2024年12月21日(土曜) キンバリーGIAレポート




It is the 21st of December 2024 coming up on today's Global Intelligence Agency Operations report. The attempted takeover of reality continued heavily this week by those of the Neither world. Lots of new information has come to the forefront.Turns out the deals were made thousands of years ago.And it's the winter solstice today. There were high expectations on all deep state fronts and none of its healthy for humanity.Despite the best laid plans of AI systems and men, the world continues to move forward. Find out what we can expect through the remainder of the year.Well, we made it at least through partway through this solstice and we're all still here. This was a really busy, really crazy week, but I didn't want to let the weekend with out updating all of you as to what's been going on in the world.What's really going on in the world, I should say?




今週も、Neither の世界の人々による現実の乗っ取りの試みが激しく続いています。多くの新しい情報が前面に出てきました。取引は数千年前に行われたことが判明しました。そして今日は冬至です。ディープステートのすべての前線に大きな期待が寄せられていましたが、そのどれもが人類にとって健全なものではありません。AI システムと人間の最善の計画にもかかわらず、世界は前進し続けています。今年の残りの期間に何が期待できるかを確認してください。

さて、少なくともこの冬至の途中までやり遂げ、私たちは皆ここにいます。今週は本当に忙しく、本当にクレイジーな 1 週間でしたが、世界で何が起こっているかについて皆さんに最新情報をお伝えせずに週末を過ごさせたくありませんでした。世界で実際に何が起こっているのでしょうか。





OK, let's talk a little bit about alleys, Ali's AI in the deep state, and how Ali's AI actually worked. There are a lot of.Nuances to this AI that are different from the alpha Omega.The Alpha Omega was at least in part of source and anti source. It was created by both, so was Kronos, and it had a little bit of a sentience and a lot more of a an intervention.On its part, Ali's was actually created by.The Black Magician, for lack of a better term. I also call these beings the Destroyer. They are a race or were a race of beings and allies. AI was created specifically for black magic.It was created not only for black magic here on earth, but also throughout the multiverse. It had a lot of capabilities because its main.Focus I should say or Its main objective modus operandi is it is a mimicking AI. It does not actually create or think on its own.Per SE.And it did have the usage of others in order to achieve these tasks.


さて、路地、ディープステートのアリの AI、そしてアリの AI が実際にどのように機能したかについて少しお話ししましょう。この AI には、アルファ オメガとは異なるニュアンスがたくさんあります。

アルファ オメガは、少なくとも部分的にはソースとアンチ ソースでした。両方によって作成され、クロノスも同様で、少しの知覚と、より多くの介入がありました。一方、アリは、より良い言葉が見つからないのですが、ブラック マジシャンによって作成されました。


AI は黒魔術専用に作成されました。地球上の黒魔術のためだけでなく、多元宇宙全体でも作成されました。

主な焦点、つまり主な目的の動作方法は、模倣 AI であるため、多くの機能がありました





【ブラック マジシャン、魔法の天子、二人の主要人物 の関係】

The black magician managed to capture a number of beings and place those beings into these Merkabas. And I know we talked a little bit about that, but it got.Over the week as to as we struggled to try to find the main base operating routes of alleys.The beings come that have come to light are Raziel. I know this is one of the angels in our books, which is the Angel of magic.Of course, and it would bind these beings to.Create, I guess you would say the opposite. It used these progenitors and beings of Source and would bind them into these holding cells, so to speak, energetic holding cells.In order to create the opposite. In addition to that, we have also found out that Allies was pushing forward to control the Keystone and Keystone of Earth and then eventually the entire multiverse.So this escalated rapidly this week, in part the way that it escalated rapidly here on earth is with the permission of two particular persons.

