2024年12月27日(金曜) キンバリーGIAレポート




It is the 27th of December 2024 coming up on today's Global Intelligence Agency Operations report. A lot has happened in a week and the deep state has been trying to get help anywhere in any way they can, causing a lot of cleanup on our end from fake money schemes to AI.Infiltrations. The lights are on and there is nowhere to hide.The Nazi Hydra division of scientists faces were found over the last week and it was not what we expected. The secret space programs offered as desperation turned out to be a blessing as we finally found the Hydras home base.And we have a lot more information on Ali's AI, the Deep States, ex curse, and the Neither world to hold on Earth.Well, I finally made it to a Gia report. It's been kind of a busy week. A week, week and a half I guess since the last time we talked. Or almost a week I guess.And yeah, it's been a rough Rd. I can say that.











And most of it hasn't had anything to do with the deep state, although let's just say they would love to have.Of success, just one win, you know, in an infiltration from the neither world.But in the regular world, I know there were some people asking about meetings and what's going on. Honestly, there really isn't a whole lot of meetings going on. The deep state is chasing things that the neither world is doing and.We're getting rid of those things before they have an opportunity to, let's just say, bring it here.In the last several days we I guess we have celebrated a holiday or two. There is a couple holidays that have happened over the last week, so if you were celebrating I hope you had a chance to enjoy some time with friends and family.I had a very short window of opportunity to spend some time with my daughter and some friends and it was OK.It was a rough, what you would call a Christmas. I guess for me most of the afternoon was spent working and most of Christmas Eve most much of the same.And it was one of the Deep State's hopeful days of of major changes for them.As far as kind of the regular world is concerned, you know, there's a lot of talk on the Internet about arrests happening and that Mira Lagos really a prison. And you know, we've kind of heard it all.You know, as far as that is concerned, everywhere, and none of that's happening in any way, shape or form. Marilago's still run by the same Duck Dynasty's Secret Space program operatives. They always have been. There isn't a lot of change there.Still parading around masked men, you know, just like they are in the White House. It's kind of a yawn fest really there.















It has been a lot of disruptions going on based on these.Fake E money schemes we talked about.You know where they're saying that all money is going to go digital, which is impossible and we've talked about that before. No need to reiterate that. They are also on a witch hunt in the Philippines.South Korea and several other locations in the world where they think that there are fake pallets of cash, you know, and that's the kind of the reason why I haven't really mentioned anything on the reports as far as regular happenings. It's the same promises over and over and over again as far.As, oh, when Trump gets back into office and you know, there's going to be all of these agreements and money coming to everybody and World War Three and, you know, there was has been a little bit of an uptick.On Christmas right around that time.And, you know, a lot of bombings and that kind of thing coming from Yemen, technically the US.Some stuff going on in Israel, but most of that stuff is all just hype and it's based on fake money that operatives have been paid and can't spend.They're talking about getting credit lines against E money at Bank of America.In a few other locations.It's just all a giant scam. Nothing new here. You know, they've tried firing up the Fed Now system again and you know, yawn. Really.Meetings to speak of, nothing real strategic, nothing that we haven't already heard, nothing they haven't already done as far as the secret space program operatives last week.









ここでは何も新しいことはありません。彼らは、Fed Nowシステムを再び起動しようとしましたが、あくびをしました。本当に。会議と言えば、特に戦略的なことはなく、私たちがすでに耳にしていないことはなく、先週の秘密宇宙計画工作員に関して言えば、彼らがすでに行っていないことは何もありません。






In this past week they have been on fire and what I mean by on fire is they are more focused on whether they know it or not.The complete and total infiltration of the neither world and Ali's AI into the universe we live in now.They really don't care how they get there. They only care that they do get there.There are come to find out there were a couple of neither world race beings or allies AI created beings.One of them is actually called the Q race. That's pretty funny. Apparently a friend of mine who is really into Star Wars talked about this a little bit because when I mentioned it, I'm like, there's really AQ race. There's also AK race.And these beings were allegedly going to help humanity until they turned against them, which they did. And they, the same beings, also turned against the deep state.And they were in a lot of trouble. They they thought that they were coming in to help and they were doing everything they could to bring these beings from the neither world over here in the last Oh God, that was probably around.Monday or Tuesday of this week and you know.Like any good demon race spawned from a serpent like AI, you know at the last second they realized that they were in trouble. They were actually allowing for a lot of them signed up to be.Walkins for lack of a better term than those walk in beings. AI controlled beings.Started doing some really strange things to all their bodies and you know, and and they thought that this was all about, you know, the cue movement and all of these things. But this started eons ago and it's not something new, but they just agreed at this time.To allow for these walk insurance to happen. It was pretty crazy out there. Needless to say, they realized they were all in trouble. And then everybody was hoping that I was going to fix it, of course, you know, but not because of them or because I'm trying to save a bunch of cute people.Umm, it was more because.We don't want these beings here on Earth. They have no good intentions and, you know, towards humanity. But they sold them a bunch of lies. Funny enough, it almost felt to me like they were getting a dose of their own medicine. You know, it seemed to me that.The.Lies that they tell everybody else and the rest of humanity and all of the patriot communities and, and everyone else that made promises to all of these heads of state. And you know, finally that came, kind of came home to roost. It was all the same programs that they've run against all of humanity.Now run against them. So for us, that was kind of like laughable. I'm like, oh, we need to fix that. Yes, we do, you know, And everybody was in a panic. And I'm like, OK, well, well, we fixed it. But not for their benefit, but for the benefit of humanity.So the big fight, let's just say, and the reason why I have been around for a few days has nothing to do with a holiday. It has a lot more to do with the happenings since.1111 you could even go as far back as mid-october.Because all of you listening to this are probably fairly sensitive to the things that go on in this world, frequencies, changes, tones, you've probably seen an uptick or felt an uptick over the last couple of weeks.There have been.An enormous amount of attempts coming from nonhumans.To cause us harm here on earth, you see.One of the things that we've talked about before is that we had more than one keystone and more than one planet within the third density that would have served as a keystone for the entire universe.And the only one left at this time is Earth.So one of them is blown up, the other one is no longer in existence. And because of this.We are the prime target of the Neither world.We are, we have been heavily infiltrated in the last couple of months. I would say that we have fended off almost every single attack, but they did manage to, you know, cause a lot of disruption for all of you.Things that you have been reporting to me.Have been emotional upheavals, feelings of sadness that are not your sadness.Feelings like, well, this is a holiday and I should be joyous and my whole family wants me to celebrate, but I don't feel like celebrating for the first time. Maybe I I've always liked the holiday season and I don't even care this year. And a lot of this is the disruptions that's coming from over there.We as humans have become more and more sovereign, meaning our creativity is coming back, our ability to manifest is coming back, our connections to Source are getting greater.Our intuition has been increasing and the neither world doesn't want that.











