2024年11月22日(金曜) キンバリーGIAレポート
It's the 22nd of November 2024, coming up on today's Global Intelligence Agency Operations report.Rumors are circulating around the Internet about an incident in Mar a Lago. Allegedly, ambulances and several Secret Service vehicles left the facility yesterday. We will tell.Tell you what's really happening behind the scenes and.
And it's 11/22 and today is the last day of the 1111 portal. And what does that all mean?One, it is the 22nd of November 1122, you know.Something to be said for them. Gematria and double numbers and definitely was a day, that's for sure. OK, let's talk about regular world things, I guess you would say things that everybody's kind of hearing about.There are rumors circulating that there were several ambulances along with other Secret Service vehicles that left the Mar-a-lago facility abruptly. I think it was yesterday afternoon the rumors started swirling.And you know, as always when you have Duck Dynasty in charge, it was a fiasco.Now let's explain one quick thing so you understand what's happening down there.So with clones, there's often some kind of a tether to the original soul or the original being.It's a.In order to create the clones, there's definitely an etherical tie, and if something happens that breaks that tie, then it's only a matter of time, usually 72 hours or less.Before the clones start to malfunction and eventually pass away as well.
(11:11 ポータルとは11月11日に開始したポータルが11月22日まで続いたという意味かもしれない。)
これは何を意味するのでしょうか? まず、11:22, 11:22 だということはご存じでしょう。
So in this particular case, we're talking about the president-elect.Ah, Duck Dynasty here. Did it again, didn't you? OK, so the fiasco that was orchestrated yesterday was actually a minor incident that happened with, let's call it, clone #1.Of Trump and the minor incident was allegedly something they were staging. They were contemplating using this.Because.If they used it on this particular day and said that something happened, you know, there was, they could call it a fake assassination. You know, they could call it a medical incident and then he would have passed away today.This was their plan.So the staging began, and coincidentally, if they had announced it today, it would have been the same day that JFK was shot. You know, see the big picture here, big patriots? You know, everybody loves JFK or loved JFK well.Not everybody, but in this particular case in the public eye. And wouldn't it be a coincidence that the deep state did it on the same day as JFK and Oh my God, you know, and this was kind of the plan, but.Due to all of the other events that are happening with this 1111, 2022, 1122 portal.Umm, there was definitely a severing between clone one and clone 2. I feel like I'm doing a Doctor Seuss thing here. Thing one and thing two and they both begin to malfunction in different ways.So clone one was kind of on its last legs as of this morning.My guess would be it won't last through the night, and I know that there are there is currently a place in Mar-a-lago where they're kind of all sitting around waiting to see what happens. They did.Close the residence at Mar a Lago today to the Secret Service. The Secret Service was not allowed to go in there today. We got a call from someone there on the inside and they that is because they tried to do some type of an esoteric life force.Transfusion, if you will, and it failed. And the secret space program, people we call Duck Dynasty, the Cowboys, they couldn't figure out anything else to do to save Clone one.So they ended up bringing in Clone 2 into the same facility and Clone 2 is a little bit different than clone one. Clone one was kind of flesh and blood and and those types of things, you know, normal.Person with a soul that was different than the originals, but a soul nonetheless. But Clone 2 was more of a hybrid. Not really.Not really human, let me put it that way to you.And more of an esoteric kind of way. Depending on which facility they made the clone at, it would be how natural it was.So Cologne 2 wasn't quite so natural.So they brought in clone 2, and then clone 2 began to malfunction in a very unnatural way. It became apparent to other Secret Service members, and the SSP couldn't hide it, that this was not a person.There are certain things that a person's body can do. They bend in certain ways, we move in certain ways, and this was no longer moving in those ways. Plus the speaking.Became erratic and.Somewhat insane really, as the clone 2 started to malfunction due to the severing of clone 2. So eventually clone 2 became so insane it became violent and it started to attack people and apparently they had to put clone 2 down.So this was, it was kind of funny. You know, I wish I could tell this as a joke, you know, you know, 2 clones and some SSP people walk into a bar.
