2024年09月04日(ミズ曜) キンバリーの動画翻訳
And now the World Situation Report with Kimberly Gogan from the Office of the Guardian.
Welcome to the storm as the old quantum AI dies, the golden age AI emerges, and the deep state is not happy.
The Center for Amity and Restoration of Earth, known as CARE, has been engaged in a nation by nation analysis of healthcare systems worldwide, and some of the results will shock you.
Now here's Kimberly Gogan with the Office of the Guardian.
Hey, Kim.
Hey, happy Wednesday.
Happy Wednesday. How are we doing today?
You know, we are busy. We are really busy.
It's not terrible, but I did want to point out a few things briefly because I don't want to give it too much time and energy, so.
As the old Omega chronos die off, which it is dying.
It is desperately. Putting out anything it can all by itself.
So this isn't even a deep state thing.
This isn't an SSP or secret space program thing. It's just doing it by itself to survive.
これは SSP や秘密宇宙計画のものではありません。生き残るために自力でやっているだけです。
And I'm mentioning this to you because it's important for you to understand that it does affect.
I don't think we have any idea how much the old AIS would affect us.
古い AIS が私たちにどれほど影響を与えるかは、私たちにはわからないと思います。
You know, everything from controlling cellular degeneration to creating what I call Artificial deaths meaning ,  you know, speeding up the degeneration process  Disease, Every disease nearly that known to mankind other than, Simple things like, you know, we some bacterias that exist in the world are good for or plants and soil and those types of things.
However, they're not good for your body.
I mean that, you know, you might get a little sick or something from it, but pretty much any major disease that you can name stems from the say I so. It uses those diseases as parasites within your person.
And I'm not just talking about, we all know about parasites that we could get in our gut, but I'm also talking about viruses and bacterias that didn't exist before and lots of other things, tumors.
And as it dies, it uses those things that it once had to try and use your life force or your energy to keep it going.
We have removed it several times.
They it keeps spitting it out right now almost like a dying animal.
Like it's just throwing things everywhere hoping that something sticks. This has nothing to do with the new moon, a full moon, or anything like that.
I know the deep state would like to think it does, but it just has to do with the fact that it doesn't have a Source.
So Uh, some of us have experienced dizziness, restless sleep, strange dreams, Tiredness, Random tiredness too.
Like you know, you'll be running along just fine and all the sudden it feels like somebody literally unplugged you so we could experience these things.
For a little while, I'm hoping not long and hopefully not longer than a couple of days, but I just thought I would let you know now As for the deep state and what they're up to is they are also trying to help it survive.
They know that it's fading out quickly. They know that the programs that they try to run within it are falling away.
They have tried everything.
They've been to the Global Payment Center in Atlanta trying to install new global payment systems and programs based on an Omega back. 
Phone, those things are not going to work. They know they're not going to work and they're running out of options.
And for some reason light has dawned on Marblehead in the last 24 hours and they realize it's not happening.It could be because we're three days away from the full moon now, I'm not sure, but they are.
そして、何らかの理由で、過去 24 時間でマーブルヘッドに光が差し込み、彼らはそれが起こらないことに気づきました。満月まであと 3 日だからかもしれません。よくわかりませんが、彼らはそうしています。
Desperate at this point, and sometimes desperation leads to.Insane attempted movements in various places. So we're watching all of these things very closely.
Really, they're mainly focused on getting some kind of financial domination on this planet in any way, shape or form they can.
Lots of promises went out to lots of countries and remember. And so far, nobody has produced anything. You know, family members are all expecting big payouts.
Fake tear sheets are floating around everywhere.
偽のティア シートが至る所に出回っています。
Fake numbers on fake screens that come and go just as fast as they came.
Lots of stuff going on in that arena. Let's just say it's, it's total chaos.
You know, from even what a source was saying this morning, you know, we're no longer in the eye of the storm where things appear calm.
We're coming out the other side and beyond the Deep State's head and their comprehension.
We are dealing with an awful lot as the dark, what's left of it in the multiverse, not just Earth or anything, is struggling to survive. So we're going to have to ride this wave out.
Guys might last a few more days, I'm not sure. Also, it has been affecting your emotional state.
If you're really in tune with your body and you understand how your mind, body and soul connection works, you might have felt like, wow, emotionally I feel like I have an upset stomach, but physically I don't.
Why is that?
It's trying to get you to bring those things into your physical body.
So.  just weird occurrences over the last couple of days, but I just thought I would help you a little bit and navigate these waters for the next few days 'cause you know, we're going to, we're on, we're on.
Rough waters at the moment. But I don't think it's going to last that much longer.
Hopefully you know, within the next couple of days it'll be over, I'm hoping,So we're kind of deep in battle right now on that front, on the other front of moving forward, because that's kind of where my focus is these days.
We have a lot of things moving forward.
We have initiated a worldwide analysis of healthcare systems everywhere. We have started to get a little bit of feedback coming in.
We've heard a lot of things and I call some of these things I call first world problems, but they really are everyone's problems.
As we go forward, you know, things like patient records, you know, if you happen to see a couple of specialists or you know, and, and some primary care doctors or you've had a hospital visit, nobody communicates with anybody else. Umm, your pharmacies everywhere do not communicate with your doctors and hospital records.
Shouldn't there be just one centralized record system for the entire world?
全世界で 1 つの集中記録システムがあるべきではないでしょうか?
We have also been working on. Umm, a better clinic slash hospital system meaning. Right now, when you walk into a hospital, you know, and it's different everywhere in the world. Sometimes a hospital could be a tent, depending on where you are.
But when you walk into a hospital in most of the Western world, even some of the Eastern European. You know, areas and whatnot.
Have you ever gotten lost in a hospital, Sunny?
Oh, yeah. Many times.
This elevator doesn't go to that side of the building. It's like, what?