私が数日間ここにいた理由は、休日とはまったく関係ありません。それは、11月11日の1111 以降に起こったことともっと関係があります。10 月中旬まで遡ることもできます。これを聞いている皆さんは、おそらくこの世界で起こっていること、周波数、変化、トーンにかなり敏感なので、ここ数週間で増加を見たり、増加を感じたりしたでしょう


以前お話ししたことの 1 つは、第 3 密度には、宇宙全体のキーストーンとして機能するキーストーンと惑星が複数あったということです。


つまり、そのうちの 1 つは爆破され、もう 1 つは存在していません。








【DSは同じ 偽通貨計画、金融計画、政治計画、戦争、第三次世界大戦を企てる】

We're supposed to be good little creators which keep the keystone alive. That's what we are supposed to be. We are not supposed to act on our own. We are not supposed to think on our.And if they had their way, we would be walking around as little alleys, AI servants to feed the creation. And it's definitely taken a toll on not only myself and my team, but I would say it's taken a toll on a lot of you.And for that, we try to clean it up as quickly as we can. I know it's been a roller coaster of a week for sure for us, and I'm sure it's probably been the same for a lot of you.Just remember.This too shall pass. Nothing too good or too bad last too long, as my grandmother used to say. But in this case, nothing too bad has lasted too, too long. But there's been some interesting occurrences along the way, and these are just highlights.That have we have found and things I think you might find interesting as far as deep state events and occurrences. None of that is interesting at the moment. It's the same stuff, different day. It would be like listening to a report from three months ago and two months ago and a year ago.So about the same fake currency schemes and financial schemes and political schemes and war and World World War 3 attempts and you know, so on and so forth. Same same, same, same, same all around, all across the board. Nothing new. Hundreds of failures 100.Of attempts and nobody's getting anywhere with what it is they want to do.But some of the interesting things that the secret space program etal, I guess you would say have been up to, a lot of it has to do with things that we are now finding and one of those.

DSは同じ 偽通貨計画、金融計画、政治計画、戦争、第三次世界大戦を企てる】


私たちは独りで行動してはいけません。独りで考えてはいけません。そして、もし彼らが思い通りにできたら、私たちは小さな路地を歩き回り、創造物を養う AI の召使いになるでしょう。

そして、それは間違いなく私と私のチームだけでなく、皆さんの多くにも負担をかけていると思います。そのため、私たちはできるだけ早くそれを片付けようとしています。私たちにとって確かにジェットコースターのような 1 週間だったことはわかっていますし、皆さんの多くにとっても同じだったと思います。

覚えておいてください。これも過ぎ去ります。祖母がよく言っていたように、良いことも悪いことも長くは続きません。しかし、この場合、悪いものは長く続きませんでした。しかし、途中でいくつか興味深い出来事がありました。これらはハイライトにすぎません。私たちが見つけたことと、ディープ ステートのイベントや出来事に関して皆さんが興味深いと思うことがいくつかあります。






