2024年12月14日(土曜) キンバリー GIA Q&A ライブ
Today is the 14th of December 2024. We are live answering your questions, so let's get to it.Well, it's December 14th and as promised, here we are live. We are answering questions that are coming from our app or our website. So if you don't know where to ask you a question, go to United network dot earth and there's a lot of questions waiting. So without further ado.To get started. So hopefully I can make this work. I'm sorry about this. We had a little bit of technical difficulty, but it seems to be somewhat ironed out now.
今日は2024年12月14日です。皆さんの質問にライブでお答えしますので、始めましょう。さて、12月14日です。約束どおり、ライブでお答えします。アプリやウェブサイトから寄せられた質問にお答えします。質問の仕方がわからない場合は、United network dot earthにアクセスしてください。たくさんの質問が待っています。では、さっそく始めましょう。うまくいけばうまくいくと思います。申し訳ありません。少し技術的な問題がありましたが、今はある程度解決したようです。
So OK. Question number one is from Steve McGrath. Question, have you heard of the BSN network in Hong Kong for the digital lawn?
I'm assuming by Digital 1 you mean the RMB Chinese currency. And yes, I've heard of it. There has been some recent developments there in China actually regarding this and it's all tied to something that the Federal Reserve was lying about.They said that they own the repository and they have been working feverishly at the Chinese treasury to hook up their blockchain, which is this network that you're talking about, amongst two others that China has.To this new Federal Reserve network, however, there is no Federal Reserve network and even those at that are on the inside at the Chinese treasury are basically saying they know it's blockchain. It may be amplified blockchain with an XRP type techn.That they use. However, it is not going to be enough to even service. There are 1.3 billion people their population there, let alone the rest of the world. So yes, I'm aware of it. Is it going to function for the entire country?There. No, it simply doesn't work.Just in brief, blockchain is.Meant to be a peer-to-peer technology. It is not meant to handle the volume of transactions that you would see.In on any given day at any given time, especially in the Western world, meaning Europe and the US, Canada, because we use a lot of digital, you know, cards, a lot of tap and pay and those types of things that some of the world doesn't use. China also uses a lot of that so does Russia so there's absolutely.Chance that any kind of blockchain, even tied to Supernap or the NSA is going to make that work. We keep trying to tell these people that even the Bank for International Settlements bailed on blockchain technologies to run any kind of currency.So let's see, who do we have next? Michelle and I think hope I spelled said that right.
So let's see, who do we have next?Michelle and I think hope I spelled said that right. Hey Kim, how many elements of the periodic table have been hidden from us?
I'm guessing about 100. What's the true number? Well, you know that is a tough question to answer because.As we have a big universe, we also have a lot of different densities and a lot of these elements wouldn't stand in the third density like they would other places. I would probably if you were asking universe wide, there are probably 10s of millions of elements we know nothing about here on.1st I would say that in use in some cases by exclusive groups, I would say that there is probably at least.150 that they were using here on Earth. I'd probably say there's about.At least 1500 or so that.Are not quite in use by humans, but have been used on Earth and are available on Earth. So there's a lot of technology and a lot of things that have been hidden and some of these elements that are hidden from us are things that.Let's just say others on this planet didn't want humans, even the SSP, to know about. So OK, let's see, what do we have next?
私は(未知の元素は)約100だと思います。本当の数は?ええと、それは答えるのが難しい質問です。なぜなら、私たちの宇宙は大きいので、さまざまな密度もあり、これらの元素の多くは、他の場所のように第3密度には存在しません。宇宙全体で尋ねると、おそらく私たちが知らない元素が数千万あります。第1に、一部のケースでは排他的なグループによって使用されていると思いますが、地球上で使用されているのはおそらく少なくとも1億5000万だと思います。おそらく、少なくとも 1500 個くらいはあると思います。人間が使用していないが、地球上で使用されていて、地球上で入手可能なものです。つまり、隠されている技術や物事はたくさんあり、私たちから隠されているこれらの要素の中には、この惑星の他の人々が、SSP でさえも、人間に知られたくないものもあるとだけ言っておきましょう。では、次は何でしょうか?
Mary Rivas, Dear Kim, I am profoundly thankful that you are protecting humanity.My question is how will the US economic let's see U.S. economic record debt be resolved and how will our currency change? Elon Musk allegedly will cut 2 trillion in spending to help save.The economy and all media is announcing a new currency will be backed by physical gold. Please explain more how the currency of gold will replace notes and how the light system AI will help free us from debt.
