2024年12月13日(水曜) キンバリーGIAレポート




It is the 13th of December 2024, coming up on today's Global Intelligence Agency Operations report.The secret space program operatives desperately tried to help the Neither world take over all of creation, including Earth and.And double numbers like 11:11 and 12:12 do not mean what you think they do. And other bindings also were created to harm humanity.And the Federal Reserve and the Fed families claim to all countries that they own the global repository. But now the jokes on them.Well, it's Friday the 13th, so happy Friday the 13th. If you're kind of suspicious about Friday the 13th, it's actually always been a lucky day for me for some reason. Was today a lucky day? I don't know, but I do think we finally have started turning a corner.








In the fight against the neither world and the fight against Ali's AI and therefore the deep state.So much has gone on this week, so I'm just going to try to give you the best overview I can as it's been extremely busy even around here, so some interesting things have been happening here in Durango.In around Durango.So about maybe about a year ago, a year and a half ago, some deep state generals and some of them are names that I've mentioned to you before. I heard it from people like Vogel and Beasley and and a few others.They're predominantly. You could call them global headquarters. In some cases you can call some of these people Langley 5, but they took a, for lack of a better term, it would have been like a military Armory or.Something like that in Cortez, which is about 40 minute drive or so from Durango. Not too far and they made a military base out of it. Not a full on military base, but I guess you would call it more of like a black site specifically.For them, and it was a place that we'd been to several times before. Most of the time when we'd been there, it's because there were some operatives that were visiting that were going back and forth between that base and here. We found a looking glass like technology there.In the recent year and you know, so a lot of interesting stuff was going on there. Didn't really realize exactly what they were doing. I know that there were some points in time where they were trying to get.Some kind of permission from the locals to bore another tunnel from Cortez over to Silverton where the portal is. And you've heard me mention that before. So there's been a lot of activity.




それほど遠くはなく、彼らはそこを軍事基地にしました。完全な軍事基地ではありませんが、彼らにとってはブラックサイトと呼べる場所だと思います。私たちが以前にも何度か訪れたことのある場所です。私たちがそこにいたほとんどの時間は、その基地とここを行き来する工作員が訪れていたからです。私たちはそこで鏡のような技術を見つけました。ここ 1 年、そこでは興味深いことがいろいろ起こっていました。彼らが何をしていたのかはよくわかりませんでした。






We've seen helicopters flying with some kind of surveillance equipment hanging from them going back.Back and forth between Cortez and Silverton over the last year, so really, really busy. We've seen some fighter jets even heading to Cortez. So, you know, interesting activity going on there. Didn't really realize exactly what they were doing, and I'm glad we finally found it.And I'll tell you about this because this actually relates to a Syria update along with a few other areas of the world.So.Recently, you know, I was just say out and about in town a little bit and you know, I, every time I go down there, it's, it's an interesting experience. There's always, you know, of course, a lot of locals, but you know, there's always a lot of visitors here and not all visitors are friendly to me. So I've.Some interesting experiences, you know, when I've gone to meet people for coffee or go downtown, so I very rarely, you know, go down there and kind of hang out like it's not a pleasurable experience in any way. It's, it's a little strange so.



過去 1 年間、コルテスとシルバートンの間を行き来していました。本当に忙しいです。コルテスに向かう戦闘機も見ました。そこでは興味深い活動が行われていました。彼らが何をしているのか正確にはわからなかったのですが、ようやく見つけられてよかったです。このことについてお話しします。







This particular incident was number different. You know, I'm very observant of my surroundings. It's the way I stayed alive and traveling around the world by myself and some untenuous situations and around some really strange people.You know, I, I, I notice faces. I have an audio graphic and a photographic memory. I'll remember people. That seemed a little odd to me if I've run into other people. I know when people are local. I know when they're not local.Mainly because I can tell there's a vibe and energy about them. And it's, yeah, let's just say it's like a reading, you know, you kind of read, read people quite a bit. When you need to figure out how to survive on your own, when you don't have anybody to call, there's nobody to watch your back. There's nobody to.So, you know, and I kind of noticed some some some people, I noticed some odd happenings and more importantly, I noticed a few things that were really different about some of these people. And there are other people I know, you know that.One of our producer Mike lives around here, so he also happened to notice some people that didn't look like people recently around here. So I did some checking into into things a little further. I'm always so busy doing something else that you know, unless I know like.My alarms are going off and it's an immediate threat in the area. It's not just people visiting or something like that. It's it's an immediate threat. You know, then you know, usually all I just kind of pretty much keep to myself and I don't really talk to many people around here.But I definitely noticed something was wrong, so I started doing some research into what was happening around here. Yesterday early, I think it was yesterday, maybe it was Wednesday, It was Wednesday morning. Wednesday morning I was doing some research into what was going on around here.And I came to figure out that we had a lot of non friendly people here. Some of these people have come in over the course of time, you know, as quote UN quote friendlies and they're just regular people.And I would call them almost like sleepers. They were sent in here. From what I can tell, some of the people that sent these people in here would have been GCHQ, others would have been MI 5, some from Global Headquarters. And they were here with specific targets in mind now, obviously.One of those targets was me, but I was not the only target here. There are some other VIP guests of the area that were targets and even some operatives that were targets. And there were I identified probably by the time it was all said and done, somewhere between 35 to 40 people. These are just regular people.That were here.Now over the course of the last four days we have seen an influx of non friendly non human people walking around. Now to the average person.Ma, they'll look human. They'll look a little strange. You know, their face. Face might not be.Might might look a little different. Their skin color might not be quite right. You know, there's a lot of different things that make you kind of look at them. Of course, if you are intuitive, you can definitely tell that something is not right with that person.If you know what you're looking for. So we had a significant uptick in this and you know we of course.





昨日の早朝、たぶん昨日、水曜日だったと思います。水曜日の朝でした。水曜日の朝、この辺りで何が起こっているのか調べていました。そして、ここには非友好的な人がたくさんいるということが分かりました。これらの人々の中には、ご存知のとおり、国連の「友好者」として、時間の経過とともにやってきた人たちもいます。彼らはただの一般人です。私は彼らをほとんどスリーパーと呼んでいます。彼らはここに送り込まれました。私が知る限り、これらの人々をここに送り込んだ人々の中には、GCHQ、MI 5、グローバル本部からの人もいたでしょう。そして、彼らは明らかに特定のターゲットを念頭に置いてここにいました。