それで演出が始まりました。偶然にも、もし彼らが今日これを発表していたら、JFKが撃たれたのと同じ日だったでしょう。ここで全体像が見えますか、大愛国者ですか?ご存知のように、誰もがJFKを愛しています。あるいは、JFKをとても愛しています。全員ではありませんが、この特定のケースでは世間の注目を集めています。ディープステートが JFK と同じ日にそれをやったというのは偶然ではないでしょうか。
オーマイゴッド、ご存知のとおり、これは計画通りだったのですが、この 11:11、20:22、11:22 ポータルで起こっている他のすべてのイベントのせいで。
( 「1111」を Kim は「11:11」と記述しています。これはインターネットのIPアドレスと同様な、ポータルの番号と推定しました。 ポータルの番号と推定される場所は同様な記述とします。DSはこの数値をゲマトリアで期待する番号を使っているように見える。)
ええと、クローン 1 とクローン 2 の間には確実に切断がありました。ここではドクター・スースの話をしているような気がします。モノ 1 とモノ 2 が、どちらも異なる方法で機能不全を起こし始めました。つまり、クローン 1 は今朝の時点で最後の段階にありました。私の推測では、一晩中は持たないでしょう。現在、マール・ア・ラゴに、何が起こるかを待って座っている人がいることは知っています。彼らはそうしました。今日、マール・ア・ラゴの住居をシークレットサービスに対して閉鎖しました。シークレットサービスは今日そこに入ることを許可されていません。内部の誰かから電話があり、それは彼らがある種の秘伝の生命力、いわば輸血を試みたが失敗したからだという。そして秘密宇宙計画、いわゆるダック・ダイナスティ、カウボーイズと呼ばれる連中は、クローン1号を救うために他に何をすればよいか思いつかなかった。
それで彼らはクローン2号を持ち込んだが、クローン2号は非常に不自然な形で機能不全を起こし始めた。他のシークレット サービス メンバーにも明らかになりましたが、SSP はそれを隠すことができませんでした。これは人間ではないということです。人間の体には特定の動作があります。特定の方法で体を曲げたり、特定の方法で動いたりしますが、これはもうそのように動いていません。さらに、話すことも不安定になり、実際、いくぶん狂っていました。クローン 2 が切断されたために機能不全に陥り始めたからです。最終的にクローン 2 は狂気じみて暴力的になり、人々を襲うようになったため、クローン 2 を殺さなければならなかったようです。これは、ちょっとおかしかったです。冗談で言えばよかったのですが、クローン 2 体と SSP の人たちがバーに入ってくるのです。
No, I'm just kidding. But that's what it kind of felt like today because I'm watching this and I'm like wow, what a circus that is. That is a circus.So I do not know if the Secret Service was ever let in to see the status of Clone One and what's going to happen from here. Are they? They missed the mark on today because they were a little bit distracted with everything that's going on. Are they going to say that he passed away?22 I don't know. Are they going to announce that there was a passing away? I'm not sure. The only reason why I think this might happen is because of all the promises the Secret Space program operatives have made out there to many, many, many.Many people, not only is there a lot of money promised, there are also a lot of positions promised. And sometimes in a lot of cases, let's just say the same position was offered to several different people.That would be people like Dan Bogdino. I know he does a podcast of some sort. I don't never really watched it, but he's been promised. He's an agency guy as most of these alt media. You know, Joe Rogan is as well and a lot of the higher end, I guess you would say a lot of you folks that are on the Internet.Are also, you know, ex agents Jesse Ventura?And these are all facts, not questions, not guessing. Alex Jones. You know most of them. If you make it to the big time, you were involved with the agency in some way, shape or form. You know when the alt media became popular.Even before the days of YouTube and people were doing conference calls and blog talk radio, they were still inserting their own people in there so they could maintain control of the narrative. It's the reason why we see so many queue things and Trump things and and whatnot throughout the media.So because Bagdino was a big supporter, he was promised a position for his support, and that position was head of the Secret Service.Good luck to you. You know, there is probably also another 12 people just guessing. Well, not really guessing. That had also been promised the same position. So it's going to be kind of probably a game of musical chairs if they keep Trump alive. Now, the talk amongst the secret space program.Folks Duck Dynasty is that they are thinking of using a situation. This is this is before today's circus that where they could say that he passed away. What a hero.So you know what a martyr.
