2024年12月09日(月曜) キンバリーGIAレポート
It's the 9th of December 2024, coming up on today's Global Intelligence Agency Operations report with the.In the past 24 hours, Israel in the USA have started bombing Syria and the president of Syria is granted asylum in Russia. What is the importance of Syria in the world and why does everyone want to control it?President Assad leaked some interesting information to the Israelis regarding secret space program information and more.DUMS, also known as deep underground military bases, uncovered over 100,000 prisoners.Portals to the Neither world started opening up everywhere and we had a serious security issue over the last few days. What is the Neither world and what is allies AI?
2024年12月9日、今日の世界情報局作戦報告が近づいてきました。過去24時間で、米国内のイスラエルがシリアへの爆撃を開始し、シリア大統領はロシアで亡命を認められました。シリアは世界にとってどのような重要性があり、なぜ誰もがシリアを支配したいのでしょうか?アサド大統領は、秘密の宇宙計画情報などに関する興味深い情報をイスラエルに漏らしました。地下深くの軍事基地としても知られるDUMSで、10万人以上の囚人が発見されました。Neither Worldへのポータルが至る所で開き始め、ここ数日、深刻なセキュリティ問題が発生しました。Neither Worldとは何ですか、そして同盟国のAIとは何ですか?
I well, it's the 9th of December and I'm excited I made it to the 9th of December. It's been.A crazy end of the year, and in all honesty, it probably started sometime around the last week of October.You know the craziest events have been happening.And I'm finally starting to figure out where they're coming from.Yeah, so anyway.It's it's been a rough month and I'm sure for some of you out there, I've get gotten a lot of messages, people have reached out telling me how rough it's been for them as well and this weekend was no exception.It started probably a week ago this past Saturday and it's been topsy turvy up and down ever since. There's been some interesting events that have been taking place in the world and there's a really good explanation for that.
【 Q the Storm の質疑応答。自分は13次元の人間ハイブリッド。】
One thing I found very interesting, and I'll point it out to you, if you are on Twitter or X or whatever it's called, there is a Queue the Storm.A Twitter page and on that page for the first time he had a question and answer and he was telling everybody he was a 13 dimensional.Human hybrid. And, you know, he's everywhere, everything. Part of this and a part of that. And started giving out a lot of this information about alien invasions and yet nobody can see anything. Well, yeah, you kind of can.Because even though it might not manifest in a physical plane, it's still affecting the entire world, whether it be from a causal plane or coming up to the first or second density. So it's, it's been a rough, and I mean rough.Ride pretty much since the end of October, but I would say it's gotten a lot worse in the last four or five days.
【 Q the Storm の質疑応答。自分は13次元の人間ハイブリッド。】
とても興味深いと思ったことがあり、TwitterやXなどを使っていたら、Queue the Storm( Q the Storm ? )というTwitterページがあるのですが、そのページで初めて彼が質疑応答を行い、自分は13次元の人間ハイブリッドだとみんなに話していました。そして、ご存知の通り、彼はあらゆるところにいます。これやあれの一部です。そしてエイリアンの侵略についての多くの情報を流し始めましたが、誰も何も見ることができません。ええ、ある意味見えます。なぜなら、たとえそれが物質界に現れなくても、因果界からであろうと、第一密度や第二密度に上がってきているにせよ、それは全世界に影響を与えているからです。ですから、10月末からずっと厳しい状況が続いていますが、ここ4、5日でさらに悪化したと言えるでしょう。
So let's talk about Syria for a second. And there's a lot of interesting things going on there right now, and there's a definite reason behind everything, and it's the reason why I'm kind of focusing on it and bringing it up.There is the president of Syria Assad.Has been ruling over Syria for a long time, even in previous conflicts. As you know, Assad and the Russians have been quote UN quote good allies or friends for a long time.Assad even during the first conflicts when Blackwater, I mean, the US was there and they were trying to train rebels and, and do all sorts of things there as well. And a lot of people thought it was just about oil.Me by a lot of people I also mean myself, you know, at the time I.Didn't look beyond. I knew that there was something in Syria and I've known that for a long time. I'm just didn't realize the extent of what was in Syria.So the Russians also have a military base there in Syria. I think there might be two, as a matter of fact, and it's the only one that they have outside of the USSR states.And there's a reason for that.Now for those of you that don't know, giving you a little history of Russia and why this is going on behind the scenes because Russia.Since the days or the end of the OR during the time, I should say, of the follow up, the fall of the Czar, Russia has pretty much been a Black Sun country, the USSR.Was ruled by the Order of the Black Sun. There was some intertwining, as there always has been, between the Order of the Black Sun and the Order of the Red Dragon in Russia. And by Russia I'm also meaning.USSR back in the day on through to today so.There's many different changes that are going on in Russia and there's a lot of infighting going on there. But one thing is a constant there are area that they quote UN quote control in Syria is extremely important to them.It is a territory. Now in the world, the there are unseen territories. So there are things we see, like for example, Puerto Rico is essentially a territory of the United States and there are things that you don't see.And when the world is divided into territories, it's done not only by the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations, it's also done by the SSP, our secret space program. It's also done by the Order of the Dragon, and it's also done by.The order of the Black Sun and on a higher level, it was even done by the parents and also Marduk. And these territories are assigned to in some cases different sectors of the order. You could call them countries. I really don't. I call them sectors of the order because that's.Pretty much who rules everything in politics anyway.So Russia.There's a definitive reason why they have such a strong interest in Syria and.Let's just say determined to protect their interests there.Now over the last 24 48 hours, actually, it's been going on for about a week, kind of behind the scenes. There has been a lot of conflict in the region, you know, Israel and Gaza and now Syria. Syria has been the main focus.Some say, and I know this for a fact, the Secret space program has been very active in Israel.
