20241014日(月曜) キンバリーGIAレポート




It's the 14th of October 2024, coming up on today's Global Intelligence Agency operations report in Iraq, the recent appearance of sulfur clouds at night over the city of Baghdad were coming from a secret underground mining operation prompted by both the US and the BRICS organization.Oddly enough, they both were promised the same thing.And the deep state did an analysis on our offices chance of success. Turns out our odds were 99.8%. Their current overlords 0.And Nathan Rothschild panics as trillions of dollars in Dragon family funds just disappeared. He wants to know who stole their money. Well, we are going to tell you.It's the 11th of October 2024, and this is the Global Intelligence Agency Operations Report, where you get the real story behind world events and real history, all from the highest security clearance in the world.









Been an interesting weekend, folks. It's never a dull moment in the world of the Global Intelligence Agency, so let's hop to it.OK. So in Iraq, it appears that the Prime Minister of Iraq and some other officials from Iran both agreed to this underground mining operation, which was to revive some old tunnels essentially under Iraq.For those of you that have been around in the, let's just say, alternative media world, you probably have seen videos of U.S. soldiers holding bricks of gold and all kinds of things. Well, yeah, it definitely happened for quite a long time.In this particular case though, this was really interesting, so I thought I would let you know what's happening now. So apparently this started around a week ago. It hasn't been very long, and we thought that the sulfur was coming from some other esoteric.Space junk that was in the area, and in part I guess you could say it was, but the clouds quickly changed. So they were no longer these red sulfur clouds that were over the city. They were more of kind of like a grayish color.And they only appeared at night, so we had to try to figure out where it was coming from, so.We figured out that they had revived a few of these tunnels. Now, originally there was 14, two of them actually. The entryway was only in Iran, Iraq's neighbor and.Most of the other ones were accessible some point, like on the border between Saudi Arabia and Iraq, and then there was another one on the border of Iraq and Iran, so.Those particular places were heavily guarded by people for what looked like for no apparent reason. That's when we kind of discovered the underground mining had begun again. So.So these emissions would come every single night, sometime around between 10 and midnight. And the air was pretty horrible. It was completely unsafe for the citizens. They told everybody to stay inside. We even have footage here, as you've seen, from that was taken from the US Embassy.There in Iraq, some of it, some of it was also taken by some contacts we have there on the ground so.It was pretty horrific when you take a look at it. So we figured out where it was coming from and how it came to be. For those of you that don't know, the original mining of Under the Underground in Iraq began approximately in 1974.The US government had nuclear powered boring machines board the tunnels for the underground mining and it's very similar to what I have seen here locally in not too far from Durango, which actually went all the way from Dulce military base all the way to Silverton. Silverton Co.And a lot of the mining was done underground, as the Black Sun used to like to do, and it was of course on behalf of their alien overlords. So they had donated an awful lot of gold to an awful lot of people and were even stockpiling in at one point.Underneath here, however, that stockpile disappeared in 2019, and the Iraq stockpiles disappeared not that long ago. Let's just say I might have been within the last couple of days.They were desperately trying to get to these stockpiles and they were using this really caustic method of mining gold in other minerals which contained highly acidic sulfur. It's not just sulfur, it's a number of other chemicals which is supposed to extract the.The gold and other minerals from underground so.Interestingly enough though, we've waited till last night to try to see who was actually going to come and why this was going. You know who who was involved. So in one tunnel and tunnel number one, we actually had the Chinese.The Chinese love to use their prisoners to do things like mining and build airports and all kinds of stuff around the world because the labor is absolutely free, the places and the things that they.Let's just say not things. I would say the places and the exposure and the inhumane.Inhumane conditions in which these Chinese prisoners are forced to work are worse than anything I've ever seen in any other country, and this is no exception here.So round 10/10/30, this group of Chinese folks starts showing up for work. And they were prisoners. And of course the prison guards in all this kind of stuff were ushering them into tunnel #1 let's call it tunnel #1.So apparently behind the scenes, the Iraqis and the Iranians, because for some reason the Iranians still feel like they own everything in Iraq, that it, it all belongs to them. That's probably because I, I ran.Is actually where the Order of the Green Dragon is located and of course they feel like they own everything in the region, which is absolutely false. You know that ship sailed a long time ago, but they are the ones together that made the deal with the Chinese to basically mine the gold for free essentially.And to pay them personally in their own pockets somewhere between depending on who you were 10 to 25%. Which the Chinese pretty much are never going to pay you anyway because that's how the Chinese steep state works. The Lee family is well known for not paying people for doing a job. Doesn't matter who you are.And all those elders have been driving people all around the world crazy for years. So I didn't think that they were actually gonna get paid.