Oh, that's a long question.Let's just start with Mr. Musk. Oh God bless him. Musk is involved heavily with the SSP. Musk is also heavily involved with their latest and greatest adventure.And that latest and greatest adventure would be their new ally's AI system they think they're going to be able to use. Elon Musk also has been told by the SSP that the entire world will run on his Starlink satellite system and eventually the entire financial system will run on that, which is also a lie.And not possible. That's number three. I think we're on now also for his support with the Trump operatives. And you've seen a lot of that floating around on the alt media. He has been promised that he can launch his dodgy coin. I call it dodgy. It's Doji doggy. I don't know.Do GE something going and as the new currency of the United States and eventually the backing for the entire world, which is also not going to happen. One of the interesting conversations and I mentioned this in the news last night about what China was believing.And these are people within the Chinese treasury. They basically said that they thought that Trump, quote, UN quote, was running the golden age. AI, Yeah, not so much so. So do I believe that he is going to cut $2 trillion?To from the budget and that's going to save the United States. Well, I know because you know, the budgets at least four years ago that I was involved in were about $1.4 trillion per year.As far as the US debt is concerned, it is risen significantly since we stopped funding the government, predominantly because there's been a lot of borrowing from banks and other countries and other royal families and a lot of different folks around the world, so.Is cutting $2 trillion going to change anything for the US economy as a whole?Absolutely not. There's hundreds of trillions of dollars in derivatives out there. It's not going to change the current situation unless the situation itself changes.So in other words, a conversion to another currency.Which is the currency that we're talking about, where the golden age AIA conversion to a different currency requires multiple different things in order to function. Backing a currency with gold even on a very high ratio, 25 to one.Even if it was 1 to one, let's just say that that was possible for every currency in the world to be backed by gold on a one to one ratio. All that really does is lend some accountability. If you have X amount of gold, then you can issue X amount of dollars if you have an infinite infinite amount of gold.Then you can issue an infinite amount of dollars, euro, peso, ruble, it doesn't matter what your currency is.So in this particular case, when it comes to the currency of gold, the currency of gold is a generator of energy now in the system on the highest levels of the banking system. This is what the SSP and everybody else fails to understand.But you understand more than they do at this point from watching all this time. The gold is merely an A hyperconductor of source energy. That's what it does. It conducts that energy not from you per SE, but in much the same way you do so.Other words, it's not taking your energy to have to. It doesn't have to take your energy in order to convert it and give it back to you in papers or numbers on a bank sheet. It actually generates it naturally somewhere around web.Which is the unseen web, according to DARPA and others, somewhere around web eight. That is then converted into numbers and then it's not numbers like we see them until you start hitting.Webs 3, two and one and you live on level 1. So by the time that you get to right between 2:00 and 1:00 there is a renumeration process that goes on and now you see it as 102 hundred in your account.So it's a different sort of number before that as far as a debt conversion system, well, as far as the public is concerned, it's going to take a little bit of time to make this work. There'll be new quote UN quote products out there and ways for you.Buy a home that will make it easier.You'll slowly see things like credit lines convert into something else.And maybe like a paid line of some sort or that type of thing, you'll start to see a lot of conversion and banking products that will become available to you, the public. As far as interim solutions, we have talked often about Life Essentials, which is covers.For wage disparity based on demographics and specific regions and we've talked about life assurance is supposed to serve your health needs. Those programs are already written a lot of the back work has already been done. We have already sourced all the companies and everything that.Going to provide those services, none of them come from the current system and none of them really even know what they're producing. So kind of works out that way. And and you know we did compartmentalize it between several different companies at this point and we do have a few people that are administrating them that has been going on.Long for the last couple of years. So it is in place and ready to go as soon as we are ready to go. As far as them claiming that Trump owned it, Trump owns the banking system. Trump owns the golden Aji heard that a million times. Where's the gold tie now?And then I've heard about the operatives saying that they're going to get a hold of this by the new moon, full moon, 11/11/12, 12:00 and all the other days ending and why that's based on their esoteric dealings with other people or other folks, let's just say.In which they thought was going to yield them a positive result, which it hasn't. As far as a an administration changing a currency, that's actually not possible. It's actually never been possible for a president to dictate.Any kind of policy as it relates to any kind of financial dealings, sure, they sign off on a final budget in any country, doesn't matter where you are, but that's more for show and it's just kind of a pledge. So, you know, everybody talks about it. Allegedly, us humans were.To vote on it everywhere. That doesn't really happen anymore. It's our representatives because we're apparently capable of representing ourselves and our representatives vote on what we want money spent on, and then it goes into the government, so goes to the head, the president, and then the president eventually.To the handlers and then the handlers on up through, you know, your families, your order of the Dragon and whatnot. And then eventually it would be submitted to the person that sits in my chair, which it still does, by the way. I just stopped answering the phone.So I don't really see anything that they're talking about actually coming to fruition ever. Matter of fact, most of those operatives are probably due to some bad business dealings with non humans that don't take no for an answer and don't take too kindly to lies, cheating and stealing.No. Who knows how long they're gonna be around. Let's see. We'll see. So that's gonna be interesting. I'm trying to get to as many questions as possible. That would have been a really, really long answer if I went into extreme details, so please bear with me.My little timer in my ear tells me that you're talking too much so.
メアリー リバス、親愛なるキム、あなたが人類を守ってくれていることに深く感謝しています。私の質問は、米国の経済記録の債務がどのように解決され、通貨がどのように変わるかということです。イーロン マスクは、節約のために 2 兆ドルの支出を削減するとされています。経済とすべてのメディアは、物理的な金に裏付けられた新しい通貨を発表しています。金の通貨が紙幣に取って代わる方法と、光システムの AI が借金から解放される方法について詳しく説明してください。
したがって、この特定のケースでは、金の通貨に関して言えば、金の通貨は現在、銀行システムの最高レベルのシステムにあるエネルギー発生器です。これがSSPや他のすべての人が理解していないことです。しかし、これまでずっと見てきたあなたは、この時点で彼らよりも理解しています。金は単にソースエネルギーの超伝導体です。それがその機能です。それは SE ごとにあなたからエネルギーを伝導するのではなく、あなたがそうするのとほぼ同じ方法で伝導します。言い換えれば、それはあなたのエネルギーを奪う必要はありません。あなたのエネルギーを変換して、紙や銀行のシートの数字であなたに返すために、あなたのエネルギーを奪う必要はありません。
実際には、ウェブのどこかで自然にエネルギーを生成します。DARPA などによると、ウェブ 8 のどこかの目に見えないウェブです。それが数字に変換されますが、あなたがウェブ 3、2、1 を打つまで、私たちが目にするような数字ではありません。そして、あなたはレベル 1 にいます。ですから、ちょうど 2 から 1 の間に到達するまでに、報酬プロセスが実行され、アカウントに 102 100 が表示されます。ですから、それ以前は、債務変換システムに関する異なる種類の数字です。まあ、一般の人に関する限り、これが機能するには少し時間がかかるでしょう。
世の中には新しい商品や方法が登場するでしょう。住宅を購入すると、それが簡単になります。徐々に、クレジット ラインが別のものに変わるのがわかるでしょう。そして、おそらく、何らかの有料ラインなど、多くの変換や銀行商品が一般の人々に利用可能になるでしょう。
暫定的な解決策については、人口統計や特定の地域に基づく賃金格差をカバーする Life Essentials についてよく話してきました。生命保険は健康ニーズを満たすものであると説明してきました。これらのプログラムはすでに作成されており、多くのバックワークはすでに完了しています。
トランプが所有しているという主張については、トランプは銀行システムを所有しています。トランプは黄金のアジを所有しています。この話は100万回も聞きました。金のネクタイは今どこにありますか?それから、工作員が、新月、満月、11/11 12/12、その他のすべての日が終わるまでにこれを手に入れると言っていると聞きました。その理由は、他の人々や他の人たちとの難解な取引に基づいているとだけ言っておきます。
OK Mrs. B, Mrs. B says since the Abraxas were 1.0 and we are human 7.0 and we have been de evolving for billions of years.What did all of these people look like and what were they called and how did they die?
