2024年08月30日(金曜) キンバリーの動画翻訳
  「Kim」と「Agent M」とキャスター「Sunny」の会話です。
And now the World Situation Report with Kimberly Gogan from the Office of the Guardian.
Today we will discuss the truth behind what has been happening in the Middle East as we visit with our global intelligence agency, Boots on the Ground, Agent M.
The deep state operatives are playing a game of deny, deny, reassess, blame when it comes to attempted currency manipulation.
The problem is, no one knows what they're doing.
Confessions of an Economic Hitman book now has a sequel, Confusion of an Economic Hitman, and today we'll learn. Why?
Now, here's Kimberly Gogan with the Office of the Guardian.
Hey, Kim, we made it to Friday's.
Not like that means anything, but we did.
And hey, guess what The Deep State's getting paid today. Aren't you shocked?
They've been told that they're getting paid today, right?
Yeah. Yeah.
You know, yeah, one of those should probably introduce this segment.
Hey, it's Monday.
And guess what today is? Hey, it's Friday.
Exactly. It's not funny, but it is funny.
You know, I have to laugh a little bit because I I'm still waiting.
I did this interview, if you haven't seen it, with a George the Iceman the other day and he mentioned to me that there is actually an occult reason why they pick those two days as being a payday.
So I'm gonna get that information.
He hasn't sent it over to me yet, and then I'm gonna share it with all of you or have him come on and have him share it with you.
Because I got to know at this point, I really, I really would like to know why they do it every single week and why nobody seems to care.
You know, they get angry, throw some stuff around. You know, by 5:00 today, they'll be really angry, you know, Eastern Time and then that'll be it.
Say "wait, wait till Monday". They're like "OK". when the world. yeah. 
And we're going to talk a little bit more about that in a bit here too. I've got a few things I need to cover today.
But first, before we do that, I would like to introduce to you or reintroduce to you H&M. H&M has been on before.
He is a part of the global intelligence Agency. He is in the Middle East region. He's all over the Middle East most days.
So without further delay, welcome "Agent M".
Agent M:
Agent M:
As Salaam Alaikum, peace be upon you all, ladies and gentlemen, it's good to be back and alive.
I know it's been a rough couple months, hasn't it?
Agent M:
Agent M:
Yeah, they tried. They gave it all, but I'm still here.
I know. Well, congratulations.
We both made it through another 30 days, I know. Yeah.
It was pretty rough there for the entire month of half the month of June and half the month of July for Agent M You know that for sure. Yeah, is.
It appears that he's definitely still on the mend to say the least there. So let's talk about, you know what's been going on there.
I've touched on it a little bit in the news as well. We talked about, you know, the false start and the Middle East  what is going on now over there?
There was that incursion that happened the ground,  Assault that happened, you know, we haven't seen something like that in over, I think it's 20 years now, as severe as it started out anyway. What is going on over there? What's the current status over there between Israel and Gaza?
Agent M:
Agent M:
Well, as you all know, since October the 7th, you know the Hezbollah, I'm sorry, the Hamas did the did their thing and and allegedly invaded Israel, which nobody can actually. Yeah, say that's true.
It's been ongoing since then and the people are suffering.
I mean, now you have recently, in the recent days and weeks, bombs as big as 1000 lbs. Dropped on, you know, very compact locations where a lot of refugees are. And you have, you know, hundreds of people die every now and then. So that's the situation that's still there in Gaza.
There's short shortage to no food, shortage to no water.
People have been trying to go even like the fish and on the sea of Gaza to try to feed their families and they get shot at or droned, Had the the the Egyptian borders are closed, nothing is actually flowing in, flooding in from there, even though that there are donations from across the world that can feed the entire population.
They're just standing there.
They they couldn't get it, you know, get it and then you have the shenanigans of, you know, Americans, British and Jordanians and and whatever C130 is dropping Food from the sky that most of them, you know, land in the sea and become fish food.
And so I don't, I don't comprehend the the hypocrisy of we bomb them and kill them and try to feed them at the same time.
And so that's on one side. But recently what happened is an escalation that Kim talked about because of the phone conversation they twisted. Apparently there Israelis decided to do a ground invasion of the West Bank.
Now the West Bank has been technically under occupation of Israel for a very long time. The West Bank originally was part of Jordan and under the custody of Jordan, and then the Jordanians donated that part to the Palestinians so that they can be overcome by the Israelis.
Now. So recently that's what happened in the past few days.
They went in and it's one of the biggest assaults since 2002 and what they have been doing is basically just spread terror. So they immediately started to demolish. Like all the roads, they would use these large Machines that would destroy roads, anything that can do movements. 