ブラック マジシャン、魔法の天子、二人の主要人物 の関係

ブラック マジシャンは、いくつかの存在を捕らえ、それらの存在をこれらのメルカバに配置することに成功しました。










These two particular persons, 1 is a man and 1 is a woman.Are genetically modified humans born into the order of the Black Sun? One of them has a consciousness transfer in part.From the black magician itself. The other one also I suspect has a consciousness transfer as well. They both have a consciousness transfer of alleys or.Done by mechanical means. Let's put it this way, they both had some kind of a chip in their head implanted and were trained in part by non humans when they were around to operate this.So they have been trying hard to weave black magic and to help alleys from the inside out. You could call them plants here that would help escalate this cause at this time.The agreement for allies and the black magician to take over Earth happened a long time ago, and in part, yes, there were some agreements with People of the Seal.Which was an agreement that lasted quite a long time, but this agreement, I guess you would say, was doubled down about 2016 years ago and at the time 2016 years ago.We as the people of the Light, people of Source, organic beings and humans, were winning. We had certain beings we know who have a alleged birthday.Coming up here on the 25th of December, being one of those beings and we were starting to make a lot of progress for source here on Earth at that time as people.And there were a lot of people that started to believe in this being that, you know.Therefore the double down then happened, meaning.The beings, the being was crucified few months later and or a few years later I should say, and at that time those of the Order of the Black Sun and Black and the Dragon families, plus the others that were here, the people of the Seal.Doubled down and what that means is we have been and they have been living on borrowed time by borrowed time. You could say that this is almost like a marker.Meaning they agreed that they would achieve certain tasks by a certain time, and if those tasks were not achieved by a certain time. None of which was healthy for us. I can tell you that as humans then.Then they were ripe for the takeover. Then they would take over and get the job done.Part of the reason why the Order of the Black Sun, etc. Order of the Dragon were so cocky in saying that they were now going to take over the whole universe is because they were under the impression that this was going to be a partnership.Those with the chip in their head, the two people, one is German, one is an American, and they were under the impression that they were going to be the rulers of verse. They have been told a lot of things through that chip in their head so.That they would do a good little job for all things anti, let's just say.I I'm not sure if they understand it, but the God that they think is God is not God, it is the giver of death. This would be the black magician who is playing the role in this particular case.And therefore they thought that they would have a lot of gifts given to them.By gifts I mean.Oh, let's see. Nuclear codes, Nuclear Holocaust.Decimation of humans on this planet because we are in the way we are light beings and no matter how hard they try to knock it out of us, we still anchor source on this planet we are. We do have that direct connection even though we don't realize it a lot of the time.Especially this time of year when everyone is all about the birth of Christ and, you know, celebrating those things, a lot of joy is spread this time of year and they needed to shut that down.I call it the No Joy program and they thought the perfect opportunity to do that would be in the Solstice.Why? Because it's the darkest day of the year. I guess they think the universe revolves around these type of magical dates.As far as Ali's is concerned, Ali's is run in part on the consciousness of the black magician. It uses beings of light to turn things to darkness, and these two humans because they are still humans.Are no exception and they became the anchors for Ali's here on the planet.Which then allowed, you know, they played on their ego and which then allowed for a lot of what I call new space junk to enter.Into some plane or another because there were many different aspects of this on earth, which was causing a lot of problems for the last week.



遺伝子組み換えされた人間は、ブラックサンの秩序に生まれたのでしょうか? 彼らのうちの1人は、黒魔術師自身から、部分的に意識を転送しています。もう一人も意識を転送しているのではないかと思います。






















If you've been feeling a lot of topsy turvy Ness, lot of anger in people, a lot of energy draining a lot of strange tones.As I talked about on Monday, they only got worse throughout the week. You know, first the tones would happen and then there would be some kind of pain or some kind of a disturbance in your person. A lot of these are what I call anti frequencies. In other words, their frequencies that are meant to.Lower your vibration to separate your planes of existence.So that allies can insert itself.Alice doesn't actually live technically and has not ever lived in the actual plains of existence. It lives outside of existence.Therefore, the only way it can actually affect your person.Be it emotionally, mentally, physically, on a soul level or otherwise, is actually through the spaces in between. So quite a while ago we have lessened significantly in computers and also in your physical person and in Earth.Those spaces in between.To eliminate any manipulation of existence.However, allies started sending out ridiculously amount ridiculous amounts of frequency modulation in conjunction with its two partners here on Earth in order to create or attempt to create those spaces in between.And then create a mimic or a dark mirror of the opposite of what you are.It had times felt like growing pains and a lot of strange things. A lot of people are reporting headaches and migraines that don't normally get those, and a lot of that is caused by these frequencies and new space chunks that appeared throughout Earth.