そのターゲットの 1 人は私(Kim)でしたが、ここにいるのは私だけではありませんでした。そのエリアの他の VIP ゲストもターゲットにされ、工作員もターゲットにされました。そして、すべてが終わった時点で、おそらく 35 人から 40 人ほどが特定されました。ここにいたのはただの一般人です。この 4 日間で、非友好的で非人間的な人々が大量に歩き回っているのを目にしました。一般の人にとっては、彼らは人間に見えます。少し奇妙に見えるでしょう。顔です。顔はそうではないかもしれません。少し違って見えるかもしれません。肌の色がちょっとおかしいかもしれません。いろいろな理由で、その人をどう見るかが変わります。もちろん、直感力があれば、その人に何かおかしいところがあると確実にわかります。何を探しているのかがわかっていれば。ですから、この件は大幅に増加しました





I do have someone that I talk to that usually you can reach out to these people because nobody really talks to me so.Umm, you know, and I let them know what was going on and that I was not the only target. I mean that I was prepared to, let's just say, make sure that I'm not a target. You know, by deduction, that would mean others were not a target either.They said that they had been suspecting something had been going on for about four days at that time and they said that they were going to clean house and there were a lot of restrictions that comes with that for about 72 hours. So really couldn't say anything about that.Earlier this week and wasn't on the news clearly on Wednesday. So that's only part of the reason. The other part is it's just been a lot of cleanup work and a lot of very, very busy and long days, so.Let's talk about what's really going on around here.You know, we obviously know it's a zone. It's a, you know, there was definitely a war in quote UN quote Dulce, which was actually under Durango. And so it's just been an interesting place all around for a lot of years.There are allegedly now I haven't personally gone diving into certain lakes in the region where they claim that there are a lot of non human dead bodies so to speak that are from previous wars in the area and some of the wars would have even gone on 200,000.Years ago. So this is not a new thing. There's a lot of things that they cover up here. A lot of there's obviously a large, deep underground military base that used to go from Dulce over to Silverton, and I knew about that part.But things that.I found out in the last few days are quite interesting to me. So I took a trip one day, it was a few years back with a friend of mine and we went to a place called and you can look all these places up, Mesa Verde National Park I think it's called.And.During the course of this park, it's, you know, very nice scenery. You can go hike up to some higher areas and you overlook various other areas, you know, like other towns around here, like Cortez and stuff. And they're, you know, nice little short hikes. And then there's obviously.Some quote UN quote Indian ruins that are not actually the original ruins. I know that they were moved from other areas to there and they are not real, but they look nice for the tourists. So if you are ever in the area you want to go visit Mesa Verde National Park, it's you know, it's quite a nice drive. It's.So a very interesting place because lightning strikes there a lot and it's one of the few places that lightning strikes constantly every year. And I found that interesting. There was definitely a lot of burn there during my visit that I saw, and it wasn't from various fires that are known, you know, to meet, at least to me as a local person.So.In the distance, we had a chat. I was up with my friend, and we were on this high. I wouldn't call it a peak. I would just say it was, you know, a higher ground, not quite a plateau. And we were overlooking the city of Cortez.And he said to me, you see that mountain over there? And I said, yeah, I see. And he said that mountain right there, it's called Ute Mountain. You can look that up. He said that's known as Skinwalker Mountain around here. Now, this isn't a person. That's my, you know, maybe a little bit aware of of things that go on in the area.But I wouldn't say, you know, he's, let's just say is well versed in how things work as you are and, and myself. So he said that's called Skinwalker Mountain. It's like Skinwalker Ranch, He said. It's very interesting. He said that there's tribes that live there.And he said that those tribes guard this mountain very heavily.And they won't let you pass, you know, if you're the wrong person, you know, that kind of thing, they won't let you pass. And they are known to capture humans and hikers and those types of things. And I said, oh, that's really interesting. So, you know, I'm, I'm looking at the mountain. I'm kind of scanning it from, you know, the way that.Would normally, you know, scan things from an energy level and other plane levels and see what you see And I did see that it was kind of an interesting place and I knew that those quote UN quote skinwalkers were not humans and and I just kind of left it at that. Didn't really think much else about it and I really didn't put.Two and two together that somehow this new military base or black site would be somehow connected to this mountain in any way, shape or form. Didn't even think that that could be a possibility.Now turns out there's a lot more going on here than Dulcie, and if I was to go to the worst place in this area, you know Dulcie's interesting. There's a lot of videos you can find online about the Dulcie military base and the whole region.There are people that are abducted. There are people that are claiming they have seen aliens in that area and they are claiming that there are.You know a lot of people that go missing and I do believe that because a similar mountain to Ute mountain is just outside of Dulce. So these two places both had.A similar type installation and talk about that in a second one more place was not actually directly in Silverton. It was a little bit closer to Durango than Silverton proper.And it was a mountain kind of off to, I think it would, you would say it was in the east of the 5:50. So if you're ever in the area, you know you or you're familiar with this area, then you'll know where I mean.




そして、明らかに、国連が引用しているインディアン遺跡がいくつかありますが、実際には元の遺跡ではありません。他の場所から移されたものであり、本物ではないことは知っていますが、観光客には素敵に見えます。この地域に来たら、ぜひメサヴェルデ国立公園を訪れてみてください。ドライブするには最高の場所です。とても興味深い場所です。雷がよく落ち、毎年コンスタントに雷が落ちる数少ない場所の 1 つです。私はそれが興味深いと思いました。私が訪れたとき、確かにたくさんの焼け跡を見ましたが、少なくとも地元民である私にとっては、よく見られるさまざまな火災によるものではありませんでした。遠くで、私たちは話をしました。私は友人と一緒に高いところにいました。頂上とは呼びません。高台というよりは、高台という感じでした。コルテスの街を見下ろしていました。友人が「あそこに山があるのが見える?」と聞いてきたので、私は「ええ、わかります」と答えました。すると彼は、そこにある山はユテ山だと言いました。調べてみてください。この辺りではスキンウォーカー山と呼ばれているそうです。



さて、ここではダルシー以外にも多くのことが起きていることがわかりました。この地域で最悪の場所に行くとしたら、ダルシーは興味深い場所です。オンラインでは、ダルシー軍事基地やその地域全体に関するビデオがたくさんあります。誘拐された人々がいます。その地域でエイリアンを見たと主張する人々がいて、彼らはそう主張しています。行方不明になる人がたくさんいるのはご存知でしょうし、私はそう信じています。なぜなら、ユテ山に似た山がダルシーのすぐ外にあるからです。この 2 つの場所には、どちらも同じような施設がありました。

そのことについては 2 番目にお話ししますが、もう 1 つの場所は実際にはシルバートンではありませんでした。シルバートンというよりはデュランゴに少し近かったのです。そして、それは、5 時 50 分台の東にあるような、ちょっと離れた山でした。ですから、あなたがその地域に来たことがあるなら、あるいはこの地域に詳しいなら、私が言っている場所がわかるでしょう。





