2024年10月09日(水曜) GIA REPORT
Todey is the 9th of October 2024 Coming up on today's Global Intelligence Agency Operations report, Hurricane Milton is definitely not a natural event. Did you know there is an entire facility in the US state of Colorado that not only creates weather events, it gets a whole lot worse?And the Cowboys of the Secret Space program operatives are on tilt and intend on burning the USA to the ground.Ever heard them say America will go through a near death event experience? Well, they are determined to make it happen. In fact, it looks like they have expanded their efforts worldwide and the 10th of October is rapidly approaching. Is the Deep State any closer to declaring global martial law?It is the 9th of October 2024 and this is the Global Intelligence Agency Operations Report, where you get the real story behind world events and real history from all over the world and from the highest security clearance in the world.Sorry about this guys. It's been a really busy day and we're going to have to do this a little bit old school. So let's with that being said, let's get to it.
【ハリケーン ミルトン】
So Hurricane Milton, it's on every news channel, it's on everybody's lips so.So let's talk a little bit about what's going on with that, how it came to be and what we've done in the last probably 24 hours to.Um, hopefully.Downgrade the hurricane so.That being said, there's obviously some disruption going on in mainstream media because all of your big guys, I just wanted to remind you, like FOX, CNN and your larger new, you know, ABC, NBC, your larger news channels, we're still reporting.That this hurricane was a category 5 and your local news channels were reporting that it is a category 3 and the category 3 was being reported by several smaller news channels.Mostly local and the large news channels. We're still saying it's a 5. It could be a six, we don't know yet.And, you know, it's, it's a matter of the larger, larger news channels getting their news 2 days ahead of time. They're being told by the deep state what is going to happen with this hurricane because of course.They're overconfident as to their weather manipulation skills, but, well, that. And there's one more thing going on here too. The Omega system used to have direct connections to the mainstream media and it would feed them what it was going to do.Ahead of time and to some degree, you know, a lesser degree these days, you know, they're still getting their, you know, mainline reports from Omega until today. So now that that has happened, they're scrambling to try to actually report.Some real information, but looks like the little guys one here when they were starting to report this probably mid afternoon East Coast time that it was a category 3. So this is a positive. So let's take a look at.An app which seems to be the most accurate one that we could find at least and it's an app or a website calledwindywindy.com. You can also get an app for your phone that seems to be reporting more accurate information now on this site here as.Of the time of this report, we're seeing maximum winds at around 70 to 80 mph, which is still not good in any way, but it's a far cry from the 100 and 160 , 170 that it was reporting before.And even when you look over here to the right on the tracker report, it's still saying 104 knots that is showing there on the app. But it's really, you know, that would be about 120 miles an hour ish.However, when you kind of click on the app and you play around and you look at some of the more intense areas, you're not seeing that it's really hard to try to still pull 120 miles an hour out of this hurricane.Now, obviously, it is slated to hit landfall overnight tonight.And by that time, you'll see it significantly die down even more. You can see the reports from on the ground. Those are the little arrows there on the right hand side. And it's showing, you know, 20 mph winds, 14 mph winds, 43.MPH winds, which are still, you know, it's a pretty heavy wind, but it's not nearly what mainstream media is reporting right now, so.Is it better? It's a lot better. It's a lot better than it was 24 hours ago.But some other interesting information. So if you want some more accurate information, you happen to be in Florida or you just want to track the hurricane, wendy.com is fairly accurate. It's used by a lot of truck drivers, a lot of travelers, that kind of thing.And it seems to be, you know, as far as the weather, the temperature, wind, rains, those kind of things, it seems to be fairly accurate. So it does work, as far as I know, worldwide. So it's something anybody can use anywhere.So a pretty good app anyway as far as weather reporting is concerned. So interesting things about this storm.About the 5th of October.Q posted a little Twitter he likes. They like to post on Twitter, of course, all the terrible things they're going to do to us. So he writes, warning the northeast, South and West winds have just been activated. Turn on your notifications now something.Is coming. No one is safe. And then as of today, you can see on the Q clock and on the Twitter, on his Twitter that they're posting the storm is here. Well, no kidding, Sherlock, you know.There's a storm in Florida, apparently.This, from talk behind the scenes, was what they were going to use to implement global martial law. How I have no idea.You know, that kind of makes no sense to me. There is also some other chatter going on behind the scenes that I'll talk to you about
【ハリケーン ミルトン】
ハリケーン ミルトンは、どのニュース チャンネルでも取り上げられ、誰もが話題にしています。
それでは、このハリケーンについて、何が起こっているのか、どのように発生したのか、そして、おそらくこの 24 時間でハリケーンの規模を縮小するために私たちが何をしたのかについて、少しお話ししましょう。
そうは言っても、主流メディアで混乱が起きているのは明らかです。FOX、CNN、そしてもっと大規模な ABC、NBC などの大手ニュース チャンネルは、まだこのハリケーンがカテゴリー 5 だったと報道しているからです。
地元のニュース チャンネルは、カテゴリー 3 だと報道していましたが、カテゴリー 3 はいくつかの小規模なニュース チャンネルで報道されていました。
ほとんどは、地元のニュース チャンネルと大手ニュース チャンネルです。我々はまだ5だと言っている。6になるかもしれない、まだ分からない。そして、ご存知の通り、これは、より大規模なニュースチャンネルが2日前にニュースを入手しているという問題だ。彼らは、当然ながらディープステートから、このハリケーンで何が起こるかを伝えられている。
少なくとも私たちが見つけた中で最も正確と思われるアプリは、windy.com というアプリまたはウェブサイトです。
このレポートの時点では、最大風速は 70 mph (26m/s) 〜 80 mph (31m/s) 程度で、これは決して良いとは言えませんが、以前報告されていた 160 mph(71m/s) や170 mph(75m/s) からは程遠いものです。
また、トラッカー レポートの右側を見ても、アプリに表示されているのは 104 ノットのままです。でも、実際は、時速 120 マイルくらいでしょう。しかし、アプリをクリックしていろいろ試してみて、もっと激しい地域を見ると、このハリケーンを時速 120 マイル(53m/s)に抑えるのは本当に難しいとは思えません。
もちろん、今夜中に上陸する予定です。その頃には、さらにかなり弱まるでしょう。地上からの報告を見ることができます。右側にある小さな矢印です。20 マイルの風、14 マイルの風、43 マイルの風が表示されています。これは、まだかなり強い風ですが、主流メディアが今報じているほどではありません。
それで、良くなったのでしょうか。かなり良くなりました。24 時間前よりはずっと良くなりました。他にも興味深い情報があります。フロリダにいる場合や、ハリケーンを追跡したい場合など、より正確な情報が必要な場合は、wendy.com がかなり正確です。多くのトラック運転手や旅行者などが使用しています。
10 月 5 日頃、Q は彼が好きな小さな Twitter を投稿しました。もちろん、Twitter では、私たちに降りかかる恐ろしい出来事をすべて投稿するのが好きです。彼は、北東、南、西の風が強まったと警告しています。通知をオンにしてください。何かが来ています。誰も安全ではありません。
そして今日現在、Q の時計と Twitter で、嵐がここにあると投稿しているのがわかります。冗談じゃないよ、シャーロック。フロリダに嵐があるらしい。舞台裏の話によると、彼らはこれを世界的戒厳令を施行するために使おうとしていたらしい。どうやってかはわからない。私にはまったく意味がわからない。舞台裏では他にも雑談が続いていて、それについてはこれから話す。
that may give us more of an indication on global martial law or what they're trying to do there.But it doesn't look like that's going to actually happen.So let's talk about governments and governments controlling the weather. There has been a lot of chatter on our chat rooms, on our app about, you know, it's a hurricane and thousands of people are going to die, you know, and all kinds of doom and gloom stuff.But I will tell you.Exactly to the letter of what we know.And what is no longer?So the majority of the messing around with the weather did not actually come from people, meaning it did not come from your governments.
