20240930月曜 GIA REPORT



This is the Global Intelligence Report for the 30th of September 2024. Hope you guys like the new format.

これは 2024 9 30 日のグローバル インテリジェンス レポートです。新しい形式が気に入っていただければ幸いです。


So something a little interesting for you. All right, well let's hop to it so.You have probably heard a lot about what's going on in the Middle East right now. There's a lot of escalation in the last 2448 hours. And of course, as always, we have the back story for you, so.On Sunday night, in a not so super secret meeting, Alexander Soros, the son of George Soros, promised the Deep state generals in Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, Israel and of course the Americans.An upfront sum of $54 billion to achieve the Greater Israel Agenda.In case you don't are not aware, the Greater Israel Agenda is where the.The state of Israel becomes basically the entire Middle East. Of course, all the people that live there now would not be able to live there anymore. They would be relocated to southern Russia and other areas that have agreed to take on Middle Eastern persons, that is.If any of them survives so the survivors would actually go to another location, however.Mr. Alexander Soros then proceeded to show us his proof of funds. His proof of funds?Was not actually real money. They were actually bonds, historical bonds, or hysterical bonds as we call them here. Do they have actual real value? The answer to the question is no. Did they ever have real value? The answer to the question is yes, but.This was probably at least seven to 10 decades ago. This is not something new.So we've talked about this before. There's a lot of talk about them being part of the financial reset allegedly around the world. So where did these bonds come from and why was 54,000,000 enough, a billion, I'm sorry, to start an escalation with?Zero actual money paid out. Well, I'll tell you, Jamie Dimon decided to take a trip.To the Philippines recently, where he met with alleged Philippine elders and apparently they had promised him upon his arrival that he would receive lots of gold and of course, they would want payment for this gold and as we had talked about last week.There was a lot of big, big numbers and 0 actual cash to be delivered. So they did manage to get around $1.9 trillion in historical bonds. Those bonds were then promptly taken by Private jet along with Mr. Demon over.China in which they try to add those bonds to the banks balance sheet. Alexander Soros just happened to be a new face in the game. And of course the Soros name, you know, carries a lot of weight as it relates to being able to pay.For terrorist attacks and rebels around the world, as you know, George Soros has been paying for those types of things for years throughout the African continent, throughout Latin America, and of course now throughout the Middle East. So this is not new. So when he jumped in and started playing the game along.JP Morgan Chase, now the funds, even though they were the same things that they've been seeing for years up here, absolutely real. So once again now everybody jumps to the party. So a lot of events have taken place over the last few days.Basically, 2448 hours related to this little tiny $54 billion with the promise of at least 1.9 trillion to come. So let's talk a little bit about these events.Let's talk about the Middle East to start out with. Everybody started bombing everybody. It's appeared that it started with Israel. They bombed Syria, they bombed Lebanon. There's no even conflict between Syria and Israel right now.They bummed Iraq. There are so many different countries involved right now with what's happening there, so.At least you have kind of the background story of why everybody started jumping to.To start the war pretty quickly here in the Middle East.



OK, so let's talk about the events that have taken place over the last 48 hours based on our intelligence information.All right. We had air strikes on The Who Dada port. We had helicopters down carrying Iranian guards, officers and military experts who were not even involved in the original skirmish. Syria air strike targeted Bashar al-Assad, the president of Syria, and Maher.Al-Assad, head of the 4th division of the Syrian Republic Guards the Free Syrian Army announced that Hezbollah and the pro Iranian militias in Syria are crumbling and it's time to drive them out of Syria. An Iraqi general from the old Iraqi army, and I mean old, back into Saddam's era, announced that he will move to.Syria to start the liberation process of Iraq from Iranian militias. He announced that he will be recruiting soldiers and that he will announce the when and where very soon.