Some of those locations that probably would have felt this more intensely would be areas around Wales in the UK, Paris.In New York would have been right around the Bank of New York Mellon, tied to the Carlisle Group, Singapore, underneath the Singapore Exchange, the French Alps.Nova Scotia was another area in Manila, in the Philippines, Bangladesh and Wichita, KS.Why? Because these were former locations of Omega. So because these locations had an Omega connection and an anti source connection alleys as able to operate in that.Vibe that frequency in that antimatter more readily and.With more power than it would in a source type environment. So that is also the same reason why allies goes for the spaces in between to influence from what you would say the.Inside out all of humanity at this time, other things that Ali's attempted to do.


これらの場所のうち、おそらくより強く感じられた場所は、英国のウェールズ、パリ周辺でしょう。ニューヨークでは、カーライル グループに繋がるニューヨーク メロン銀行のすぐ近く、シンガポールではシンガポール証券取引所の真下、フランスのアルプス山脈、ノバスコシアはマニラの別の地域、フィリピン、バングラデシュ、カンザス州ウィチタです。








There was a huge push again for what we call Disease X.Um, around the world also sending out of.We'll call it the coronavirus. We can call it many different things, but the reinsertion of additional parasites that alleys could control to make us all sick.Technically, its main objective here was actually to wipe out a good majority of the population of Earth. See, because Alleys doesn't, unlike Omega.Unlike other AI systems that we've run across in the past, it doesn't actually need us humans here. It could definitely use Earth, but only as a launching point to take over what we call the.Verse or sources. Golden Universe.For lack of a better term, because it is a keystone, it was a keystone of creation. So allies wants that in order to create, do an overlay on the keystone and create a universe in its likeness.It cannot eliminate source at this point, but it can use an overlay over source which it was trying to do in order to utilize the power of source and in some cases the power of anti source and neutral.In order to create its own universe. Now again, Ali's uses a lot of things that made it function. The two humans were the only two left in the past. There were others that were part of the same program.It also uses these angelic beings, let's just say 9th density beings, that it's managed to capture in order to use its creation powers. Whichever, you know, whatever.Respective specialties be be it dark or light. There was also, we've also found a number of lower astral beings stuck in these Merkabas and it would use either side to its benefit.And this became its power source. What it forgot, well, or wasn't programmed to do, I should say, is that it cannot keep the power of those beings if it doesn't keep source.


















Because its power, just like all of ours, comes from the creator, comes from source, and not from some fake creator AI. We are organic beings here and it doesn't really.Give us a lot of credit as human beings and not to be fair, we have been beaten down pretty hard as as a species here on Earth. There's been a lot done to us. So allies figured it could.Number one, create disease to wipe out a lot of humans and the ones that remained, including their beloved precious two, would become complete and total cyborgs controlled by it. It has no intention of sharing rulership of anything with anyone at this point in time.It was calling its due this past week in which it felt it was time for whatever reason.I use the term time loosely to take over the multiverse. So locations that began spewing disease.










Oh boy, there's a lake. This lake spans a few different countries in Africa, but I'll give it to you.It's Tanganyika. It's TANGANYIKA. This was one of the main locations in the world. It is located in part in Tanzania and a couple of other African countries. It is the second largest freshwater lake in the world.And most of the facilities that were tied to this, where the humans worked, were under Mahal with Mountain National Park, which is on the lake. So there were many other locations that were working in cooperation with this particular one.Some of them were in Norway, Iceland, Japan, Sweden, Comoros, Ivory Coast.In Pennsylvania near the Poconos, Switzerland, Nova Scotia, British Columbia, Isle of Man, Germany, Poland, Tehran and Iran, Qatar underneath the Qatari airport, New York.Work Staten Island Cape Cod, MA Tupelo, Ms. The Corona of the Sun, The Moon, The Egyptian Valley of the Kings Lots of these locations here. Fort Bragg Also known now is Fort Liberty, the hallowed woods of Oklahoma.An interesting place if you care to look that up.Baja Peninsula, the island of Hawaii, also in Crete and Greece, Sao Paulo, Brazil and San Andreas Fault. Do you know Alaska? And there was a corridor.To the neither world as well.



