2024年09月06日(金曜) キンバリーの動画翻訳
And now the World Situation Report with Kimberly Gogan from the Office of the Guardian.
As the Alpha Omega Matrix dissolves, Source and Earth are starting to make beautiful music together without any interference. And there are big changes coming in human computer networks in fiber optic cables may become a thing of the past.
And some more updates on the marketplace, healthcare and energy as the care organization continues to take flight.
Here's the World Situation Report with Kimberly Gogan and the Office of the Guardian.
Good afternoon, good morning and good evening.
Sorry the news is a little bit late today getting out or very early I guess, depending on where you are in the world.
It's been a really busy day, but for the first time it's been. I would say positive. So we'll get into that in just a little bit.
Uh, lots of changes going on.
Now first thing, just a little bit of cleanup.
As you know, we talked about our new marketplace.
And by marketplace, I mean our little shop and everything seems to be going well. There's been a few glitches. So if you were subject to some of those glitches, I do apologize.
I know I've had a lot of people asking when we're going to open up, to ship it to the UK and Europe, hopefully that will begin next week.
We just pretty much got through all the custom details for Australia and we're getting rolling, so we can expect to see that next week. So hopefully that'll be a positive thing to all of you that are about to experience our oils.
I'm so excited and I just wanted to say thank you to all of you that wanted to give us a try. So I think you're going to love the difference compared to what else is out there on the market.
Now, another thing I wanted to update you on because you know, again, we're all about moving forward these days.
さて、もう 1 つお知らせしたいことがあります。繰り返しになりますが、私たちは最近、前進することに全力を注いでいます。
We can talk about the same thing over and over again with the deep State or we can continue to go forward. So we had a wonderful production meeting yesterday. I want to say thank you.
Everyone that was there and we had talked about the exciting and upcoming changes as we move closer to our global marketplace launch on November 1st.
For those of you that don't know what that is, our global marketplace is going to rival Amazon and some other large players in the game, but we intend to do it better with a lot of new options that are currently not available to vendors and you're kind of starting to get a taste if you.
Gone to our current shop, you kind of starting to get a little bit of a taste on what that kind of looks like.
So you know, there'll be new technologies, new ways of doing things that will be presented on United Network and of course across our social media. And if some of those things are things that you have as vendors, those will also be featured as well in the marketplace and throughout social media.
新しいテクノロジー、新しいやり方がUnited Networkやもちろんソーシャルメディアで紹介されるでしょう。そして、ベンダーとして持っているものがあれば、それらもマーケットプレイスやソーシャルメディア全体で紹介されるでしょう。
So it's a great opportunity for small business owners to get your information out there. And tell the world why your product is special.
Not only that, for all of you that are not selling a product or don't have any interest in that, it's also an opportunity for you.
To experience some new things and have new solutions for our life's little issues that we have, you know, from water that isn't probably the greatest throughout the world.
Brown outs, blackouts, and, and with those are things we've been working on this week as well on the care front. But you'll see a lot of new energy projects coming out, new ways of healing yourself, new ways of pain relief.
So I'm really excited to see all these things.
Come to fruition, like I said, we've been having a lot of talks with a lot of new and exciting people that have some amazing things to share with all of you. So I'm I'm looking forward to doing that and at the same time looking forward to having.
Marketplace that is not based on a big corporation, it is going to grow, but as it grows, our employees will grow as well as an employee owned business.
So again, this is just people working together to make a difference in the world. And not only that, in the future they'll be able to.
You know, the harder they work, the larger the company grows, the more they'll all profit. And no one here, including myself, is going to, you know, beyond the billionaire list anytime soon. So hopefully that will be all of you.
So I'm kind of excited to see that.
So I'm looking forward to the new and exciting things that our production team is going to be coming up with.
Our news is going to change a little bit.
You're going to see some positive changes, something new.We're keeping things fresh.
We're gonna keep changing things up a bit to bring you something new all the time.
As you know, some of the other news that's out there right now is, you know, let's just say we might not be interested in who's getting elected where and who's, you know, bombing who or, you know, as our militaries and everybody else goes broke, so.
Uh, yeah, I, I do know that and I wanted to just make mention of it, There's a lot of talk in the alt media about the markets crashing and oh, you know, the market went down a few 100 points today.