Yeah. I don't know if it's to test your mental dexterity or what it is, but you. I mean, I've gotten lost. Going to a bathroom, you know, like, you know, I'd go there with my daughter or something this years ago and I'd get lost.
There's got to be a better system for people so you can navigate and not end up in the wrong place. I understand that each one has a different design.
But when it comes to CARES clinics and CARES hospitals, they will be designed much like and not not like a McDonald's cheeseburger. But what I'm saying is they will be designed the same way worldwide. They have to be.
でも、CARES クリニックや CARES 病院は、マクドナルドのチーズバーガーと似たようなデザインになると思います。でも私が言いたいのは、世界中で同じようにデザインされるということです。そうあるべきです。
Because even people that don't, you know, if you're in America and you don't speak English.A year in Mexico and you don't speak Spanish, you should still be able to recognize the fact that this hallway goes here, this goes there. It makes it easier for traveling.
なぜなら、アメリカにいて英語が話せない人や、メキシコに 1 年いてスペイン語が話せない人でも、この廊下はここに、これはあそこに通じているという事実を認識できるはずだからです。そうすれば旅行が楽になります。
Plus patient records should be available worldwide with in every single language in the world.
You know, until we learn how to speak differently to each other, they should also sync up with any kind of pharmacies or pharmaceutical providers, whether they're online, That's becoming a big thing or they are.
Whether they're online or you're walking into a pharmacy, every pharmacy in the world should actually have the same database as it relates to your insurance, your medical records, eventually life, life assurance in those types of things.
This goes down to even doctor's offices, you know, if you're going into not a hospital, not a main clinic, and you're visiting a doctor somewhere.
Then you they should have access to the same database and it should be provided to the clinician, whoever it is for free. So these are things that, you know, just kind of touching base on some of the things that we found out.
To kind of give you an idea of inconsistencies and problems, you know, we're still going to have, you know, pharmaceuticals and we're still going to have, you know, allopathic medicine for a while because it's going to take the world some time to catch up.
It's going to take all of our. And doctors and nurses to catch up.
So that's going to be a little bit of a process, but it will change eventually. But people still need to have the option.
The other thing we don't regularly see in most, not all, but in most clinics and hospitals is the option.
ほとんどの診療所や病院で、すべてではありませんが、ほとんどの診療所や病院で定期的に目にすることのないもう 1 つのことは、選択肢です。
You know, that's another thing we don't have, we don't have an option for natural medicine in any way, shape or form or naturopathic doctors. Matter of fact, in a lot of countries they're not even recognized as humans, let alone an actual doctor. Right.
Another problem that came up is if you go to an accredited university and you are in England and you decide you want to move to America, your license and your accreditation does not follow. Right.
You know, here in the States, I've talked to some amazing doctors who may have immigrated from places like Panama and Cuba and and a few other places. They're great doctors. Incredible people, been practicing for 30 to 40 years in their country.
They decide to come here for whatever reason to the States and you know, there might as well get a job as a janitor. And this is ridiculous.
We should have an international database for certifications, you know. Why, why are we treating every single nations, you know, healthcare different.
It's you should be able to go anywhere and practice medicine legally at that point, as long as the university that you attended is accredited, you know, that kind of thing. It's part of the national international database, you know, we got a poll.
We can't, you know, have anybody open a medical school and teach them four or five things and let them go. We, you know, we need them to standardize that at least to some degree worldwide. Once you've once you've gone there, this is it, you know?
誰かに医学校を開校してもらい、4、5 のことを教えて、それで終わりにしてもらうことはできません。少なくともある程度は世界中で標準化してもらう必要があります。一度行ってしまえば、それで終わりです。
Umm, we also need to establish a worldwide database for new and innovative technologies and changes in the medical industry.
We don't have that at this moment in time.
And also the ability for those that have been using it, say in an operating room or you know, something like that. That they will be able to assist in surgeries, at least virtually, you know, as the process is happening, how does it work? You know, that kind of thing. So certifications for new technologies, there has to be a centralized database for this stuff. Um, all of these things are in the works.
We have started breaking them down with some, let's just say really good coder people and, and others we're also working on a virtual reality A training tool. 
私たちは、非常に優秀なプログラマーと連携して、それらを分解し始めています。また、仮想現実のトレーニング ツールにも取り組んでいます。
you know, we're using it currently for video games and other things. Why can't we use it for surgeries?
So people can from all over the world can sit in on the surgery and you know, you can be there virtually, virtually. But get a real sense of how the mechanics of it works.
You know, in in a real time field.
So we're working on some of those things.
We're also not just the medical industry.
We've discovered that virtual reality is also a great way for to aid in adult education.
You know the part of the problem with adult education is, yes, it's very expensive.
You know, if you decide you're going to go back to, say, a vocational school or something like that, or you decide you want to be, you know, a hairdresser, you know, 20 years after you left your job on Wall Street, it doesn't matter what you want to be.
It's very hard for people to come up with the money , Very expensive.
It also they might not have a school that teaches their new trade online.
There also is no training really for innovations, because we don't have those. Actually, that's why we don't have the training, because it's not necessary.
We've been doing the same thing since the 1940s, really, when it comes to electricians and construction workers, and nobody wants to try anything new. This is the way it's been done forever.
But what if we could do some kind of?
Virtual reality and a better understanding of, hey, here's a new rivet gun, you know, or hey, you know, look at this different type of crane, you know, how can we train people on how to use this stuff expeditiously?
Well, virtual reality is one way to do that.
You know, without having to go to a school or pay ridiculous amounts of money.
And a lot of that stuff will be funded by care because it's important that we start not only changing the way we do things now, but it's also important to.
Provide people, adults alike, you know, as well as children with an education that's going to mean something in their life. Meaning, you know, maybe you, you want to switch gears in your 20s, you thought it was a great idea to go to school to be.