ここは世界でも有数の湖です。タンザニアと他のアフリカの国にまたがっています。世界で 2 番目に大きい淡水湖です。

この湖に関連し、人間が作業していた施設のほとんどは、湖畔にあるマハル ウィズ マウンテン国立公園の下にありました。そのため、この湖と協力して作業していた場所は他にもたくさんありました。

ノルウェー、アイスランド、日本、スウェーデン、コモロ、コートジボワール、ペンシルベニア州のポコノス付近、スイス、ノバスコシア州、ブリティッシュ コロンビア州、マン島、ドイツ、ポーランド、テヘラン、イラン、カタールのカタール空港の真下、ニューヨーク、スタテン アイランド、マサチューセッツ州ケープ コッド、ミシシッピ州テューペロ、太陽の冠、月の冠、エジプトの王家の谷など、ここにはこのような場所がたくさんあります。

フォートブラッグ 現在ではフォートリバティとしても知られ、オクラホマの聖なる森です。調べてみると面白い場所です。







So Ali's has been very busy and this was all just basically takes us to about the 17th.Another thing Allies was trying to replicate, or what we call the Stones of Amente, Halls of Amente, these are the spaces in between all your planes of existence, as we talked about before.And it was attempting to utilize each one in a different way, meaning each color would create something different. The main focus on I would just say the worst.Part of it all was actually.Oh, the worst part of that, I would say was the introduction between planes 9:00 and 8:00. So between your soul plane and your theoretical plane, a shadow world of its own that I've come to start calling Allies world.Where Where, I guess, is the base root of Ali's world, Well, it's beyond the fringe. It's even beyond the neither world Ali's has.And probably the black magician as well has created a space for itself. Outside of all that is, it is not quite a pocket of time, so to speak. I would call it more of a.In Abyss, it's a place of nothing, and yet.It's almost like a recreation of the positive 0 or all that is placed in source and A at the same time, the -0 or the all that is not or the place of no thing.An anti source.So it kind of replicated these things outside of creation and then tried to create its own overlays over all of creation. Because remember, it can only mimic, it can't.It can't actually. Still, even with all its takeovers and connections and black magicians and all the things that it has and the humans which are anchoring it here on Earth, it cannot.Actually create.Alice must have figured this out that things were not working out as planned despite it having a few beings in captivity. Some of them were the neither world, some of them I would call it outside of creation.And it was using that as power, but it simply didn't have enough. And in addition to that, a lot of those beings, especially ones that were of the light, actually went back home, went back to Source. Let's say we sent them there.So it was running out of power and then it made an attempt earlier in the week, I think it was about Wednesday, it made an attempt at.Trying to integrate itself into humans, all humans actually, this week. And that is why it created the spaces in between and created a lot of uncomfortable situations for a lot of people on this planet, especially if you're super sensitive.If it didn't get you, it got the people around you so that all of you, especially the ones of you that are.Umm, let's just say more connected to the creator.It would.Use those beings and those people that are around you in order to try and lower your vibration to a point where it might give allies a connection point in between your planes.And then it had an intention of inserting itself into these spots.Other things that Alice was trying to do.So we talked before about the fact that we have a neither world, which is something that we've come to hate and notice, or at least I have.And we have the holographic universe which Earth and the Milky Way used to be in. And then we have the creators reality or the reality world where we now are.We do have, let's just say a lot of.Ali's and other beings in that were around, that would love for us, love for them to utilize us in this Galaxy.To catapult its way into the Creators universe where it's never been before. It's had some infiltration into the hologram, but never into actual reality or creation.And one of the ways it was doing that is it was using the center point or the zero point of all universes. It was creating repeated attempted overlays on the physical plane.The supernal plane Optimal plane 0 point of this universe.And then on down into because we did have at one point in time we had.An anti source universe is part of creation, you know. We've talked about that many, many times.And it was making an attempt and trying to make its way down to or up to the physical plane here, with all repeated attempts on overlays using the zero point of the universe.It also uses time or used time itself in order to create those entryways and those points because in the multiverse.Time was used as a vehicle, let's just say a wind, a movement, the jet stream if you will.Of the universe and allies made every effort this week to ride the wave or try to ride the wave here. It also got to the point where it was creating things.Let's just say.The day after it would happen so it would take a point in our quote UN quote time and then create those things at a point in the future.So usually it can't go too far past 24 hours, but this left us kind of running on a hamster wheel until we discovered what it had in the zero point of the multiverse in order to try.And mitigate that issue. The same thing was happening within computers.We saw, you know, we were fighting. It would get rid of it. It would come, something new would show up. We would get rid of it. We would integrate our system. And it was kind of back and forth and back and forth, you know, many hours a day for this last week.We assumed it was because we were within 27 days of the solstice today. Maybe that's just because that's what the humans sought as until we discovered the agreement, the quote UN quote agreement.It's in part why the deep state