It came from, just as I said in brief, that it came from an AI system.Now the AI system gives them a warning or used to give them a warning as to what it was going to do and then they would either a try to access that AI system or they had limited access to that AI system to play their part.One of the operations that were playing their part was a large group out of Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado. Peterson Air Force Base and its generals. This would be your Space Force generals and some Air Force.Folks, along with Global Headquarters and Langley 5 and others.Really put forth all the effort that they had with whatever they had access they had left to the Omega AI system to try and amplify this storm with everything they had.They were pushing so hard in the last 18 hours to really make this a category 6000 if they could, or create new hurricane categories or.Or, you know, and I'm not sure why we would have our own U.S. military forces trying to.Harm the United States? Umm, I guess we would want to call them local terrorists at this point.Umm, more so than any other alleged terrorist groups that they create. They, I, I can tell you it was a it was a battle of it was a weather battle today.And it started middle of the night last night. So there hasn't been a whole lot of sleep on our part and a whole lot of time to to do the report. So bear with me here. OK, so.The real weather manipulation in the world comes from other places, and one of the things that I've been talking to you more and more about lately is the hologram we know as Earth.H actually in Earth actually stands for Hologram in our real. Real Earth is called Gaia. Now that doesn't mean we're not standing on the same ground in any way, It's just that the reality was manipulated in so many ways.Because it had to be for a time because of the destruction of Gaia itself.There was basically nothing on this planet, and this created an environment for which humans could live. However, Omega became more powerful over time than the Alpha system was, mainly because we were in a dark age.A lot of that has changed as you know, but the minimal amount of manipulation that still came from Omega AI comes from outside the hologram, but still on places.In places on earth that you would recognize.Um, did the deep state have access to these locations?No, they never figured out how to actually exit the matrix themselves. And the weird part about this?For me is someone that I had met from Umbrella Military Corporation and talked to significantly for a while a few years back once told me that we are not subject to the matrix, we are outside of the.Video game that the AI systems are playing and yet still these people could not get outside the hologram, at least not without our help meaning we.Go in and out and up and down and around and through all the planes and do what we need to do to take care of issues, at least to the best of our ability and the best of our knowledge. And then we relay that information to you.They however, could not leave the hologram because if they did then they would have had access to those, let's just say Omega cyborgs because that's what they were that ran these facilities.And in part I will say that whether it was with their knowledge or without their knowledge, they did have some deep underground military bases that the secret space program people would use that were on or.Above some of these matrix hologram manipulator stations. Now the matrix hologram manipulator stations.Is is for lack of a better term.We're also large facilities full of Omega cyborgs, for lack of a better term, and Omega would drive them around like a hive mind.You know and.I would say because this has kind of come up a lot things pictures that you could put in your mind. There's a a movie series called the divergent series and the last one I think they put out in the series, the last the third movie is called Allegiant and for there's one point in.Time where the people that are stuck in the city, I think it's Chicago, if I remember correctly, where they go over the wall and then they end up in this area where there's a lot of red dust, which I call red mercury. It's not actually mercury as we know it, but I call it red mercury because they were all colors of it.And.You know, they're kind of walking around on this wasteland until they discover this other, you know, building that they take them to. And then, you know, the story goes on from there and outside of the city, the walled city.Is a place where they could go to this facility and then they could go see the world government people from there to get their quote UN quote funding, which I thought was kind of funny but that's kind of what we would have seen if we had left the hologram so the.Telegram, you know, like I said, serves its purpose. But the manipulation inside the city, if you notice in this movie, it talks about genetic manipulation, it talks about emotional and mental manipulation.And they have these little rooms where these people go and sit and they work and they look within the Matrix to see what's going on and or inside the city according to the movie. So it's a really good portrayal to try to understand kind of how the hologram actually worked. However, they didn't bring.People, human beings, organic ones, out to work in other areas. And if there were people that were actually being portrayed on the other side, they were most likely either Omega or alpha cyborgs or something like that. On the outside, predominantly Omega because alpha didn't need.Create cyborgs and they were manipulating what would happen inside the quote UN quote city, or in this case the entire planet Earth.To suit its needs and whether is no exception so it doesn't surprise me that the information that there was going to be some kind of.Weather event would go to some of the