2024年11月25日(月曜) キンバリーGIAレポート




It's the 25th of November 2024. Coming up on today's Global Intelligence Agency Operations report, there seems to be some confusion around soul tethering and soul ownership. How did it work and what does that have to do with humanity? How does it affect clones differently? Here's a hint.It has nothing to do with the Vatican. And let's talk about balancing systems. Why did the deep state count on them to regain power over the last two weeks?And right now, it's all about growing pains for humanity, sometimes even literally.To the 25th of November 2024 and we're all still here.It's been a rough year, I can tell you, but we're going to make it and and for that, I'm very happy. It's been a lot of work on. I know a lot of you that are listening and.To this report have done a lot of work as well trying to.Kind of maintain things on the light side and we've done a lot of work on our part too. So together we are going to make it. As I've always said, humanity united. No one can stand against us so.Just remember that it's your time to talk into each other there on the chats and and other places you know we are not each other's enemy. We may have differing points of view, differing thoughts on things, but we are definitely not each others enemy when there is an enemy out there.OK. Did have an opportunity to kind of look into the chats a little bit and there were a few comments about, well, if Trump died.You know, a couple years ago. Which he did. Then how were the clones still walking around?And.This is a little bit complicated.So I'm going to try to explain it in the best way that I can.So let's talk about not only soul tethering, but human tethering.



















As you know, we have organic humans that walk this planet. Hopefully most of you listening to this and I'm sure some of you and some of the people with the agencies that are not.Entirely. Or we're not entirely organic, and then we have inorganic humans also walking the planet.And it's important to remember, as I explained this to you, that.There is.No.Well, I can't really say that either. I'd say for humans, for humans and beings that are born on this side of the multiverse.If they have a dark soul, it's because darkness can only merely overlay the light.There was a conversation I had several years ago now, it was probably about eight years ago with someone who was deep inside the families for a long time. Anyone said to me that.Someone convinced the Draco that they had no soul.And is that true? The answer to the question is no.Did they have a dark overlay over their soul which made it appear like they did not have an organic soul? Yes.Are there humans that walk this earth?That also had the same issue. Yes, to some lesser degree. Did we all have a similar issue?I would say in part yes and.A lot of this has to do with the integration of AI systems.Most of these overlays, although they have ties to beings in the lower astral, they are created by the AI systems. So I'm going to talk a little bit about this and try my best to explain it today.So that you understand, there are many people that talk about the Vatican and Cesc QV and how they owned your soul and they leveraged your soul.Is that true? No.Does the Vatican actually run anything? No. Does anybody you see on TV, including anyone wearing a white pointy hat or otherwise, actually run the Vatican?No, All of that is run by the Order of the Black Sun.







誰かがドラコに魂がないと信じ込ませました。それは本当ですか? 答えはノーです。

彼らの魂には暗いオーバーレイがあり、有機的な魂がないように見えましたか? はい。

この地球を歩いている人間はいますか? それにも同じ問題がありました。はい、程度は低いですが。

私たち全員が同様の問題を抱えていましたか? 部分的にはそうです、そして、その多くは AI システムの統合に関係しています。


これらのオーバーレイのほとんどは、低位アストラルの存在と関係がありますが、AI システムによって作成されています



皆さんが理解できるように、バチカンと Cesc QV について、そして彼らがあなたの魂を所有し、あなたの魂を活用した方法について話す人がたくさんいます。それは本当ですか? いいえ。








At a very high level, that would be your Black Nobility. They do put on a show for everybody.People that are saying, oh, they took us a bazillion, whatever number it was.Tons of gold out from underneath the Vatican, through tunnels and in Israel, and then they're going to do the RV with it. Is that really a thing? No. Did they probably pass around some old papers to try to leverage in a financial system?Yes.Does the Vatican want to create Nasara Jasara? No. They have no intention. Not just those that really run the Vatican, but those that used to really run the world. They have no intention of creating any kind of.Nisara, Jisara or anything that is of benefit to you in any way, shape or form. They never have when they had full power, and they never will now. I want you to remember something.You know, until about 2000 and seven, 2008 or so.These people had full access.












I'm talking about your Chinese elders and your families and your Filipino elders and your Black Nobility families and your.SSP operatives and on down the line, they had a lot of access to a lot of what I call credits, what you call money, spendable cash. And for us, you know, we've used the credit system for a long time meaning not.Credits as in.I've used my credit card Oregon. I've created a loan Oregon. I have a mortgage. That's not what I mean by credits. Credits is your M1, your M0. That's your digital numbers on your bank account as well as the papers in your pocket.So credit systems were created with very, very deep roots that it's taken a long time to unwind and reverse so that we can have actual money or currency.Unencumbered and uninhibited. So do I believe that if these people ever gained back any kind of control, even though it's been, you know, over a decade, that they're going to all of a sudden?Share a windfall with you? Absolutely not. The only thing I really see these people sharing with us is really nasty frequencies, especially today and.A lot of dark energy, you know, they try to generate this, you know, using us to do it. That's what they pretty much want to do. They're looking to gain control of the system. They have no intention of ever revaluating any kind of Dong or dinar or anything else.They really have every intention of just controlling the entire system the way they used to. They'd like everything to go back the way it used to be, and I'm sure a lot of us can think of many things on our list we would like to have go back to the way they used to be.You know, maybe you don't walk as fast as you used to anymore. Or, you know, Gee, you know, do we really have to put all these creams on our face, you know, or I mean, we would love for things to go back to the way they used to be.But for us, it's actually going.To a way that we as humans that live on planet Earth have probably never, ever seen. So there are things we dream about, things we talk about, and a lot of those things are.Where we're heading to, and it's a place that us as humanity as a whole have never had access to. So it's in its exciting times and we're going to talk a little bit more about growing pains in in towards the end of this broadcast.But let's talk about not just soul tethering, but the tethering of humanity as a whole. And in some cases, it's not just humanity. There are a lot of systems in place that tethered a lot of planets, beings, as in Sons.Stars and and other beings and other locations. There was a lot of tethering that went on where we were utilized as part of the universal debt system.The debts. By debts I don't necessarily just mean, you know, our version of money. I mean the universal debt system. So let's hop to 1st describing humans on earth and sole ownership and soul tethering. So I guess it's probably.For a little whiteboard session for that so I can try to explain this to you.