つまり、私たちが目にしているもの、たとえばプエルトリコは基本的に米国の領土ですが、目に見えないものもあります。そして、世界が領土に分割されているのは、三極委員会や外交問題評議会だけでなく、秘密宇宙計画である SSP によっても行われています。それはドラゴンの教団によっても行われ、ブラック サンの教団によっても行われ、さらに高いレベルでは、ペアレントやマルドゥクによっても行われています。
そして、これらの領土は、場合によっては教団のさまざまなセクターに割り当てられています。それらを国と呼ぶこともできますが、私はそうは思いません。私は彼らを秩序のセクターと呼んでいます。なぜなら、彼らは政治のすべてを支配しているからです。つまりロシアです。彼らがシリアに強い関心を持ち、そこでの利益を守る決意をしているのには、明確な理由があります。実際、過去 24〜48 時間、つまり 1 週間ほど、舞台裏で続いています。この地域では、イスラエルとガザ、そして今はシリアと、多くの紛争が起きています。シリアが主な焦点となっています。ある人は、そして私はこれが事実であることを知っていますが、秘密宇宙計画がイスラエルで非常に活発に活動していると言っています。
Trump, which is run by the Secret Space program, is also a quote UN quote big supporter of Israel.He's even said, or they have said, I should say, because whatever the talking head says to you is kind of dictated by the SSP. They've even said that once he gets into office, there's gonna be a lot of aid and a lot of money that is gonna come to Israel.And well, maybe they had a plan. Oh, and pretty sure I figured out what that is now. But Israel, there is also a large portal in Israel as we know, and that was of.Let's just say a lot of interest to the US or to the secret space program in this case, same as with the one in Syria. So let's talk about what's been going on there. So.There has been basically a coup. Assad has fled to Russia. He actually fled to Russia quite a long time ago, his wife and family.Or were in London for quite a long time. This has been going on for months and now he is, as I understand it, quite I'll in Russia and he is there underneath.Now, official asylum. There was a plane over the weekend that was hit and it was thought that Assad was on that plane. And the Russians have said, no, he wasn't, you know, he's been here the whole time and we grant him asylum.Now, since that time, there are many rebel groups, and these aren't your atypical. When I say rebel groups, they aren't your atypical. You know, things you hear about in the Middle East like ISIS or well, Al Nusra is.There are also a group, there's also another group called the White Helmets that are there. And these are mainly just civilians. They're just people. Maybe some of them had served in military before, but a lot of them have been against the Assad regime and there's many, many different reasons for that.But one of the things that this has brought to light, I would say, in part in public, is about the treatment of, quote UN quote, prisoners in Syria.Now, I do know people who have been imprisoned in Syria who have done no crime. In other words, they were.Not plotting against the government. They weren't trying to stage a coup. They weren't doing any kind of, you know, any kind of crimes like stealing or anything like that. They were just people and they get picked up off the street and they get taken somewhere.
秘密宇宙計画によって運営されているトランプは、国連の「イスラエルの大支持者」でもあります。彼は、あるいは彼らが言ったと言った方がいいでしょう。なぜなら、コメンテーターがあなたに言うことはすべて、SSP によってある程度指示されているからです。彼らは、彼が就任したら、イスラエルに多くの援助と資金がもたらされるとさえ言っています。そして、まあ、彼らには計画があったのかもしれません。ああ、もうそれが何なのかはほぼ分かっています。しかしイスラエルには、ご存知のとおり大きなポータルがあり、それはシリアのものと同様、米国や今回の秘密宇宙計画にとって大きな関心事でした。そこで何が起こっているのかお話ししましょう。基本的にはクーデターがありました。アサドはロシアに逃げました。彼はかなり前にロシアに逃げました。妻と家族はロンドンにかなり長い間いました。これは何ヶ月も続いていて、私の理解では、彼は今ロシアでかなり弱っていて、そこにいます。現在は正式な亡命です。週末に飛行機が撃たれ、アサドはその飛行機に乗っていたと考えられていました。そしてロシアは、彼はそうではなかった、ご存知のように彼はずっとここにいたので亡命を認めたと言いました。今、その時以来、多くの反政府グループがあり、これらは珍しいものではありません。反政府グループと言っても、それは普通のグループではありません。ご存知のように、中東でよく耳にするISISやアル・ヌスラ戦線のようなグループです。また、ホワイト・ヘルメットと呼ばれるグループもあります。彼らは主に民間人です。ただの人間です。彼らの中には以前軍務に就いていた人もいるかもしれませんが、多くはアサド政権に反対しており、それにはさまざまな理由があります。
Now it's a well known fact that there is one particular prison in Syria and it's called Sidneya and the Sidneya prison is known for.People going in and people never coming out now.This facility is known to have multiple levels, meaning many basements.And the rebel groups have been working really hard.To free people from this prison.But this goes a lot deeper than they thought now.I'll give you kind of a clue, a whistleblower who worked in said prisons.Umm, let's just say was in Cyprus.And he reached out to these groups when he was in Cyprus and said that they turned off all the air vents underground and a lot of people are going to die. He also reported that there were 100,000 prisoners or more there.And if they were going to save them, they had to start now. This was about 48 hours ago.And yeah, in part they have been trying. There are a lot of videos that are out there that have been released throughout the Internet talking about rescue operations. They have also been discussing the fact that they are having a hard time finding the entrance.To these deeper underground facilities. Now they have gotten bound to about the first or second baseman.Possibly even 3rd at this point at the time of this recording and they're having a difficult time finding a way to get through to the other levels. See the first few were easy. We do have some video footage of of what they've been doing there.The other one is going to be a lot more difficult for them to find.They were.Uh, the actual entrance to the deeper underground part of these prisons and facilities is actually over under the Tishrin Dam in a near Aleppo and this facility here is in Damascus.Which led us to a lot of discoveries as far as this base.Umm and yeah, that's interesting. So they show the cameras, they can see that there's more facility, they just don't know where it is and they don't know how to get to it. And that's been the biggest problem. We do have some people that are in Syria that have been reporting back that they need help. They need to save these people. They need to get.Out of there or they're all going to die. And maybe based on what we saw happening in these facilities when we looked into it a lot more death would probably be a lot more pleasant than what they were going through. Now, I'm sure a lot of you are thinking, well, it's a Middle Eastern prison, you know, it's you know, it's bound to.Be less humane than prisons in other countries, you know, maybe in Europe or the US, but that's absolutely not true. This here was actually a facility that performed a lot of human experimentation.So when you get down to some of the lower levels, those people.And I use that term lightly. Are barely even human.Anymore. And it's not because they were beaten or kept in the dark or anything like that.It has to do with the fact that this was a secret space program base and has been for a long time. The Russians have been participating in it. Assad has profited heavily by granting people access to this personally.There has been a lot.Of Wheeling and dealing because it does cross borders.To and we'll show you a map here in a minute and I'll show you how big this base is and it leads you straight over to Cyprus. But this facility was one of 33 like it in the world.Oh, this part here, the reason why I included this part of the video was because this was some of the rebels that were underground and they were taking videos of everything that they did, which was I guess