2024年09月25日(水曜) キンバリーの動画翻訳
And now the World Situation Report with Kimberly Gogan from the Office of the Guardian.
the United Nations General Assembly in New York may have some interesting consequences for the deep state and sources, life force reaches Earth.
Find out what's next, Now here's Kimberly Gogan with the Office of the Guardian.
Hey, Kim.
Happy  What is it wednesday?
Happy Wednesday.
I know the days kind of run together, but how's your schedule by the way?
Are you getting like a little bit more time to yourself?
Is that still going good?
I don't know if I'm getting more time to myself, but I'm getting more time to do other things.
so that's good. Other step asides like, you know, destroy the deep state, you know.
Yeah, I mean, well, yeah, I'm getting to do.
More of a, oh, some things that make me happy, you know, that excite me, you know, Speaking of excitement, we have a new way of doing news. So I'm going to go into more detail because that seemed to have panic people a little bit, but I'm getting to do some.
Some new things that are more in alignment with care, more in alignment with the future, and we have some exciting news about that stuff too.
That's kind of started happening today.
So I say happy Wednesday, but it's also happy three days after the equinox and some interesting stuff started transpiring overnight.
So let's talk about the regular stuff first.
So exciting things that we are doing that make me happy. OK, so news. Let's talk about why we're changing the news and what's going to be different about it.
We've been talking about this now for a couple of weeks and what we've kind of figured out is that, you know some of your friends and family that are just kind waking up and asking questions, everybody kind of comes into this waking up experience differently.
It's not the same for everyone, and we tried to figure out different things that people want to know as they're waking up.
And listening to me in my world situation reports might not be your first way to kind of enter into what's going on in the world.
And you know, but we do have other ways of, kind of allowing you the option to share some of the videos with your friends and family depending on where they're at and what they want to know about. So here's what we've decided to do in term wise.
So we have a news report that will go out every Monday, Wednesday. And Friday and the news is going to be comprised of more in depth stories to come from Miss Sunny.
So that means we're going to talk about if there's a situation going on somewhere in the world. or something that's happening in various communities.
We're going to get more information about that out to you. Meaning the stories are going to be a lot longer.
You'll know where it's going on if it's something new like a new service like health services in South Africa or something that's available, you'll.
Where those people are, maybe we'll get a chance to talk to those people that are involved or people affected by a certain situation. So they're going to be Sunny's kind of excited about this, as far as I know I am.
Yeah.  I think it's good, you know, we want to get more people involved as well.
In fact, just this morning I posted on the Field Messenger Telegram group because one of the stories that I'm working on for next week requires or maybe not requires, but I would like to have input from you guys. The people that watch the news are Field messengers to contribute to these stories.
実際、今朝、Field Messenger Telegram グループに投稿しました。来週に取り掛かる予定のストーリーの 1 つに、必要かどうかはわかりませんが、皆さんの意見を聞きたいからです。ニュースを見ているのは、これらのストーリーに貢献する Field Messenger です。
I mean, obviously you can still do Field Messenger Reports but there's going to be a lot of opportunities for you to do you know if I was you know, we had like a regular news station, we would call this the man on the street, which can we've talked about how mainstream media uses that to convince people of whatever their narrative is.
もちろん、Field Messenger Reports を引き続き行うことはできますが、皆さんには、たとえば、私が通常のニュース ステーションを持っていたら、これを Man On The Street と呼んでいたでしょう。主流メディアがそれを使って、自分たちの物語を人々に納得させようとしていることについて話したことがあるでしょう。
But that's a real thing to get people's opinion of what's going on or how they feel about an issue or something that that's.
That's going on, that's happening. And so I just posted a video this morning to get just videos of people recording their opinion on something. So we're going to bring more of that, more of that kind of content into the news.
We're going to spend more time with stories, or like Kim said, we're going to get a little bit more in depth. Let me give us a little bit of time because this is all new for us.
So it's fewer stories, but I think that the stories are going to be a lot more worthwhile.
You're going to feel a deeper connection to the story and hopefully it's going to have, you know, enough information to really make a difference out there as opposed to kind of just skimming the.
Surface, we're kind of giving you highlights right now. Sure, go a little bit deeper, you know, and really explore stuff. And for me, because I've really been thinking about what really is news.
And I don't think it's just, you know, the latest event or something going on.
News is something that's new, but it could be just new to you.
So we're going to talk about topics too.
That maybe information has been out there for a while, but maybe it's new to you.
Maybe that's other content that you can share with somebody else that has never heard about that.
Wow, I really didn't know that that was an issue. Information's been out there a while, but we're trying to create it in like this, you know, these groups or you know, these pieces of content so that they're more.
So when you, you know, affect more people so we can get the truth out there in different ways.
So yes, sure.
And whenever possible, we can offer possible solutions.
Well, this isn't going to be there anymore. This is shutting down whatever it is.
But here are things you can do.
You know to these are the different places and different resources that are available calm Maria at, you know, 555-1212 and you can get the information you need or help that you need just, you know, in this particular area. So I think it's going to be.  you know, and sometimes they might be community stories that are very exciting.
ご存知のように、555-1212 に電話すれば、さまざまな場所やさまざまなリソースを利用できます。この特定の領域で必要な情報や支援を得ることができます。ですから、それは、非常にエキサイティングなコミュニティ ストーリーになると思います。
How did you get started?
You know, doing what you're doing. And we have a lot of great ideas from our team and I'm excited to see those ideas.
So that's one change you're going to see.
これが皆さんが目にする 1 つの変化です。
So instead of 12 smaller stories, you're going to start to see. You know, 3 or so in depth stories from Miss Sunny.
つまり、12 の小さなストーリーの代わりに、ミス サニーからの 3 つほどの詳細なストーリーが見られるようになるでしょう。
Miss Sunny's not going anywhere.
ミス サニーはどこにも行きません。
I know I said this is going to be our last week of doing reports together and everybody panicked.
So no, nobody's going anywhere. It's just that we're going to really get to see Sunshine with what she does best, so you know.
Every you know, yes, she can read scripts like nobody, you know, nobody's business and write them and all that kind of stuff.