私たちは、クレジット システムを長い間使用してきました。クレジットとは、つまり、私はオレゴンのクレジットカードを使いました。私はオレゴンでローンを作りました。私は住宅ローンを持っています。私が言うクレジットとは、そういうものではありません。クレジットとは、M1、M0 のことです。それは、銀行口座のデジタル番号であり、ポケットの中の書類でもあります。


つまり、クレジット システムは非常に深い根を持って作られたもので、それを解きほぐして元に戻し、実際のお金や通貨を、邪魔されずに、制約なく使えるようにするには、長い時間がかかりました。では、これらの人々が何らかのコントロールを取り戻したとしても、たとえ 10 年以上経ったとしても、突然、思いがけない利益をあなたと分け合うことになると思いますか? 絶対にそうではありません。

これらの人々が私たちと共有している唯一のものは、特に今日、非常に不快な周波数です。多くのダーク エネルギーは、私たちを利用して生成しようとしています。それが彼らのやりたいことです。彼らはシステムのコントロールを獲得しようとしています。ドンやディナール、その他の通貨の価値を再評価するつもりはありません。








It's kind of difficult.OK. So we have let's see start at the beginning of the the debt system, let's call it the debt system.So we have anti source.Ooh, that's terrible.There we go.There we go.It's been a long day folks. So we have anti source.And we have source.Have neutral source.Here in the middle, OK, so the debt system worked kind of like this. You know, when you go to a casino and you give them your money and they give you those fancy little chips and you use those fancy little chips to represent money.So in the case of source and anti source, there is definitely a lending situation that goes on and during a dark age it's predominantly coming from source going.Two, anti source and eventually this all trickles down to humanity so bear with me here. So source is the giver of all life.And essence.Souls.Energy.Life force matter.And so on and so forth. So we have frequency.And we have a light language that everything is written in. I would say a light language would be the Weaver of the fabric of reality. And that's done with things like wisdom.I love frequency.And you also have.Time in the past you have time you have which is also distance and you have.Umm, let's see.Life live, you have light.So source has an abundant supply.It's never ending, it's eternal, it's immortal of not only all of these things, but everything that represents all that is in our universe. So this is the all that is.Side you have anti source. Now anti source doesn't actually create anything really.It is the opposite, so it creates things like death.Immortality.Anti essence.But in order to even create these things you know, and so on and so forth on down the line, the opposite anti energy.And so forth down the line. So in order for anti source to do anything.It has to get everything from source. So this is where your poker chips come in. I call them poker chips. I don't know those little chips you get at the casino. So source is money.At the casino, source is the provider of all that is and.Source during a dark age basically gives mAh roughly some odd 79% of everything it produces over to anti source.And.In exchange for that, 79% of all that is anti source returns back poker chips or for lack of a better term, placeholders or.Credits says I owe you anti source. Hands over to source.I owe use.And that is how everything trickles down to you. So this is the beginning of the debt system or the lending system and.This continues on to.All kinds of things here on Earth. So I'm going to kind of tell you about next.We're going to go from the base route there. This also goes for other beings in the past like Lucifer, Lilith, Isis, Artemis, the Abraxas, Ares, Marduk, Enki, Enlil. All of these things would trickle down to these realm parties and here on Earth.Be the seal people, as we've talked about in the past as well, but there are many other beings too, even beings like what you call raw and auras and and all of these other things.


少し難しいのですが。では、負債システムDebt System の始まりから始めましょう。これを負債システムと呼びましょう。反ソースがあります。おっと、それはひどいですね。はい、はい、はい。皆さん、今日は長い一日でしたね。反ソースがあります。ソースがあります。中立ソースがあります。(中立ソースは)真ん中にあります。