いや、冗談です。でも、今日はそんな感じでした。なぜなら、これを見ていて、わあ、なんてサーカスなんだ、と思ったからです。それは大騒ぎです。ですから、シークレット サービスがクローン 1 の状況やこれから何が起こるかを確認するために立ち入ることが許されたかどうかはわかりません。彼らは、起こっているすべてのことに少し気を取られていたため、今日の発表を逃しました。
彼らは、彼が亡くなったと発表するつもりですか? わかりません。
彼らは、亡くなったと発表するつもりですか? よくわかりません。
これが起こる可能性がある唯一の理由は、シークレット スペース プログラムの工作員が、非常に多くの人々に約束したすべての約束があるからです。多くの人々は、多額のお金が約束されているだけでなく、多くのポジションも約束されています。そして、多くの場合、同じポジションが複数の異なる人々に提供されたとだけ言っておきましょう。
それは、ダン ボグディノのような人々です。彼が何らかのポッドキャストをやっていることは知っています。私は実際に見たことはありませんが、彼は約束されています。彼は、これらの代替メディアのほとんどと同様に、エージェンシーの人間です。ジョー・ローガンもそうだし、インターネット上の多くのハイエンドの人たちもそうだと思います。元エージェントのジェシー・ベンチュラもそうです。これらはすべて事実であり、疑問でも推測でもありません。アレックス・ジョーンズもそうです。ほとんどはご存じでしょう。大物になった人は、何らかの形でその機関に関わっていたのです。オルタナティブメディアが人気になったのはご存じでしょう。YouTubeの時代や電話会議やブログトークラジオの時代以前でも、彼らは自分たちの仲間をそこに登場させて、物語をコントロールしていました。それが、キューやトランプなど、メディア全体でたくさんの話題が見られる理由です。
But Vance is going to keep up the fight. And Vance is our guy. And you know who's also an ex CIA agent, by the way, Vance is our guy and he's going to do the thing and, you know, keep supporting Vance and just like you supported Trump, you know.He'll carry on his legacy and, you know, all of these types of things. But behind the scenes, they can say, oh, sorry, Mr. Bagdino and 9000 other people that were promised positions, You know, that was kind of a Trump thing. And he's not here anymore and.You know, umm, sorry about that. You know, and they can get out of their promises that they made to people like Elon Musk and other folks as well. And they, you know, fans could say, oh, I'm sorry, they didn't talk to me about that. You know, I didn't know anything about it. And then that would kind of alleviate a little stress from them because, you know, today.Another payday, of course, you know, a day ending in why. And, you know, there's a lot of pressure on them right now, and they don't like it. A lot of people are turning their backs on them. There's not a whole lot of people listening to their orders anymore. And they thought this would be a perfect out, but it kind of backfired today because it really actually happened.They didn't have a choice anymore. Are they going to announce anything? I don't know. They might just throw up another guy in a mask. Why not? We've had a mass president in the US for the last four years, basically. Well, three years and some odd days, because it was shortly within like a week or two that that happened.So I don't know, it'll be interesting to see what they do from here on out.
なぜなら、今日は給料日だから、もちろん、Y で終わる日だから。そして、彼らには今、大きなプレッシャーがかかっていて、彼らはそれを嫌っている。多くの人が彼らに背を向けている。彼らの命令に耳を傾ける人はもうほとんどいない。
That's not the only clone on the planet that also passed away.Due to the severing of ties, there were several elite members, Some names you know, some names you don't know. Are they going to actually announce that these people also died? I'm not sure. Still waiting for December. Remember, everybody dies in December. Really.Unusual for them to pass away this early, but remember something to governments around the world usually go on break starting today. They don't come back until around the 15th of January in full force unless there's something major going on.This is your you know, your senators, the House, you know the Senate, you know all those people. You know, they pretty much are done as of today as far as time in Washington, DC.You know, there's a few lingering things they do, but it's, you know, it's kind of like you do when you go on vacation. Sometimes you handle some last minute things for the business or for your job and then you kind of go off on vacation and that's it. And that's kind of what the next three days.Monday through Wednesday of next week is all about and then really you don't hear from. It's kind of crickets over there at that point. Same thing goes for very high, high, high level banking and most of them are off even though it's an American holiday. Most of them go on vacation as of today.And not a whole lot happens in the high level banking world from here on out, so.I guess if you were going to have a public person pass away.That could be a big deal. You would have to do it from today on forward. Same thing goes for Chucky over there. Are they going to announce the first week in December is what I heard. I haven't heard any different, but then again, I also really haven't been paying a whole lot of attention to see if they were going to actually announce that.King Charles passed away, too. You know, they kept the queen going for years and years. Who knows what they're going to do over there. A lot of it has to do with maintaining power and control of certain operatives that run, you know, things behind the scenes.Power brokers, they use the name, you know, I'm here on behalf of so and so, you know, and they can get things done in other countries.Um, so we'll see, you know, we'll see what happens from here on out.