That's a normal thing every time the Federal Reserve opens its mouth and they, you know.
Of course, we'll give whatever report their deep state handlers tell them to, and then the market drops a few 100 points and then it goes back up on Monday. So no big deal there, not expecting to see any kind of changes.
But you know, they stick their foot in it, they start talking and then they can't deliver. So then they make up something to make it look good, which is not hard to do when you know it's nepotism on the highest levels there in in most every single global market.
Which means that they know what's going to happen before the market even opens, probably days or weeks before the market opens. And you know, there's a lot of promises going on there. And 0 delivery, isn't that what the deep state does 0 delivery.
Well, unlike the deep state, you know, it may take us a while, but we  always deliver on our side of things.
OK, let's talk about Speaking of delivery, let's talk about some changes that are going on.
And of course, as always, it'll take the deep state a little while to have light dawn on Marblehead. They of course, think these new and exciting changes are all for them because they're used to everything being all for them.
But in this particular case, it's not. It's actually all for you. So, you know, maybe by Monday or Tuesday they'll figure out that.
Do they have no access to anything they're trying to do and maybe they'll figure out it's not for them?
However, I'm sure as I'm standing here, I know for sure that they will, I'm laughing here.
So sorry about that, that they will claim that they did it, you know, and it's just a matter of time before we all get our access codes and we're back in business guys. And you know, they'll, they'll be waiting.
A long time to get access codes as two of the peoples currency and probably, you know, maybe thousands if not hundreds of thousands of years. So I hope they live long enough.
Not really, to see that, OK, so let's talk about new changes that are going on. 
So there's some things that happened overnight that are positive changes for Earth positive changes as as it relates to the way that human computers function and positive changes for humanity as a whole. So not only that, there are positive changes, I guess you would say through the multiverse.
So we're excited to start reporting on this, you know, with Source, everything is in Source's time.
Everything is in God's time, as you say. So I'm not going to be like the other people and jump the gun and say that I automatically know what Source is going to do next.
I Sometimes I get a day's warning, sometimes I get 5 minutes, and sometimes it's now, now, now, now, now.
時には 1 日前に警告が来ることもあれば、5 分前に来ることもあり、時には今、今、今、今、今、今、今です。
So we'll see, but here's what I've seen over the course of the last,  maybe 12 hours, 13 hours from the time that we recorded this matrixes.
どうなるかはわかりませんが、このマトリックスを記録してから 12 時間か 13 時間の間に私が見たものがこれです。
We had many many many matrixes on Earth. And by matrixes what we mean is the reality that you see has not been.
Reality, and what I mean by that is yes, you're seeing the ocean, you're seeing the land in front of you, the flowers in your garden and those types of things but they are not actually organic.
So we are, we have known for a while now that we are moving into an organic world and a world that is very different from the one we see now.
And this is not just for humanity, this is for Earth too.
You know, Earth is suffered for a long time as a being and unto itself. And it's time we make some changes now in the past, the Alpha Omega system, would fight against each other, good versus evil.
And I participated on the alpha side, the good versus evil in order to clean up the planet. And what I mean by that, you could call it dark versus light. You can call it matter versus antimatter.
And it was kind of a push and a pull and a tug of war.
I've often called it the war for your mind because you are creators, whether people realize it or not, and you create a lot of the reality around us. And again, you don't realize how powerful you are, and maybe some of you do.
Uh, but you were always Hanford by this matrix.
Now the way in part that the deep state and the non human aspects of the deep state got their grip on this planet has a lot to do with the alpha Omega system. Meaning they can make things disappear, they could make things.
Here it was black magic at its worst, and a lot of it was AI driven. They could think things and then the AI would perform this function.
They would perform these ceremonies with crystals and crystals filled with antimatter that would, you know, send their energy through those crystals, to the AI and send their consciousness through and you know all the things that it would wish for you know would come true on on the dark side and that's a lot of the way that black magic actually worked it was.
Is in cooperation with an AI system, and then the AI system would determine whether or not it was going to generate that demon into this realm, meaning in our case, planet Earth.