皆さん、興味深い週末でした。グローバル情報局の世界では、退屈な瞬間はありません。それでは、早速始めましょう。さて、イラクでは、イラクの首相とイランのその他の当局者が、この地下採掘作戦に同意したようです。これは、イラクの地下にある古いトンネルを復活させるものでした。いわゆるオルタナティブ メディアの世界にいる方なら、米兵が金塊やその他さまざまなものを持っているビデオを見たことがあるでしょう。ええ、確かにかなり前から行われていました。

しかし、この特定のケースでは、これは非常に興味深いので、今何が起こっているかをお知らせしようと思いました。どうやら、これは約 1 週間前に始まったようです。



もともとは 14 本ありましたが、実際には(トンネルは) 2 本でした。入り口はイラクの隣国イランにしかありませんでした。他のほとんどのトンネルは、サウジアラビアとイラクの国境など、どこかの時点でアクセス可能でした。

そしてイラクとイランの国境にももう 1 つありました。つまり、これらの特定の場所は、明らかな理由もなく人々によって厳重に警備されていました。そのときに、地下採掘が再開されたことがわかりました。つまり、これらの放出は毎晩、10 時から深夜の間くらいに発生していました。空気はかなりひどく、住民にとってはまったく安全ではありませんでした。彼らは全員に屋内に留まるように言いました。

ご覧のとおり 下の右側画像を参考。 ) ここには米国大使館から撮影された映像もあります。





彼らは非常に多くの金を非常に多くの人々に寄付し、一時は備蓄までしていました。しかし、この地下の備蓄は 2019 年に消え、イラクの備蓄もそれほど前に消えました。おそらくここ数日のうちに消えたのでしょう。



誰が関わっていたかはご存知でしょう。それで、あるトンネル、トンネル 1 号には、実際に中国人がいました。中国人は世界中で、鉱山採掘や空港建設など、ありとあらゆることに囚人を使うのが大好きです。なぜなら、労働は完全に無料だからです。彼らが働く場所や物、物ではなく、場所や露出、非人道性についてお話しします。

これらの中国人囚人が強制的に働かされる非人道的な状況は、私がこれまで見たどの国よりもひどく、ここも例外ではありません。それで、10 日 10 時 30 分頃、この中国人のグループが仕事に現れ始めました。彼らは囚人でした。

そしてもちろん、このような刑務所の看守が彼らをトンネル 1 号、トンネル 1 号と呼びましょう、に案内していました。明らかに舞台裏にはイラク人とイラン人がいました。何らかの理由でイラン人は、イラクのすべてを自分たちのものだとまだ感じているからです。すべて自分たちのものだと。それはたぶん私が逃げたからでしょう。








Tunnel #2 in Group number two, guess who the global headquarters in the US military, in cooperation with the Order of the Black Sun, they were.The same thing that they would be able to extract this gold.And and that they would have full rights to do, you know, to extract gold from all the tunnels. But you need to start over here because we don't want to tell you what we already promised peace. And it's kind of like a situation of he who wins first, you know, he who minds first wins. I guess. I'm not sure.Turns out that over the last several days they were unable to mine anything, basically due to the fact that they were gassing each other out. How interesting is that? Is that karma for you or what?Well, as of the time of this report, both sides actually actually already know that they were duped by the other side and which officials are responsible for that. So whether you were doing business with the Iranians and you happen to be from China or you are doing business with the Americans and you happen to be from.Iraq either way.Do you guys even have an intelligence agency anymore? I mean, I have to know because the information wasn't that hard for us to find. You know, once we knew what we were looking for, it really wasn't that difficult. We just ran the operation to see who showed up last night.As of today, there are no more tunnels, so you can both turn your soldiers and your prisoners home and nothing is going to come of it. So there's that operation. Another failure for the deep state, you know, God bless you all for trying to steal gold from your another country. As for you Americans, there is plenty of gold in the.States, as matter of fact, you have one of seven super sites in the entire world in this country. Why are you stealing gold from Iraq? And what in God's name led you to believe that we haven't already leveraged that gold? That's right folks, by 1992, pretty much.Every single iota of cold in the Middle East was already leveraged to the financial system which we are still using to this day. Not your financial system, now it's ours. So.You know that gold has been leveraged and it's generating dinar against that gold and U.S. dollars on behalf of the Iraqi people is if you're talking about Iraq, Iran, we already got all that gold and oil and everything else you already pledged to us. Don't forget who you are, Green dragon people. We have all the.