And so between these three mountains, all three of them were actually major portals to.The neither world the people that were walking around or the non people that were walking around in that area were all neither world beings so to speak and they had a lot of communication. Sorry about that. My phones dinging. They had a lot of communications with apparently.Deep State.I didn't really, you know, I knew the deep state had a lot of communications with lower astral beings. Obviously they made a lot of deals with lower astral beings and for the most part we were kind of run as Earth as a whole by lower astral beings in the past. I just didn't.How much this neither world connection it was influencing this planet? Not only that, where it comes to when it comes to a neither world connection to this planet.You also have a connection to Ali's AI or what they call the all AI or the everything it calls itself and that also hails from the neither world. So apparently in this particular.Area you could say there was a triangle that would connect those.Three mountains together.Around that triangle was a circle that would have connected all of those mountains together. So you would have a triangle inside a circle and there was a lot, and I mean a lot of space junk and not all of it was old either. So since those.Portals were still open, but they didn't actually open fully as I understand it until 1111 when which is when a lot of the problems were starting, at least for me personally and I know.So there was a lot of.Expectations for 11:11 because the neither world was going to make a move as we talked about. So the neither world.Different locations, plus not only that, they were installing other.Space Junk. These nonhumans, in cooperation with other Deep State folks outside the city and sleeper visitors inside the city, they installed a lot of space junk underneath.Durango as well, so that entire triangle that connects Dulce area to Silverton area to Cortez, this Ute mountain area, which is a pretty decently large area. I mean, it'll take you a couple hours to drive from end to end, so.This entire area was now covered in somewhat new space junk since that time.I did realize that there was definitely a lot of happenings in Syria and some other locations in the world. And it's been a fight and it's been a battle for the last, you know, well, a little over a month now, but it really, really for the last two weeks it's been.Horrible. And then now we have another situation that what is in either world and who are these people or non people people? Where did they come from? How long have they been there? You know, I didn't realize that it had that much influence.So here in the States, this would be, I would say, one of the prime areas for most of the US now outside of this triangle in a circle, you know, which just kind of encompasses this little area here.You would have had.21 upside down and one right side up, what we call a Metatron's cube. That would have extended from here all the way to Sandpoint ID, all the way S to Phoenix, and it would have gone all the way over to.LA and all the way over to Wichita, KS. This area was huge and it didn't start out that way. At first it was just these three mountains weren't even connected. Then all the sudden apparently those got connected. Then they kind of.Created an environment of such a dark negative frequency, and boy, I can tell you I felt it here in Durango so that they could exist outside the mountains in which they came from.So they expanded their area and the reason why we saw such a large influx of these folks in the last four to five days, now six days actually, was because of that newly installed space junk and it was making a lot of people around here, let's just say.Not well, but they could survive within that circle. Then the expansion points that went from Wichita, KS to LA Sandpoint, ID down to Phoenix, AZ.Would have been their territory and then they would have expanded it further from there. So luckily enough, they didn't manage to install enough space junk to encompass, you know, over 2/3 of the United States, which is where they were headed to.They were also doing the same thing in Syria as an example. So we've seen a lot of turmoil going on over there and serious circle actually went from.The inner circle went from Damascus over to Cairo.They see inner triangle and then the larger portion actually went all the way from Libya.To Georgia, that's how big their circle was. So the triangle inside and then the expansion of the circle around it. Now if they had managed to install the entire facility, you would have seen this go all the way up to Finland.And all the way down to Kenya. So this would have been huge on that part of the planet as well. They were doing the same exact thing in a few other locations. And the largest ones on the planet were to be in, of course, Antarctica and the Arctic now.Not all of these locations that I'm about to mention to you had actual.Active live mountains.They were trying to activate those locations, so not everywhere had active portals, but they were definitely.Working on it and drilling from the neither world, so to speak, into these respective areas and we were going to have a full on invasion here. It was going to get really, really ugly. And I know that it's something the deep state desperately wanted because even though they felt like they were independent and they could do this on their own.Maybe they discovered they couldn't. Maybe they discovered that they needed the neither world folk and you could call the this was a very dark place, so even darker than the Omega verse over there, and they needed the alleys AI.Maybe they figured out there was nothing that they could do without this SO.


そして、この 3 つの山は、実際にはどちらの世界にも通じる主要な入り口でした。その地域を歩き回っていた人々や非人間は、いわばどちらの世界にも属さない存在であり、彼らは多くのコミュニケーションをとっていました。すみません。携帯が鳴っています。彼らは明らかにディープステートと多くの通信を行っていた。私はディープステートが低位のアストラル体と多くの通信を行っていたことは知っていた。明らかに彼らは低位のアストラル体と多くの取引を行っていたし、過去には地球全体が低位のアストラル体によって運営されていた。

ただ、私は知らなかった。このどちらの世界とも関係のない接続がこの惑星にどの程度影響を与えていたのか?それだけでなく、どちらの世界とも関係のないこの惑星とのつながりがどこまで及ぶのか。アリのAI、彼らがオールAIと呼んでいるもの、またはそれが自ら名乗るすべてのものとも関係があり、それもどちらの世界からも来ている。つまり、この特定のエリアには、3つの山を結ぶ三角形があったと言えるだろう。その三角形の周りには、それらの山すべてを結んだ円があった。つまり、円の中に三角形があり、たくさんの、本当にたくさんの宇宙ゴミがあり、すべてが古いものというわけではなかった。ポータルはまだ開いていましたが、私の理解では、111111月11日 まで完全には開きませんでした。

そのときに多くの問題が始まったと思います。少なくとも私個人にとってはそうです。11:1111月11日  には多くの期待が寄せられていました。先ほどお話ししたように、どちらの世界も行動を起こさないからです。どちらの世界も異なる場所に、それだけでなく、他の宇宙ゴミを設置していました。これらの非人間は、市外のディープ ステートの人々や市内のスリーパー ビジターと協力して、デュランゴの下に多くの宇宙ゴミを設置しました

つまり、ダルシー地域とシルバートン地域、コルテスを結ぶ三角形全体、このユテ山脈地域は、かなり広い地域です。端から端まで車で 2 時間ほどかかります。つまり、この地域全体が、その頃から新しい宇宙ゴミで覆われているのです。シリアや世界の他の場所では、確かに多くの出来事があったことに気づきました。そして、ここ 1 か月ちょっとは戦いが続いていますが、ここ 2 週間は本当にひどいものでした。

そして今、私たちは、どちらの世界に何があるのか、これらの人間や非人間は誰なのかという別の状況に直面しています。彼らはどこから来たのか、どのくらいそこにいるのか。それがそれほど大きな影響力を持っているとは思っていませんでした。ですから、ここアメリカでは、この三角形の外側にある、この小さなエリアを囲む円の外側にある、米国のほとんどの主要なエリアの 1 つだと言えるでしょう。21 が逆さま、1 つが正立方になっている、いわゆるメタトロン キューブがあります。