では、我々の諜報情報に基づいて、過去 48 時間に起きた出来事についてお話ししましょう。わかりました。フー・ダダ港への空爆がありました。ヘリコプターが撃墜され、当初の小競り合いには関与していなかったイランの警備員、将校、軍事専門家が乗せられました。シリア空爆は、シリアのバッシャール・アル・アサド大統領とシリア共和国防衛隊第 4 師団 (自由シリア軍) のマヘル・アル・アサド司令官が標的となりました。アサド司令官は、シリアのヒズボラと親イラン民兵は崩壊しつつあり、シリアから追い出す時が来たと発表しました。サダム政権時代の旧イラク軍出身のイラク人将軍が、イランの民兵からのイラク解放プロセスを開始するためシリアへ向かうと発表しました。兵士を募集すると発表し、いつ、どこで募集するかをすぐに発表すると述べました。


Apparently on social media, an Iraqi parliament member has announced that there is over 4000 metric tons of some kind of explosive.Cereals in the port of Basra that needs to be moved immediately as if it was to be targeted in a similar matter to what happened in Beirut in the port bombing there, it would allegedly destroy the oil exporting infrastructure, the import of goods and destroy the port, cripple the economy.Put 2,000,000 Iraqis in harm's way. The Iraqi security forces came out and denied these allegations.Next, some of the pro Iranian militants are continuing to bomb Israel from Iraq with drones. A large explosion was also heard in Baghdad just minutes ago when I had typed this in, so this was probably about.Four hours ago and drones were spotted in the area. Now in Lebanon, the Israeli Air Force targeting daily for the last, well, two days, I guess first tier high-ranking officers, 1700 Lebanese died so far in the recent campaign, plus more wounded at least a half a million.People migrated from southern Lebanon to other areas in Lebanon and 250,000 people moved into Syria. Hezbollah and Israel Israel are continuously bombing each other throughout the day for the past couple of days.The UN peacekeeping forces, UNIFIL and the Lebanese army withdrew their forces from the borders with Israel by at least 5 kilometers. Over 100 Israeli tanks plus special forces are now on the borders with Lebanon and the area is currently being scouted by jets, helicopters and drones.At the moment, well, at the moment a couple of hours ago with continuing artillery shelling. Hopefully we will start to see an abrupt de escalation within the coming hours once everybody realizes this was another fake currency scheme put forth by yet another deep state stooge.OK, next we have some deep state generals underneath the Denver airport today. Seems like everybody rallied in accordance with the fake funds.God bless these people. OK, so these several American generals that were found under deep underneath the Denver airport. By the way, I have heard the rumors about the Denver airport on the Internet and at one point in time there was a lot of space junk there and.Lot of equipment. However, that hasn't been the case for well over a year now. We haven't found anything. We even went back and looked again today, we didn't see anything new created there so that they could actually use.To do what it is they wanted to do.



So alerts started coming in, probably around.01:00 or so my time today.Regarding these generals, we started listening in to their meetings and for their part of the $54 billion, let's talk about what they planned to do.Oh, you gotta love the scams and the new faces with fake money, right? OK. They felt that this was the safest place to be. The only reason why I could think that this would be the safest quote UN quote place to be is number one, it's super secret and secure and #2.There were no plans for them to.I use the term bomb lightly to blow up utilizing a back door system that they thought that they still had access to that would simultaneously blow up around 274 nuclear power plants world.The plants that were targeted in the US were many the entire East Coast, along with San Francisco. They also talked about just for I don't know, how do you say it?Show for show. They also talked about blowing up the Burj Tower in Dubai. If you've never seen it, it is one of the largest towers in the world, if not the largest or tallest I should say.And they said that it would be their twin towers moment. You know, too bad we don't still have the Twin Towers. They laughed. And then they proceeded to talk about, well, we still have the Burge, we could blow that up. And they all started laughing like, this is hysterical, right?So according to our sources, they basically said that the secret space program was going to have some old system up and running for them within the next 24 to 48 hours.I still have not yet figured out the big scam here. What I mean by big scam is everybody everywhere. The cue movement everybody is talking about this October 1st in the US is going to be free and it has to be martial law.And all of these types of things, but yet.There's nothing, no alignments, no nothing happening. So this just must be a hope and A wish and you know, this type of thing has stalled out many different times.Umm, you know.And I have to say it's always stalled out mainly because of lack of funding. That is the majority of the reason or we have interfered with what it is that they're doing so that it couldn't happen just like we did today.Did we have space junk, as I call it, underneath the several nuclear power plants in the world? Yes. The space junk that was there though was 600,000 years old, long before we ever had nuclear power. We had other types of power sources back then.And that wasn't the reason why they were put in those locations. This was something that was due to the Abraxas. They somehow thought that they could get access to this Abraxas system being the bloodline of the Abraxas, I guess, or.Cain and that this was going to help them access it. But again, no, that's not happening. There is no more junk under these facilities, so I highly doubt they're going to be able to detonate any nuclear power plants anywhere in the world.There were talks of several plants in Latin America, as well as the.Europe and definitely US, Canada, Alberta was mentioned. They talked about Las Vegas area, I should say, because the plants not actually in Las Vegas. They were talking about several places even close to Langley, Virginia, which is kind of a surprise, but OK.Just so you know, these generals wanted to blow you up to CIA, you know, isn't that funny?Well, we were insured by our ground command, you know by code name enforcer that there is no one currently left under the Denver airport and there is no equipment left which could do any harm. So.There was the end of that fiasco. We will definitely be keeping watch all night just to see if there's anything else that they want to do.