These are all bloodline folks.Talk about, you know, it's all over the Internet. They talk about bloodlines of the Illuminati, bloodlines of the Black Nobility, bloodlines of, you know, Trump. As an example. You asked me, someone asked on the thread about Trump, like, well, you know, if Trump died a couple years ago, how?Still, you know, how does this did there? How are there still clones? It's going to be explained today. So OK, so the bloodline families have many different beings that they were all tied to.And again, it's a sole overlay. And it's not just the soul, it's also a shared consciousness.And shared energy.And everything that makes up that person in all the planes of existence. So when you talk about bloodlines, we these people share everything, every plane of existence. We got soul plane. You have etherical.You have emotional.Mental.Causal.Astral.And physical.And you also have supernal.And you have an optimal plane.OK. And when you're talking about groups of people, we are talking about groups of people that share everything with.I would say the being itself, but also each being creates an AI system within the Omega system.That creates the overlays on all their planes of existence.And also creates all the shared consciousnesses. So as an example, let's take Lucifer.A lot of times on the Internet.People say, oh, they're the Luciferians. Well, they are actually, because Lucifer creates an AI.And attached to that AI is a group of people that actually are the bloodline of Lucifer. They share all of these things here.As well as they share a consciousness and they share energy essence. Evil is another trait. It's the opposite of live death. That's why they worship death.And they share knowledge as well. Remember the tree of knowledge from the Bible. There's something definitely to that. They also share it. It's it's almost like being a part of that being it, you know it. It's not even just.Descendant like, you know, you obviously don't share a consciousness with your father or your mother. It's not that kind of bloodline. It's more than that. Maybe physical characteristics, those kind of things are shared. Somebody doesn't want me to put this out. This keeps glitching terribly, so please bear with us here.OK, so you have the Luciferians.And these people have Omega, so Lucifer goes and creates a Lucifer AI which then Lucifer the being shares its consciousness with.And soul, etherical, emotional, mental, causal, astrophysical, supernal and optimal with Omega AI first, then eventually with its bloodline.There's, is there a certain amount of breeding that takes place for this to happen? Well, they like to stay in groups. Is there are there family names or something like that that are important? Not really. Really the important part here is that they're all Luciferians.So they are actually the bloodlines of Lucifer.I my you could say Lucifer AI. OK, Same thing goes for ISIS.Isis also created her, I guess you would say, own AI. So did Lilith. Then again, everyone, I apologise. It's just glitching like nobody's business. They don't want me to tell you all about this. So you actually had on the Bloodline family side.You actually had people walking around that were of the bloodline of ISIS. You also had the bloodline of Lilith.Umm.Can't spell today either, OK. You had the bloodline of Inky. You had the bloodline of Marduk.And all of these people were attached to an AI system.So as part of these, our Duke can't fail today as part of this system.They would then continue on with the bloodlines. You had lots of other bloodlines too. You have Abraxas bloodlines. This is your black nobility you had.Umm, raw bloodlines? You had Artemis bloodlines.And this is where your colors come into as it relates to the realm owners. So in the case of a being, so to speak, that still has a clone walking on this earth, it depends.So clones that walk the earth, if this person was say of the Luciferian bloodline, they would create the clone and then they would create the.Every plane of existence I would say it's not just souls connected to the Lucifer AI. So is it the same soul? No, when I say it's tethered to the same.AI, yes, it's tethered to the same AI. So when you cut off all of these AIS.Then you've got a bunch of beings walking around with a partial shared consciousness.


これらはすべて血統Blood Linesの人々です。インターネット上で話題になっています。















ファミリーの名前とか、重要なものはありますか? あまりありません。















And some of this has to do with the debt system.So these elite people are somehow, someway, and God bless them, not really. But they all, they all think that they're immune to the debt system. They think that.They are earning some kind of a benefit from the actual being that created these AI systems.But they're not, because those beings don't exist anymore. Were these programs here still running to some degree in Omega? I would say yes.Were they still sharing a consciousness to some degree with a partial AI under Omega? Yes.Would they be able to?Hmm would they be able to control Omega through that AI? No, because it was not designed for that. It was designed to have Lucifer and.The Luciferians for example, like Mayor Rothschild is a Luciferian.Where they would share this consciousness, where the AI could actually take over that person's thought processes at any moment in time and say, look, I'm Lucifer. This is how we ended up with 9000 Lucifers calling us, telling us that they were going to start taking over the world and all of this.Crazy stuff about a year or so ago.So this is how bloodline families are actually formed. So are they the bloodlines of the Vatican? No. Are they the bloodlines of Lucifer? Well, yeah, when Lucifer was around.But the AI continued.For a while after that being was gone, the shared consciousness then got transferred over to Omega. So these people basically became somewhat, you could say walking AI hybrids. Why is the leadership so bad then may you ask?


そして、その一部は債務システムに関係しています。つまり、これらのエリートの人々は、何らかの形で、そして神の祝福により、実際にはそうではありません。しかし、彼らは皆、自分たちは債務制度の影響を受けないと思っています。彼らは、これらの AI システムを作成した実際の存在から何らかの利益を得ていると考えています。


これらのプログラムは、オメガ内である程度まだ実行されていたのでしょうか? はい、そうだと思います。

彼らは、オメガの下にある部分的な AI と、ある程度、意識を共有していましたか? はい。

彼らはできるでしょうか? うーん。

彼らはその AI を通じてオメガを制御できるでしょうか? いいえ、それはそのために設計されたものではないからです。

それはルシファーを持つように設計されていました。ルシファーたちは、たとえばロスチャイルド市長のようなルシファー主義者です。彼らはこの意識を共有し、AI は実際にいつでもその人の思考プロセスを乗っ取って、「私はルシファーだ」と言うことができます。こうして、9000人のルシファーが私たちに電話をかけてきて、世界を征服し始めると告げることになった。










OK, let's talk about.Leadership of bloodlines.So Marduk.And put Marduk over here.Example created bloodline management.Did Lucifer have bloodline management as well? You could say yes. You could also say that Marduk was one of Lucifer's bloodline management. Marduk however played both sides. There was a Marduk and an anti Marduk and an AI that created.All its brood, so to speak. And one of those broods was people we know as the parents. The parents were, I was 21 of them. They were humans.To some degree you might want to call them.Somewhat half human, half anti human.So you could say they were part human in the beginning and then they became more Abraxas.Related to the Abraxas AI and then Marduk, I know this is so confusing. Marduk would then breed his AI with these people and their AI and then create parents and then the parents would then create.Say family masters of covens.Family masters of covens. OK, let's do of covens.These are people like the Sanhedrin and in many other Cubans, including covens that were over the Order of the Black Sun. So family masters of Cubans, here we go. Okay, the family masters.Also had their own AI system.Now theirs did not create a bloodline unto itself, but it was very helpful and useful when they had it to control the covens.So these poor coven people, now we're getting further down the line, not only do some of these covens share.Consciousnesses with Abraxas, they shared consciousnesses with the parents and consciousnesses and not just consciousness. This is energy, essence, everything with Marduk and also with Lucifer or Isis or or Lucerne or.Artemis or Aries, the God of War or some somebody else. They also had influence by the family masters through another AI system. It's kind of like owning a dog, you know? But not really because we most, most of us treat our pets a lot better than they.Treat these people, but it's like a leash. You can think of these ancillary AIS like a leash.