They would have snipers deployed, curfews, anyone that moves would be shot of course, now there are some people there that have light arms, you know, like your AK's and whatnot, and when you have people, you know, coming into your home to do you harm. And you get to the point where you do use these weapons.
And so now they're like, ohh, terrorists are there.
So they start droning the place. Air strikes happening. It's all a shenanigan.
It's a big attempt to continue the narrative and to say that. You know they are actually advancing or doing something or meeting their targets or their their objectives.
Do you think this has anything to do with the Greater Israel Project?
Agent M:
Agent M:
I think it does.
And I believe that they're doing it slowly. I means everything that that you call the Arab Spring that started in 2011 is part and even the emergence of ISIS and all of that is part, a big part of the greater Israeli plan.
Yes, but the recent event are just to scrub for the lack of, you know, execution on the Iranian side to start this World War.
So they needed a boogeyman and they couldn't find anyone except for a bunch of Palestinian kids and the West Bank.
Yeah, I've seen some of the social media coming out of there.
You know, there's like a little 3 year old in one of the pictures I saw and says you who are you know? And all of this stuff, I mean, it's a, it's a little, it's a baby, you know, it's a 3 year old child. It's, it's ridiculous.
And it almost seems like they're trying to entice them into doing something. I think when this all started though, they did have the backing of the Pall of the Sinis. It looked like the Hamas did.
Agent M:
Agent M:
Well, everybody did.
Yeah, you have the, the, the Syrians, Assad and his wife were, you know, doing, you know, having talks and being promised by them.
They Iranians, you know, and that's part of the, you know, the fake deaths. And relocations to Belize, you know, Assad and his wife are not in Syria well, and he is in Moscow and she is in London.
I don't know if she joined him.
I think there is a lot of people that are being, you know, pisssed off. And it seems like.
Everybody's getting on everybody's throat. So and development scenes are are not really doing anything except fake promises of payments next day or next Friday. Yeah.
And So what we're starting to see is like this ebb and this flow, you know, first we're seeing a lot of, you know, social media talk, plus mainstream media talk with Iran. We're seeing them, you know, over the last several months allegedly threatening Israel.
Posting pictures of, you know, large rockets and new potential nuclear weapons and these types of things, saying any day now we're gonna strike you. I think the latest is today or tomorrow.
Yeah, yeah.
But of course it's payday today, so they probably, you know, since nothing happened and nobody got any money, they're trying to do that. Another interesting development I'm going to talk about too, regarding the Middle East is something that kind of came to my attention recently.
でももちろん今日は給料日なので、何も起こらず誰もお金を受け取っていないので、彼らはおそらくそうしようとしているのでしょう。中東に関して私がお話しするもう 1 つの興味深い展開は、最近私が注目したことです。
So I'm gonna mention it to you because it's important as an American citizen that you know this, and it's also important for the Middle East. So there has been for a long, long time the usage of Supernote cash.
アメリカ国民としてこれを知っておくことは重要であり、中東にとっても重要なので、皆さんにお話しします。スーパーノート キャッシュの使用は長い間続いています。
We've talked about it several times on the news, meaning they pay people with these pallets of cash and then, you know, decades go by and they're still not able to put them into the banking system.
Now. There's a few interesting things going by on behind the scenes now interesting enough.
You mentioned that they have something like AK's, you know, and for those of you that don't know, that's a Kalashnikov, that's a Russian weapon. So I don't know if you know there's any correlation.
彼らは AK のようなものを持っているとおっしゃいましたが、ご存じない方のために説明すると、これはカラシニコフで、ロシアの武器です。相関関係があるかどうかはわかりません。
Here, but there's been a lot of chatter about "bricks (BRICS)" being able to launch their own currency again. There is an uptick in this.
And I'm mentioning it for a reason.
It appears that they have been promised by these deep state operatives. That they will allow them to have their own currency, but of course they need to be in control of it.
They are also basically saying that they would allow "bricks (BRICS)"to issue this new currency not only if they were in control of it. But also if they would assist them with the crash of the United States dollar.
And they would replace the United States dollar as the world's reserve currency after its fall, of course, with the "bricks (BRICS)" currency now.
These same operatives are people that I watch very closely, and I watch them very closely because they're always doing something they think is going to work, but it doesn't ever work.
Now for those of you that don't know Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, "I" do know Israel as well.
I ran for sure. the Revolutionary Guard there and Iraq have been waiting to cash in some of these pallets of cash for over 3 decades, some of them even longer.
Saudi Arabia got the majority of their pallets back during Desert Storm. You probably remember that. I know that some of the pallets of cash were actually sent to the tune of about $3 billion in pallets of cash we're actually sent by Kamala, right.
