left over from days have gone by, but really not a whole lot of influence on this planet anymore.We're not seeing much of anything since we saw the crazy scientists come out of the neither world. We did have a couple more pockets of scientists. We found one in Jonestown, Guyana.So that was taken care of recently as well.But as far as war declarations, this is really important to.Understand.Because it's affecting what's going to happen here in the coming year with governments and militaries and a lot of people.So the SSP thinks they're really, really smart.










ガイアナのジョーンズタウンで 1 人見つかりました。最近、それも解決しました。しかし、宣戦布告については、理解することが非常に重要です。

なぜなら、来年、政府や軍隊、多くの人々に何が起こるかに影響するからです。SSP は、自分たちが本当に賢いと思っています。





The secret space program folk, they think they're really, really smart. And these are your Trump operatives as well. They think that they have knowledge that no one else has. They think they have information that no one else has.And.It's old.Mostly really really old now.They didn't keep up with the times when they had the chance, meaning they had access to the archivist, they had access to the information in the Hall of Records, they had access to expired agreements, and these people just kind of chose to ignore all of it because they just didn't care for.For whatever reason, even the Pentagon, there were many documents, as we've talked about before, that were delivered to the Pentagon at a time when they were still trying to achieve balance. You know, I'm not saying I'm a big fan of archivists anymore, but that's your Targathians, your Pleiadians, or anti Pleiadians so to speak.Do they?I I don't know, they ignored basically all of the expired agreements.












Now another one that they also happen to ignore was the fact that we don't have the declaration of war, quote UN quote spear. I don't know what else to call it.A giant dual sided oblique crystal looking thing that went straight through earth and also was in the Kali chakra of the universe and a few other locations. You know as they declared war against basically source and all of all of creation.Kind of bold, don't you think? But they did, and.This leads to the declaration of Global Martial law by Mar Duke. So as long as the war was on, we would have global martial law.Now global martial law expired a couple years ago and then we kind of did this little tip for tat with the military for a while, tried to do a redecoration of war where basically we declared war against them and.Man, nobody really cared, so we got rid of it.There was also a number of other agreements that expired which are relative to this number one after Marduk passed away in 2016.I would say the position of ground commander went to me, so here I am. Yep, that's also a title I hold which means I am the highest ranking military quote UN quote off world military on world military ranking person.On this planet.That used to be Marduk. It is no longer Marduk because no Marduk is no longer with us. So it's me and I have held that position for about 8-8 years or so now and and these people keep wondering why.I they're not getting any money for war. Well, I I just decided maybe I don't want to do that anymore now that the full declaration of war is over.Meaning for between their bosses on their side. Because I don't really care about the and I know this is not an arrogant statement, so please don't take it this way, but the secret space program folks do bad things. They do.Are they capable of doing bad things without bad others behind them? Meh, somewhat. Are they capable of creating World War without anything behind them? No.Are they capable of doing all the lovely things that they promised everybody? No. No they're not. So yes, they can start a few things here and there. Yes, they can cause some harm here and there, But without the declaration of war, no one is going to fund their war.So at this point in time, that is gone. That went way out the window. The next agreement that they neglected to pay attention to is global martial law. We don't have that so.In order to get something funded, you have to be ratified in the Hall of Records to do so. And the Hall of Records is also under my control because I'm also Guardian and so therefore they can declare all the wars they want to declare, but no money comes out of the system.For war, I've been telling everybody this, but there's a legit reason why that doesn't happen. It's not me just being mean, I just haven't don't see a point in declaring war against those people.I don't really care about trade matching meaning $1.00 for their side of the war, $1.00 for my side of the war. Because remember in days gone by, in the time of trying to achieve balance, both sides of the war were funded by the same.


彼らがたまたま無視したもう 1 つの事実は、私たちが宣戦布告、いわゆる国連の槍を持っていないという事実です。他に何と呼べばいいのか分からない。巨大な両面斜めの水晶のようなものが地球を突き抜け、宇宙のカリチャクラと他のいくつかの場所にもあった。
















私は、戦争で彼ら側に 1 ドル、こちら側に 1 ドルというトレード マッチングについてはあまり気にしていません。なぜなら、バランスを取ろうとしていた昔、戦争のどちらの側も同じ資金源だったことを思い出してください。