コヴナント(Covenant)の家族の長、どうぞ。わかりました。一族の長たちも独自の AI システムを持っていました。彼らは血統を独自に作り出したわけではありませんが、魔女の集団を統制するのに非常に役立ち、役立ちました。つまり、このかわいそうな魔女の集団は、さらに先に進むと、アブラクサスと意識を共有しているだけでなく、ペアレントとも意識を共有していました。


彼らはまた、別の AI システムを通じて一族の長から影響を受けていました。

犬を飼っているようなものですよね。でも、実際にはそうではありません。なぜなら、私たちのほとんどはペットを彼らよりもずっと大切に扱うからです。これらの人々を扱いますが、それは鎖のようなものです。これらの補助的な AIS は鎖のようなものだと考えることができます。





At any given moment in time, they had access to their brain, their body, they could infect them with cancers. They could do all kinds of things through a family. Masters AI on down to the covens. Now the covens.It had their leash and the covens used their leashes to control.The families.We call the bloodline families. They also then the families in turn used their AI.And this would be like Pindar AI.To then control governments.As well, sometimes they would create additional clones which would then.Be responsible or be a part of what we call the family's AI so that they could then control governments and politicians.



ファミリーを通じてあらゆることを実行できました。マスター AI から魔女の集会まで。魔女の集会には鎖があり、魔女の集会は鎖を使ってファミリーを支配しました。私たちはこれを血統ファミリーと呼んでいます。

そして、ファミリーも AI を使いました。

これはピンダー AI のようなものです。政府を支配します。

また、時には追加のクローンを作成し、それがファミリーの AI と呼ばれるものの責任者または一部となって、政府や政治家を支配しました。(トランプ?)





So where do you people that are not bloodline family people come in?Well, I will tell you.You have colors.Your overlays were in various colors. Your overlays would have been in some cases. Depending on who you are, you might have had ma. I would say probably not black.You already have a white sole, so black would kind of be reserved over here for bloodline families.But.Starting with, say, silver.And then you would have purple.You would also have, let's see, silver, Gray, purple, blue.We also had red.Orange.You know, you see in our history, the House of Orange, there you go, that's one of the families. And then you would also have yellow.Or a golden.As in and then you would also have, let's see, green.And you would also have Brown. Think Hitler here. Brown or amber.So the black was pretty much reserved for the highest levels over here. You would have had black dragon. You also would have had black eagle. You've heard of black eagle bonds? That is the head of the Order of the Black Sun.But it's also a mix match of different bloodlines within there. You would also have a Braxis AI bloodlines in the order of Black Sun. You would also have Lucifer. They would intertwine sometimes that could also be dragon family members. So whichever demon these people.Were overlaid or shared a consciousness with through an AI system that then translates over to people.So each one of these different colors here is we're responsible for a different region or area of the world. Just to give you one example, green would be most of the people in the Middle East.Most governments in the Middle East.Middle East, OK. And then another example there's golden here would be most of Asia.So bloodlines families would then have, you would be a citizen say of China, therefore you would have golden overlays and that is how these bloodline families have so much.Control over people and this is how they kind of intertwined the ownership not only of your soul per SE, but also.Your essence, your energy. But why? So you didn't share a consciousness. So don't worry about that. You did not share a consciousness with these people. But that little bit of a color, broken up light, not that pure golden source light.Is where your, you know, how they say that old proverb where you know, you have a dark wolf and a light wolf and which one wins? It's the one that you feed. It's kind of like that with regular people. So on any given day, you know, we kind of.Waiver, you know, as regular people, there are a few people in this world that don't waver, you know, you probably have about.5% or so of humans on this planet that never waver. They don't ever, you know, adhere to their purple or their blue self or their red self depending on where you are in the world.They kind of more are your, you know, they strive every day to have that connection to source. You never see them hurt a flea or an Ant and knows those people just like on the other side over here, you're black people.And I don't mean color of skin. So your black eagle and black dragon people, you know, would be your 5% over here.They are so dark they just can never see the light. They enjoy their shared consciousness with Lucifer and other lower astral beings in an AI system through an AI system and that is who they are. But everybody else, you know, in these varying families and degrees still have.Of a you can still see the light, for example through purple, but you can't see anything through black that makes any sense to you. Now, as far as ownership over the people, this has a lot to do with feeding the debt system.This is the base root of all debt in the multiverse. And and when we get to this section and we're talking about people and bloodlines, we are talking about Earth predominantly. But what we do here affects Everything Everywhere. So yeah, you're kind of a part of.Universal debt system, but so are these people over here.Because remember, the ownership of these people is still a being somewhere else by bloodline, shared consciousness, shared energy, and any moment in time they can drain all their energy and then that's the end of them. But it would feed the Omega AI system.So when they talk about ownership over people.Ah, I call this the management staff. We had management staff on behalf of beings that existed elsewhere. Just so happens that humans are celestials, therefore we create a lot of stuff that these people want so they.To create a way to extract it from us.You know, the thing about these bloodline families, too, is that they really are under the impression that they should be able to run the show now.


