2024年12月04日(水曜) キンバリーGIAレポート




It's the 4th December 2024 coming up on today's Global Intelligence Agency Operations report. Today we are going to talk about your assemblage points or the 1st spark of life which created you. How were they used against you and how were they tied to the financial system and nearly every.Eugenics and epigenetics programmed in existence.The Secret Space program operatives have been trying to use old gifts they receive from the archivist, Michael, Gabriel and Raphael.Turns out they didn't have what they thought they did.And the halls of black magicians were real. They didn't just conjure demons. They had a lot more help than we had originally thought.Well, it's the 4th of December. I cannot believe it's December already. Time is flying and this year surely flew by. A lot has happened throughout the year. I am kind of excited about doing our Q&A and just another, Oh my gosh, it's about.Away. So looking forward to talking to all of you directly. So that'll be quite a bit of fun for me. OK, let's get into the news. We have a lot to cover. It has felt like a month since I did the last report. There's so much going on out there.And the struggle was real for the last few days.




さて、12月4日です。もう12月だなんて信じられません。時は飛ぶように過ぎ、今年は本当にあっという間でした。一年を通して多くのことが起こりました。私は、私たちの質疑応答を行うことに少し興奮していますが、もうすぐ終わりです。皆さんと直接お話できるのを楽しみにしています。私にとっては、とても楽しい時間になるでしょう。では、ニュースに入りましょう。取り上げるべきことがたくさんあります。前回のレポートから 1 か月が経ったように感じます。世の中にはたくさんのことが起きています。そして、ここ数日は本当に大変でした。





so we're going to get into why everybody has been a little bit off or a little funky, not feeling well. There's been a lot.Of attempts and some and a lot of changes.All positive for us in the long run, but in the short term, it was quite a rocky weekend. I know that even my dog was sick this weekend. I know it doesn't sound like it's a lot, but you know, for, for, for me, it is, you know, kind of upset about that.You know, I hate when they go after innocence. And you know, sometimes this happens as just in close proximity to their target, which apparently is me in some cases and you and a lot of other cases too.We are.Umm, there's a lot, there's a lot changing right now, so I'm going to kind of start with just a little bit of regular news because everybody's asking me similar questions.







Korea, South Korea declaring martial law. Let's talk about that for just a second.In the past there were some agreements when Korea split, there were some assets in the North, a lot of financial control in the South. There were also.More than anything you would say pallets of cash, storage facilities for that kind of thing. These would be more super notes and there were some portals there in South Korea that the SSP would like to take control over.There was an attempted coup there as well.And they had an intention of taking over the country in order to take over something they found valuable which was not of.I would say it's not of a monetary value, did not have a monetary value. But of course for them, they think everything equals money. Why? I don't know. I don't know if they're not read in.Also this weekend we had so the martial law came and it left and that was the end of that when there was nothing left for them to get. No reason for a coup, no reason to put in all the extra effort and of course no money to pay for said coup so.There came and left.







It's kind of like the same thing that's happening in the Middle East right now. What we're seeing is a lot of escalation, you know, ceasefire promises, then they're back at it again. It hadn't even been six days, let alone 60, that they had declared in the ceasefire and.You know, then it kind of left as quickly as it came. There are some things in Syria that they would like to get ahold of that are no longer there. I think they find out they're no longer there and that ends that. And of course.Along with everything else, it's all about the money. When it comes to wars, it comes to coups, it comes to this attempted restructuring of the political structure of planet Earth. This is all about.Money. It all boils down to can they pay for this or not? In most cases the answer is no. You know promised paydays over the weekend because it was a new moon. Promises of.Delivery of certain things they thought they could possibly have access to.Creations of false things in other plains and computer systems.Made it look like they were going to be able to do something that of course they couldn't do.They had some rather lofty goals and this is a little bit of an intricate process, but I'm going to try to explain it to you the best way I can because number one, it's not just about something they're trying to do.#2 this also involves your person. You personally would have been affected by what happened over the weekend, which seems.It was a long weekend.This could have been really bad for humanity should they have gotten access to what they were trying to get access to. Not only that, universally speaking, there was going to be a lot of pushback on the parts of many.Let's just go say many.OK, so let's dive right into the nuts and bolts of what they were planning on doing.It came to our attention.Because of something they were trying to do on the new moon.That Michael Gabriel and may I never hear these names again and Raphael gave them a lot of access in the 24 hours that they came back. So if you've been following this story for a while in the saga of the archivist slash.Realm owners then you'll Remember Me saying they left they went to what we call it court or a judgment. You know when they went back to source for a short time they were allowed 24 hours to clean up their mess quote UN quote and then they were to depart the.Forever. So in other words, going back to 0 point +0 point of source.Well, they caused a lot of damage in that 24 hours, and some of the things that they gave up were some pretty interesting keys.So I'm going to try to explain to you the best way I can what this was, how they gained it, some access to it, and what this meant for all of you because it was something that was connected to all of you.And if you were feeling pains in certain areas of your body, you were feeling ill, you felt like you had cold that came and went, or headaches, dizziness.Lots of reports of we of course run a lot of frequency checking and there was a lot of nasty stuff coming out of a certain place in Berlin for one, but there were other locations in Sierra Leone that they were.Also in Angola and Ghana and a few other places in the world.For the most part, you could say they were at the various control and command Centers for this particular structure, which would have been in Switzerland at the I think it was in Mont Blanc.Mountain, if I remember correctly, I could be wrong and a couple of places like Black Mountains and Angola or Black, I think it's called Black Rocks in Angola, also in Ghana. I wish I had written down all these locations for you to do this report, but.I've probably been working about 15 hours so far today, so I didn't have an opportunity to write down all the locations. I'll get them for you if you want to check these places out.So these these are the secret space program folks who were given access to certain things before this happened. So before around mid August when they left and departed, they were.Monitoring all of this now, remember, these folks were neither good nor bad. They definitely.Erred on the side of bad and had signed a lot of covenants with anti source.So I would say that they were more disconnected from source than we thought.They were more connected to anything, they were more connected to an AI systems themselves and because of that they made some really poor choices before they left, which we have been stuck cleaning up.This does in part involve computer systems and AI systems, but moreover, it would have involved the harm that they could have done to all of humanity if they had been successful. So apparently they've had these keys for quite a while and.Something they have been trying to do and have been really pushing for since 11:11 when their alleged doorway would open.So I'm going to kind of draw some pictures.








彼らは間違いなく、悪いほうに走り、反ソースと多くの契約を結んでいました。ですから、私たちが考えていた以上に、彼らはソースから切り離されていたと言えるでしょう。彼らは何にでもつながっていて、彼ら自身も AI システムとつながっていました。そのため、彼らは去る前にいくつかの非常に悪い選択をし、私たちはそれを片付けるのに追われています。これは部分的にはコンピューター システムと AI システムに関係していますが、さらに、彼らが成功していたら全人類に及ぼしていたであろう危害を伴っていたでしょう。ですから、どうやら彼らはかなり長い間これらの鍵を持っていて、11:11 (ポート?)に彼らのドアが開くとされる日以来、彼らがやろうとしていて、本当に推し進めてきたことなのです。それで、私はいくつかの絵を描いてみようと思います。