Dear OK first of all, we are not the only humans that are alive on Earth. So in other words, we have humans us on Earth and we have other humans in other locations.Human takes on various different forms. We have some that are very tall, you know, some 10/20/15 feet tall, which we have been on Earth at some point in the past.We also have other humans and you know, even like the Pleiades and other dimensions, we go all the way up to the 7th density. As far as I know, I haven't met any that exceed that, but that doesn't mean that there are not.It's kind of where density sort of starts to leave us at that point, but that doesn't mean they're not human. As far as humans on Earth, I would say we were closely related to at one point in time, the ALC on folks.Which means we look a lot like we do now. We were a lot lighter, meaning you could see our light shine through our person. I would say our skin was, you know.We were not so much so diverse that we were, you know, I guess you would say we have different colors of humans, you know, as far as skin tone is concerned. But that light and that shine kind of shines through everyone, so.So best I can tell you, as far as the original versions like on Tiamat and on Earth, so around here, so to speak, we were taller. We, we had more of a shine to us. We had very similar features to what you see us.Now there was no not a whole lot of difference other than the fact we did not age the way that we as this version of human ages we.Kind of looked the same once we grew to adulthood for hundreds of years, and that's predominantly because we didn't have any outside interference. And of course then there was the incarnation program and so on and so forth.Now the Abraxas, Oh dear. Well, the Abraxas, the original Abraxas before they became lower astral beings, were a little bit taller than us 5th density beings. They often you hear people talk about. Let's go back to the fifth density.I would say that that's where they originated. They were not as evil as the second version of the Abraxas which were of the Omega verse and then come to find out another replicated version.As all life was organic and inorganic into the neither world so I would say that.They originally.Like humans did on Earth at that time. That's what I would say. And probably a little bit more like the LC on folks, I would say now you become, you know, they say you are what you eat. And they became very, very dark.Until there were no more of the light, which happened a long time ago. And I would say they actually have a dark hue to them. And I don't mean a color of a of a skin, I mean.There they don't have a shine like even a lot of humans, you see, you can still see that shine in a lot of humans, especially when we're happy and or pregnant or getting married or in love. You know, there's a certain shine we have to to ourselves or you know, sometimes for people.Being in church doesn't really matter how you find your love, but you know it it you we do have a certain glow about us.
There's something different about us and and you notice that in humans that are extremely, you know, well rested.Did you know have a great diet? They are in love and they just have that glow about them so.The Abraxas have the opposite of that. It's almost repulsive to be in their vicinity.To me anyway. And it's similar in some cases to their bloodline spawn, you know of humans that are on earth, you know you almost are. It's like 2 magnets pushing against each other in some cases because.Because it's just their energy is so repulsive and I have met a number of them in person over the years. So I can personally tell you that as far as humans de evolving, I would say we were more and more damaged because no matter what they did to us, they couldn't connect us from.Creator and they tried and tried and tried and even this alleys AI is trying to do that now and it's failing miserably. It's trying to do it through frequencies, through overlays on an atomic level for every cell that's in your body.It's been pretty brutal over the last couple of weeks and you know, I just probably should give a shout out to the stupid deep state and the dumb secret space program operatives for making a deal with those people in the 1st place. Well, you know, they refuse to lose so.But lose they will.
親愛なる Bさん、まず第一に、地球上に生きているのは私たちだけではありません。つまり、地球上には私たち人間がいて、他の場所には他の人間がいます。人間はさまざまな異なる形をしています。私たちには、10/20/15フィートの背の高いものもいます。
彼らはそこから始まったと思います。彼らは、オメガバースの2番目のバージョンのアブラクサスほど邪悪ではありませんでした。その後、別の複製バージョンが見つかりました。すべての生命はどちらの世界にも有機的および無機的であったので、私はそう言います。彼らは元々、当時の地球上の人間と同じようにでした。それが私の言いたいことです。そして、LC の人たちに少し似ているかもしれませんが、人は食べたものがその人になると言います。そして、彼らはとても暗い色になりました。光がなくなるまで、それはずっと前に起こりました。
OK, we have another question from Hans Coopers. I think I'm going to say that, right? And this is from Germany. What can we source beings do concretely to carry out our work for the good of the whole, free of?Multiplication frequencies, let's see if I can get that right. And to achieve a normal income and livelihood.