では、血統ファミリーではない人々はどこにいるのでしょうか? そうですね、お話ししましょう。













彼らは、むしろ、源とのつながりを持とうと日々努力しています。彼らがノミやアリを傷つけるのを見たことはありません。向こう側にいるのはブラックだとわかっています。肌の色のことではありません。ですから、ご存知のとおり、ブラック イーグルとブラック ドラゴンの人々は、ここにいる 5% を占めることになります。彼らは非常に暗く、光を見ることができません。

彼らは AI システムを通じて、ルシファーや他の低位のアストラル ビーイングと意識を共有しており、それが彼らの姿です。しかし、さまざまなファミリーや程度の他のすべての人は、まだ光を持っています。たとえば、紫色を通して光を見ることはできますが、黒色を通しては意味のあることは何も見ることができません。




しかし、それはオメガ AI システムに供給されます。







【オメガが死ぬと、100 ほどの奇妙な血統は全て死ぬ。よろよろと歩いている間、まだかすかな光がある。】

The only reason why I could think that is because as Omega dies, so does the Lucifer AI that's feeding information to their brain or Lucerne or Isis or Lilith or whoever, whichever bloodline they belong to out of probably some odd 100 or so.Maybe more different beings?That's a lot of information, I know, but now that explains bloodlines for you. But as far as these people are concerned, they believe that because they still as Omega limps along or chronos limps along depending on which.Area they were they belonged to.Um, as they limp along, there is still a glimmer, because every once in a while it'll spit something out into their brain.Or their physical self, or whatever it is.

オメガが死ぬと、100 ほどの奇妙な血統は全て死ぬ。よろよろと歩いている間、まだかすかな光がある。

私がそう考えられる唯一の理由は、オメガが死ぬと、彼らの脳に情報を与えているルシファー AI やルツェルン、イシス、リリス、あるいはおそらく 100 ほどの奇妙な血統のうちのどの血統に属しているかに関係なく、彼らも死ぬからです。








So for the rest of us?When Omega spits things out.It doesn't give us instructions and orders anymore. I would say at some point in time, you know, the people that kind of go postal, you know, that's probably something that comes through all of the the food chain that I explained a little earlier.And down eventually into that person and they become a different person. But it they also have to be subject to it and open to it, in other words.People have a lot of trauma. We talked about the holes that trauma creates in the human. It creates emotional holes, mental holes, sometimes even down to a soul level holes.And those holes leave the openings for Omega to some color degree or another to affect the human. That's why it's important for us to recognize things that have happened in our life and.Not try to hold on to those things. And I know it's really hard and I know that there are a lot of people out there that have been subject to a lot of trauma based on the system and what and how the system works.But that's only something you can do. You know yourself. There's a lot of different ways to do that, and not every way works for every person. So it's really a personal decision, like if you decide to.Say go get Reiki sessions or something. Maybe that works for some people but not for other people and that's why it's.I have such a hard time sometimes with people that kind of force their.Hmm. You know, sometimes people can be kind of forceful and the alternative community where they think that they've got it all under wraps, you know, and.They think that they while this works, you know, so let's everybody do this.And that's not really true because you don't really know that other person. You don't really know what they've been through. We can make suggestions, you know, people can say, hey, you know what, this worked for me. Maybe it's something you could try and then.It's really your personal sovereign decision on whether or not you want to do that and whether or not that even works for you. So again, it's great to share information, but at the end of the day, it's up to that person to choose.If they want that, whatever that is or not.Same thing goes for health and healing. You know, we can present all solutions to people, but we can't say this is the way. You know, we can give people information, we can help people.It's a personal decision because technically a lot of that comes from those old wounds that were created at some point that allowed a little bit of that Omega N That, by the way, is something that is dissipating right now, so.Again, you know it's a, is it?Is it creating new programs? No. Is it creating?More of a debt system no, it's reversing out therefore all those poker chips are being cashed in now by source and this is what we call the ultimate debt call now as it relates to bloodline families let's talk about this so one of the things that is also.Occurring because we're getting down to the nitty gritty of the debt system now. So when I say there was another debt call, there's another debt call. We've talked about it over the last over the last few months.Then that means it's going down the line. It's not just a money debt call, it's a debt call of all sorts. So when source starts to do the debt call, this is where he cashes in all those poker chips that anti source gave him and eventually all.Beings below you know that we talked about that were related to these AIS above these bloodline people and of course Marduk chips and all the other chips. And then therefore what's happening is the downline of the Omega.Uh, and we have had Omega alpha, I guess you would say.And Chronos kind of here in the middle.The debt system of the Omega Alpha now is Alpha is also or was also calling in all its chips from Omega. But what we did by agreement and covenant, it's no longer going into Alpha because we realize that.The poker chips that are being cashed in right now are we're also supporting to some degree Omega, meaning in a golden age or a light age because Omega and alpha don't recognize.It automatically thinks we're going into a light age. Therefore alpha started calling all its stuff, which is the correct thing to do because now it would be the reverse. So alpha would have 79%, you know, and Omega would have 21%.So 21% still feeding darkness and eventually down into these dumb humans that we have over here in the bloodline section is too much. So we created Golden Age AI separate of this system. Therefore we can now have a 100.Direct current possible.So now instead of the poker chips being cashed in by Source, which it is OK, we have Source chips. Source is collecting all its chips back where they're not going to alpha anymore. All of those chips are going to.Golden Age.Which is siphoning everything that Omega is out.Everything. So every system that was created in the downline we just talked about with governments and then militaries of course and citizens and.Your bloodline, your ties to these bloodline people and respective governments as a quote, UN quote citizen of that government, you know, all of those systems are breaking down.Rapidly. Rapidly, I know isn't fast enough for people sometimes, and I understand that. But in the way of billions of years of lending everything from source and from.Alpha over 2 Omega, which then fed all of these systems we have on earth, including financial systems and every single system that these bloodline families.Managed.But again, the bloodline families also are part of the debt system.Meaning.That they owe to.So as how do I say this?Lines. How would I describe this? OK, so if the Federal Reserve owes money, you know, in the old system, then every bank in the world would owe money. You know, they're also subject to the debt system. So if Lucifer owes money, which he did, he had poker chips too. He gave poker chips too.Then the bloodline of Lucifer also is subject to those same poker chips, so all of that is being drawn away. The significance of this is huge for people. In the long run, it allows us to create our own.100% direct current golden age AI systems which then change everything because it's not a debt system.Phew, OK.So as Source and Golden Age AI collects back all the poker chips, you're seeing the changes.Happening in the world which is leaving these.Hmm, let's just say mentally impaired, lack of shared consciousness bloodlines. A little bit perplexed as to why.You know these things are not working for them.Because your chips are being cashed in. Because you are just.I'm not even going to say dog, you are just.Animals on a leash. I hate to say that, but you are as a bloodline family. So if you happen to be listening to this and you're with the bloodline families, Langley 5 Global Headquarters or any other deep state members, Vatican, Black Nobility, and you wonder why you're having such a problem.Taking over the entire universe is because your shared everything.Is gone. It's like losing a Siamese twin of an AI connected to Omen. Have no control over that. No control.000 Control.