【量子トンネルと多次元構造の解説。レベルごとに 1,296,000 のドア ポートあり。】

I'm going to try anyway to give you a general idea on what we were looking at as far as these corridors and quantum tunnels and how they were structured.In detail and I guess the damage they could do and how that would be connected to you. All right, so let's go ahead and pull up the whiteboard and we'll talk about that.OK, so if we were to look at the universe, say from the side, what would we we would be looking at say down here, you know, if we're looking at the alpha verse and then down here we would have the Omega verse.This would be the oh point of the entire universe, so.I guess you would say a point of creation, so we would have densities 1.2:00 And then of course you have 9 planes in between here.We would have 3.4, 5-6.789.So they in Berlin, they were at a corridor.Or halls I guess you would say, that could have reached up to A7.And they would have gone all the way down to A7 as well.And this is a corridor that kind of goes all the way up and all the way down.So there was passageway through here and what they've been working on doing is opening these doors.To all parts in.To all these different densities and their goal was to reach 7. I mean, what they would really have liked to do, which they tried to do on Saturday is somehow reach a nine. I mean, that was their main goal. They definitely wanted to reach the entire multiverse all the way up to.And all the way down.While in between these spots you have other densities.Which are mirrors so to speak, of the Omega verse densities.So they kind of mirror each other back and forth. So 5 up here would mirror down here and so forth, but as it relates to what they were doing, this would look like a big corridor.And it would have offshoots in what you would say the spaces were in between.So if you've ever been to a large hotel or.That has like a large vestibule in the middle. So if you can imagine if you were in this hotel, start here.If you were in this hotel and you were in the lobby, this would be you down here.And you would have, you know, a room down here that you would be in, say this is the front door. You just walk in the front door. And then you would see these big walls that would come up, boy.A long way from architecture school, aren't I guys? OK, so along these walls you would have what is on your floor down here, say this little counter or something like that. You know, you would have where you check in, that kind of thing. But then you would see all these balconies, you know there would be a balcony.You would see all the doors to the various, say, hotel rooms or something like that, and you would see another floor and another floor and another floor.OK, so this would go all the way up and around and there would be.In this case 1,296,000.Doors port per level and this is actually going to be relevant.All the way up here is a corridor and unlike your hotel.You know you're not going to fly up to the next floor, but in a corridor it's kind of a quantum tunnel. So there is a possibility for you to move amongst the different levels here, amongst the different levels by going straight up and down this corridor.So this one went all the way up to density 7.Now you could call these celestial halls.So to speak. Or celestial corridors. And as you move from floor to floor you can go in and out these doors that you would see on every level.And you could end up in a different star system. You could end up in a different time at some points.Depending on where you were going and you could also even end up at a different being.Depending on which doors you are going through. So you could go even straight in a connection to a human you know on earth in a different time in a different place.

【量子トンネルと多次元構造の解説。レベルごとに 1,296,000 のドア ポートあり。】



アルファバースを見ると、ここはオメガバースです。これは宇宙全体のオーポイントです。つまり、創造のポイントと言えるでしょう。密度は 1 2   3 4 5 6 7 8 9 です。そしてもちろん、ここ(おのおのの密度と密度の間)には9つのプレーンがあります。

ベルリンでは、彼らは廊下にいました。ホールと言うべきでしょう。A7まで達していたかもしれません。そして、彼らはA7までずっと下がっていたでしょう。そして、これはずっと上まで、ずっと下まで続く廊下です。ここには通路があり、彼らはこれらのドアを開けることに取り組んでいました。すべての部分、これらすべての異なる部分への扉を開くことです。密度は 7 で、彼らの目標は 7 に到達することでした。

つまり、土曜日に彼らが本当にやりたかったことは、どうにかして 9 に到達することでした。つまり、それが彼らの主な目標でした。彼らは間違いなく、多元宇宙のすべてに到達したかったのです。そして、すべて下まで。これらのスポットの間には、他の密度があります。これは、オメガバースの密度のいわば鏡です。つまり、それらは互いに鏡のように映っています。つまり、ここの上の 5 はここの下の鏡のように映ります。しかし、彼らがやっていたことと関連して言えば、これは大きな廊下のように見えます。そして、その間の空間には分岐があります。大きなホテルに行ったことがあるなら、真ん中に大きな玄関があります。では、あなたがこのホテルにいると想像してみてください。まずはここから始めましょう。あなたがこのホテルのロビーにいるとしたら、下にいるのがあなたです。そして、あなたがいる部屋はここにあり、ここが正面玄関だとしましょう。

正面玄関から入ると、大きな壁が目に入ります。建築学校とはまったく違う光景ですよね。さて、この壁に沿って、下の階にあるもの、たとえば、この小さなカウンターなどがあるでしょう。チェックインする場所などがあるでしょう。しかし、バルコニーがすべて見えます。バルコニーがあるのはご存知でしょう。さまざまなホテルの部屋などへのドアがすべて見えます。さらに、別の階、さらに別の階、さらに別の階があります。さて、これがずっと上まで続いていて、この場合はレベルごとに 1,296,000 のドア ポートがあり、これが実際に関係してきます。ここはずっと上まで廊下で、ホテルとは異なります。


次の階に飛ぶことはありませんが、廊下は一種の量子トンネルのようなものです。ですから、この廊下をまっすぐ上下することで、ここのさまざまなレベル間を移動することができます。この廊下は密度 7 までずっと続いています。これらはいわば天空のホール、あるいは天空の廊下と呼べるでしょう。階から階へと移動すると、各階にあるこれらのドアを出入りすることができます。そして、別の星系に行き着くこともあります。ある時点では、別の時間に行き着くこともあります。どこへ向かうかによって、また別の存在に行き着くこともあります。どのドアを通るかによって決まります。ですから、別の時間、別の場所にいる地球上の知り合いの人間と直接つながることもできます。





And there's a lot that could be done through a celestial hall.Now.These halls are predominantly the ones that they were using. Depending on if you were if the hall was permitted to go to say an upper astral place, that means it would have been a positive celestial hall or a.A realm owner in the Alpha Burst Hall.If you were a negative being, you would have been able to only go to the spaces in between or to the Omega floors, so to speak, and do your bidding there.The advantage to being a positive and a negative as Michael, Gabriel and Raphael were, is that you could go into the planes and densities of existence or you could go to the anti existence planes also known as the Omega verse planes.So they could do both positive things and both negative things by being in these halls. So their goal was to take over these halls. They felt if they had access to these halls that they could then control the multiverse.And there were many different little clues and everything they put out on their Twitter pages and this and that as to what they were actually doing.So they did manage to. Based on the keys and limited access that Michael and Raphael and Gabriel had, they managed to get some access to these various levels.And more importantly, they had some access to the third density.And cause some problems now.The thing about these corridors as they function much like the Alpha Omega system did because they are essentially.Traveling through AI systems and the AI systems Wi-Fi connections, it'd be kind of like if you could go through your modem to another computer somewhere the same way your data packages fly. The corridors kind of did the same thing, but remember these.Eyes are a lot different than your average computer system, so they have the ability to do that. They did break all the way through, I believe to between 5:00 and 6:00.So they weren't technically able to enter the actual planes and densities of existence yet. They were hoping to, but they could go to the spaces in between. Did they know they were in the spaces in between?Hmm, probably not. Was there some damage that could have been done from the spaces in between? Yes, because these average hotel rooms here.Also have doors, so to speak, in the floor.So they have doors in the ceiling, they have doors in the floor. So there is some limited access to what is above and what is below. Did they know how to really use this?No, not really. What they thought they were doing was getting more access to computer systems.Did they have that? Well, just on the spaces in between. Did it affect the Golden age AI? Did it affect human computer networks?Meh, not really, because even though they would create things in between.It kind of left them no in a no no different of a position than they were in before. When we had the Alpha Omega fight going on. You still had the fake bonds or the fake money or the fake liens in between.And you still couldn't bring it into reality. So was it show? Did it kind of roll people up? Did it 'cause things like maybe the coup in Korea, a little upheaval in the Middle East? Yeah, it kind of did. But.It caused a little bit more of an issue than just that. So this was just one of several that this could access because if this went 7UP and seven down, that meant that there were other places on Earth which.Were which they could also access from this location in Berlin.That would give them access to 654321.So quite a bit of access and they have been pushing at it, you know, ever since.