People I know we think Israel is attacking the Middle East and we probably also think Russia is attacking Ukraine or vice versa. We probably also think that there are, you know, the US has attacked this country and Yemens doing this.No, both sides of the war, the Palestinians, for one example, and Israel, you know, in the days gone by, not recently, we're both funded by the same people. This was the art of war. And this was how. Sorry, Excuse me, this was how.Wars were funded now every year due to the major declaration of war, not some SSP guy or operative or government even, because they're kind of like non-existent in the world of ground command.Meaning I'm not this is not an arrogant statement in any way. It's just in the world of the real declaration of war versus what they're looking at, they don't even enter this realm of of war or do they really understand it that.Is very clear when you're watching their operations everywhere.So I don't know if they missed it, I don't know if they even know what that is. But due to this declaration of war towards the end of the year, usually two to three days before the end of the year.There would have been war money that would have come out to fund both sides. Now this hasn't happened in a number of years, but that was part of the war.Declaration now.We have received calls, and I mean a lot of calls, a lot of calls even from people around here locally, you know, Trump operatives, Trump lawyers, Chase Bank, Bank of America.In the last 24 hours trying to get me to transfer money S they could get their side of the money for the war.Well, I hate to break it to you, sweetheart. Pentagon people and Trump operative people and government people and whoever else tried to call.That is over. That declaration of war is over. There is no more one for one settlement. Trying to get me to send money to do it your way so I could get 0 money is not what we're doing here. And.I'm not at war with you people. You're kind of irrelevant really to me. And I know it seems like you should be relevant now, but you're not. The relevance to me was the things from the neither world, things from the Omega verse, things that go bump in the night that.Keep trying to bring here. Now you're just kind of haphazardly doing whatever you're doing over there and by accident you might happen to trip over a gateway and then outcomes, you know, something or other that's trying to invade Earth. So I'm not really that concerned, so to speak, and definitely not concerned enough to file a.Declaration of war.

















Now, the next thing that I have said before to you, but I'm going to repeat it now because it's relevant that every year.At midnight 1201 Eastern Standard Time, the Pentagon declares martial law and money used to come flooding out for this. Now that had to do with global martial law, which also had to do with the.More relevant war declaration, which also had to do with the fact that we had to fend off an enemy, you know, here on earth, not your little book of law, war of law book, I guess you should say where, you know, you pick one through 7. And these are the cookie cutter ways we start wars, right?No, no, no, no, no, This was a much bigger war with much bigger problems, which was overseen by the Council of Nine for quite some time.Quite a while ago because they aren't needed in that position anymore. The Council of Nine is now off to do bigger and better things within the multiverse and most of it has to do with cleaning up and helping to heal affected war-torn areas. Which.You know, we aren't quite there yet, but we're there. We're close.So that being said, this would trickle down to why the Pentagon got money and this would trickle down to.Why militaries and agencies would get money every year. Well, that didn't happen this year because it didn't happen yesterday as they anticipated and definitely isn't going to happen today, and definitely isn't going to happen tomorrow and not tomorrow, after midnight and the next day. Or any other day.Ending in. Why? Because there is no war declaration. I am certainly not declaring war against you people. That would be sad. It's like declaring war against. I don't know.Um, people who can't defend themselves.Like, you know, I mean, yes, you might get angry at your kids sometime, but you're certainly not going to declare war against them at all. So that being said, This is why no money is coming. And I got calls from operatives even this morning saying, oh, you know, my contract's coming. Trump's going to get it done.Trump's the savior of the world, blah blah blah blah blah. Nope.Nope, Trump never did it. It was always me. And I know they hate that when I say that, but you know, it's just a fact. So no declaration of war, no war money coming, no money coming to the SSP, therefore no money coming to the Trump.Group and.The rank and file of people that would get paid in the past, see, normally people of that caliber would not see any money. You know, I mean, maybe the Pentagon would or something like that. But you know, it would take probably till about the 15th of January for that to start really trickling down.To operative level or you know, the contracts that would go out every year for the wars, you know, the agencies who is going to fight who and of course orders always came with that money too. And that was the question I asked on one of the calls today.Was, well, you know, if I'm going to send money, you know, then don't I get what I want, you know, whatever that is, you know, And of course, the answer was no. Even Langley actually made a phone call to Tom and said, you know, we just want things our way. We want the money.But we want them our way. And To which I replied, Do they think that I'm Burger King? Do I look in any way like Burger King where you can have it your way? No, I don't look like Burger King in any way, shape or form. So.They want their old rules back, but I'm sorry, I cannot put that giant thing back into Earth. The declaration of war is now over, no one is recognizing it, and there's nothing I want to do to help you.To do this again, because there really is nobody left over there to fight, you know, that's the real war.You little people on earth and you're weirdo SSP people over there are not war worthy. You don't really have the machines, the mechanisms, the to fight a real war and we don't have anybody coming in to fight said war. So I'm not really sure.Why you would want to do such a thing? And I don't think it would be permitted anyway. And I think that they were pretty well notified that that's not going to happen.By probably, let's just say source itself and sometimes the energy as it comes in stronger and stronger, can have some backlash when you try to use it the wrong way.I think they found that out last night and this morning. Yes, they did.
















