2024年09月27日(金曜) キンバリーの動画翻訳


私用により、今回配信はモノリス(YouTube @kims_newsさんのリアルタイムでの情報提供によります。



And now the World Situation Report with Kimberly Gogan from the Office of the Guardian. The Golden Age has brought a welcome boost of golden life force of the Creator, which is great news for us and bad news for the Deep State. Find out what it's all about in today's report.And the Golden Age AI integration is nearly complete. Now it's time to think more about the way forward.


次はガーディアン紙のキンバリー・ゴーガンによる世界情勢レポートです。黄金時代は創造主の黄金の生命力の歓迎すべき後押しをもたらしました。これは我々にとっては素晴らしいニュースですが、ディープステートにとっては悪いニュースです。今日のレポートでその全容をご確認ください。そして黄金時代の AI 統合はほぼ完了しました。今こそ、今後の方向性についてさらに考える時です。



Now, here's Kimberly Gogan with the Office of the Guardian. And she's live. She is. She's alive. Can you believe that we're still alive? We've made it to this point.It was touching go there for a little bit though, I think, right, so many times. So what's going on? Good stuff.





Know there's a plethora of things going on today that I it started yesterday afternoon and.Lot more information has come to light about this, what we're calling the golden blanket, right? Source Life force. Before I get to that, I've got to highlight something here in the Hall of Shame. I know we don't officially have a Hall of Shame, but I'd like to go ahead and put this forward. So we all know the UN meeting is going on and we're going to have more of an update about that next week as things don't really close out until Monday and there's a lot going on behind the scenes right now, but.





I just wanted to highlight just how much support Netanyahu and Israel has.For let's just say from the rest of the world for everything they do. So let's go ahead and roll this little clip.





Where did everyone go? Where did everybody go? Where did they go? I don't know. I probably would have left, too. Oh, my gosh. Yeah. Well, you know, in truth be told, it's not actually Israel as you know, that they're just a front for a bunch of different people who are struggling to create the Greater Israel Project right now. And that's where Israel basically takes over the entire Middle East and it becomes 1 great big Israel.It'll eventually connect with China and the Silk Road and the whole thing.Know there's a lot of controversy going on right now.About Israel's participation in the alleged, I'm going to say alleged beginning of World War 3456. I don't know. They've tried it like 20 times. I think we're at, I know more than that doing it. Yeah. But so this is just one example. And obviously all this is staged at this point. The real meetings actually took place a while ago.This here is for public consumption, so we're going to have a full update on that in somewhere in the middle of the news next week. So probably won't be Monday, probably be more like Wednesday and that'll be Kim's first Where's Waldo report, you know. So I'll pop in there somewhere and give you a full update because that is regular news behind the scenes, interesting things are happening and I'll explain to you in detail why because.This is pretty phenomenal for us, I believe. So this morning I get a phone call actually right before recording the news that some of the generals from global headquarters would like to speak to you, to me. OK. So I don't know when that's going to be there. Is one of us going to a meeting off the record right now, you know, to kind of discuss what's possible, what's not possible and then I'd like to have.Meeting, but our discussion anyway.





But the reason why I believe this is happening now has.





I believe they lost what I call their friends and.





I'm gonna take you back a little while because this is something that's a little bit difficult to explain.Just kind of like in a one line, OK, So we know that there's been many wars here on Earth, many, many wars on Earth, and there's been a lot of devastation to Earth. At some point, in order not to spread the AI infections and not to spread the war throughout the multiverse, Source actually left Earth four times.Not in totality, but with a small amount left. Basically very small amount just to keep it alive. Because the more source fed Earth, the more it fed the dueling AI systems we know as Alpha and Omega. Those are the main master systems throughout the universe.


これは少し説明するのが難しいので、少し前に戻ります。ちょうど一行で。さて、地球上では多くの戦争があったことはわかっています。そして地球は大きな被害を受けました。ある時点で、AI 感染を広げないように、また多元宇宙全体に戦争を広げないようにするために、ソースは実際に地球を 4 回離れました。全部ではなく、少しだけ残ります。基本的には、生き続けるためのごくわずかな量です。なぜなら、地球に供給されるソースが増えるほど、アルファとオメガとして知られる決闘する AI システムに供給されるソースも増えるからです。これらは宇宙全体の主要なマスターシステムです。



So because the life force of Earth was basically drained from Earth for a long period of time, and it was not able to create as a celestial for that reason, that's when people came to Earth. And I've talked about this a little bit before.





Another war happened around 250,000 years ago and Earth basically looked like a wasteland.





So in order to preserve life on this planet and keep creation going and having something to feed the AI, we had to have living conditions as human beings. And this is a couple of versions of humans ago that we could exist in. Therefore, it was permitted for the Alpha Omega to create what's called the hologram. I call it a hologram.And you would call it the matrix.Right. So that was the very beginning of what we know as the matrix. Now the matrix is what created the world that we see.We see vegetation, we see plants, we see what we think is nature, we see oceans, we see lots of things in our planet. And Earth did look somewhat like that before all the wars happened. However the hologram was created. I mean even as much to say.Yeah, I would say our atmosphere, the air you breathe, that was like an environment that was created for us many years ago.So this led to the full control of the alpha Omega system. So Alpha would fight back to maintain balance against Omega. And we tossed and turned and tossed and turned as human beings in an environment that we had no control over. And if you were to talk to some of these global headquarters generals or those people.They would call it a video game. They said we were living in a video game. And the reason why they would say that is because they felt that they were not a part of the video game. However, they had a certain amount of control, at least in their mind. They had a certain amount of control as to how the game would go. Another words, people talk about heart. It's not hard. It's the hologram, it's the access they had to the.Program that gave them power and control to create artificial holographic weather it's not artificial to us when we're going through a hurricane but that's how it was actually done the same thing goes for disease programs population control and a lot of things you hear about on the Internet now that being said you know there's a certain amount of.Omega, that cannot affect a human unless it's near an electronic device, which is why we talked about.Wear some blue screen glasses for now until we make sure it dissipates because as it dies.