Just just as she came into office as vice president of the United States, she was the one that ordered those pallets to be transferred to Iran, actually.
There are rumors that there are a lot of pallets of cash also in the UAE, United Arab Emirates and also in Dubai. And of course, always we can never forget Turkey because they have lots of them as well.
Now worldwide, we estimate these pallets of cash.
They're super notes to be in somewhere around it was around ($)27 trillion. I think that's up to almost 38 trillion now because Blackwater has figured out a way to start printing them.
Wow. Yep, that's a lot of cash.
It's not.
Even if they cashed it all in and it all went into the banking system, it's still, well, that's never going to happen anyway. It's still not enough for them to dominate any kind of financial markets or anything.
And would it be enough to pay for a World War for a little while?
Yeah, it probably would be.
But You know, that's never going to happen either, and I need to explain that.
So it has come to my attention that the same people that are running this crazy operation of crash the dollar promise BRICS countries, most specifically China and of course Russia, that they would have their own currency, which is a lie.
That their goal and their way that they plan on crashing the dollar, which would make sense to the Russians because there's I, I keep repeating the Russians because I know about I, I actually listened to the lengthy conversations that have been taking place both in person and also over the phone with Duck Dynasty.
So I'm paying attention here. So Duck Dynasty is so old. They are. We're operatives that were actually present during the fall of the Soviet Union back in the day.
They talk about it a lot, these guys, you know, both in, you know, all media circles and then, you know. They they discussed it a lot.
They about what they did.
They keep saying they actually did it, but what they forget is number 1, you had a significant group of alien overlords that did it. OK, that's number one.
彼らは実際にやったと言い続けていますが、忘れているのは、1 番目に、それを実行したのは異星人の支配者の大集団だったということです。はい、それが 1 番目です。
Meaning the crash of the ruble did not happen because you guys put a bunch of rubble on some pallets, took it out of the country, and then came back in and flooded the market.
Next, we did not have at that time a human computer network that was global. Meaning we did not have a financial system that was interconnected globally in those days. It really didn't start ramping up until 1984. And then, you know, I'd say probably about the late 80s, mid 80s is when pretty much the whole world was on this global. Financial system, but what you did have at that point is you actually had a backbone Omega system that was in agreement.
次に、当時はグローバルな人間のコンピューター ネットワークがありませんでした。つまり、当時はグローバルに相互接続された金融システムがなかったのです。1984 年まで、実際に増加し始めませんでした。そして、ご存知のように、80 年代後半から 80 年代半ば頃には、ほぼ全世界がこのグローバルな金融システムに参加していましたが、その時点では、合意されたバックボーン オメガ システムが存在していました。
With what the aliens wanted now, just because you're the cowboy boot wearing ******* that showed up over there in the 1979 or 89, whether that be Iran or in Russia and move money all around and you think that you were the one that crashed, No you didn't. No, that didn't happen. No, you just did your little tiny part.
And, you know, you think you were successful, just like Leo Wanta and others that talk about. They were the ones, there's been so many ones that have crashed the Soviet Union, allegedly. But you know, on the Russian side of it, it kind of made sense.
Well, this was something the Russians and the Iranians were trying to do cooperatively in 1979, So for those of you listening, welcome back to 1979. Here we are again. We're running the same operations that we ran then or they are, I should say, not us.
So they intend to take this, approximately, from what I can tell, about 38 trillion in fake United States dollars, and they think that they could flood the market with them. (This is )#1 .
つまり、私の知る限り、彼らはおよそ 38 兆ドルの偽造米ドルを奪い、それを市場に氾濫させようとしているのです。(これが)#1 です。
#2 blame it on China. It's already started. We're going to blame it on China.
#2 中国のせいにする。すでに始まっています。私たちは中国のせいにします。
#3 that means they get their World War.
#3 つまり、彼らは世界大戦を起こすということです。
And #4 They think that'll give them access to a system that really doesn't exist anymore, called Omega. 
#4 彼らは、オメガと呼ばれる、実際にはもう存在しないシステムにアクセスできるようになると考えています。
and #5.I don't know if they're trying to beat it into submission. I don't know.
#5 彼らはそれを屈服させようとしているのかどうかはわかりません。わかりません。
I don't trying to will it to happen.
I feel trying to will it to happen. Look, all the humans that manifest it happen.
And then we're going to go into the savior complex about this too, because you actually do play a big part in a lot of what's going on. So I think the reason why we're seeing a lot of steady movement in the Middle East but not a complete eruption is because everybody is being promised now that they can cash in these pallets of cash.
For those of you that don't know, the central bank digital currency known as USTC, is also been given in fake wallets I think.