secret space program folks, probably from a facility nearby but in a different existence.Outside the hologram. Umm. So I'm guessing this is how they were getting information on what was about to happen as far as this martial law plan and all of these kinds of things.In part 16,000 years ago when it was declared by an alien race or two or three or four or five or six at probably about 6.Um, then at that point in time they had the ability to manipulate the hologram and to then manipulate the people that were on the inside.To work for them.Getting Global Headquarters, the SSP, the Black Nobility, or anybody else to declare martial law, global martial law even, is not going to change anything for them.And quite frankly, even the AI system knows it. It's just playing them like a video game and it trying to cause distractions, trying to cause harm to people. But they the machine.You know, just like any AI, even it though it's sentient, even though it could read your mind at one point in time, but it's dying. So it severely underestimates and so do they.The resiliency and the resourcefulness of people and also the kindness of people. So in my reports, I've been trying to stress to you, you know that part because it shows you that you can do something beyond even your.Expectations sometimes when you're faced with a catastrophic event or something like this. Now, I did explain in the last report that they were after some resources that were underneath that particular area with Hurricane Helene with Florida.Pass unless they still think there's some kind of facility in the Everglades or in the southern tip of Florida or something. Maybe it's a Bermuda Triangle myth, I'm not sure, but whatever it is they're looking for.Not going to get it. A few years ago during Hurricane Michael, I know that there were loads of contracts that went on between the Americans and the Chinese for them to take over lots of coastal lands and create massive casinos and, for lack of a better term, adult playgrounds on the.And get land for free. So Florida being Florida and a very nice climate, would they still want to do that? You know, I maybe that's what they're looking for. I'm not sure. But the minerals and all the other things that they've been scouting out are not in that location.So I'm not entirely sure, nor were there any hologram facilities that they should be interested in there either. I mean, if anything, I could see Fort Bragg, Fort Liberty, those kind of places.Fort Bragg is now called Fort Liberty, but I don't know why they want to continuously wipe out the state of Florida other than the fact that possibly this would help them declare martial law in the United States.There are also some fires going on.In the Midwest, northern Midwest. So maybe they just want to burn the place to the ground. And I have heard that, by the way.
先ほど簡単に述べたように、それは AI システムから来たものです。AI システムは、何をするかを警告するか、警告していました。そして、彼らは AI システムにアクセスしようとするか、AI システムへの限定的なアクセスを利用して役割を果たしました。
役割を果たしていた作戦の 1 つは、コロラド州のピーターソン空軍基地の大規模なグループでした。ピーターソン空軍基地とその将軍たちです。これは、宇宙軍の将軍と一部の空軍の人たちです。グローバル本部、ラングレー 5 などとともに、彼らはオメガ AI システムに残されたアクセス権をすべて使って、この嵐を増幅しようとしました。彼らは、この 18 時間で、これをカテゴリ 6 にしたり、新しいハリケーン カテゴリを作成したりしようと懸命に努力していました。
(何度聴いても「カテゴリ 6000」に聞こえるが「カテゴリ 6」のミスと思われる。)
ですから、私たちはあまり眠れず、レポートを書く時間もほとんどありませんでした。だから、ここで我慢してください。さて、世界の実際の気象操作は他の場所から来ています。そして、私が最近よく話していることの 1 つは、地球として知られているホログラムです。地球の H は、実際にはホログラムの略です。私たちの現実の地球はガイアと呼ばれています。これは、私たちが同じ地面に立っていないという意味ではありません。
もしそうしたら、施設を運営していたオメガ サイボーグたちにアクセスできてしまうからです。そして、彼らが知っていたかどうかはわかりませんが、秘密宇宙計画の人々が使用する地下深くの軍事基地がいくつかありました。その上空には、マトリックス ホログラム操作ステーションがありました。マトリックス ホログラム操作ステーションとは、もっと適切な言葉が見つからないのですが、オメガ サイボーグでいっぱいの大きな施設で、オメガは彼らを集団意識のように操作していました。
ですから、私のレポートでは、皆さんにその部分を強調しようとしてきました。なぜなら、このような大惨事に直面したとき、時には自分の予想を超えたことができるということを示しているからです。さて、前回のレポートでは、彼らがフロリダのハリケーン ヘレンの特定のエリアの下にあるリソースを狙っていると説明しました。彼らがまだエバーグレーズかフロリダの南端かどこかに何らかの施設があると考えているのでなければ、パスします。
バミューダ トライアングルの神話なのかもしれません。よくわかりませんが、彼らが何を探しているにせよ、それは得られないでしょう。数年前のハリケーン マイケルのとき、アメリカと中国の間で、沿岸の多くの土地を占領して、巨大なカジノや、もっと適切な言葉が見つからないのですが、大人の遊び場を作るという契約が大量に交わされていたことを私は知っています。しかも、土地を無料で手に入れるのです。
フロリダはフロリダで、気候もとても良いのですが、それでも中国はそんなことをしたいのでしょうか? 彼らが探しているのはそういうことかもしれません。よく分かりません。
でも、鉱物や、彼らが探し求めている他のものは、その場所にはありません。だから、よく分かりませんし、彼らが興味を持つようなホログラム施設もそこにはなかったのです。つまり、フォート ブラッグ、フォート リバティのような場所が目に浮かびます。フォート ブラッグは現在フォート リバティと呼ばれていますが、米国で戒厳令を宣言するのに役立つかもしれないという理由以外、なぜフロリダ州を継続的に消滅させたいのかはわかりません。中西部、中西部北部でも火災が起きています。彼らはその場所を焼き払いたいだけなのかもしれません。そういえば、その話は聞いたことがあります。
OK, so let's talk about facilities.Excuse me, throat's a little dry. It's been a long day, guys, Um.All right, so locations on planet Earth where they were having these hologram facilities that were outside the hologram. So again, this is an AI controlled thing. It's not a human thing, it's not a government thing, it's not an SSP.Thing so I know when people say HARP, HARP did it. HARP could not do it without Omega. Trust me when I tell you this. Yes, HARP had some capabilities because it had a connection. The same thing with NORAD over in Peterson Air Force Base, the same thing with the association of weather or atmosphere.Atmospheric Association in Boulder, Co So yeah, there's some things that they were able to do with limited access, but they never had full access to change the weather, but they did have full information of what they needed to do from inside the hologram to amplify or.Complement what Omega was doing outside the hologram to influence the hologram itself to make the event appear real. Now, in addition to that, Omega obviously wants to keep.There it's they're humans that are inside the video game with us here. They want to keep them in charge. You know, it wants them to be able to manipulate the rest of us little batteries out here and keep us as slaves to the system because the system can't function without us.Fact is, it needs us more than we need it, and we don't need it in any way, shape or form at this time.