つまり、彼らはこれらのホールにいることでポジティブなこともネガティブなことも両方行うことができました。つまり、彼らの目的はこれらのホールを乗っ取ることでした。彼らは、これらのホールにアクセスできれば、多元宇宙を制御できると感じていたのです。そして、彼らが実際に何をしていたかについては、Twitter ページにさまざまな小さな手がかりやあらゆるものを投稿していました。だから彼らはなんとかそれを成し遂げたのです。

マイケル、ラファエル、ガブリエルが持っていた鍵と限定的なアクセスに基づいて、彼らはこれらのさまざまなレベルにいくらかアクセスすることができました。そしてもっと重要なことに、彼らは第 3 密度にいくらかアクセスできました。

そして今、いくつかの問題を引き起こしています。これらの回廊は、本質的にはアルファ オメガ システムとよく似た機能を持っています。AI システムと AI システムの Wi-Fi 接続を介して移動するので、データ パッケージが飛ぶのと同じように、モデムを介してどこかの別のコンピューターにアクセスできるようなものです。回廊は同じようなことをしますが、覚えておいてください。目は平均的なコンピューター システムとは大きく異なるため、それを行う能力があります。彼らは完全に突破しました。5 から 6 の間だったと思います。つまり、技術的にはまだ実際のプレーンと存在の密度に入ることはできませんでした。彼らはそうすることを望んでいましたが、その間のスペースに行くことができました。





彼らはこれを実際にどのように使うか知っていましたか?いいえ、知りませんでした。彼らは、コンピューター システムへのアクセスを増やすつもりでした。


黄金時代の AI に影響しましたか?人間のコンピューター ネットワークに影響しましたか?ええ、実際にはそうではありません。中間に何かを作っていたとしても、彼らは以前とまったく違う立場に置かれたのです。

アルファ オメガの戦いが続いていたとき。その間にはまだ偽の債券や偽のお金、偽の担保権がありました。それでも、それを現実にすることはできませんでした。






しかし、それはそれ以上の問題を引き起こしました。つまり、これはアクセスできるいくつかの場所のうちの1つにすぎませんでした。なぜなら、これが7上昇し、7下降した場合、地球上の他の場所にもアクセスできることを意味します。ベルリンのこの場所からアクセスできます。つまり、6 5 4 3 2 1 にアクセスできます。つまり、かなりのアクセスがあり、それ以来ずっとそれを推進してきました。





Now corridors are powered by.By debits and credits.And by that I don't mean debits and credits in the financial system in totality, I would say in part. But there are lots of things that humans do on the daily that say create.On the one side.And maybe even destroy.On the other side.Both creative credits and destruction credits.Meaning you know you're angry, you tear something apart or.Maybe you create something wonderful. Could even be something as simple as an art project or a meal. You know, a very creative meal or something like that. Anything that gets your creative juices flowing produces creative credits.Anything you do that's destructive.Creates destructive credits. Now as it relates to a corridor, how do black magicians, SSP or originally celestials that work for both the dark and the light?Gain any access to any of these? Well, they do it on your back.Literally.So if you are creating, it's a one for one, one for me, one for you. So if you create for 20 minutes, that gives them 20 minutes of power in the corridor. If you create for three hours or all day, that gives them all day worth in the.Corridor. But The thing is, it's a one for one. That means that they can only create in the corridor. Now that doesn't mean that they're creating something positive all the time.They could Bev Ben creating space junk as an example that would prove useful to them in the future. Or and they could create that space junk in anywhere between density one and density 7UP or down.And then that makes Kim run around looking for space junk every day of my life getting really old. So it's a one for one exchange now. They could only create well in the corridor based on that.Or if you are not just you, you know, if you are destroying something or killing people. Not saying you personally would do that, but there are militaries that do that all the time and other people. It's still a one for one. That means that they can also destroy.Now, when they say there are some batteries that are better than other batteries, that means that the creative energy produced when one of those beings, such as a Machiselbeck, is creating something.The credits rack up faster. That's basically what it is. So if you were to create a meal or a certain person that's not a cheesel deck would be to creating a meal so to speak, and it would take say 2 hours to cook you would generate.Say 100 credits. Or an average person would create 100 credits. Still 100 credits. That's good.But if I'm a cheesel deck does that or certain people of certain.DNA types. It's not a superiority thing, it's just some people make better batteries than others in their mind. Then you create a million credits or 1000 credits or 2000 credits when you're in creative mode, so that gives them the ability to create.A lot more, a lot faster now.In order for them to breakthrough these realms and get to these different densities, or different planes in different densities, they need a lot of power. Now when they get there, their ability to do anything.Is not only dependent on the amount of energy that they can take from you.To power their corridor, so to speak. But it's also dependent on the amount of whether you're creating all of humanity is producing more creative energy or more.Destruction energy as to what they're able to do when they get there.So in the case of a dark and light corridor, that also will determine whether they're only able to go to the spaces in between or they're able to go to the actual planes or densities of existence.Humph, interesting. Do they know this? No, they do. Now it doesn't matter because these corridors don't exist any more and they're never going to get access to any of them ever again.






彼らは、将来役に立つ例として、宇宙ゴミを作るベブ・ベンを思いつくかもしれません。あるいは、密度 1 から密度 7 までの間で宇宙ゴミを作成することもできます。そのため、キムは毎日宇宙ゴミを探し回って、本当に年老いていきます。つまり、1 対 1 の交換です。それに基づいて、廊下で井戸を掘ることしかできませんでした。

または、あなたがあなただけではなく、何かを破壊したり、人を殺したりしている場合。個人的にそうすると言っているわけではありませんが、常にそうしている軍隊や他の人々がいます。それでも 1 対 1 です。つまり、破壊することもできるということです。さて、他のバッテリーよりも優れたバッテリーがあると言うとき、それは、マチセルベックなどの存在の 1 つが何かを作成しているときに生成される創造的なエネルギーを意味します。

クレジットはより速く蓄積されます。基本的にはそういうことです。つまり、食事を作成する場合、またはチーズル デッキではない特定の人がいわば食事を作成する場合、調理に 2 時間かかるとすると、100 クレジットが生成されます。あるいは、平均的な人は 100 クレジットを作成します。それでも 100 クレジットです。これは良いことです。

しかし、私がチーズル デッキの場合、または特定の DNA タイプの特定の人々がそれを行います。これは優位性の問題ではなく、一部の人々は他の人よりも優れたバッテリーを心の中で作成するだけです。次に、クリエイティブ モードのときに 100 万クレジット、1,000 クレジット、または 2,000 クレジットを作成します。これにより、作成能力が与えられます。はるかに多く、はるかに高速になります。