知らない人のために言っておきますが、USTC として知られる中央銀行のデジタル通貨も偽のウォレットで配布されていると思います。
Hmm, you(agent M) even got some at one point didn't you?
うーん、あなた (エージェント M) も、ある時点でそれを手に入れたのではないですか?
Agent M:
Agent M:
I had I received from someone else something similar which was I think the earlier version of this there USX USDT or X USDP something like that.
私も他の人から似たようなものを受け取ったことがあります。これは、これの以前のバージョンだったと思います。USX USDT か X USDP のようなものでした。
Yeah, insert digital currency here.
And of course they wanted him to do a bunch of things and he's like, well, I can't spend this money, you know, And there was this whole argument. So of course they were going to round back to him when that was cashable.
And now we've got a new one, USTC, U.S. Treasury coin. Which is not involving the Fed, by the way, but it is involving the Treasury Department, which has always been a Black Sun operation.
So they are also holding these large wallets that they've been promised they could cash that in very soon.
The other thing that all these countries have in common is most all of them now hold the "bricks (BRICS)" digital currency in fake wallets, which is fake money which they can't actually use.
So there is a lot of chatter going on right now about the United States supporting "bricks (BRICS)" as the global currency of the world, you know, the global World Trade currency.
So in other words, all gold, all oil, all gas, you know, would all be traded in "bricks", global currency at that point. Now see, these are Americans, most of them, and they're more than happy to crash the United States, as long as they get some power.
I think they've been wearing their cowboy hat too tight in their boots, too small, because this is never going to happen the way they plan it.
So they want to take this, these cash.
They think they can flood the market.
In 2024 and end up with the same results that they had in the USSR, which meant a crash of the economy. Then they come in and then they'll make their deals with the United States.
Of course there's going to be the savior now, them and the orange people, not the Oompa Loompas guys.
I have nothing against Oompa Loompas I'm talking about.
Taller orange people, they're gonna come in and they're going to be the savior of the United States, you know, gonna negotiate with China just like they negotiated with the US on behalf of the USSR states in Russia, etcetera, etcetera, at the time.
But you have a little flawed model here there, gentlemen.
Number one, you do not control human computer networks. 
#2 that is, not in Omega's former pro programming, even if you could get it up and running again.
Next you're going to run into the key integrated monetary system, which will kick out your $38 trillion in fake money.
We are also digitized now. We have point of sale machines, tap and pay.
We have counters that actually will register the magnetic ink whether it's true or false. And you'd still have to put those numbers on a computer screen in order to affect the value of the dollar.
Again, it's not 1984. I know that you want it to be 1984. I'm sure you want to be a young spunky.
もう一度言いますが、今は 1984 年ではありません。1984 年になってほしいのはわかっています。きっと、若くて元気な人になりたいのでしょう。
Cowboy operative out there, but unfortunately, that's not gonna work out for you.
Next, all the deals that you're making with all these people in the Middle East that they're gonna finally, finally, finally be able to cash in their U.S. Treasury. 
U.S. Treasury Coin your "bricks", coin your pallets of cash.
The ones that I know are calling you in, promising you all of this, are full of it Be. You know, they are full of it.
There is no way that they could achieve this objective without the cooperation of the base platform for human computer networks on Earth. There's no way.
地球上の人間のコンピューター ネットワークのベース プラットフォームの協力なしに、彼らがこの目的を達成する方法はありません。絶対にありません。
So they see these little uprisings down Monday, Wednesday, you know, months, Friday, whatever it is next, full moon, new moon, harvest moon, you know, everybody's getting paid 99. You know, that's another day and nothing is going to happen.
だから彼らは、月曜日、水曜日、何ヶ月か、金曜日、次の月、満月、新月、収穫月など、小さな反乱が起きるのを目にする。誰もが 99 ドルの給料をもらっている。それはまた別の日で、何も起こらない。
You countries are all going to be sitting there looking just like you are right now with your jaw on the floor, Basically saying where's our money?
China is not going to take the blame and start World War Three like they are saying for the American operatives that are working for the Trump administrations ridiculous monetary scheme from 1984 which will not work today. It will not work.
中国は、1984 年からトランプ政権の馬鹿げた金融政策のために働いているアメリカの工作員に対して責任を取って第三次世界大戦を始めるつもりはない。それは今日では機能しない。機能しない。
Today they're gonna be very disappointed people, Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday forever, but the problem that I have and the you know the reason why Agent M is here.
今日、彼らは非常に失望するだろう。毎週月曜日、水曜日、金曜日、永遠に。しかし、私が抱えている問題、そしてエージェント M がここにいる理由はご存じのとおりだ。
He's telling you about what's really happening.