この人たちも亡くなったと発表されるのでしょうか? よく分かりません。
これは皆さんのご存知の上院議員、下院、上院、皆さんが知っている人たちです。ワシントン DC の時間に関しては、今日でほぼ終わりです。まだ残っている仕事もいくつかありますが、休暇を取るときと同じような感じです。時には、ビジネスや仕事の最後の処理を済ませて休暇を取ることもあります。それが次の 3 日間のことです。来週の月曜日から水曜日までが仕事で、その後は連絡がありません。
あちらのチャッキーも同じです。 12月の第1週に発表される予定だと聞いています。
But it was fun to watch the circus. I wish all of you could have been a family on the wall because it was hilarious. It was something completely and totally unexpected, and it kind of threw a monkey wrench into their alleged show.They were going to put forth, they figure because you know, they, they put a lot of people off. They said they told everybody initially that all these things were going to start happening by the 5th of November.Right after he was elected selected it it I don't know whatever they it did they. I feel like I'm doing a pronoun thing the he she say people of the secret Space Force are.Basically told everybody was going to happen by November 5th. You're going to start to see changes right away. You know, money would come and all these crazy things and it didn't. So now they're saying it's going to happen by the inauguration and as far as they're concerned, it doesn't look like anything is going to happen.In their favor by then. So their best hope, and this is what they've been discussing was to either stage a big martyr situation where he was sick and you need to support him or.They were going to stage obviously that he passed away. They weren't sure how, you know, could was it a assassination? Were they going to stage something for that?That was it a was it something done by the deep state? You know, he fought the deep state to the end kind of thing.
I'm I'm not sure, but that's these are all things that were being discussed by the behind the scenes because if he walked into that office and they still didn't have.For all their promises that they made worldwide, there was going to be some big trouble.They're also in a lot of hot, hot, hot, hot water right now with the Russian deep state elite. They had promised the Russian deep state elite that this show that you're seeing going on with the alleged, you know, missiles and long range missiles in Ukraine.And firing on Russia, Putin makes a big speech. The ruble declines further. People are saying that the ruble crashed. It hasn't actually crashed it, but it significantly declined against the dollar. It was over 100 rubles to the dollar.And really from where it's been for the last 30 days or so, that's not a significant decrease.It's been quite some time since you know, it's been steadily decreasing in value for the last obviously year or so, So.Umm, yeah. So this is another. This is where it becomes really, really clear though, that the secret space program operatives, they often someone of them, let's just say one of them, often talks on the Internet about how he took a part in the.All of the USSR and the crashing of the currency and how it all happened. Again, this is the case of a Unicorn stick. They did not crash anything. They did the dog and pony show, sure.But the crashing and the changing and all that was ordered decades before, actually before it actually happened. And the final buttons were always pushed by Marduk or somebody else.Else so I don't, but they do brag about it that they took a part in it. So they're playing the same cards. So if you're listening to this and you're with the KGB and you're in Russia, we know you're playing all the same cards that you did jointly.During the fall of the USSR. So are we going to see a fall of Russia or the Ukraine or I don't know. You know, who knows? And quite frankly, it's an oligarch against the SSP thing.Umm, you know, they were talking about moving 800 troops onto the border, you know, and then this whole missile thing came about.Really. You know.It's called, it's like a failure to launch on pretty much every single one of their operations because they think because they do the same thing they did in the 1980s. You know, collectively as a group, we make all the same moves. It's like.Baking a cake, you know, we got the right flour, we got the right baking powder, we got the right baking soda. Why did the cake not happen? Because they forget that the final ingredient always came from somebody else. So yeah, you just kind of making more of a mess over there.So these are things that are going on, you know, in the world as it relates to Duck Dynasty, and there are global partners because they're not just American in this particular case. And I wish them all the best. That was funny today. Thank you for that, guys. I appreciate that. That was hilarious.