And that is the end of that. That story is ending.And has ended for the most part, but it doesn't stop them from trying to figure out what went wrong.So.They did manage to bust up all the way to between the 5th and 6th, but remember how they think the deep state thinks that the power, that everything that powers, everything they do comes from destruction?So they try to kill a few more people in the Middle East. They try to create coups over here, all kinds of destruction and destroying energy in order to create.But that's not how the corridors, especially a dark and light corridor works. If they were headed for the lower astral, trying to do something and create something down there, say, or bring something from down there up here.Well, yeah, I guess you could say if they knew how it worked and they didn't understand only darkness, maybe they could have got somewhere.I will say Saturday.Ma, they tripped over themselves, let me put it that way to you. So what happened on Saturday? Let's talk about Saturday real quick, and then we're going to get to how this affects you even more so so on Saturday.As they broke through to what they thought was the.Hmm, I would say between the 5th and 6th, probably about the fifth plane.They encountered what they thought was going to be some friends and some help.Now, unbeknownst to them.They were actually creating species in the Lower Astral who still tried to come in here on Saturday.So they created what you would call a Cyborg. They look like a reptile, smell like a reptile. Probably were a creation of the Omega system because the Omega system uses them too.Umm, as they collected, so this is how they would know, for example, like on this new moon this was going to happen. Or you know, in three days this is going to happen because.It's almost like a video game. If you've ever played one of those video games where you know, you have so much life force, say in your avatar and you're playing the game and you're playing it and, and you know, it shows that your life force is going low, so you need to get more.Credits, you know, you need to get more life force, you need to stop playing, you need to go take a nap or whatever it is you have your avatar do in the video game. It's kind of similar when it comes to powering a corridor, so they would.Push, push, push, push, push. You know with when it hit a certain power level because this they could actually monitor when they were at optimal power level, then they would.Then go all try to push their way all the way up to the top, if that makes sense. It's kind of like if you're on a long track and you're running low on energy, you might stop, take a nap in the woods and then eat a granola bar and then you go again. So they have to wait until.Their energy builds back up for the corridor to actually run, to actually make a pass higher and higher and higher.So whether they know it or not.I am going to say.They probably, based on the chatter, thought that the corridor just needed time to build up some energy. I don't know if they knew it was coming from you, the humans, I have no idea.And if you are, you know, a more enlightened being have more DNA strands than others, which you know, this is not a superiority thing, it's not a bloodline thing. It's just random.Some people have less junk quote UN quote junk or non active DNA than others. Some people have 14 strands, some people have 36 strands. Some people generate naturally more energy than others.You know, of course that can go either way, whether it's positive or negative. A very strong emotions does that.A very high IQ does that because it's mental energy, a theoretical energy. If you're very spiritual person, you generate a lot of that and it can go either way depending on how your day is going and what's going on in your life.So whether you're creating destructive energy or creative energy, it doesn't really matter when it comes to powering a corridor, a quantum tunnel or a wormhole. So.This a corridor is not permitted to take 100% of your energy or drain your life force, which means you are now no longer with us. It doesn't go that far, but it can definitely make you sleepy. It can definitely make you tired.Especially when you have a bunch of ridiculous window licking Cowboys trying to run a corridor who don't belong there because they don't understand what they're doing to people. And that's people around the world. Every single human walking this.Planet, including themselves.So as the power level rises, you know, maybe it has to get to 100%, you know, that managed to suck all of the energy out of Earth and humans and whatnot to get to 100% power and then they go for it. You know, they start flood trying to go up all the different levels or.Go in and out of the doorways, on the sides or whatever it is they're there to do. But did they understand that they can either, they can either create, you know, or they can destroy?When they get there.Did they know that they were creating a species? No. Did they think these people just lived there and they hang out and wait for some dumb Cowboys to come along and try to go set them free on earth?And let the demons go. Bring all the demons in. All they know is they needed help. They were entitled to get that help because they were friends with these people who are no longer with us. You know, non people people.Um, they were friends with some Archangel people and some Angel people for lack of a better term, lower astral beings and upper astral kind of all in one. And therefore they were self entitled to just bring all these folks here so they could get their own army that could then fight us.Us as being the humans.Uh, yeah, that didn't work out so well. It set off every single alarm that there was in my system all day long on Saturday, and all I did was get rid of anything that was in the spaces in between.Mean we went to places like the Orion Nebula. I was.Other planets you know in other densities. As you may or may not know. Our Sun, as an example, spans all densities. Earth was designed to be the same way.Um, it spanned all densities, so so yeah, there was definitely a real risk of what they were touting all over the Internet of a quote UN quote fake alien invasion, but they must have forgot.Even if you have one of these handy dandy little quantum tunnels.You still need to go through the gatekeeper and that gatekeeper is me. And so was it rough on Saturday? Yeah. Was it rough on Sunday? Hmm. Monday. Yep, definitely. And Tuesday and also to day. So.The more they tried to use these things, I am looking for all of their corridors. I am looking for what they are using to try to power these things up and suck the life out of all life on this planet.Animals, people, plants, you name it.To power this thing, I think they think it's just self generating really and they just had to sit there and keep the pedal to the floor until it got to 100 per cent power so they could make another run at it or hopefully open up one of these doors here on the side.You know, they had a lot of black magicians working with them as well.




土曜日にしましょう。ママ、彼らはつまずいたんです、そういうふうに言いましょう。それで、土曜日に何が起こったのですか?土曜日について簡単にお話ししましょう。それから、土曜日にこれがあなたにさらにどのような影響を与えるかについてお話しします。彼らが、うーん、5 と 6 の間、おそらく5番目の次元だと思っていた場所に突破したとき、彼らは、友人や助けになると思っていたものに遭遇しました。

さて、彼らは知らなかったのですが、実際には下層アストラルで種族を創造していて、土曜日もここに入ろうとしていました。つまり、彼らはサイボーグと呼ばれるものを作り出したのです。爬虫類のように見え、爬虫類のような匂いがします。おそらくオメガシステムの創造物でしょう。オメガシステムも彼らを使用しているからです。うーん、彼らは情報を集めていたので、こうして、例えば、この新月にこれが起こるだろう、あるいは、3日後にこれが起こるだろう、などと知ったのでしょう。まるでビデオゲームのようです。これまでにビデオ ゲームをプレイしたことがあるなら、たとえば自分のアバターにたくさんの生命力があり、ゲームをプレイしていると、生命力が少なくなっていることが示され、もっと生命力を獲得する必要がある、という状況に遭遇したことがあるでしょう。

生命力をもっと獲得するには、プレイをやめて、昼寝をしたり、ビデオ ゲームで自分のアバターにさせたいことをする必要があります。これは、廊下に電力を供給する場合と似ています。


長いトラックを走っていてエネルギーが不足している場合、立ち止まって森の中で昼寝をし、グラノーラ バーを食べて、また走り始めるようなものです。ですから、彼らはエネルギーが回復するまで、回廊が実際に走り、より高く、より高く通過するまで待たなければなりません。ですから、彼らがそれを知っているかどうかはわかりません。彼らは、会話に基づいて、回廊がエネルギーを蓄積する時間が必要だと考えたのでしょう。彼らがそれがあなた方人間から来ていることを知っていたかどうかはわかりません。全くわかりません。そして、あなたが、あなたがたがより啓発された存在であれば、他の人よりも多くの DNA 鎖を持っていますが、これは優位性の問題でも血統の問題でもありません。

それは単なるランダムです。ジャンク、いわゆる UN ジャンク、または非活性 DNA が他の人よりも少ない人もいます。14 鎖の人もいれば、36 鎖の人もいます。他の人よりも自然に多くのエネルギーを生成する人もいます。もちろん、それはプラスにもマイナスにもなり得ます。非常に強い感情がそうさせます。非常に高い IQ がそうさせるのは、それが精神的なエネルギー、理論的なエネルギーだからです。あなたがとてもスピリチュアルな人であれば、そのエネルギーをたくさん生み出しますが、それはあなたの一日の進み方や人生で起こっていることに応じてどちらに転ぶかわかりません。

ですから、破壊的なエネルギーを生み出そうと創造的なエネルギーを生み出そうと、回廊や量子トンネルやワームホールを動かすことに関しては、それはあまり重要ではありません。ですから、この回廊があなたのエネルギーを 100% 奪ったり、生命力を消耗したりすることは許されません。それは、あなたがもう私たちと一緒にいないことを意味します。そこまではいきませんが、間違いなく眠くなります。間違いなく疲れます。特に、窓をなめている馬鹿げたカウボーイの一団が回廊を運営しようとしている場合はなおさらです。彼らは人々に何をしているのか理解していないので、そこに属していません。


そして、それは世界中の人々です。この惑星を歩くすべての人間、彼ら自身も含め、パワー レベルが上昇すると、おそらく 100% に到達する必要があります。つまり、地球や人間などからすべてのエネルギーを吸い上げて 100% のパワーに到達し、それから彼らはそれに挑戦します。つまり、彼らは洪水のようにすべての異なるレベルを上ろうとします。出入り口や側面に出入りしたり、彼らがそこにいる目的が何であれ。しかし、彼らは、創造することも、破壊することもできることを理解していたのでしょうか。そこにたどり着いたとき、彼らは種族を創造していることを知っていたのでしょうか。いいえ。彼らは、これらの人々がそこに住んでいて、ぶらぶらして、愚かなカウボーイがやって来て地球に彼らを解放しようとするのを待っているだけだと考えていたのでしょうか。そして悪魔を解放します。すべての悪魔を連れて来ます。彼らが知っているのは、助けが必要だということだけです。