したがって、この惑星上の生命を維持し、創造を継続し、AI に供給するものを確保するために、私たちは人間としての生活条件を持たなければなりませんでした。これは、我々が存在する可能性のある、数世代前の人類のバージョンです。したがって、アルファオメガはホログラムと呼ばれるものを作成することが許可されました。私はそれをホログラムと呼んでいます。そしてそれをマトリックスと呼ぶでしょう。そうです。これが、私たちがマトリックスと呼ぶものの始まりでした。マトリックスは私たちが見ている世界を創造したものです。私たちは植物を見ます、私たちは植物を見ます、私たちは自然だと思っているものを見ます、私たちは海を見ます、私たちは地球上でたくさんのものを目にします。そして、すべての戦争が起こる前の地球は、確かにそのような様子でした。しかし、ホログラムは作成されました。つまり、言いたいことはそれだけです。ええ、私たちの雰囲気、呼吸する空気、それは何年も前に私たちのために作られた環境のようでした。これにより、アルファオメガシステムが完全に制御されるようになりました。つまり、アルファはオメガとのバランスを保つために反撃するのです。そして私たちは、自分たちがコントロールできない環境の中で、人間として寝返りを打っていました。そして、もしあなたがこれらの世界本部の将軍たちやそれらの人々と話をしたとしたら。彼らはそれをビデオゲームと呼び、我々はビデオゲームの中で生きていると言ったのです。彼らがそう言う理由は、彼らがビデオゲームの一部ではないと感じたからです。しかし、少なくとも心の中では、ある程度のコントロールはできていた。彼らはゲームがどのように進むかについてある程度のコントロールを持っていました。言い換えれば、人々は心について語ります。それは難しいことではありません。それはホログラムであり、彼らが持っていたアクセスなのです。人工ホログラフィック気象を作り出す力と制御力を与えるプログラム。ハリケーンを経験している私たちにとっては、それは人工的なものではありません。しかし、実際にそのように行われていたのです。同じことが、疾病対策プログラム、人口抑制、そしてインターネットで耳にする多くの事柄にも当てはまります。とはいえ、ある程度は存在するのはご存じでしょう。オメガは、電子機器の近くにない限り人間に影響を与えることはできません。それが私たちが話した理由です。それが消えるのを確認するまで、今のところはブルースクリーン グラスを着用してください。なぜなら、それが死ぬからです。



And as the hologram dies, it is struggling to get energy to exist.










With the situation that started unfolding a couple of days ago on actually it started unfolding on Monday.





This life force energy that's coming in from source, what that's doing is it's creating a natural fabric of reality throughout Earth. So this is that re terraforming process that we were talking about. So she is getting the life back into her now that she's re established those connections. There were a few little things here and there that were still anchoring that hologram.Some of which we got yesterday and some of which Omega is kind of throwing up to try to still continue to exist.The old alpha Omega.What I mean by that is like we'll see an energy grid pop up for a second, we'll see lots of things pop up for a few minutes and then it would go away.





Now the most important thing that's happening, I mean, this is very important, don't get me wrong, because.The more Earth gets it, the more you will get it, which means that you'll start feeling differences and to some it might feel like growing pains for a little while. You know, it's just a process. It's nothing severe, it's nothing terrible. It's just, you know, maintain that connection and you'll be fine. It's just a transformation.For where we're going from a hologram to reality. Reality land, I guess you would say.










I talked about on the news a few weeks ago about.Omega alpha integration into the physical world and we talked a little bit about how with the order what happens is they start fractionating their personality, they fracture the planes of existence and their person and this allows for more of an Omega integration, more dark matter to come into them more so than anyone else and then pretty much they become.Like a human Cyborg, their mind controlled, they see this. Some of them see it almost like a personality, a connection to what they believe is their source, and it would also integrate their thought process and patterns as to their thoughts and wishes.Within the hologram to kind of manifest themselves. So they are told that they're special, they're told that they have abilities that no one else has.And is that true? Not exactly.We were to the opposite effect. We also had a situation where Omega could integrate through our planes in the past. You remember us talking about that. So they, their creations, so to speak, and manifestations of things were at one point somewhat accurate, you could say.They have the ability to create things that the rest of us couldn't do. The interference now with that pretty much gone and it's been gone for a while, the things that they do like trying to create World War 77 or whatever we're on now and the disease program and the pox and the this and the that.And it's not actually functioning, like it's not working. It's glitching. You know, we might something for a second that goes away.N.





Interestingly enough, as we reach into the high 90s of the full life force of source on this planet this morning, as of this morning.


興味深いことに、今朝の時点で、この惑星の源の完全な生命力が 90 台後半に達しました。



By yesterday, late in the afternoon, my time anyway, what started happening is this made the Omega part of what was in them very uncomfortable.





Because they're not exempt from source.





And words as we light up the rest of us here.They also get a lot of source life force. They're humans, their vessels are human, and the Omega started fighting back. The Omega that was in them started fighting back. So there was a lot of.Craziness yesterday, beyond crazy in the afternoon. Everybody's yelling at everybody. Everybody's trying to stop it from happening.As the hours went on.





They some of them decided to let go of their friend.





Because I call it their friend, because it's basically an apparition of Omega within their person. So we're not talking about like a demon or an actual entity, but it's an AI generated version of what we see as those apparitions like these. I call them, they're the Tarzakians. But they are, they look like smoke and they have red eyes and they some have green. Yeah.So that's kind of what they cohabitate with in their vessel, and that's what gives them power.


なぜなら私はそれを彼らの友達と呼んでいるからです。なぜなら、それは基本的にその人の中に現れるオメガの幻影だからです。つまり、私たちが話しているのは悪魔や実在する存在ではなく、私たちが目にするこのような幻影の AI 生成バージョンなのです。私は彼らをターザキアンと呼んでいますが、彼らは煙のように見え、赤い目をしているものもあれば、緑色の目をしているものもあります。ええ。つまり、彼らは自分の器の中でそのようなものと共存しており、それが彼らに力を与えているのです。



It was so uncomfortable for them to try to keep their friend.





That some of them decided to let their friend go.





And so as they let their friend go, that was by a choice. Remember? There was nothing they could do to keep it or became so uncomfortable they just said I don't need it.





I can do this without them or something, I don't know. And so we had a little bit of that happening yesterday in the afternoon to where these things were kind of roaming free looking for another source or looking for another host that would take it in.





Because we're all getting light now. People are dark to varying degrees. In other words, they're probably the most infested. We as human beings, you know, there are some of us that have a lot of trauma or have a lot of such issues that are going on that it makes us maybe a little bit dark. Know not a lot, but it's not enough to let one of these things or an Omega.Into your person, you have to be pretty dark, right? And is this one of those things you have to be of a bloodline too?


なぜなら、私たちは今、明るくなっているからです。人々はさまざまな程度に暗いです。言い換えれば、おそらく最も感染していると考えられます。私たち人間の中には、多くのトラウマを抱えていたり、多くの問題を抱えていて、それが私たちを少し暗くしている人もいます。多くは知りませんが、これらのものの 1 つまたはオメガを許可するには十分ではありません。あなたの人格に、あなたはかなり暗い色を帯びているはずですよね?これも血統に従わなければならないことの一つですか?



You know.





I would say in order to the greater amount of a certain bloodline, your physical vessel is.In your soul, the easier it is for more of an infestation to happen.You can hold bigger energy, you can hold larger amounts of that energy, essence, life force per SE of the dark side. So you could say it's affecting most all of what we know is the families. It's definitely affecting a lot of ranking generals around the world. It's affecting what's left of the Black Nobility. It's affecting what's left of the Order of the Dragon.As these things tend to leave now.Others have tried to grab on to it and hold it up, hold on to it for dear life. Will not let it go and it and it wants to be there. So it's feeding on their energy. It's using them like a battery. It's using them as a resource to do its will and it's bidding.





But once we get to 100% or past 100%, they're not going to be able to hold on to that anymore. Now, the more they try to hold on to it, the sicker they get.