私はそうは思いませんが、彼らは自分たちが関与したことを自慢しています。つまり、彼らは同じカードを使っているのです。ですから、もしあなたがこれを聞いていて、KGB にいてロシアにいるなら、ソ連崩壊のときに共同でやったのと同じカードを使っていることが分かります。それで、ロシアの崩壊か、ウクライナの崩壊か、私には分かりません。誰にも分かりません。率直に言って、それは SSP に反対する寡頭政治家のことです。
ええと、彼らは 800 人の兵士を国境に移動する話をしていました。そして、このミサイルの話が持ち上がったのです。本当に。それは、彼らの作戦のほとんどすべてで発射失敗と呼ばれています。なぜなら、彼らは 1980 年代にやったのと同じことをしていると思っているからです。集団として、私たちはすべて同じ動きをします。ケーキを焼くとき、小麦粉、ベーキングパウダー、重曹は正しいのに、なぜケーキが作れなかったのか?最後の材料はいつも誰か他の人から来たものだということを忘れているからだ。だから、あそこでは混乱を招いているだけだ。
So let's talk about the 1111 portal and the 1122 closing time.So there's a lot of confusion on the Internet and, and I actually feel really bad for some people. There are some people that have started trying to quote UN quote, open these portals.For over 2 decades and they seem like they're very good people with all the best of intentions. And they all go to the alleged portal locations on 11/11 and they make the rounds. And this is all over the world. This is in Peru. This is in Ecuador.This is in.Umm, India. I know that there are several locations in New Zealand they go to and they really work hard to try to open this portal because they believe that it's a positive thing.And in all honesty, it has really never been a positive thing and it's never really been about connecting to the creator. So I'm going to take a minute and kind of explain the 1111 portal to people just so you have a general idea about.What happens with your energy when you focus on these things and how this actually works? So let's pull out the, I guess the handy dandy whiteboard for a minute and let's talk about it.So 1111 in our calendar really doesn't make a difference.Umm, it's, it's what it actually does, uh, within the universe. So we know we have.More than 12, but let's call it the 12 universes.And densities.Of the alpha verse.And we call that the light side of the alpha verse, the light side of the universes. And you also have.12 down.Of the What was the Omega verse?Or the dark side of the universes.Smack dab in the middle, here you have what's called a nil. And if you're familiar with quantum computing, and this isn't just about quantum computing, it's also about quantum physics, you have the nil OR.The positive zero and the -0.We can call it a density, but basically just as in quantum computing, you have one zeros and a nil, and a nil has an infinite space in between.But here you would call it the zero point of the nil.So.Uh, on, during this particular time, between 11:11 and 11:22, there used to be some portals that would open and you could call these two false densities.So that goes all the way down South. 1111 would be where the zero point kind of opens and you would have, you know, +1 and -1 here and they would meet.Now, the significance behind this really doesn't have anything to do with, you know, a portal to God or the creator or you know, all the way up, all the way down, however you want to put it.Um, it actually brought you to a false space which existed around what we call our central sun. Central Sun.And the anti central sun.But what it did do is it actually brought some interesting things here on Earth.Because we are a Nexus planet here on Earth, you would say. We also had several locations in the world where there were portals that would open.Minimum you would have had.See probably 12 of the nil.You would have had at least 12.For one side, but I use the term one side and another 12 for the other side. So really you had the 24 36.Here on Earth, 36 different locations that would be quote, UN quote activated. So we've talked in the past about what we call realm owners and how, for example, 3 through 3 up through three down.We had Michael, Raphael and Gabriel, and then you would have had the Archangel all in kind of in the same being that would monitor those realms. But each realm owner also had what we have, what we call.Guardians.Or guards, really. Or gatekeepers.So it was the one time, I guess you would say of year and certain years would have been more relevant than others because it didn't always activate fully every year.It was once every several years and it was more based on events than it was based on a timing thing. So you can't say, well, every seven years this is going to happen, Every 20 years this is going to happen. It's not really that way. It's based on