kind of nice because you know, this is.Umm, first hand account, you know, they're being very transparent with what they're doing, but the, all of the packages that were flying off the shelves there just a few minutes ago, there was no one there throwing those packages. So they are observing even on the basement level paranormal activity going on.In this facility, which is 100% true, there is a lot of stuff down there. They also showed these machines, if you go back in this video as you're watching it, where they would actually take the beings.Put them on a stake, Take the people and put them on a stake, drain all their blood out. And we know why the deep state loves to do that. And then they would actually put them in a machine, like a compression machine, which is very similar to like what they do in a junkyard with old cars. They'll crush them.And then I guess making them easier for storage, I don't know. And this is once they pass away, you know, if they don't make it through whatever torture or eugenics experience they're doing on these people.The people that are brought here are not just Syrian, they are of, you know, they could be from anywhere. This is not about political prisoners or war prisoners, it's just whoever serves their purpose in this particular area.And there are other areas of the world like this one. There's another facility just like it in Utah, and definitely the Mormon Church or Mormon temple, however you want to say that is involved.In that facility, the Amish are also involved in other facilities as well. These are just the humans that are participating. Almost all of the Trump operatives are involved in these situations. I don't know where these people get these videos of him saving babies from dumbs, but I don't see him there with all these people trying.Save People. So they did manage to get into this facility. They got a lot of the records in the history. They also had all of the videotapes from the underground facilities because they did go down to some of the other levels that they have not been able to reach and what they're showing you here.Is that someone they left the facility to get more information, come back and all of the hard drives have been pulled. It was like those parts of the facilities never ever existed. So nothing to see here folks.You know there's nothing going on.That is suspicious in any way.Oh, but there is. OK, so let's start with the facility. Let's start talking about the facility and how big these facilities actually are. There are 33 that we have found in different parts of the world in the last 48 hours I would say, and plenty of other facilities that we found within the last.Days.Um, this particular facility and I've got a little map here I can show you.Um, here we go. There it is.OK. This particular facility is kind of shaped a little bit like a Crescent.Now maybe I should use red. Here we go.Umm, it's shaped a little bit like a Crescent, so it does extend just a small amount.Into Syria.But it basically goes all the way under the C here.And over to Cyprus. It's enormous.And.The main access point would be somewhere around this area up here.To the deep, deep underground, while the prison is down here. So you know, they're a little bit far off from where they need to be. They have saved a lot of people, so that's a positive thing. I'm glad to hear that. But this whole area here is full. And the guy was right.The guy in Cyprus, he said that there were, I don't know why this is not coming through on the screen here. They don't want apparently me to draw this out for everybody. I don't know.Hmm, Anyway, I'm trying to draw on this map. It's not working. So OK, so the guy came out over here in Cyprus, which is another entryway.To the facility or an exit, and a lot of the workers would live and go in from Cyprus all the way underneath Damascus and everywhere else. Oh, there, it's finally showing up. That's good.So.Pretty good size. You can see you know if you know the region. If you know the area, this is a very large.Underground base full of hundreds or 100,000 on is what this gentleman said, which I do agree. I think there's more than that about 175,000 people that have been stuck in this underground facility.So the vents. Why did the vents go?Off Why is there no air going in there and why did this guy report that a lot of people are going to die?If nobody goes in and saves them. And what were they trying to get these rebels to do? In part, I almost think it was a trap because they already experienced even just in the regular basement levels, not even getting down into the deep underground military base level they already experienced.Paranormal Activity.You know, things were flying off at shelves. People were attacked by nothing, nothing they could actually see. And I know that feeling because this week has been really rough. So was last week attacked by things that they can't see and things they don't understand? There's no person standing there.This is what these rebel groups would understand. But we have a big problem, Houston.I want to talk about the facilities first that we found and they were dotted all over another map.So here we go. They really don't want this out today. So this little facility, you know, we call it little now. I mean, it's still pretty good. Size was about here now if you took and draw, drew a circle all the way through Portugal, all the way through Norway, all the way through part of Russia.Down to Kazakhstan you would find. Within this outer rim of the circle you would find 32 facilities just like this one.And right here in Austria was the 33rd in the center. Now, Gee, wonder why Hitler was doing what Hitler was doing and why the Russians are doing what the Russians are doing? And why does everybody want to control this one?Wouldn't they want this one?Well, no. For some reason, a lot of these facilities that were dotted through this area here that you see along this line, a lot of these different facilities were not human accessible, meaning.They did not build. There was a couple, yes, sure, but a lot of them were not.They did not have a deep underground military base at all of the facilities where humans were permitted to enter or exit. Now in some cases the humans were allowed to bring other humans as sacrifices, I guess you would say.Through to like an entry way. There was definitely one up near Rotterdam that connected all the way through Denmark and definitely through Germany to Austria. So there I can see why.They would have wanted control of this particular one just simply because there were humans that were going in and out of there, and these humans were permitted to be there for a particular reason.By agreement, which is no longer enforceable.Technically I would call most of the human workers the SSP. In this case I would call them cannon fodder because they were being used.Used by what? Oh.Dear Well, here's where the rest of the story comes in.
