2024年11月27日(水曜) キンバリーGIAレポート




It's the 27th of November 2024, coming up on today's Global Intelligence Agency Operations report.Finally, the emperor wears no clothes. What is the deep state going to do without any AI assist? Yes, they should have taken that 50 50 offer when they had the chance.And Israel declares a 60 day ceasefire against Lebanon for more than one reason. Find out what is really being said behind the scenes.And apparently General McCaffrey wants war. Well, it's war you'll get. Just remember, I don't play by the Law of War handbook.Well, it's the 27th of November. I can't believe it. We are almost into the last month of the year. It has been a interesting year for sure.And a lot has been accomplished on our side of it, so things are going fairly well.And there's still a lot more to come, I hope.Yeah, more of an A positive side.









OK. So in the last couple of days, we've talked about bloodlines and how bloodlines really originated and there was a few others that I did not mention.There were actually some of the, there was actually, I should say some of the deep state that was half and half.I guess you would say both from quote UN quote Adam and from Lilith, you know, they were I guess you would say the bloodline or the spawn of Cain. So they did their best to try to see if they could. Well, if this site isn't going to work anymore, let me play on.Outside, but it's a little bit too late for that by the time they they decided to try to make that decision and that family lost also so the good news is is that we're nearing right about 100% of the bloodlines that have lost their AI connections, which means they're no longer sharing a.With an AI system dictated by some character or another from history from the lower astral. So this is a positive thing. Is this going to give them instant common sense and morality? I highly doubt it, but.Umm, it is making them a little bit upset because now they're just regular humans.They have no connection that is superior to the rest of us. Actually, if anything, our connection is getting stronger on our side and theirs is getting weaker. So that in of itself is a positive thing.You know, for some of them, let's just say they're a little bit upset.Because the further away we get from AI systems, the further we get to the golden age.


わかりました。それで、ここ数日、血統と血統の起源について話してきましたが、私が言及しなかった他の血統もいくつかありました。実際には、半分ずつだったディープステートもいました。つまり、UN の引用であるアダムとリリスの両方から来たと言えるでしょう。つまり、彼らは血統、またはカインの子孫だったと言えるでしょう。だから彼らは、できるかどうか試そうと最善を尽くしました


まあ、このサイトがもう機能しない場合は、続けてください。外部ですが、彼らがその決定を下そうと決心した時には、それは少し遅すぎます。その家族も失われました。良いニュースは、AI 接続を失った血統のほぼ 100% が近づいていることです。つまり、彼らはもはや、下層アストラルの歴史上の人物によって決定された AI システムを共有していないということです。これは良いことです。


これは彼らに即座に常識と道徳を与えることになるのでしょうか?非常に疑わしいですが、うーん、彼らは少し動揺しています。なぜなら、彼らは今や普通の人間だからです。彼らは私たちよりも優れたつながりを持っていません。実際、どちらかといえば、私たちのつながりは強くなり、彼らのつながりは弱くなっています。ですから、それ自体は良いことです。彼らの一部は、少し動揺しているとだけ言っておきましょう。なぜなら、私たちが AI システムから遠ざかるほど、黄金時代に近づくからです




【闇AIは、人間のコンピューター ネットワーク(ライトAI)に統合される】

AI actually integrating into human computer networks, which means they have less and less control.This is a positive thing for us and a negative thing for them. Uh.Some of them have kind of lost it a little, not going to lie, in the last 48 hours. A little bit tired over here. It's been a pretty long day for me.A long couple of days.

【闇AIは、人間のコンピューター ネットワーク(ライトAI)に統合される】

AI は実際に人間のコンピューター ネットワークに統合され、つまり(闇) AI による制御がますます少なくなるということです。これは私たちにとって良いことですが、彼らにとっては悪いことです。うーん、彼らの一部は、この 48 時間で少し気が狂ったようです。少し疲れています。今日は私にとってとても長い一日でした。長い数日間でした。