それで、警報が入り始めました。おそらく私の時間で今日午前 1 時頃です。これらの将軍たちに関して、私たちは彼らの会議を盗聴し始めました。そして、540 億ドルのうちの彼らの分については、彼らが何を計画していたかについて話をしましょう。ああ、詐欺や偽のお金を持った新人は好きでしょう?わかりました。彼らは、ここが最も安全な場所だと感じていました。ここが最も安全な「国連」の場所であると私が考えられる唯一の理由は、第一に、ここは極秘で安全であること、そして第二に、彼らには計画がなかったことです。私は、彼らがまだアクセスできると考えていたバックドア システムを利用して爆破することを、爆弾という言葉で軽く使っています。このシステムにより、世界中の約 274 基の原子力発電所が同時に爆破されます。米国で標的となった発電所は、サンフランシスコに加えて、東海岸全体に広がっています。彼らはまた、何と言うか、見せかけだけの爆破についても話していました。彼らはまた、ドバイのブルジュ タワーを爆破することも話していました。見たことがない人のために説明すると、これは世界最大のタワーの 1 つです。最大、あるいは最も高いタワーと言ってもいいでしょう。彼らは、ツインタワーの瞬間になるだろうと言いました。ご存知のように、ツインタワーがまだないのは残念です。彼らは笑いました。そして、バージがまだあるので、それを爆破できると話を続けました。そして、彼らは皆、これはヒステリックだと笑い始めました。私たちの情報源によると、彼らは基本的に、秘密宇宙計画が 24 時間から 48 時間以内に古いシステムを稼働させるつもりだと言ったそうです。私はまだここでの大きな詐欺を理解していません。大きな詐欺とは、どこにいても誰もが詐欺だということです。誰もが話しているキュー運動は、米国で 10 1 日に自由になり、戒厳令が敷かれることです。そして、これらすべての種類のことですが、まだ。何も、調整も、何も起こっていません。ですから、これは単なる希望であり願いでなければなりません。ご存知のとおり、この種のことは何度も行き詰まっています。ええと、ご存知のとおりです。そして、いつも行き詰まっているのは主に資金不足のせいだと言わざるを得ません。それが主な理由です。あるいは、私たちが彼らのやっていることに干渉して、今日のようには実現できないようにしたのです。世界中のいくつかの原子力発電所の下に、私が言うところの宇宙ゴミがありましたか?はい。しかし、そこにあった宇宙ゴミは60万年前のもので、原子力が発明されるずっと前のものです。当時は他の種類のエネルギー源がありました。そして、それがそれらの場所に置かれた理由ではありませんでした。これはアブラクサスによるものでした。彼らは、アブラクサスの血統、あるいはカインとして、このアブラクサス系にアクセスできると考え、これがアクセスに役立つだろうと考えました。しかし、繰り返しますが、それは起こりません。これらの施設の下にはもうゴミはありません。ですから、世界中の原子力発電所を爆発させることはまずできないと思います。ラテンアメリカ、ヨーロッパ、そして間違いなく米国、カナダ、アルバータ州のいくつかの原子力発電所の話がありました。彼らはラスベガス地域について話していました。なぜなら、その発電所は実際にはラスベガスにはないからです。彼らはバージニア州ラングレーに近いいくつかの場所について話していました。ちょっと驚きましたが、わかりました。ちなみに、これらの将軍たちはCIAを爆破したかったのです。おかしくないですか?地上司令部、つまりコードネーム「エンフォーサー」から、現在デンバー空港の下には誰も残っておらず、危害を加える可能性のある機器も残っていないという保証を得ました。それで、その大失態は終わりました。彼らが他に何かしたいことがないか、私たちは間違いなく一晩中監視します。