events and what.Going on in the universe, so this is a time where guardians and gatekeepers would basically Duke it out. So we had guardians and gatekeepers, for example, on for densities one through 3, both up and down.Because of the way things were, they were the same group of people.And this was a dual group, so we had both Tarzakians.It's not probably not spelling that right. And we had Targethians.So Targathians and Tarzakians, we know about Tarzakians. Those are kind of the smoky beings. You see the shadows and the night. They would have been their connection down to.The 8th density.Of the lower Astral.Because remember Dark Age and everything up to the 6th density was completely 100% dark.For quite a while there and the Targathians would have been tied to the Pleiades.And a star called.Target.There, so they monitored a portal there which would also open at this time.So because they were quote UN quote.Connected to those same portals here on Earth.They would become more present, so to speak, and there would be any kind there would be. Originally there would be some kind of a fight for control because those access points and portals were open both up and down.Same thing for 4, 5, 6, this is where your reptilians were. Your reptilians would have monitored those spaces on behalf of Artemis. So Artemis was also a red reptilian, so to speak. Literally cherry Red and her minions. So.What you know as reptilians, so they kind of have a human shaped body in a lot of cases, not always.Uh, but she alone in her army or guardy guards or guardians or gatekeepers were not only of her caliber, she also had a partner even further down.Down here, her partner was ball.So you would have had replicas of ball that also would have been considered guardians and gatekeepers of 4th, 5th and 6th.Then we have 7-8 and 9:00.And Guardians and gatekeepers of 7-8 and nine were would have been in part due to the overlays, Omega system and whatnot.You would have had Asteroth.On the one side, and this is kind of if you do follow the Q thing, it's why they keep talking about the green, the green, the green, because Asteroth is known for green. There's wherever you see a lot of like dark green.Plasma you would see asteroth. So interestingly enough there you go. So on behalf of anti source I guess you would say which would have been Asteros partner there would have been a fight between.Anti source and source and then of course whoever was fighting on behalf of source on the other side over here in this case, you know, you kind of got me but.This time of year, it was a time for the Guards and the Guardians. It's almost like part of a war that would actually take place when they were fully open like they were this year.For some reason, I still don't have that defined just yet. Why this year? Probably because we became too light, that kind of thing. All of the lower astral beings, you know, ran the risk of losing. We don't have a lot of these beings over here anymore, but that alignment still meant.In the past that these that there would be a fight between the quote UN quote angels and the demons that would occur on earth at this time. If you remember last year, this time is.Pretty close to the time where we had, I think it was on the 13th or so of November of last year. And don't quote me on that one, but that's when we had the legions come upon Earth and the we thought the legions were going to help us fight the bad humans. You know, I definitely thought.That from some of the things that I saw, but I guess what I didn't realize is how many of those beings were here on Earth, were part of the guards and the gatekeeper groups?I don't know. They came, they saw, they conquered. After the gate closed. They pretty much. We didn't hear a whole lot from them after a few weeks. And I thought, well, Gee, you know, everybody that comes here just bails on us and leaves us stuck here with the crazy humans.You know, in some cases nonhumans, in some cases clones and but I guess, you know, it was the time of a battle. They came, they battled, they did their job on behalf of source. I didn't really know at the time.But apparently the a lot of the people that they were battling against were probably some of these guards that were still left here, you know, at that time.