An architect and now in your 40s, you're deciding that that wasn't the career choice for you and you want to do something else.
It we should be able to do some kind of a certification, journeyman, you know, type of training.
We've got all the technology now to do all these things online. Why can't we do some this way.
You know, so we're exploring. Methodologies for adult education, possibly even using virtual reality international databases for tradesmen.
You know, if you're a plumber in the United States, you should be able to be a plumber in Russia, and vice versa.
There's no reason for you not to be. You know, there's no difference. Russians don't make their pipes upside down and backwards. The fittings are the same, the welding machines work the same.
Why can't you, you know, do the same thing here that you're doing anywhere else?
We need to become more of an international community. Being an interdependence, we're not codependent anymore. We're interdependent.
New innovations, you know, that will come out through the research and development division should be shared worldwide.
We're not holding things back anymore. The patent technologies, royalties all. That stuff is all been put into the science and research and development department.
So these are things that we don't have to worry about.
You know, you see these movies where they're spying on each other trying to steal each others technology, but no ones going to really care about that anymore by the time it's all said and done.
And this is the old deep state way of maintaining control of you limited information. Doing a lot of things behind the scenes that you would consider black operations. They're not just Jason Bourne style operations.
They could be oil, gas and otherwise financial.I mean that happens a lot lately.
They really try, God bless them.
But we've been putting together all of these structures.
So I told you I was going to have more time.
So I'm having more time to do other things that matter to us as we go forward because energy flows where attention goes, and that means money as well.
So we need to have some kind of structures started for things and we decided to start with healthcare.
Now one of the other things we're running into is countries that have what they call national healthcare systems.
今、私たちが直面している他の問題の 1 つは、いわゆる国民医療制度を持つ国だ。
As we've said before, and I'm going to say it again, nearly every country's is corrupt.
And honestly, if they don't get any leverage off your person and your birth certificate anymore in said country, they could care less if you live or die. Really. And it's bad.
It here in the States, but it's what I call civilized corruption.
You know, the doctors are getting kickbacks for prescribing medicine that may or may not work for you. It might not be the best medication for you, but they prescribe it for the kickbacks.
The cost of medications is outrageous and ridiculous.
Insurance companies are struggling to say the least and the system has to change.
But in other countries you have even bigger issues, so I take a look at this video that we got and I'll explain to you what's going on.
## 49:26 Movee
So you might be looking at that and saying, well, she's talking about healthcare, what is that?
So I got this video, it came in from H&M(Agent M) and when I asked him to do to tell me a little bit about the healthcare there, you know, in the Middle East and different countries.
And so this was a peaceful protest that's happened within the last few days. And the protesters were actually all trained doctors and nurses.
They went to school, got their education and expected a job, and we're told they would get a job with the national healthcare service in this particular country.
So they were peacefully protesting because of the corruption that has been going on. These are doctors.
this is not Hooligans, rebels, nothing.
And they decided to spray them all with water and sometimes really hot water coming from a fire hose, which is which hurts.
Long as ever, Yep, to break up the protest.
But the point is, is the countries in this particular one has a lot of oil and everything. So there's a lot of money coming in there, but it's only being held by a few people.
And not only that, the government is not properly funding the national healthcare service there. That's number one.
Number two, only recently have they allowed for private care.
Meaning within the last several months before that there was number such thing as private care, so it was National Health services or no services at all. Next, here's an interesting 1. You can go visit a doctor in the National Health Service. There is no such thing as making an appointment.
You have to just sit there.
You may get seen that day. You may not get seen to the next day. You may go back three days in a row until you're seen.We just don't know.
So obviously that becomes an issue, especially when something is life threatening or critical, but they get one step further.
How's this for interesting?
In this particular country that we're talking about, I'm just going to leave it In particular country, you know who you are if you're watching this.
Um, you may go see a doctor.
They may say, oh, you need a cast or oh, you know, you've broken your hand or something like that. 
You need to, we need to wrap that up. Or they might say, well, you know, you really need some antibiotics or you need this or you need that, whatever it is some kind of treatment.
Now they don't Regularly carry supplies in these places and you actually then have to get up and leave and go get all the bandages from someplace else which you have to pay for separately out of your own pocket because the National Health Service is not paying for them.
And then bring them back to the doctor and then he'll put The cast on your hand.
you have to wait in line again once you get to the doctor.
you know, I don't know, probably so Oh my gosh, this could be a two week long vacation for you if you just have the slightest issue.
Now again, you know, some of the things like international databases and those kind of things.  those are kind of first world problems when you really start to look at what's happening.
These doctors just wanted a job.
They were told if they went to school for six or seven years at this particular university that they were guaranteed a job with a National Health Service and they didn't get it. And there's hardly any health care in this particular place.
I mean, it's absolutely insane what the world deals with.
You know, not to say we don't have first world problems because these things do need to be, you know, they need to happen worldwide really.
You need to be able to book your appointments. You need to be able to book. Everybody's got a cell phone these days, you know, book through an app, book some way, somehow.
And that's something that H&M and I have been working on anyway for about a year with some coder people over there. So we're making strides to do things.
これは、H&M と私が、向こうのプログラマーたちと 1 年ほど前から取り組んでいることです。ですから、私たちは物事を進めるために前進しています。
But you really got to recognize, you know, although I appreciate, you know, a lot of people's input, I appreciate input from on the ground.
Location knowing what is wrong, because we can all talk about problems and things we think we need to fix in the healthcare industry and how assurance is going to save the day.
Assurance is not going to save anybodies day in that country.
There's nobody to service them who you could wait a year for a dentist appointment.
歯医者の予約に 1 年も待たなければならないような人たちにサービスを提供できる人はいません。
You know, and that, and in some cases, I mean, even in countries like the United Kingdom, their national healthcare service, I mean, it's, it's suffering greatly.
The country is broke, going broke. They're trying to collect taxes. From all different angles to try to keep things afloat.