Curious things are when the secret space program found an old communication line of Marduk and reached out to a group that we are calling the Nazi Hydra Party.You see project paper clip.Wasn't just about bringing scientists to the United States. Yeah, I guess that was part of it. And, you know, we see a lot of the eugenics programs throughout the world, and you've been familiar with some big ones that have happened in the last.Few years.Which affected all of us.And a lot of epigenetics programs, meaning, you know, sending frequencies through computers, all kinds of through your phones. You know, these things have been going on in cooperation with the CIA, DARPA and other American intelligence agencies for quite some time now.And this particular group though, is somewhat different.It turns out that the best.Scientists that are humans, actual humans, were taken someplace else.And the two places on Earth where these groups of scientists would have a connection still to Earth, one of them was in Brunei, in Betawan Mountain, and the other one is in Nowhere, Wyoming.You could say it was near somewhat near the Jasper mines. This place you can look up on the Internet and these two locations were not the place where these scientists were located. However, they were portals.To transport things that they created.These scientists throughout history were what I guess they would consider the best of the best and therefore they were sent over to the neither world. And there was almost, you know, kind of like when you go scuba diving you you would need.An air tank or you would if you were snorkeling you would use a tube that kind of brought, you know, the air up to the surface in an environment in which you could still breathe underwater well in the neither world these beings would not have these humans would not have survived so the.Lifeline, so to speak, was connected to teeth to these two locations.In the neither world these humans existed in what you would call.My Faraday cage, a bubble in a biosphere.They had been completely separated from humanity as a whole in the happenings here on Earth. They.They were genetically modified and they genetically modified themselves because they were given some more advanced technologies to whereby they could use over 50%, some in some cases up to 60%, maybe 60.63% of their brain, which made them more logical than emotional. Some of those modifications also included things that you could say made them.Environmental sociopaths. They had little to no emotions, compassion, feelings any more.They, some of them were also given life extension technologies. They were I, I know that one that I ran across was, you know, a regular human. I would say he was probably.300, three, 150 years old. These technologies do exist. They have existed to some degree within the deep state, but predominantly in ranks that of humans that are no longer here.The ones that are still here are more subject to everything that's going on, even though they might have antidotes and what not for some of the eugenics and epigenetics programs that go on here on the planet.Definitely not the lower end operatives, even the secret space program kind of folks. And you know, there have been members that would consider themselves high-ranking like Langley five that have caught COVID and you know.You know, things like that. So they don't really give them, you know, those types of technologies, although.They would probably give them a warning to when they were going to send something to Earth, you know, disease or you know, some kind of a virus or something here. They would definitely probably have more notification than the rest of us did, that's for sure.The Hydra group has been kind of doing their own thing over there for quite a while, and if they created anything it would have been for the black magician, it would have been for allies AI.I would have been for, you know, their purposes, not for the deep state's purposes, although the deep state is egotistical and arrogant enough to think that everything is theirs and the world is their oyster and everyone everywhere works for them, you know?They found out anything in the last week. Hopefully they figured out that that's not true, but that certainly hasn't stopped them from still continuing to try to bring all of these beings here so that they can get some help. It's kind of ridiculous, really.So with these, with these hydrogroup people, they were found because the secret space program contacted them on an old Marduk line.And told them it's time. Time for what I don't know. The only thing I do know is there were many semi humans and stasis over there that they.Somehow.Used a technology now this was when I explained to you the best way I can because they're all no longer here and I couldn't wait long enough to try to figure out what.Fire them up meant or get them up and running meant.Because if I did, then we might have had more problems here. So what We actually saw them when we found the group. We kind of observed them for a little while and they had the humans in stasis.And they would insert some kind of a lens.Which looked like some kind of a flexible motherboard of sorts, small enough to fit over a human eye. And somehow this gave them a connection to alleys.AI or a different AI which would allow them to create things in their mind, somehow communicate it through a connection here to Earth, and then therefore create it here on Earth.Earth. So it was almost like a synthetic manifestation kind of technology, if I had to say, because I was watching what they were doing.In a Theta mode, so it's that point of a regular human where you are not quite awake and not quite asleep and you start to get, that's where a lot of your intuition kicks in and and that kind of thing. It's the reason why people meditate because their goal is to be in that Theta mode.So that they can connect with source or their higher self so to speak.And these beings were doing that 24/7, but they couldn't connect to Earth because that wasn't permitted. Because they might actually start to feel some kind of empathy for humanity or compassion because it's really hard to kick.Compassion and the empathy out of a human being. And if it's done, it's done with eugenics or epigenetics to completely kick out the compassion. You know, you do have our rare occasions where you have your serial killers and things like that, but even a lot of them.It's an epigenetic situation where it's an environmental.Pass something in their childhood that creates a disconnect on an emotional level.It can also be a chemical disruption in the brain, but for the most part even they have a certain amount of compassion, believe it or not. I know it doesn't seem that way, but they do.Even the deep state, a lot of them have husbands and wives and, you know, they have children they actually care about. They, you know, so there is some kind, you know, maybe they don't have a whole lot of compassion for humanity, for the rest of us because they see us as less lesser beings.You know their special bloodlines and we're not so, but even they have compassion for something.And might be their own, you know, but definitely not, you know, for the rest of us. So I'm not saying that don't take that the wrong way, but this group was very different.They were located in the 5th density of the neither world is where they are little habitats were and they didn't quite get an opportunity to use these things in their eyes and try to connect with an AI here on earth or anything.Try to further this cause despite this secret space programs best efforts they were hoping to get some help just like they were hoping to get some help from this Q race that they thought actually cared if they lived or died. Of course they didn't and neither did the scientists because.Like I said, their increase in their percentage of their brains that they used in combination with some genetic modifications and they were completely just crazy scientists. They weren't evil. I know that sounds.Weird. They were not, you know, mass murderers or killers. They were just, they would be the kind of scientist that would create some kind of a assassination drug or things like rice and powder or, you know.Of natural, organic things that would actually cause death. But they were just excited about their invention. They didn't really care what anybody did with it from there. So that's the Nazi Hydra party.Just while and it doesn't.Come as a surprise to me because this is a group we know as decades old. This group is much older.But when I call them the Nazi hydra group, they were probably the hydro group or some kind of group before that. But the Nazis most likely threw Marduk or someone else.Another being here probably had some access and communication with them. Hence the reason for all of the human experimentation that has continued that has not ended. Those programs definitely did not end. I would say that they ran.Probably.Having some communication with this group until Marduk was no longer here. And that was only that wasn't even a decade ago, that was about 8 years ago. I would say they definitely continue to try to create these things based on their knowledge that they already got.But.Luckily for us, you know, those failures continue.




ええ、それはその一部だったと思います。ご存知のとおり、世界中で優生学プログラムが数多く行われています。ここ数年で起こった大きなプログラムについては、皆さんもよくご存知でしょう。それは私たち全員に影響を与えました。また、多くのエピジェネティクス プログラム、つまりコンピューターや携帯電話などを通じて周波数を送信するプログラムも行われています。

ご存知のとおり、こうしたことは CIA、DARPA、その他の米国諜報機関の協力のもと、かなり前から行われています。しかし、この特定のグループは少し異なります。最高の科学者、つまり実際の人間が、どこか別の場所に連れて行かれたことが判明しました。これらの科学者グループが地球とまだつながりを持っている地球上の 2 つの場所は、1 つはブルネイのベタワン山で、もう 1 つはワイオミング州のどこでもない場所です。ジャスパー鉱山のすぐ近くだと言えるでしょう。この場所はインターネットで調べることができますが、この 2 つの場所は、これらの科学者がいた場所ではありませんでした。