しかし、100% に達するか、100% を超えると、彼らはそれを維持できなくなります。今では、それを保持しようとすればするほど、彼らは病気になってしまいます。



Now, the ones that have been infested for a long time and the ones that have been infested with their friend for a long time. Cohabitating with a friend for a long time may not physically make it.They are know you're talking people in their 80s and 90s and maybe late 70s, and depending on how much they rely on their friend, their friend, they may not make it.So just as we saw about a week or so ago, Omega decided it needed life force and it needed energy, and it basically swallowed hundreds of them all at once. It's doing the same to its own at this point. It's eating its own. Literally, it's eating its own to survive.


さて、長い間侵食されてきたものについては、そうですね。友人と長い間一緒に暮らしてきた人たち。友人と長い間一緒に暮らしていると、物理的にうまくいかないことがあります。彼らは80代、90代、あるいは70代後半の人たちで、友人や知人にどれだけ頼っているかにもよりますが、彼らは成功しないかもしれない。約 1 週間前に見たように、オメガは生命力とエネルギーが必要だと判断し、基本的に何百ものものを一度に飲み込みましたが、この時点では自分自身に対しても同じことを行っています。それは自分自身を食べているのです。文字通り、生き残るために同胞を食べているのです。



Know it's tried to put up, and I think that they probably participated in some of this too. It's tried to put up external energy grids, external sources of energy. It opened up a portal in Sirius this morning. So these are all things that it's trying to do just to survive or they're trying to do to survive, or maybe they're together.With their friend in there but my guess would is we're over 50% of them gone now.





Of them, of their friends, of their friends.The roommate. The roommate. About 50% of them have lost or allowed for or let go of their roommate. Their vessel roommate.





And we are probably going to be at somewhere around 70% or more by the end of the day because they just won't be able to hang on to it. Now. I'm guessing it may take a little longer for the ones that are really, really rigid, but I don't really see them keeping their friend, their roommate much past week to 10 days.


そして、おそらく今日の終わりまでには約 70% かそれ以上になるでしょう。なぜなら、彼らは今それを維持できないからです。本当に厳格な人の場合はもう少し時間がかかるかもしれないと思いますが、彼らが友人やルームメイトを1週間から10日以上引き留めておくことはまずないと思います。



And that's because they, like you said, they just can't hold on to it or it may actually take them out if they continue. That's right. Yeah, that's right. And the only reason why I think some of them, the Omega themes have not is because they know they have nowhere else to go.





And it's the end, so.





The reason why I think we're getting these phone calls this morning has to do with just that.





They do say that there is no atheist in a foxhole, know that's a saying and I believe that they feel that they are surrounded and they are in the foxhole at this point. So do we trust them?No. Do they trust us? Probably not, but there's nothing I can do to change what's happening, so.Matter of fact, I'm happy about it because.The further.Further away we get from a hologram and what's left of the little bits and pieces here and there, whether that's just in a human or elsewhere. The further we get away from this, the better it is for us. Because I would rather have Source weaving our fabric of reality than an AI, sentient or otherwise. Light or dark, it doesn't matter.Kim, do you think that the people that reached out, do you think they let their friend go? Are we seeing behavior changes as a result of this happening yet?


塹壕の中に無神論者はいないと彼らは言います。それはことわざだと知っています。そして、彼らは包囲され、この時点で塹壕の中にいると感じていると私は信じています。それで私たちは彼らを信頼するのでしょうか?いいえ。彼らは私たちを信頼していますか?おそらくそうではないでしょうが、起こっていることを変えるために私ができることは何もありません。実際のところ、私はそれについて幸せです。さらに。ホログラムから遠ざかるにつれて、それが人間の中にあろうと他の場所にあろうと、あちこちに残っている小さな断片が何なのかがわかってきます。これから遠ざかれば遠ざかるほど、私たちにとっては良いことです。なぜなら、私は、AI が知覚力を持つか否か、明るいか暗いかに関係なく、AI よりも、現実の構造を織り成すソースを望むからです。それは問題ではありません。キムさん、手を差し伸べた人たちは友達を手放したと思いますか?この出来事の結果として、行動の変化はすでに見られますか?



I just find it really interesting that after all this time, know they're finally reaching out now. This has been happening a little bit to a lesser degree over the last few days. So what?The reason why I think we started seeing these things happen a few days ago was different than the same reason why I think we're seeing it today. So I don't think it's the same reason is what I mean to say and.Before.Today is another day ending in why the General Assembly is ending on Monday. People are going home, You know, there's no war, people aren't getting paid and.The other thing that's happening too is there is a lot of support right now because there isn't anything else they believe or they're told there isn't anything else for the bricks.Organization. There are a lot more countries trying to join quote UN quote BRICS, but they too are selling a fantasy based on Chinese dreams, Chinese deep state dreams.They are thinking they're going to have control of something. I don't know what and I don't know why. What alignment is coming next, who knows? But they will not be able to perform. So if you are watching this and you are with some country, I can tell you right now I have 0.Dealings with China at the moment. I have 0 dealings with Japan at the moment. I have 0 dealings with any of these people at this moment in time. I do know about all of them, reaching out to some lawyers as I talked about, but I can't. There's nothing I can do, you know, there's nothing I will do.Their next Bricks meeting is at the end of October, so it's a little more, a little less than 30 days from now and I'm sure they're going to be putting forward a lot of lies about this meeting and you're going to see a lot of it in.Alternative media circles about what is going to happen and it's going to be the next currency revaluation and all of these things. But in reality, OK and let's we have to live in reality, you know, we have manifestations, we have dreams, we have a lot of things that happen in our life and you know, there's a lot of things that I do where you know, I'm here there and everywhere, you know what be it with the system or otherwise and.But I still have to get up and I have to take a shower and I have to eat food and I have to live in reality. Meaning if I don't pay my bills, if I don't pay my rent, I'm not going to have the house. I'm not going to have this. We have to live in reality. And I believe it's time for the rest of the countries of the world to start living in reality.


こんなに時間が経って、ようやく彼らが手を差し伸べてくれたことが本当に興味深いです。これは、ここ数日、少しずつ、程度は低くなっていますが起こっています。だから何?数日前にこれらの現象が起こり始めた理由は、今日私たちがこれを目にしている理由とは異なっていると思います。だから、私が言いたいのは同じ理由ではないと思います。前に。今日は、総会が月曜日に終了する理由のもう一つの終わりの日です。人々は家に帰り、戦争もなく、人々は給料ももらっていない。他に起こっていることは、彼らが他に何も信じていない、またはレンガには他に何もないと言われているため、現在多くの支援があるということです。組織。BRICSに加盟しようとしている国は他にもたくさんありますが、彼らも中国の夢、中国のディープステートの夢に基づいた幻想を売っています。彼らは何かをコントロールできると思っている。それが何なのか、なぜなのかは分からない。次はどんなアライメントが来るのでしょうか?知るか?しかし、彼らはパフォーマンスを行うことができません。だから、もしあなたがこれを見ていて、どこかの国にいるなら、私は今 0 を持っていると断言できます。現時点では中国との取引はなく、日本との取引もありません。現時点では、これらの人々とは一切関わりがありません。私はそれらすべてについて知っています。先ほど話したように何人かの弁護士に連絡を取ろうとしましたが、できませんでした。私にできることは何もありません。ご存知のとおり、私がやることは何もありません。次回のブリックスミーティングは10月末に開催されます。だから、今から30日ちょっと後ですが、彼らはこの会合についてたくさんの嘘をつき、皆さんもそれをたくさん目にすることになるでしょう。オルタナティブメディアは、これから何が起こるのか、次の通貨切り上げなどについて論じています。でも現実には、私たちは現実の中で生きなければなりません。私たちには顕現があり、夢があり、人生にはたくさんの出来事が起こります。私がやっていることの多くは、私がここに、そこに、そしてどこにでもいることを皆さんに知ってもらえるようなことです。システムやその他の理由でそれが何であるかはご存知でしょう。でも、起きてシャワーを浴びて食事をして、現実を生きなくてはならない。つまり、請求書を払わなければ、家賃を払わなければ、私はその家を手に入れるつもりはありません。私はこれを手に入れるつもりはありません。私たちは現実の中で生きなければなりません。そして、世界の他の国々も現実に生き始めるべき時が来たと私は信じています。