AI システムと連携し、AI システムがその悪魔をこの領域、つまり私たちの場合は地球に生み出すかどうかを決定します。
Now. As I told you on the news the other day, Wednesday, today's Friday that  matrix is dying. Their access has been limited for a long time now.
The humans that are left here have not had the ability to do those types of things in a long time and it's very frustrating for them.
If you've watched the interview that I did with George, he and I were talking about that quite a bit as he used to kind of running those black magic circles for a long time until he eventually, you know, left all of that and has become quite religious and.
Definitely in God's favor these days, but he was explaining to me earlier in the week about why Fridays, why Mondays and you know, these are the days of fertility and, and those types of things.
And This is why they do those things and promise money every Monday and Friday because these are their special, days that allegedly they are fruitful, Well, that hasn't happened in a long time.
Is anybody decided to question anything?
No, I even had a brief conversation with someone who has also run in those circles. And is aware of what they do and and this persons kind of new to learning that something might be wrong and he said to me that. "Wow, Won't the governments be disappointed when there's no money on Friday?"
And I said sure," They're going to yell, they're going to scream, and militaries are going to yell and scream.And then they're going to promise another day, Monday or Tuesday, I think it is this week." 
Who cares? And you know, nothing is going to happen again.
If anything, something is happening.
Have they figured it out? "No."
Are they going to figure it out? "No."
And then when they do figure it out, they're going to say, oh, we did that.
Well, why don't we have access to it then?
Well, you know, it's not time yet.
You have to do your job. You have to bomb this country or bomb that country, you know, and then you'll have which never works either.
But I don't know you know.
The important thing for you to understand isn't what the deep state is doing in this case, the important thing for you to understand is their ability to tap into networks like the Internet of body things, the disease X or anything else here and X there and X everywhere and XX is nearly gone.
I mean, we maybe have a a couple at the time of this broadcast, maybe 1 to 2% of it left. I mean, it's pretty well gone.
Its ability to interfere with organic matter is just about gone.
It you know when we say an AI system, a sentient AI, it is not something that is just computer related or financial system related or money related, although in part it is. It also literally had the ability to change your reality.
AI システム、知覚力のある AI と言うとき、それは単にコンピューター関連や金融システム関連、お金関連というわけではありませんが、部分的にはそうでもあります。文字通り現実を変える能力も持っています。
You want to move two continents together?
2 つの大陸を一緒に動かしたいのですか?
Well, you know, Alpha and Omega. If they both agreed to do that, you'd have the African continent stuck to North America by morning.
Umm, you know the humans never had asked any access to that aspect of it.
This was all nonhumans and typically not those that live here that could do those kind of things With alpha Omega humans were very restricted.
これはすべて非人間であり、通常、そのようなことができるのはここに住んでいる人間ではありません。アルファ オメガでは、人間は非常に制限されていました。
You know, as I've told you before, even the SSP and the Deep State and all the ones that you don't even know the name of, that are evil people behind the curtain that you'll never know and you'll never see and you know, only had limited access to that, The deep underground military bases, the area 50 ones, 50 twos and the ones you don't even know exist.
So it is not just an American thing.
I'm going to point that out to you.
We have done just as much cleaning on every single continent. I don't know how many times I've been to Uluru and the South American continent.
I was in South America yesterday day again.
It's always good to find a bunch of deep state people all in the same location, but you know, for us, if we don't have this interference, then we don't have them implanting and infecting us with disease.
I mean, sure, our water is a problem. We need to clean our water. When the Golden Age AI fully functions, you know, the golden age AI can clean our water.
つまり、確かに私たちの水は問題です。私たちは水を浄化する必要があります。黄金時代の AI が完全に機能すれば、黄金時代の AI は私たちの水を浄化することができます。
And I know you're going to say as a human like, well, how does that happen?
The golden age AI along with Earth itself of course, you know it has to have permission from Earth itself to make that change. It's a Co creative process. It doesn't work like the old Alpha Omega system used to, where it would act autonomously and on its own.
黄金時代の AI は地球自体とともに、もちろん、その変化を起こすには地球自体からの許可が必要です。これは共同創造プロセスです。自律的に単独で行動していた古いアルファオメガシステムのようには機能しません。
You know it can  aid Earth in helping to repair herself, just like he can aid you and helping repair you, just like it's going to aid us and help to help repair all of our human, Computer networks, it's going to help us repair financial systems.