グループ 2 のトンネル 2 号は、ブラック サン教団と協力する米軍のグローバル本部です。(2本目のトンネル?)



それで、イラン人とビジネスをしていてたまたま中国人だったとしても、アメリカ人とビジネスをしていてたまたまイラク人だったとしても、どちらにしても、あなたたちにはもう諜報機関があるのでしょうか? 情報を見つけるのはそれほど難しくなかったから、私は知る必要があります。

一度、何を探しているのかがわかれば、それほど難しくはありませんでした。 私たちは、昨夜誰が現れたかを調べる作戦を実行しただけです。 今日現在、トンネルはもうありません。ですから、兵士と捕虜の両方を帰国させても何も起こりません。 だから、その作戦は終わりです。 ディープステートのもう一つの失敗です。 他国から金を盗もうとしたあなたたちに神のご加護がありますように。


アメリカ人に関して言えば、アメリカにはたくさんの金があります。実際、この国には全世界で7つあるスーパーサイトの1つがあります。 なぜイラクから金を盗んでいるのですか? そして、一体どうして私たちがその金をまだ活用していないと信じたのですか?皆さん、その通りです。1992年までに、中東のあらゆる冷気は、私たちが今日まで使っている金融システムにすでにレバレッジされていました。あなた方の金融システムではなく、私たちの金融システムです。つまり、金がレバレッジされ、イラク国民に代わって金と米ドルに対してディナールを生み出していることはご存じでしょう。