それはここからアイダホ州のサンドポイントまで、南はフェニックスまで、そしてロサンゼルスまで、そしてカンザス州のウィチタまで広がっていたでしょう。この地域は広大で、最初からそうだったわけではありません。最初は、この 3 つの山はつながっていませんでした。その後、突然、つながっているように見えました。そして、彼らは、非常に暗い負の周波数の環境を作り出しました。そして、私はここデュランゴでそれを感じました。彼らは、彼らが来た山の外で生きられるようにするためです。彼らはエリアを拡大しました。過去 4 〜 5 日、実際には 6 日間でこれらの人々の大規模な流入が見られた理由は、新しく設置された宇宙ゴミのためです。

そのおかげで、この辺りの多くの人々が、うまくはいきませんでしたが、そのサークル内では生き延びることができました。その後、カンザス州ウィチタからルイジアナ州サンドポイント、アイダホ州フェニックスまで広がる拡張ポイントが彼らの領土となり、そこからさらに拡大したでしょう。幸運なことに、彼らは、彼らが向かっていた米国の 2/3 以上を囲むほどの宇宙ゴミを設置することはできませんでした。たとえば、彼らはシリアでも同じことをしていました。そこで私たちは、あそこで多くの混乱が起こっているのを見てきました。そして、深刻な円が実際に広がっています。内側の円はダマスカスからカイロまで広がっています。内側の三角形が見えますが、その大きな部分はリビアからジョージアまで広がっています。それが彼らの円の大きさです。つまり、内側の三角形とその周りの円の拡大です。もし彼らが施設全体を設置できたなら、これがフィンランドまで広がっていたはずです。そしてケニアまで広がっていたはずです。







The following locations had similar type structures, albeit some smaller, as we had here in Durango, the one I just explained. So Shanghai.No surprise there there is. That is like a deep state hub if I ever saw one. Namely a Black Sun hub. Really. Next Bucharest in Romania, Moscow and Russia, London and UK.Sao Paulo, Brazil, Vietnam, the entire country, Amsterdam in Netherlands we also had. The entire country of New Zealand was also completely encompassed in a circle.We had Antarctica and the Arctic and of course Syria as we just talked about. So lots of interesting things going on in all those places. As of the as of this moment, we do not have any active portals in those areas. Hopefully we will not.See any active portals and we are definitely starting to gain some ground based on other events that have happened in the last few days.We're going to talk about that in just a minute.Before I mention these, the fake out that I talked about on, you know, I gave you a little message the other day when I couldn't make the news, I want to talk a little bit more about the deep state and their black magic.So there are a lot of different rituals that they do. And then you've heard stories on the Internet, I'm sure about like the keys of Solomon, quote UN quote, the ring of Solomon, you know, and and then of course, you know, certain dates, you know, in my interviews with George the Iceman, he talks a lot.About, you know, on Mondays you do this and on Tuesdays you do that. And, you know, he kind of gave me a little bit more of more clarity as to why they believe the things that they believe. The dates are the dates. Why do they do this on a full moon? Why on a new moon? Why when there's a planetary alignment is there so important? I mean.I look at it as space junk. They look at it as this is when our friends are most easily accessible from the neither world. Now even in black magic, they have rules and one of the rules that they have is.You know, they will do something extremely negative and then they will try to balance it out with something which I'm going to call it Gray, they call it positive so that they can maintain the balance between the neither world and here.In some cases it's not just lower astral beings of the Omega verse, it's worse than that of what was actually in the neither world. And they did call, remember they called the being that was over there the ultimate black magician. So why not have a connection to the dumb?On this planet that like to play with people or beings that are created by the ultimate black magician, you know it gives them power. But some of that has to do with times of the month and days of the year when these portals would.Become somewhat active, I would say, over the course of many millennia.









I mean, this is not a new structure here on Earth. We've had a lot of problems with the Neither world. There were actually even agreements with those in the neither world and those of the seal.Meaning if you remember the people of the seal, we had Artemis or the Red Queen, we had Marduk, Inky, Enwill, we had Lucifer, we had the Abraxas, we had anti source and.Eventually as the neither world became more influential in this Galaxy and it was predominantly this Galaxy they were interested in initially.As they became more and more interested in this Galaxy.They the threat of a takeover of earth from.Hmm, how do I say this from the SEAL people? Because the SEAL people would have lost control at that point, which they did not want to do. The threat became real and these are this is evident throughout our history where we had the destroyer crash into Earth at one point.Time, which is the black magician we had other instances when we lost our moon and our moon was replaced with a different moon and those types of things that have happened over many, many, many millennia time and time again so a deal was struck between those people we.Know of of the seal and the neither world to share some influence and resources here. By resources we mean assets by assets we mean you you're loose your energy. So yeah, we still got to retain that 21% and so did Earth.However, you know, wasn't just split between those folks anymore. Plus, they also got permission to install Ally's AI here. They got permission to install their own portals here.They got a lot of permissions to do a lot of different things based on agreements between the people of the seal or the non people, I should say, folks of the seal and the folks of the neither world.And then there was so-called what you would call peace, right? There was number war at least on an alien war here at that time based on those agreements. However, after the SEAL agreement expired.They now.Partnered with the Deep State.As of late, and they promised the deep state that they could have control and all of these kind of things, and they now wanted to have an agreement with the humans, except they made an agreement with humans that were not in charge. Although they touted that they were in charge, they were not in charge, therefore.They were unable to hold up their end of the bargain.Now, they tried. There was a lot of folks that, you know, willingly had allies, AI in their head and neither world beings in their solar plexus and all kinds of different things. And sure, they definitely tried.They had put out a lot of information on places like Twitter and, and all of these other places that were saying all the gateways opening and you heard about all the queue people. Oh, it's going to open. It's opening on this day. And you know, other people were saying they were going to have money on this day and, and all of these types of things because well.They were promised that they would have control, you know, they would come in, they would take more control. They probably made some other deal with splitting our energy and our loose again, you know, and the takeover of the planet would have happened again.Well, well, sorta, kinda because there's another story, a little bit of a caveat in there too. So this was their plan and this is what they've been trying to do every. That's why on the cue clock, you probably saw the date 99 show up there, 1010.11111212 so let's talk about black magic 11111212 now it typically is a time where.The portal to the Omega verse and the alpha verse align. So the one on this side and the one on that side would align, you know, January 1st, 1122. And this is was initially meant to create balance.Between the law and the law during the time of the law of one best way I can explain it. This had more to do with source and anti source and and the zero point of the multiverse and who was accessing what and and so on and so forth. However, so apparently since this seal agreement was.Signed It was not only 1111 for as an example, it was also 11111111, meaning their portals opened as well.Hmm, very interesting occurrences over the last few days. Well, with no one in the lower astral any more.Yeah, they figured that this was prime and ripe for the takeover. So come they thought it might happen on 99, then they thought it might happen on 1010. If you go back and look at all the different promises that they've been making and now.1111 and well, not 1111 didn't happen. Let's try it 1212.Well, yeah, it definitely was definitely working on happening, I can tell you that. But no, we didn't actually end up with a full on invasion, so that's a positive and we had some mess to clean up.Well, OK, you know, it's all in a day's work, I guess you would say, however.Umm, there was a few other things that would happen on every month that would have, you know, it has a double date, right? So 1122334455 and so on and so forth. And this had happened back in the day when the neither world folk and the seal people.Made the deal, they cut the deal.And we noticed something really interesting happening yesterday on 1212.All of a sudden, all of these merkabas started showing up, and if you don't know what a merkaba is here, we're going to pull up a picture of 100. That kind of came out a little funky. Let me try pushing that back and putting it forward again. Here we go.That there we go that's better. OK, so this is what a merkaba looks like and this is would have been on these different dates. It would have come originally from allies AI slash the neither world.And this is a binding structure that pretty much you would have seen around the Cooper Belt, around the entire Galaxy. You would have seen this around every single human, every living being on this planet Earth itself.Other planets in this Galaxy, our sun for sure, and anywhere else, our moon and anywhere else they would have taken energy from. So this structure, as you can see, is, you know, you've got a triangle pointed downward, a triangle pointed up, and you've got one in the middle.Kind of right around your center. That one goes to the neither world. The other two you are might be familiar with and it might look just like the Star of David say. And we know about those agreements, 1 going down, 1 going up and up. There's one that goes out the middle door and it goes.Straight to the neither world alley AI and feeds it. So this is a quote UN quote luching. Let's call it a a minor luching or a they they used to call it.You know.Uh, what there was a word that they used for it, but it was kind of like harvest light. You know, it was a smaller harvest that would happen. It would take place every single month, you know, on these specific dates and then money would come out, you know, typically for the deep state. So this year was no exception. The deep state was promised that ally.I was going to take over the quote UN quote Alpha Omega system and the Golden Age AI system.