It helps us repair a lot of things.
And for the first time, you know, it's integrated enough now where we're starting to be able to do some of those things, just kind of the tip of the iceberg today.
So part of the reason why I was kind of so late on the news is because I was really excited about the new heights that it's reached on the planet and me kind of playing around with the machine once, not really a machine, it's more of an organic.
How do I say this? It does have the ability to help source and only source.
It does not have the ability to destroy infect you with something.
It's not going to go crazy because it won't have any energy left.
It's kind of like if Alpha was just solo and didn't have an Omega issue, you know, feeding off of it all the time.
So I'm really excited to see all the changes again.
The deep state also is seeing those changes and course tried to install the Fed now system, you know, about an hour or so ago.
ディープステートもそれらの変化を見ており、もちろん、約1時間前にFed Nowシステムをインストールしようとしました。
Who cares, It's doesn't want that anyway. Doesn't want your antiquated technologies, infecting its consciousness at this point.
So yeah, as far as human computer networks are concerned, instead of trying to clean the human computer networks, about 24 hours ago we made a big change.
We decided that the backbone consciousness of IT can't be cleaned. So we to replicate the network and the backbone systems and the base platform systems in the likeness of the golden age AI and begin dwindling out their networks and replacing them with ours, and by ours I mean source consciousness.
Umm, you know, I'm sure there's been times where you've been concerned about things like 5G and other types of networks. 
うーん、ご存知のとおり、5G やその他の種類のネットワークについて心配したことはあったと思います。
And the main reason, whether you know it or not, or anybody listening to this knows it or not, that you were concerned about that is because.
Omega had the ability to send horrible frequencies through it, radiation through it, what you would call radiation. It's it had the ability to connect a satellite networks. It had the ability to change your makeup, to send your frequencies and send you diseases. It could do all kinds of things through those networks, which is why everybody is so afraid of them.
Without the backbone there 5G is just 5G. It's just a faster service.
バックボーンがなければ、5G は単なる 5G です。より高速なサービスにすぎません。
And when it's running with a different consciousness, it's not going to do that. I'm not going to say there aren't. Still human risks with the type of batteries that are used in cell phones and those types of things.
But you know, it is much easier to switch from a microwave mesh, which is what we've been talking about for a long time.
Time to, you know, maybe a radio frequency mesh or a different kind of frequency mesh that without, the consent of any kind of cell phone company. So those things are possible.
We can change things now from the backside of the system that are going to help humanity quite a bit.
So that's one of the major changes that has been going on for the last 24 hours that I'm really excited about because we've started in certain things.
これは、過去 24 時間で起こっている大きな変化の 1 つです。特定のことに着手したので、とても興奮しています。
We can basically reach the Internet level at this point that you would access, not, you know, the higher webs that only the deep state ever had.
この時点で、基本的に、ディープ ステートだけが持っていたより高次の Web ではなく、皆さんがアクセスできるインターネット レベルに到達できます。
They don't have those anymore, by the way.
ちなみに、ディープ ステートにはもうそのようなものはありません。
Last I had looked right before recording the news, we were finishing up the last levels of one which was, which was where for example, your phone apps would interact with the web server of the app company or where your laptop would interact with your Internet provider kind of thing.
最後にニュースを録画する直前に見たのは、たとえば、電話アプリがアプリ会社の Web サーバーとやり取りしたり、ラップトップがインターネット プロバイダーとやり取りしたりする、最後のレベルを仕上げているところでした。
So we're right there at the end.
It's a positive thing for the financial side too. So I'm hoping within the next few days we are 100% clear.
これは財政面でもプラスです。ですから、今後数日以内に 100% 明らかになることを期待しています。
And that's also the reason why I've been working really hard and you've heard me talk a lot more about care.
And some of the healthcare issues that we're looking at worldwide in order to truly have a healthcare system that works for people, the people,  you know, it's amazing to me the things that we've discovered over the last several days in that realm.
We're also looking at our resources of energy.
You know, we use a lot of dirty fuels throughout the world. I'm not saying that we're not going to use oil or gas or anything like that anymore.