OK, now on to story #2 which is kind of a yawner, not gonna lie. The Global Headquarters SSP operatives in some higher ranking military generals continued their meetings over the weekend.The only thing that I found rather interesting and worth mentioning is they did run on their little analytics. If you don't know most militaries around the world they have these analytic softwares that will analyze their probability of success on any particular operation or war or.Theater maneuver or whatever. So they decided to run some different probabilities this time.And what are the probabilities they ran was what is my and my team meaning I guess you would say all of you and all of the people involved with care. What would it, what is our success rate without them?OK. Without them, we rang in at a 99.8% and that number has grown since they ran the report on Saturday. And it has grown because the more we take out, the more they have that we find and we take out. We're going to talk about that in just a minute.The higher our success is.Umm, OK, now their success with us. Meaning would they be successful if they decided to work with us in a different way? Quite obviously.Their success with us was 100%. Those are pretty good odds, wouldn't you say? And they're still talking about it even as of the time of this recording. So God bless these people. Their success without us, which is also something they contemplated, that means that they would try to run the entire planet.Without us and without the Black Nobility and without the Rothschild family, AKA the dragon families, their success without us at the time of the report was just under 8%. Well, those odds kind of went down just a little bit, don't you think? I mean, you would say 100%.8 percent, 100 percent, 8%, and you would say, wow, it's a lot lower. Not these people though, they still have lots more to contemplate. So as of now, those odds are down to about 3.98%. I don't know if they've continued to run reports or not, but I figured I would run the same analy.Using the same data that they were using just to see, you know, how those numbers have changed. And I probably will continue to do that until theirs is down to zero. OK? Their success with the Order of the Dragon. That's your Rothschild families, your Lee families in China, the Russian families, Iranian families, and so on and so forth.Came back at 0.Not surprised there.If they decided to partner up with just the Black Nobility and not the Dragon Family, their results would be, let's see, Zero, but that didn't stop them from trying several operations against us over the last few days.Lucky for us, we actually managed to find several different facilities in which they would still.Well, let's just say.Not several. There were a couple of those facilities that we talked about that were outside the hologram, which they were trying desperately to get access to. So the first one they tried to get access to was under the Palace of Versailles.They stood there with their crystals going.I'm waiting for something to happen to see if they could breakthrough the hologram and get access to that room that was underneath there. No dice. So the Black Nobility was 0 for one at this point now.Now, I have conflicting information at this moment in time, but I'm going to say they were all involved, the Black Nobility and Global Headquarters and the SSP and the people within those groups that do not want to give up.You know, never give up. So as of today, we had found a similar facility which was actually within the hologram under Danbury, CT's Germantown. Now for those of you that have never heard of Germantown in Danbury, CT, it was actually named because a lot of German immigrants came.To that town and settled there you know it wouldn't shock you that some of those Germans just happened to be Nazi scientists would it no it wouldn't shock you that it was one of the locations that they took all of the project paper clip scientists too No it wouldn't and.Therefore, burst in this location with the help of alien partners, because remember, they don't create this stuff on their own. Birth one of these rooms within the hologram, and like I said, they kind of sit there and do this and it looks like a joystick of some sort. Or if you've ever been in a facility.They control drones. It's kind of like that. And they just sit there like this and they pull up this hologram of the person that's their target or the place that's their target, just like you do with the drone. And they have a holographic version of me now, you know, up in that screen. Me and others, I should say.Or my house or something like that, or wherever I am, my car. And then they start sending really negative frequencies and all kinds of things from this hologram because I am their target. So it was a fun and exciting day.Location #2 was actually, and this isn't going to surprise you, Australians, it was actually in Pine Gap. Wow, what a surprise.So all of these rooms, at least the ones that we have found, I have a few more. I have a feeling that I'm going to need to go find as soon as I'm done with this report. But anyway, our remnants of what we call a black magic AI, it's like you just take your target, you do the holographic voodoo doll and you keep poking and.Frequencies and you know, that make your head spin. So, you know, for me, I'm so used to this stuff now because they do this, you know, I used to do it a lot. Now they're kind of limited with what they can do. And so, you know, I just kind of keep it moving. I shield up, I, you know, attack it back.And then I pull the string and I find out where this is located so that I can actually destroy it in everyone in it. So that's what we're going to do when we're done with this report.




計算した確率は、私と私のチーム、つまり皆さんとケアに携わるすべての人々の成功率とは何だったのでしょうか。彼らがいなかったら、成功率はどのくらいだったでしょうか。わかりました。彼らがいなかったら、成功率は 99.8% でした。土曜日に彼らがレポートを実行してから、その数字は伸びています。私たちがより多くのものを持ち出せば、彼らがより多くのものを見つけて持ち出せるからです。

これについては、すぐにお話しします。成功率が高ければ高いほど。ええと、わかりました。では、彼らが私たちと協力することに決めたら成功するでしょうか。つまり、彼らが私たちと協力することに決めたら成功するでしょうか。当然です。私たちと協力した成功率は 100% でした。かなり良い確率だと思いませんか。




彼らが使用していたのと同じデータを使用して、その数字がどのように変化したかを見るだけです。そして、私はおそらく彼らの攻撃がゼロになるまでそれを続けるでしょう。わかりましたか?ドラゴンの騎士団との協力に成功しました。ロスチャイルド家、中国のリー家、ロシア家、イラン家などです。結果は 0 でした。驚きではありません。


私たちが話した施設のいくつかはホログラムの外にあり、彼らは必死にアクセスしようとしていました。それで、彼らがアクセスしようとした最初の場所はベルサイユ宮殿の下でした。彼らはクリスタルを動かしながらそこに立っていました。彼らがホログラムを突破して、その下にある部屋にアクセスできるようになるかどうか、何かが起こるのを待っています。ダメでした。つまり、この時点でブラック・ノービリティは 0 対 1 でした。


コネチカット州ダンベリーのジャーマンタウンについて聞いたことがない人のために言っておきますが、この町は多くのドイツ人移民がやって来たことからその名前が付けられました。その町に定住したドイツ人の中にたまたまナチスの科学者がいたとしても驚かないでしょう。彼らがペーパークリップ計画の科学者全員を連れて行った場所の 1 つだったとしても驚かないでしょう。だから、エイリアンのパートナーの助けを借りてこの場所に突入しました。覚えておいてください、彼らは自分たちだけでこのようなものを作っているわけではないからです。