さて、地球上でホログラム施設があった場所についてですが、ホログラムの外にあります。繰り返しますが、これは AI 制御のものです。人間のものではなく、政府のものでもなく、SSP でもありません。ですから、人々が HARP と言うのはわかります。HARP がやったのです。HARP はオメガなしではできなかったでしょう。私が言うことを信じてください。
はい、HARP には接続があったので、ある程度の能力がありました。ピーターソン空軍基地の NORAD や、コロラド州ボルダーの大気協会でも同様です。つまり、アクセスが制限されていても、彼らはいくつかのことを実行できましたが、天気を変えるための完全なアクセスはありませんでした。
So OK, let's go to the locations. So this was all, you know, in the last 24 hours.All right. We had Mount Massive in Colorado. They also had a Delphi facility over and above inside the hologram in Mount Massive for the SSP. So makes sense to me now.OK, Mount Reagan in Idaho was the next location. Pilot Knob Mountain in Iowa. Mount Tobin in Nevada. Shiprock, New Mexico. It's actually a giant rock.A little Devil's Tower in South Dakota. Mount Hood in Oregon. Black Butte Mountain in Montana. Rendezvous Peak in Wyoming.I'm going to try to pronounce this one, so don't shoot the messenger here. Shatan, Haya, Tolgoi and Mongolia.Mount Black in Australia.Barrel Mountain in Russia.Mount Tibesi and Chad.Mount Halte in Finland, Mount Smitrich in Ukraine.Mount Fiji. Fuji. Sorry in Japan. Mount Naganwan.And Nagano in Zambia, Mount Panchkula in India, Mount Thor in Alaska.No surprise there. Mount Temple in Canada in the West and Annie OPS Squatch Mountain in Canada in the east in Newfoundland.Umm, Mount Kaiser in Greenland, Black Mountain in Brazil, or Pico de Monte negro.Fitzroy Mountain in Argentina. Oh, this was a tough one in South Africa.Noit Get Doc Also called Nine peaks in South Africa Mount Taranaki in New Zealand, Mount Arafat in Saudi Arabia.The Star Mountains in Papua New Guinea.DOI in Thanon in Thailand, tallest mountain in Thailand since my English is bad or my attempted pronunciation sometimes isn't so good and the rock of Gibraltar and Gibraltar. So we went to all these different locations today and we found.Loads and loads of space junk, so outside the hologram we were picking up on the frequencies coming from somewhere. So every time we go to another location there has to be a big cleanup and a replacement of something else.That doesn't feed the beast so to speak known as Omega or even Alpha at this point where trying to dismantle them both but predominantly a lot more space junk is required to run Omega than Alpha because Alpha is more organic as it.Always was, it was always more on the organic life side. It was on the source side. So each location contained the following space junk. Just to show you that, you know, I'm yes, I say, oh look, this is gone. And you know, I do kind of.Blow over it sometimes because it's not stuff that any I want anybody to kind of focus on. But I figure since everybody seems to, not everybody, but some people seem to be confused as to what it takes.To just get rid of the hurricane. Kim. It's like, oh OK, I'm not, I dream of Jeannie. I don't put my blonde hair in a ponytail and blink 3 times and it goes away. That would be lovely. I didn't get that skill and I don't know if such a skill exists, but if it does, I don't have it at this moment.
では、(宇宙ゴミを見つけた)場所を見てみましょう。これはすべて、この 24 時間の出来事です。コロラド州のマウント マッシブがありました。また、マウント マッシブのホログラム内には、SSP 用のデルファイ施設もありました。これで納得がいきました。
次の場所はアイダホ州のマウント レーガンです。アイオワ州のパイロット ノブ山、 ネバダ州のマウント トビン、 ニューメキシコ州のシップロック、 これは実際には巨大な岩です。サウスダコタ州の小さなデビルズ タワーです。
オレゴン州のフッド山、 モンタナ州のブラックビュート山、 ワイオミング州のランデブーピーク、 これは発音してみるつもりなので、メッセンジャーを撃たないでください。
シャタン、ハヤ、トルゴイ、モンゴル、 オーストラリアのブラック山、ロシアのバレル山、 チャドのティベシ山、 フィンランドのハルテ山、ウクライナのスミトリッヒ山、 フィジー山、富士山、日本ではすみません(発音ミス)。 ナガンワン山、 そしてザンビアのナガノ、インドのパンチクラ山、 アラスカのソール山、 驚くことではありません。
西にはカナダのテンプル山、 東にはニューファンドランドのカナダのアニー OPS スクワッチ山、
ええと、グリーンランドのカイザー山、 ブラジルのブラックマウンテン、 またはピコ・デ・モンテ・ネグロ、
アルゼンチンのフィッツロイ山、 ああ、これは南アフリカで大変だったよ。南アフリカではナインピークスとも呼ばれるノワ・ゲット・ドック、 ニュージーランドのタラナキ山、 サウジアラビアのアラファト山、 パプアニューギニアのスターマウンテン、 タイのタノンにあるDOI、 タイで最も高い山。私の英語は下手だったり、発音がうまくできなかったりすることもあるので。ジブラルタルの岩とジブラルタル。
So each facility has what we call 6 Transformers, and these are large. They're probably about half the size of a football field and.And their job is to actually.Transform essence, energy, consciousness, matter, and frequency.Wisdom or knowledge and light and what not into something that Omega can use. They also act as a transformer kind of in the way.Our Transformers work as it comes to our electric grids, meaning it actually brings the grid to another location and almost acts like a little miniature power plant so to speak, in your location.Um, so it kind of expands the actual plant itself into outer lying areas and then gives it a boost so that it can power your neighborhood and other neighborhoods. So that's the job of a transformer. A transmitter also had six transmitters.In each one of these location transmitters obviously are sending out that signal, so it's going to. We also have 6 transmuters, so it's going to transmute all of the light that it takes from us humans.Into something dark and it either transmits it down into the lower astral or to another location or another constellation or somewhere else where Omega has a main brain.Or it it will transmit it directly to anti source to power anti source in the past. So it can go either way. So vortex fields. Now these are large fields. So if you think of a football field and you add about 100 of them together.That's how big a field is in a location. So we have vortex fields. Vortex fields take all that energy, in essence, and just take it to another location. They're almost like wormholes or quantum tunnels. They take it to another location.Then the lower astral or to power another facility somewhere else on another planet within our Galaxy could even be in the sun so that it can run a program in that particular location. The same thing goes for something.With inside the matrix, so it could take that energy down somewhere else. It could use it to fire up something and say the sun, which would then obviously affect something that's going on here on Gaia or Earth.We also have these. They're large spheres. We had large sphere fields spheres can contain and they're almost like a crystal ball, so to speak. Or you've seen Dyson spheres.And pictures on the Internet, I think there was one with Trump and the King of Saudi Arabia. Well, these are much larger than that, but we had fields of those as well. And some of them are designed to