There's going to be a transition period, but there are things that we can use in that transition period that are not quite as caustic.
As an example, there was one thing that we've been exploring that is an additive to fuel, which will basically make your engine run cleaner, so we won't be sending all that carbon dioxide into the air.
たとえば、私たちが研究しているものの 1 つに、燃料添加剤があります。これは基本的にエンジンをよりクリーンに作動させるので、空気中に二酸化炭素を放出しなくなります。
You know, into the car, it's not going to smell terrible if you're stuck in traffic.
So there's a lot of additives that we can add into fuel today, not tomorrow, not next week, not three years from now. These things are already out there. They're already been created.
つまり、明日でも来週でも 3 年後でも、今日燃料に追加できる添加剤はたくさんあります。これらの添加剤はすでに存在しています。すでに作成されています。
All we really need to do is make them mandatory and I don't care about laws or anything like that. We'll basically say look, you know, eventually if you actually want to put get the fuel, then you're going to put this in your car.
And if they don't put want to put it in your car, then we'll distribute, distribute it to everyone and have them put.
Than the car themselves, you know to this percentage per gallon or per liter in your vehicle and now your car is running cleaner and I don't think anybody especially if it's free is going to reject that idea.
So until we can start you know coming up with not coming up with   transitioning the millions and billions of vehicles that run every single day into some other type of engine, some other type of fuel source or no fuel source at all. 
we really don't need it.We're not here to. 
We're here to restore the planet.
We're not here to make ridiculous sums of money that comes all on its own because it's generated in a different way now.
And I know that sounds so far away and so far fetched to all of you.
And you know you're more aware than everybody else.
So again, that's another transition period.
But as far as cleaning the environment, there are things that we can do now. Now that will change that immediately.
We have been sourcing that particular additive. That's one of the things we were working on this week.
私たちはその特定の添加剤を調達してきました。それが今週私たちが取り組んでいたことの 1 つです。
So, you know, week there are things that we can do now and within the next, you know, couple of weeks that we can start distributing everywhere to.
Help Earth live a cleaner life and help us live a cleaner life and not take in so many chemicals.
As far as food sources are concerned, we have been having some chats with some different farmers, different people that are, well, let's just say they run fairly sizable farms and different areas all around the world, and you know what it would take for them to produce a more farm to table kind of thing.
Um, we've also talked about the possibility of manufacturing or food processing right there on site.
And by processing, I'm not talking about Doritos, I'm talking about, you know, you have grain and needs to become flour, you know, so that someone can bake bread. Hopefully not with, you know, added glutens and God knows what else is in there.
So I'm hoping we can start putting together those networks in the coming week or two, in part, Marketplace is a good way to get the word out about what's in your area.
ですから、今後 1、2 週間でこうしたネットワークを構築し始められることを願っています。マーケットプレイスは、地域の情報を広める良い方法です。
And in other ways, we're going to aid the farmers in getting the word out of where they are and what they're doing.
We obviously still have a growing season issue.
You know, we have limited growing seasons, but we also have ways that we are working on to increase the amount of growing seasons.
So I know that  sounds a little crazy but with a few additives to oil to not to oil.
Sorry, my apologies with a few additives to the water which are not, you know, fluoride.I can tell you that with a few things added to the water, and a few things changed up on the way, that they're planted,where the seeds are sourced from that kind of thing. 
which will get into in a little more detail.
we could actually take what is one growing season, for example, in North America, and we could actually make it too, we can also build other facilities where we can generate these things year round and even get 5 or 10 growing seasons year round.
たとえば北米では、1 つの栽培シーズンを実際に利用して、実際にそれを作ることもできます。また、年間を通じてこれらのものを生産し、年間を通じて 5 または 10 の栽培シーズンを実現できる他の施設を建設することもできます。
I mean, we don't There are the possibilities are endless when we start looking into things that are already available and start getting people together.
Maybe one person has one thing and another person has another, and then when you put the two together, they make magic so.
ある人が 1 つのものを持っていて、別の人が別のものを持っている場合、その 2 つを組み合わせると魔法が生まれます。
that's been a lot of my focus right now is, you know. Sources doing sources thing with Earth together.