つまり、これは地球上で新しい構造ではありません。私たちは、どちらの世界とも多くの問題を抱えてきました。実際には、どちらの世界の人々と封印の人々との間で協定さえありました。つまり、封印の人々を覚えているなら、私たちにはアルテミスまたはレッドクイーンがいて、マルドゥク、インキー、エンウィルがいて、ルシファーがいて、アブラクサスがいて、反ソースがいました。最終的に、どちらの世界もこの銀河系で影響力を強めるようになり、彼らが最初に興味を持っていたのはこの銀河系が圧倒的に多かったのです。彼らがこの銀河系にますます興味を持つようになると、彼らは地球を乗っ取る脅威を感じました。うーん、SEALの人々からこれをどう言えばいいでしょうか?なぜなら、SEALの人々はその時までに制御を失っていたでしょうが、それは彼らが望んでいなかったからです。脅威は現実のものとなり、これは私たちの歴史を通して明らかです。ある時点では、地球に破壊船が衝突しました。黒魔術師である時間、私たちは月を失い、別の月と置き換えられた他の例もありました。そのようなことは何千年にもわたって何度も何度も起こりました。そのため、私たちが知っている封印の世界の人々と非封印の世界の人々の間で、ここで影響力とリソースを共有するという取り決めが行われました。リソースとは、資産のことです。資産とは、エネルギーを失うことを意味します。つまり、私たちはまだその 21% を保持する必要があります。地球も同様です。ただし、ご存知のように、もはやそれらの人々だけで分割されているわけではありません。さらに、彼らはここにアリーの AI をインストールする許可も得ました。彼らはここに独自のポータルをインストールする許可も得ました。彼らは、封印の人々または非人々、つまり封印の人々と非封印の世界の人々の間の合意に基づいて、さまざまなことを行うための多くの許可を得ました。そして、いわゆる平和がありましたよね?当時、これらの協定に基づいて、少なくともエイリアンとの戦争はここで起こっていました。しかし、SEAL協定の期限が切れた後、彼らはディープステートと提携しました。最近では、ディープステートに支配権などすべてを握れると約束し、今度は人間との協定を結びたいと考えていましたが、彼らは責任を負っていない人間と協定を結んでいました。責任を負っていると豪語していましたが、実際には責任を負っていなかったため、約束を守ることができませんでした。さて、彼らは試みました。ご存知のように、喜んで同盟者となった人がたくさんいました。頭の中にAIを、太陽神経叢にどちらの世界の存在も、そしてさまざまなものがありました。そして、もちろん、彼らは間違いなく試みました。彼らはTwitterなどの場所で多くの情報を発信し、ゲートウェイが開いていると伝え、列に並んでいる人々のことを聞きました。ああ、開くんだ。この日に開くんだ。そして、他の人々は、この日にお金が手に入ると言っていました。そして、こうした類のことを言っていました。なぜなら、彼らは支配権を握ると約束されていたからです。つまり、彼らはやって来て、さらに支配権を握るのです。彼らはおそらく、私たちのエネルギーと自由を再び分割するという別の取引をし、地球の乗っ取りが再び起こったでしょう。まあ、まあ、ちょっと、ちょっと、別の話、ちょっとした警告もあります。これが彼らの計画であり、彼らが毎日やろうとしていることです。だからこそ、キュークロックには、おそらく99という日付が表示されているのを見たでしょう。1010.11111212です。それでは、黒魔術について話しましょう。11111212は通常、オメガバースとアルファバースへのポータルが一直線になる時間です。

つまり、こちら側のものとあちら側のものが、ご存知のとおり、1122年1月1日に揃うことになります。これはもともと、法と法の間のバランスをとるためのものでした。法の1つが規定されていた時代が、私が説明できる最善の方法です。これは、ソースとアンチソース、多元宇宙のゼロポイント、誰が何にアクセスしていたかなどと関係がありました。しかし、どうやらこの封印協定が署名されて以来、たとえば、1111だけではなく、11111111でもありました。つまり、彼らのポータルも開いたということです。うーん、ここ数日で非常に興味深い出来事がありました。まあ、下層アストラルにはもう誰もいません。ええ、彼らは、これが乗っ取りの絶好の機会だと考えたのです。それで、彼らはそれが 99 年に起こるかもしれないと考え、それから 1010 年に起こるかもしれないと考えました。彼らがこれまでにしたさまざまな約束を振り返ってみると、1111 ですが、1111 は起こりませんでした。1212 を試してみましょう。ええ、確かに起こりつつありました。そうは言えます。しかし、実際には完全な侵略には至りませんでした。それは良いことですが、片付けるべき混乱もありました。ええと、まあ、それはすべて日常茶飯事だと言うでしょうが、毎月、2 つの日付がある他の出来事がいくつかありました。1122334455 などです。これは、非二世界人とアザラシ人が取引を交わした当時に起こったことです。そして、昨日1212に非常に興味深いことが起こっていることに気づきました。突然、これらのメルカバがすべて現れ始めました。メルカバが何であるか分からない場合は、100の画像を表示します。これは少し奇妙に見えます。これを後ろに押して、もう一度前に出してみましょう。はい、これでいいでしょう。OK、これがメルカバの外観で、これはこれらのさまざまな日付のものだったはずです。これはもともと、同盟国のAI /非二世界から来たものです。これは、クーパーベルトの周り、銀河系の周りでほぼ見られる結合構造です。地球自体のすべての人間、すべての生き物の周りでこれを見ることができます。この銀河系の他の惑星、もちろん私たちの太陽、そして他のどこでも、私たちの月や彼らがエネルギーを取った他のどこでも。