So when they do this little fake out, you know, and they get people over there all excited and then they start killing their own.This is a very real situation for these people. You know, they're shooting down drones, you know, that have been flying over Iraq. They're desperately trying to get the country of Iraq involved right now.
But at the base root of it all, it has to do with a bunch of fake super notes in operation that they did not run in the 1980s, you did not run that operation.
I will repeat, I know operatives, you think that you ran this operation, you did not run it.
So, and you know, and in combination with that, you know, in order to sign up all of these countries behind the scenes like Saudi Arabia, Turkey and all of these countries that have agreed to join the BRICS organization, you know, they're all sitting there looking at their wallets because they're being told that they're going to be cashable now.
それで、ご存知のとおり、それと相まって、サウジアラビア、トルコ、BRICS 組織への参加に同意したすべての国など、舞台裏でこれらの国すべてを登録するために、彼らは皆、財布を見つめています。なぜなら、今なら現金化できると言われているからです。
Forget your U.S. Treasury will exchange you your fake U.S. Treasury coin X USD or whatever it is these days and we're going to put in "bricks" coin in there for you.
米国財務省が偽の米国財務省硬貨 X USD などと交換してくれるなんて忘れてください。私たちはそこに「レンガ」硬貨を入れます。
See, we're going to exchange that outlook you exchanged in those pallets of cash. We'll take care of those two. Don't worry.
ほら、私たちは、あなたが現金のパレットで交換したその見通しを交換するつもりです。私たちがその 2 つを処理します。心配しないでください。
We're going to get those in the banking system.
We're going to flood the banking system.
We're going to crash the dollar.
We know how much you hate the United States.
We even quit working for the United States, even though they are Trump, basically.
And now we're gonna go work for China now, just like Blackwater Academy, Frontier, whatever you call it, did.
You know, so we're gonna support them in what they're doing.
The Russians, well, they're just gonna get. Hmm, I almost said that they're just going to get.
How do I say this?
Let's just say be disappointed. They're going to be disappointed. there.
I recovered nicely, didn't I? Need to.
They're going to be highly disappointed when this doesn't work out.
But they have been providing arms, as we know, to Iran. They've been providing arms to some northern African countries as well. And they've also been providing arms to apparently to Hamas, probably because the Paladins.
Teeny family is in tight with the family and I'll just leave the Greek family that also is a part of the Black Nobility. Now I have heard a rumor.
I have not been able to confirm it because it had nothing to do with me at this moment.
So I need to actually confirm this rumor that the person who has taken the position of Falcon, now Falcon is a position in the order of the Black Sun. This would be second in command to the Black Eagle. I don't know.  they like birds over there.
But anyway, it would be second in command to the black eagle, but I heard that this person departed the planet. Last night, so I have not confirmed that yet. I probably tried to try to confirm it over the weekend.
I haven't been, you know, I've kind of been focused on some other things, but yeah, so. You know, we talk a lot here about, you know, savior complexes, save your syndromes, all of this type of stuff. And I guess it's no different for countries.
You know, we say it's going, it's going to be, it's up to me.
These people say if it's going to be, it's up to us, even though we keep pointing out that all they do is lie. You know, they use try to use Tom use me to say that that's where the money is coming from.
That didn't work out real well.
And so now they're back to the pallets of cash.
It's actually called here amongst US operatives. It's called project. Becky is what it's called.
I don't know who Rebecca was or Becky is, but they said that's what they named it as project.
So they've been trying to catch these pallets.
They've been floating around the operative world with big promises and 0 delivery, as far as I know, for oh, let's see 1 2 3 4 decades,Four or five decades, yeah.
And nobody's actually been able to cash them in.
Actually, at that time when this all started, it was Bush Senior that created this, how to get everybody to do something for nothing scam, how to move the world for nothing.
But at that time, you know, operatives were actually still getting paid.
Money too, because they had access to some accounts that were based out of credit Swiss but trickled into places like the Cayman Islands and Panama and other places were operatives would get paid so I.
Yeah. So at this moment in time, that is never going to happen.
So if you happen to be listening to this from Iran, Iraq, Israel or anywhere else there, they do not have the power to put those dollars into circulation.
Yeah, you might find some people trying to buy gas at a gas station or petrol station here in the US or whatever with it.
It doesn't even matter if you try to circulate those dollars all over the world.
It doesn't even matter if you made deals with banks to take them in, because the actual office of accounting is not going to count them as a viable dollar. It'll be Count them as counterfeit, actually.
And then Kick It Out of the banking system completely.
So you've kind of, you know, they, they keep trying to do something that's old, make it new. But what it does is it kills people.