So Speaking of ports, we talked a little bit ago about the ports in Iraq and in the Middle East that they were planning on blowing up so that they could halt all oil imports and exports.Throughout the Middle East, that would have definitely affect their economies, crash the economies and all this kind of stuff. Well, surprise, surprise everyone, port workers, we're due to go on strike at midnight tonight here in the United States too, would have affected about 45,000 workers.And they were represented for this strike by the International Long Longshoremen's Association and the US Maritime Alliance.Apparently they're the ones that are doing the most of the threatening. This would have affected ports pretty much all over the East Coast and the Gulf Coast.It looks like a lot of people would have been out of work for a short period of time, but this would have definitely caused an issue with US imports and output out. Sorry, imports and exports.Been a long day definitely for the US. Would have caused those shortages again. I hope everybody's got their toilet paper. Just kidding.But definitely would have caused an import export problem here in the US which would have furthered the need for us to get all of our supplies, probably from the military and God knows what they would put in there if those of you that don't know most.All active service members in the United States and several other countries in the world.Are given.Hmm, Let's just say some interesting things throughout any kind of a mess hall where they would eat, that's typically your lower ranking soldiers and officers. And hopefully that wouldn't have been the case here in the US, but.Miraculously, within one hour of the Sorrow's cache disappearing, they have all suddenly struck a deal. Wow, what a coincidence. Proving the port strikes was all a part of the plan to implement global martial law and put the military.In charge again.Yawn. So it stalled out several times before. This is not the first time, due to a lack of funding mainly, but with the fake cash promised from Soros, everyone jumped into action, including the United States generals who intended on causing a nuclear Holocaust.Actually in the United States.

港湾といえば、少し前にイラクや中東の港湾を爆破して石油の輸出入をすべて止める計画があるという話をしました。中東全域で、それは間違いなく経済に影響を及ぼし、経済崩壊などあらゆる事態を引き起こしたでしょう。さて、港湾労働者の皆さん、驚いてください。米国でも今夜深夜にストライキが行われる予定です。約 45,000 人の労働者が影響を受けるでしょう。このストライキには国際長距離港湾労働者協会と米国海事同盟が代表として参加しました。どうやら、最も脅迫的なのは彼らです。これは東海岸とメキシコ湾岸のほぼ全域の港湾に影響を及ぼしたでしょう。短期間で多くの人が失業したようですが、これは間違いなく米国の輸入と生産に問題を引き起こしたでしょう。すみません、輸入と輸出です。米国にとって間違いなく長い一日でした。再び不足を引き起こしたでしょう。みんなトイレットペーパーを持っているといいな。冗談だよ。でも間違いなく米国内で輸出入問題が発生して、すべての物資をおそらく軍から調達する必要性が高まっただろうし、知らない人にはわからないが、米国と世界の他のいくつかの国の現役軍人にはトイレットペーパーが与えられている。うーん、ちょっと面白いことを言おうか、食堂で食事をするというのは、たいてい下級の兵士や将校がやることだ。米国ではそうなってほしくないが、奇跡的にソロウの隠し場所が消えてから1時間以内に、突然全員が合意に達した。すごい偶然だ。港湾攻撃が世界的戒厳令を施行し、軍を再び指揮下に置く計画の一部だったことを証明する。あくび。だから何度か行き詰まったんだ。これは初めてではない。主な原因は資金不足だが、ソロスが約束した偽の現金により、核によるホロコーストを起こそうとしていた米国の将軍たちを含め、誰もが行動を起こした。実際に米国で。