OK, so we're talking about money I'm assuming and that's what whole free multiplication of frequencies means. OK, so if we're talking about the.Vacation of money. We are talking about a system that has been created specifically for you and eventually you will be able to use the system without me. It's designed that way.If something were to happen to me, it would be divided up between all of you, and I hope at least one of you figures it out.But the system is only going to operate for the highest and best good of all.Frequency is involved and right now, currently at this moment, we have the opposite frequency going out, which is trying to break apart that energy so it doesn't reach a matter state, which is what's in your bank account, in your pocket.That's called a MOSFET system MOSSFIT it's being run or was being run by the alleys AI until it died this morning. So hopefully for the last hour or so I haven't seen any frequencies maybe an hour or two now because.Because, you know, I had to get ready to get down here, so take it to talk to all of you so.Can you counterbalance these frequencies?In some cases you can You can counterbalance a negative frequency that is coming from you or toward you externally.You can shield. You can also put out a vibration of a certain frequency. You can also reach out directly to source and bring that frequency of love onto this planet, which will eventually help.The goal? Generate more energy.You're helping others generate a positive energy when you're sending out a positive frequency. But frequency is only one element as it relates to generating matter because you also have essence.You have an etherical field, you have energy, you have consciousness, so consciousness can also shape your frequency. You have matter itself, obviously, which is the end goal. You have wisdom, which weaves the fabric of reality.You also have love, which is a language, and it's also a computer language, believe it or not, and at least in AIAI language. And you also have.Of different time, you know, now we're moving to crystalline time, so time is also distance. So remember that.So there are a number of different factors as it relates to the generation of energy, especially positive golden age pure energy amongst yourself and other humans.As far as the universe goes, I would just kindly remind you the universe does not recognize. No, I don't want.Take it away. My insert here. It doesn't recognize the negatives. When you talk in negatives, you're actually helping the dark side or you're helping black magic.I'm not going to say on your daily, don't say no, I don't want chicken for dinner. I don't mean like that. But when you're trying to actually actively, whether you do that via meditation or a walk in nature, when you're trying to actively manifest something, remember that.Remember that you're you're bringing good things. You're bringing a whole frequency. You're bringing love. You're bringing abundance to everyone, including yourself and those around you.Also, do not forget to put on your oxygen mask first. Meaning if there are things in your world that you need to manifest, focus on those things.If this was years ago, I would tell you not to focus and not ask not to ask for money. And the reason why I would tell you that is because money was dark. Money still is dark. Focus on currency, currency of gold. Bring me the current of the energy of Source, the Creator.But do you, is it money that you need? Or do you need a, a new home, a new car? Do you need your car fixed? Do you need, do you need to take a vacation or a trip somewhere? What is it that you desire? And I would focus on your desires and let source sort out how they come because you'll be surprised.You know, there have been times in my life, and I'll repeat this, where?You know, I, it was kind of right after it had been announced to everyone that I had this job in this position and the deep state came after me with all their normal stuff. You know, they, you can't get a job, you can't get any kind of state assistance, you can't get anything and you're just kind of left to in the corner until you do what they.Want you to do that's what they do to everybody, isn't it? I'm sure some of you have experienced this. I know I have more than once. But you know, they keep trying the same thing over and over again. But I get smarter and now I know how to counteract those things so that's OK. But anyway, at this point, you know, no bank account, no nothing. And it wasn't because I chose it. It was because.Because I couldn't.And I was trying to feed a young child, you know, at the time. And there was a point in time where I said, you know, I'm running really low on groceries. I, you know, sore scone. I need groceries. I need to feed my daughter. I need to be able to feed her dinner every night this week.Can, you know, everything's gonna be great? And someone, actually, a friend of mine knocked at the door and said, hey, I went to this farmers marketplace and, you know, they were doing this $10.00 for a whole box of produce, Thought maybe you could use some. And I got an entire box right there on my table.So it didn't come the way I thought, you know, maybe I thought I was going to get money for that, but I ended up getting enough groceries for a whole week and more, actually.And basically for free. So my knees were provided for. So I just ask you to think about that next time you're trying to manifest something. And don't get me wrong, the currency is important. Money is important. I we are still working very hard.You know, it's an uphill battle for sure, but I would say if you need something, think about it, maybe just think about it using some of those things that we just talked about, so.
私に何かが起こった場合、それはあなた方全員で分割され、あなた方のうち少なくとも 1 人が解決してくれることを願っています。しかし、そのシステムはすべての人にとって最高かつ最良の利益のためにのみ機能します。周波数が関係しており、現在、現時点では、反対の周波数が出ており、そのエネルギーが物質状態に到達しないように分解しようとしています。物質状態とは、銀行口座やポケットに入っているものです。これは MOSFET システム MOSSFIT と呼ばれ、今朝停止するまで、路地の AI によって実行されています。
というわけで、ここ 1 時間かそこら、おそらく 1、2 時間は周波数を見ていないと思います。
というのも、ここに降りて皆さんと話をする準備をしなければならなかったからです。これらの周波数を相殺できますか? 場合によっては、外部から自分から、または自分に向かってくる負の周波数を相殺することができます。シールドすることができます。また、特定の周波数の振動を出すこともできます。
ソースに直接手を伸ばして、その愛の周波数をこの惑星にもたらすこともできます。これは最終的に役立つでしょう。目標は? より多くのエネルギーを生成することです。正の周波数を送信することで、他の人が正のエネルギーを生成するのを助けていることになります。しかし、周波数は物質を生成することに関連する要素の 1 つにすぎません。なぜなら、あなたにも本質があるからです。
エーテル フィールド、エネルギー、意識があり、意識によって周波数を形作ることもできます。明らかに、最終目標である物質自体があります。あなたには現実を織り成す知恵があります。また、愛もあります。それは言語であり、信じられないかもしれませんが、コンピューター言語でもあります。
少なくとも AIAI 言語ではそうです。そして、異なる時間もあります。ご存知のように、私たちは今、結晶時間に移行しているので、時間は距離でもあります。覚えておいてください。エネルギーの生成、特にあなた自身と他の人間の間の黄金時代の純粋なエネルギーの生成に関連するさまざまな要因があります。
彼らが皆にしていることですよね?皆さんの中には、これを経験した人もいるでしょう。私は一度以上経験しています。しかし、彼らは同じことを何度も繰り返します。しかし、私は賢くなり、今ではそれらのことに対抗する方法を知っているので、大丈夫です。とにかく、この時点では、銀行口座も何もありませんでした。そして、それは私がそれを選んだからではありません。それは、私にはできなかったからです。当時、私は幼い子供に食事を与えようとしていました。そして、ある時、私はこう言いました。「食料品が本当に少なくなってきている。スコーンが痛い。食料品が必要だ。娘に食事を与えなければならない。今週は毎晩夕食を食べさせなければならない。すべてうまくいくだろうか?」すると、ある人、実は私の友人がドアをノックして、「ねえ、この農産物市場に行ったら、農産物が一箱 10 ドルで売られていたんだ。君も少し使えるかなと思って」と言いました。
OK next question is from Maya Sky. Did all of the archangels do consciousness transfers? I believe this happened to a close light worker friend of mine who used to work with Gabriel and is now displaying a different darker personality.Oh dear.