You know, and that's my concern, my biggest concern right now is their lies kill people.
You know And I don't know if they breed or what they do, but like, you get rid of 100 of them and then there's a hundred more. I mean, I have been to so many sites on this planet where they have been trying to get a hold of systems, trying to do, you know, do things that are going to blow people up.
We are as in the Maldives. This morning, I was also off the coast of Greenland. This morning as well. And they just never get anywhere.
But I guess they have faith in they're not going to give up.
But the savior complex of countries, you know, like the Russians, the Chinese, are they ever going to get over the fact that order is never going to come through for them?
Are they Doesn't seem like it.
That's number one.
Number two, you know, what if the Russian government wasn't in on this?
The USSR government at the time, the old KGB used to run it, you know, the KGB still running it. That's Putin, You know, whatever that is these days, you know, still running.
The Russian government says nothing's changed, nothing's changed whatsoever.
The only difference is is they're all sitting there waiting for their partners in crime there, you know, the cowboy people to finish the job.
You know, that's why I'm encouraging all of you to start to think.
Think about something different. Think about something new.
What can we do to fix this?
Is society the way that it is?
How do you not become the old KGB?
Start your war again, you know, keep things back up and Ukraine, you know, keep it pumping.
On behalf of some Cowboys that think it's 1984, I'm under no delusion. It's 2024. You know, I don't know about you guys, but it's definitely 2024, at least in our current calendar.
I don't know how many trips around the sun that that really means and for calendars ago and whatever the SSP thinks, but that that will never that dog is never going to hunt so I'm sorry operative people, I'm sorry AK47 people and Kalashnikov people, but you're never going to get paid. It's never going to happen.
The Paladin semis are not going to be able to come through.
Matter of fact, one of their top folks, as far as I know, is gone from this planet as of last night. I don't know who actually did it Wasn't me.
They are not making arrests on behalf of white hats or anything else in the United States.
They're actually working together right now with the BRICS countries and China to burn the United States to the ground. So, you know, as they make deals with politicians and all kinds of things, I mean, I haven't really heard them mention to any of those politicians or you know, their operatives cause it's operative to operative talking there.
That they actually alludes what they're really doing. So they're just, you know, they're just lying to everybody.
According to the military, that's supposed to be a U.S. military that's supposed to be allegedly protecting us.
When they were questioned about what's going on and what was the deal with the ground offensive of I DF Israeli Defense Forces, well, they said, well, those Trump people kind of run their own show.
That's what the US military said.
And that's OK.
Well, you know, like I said, you know , is I.
I told you, I don't expect them to do anything.
I really don't.
There's no tribunals going on.
There's no Gitmo project.
There is none of that happening from our own U.S. military.
And OK, fine, they're doing their own thing in the Middle East. That means that the Trump operatives are, you know, using all of their contacts and connections from 1980.You know, whoever still alive over there and they're still trying to run things in the Middle East and that's fine.
They, you know, obviously no offense guys, but you probably should think about maybe taking a job as a Walmart greeter, you know, maybe action hero in a movie.
Maybe you could be you could be that, you know, but you know, your, your baloney doesn't work and over here, you know, so we, we run counter to you guys all the time and you know, it takes like 5-10 minutes and we're like dope done, you know. 
But as far as this is concerned, it's just another day ending in why with the same operations you think you ran in 1984.But you didn't run that you intend to run again, so here we go.
are do I see them  crashing the United States dollar. "No. No."
Do I see them making promises that they're going to crash the US dollar? "Yes."
Do I see the United States bill military that's supposed to be protecting the United States, like that's kind of technically their job doing anything about it? "Nope. Nope."
Even if they thought it was possible, they'd be like, "oh, well, that's cool."
私たちはいくらもらえるの? 「ああ、それで大金が手に入るんだ」
How much are we getting? " Ohh. We're gonna get big money from it."
Ohh. OK, you can go ahead and just burn the place to the ground.
That's totally fine. We'll help you.
実際、市民に武器を持たせてもいいかな? 「内戦を起こそうか? うん」
Actually, would you like us to arm some citizens? " Maybe get the Civil War going? Yeah. "
Hmm. And it's no different over there in the Middle East.
Agent M:
Agent M:
Yeah, it seems like we have a saying here.Says that the donkey doesn't fall in the same hole twice, which means a donkey is intelligent enough not to fall in the same home again.
Apparently our deep states operatives are not even intelligent enough to be donkeys.
No, they keep going in the same holes.
You know, they've got their select group of 15 holes or twenty holes, and it's the same thing over and over and over again, constantly over and over and over again.
Which is why I keep saying to you guys, we gotta do it better.
We gotta do it different. We need to make sure we have our own resources in every respect.