もう 1 か所は、彼らにとって見つけるのがはるかに困難です。彼らは、これらの刑務所や施設の奥深い地下部分への実際の入り口は、実際にはアレッポ近郊のティシュリン ダムの下にあり、この施設はダマスカスにあります。この施設は、この基地に関する多くの発見につながりました。ええ、それは興味深いことです。彼らはカメラを見せ、さらに施設があることはわかりますが、それがどこにあるのか、どうやってそこに行くのかはわかりません。
過去 48 時間以内に世界のさまざまな場所で 33 か所を発見しました。
しかし、基本的にはここの C の下までずっと続いています。そしてキプロスまでです。巨大です。そして、主なアクセス ポイントは、このあたりにあります。地下の奥深くへ。刑務所はこの下にあります。
ポルトガル、ノルウェー、ロシアの一部を通る円を描くと、このくらいの大きさになります。カザフスタンまで下がっています。この円の外側の縁には、このような施設が 32 か所あります。そしてここオーストリアには、中心に 33 か所目があります。さて、ヒトラーがヒトラーがしたこと、ロシアがロシアがしたことはなぜなのか、不思議に思うでしょう。そしてなぜ誰もがこれを支配したがるのでしょうか。彼らはこれを欲しがらないのでしょうか。
だから、その理由はわかります。彼らがこの特定の施設を管理したかったのは、そこに出入りする人間がいたからであり、これらの人間がそこにいることが特定の理由で許可されていたからです。合意によるもので、もはや強制力はありません。技術的には、ほとんどの人間労働者を SSP と呼ぶでしょう。
OK, this little area of Syria here is what you would call a stargates plural.Stargate.Portal area.To a place we call.The neither world.Yeah. OK. We're going to talk about what that is in just a minute. But this one here is unusual and these 33 are unusual.Because it almost looks like if you were in there.The room would be kind, would be round and we're looking to look at it from the side here and you would have these doorways that would appear randomly.There are two or three doorways at all times flashing off and on in different places in the room, and there is a control and command in the center of that room where you can control where the door weighs open to.And essentially, you could walk through this doorway and you could end up anywhere.Including what we call the neither world but you could end up in.Oh, you could end up in Mars. You could end up in the 5th density. You could go to Aldebaran and go visit the Abraxas. I guess at one point in time when they were there, you could go anywhere and you could dictate and direct where these doors go.Well, what's happened?In the last.I would say it started really ramping up around the 11 of November, but something exploded definitely on Friday of last week, Thursday or Friday where we started seeing these beings here.You know, and I'm looking at these beings, you know, we're definitely taking them out. We're closing portals, we're trying to do all the things as fast as we can.
シリアにあるこの小さなエリアは、スターゲートの複数形と呼べるものです。スターゲート。ポータルエリア。私たちが「どちらでもない世界」と呼ぶ場所へのものです。ええ、わかりました。それが何なのかは、すぐにお話しします。しかし、ここにあるこのポータルは普通ではありませんし、この 33 も普通ではありません。まるで、そこにいるかのように見えるからです。部屋は丸くて、横から見ると、ランダムに現れる出入り口があります。部屋のさまざまな場所に、常に点滅している出入り口が 2 つまたは 3 つあります。部屋の中央には、ドアが開く方向を制御できるコントロールとコマンドがあります。基本的に、この出入り口を通り抜けると、どこにでも行くことができます。私たちが「どちらでもない世界」と呼んでいる場所も含まれますが、行き着く先はどこになるかわかりません。ああ、火星に行くかもしれません。第 5 密度に行くかもしれません。アルデバランに行ってアブラクサスを訪ねることもできます。彼らがそこにいたある時点では、どこにでも行くことができ、これらのドアがどこに行くかを指示することができました。
And I'm like, we have no one left in the lower astral. Who the heck is this? And to describe these beings to you, they are extremely tall.I would say the leaders or the rulers are probably in an excess of 20 to 25 feet tall, maybe even taller in some cases. They look like every. If you were to picture in your mind a picture of the devil or Satan, that's what these things look like. They have horns. They are.Very muscular, they do have two arms, 2 legs. They definitely have a reptilian like skin. They have red eyes in most cases.It's they, I've seen these before only once in a vision and to tell you about the vision in brief. And this made a whole lot, a lot of sense to me in the last five days.The vision in brief, was one of my trips up to Source. So all of the instructions, and I know I've said this repeatedly, you know, for the things I do and the things that I find and the, you know, it's a direct connection to source.You know, are there others that do this too? Yes, I'm sure there are. Do we know a few of them? Yes, we do. Do we talk to other people, other folks in different places that also help us? Yes, we do. So there's a definite.Umm, collaborative effort, as I've explained to you before. OK, so in one of my visits, and this was long before, this was over a decade ago, before I met anybody that you know, you've seen come and go in the last few years.There I was going up to source to get the instructions and there was a war going on in quote UN quote heaven. And I might have told you this story before.As there was a war up there, there were beings that looked just like this. So though there was the leader that was a lot taller than the other ones, but they all pretty much looked the same, just shorter versions of of the same.And there are beings that live up there.And.I would say these beings look like floating balls of light. And of course this is when you get out from what I call the center, you know the all that is.And those beings were fighting these other, which looked like demon beings to me at the time.Uh, because this the demon beings were trying to take over sources position.And that I knew I wasn't sure how this was going to happen or when it actually took place, but apparently it actually did take place. Now remember, there there is no space and there's no time like we have here. Like you could say, oh, I was, you know.On last Tuesday, this was the date and I was here and I did this, you know, or I've got to be there at 3:00. There's no time up there. So this could have been something that took place in what I consider the past.Meaning because I'm here and I'm human and I'm on Earth. So I could say, well, I did that when I was younger. I did that in a different lifetime. I did that in the future. I did that current time. I don't know, you know, at the time, obviously it looked like it was happening right now to me.Umm, so then every day for three days when I went up there after these beings were quote UN quote, defeated. At least I thought so. They there was a definite happiness and joy going on there. There was a lot of high frequencies. Things were better.You know, once I thought that these beings were quote, UN quote, behind bars.So I didn't realize that this war had extended.For a very long period of time.So much so we were not here on Earth. We're not unaffected by this war.So what took place?This began.