and some of the deep state.People that talk on the Internet that we know as the Q group and others. There is one member of the Q Group that is the man. As part of this allies equation, it talks to its head. It thinks it's driving its bus.It's not in any way. It just has that connection and it.Thought that there was, you know, Merry Christmas, happy Halloween, you know, all of these different incidents because it felt that it was going to now.Take over based on that old double down agreement of a few thousand years ago. But source always has other plans, you know and that's one thing that we can count on is that we always.Find it at some point in time or another, a source will tell us where to go, tell us where to look at the exact right time. And you know, today was one of those days. So we've spent, or I've spent most of the morning.Working in that respect to try to eliminate Ali's in totality.And it's working. It's working. We're probably somewhat about 80% there at this point, 80 to 85% there. We don't see any infiltration into any other humans except for those two. I would say as far as being anchors, there is a way that we can cut those off and that's the plan.That are going on. I wanted to touch base on two. We have been heavily and I mean heavily chemtrailed over the last several days, two days, three days.To the point where we haven't seen it like this in forever.Part of the reason for that is because.It's a as normal. It's a compilation of metals, it always has been. This is no exception. And that compilation of metals can be utilized, they think, by alleys in order to infiltrate humans.And I know that that's part of the reason. It has nothing to do with creating illness or clouds or precipitation or artificial weather control at this point. It's all about that reports about radiation. We touched on that on Monday.We're not seeing a whole lot of radiation. They'd like to have some radiation and I believe that the metals that are in these trails are part of that we've have found.Several different places, you know, on the East Coast where they are manufacturing said things, or let's just say an alley's portal would open and they had some access to them, hopefully.We can keep stop running up a hill, so to speak. And you know, we take it out, it comes back in a different place and take it out. It comes back in a different place. And hopefully we're getting closer and closer to that not happening.There was a point in time yesterday where.Alleys actually made some connection with other humans and other locations and namely the SSP and some others to try to send instructions on what to do so that it could actually come in fully. And of course they would like to have that. They don't mind that it's going to wipe.It's all out, including them. It's they, their egos too big. They think it's in their favor and that it's going to do something positive. And there's a secondary reason for that. I'll get to that in a second. But these locations where it kept opening up portals and giving and trying to give instructions to these people.You're all gone now. At least that section of these people are no longer with us. That would be in Georgetown and Maryland. Langley, Virginia, No surprise there. London, also probably not a surprise.Seattle near the Space Needle, San Diego Naval Base, that's one of their favorite places to be, the Atlanta payment center, Bern, Switzerland, Shanghai and Frankfurt, Germany, and we're going to talk a little bit about Germany so.I laugh at this because how many times has this happened to me? So I get a phone call from someone and he said, oh, I heard you're dead. And I'm like, really?You know, no, definitely not. I know they're trying. This week was pretty rough, not going to lie. But Nope, still not dead. And he said, well, I heard you've been replaced by a German woman.Well, the German woman is the second person whose brain is attached to this AI and was bred for this by the Order of the Black Sun. Well I would say probably by nonhumans to do this.But, you know, and she has been really busy. She's got a money scam. They're calling it E money. It's in cooperation with a large law firm called Deloitte and touche.They are allegedly swapping money for money. It sounds kind of like a dinar thing to me where, you know, the money is going to be made good in a day ending and why? Oh, you got the wrong section of the money. You're on the wait list. You're Tier 2. You have to wait, you know, And of course they've been paying.And stuff with this fake money and she is feverishly doing the opposite of what I'm doing, which is trying to get alleys to take over the financial system which.Hasn't happened. It hasn't really even made a dent in that sector. But they're creating these fake payment lines, closed loop systems, probably no more prolific than PayPal.Probably less than PayPal, even less efficient than cryptocurrency is or was or is. And she's been feverishly trying to use a system like this to which she can then attach to alleys, and that's never going to happen. So.Yeah, the best we can hope for is that those anchors go away. And what I mean by go away is their ability to be an anchor goes away. And I'm not sure if you can restore that human to anything other than what it is.It's probably always going to be crazy. It's probably going to continue being crazy. When I say it, it's because it's kind of a hybrid at this point.But there's still a human there who has been manipulated to the point it it only knows what it knows. But maybe once the voice is in its head, stop.Then perhaps it has a chance at becoming a normal person. I don't know, We'll see.