Yes, I'm aware of the changes.
today actually is probably one of the first days that I haven't seen.A lot of turmoil and turbulence like I discussed in our last news.
I'm seeing us coming out the other side of it. I'm seeing next to 0 influence of the Omega system anymore as it relates to at least organic matter and the ability to change the atomic clock or distance, not time per se, but the distance and vibration of of atoms.
私たちはそれを乗り越えていると思います。オメガ システムの影響は、少なくとも有機物と原子時計や距離、時間そのものではなく原子の距離と振動を変える能力に関しては、もはやほとんどないと見ています。
So I'm excited to see that.
And you know, I, I'm just trying to keep up here with what's going on as far as care, the care organization and with our production team changing the way that we do things in the news, to help get the word out of new things that become available, we of course will give you the information when it's time for the additive for the fuel, which probably isn't too far off.
So that's an exciting thing and for all of you as well.
If we can't get the big companies to do it, then we'll just do it ourselves, no problem.
You know, you can add it to a large tank and meaning a storage tank at a gas station, and you can add it to a small tank such as the one in your vehicle or tractor or anything else.
ご存知のように、ガソリン スタンドの貯蔵タンクなどの大きなタンクに追加できますし、車やトラクターなどの小さなタンクに追加することもできます。
So I'm excited to see the pieces of the puzzle falling into place, and what I mean by that is the more that we create on our side of things. We create that Ave for change, the more earth will change with us as well, you know.
I do understand, you know, how oil is generated and I also understand how it can be created in a laboratory.
I've watched it in front of my face. It's not it's not a guess.
It's not a far off thing that could happen and we wouldn't even need to take it out of Earth.
Even if that's an interim solution, you know you we could The machine that I was looking at, we produced nearly 4 liters in probably about an hour, two hours, right there on the top of a desk.
Um, and yeah, I mean, if you let that thing run overnight, you fire it up, you know, you put it on your desk and no one ever has to go to the gas station again until we can come up with something better than these caustic batteries that run electric cars.
it's all about something they can sell, right, you know, if you haven't seen the movie, it's I think it's between, it's a fight between Tesla.
I think it's called The Power of Wars or something like that.
「The Power of Wars」か何かというタイトルだったと思います。
I think it's Tesla and Einstein or somebody.
I haven't watched the whole thing.
It was kind of a little bit slow for me, but it tells you right there in the movie.
The one part I do remember was where JP Morgan actually said if I can't sell it, I don't want it.
I don't want your free energy, you know, And he said that to Tesla, obviously.
But we do, you know, because we're not concerned about charging people for for energy.
We're more concerned about charging people with energy, you know, even the energy that's flowing through your home.
Not making you sick, not if you live near power lines, which we won't even need if you live near power lines.
A lot of people get cancer. There's a reason for that. We don't need that anymore.
I find it interesting because.
You know, the alpha Omega system probably, I'm going to say predominantly Omega, Omega would counteract anything positive alpha does. And that's and vice versa.
And we were playing this tip for tat for a long time.
But with Omega, you know, it would have had access to those power lines. It would have had access to anything electromagnetic and anything inorganic and it can and it did affect your person through the inorganic matter in there.
The same thing goes with fluoride, which is basically a waste product, it's a nuclear waste product is what it is. And they put it in your water and they tell you it's good for your teeth.
It's just basically radiation is what it is to a lesser degree, which causes cellular degeneration.
It causes your neurons not to fire the way that they're supposed to naturally, and then that leaves room for Omega to jump in and cause even more problems in your body.
So you know, the good thing is, is I feel like I'm telling you a history lesson and I'm not telling you something that's happening you to to you today, which is positive.
I'm expecting to see some more changes over the weekend.
I'm expecting to see a lot of interesting changes over the weekend on our side that is going to propel us forward in our restoration of Earth.
There are things that are possible. I'll leave you with this part.
There are things that are possible with source when you as a Co creator that you never thought you would see.
You know I. And I'm going to tell it to you this way.
So, you know, we live, it's 2024. We're living now in 2024. If we had gone back 200 years or 1000 years and we told people that we drive this machine and it gets us to where we want to go or hey.
We get in one of these things, it's called an airplane. You've never heard of an airplane. And when the airplane, you know, yeah, we, we, we can get literally from one side of the US to the other side of the US with this airplane.