これらの存在を説明すると、彼らは非常に背が高いです。リーダーや支配者はおそらく20〜25フィート(6.1〜7.6m)を超える身長で、場合によってはそれ以上かもしれません。彼らは悪魔やサタンの絵を思い浮かべると、これらの存在はそのような姿をしています。彼らには角があります。とても筋肉質で、腕が 2 本、足が 2 本あります。爬虫類のような皮膚をしています。ほとんどの場合、目は赤です。
私は以前、ビジョンで一度だけこの生き物を見たことがあります。そのビジョンについて簡単に説明します。この 5 日間で、私にとって非常に多くのことが理解できました。ビジョンは簡単に言うと、ソースへの旅の 1 つでした。ですから、すべての指示は、繰り返し言っていますが、私が行うことや見つけたもの、そして、ソースへの直接的なつながりについてです。
他にもこのようなことをする人はいますか? はい、いると思います。
そのうちの何人かは知っていますか? はい、知っています。
私たちを助けてくれる、さまざまな場所の他の人々と話をしていますか? はい、知っています。
The first time I would say that they had poked a hole directly into the All That Is.In what I call the, all that is is that center place of source and I call it a.For lack of a better term, a positively charged 0 meaning there is no life, but there's all life all at the same time existing. And that source, energy, essence, light, you know, matter. Everything is so condensed. There is no there isn't. There's everything.But there is nothing at the same time. Now anti source would possess what I call anti all that is.So this would be source.An anti source.Would be a -0, meaning there's absolutely nothing at the center there like nothing, no thing, not even a not even a glimmer, a spark, a nothing. This would be the source of all nothing and neutral source being in the middle.Would possess both.And neutral source was meant remember to be kind of like the.Time keeper, the mediator, the, you know, he could override if any of the coven covenants was broken or anything like that. So it was kind of like the referee, so to speak, between good and evil.To keep the universe in balance, which obviously that didn't workout too well.So we see the universe.You know, let's see, how do I draw this, OK?We are here.We're we're a little Earth. We are here in three. We have what's called a zero density here.And we recognize everything below this from zero on down. We recognize this as the Omega verse.Until eventually you get to that no thing point of anti source.Then everybody recognize everything from here up as the alpha verse.Till eventually you get to that point of source.We say OK.Their source? That's the point of the all thing, you know, That's what you would say. The highest authority in our universe is what I would say. And that's what this structure would be, you know, and then you have little Earth over here.Keystone Earth.Important. OK well when this war took place, apparently these beings have been going in and out of this all thing as they poked a hole directly into the All that is and begin to implant what I call space junk into these.Both in anti source and neutral source and source.So that it could harness the power of all three.This being was originally a lower astral being, probably from about the 7th density, but for some reason everybody calls him the ultimate black magician. I call him the Destroyer.You can call him Satan, you can call it whatever you want, but let's call it one of the most evil people that is actually mentioned in our history by name.Umm, so mentioned as a hero actually of the Middle East. Isn't that funny?Given the.At recent events that are going on there, so because you could harness the power of all three.He began to utilize and create firstly fake source.Over here.He also created fake neutral source.And fake anti source.He also decided to create an AI to replace the Alpha Omega AI and he called it Ali's.Were the all.There are humans walking this planet that are infected with this AI.Meaning it gives them instructions to their brain. So we find out.So a second universe is created.