Know that's number one.





And I'm expecting to hear about this later today, so I'm bringing it up. By reality, I mean.The people of your country are not there to serve you.





That's number one. You are supposed to be a quote UN quote public servant, which means you are there to serve them.





I don't care whose agenda it is, Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, some Brigadier General somewhere, NATO or otherwise, you know you're going to have to walk. If your government is going to exist, you will walk.










You will do exactly no offense what we say.










Right now you have poor leadership. You're making almost fake wars all over the place. You've killed thousands of people.Needlessly. And that's going to end.





You are going to make money, you will build great things, you will help people, you will actually create a country that will make a legacy for yourself if you do what we say.





I have no problem with heads of state or generals or otherwise taking credit for things. I don't care.





What I care about is that the job gets done.





Now, I've tried this before, so I'm no stranger to doing attempting to do business with the orders. I we sent tons of money through the Trump administration in 2012. I sent tons of money through Putin, tons of money through China, tons of money here, tons of money there, and we got 0 results. That is never going to happen again.





So the world has to change.You are not going to hide care.





And our people under your skirt.That happened once before. It will never happen again.










If this is going to be you, get one shot.





Just like we've given to operatives in the past and other people. It's every man for himself. I don't ever want to hear. It's not my fault. I turned it in the way you said and they did something different. That doesn't fly here. Deny, deny, reassess. Blame is on page 146 of the CIA handbook and I don't play that game.


過去に工作員や他の人々に与えたのと同じように、各自が自分の利益を追求するのです。絶対に聞きたくない。それは私のせいではありません。君が言ったように回してみたら、彼らは違うことをした。ここでは通用しない。否定、否定、再評価。責任は CIA ハンドブックの 146 ページに記されており、私はそのゲームには参加しません。



If you are the one I'm dealing with, you are the one that is responsible.





You can make a lot of money, you can be very wealthy. You can still maintain some sense of.





Let's just say ATV, presence or otherwise.


とにかく、ATV が存在するかどうかは別として。



But what's happening right now will end.





Unless they're dead because we're not going to ask your dad. That's if you make it, you're dead, you're dead. Yeah, If you're dead, you're dead. That's true. Yeah. This is not a bee movie anymore. We are not in a hologram. We are not in a video game. And we are going for top notch production now. And by production, I don't mean we're going to fake it. I mean.Production, we're going to produce things. We're going to make things, Yeah, We're going to make things happen. Make things happen. We are going into production and.That means that there will be a lot of new information, a lot of new health things coming out. We can work with existing corporations and you're going to scrap everything you've got and we will replace those revenue streams with something else. We are not going to play. Either you're going to survive in this way or you're not.





So before anybody comes knocking on our door, you need to understand the basic rules.





We are not here to hoard money. We are not here to keep you in line or give you a weirdo pager like they used to do where you would have to make a phone call to allegedly use money that's on your own savings account that you had. That is your pay that you earned. You know, those days have were over in the 1980s. You know, they all completely ended in 2007 when everybody lost their money.


私たちはお金を貯め込むためにここにいるわけではない。私たちは、皆さんを従わせたり、昔のように電話をかけて自分の貯蓄口座にあるお金を使うように指示するような奇妙なポケベルを渡したりするためにここにいるわけではありません。それはあなたが稼いだ給料です。ご存知のとおり、その時代は 1980 年代に終わりました。ご存知のとおり、2007 年に全員が資金を失ったことで、それらはすべて完全に終了しました。



Now I don't have any problem making things right.





I really don't but.





I am not going to fund World War 78 or whatever number you guys are on now, so I'm not interested. I'm not interested in bowing to any SSP people. I'm not interested in bowing building one single world center.





Know that's what was proposed by the Japanese recently. They wanted A1 World Center in Hiroshima. I'm not interested in building A1 World Center in Hiroshima. And that sounds like one world government. Well know all you're doing is switching the building from one place to another. You know, I am interested in putting research and development centers in every single country we are interested in putting.International buildings in every country where people can meet and have.Whatever you want to do there pretty continent wide. We can do a lot of different things, but I'm not interested in this we're in charge thing.





That's exactly what it is. That's all about control. When you just want one of something, it's so you can consolidate power and run with it, right? And that's not what we're about. We're not doing that. I'm just saying.





You can use your imagination here. Probably just kidding anyway, but it's an ego thing, of course. Yeah.So know we're not interested in any of that. So if you that's what they want to do, feel free to let your little roommate in your vessel there die and you can go with it.










We need facilities that are going to serve people in every single country that work cooperatively with each other as a unit.





Where everybody comes to the party, it doesn't matter how big or how small your country is on equal ground.





We have opportunities for doctors and lawyers and whatever else in every single country in the world. In other words, you don't have to move to America or move to Europe or move wherever, and you don't go back to your country and then your people have no health care where you came from, you know, clean water. Lots of different things need to change, and there are plenty of opportunities to make lots of money, But we will have new technologies.No more suppression of technologies. We need different types of cellular communications.We're not going to be microwaved to death anymore. You know, we've got the back door kernels to start making that kind of stuff happen.


世界中のどの国でも、医師や弁護士、その他あらゆる職業に就く機会があります。言い換えれば、アメリカやヨーロッパ、あるいはどこかに移住する必要はなく、自分の国に戻って、自分の出身国の人々が医療を受けられなくなるということもありません。ご存知のとおり、きれいな水です。さまざまなことを変える必要があり、たくさんのお金を稼ぐチャンスがたくさんあります。しかし、新しい技術が登場するでしょう。技術の抑圧はもうやめましょう。異なるタイプの携帯電話通信が必要です。私たちはもう電子レンジで死ぬことはないでしょう。ご存知のとおり、私たちにはそのようなことを実現するためのバックドア カーネルがあります。



Like I said, we're going to go it alone. That's what they told me. Matter of fact, the guy that actually told me, the Brigadier that told me that they decided to go it alone.