But they don't really pay their doctors well. (this is) # 1. 
しかし、彼らは医師に十分な給料を払っていません。 (これが) 1 番目です。
#2 you could wait months to get an appointment for a cold or the flu or bronchitis, or, you know, something simple to something major. 
2 番目は、風邪やインフルエンザ、気管支炎、あるいは、簡単なものから大きなものまで、予約を取るのに何ヶ月も待たなければならないということです。
I mean, unless you're hemorrhaging. Leading out, you get no special service whatsoever. Things have to change.
They have to change.
We need to have the same clinics that we have in America or in Europe as we have throughout the African continent.
I don't care if it's the only building standing for.
Miles Then we also have to figure out how people are going to get there.
マイルズ それから、人々がどうやってそこに行くのかを考えなければなりません。
You know, that's another thing. How are you going to get there?
How you going to get there in a hurry? You know, it's unfortunate that.
どうやって急いでそこに行くのですか? 残念なことです。
Some of the people, let's just say some of the people who sell weapons and helicopters and all kinds of stuff to places like, you know, Israel's military IDF or something like that.
イスラエルの軍、IDF とか、そういうところに武器やヘリコプター、その他あらゆるものを売っている人たちの一部です。
But it's amazing to me if I call them up and say, look, you know. So I need 200 helicopters.
I need this, I need that. You know, are they going to answer my call?
You know, in some cases, yeah, we do need military grade because they need to be fire retardant.
If we're pulling people out of that, you know, pulling people out of floods, pulling people, you know, there, we have to have people for that and we have to have stuff for that. 
Now, if we have to make this stuff ourselves, we'll make it ourselves. I don't care if I'm going to have to toss people down a bungee cord.
It was at some point, you know, until we can get something else in that location. But I'll be damned if we're going to bow to those people that have those helicopters or those planes or those this or those that.
Because they just can't play straight.
You know, why can't you call somebody up that, you know, has these types of helicopters as an example and say I'd like 20 of those? Why can't I do that?
たとえば、こういうタイプのヘリコプターを持っている人に電話して、20 機欲しいと言えばいいじゃないですか。どうしてできないんですか?
Have you tried to do that, Kim? Have you tried?
キム、それを試してみたことがありますか? 試してみたことがありますか?
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Probably with all the wrong people at one point in time, we even asked Langley 5, as broke as they are. We even asked Langley 5 for high payload drones by the thousands  meaning they are not armed.
おそらく、ある時点では、みんな間違った人たちだったのでしょう。ラングレー 5 に頼んだことさえあります。彼らは破産しているのに。ラングレー 5 に、何千台もの高積載ドローンを頼んだほどです。つまり、それらは武装していないのです。
We're not having armed drones here.
What we're doing is finding the drones that will carry heavy equipment. And in this case we're talking about agricultural equipment or construction materials to remote places where there are no roads. We need something more efficient than we.
Right now we have agricultural pods where it's like a farm in a box. I mean, you can put it in the middle of the desert, you can put it anywhere you want to put it, and you can grow within this.
They almost look like a train containers.  Shipping containers like that size. So there's a lot of stuff that we can do and it would have been helpful to have them.
Why does she want drones?
What is she going to do with them, you know?
I told them what we were going to do with them.
They don't believe me or they think I'm going to arm them and shoot them.
I can shoot you right from my house anywhere to do that. Exactly.
Trust me when I tell you, having clothes doesn't make me any more of a threat than it does me sitting right here. So these are really positive things that, you know, we're coming up with a lot of issues for sure.
We're getting a lot of feedback and.
And experiencing a lot of issues, but we're also finding a lot of positive solutions within the think tank. And these are great things.
If these people want to sell us stuff, great.
If they don't, you know, good luck selling somebody guns in the future. I could care less. You know. Your your issues are not my. That's a you issue on their side.
OK. So Speaking of moving forward, we've got some kind of exciting news.
Yes, we do.
I think I know what you're.
talking about Me too.
We have been working very hard when I say we that my side is myself included, have been working very hard to at least get our shop up and running, meaning it's not our marketplace, but it is our shop.
Now we have been told by our marketplace folks that. Most of the functionality should be in place sometime by the end of this month. And then we'll begin testing and adding things and taking things out probably for most of October.
And we could have a launch of the marketplace by September 1st, I mean, sorry, November 1st.
I went back in time there for a second. You know, so we're hoping to launch it prior to the holiday season and that kind of thing and.
Part of what we have in our shop is also for some testing purposes to see what you think. We of course have our amazing essential oils, but we're going to talk about those too because it's a little bit different.
Umm, then the standard way you would buy them.
So if you wouldn't mind bringing up my handy dandy whiteboard here.
You guys have all seen this page I'm sure.
So let's go take a look at our marketplace here. So of course, we have our products which are ones that we are producing. We are working on supplements and some other things as well.
We're about 6 to 8 weeks in production there.
生産には約 6 〜 8 週間かかります。
We've chosen some amino acids. Possibly HGH or human growth hormone enhancers, which are great for anyone over the age of 35, you know, so we have a lot of things that you may have never heard about kind of in the works here, glutathione and some things that we feel that everybody would benefit from but.
アミノ酸を選択しました。おそらく HGH またはヒト成長ホルモン増強剤で、35 歳以上の方には最適です。ですから、ここでは皆さんが聞いたことのないような多くの製品が開発中です。グルタチオンや、誰もが恩恵を受けると思われるものもあります。
We also have our oil, so let's take a look at this our oils here.
Let's see, can't really do that on this iPad.
ええと、この iPad では実際にはできません。
Here we go. Let's see. Let's go to our oils, OK?
So things that are a little bit different about ours is the containers that they're in there, they are in some of the world's best ultraviolet.