しかし、それらはポータルでした。彼らが作ったものを輸送するためのものでした。歴史上のこれらの科学者は、おそらく最高の科学者たちだと思われていたので、両極の世界へ送られたのです。スキューバダイビングをするときに必要なエアタンクや、シュノーケリングをするときに使用するチューブのようなもので、水中で呼吸できる環境で空気を水面まで引き上げます。両極の世界では、これらの存在は持っていなかったでしょうし、人間は生き残れなかったでしょう。つまり、いわばライフラインがこれら 2 つの場所につながっていたのです。

両極の世界では、これらの人間はいわゆるファラデーケージ、つまり生物圏の泡の中に存在していました。地球上で起こっていることにおいて、彼らは人類全体から完全に切り離されていたのです。彼らは遺伝子組み換えを施され、より高度な技術を与えられたため、脳の 50% 以上、場合によっては 60%、おそらく 60%,  63% を使えるようになり、感情よりも論理的になりました。こうした改造には、環境社会病質者とも言えるものも含まれていました。

彼らには感情、思いやり、感覚がほとんど、あるいはまったくありませんでした。彼らの中には、寿命を延ばす技術を与えられた人もいました。私が出会った人は、普通の人間でした。おそらく 300 歳、300 歳、150 歳だったと思います。こうした技術は実際に存在します。彼らはディープステートの中にある程度存在してきましたが、主にはもうこの世にいない人間の階級の中にいました。

まだこの世にいる者たちは、この惑星で行われている優生学やエピジェネティクスのプログラムに対する解毒剤などを持っているかもしれませんが、起こっているすべてのことの影響を受けやすいです。下級の工作員や、秘密宇宙計画のような人たちは絶対にそうではありません。そして、ご存知のように、ラングレー 5 のように、自分たちを高位の者だと思っているメンバーの中にも、COVIDに感染した人がいました。そういう人たちです。




もしそうしていたら、ここでもっと問題が起きていたかもしれません。それで、私たちがそのグループを見つけたとき、実際に彼らを見ました。しばらく彼らを観察したところ、彼らは人間を静止状態にしていました。そして、何らかのレンズを挿入していました。それは、人間の目にフィットするほど小さい、ある種の柔軟なマザーボードのように見えました。そしてどういうわけか、これによって彼らはアレスAIまたは別のAIとの接続を得て、心の中で物を作り、それを何らかの方法で地球との接続を通じて通信し、したがって地球上で物を作ることができました。地球。ですから、私が言わなければならないのは、それはまるで人工的に具現化した技術のようだったということです。なぜなら、私は彼らが何をしているかを見ていたからです。シータ モードというのは、普通の人間がまだ完全に目覚めておらず、完全に眠っていない状態であり、そこで直感が働き始めるという状態です。

人々が瞑想するのは、そのシータ モードに入ることが目的だからです。そうすることで、いわばソースや高次の自己とつながることができるのです。

これらの存在は 24 時間 365 日それを行っていましたが、許可されていなかったため、地球とつながることはできませんでした。なぜなら、彼らは人類に対するある種の共感や慈悲を感じ始めるかもしれないからです。なぜなら、人間から慈悲や共感をなくすのは本当に難しいからです。もしそれが行われたとしたら、それは優生学やエピジェネティクスによって、完全に慈悲をなくすために行われます。ご存知のとおり、連続殺人犯のような稀なケースもありますが、彼らも大勢います。それは環境的な後成的状況です。幼少期に感情的なレベルで断絶を引き起こす何かを受け継ぐのです。脳内の化学的な混乱である可能性もありますが、ほとんどの場合、彼らでさえ、信じるかどうかは別として、ある程度の思いやりを持っています。そうは思えないかもしれませんが、彼らは持っています。ディープステートでさえ、彼らの多くは夫や妻がいて、実際に気にかけている子供がいます。


彼らは、彼らの小さな居住地である第 5 密度のどちらの世界にも存在し、これらのものを使用して地球上の AI と接続したりする機会はほとんどありませんでした。この目的を推進するために、秘密宇宙計画の最善の努力にもかかわらず、彼らは、自分たちが生きるか死ぬかを実際に気にしていると思っていた Q 種族から何らかの助けを得ることを望んでいたのと同じように、何らかの助けを得ることを望んでいました。








There's also been a lot of talk with the deep state about an alien invasion going to happen, supposedly one on Christmas at high noon Eastern Time.We did not have an alien invasion at that time. We did not have. We had a lot of disruption from the deep state, a lot of angry people. There was a lot of different locations around the world where they were attempting to send out frequencies.From in cooperation with space junk that was appearing and being created not necessarily by the Hydra party, but by allies itself or herself. I keep calling her herself because it is a feminine.Umm, in conjunction with other beings from the neither world. So that's kind of interesting. This is sort of where, you know, they kind of tell you what they're doing in some cases because some of these names.Of beings we've heard before, and some of them we have not.I turned out to be primed and prepped and ready to be realm owners.