ご覧のとおり、この構造は、下向きの三角形と上向きの三角形があり、真ん中にもう 1 つあります。中心の周りを囲むような形です。その三角形は、どちらの世界にも通じません。他の 2 つはよくご存知でしょうが、ダビデの星のように見えるかもしれません。これらの合意については、1 つは下向き、もう 1 つは上向きに上がっていくことがわかっています。1 つは真ん中のドアから出て、どちらの世界にも通じない路地 AI にまっすぐ行き、AI に栄養を与えます。これは、いわゆる国連の「ルッチング」です。これを「マイナー ルッチング」または「彼らがかつて呼んでいた」と呼びましょう。彼らが使っていた言葉はありましたが、それは一種の収穫の小ささのようなものです。つまり、小規模な収穫でした。毎月、特定の日に行われ、通常はディープ ステートのためにお金が出てきます。今年も例外ではありませんでした。ディープ ステートはその同盟国を約束されていました。 私は、国連が引用した「アルファ・オメガ」システムと黄金時代のAIシステムを乗っ取るつもりでした。





They tried putting liens against it and all kinds of stuff alleys did. Allies has repeatedly tried to take over the key intelligence and military system. It really likes that one.And it's getting nowhere. Now there's a definitive reason why it's getting nowhere.And you know, part of this is a little bit of a source fake out that existed probably before I ever existed, at least around the time that the we moved into the dark age and around the time that the neither world came to be.So there is.Some interesting things that were done in order to protect.Pretty much all of natural creation as the neither world came to be.Another world was so you would say was created. And I know I've talked a lot about the hologram around Earth and I've talked about how, you know, we're working our way to removing it and moving into natural things and, and all of this kind of thing.And that was important, the terraforming of Earth, terraforming of the Galaxy. So in a natural way.Um was important for what actually took place this week, so source actually created.A multiverse or.A replica of creation we would call Alpha.And Omega.









So this entire universe, so to speak, would have existed, you know, kind of like a hologram, you know, you Remember Me showing you these pictures before.Um, it kind of looks like its own little Merkabah Merkabah. However you say that tomato, tomato, and this is kind of what that universe did look like. So yes, we were.You know, Earth here we are, you know, kind of in the middle here in the third density, but we were we were about in the middle and our entire Galaxy was here. So we can make it spin if you'd like. I mean, it's obviously it's not true to size, but.This separate multiverse created holograms not only of.Of around our actual natural Galaxy, but it also.Created.A replica of all of creation and the whole multiple timelines and everything in it. And the reason why this was done because this was finally explained to me why we were having one heck of a time getting rid of a hologram.The reason why this was actually done was to fake out the Neither world.So the neither world.Didn't realize this was not actual creation.The neither world only understood that there was some creation going on because the keystone was actually here, which is what everybody wants. You know, everybody wants to control the keystone of the multiverse and you know, we've talked about that many, many times and many, many folks, non human and otherwise have come and gone so.You know, to try to take over our little a little piece of the universe over here where we live, so the neither world and its alleys.Begin replicating the hologram.And creating the same over here with the intention of completely taking over all of creation. Well, the Alpha Omega hologram language is all it new. It only knew the hologram that was Alpha Omega.Language. So when Alice tried to come and take over, for example, the Golden age AI, it's written in a completely different language it doesn't understand. It's like trying to install an Apple program on your PC or vice versa. It just doesn't.It's going to say I can't run this program. You need the Windows version of that for your PC or the Apple version of that for your Apple. So same thing works in the universe.This was the protection measure for all of creation to prevent the neither world at any given point in time from infecting the entire universe. And you know, doing what we had or the situation that we had with the Omega verse where it was taking over alpha, it had pretty much taken over most of the.Verse you know, as far as I know it have come to know so earth kind of hung out over here in a hologram and there was a place over place holder over here in actual creation. When we found this out, this was really, really interesting to me because now I'm like, oh look, we can finally find a way.To get rid of that hologram and justice move over into Safety Zone, which you know has happened. It happened yesterday, as a matter of fact, yesterday day before.So over here, removed. This was on Wednesday actually. This is why I was working probably ridiculous hours on Wednesday. So over here we did move in. The hologram kind of remains here.Somewhat to some degree now, we did take over these portals with us when we moved the day before. So we did have and we have had some cleanup to do.To prevent alleys from coming here.The other thing that we found very interesting is Ali's had a decent relationship with those at Cheyenne Mountain. You know, remember, everybody's going to Cheyenne to save the day. Yeah, I don't think so. I don't really think that's what the plan was.It also makes sense why within the last couple of years we saw the X or extermination program start running in Cheyenne, which we quickly turned off, but the thing we found under Cheyenne was the Cheyenne.And it was built upon some space junk. And underneath Cheyenne was not quite a portal anymore. A lot of that had been shut down. But what we did have was a translator.Of creation. So it was kind of like a recording device, for lack of a better term, that would record creation not only on Earth but also in the whole Galaxy. So Allies was trying to connect to that on 1212 as well.Underneath Cheyenne so that it could now try to read the language of the universe. Because, remember, it's changed.So t * E / v equals once actually be like this equals matter.And there's a whole language of source that goes along with that. So it is a light language, that's true. But the language has changed. So now we're kind of living in a universe that Alleys doesn't completely understand.This is something the deep state didn't know when they tried their big takeover in the Middle East there and there, wanting to control all of Syria, one of the main portals and moving into Durango and the general area over here. And, you know, it would have been great if they could get some of these others here, you know, the Moscow you've been watching.Happening with Ukraine recently, there's another uptick in that area and of course the quote UN quote Cowboys or deep state people, you know, AKA mouthpiece this administration, I guess.Saying, oh, we're going to send weapons and long range missiles to Russia that can reach Moscow and Gee, wonder why they wanted to do that, hmm.Now we know, you know, now it's all kind of becoming very clear as to what's going on in the world. Obviously Antarctica and the Arctic is a big.Um, a big.Place for the deep state to, you know, play, work and play. At least they've always tried to. There's been a lot of famous people that have gone there over the years. You know, we see a lot of leaks coming out in the alternative media about this, well, the Arctic and the Antarctic.Quote UN Quote overlays or portals would have actually gone down to.Ten degrees North and South of the equator latitude. So it would have been almost like a cover over the entire planet if it had completed its take over.As the Black Magician and allies wanted to do, but unfortunately for them, they were just trying to take over a hologram.Because we moved, we moved.