Uh, reusable containers, uh, eventually once we get up and running and we have more staff and that kind of thing, we intend to have some kind of a recycling program where if you return the bottles to us, we'll provide you with the same oil or whatever you're refilling.
再利用可能な容器で、最終的には稼働してスタッフを増やしたり、そういったことをしたら、何らかのリサイクル プログラムを導入して、ボトルを返却していただければ、同じオイルや詰め替えたものをお客様に提供する予定です。
At A at a deep discount because the bottles are kind of expensive.
ボトルは高価なので、A では大幅な割引となります。
The other thing that we have that you might notice on our oils is something we call a certificate of analysis. So we have sent all our oils to an independent laboratory for analysis so that it breaks down all of.
弊社のオイルについてお気づきかもしれませんが、もう 1 つ、分析証明書と呼ばれるものがあります。弊社のすべてのオイルを独立した研究所に送って分析し、すべての成分を分解しています。
The terpenes and anything else that you might find in oils to ensure that we don't have any kind of chemicals, we didn't have any kind of pesticides, if so  then that's  not the oil that we're going to continue to use.
So This is an example of our this is our Clary sage, but I'm pointing out a few things just so you know what to look for.
Okay, so it tells you where we sourced it from. This particular Clary Sage is from France.
We have many different countries that we sourced all our oils from as I had told you.
And this particular product has a few main terpenes, so you can see about halfway down the page here.
So I'll bring this up and I list exactly what those terrapins are.
Now these are things that are naturally present in the Clary sage plant, it's not something unnatural, but if you look up for example the Germicreen or something like that, you can actually Google it and you can actually find online what medications actually have this in it.
You can also find medical studies online that will tell you what you can use it for and there's a lot of   independent laboratory studies as to its effectiveness or non effectiveness.
So you can make educated choices for yourself as to which ones you put together, how much to use, which one works for what, that kind of thing.
So the process is really about educating.
Everyone, as to what this is, you know, we're not doing little fly commercials, you know, with weird little noises in the background.
We're actually teaching you how to be medically independent.
Learn what's in your plants.
Now you can always click on the certificate of analysis here. And it will tell you, OK, so this is where it's from, that it is certified organic by the USDA and the NLP.
ここでいつでも分析証明書をクリックできます。すると、これがどこから来たのか、USDA と NLP によってオーガニック認定されていることがわかります。
And it will give you a list of everything that's in this plant, every single terpene in the plant, but the ones that it has a large amount of, it'll show up most of the time in bold, so.
You can see, OK, well, these are the main things in this oil.
So what do these things do? And then you can do your Google searches and that way you're now educated on what you're putting on or in your body.
では、これらの成分は何をしてくれるのでしょうか?そして、Google 検索をすれば、自分の体に何を塗ったり、体内に入れたりしているのかについて知ることができます。
So I know it's pretty cool, huh?
Nobody does that.
No, we do. I know. And it's a lot.
It might seem kind of confusing and it might seem kind of weird that we do it that way, but really what we're trying to do is teach the world that you've got options and you have choices.
You're going to start to see a lot more information coming out in our New Earth segments too, and we have a little section on here for that.
So not only do we have essential oils, we also have something called a hydrosol.
Have you ever seen hydrosol Sunny?
I don't know, I don't think so.
now.  here, let's see if this will come up for me.
Nah tie this touch screen is not working.
OK, well, can't seem to pull it up. Oh, here we go. There we go.
So what a hydrosol does is if the product or the plant is steam distilled because we tell you the method that we use. And we choose the method of how we extract the oil from the plant based on.
Based on the best way we can get the most out of each individual plant.
So for example ginger is ACO 2 extraction because I can also get the gingerols and the gingerols is what part of not all of the benefits of ginger but.
たとえば、ショウガは ACO 2 抽出です。ジンゲロールも得られるからです。ジンゲロールはショウガのメリットのすべてではありませんが、その一部です。
It's part of the reason why fresh ginger seems to work sometimes better for people than you know, an essential oil of ginger or you know other types of whey dried ginger, you know all the different ways you can get ginger, so, or you have ginger capsules now, veggie caps and powders, but we actually chose to do it that way.
生姜のエッセンシャル オイルや、他の種類のホエー乾燥生姜よりも、生姜が人体にとって効果的であるように見える理由の 1 つは、生姜のエッセンシャル オイルや、生姜のさまざまな入手方法、生姜カプセル、ベジ カプセル、粉末などがありますが、私たちは実際にその方法を選択しました。
So we have the most amount of ginger rolls in our oil, which gives you the most amount of benefits. So I know I'm the nutty professor over here guys, but I'm nothing but the best for you, so.
But hydrosols are a byproduct, byproduct mostly of steam distillation and what it actually is, it's actually the plant water.
So you know, you have the oils on the one side and then the water or essence or cellular water of the plant comes out.
The other side and most people discard it. Well, it is highly concentrated with plant essence. Why would we not want to use that?
So the highly concentrated plant essence is more concentrated, believe it or not than essential oils.
But at the same time it's gentler.
So you don't need to dilute it.
You can use it on children, that type of thing.
So you can use it straight on your face. You can spray it on your skin.
I know. So we, we've come out with a few of them so far.
But you know, as an example, we have a German blue chamomile hydrosol and.
Comes in a mist we made sure it's not a spray you ever open up they say like oh this is a mist you know of toner and you spray it on your face and it feels like you got shot with a fire hose now we made sure that this is a mist we took great care to make sure that you and go straighten your eye so.
You can actually use this as an example for everything from diaper rash to heat rash to, you know, you can use it on children and the elderly and it's not going to be harmful or too strong for them.
It's great antibacterial, it's great for healing redness on the skin, any kind of irritation, that kind of thing. So it has a lot of different uses to it.
So I just thought I would introduce you for those of you that have never heard of that before, now you have, now you can say you have so.