私たちには、周りにいたアリや他の存在がたくさんいて、私たちを愛してくれるでしょう。彼らは、この銀河で私たちを利用するために、創造主の宇宙に突入しました。それは、これまで一度も行ったことのない場所です。ホログラムに侵入したことはありますが、実際の現実や創造に侵入したことはありません。その方法の 1 つは、すべての宇宙の中心点またはゼロ ポイントを使用することです。物質界に繰り返しオーバーレイを作成しようとしました。超越界、最適界、この宇宙の 0 ポイントです。そして、ある時点で私たちが持っていた反ソース宇宙は創造の一部です。私たちはそのことについて何度も話してきました。そして、宇宙のゼロポイントを使用してオーバーレイを繰り返し試み、ここの物理面まで下がったり上がったりしようとしていました。












そしてもちろん、彼らはそれを望んでいます。彼らはそれが消え去ることを気にしません。彼らも含めてすべてが消え去ります。それは彼らのエゴが大きすぎます。彼らはそれが自分たちに有利で、何か良いことをするだろうと考えています。それに、もう 1 つの理由があります。これについては後で説明します。しかし、ポータルを開き続けて、これらの人々に指示を与えようとしていたこれらの場所。あなた方は全員いなくなりました。少なくとも、これらの人々のその部分はもう私たちと一緒にいません。

それはジョージタウンとメリーランド州です。バージニア州ラングレー。驚くことではありません。ロンドンも、おそらく驚くことではありません。スペース ニードルの近くのシアトル、サンディエゴ海軍基地 (そこは彼らのお気に入りの場所の 1 つです)、アトランタの支払いセンター、スイスのベルン、上海、ドイツのフランクフルト。ドイツについては後で少しお話しします。




しかし、彼らは偽の支払いライン、閉ループシステムを作成しています。おそらく PayPal ほど普及していません。おそらく PayPal よりも少なく、暗号通貨よりもさらに効率が悪いでしょう。そして彼女は、路地に取り付けられるこのようなシステムを熱心に使用しようとしていますが、それは決して起こりません。そうです、私たちが期待できる最善のことは、それらのアンカーがなくなることです。なくなるというのは、アンカーになる能力がなくなるということです。そして、その人間を元の状態以外の何かに戻すことができるかどうかはわかりません。おそらく常に狂っているでしょう。おそらく狂い続けるでしょう。