とにかく、私たちが黒魔術 AI と呼んでいるものの残骸は、ターゲットを狙ってホログラフィック ブードゥー人形を操作し、突き刺し続けます。周波数も変化し、頭がくらくらします。だから、私にとっては、この手のものには非常に慣れています。昔はよくやっていたからです。でも、今はできることが限られています。だから、とにかく動き続けるだけです。シールドを張って、反撃します。それから、紐を引いて、これがどこにあるのかを見つけて、中にいる全員を実際に破壊します。だから、このレポートが終わったら、それをやります。




So I have another funny story for you, which if you've been following me for a while, you're going to find this one extremely funny and kind of ironic, really.OK, So we've talked in the past about what's called the Anna system or the Association of Numerical Numbering Agency in Belgium. For those of you that don't understand what this place does, and this is, you can find the information on the Internet. It'll tell you that they're responsible for.Bring all bonds, you know, stocks and that kind of, you know, securities and those types of things. So that's its primary function. And not only did it number those bonds in the past, not a current thing, but it also numbered all of your birth certificate bonds and all of your corporations receive.Number which then get registered there so if you think yourself employed and it gives you freedom well kind of not really because you still have to pay corporate taxes and all those other things so this is kind of a collection method for all things with numbers around the world so if you think about how many things in.Life involved numbers. You have Social Security numbers in some countries, you also have tax identification numbers, driver's license numbers, and all those things would go into this big, huge magic machine that some people refer to as the beast.And then that machine would then transfer all those bonds into the alpha system in the past and then the allocation numbers would come out for those particular things. So whether that was to provide you with free education if you have free public.Education, where you're at, free health care if you're under NHS, say in Canada or in UK or in South Africa. So that's what these were designed to do now.There's a certain interest rate on those bonds that is required. We call that tax. So taxes are then collected through its sister system or little sister, called the XN system and the XN system.Connected in the past to every single tax authority in the world, now almost every single country in the world that actually collects taxes has a.Hmm, stipend or a fee of about 80% that goes directly to the order of the Dragon families.Now we found something very interesting though.The system that was utilized for the collection of all these lovely taxes coming from the IRS to any other tax authority in any other country. It doesn't matter where you are.All those taxes were going into a separate system that was meant for the 80% only. Now this must have been really painful for the Rothschild family and some other people. Oh, and it it has been because.Although they could see all these numbers on the screen, they could also see that those funds were being traded and traded and traded and traded and the numbers were just getting bigger and bigger and bigger. All they could really do was lick the screen.And there were several screens worth licking, some in Iran, some in the UK, number of different places around the world. I'll tell you. I'll list all those for you in just a second. I wrote all those down so I didn't forget. So.This was your Rothschilds tax collection system. Now in order to try to get access to these taxes and spend some of this money to kind of keep their downline, I guess you would say.Rolling they had gone to it's called Watterson Manor is what it's called in the UK. This is Nathan Rothschild and try to.2:00 to 4:00, go and declare war against me, you know, and I'm such a nice person. I don't know why they would do that, but they tried to declare war against me through this system in hopes that the tax money would come out so that they could pay.For said war, well, that didn't really workout, but it did give us a line directly to find the rest of this matrix in this system. So this happened on, oh, I think it was Saturday morning or Sunday morning.But anyway, it was hilarious, really. So we also found the rest of the places they would access this lovely system. One in China, no surprise there. One in Russia, in Saint Petersburg, no surprise there. Another one in Iran.Germany and there was also one in Chicago for the American section of the of the alleged dragon families. Now the only thing that they did do was get a little shady with these off Ledger funds because a lot of them are tied to Rothschild bank in Switzerland and a few.Other select banks who would then issue the Rothschilds credit lines against them.Now, did they share those credit lines with all of these global headquarters people, SSP people that they owe money to? Of course not. See, these people think very highly of themselves. You know, these security Black Sun people, they think that those people care whether you live or die.No, and without access to hundreds of trillions of dollars, which they're willing to part with a small little stipend directly to you or you, U.S. military or anywhere else. Or how about the IDF in Israel, who has also promised a lot of money.