OK. Now another section that might be interesting to you is we have a whole section for as seen on United Network. So Some of the people we have done interviews with, you know, presently and in the past have written their own books.
わかりました。次に、興味深いと思われるもう 1 つのセクションは、United Network で紹介されたセクションです。現在および過去にインタビューした人の中には、自分の本を書いている人もいます。
Like I did an interview a while back with Penny Kelly.
少し前に Penny Kelly にインタビューしたことがあります。
She has lots of books that are really interesting and great reads.
So we have some of these things listed here. We also have. Let's see.
I don't want to go there, some of our guests.Why won't this pull up?
Here we go.
You know, I'm having a hard time with this whiteboard thing that's right now and just saying OK.
ご存知のとおり、私は今このホワイトボードに苦労していて、ただ OK と言っています。
It just won't like give me the drop down menu I'm looking for so I'm sure there's probably a way to do this.
探しているドロップダウン メニューが表示されないので、おそらくこれを行う方法があると思います。
Oh, there it is. OK, so some of the other things that we've done that we're in this we're probably going to continue on with.
ああ、そこにあります。 OK、私たちがこれまでに行ってきた他のいくつかのことについては、おそらくこのまま続けるつもりです。
If you like it, sometimes you'll hear Sunny talk about or myself, we'll talk about different types of things.
気に入ったら、Sunny や私が話すのを聞くと、さまざまなタイプのことを話します。
This one happens to be on Nature's antibiotics and it tells you about the different uses for each different antibiotic, it's very educational.
They're little shorts for health and Wellness. So that's pretty cool.
So you get the whole video there.
And we're going to continue to do this once we become the marketplace too, because you have our oils that she mentions, but you also have other sources listed here too.
so you have, for example, if you prefer Rosemary in a tincture for whatever ails you, you can do that.
You can also use a tea, but in this particular episode it talks about, I think it's a oregano, Rosemary, thyme and sage. So we have a lot of different, you know, ways to get those things.
So we're excited about in the future is that, yeah, we might have oils in there or something at some point, but sometimes that's not always going to be applicable to what you're talking about.
What if you're talking about new technologies for daughter, you know, we, we wouldn't apply here, however all of you will, so if you have some kind of, you know, water machine that produces "living water", "plasma water", "distilled water", there's all kinds of different types of water technologies, some that you hook up to your home.
We have some of those coming out.
That we've reached out to some people, I said from the Tesla conference, and we'll be talking to them again soon.
But the idea behind doing this is to bring you multiple different options and ways that you can not only help yourself heal, but new innovative technologies that you may want to utilize in your home, those kinds of things.
Now the one thing I know you're going to get mad at me about, but this won't be for long to give you an example of what we're trying to do.
It'll say view on Amazon here. Now we are an Amazon affiliate.
ここには「Amazon で見る」と表示されます。私たちは Amazon アフィリエイトです。
It doesn't cost you anything or anything to click on the button if that's what you want and buy it.
We do get a little bit which goes to the people that run our marketplace. So it's not really something for us.
There's been a lot of people that worked really hard on doing this stuff so.
I want to make sure that, you know we have some kind of way to compensate them in the mean time.
So in the future Amazon affiliate will no longer be there in our marketplace once we launch it because that will be for you.
今後、Amazon アフィリエイトは、マーケットプレイスを立ち上げたらもうそこにはありません。それはあなたのためです。
So do you make homemade Rosemary tincture?
Do you want to put that?
In our marketplace, if we put this video up, for example, in our marketplace, then your tincture is going to appear here.
So it's a way to educate people, you know, to teach you about your options not only for health things, but also for many things around the world.
World, you know, and also feature your project, your products on the marketplace.
So it's pretty cool.
I mean anybody that has Rosemary that's goes along with what she's saying or you know, we also did another one here for sea salt. still doing it to me, isn't it?
Yes it is. Yes it is. Doesn't want me to do.
No, Yep, doesn't want me to as seen, but not really on. So they can't.
OK, so just to clarify, they can't add stuff now when you were saying, oh, you could add your product here.
not yet, right. No, not yet.
November, OK, not yet, that's going to come November 1st, but we wanted to kind of try to get an idea on, you know what you thought about it number one and then where you could source it in the interim.
That's pretty much what we were doing with these sections. So that's why you're seeing that if you happen to go there.
So here's Sunny talks about salt, and we have all the different kinds of salt that she talked about, except for table salt, because that's probably the worst.
But we do have some options for where you can get that kind of salt, so you know what she's talking about. So it's a way for us to do our new Earth segments because we also have some of our and we're going to be adding more.
Why does it work sometimes and not all the time. Third time's a charm.
There we go, here we go. We also have our New Earth guest on here, so if somebody wrote a book or they talk about booking a session, or something like that then this will take you right to their website.
It says nothing to do.
Book your intuitive reading, talk to his angels, and there you go. Takes you right to his stuff so that you know right where you're going.
Sometimes we talk about things pretty quickly.
You know, on UNN and some of the information is important. We have a lot of scientists kind of in the works right now because we're going to be developing some new sections of the news.
UNN では、いくつかの情報が重要です。私たちは現在、ニュースの新しいセクションを開発する予定なので、多くの科学者が作業中です。
And you know, if it's something that you're interested in getting for yourself, then you can do that, like you can find them right there, like it's not.
Be difficult, at least for the next couple of months until the marketplace comes out and then it's only going to get better from there.
So if you're a shop owner, your moms who make soaps, it doesn't matter who you are, you can understand how.
So, you know, maybe we'll talk about the different types of soaps and how some have really bad additives that are terrible for your skin and awful to absorb through your skin into your body and why you would want to choose goats milk soap over this kind of soap.
And, you know, do they all clean the same?
You know, we maybe we'll have a field messenger.
Report on something like that and then we can direct them to you at home who makes soaps in your kitchen and they can buy your soaps.
So it's so much more than just a marketplace. It's more of a community we're trying to build here.