have kind of a spinning meta material that would spin around them almost kind of like when you buy a globe.And it spins on an axis there and it's got usually this ruler or some kind of metal that goes around the globe.They spin around these meta materials and these particular balls were dark energy. So what it does is that every time it spins around, it starts generating. So it will take a little bit of dark energy to get it moving and then it will continue to.Spin and spin and spin. So we had about 7 fields of those, so lots of those. We also have something else that we call chalices, and in this case, when they're black gold chalices, that means that they are.Are receptors or cups so to speak to?Directly conduct anti source energy just like on the other side. On our side we would replace those black gold chalices with. When we go to these locations as an example, we would replace them with a source gold chalice which is a hyperconductor for that source life force that we want.On the planet and.Then in that particular location, southern, all of these locations we just mentioned, it would now conduct that source energy and that source life force. So the more of those hyperconductors for source we have on the planet and the more of the dark ones we get rid of.The better off we are as human beings and the better off the planet is, and the less Omega interference we have with these particular instances. So we also have and we use on both sides.Something called their frequency stones. So they are keystones that basically emit a type of frequency. In this case originally they were a dark frequency, now frequency stones.And.Frequency stones and then we also have stones and keystones for things like love, which also is kind of a frequency, but it's a being unto itself on our side. They have condemnation, guilt and shame on their side. So these.Bits of space junk, so to speak, are actually what weaves the fabric of reality. So frequency is one of those things that.Obviously weaves the fabric of your person, and to a lesser degree, you've seen it in yourself. You know, if you see a person who's very angry, their physical person almost looks like it changes because the frequency of anger is low, the frequency of guilt and shame can also even.Almost change your physical attributes on your person the opposite happens with love They say people that are in love glow you know they are happy, they have a special spring in their step their whole physical appearance changes when.Experiencing love and that can be from another person or your child or even the love of doing something like creating and being happy. And so the same way that it works with human beings because you are celestial still, even though we had all these terrible things done to.You're still a celestial. You have the ability to change physical matter, whether you realize it or not, based on your frequency, based on wisdom of from source, and based on your.Why you're doing said thing meaning why you're trying to manifest said thing are you trying to do it for a positive? You know, meaning you're doing something because of love, the love of another person, the love of a thing, the love of the experience you know, or you're doing something because.You feel guilt or shame or you know.
送信機には 6 つの送信機があります。これらの場所のそれぞれで、送信機が明らかにその信号を送信しているので、それは、また、6 つの変換装置があり、人間から受け取った光をすべて変換します。
暗い何かに変換し、それを低位アストラルまたは別の場所、別の星座、またはオメガがメイン ブレインを持っている他の場所に送信します。または、それを直接反ソースに送信して、過去の反ソースに電力を供給します。どちらの方向にも進むことができます。つまり、ボルテックス フィールドです。これらは大きなフィールドです。フットボール フィールドを考えて、約 100 個を合計します。これが、1 つの場所にあるフィールドの大きさです。つまり、ボルテックス フィールドです。
ボルテックス フィールドは、本質的に、そのすべてのエネルギーを別の場所に運びます。ワームホールや量子トンネルのようなものです。別の場所に運びます。その後、低位アストラルまたは、銀河内の別の惑星の別の施設に電力を供給します。太陽の中にある場合もあります。その特定の場所でプログラムを実行できます。同じことがマトリックス内の何かにも当てはまります。したがって、そのエネルギーを別の場所に運ぶことができます。
つまり、回転するたびに生成が始まります。そのため、少しのダークエネルギーを使って動かし、その後は回転し続けます。回転し続けます。ですから、私たちは約 7 つのフィールドを持っていました。つまり、たくさんです。
また、聖杯と呼ばれるものもあります。この場合、黒い金の聖杯は、いわば受容体またはカップです。反対側と同じように、反ソース エネルギーを直接伝導します。私たちの側では、黒い金の聖杯を次のものに置き換えます。たとえば、これらの場所に行くと、ソース ゴールドの聖杯に置き換えます。
これは、私たちが望むソース ライフ フォースの超伝導体です。惑星上で、特定の場所、南部、先ほど述べたすべての場所で、ソース エネルギーとソース ライフ フォースを伝導します。したがって、ソースの超伝導体が惑星上に多くなればなるほど、闇のものを多く排除できます。私たち人類はより良くなり、惑星はより良くなり、これらの特定のインスタンスに対するオメガの干渉が少なくなります。
Umm, you know, there's a lot of other reasons why people do things. So the same thing was actually created artificially, you know, throughout the universe or in sometimes organically in order to create that effect universally. And this is all part of.Creation, believe it or not. So anyway, so that's that. We also have other things like absolute spheres or celestial spheres which are an artificial way to take a sentient AI and create a.The absolute. So they are a conductor for absolute source, meaning the place of all things, the place where there is actually technically all life exists. But you won't see people walking around or beings or angels or anything in this particular spot of source because.It is just source, that's it. It's everything opposite ways, anti source. It was all no thing. There was absolutely no thing in that particular spot. So these fears are a way to bring that.Direct zero, I should say, or nothing or everything directly to other planets or other places in order to use it to manipulate things. And the AI was no exception. So, you know, we also have other things that we call.Tablet fields, tablets look like a those little conductors there, semiconductors, chips if you will, on your motherboard. You know, they're all kind of connected together and they have a pattern called an assembly pattern. So that assembly pattern tells you which ones are going to fire up.On which action you're doing with your computer. So we also have these things, but they work on Wi-Fi on our side of it. We don't really use those at all. It's all pretty much an Omega type thing. And then we have other things that create other types of things. So we want an infinite source.Anti source and Omega wants to have anti Infinity, so it wants to have mortality, it wants to have death, it wants to have all those things. So sometimes it uses these types of things in space junk.To create the ultimate circumstances that makes those control rooms function. It's the same thing