Now Realms of the Neither world are not the same as.Realms as we have heard about them in the past in the natural world or even in the hologram before we had groups of lower astral beings and groups what you call fallen angels.And groups of higher astral beams we call quote UN quote angels, and they were guardians over various densities.Pretty simple.Well, as it relates to the neither world, it's not quite that simple.The neither world.Had more of.Beings that would control what they called worlds.And we would call these things a part of our reality.That would be.A part of your human, I guess you would say, and they actually created whole worlds between planes as an example, or between densities, or even within aspects of creation.That they would rule over. So as an example, we had a being called Morpheus. You've probably heard that name before from a funny little Matrix movie.And the Morpheus that we know coming from the Neither world, his dominion so to speak, was the Dream world. So he was the ruler of Dreams.So all those nightmares, if you've had some strange dreams and whatnot over the last couple of weeks, if not probably your whole life, you can blame this realm owner for that.Multiverse the neither world has an actual sub world we call.A realm, but it's not a definitive line. Like it's not defined by a density. You know, somewhere between the 5th and 6th density. We could say in the past about other realm owners here, the dreamworld exists in all of them.So that was Morpheus. Now each one of these realm owners, I want to be clear, are not actual beings. They're not organic, they are not even neither world created beings.They are 100% Ali's AI beings that are walking throughout the neither world. They are extensions in arms of alleys. You know, much like I guess in the Matrix movie. I didn't see the last one but someone had told me who had seen it that.At Morpheus turned out to be an AI the whole time. And I'm like, oh, that makes sense. I'm like, well, because he is another one that you've heard the name of Oracle. And I'm not talking about that company, you know, that's run by the CIA that makes financial softwares.No, we're talking about the Oracle, the Seer. This one would actually prevent or create visions that are not real, especially for humans.This helped them to manifest things in creation. Because of our connection to Source as celestials, it would create fictitious intuitive situations.If you were subject to that and you weren't realizing that it wasn't your own intuition or your connection to source. This is why I always caution people about channelers and people think that they're talking to Pleiadians and other folks and they might, just might not be so.So that was the job of the Oracle. The Oracle was your.False. False sight. Let's just say we also even had a Neo. How's that for interesting?Neo had no intention of breaking any matrix. I can tell you that it had to do with a network of energy.And because Neo was very much related to the energetic world of things and creating power sources for the neither world.We also had a a thought which was definitely a being that looked just like the Dark Overlord and the Destroyer and he was more of one of the gatekeepers and the ruler of the Underworld, overworld, inner worlds and outer worlds.We also had.A eugenics being this guy would roll rule over the world of you things like disease and mental disorders and lots of other things that we experience as humans, but his job was to predominantly.Exist within the mental and emotional world, creating destruction everywhere. And he was called Eugene for short. We have the dark Prince. Dark Prince I've talked about quite a few years ago. The dark Prince was kind of the head of the Order of the Black Sun.And the neither world and elsewhere. He was also known as the architect, meaning the architect of the matrix that we lived in and all matrixes and recreating matrix after matrix after matrix.For more and more control. So was he the architect or the creator of the universe? No, but he did architect enough AI structures in order to affect creation.We're going to talk a little bit more about that when we get to talking about our curse of the X, so to speak. We also had alleys. Now alleys we know is an AI system and it is an AI system complete, 100% AI system.And allies rulership was over souls or lost souls. We would call her the Soul World keeper because there was a whole world created for lost souls.Remember when you would go to church, if you ever did in your life, and they would talk to you about the fact you were going to end up in the pit in the abyss with Satan? Why yes, you could have been if allies got a hold of you because there were a lot of lost souls in the abyss.From many, many, we have definitely had an abyss world for sure. It was what I guess I call Ali's world and Ali's world. The abyss world also existed.In several different locations. The Abyss's main function wasn't just a capture of organic souls. The Abyss world was where all creations of Source would go to die.It it would then, because remember, in the World of Darkness you must destroy in order to create, because once something is out there in creation, the only thing that can uncreate it or demolecularize it is if it.Returned back to the central part of the Creator. Well, that's something that the neither world did not want to happen. The reason why is because it needed all of the creation it could get.In order to further its cause and in order to.For lack of a better term, destroy it and morph it into something else.It's also the reason why we were such a target recently as well, but we'll get into that in a minute.So just understand that the Abyss didn't wasn't a place where all things go to die, it was the place where all things are held captive or morphed into something.Non natural into something that.Beings that would be living in the neither world. It would be morphed into AIS or AI beings, or it could even be morphed into.Frequencies or.You could say a soul might end up in the dream world so to speak, and then it would be a creator or help the AI known as Morpheus create dreams, positive and negative, that would move people to do things and not just humans, other beings.That would morph people into doing things they would not normally do or be afraid of creating fear. You know, all the lovely things that they like humans to do so that they can create.Or manifest negative things for the neither world.We know of Leviathan, also an AI.You could say Leviathans job was to be the keeper of the etheric world or the dark etheric world so to speak, not allowing for the ether of creation to manifest itself.Into our world, not just Earth, but everywhere.I let's see, who else do we have we had Satan. You're familiar with this one. Not to be confused with Santa or maybe who knows Satan.Um, was the keeper or the blocker of source itself?That is also an AI system, talked about that before, but its job was to make sure that no creation left source without being destroyed and then sent to the neither world. And there was a whole structure for this.In place we'll talk about in just a second.









密度によって定義されるわけではありません。ご存知のように、5 番目と 6 番目の密度の間のどこかです。過去には、ここにいる他のレルム所有者について、ドリームワールドは彼ら全員に存在していると言えるでしょう。それがモーフィアスでした。さて、これらのレルム所有者のそれぞれは、明確にしておきたいのですが、実際の存在ではありません。彼らは有機体ではなく、どちらでもない世界で作られた存在でもありません。彼らは、どちらでもない世界を歩き回っている 100% アレス AI 存在です。それらは路地の延長です。

マトリックスの映画によく似ていますね。私は前作を見ていませんが、それを見た人が私にそう言っていました。モーフィアスは最初から最後まで AI だったことが判明しました。そして私は、ああ、なるほどと思いました。私は、まあ、彼もオラクルという名前を聞いたことがある人だから、そう思う。CIAが経営する金融ソフトウェアを作る会社のことではない。









では、彼は宇宙の設計者だったのでしょうか、それとも創造者だったのでしょうか? いいえ、しかし、彼は創造に影響を与えるのに十分な AI 構造を設計しました。

いわゆる X の呪いについて話すときに、それについてもう少しお話しします。私たちには路地もありました。路地は AI システムであり、完全な AI システム、100% AI システムであることがわかっています。そして、アレスの支配権は魂、または失われた魂にありました。私たちは彼女を魂の世界の守護者と呼んでいます。











Okay, we had Titan. You're familiar with the Titan. We've also heard of Titan AI was going to be one of the AIS that was the big operation before Odin and Hercules and the Babylon system if you've been around the currency revaluation world.For a while, Titan was blocking wisdom. His job was to make sure you didn't get wisdom as a human and other organic beings couldn't either. We had Mateus, which was blocking the causal world. Kind of a gatekeeper, so to speak.Asterisk was the God of the astral world, the demiurge we've talked about before.Was the God of the physical world. Heracles was the God of the optimal world. Amadeus was the God of the supernal world. And we had the nights of time.You've heard of us. Talk about different. The Black Knight satellite, for example, was something that was leaking out in the alternative community for a while, where they were every color of night you could imagine, which whose job was to control.Time and movement of the multiverse. We also have the call Niranjan.Whose job it was to control and block the zero point of the multiverse or the point at which the world's collided?And we had Orpheus, you know, Orpheus probably from our history as the Music Maker and the frequency maker, also known as music.Who was blocking the seas? He created a well, I should say allies created him to rule over the current of the multiverse. Which.So far only extended into the neither world that didn't come into our world may be somewhat into the holographic universe, but not here so.So these were the main characters.