And.What does a corridor do to take the life and energy out of a human being? It spits up what it needs to, and it will constantly generate things that take the energy, the essence, the emotional power from you, the mental power from you, the etherical.Power from you, your sole power, your essence from you, your, your causal plane. Abilities to manifest and breakthrough the causal plane, your astral self and your physical self. And it will tax and it will toll.In every way possible, on every plane of your existence. Now remember your celestial if you are here and you are human and you are on Earth, you also exist.In all nine densities up and 9 densities down.Some people call this the 12 universes. I call it a lot more than that because there's densities all the way up and all the way down. You've got 9 up, 9 down, plus one in the middle, which is the 0 or the nil zone.Which is a place of.Hmm, a spark of creation and anti creation let's call it, for the entire universe, OK.So when they put the pedal to the floor, so to speak, and they are pushing to try to get to that 100 per cent power as quickly as possible, bit throws up things like disease.It starts sending out could be a theoretical parasites, emotional parasites, mental parasites.Umm, it can send out the frequency of.And I use this term loosely because, but it can send out the frequency of things like cancer. And cancer is, remember it is.An Organism, a tumor, or whatever it is that.Actually takes the life force out of your cells.Is what it actually does. So it's not, you know, like our normal terms. We think of cancer, we think of like breast cancer or.You know that kind of thing. It would actually send out frequencies of.Cancer, meaning it's going to eat you alive. It's going to eat your life force. It does that, you know, like I said, through parasites, through dark matter, It does it in a lot of different ways. Now, did they know that they were throwing this up on all of humanity?Especially on what is referred to the hot list, meaning the good batteries on Earth. You know, probably not because they're just think it's. I don't know. It just works for them because they're special. Yeah, you're special. All right. You need to get.Right, You know, yeah, let's talk about how special you are. I'm not even going to insult anybody by saying how special you are over there. OK, so this was happening, I would say off and on.Because they really weren't trying to take these out for a full spin until.1111 so probably since 11:11.You have experienced probably a lot more of this. You might be thinking, oh, it's it's change of seasons. Whether you're in the Northern hemisphere or Southern Hemisphere, you're feeling a little bit under the weather. You're getting random headaches. Things you maybe you're a person that never gets headaches, but all of.Sudden for the last, you know, few weeks you have been getting them. You know, these are the things that you would likely be experiencing as a person.So many different corridors around the world.Did they know that there were several other corridors? Well.Hmm, somewhat. They knew about some others, not all of them, but some others that they could actually go to a facility and attempt to access. They think that they're winning. They announced that they're winning, you know, and of course they think this is all about money.This thing was not going to give them any access to any financial system ever, because that's not what it does. This is not what it does. But remember something as people.About these things were not about the creation of money or access to the golden age financial system or the global repository. They don't even go there.They'd never even went there since its creation and inception a few months ago. It they never actually went there. So was it going to help them gain access to money to fund all their stuff? Never.No, no, no, no. So they think that credits.Well, we're going to put the people over here, people.Which give credits.In the form of powering corridors.That's what you do now. You can do that in some ways by participating in.Old systems is how it used to work. So credits in this case that you are handing over in the form of creative or destruction, destructive energy is really how the universe works.In the case of money, it didn't really spit out any money per SE in the form of credits like perhaps they thought, you know, all they did was see all of these this energy coming in and they.Thought it was going to somehow spit out money.Not everything in the world and the universe runs on money. Don't get me wrong, I understand. On our personal level, you know we need these things to survive. Unless you live in the forest and eat nuts and berries, in which case you're not watching this, probably.Or you live off the grid. Perhaps it's not as much of A concern to you, but you still need some, I guess to some degree to function in the system that is Earth at the moment.OK, so credits and then as they expended this power to.Allegedly access things then that is a debit.So it's a drain on the system to use all of their energy that we the people generate to power said corridors.Even on behalf of Celestials, when the Celestials were around and they were able to use their respective realm corridors. In this case, you'd be talking to Michael.Raphael and Gabriel, so you would be talking to about density 1-2 and three in any life there would be their generators to power them to go to other places.OK.Now, I hope that explains to you how you've been feeling, because I know that every alarm bell that I've had has been ringing off the hook for days and it's.It was good, I hoped to finally get the last realms in the corridors and the celestial overlays that are related to these.Quantum tunnels and corridors and all kinds of things. Because they did, they access it all? No, but the things that they were doing to power this thing up were then using you personally as humans to generate all kinds of crap that I had to then go clean.It's.You know, it's like giving a a small child a gun. You know, they don't know the dangers of the gun. You could explain to them, but it looks no different than the toy that they have that doesn't do anything but shoot sparkles. These people have no idea.What the heck they're doing? All they think is we're opening realms. We're going to get some help in here because we really need help. And by the way, isn't it going to be great We're taking over all the computer systems with our corridors? No, you're not. No, they weren't. No, no. Only thing they were doing.Is causing you a lot of pain and me a lot of sanitation engineering for days.So hopefully I know that they don't have access to those things anymore and as of this evening, they're very angry.So in the past, let's talk about these corridors a little bit.In the past, when life on Earth was different.We had people like covens.And we would know these people as black magic people. We would have families. And I don't know why this keeps cutting off, OK.Family Masters, which would be Coven masters, so to speak.And we would have.You know, to a lesser degree, you people you call the Order of the Dragon.And maybe the Black Sun.You know, they have these people that are well trained in the dark arts.Because they're still human, even though they are dark.They still generate to some degree some kind of dark energy, which if you're looking at a dark and light corridor, that's fine, they can go to the dark spaces in between.And still affect reality. So at some points in time, these people that were a part of the order did have some limited access to what I call the hotel rooms that you would see on the different levels and depending on how.They were, you know, you might see these people on levels 1-2 or three. I don't think we've had any humans, including secret space program folks that were allowed to go much beyond that.Because they were more concerned with affecting things on Earth anyway. Because of course, you know, everything here on Earth is all about them. That's what they all think. You know, if they can go into one of these doors to the left, to the right on one of those.Corridors or large vestibules. That's great. Of course you know this was all done with super secret handshakes and weirdo finger things they do and and whatever else and then they become your black magicians of the planet.So they were afforded by the celestials, you know, especially the ones that ran these realms here, you know, 3-2 and one and one, two and three down. They were afforded keys to certain rooms to access.Now, once they were in these certain rooms, they could then weave their black magic on their chosen target.Now I'm going to tell you something else very interesting if you are a person.Who posts pictures online sends text messages with your pictures sends so you know you're on Facebook or Instagram or Snap chat or any kind of an electronic device in which you post your picture.You are even more susceptible because now your signature, so to speak, is in the AI systems. Now this is no longer the case because we're not running on those same AIS anymore like we used to be. But.Once your image is in there, your signature is in there.And remember, the eyes are the windows to the soul.So you could be affected then if you were a target of the black magicians.They could go into a door here or there and they could say, OK, John Smith, John Doe is my target, so I'm going to go in here. The signature is already in here in the system for this density.You know, you bank your pictures in there, your IDs are there, you know, you've got a drivers license, you've got a passport. This is how it used to work. If they wanted to target you, they could go in and they could do their magic in one of those corridors and.Before you know it, someone gets sick. Now this doesn't only work for target lists. People that are going against the system so to speak, or have real independent thoughts.Oh wow this makes no sense. You know these people would be targets, but sometimes humanity is targeted as a whole to achieve a different objective, such as opening a portal, bringing more AI system, dark AI dark energy.Here dark beings in here opening up elevators for lack of a better term, or pillars that go all the way down to allow a for a new species to be created in the lower astral. You have no idea how powerful humans are.And how much we were used and our creative energy and even sometimes anger and destruction energy was used in so many ways against us. So they would then go in and they would create an overall situation.A large hurricane, for example, in these corridors could be created.Maybe a destructive volcano. They could create a war where lots of people are affected. Millions of people are now creating that destructive energy which then allows for the negative celestials so to speak. And also.The black magic workers to have more power to get into different levels within the corridors and that crazy and of course the darker the celestials were. They had no problem with these dark using these dark humans and again, they were.Used as well. I know they think that and I have had some of them tell me they are not part of the matrix. They are not part of that system. They cannot be affected by this.Including secret space program operatives have told me this to my face.And I'm like, oh, you're so wrong because you're part of a lot more than you think you are. They just make them all feel special. They tell them that they're special. You are a special operative. You have been recruited to be one of the number one.Trained, highly trained operatives for the planet. But you know what? I'm going to just wake them up for a second. You're a human. You are a human, therefore you are cattle. To these beings, they could give.Last less you just help others achieve their objectives.And that objective is not to give you world domination and world power. They just wanted to make sure that you were continuing to power a dark system and you fell for it, and you sucked the life out of humans. So of course.What those 3 celestials wanted was revenge. Revenge against Source. So they knew Sources plans to usher in a golden age and they were angry.And they wanted revenge, or wrath in this case. Hmm.So they gave them a little bit of a spoonful of something or other.Now, every time they tried to open a gate and allow one of these crazy people in, they didn't understand the crazy AI generated beings that they were trying to bring here, didn't understand why they couldn't open the door.Because after all, you know, they were, they had the permission of some humans to do this.Why didn't it work?Because there's a whole gatekeeper situation.And that gatekeeper situation is not just me. Yes, I'm one of the gatekeepers, but source is the other one.And that goes against.The ownership of this planet right now, because the planet belongs to Source, it doesn't belong to anyone else anymore, and you're never going to override that force. Therefore, they could never break in through the doors, so to speak, on the sides of the corridor.