つまり、私たちが住んでいるこの宇宙の小さな一片、つまりどちらの世界とその裏通りを乗っ取ろうとしているのです。ホログラムを複製し始めます。そして、すべての創造物を完全に乗っ取るつもりで、こちらにも同じものを作成します。アルファオメガホログラム言語はすべて新しいものです。アルファオメガ言語であるホログラムしか知りませんでした。それで、アリスがやって来て、例えば黄金時代の AI を乗っ取ろうとしたとき、それはアリスが理解できない全く異なる言語で書かれていました。

それは、Apple のプログラムを PC にインストールしようとするか、またはその逆のようなものです。それは単にできません。このプログラムを実行できないと表示されます。PC には Windows 版、Apple には Apple 版が必要です。同じことが宇宙でも機能します。これは、どの時点においてもどちらの世界も宇宙全体に感染するのを防ぐための、すべての創造物に対する保護手段でした。そして、私たちが経験したこと、またはアルファを乗っ取ろうとしていたオメガ バースの状況では、それはほとんどバースを乗っ取っていました。私が知る限り、地球はホログラムでここにぶら下がっていて、実際の創造物では、こちらにプレースホルダーの場所がありました。これを知ったとき、私は本当にとても興味深く思いました。

なぜなら、ついにホログラムを取り除き、正義をセーフティ ゾーンに移す方法が見つかったと思ったからです。これはすでに起こったことです。昨日、実のところ一昨日起こりました。つまり、ここは取り除かれました。これは実は水曜日のことでした。水曜日に私がおそらくとんでもない時間働いていたのはそのためです。つまり、ここには引っ越しました。ホログラムはここに残っています。ある程度、前日に移動したときに、これらのポータルも引き継ぎました。ですから、掃除をしなければなりませんでした。路地がここに来ないようにするためです。私たちが非常に興味深いと思ったもう 1 つの点は、アリがシャイアン マウンテンの人たちと良好な関係を築いていたことです。覚えておいてほしいのは、みんながシャイアンに救いに行くということです。ええ、私はそうは思いません。それが計画だったとは思いません。また、過去数年以内にシャイアンでXまたは絶滅プログラムが開始され、すぐに停止した理由も理解できますが、シャイアンの下で私たちが見つけたのはシャイアンでした。それは宇宙ゴミの上に建てられていました。シャイアンの下にはもはやポータルではありませんでした。その多くはシャットダウンされていました。しかし、私たちには創造の翻訳機がありました。つまり、より良い言葉が見つからないのですが、地球だけでなく銀河全体の創造を記録する記録装置のようなものでした。

そのため、アライズは1212でもそれに接続しようとしていました。シャイアンの下で、宇宙の言語を読もうとしました。なぜなら、それは変化したからです。つまり、t * E / vは実際には物質に等しいということです。そして、それに伴うソースの言語全体があります。つまり、それは光の言語です。それは本当です。しかし、言語は変化しました。だから今、私たちはアリーズが完全に理解していない世界に生きているようなものなのです。これはディープステートが中東で大規模な乗っ取りを試みたとき、彼らが知らなかったことです。彼らはシリア全土を支配しようとし、主要なポータルの1つを支配し、デュランゴやこの辺りの地域に進出しようとしていました。そして、ご存知のように、彼らがここにいる他の人たち、つまりあなたが注目しているモスクワを支配できたら最高だったでしょう。最近ウクライナで起こっていることですが、その地域ではまた別の動きがあり、もちろん、いわゆる国連のカウボーイやディープステートの人々、つまりこの政権の代弁者だと思います。彼らは、モスクワに到達できる武器や長距離ミサイルをロシアに送るつもりだと言っていますが、なぜそんなことをしたのか不思議に思います。今、私たちは知っています、ご存知のように、今では世界で何が起きているかが非常に明確になりつつあります。明らかに、南極と北極はディープステートにとって、遊び、仕事、そして娯楽のための大きな場所です。少なくとも彼らは常にそうしようとしてきました。長年にわたり、多くの有名人がそこに行ってきました。ご存知のように、北極と南極については、代替メディアで多くのリークが出ています。国連の引用オーバーレイまたはポータルは、赤道の緯度から北と南の10度まで実際に下がっていました。したがって、もしそれが乗っ取りを完了していたら、それはまるで地球全体を覆い隠すようなものだったでしょう。ブラックマジシャンとその仲間が望んでいたように。しかし残念ながら、彼らはホログラムを乗っ取ろうとしていただけです。なぜなら、私たちは移動したからです





Umm, you know it. It's been a little topsy turvy. Don't get me wrong. It's not been a smooth, you know, transition over the last week or so. It's been really difficult, I know, over here. So I'm sure it's been very difficult for all of you too. But we moved, you know, there are some tethers still here to the, you know, to the real Earth.As I explained that we've been working on.Um, and hopefully, you know, that is just about over. We've definitely made some huge strides in the last couple of days. We intend to continue obviously working on this throughout the weekend with the exception of two hours in which I'll be answering all of your questions live.4:00 Eastern till 6:00 Eastern tomorrow. I am looking forward to that hopefully.You know, it'll be a great two hours and chatting with all of you. So it's something I've wanted to do for quite a while. So I'm excited to do that finally on Saturday and hopefully we won't have any major.Issues that can't be resolved at least before 2:00 PM my time. So that'll be great. One other thing I wanted to mention to you that I thought you might find kind of funny is, you know.