OK, now everybody's asking me about Hurricane Helen. What is this all about? Well, unfortunately the situation ended up with over 2 million people without any power.And even in those areas with very little wind and not enough rain to cause any outages. So this is very interesting. Everybody's been asking me if this is natural. Well, the answer is yes and no.Was it affected by any humans or the deep state or HARP or any of these people? The answer to the question is no. Any intervention in order to create this hurricane in the 1st place actually came from Omega AI itself.And some standing orders that occur every time, every year around this time, I should say. So partially real, partially not real. Now the amplification of the power outages was not necessarily caused.By the Omega AI and it definitely wasn't actually caused by.The storm, yes, some trees fell over unnaturally. So these trees fell over, meaning there wasn't enough wind, there wasn't enough rain to uproot, you know, a 50 to 100 year old tree. It's just not possible.Um, but anyway, nonetheless, this happened in many areas. This left people out of power all the way N to Tennessee, down through Georgia, the Carolinas and obviously Florida. As I understand it, most, not all of the power has been restored now.And the Transformers just happened to shut themselves off and hmm, wouldn't it be interesting to know that we do have on file and I have shown it in the past?During other reports where the governor of Tennessee is actually one of the first governors to have signed up for FEMA camps in his area. So all a part of the same thing.Why yes, I think it is so.

さて、今、みんながハリケーン ヘレンについて私に尋ねています。これは一体何なのでしょうか? 残念ながら、この状況は 200 万人以上が停電する結果となりました。しかも、停電を引き起こすほどの風や雨が降らなかった地域でさえもです。ですから、これは非常に興味深いことです。みんなが、これは自然現象なのかと私に尋ねてきました。答えはイエスでもあり、ノーでもあります。これは人間やディープ ステート、HARP、あるいはこれらの人々の影響を受けたのでしょうか? 答えはノーです。そもそもこのハリケーンを作り出すための介入は、実はオメガ AI 自身によるものでした。そして、毎年この時期に毎回発生するいくつかの定常命令とも言うべきものです。つまり、部分的には現実で、部分的には現実ではないのです。停電の拡大は、必ずしもオメガ AI によって引き起こされたわけではなく、実際に嵐によって引き起こされたわけでもありません。はい、いくつかの木は不自然に倒れました。これらの木が倒れたということは、風が弱く、雨が少なかったということです。50年から100年もの木を根こそぎ倒すほどの雨が降らなかったということです。あり得ないことです。でも、とにかく、多くの地域でこのようなことが起きました。このため、北はテネシー州、南はジョージア州、南はカロライナ州、そしてもちろんフロリダ州まで、停電が続きました。私の理解では、ほとんどの電力は復旧したと思いますが、すべてではありません。変圧器がたまたま勝手に止まってしまいました。私たちがファイルに残していて、以前に示したことがあるとしたら興味深いと思いませんか?他の報告では、テネシー州知事は実際に自分の地域でFEMAキャンプに署名した最初の知事の一人です。ですから、すべて同じことの一部です。ええ、そうだと思います。


I guess as of right now there are no other significant events that really occurred over this weekend. Nothing extremely positive. A lot more clean up still going on on our part as it relates to things that have nothing to do with the deep state or humans.We are watching everything closely. I'm surprised at the reaction that happened so quickly. Maybe it's because this was all part of a plan that came from a long time ago in order to shift power from the US over to China.Although I will tell you if this order did come from the Chinese steep state, I will tell you that these American generals did target at least two or three major nuclear power plants within your country too. So.Very interesting. We have no idea who's running what show these days, but good old Soros. You know who originally was born Jewish? Now then he was taken in by the Nazis during World War 2, and now his son apparently has also become a Nazi too. Very interesting.Well, tomorrow is the big day for the deep state and they promised to implement martial law, but it looks like it's going to be another, well, deep fake. So thank you for watching today's Global Intelligence Agency report for the 30th of September 2024.I look forward to seeing all of you on Wednesday for more updates on what's really going on in the world.