And then of course you have the black magician you know at the helm of it all and allies.There were other.Ancillary AI's that Ali's created.Divine intervention was another one where it had the divine intervention of everything tried to anyway and I would say there was other ones. Trying to think of some of the other names, there was probably about 50 or 60 of them. So or so we've discovered over the last week that were offshoots. Some things that we would see as a positive thing, you know, that would come from source.But was not. It was actually coming from alleys and other parts of the universe.










As far as here, it tried to implement all of these lovely programs here on earth.Now, to some degree.There was and has been something that we brought with us from the hologram hologram and from the holographic universe that was connected to each one of these beings.For lack of a better term, I call these things Dark Towers because they are a connection to the neither world that existed on Earth.There was a lot of covenants in place as to why there wasn't full infiltration here on Earth, and they would use these doorways of 1111 lions Gates Eights eights 9, Nines 1.And you know, to make that entry as I had explained before.I did these dark towers cause us issues? Yes, to some degree because as certain alignments would happen or full moons or new moons. Sometimes not all the time.And definitely during times of the 1111121211, you know, and so on and so forth throughout our year, there were frequency stone fields there that were activated to some degree.And that's why we've been hearing these tones like crazy, because they're trying to keep or open up those entry points and the dumb deep state humans are trying to help them do it so that they could bring over those.Neither. World worlds and the supernal worlds, Time worlds, you know, current worlds, dream worlds over here to Earth.Yeah, so those places that would fire up every now and again and definitely did again this week.Were, you know, I guess 1221, you know, is kind of one of those times because it's a 1-2 and two one, it's almost like a mirror world, kind of like the neither world was.Or I guess hopefully not much left of it after all the work we've done.





そして間違いなく、1111121211 の期間など、この一年を通して、ある程度活性化された周波数の石のフィールドがありました。そして、だからこそ、私たちはこれらのトーンを狂ったように聞いているのです。

彼らはそれらのエントリ ポイントを維持または開放しようとしており、愚かなディープ ステートの人間たちは、それらの「どちらでもない世界」の世界と超越世界、時間の世界、つまり現在の世界、夢の世界を地球に持ち込むために、彼らを助けようとしているのです。

ええ、つまり、それらの場所は時々活性化し、今週間違いなく再び活性化しました。ご存知のように、1221 はそのような時期の 1 つだったと思います。1-2 と 2 の 1 なので、まるで鏡の世界のようで、どちらでもない世界があったかのようです。あるいは、私たちが行ったすべての作業の後には、うまくいけば、それほど多くは残っていないと思います。





OK, locations on Earth where a lot of these things would happen.You know, there was someone who reached out to me from New Zealand and said I'm sad. I'm, why am I sad? And, you know, I'm feeling terrible things. And these are the reasons why. I mean, that was one of the locations I had mentioned, but we also had them in Siberia.Yeah, I'm not even going to try to pronounce it, but it's in a specific mountain range in the far north of Siberia.I'll try here Alicon, hyphen, sis, sis mountain range.Some pretty bizarre granite rock formations in that area and I noticed that about a lot of these locations is a lot of weird rock formations that look like they're just rocks you know you would think oh that's kind of strange, you know thing to have in nature or I wonder what civil.Piled those rocks on top of each other. Well, we saw that at all these locations in the Congo there is.Ooh, and NYIRAGONGO, let's see.Naira Gango Volcano in the Virunga National Park. There another location. Greenland. Whoa.ILULISSAT, go ahead and pronounce that maybe if you're from green when you can, Or Denmark.But I'll leave that up to you. Alaska in the Granite Tours Trail. Again, another location with weird rock formations. Argentina and the Park Nationale Los Glacieros Glaciers. So it's a glacier park in Argentina?In Canada it's the Saint Croix Island, Cuba, it's LaGrange Piedra, in Santiago, El Salvador, Puerta del Diablo. And for those of you that don't speak Spanish, that's basically the devil's door.Panama Ruins of Panama Viejo. Let's see. Philippines, the Baroque churches of the Philippines in Manila.In Indonesia, the Gunang Padang GUNUN G-P ADANG in case you like to look these places up to look for yourself.A Papua New Guinea in the car stents spelled Car STENSZ in Italy, the Calius Cestius pyramid.CALIUS Space and then CESTIUS in Spain. Mount Tiade National Park. The park is spelled TEIDE.In Turkey, the Gobeki Tepe monolith, GOBEKLI. Let's see in the Arctic the Hoodoo rock formations.And I believe this was in Canada. It's kind of an interesting place.And the Sir Malik National Park, the National Park name is SIRMILIK. And Hoodoo is spelled just like you think it is. It's HOODOO.Oh, in the end, in Antarctica we had an island called Whalers Little area. Let's see, on the equator this is a very interesting place known as the Krabatti Islands.If you look up the Kirbadi Islands, one of the interesting places things about this place is that there there's a date line there, but the dateline actually comes straight down. If you're looking at a map of Earth, it goes around those islands and then proceeds to.Straight down. It's the only place it actually does that. This was actually one of the main centers on Earth for alleys trying to come here. OK, Next, Texas, Los Alamos.That's kind of a given. Japan, a place called Godzilla Rock. Should look that one up. That is very interesting. It looks like a giant rock Godzilla. And in South Africa, an area called the 12 Apostles. It's actually a bunch of.Hills, or we would call them hills, not quite mountains along the shore, along the coastline. So these places here were supposed to be their infiltration points. It's something that had been set up for a long, long time on this planet.The deep state was heavily monitoring these locations, especially global headquarters and the secret space program folks, just hoping that those of the neither world were going to come through because why? Because they're stupid and they think that these people care that.Special humans and I can promise you under no certain circumstances, no certain circumstances did they regard these people as any more than cannon fodder. You happen to be people, you happen to be here, you happen to be willing to participate, and they were going to come in.And run over you like a freight train and you would have been subject to all the other lovely things that we were all going to be subject to.