なぜなら、それが良いことだと信じているからです。でも、正直に言うと、ポータルが本当に良いものだったことは一度もありませんし、創造主とつながることもありませんでした。そこで、11:11 ポータルについて、皆さんに大まかな概要をお伝えしたいと思います。これらのことに集中すると、エネルギーに何が起こるのか、そしてこれが実際にどのように機能するのか。では、便利なホワイトボードを少し取り出して、それについて話しましょう。カレンダーの 11月11日 は、実際には何の違いもありません。
(上にセントラルサン(Central Sun)と下にアンチ・セントラルサン(Anti Central Sun)と記述)
ええと、それが宇宙の中で実際に何をするのかということです。私たちには、12 を超える宇宙と密度があることはわかっていますが、それを 12 の宇宙と呼びましょう。アルファ バースの密度です。それをアルファ バースの光の側、宇宙の光の側と呼びます。また、12 もあります。オメガ バースとは何だったでしょうか? あるいは宇宙のダーク サイドです。真ん中あたりに、ゼロと呼ばれるものがあります。量子コンピューティングに詳しい方なら、これは量子コンピューティングだけでなく量子物理学についてもお話ししますが、ゼロまたは +0 と -0 があります。これを密度と呼ぶことができますが、基本的には量子コンピューティングの場合と同様に、ゼロが 1 つとゼロがあり、ゼロにはその間に無限の空間があります。しかし、ここではゼロのゼロ ポイントと呼ぶでしょう。
つまり、この特定の時間、11:11 から 11:22 の間には、ポータルがいくつか開いていて、これら 2 つの偽の密度と呼ぶことができます。これがずっと南に続きます。 11:11 はゼロ ポイントが開く場所で、+1 と -1 がここにあって、それらが出会うことになります。
この背後にある意味は、神や創造主へのポータルや、上や下など、言い方はどうであれ、それとはまったく関係ありません。つまり、これは実際に、私たちが セントラルサン と呼んでいるものの周囲に存在する偽の空間にあなたを連れて行ったのです。セントラルサンとアンチ・セントラルサンです。しかし、実際に地球に興味深いものをもたらしたのです。なぜなら、私たちは地球上の Nexus 惑星だからです。
世界には、ポータルが開く場所がいくつかありました。最低でも、おそらく 12 個はあったでしょう。少なくとも 12 個はあったでしょう。片側にはありますが、私は片側という言葉を使い、もう 12 個は反対側に使います。つまり、実際には 24 個 36 個ありました。
地球上には、いわゆる「国連」の「アクティブ化」された 36 か所の場所があったのです。過去に、私たちが領域の所有者と呼ぶものについて話しました。
たとえば、上から 3 から下まで、ミカエル、ラファエル、ガブリエルがいて、それらの領域を監視する同じ存在として大天使がいました。
しかし、各領域の所有者には、私たちが守護者と呼ぶもの、つまり警備員、または門番もいました。つまり、それは 1 年に 1 回で、特定の年は他の年よりも関連性が高かったでしょう。なぜなら、それは毎年完全にアクティブになるわけではないからです。それは数年に 1 回で、タイミングよりもイベントに基づいていました。つまり、7 年ごとにこれが起こる、20 年ごとにこれが起こる、とは言えません。実際にはそうではありません。それはイベントと宇宙で起こっていることに基づいています。つまり、これは守護者と門番が基本的に決闘する時期です。
たとえば、密度 1 から 3 まで、上と下の両方に守護者と門番がいました。
(下層アストラルとポータルの説明。 ターガリアン、オメガなど。)
つまり、ボールのレプリカも存在し、第 4、第 5、第 6 の守護者や門番と見なされていたでしょう。
次に、7, 8 と 9 があります。7, 8 と 9 の守護者や門番は、オーバーレイやオメガ システムなどによるところが大きいでしょう。アステロスも存在していたでしょう。一方で、これは Q のことを追っているとわかるのですが、彼らが緑、緑、緑について語り続けるのは、アステロスが緑で知られているからです。濃い緑がたくさん見られるところならどこでも、プラズマでアステロスが見えます。興味深いことに、そこにあります。つまり、アンチソースに代わって、つまりどちらがアステロスのパートナーであったかと言うと、アンチソースとソースの間で戦いがあったでしょう。
It's interesting, you know, at least things are becoming are coming to light that make more sense to me now because there was no one else here. No one else came because there.No one really on the other side this year, but we did have some space junk and things like that left at various portal sites which we did clean up. But this is what got the deep state, I guess, all riled up. But we were able to sever any kind of ties at this time.Two beings that had sent their soul down to the lower astral or into the nil or time of no time zone. And it just happens to be that the orange guy was just one of many people that lost their tie, so I'm hoping.We see a lot of others that went through this process of the cloning process. Maybe we'll see a lot of clones going away. Can't do anything about the CIA's professional mask making division, but.You know, at least the the actual people that make those decisions may no longer be with us. So within the next 72 hours in in theory, that's the theory because this isn't really ever happened before. So the opening was positive in some ways and it was also negative in others because it was.A lot of work to clean up anything that had been left by the old guards and gatekeepers and realm owners in order to ensure that they were prepared for a battle.So yeah, I guess you could say it was a long day, but it looks like we're fairly stable once again, and that's the end of the opening of the portal.As we go forward into the future, there have been some other things that we have put in place that will just re establish that connection to source. So that is a positive thing for us.We don't really need portals to source, to close and open and close and open, because we're not doing this for balance. We're not doing the battle here on Earth between the guards, so to speak, and guardians of the realms.Anymore, you know, along with 1111 and you would also have 222233334444. So it went all the way up to 9999.And there was, that was the battle that would have happened. But, you know, it's kind of almost irrelevant at this point. But it, you know, like I said, the deep state is always hopeful that something or someone is going to come back and help them fight this battle.But yet, alas, no, yesterday was a little bit rough in the morning as the Deep State prepared to do their part in the battle.I guess.They thought that I was the one they were battling against because I was the only one here.You know, and I definitely took a good looking yesterday morning, but you know, still keep on ticking. So all worked out for the best. A couple little things I wanted to mention. And you know, it's just it's just been a long day, so I'm probably going to cut this report a little shorter than the others this week.