それで、もう 1 つ面白い話があります。私の話にずっと付き合ってくださっている方なら、これは本当にとても面白くて皮肉な話だと思うでしょう。さて、以前、ベルギーのアンナ システムまたは番号機関協会についてお話ししました。この機関が何をしているのかわからない方のために、インターネットで情報を見つけることができます。この機関が責任を負っているのは、すべての債券、株、その種の証券などです。これが主な機能です。

過去にはこれらの債券に番号を付けただけでなく (現在はそうではありませんが)、出生証明書の債券や、法人が受け取るすべての番号も付けました。番号は登録されます。雇用されていると思っても、自由になるわけではありません。法人税やその他の支払いは必要ですから。これは、世界中の番号の付いたすべてのものの収集方法の 1 つです。人生で番号が関係するものがどれだけあるかを考えてみてください。

一部の国では社会保障番号があり、納税者番号や運転免許証番号もあります。これらすべてが、一部の人々が「獣」と呼ぶ巨大で魔法の機械に入力されます。そして、その機械は、それらの債券すべてを過去のアルファ システムに移し、それらの特定のものに対する割り当て番号を出します。つまり、あなたが住んでいる場所では無料の公共教育が提供され、カナダ、英国、南アフリカなどの NHS に加入している場合は無料の医療が提供されるのです。

これが、現在これらの債券が設計された目的です。これらの債券には一定の利子率が必要です。これを税金と呼びます。税金は、XN システムや XN システムと呼ばれる姉妹システムまたは妹システムを通じて徴収されます。過去は世界中のすべての税務当局とつながっていましたが、現在では実際に税金を徴収している世界のほぼすべての国で、約 80% の手当または手数料があり、それがドラゴン ファミリーの組織に直接支払われます。

しかし、非常に興味深いことが分かりました。IRS から他の国の税務当局に送られるこれらのすばらしい税金の徴収に利用されていたシステムです。どこにいても問題ありません。これらの税金はすべて、80% のみを対象とした別のシステムに入っていました。これは、ロスチャイルド家や他の人々にとって本当に苦痛だったに違いありません。









これらの人々は非常に高く評価しています。ご存知のように、これらのセキュリティ ブラックサンの人々は、あなたが生きるか死ぬかに関心を持っていると思っています。いいえ、彼らは何百兆ドルにもアクセスできず、わずかな給付金であなたやあなた、米軍、または他の場所に喜んで手放します。または、イスラエルのIDFはどうですか。彼らも多額のお金を約束しています。




Did you get anything from the Rothschilds and those credit lines that they issued? I'll bet you did not. No, you didn't.Anyway, the rest of the facilities were located in Kenya, China, Saint Petersburg, Russia, Myanmar, Chicago, Germany, Iran, Netherlands and Scotland and it was so lovely to watch Mr. Nathan Rothschild.Have a little bit of a hissy fit, let's call it umm, I don't know what you call it there in UK. There's probably throw the toys out of the pram all day after it disappeared. He wanted to know. He called everybody he knew wanting to know who stole his money.Well, let me tell you.It was me. Don't declare war against me. You will lose every time. But anyway, it wasn't real money. I mean, no longer. Once they take it out of the actual financial system, put it in these fake other backdoor systems, it's not real anymore. It's all hyped up fake numbers.With no allocations and they still would have needed. That's right folks, me to get it in the system. So don't declare war against me you crazy old beep.It's not going to help you any. Funny enough, we did get a call from one of the people that's been in these other meetings going on with the Black Sun at the time because they were also called. And you know, we asked why did the Rothschild family declare war against me again for like the 10th or 15th?And they said, oh, it's not about her. It's about the fact that a bunch of money went missing from their Swiss bank and they want to know who stole it. Well, I'm here to say loud and proud that person was me.And I'm not looking back either. So it's gone. It was part of an old Omega line and it's just not there anymore. So good luck finding that money, Nathan Rothschild and Global Headquarters and whoever else is looking for it. And good luck in keeping the Rothschild bank afloat, matter of fact.In Switzerland, because you're gonna need it.











On that note, thank you so much for joining us for the Global Intelligence Agency Operations report. I hope you have a lovely rest of your day on Monday or Tuesday, if that's what it is where you are, and I will see you on Wednesday.