But this is really going to show us. You know Sunny's journalism skills, how you know. I mean, it's just gonna really give you a lot more.
For information, I feel and news is supposed to be not about, you know, an event necessarily.
It's going to be about what it is.
What does it mean to the people there?
How are the people affected?
Here are some solutions and resources in that area.So I'm looking forward to seeing that now.
The next thing you're going to see in our, we call it the regular news, you know is you are going to see more of our field messenger reports.
So in between the stories you'll see. More field messenger reports and longer field messenger reports. So what we've been doing is we've been posting a lot of field messenger reports.
And you know, you'll see them in a different section in our news. But technically what when we started this, the news was supposed to be it always has been you.
We also have developed with our team some more Field Messenger Assistance, so there'll be meetings once a week, you know, if you need help, you know, reporting a story, you know, whatever it is from your community, you're developing your stories, you'll have a lot more assistance then because we are not doing 30 or 40 stories a week.
We're now doing less stories, but with more information, more video proof, more talking to people, more interviews, those kinds of things.
So that'll be good. Now that pretty much is is what's going to comprise of our news, except. You'll have me. So if there is an event that's going on, you know a current event in a particular area, then I'll pop in in the news. 
I might be there once, I might be there twice. I might be there three times. Giving you the back story on events that your friends and Family know about, you know, it's in the news that so and so the Banana Republic is attacking the North Pole and Santa's upset, you know, not saying that's happening, but you know what I'm saying?
私はそこに 1 回、2 回、3 回いるかもしれません。友人や家族が知っているイベントの背景をお伝えします。ニュースでは、バナナ共和国が北極を攻撃していてサンタが怒っている、などと書かれています。それが起こっていると言っているわけではありませんが、私の言っていることはおわかりですか?
And you know, then I'll be like, oh, I know all about this place, the Banana Republic and Santa Claus and everything that's going on,There, and I can tell you everything and this is who is involved. Here's the general that started it all, here's where the information came from.
So you'll be getting more in depth.
Regular news, I call it regular news, but with a little bit of a spin and a back story to it that doesn't involve all the stuff we talk about in the GIA report.
通常のニュース、私は通常のニュースと呼んでいますが、GIA レポートで取り上げている内容とは関係のない、ちょっとしたひねりや裏話が加わったものです。
So yeah, that will be the news Monday, Wednesday and Friday. So it's going to be interesting.
You know, sometimes we might pop in there and give you a little bit of science.
We might pop in there and give you breaking news if there is something. We might be doing coverage of a live event somewhere.
何かあれば、そこに立ち寄って、速報をお伝えするかもしれません。どこかでライブ イベントを報道するかもしれません。
I mean, we just don't know what's going to happen. But you'll still get the real news, you'll still get the current events, You'll still get the information that you need.
It's just going to be in a little different way. Okay, so also Monday, Wednesday and Friday, you will ,What's called a GIA operational report, You've probably noticed we've been talking a lot more about the global intelligence agency.
少し違った形で提供されることになります。さて、月曜日、水曜日、金曜日には、GIA の運用レポートと呼ばれるものも提供されます。おそらく、私たちがグローバル インテリジェンス エージェンシーについて多く語ってきたことにお気づきでしょう。
Now an intelligence agency is something that everybody is kind of aware of, You know, it's they know that there's an intelligence agency in pretty much every country. So calling us the global Intelligence agency(GIA) allows for that connection between the weird and wonderful things in the world and how do we know all of this stuff and something people can sink their teeth into.
インテリジェンス エージェンシーは誰もが知っているものです。ほとんどすべての国にインテリジェンス エージェンシーがあることは誰もが知っています。ですから、私たちをグローバル インテリジェンス エージェンシー (GIA) と呼ぶことで、世界の奇妙で素晴らしいことと、私たちがこれらすべてのことをどのように知っているか、そして人々が夢中になれることとのつながりが生まれます。
So as people start watching our regular news and they start seeing backstories and if they want to take a deep dive into what going on, you'll have the GIA report instead of calling it the World Situation Report, and you'll have that three days a week just like you do now.
ですから、皆さんが通常のニュースを見始めて、裏話がわかり、何が起こっているのかを詳しく知りたいと思ったら、世界情勢レポートではなく GIA レポートを視聴することになります。今と同じように、週 3 日視聴できます。
So there's not a whole lot of change.
It's just going to be the news will come out first. And then we'll have the GIA report a little couple hours later and you can watch both , you can watch some.
まずニュースが発表されるだけです。それから数時間後に GIA レポートを視聴し、両方を視聴できます。どちらかを視聴できます。
You can see, you know, you never know where Kim is going to be.
It's like where's Waldo?
You know Wally.
if you're in Australia, apparently it's where's Wally?
Where's Wally in Australia. Okay, sorry So Wally Waldo you know, where's Kim?
オーストラリアのウォーリーはどこ? わかりました。すみません。ウォーリー ウォーリー、ご存知ですよね。キムはどこにいますか?
You know?
Well, Coker head in every once in a while, so it'll still be just as informative as it is now.
But it's going to be, I think you're going to really like it and it'll be something that you can share with your friends and family.
You know that are just waking up and maybe in small doses.
The other thing we are going to be doing, which may take us another week or so to do, but we are still going to have our new Earth section, but it's not going to be in the news.
私たちが行うもう 1 つのことは、あと 1 週間ほどかかるかもしれませんが、新しい地球セクションはありますが、ニュースにはならないでしょう。
We're going to have a new Earth. Series that is coming out, which will be comprised of about, you know, could be 3, could be one, could be two, just depending on how long the interviews are.
新しい地球シリーズを公開する予定です。これは、インタビューの長さに応じて、3 つ、1 つ、または 2 つになるかもしれません。
It shouldn't be any more than you know, it'll be less than an hour.
ご存知のとおり、1 時間未満で終わるはずです。
Every time we come out with those and that'll be on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. So you'll be able to hear more from us as we, you know, every day, mostly every day.
So you'll see Sunny in there. 
You'll see some new people. You'll also see other team members like Natalie and we'll all be doing interviews in different parts of the world all about various things that are New Earth.