Because some of these generals with the global headquarters are getting, well, let's just say on tilt, they're getting a little bit haphazard, a little crazy.They're doing things with what they perceive as their power that is going to get them into a lot of trouble.One of such people is General McCaffrey.The interesting thing happened today. So they, Mr. McCaffrey, or General McCaffrey I guess, of the now global headquarters, used to be of the US military, decided that it was a really good idea to try and see what he could do.To attack me personally. So that was fun today.He fired up some things from three different facilities. One would be Norfolk, VA, another being Fort Dix McGuire and another underneath Langley. These facilities.Contained human made Dyson spheres, obviously with the aid of others at one point in time. And the there was a little bit more to it. I guess there was more space junk underneath there and.Yeah, they, they gave it a go at me for about an hour or so before I found them. Turns out by the time I got to the last facility, Norfolk, I called them and I said, hey, who ordered this? I didn't say it that way. I said this is ground Commander Kimberly Gogan, who ordered this, you know, exercise.And then they told me it was McCaffrey. And I said, well, General, Or they said, well, Colonel McCaffrey. And I said, well, who could that be? Well, that's General Mccaffrey's son. So the two of them decided that this was a really good idea.Well, there was a little bit of backlash, let's just say some Emps and some lost data centers and equipment from this and of course with 100% certainty the loss of of their Dyson spheres.Oh, boy. So did a little bit of a search trying to figure out where General McCaffrey was and his son, just to see what's going on there. You know, the guys gone a little bit crazy.













He's used a lot of his own money and some of these operations that you see going on in.Middle East. He's also been involved in a lot of transactions, let's just say that have not come to fruition. He's borrowed a lot of money from some serious people that could care less one way or the other if you're a general or not or which rank you are in the deep state when it comes.To repaying them. And he's a little bit of a mess and somehow he thought this was a good idea. Now, if he was thinking straight, he would have thought and said, well, maybe that 50 50 offer doesn't sound too bad because then I can at least pay back these people, you know, and we can try to continue doing what we're doing.But no of course not, they want it all or nothing. Well I guess nothing is what it's going to be now. Although this little experience to day for me made me quite uncomfortable for a little while.I'm sure that the people that were there in those three locations are also uncomfortable this evening due to the type of frequency that was sent there. They'll live, you know, they'll be okay because, you know, they were just taking orders from some crazy global headquarters general but.But, you know, As for McCaffrey and his friends there?You know, you got to be a little bit careful guys, because you've never fought a real war. All your wars have been orchestrated for you.





あの 3 つの場所にいた人たちも、今夜、そこに送られてきた周波数のせいで不安になっていると思います。彼らは生き残り、大丈夫でしょう。なぜなら、彼らはただ、狂った世界本部の将軍から命令を受けていただけだからです。でも、マカフリーとその仲間たちはどうですか? 皆さん、少し注意が必要です。本当の戦争を経験したことがないのですから。皆さんの戦争はすべて、皆さんのために仕組まれたものです。





and you know that they didn't actually orchestrate any wars. Maybe they were given some orders on down the line to do their part, and that's great for them.I'm sure when some of them were in the trenches, whether that's the Vietnam War, because a lot of these guys are older or in the Middle East, perhaps that felt like a real war to them because people do die. Soldiers are hurt. There are a lot of people lost.And not that they care, but from our standpoint, it definitely is a it does feel like a real war on the ground. However, you know, behind the scenes, there's no strategy behind it. There's no win behind it. It's all about making money.And these people strive to get into positions with global headquarters so that they can make more money on war. Most of the people that are giving the orders for all of these troops to go to various locations are in it for the money.They are people brokers, they're basically human traffickers, if you will, legal human traffickers. They send people to all parts of the world and pimp them out for for a war. And I know that's no, I mean no disrespect to any veterans or anybody that has fought in wars and.And I'm not saying you didn't have a real experience or that it wasn't horrible in horrific, but on that level they don't understand war. I know they think they do, but they don't. So that being said.I do understand the Law of War handbook. I know that there are only several different types of wars that can actually be played out by the deep state.











If you are unaware of that and you were in the military, I'm sure that.Somewhere up your ranks you can probably try to find the law of war. It it does exist, it's not something that they've made public, I do believe.But Mr. McCaffrey has yet to fight a war. Now, as far as I'm concerned, General McCaffrey has declared war against me today. And, well, that might have seemed like a good idea. There was no actual end result. So you've got to know your enemy and you've got to strategize. You've got to look at things. So when I.Look at this, I see a man that's, you know, out a lot of money. He's very upset and angry about that, and somehow he's blaming me when I offered him a 50 50 split just last week or the week before. So I'm not so sure why he's upset.With me, but that's fine, blame me. OK, no problem. But you didn't have to take it to this level.