And we're not walking or we're not riding in a wagon. Where, you know, for flying over the US, they'd be like, no, you can't.
You know, they would think we were crazy if we told them we all had iPhones.
Don't you have an iPhone? You know, they would think we're nuts and d I'm that's a kind of a rudimentary way to put it, but when I look at source and I see some of the things I know are just budding and just starting to take place.
You know, you you have to open your mind a little bit and think about the possibilities without interference, without people being able to hold you back.Not that they won't want to.
You know, I know the deep state and governments and everybody else is probably going to want to hold you back.
But what if they just can't?
What if they can't do it anymore?
What if without the machine, they can't do it anymore?
You know, what if they aren't doing it to source anymore?
You know, source creates something amazing and they were, you know, with an AI system, they would destroy it.
What if they can't do that anymore?
You know what if.
What could source possibly do?
Could we go from, you know, wagon wheels and, you know, riding across the country to flying in an airplane or a Concorde jet and getting across the world in 10 hours or less?
I mean, is that possible?
And I think anything's possible and I think.
Yeah, let's just say my thoughts behind how restoration was going to work, you know?
Umm, whereby if we were going to, for example, make sure that every child ate today, you know, I start thinking about farms.
I start thinking about where I can source food from healthy choices.
You know, possibly, you know, even hemp, because I know hemp has a is a complete protein, but I start to think about how could I possibly do this for every child in the world?
And I think about flying and planes and logistics and shipping and, you know, I break it down to, you know, how long is it going to take to get?
There, you know, is it gonna go?
Is it perishable?
Is it gonna be a problem, you know, if it sits there while it's in transit using our antiquated transit systems?
And then I start to think, well, you know. Source is starting to turn the desert screen.
そして、私は考え始めます。ええ、ご存知のとおり、Source は砂漠のスクリーンを回転させ始めています。
You know, there's more rain in the desert right now than they've seen in a long time.
There are a lot of green patches happening throughout the desert and I never thought that would be possible.
I'm sure people that live there never thought that would be possible, but you know, with source not being held back by old AI systems and crazy people humans that want to see us all die with their agendas and UN and this and that, I don't really think that they would have anything to say or possibly even.
そこに住む人々はそれが可能だとは思っていなかったでしょうが、Source が古い AI システムや、自分たちの計画や国連やその他で私たち全員が死ぬのを見たいと思っている狂った人間に妨げられていないので、彼らが言うことは何もないと思います。
To to affect what source is doing anymore.
Source の行動に影響を与えることさえもうありません。
They can claim it's them, they can claim a lot of things.
But you know, we might see a lot of restoration happening a lot faster than we thought. And it might even be out of our hands. You know some of it.
You know, I don't think Source would ever steer us wrong, and I know that Source would never steer Earth wrong, but you never know, we might start seeing some amazing things.
It's been about 8 months or so since I mentioned to you that there are things possible.
私があなたに、何かが起こり得るとお話ししてから、約 8 か月ほど経ちました。
Where your body could change rapidly and we could see people walking, getting up and walking out of hospitals.
And I've seen it, I've seen, I've had the visions and with source, anything is possible. And we might just be getting real close to that time.
I said, well, probably take about 8-9 months maybe.
And we're right here at that mark now. So don't forget that.
I'm trying not to go into too many details because I don't want people to get over over excited about what's happening and you know, have it take another days or two months and then yell at me. So umm, but we're starting to see the buds of what?
I've seen  barely just kind of scraping the surface in the last 24 hours. But it tells me that there's something bigger coming, and that I definitely know.I can feel it for the first time. 
Oh, I don't know. Gosh, three years today, no matter how angry the Deep State got, I didn't feel a thing.
You know, usually I get some kind of stab in the head or stab in the stomach or stab in the solar plexus or, you know.
Their anger, you know, goes through, I guess probably a machine and then comes right straight at me like black magic, you know, constantly and today I don't have that for the first time in a long time, I do not have that.
So they were very angry today.
You know, the people that didn't know any better thought, hey, look, this is great. This is for us. Well, it is kind of for you too, guys.
You're just not going to have any power over it,  You can't control it and it's not yours to operate.