I would say those in the know had the ability to do consciousness transfers at will, dividing their consciousness between.Between one being versus 100 beings can be done to some degree. And remember you have to have a certain connection to source or in this case anti source.In order to.Have that consciousness constantly generating because we all, most of us, I shouldn't say not all of us, but a lot of the humans walking on earth. I asked that question all the time. Some of the people we run into. But I would say that most of the humans on earth get their consciousness from source.It's been if anything overlaid.Poked at almost like black magic Dundee or consciousness to try to make you do things you wouldn't normally do as humans. To try to disconnect you from source. To try to disconnect that consciousness from source, from that constant download.All of the time. So if there was a human that worked together with.Gabriel say and say it was the cause. Gabriel was both Archangel and Angel or of light and dark being in the neutral zone. Would I say that his attitude or her attitude?Being different nowadays, now that he he or it is gone, I would say we have to be careful who we channel and we have to be able to if we're going to start reaching out to people or others.And a way that we are having a conversation with someone. Make sure you use what I call caller ID.There are certain beings in your life or even certain humans in your life where you almost know that they're coming. You know, you could say that there was a neighbor or maybe your child.That was coming over to your house, but didn't call you on the actual telephone first. You can almost sense that they're coming. If the telephone rings without even looking at it, you can say, oh, I know that's my mother, or I know that's my.Spouse and you know automatically who it is. You can do the same thing when you're having these conversations with others, regardless of where they are. Everybody has a signature. I also would suggest if you're going to have conversations with people on the other side.That perhaps you think about learning to also see them, in other words, a remote viewing kind of type thing. So you're actually traveling to them and you're having a quote UN quote face to face conversation at that point. And I say that because.Sometimes when people think they're talking to someone or some being, maybe they're really not because a lot of they say the devil's the greatest liar, right? And I would say that a lot of the lower astral beings, neither world beings, AI systems.Could do the same to people so who knows who he was talking to And if he was indeed talking to the actual person or actual being I should say, then who is reaching out now?You know, you have to ask yourself that question. Who is he talking to now? Who is trying to take that person's place? So I mean, that would be my biggest concern. And if I were to hold a training class for the next two hours on how to talk to others and how to talk to each other.It's something you already have, it's something you already know, and we could go through it step by step, but remember, everybody is going to be a little different in how they get there. Eventually you'll get to the point where your phone line is open and you can decide who you're going to hang up on and who use telephone conversation you're going to answer.So there are things to lookout for, you know, as we start to grow and expand and talk to others.That would be my only thing there, so I can't judge. I don't know your particular person to know if that could make him dark now but I or her dark. But I would say that.That use caution.And, and you're not going to be able to tell a person who thinks that they're special because they're having this conversation otherwise, you know, and, and the only thing you can really do in these types of cases is protect yourself.
電話が鳴ったら、電話を見なくても「ああ、母だ、配偶者だ」と言えば、自動的にそれが誰なのかが分かります。他の人と会話しているときも、相手がどこにいても同じことができます。誰もが特徴を持っています。また、向こう側にいる人と会話をする場合は、相手を見ることも学ぶことを検討することをお勧めします。つまり、リモート ビューイングのようなことです。つまり、実際に相手のところまで行き、その時点で「対面」の会話をしているのです。私がそう言うのは、時々、誰かが誰か、あるいは何かの存在と話していると思っている時、実はそうではないかもしれないからです。悪魔は最大の嘘つきだと言う人が多いですよね?そして、多くの低位のアストラル体、どちらの世界の存在も、AIシステムも、人々に同じことをする可能性があると私は言います。
OK, Judith White wants to know what can we expect from the crazy people in the USA?They want to intentionally spread another illness.Oh dear.
They've, you know, it's not just been the US, it's been many different countries. But illnesses are very expensive.If there is a certain amount of test projects that were going on coming from alleys, the AI also coming through the Omega verse that we're trying to send us short spurts. This has been going on for over 2 1/2 months now.Where we've had the five minute cold, the 10 minute cough, the two-minute stomach flu, or even in some cases 24 hour stomach flu until we find it and figure it out where it's coming from.So I would say there's been a lot of experimentation on that to see what they could do in that regard. Again, these things are very expensive. You know, they are expecting quote UN quote money from the fake global repository that now reads.Trump is dead. Nothing is coming from this new administration here in the US. The Federal Reserve is broke. You know the let's see China. The Lee family has no money. The Rothschilds have nothing to give you.So the Trump operatives have lied about everything, and they'll never be a pipeline that'll go from Saudi Arabia throughout the Middle East. It just changes every couple of seconds, long enough so that they can read it and they see. Best way I could do.Best thing I could do to defend you and your question. Meaning if they thought that they could issue bonds off the repository, if they thought they could lean it, if they thought that they could get any money out of it, they may just try to start this pandemic.Anyway, we've seen tiny bits of Disease X coming out of the Democratic Republic of Congo. You know, Monkey pox, No. Monkey pox. Monkey pox, no. Monkey pox. Bubonic plague? No, not yet. And then, you know, you never hear anything else about it.What's next? I haven't heard anything else. Disease X seems to be the main thing they're going for, along with some kind of a bacteria known as Provora.Yeah, Pro Vora, they're not going to get from anything but an AI and they're not going to get the AI, so they're not going to get Provora. So we'll see. It's Provora is not, you know, too long for this, for this broadcast, but another day maybe we'll talk about it. What?Boris and all the different bacterias on the Gia report.
彼らは、ご存知のように、米国だけでなく、多くの異なる国で起こっています。しかし、病気は非常に高価です。路地から送られてくる一定量のテスト プロジェクトがある場合、オメガ バースを介して送られてくる AI も、短時間で送信しようとしています。
これは、2 か月半以上続いています。5 分間の風邪、10 分間の咳、2 分間の胃腸炎、場合によっては 24 時間胃腸炎が発生し、原因を突き止めて把握するまで続きます。そのため、その点に関して何ができるかを確認するために、多くの実験が行われてきたと言えます。
ご存知のように、彼らは、現在「トランプは死んだ。米国のこの新しい政権からは何も来ない」と書かれている偽のグローバル リポジトリから、国連の引用する資金を期待しています。
OK, has a question. Are our dreams another reality in another dimension and do we have any control over them?