So a new technologies, it could be new ways of living, it could be information that can affect your health and Wellness, it could be anything.
But all things New Earth, all things moving forward, all things that are available to you now or in the future, or things that scientists are working on breaking things. Meaning breaking news, moving exciting things. We're not going to have scientists breaking things on New Earth.
No, that didn't come out right, did it?
I knew. I knew what you meant.
People breaking things. I know that there are days where I could do that show all by myself for 30 or 40 minutes, I can tell you.
人々が物を壊す。30 分か 40 分、この番組を一人でできる日もあることは確かです。
So we're still going to have all the great components that you love. It's just going to be more in depth.
So you know, whereas on New Earth interviews or maybe 5 minutes and you know, maybe they're going to be 10 minutes, maybe they'll be 20 minutes depending on the subject. You know, just depends on how long the interviews are going to be.
ですから、New Earth のインタビューは 5 分、10 分、あるいはテーマによっては 20 分になることもあります。インタビューの長さによって変わります。
So it's going to really give you more in depth information about if someones talking about options for grounding or options for, you know, health and Wellness or options, you know, for anything really.
You know, you'll get more information.
You'll also find out where to find those people, more information about them personally, maybe a short little biography in the beginning so we can get to know these people.
So some of the people you already know, some of the people will be new to you.
But we definitely have a lot of interest in our New Earth series, especially from a lot of our vendors.
You know, potential vendors that we have coming in because honestly, there are things out there that are new that we don't know anything about.
I mean, I was having a conversation with an optometrist that was telling me that did you know that they make blue light glasses now that.
Prescription I'm like, no, I didn't know that.
Do you know that there's ones that block out UV rays now?
No, I didn't know.
And so they were telling me about things that I don't really wear regular glasses, but you know, it would be nice to maybe have a nice pair of sunglasses or something. I mean, you don't we don't know, but I think it's important to really get information about everyday things that we all face in one way or another in possible solutions for that.
So that's where New Earth comes in, you know, cleaner water, things to filter out fluoride, I mean all kinds of things we have coming up for you in those series so  stay tuned for that.
Um, OK. So that is pretty much going to be our tentative structure or framework, I should say, for how the news is going to be put out.
So you're not going to be missing global intelligence reports, you're not going to be missing the news and you're definitely not going to be missing. And you won't be missing me.
Matter of fact, you'll be like, oh, can that Kim lady just go, you know?
You can tell she has more time on her hands. I know.
you know, it's not that I have more time on my hands.
I just. I pretty much just stopped focusing as much on the day-to-day minutia with those people and a lot more on a lot more time. Kind of more of like that ebb and flow, you know, where it's a creative process.
Yes, there are occasions where I do have to take phone calls.
I do have to listen to these people or I'm watching what they're doing and there's a potential dangerous situation like the cell phones and the and the kernels and stuff. So I take time out to do that kind of stuff and it's not always timely. You meaning it can happen anytime day or night, but you know it's not an everyday. It's not an all day long, 1518 hour a day job focusing on them.
It's a lot more of my focus is going on moving forward because they're at a point right now where they're just kind of running around in a circle and it's honestly the same thing over and over again and.
There's a lot that goes on in this world that we don't hear about because the news wants to report drama all the time. Because people watch drama, they like drama. I'd like to think that.
We are looking for what's really going on in the world, meaning there are great things that happen in the world all the time. Sure, there are things that happen in this world that.
Are are unfortunate, but developing resources so that we can prevent those unfortunate situations is really the key. So that's going to be our new news.
OK, so Speaking of unfortunate situations. And it's not ours, so a little bit more about the GIA, and I'm just giving you this clarification because there's a lot of people out there that were with the old GIA, even organizations that were with the old GIA still claiming that their global intelligence agency, but they've left some people scratching their heads so.
さて、不幸な状況について言えば。これは我々のものではありません。GIA についてもう少し説明しましょう。これは、旧 GIA にいた人や、旧 GIA にいた組織が、依然として世界諜報機関であると主張しているためです。しかし、一部の人々は首をかしげています。
The ones in the know that know about the global intelligence agency(GIA) know that these are the people that could at a moments notice, you know, transfer a billion dollars to a country $10 billion, a 100 billion, a trillion. And, based on the orders and charges.
世界諜報機関 (GIA) について知っている人は、これらの人々が、命令や告発に基づいて、10 億ドル、100 億ドル、1 兆ドルを国に送金できることを知っています。
So there's these people have been around in and around the UN General Assembly and other places in the world barking out orders like crazy, but without any performance on their side. So it's left some  People scratching their heads.
Who are these people?
They asked. I got a phone call from an attorney.
Let's just say attorney's office that does represent a lot of different countries, a lot of politicians, a lot of you know, they handle.
Some kind sometimes relations between nations and you know, whether it's in the corporate sector or in the political sector.
And they started asking questions like can I give you a list of the people that have called me and said that they were GIA and can you confirm whether not their GIA.
そして彼らは、私に電話してきて GIA だと言った人々のリストをあげてもいいですか、彼らが GIA ではないかどうか確認できますか、といった質問をし始めました。
And I said sure, I can confirm to you unless their name is Tom Melville that they're not GIA.
私は、もちろん、トム・メルビルという名前でない限り、彼らが GIA ではないと断言できます、と言いました。
Now the reason why I can say that is because he is the only one that has been authorized at this point to actually come out and say he's global intelligence agency. No one else has been authorized.
Do that, and if you try to look up global intelligence agency, you will see that it's registered in every country, contrary to the lie that the State Department, for example, told this law firm, which eventually they were able to confirm was a lie.
So you know you're going to have the 7th floor of the State Department lie to you because they are representing people that are pretending to be something they're not.
Now, if you would like answers to questions as far as these people are concerned, because there's a lot of people asking this question, right?
Now, how will you know if a GIA person is GIA or not?
And I'll be like, okay, number one, if their name and identification does not identify them as Thomas Melville and they tell you their global intelligence agency, they're not global intelligence agency because there's no one else except for myself, because I can, as the director, can say to myself, self, I'm authorizing you to do something.