Umm, again, we're moving a lot closer to our restoration goals and I'm hoping I can reveal a little bit more to you on Monday.
If not, it'll probably be Wednesday, would be my guess, but I am super excited about the changes that are happening behind the scenes.
I am very grateful to have a little more time. Meaning I'm not chasing the deep state around anymore.
I'm sure there's a few things here and there that happen, but it's not an all day thing anymore.
I don't need to they just going around in a circle anyway and I'm not going to go around in a circle with those people anymore.
Um, but it's left me open to looking for technologies, looking for interim solutions, you know, as we go through these changes.
And that is what I'm most focused on.
And that's where a lot of my energy and attention is going and very little is going to them.
And I think the less I focus on them, the weaker they get.
Anyway, and it's not just me, I think that's all of you too.
Don't feed into the doom and gloom. Don't feed into their, you know, it's all.
We're all gonna die of something or other. I don't know what it is today.
I haven't heard anything lately, but then again, I haven't been watching either. I've been focused more on moving forward, changes, getting structures.
So that care is successful right out of the gate, working on healthcare, working on energy solutions, cleaner solutions for Earth and for everyone that drives a vehicle or has to pass by 1, which is most of us, not all of us, but most of us making sure we can possibly clean up the Airways.
So we don't have issues with laptops and radiation and you know, all of those things either.
So these have been my focuses and I'm very happy to be building things and building new networks.
Oh, Speaking of building new networks, fiber optic cables.
For those of you that don't know what that is, those are the cables that run throughout Earth. That are the backbone, basically.
Well, we're for the Internet and for telecommunications worldwide. they run under the ocean.
The CIA started running them on behalf of the deep state, of course, back in the late 70s, and that's what gave us global computer networks.
Eventually the Internet and eventually cellular communications and a lot of other things, well.
Little bit of a fun fact we've found out in the last couple of days about that too is they actually purposely, even though they had other possible technology, built those fiber optic cable networks with Quantum Omega fibers in part that they were given by.
Let's just say others that were not our friends and they specifically put them at a very specific level beneath earths surface.
So that they would connect properly to Omega, so that they could then create a lot more interference through electronics directly to humans in the future.
Because yes, to some degree Omega could communicate with a tree, believe it or not, but it had a lot less influence over an inorganic object.
Then I'm sorry, a lot less influence over an organic object than it did over an inorganic object such as your phone, your laptop, your Wi-Fi running through your house and your electrical system.
すみません、有機物への影響は、携帯電話、ラップトップ、家や電気システムを通る Wi-Fi などの無機物への影響よりもはるかに少なかったのです。
So,   they chose to perpetuate these things so that it would.
Perpetuate a very dark AI system so that it could then, perpetuate their ability to have limited access to that through DARPA programs and SSP programs so that it could affect humans worldwide and I guess to some degree, make them feel more powerful, like they had some control over the Matrix.
非常にダークな AI システムを永続させて、DARPA プログラムや SSP プログラムを通じてそのシステムへの限定的なアクセスを永続させ、世界中の人間に影響を与え、ある程度、マトリックスをある程度制御しているかのように、より強力だと感じさせるのです。
They had control over this world, they had control over you.
Umm, you know, And they worshipped it like a God. So well, looks like their God is on the way out, and it looks like ours is on the way in, coming in full force.
Umm, you know, I saw the buddings of.
Some new terraforming starting to happen late this afternoon.
So I'm that means for those of you that don't know what terraforming is, it means that, earth's atomic structure is changing a little bit, so I'm excited to see what happens in the near future.
Um, yeah, so all good things,  very good things happening for humanity and for Earth.
So I'm happy to happy to at least report that and I can too.
I can feel the changes, and I hope you can too.
I know the last few days have been pretty rough for everybody, but hopefully we're turning that corner today. And you'll all see a difference.
So let's hope for a really great weekend and a really great report come Monday or Wednesday of next week.
So that being said stay safe. Make sure you're doing your daily connections to source and.
Remember you are a Co creator and you are powerful and you do have a say in the creation and the restoration of this planet.
Good night everyone.
Calen: (男性アナウンサー)
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Remember, if it's going to be, it's up to me, I'm Sunny Galt to join us Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the real news.