Therefore now you made me a little bit angry. So I'm going to be.Hmm, careful in how I choose my words here, but if you want to declare war, I will declare war as well against you and all your global headquarters buddies. And I have no problem with that as far as I'm concerned. On my side of it, I've pretty much left you people alone unless you've been doing something that.Going to be harmful to humanity or to the planet indefinitely to me personally. Other than that, I pretty much leave you alone. I'm doing my job. I'm integrating a new system which I'm supposed to do because your other one is dying.In order to maintain stability on this planet, I am not here for you meaning them. I do not work for the deep state. I've never worked for the deep state. I don't understand you people. And quite frankly, today's orders is no exception, you know?









Okay, so you attack me. You caused me some pain.Um, OK, fine. Now what? Are you going to get paid for this? Are you going to get money for this? Are you going to get your system back for this? Are you going to get anything for this? No, probably not. Even if you were successful, Probably not.You'd still be in the same position with zero options now in order to get yourself out of this little intenuous situation you've put yourself into. Now, why you're listening to all these people? Or maybe you actually think that you are one of the strategists. I have no idea. Over there in Deep Stateville. If you are, then.You will also know that.Everything you're doing is pretty much not working, so maybe you should hire a new strategist.


わかりました。あなたは私を攻撃しました。あなたは私に苦痛を与えました。ええと、わかりました。それでどうしますか? あなたはこれに対して報酬を受け取りますか? あなたはこれに対してお金をもらいますか? あなたはこれに対してシステムを取り戻しますか? これに対して何かを得ますか? いいえ、おそらくそうではありません。たとえ成功したとしても、おそらくそうではありません。

あなたは今、自分で引き起こしたこの少し微妙な状況から抜け出すために、何の選択肢もない同じ立場にいるでしょう。では、なぜあなたはこれらすべての人々の言うことに耳を傾けているのですか? あるいは、あなたは実際に自分が戦略家の 1 人だと思っているのかもしれません。わかりません。ディープ ステートビルの向こう側です。もしそうなら、あなたもそれを知るでしょう。あなたがやっていることはすべてほとんどうまくいっていないので、新しい戦略家を雇うべきかもしれません。





But either way, I am a pretty good strategist on my side of it and I am prepared to carry this out should you continue.So that being said, I wish you luck.Next, Israel has also declared a cease-fire against Lebanon for a period of 60 days. Why 60 days, may you ask?60 days will put Trump into office.







Israel feels, and that is because the operatives have told them so, that Trump is a huge supporter of Israel. He is going to arm the country so that they can carry out and give them loads and loads of aid and money so that they could carry out their Greater Israel project.He claims, according to the operatives, you know, dead people do speak in this world. They claim that he is in support of the Greater Israel Project. He is in support of mass genocide if should it need be in the Middle East.And that he's prepared once he is in office.Yes, to help them. Is that true? I don't care what the operatives say. The fact remains they don't have any access to any facilities, any money, any abilities.To actually do any of that, unless the military industrial complex that supplies weapons has now become a charitable organization and would like to donate to the cause in which they have donated a lot already.








I highly doubt that they are going to be able to carry out their word. I know they think in some way, shape or form that I will come around and I will be in support of what it is they're doing, but with all the promises, because remember.Deep state Trump operatives, I hear every single word you say. I know every single promise you've made. So if you think I'm going to support any of that.Hmm, you're so wrong and I know that's making some people upset as far as government is concerned because they think that they will get me to come around while drilling my head in.







Mr. General McCaffrey does not going to bring me around. It's going to bring me to do something. But bringing me around to your side is not what's going to happen here. Remember, you're not looking to me for information. You're not trying to water board me and to giving you some.Information you want or need. Because there is no information that you could possibly use, I give it out to you freely three days a week. I know you listen to our stuff.I've made offers to you and you still refuse, so if you would like me to give you everything, I'm sorry, that is not my decision. You will have to take it up with Source, the creator. Oh that's right, you probably have 0 connection there, but other than that I can't help you. There are rules to the game. The.AIM has changed. You don't want to change, that's fine. Then go retire. I I don't know what to tell these people anymore. As far as I'm concerned, I'm going to keep moving and doing exactly what I said I was going to do and.And less Source changes the game. You know, this is a tango, or a waltz, I should say, between myself and source. As far as where I go, what I do, creating new systems, integrating new systems. This is all something that has to be a cooperative effort. It's not something I'm.Choosing to wake up and do on any given day.