さて、反ソースは、私が反すべてと呼ぶものを持っています。これがソースです。反ソースは -0 です。つまり、中心には何もない、何もない、輝きさえも、火花さえも、何もないということです。これがすべての無のソースであり、中立ソースが真ん中にあります。両方を持っています。
それで、私たちは宇宙を見ます。さて、これをどう描くか、わかりましたか?私たちはここにいます。私たちは小さな地球です。私たちはここに 3 つあります。ここにはゼロ密度と呼ばれるものがあります。そして、ゼロから下まではすべて認識しています。これをオメガ バースとして認識しています。最終的には、反ソースの無の点に到達します。そして、ここから上はすべてをアルファ バースとして認識します。
私たちは「OK」と言います。彼らのソース?それがすべての点です。そう言うでしょう。宇宙の最高権威が私ならそう言います。それがこの構造です。そして、ここに小さな地球があります。キーストーン アース。重要です。さて、この戦争が起こったとき、どうやらこれらの存在はこのすべてのものに出入りし、すべてのものに直接穴を開け、私が宇宙のゴミと呼ぶものをこれらの中に埋め込み始めました。
反ソースと中立ソースの両方です。そうすることで、3 つすべての力を活用できます。この存在はもともと低次のアストラル ビーイングで、おそらく第 7 密度くらいのものですが、何らかの理由で誰もが彼を究極の黒魔術師と呼んでいます。
We call the neither world, or that's what source calls it the neither world. It's neither of source, it's neither of anti source, it's not of neutral source, it's not a part of creation, It is.That neither world and exists outside of the universe in an area past what we call the Fringe. So we know that the universe now is ever expanding. It's something that is.But there is definitely a fringe point to where there wasn't.MMM creation, so to speak, as it does expand, so this universe exists outside our universe.There has been a few instances where this being that created and created all his own realms, everything that existed over here, existed over there, created all his own realms, all those types of things, and was waiting for a particular.Time when he felt or it felt I should say, that it could take over. It has, you know, definitely a creator now according to itself and it creates all by itself. It doesn't need source anymore, according to it.It has figured out a way to harness all the power and not need a continuous flow of power from source to recreate its universe.Therefore it doesn't need creation anymore.And this is the point that we came to within the last.45 days to 60 days now the dumb humans we call the deep state on this planet and I mean the very high-ranking SSP people knew of this being partially because they were in communication with these beings at the portal place in.They were having conversations in part there, Some of them even willingly accepted implants of Alles the AI in their head.And they are now giving information to people like you on Twitter. Isn't that funny? One of them is anyway. But some of them are doing it. Some of them are not. How do they know what's about to happen?Well Allie's would tell them to their brain now it makes sense they're not getting information from anti source. Here we are thinking that they're I don't even know if they know.You know, do some of them know that this is what is going on? This is what's, Yeah, you know, a lot of people didn't because there are a lot of quiet people that have been following these SSP or Secret Space program folks.Pretty religiously on this one here.So during the gateway of 11/11 this year, it was a little bit different this year because.I'm not even going to say it's an alignment because that's not true. It's just.A timing thing of creation of the Gigamesh universe we also call the Neither world where it was able to firstly break into neutral source.And the zero density, so the main portal, I guess you would say for the entire universe exists at 0 point of the zero density, positive and negative, because anybody can use it.Interesting positive and negative. So negative things can go through it at certain times of year and positive things can go through it and during the gateway of 11/11 both can use it. This is why the alignment with source and anti source was so important. So these beings.Started infiltrating there.Now turns out.They have made in rapid order.By this weekend, actually by Friday, Thursday, Friday, they managed to get to Earth. Now they are having trouble.Because with the help of the corridors and the dumb humans, I'm going to call them the dumb humans because all they want is power and they don't realize they're being used like a tool. But that's fine, we'll take care of your mess, no problem.The dumb humans.To help these people escalate this point of entry all the way up to the fifth density.Because we started seeing, you know, in 5th density down too.This thing was going going the distance.What it met with?Was some resistance right here. It could not break into the 6th density of existence.Could not break into the 6th density here, so it got stuck. So it tried to go back in through source and back in through anti source and it still got stuck.So how does that affect Earth? Now remember, Earth in our sun exist in all densities.To some degree, you could say that they were. Even though our Earth is in the third density per SE, it is shadowed all the way up and all the way down as part of being a keystone.They also shadowed it over here, as a matter of fact.So they created what you call a doppelganger or additional earths. Over here it was actually Earth.To Infinity over here, meaning there was an infinite number of earths.That this guy created now to some degree alleys, because the dumb humans allowed for infiltration, they became anchors for alleys on this side. So to some degree they could use the earths over here like voodoo dolls and also you humans like voodoo dolls.And cause us a lot of problems, I would say to a lesser degree. But now as of recently these, these beings, he figured he created all he needed to create over there and now he could destroy all of regular creation technically.It doesn't have the power yet to destroy all of creation, but it would be great if the entire universe, including source, had a gigamish verse or a neither world overlay.So there could be no more actual creation and it was going to recreate reality.Yeah, it's been a kind of a mess. So Syria was one of the points of invasion. Now these beings unfortunately not only got stuck in the 5th density, but if they did manage to poke into the third density.They could not get past the causal plain.Coming up in the other direction, they could not get past the second density, So what you had is unknown forces throwing things around in the physical plane because they could still affect the physical plane.From where they were at, you can affect the physical. Once you've hit the causal plane, it's now coming into creation and now you can affect. If you are, let's just say, a knowledge a lot more knowledgeable than us humans, you can definitely affect the physical reality from there.