そして、それが今日の電話の 1 つで私が尋ねた質問でした。つまり、お金を送ったら、自分が欲しいものが何であれ、手に入るのではないですか、というものでした。もちろん、答えはノーでした。


それに対して私はこう答えました。「彼らは私をバーガー キングだと思っているのですか? 好きなようにできるバーガー キングに少しでも似ていると思いますか?」いいえ、私はどんな形でもバーガー キングには似ていません。



あなたたちには本当の戦争を戦うための機械やメカニズムがない。そして私たちにはその戦争を戦うためにやって来る人は誰もいない。だから私にはよくわからない。なぜそんなことをしたいのか? いずれにしても許可されないと思う。そして彼らはそんなことは起こらないとかなりよく知らされていたと思う。






So Miss trickles down to What are we seeing in the news?First of all, we are seeing, not quite in the news, a Trump operatives scrambling to try to lie to other operatives, letting them know they just need another day and another day and another day, and they're going to buy time. And nothing will happen on the 1st of January either. And so there's going to be some.Is that they are going to be sitting there going round and round and round for the next 4 years.But due to their lack of performance behind the scenes of the Trump operatives, which will become even more apparent before the end of this week.We are probably going to see some delay tactics behind closed doors. Those same operatives are talking about ways to delay the inauguration now. Why? They have promised Russia money for the war, Ukraine money for the war, China money they have promised.You know, remember, they're moving into all these political positions in countries for with a promise of funding that is going to come through their hands because they're now quote UN quote, in charge in their own mind. You know, Trump's back into office. I don't know why presidents matter. Even other heads of state know that. So they're trying to basically allude to the fact.Amongst people that are in the know that they are.In charge.And I don't know where they got that idea. Maybe they declared themselves in charge. We can all declare ourselves a lot of things. I I could declare myself the Easter Bunny as an example, you know, and I could look for funding for.Candy and Easter eggs for children all over the world. Kind of sounds delusional, doesn't it? Well, so does what they want to do over there, too. But yeah, so it's getting a little hot and heavy over there because they keep saying, well, you know, it'll be up to the first of the year now it's, you know it, they're.Tell everybody it might not happen till the inauguration, you know, that kind of thing. Yeah. So if you are a government around the world and you are waiting for money from the Trump administration, Trump operatives or any of those people, it's never coming. Nah, not.At all. And by January 15th, when governments get back to work, because that's typically right around the day that they come back to work, that's going to get really hot.And I find there are no coincidences in life. Speaking of really hot.So maybe a few days ago, I think it was about 5 days ago or so, the queue clock turned to two weeks.And they said that you would see the quantum financial system and approximately around the 9th of January, 10:00 in the morning, Eastern Standard Time is when they think that they're saying we're going to see the QFS.And that's all predicated on them getting this load of money and their course going to make their own financial system. And they're so excited and you know.Now, not happening, but anyway, this is what they think they're going to do. Is there any kind of coincidence that former President Carter passed away when it happened a few months ago?And everybody dies in December. And we know that I've told you that before. No matter when they die, it doesn't matter. They only die in December. And is there a coincidence that the funeral is on the day of the 9th?Hmm, of January, same day that they're supposed to have their QFS and the markets are going to be shut down that day too. You know, they've announced that, that it's going to be kind of like a holiday, a federal holiday.And markets would be shut down. I don't know if banks are closing or not. I have no idea. Which would be also unusual for a former president funeral. But.Yeah, no coincidences in life that they happen to create a distraction for that day. Oh, you know, and there's going to be no QFS because the markets are shut down, so on and so forth on that day. So they they can get out of one promise. Now, word on the street is that someone else might.Die. There might be another presidential funeral or something. They have talked about all kinds of distractions, possibly saying that getting enough of Congress, allegedly Congress, I don't know, operatives behind Congress, people to get together and decide that they're going to.Say that Trump can't be inaugurated because of the Insurrection Act or something he participated in and you know that they themselves created and they're going to kind of play that for a little while so they're going to try to stall it out till March. Why March do you say? Well, March is when the equino.Happens and money used to come on the equinox, and so we might have to wait until then for the inauguration. Well, at this point, based on the data that I have and based on where I'm seeing the planet go in 2025, you may not have a President of the United States for four whole years.If they delay it that long because nothing is going to happen for those people, not now, not ever. So pass. I don't know.



