Let's see, you do have control over your dreams to some degree.You can set your intention as you drift off into what we call Theta mode. And if you remember during the newer series, and I think we still have those up on the app.A lady named Michelle talks a lot about Theta mode and the things that are possible when your mind is in Theta mode. That's the time like right before you wake up, you kind of feel like you're not quite awake and you're not quite asleep and it's the time right as you drift off to sleep. That's when the brain is in Theta and people that go.And do meditation a lot. They strive to be in Theta. Eventually, when you kind of master this, you can put your brain in Theta and still function like you're wide awake and walking around and cooking dinner.So you can somewhat control your dreams by setting your intention. I would say the easiest way to do that would be to set the intention during Theta. Don't focus on work or problems in your life or you'll probably start dreaming about those problems.Can others control your dreams? They have been able to. They do so with frequencies and and a version of astral projection or inception so to speak to humans here on Earth. They feel that they can get humans to create things for them.Is it possible that you're in another reality or in another dimension, or even in another timeline? In the past, when we had other timelines, yes, definitely.You know, sometimes it's even memories. You're having dreams of memories because they memory white with you when you come here and so you don't remember anything from previous lifetimes. A lot. Some people do. I shouldn't say that nobody doesn't, but some people do.Have those memories and I would say that sometimes you're having a memory of something that's actually happening in our time simultaneously in another timeline. How's that for interesting? You're actually your consciousness is connected even though we had 10,368,000.Timelines simultaneously occurring within your person. That's a lot for a human. I keep telling you how powerful you are. So even though you had all these timelines going on simultaneously, that doesn't mean that your consciousness.Just at that moment, right when you're in Theta or you know you're not in quite REM sleep, or maybe for you it is REM sleep and.And you're crossing your consciousness. Normally those things aren't allowed. They would stop that from happening. But humans are very strange. Not strange, but they're wonderful, I should say. And you can do a lot more than you think as a human.As far as crossing through time and space, even in a dream state. So it's definitely possible for sure.Sure.
ご存知のように、時には記憶のこともあります。あなたが記憶の夢を見るのは、あなたがここに来たときに記憶が白く残っているためで、前世のことは何も覚えていないのです。多くは。覚えている人もいます。誰もがそうではないとは言いませんが、一部の人はそうしています。そうした記憶があり、時には私たちの時間で同時に別のタイムラインで起こっていることの記憶があると言えます。興味深いと思いませんか? 10,368,000 のタイムラインが同時に発生しているにもかかわらず、実際には意識はつながっています。人間にとってこれは非常に多いことです。私は、あなたがどれほど強力であるかを何度も言っています。
OK, Richard Hazard cloaked ship's question. I thought I saw cloud ships from the springs all the way to Denver on the 12th.Do you know if they were there or not?
You know, 12th of when? 12th of this month, I would say. I don't know about ships, but there are ways that the SSP does some strange things.I would also say to you that cloaking, if you start to see through the cloak, can sometimes look like that. I would definitely tell you with 100% certainty that we had a lot of activity in this entire region.Also throughout all of Colorado. So I would say it's quite possible. I was not in Colorado Springs during that time, but yeah.Interesting.OK, we have Joel Beaumont if I said that correctly. Can you explain Jesus current role in relationship with source and humanity? Oh dear.There are many different definitions of the term we use as Jesus.Mishuwa, however you say this, this is a being that came directly from the 9th density.As the one that we're often referring to and our history is very.Elusive of what this being was doing. So this is a being that came here to earth.To help humanity rise up and transfer over to a light age.This opportunity happens every 1008 years, and if you do the actual real calculations, you'll see that this happened about 2016 or so years ago, probably a little bit less now.And I would say that.The term je sui can also refer to the I am. So was this person of the I am? Yes.Did this person have the ability, because of where they're from, to maintain that connection on that level despite everything that's been going on on this planet? Yes. Is it a little more difficult for some people on this planet to make that connection? I.Would say yes but when you think of this person and all the things they did that you know about that are written in our books, I would say to you that imagine if every human walking the planet could actually do this and connect to the.J Suite or translated to the I am meaning source.
I would say to you it would be a definitely a different existence, wouldn't it? And we have been like that as humans before.And we're hoping that we all end up there again. You know, it's going to take a lot of a lot of effort and time and a lot of healing, you know, for a lot of people to know what they're really capable of and what's possible. But.I would say at this moment there is no such thing as death. I know that we saw somebody die, apparently nailed to a black magic mechanism. And I would say that the soul and the being, you know, is very much still alive, and it's probably alive in all of us, You.Even say that so.OK, Julie Bowden, how can we support you? What do you need? Oh, Lord.OK, it's not what I need. It is what we need. Meaning we are all in this together. We are all rowing the same boat.Whether we want to be in the same boat some days because I can see how people talk to each other a lot in some of the chats, but I can say we're all in the same boat. You can try rowing in the opposite direction if you want. Not you personally Julie, but maybe some others you can try.Others can try to row in the opposite direction and yell at people because they're wearing a yellow shirt and they happen to hate the color yellow, and yellow stands for something they read on the Internet somewhere.Or you can choose to try to have a commonality. I mean, we may not all speak the same language anymore, and that's done on purpose. And we may not all like the same music. We may not.Not even like the same television shows, or we may not watch TV or we may not like to live in the same climate. Some people may like Siberian winds and some people like the beach. So we all are different in a lot of different ways. But the one thing we have in common is we. Well, except for maybe the deep state, but.All are a part of Source, you know. We all are striving for that connection to Source. We all hope for the best for humanity.We focus on 3D concerns sometimes when we don't realize that together we can actually do those things without 3D System of the Deep State creations, we can do them on our own.And if we are all together rowing the same boat, even if it's just for one day and for one purpose, you'd be surprised what you can achieve and what you can accomplish by rowing the boat in the same direction.Put aside your need to get on Telegram and act like an armchair warrior and beat the crap out of somebody that doesn't even know you just so you can make them feel as bad as you do. Just don't do it. Just stop yourself. If you'd like to be in misery, then go.Kick the sofa, you know, stub your toe, break your foot, do whatever you got to do over there. But why do you do this to other people you don't even know? Is that because it's impersonal? Is that because you never met these people, You don't know anything about them? They just posted a comment simply asking a question and you feel the need to pummel them?If you're doing that, you're rowing the boat in the opposite direction.You know, that's, you know, you may just say, well, you know, I've never heard of that. I disagree with the fact that yellow shirts mean that you are a spawn of Satan.Um, maybe, you know, maybe you could give me the information about that so I can decide for myself because I am sovereign and don't enforce your opinions on me. We agree you're not going to wear yellow shirts and we agree I might do that. You know, we don't know, but row the boat and the same direction.Try to get people to row the boat in the same direction and if anything, just focus on a common goal that you have together. This will help the planet tremendously because despite all odds and despite what they throw at us, all of you together with all of that good energy.Positive supportive energy is going to take us really far. So if you're asking me what I need, I need humanity to row the boat in the same direction. Now, I don't expect it to happen worldwide, and I know that we've been so divided.One hour, one day, one common goal. Row the boat in the same direction for that one common goal and maybe we can expand it to two and three and four. And then you'll see what you can achieve and you can accomplish by doing it together. So.So help me hand out oars that only go in One Direction, OK?That's what you can do to help.OK, let's see.