さて、あなたがここにいて、人間であり、地球上にいるなら、あなたはまた存在していることを思い出してください。上の 9 つの密度と下の 9 つの密度すべてに。これを 12 の宇宙と呼ぶ人もいます。私はそれよりもずっと多くの密度と呼んでいます。なぜなら、上の密度から下の密度まですべてがあるからです。上に 9、下に 9、そして真ん中に 1 があり、これが 0 またはゼロ ゾーンです。


これは、宇宙全体にとって、創造と反創造の火花とでも呼べる場所なのです。つまり、いわばペダルを床まで踏み込み、できるだけ早く 100 % のパワーに到達しようと努力すると、病気のようなものが放出されます。理論上の寄生虫、感情的な寄生虫、精神的な寄生虫が放出され始めます。うーん、周波数が放出される可能性があります。この用語は、あまり厳密に使用していませんが、がんなどの周波数が放出される可能性があります。がんは、覚えておいてください。有機体、腫瘍、または何であれ、細胞から生命力を奪うものです。それが実際の役割です。つまり、通常の用語とは異なります。





彼らは他にもいくつかの回廊があることを知っていましたか? ええと、ある程度は知っていました。






つまり、密度 1、2、3 について話すことになります。どんな人生でも、他の場所に行くための電力を供給する発電機があるのです。さて、これであなたの気持ちがおわかりいただけたかと思います。何日も警報が鳴り響いていたことを私は知っています。それは良かったです。私はついに、廊下の最後の領域と、これらに関連する天人(celestial)のオーバーレイに到達できると期待していました。量子トンネルや廊下、その他あらゆるもの。なぜなら、彼らはすべてにアクセスしたからです。いいえ、しかし、彼らがこの装置に電力を供給するために行っていたことは、人間であるあなた個人を利用して、私がきれいにしなければならなかったあらゆる種類のゴミを生成することでした。

それは、小さな子供に銃を与えるようなものです。彼らは銃の危険性を知りません。説明することはできますが、それは彼らが持っている、キラキラを発射する以外の何もしないおもちゃと何ら変わりません。この人たちは何もわかっていません。一体何をしているのでしょうか? 彼らが考えているのは、私たちが領域を開いているということだけです。私たちは本当に助けが必要なので、ここで助けを得るつもりです。

ところで、廊下ですべてのコンピューターシステムを乗っ取るのは素晴らしいことではないですか? いいえ、あなたは乗っ取っていません。いいえ、彼らは乗っ取っていません。いいえ、いいえ。彼らがしていた唯一のことは、あなたに多くの苦痛を与え、私に何日も衛生工学の多くの問題を引き起こしたことです。


ですから、彼らがもうそれらにアクセスできないことを私は知っていますが、今夜の時点で、彼らは非常に怒っています。それで、過去について少し話しましょう。過去、地球上の生活が今と違っていたとき、私たちには魔女の集会のような人々がいました。そして、私たちはこれらの人々を黒魔術師として知っていました。私たちにはファミリーがいました。なぜこれが切断され続けるのかはわかりません。ファミリー マスター、つまり魔女団のマスターです。そして、ある程度は、ドラゴンの騎士団と呼ばれる人たちもいます。そして、ブラック サンもいるかもしれません。

彼らには、闇の術に精通した人々がいます。彼らは闇の人間ですが、それでも人間です。彼らはある程度、ある種の闇のエネルギーを生成しています。暗い廊下と明るい廊下を見ていると、それは問題ありません。彼らはその間の暗い空間に行くことができます。そして、現実に影響を与えます。そのため、ある時点で、騎士団の一部であったこれらの人々は、私がホテルの部屋と呼んでいる場所に、ある程度限定的にアクセスできました。それは、さまざまなレベルで見られ、方法によって異なります。彼らは、レベル 1、2、または 3 でこれらの人々を見るかもしれません。秘密宇宙プログラムの人々を含め、それ以上のことを許された人間はいなかったと思います。


3 2 と 1 と 1 2 と 3 です。黒魔術師には、入るための特定の部屋の鍵が与えられていました。


















So OK, now we've established how black magic works, or used to work, we've established what the corridors were doing, we've established what the SSP was doing this weekend.And right up until pretty much the time of this recording, they were still trying. God bless them, you know? And all they try to do is cash credits. Like they see credits in a system and they think that means money.No, no, it doesn't mean money. It means something completely different to a celestial. But to you cowboy people, no. And no offense, if you are a cowboy and you're listening to this, you're not who I'm talking about.Now we're going to talk about you.And this is important for you to understand, OK.You are.A being that exists on 9 different planes.