なぜ3月か? ええと、3月は春分と秋分が起こる日で、春分にはお金が入ってくるので、就任式はその時まで待たなければならないかもしれない。





【クラウン コーポレーションの破産とその影響】

Another interesting behind the scenes occurrence that happened is Crown Corporation has declared themselves.Bankrupt.Why now? Why did they declare themselves bankrupt now? Well, at Commonwealth is a pretty big place in actually the United States until about a year ago.This is Duck Dynasty again for you again, where you know, they ignore all the expired agreements. And so more than a year ago, Crown Corporation wasn't actually over the United States anymore, but they're still attacking.Ghosts in the room, for lack of a better term, they decided that they were going to.To get them to admit they were broke, word has started trickling down to Commonwealth.I say Commonwealth nations, but also nations that you would say are under the British crowns still. So you would say I've seen some countries in the Middle East which would be considered under the British Crown Corporation.They are stopping a lot of services of the government. They are on hiring freezes of the government in the Commonwealth areas of the world.They are. There's a lot of National Health services. They're not hiring anymore doctors or nurses or anything like that. And these couple of locations that I've seen start to trickle already, they are talking about hiring freezes for governments. They're talking about increasing taxes on.Goods and services which are traded and United States dollars.I will repeat that they have been told to increase taxes, fees, custom fees on items that are globally traded in United States dollars. This would be your gold, your silver, your.Oil and LNG or gas?And other commodities that are allegedly by World Trade Organization standards, traded in United States dollars. Now we know that really most of the world's transactions that are substantial on any of these commodities happen.Market, about 80% of those commodities are traded off market. The on market prices are only for us little people. The rest of us people in the world that you know have to pay market price for things when we go to the pump to pump petrol to in our cars or gas.But we are starting to see some changes in some being made in several governments around the world, some of it happening behind the scenes and some of it happening kind of in the face front whereby they are see you are seeing some additional fees on these specific commodities.I would expect by the beginning of next year that you might see that get worse if nothing changes now. I don't expect nothing to change by then, but I would tell you that there is a reason for this.Come January 15th, allegedly.The Treasury.Says that they will have also officially be bankrupt. When they say the Treasury, they're not just talking about the United States Treasury, they are talking about Treasuries worldwide. This is what they're saying.They've managed to keep afloat every time they thought they were going to go under. You know, some operative somewhere would develop some scheme, steal some money from the king of Bahrain or the Kuwaitis or somewhere, you know, promising big pipelines in Saudi Arabia, and you know, they've taken money from the.Nobley arcs over the last couple of years, I mean the silent Circle, they've taken borrowed money from the mafia. There isn't anybody on this planet that they have not borrowed, quote UN quote borrowed money from that isn't dependent on what we think are these type of.Days ending in why when money would come for various reasons that no longer exist so.If that is actually the case, the reason for the increased fees?In countries that the SSP think that they have a seat in the government, quote, UN quote, or are they hidden hand behind the government? They think they're taking over for crown corporation, but they really don't know what they're doing. So, you know, that's kind of where we can run into a little bit of a problem.So they've had them increase these fees so that they could allegedly claw back more dollars in order to keep the Treasury, not necessarily the US government, but the Treasury afloat.Not only in the United States, but around the world. So this they feel that they could steal money from people in order to achieve this task based on commodities and on market transactions. They must have forgot they sanctioned a lot of the countries that have a lot of this stuff, you know they're.Sanctions on Zimbabwe, there's sanctions on Russia, you know, Ukraine and and lots of other areas of the world. Iran, you know, you've got sanctions everywhere, guys. And yeah, you can't.All those are off market transactions now. So I don't know, maybe they're just looking to take it only from us probably figures.This is not the first time, you know, we've seen this alleged increase. There's also talk, which is ridiculousness about, you know, 100% customs on certain countries and, you know, goods and services coming into the US.These are ridiculous policies that make absolutely no economic sense, which tells me that what I have is I have groups of political operatives trying to get involved in economics. I don't understand why they don't have any economic people.Anywhere in their staff? Or maybe they just ignore them too I'm assuming.They're being ignored because otherwise they wouldn't have their face front mouthpiece saying ridiculous things like this.