So we're testing out a few different ways of doing some extra marketing and featured products and things like that for you in the meantime.
So it's pretty cool mean, don't you think?
Yeah, I do think, I mean, it's going to take a little bit of getting used to as with any new, you know, platform or anything you're using.
Sure, like you said, you know, to to do a little bit of research, especially with the essential oils and stuff and really start taking control over your health again, as opposed to just, you know, a doctor saying you need this.
確かに、おっしゃったように、エッセンシャル オイルなどについて少し調べて、医師に「これが必要だ」と言われるのではなく、自分の健康を本当にコントロールし始める必要があります。
Well, maybe not, maybe not so much.
Well, sure way to do it, you know, exactly.
Do you have options at least you know, and the more you educate yourself, the more things we make available to you, the more you'll be able to figure out whether this is right for you or not.
We're going to do the same thing with our supplements.
what does this do, you know, you get these this laundry list of.
Things sometimes that are even in all natural organic supplements and you don't even know what half of them are and what do they do for you, you know so.
オール ナチュラルのオーガニック サプリメントにも含まれているものがあり、その半分が何なのか、自分にどんな効果があるのか​​さえわからないことがあります。
We're really looking, you know, for our own selves of what we're putting out there to make sure that it doesn't have things I can't pronounce in there that it's just straight glutathione and it's not, it is in the milligrams that they state it's not.
You know, there's a lot of wiggle room when it comes to the FDA and some of these corporations that put out supplements. I'm not going to lie.
FDA やサプリメントを販売している企業の中には、かなり融通が利くところがあります。嘘はつきません。
So I'd rather have moms making soaps than big corporations telling me what's in my soap.
We also have other educational sections like we here we have water and hydration.
So we go through all the different types of water, you know, like what each type of water, what it might be good for.
You know, possible issues because all water is not created equal. And I'm not just talking about fluorinated fluoride in your water or those kind of things.
But if you're going to change the state of your water, how are you going to do it?
Well, this one makes it alkaline because you really need the alkaline water at this moment, this one.
Hydrogen, you know, puts hydrogen in the water, which helps with muscle recovery and a lot of other things. Maybe that's something you need distilled water for removal of heavy metals, but it also removes good minerals too.
So you have to make sure you have a mineral supplement if that's what you're going to do so   lots of different choices and options.
So it's just, you know, for us, we kind of had a little bit of fun educating, you know, putting out some good information.
I'm sure we're going to have more on water.
I've been talking to a guy that invented.
A this little tiny pipe that you can put on your main line into your home which will actually change your water to "living water" into your house.
So we have somebody that has one right now.
They said they swear by it. So we'll see. We're going to test it one of our own.
But you might be talking to him about different kinds of water.
You know, could you do that for your whole house?
I can tell you it's a lot cheaper than structured water, you know?
Things that are out there.
But anyway, so we have a lot to put forward in this new marketplace.
We have a lot of, you know, what are we going to do when we're not reporting doom and gloom about the deep state anymore?
I would rather report, hey, have you seen this new technology to change the water in your house, you know?
A water softener cost thousands and thousands of dollars.
This is like 500 bucks and it will change your water for X amount of years.
I mean, it's amazing.
So and these are just people out there that are just trying to get their new technologies out there. That's all. This particular one is produced in India.
A lot of amazing things that come out of India, I can tell you that.
Umm, but just a lot of information, a lot of new ways of doing things.
If we can throw some things in the marketplace and then give you options of how you do, how you do it, where you can get it from, then great.
You know, we also have a lot of books and information out there too.
Umm, you know, ours, we kind of went through a lot of our staff and said, hey, you know, what's your favorite book, you know, that helped you on your journey?
So we've got some stuff in here from it's Walter Russell, some of the books that he wrote.
So confessions of an economic hitman, the contagion conundrum, which talks about what happened there, We all know what that was. So just interesting books, information. It could be people that we did interviews with.
It could just be some uplifting stories like you know, this is a story about  women that are making a difference in women and girls lives all around the world.
So this would be like a great read for your kids, you know, for your girls because it's kind of inspiring. So if if you have other books you want us to add that inspire you, we can do that too so people can find them.
So that would be great, but at least, you know, we're getting the information out there.
There's also some books here on health and Wellness and fitness and how to count macros, if that's your thing.
Different types of diets that are available.
And I don't mean like let's lose weight diet necessarily. I just mean, you know, Mediterrane.
Diets and the different, all the different fads out there, positives and negatives and you know, so you can educate yourself.
Like I said, it's not really about us. It's all about you, you know, and you taking the initiative and taking back a little bit of power, your own power from the deep state.
But taking back your power takes work, as you know.
So I'm glad this is finally out because I can tell you we've been burning the midnight oil a bit.
We're trying to make it happen and make the regular work happen and get the care, education and healthcare sections underway and everything else that we've been doing. So yeah, we're busy. 
We're we're very busy. We're very, very busy.
It's tough to rebuild a society.
I know.
Who the song, you know well, and we've also been working on the other marketplace at the same time, you know, although we have a group of coders that are doing all the heavy lifting, so to speak, we still are responsible for the look and feel and the colors and the.
Yeah, kind of features that we believe our vendors will need and our customers want to see too, you know, making things easier for customers like we did with the as seen on United Network, you know, making it easier for people.
ええ、ベンダーが必要とし、お客様も望んでいると思われる機能、つまり、United Network で行ったように、お客様にとって物事が簡単になるようにする機能です。
And it will make easy, make it easier for us to connect their vendors with our customers and our customers with our vendors and show you a whole bunch of new things.
So, but that is also a process.
We've been mapping that out and it's 3 * a week thing for a few hours a day. Where we're going through all the things we like, things we don't like, things we need to add, possible new features and stuff.