And for the love of God, please do not expect the military to save you. Because they're not going to. It's never going to happen.
They're complacent in half of the half of the operations that are intended to burn this country to the ground.
It's really the leadership though, right, Kim?
Because I mean, there's a lot of people in the military that really do think that they're serving their country and doing a good thing.
I know they do, you know, in a lot of them even know what's going on.
You know more than they're willing to say because when you're in there, you can't say anything, right?
You have to go even if they know they're going into the slaughter and the. Then the orders don't make any sense, right? You know, they still will go anyway because you know that being told to.
たとえ彼らが虐殺に行くことを知っていても、あなたは行かなければなりません。そうすると命令は意味をなさなくなりますよね? 命令されたことがわかっているので、彼らはとにかく行きます。
And that's why rank and file works.
And you know, for them, their father served their mother, you know, mother may have served something like that. They go into the military and they don't want to dishonor their parents, you know, by not Following orders and not being, you know, a good little soldier and that kind of thing.
But, you know, I would caution you to ever joining the military in any country anywhere at this moment in time.
I'm sure it's excellent training, The benefits are excellent, but it isn't your daddy's military anymore.
It's Worse than it's ever been ever been. You know.
It's just not worth it. Why would you do it? If anything, you know, maybe take some training courses, figure out how to shoot some guns and and be prepared to defend your neighborhood should anything happen. You know, protect your your own.
それだけの価値はない。なぜそんなことをするんだ? どちらかと言うと、訓練コースを受けて、銃の撃ち方を学んで、何かあったら近所を守れるように準備しておくといい。自分の身は自分で守るんだ。
They give them guns so they can protect themselves and then they call them a terrorist. It's a setup.
Ohh, look, it's a Kalashnikov.
Hey, anybody watch the movie American made?
Anybody see that movie?
What a coincidence they were shoving Kalashnikov's down the throats of the people in Panama, just down their throats, You know, they wanted to make sure they were running around with what Russian weapons so that they could blame Russia for what was happening there.
You know, Russia, you know, supplied the weapons, but it wasn't, it was the CIA in the movie and it's the CIA now who was really providing Kalashnikovs to the people in the strip.
ご存知のとおり、ロシアは武器を供給していましたが、映画ではそうではなく、CIA が供給していました。そして現在、実際にストリップの住民にカラシニコフ銃を供給しているのは CIA です。
You know, but when if you're standing there with your wife and your kids or your kids and you know, whatever, you know, you're going to defend your kids and you, you've got to now a weapon to hopefully defend yourself somewhat so that you can make it to the corner store to get a gallon of milk.
しかし、妻や子供、あるいは子供たちと一緒にそこに立っていて、子供たちや自分を守ろうとしているなら、角の店に牛乳 1 ガロンを買いに行くために、なんとか身を守るために武器が必要です。
You know they're forcing them into creating a world wars type situation while the very Americans that get on YouTube and every other tube and start sitting there saying they're patriots are the ones that are giving them the Kalashnikovs.
彼らは、世界大戦のような状況を作り出すよう強制していますが、YouTube や他のあらゆるチャンネルにアクセスして、自分たちは愛国者だと言い始めるアメリカ人こそが、彼らにカラシニコフ銃を与えているのです。
You know, this is old news, It's not 1984. You've never had anybody run counter you.
これは古いニュースです。1984 年ではありません。あなたに対抗する人がいたことはありません。
Everybody that was in my position and higher on this planet before, where's it all was, was the one that gave you the orders to do it in the first place. You know one out of 9000 operations. It took running simultaneously and you only knew about two.
You know to allegedly, you know the USSR.
Now in the days of the USSR, back when they had an Omega system and there was a Marduke and Inky and an end Lil and the parents and covens and all these people that were participating in the alleged fall of the USSR as it was supposed to be at that time.
They also granted Gorbachev a high-ranking position in the order. And he still has that high-ranking position in the order. They also transferred 11 trillion United States dollars to a bank and a little tiny country called Endora for him to use personally, that was his personal money.
また、彼らはゴルバチョフに命令の高位の地位を与えました。そして、彼は今でも命令の高位の地位にあります。 彼らはまた、11兆米ドルを銀行とエンドラと呼ばれる小さな国に移し、彼が個人的に使用できるようにしました。それは彼の個人的なお金でした。
Wow. Yep, and that's how it used to work. And that's why the Cowboys were successful.
すごい。 そうです、それが昔のやり方でした。そして、それがカウボーイズが成功した理由です。
I mean, realistically, if you walked into any country in the world, anywhere, and offered someone $11 trillion to let your country fall apart, do you know how many of those leaders would say no?