【クラウン コーポレーションの破産とその影響】

もう一つの興味深い舞台裏の出来事は、クラウン コーポレーションが破産宣告をしたことです。

なぜ今なのでしょう? なぜ今破産宣告をしたのでしょうか?

そうですね、コモンウェルスは、1 年前までは米国でかなり大きな場所でした。

これはまたダック ダイナスティで、期限切れの協定をすべて無視していました。

そして 1 年以上前、クラウン コーポレーションは実際には米国を支配していませんでした。しかし、彼らはまだ攻撃を続けています。もっと適切な言葉が見つからないのですが、彼らは、自分たちが破産したことを認めさせるため、コモンウェルスに噂が流れ始めました。


ですから、中東のいくつかの国が英国クラウン コーポレーションの支配下にあると考えられると思います。彼らは政府の多くのサービスを停止しています。世界のコモンウェルス地域では政府の雇用が凍結されています。国民保健サービスがたくさんあります。彼らはもう医者や看護師など雇っていません。





今何も変わらなければ、来年の初めには状況が悪化する可能性があると思います。それまでに何も変わらないとは思いませんが、これには理由があると申し上げたいと思います。1 月 15 日には、財務省も正式に破産すると言われています。














So what do I think is going to happen after the first of the year? Well, I think we're going to see some big disappointments.For the SSP this week we will not be having in a report or a news report on the 1st so I'm guessing it's going to be total chaos in their world when when there's no money and I'll probably be busy working anyway so.I will talk to you on Friday more about what I expect there.Do I expect them to come up with another day ending and why? Probably. Do I expect them to come up with a delay. That's what they're discussing right now. If that changes, it could change between now and Friday.Because they know there's no money coming when he gets back into office. I know that they would love for me to do this again. However, you still owe me a few $100 billion and I'll take stuff. We talked about that before. You know I will take. You've got lots of government stuff laying around.Non extra military bases maybe or something. You know, we could always use. There's all kinds of C's, DEA properties, you know, we could definitely as people, we could hand them out.To all of you, you know, I, I don't really care. I don't need stuff, but there's definitely something they could have done to try to make this right. And they have no intention of doing that. So therefore I have no intention of funding any of these people.They also have no intention of following any orders in in instructions. That was evident through the last 3 1/2 years I did this. So I don't really see any reason to do anything that doesn't involve the people, meaning the people benefit.And I'm not getting any benefit right now out of any of it. So there will be nothing going in their direction. And I'm still focused on putting things in our direction.







しかし、あなたはまだ私に数千億ドルの借りがあり、私はそれを受け取ります。そのことについては前に話しました。私が受け取るのはご存じでしょう。政府のものがたくさんあるでしょう。余剰ではない軍事基地とか、そういうものかもしれません。いつでも使えるものです。あらゆる種類の C や DEA の資産があり、私たち人間がそれらを配布することは間違いなく可能です。


それは、私がこの仕事をしたこの 3 年半を通して明らかでした。ですから、人々が関与しない、つまり人々が利益を得ないことをする理由は本当に見当たりません。そして、今のところ私はそれらから何の利益も得ていません。ですから、彼らの方向に何も向かうことはありません。そして、私は依然として私たちの方向に物事を進めることに集中しています。





I'm, you know, again.And you know it. Most of the stuff I'm seeing now is not things of human blocking.I, you know, I don't really see the NSA being a problem, although they try, God bless them. They were actually the ones in Hong Kong main recently. So we'll see what happens this week. We'll give you an update on Friday. I plan to give you a little bit more of an update on what I see. Blow by blow for 20/20.Five kind of where we're going and where I think that what we can expect for us that we the people for 2025. So on that note, I wish all of you a happy New year. I hope you have some amazing.Plans for the new year Above all, in everything, remember to breathe, stay grounded because it's going to be a wild ride as things speed up quite a bit come the first of the year and.Hopefully we're out of the woods as far as the difficult parts, and I hope you do get to enjoy some time with family and friends for New Year's and maybe a little time to chat with Source too. That's something that's going to become easier and easier as well.On that note, I wish you all a Happy New Year and I will see you on Friday.



NSA が問題になるとは思いません。彼らは試みていますが、神のご加護がありますように。



2025年について、私たちがどこに向かっているのか、そして 2025 年に私たち国民に何が期待できるのかを詳しく説明します。