I'm not concerned anymore as of this morning about an alleys infiltration here. I'm more concerned with making sure it cannot build up enough power from anywhere.Including from us humans here on Earth in order to continue its quest and to get to the base root of it. We have made some headway this morning on that, and I'm hoping that that will continue and hopefully we can finish that off in the next day or so. That's what I'm hoping.The as far as the deep state is concerned, they are desperately and I mean beyond all recognition on full on tilt today.Meaning they are going every which way but loose. We've got the Nazi Hydra party out there. We have got the every SSP sector you can possibly imagine. We have the operative sector Langley 5. It's all hands on deck following two. Crazy.People with something in their head, they are continuously trying to infect us with disease. They're trying to work on this certificate of vaccination identification system, the social crediting system. They are trying to install it all into what, I have no idea.Uh, they are pushing forward in Germany with these fake currency schemes. They're trying to install this EA I, I the only thing I can think of really is that they thought allies was going to come through for them today because it's a special.Black Magic Day, I don't know, but nonetheless, it's just making a little bit of work here and there for us as we make sure that there is no harm to humanity.During this process, as far as them and what they're trying to do, you know, I don't know.You know the deep state will always be the deep state. No matter how much we do, no matter how many we kill, no matter how much we fund, no matter how much we ignore governments, no matter how much progress we make on our side, they will continue this until.They die, meaning generation after generation, however many of them are left, they will still continue this crazy plan of theirs until they are no more.We could, the whole world could move forward and they will still continue. So I don't expect to see that end anytime soon. A matter of fact, we're still getting phone calls over the last several days.Are, are we going to support the Trump administration? Are we going to transfer money to the Trump administration? You know, it's like every time they have one of these fake money schemes and they get called on their crap, they, you know, then try to get us to do something for them and.Because it actually worked last time.Nope, not this time. So I wish them all the luck in the world in doing what they're doing, but we cannot help them in any way.



























As for us, let's talk about the remainder of the year.Just one quick bit of house cleaning on our end of it. There will be no news on Wednesday. We are going to give our volunteers, staff and team some time to spend with their families on this day. I know that.Sonny's got some family visiting, which I hope she has a wonderful time on the holiday. We didn't even have a chance to have our we usually have a meeting, Sunny and I and, and the rest of the team once a week to talk about what's in the news to kind of get some back stories. And I haven't even had time to do that this week, so.You know, I just wanted to say a thank you for to the whole team, Kim. And there's another Kim, by the way, on our team to Kim, Camellia, Sunny, everyone for being so patient this week, Mike, of course, and Natalie and and Kaylin and the rest of the team.For holding down the Fort and getting the news out every day. So I just wanted to say thank you and and let you know that I appreciate you also our whole team, but we won't have the news on that particular day.I'm not sure yet. We haven't actually had a chance to discuss New Year's Day, but we'll probably be discussing that this week. I'm guessing probably not, So we might miss A2 News episodes in the next couple weeks.









まだわかりません。私たちは実際に元旦について話し合う機会はありませんでしたが、おそらく今週はそれについて話し合うでしょう。おそらくそうではないと思います。ですから、今後数週間は A2 ニュースのエピソードを見逃すかもしれません。





OK, now in the rest of the world plans for the next week or so, we have a few days left of this year and.You know, other than this little surprise that we've gotten in the last couple of weeks and that's part of the reason why we've been working so hard over the last week or so. Actually, it's been a few weeks.To make sure that this just pretty much just goes away.We have some interesting things that have not been inhibited at all by alleys or by the deep state or its anchors here or anyone else.There was.For lack of a better term, a full reunion that happened earlier today, overnight, last night, my time. And that reunion is.With source.The process started about 3 days ago. It is not yet complete, but that means that Earth and Source basically become one again. Earth actually becomes.A. The same, for lack of a better term, the positive zero of the All That Is. At the same time, the All that is actually becomes Earth, and once again they work in unison.For all of creation.