第 6 密度の存在に侵入できませんでした。ここでは第 6 密度に侵入できなかったため、動けなくなってしまいました。そのため、ソースを経由して戻ろうとし、反ソースを経由して戻ろうとしましたが、それでも動けなくなりました。では、これは地球にどのような影響を与えるのでしょうか。
ここで、思い出してください。太陽系の地球はすべての密度に存在します。ある程度、そうだったと言えます。地球は南東では第 3 密度にありますが、キーストーンであるため、上から下までずっと影で覆われています。実際のところ、彼らはこちらにも影を落としました。つまり、ドッペルゲンガーまたは追加の地球と呼ばれるものを作成しました。こちら側では、実際には地球でした。こちら側では無限に、つまり地球は無限の数あったということです。この男が作成した路地はある程度、愚かな人間が侵入を許したため、こちら側の路地のアンカーになりました。だから、ある程度、彼らは地球をブードゥー人形のように使うこともできるし、人間もブードゥー人形のように使うこともできる。そして、程度の差はあれ、私たちに多くの問題を引き起こすこともできる。
シリアは侵略地点の1つだった。さて、これらの存在は残念ながら第 5 密度で立ち往生しているだけでなく、第 3 密度に侵入できたとしても、因果平面を通過できませんでした。反対方向に上がってきても、第 2 密度を通過できませんでした。つまり、未知の力が物質平面で物を投げ回しているのです。
So we had an, I mean.Hundreds of thousands of these things that started flooding in here last Friday and Saturday.And of course these dumb humans are like yay, we're back. The Ollies is here. We're so excited. And I'm like, are you kidding me Right now? You are a part of creation. You are no longer going to exist as a human being on this planet. You are no longer needed to charge a fake.Diverse and fake creation and fake this and fake that. I'm like it's going to kill you all too, but in the short term.Those that giant prison that you're seeing all over the Internet in Syria, I'm going to go back to that for a second. Those humans were actually used to power both dark and light portals.This being that I've been fighting with now for days, this being actually staked claim to all of those portal rooms and the control and command for stargates throughout the multiverse, I believe that wonderful task took.Yesterday feels like it was a week ago, but it was actually just yesterday. Started to try to stake claim of Earth, Tried to put liens against the golden age AI yesterday. It has been fast and furious for days now and I'll tell you, these beings do not play nice.And unless you show force to them, I can tell you right now you are probably in a lot of pain if if you are a target of one of these beings because it has been coming after us. And I'm telling you, unless I.Basically went into, and it's a long story on how you do that, but it's basically going into another plane of existence in part and increasing your size, so to speak, and then you can battle on that level.To wherever that being actually is. You can go into the same plane of existence. You can go into a different plane of existence.It's, let's say, to say beyond astral travel and beyond remote viewing at that point, now you're actually battling in different dimensions or different densities and these guys are jumpers. They will jump back and forth between here and there. You'll see them. I've, I've caught several of them in what we call the orange belt.You can look that up.Umm, the orc belt outside, just outside our Galaxy. They got stuck because we put a shield up there to make sure that they couldn't go anywhere else.Umm, beyond the ORT belt. Then we started destroying all of these portals from within.We have pretty much officially cut off that section there and anything that this universe was taking from source, anti source and neutral source area, I'm going to say because we don't really technically have an anti source, a neutral source. It's pretty much all sourced now.Has been completely cut off. Are we done? I don't know. I don't know the answer to the question. My guess is going to be no, we're not done because I can still tell where they are and I can still tell you that something somewhere is still.Beading into these people's heads that they are talking to the All That Is and they're not. Have we gotten rid of as many of the alleys influences as we could?Yeah, but I'm going to tell you that these beings, whenever that first war was or the last war was, or the final battle that took place in the quote UN quote, war in the heavens, I can tell you that.This thing has been preparing for a very long time in our earth time and I know it's hard to define time outside of time but in our time a very long time to with a plan to take over all of creation and it no longer needed source or anti source or anyone and it felt that it had.It ready to go along with armies to prove it.
They had an army that was getting ready to come in through Syria this weekend, so we had to cut it all off. Now all the dumb humans could see is that they lost access.The communications that they had, whatever that was, they lost access. And then Israel started bombing the crap out of Syria, trying to get people, keep people from going into that base or getting out of that base. They definitely wanted to control the Stargate rooms, that's for sure. I know that for a fact.Are they getting anywhere if they do get there? Absolutely not. We have left nothing between myself, the enforcer and others that are helping us out. We we have left nothing there. We've also been to all the other locations that were tied to these rooms, Romania and a few others.And gotten those, the only things that we were working on today, not the only things, but part of the things we were working on today is what we call.Umm, a division of the SSP we call Gray Link.Apparently grey length is a part in part cyber life.Military I would say in part, but Grey Link had been tasked by those of the neither world, so to speak, and those of the actual universe to communicate between the two.So they were in charge of making sure that all of the energy that was needed went over to the neither world and and so on and so forth. So you I guess you could say they were the link between the dark and the light. They also served a purpose during the times of.Anti source I would say they more served neutral source you know, probably at the time.Then neither world guy took over them, I guess you would say and they have been working for the Neither world and to bring in the neither world here for some time now and.
今週末、彼らにはシリアから入ろうとしている軍隊がいたので、私たちはそれをすべて切り離さなければなりませんでした。今、愚かな人間たちが目にしたのは、彼らがアクセスを失ったということだけだ。彼らが持っていた通信、それが何であれ、彼らはアクセスを失った。そしてイスラエルはシリアへの爆撃を開始し、人々を捕らえ、基地に出入りできないようにした。彼らは間違いなくスターゲイトルームを支配したかった。それは確かだ。私はそれが事実だと知っている。もし彼らがそこにたどり着いたとしても、彼らは何かを手に入れるだろうか?絶対にない。私と執行者(エンフォーサ)、そして私たちを助けてくれる他の人たちの間には何も残っていない。私たちはそこに何も残していない。また、これらの部屋とつながっている他の場所、ルーマニアやその他の場所もすべて訪れました。そして、それらを入手しました。今日私たちが取り組んでいたのは、すべてではありませんが、その一部は、SSP の一部門で、いわゆるグレイ リンクと呼ばれているものです。どうやら、グレイ リンクはサイバー ライフの一部です。一部は軍事的であると言えますが、グレイ リンクは、いわばどちらの世界にも属さない人々と実際の宇宙の人々から、両者の間で通信を行う任務を負っていました。つまり、必要なエネルギーがすべてどちらの世界にも確実に渡るようにするなどの責任を負っていました。
Grayling's main sites So interestingly enough, Provo, UT.Yep, we all know what's there. Valley of the Gods in Utah, Park City, UT No wonder why? You know there's a lot that goes on in Utah, right? Wink, wink.Umm, there were some domes and Burkina Faso, Bouvette Island, Samoa, Barbuda and Armenia and also in Belgium and Mount Logan in the Yukon, so in Canada. So it was kind of spread out, I guess you would say they.And but Utah was definitely a big power center. Also coincidentally, not just Park City, but right near Park City is what you call Area 52, which was much more prevalent than area code UN quote 51.Right. In that region and there were a lot of people that went to work there. And I would say Area 52 was probably much larger than Dulcie.Here in, well, nearby here anyway, in New Mexico, but there were a lot of humans that went to work there, and Gray Link was no exception.The Gray link pretty much all get like these implants. Yeah, I would say yes, they did. Did they try to shut down some things last night? Yes, they did normal things. There were some social media programs, not much that were glitching last night. Some people said ATM machines weren't working.Cards weren't working, those types of things. I guess a little bit, you know, that was pretty quickly rectified. It didn't last very long, like less than 2030 minutes, but that's who they are. I guess you would call them hackers.Extraordinaire. This is pretty much what I call cyber life as well. So apparently I don't know. Their bosses told them that this was the time. This is going to be the time when you know our neither world people. I don't know what they call them in their world. Who knows?