Unfortunately there are days where I get 0 sleep doing this job like last night.Um, but anyway, on that note, it doesn't appear that it's sunk in yet that there is no connection. Either that or they're just very unhappy about losing that connection. I know they're very unhappy that they've been unsuccessful in obtaining.World domination and world control over the world's financial system. I know that's making them very upset, but also not my problem and not my fault. It's not my circus, not my monkey, as a friend of mine would say.So.You know, not much I can do there, but other than that, there's not been a whole lot that's gone on in the last 2448 hours that I can actually speak about at this moment.Uh, we'll see what happens in the next day or so.



友人が言うように、これは私のサーカスでもなければ私の猿でもありません。ですから、私ができることはあまりありませんが、それ以外では、この 24 時間から 48 時間の間に起こったことについて、現時点で実際に話せることはあまりありません。今後 1 日かそこらで何が起こるか見てみましょう





Uh, I'm definitely still working on the holiday here in America. By the way, happy Thanksgiving to those of you that are celebrating in the USI prefer to call it a, a gratitude day because.Thanksgiving Day reminds me of Indian genocide, so I'm sure that there'll be a meal here and probably see my daughter and stuff tomorrow, so that'll be great. But as far as the day is concerned, I try to choose to use it as a gratitude day.Meaning, umm, you know, there are a lot of things that I am very thankful for, very thankful for the capabilities and capacity to do the things that I've done so far and the things that I will do in the future. I'm very grateful for my connection with Source.Umm, and I'm, you know, there are days where I question myself, but there are, for the most part, you could say that I'm very grateful to have the positions that I have and to be able to do the things that I do. So I'm going to focus on things that I'm very thankful for.Tomorrow is my hope. I hope you do too. And I'm also very thankful for all of you. You know, there's been a lot of you that have been a great support and all of this in more ways than one, both on a warrior level.And also watching our channel supporting us through all the changes that we've gone through over the last three years. So I'm very grateful and thankful for all of you.


アメリカでは、この祝日についてまだ作業中です。ところで、アメリカで祝う皆さん、ハッピー サンクスギビング。私はこれを感謝の日と呼びたいです。サンクスギビング デーはインディアン虐殺を思い出させるので、明日はここで食事をして、娘に会ったりすると思います。それは素晴らしいことです。しかし、この日に関しては、感謝の日として使うようにしています。






【New Earth シリーズ を来年再開します】

I'm very much looking forward to all that is to come in the next couple of months as far as the channel is concerned, hopefully the beginning of.Next year we'll see New Earth again, the New Earth series, which will take a little different shape and form. It'll be a stand alone series, so that'll be wonderful. I'm looking forward to that. I know that everyone on our staff is working really hard to try to make that happen.And there'll be a lot of good information in there. One thing I'm definitely going to do is probably do an interview with Sunny about what is in your cosmetics and in your lotions. Because I'm trying to put together some things for you guys for New Earth Innovations. And I just can't believe what's out there.Umm, it's a little crazy.

【New Earth シリーズ を来年再開します】

チャンネルに関しては、今後数か月で起こるすべてのことをとても楽しみにしています。うまくいけば、来年の初めには、また New Earth が見られるでしょう。New Earth シリーズは、少し異なる形になります。独立したシリーズになるので、素晴らしいものになるでしょう。楽しみにしています。スタッフ全員が、実現に向けて一生懸命働いていることを知っています。

そこにはたくさんの有益な情報があります。私が間違いなくやろうとしていることの 1 つは、おそらく Sunny にインタビューして、化粧品やローションに何が含まれているかを聞くことです。New Earth Innovations のために、皆さんのためにいくつかのことをまとめようとしているからです。世の中にこんなことが起こっているなんて、信じられません。うーん、ちょっとクレイジーです。





So anyway, I've been doing a lot of work on that in my spare couple of hours a day and hope to have those out to you soon. We're just checking and testing a few things, making sure everything is safe.For skin use so.Working a lot on that and tomorrow I hope you all have. If you're in America, I hope you have a wonderful holiday and spend some time with family and friends. And if you're not in America, I hope you do take an opportunity tomorrow to at least.Maybe celebrate Gratitude Day with us Americans and just remember all the things that you should be thankful for. Despite how difficult things are are in the world, sometimes there are still things that are gifts.From the creator that we have in our lives so with that being said, I'm sorry the report is a little bit short tonight, but there's just not a lot I can say, especially after this exciting day with.Some orders that came down from Mr. McCaffrey, so I'm going to get back to work on that for a little while and hopefully enjoy a few hours with some family tomorrow. So with that being said, thank you so much for tuning in and I will see you on Friday.