それをマッピングしていて、週に 3 回、1 日数時間かけて取り組んでいます。そこで、気に入った点、気に入らない点、追加する必要がある点、新しい機能の可能性などをすべて検討しています。
So yeah. There's I'm I, I can't believe I'm not dreaming about marketplaces.
Oh, I'm not dreaming 'cause I'm not sleeping. That's right, I forgot.
I haven't slept, that's why. But but we're excited, the creation part of new things that is going to change the world is kind of my happy place.
It's my happy.
Yeah, yeah, me too.
The doom and gloom of them, you know, I yeah, I'll warn you, if there's something going on in your area, I think you need to know about that kind of thing.
You know, they're really trying to keep a lot of narratives going both in the alt media and in the media and at this point.
You know. We've got other things to do. We've got a world to change. We've got new technologies and new products to put out to people.
We have a whole world we have to teach about other options, you know, but this will help too with your, with your allopathic medicine people when they find out that you know.
You can buy this $800 antibiotic or you can get these three oils and it has all the same components as your antibiotic does.
この 800 ドルの抗生物質を買うか、この 3 つのオイルを手に入れるか、抗生物質と同じ成分をすべて含むオイルを手に入れるかです。
Wow, Isn't that amazing?
Wow. Yeah.
That's going to be really mind blowing when people start connecting those dots, you know?
Well, yeah. Why does it work?
You know, why does it help when I put lavender on my feet at night?
Why does it help me sleep?
Why? you know, and you'll find out, you know, you've got your all your analysis there.
なぜ? ご存知のとおり、分析がすべてそこにあります。
We took the time to break everything down.
Um, you can take a look.
Why does this help me feel happy and not depressed anymore?
Why? Well, now you're going to know.
なぜ? さあ、今からわかるでしょう。
I'm not going to spoil all the fun and tell you.
So now you can figure it out and we're going to do this consistently.
You know, throughout the whole course of the time and but it also tells you that it is actually organic 'cause there's nothing in there but organic material. So that's also a positive too.
You know, we definitely wanna be held accountable to what we're putting forward to you.
Unlike some other  Large multi level marketing people.
Where they have other stuff in there, won't say who.
So anyway, my pride and joy is now out there. So my babies are coming out.
We have new blood, so keep checking back. We're going to have a lot of new blends that are coming out to over the course of the next few weeks.
And now you have take care of my children that are.
Yeah, it's exciting. It's very exciting.
And it just gets bigger and bigger from here. This is the start.
This is the start.
And these are just some examples of what you can look forward to on the marketplace as well. You can see how we're going to feature products, how our stuff is different.
We're also having discussions about.
Out software's which allow us to do, like I said, online trade shows once a month that you can attend, the Science 1 you can attend, you know, it'll go live, that kind of thing.
私たちのソフトウェアは、先ほど言ったように、皆さんが参加できる月に 1 回のオンライン トレード ショー、参加できる Science 1 など、ライブで公開できるものなどを可能にします。
We have loads of things that we can do, things that nobody else explores, you know, once you get a big name.
Insert marketplace name here, you know, kind of thing for those people, you know, they're like, look, yeah, because I am who I am. You now owe me.
Yeah. And for me to grace you with my presence, for you to grace us with your soaps, you know, you are now going to bestow upon US 40% of your income, you know, or 30% or whatever it is they charge.
そうです。そして、私があなたに出席してもらい、あなたが石鹸で私たちに恩恵を与えてもらうために、あなたは今、収入の 40%、または 30% を私たちに与えることになります。彼らが請求する金額はいくらでもかまいません。
So we will throw you amongst all the other soaps and we will not tell anybody why your soap is different. So that's the difference between us.
That means we're going to have a lot of staff that.
Going to be working on the new marketplace too, so some will help you brand you'll be able to get your own merchandise if you want to make your own hats those kind of things you'll have the ability to do that so we're making it easy if you want to publish an ebook, how do you do that?
We have people for that that will help you do that so.
We have a lot coming with the marketplace and it's going to take time to build all those features in, but you're going to be really happy when it's done. And we're going to change the way that people buy food from farms.
We're going to reconnect you with all that is good with nature, everything new that's out there to make your life and the world a better place.
So we're excited.
I got a lot of noise here so I'm nodding my head.
Hear that. (I am )Sunny.
They're doing a lovely job out there pruning the bushes, I'm sure.
I'm sure it's amazing. And you know what?
They could pick a better time to do it than now.
It's all good.
It'll look beautiful later. Now this is exciting. I'm glad.
we're win.
Sunny used to be on Fridays, now they're on Wednesday.
Well, it's because we had the holiday on Monday. Oh, now?
I know.
Well, you're going to have to sign us out.
You want to mount the words and have me help you?
Yeah, they're really great. I'll do what I can.
We've got we've got Caitlin to talk first, though.
Maybe it'll be done by then. All right.
Thank you, Kim.
Thank you, Sunny.
Calen: (男性アナウンサー)
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私たちのソーシャル メディア チームは、各ニュース番組から、大切な人と簡単に共有できるクリップを作成します。
That's also where you'll find our UNN Meme of the Day, a great way to encourage critical thinking.
また、そこには UNN の今日のミームも掲載されています。これは、批判的思考を促すのに最適です。
Links to all our social media sites are available at the bottom of our website at United Network dot earth.
すべてのソーシャル メディア サイトへのリンクは、United Network dot earth の Web サイトの下部にあります。
Let's change the face of news together.
And that wraps up today's NEWS UPDATE.
今日のニュース アップデートはこれで終わりです。
Please share you an end with your friends and family.
We need everyone to come together and help restore our planet.
When news happens in your area, record and share with us so together we can change the world.
Remember, if it's going to be, it's up to me.
I'm Sunny Galt to join us Monday, Wednesday and Friday for The Real News.
私はサニー・ガルトです。月曜、水曜、金曜に「The Real News」に出演します。