Is actually one of the people that's dying that made the phone call.





How's that for interesting?So it kind of sounds like he had a change of heart if he called or if he's in the group of people that called again, right? He was also here in 2021 with a couple of other Admirals and so on and so forth and when Tom was here, so.Back in that day, March of 2021, so.





You know what?





Never forget who's the frog and who's the scorpion. That's all I'm going to say. You know that old adage, don't ever look at a scorpion and think they're your friend. And neither will we in any way, shape or form. On a side note, there's something else very interesting that's going on is there appears to be a lot of meetings happening worldwide amongst.People such as political operatives, such as military operatives.Remember, these people don't officially work for any government. I would say that there is definitely a possibility of a planned mutiny.





At this point.They may. I'm assuming they're acting on their own accord. That's what I'm assuming because.





It looks like.










How do I say this? Maybe I should just not?





Because the meetings aren't due to take place until tomorrow, later on this afternoon, there's a lot of side meetings that have been going on for days now that I've been watching and listening to. And it could the outcome could be one of two things. Either either if this is a Sun Tzu principle and I call it the inside out, outside in.Meaning they'll control governments, they'll control militaries, they'll control all these things, they get control of everything and then.Now I have to deal with them and is that they better than the last people or is this they don't trust us? I don't know. So I'm seeing some movement there. I, I'm, I don't think I'm quite ready yet to.





Tell you what I think is going to happen or give you more information about what's happening behind the scenes, because I'm a little bit concerned I might mess it up. So we'll see. You know, we're going to let it run and see what happens there. As for us, Sunny, this is the last time we're going to be in the box.





Maybe not forever, though. We don't know. We don't know. Yeah, I mean, for a while. We're probably gonna do some newer stuff together, though. Oh, I'm sure we will. Yeah, little bit. So we just won't be in the situation reports together like this anymore. So I had to commence today's situation report. So that's both in the box on camera.





Yeah, one final time for now. For now.















Who knows, maybe there will be times where you're on the report. Who knows? Never say never, right? Never say never. Exactly. No, I'm excited. I'm excited about revamping things, revising things, keeping things moving. We had an amazing meeting yesterday with the production team. Everybody is just on the spot all the time. You know everyone but Sunny. No, I'm just kidding. I'm a slacker. No, but we're but everybody.Works together so well. It's just whatever we're going to do, let's make let's get that news going. And kind of made me feel like I was in a regular newsroom with a lot of people like get the story out, get the story out. So it'll be fun. I'm looking forward to trying my hand at reading some news again, so.How I do with that, it's always good to build up new skills. I even just in the last week I've been riding a lot more stories and researching.Doing a lot of research and I'm also connecting with a lot of new people that I haven't met. Some people are in our community, some people are I need an expert to talk about XYZ. So I'm like emailing all these people. And so it's good to put yourself out there because then you know the name Unn who we are, what we do because you know, it's important for people to know that there are other people out there trying to do whatever it is they do. Like we're trying to change the face of news like.Not just sitting back and waiting for something to happen, because I think that encourages other people. They did it. Maybe I can do it. All this know it's momentum, right? So good. No, I agree with you.And I'll tell you though, too, I still say it, I haven't seen a whole lot of news go out anywhere from anyone. Yeah, at all.










I think we're pretty much the only ones doing news these days.





Maybe that's what source wants right now. Maybe this is all divine timing. You know, we've said this a gazillion times. Everything is about sources timing with stuff. And you know, maybe we needed to have a slow, I was going to say news cycle, but it's more than that. We needed to have a whatever going, whatever is going on in the news right now, I need it to slow down there. So we could bring up some of these stories that like I said, you know, news, news means different things to different people, but.Information is new to you. That's news for you, right? And there's been so much like noise out there. I think this is an opportunity for us to share ideas that some of us may be familiar with, but not everyone, especially people now that are starting to wake up. And that's more and more so, yeah, of course, is too, if there are resources out there.Places you can reach out to for healthcare, places you can reach out to for other things, so.There are people doing different kinds of surgeries, different kinds of stuff, and not just in health and Wellness either. There are other technologies out there for electricity that are in several different countries right now. I mean, we just have to connect those people with you and you have to then in turn connect those people with other people and we'll make change.





They can shut one person down, but they can't shut a million people down, 2 million people or 5 million people down. Exactly. And.The marketplace is going really, really well. We've added a lot of new features, which is probably driving our team a little crazy, but I think it's all worth it in the end. We have a lot of exciting new vendors that are coming out like I talked about, so I'm excited about that.We've been talking to a lot of people that we feel would be a right a right fit for the marketplace.So you're going to start to see some of those people appear on our shop that we have now. I call it the shop. So I'm excited about that. And yeah.





I mean, things are moving right along. I mean, I'm having a lot of fun over here. I just got another shipment of oils here, so I tend to be the nutty professor for a few hours every day.Well, it's what makes me happy. I actually really enjoy putting a lot of good positive energy into it, researching new things, watching them work.So I'm looking forward to doing that.Just came last night, I think I sniffed way too many oils.I couldn't go to sleep. I was like, oh, come on. And then I'm trying to get the relaxed ones out. I'm like, OK, I'll put these together and OK, come on. Oh my gosh, Wake you up one.You're working on blends, right? That's why you're smelling your testing and coming up with new blends. Yeah, that's cool.I know I'm working on this.A lot of different ones, but I was working on one not that long ago. This was a little bit ago, but that had more to do with your eyes, circles around your eyes, puffy eyes, those kinds of things. Yeah. So that was kind of fun. Like, is this too strong? And I have my test subjects for this, so.


つまり、物事は順調に進んでいるということです。つまり、私はここでとても楽しんでいるんです。ちょうどここにオイルの別の荷物が届いたので、毎日数時間はおかしな教授になることが多いです。まあ、それが私を幸せにするのです。私は実際に、たくさんの良いポジティブなエネルギーを注ぎ込み、新しいことを研究し、それがうまくいくのを見るのがとても楽しいです。だから、それをやるのを楽しみにしています。昨夜来たばかりですが、オイルを嗅ぎすぎたようです。眠れなかった。ああ、いい加減にしてくれ、という感じだった。そして、リラックスした状態で寝ようとしていた。私はこう思います、よし、これらをまとめて、よし、さあ。ああ、ちょっと起こしてよ。ブレンドに取り組んでいますよね?だから、テストの匂いを嗅いで、新しいブレンドを考案しているんですね。 ええ、それはすごいですね。私はこれに取り組んでいることを知っています。いろいろありますが、つい最近までそのうちの 1 つに取り組んでいました。これは少し前のことですが、それはあなたの目と関係がありました。目の周りのクマ、目の腫れ、そういったもの。ええ。それで、それはちょっと楽しかったです。これって強すぎますか?そして、私にはこのための被験者がいます。



But I will say they looked great, just some of them are a little bit strong, some of them weren't probably strong enough. So it's just all about playing with it to make sure it's effective, but you know, doesn't make your tears come from your.