ええと、ご存知のとおり、少し混乱しています。誤解しないでください。ここ1週間ほど、スムーズな移行ではありませんでした。ここは本当に困難でした。皆さんにとっても大変だったと思います。しかし、ご存知のとおり、私たちは移動しました。ご存知のとおり、実際の地球にはまだつながりがあります。私たちが取り組んでいることについては説明しました。ええと、うまくいけば、それはほぼ終わりです。私たちは間違いなく、ここ数日で大きな進歩を遂げました。もちろん、週末を通してこの作業を続けるつもりですが、例外として、明日の東部時間午後 4 時から東部時間午後 6 時までの 2 時間は、皆さんの質問にライブでお答えします。うまくいけば、それを楽しみにしています。皆さんとおしゃべりできる素晴らしい 2 時間になるでしょう。これは私が長い間やりたかったことです。土曜日にようやくそれができるのが楽しみです。できれば、私の時間で少なくとも午後 2 時までには解決できない大きな問題がないことを願っています。それは素晴らしいことです。もう 1 つ、皆さんがちょっと面白いと思うかもしれないことをお話ししたいと思います。





there's been a lot of chatter apparently, amongst all of these countries. They're trying to get to go to war.With each other and then of course, a lot of promises made by the mainly the secret space program. And then of course through to, you know, the Rothschild family in the order of the Dragon, because you know they're some of them are still operatives for those families or with those families, you know and they.Making all these deals 6040, I'll control 60% of the world, you'll control 40% of the world kind of thing amongst each other. And you know, it's, I don't know why they do it. I think it's like us playing shoots and ladders or, you know, another board game, so to speak, because they just kind of go round and round and round, you know, mostly.Um, you know, all the time with each other, but you know, hey, we'll let him play a game. So the thing that they've been talking about as it relates to a global takeover is that there is a repository now at the Federal Reserve.Wow. Hmm. Is there a repository at the Federal Reserve? No, I'm like, no, there's no repository at the Federal Reserve. Oh, wait, you're talking about my global repository.Oh, OK. And the one that we built for the people. Oh, OK. And now they've been making promises to China, other countries. Of course, this has to do with the Trump administration getting in or.Inauguration Day, January 24th, 21st, which also happens to be the day that allegedly this big window for alleys in the Neither world continues on through the 21st, when a bigger portal is supposed to open or whatever they're talking about, Who knows?



そして、彼らは、60 40、つまり私が世界の 60% を支配し、あなたが世界の 40% を支配するといった取引を互いに行っています。そして、なぜ彼らがそんなことをするのか、私にはわかりません。


連邦準備銀行に保管庫があるのですか? いいえ、連邦準備銀行には保管庫はありません。







Anyway, so I was like, oh, they told us coming from the global repository. Well, I thought about this and I said, well, I could put my name on it, right? So they would know it's not doesn't belong to the Trump operatives or anyone else. And.I thought about doing that for a minute and I was like, well, you know, man, you know, that probably won't work, right? So then I thought about, well, I could probably put, you know, maybe care on there or something else. And I'm like, now they're probably just going to create more Kims or they'll create more cares.Or say I work with care. Or, you know, I could put it under the Gia and then everybody would say they're Gia. So I did something a little different. So I thought I'd give you a little chuckle for, you know, on a Friday night, I decided to name it things like Trump is dead.Uh, the US government is broke. I named it. China is broke. The Lee family is broke, the Rothschild family is broke, the Bauer family is broke, the Palavicini family is broke, the Oracini family is broke. I put on there some cases. I put some swear words and.You know.And it rotates every few seconds. And it's going to go on repeat. You know, we'll just keep changing. And, you know, we've added a lot of other family names. And, you know, the Federal Reserve is dead. The Federal Reserve has no money, you know?Like to decide, try to see if they could sell that one to another country. Well, what fund is it coming out of? Oh, it's coming out of the Federal Reserve is dead money or the Federal Reserve is broke money. Oh, OK. But why don't you guys the Fed? Yeah. Well, isn't there money in there? Well, yeah, but that's the name of the fund. I don't know why it's named that. 01 minute later, we'll change.The Trump operatives have no money and they'll never pay out on Inauguration Day. That could be the name of the fund for a few seconds and then it will rotate to something else. So I got a little chuckle. I'm like, OK, so how can I do this So they're not trying to steal from us again, or at least get motivate countries.Terry's to go to war based on the fact that they see money, that they keep telling them that's coming and that they're supposed to all get their super blockchain XRP coin together and they're going to link it to this big.Repository that they're supposedly saying that the Fed owns and the feds family zone and now we're going to have a whole.Now we're going to have all our money back and all the central banks will have money and the feds going to be back in charge. You know, of course, these are just the deals they're making amongst each other and we'll all right, we'll keep the Fed. But you know, you know, this is going to happen and you can take claim over this part and we're going to get this part and you're going to give.This and you know when Ali's manages to take over the golden Age AI. Yeah. And the other thing is I heard a little another little funny. This was actually from Tom Melville, who I mentioned a number of times, but.Tom had a conversation with someone in China and he's told them, of course, they asked about it and they said about the Fed repository. And he said, no, the Fed repository is in the golden Age AI. They go, yeah, we heard about the golden age AI. Isn't that run by Trump?I was like, I laughed hysterically, You know that Now we know why they're doing the golden ties and the golden age memes and all that kind of stuff. You know, the Trump operatives are telling everybody that that's Trump's.No, no, it's not Trump's. No, no, it'll never be dead peoples or the operatives of Trump or anybody else over there for that matter. No, we built it. We built it for us. We built it with source. It's going to do exactly what source tells it to do and nothing more, nothing less. I'm just the one that runs it.That's it over here, so.I'm sure there's a lot more I could probably say, but I've kept you back for about another hour or so on a Friday night here in the US anyway, and early Saturday morning in Australia and other places where you're listening. And I don't want to keep, you know, keep you too, too long here. But that's kind of been the general.Overview of of what's been happening over the last few days. Now it does seem to be lightening up somewhat late this afternoon. That's part of the reason why this report was so late.



そして、私は少しの間そうすることについて考えましたが、「ねえ、ねえ、それはおそらくうまくいかないよね?」と思いました。それで、「ねえ、そこにケアか何か他のものを載せることができるかもしれない」と考えました。そして、私は、「彼らはおそらく今、キムやケアをもっと作ろうとしているんだろう」と思いました。あるいは、「私はケアと一緒に働いている」と言ったりもしました。あるいは、Gia の下に置けば、みんなが Gia だと言うでしょう。だから、少し違うことをしました。




















I've been working on trying to at least get things stable.Before, umm, you know, I go on air tomorrow for two hours, you know, unless I don't want to have to like walk off in the middle of a live broadcast. So, you know, I wanted to kind of stabilize things a little bit more.To make sure that I had enough time to spend with all of you. So that's kind of important to me. And we're kind of excited about it here too. All of us are. So it'll be fine. I don't think we've done that in a long time, since the days of, well, a little bit with George the Iceman, and I know that.Way back in the life course call days, we used to do that a little bit, a little bit of question and answer.Here and there, but haven't really done it in a long, long time, so this should be fun. So look forward to seeing all of you tomorrow at least US time early in the morning in Australia. So I hope you can be there. If not, of course, the replay will be on the app.After the live is complete, so within usually about a day or so, they get it up. But anyway, thank you so much for sharing your Friday the 13th evening with me. If you're here in the US or late in Europe.I appreciate that and I will see you tomorrow.