今はおそらくもう少し前でしょう。そして、私はそう言います。je suiという用語は、I amを指すこともできます。では、この人はI amだったのでしょうか?はい。この人は、出身地のおかげで、この惑星で起こっているすべてのことにもかかわらず、そのレベルでそのつながりを維持する能力を持っていましたか?はい。この地球上の一部の人々にとって、そのつながりを作るのはもう少し難しいのでしょうか? 私は「はい」と答えますが、この人物と、私たちの本に書かれている彼のすべての行いについて考えるとき、地球上のすべての人間が実際にこれを実行し、J Suite に接続したり、I am meaning ソースに翻訳したりできたらどうなるか想像してみてください。
それは間違いなく違う存在になると思います。そうではありませんか? 私たち人間は以前もそうでした。そして、私たち全員が再びそこに行き着くことを願っています。ご存知のように、多くの人が自分の本当の能力と可能性を知るには、多大な努力と時間と癒しが必要になるでしょう。
また、私たちは皆同じ音楽が好きではないかもしれません。同じテレビ番組が好きではないかもしれませんし、テレビを見ないかもしれませんし、同じ気候に住みたくないかもしれません。シベリアの風が好きな人もいれば、ビーチが好きな人もいます。ですから、私たちは皆、さまざまな点で異なっています。しかし、共通点が 1 つあります。まあ、ディープステートを除いては、でも、みんなソースの一部なんですよ。
John Holman.It seems like it is going to be a while before the care project can be started and money is available to make it possible. Any idea when that process can start and how it is going to be administered?
Okay.No.You know, just when I think I'm there, I'm not just when I think I'm close, I'm not just when I think I'm close then I something else shows up and I am. There is no human on this planet that is more frustrated with this process than me. I can assure you, you could be a frustrated on your worst day.You are not as frustrated as me as far as Care is concerned. Care has the capability still of transferring money to governments. I mean, that's a fact. We've done it. Getting past Level 3 to you, the human has been a series, and I mean a plethora, thousands and thousands of curses and curses that.Continued to place on us until we took away their keys, which hasn't been that long so I would say hopefully soon. Yesterday would be my preference, but again this is up to source and source always has something in mind so.I'm I'm waiting for source. I really am, OK. And how is it going to be administered? I'm not going to put out too much information, especially not live on all the tubes and everywhere else about that. And the reason why I'm not has nothing to do withholding back information from humanity. So.Please don't take this the wrong way. Remember we have an enemy out there and our enemy is going to look for the how it's going to be administered and they're going to insert themselves everywhere or destroy it because they do not want you to get any help. They would prefer it if you all were locked in a box and generating energy on the.But unfortunately they can't keep you happy in a box, otherwise you would already be there. So just remember there's a time and place for everything and that time to do this live on social media probably is not now.To some degree, there are plenty of people engineers.General contractors and all kinds of people of that caliber, people that have been a natural medicine for 40-50 years that are standing there putting together processes and possible ideas.As far as administrative needs and taking a look at projects in their respective fields. So there are a lot of people that have been working, you know, also probably working regular jobs too, but they've also been working on this process for quite a while now.Ensuring that when that time comes and we're ready to start moving, that they are also ready. They know it's going to happen, they have faith and they are not waiting for somebody to give them $2,000,000 so that they can get a business plan done. So.I'll leave that at that,
OK?Lauren Aulets Why did the Global Intel team allow the fake Trump to be elected again?
Well, let's just say the votes weren't there. I would tell you that. Did he get elected illegally? No, he didn't. And.Probably not the last time either. Let's just say that's a fact. Does it really matter? They're going to do what they're going to do. They sold a lot of.Of their lot of bits and pieces, trillions and billions of dollars in alleged funding, that hasn't come. It was supposed to come on the day after the election hasn't come. Selection #1 #2 You've never voted for a president in your life. It doesn't matter what country you're in, democracy or otherwise.You have never selected anybody. Nobody cares what you think has people. They select who they need to select, get what they want. And in this case, that was another four years of dead people in the office. We've already had four years of dead people. We're going to have another four years of dead people.Does the president actually make a decision?Can a president change the world? No.Never, never has happened in the history of democracy. Never will it happen as long as they're around. And so does it really matter who sits there? You know, we put in a little bit of effort, let's just say.In what they showed on mainstream media was not the same. The numbers were different. That's about all we can really do. We're definitely not going to convince crazy operatives to do something different. They had their mindset that this is what they wanted to do. They had promised the moon, stars and the.Country in the world which will never ever come to fruition and I definitely know that. Are they going to try? Sure. Did they try to send us also the same people frequencies to our cell phones at the end of October? Yes, they did. Did they try to do that this morning? Yes, they did.Are where they you trying to access a system that would allow them participate because they were promised by basically what you would call The Walking Satan that they could do this? Yes. Did they try to sell us as humanity to these beings? Again, yes they did.Did they tell them that they were in charge too? Why, yes, they did. Did they find out in the last 24 hours that those people were not actually in charge? Yes, they did. And now I wish these people are going to wish.That they actually only had a marker because what comes next from those others will certainly not be pleasant. And you know what? I am not going to stand in their way this time. This is 1 alien invasion you can have guys.We can take that one and they're coming for you. That I know for is a fact, OK.All right, one more question and then we're going to take a quick 10 minute break or so and we'll be right back with the second hour of questions.