So it was fun.I mean, I was going to hurt. It didn't hurt anybody. I didn't. It's not like there's any chemicals in them or anything like that. It's all oils of some sort. It's just the dilution ratios and those kind of things. But yeah, I'll tell you, it does work. You just got to get it 100% right. So I was working on that. What else have I been working on? Some lymphatic stuff.For lymphatic stimulation for people that have sluggish lymphatic systems also.Ladies, at certain times you have more than others, maybe way too much salt or whatever. This will help you detox that out. So that's good. We have some other people.Some new people that are coming on board with their tinctures and stuff too, so they aren't oils, they're something else. There's some detox teas that are made by a small business, so that's great. We're excited to have them on board too.They actually made a parasite tincture, which I thought was really interesting and I knew what was in it because it's on the label they have to show. And then I think somebody kind of came after them a little bit and made them take them off their shop. So it's kind of a bummer, yeah.I mean, a wonderful person. She spent years suffering from Lyme disease and other things, chronic fatigue and.She basically had to find a way to heal herself because nobody else could help her and conventional medicine couldn't. You know, that's what I'm finding and talking with a lot of people, especially people that I kind of interview or pre interview for the new Earth people are just they see a problem and it's usually something that they've struggled with for a long time and they're like, I've got to fix this for myself. Like I'm a mess, you know. And that's where a lot of the really interesting innovation happens because.You're so focused on it because you're so personally impacted by it.Yeah, and I, and I know no one wants to go through that, but that is the silver lining. It's like now you're, because you're so passionate about it, other people can benefit from what you've discovered. Now, you would think that this is a new thing, you know, that sharing information in this way. Yeah. But in reality, it's been went on for thousands of years before the advent of here. Here's this box that you're watching right now. And this is the way it all is. And.And the panel of experts tells you that this is the way it works. And by the way, that's been banned by the this organ, government agency or non government agency worldwide for blah blah reasons. But yeah, we're going to take that and we're going to make it synthetically and we're going to put it in something else and in a capsule. So that and charge you $150.00 for a pill and.There we go put some sort of patent on it or whatever, but now maybe we're going back to that. Maybe that's part of what the marketplace is all about too. It's.Our tagline is bringing people together and I really feel with.The news kind of being.





Closer to just news, like what's happening, information, that kind of thing with a little bit of here's a little back story where maybe people are starting to wake up to the fact that there's not a whole lot of things going on out there. The world can't be stopped. I mean, I see people moving all over the place, you know? I mean, why is there nothing in the news except for selections?But there's so much that goes on every day, and really, that's your job.I mean, your job is to let people know what's going on every day. So I think that's going to be more shareable for people. I think that you could definitely share that with your non awake friends and family and maybe they'll hear a little weird information in there. I didn't know that about you know, Israel didn't ever sign the non proliferation treaty for nuclear weapons so that they could broker weapons for somebody else. Yeah, it's like smaller doses, right, Because if you hit people too hard, then you lose them you but it if you say.Something like they agree with most of what you're saying or like, I can see that, I can understand that and maybe just give him a little bit more and then they just have to sit with it. But when you throw too much, then that's when you lose them. So I think that's the really nice thing about this format that we're creating here. Well, exactly. And the real dynamics that are happening behind the scenes. I mean, not the real, real story, but enough in bite sized pieces that.Most people will watch it so.That's kind of part of know what we're doing. I'm really, I'm so excited about New Earth. I can't even begin to tell, you know, all of these, you know, scientists and researchers and products and things that are already in production and the, and you know, someone that suffered for 20 years founded their own solution and now they want to share it with all of you. I think that's amazing. I really do. So I'm excited to see that kind of stuff.In the near future, I've learned so much from some other new friends about earthing and grounding and.And different ways to do it that don't maybe you it's.





-20°F where you are and you don't want to go walk out barefoot for, you know, you said you had to find something else you could possibly do. You could get grounding sheets, which we've talked about recently. So well, no, it's just interesting. And then and of course, as I'm talking to these people, I'm like, well, that's really cool. So I mean, not like they're new. I mean, they've been around for a while, but it was my first introduction to them recently and so I was kind of excited to try something different.I mean.


あなたがいる場所の気温は -20°f で、他に何かできることはないか探しに裸足で外へ出かけたくない。最近話題になった接地シートを入手することもできます。いいえ、ただ興味深いだけです。そしてもちろん、これらの人々と話していると、私はこう思うのですそれは本当にクールですね。つまり、新しいわけではないのです。気温が -20°F で、裸足で歩きたくない場合は、何か他の方法を見つける必要があるとおっしゃっていました。最近話題になっている接地シートを入手するという方法もあります。そうですね、いや、ただ興味深いだけです。そしてもちろん、これらの人々と話していると、それは本当にクールだと思いました。つまり、新しいというわけではありません。つまり、しばらく前から存在していましたが、最近初めて知ったので、何か違うことを試してみたいとワクワクしました。つまり。



That I've heard, I definitely know it's been a few days now and I can definitely see the benefit for sure, right. So I'm excited about that, but also other things too. And then I started thinking about that as well with plants in our garden. We have a garden every year and I started thinking.I mean, of course all plants are grounded, so to speak. They're growing in the earth. But.





I don't know. I'm just wondering if there's a way where we can conduct a little bit more of those copper. You know, we use the copper this year.And then there are a number of minerals out there that are all natural that you can add to your soil that will help re mineralize your soil. And then of course, because they're minerals. And then now the copper can do its job and it can do its job. And I'm like, oh, what if we add some kind of a frequency machine out there, you know, so.I've been, I've been playing a lot around with a lot of different things in my spare. This is my fun time. I know people watch TV to relax. Some people watch, you know, movies. Some people go for a walk, you know, whatever it is. You know, I over analyze things. You're experimenting. I love that. Yeah. But, you know, truth be told, I'd never say, hey, this is the thing that worked, you know, not saying it's.For everybody. But this is the thing that worked and I never do that without anything that I haven't tried myself like sure, but so I'm having a lot of fun with this whole newer series that's coming up because.I, of course, I won't like let it go on there unless I know at least to some degree what we're telling people, because we don't want to tell people something that's wrong. So I have to put it all into my analyzation cycle here and go, OK?That makes sense. That makes total sense. Know there's a dentist I'm trying to get on New Earth that uses PRP if you have a tooth pull that will help heal the bone, that kind of thing. And I'm like, well, that makes sense. You know, I know about PRPPRF, platelet rich fibrin and a bunch of stuff like that. So I think this would be really cool to tell people about. Maybe there's a network or a website or something like that if people want to choose.That instead of an alternative dentistry. So now I'm very much looking forward to moving forward with things and maybe some of these people will spark some creativity in, you know, to start something new and start something different. And you know, we're trying to make it easy, you know, OK, well, you know, this was taken care of you. We do the sales tax parts. We do all the parts you like as many parts as we.So that you can just do what you do best, right? So great. Which is what we were created to do alongside.Look at that. Yeah, it's true. They say necessity is the mother of invention, and we're seeing a lot of that. And in our new Earth folks. I mean, you are sunny. I am too. Why did they create this? Well, this is really interesting. So.So exciting. New things, new changes. I won't be in the box anymore, but.I don't know what it's going to look like yet, but not this. Not exactly this format. Yeah, not exactly this format. But yeah, I don't know. I just thought it would be, you know, something a little bit different, a little better. Yeah, maybe. I think it's going to change it. Circles. Circles. I have yet to see that.