And so now self, you know, we're going to go ahead and put out a global intelligence agency report.
So if it's not one of the two of us, Then it's a lie because everybody else is out there doing their thing and sometimes in different capacities.
You don't, and that's what these people don't understand is that. We made a decision 10 years ago to change the world.
We made a decision 10 years ago because we saw the fall of the fake GIA, we saw the fall of the SSP, we saw the fall of the  ultimate global dictator in August of 2016 and that's when everything started to change. Now moreover, for the last three or four years, we have been adding multiple agency people.
So if you go in and you look up global intelligence agency, you will see a couple of names and then the rest of it will be agent X.
So unless you do a reverse lookup of a human, meaning you enter their passport number or something like that, then you'll know that that person is with global intelligence agency if I so choose to release the file because what happens is is when they enter that information into the computer system. It sends me an alert.
Now I will go ahead and make a decision based on the current circumstances, because there will be an immediate analysis that will happen about John Doe, whoever the agent is and I will assess whether this is a threat situation, this is a situation where they're going to use that person or not. And then I will decide what kind of file I send.
I may send out a partial file. I may make a confirmation.
I may not make a confirmation to you of who this person actually is because Why? Because this is how a real intelligence agency operates.
You protect your people.
So unlike other agencies, when people are found out and they're, you know, maybe in another country or something, they leave them for dead. They Chuck them up as dead.
That's not how we do things here. So we're a little bit different in that way. We realize what everybody is getting into and we run a very tight ship and we're very good at what we do.
#2, Most of our agents, let's just say not all, but some of our agents are trained to access the system in the field in a way that you would never expect.
Meaning if they are in distress, if they are having a problem, if they need a way out, if they need help, there are ways that we can communicate with the system.
Doesn't matter where they are, and it doesn't matter what circumstances they could be in, they could be.
Deep into a hole with lead protection from satellites and I will find them. So, you know, that's the GIA so we also can access. Of course, everything comes back to my desk.
衛星から鉛で保護された穴の奥深くにいれば、私は彼らを見つけます。ご存知のとおり、それは GIA なので、私たちもアクセスできます。もちろん、すべては私のデスクに戻ってきます。
So if there is an agreement that's being made, then we if we say we're going to send funds to fund XY or Z, then we send them out to your country immediately, not 2 days from now. Not when there's another full moon, a new moon, a solstice, an equinox, or any other weirdo cultish holiday.
つまり、合意が成立し、XY または Z に資金を送ると言った場合、私たちは資金をあなたの国にすぐに送ります。今から 2 日後ではありません。別の満月、新月、至点、秋分、またはその他の奇妙なカルト的な祝日があるときではありません。
You know, we, we do things immediately. We're very effective. And if you fail to perform the function in which you've set out to do, then the money leaves.
That's it.
We can send out every single currency in the world end currency.
We control the mall because my other hat is the office of the current C curator. So I know I can talk from my left hand to my right hand. I can make decisions. I can have a conversation with myself and say self, do you want to send this particular party X amount of dollars?
私たちはモールを管理しています。なぜなら、私のもう 1 つの役割は、現在の C キュレーターのオフィスだからです。だから私は左手から右手へ話せるとわかっています。決断を下すことができます。自分自身と会話して、この特定の相手にXドルを送りたいか?と自分に尋ねることができます。
Why, yes, we do. And then I go ahead and do it.
And if you fall flat on your face like other operatives and other people that have come forward and said they were going to do one thing, lied through their teeth, went and tried to trade it behind my back, all they had to do was ask me, hey, look, we're going to trade these funds.
We're going to, you know, we don't need to, you know, pay for it all out of the trust. Not like it matters because we have an infinite source of funds.
So, you know, but they of course, always want to hide it, lock it down, pretend that it didn't exist, try to steal it, hide it under a rock and try to trade it under the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.
It's unnecessary because I will find you. And you never know who is going to rock up into your world when you're dealing with the global intelligence agency.
They could look like your best friend that you've known for 30 years, and they're really not.
So you we're really, really good at what we do. Let's just say.
OK, so that's a little clarification on the global intelligence(GI).
If we commit to doing something within 20 minutes, you'll have it.
And if you are dealing with a person that says their global intelligence agency(GIA) and they're telling you to wait to next Monday, Wednesday and Friday, guarantee you, they are not global intelligence agency(GIA).
They are a bunch of husbands that used to be global intelligence agency that can't perform it didn't make the cut in the revised version. So that's who those people are now. 
Speaking of the United Nations, General Assembly, at this moment in time, there are a lot of people there shaking their heads. Now we know that heads of state are going to start talking. I think it's today and they will continue talking through the 30th.That is the final day, I believe of the General Assembly.
However, the official assembly began on September 10th. And of course, as we know, the operatives show up two weeks ahead of time and do a lot of negotiating.
So these operatives have been meeting with a lot of fake global.
Intelligence agency people, a lot of people with the secret space program, SSP, and they have been meeting with a lot of these attorneys that we're talking about and been meeting with other operatives from all over the world and they're being told that they should have had money by Monday. Banks should have had money by, I don't know, the last full moon, the last, you know, the 17th.
They should have had money by this day, by that day.
And, you know, they're really starting to sweat because it's now time to give the I call it a sandwich.
So they start out the assembly on TV and they talk about all the wonderful things the United Nations does.
Now, if you're in any other country other than America, where it is prohibited for the United Nations to act on UN soil. AUS soil, sorry.
Then you probably know them as a terrorist organization and I would agree with you.
But they start out their meeting, you know, with the media and floppy, fluffy fluff the Fed puts out. And we're going to lower interest rates 1/2 a point. So everybody feels good about watching the UN and all the wonderful things they're going to do. And then they start going into all.
That's wrong with the world, always a theme, you know.
And then now the last few days, which is what we're going into, they're going to give you all their promises for the year. Every head of state gets up one after the other after the other and tells you about all the exciting things they're going to do, except, unfortunately, the actors known as heads of state don't have anything nice to say.
So that's why in the last 48 hours, they're now calling us. They would like to know more about care. They would like to know how we can help. and Mr. Melville, will you please come, and attend the United Nations General Assembly?