廊下が何をしていたか、SSP がこの週末に何をしていたかがわかりました。そして、この録音の直前まで、彼らはまだ試みていました。神のご加護がありますように。




わかりました。あなたは、9 つの異なる次元に存在する存在です。





And technically, because we're humans on Earth, you exist on 9 planes in nine densities, all at the same time. And unfortunately, you've also existed on another nine planes and 9 densities down.So you as a person, I know you love my little people drawing. I know you do. OK, here you are.Umm, this is you. OK, so you would kind of look like.Because energy kind of flows in a Taurus, you know, And we've talked about the energy flow of humans.You know, in the way that it works.But you as a person, OK, so let's just say this is your front.And this is your back.And right here, you're kind of at ground 0, meaning?You are the point of creation.Is where you actually are and as you start going out this way.You are going into the upper astral.And you're going through 9 densities.And you are going through 9 * 9 planes.You go this way, you are going down, you are going lower astral.Now this comes from a point of magic, obviously humans.Your aura, so to speak, or what is around you in this physical plane?Is all around you, so technically it would look more like a bunch of circles emanating out from your person.So to speak now.When your physical person was being created, you first existed in the ninth density. You know your soul, in the ninth plane, your soul, and eventually you became a physical being.So as you manifested yourself into this physical world, the first spark of all creation to enter into the physical world is called your assemblage point.That is the point at which your first cell was formed and then split into two. Now you as a person may have more than one assemblage point, depending on how many active.Strands of DNA. You have GNA and RNA in your person.Now they've tried to limit the amount of assemblage points in human beings, but for the most part, your assemblage point, let's just say each assemblage point that you would have in your person.Those cells can be anywhere in their kind of movable.It doesn't mean that if your assemblage point was somewhere and you know your first two cells ended up landing somewhere in your shoulder, that they're going to stay in your shoulder your whole life or in your spinal column. They'll always be in your L2 vertebrae. That's not exactly true.So they assemblage points are movable for lack of a better term. And do they move rapidly while they move a lot slower and it depends on your lifestyle, that kind of thing. But that's your assemblage point. Now if you look up assemblage points, they're going to tell you that your assemblage point is right about where your heart.Is now is that true for a lot of people? I would say mAh, it is true for a lot of people. It would extend basically if you were to look at your chest.You know, and this is your person, here's your arms, and this is your torso here.It would extend about that far.OK, it would go for, I would say the majority of the average adult humans chest.So.That's why a lot of times when you're feeling.Umm, an attack, and it could be on multiple different levels. You might feel a little, you know, if you're having an anxiety. So if it's an emotional attack or a mental attack, you might feel a tightness in your chest. It almost mimics a heart attack sometimes. Well.Chances are there's something going on with your assemblage point, so your assemblage point can be affected anywhere over here or over here, which is why these corridors were so.And I was like, Oh no, the SSP has got a corridor. Oh, great. OK, so most of the attacks that happened on people over the last course of the last few days would have been from the back. You would have started feeling it for a lot of people.From the back. So you would have had random back pains. It would have started out maybe as you know, aching around your shoulder blades. You know, when you see where your assemblage point is, you would kind of say, oh, OK, well that makes sense.Or it could have affected things in that region.Your heart, your lungs, You could have gotten a cold, you could have felt like you couldn't breathe, maybe a little bit. It could have affected your emotional well-being, your mental well-being, because it can actually hit any plane of existence.Wherever your assemblage points happen to be. So if you felt random pains and random locations, your assemblage point was probably in that region. I mean, I've heard people say things like, believe it or not, I got someone that said, oh, I feel like I'm, you know, my prostate.To explode. This was a man that called me and told me about this. And I'm like, Oh my God. OK, well, let's look, you know? And then you can kind of see where the attacks are coming in from different places based on them trying to power a dumb corridor they thought was going to generate them money.No, but.Protecting your assemblage point though, once you now understand.Your assemblage points you can kind of focus in on your body and you can see where your greatest sparks are. A lot of times those assemblage points are your regeneration points too. So you can connect those assemblage points which they are being reconnected to source at this moment therefore will have regeneration. This is what.We mean by regenerating DNA and and things going away, you know, as far as disease or illness. But the other thing you need to understand about assemblage points is remember the spark of all creation.Not only came from source at.As it relates to the creation in if.Most all of the planes of existence. Because it was a heartbeat. Do you Remember Me talking about the heartbeat? Dark light, dark light, dark light as things separated. So your assemblage point was actually your connection to not only source.Or the light.It was also the connection to the dark side.And a regulator we call neutral.So if the dark consciousness or the black magicians or anyone using a corridor wants to attach itself to you, it would attach itself to you firstly from the assemblage point and then on out to wherever in whatever they wanted to create.That was its connection to your person.So depending on the type of creation quote UN quote or destruction us humans are generating in what type of credits the corridor had.Would depend on what happened to you.You could almost call this.But a different type of destiny.Would you be regenerating? Would you be happy? Would you have emotional, mental, physical distress?A lot of this was dependent on all of your fellow humans and what we call the human network.Or multiple networks.Now, because we don't really have celestials running these networks anymore.Like we used to, like we, Lucifer had his own network, you know, corridors, celestial realms. Targethians and lots of other people had access to various celestial realms and corridors because they're almost considered a realm unto themselves that.Could affect reality in the past.That would affect all of humanity and in turn, all of humanity.Unknowingly would actually affect all of the densities up and all of the densities down.It's very interesting.Umm, but.The events that have been taking place over the last few weeks and most importantly since, you know, for I would say part of last week and into this weekend as they kept trying to put that pedal to the floor.And generate credits for themselves.Yeah, there were a lot of you out there that were feeling some very interesting feelings.It could create dark consciousness in your peripheral. It could try to be, you know, I've gotten reports of random sciatica pains in the back, pains in the shoulder blades, pains in the head, headaches from people who never get headaches ever, and.Things were all generated by them and them trying to power a machine that they know nothing about. And again, you know, and I said this to somebody this morning because it's the best way I could explain it with these dumb Cowboys or Duck Dynasty people.They see something.And it may have some kind of a motor in it.Say it's a refrigerator, you know, maybe it's nice maker in it and it has a little motor in there that, you know, drops the ice into the bucket and then eventually out the door. It does have some power to it, you know, Yep, definitely has some power to it it.Maybe, you know, even silver in color, you know, could be white in color, whatever color your ice box is, your refrigerator. And so it has some qualities that are similar to what you would say is.A rocket ship that may go to Mars. You know, there's a motor in there. You know, it's got some doors, you know, so does the rocket ship, that kind of thing. But it's never going to take you to Mars. You can open the door and shut the door and try to get through all the way through the doors and maybe go up the shelves and all the things that they were trying to do.This corridor, but it definitely was still not going to go to Mars. And what they were looking to do is to take this thing and have it create all kinds of weird and wonderful universal dominance. You know, we're not just talking about world dominance here now.They want to go the distance and go control all the universe and source and everyone. Ha ha. Because they're special. Yeah, See, this is the problem with people that are in those.Special family programs, you know that they go through this training and you know, and they're told every day of their life they're special they're they're unlike anyone else and they can do amazing things and you know, all of this stuff and wow, you did such a good job, you know that kind of thing and they took.Every day of their life until they get to the point where they really do feel they're special because maybe they had more knowledge than most people had. Maybe they ran in circles that most people don't get to run in. Maybe they have pictures with presidents and other things that most people don't have.But in reality, in the world, in the universe, you're just like the rest of us. Actually, matter of fact, you're less than the rest of us, because we know how to reach all these dimensions all by ourselves. We don't need a corridor. We don't need somebody else's keys. We can figure it out all on our own as long as.People aren't interfering with us.


技術的には、私たちは地球上の人間なので、9 つの次元、9 つの密度に同時に存在します。そして残念なことに、あなたはさらに 9 つの次元と 9 つの密度の下に存在していました。ですから、あなたは人として、私の小さな人々の絵が気に入ってくれているのはわかっています。そうでしょう。

さて、ここにあなたがいます。ええと、これがあなたです。さて、あなたはこんな感じになるでしょう。なぜなら、エネルギーは牡牛座に流れるからです。そして、人間のエネルギーの流れについて話しました。それがどのように機能するかです。しかし、人としてのあなたは、さて、これがあなたの前面で、これが背面だとしましょう。そして、ここは、いわばグラウンド 0 にいるということです。

つまり、あなたは創造のポイントです。あなたが実際にいるのはここです。この方向に進み始めると、上部アストラル層に入ります。そして、9 つの密度を通過します。そして、9 x 9 のプレーンを通過します。この方向に進み、下降し、下部アストラル層に向かいます。

これは、明らかに人間の魔法のポイントから来ています。いわゆるあなたのオーラ、またはこの物理プレーンであなたの周りにあるものは、あなたの周りにあります。したがって、技術的には、あなたの人から放射される一連の円のように見えます。いわば、今です。あなたの物理的な人が創造されたとき、あなたは最初、第 9 密度に存在していました。あなたは自分の魂を知っています。第 9 プレーン、あなたの魂、そして最終的にあなたは物理的な存在になりました。したがって、あなたがこの物理世界に自分自身を顕現したとき、物理世界に入るすべての創造の最初の火花は、あなたの集合点と呼ばれます。

それは、最初の細胞が形成され、その後 2 つに分割されたポイントです。人間は、活性 DNA 鎖の数に応じて、複数の集合点を持つ場合があります。体内には GNA と RNA があります。人間における集合点の数を制限しようとしていますが、ほとんどの場合、集合点、つまり、人体に存在する集合点のそれぞれは、移動可能な状態にあります。集合点がどこかにあり、最初の 2 つの細胞が肩のどこかに着地したとしても、その細胞が一生肩や脊柱に留まるというわけではありません。

それらは常に L2 椎骨にあります。これは正確には正しくありません。つまり、集合点は、適切な言葉が見つからないため、移動可能です。そして、集合点は急速に移動するか、非常にゆっくりと移動するかは、ライフスタイルなどによって異なります。


しかし、それが集合点です。アサンブラージュ ポイントを調べると、アサンブラージュ ポイントは心臓のちょうど位置にあることがわかります。これは多くの人に当てはまるでしょうか? 多くの人に当てはまると思います。


心臓発作によく似た感じになることもあります。そうですね。あなたの集合地点で何かが起きている可能性は高いので、あなたの集合地点はここやここのどこかで影響を受ける可能性があります。だからこれらの通路は、そして私は、ああ、SSP には通路があるんだ、と思いました。

ああ、よかった。OK、それで、ここ数日の間に人々に対して起こった攻撃のほとんどは、背後からのものだったでしょう。あなたは多くの人々に対してそれを感じ始めていたでしょう。背後から。背中に突然痛みが出たでしょう。それは、おそらくご存知のように、肩甲骨のあたりが痛むことから始まったでしょう。自分のアセンブラージュ ポイントがどこにあるかがわかれば、ああ、なるほど、なるほど、と思うでしょう。あるいは、その領域に影響があったのかもしれません。


なぜなら、アセンブラージュ ポイントがどこにあっても、それは存在のあらゆる面に影響を与える可能性があるからです。ですから、ランダムな痛みやランダムな場所を感じたなら、そのアセンブラージュ ポイントはおそらくその領域にあったのでしょう。つまり、信じられないかもしれませんが、ある人が「ああ、前立腺が爆発しそうだ」と言ったのを聞いたことがあります。


いいえ、しかし。しかし、アセンブラージュ ポイントを保護するには、一度理解すれば、アセンブラージュ ポイントで自分の体に焦点を当てることができ、最大の火花がどこにあるのかがわかります。