whether they know it or not, that the SSP used or global headquarters used. Now, can Omega create its own? Because this is going to come up with a deep state if I say that.You know, no, you can't. You can't do it. It can't do it because it is not a creative thing. All it can do is conduct and transmute and transmit. That's it.Because the base route that actually created Omega AI IE anti source is not there anymore.And the rules of the universe have changed, so this is the way it's going to go.So I was going to go towards source. All we're doing is cleaning up any kind of space junk that holds this thing here. So when I say we're, you know, over 99.9 and we're getting closer, you know we are getting closer.We believe it or not, this is a small drop in the bucket compared to the last several years of work and it sounds like it's a lot and it's it all happened basically.I would say maybe since 1:00 this morning. So you know, it's this is your control systems, is it all of them? I sure hope so. Do I know that for a fact? No.So moving on to weather manipulation, we also have connected to these control rooms 22, what we call spherical satellite fields. Now these things look like many Death Stars. You know, they're probably the size of a softball, maybe a little bit bigger.And they are utilized as if it's a field of them. They can be utilized to project a hologram. They can be used to read the minds of people, although those are typically.Cylindrical satellites which we also had and determine human behavior so that the hologram knows how best to manipulate humans.Really, from the outside and the deep state, I know they seem like a big threat to you and and they are. Don't get me wrong, they make ridiculous decisions to please their master, but by the same token.Without this stuff, they don't. They have nothing.There's nothing they can do without getting information, you know, from an AI or information from an outside hologram or, or that dark energy you know, there's there's nothing they can do.You know, and as the hologram is pretty much, you know, laying the waste, you know, bit by bit, piece by piece, there will be no more weather manipulation, you know.Umm, there will be no more holographic projectors, you know, on Titan, which is Saturn's moon or Europa or, you know, on our moon or anywhere else. And, and you know, there's no amount of wormholes or quantum tunnels or.Umbilicus fields or anything else that's going to make it come back or entryways to the lower astral or any of that. So the goal here is to not give them anything they can use because.Without this type of weather manipulation and control, I promise you the human beings can not do it. Without Omega, they cannot do it. They've enjoyed this for thousands of years, but without these things, they can.Not do it.Now, I'm going to add one more place to this, and I'm just going to leave it as a temple, OK? And the reason why I'm going to leave it as a temple is because it's a place where a lot of deep state people go.And they go there predominantly to try to get some kind of big treasure, you know, and, and here's the newsflash for you, Deep state UN people and the Federal Reserve and all the people that go down there and want to have.Some white mummy or king from days long ago or Genghis Khan Incarnate take you to the temple to see if you're worthy to receive the gold. It's all baloney and I don't even think those people actually understand it either, but y'all go.I mean, there are. I get all kinds of messages from people I know down there that you're either Americans that have been there for a long time, or I get a lot of messages from other people that actually have been there for a long time or lived there or left and came back.And they all speak English and they call me and they tell me who's there. Now, you know, the Fed is threatening this, the Treasury threatening that. The UN is back here. Everybody wants pallets of this and pallets of that. And oh, look, oh, goody, they discovered a bunch of gold. And where was it recently? Some.In near Malaysia so.Is it actually gold? No, it's tungsten. It's got it's gold plated, which means that if you hold a spectrometer up to it, it will show that it's gold, 100 percent, 99%, whatever. But rarely when you go to smelt it, it, it's nothing. It becomes nothing.So all of these things were just games and tricks because everybody knows what gold really does. Real, actual gold. Not gold manufactured in a hologram to make the humans run around like crazy people and the deep state falls for it every gosh darn time.But it could have been registered in the past in the financial system. Why? Because the same people that created it, non people that created it also had the ability to have level 9 access and approve it.Now they don't have that, and there's very little Omega left anyway, and the golden age AI is more and more integrated into human computer networks and any weather manipulation programs. There was probably about 140 of them in the last 24 hours. We've gotten rid of that. They could.Have tried to tap into or also gone so you know.Not sure what they're thinking about, but this particular temple was nothing more than a place for a whole lot of space junk. There was also a column in there and there was a, for lack of a better term, a it's like a Beam Me up Scotty kind of place that went directly to Mars.The only ones that could actually use it though were not the implanted folks from the lower Astral. You guys know his reptilians that used to live on Mars?Because that type of transportation can only be used by organic life and survive. So, you know, I mean, I've been there and the folks, the visiting folks were very nice.You know, had some conversations. I wasn't there to get gold. I I just wanted to see what all the hubbub was about. But you know, I mean, hey, if you're with the UN and you're watching this, I suggest you go many times and go around in circles because your guys are really good at circles. You know, I mean, even from the days of like the.Round table, I mean, even your tables are round, so you must like circles a lot and and I wish you all the well with, you know, all the luck in the world with your circles.