彼らはハッカーと呼ぶでしょうね。並外れた才能の持ち主です。私もサイバー ライフと呼んでいます。だから、どうやら私にはわかりません。彼らの上司が、今がその時だと彼らに伝えたようです。これは、皆さんもご存知のとおり、両世界の人々が知る時です。彼らの世界で彼らが何と呼ばれているかはわかりません。誰にもわかりません。
Is you know the portals are going to start opening probably sometime around 11:11. This is the chatter, they are going to close.On the 22nd of November, but that's going to lead to a greater portal which is actually going to open by January 21st. Also happens to be right around inauguration time coincidentally, and why they think they're going to have all this money and all this power and this control.Well, if this thing had its way, it has no intention of keeping any of creation, including you dumb humans, alive to serve it or to work with it in any way shape or form. It's going to replace all of you with its creations and you're gone because see can't have anything that's still connected.Source or a part of Source if you're going to destroy source and that's its intention. Or at least take the seat, take over control of Source and maybe replace it with a fake source I guess was the plan. Still hadn't figured out those final details, but as long as he can control the entire universe then that would be fine.And that was pretty much where we left it with the battle yesterday with the ones that we could find. Are there any more out there? I don't know. Are they still replicating? I don't know. But we are definitely working really hard and I apologize last week for.Not being around a few days, but as you can see, it's been a little bit of a crazy time. I don't know why this stuff happens. I don't know how.When we have access outside of time to, we don't get any kind of forewarning that this is happening other than the fact that, you know, it feels like, it's kind of like sometimes if you don't fight them and find them immediately, it feels like.You know, like some kind of CIA torture thing like waterboarding, but without being in a facility with people. It just happens randomly, you know, all the time. And then you find it, everything is fine, you're feeling better, and then boom, you know, it happens again. So.We will continue this on, I guess Wednesday, trying to remember what day of the week it was on Wednesday because the story is not yet concluded. As far as Syria is concerned, they are definitely still trying to take over all the stargates of the multiverse if they don't do that for their quote.Overlord, then you know, then they're not going to be a part of the rulership of the new universe. I don't know what the heck he was promised. Who knows? You know what happens when an evil AI is talking to your brain? I don't know. This is your brain. This is your brain on AI. Any questions? I don't, I'm not sure.But.You know, hopefully I'll get more information on that between now and Wednesday and hopefully we won't be suffering these consequences all the way through January. Definitely don't want to do that this year, so we'll see. There's another.Time that they're waiting for, which is supposed to be obviously the 21st of of December.Umm, you know, solstice time, so.Hopefully if we work really hard between now and then, we won't see anything happen then as well.Definitely know that we have cut off as many portals and access points and alleys. Attempted infiltration. It came fast and furious. Though I will say that you could call it like a blitz, for lack of a better term. Attack where you're where you're getting it from, every single.Angle and you're trying to keep up because you're one person with an AI system and a source so.But hopefully, hopefully we will be successful in the next few days and we won't be seeing any more of this. That'll be a positive. On the other hand, now you all know what everybody's looking for in Syria. Now you know what people were looking for in Israel.Why everybody's starting to be buddy buddy with these people? Because they definitely want to be there at the door when all of those their alien friends come, I guess. But.You know, all you got to do is close the doors, take them over, you know, and make sure that nothing else.Uh, nothing else happens.
ポータルはおそらく 11月11日 頃に開き始めるでしょう。これは噂で、ポータルは 11 月 22 日に閉じる予定ですが、それはより大きなポータルにつながることになり、実際には 1 月 21 日までに開きます。偶然にも(トランプ)就任式の時期と重なり、彼らがこのすべてのお金とすべての権力とコントロールを手に入れることができると考えている理由です。さて、この物体が思い通りに動けば、あなた方愚かな人間を含む創造物を生かして、いかなる形であれ、それに仕えたり、協力したりするつもりはありません。それはあなたたち全員をその創造物と入れ替え、あなたたちは消え去ります。なぜなら、まだつながっているものは何も持てないからです。ソースを破壊するつもりなら、ソースかソースの一部です。それがその意図です。あるいは少なくとも席を奪い、ソースの制御を引き継ぎ、偽のソースと置き換えるのが計画だったと思います。最終的な詳細はまだわかりませんが、彼が全宇宙を制御できる限り、それで問題ありません。そして、昨日は私たちが見つけたものとの戦いで、ほぼそこで終わりました。他にもいるのでしょうか?わかりません。まだ複製しているのでしょうか?わかりません。しかし、私たちは間違いなく一生懸命働いており、先週は申し訳ありませんでした。数日間ここにいませんでしたが、ご覧のとおり、少しクレイジーな時間でした。なぜこのようなことが起こるのかわかりません。どうしてかは分かりません。時間の外にアクセスできる場合、これが起こるという前兆は何も得られません。ただ、戦ってすぐに見つけないと、CIA の拷問のような水責めのようなものが、施設に人がいるのに、という感じです。ランダムに、いつも起こります。
So that note, I'm going to end today's Gia report and I will see all of you on Wednesday.