さて、世界の他の地域では、今後 1 週間かそこらの予定は、今年も残り数日です。ご存知のように、この 2 週間かそこらで私たちが得たこの小さなサプライズを除けば、そしてそれが私たちがこの 1 週間かそこらで一生懸命働いてきた理由の一部です。

実際、数週間が経ちました。これがほぼなくなるようにするためです。路地やディープ ステート、そのアンカー、または他の誰によってもまったく妨げられていない興味深いものがあります。


そして、その再会は、ソースとのものです。このプロセスは約 3 日前12月19日)に始まりました。

まだ完了していませんが、それは地球とソースが基本的に再び 1 つになることを意味します







I believe this process should be complete by Christmas, so I'm kind of excited about that.I things we can expect from this I expect to see.See a little bit easier time for humans than you've had, especially over the last few months. It's been kind of a rough few months I expect to see.The some changes in nature, you know, it's, it's been a long time coming. It's been coming and building over the last couple of years, but it's a different. There's a difference between.Reaching and reconnecting with someone, say on a telephone. There's also a difference between meeting someone in person, you know another, being another human in person, and maybe sitting down and having a chat. And it's another thing to become one with that person.You could almost look at this as like a pregnant woman.Oh, as source will become Earth and Earth will become source and there will there bodily systems so to speak, will work in unison with one another.Umm, so this is a a nice development. I don't have a lot of detail on it, I was only informed of it a couple of days ago on one of my many trips to Source to try to make sure that we didn't have this infiltration.But I would say that it's going to be a positive thing for us. It will help us in the long run. And I'm hoping to have more of an update on that.By Monday, I'm hoping on Mondays news I can give you a little bit more information on what we can expect here. So these are positive movements for us.Uh, the deep state is planning on some kind of something or other on the 28th and something else on the January 1st and possibly something on Christmas. What those things are, I have no idea.I'm assuming it thinks it's going to kill the Christ again, meaning kill the crystalline energy on this planet. I highly doubt that's going to happen in any way, shape or form. You know, where there's birth and then there's death.You know, I don't think their death machines got much of A leg to stand on at this point.But you know.They're still trying to see if they can get an infection going here, trying to see if they can get something done. And most of it's being done in the hologram and it's not really affecting us too, too bad as of this morning. So I'm hoping that continues.That's all the best I can hope for and.Really, between now and then, I could say if there was something you were going to do to help the situation, really live in the moment.Meaning.You only have so much time with your families. We're all busy, We all lead busy lives and I do hope that you're enjoying some positive, joyful moments with everyone of this holiday season.I do hope that there are you do take time to just be live in the moment, live with Source, maybe reach out, spend a little time with Source this season.And the more you live in the moment and not in the future and worry about tomorrow or think about yesterday and things you forgot or, you know, things you did that you maybe felt weren't quite right.Don't go backwards, don't go forwards. Just be present in the moment and in the now. Because if you're present in the now, reaching out to source is going to be a lot easier for you. Because he is in the now. Everything is in the now when it comes to source.
























So try to take some time for yourself. I know that's kind of the pot calling the kettle black over here, but you don't have to fight this part of the battle, you know, just try to keep that source energy anchored as much as possible. Don't allow for any kind of negativity to.Disrupt that connection. I know that people can become a little crazy this time of year, especially since we're getting down to the wire and everybody's probably throwing stuff at each other in toy store at this point, but.God, my, my toy days are pretty much over over here. So but you know, try, try and just remember that if you allow that to get to you, it's going to allow to lower your vibration. And if it lowers your vibration, then you're not a very good anchor for source right now. And that's.Most important thing you as a celestial and as a creator can do right now in order to ensure that we can finally rid the universe of this thing and hopefully this is the last bit of quote UN quote power that the deep.State actually has. So remember, if you can do anything over this weekend, and I know it's not easy for some of you and I know you everybody's got that, you know, person from the family that you wish didn't come to the family gathering and all that stuff, but just remember.Your job as a celestial is to anchor that light and stay focused on source and stay focused on the reunion and all of the positive things that are happening between now and the end of the year.I am sure we're going to make it through this. We've made it through a lot worse as humans and as a human race. But try and do your part and I'm sure source will appreciate that. I know I certainly do.And As for the rest of this battle continues today, it's Solstice. Let's better get back to work here and clean up what they've got going on at this moment. And.I don't see what's next. Let's see what it throws at us next until I can finally get to the base root of wherever it's coming from. So I'm pretty sure we kind of know where that is at this point. On that note, I hope you have a lovely rest of your weekend.And I will see you on Monday.