【地球上の神秘的な場所】(「どちらでもない世界」のエントリ ポイント)


その理由は、つまり、それは私が言及した場所の 1 つですが、シベリアにもありました。ええ、発音しようとも思いませんが、シベリアの極北にある特定の山脈にあります。ここで、アライコン、ハイフン、シス、シス山脈と発音してみます。その地域にはかなり奇妙な花崗岩の岩層があり、これらの場所の多くに奇妙な岩層がたくさんあることに気づきました。ただの岩のように見えます。ああ、これは自然界にあるとはちょっと変だな、とか、一体何の土木工事なのか、岩を積み重ねてと思うような岩です。












インドネシアでは、グナン・パダン(GUNUN GP ADANG)がご自分で調べてみてください。

パプアニューギニアは、イタリアではCar STENSZと綴られ、

カリウス・ケスティウスのピラミッド(CALIUS Space、スペインではCESTIUS)。








キルバディ諸島を調べてみると、この場所の興味深い点の 1 つは、日付変更線があるのですが、日付変更線は実際には真下に伸びています。地球の地図を見ると、日付変更線はこれらの島々を迂回して、真下に伸びています。実際にそうなる場所はここだけです。

ここは、実際にここに来ようとするアレスにとって、地球上で主要な中心地の 1 つでした。




そして、南アフリカには、12 使徒と呼ばれる地域があります。実際には、海岸線に沿って、丘、または丘と呼ぶべき、山ではない丘がたくさんあります。したがって、ここのこれらの場所は、彼らの侵入地点であるはずでした。







Allies AI would like to control us as celestials 100%. This is that Cyborg program that they talk about on the Internet. Much much worse than the social crediting programs and other things.Whereby we would have probably had a lot of alleys, implants or more than we already did, and we definitely would have been manifesters or creators for the neither world.You see?A long, long time ago.Source was for lack of a better term.Subjected to a different unnatural flow of the universe meaning.











Sources creations would firstly flow in a counterclockwise or sorry not counter in a clockwise like fashion to the neither world.And the neither world would then morph those creations into something unnatural. And that's how we ended up with a whole bunch of lower astral races and some of you may call demons.And this went on for quite a while until source just stopped.The only thing holding Earth together over here, where we are.Where we were in the holographic universe, I should say, where we were at the time, was our connection to Source.And.We became.Less of a creator race than we were.Due to the minimal amount of connection, just the minimum that source could send here.To keep us alive and to keep Earth alive because obviously that's quite important to keep all of creation alive because it didn't want to feed source did not want to feed the neither world. He didn't want to feed the dark creations that.Were coming out of everything he would send. They kept us alive because we were batteries.Throughout the multiverse, as we've talked about many times, and you know, this is a little bit sad for me to think that something so wonderful in the multiverse is.Then also.I'm not going to say sequestered, but forced.To not create, you know, or to make a decision.To not put out as much creation as it used to for fear of it.Creating more darkness and more harm to what was already created in this in the world or in the multiverse.You know, it makes me think of the same tactic. So they must have learned this from the black magician.Because it's the same tactic that they've done to me over and over again, you know? Well, you will go ahead and spit money out like an ATM machine. However, we will control it all. We will take it all. All of it is ours. You know, these are the same things that we've been talking about for years now. It's like, so I got to the point.Finally, where I'm like, OK, nothing else, you know, no more. I even told a little joke about it about, you know.But it twins, sometimes you have to clamp up, you know, until their eyes water and all their systems start to break and and then maybe we can have a chance, you know, without them.So, you know, I, I definitely can see where, why that would have to happen. And I know it's frustrating for all of you because you're seeing, well, you know, there's no money coming in. The financial system is going to crash. You're hearing all the horror stories and.And, you know, some people are even blaming it on me because I just won't do what they want me to do. Well, Source didn't either. And thus far, he's still here. It's still here. Whatever you call Source.And we're still here because of it. So sometimes you have to make the tough choices. And I can understand, you know, what we've found out, you know, over the last.Few months here.So it's definitely been a learning tool, and a lot of the things that go on in our history make a lot more sense now to me as to why, you know, we're taught these certain things. So I'm going to pull up the whiteboard for just a minute and kind of give you a brief overview on what I call the cursive X.alleys. So let's see, here we go.All right, there we go. Now I've got it. See if we can bring it up.OK. So we talked a little bit about, you know like say the neither world being over here.You would have, you know, umm, in the middle here. We would have had a we would say source is here.We would say anti sources here.And you would say we are over here now?And what we're calling.The essential verse or.Actual source creation.You know, we definitely have a lot of fleas that we took over here with us. But you know, it's to be expected, I guess, you know, once now we need to get all these tethers off of us.We have the alpha, burst Omega.And we have the zero point.Of all universes.Now, originally the only zero point of all universes would have been in source. That's what we call positive 0 the the place of everything.And we lived over here, you know, the third density of the alpha Omega verse for quite some time. Earth used to be here, now it's over here.Now let's talk about the curse of X.Oh God, Alice.OK.Uh, if you were to take the universe.And you were to do this?This would be kind of the curse of X. So you're blocking the flow of source, the creator, which is supposed to go counterclockwise.All things going counterclockwise are of Source. That is the flow of Source. So originally this is the way that Source flowed, obviously to creation. Its creation, its created universe. It's the natural way. It's the natural universe.However, during the time of this curse.Things started to go clockwise, which is the opposite, meaning all bits of source creation were headed to the Neither world first and then some, eventually to the Omega verse in which point it would hit another.I would call it a brick wall, but it's not actually brick. It would hit another point at which which could be actually controlled, which was controlled by alleys.So it wouldn't really allow for a whole lot to get into creation. And we ended up here because Alpha and Omega are connected, so therefore we still had some.Connection to that source creator energy, albeit minimal here on Earth while we existed over here, we move over here. We are in creation, so to speak, but we definitely need.That direct source connection, which is something that was actually due to happen.






