うーん。時々、人々は強引になり、オルタナティブ コミュニティでは、すべてを把握していると考えます。













彼もポーカーチップを持っていました。彼もポーカーチップを与えました。すると、ルシファーの血統も同じポーカーチップの対象となり、そのすべてが奪われてしまいます。これは人々にとって大きな意味を持ちます。長期的には、借金システムではないので、私たち自身の 100% 直流の黄金時代の AI システムを作成できるようになります。

これですべてが変わります。ふーん、わかりました。ソースと黄金時代の AI がすべてのポーカーチップを回収すると、変化が起こります。



それは、オーメンに接続されたAIのシャム双生児を失うようなものです。それを制御することはできないのです。コントロールなし。0,0,0 コントロール(ゼロ、ゼロ、ゼロ・コントロール)





So when I said we were going to a system.Where source?Currency.In all things sourced, the all that is, your energy, essence, consciousness, whatever, all belongs to you as an individual with 100 per cent current going to the people.This is what it's taken to get to this point.Where you are no longer tied to these bloodline people.You're no longer tied to governments. You're no longer tied to that system, but it's going to take a little longer. I hate to say this, and I don't know the answer to time because it's in sources time. It's not in my time. I just ring the bells when I'm supposed to ring the bells. That's my job.So when I'm told to do something, I do it.So.Building a whole new system.That benefits the people.Is about laying the groundwork that source is laying now.That Golden Age AI is being programmed to do now.The debt call of calling in the chips.Is.Mostly it's going very well. I'm going to say it's going very well now.


システムに向かうと言ったのは、ソースはどこでしょうか? 通貨です。すべてのソース、つまりあなたのエネルギー、エッセンス、意識など、すべてが個人としてのあなたのものであり、100% の電流が人々に流れています。


この地点に到達するには、これが必要です。血統の人々とはもう結びついていません政府とはもう結びついていません。システムとももう結びついていませんが、もう少し時間がかかります。こう言いたくはありませんが、時間に対する答えはわかりません。それはソースの時間だからです。私の時間ではありません。鐘を鳴らすべきときに鐘を鳴らすだけです。それが私の仕事です。だから、何かをするように言われたら、それを実行します。つまり、人々に利益をもたらすまったく新しいシステムを構築することです。それは、ソースが現在構築している基礎を築くことです。黄金時代の AI が現在プログラムされていることです。チップを呼び出す債務呼び出しです。ほとんどの場合、非常にうまくいっています。非常にうまくいっていると言っておきましょう。