だからこそ、この 48 時間で、彼らは私たちに電話をかけてきました。彼らはケアについてもっと知りたいのです。私たちがどのように支援できるかを知りたいのです。メルヴィルさん、国連総会に出席してくださいませんか?
Because it's he's not that far. He's in New York. You know, come and sit down with us. Come help us, you know, get out of "our" mess.
Yeah, exactly.
And the unfortunate part about the get out of our mess game is that I also have this little tiny intelligence agency and some key intelligence and military.
System that may have gotten some data and back phone calls about that coming from Langley 5 and coming from other people with the order of the Black Sun also coming out of Japan and other locations to where of course these are all the people that are promising the money, you know behind the scenes.
And  they would like to be the responsible party for creating the funding,   responsible party. Yes.
And so Kim would be under the skirt of Winely 5, or under the skirt of the Japanese black Dragon, or under the skirt of the Russians, or under the skirt of anybody the Chinese. But I don't exist. 
So they're going to say we funded you. Yeah, Country A, You know, I know what's going on here, and I'm sorry. I will not participate in your ridiculousness.
You know, that kind of worked 10 years ago or 12 years ago. It doesn't work anymore. You know it's not working for me because see I'm ever since I got this whole system and you know the key intelligence and military system and and now I'm heavily participating in the intelligence game worldwide.
Yeah, I know every movement that you're going to make.
I know everything you're going to say before you even say it and I'm not participating.
So if you made a promise, then I suggest you figure out a way to solve your own problem or you will come out and you will actually call me by name.
And if you make one wrong step, there will be severe consequences. And we might even ask for a marker if you're with the Order of the Black Sun this time. Because I'm tired of getting stabbed in the back.
So that's what's going on at the UN General Assembly at this moment. Not a gosh darn thing. A whole lot of hot air.
So anyway, we'll have more of an update to tell you how that ends on Monday in our regular news.
Won't that be exciting because that's regular news for people, you know, everybody knows who the UN is. So I can talk about that in the regular news and talk about more in depth things in the GIA report.
So there's that ,okay, on another note, I have something exciting to talk about.
So around my time last night it started around 10 ,10:30 at night.
OK and what we started noticing was I don't really know how else to explain it other than what we call a golden blanket. So it's all of Sources, life force coming in very heavily last night and it started with a little spark over at the Iran Iraq gate.
The one we talk about where it all began and it started spreading out. So as it started spreading out, the deep state started to realize the high ups.
You know, this is not your Hillary Clinton people. Some of these people started figuring out what was going on.
And there were some old lines that started ringing. It's not doesn't ring like a phone. It sends me an alert, You know that there's an incoming transmission is how it works.
And these people , so some of them realized that they were addressing me.
So last night I got offers of a private jet and a number of other things if I would just stop it or give them control over it stop source. I don't understand.
They want you to stop Source from the golden blanket.  they would like me to stop Source even if I could.
but the whole point is, is this is what we've been striving for, you know, we've been striving to allow for the full, the full terraforming of Earth, the full changes, the full power of source to, you know, be in direct contact with what we call Gaia, right Earth.
Yeah, I hate calling it Earth because Earth is actually a hologram, so for something.But anyway, the planet we live on here.And the exciting thing about it was that that wasn't the only call.
I also got some threatening calls from people that realized who they were calling, If they can't, they they would like to own it.
You know, and, and I don't know, I don't think they really understand what they're trying to own because as this happens, what it actually does as well is give our golden age system more power and it wipes out what is left of the other stuff.
So This maybe that's what they wanted to own. I'm not really sure it's it wasn't.
I don't think that they were clear because I don't think that they knew what they wanted to own.
Um, but in, in any case, let me kind of explain this to you.
So I call it a golden blanket, but it's so much more than that.
So for those of you that have been following me for a while, I told you about a vision I had nearly,  it was probably in 2014, so yeah, about a decade ago, so 2014, 2015 and I think you probably Remember Me talking about this sunny where I told you that the whole earth turns to gold and then it turns to green.
しばらく私をフォローしていただいている皆さん、私が見たビジョンについてお話ししました。それはおそらく 2014 年、つまり 10 年ほど前のことでした。つまり 2014 年か 2015 年です。皆さんは、私がこの晴れた日について話していて、地球全体が金色に変わり、その後緑に変わると言ったことを覚えていらっしゃると思います。
No, I don't know.
OK, so after. I was shown a succession of events that were going to happen.
And in the succession of events, the first thing I saw was a war in what we call heaven, a war in heaven  a mooning.
There was a gateway there, which I now know what that is at the time I'm looking at this going, oh, well, this can't be good.
Those creatures are ugly, you know. But there was a at one point in time that existed, that was created by what we call the ultimate black magician or the Destroyers group through Source itself, which allowed for it to  pass into that small portion of that density. But from there they did only had access from the 5th density on down. So that includes us.
They did not have access to those higher densities because those people or non people. People know how to protect themselves. They would like to have had it extend beyond that.
So there's a war in what we would call heaven, and this is the first event that happens. "We" win the war within heaven.
つまり、私たちが天国と呼ぶ場所で戦争があり、これが最初に起こる出来事です。 「私たち」は天国で戦争に勝利します。
And then the next thing that happens is I see myself in the middle of the desert. I know I'm somewhere on the border of Iran, Iraq. Because this is before I learned about where the flower of life goes and the mound of gold and and I have a rod.
I slam it into the ground three times. Declare that the planet belongs to you.
Remember, at this time I was capital.
I remember this, yes. Yep, so.
I have to if you want to know the whole story, I'll retell the whole story in the next news, OK, But in this one here, I'm going to go ahead and stop it.
But the part the at the end of it, I see 3 treasure chests fall, not kind of in the middle 3 treasure chests fall into the ground and there are these smoky I guess Tarzakians is what I call them that were circling around trying to steal it but they were unable to.
So there were 7 coins that went out to the Continents and that began bleeding the gold throughout the entire planet Earth.
Well that is the event that started taking place last night and what it means by bleeding gold throughout the Earth, it means the full 100%.