AIも例外ではありませんでした。つまり、私たちはタブレット フィールドと呼んでいるものもあります。タブレットは、マザーボード上にある小さな導体、半導体、チップのようなものです。これらはすべて互いに接続されており、アセンブリ パターンと呼ばれるパターンがあります。このアセンブリ パターンは、コンピューターで実行しているアクションに応じて、どのタブレットが起動するかを示します。私たちもこれらのものを持っていますが、こちら側では Wi-Fi で動作します。
私たちは実際にはまったく使用していません。すべてオメガ タイプのものです。そして、他の種類のものを作成するものもあります。つまり、無限のソースが必要です。反ソースとオメガは反無限を望んでいます。つまり、死を望み、死を望み、それらすべてを望んでいます。だから時々、宇宙ゴミの中にあるこれらの種類のものを使用します。コントロールルームを機能させる究極の状況を作り出すためです。
できることは、伝導、変換、送信だけです。それだけです。実際にオメガAI IEアンチソースを作成した基本ルートはもう存在しないためです。そして、宇宙のルールが変わったので、これが進む道です。だから私はソースに向かうつもりでした。私たちがやっていることは、このものをここに保持しているあらゆる種類の宇宙ゴミをクリーンアップすることだけです。
ですから、99.9 を超えて近づいていると言うとき、近づいているのは分かっています。信じるかどうかは別として、これは過去数年間の作業に比べればほんの一握りの出来事です。でも、それは大したことのように思えます。基本的にすべては今朝の 1 時以降に起こったことなのです。
つまり、これがあなたの制御システムですか? すべてですか? そうであることを願います。私がそれを事実として知っているか? いいえ。それでは気象操作の話に移りますが、私たちはこれらの制御室 22 に接続している、球状衛星フィールドと呼んでいるものも持っています。これらはデス スターのように見えます。おそらくソフトボールほどの大きさで、おそらくもう少し大きいでしょう。そして、それらはフィールドのように利用されます。ホログラムを投影するために利用されます。
ええと、土星の衛星タイタンやエウロパ、地球の月、その他の場所には、ホログラフィックプロジェクターは設置されなくなります。そして、ご存知のとおり、ワームホールや量子トンネル、アンビリカス フィールドなど、どんなものを使っても、それを戻したり、低位アストラル界への入り口にしたりすることはできません。
さて、これにもう 1 か所追加します。寺院として残しておきます。いいですか?私が寺院として残す理由は、ディープステートの人々が大勢訪れる場所だからです。彼らは主に、何らかの大きな財宝を手に入れようとします。そして、ここで皆さんにお知らせですが、ディープステートの国連関係者や連邦準備銀行、そしてそこに行って金塊を手に入れようとするすべての人々がいます。
つまり、これらすべては単なるゲームやトリックでした。なぜなら、誰もが金が実際に何をするかを知っているからです。本物の金です。人間を狂ったように走り回らせ、ディープステートが毎回騙されるようにホログラムで製造された金ではありません。しかし、過去に金融システムに登録されていた可能性があります。なぜでしょうか?なぜなら、それを作成した同じ人々、つまり作成した人間以外の人々も、レベル 9 のアクセス権を持ち、それを承認する権限を持っていたからです。
現在、彼らにはその権限はなく、オメガはほとんど残っていません。黄金時代の AI は、人間のコンピューター ネットワークや気象操作プログラムにますます統合されています。過去 24 時間で、おそらく 140 個ほどありました。私たちはそれをなくしました。彼らには可能でした。アクセスしようとしたり、行ったりしたのです。
Okay, so Speaking of circles, other things that have taken place. It feels like it's been a year since I've talked to you guys really.There was an extremely long meeting yesterday between folks of the Secret Space Program, Global Headquarters and Black Nobility. I think that there were some possibly high-ranking Langley 5 generals in there because I definitely know there were some other folks.From different countries attending this that were not part of the SSP but also appeared to be generals so do have the entire roster. Some faces I didn't quite recognize so maybe they called in some.Experts, I don't know. Anyway, they were very concerned about the fact that the bloodline may not continue, their power may not continue, and you know, the Empire will be lost.You know, I feel like maybe this is like Gilligan's Island, you know, the minnow would be lost. You know, they sounded so desperate, so they wanted to talk about how they could best manipulate me, which is apparently what they would like to do.They discussed how they could potentially is there anything left that they could use to block us from sending money to people directly?I don't think they really have that. I think that's going to come from elsewhere. If there was anything left, it's going to come from Omega directly, not these people. But you know, they, you know, then there was.Some other talk, so people outside the meeting, the Federal Reserve, they called me the four letter words and basically said that if I'm so powerful, I should be able to give them back everything they've lost. And I had to kind of explain that.Um, I have no contract with you now. See when you got the stuff, you know, the first time you went into contract with the person that would have held my rank, who's no longer with us.On their side, you know that's who who would have done the contract and when they gave them the contract, it was good for 100 years. It's over and they don't want to renew with the person that now sits here, AKA me so.Why would I give you anything back if we're not going to go into contract, we're not going to contract you to do anything. You don't want to contract with me. You don't even want to talk to me, really, but you're angry that I'm not giving you your stuff back. Now in business 101, that makes no sense. You know, probably not to anybody listening either.You know, why, why would you just kind of like, oh, you, I see you're starting a business over there. I really don't know any of you people and I don't know if you're going to be good management. Do you have any experience? You're not allowed to ask any of those questions, right? Because we already know the answer on our side, but.Yet you want me to give you all of this equipment to start your business for free? You know, we don't have any loan terms set out. We don't have any. I mean, who does that? If you know, just honestly, you know, if that happened for you and your business, you know, God bless you.