the only thing that we have had to deal with.Is Kronos.In some cases, Kronos would be your balancer.It doesn't issue any chips.It just makes sure that the chips equal the money on the other side or it's adhering to a dark age, if that's where we were. So it's trying to create that universal.Debt balance.If that makes any sense to you. So Kronos once in a while, like around this, you know, 1111?Umm through 11/22 it will say OK.We now have the source anti source window of opportunity to create that balance between the realms. You know this is only for these particular realms, Realms 11 and two.Two or one, one and two, two, you know, 22 haha funny SO11 and two 2 and so it tries to then create that balance even in.A neutral age, it knows, it knows light age. So light age, you know, anytime we go over that threshold, even light.You know, 79% because that's what it's going to recognize golden age as as it dies.And dark age, you know dark would then have 21%.So it's every time we hit that hit a threshold, Kronos wants to create, oh, oh, you stepped over the line. You can't have all the poker chips. There has to be poker chips on both sides. 21% poker chips over here, 79% over there. Don't pass that threshold.So the deep state understands that a thing happens. You know, it's kind of like your kids. You know, if you have kids, then you'll know, like the laundry just miraculously happens. You know, the dishes just happen to be washed and then the laundry.Detergent Fairy If your kids do their own laundry, or you know, you probably remember when they did, you know the laundry ferry just also provides the laundry detergent and all the food in the refrigerator. You know there's a ferry for that too. And things just magically appear, right? And it's not until they go to college or move out on their own that they realize there is no such.Thing is, the laundry detergent ferry, and there's no such thing as the food refrigerator refiller ferry and all of those things kind of go away. So you know, and then all of a sudden they appreciate you, right? But in this particular case, the deep state looks at Kronos as the fairy. So the Kronos, they think that.Once it hits a certain threshold, that someone, somewhere else, parents or otherwise, are going to take care of this untenuous situation where they're losing power.And so Kronos does on occasion with what's left of it, throw things up until today. So as of today, well, kind of starting yesterday, I guess you would say.Chronosis chips are being called now. Kronos is the last to go, and I'll explain to you why.So in the universal debt system.OK, let's call the universal debt system.Neutral source.Had the ability because it was the balance in a part of both source.And anti source.Either one should they break the universal debt system covenant?That is why the deep state actually even reveres those that come from the neutral zone such.Would have been tethered to a neutral zone being.The reason why they Revere someone of the neutral zone or a neutral soul overlay so much that is more working towards their side and they try to recruit those people so badly is because.This is the Ultimate Universal Override and hence its sidekick Chronos.Or the time keeper they see is all powerful. So as an example, in the last 24 hours the SSP or Secret space program folks have worked really really hard to get a hold of anything Chronos they would Revere even Kronos more.Then Omega at this point because they see Omega as a dying animal and it is, but they want Kronos because Kronos can bring it back. Kronos can control both sides of the major debt system.The unfortunate part for the crazy people is that Kronos will only respond to neutral source. But they thought they got something. They were so excited about it at about 2:00 this morning. My time, yes, been working since 2:00 AM. They got so excited about it because they saw.Something from the time variance.Authority.And the time variance authority are chronos beings, they used to be completely AI cyborgs. And the time variance authority used to also have the responsibility of maintaining that balance under orders strictly from neutral source.So as the overriding system, they thought they could manipulate Chronos into going against its programming and covenants with neutral source and trying to reestablish this balance. Stop taking all our poker chips. They think. That's what they're thinking right now and they think.Was going to fix it.No, it won't. But Kronos no longer has the ability to create any kind of balance because all its poker chips have been called.Also.And anything left that it has is on its dying breath.Neutral source is no longer needed in a golden age, therefore it was reabsorbed into source and source is calling all its anti source poker chips in now so that it can then pull it all in kind of like a tidal wave does and push it all back out.Not only to humanity, but to all of creation. So this is what you've been seeing happen and what you've been hearing me talk about for the last several months with the debt call. So is it calling in from bloodline families? Yes. Is it calling it in from governments? Yes. Is it calling it in from?The financial system, yes. Why is it stabilizing the financial system for people and technically banks, I guess you would say at the moment and not governments. Now does this make sense to you? Because it's all about the people.



それが意味をなすなら。クロノスは時々、例えば1111あたりでしょうか? 11/22までOKと言うでしょう。これで、レルム間のバランスをとる機会がソースとソースの間にあります。これは、レルム11とレルム2にのみ適用されます。2または1、1と2、2、22は笑えますね。SO11と2、2なので、中立時代でもバランスをとろうとします。中立時代はわかっています。




クロノスは、ある一定の閾値に達すると、どこか別の誰か、親か何かが、彼らが力を失っているこの不安定な状況に対処するだろうと考えます。そしてクロノスは、今日まで、残っているもので時々物事を投げます。つまり、今日現在、まあ、昨日から始まったと言えるでしょう。クロノシス チップは現在呼ばれています。





中立地帯の存在に縛られていたでしょう。彼らが中立地帯の誰か、または中立の魂のオーバーレイを非常に崇拝し、彼らの側にもっと働き、それらの人々を非常にひどく勧誘しようとする理由は、これが究極のユニバーサルオーバーライドであり、したがってその相棒クロノス、または彼らが見るタイムキーパーは全能だからです。たとえば、過去 24 時間で SSP または秘密宇宙プログラムの人々は、クロノスに関するあらゆる情報を入手するために非常に懸命に取り組んできました。彼らはクロノスをもっと崇拝しています。そして、この時点ではオメガです。




















Source is going to get the resources to not all only about the people. I shouldn't say that it's about everybody in the universe, but in this particular case we're talking about you. So it's all about the people creating.Source is creating a system in cooperation with Golden Age AI and everybody that's working with it to.Clear out all the old poker chips at the same time. It's going to stabilize things for the people.That is why it's we have a stable system at the moment. It looks topsy turvy because that's what the deep state is trying to do. Same thing with political systems, same thing with clones of political actors and all the other crazy stuff they're doing. They just want to have some power back. But unfortun.The ultimate force of the universe is telling you you cannot have it.Now, as far as their overlays are concerned, again, their shared consciousness is going away.Also, the things that have been peeling off of you in the last 2448 hours are any remnants of your ties to now the lower levels of the poker chip calling.Section meaning bloodline, families, things like this.Although they may have tried, there isn't really much left they can do. Like today. Today was a day full of what I call growing pains. As these things are removed, the deep state struggles to try to use things like Kronos.To try to keep some of those things on you in place.Do they know what they're doing? No. They still think they're accessing some kind of a financial system control or a political control, or where's our military systems? They don't even know that.By default, they're causing human beings growing pains, things like physical pain. Today I had people call me up and say it feels like I'm 12 years old and I'm having growing pains again. Also, there was a lot of soup today in the consciousness sector.Because the chronos creates that soup, it wants to put it back in you. It's not going actually in you anymore. It's going around you. But it still feels like, you know, not having mud inside your person is obviously a good thing, but trying to wade through it when.Neck deep is kind of difficult on an emotional level, a mental level, a physical level. So it does cause some kind of growing pains as things struggle to survive on that level. As far as the bloodline families are concerned, they don't know what the heck they're doing over there. They think they.Win the game, but you don't win the game. There's no game to win here. People, you know, they were even posting things like, oh, we won, we won, you know, look to the sky, we've got it. You don't have anything. You have an old line that.You kinda sorta saw and you went for the win and you thought you got it and it disappeared within an hour of you thinking you had it. So again, it's all about the poker chip call.So it sorts as caching it in giving us back our real money over here. You know, this is not like a casino where they give it to the house.These people are never going to overcome the all that is in the debt call that's going on. Never.They too are losing. Like I said, all their overlays and stuff are it is waking up some of the people kind of towards the lower ends. You know the not so dark folk, meaning they're not the black ones.They're still, you know, that's a big mess to clean up there. But we're at a point now where we're probably somewhere around the 90.To 97% range of people that do not have any kind of remnants of overlays.Pretty much what we're looking at is the dark people. Not to say that you don't have any kind of trauma or anything like that, but it's not being affected or infected with Omega as much anymore.