【選挙や政治、ディープステートの動きに関する議論】(大統領は実際に決定を下すのか? 民主主義の歴史で、そんなことは一度も起きていません)
ローレン・オーレット なぜグローバル・インテル・チームは偽トランプの再選を許したのですか?
大統領は実際に決定を下すのでしょうか?大統領は世界を変えることができるのでしょうか?いいえ。民主主義の歴史で、そんなことは一度も起きていません。彼らがいる限り、絶対に起きないでしょう。では、誰がそこに座っているかが本当に重要なのでしょうか? ご存知のように、私たちは少し努力しました。彼らが主流メディアで示したものは同じではありませんでした。数字が異なっていました。
彼らは試みるでしょうか? もちろんです。
彼らは、10月末に私たちの携帯電話にも同じ周波数を送信しようとしましたか? はい、しました。
彼らは今朝それを試みましたか? はい、しました。
彼らは、いわゆるウォーキング・サタンから、彼らがこれを行うことができると約束されたため、参加できるシステムにアクセスしようとしているのでしょうか? はい。
彼らは、これらの存在に私たち人類を売り込もうとしたのでしょうか? 繰り返しますが、はい、彼らはそうしました。
彼らも責任者だと彼らに伝えたのでしょうか? ええ、彼らはそうしました。
彼らは過去 24 時間で、それらの人々が実際には責任者ではなかったことを知りましたか? はい、彼らはそうしました。
そして今、私はこれらの人々が願うことを望みます。彼らは実際には目印しか持っていなかったのです。なぜなら、他の人たちから次に来るものは、間違いなく楽しいものではないからです。そして、ご存知ですか。今回は彼らの邪魔をするつもりはありません。これは、皆さんが経験できる 1 つのエイリアンの侵略です。私たちはそれを乗り越えることができますが、彼らはあなた方を襲ってきます。それは事実です。わかりました。
では、もう 1 つ質問します。その後、10 分ほどの短い休憩を取り、2 時間目の質問に戻ります。
So last question up for this hour is going to be Bonnie Wills. And how is the marketplace going?Our cell phone businesses finding their way to it so we can readily buy from them for all our needs that we don't need to, that we don't grow or are unable to make for ourselves.
OK, the answer to the question is yes.We are going to be going into beta testing next week. So finally we have sorted out hopefully all the bugs with the vendor portals, the shipping bugs have been figured out. The marketplace looks beautiful actually. I'll see if I can get.A little bit of a kind of a preview of the marketplace of at least the homepage that you can take a look at. That means we're going to start reaching out to our sponsors that were here from the very beginning with us that own businesses that would like to help us beta test. They can help us troubleshoot, see what's right.That's wrong and how that's working and things we can improve upon. So we are excited to at least get to beta testing. This has been a long road and it's been a lot of coding. It was definitely a lot more complicated than I ever thought it would be, you know, based on oh, you got a plug in for everything when it comes to.You know, building websites these days, but apparently you don't. So a lot of coding has gone into this and a lot of hard work from our whole team. And for that, if you're listening team, thank you very much and all of you know who you are and.I would say that hopefully once we're in beta testing, then we're going to need some test customers too that can buy a couple of products and let us know how the checkout process was and if there's anything we can approve upon there, so.Oh, OK, let's see. Looks like we pulled it up. OK, so here is this is just obviously they're just using our products and stuff like that to do some testing for the website. So looks like they did pull it up for us. That was fast.Thank you production, but you can go ahead and Scroll down a little bit so they can take a look at.Oh no, he can't scroll. This is live guys. So, but anyway, you can see that we are actually doing it. It looks beautiful and hopefully we'll be seeing it very soon. So we do have you can see we do have a farm to table section on there, which will actually locate farms.Allow for pick up, allow for booking also services. You can book anything from mechanic services to a haircut to, you know, a nutritional consultation and eventually we'll also have medical up there also.So you can reach out to a nutritionist, a doctor or whatever it is. And what happens between the two of you, You know it happens between the two of you. We've also been contacted by someone that depending on when it's approved.By the certain folks, we may be test marketing.A delivery service for a medical marijuana needs. So it's going to be really interesting next year as to all of the things that we're going to do with the marketplace. So I'm really kind of excited about that.
この時間の最後の質問は、ボニー ウィルスです。市場はどのようになっていますか。
質問に対する答えはイエスです。来週ベータテストに入る予定です。ベンダー ポータルのバグはすべて解決し、出荷のバグも解決しました。マーケットプレイスは実に見栄えが良いです。マーケットプレイスのプレビューのようなものを、少なくともホームページでご覧いただけるように、少し公開してみます。つまり、当初から私たちと一緒にいて、ベータテストを手伝ってくれる企業を所有しているスポンサーに連絡を取り始めるということです。彼らはトラブルシューティングを手伝ってくれますし、何が正しいのか、何が間違っているのか、それがどのように機能しているのか、改善できる点も見てくれます。
ですから、少なくともベータテストにたどり着くことができてとても嬉しいです。これは長い道のりで、コーディングもたくさんしました。想像していたよりもずっと複雑でした。ご存知のように、最近の Web サイト構築にはあらゆるプラグインがありますが、どうやらそうではないようです。たくさんのコーディングと、チーム全員の努力がこれに費やされました。皆さん、お聞きいただきありがとうございます。皆さんは誰なのかご存知だと思いますが、ベータテストに入ったら、いくつかの製品を購入して、チェックアウトのプロセスがどうだったか、承認できる点があるかどうかなど、テスト用の顧客も必要になると思います。
ああ、わかりました。見てみましょう。表示できたようです。わかりました。これは、明らかに当社の製品などを使用して Web サイトのテストを行っているものです。表示できたようです。とても早かったです。制作チームの皆さん、ありがとうございます。先に進んで、少し下にスクロールして、彼らが確認できるようにしてください。ああ、スクロールできません。これはライブです。とにかく、実際にやっているのがわかりますね。とてもきれいで、すぐに見られると思います。
So we all we're going to take about a 10 minute break. So stand by, we're not going anywhere.We are just going to let everybody get up, get a cup of coffee and maybe stretch your legs. I know I'm going to for a minute and then I'll be right back.