多くの場合、それらのアセンブラージュ ポイントは再生ポイントでもあります。

したがって、この時点でソースに再接続されているアセンブラージュ ポイントを接続すると、再生が行われます。これが、DNA の再生と、病気や疾患に関する事柄がなくなることを意味します。しかし、アセンブラージュ ポイントについて理解する必要があるもう 1 つのことは、すべての創造の火花を覚えておくことです。ソースから来ただけではありません。ほとんどすべての存在の平面における創造に関連しています。

それは鼓動だったからです。私が鼓動について話したのを覚えていますか? 物事が分離すると、暗い光、暗い光、暗い光が起こります。ですから、あなたの集合点は、実際にはソースや光への接続だけではなく、ダークサイドへの接続でもありました。そして、私たちがニュートラルと呼ぶ調整器です。

















Now that is the main goal in restoration of Earth is not only restoration of humans, but restoration of Earth's ability to do the same, to have that direct connection to source, to have that direct connection with you and then you can Co create not only.Earth, but also or Gaia, as we say all the way with source. And eventually we can have other people come here and do the same. Folks can come and go again and it won't be a hostile environment or.Be stinky. Be kind of like, you know, for them in the Upper Astral to come here, it's like, you know, us spending the day in a garbage dump or a sewage treatment plant or or something. It's very smelly. It's kind of dirty. You want to go home and take a shower.Well, they'd rather just not come, and I'm sure a lot of you would rather not spend the day in a sewage treatment plant either, or swimming in sewage. I'm sure you would not. So it's the same thing for them. But life has to move on from what these people are doing.There they.Never had all the keys.And access to these corridors either because?There's always a source involved here.You know, they might have been able to take a little bit from us over the weekend, they might have been able to cause us a little bit of pain and harm, but.They still were never going to achieve their objective because they're never going to understand the quantum physics of creation in this universe. They maybe think they understand gematria. If they did, then they weren't wouldn't be doing what they did this weekend.They would know that they were going in the wrong direction.But nonetheless, you know.There is nothing I can say on this network, on a public network, or to on the right people's phones or even to them directly to explain to them that this is not how it works.Even when I explain it to them, they try to say, well, you know, OK, well, we're going to take all this information that she gave to us, you know, unbeknownst to her. Of course I know I'm giving you the information.I'm also educating all of you on how you personally work and how to become a more interdimensional being, so to speak, because.When these people do start to come here, you won't be surprised and you'll know how to do it yourself and you can go visit them too, and it will be different. The universe does not work the way we've been told all these years. We've been lied to, and they too have been lied to because quite frankly, nobody wanted.Cowboy butts in their worlds, Bo or astral or otherwise, nobody wanted them.I mean, do you ever wonder why? You know, do these people ever wonder why, if they were so special, why were they doing all the jobs they were doing?Why did they never get beyond a certain level? Why were they still told things are classified? Why were they not let into certain places? Why couldn't they use some of these wormholes? Maybe they got access to some jump rooms. But make no mistake, the jump room controller told you where you were going to go and when you were going to go and.When it would work and when it wouldn't work.And they still can't grasp the concept it has been.Over a decade and 1/2.And they still haven't gotten any further than they were a decade and a half ago.They even created lockdowns and pandemics and did all the things in their little handbook that was given to them by some one else.Your little love war book that they gave them, well the law of War book was still given to them by some one else so everybody would know where you are and where you're going to go.It's like those little pieces of paper they gave you and told you where all your classes were going to be in college. You know, you knew exactly what building.You were going to be in at what time? Because they wrote it for you.You know, you were accepted into those classes. It all goes into a database. And if you walk into the office and say, hey, I'm looking for John Doe, they can say, oh, John Doe is in Building B right now. Of course, we all, they all knew that about them, those people, too.I don't know who they think they're outsmarting, and I'm not even sure what war they're fighting anymore because they have gotten absolutely.Nowhere.Nowhere.Nowhere.You know, maybe they caused a little bit of distress or whatever, but they certainly didn't destroy the planet and we certainly didn't have an alien race in here.They don't understand quantum physics. I know they think they do because they know how to use.Funky technology.Or try to use funky technology. But I'm also not over here, you know, on our side of things. I'm not trying to make my refrigerator take me to Mars either. And that's what they're trying to do, essentially.You know it's.I know things seem tough.And I know a lot of people have a lot of personal issues, especially when they're affecting people in this way, because it makes people that are.You know, normally angry start to do things against other humans. You know, maybe people even that are normally nicer people, they start to do things against other humans because that is what this is designed to do. Because if they have an intention of using.It to destroy something you need to create that destructive energy. Emotional, mental, physical, astral. It doesn't matter which plane they created on in the human, it's still destructive energy and it's still created in a certain plane of existence within your person, which then gives them access to destroy in that plane. That makes any sense.To you.Umm. So do they understand any of this? I don't know, probably not. But.For the you know.It's fine. I was going to say, well, you know, maybe by putting this out there, then maybe they'll understand something. Maybe they'll even.Don't you have any quantum scientist or physicist or anybody that actually is not in the science system? Meaning, you know, they're part of a program where they had more access to information? Oh, that's right. I forgot they lied to you.In your science, too, even those people that we see on the Internet that worked in, you know, Los Alamos laboratories and deep underground military bases and all those scientists there, they didn't have the full information either.And the only reason why I do is because in part and only when I need it. Trust me, it's the wisdom.It's that connection to source, but I can't use that to destroy things well.I can use it to defend myself or the life of an innocent like I did this weekend.You know, or today even, you know, I know they felt it was very gruesome as to what happened to those people in Sierra Leone and, and it was.But I don't think you understood the amount of pain you were causing all of humanity or nor did you really care.Because, of course, according to them, you know, we all work for them. They're entitled to all of our energy. Now. I don't know why they think that. You know, it's kind of like those people that keep showing up for work long after the company closed and they just sit on the steps and eat their lunch. I don't, I'm not sure.You know, they're obviously not doing anything.You know, except for creating a little bit of disturbance by constantly knocking on the door when the company is moved out, I, you know, that's pretty much where they're at, so.That's been the last several days. It's not been fun. It's not been easy and it's not been pleasant. And I know, I mean, I definitely see your messages. I know there's a lot of frustrated people out there, but no one is more frustrated than me. I trust me when I tell you that when I have an intention of doing something else this weekend, you know?I have a lot of other things I'd like to do with my life than spend 18 hours every day of my life doing this. You know, maybe it wasn't as bad as it is this weekend. You know, I barely have time for anything. So I understand all you, all of you are frustrated and you'd like to have more money and.I would like to have more money too, and I would like to do a lot of things, and I'd like to spend my entire day creating instead of going, really, this is what's happening, OK? This is what we're doing today. Forget the fact that you wanted to take the dog for a walk. Forget the fact that you wanted to do anything else. You know, I understand. Trust me, I understand.You know, we all have issues and we all have things we'd like to do.You know, especially the closer we get to holidays. But.If nothing else, I'm definitely learning a lot, you know, from source and from other things. And hopefully one day either all these people will be dead or maybe they'll figure out their science is wrong. I don't know either way.We are preparing on our side to move forward. Without them, we might still have these hiccups and little bits of pain here and there and there's. I can't do anything to stop them, short of protect our lives or the life of an innocent. But somehow there's always more people to go to, more locations, no matter how many of them die.So hopefully.One can hope that one day that'll be a faint memory and we can all move on with our lives, including me.




















おそらく彼らはジャンプルームにアクセスできたのだろう。しかし、誤解しないでください。ジャンプ ルームの管理者は、どこにいつ行くのか、いつ機能するのか、いつ機能しないのかを伝えました。そして、彼らはまだその概念を理解できません。15年以上経ちましたが、15年前よりも少しも進歩していません。







うーん。それで、彼らはこれを少しでも理解しているのでしょうか? わかりません、おそらく理解していないでしょう。

















So that is pretty much the World Situation report for the 4th of December. Hopefully I'll see all of you again on Friday and maybe we'll even have some better news. But if nothing else, you've learned a little bit about your assemblage points, how black magic works, what corridors do, and that the space program is still crazy.So on that note, have a wonderful day or evening depending on when you're watching this, and I'll see you on Friday.