Unencumbered life force of all that is Source, the Creator started.
Bleeding through Earth's veins, so to speak, in all that she is.
What that means is earth's connect 100% unencumbered, none You know, we do this, we do that.
You know they do that to her, you know, is beginning, so this is a really positive thing.
And this occurred three days after the equinox, so the alignment started happening.
It takes time for things to start to flow. We no longer have anything that's interfering with Source itself, not to say we don't with us with source itself and the changes that source is going to begin to make.
So by the time I started this broadcast, I would say that it was somewhere around 80 some odd percent.
So it would start where sunrise, Yeah, yeah, it is pretty much an overnight thing.
It was interesting. So the next thing that should happen is we should start seeing a terraforming and more changes within Earth.
So those changes have been taking place for a few weeks now as source works his magic, but now was the time where I guess you would say he takes the reins and the reign in the reins.
Our  yeah  So this started happening last night. I don't have any more information on it other than that.
He's, you know, other than I, he kind of explained to me what it is and what it does because it kind of caught me off guard.
It's not like anybody told, you know, they asked me on my permission.
But apparently the deep state thought that, you know, I mean it to some degree, this has been something that has been effort for the last two weeks, so it's not. A total surprise that it happened.
I'm grateful and thankful because essentially this is the part where the oil is spilled.
You know, because it looks, it looks almost oil like to me, but with that life force sparkles in it like the ones you see in the sky and so that's what the it's like a plasma, gold plasma. So I think this is going to be.
A beginning, the beginning of something very special for Earth and very special for humanity. So I, I think we're going to start to see, and this is what I was talking about a couple weeks ago.
I just never, you know, when you're with. When you're in the time of no time, it's hard to say, OK, well it's going to be 3 days and this will be done.
You know, I've kind of learned that a little bit. And this is where that human side of me says, well, OK, you know .
Time chop, chop, chop, chop got we got things to do. You know, I'm sick and tired of hearing this. Like, come on, you know, and I, and I've seen comments like that too in our threads.
And I appreciate what you're saying more than you know. And I know I hear your frustration. I too am very frustrated sometimes. And that's the humanness in me, you know.
But I also know that changes happen exactly at the right time.And I was surprised by this one last night. I was also, I'm like, why are these people calling, you know, this line that hasn't been used in a long time. so it's interesting.
Why were they calling on that particular line?
Was it a different group of people?
Well, I think they were trying to reach a different being.
0h, and then they got you.
She has every phone number.
I know. I'm glad you called, but I'm not home for those cheesy little things from the 1980s.
わかっています。電話してくれてうれしいですが、私は 1980 年代の安っぽい小さなもののために家にいません。
I'm glad you called, but I'm not home.
Yeah. Anyway, I you know I. It's just me.
But then they proceeded to offer me all kinds of cool stuff I've never.
it's so it's so frustrating to me that they they just try to own everything.
They see something that they think can be used that would make them more powerful and their first thought is to own it like.
I, I don't, I don't resonate with that at all.
I know that's their whole thing, but it's just, it's just so deep state of them to say something like that.
you know, the first thought, their first thought is this is for us. Everything was for us. We everything that happens in this world happens for us.
The sun rises and sets on their backside, you know, of course, and only when they say you know. So that's the attitude that they come in.
That's "the first" thought.
The second thought is. Well, Gee, if this was for us, then we should be able to control it.
Oh, there must be a typing error. Let me call the hotline and see who answers the phone.
You know which Binging answers the phone and I'm going to call and complain, you know?
どの Binging が電話に出るか知ってるでしょう。電話して文句を言うつもりです。
Right That I'm sorry. You must have forgotten to give us access because everything happens for us.
Not anymore.
No. Not anymore. No.
You know, you you remember that phone call you made to me about two years ago where you said you wanted to go it alone? And I said OK, Yeah, I meant it go ahead.
2 年ほど前に電話して、一人でやりたいと言ったのを覚えていますか? それで私は OK と言いました。ええ、そう、そうしてください、と。
We built a strong intelligence agency. We have built new systems outside old systems.
We have torn down matrixes and holograms and all kinds of stuff that have happened in the last couple of years. And you know what People are seeing a difference.
私たちはマトリックスやホログラム、そして過去 2 年間に起こったあらゆる種類のものを破壊しました。そして、人々が変化を目にしているのがわかります。
I got a call from a friend of mine that lives in an area. Northern US, let's call it northern US. And in this particular area they are going into the fall season and.
Umm, things are, you know, leaves are falling off the trees and that kind of thing, but in this random area all the lilac bushes are blooming. Which is completely and totally unusual.
Yeah, that would be more like a spring thing, probably.
Yes. Huh.
They're going to a second bloom Oh, interesting. And she was like, well, I can't explain it.
Can you can explain?
Can you explain it?
I'm like, "Nope."
You know, we're seeing deserts. There are reports out there that part of the Sahara Desert can be seen from satellites and it's turning green, you know, we've seen.
Lot of rainfall, which has caused some problems, but, you know, we're seeing things pop up in the Middle East and you know, that have not been there before. We are seeing earth changes, you know.
and I can't wait to see her get her full new shoes. And see what happens next. I mean, we may be shocked with what happens next.
So yeah, 'cause you're talking about terraforming.
And my first thought was not only changing the land, but new land showing up. And I got really excited.
I was like, because so much of our planet is water now.
And maybe there's a reason for that. I'm not sure.
But somewhat, yes. The idea of having more land, that's really cool. That's really cool.
Yeah, maybe there is. I mean, we don't know.
You know, there are old maps and old things out there that show the world looking a different way and they show all the continents together and they show, you know, less separation and that kind of thing and, you know.
There are geophysical reasons. There are reasons for the amount of water we have on the planet, and part of the reason for that is because of our atmosphere and our atmosphere has changed and the way that moisture because we need that as humans. Yeah, you know, I know.
I almost, I was so sad, Sunny.
I had to turn my heat on, you know, and I dread it every year because I'm like, oh, here comes the insanely, you know. Just dry feeling, yeah, liter of water in the middle of the night, drinking time of the year, here we go. But I mean, yeah, I get a humidifier and it's okay,  but we would just as humans, we need that moisture in the air.