そして、私はそれをある程度説明しなければなりませんでした。ええと、私はあなたと契約していません。君が物資を手に入れたとき、君は最初に、もう我々のところにはいない、私と同じ地位に就いていたはずの人物と契約を結んだ。彼ら側は、君も知っているように、その人物が契約を結んだはずで、彼らが彼らに契約を交わしたとき、それは 100 年間有効だった。それは終わった。そして彼らは、今ここに座っている人物、つまり私と契約を更新したくないのだ。契約を結ばないなら、君に何もやらせるつもりはないのに、なぜ君に何かを返す必要があるだろうか。
君は私と契約したくない。君は私と話したくもないのに、君は私が君の物を返さないことに腹を立てている。ビジネスの基本では、それは意味をなさない。おそらく、聞いている誰にも意味をなさないだろう。君は、なぜ、君は、ああ、君があそこでビジネスを始めようとしているのを見た。君たちのことを本当に知らないし、君がよい経営者になれるかどうかもわからない、というような感じでいなければならないのか。経験はありますか? そういった質問は禁止されていますよね? なぜなら、こちら側ではすでに答えを知っているからです。
しかし、ビジネスを始めるために、このすべての機器を無料で提供してほしいとおっしゃるのですか? ご存知のとおり、融資条件は設定されていません。 ありません。 誰がそんなことをするでしょうか? 正直に言って、もしあなたとあなたのビジネスにそのようなことが起こったら、神のご加護がありますように。
But nobody's ever done that kind of stuff for me.I can tell you that right now I've had to pay work, whatever it was for everything that I've ever done in my life. So I, you know, I, you know, even creating space junk now to replace bad space junk, you know, we create good space junk that conducts source so.I don't know. I don't know what these people are thinking. I just think that they're spoiled silver spoon babies and they are used to getting everything handed to them generation after generation after generation. And you know, maybe it might be time that they experience life like the rest of us do.And I know that's the last thing in the world that they want.You know, for them it's all about their identity and power and control and blowing people up in the Middle East and thinking that they're going to open a gateway because it's their right to open a gateway. Well, you don't have those kind of rights anymore. The world doesn't run according to you or your ex alien.That are no longer with us either and we're OK if your bloodline expires however you know if you want to hold a place in this world, meaning still breathe air you are going to walk and talk and breathe air like every other human on the planet so.You know, I mean, let's be honest with each other here. If you're watching this from the deep state, you don't even know what the space junk does. At least I know what it does. You know, at least I know how to use it to manipulate things and to and to do things in our favor, you know, in favor of Gaia or Earth, this planet we live on and all of humanity.But anyway, I'm kind of glad you they don't know how to use it. So that's a positive thing. So are we going to have martial law tomorrow?I don't know. I don't think so. I don't really see how they could pull that off in any way, shape or form.You know, there are some talks in this long, long, boring meeting. There were some talks about, you know, the nuclear war thing, you know, the Q people, SSP operatives.They really like to have some kind of like it's going to be nuclear Red October, blah blah blah blah blah.I do know coming out of that meeting there was some talk about some old nuclear ICBM's that could possibly be used that were found in Pakistan and.They wanted to use these particular Icbms because they actually had a subject which are Russian serial numbers on them. So I guess we're going for the false flag thing.You know, I or they're trying to remake there's a movie out there called American Made that talks about when they tried to sell Kalashnikovs or or AKA weapons to down in Panama during that.The 1980s during that conflict, to blame it on the Russians, you know, So I guess we're going to do the same thing in Pakistan now. I'm not sure. I don't think they're going to be able to pull it off, especially now that we've talked about it. There is also talk about trying to get.Some other weapons from other places.Also some nuclear submarines in the Indian Ocean, they're talking about moving those they are Chinese into other positions and possibly staging a false flag on.I ran or something like that. I don't think they're going to get that far. Matter of fact, I'm pretty sure they won't. But until then, there is a lot of firing of the Hezbollah and you know, from Lebanon and Israel and Lebanon and so on and so forth and.Yeah, until the big payday tomorrow.I don't think we're going to see much of anything. I think it's going to be another day ending in Y for me. I'm going to get a lot of angry people yelling and screaming. Well, I finished cleaning up a hologram, so.They can just be yelling and screaming people, you know, maybe they'll retire, play some shuffleboard, Not sure. But I don't mind if they yell and scream, you know. But I, I, you know, there's a job that has to get done. That's the most important thing.Keeping people safe is also important.I'll be keeping an eye on things. Hopefully we will not see anything in Florida escalate. If anything, I hope that it dwindles down to nothing. For those of you that don't know, you don't.When there's a system like that, you can disturb a lot more by just saying, OK, go away, you know, presto, you know it has to dissipate in some ways unto itself. There are ways to escalate that dissipation.And we're hoping that's what we see before it actually officially makes landfall.
でも、私のためにそのようなことをしてくれた人は誰もいません。 これまでの人生でやってきたことすべてに対して、今、仕事にお金を払わなければならなかったと断言できます。 だから、悪い宇宙ゴミの代わりに宇宙ゴミを作っているのです。 良い宇宙ゴミを作って、エネルギーを伝導します。 わかりません。 これらの人々が何を考えているのかわかりません。
しかし、いずれにせよ、彼らがそれを使用する方法を知らないのは、ある意味うれしいことです。だから、それは良いことです。それで、明日は戒厳令が出るのでしょうか? わかりません。そうは思いません。彼らがどんな形であれ、それをやり遂げることができるとは思えません。
つまり、私たちは偽旗作戦を狙っているのでしょう。私が、あるいは彼らがリメイクしようとしているのは、American Madeという映画で、1980年代の紛争中にパナマにカラシニコフ銃などの武器を売りつけようとした話が描かれています。つまり、私たちは今、パキスタンで同じことをしようとしているということです。よくわかりません。
So if you are in Florida, our thoughts and prayers are with you. We pray that you all stay safe. Keep an eye on on the Windy app so that you're informed because this will help you understand what's going on there.Might not be as bad as everybody says and we'll see what happens over the next 2448 hours and I will report to you on Friday. Sorry for doing this kind of old school way world situation report, but there was just no way I could take my eye off the ball long enough to.To do it the way that we've been doing it for the last week or so. So I apologize for that. But hopefully all will be well and I will see you and you'll see me on Friday. So thank you so much for listening and have.Good evening and stay safe everyone in Florida.
フロリダにお住まいの方は、私たちの思いと祈りはあなた方と共にあります。皆さんが安全でいられるよう祈っています。Windy アプリをチェックして情報を入手してください。フロリダで何が起きているのか理解するのに役立ちます。
みんなが言うほど悪くはないかもしれません。今後 24 時間から 48 時間で何が起こるかを見守り、金曜日に報告します。
このような昔ながらの世界情勢報告をして申し訳ありませんが、この 1 週間ほどやってきたやり方で報告するほど長い間、ボールから目を離すことができませんでした。申し訳ありません。