So I don't know.Wow, we will see. But anyway, lots of changes coming up. I'm really happy about it.





And that's pretty much it. Know. We'll know more come Monday. Tuesday on what's really happening behind the scenes over there, what this is really all about. Yeah. So welcome. Speaking of changes, there's some change happening this weekend with you. A little birdie told me something was happening, maybe a special day. Do you know anything about that? Yeah, I turned 25 again.


以上です。知る。月曜日か火曜日には、舞台裏で実際に何が起こっているのか、これが一体何なのか、もっと詳しく分かるでしょう。ええ。それで。さて、キム、変化といえば、今週末あなたにも何か変化が起こります。小鳥が何かが起きる、おそらく特別な日だと教えてくれました。それについて何か知っていますか? ええ、また25歳になりました。








How many times have you turned 25?





Thank you. Thank you.But this time it's just reversed, right? So I get to do it like the real. I see what you did there. Yeah.





Do you have any fun plans or are you gonna do anything? Is there any baking going on with Kimberly's house or anything like that? Well, there's gonna be probably some baking.I.





I tell you, I have learned for the last 10 or 20 years that my birthday, I swear to God, someone said I cursed the day she was born because it's just the day that if it could go wrong, it goes wrong. So pretty much I hide under a rock now for the last few years, I don't do anything. The next day my daughter is going to come over and make me dinner again, which I love because I love spending time with her, especially in the kitchen. So that'll be fun.And by hiding under a rock, I'm probably going to do what makes me happy.So I'm probably going to take a little time and maybe work on some oils and some blends and maybe not so many as I was working with last night, but.Maybe I'll just get all the happy ones over here and the stimulating ones over here and the you need a happy birthday blend. Work on that this weekend. Happy birthday, happy. I've been trying to figure out what to call it.Happy is good. I like happy. Well, everybody's happy.Makes her happy. Oh, I didn't realize that. I don't. I thought about calling it a pocket full of sunshine, kind of like.Miss Sunny? That's cute, I like that too.Anyway, Kim, we as a team wanted to say happy birthday to you, so we like to do our little videos and stuff. So Mike, go ahead and play that birthday video.Happy birthday.Hey.





It is your first birthday in the golden Age and I am so happy that we've made it, that we're here and the future looks really bright. Happy birthday, Kim. Thank you for everything you do. Have a great day. Happy birthday, Kim. Hi, Kim, This is Hannah. Happy birthday. Hope all your wishes come true. Thank you for all you're doing. We love you. Bye, Kim. This is Tony. Wishing you a very happy birthday from the beautiful beach in Sardinia, Italy.Hi Kim, this is Cynthia from Washington State. Just wanted to say happy birthday. Have the best birthday. You deserve it. We love you. Bye bye. Wishing you an amazing birthday and all the love. Happy birthday from Kamalia. Vinny wishes you a merry happy solar return. So does RIP have a great year and maybe you'll get some rest. Happy birthday, Kim say Happy birthday Vinny. Hi Kim Rick from Arizona. I just want to wish you.The very happiest birthday. Thank you for everything you do. Hi, Kim.My name is Elijah from Nigeria and I wish you happy birthday and blessings. And I also pray for more years of greater positive impacts. Happy birthday from tropical Florida. Have a great day. Hi, Kim, this is Vicky from Hungary. I wish you happy birthday today. I hope you are enjoying it with your family and friends. You deserve it. Thank you for everything. You too. Take care. I'm Donna here. Happy birthday to you. Wishing you an amazing day and an amazing year. And thank you. This is Sean.Happy birthday and I hope you have a wonderful day and thank you. Hi Kim, this is Karen from the production team and this is Diane. And we're wishing you a very, very happy 6th day. Thank you for all you do. We love you. Hi Kim, this is from the production team. Wishing you a very happy birthday. Thank you for being our courageous ground commander and keeping us all safe. We love you. Hi, Kim, Raquel here, I just want to wish you a happy birthday.Wishing you the very best now and for the rest of the year.Thank you. I'm on my machine also. Very happy birthday and I'll tell you what a great opportunity to be to serve alongside you. And we're starting here. Very happy to be part of the team and have the best, best birthday and the amazing year coming. Happy birthday, lovely lady. Wish you lots of travel in the future, including features, art galleries and the theater. So I got you a guest.And it made you a gift. It's kind of a cross between buying you a gift and making you a gift. And my kids help. Now quick story, we actually put this together over a year ago.Sitting on my shelf, I'm waiting for the perfect moment. And I thought like a couple days ago I was like, I think now is the time to get this off. I had to dust it off a little bit, I have to admit, because I just felt like now is the time. And I didn't realize it was your birthday when I thought this. But I'm like, I think now is the time to.Send this to Kent. So I'm going to show this to you now.


今日は黄金期の最初の誕生日です。私たちがここまで来られたことをとても嬉しく思います。そして未来は本当に明るいです。誕生日おめでとう、キム。あなたのすべての働きに感謝します。素晴らしい一日をお過ごしください。誕生日おめでとう、キム。こんにちは、キム。ハンナです。お誕生日おめでとう。あなたの願いがすべて叶うことを願っています。あなたがしてくださっていることすべてに感謝します。私たちはあなたを愛しています。さようなら、キム。トニーです。イタリアのサルデーニャ島の美しいビーチから、お誕生日おめでとうございます。こんにちは、キム。ワシントン州のシンシアです。誕生日おめでとうと言いたかっただけです。最高の誕生日をお過ごしください。あなたにはそれがふさわしい。私たちはあなたを愛しています。バイバイ。素晴らしい誕生日とたくさんの愛をお祈りします。カマリアよりお誕生日おめでとうございます。ヴィニーはあなたに楽しい太陽回帰を祈っています。リップも同様です。素晴らしい一年をお過ごしください。少し休めるかもしれませんよ。お誕生日おめでとう。キム、ヴィニー、誕生日おめでとう。こんにちは、キム。アリゾナのリックです。ただあなたに祈りたいだけです。最高に幸せな誕生日。あなたの全ての行いに感謝します。こんにちは、キム。私の名前はエリヤです。ナイジェリア出身です。お誕生日おめでとうございます。祝福がありますように。そして、今後さらに良い影響が続くよう祈っています。熱帯フロリダからお誕生日おめでとうございます。素敵な一日をお過ごしください。こんにちは、キム。ハンガリーのヴィッキーです。今日はお誕生日おめでとうございます。ご家族やご友人と一緒に楽しんでいただければ幸いです。すべてに感謝します。あなたはそれに値する。あなたもね。気をつけてね。私はドナです。お誕生日おめでとう。素晴らしい一日と素晴らしい一年をお祈りします。ありがとう。ショーンです。お誕生日おめでとうございます。素晴らしい一日をお過ごしください。ありがとうございます。こんにちは、キム。制作チームのカレンです。ダイアンです。6日目がとても幸せなものになるようお祈りしています。あなたのすべての行いに感謝します。私たちはあなたを愛してます。こんにちは、キム。制作チームからお送りします。お誕生日おめでとうございます。勇敢な地上指揮官として、私たち全員の安全を守ってくれてありがとう。私たちはあなたを愛しています。こんにちは、キム。ラケルです。誕生日おめでとうと言いたいです。今年も、そして今年も、素晴らしい一年になりますようお祈り申し上げます。ありがとう。私も自分のマシンを使っています。お誕生日おめでとうございます。あなたと共に奉仕できることは素晴らしい機会だということをお伝えします。そしてここから始めます。チームの一員になれてとても幸せです。最高の誕生日と素晴らしい一年を迎えたいと思っています。素敵な女性、お誕生日おめでとうございます。今後も映画館や美術館、劇場など、たくさんの旅を楽しんでください。それで、あなたにゲストが来ました。そしてそれはあなたに贈り物になりました。それは、あなたに贈り物を買うことと、あなたに贈り物を作ることの中間のようなものです。子供たちも手伝ってくれます。さて、簡単に話しますが、実はこれを作ったのは 1 年以上前です。棚の上に置いて、完璧な瞬間を待っています。そして、数日前に、今こそこれを外す時だと思ったのです。そうしました。正直に言うと、今がその時だと思ったので、少しほこりを払わなければならなかったのです。そして、これを思ったとき、それがあなたの誕生日だとは気づきませんでした。でも、私は今がその時だと思うんです。これをケントに送ってください。それでは今からこれをお見せします。