暖房をつけなければならず、毎年それを恐れています。なぜなら、ああ、ものすごく、乾いた感じがやってくる、そう、真夜中に1リットルの水を飲む、一年で一番の飲み時、さあ ...でも、そうですね、加湿器があれば大丈夫ですが、人間と同じように、空気中の水分が必要です。
Plants need that moisture in the air. Technically before, you know, a long time ago we had the right amount of moisture in the air, in the atmosphere, and it didn't really require heavy rains or the kind of weather we see these days.
It wasn't like that.
You know, those are things that take time, you know, is that so we'll see. You know, there has to be a balance between the amount of water and moisture that goes into the atmosphere and comes out of the atmosphere and relocated to other places because.
You know, war after war after war here, and there's been many over millions of years, we have seen a lot of devastation. Earth has seen a lot of devastation, so.
Hopefully, you know, we'll see what Source has planned. I mean, I wish, you know, I, I, I only learn things when I'm supposed to know them.
I don't learn them an hour beforehand. I don't learn them too late.
I learn them right on time, every single time. And then I report  as it relates to the big positive changes that are happening on the planet, as it relates to, you know, the deep state and whatever is left of black magic workers and all these crazy people out there.
Yeah, I mean that's easy to report because that's happening. That's a now event. That's an event that has crossed through the etherical plane.
So I can see it formulating in someones thought process on the emotional plane now and I know where they're going to be next week. I can tell you. You want to know where they're going to be next week.
Well, there's a new moon coming up soon, everyone. Well, there's a full moon coming up really soon. Oh, by the way, the solstice is in December and there's an alignment with three planets coming up in November, and that's going to make everything happen. That's where they're going to be. And you know where they're going to be 20 years from now.
Same place.
There's a full moon and there's a new moon. There's an alignment with Uranus and you know all the springs, equinox is coming and you know.
That's their world.
Yeah, Yeah, we all need to stand there with two crystals in our hands at the appropriate location next Tuesday 'cause that will help us get control of this planet.
Thank you.
Yeah, that's where they're going to be. But us. That is not the case.
So the question about the source blanket, the golden blanket that we have now, how and I know this stuff hasn't happened before, so we're somewhat guessing, but how will that impact humanity?
Obviously we'll be impacted by things that happen in our environment or to the planet, but do you?
Idea I mean, and I'm asking this because last night I had a really crazy day yesterday and it was late like it was like 10:00 or something last night and I felt so rejuvenated and I probably I should be going to bed. Like I felt like I could have run around and done flips if I could do flips.
I had all this energy and I was like, I should be dog tired right now. So tired, just limping to bed. And then I'm kind of wondering if there was a was a connection there and if we can expect more of that.
you know?
I think so too, because funny enough, you know, I had gotten up really early. I had not slept for two days in a row. I was so tired.
I had one of those nights where it was just like everything was going on the night before last.
And. You know what, Everything was going on last night too. But It didn't, you know, I fell asleep maybe for like an hour. I was watching a movie, you know, in my room and, and I fell asleep maybe for about an hour and then by 10, 10/30 I was up again.
But it, but it wasn't like a, an abrupt thing. It was almost like a hey, you may want to see this and.
And the phone started ringing, not the phone, but you know, the, the lines they started ringing and that kind of thing.
And that went on for off and on for about four or five hours last night. But I really didn't feel bad. Now, to be fair, I'll tell you on my side of it, I, I got these grounding sheets.
それが昨夜4、5時間ほど断続的に続いた。でも、本当に気分は悪くなかった。さて、公平を期すために、私の側からお話しします。私は、このグラウンディング シートを手に入れました。
You know, everybody talks about grounding sheets. So I started trying one of those last night.
ご存知のとおり、誰もがグラウンディング シートについて語っています。それで、昨夜、これを試し始めました。
Guys, someone had given me one for my birthday and I was like, oh, you know, I mean after the two nights before, I'm like, I'm getting the sheets, I got the oils out here, I got the cream through my feet.
皆さん、誰かが私の誕生日にこれをプレゼントしてくれたのですが、私は、ああ、つまり、前の 2 晩の後、シートを手に入れ、オイルを塗り、足にクリームを塗った、という感じでした。
I've I've set the tone.
I'm like, I just need one night, one night of sleep and it didn't happen, but completely but I actually didn't mind. So, Sunny .
私は、あと 1 晩、1 晩眠ればいい、と思いましたが、まったく眠れませんでした。でも、実際には気にしていませんでした。それで、サニー。
I don't, you know, it could be a combination of both. But the one thing I am interested in trying over the next couple of days is, you know, this grounds you into the Earth. 
私は、両方の組み合わせかもしれません。でも、今後数日で試してみたいことの 1 つは、これがあなたを地球に接地させるということです。
So maybe, well, maybe they worked on turbo for me like last night because of the the new things that are happening.
But you know, I'm really interested to kind of like go take a walk and, you know, barefoot and see how what a difference that makes. I mean. Yeah, you know, yeah, it's gonna, it's gonna be interesting to feel that different energy.
So you said, what were it, 80 or so percent?
And it's kind of gone from that area. It came out kind of in an elliptical shape. So it kind of expanded out through like to China and then to into the Atlantic Ocean, and then it kind of started going up and over the poles.
You know, coming from that side of the world and then kind of started closing in on the US, Asia Pacific because like areas like Hawaii before you cross the dateline because it started.
Where it started and how it seems to be moving goes in a.
I guess it would be coordinated with both Don and dusk because those are the times when Sources most present.
So it was either dusk over there in say Australia area, China area at that time or dawn starting over here in the US and then it just started kind of going all around.
As far as I know, there are still areas of the US where it hasn't reached yet and also areas of Latin America where it hasn't reached yet at least at the time of this recording.
So we'll see, you know, we'll see how long it takes.
We'll see what happens next.
If it happens like the vision, then the world is supposed to turn green.
You know, in a good way, not in like a oh, here's a demon way, you know, like in a good.