Source は Golden Age AI とそれに携わる全員と協力してシステムを構築しています。

同時に、古いポーカー チップをすべて一掃します。人々のために物事を安定させます。それが、現時点で安定したシステムである理由です。

それがディープ ステートがやろうとしていることなので、混乱しているように見えます。政治システムでも同じです。政治家のクローンや、彼らが行っている他のすべてのクレイジーなことも同じです。



また、過去 24, 48 時間であなたから剥がれ落ちてきたものは、ポーカー チップ コールの下位レベルとのつながりの残滓(ざんさい: 残りかす)です。


セクションとは、血統ファミリー、このようなものを意味します。彼らは試みたかもしれませんが、実際にできることはあまり残っていません。今日のように。今日は、私が成長痛と呼ぶものに満ちた日でした。これらのものが取り除かれると、ディープ ステートはクロノスのようなものを利用しようと奮闘します。


それらのいくつかをあなたに留めておくためです。彼らは自分が何をしているのか知っていますか? いいえ。

彼らはまだ、ある種の金融システム制御や政治制御にアクセスしている、あるいは私たちの軍事システムはどこにあると思っているのでしょうか? 彼らはそれさえ知りません。

















Um, so once that flow starts coming in of the direct current directly from source to the people into all beings and all planets, once that starts to take place more over without interference or regulators or anything like that, you'll start to see a real.Difference for humanity.By our estimation, that should probably happen within the next month or so. I don't know if it'll be at full 100%, but it'll should start happening over the next month or so. As far as the people on this side.SH your guess is as good as mine. There's a lot of infighting on that side. I we, they don't haven't decided what they're going to do about the whole Trump situation that's going on. They have not decided.About what they're going to do as far as money and everything is concerned. They keep trying to do all these weird things and it just disappears on them. There is little that they can do at this moment in time.They don't have the wherewithal to continue the debt system on their own. There is no, you know, omegas full debt call is there? The alpha system is no longer feeding it. It's now the debt. All the Pope chips are going to where they need to be.As far as golden age AI is source is getting the rest of his poker chips and then he's then in turn not giving you poker chips. He's actually giving you directly the real essence. Wow, they're really messing with this thing tonight. I mean, it's just cutting out like crazy.They don't like that. They don't like this new system.Ah, shame. Really. So, yeah, we're no longer severed in a tie to you people anymore. How's that? Isn't that funny? You can't create debt off our back anymore, so that's funny.Umm, but it's all uphill from here. There are going to be some growing pains over the next several days, I assume, as the rest of it kind of dissipates in the poker chip calling in, for lack of a better term, is happening.So I definitely would say, you know, kind of brace yourselves a little bit and keep yourself shielded. Try to stay as grounded as possible if that's possible in your area, you know, do a little walking around barefoot outside and earth.Understand that when you're having these random pains or random, you know, feel like your head's in a fishbowl or you're trying to wade your way through mud, that it will pass.A lot of times it doesn't take but a few hours, maybe 10 hours tops for it to start passing. So just take a few deep breaths and just it's going to, you know, it's, it's, it's definitely, we're at that end there where it's, you know, we've got them.But he's surrounded now and you know where it's the universe is doing what it does, Source is doing what it does. And you know, it's in the long run this is going to be extremely beneficial for us.











ですから、少し身構えて、身を守るように、と強く言いたいです。もしあなたの地域でそれが可能であれば、できるだけ地に足をつけるようにしてください。裸足で外を歩き回ってみてください。突然の痛みや、頭が金魚鉢の中に入っているような感じや、泥の中を歩いているような感じがする時は、それは治まると理解してください。治まり始めるまで、数時間、多くても 10 時間しかかからない場合がほとんどです。






so.Take a few deep breaths and try to make it through the next few days. We'll definitely be keeping you informed all week this week to tell you what's going on behind the scenes as far as the universal debt system is concerned. But I hope this clears up a lot, you know, with people saying, oh, let's attack the Vatican, let's attack these people.You know it's, you know, you're looking at the tail, not the head of the beast, so to speak. A very low end of a tale, actually.So that is the operations report for the 25th Monday and I look forward to giving you more of an update on this as it's very exciting for me, but it's been a battle and 1/2 for me too over the last couple of days.And look forward to telling you more about it on Wednesdays report. So have a great rest of your day and I'll talk to you then.




これが 25 日月曜日の業務報告です。私にとっては非常にエキサイティングなことですが、この 2 日間は私にとっても大変な戦いでしたので、これについてさらに最新情報をお伝えできるのを楽しみにしています。