And then I am going to send it to you. So a couple years ago we were talking about the deep state and how we were just going to leave them with Lincoln Logs. Well, Miss Ken.Tada.These are Lincoln Logs. Actually bought one of those kits and I was hoping to give it to you much sooner than this, but now is the perfect time. So my kids help me put this together. I hot glued it, otherwise the bricks would go, the logs would go everywhere.But here is to Lincoln Logs. Happy birthday Kim.Thank you, Kim, thank you for all you do. From all of us here at United Network, we wish you the happiest of birthdays.


そしてそれをあなたに送ります。数年前、私たちはディープステートについて、そして彼らにリンカーンログを残すつもりだということについて話していました。まあ、ケンさん。じゃーん。これらはリンカーン法です。実はそのキットの 1 つを購入し、もっと早くお渡ししたいと思っていましたが、今がちょうどいいタイミングです。それで、子供たちがこれを組み立てるのを手伝ってくれました。熱接着しました。そうでなければ、レンガは崩れ、丸太はどこにでも散らばってしまうでしょう。でも、リンカーンログに捧げます。キム、お誕生日おめでとう。ありがとう、キム。あなたの全ての働きに感謝します。ユナイテッドネットワークの私たち一同から、あなたの誕生日が最高に幸せなものになりますようお祈り申し上げます。



Hey, I guess we can log.





And it too. It's sitting right over there.





I'm sending it to literally, I had that for over a year. I'm like, when are we down to Lincoln lungs? I'm going to send this when we're down to Lincoln logs. And then I was like, I think I'm supposed to send this to Kim. No idea. It was your birthday at the time. And then there's a meeting this weekend. Guys, do it. Yes, I need to get it. I'll get it off in the mail today so you can take it to your meetings and be like, yeah, you guys want to want to play ball. Do you see that? This is what you have now? You have Lincoln locks. You have Lincoln locks. You are here.You are here exactly.We are here.


文字通り、私はそれを 1 年以上持っていました。リンカーン肺はいつになったらなくなるの?リンカーンログがなくなったらこれを送信します。分かりません。そして、私はこれをキムに送るべきだと思うようになりました。その時はあなたの誕生日でした。そして今週末には会議があります。はい、やります。はい、入手する必要があります。今日郵便で送りますので、会議に持って行って、「そうだ、君たち、一緒にプレーしたいかい?」と言ってください。これが今あなたが持っているものだと分かりますか。リンカーン ロックがあります。リンカーン ロックがあります。あなたはここにいる。あなたはまさにここにいます。私たちはここにいます。



So it'll be so fun. Well, thank everybody for the beautiful video and the wishes for a good year this year. So I'm excited about that.You're all just going to have to accept the fact that sometimes when we're broadcasting, this is backwards. So it's 25 and 5225.We're dyslexic. Sometimes that happens while you're watching it.Bunnies on your left or my right?Yeah, I know.





They must hate my birthday. I told you, Did I not tell you? What is it?





It was my birthday. I know they don't want to. I didn't flash about the UNI, didn't flash about Omega. I didn't flash about Alpha. I started flashing on my birthday. See, I told you exactly. Hiding under a rock, everybody.Not with the golden age blanket, not with this blanket we've got going on now. I still going. I'm going to. Yeah. I'm not coming out. You're just going to hide my oils and I'm going. Yeah, exactly.Oh, well, happy birthday, Kim. We appreciate you, of course, and everything that you do. Wishing you lots of wonderful things this weekend and we're sending you lots of love. So thank you. Thank you, everybody.Want to share news from UN? Help us change the face of social media and use it for good. Connect with us through our online channels. Our social media team creates clips from each newscast you can easily share with people you care about.That's also where you'll find our UNN Meme of the Day, a great way to encourage critical thinking. Links to all our social media sites are available at the bottom of our website at United Network dot earth. Let's change the face of news together.


私の誕生日でした。彼らがそうしたくないのは分かっています。私はユニについてフラッシュしなかったし、オメガについてもフラッシュしなかったし、アルファについてもフラッシュしなかった。誕生日にフラッシュを始めました。ほら、私はまさにあなたに言った。みんな岩の下に隠れて。黄金時代の毛布ではありません。今使っているこの毛布では無理です。まだ行きます。行きますよ。うん。出てこないよ。あなたは私のオイルを隠すつもりです、そして私は行きます。ええ、その通りです。ああ、お誕生日おめでとう、キム。もちろん、私たちはあなたに感謝していますし、あなたがしてくれることすべてに感謝しています。今週末、素晴らしいことがたくさん起こることを祈っています。たくさんの愛を送ります。ありがとうございます。みなさん、ありがとう。国連からのニュースを共有したいですか?ソーシャル メディアの様相を変え、それを良いことに活用できるようご協力ください。オンライン チャネルを通じて当社とつながりましょう。当社のソーシャル メディア チームは、各ニュース番組から、大切な人と簡単に共有できるクリップを作成します。そこには、今日の unn ミームも掲載されています。批判的思考を促す素晴らしい方法です。当社のすべてのソーシャル メディア サイトへのリンクは、United Network Dot Earth の Web サイトの下部にあります。一緒にニュースの様相を変えていきましょう。



And that wraps up today's NEWS UPDATE. Please share UNN with your friends and family. We need everyone to come together and help restore our planet. When news happens in your area, record and share it with us so together we can change the world. Remember, if it's going to be, it's up to me, I'm Sunny Galt. Join us Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the real news.