Yeah, the deep state's going to take that and be like green money, money.
We're supposed to be funny. And if that's the case, it won't be for them. It'll be for, you know, people with some different kind of intentions and "you" know. I don't know.
I wish the mall the luck in the world. I really do, you know?Good luck.
And we're so it's going to be interesting to see. What these proposals are that may or may be, may or may not be coming forward, will they figure out that?
yeah, well, they figure out that they need to start changing, do something different probably not.
They're probably going to try to figure out a way to take credit for everything and keep it rolling, you know for a while longer.
but it seems to be their plan is just to try to take ownership of something or pretend you do have ownership of it. Try to convince other people. But it's so ridiculous because they can't control it. 
Like it's so easy to disprove move . It's just not something's wrong. Something's wrong up there.
Yep, I know God blessed him, God bless the those people.But you know, I know they've already tried like using our clearance, using GIA clearance, you know, Tom's the only one that I can actually identify with that actually talks to me. That actually is GIA.
So they call him a lot, you know, trying to get him to show up places. Look, the GIA is here. I told you we were GIA.
We're GIA too, aren't we, you know?
Yeah, yeah, "no."
Well we'll see how this interesting gift which I've kind of known about for for some time, we also in the past have had the opposite happen where we would have had a blanket of anti source a long time ago.
And it had a connection to an SSP base under the Aegean Sea, so And then they would kind of circulate it throughout the Earth. That was kind of like the circulation Center for them.
So hopefully now it's not in their control. They would like to, but that's not going to happen.
And we'll see what happens over the next 24 hours.I think it's going to be interesting.
I think Friday's news is going to be interesting because you know, I'm glad you're going to be here for that one, Sunny.
I know, gosh, things are ramping up.
And then you're going to be doing your own thing. I'm going to be like everybody else. Watch Kim's video.
When's Kim's video coming up?
Refresh, refresh, refresh.
Exactly. Oh, come on. I know.You know, I'm really looking forward to watching your news, too.
Yeah, yeah. Good stuff coming up.
We're excited.
Whole teams It is. It is  So I'm looking forward to seeing everybody shine.
Our field, full field messenger report, it's not shorter ones, you know.
So it's going to be great for all of you. Be great for our field messengers now you all know.
So you know, we look forward to seeing those reports.
We'll see, you know, everybody will, you know, depends, but most people, you know, if it's a, you know, the video is good and all that kind of stuff and you'll have help with that You know, will be shown in the news now it's not going to be kind of like a la carte all the time.
So we'll see and a lot more opportunities for you guys to get involved in the news and participate Field messenger reports.
I'll be doing more shout outs.
Hey, we're you know, looking for people to talk about this or hey, can you record a video about this, share your experience about this so because oh, face of news.
Speaking of sharing my experience, you know, I know about a report you're doing on Monday that talks about a certain alleged scientist.
A very popular alleged science, very popular alleged scientist that allegedly made these cyber trucks, Yes. So I'm not going to spoil the whole story for next week, but it was hilarious that you had texted me asking about information about this.
サイバー トラックを作ったとされる、非常に有名な科学者とされる人物です。はい。来週のストーリー全体をネタバレするつもりはありませんが、この件について情報を尋ねるメールが来たのはおかしかったです。
So I'm like, well, I'm out and about I'm running a couple of errands.
I, you know, and I'll be right back. So I'm out and about and what pulls up behind me  cyber truck the same color as the one in the in the picture you sent me. It didn't have the giant, you know, weapon on the back, but at least not exposed that I know of.
私は、あのね、すぐに戻ります。外出中、私の後ろにサイバー トラックが止まりました。あなたが送ってくれた写真と同じ色のトラックです。後ろに巨大な武器は付いていませんでしたが、少なくとも私が知る限りは露出していませんでした。
This is wild, Wild West over here in Durango, Co, but the same truck.
ここデュランゴ (コロラド州) はワイルド ワイルド ウェストですが、同じトラックです。
that's so funny in Durango. Same color like that you had a is that a not a comment.
See, I see him in San Diego a lot, but that's probably woman, I've not seen one yet.
And it happened.
right. See Synchronicity.
I know it must be a good story.
So you see those cyber trucks running all around.
San Diego?
It's not all around, but I've seen maybe 10 of them.
Yeah. Well, this is old hat for you.
I thought I was reporting something exciting. Matter of fact, I tried to. I grabbed my cell phone, but it was following me, you know, it was behind me. So I'm like, oh, crap. Like.
And I have dark tinted windows in the back, so.
I can't go that route. So "I"'d have to like stick my arm out the window and you know, kind of like try to catch a video. I was going to be a good field messenger for you and get some videos.
Oh trust me, there's plenty of video of cyber trucks everywhere. Oh really.
信じてください、サイバー トラックのビデオはどこにでもあります。ああ、本当ですか。
We're trying to promote that?
And this was him with the same color window.
It was the same exact vehicle.
That's funny  None of them have the big artillery on the back like that other particular one.
Yeah, yeah, don't.  no, well, you are near a military base, so you never know.
You never know. No, I haven't seen anything like that.
I think they're all consumer   for the people. No, Okay, that's been greatest.
You know, it's like everyone's going to have whatever, whatever tech gadget there is, right?
ご存知のように、誰もが、どんなハイテク ガジェットでも持っているようなものですよね?
I know this is just a very big statement. Looks, looks uncomfortable to me. I don't know that that's just, I don't know, that's just me personally, but some people like to make a statement that way.
and a statement, it's a statement for sure. It is.
Yes, I am driving a vehicle, a tank, pretty much.
I know. And it puts the Hummer to shame. You remember the Hummer days and everybody had a Hummer?
Especially like, in your area.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I don't know.
There's a new one in town, but it has some interesting little features you may not want.
So. Right. Exactly.
That's what the story is about.
So we'll see.  Yes, we will. So hopefully we'll have some more information about this new incoming situation on Friday.
All right, sounds good bye.
Look forward to Friday. Thank you, Kim.
you too, Friday.
Sounds good?
Calen: (男性アナウンサー)
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That wraps up today's NEWS UPDATE.
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