我々は、地球上で、いわばガードとレルムの守護者との戦いをしているのではありません。11:11に加えて、22:22, 33:33, 44:44もあります。つまり、99:99まで上がりました。そして、それが起こったであろう戦いでした。しかし、この時点ではほとんど無関係です。
【 Kim は12月15日にライブ放送で Q&A を回答します】
OK. There is a live Q&A coming up next month and I'm kind of excited to do that. It is going to be a global intelligence agency, a live Q&A with me.And I think it's going to be around the 15th of December and we're working on that day. You will be able to ask your questions on a live chat within the app if you are.Are watching this live broadcast, which we're looking toward going live on Twitter or X or whatever you call it, as well as YouTube for as long as we can stay on there.But we won't have a live chat there, so there won't be any questions being monitored or being asked there. They'll only be asked in the app. So we'll probably have an opportunity for people that don't normally subscribe. If you do have questions, you know, we'll probably do kind of like a.Turn off thing for this specific Q&A. If it goes real well, then you know we may do them more often. So this could be kind of fun for me and definitely for all of you get your weird and wonderful questions answered. So that'll be fun.
【 Kim は12月15日にライブ放送で Q&A を回答します】
来月にはライブ Q&A があり、とても楽しみにしています。世界的な情報機関(GIA)と私(Kim)がライブで Q&A を行う予定です。12 月 15 日頃になると思いますが、その日に向けて準備を進めています。このライブ放送をご覧になっている方は、アプリ内のライブ チャットで質問することができます。
Twitter や X など、お好きな名前でライブ配信する予定ですが、YouTube でもできる限りライブ配信する予定です。
ただし、ライブ チャットは行いませんので、そこでは質問の監視や質問は行われません。
Umm, also I guess just a couple of other updates. We are still working on the marketplace. We have had a couple of vendors go in and try to do some beta testing. There are there is some more tweaks that need to happen on the back end for that.To be ready to launch and be easy.You know, of course we're in there in the breaking mode now because we're in beta testing as it's pretty well put together at this point. It's been a long road and been a lot of work on behalf of all our teams. So I just wanted to say thank you.For everyone that is working on that project as well.So that's pretty much the update for tonight. I I guess I will see you all on Monday. Hopefully by the end of 11/22 we'll be smooth sailing.And probably some more angry Deep State people over the weekend and some really confused Duck Dynasty slash SSP operatives. So it's going to be a fun weekend. I know it is. And.Umm, hopefully.They'll be too busy yelling at each other and leave me alone this weekend, unlike they did yesterday in the morning. But we're still here and you know, we're still, we're still moving right along on our side of it and.And we're definitely not going to look back. We're going to go forward into the future and hopefully you'll all have a wonderful weekend and I will see all of you on Monday.
今夜のアップデートはこれでほぼ終わりです。月曜日にお会いしましょう。 11月22日の終わりまでには順調に進んでいけばいいなと思います。そして週末にはおそらくディープステートの怒り狂った連中や、本当に混乱したダック・ダイナスティ/SSP工作員が出てくるでしょう。