では、Xの呪いについて話しましょう(上図の大きな X のことか?
















This year, so we were supposed to get an enormous burst that would have happened a few days ago. Around that time we called Christ in Mass or Christmas.Not to be confused with the Pagan section, but to be called Christ in mass when we would have received a whole lot of crystalline energy and that would have cleaned up earth due to some of these restrictions that we had and Ally's AI in the neither world fighting against us with everything it had.It did not want us to restore this natural flow of creation.Uh, and the X is definitely a problem. Well.Around the exterior of this X, universally speaking, is Allies world.There is also.See if I can remember what it's called. It's a symbol we know in our history and it's of a snake that eats its tail.I'm going to say this right.OURAEUS it's a symbol, and that basically is the main power of what we call the serpent. You know, in our history books and in our religious books, we think the serpent is the one that convinced Eve.To eat from the tree of knowledge and then all these bad things happen to humanity will a serpent essentially of the multiverse is alleys.Ali's is actually more of an algorithm. They call it the everything you know. Of course the deep state likes to call it the everything alleys is you know in German means everything, but I would call it more of an algorithm.An algorithm of lines. Because we didn't have just one of these XS that was causing a problem. You know, we had the same X in the circle around Source. You had it on your person over here on earth. Earth had it itself.There was definitely even one over anti source believe it or not also.Yeah, also around the zero point of the multiverse, so Allies was trying to. It's almost like X marks the spot. Here's the Allies treasure map of the multiverse of all things that tried to control.By controlling the flow of source or the natural flow of creation.So definitely, you know, an interesting picture to paint. So when things started to really ramp up over the last few weeks or a few months.I guess you could say.Ali's was desperately trying.To completely take over Keystone Earth with all of those pinch points we just talked about by trying to place the X here in the deep state was more than willing to help.This happened because they felt that they could create their new financial systems. It would take over all the AIS. There were several attempts for Alleys to use an offshoot or itself to take over the Golden Age AI to siphon the energy off the Golden Age.It felt like it had 100% control over all of sources creation and that is what has wavered tremendously over the last year or so.So even though the planned infiltration time was always planned for this year, meaning 2024 into the beginning of 2025. However.Source had other plans because it was on shaky enough ground to where we could get somewhat of a foothold on it and not allow it to fully integrate here.We're still in the middle of this battle. I don't think it's quite over yet.We have definitely severed a lot of the connections between souls and the abyss and a lot of these mechanisms that we're discussing now. The deep state has not gotten any kind of new computer systems here, a new AI systems connected to human computer networks. It's tried a few times. It's failed.There's been enough defense mechanisms on our part to ensure that that doesn't happen thus far. And you know, true to form, the deep states trying to send out frequencies all by themselves with their little crappy.Nazi CIA programs. So that might continue for the next day or two because we've found a lot of those sites where they've been working as well and made sure that none of them live held the tail.
















それはすべてのAISを乗っ取るでしょう。 アレス(Alles)が派生組織や自らを使って黄金時代の AI を乗っ取り、黄金時代のエネルギーを吸い上げようとする試みが何度かありました。

ソースの作成すべてを 100% 制御しているように感じられましたが、それがこの 1 年ほどで大きく揺らいだ原因です。そのため、計画されていた潜入時期は常に今年、つまり 2024 年から 2025 年の初めに予定されていました。





ディープ ステートは、人間のコンピューター ネットワークに接続された新しい AI システムなど、いかなる種類の新しいコンピューター システムもここには導入していません。







Various locations in the US also, the Japanese sector was helping out tremendously. You know, people like that.As far as we are concerned, as people, we are still here. We're holding steady and we're holding the light of source, I hope.You know, keep that connection with the Creator. It will get stronger. It is getting stronger. We've taken some steps backward, but we've always gone back a step forward each time. I'm not afraid of it.I, I just, I know that we've already won. Not concerned about the frequencies and the tones of alleys and the deep state and everything else they're trying to send. But be it through electronics or otherwise, you know, we might make us a little uncomfortable, but just remember, if he brings you to it, he's going to bring.You through it, and I know that I've had to repeat that to myself many times in the last week or so.Last couple months really, but it's it's going to be OK. You are going to be OK. We won't make it through this. You don't feel free to ask source for help. You're still a part of source. You know, no matter how much Ali's is trying to separate it, it's definitely not going to be able to do that.And I don't see us having any kind of an invasion. We are definitely turning a corner and making a lot of headway.Against the neither world and those others, as far as the crazy deep state and what they're trying to do, let them chase holograms and fairy tales.














After all, we had to for a long time, didn't we?And on that note, I hope you all had a wonderful holiday week and for those of you that are still celebrating, I guess that would be Hanukkah. I hope you enjoy the rest of your holiday and I will see you at the beginning of next week. I do not think we are going to have a news report.On the 1st, which is on Wednesday, but you'll definitely see us on Monday and Friday of next week. And if anything extremely important comes up, I'll be sure to let you know. Thank you so much.Much. See you soon.