Yeah, that's scary.
Not one of them would say "no".
So it's not like the Cowboys are that talented or anything.
That's a, that's an idiot's dream, I mean.Like me walking into a homeless shelter and saying, hey, I've got keys to this house. I'm ready to give them to one of you, you know?
Who wants to do this?
It doesn't matter what it is, you know,  Doesn't matter.
I need you to drive this car through here or do this or you know, then they'll do it.
You know, and then they probably have all the rest of the people in the shelter living in it, too, because that's how those people are.
But what I'm not saying the leaders do that.
But, you know, no one shared Gorbachev's $11 trillion, and nobody even cared until it went and got frozen.
You know, several years ago, back in 2007, 2008, but that's couple decades of living high on the hog.
You'd think you would have got that thing off his head too, you know?
You know, maybe that's a signature thing. I don't know.
But anyway, the point is, you know, what they're trying to do is not going to be successful.
You know, you're going to hurt some people, yes. We can't get rid of you fast enough.
You're like cockroaches, you know, And, and we have come to the conclusion you are now pretty much any many enemy #1 on this planet. And that's kind of sad.
Have used I'm gonna start Putting posters up through the Gaza Strip. "Have you seen Moe, Larry or Curly? You know, call us, call this number."
H&M more importantly, some other questions for you.
So let's just say we can get Duck Dynasty to stop disrupting life in the Middle East.
Let's just say that they abandon the Israeli project, let's just say the Greater Israel project where they Israel becomes the entire Middle East. That's their their goal there. Let's just say all that's abandoned.
What do you feel is going to be some of the greatest challenges, you know, in with life in the region there that we're going to face?
Agent M:
Agent M:
Well, me personally, I believe that When there is a vacuum of power Someone or something else arises to fill that that gap and you have some power hungry people.
Umm, that you know, either were born privileged or is just yeah, trying to climb the ladder and people might think this is  you know, outrageous, but I believe the first threat to the people if all of the of all of these Israel and everything tied to it was gone.
Now They're they're religious people on all sides are going to be a hurdle. H1 is gonna entice his group or his people. And try to wage war against the others, even if, you know, unprompted, it's just the power and money.
So whether it's a Sunni or Shia, they all get contributions and, you know, and donations just like people and then churches across the world, for example , and maybe like the churches don't donate that much, but like for example, the Shia, People or donate 20% of their annual income to people like Sistani and others.
So I believe that these are going to be in people need to be educated that these people are not of the lights.
and that they are, They don't have their best interest at heart.
And they need to be, if needed, exposed. And people need to be shown the light basically.
Other than that, you will have security issues.
You know, the region is primarily tribal and there have been due to the situations that the Middle East have been through for the past at least 100 years, if not more, you have a lot of Vengeance and and things like that and hatred between this city and that city or this tribe and that tribe or this family and that family.
And this carries on generation after generation in some cases. So these need to be resolved.
There has to be like some form of, uh, like an honor code or something that everybody signs on that starts for a new beginning and, you know, forgive the past, forgive each other, forgive themselves and look into the future.
Then you would have.
Things like, you know, food security and, and it's infrastructure, like at the moment, if you look at the the Middle East, Egypt is now having, you know, blackouts and brownouts for I don't know what reason.
This is manufactured because they do have the fuel and they have actually Double the capacity of you know that their production or what they need.
これは、燃料があり、生産能力や必要な量の 2 倍の能力があるために製造されています。
So that is that is manufactured, but like in places like Lebanon, Lebanon at currently is producing the the power grid there is producing 0.Everything in the country is being run on like private small generators and off market fuel and the country itself does not have fuel and anymore and has no money to actually import any.
Iraq was funding them or giving them free. Free well, not to the people they were Iraq was donating.
Fuel buying it from Iran for two twice the the the the price, if not three times the price and donating donating it to Hezbollah so Hezbollah can sell it on the black market in Lebanon to the Lebanese people.
So that is one Syria is having, like in the best places in Damascus, the capital, they're having one hour a day of electricity one hour.
And if you go to a rock, Iraq is at best is giving 6 hours a day and the rest is people are relying either on generators or or you know, they're.
They're staying in the dark, so these are things that that need immediate attention afterwards and people need to arise to the occasion.
People need to come together and you know, the, the, the the leaders, the ones that are instinctive leaders, the the alpha males and females. Now it's that their time to to shine.
Now it's their time to step up because if they're gonna stay in hiding and if they're gonna keep the, you know, the status quo, the bad people are, are going to still be there.
And if not, more bad people will be created because they see opportunity.
So. These are some of the things I see that that needs. Attention in that scenario.
Well, yeah, and, and we're not even just talking about war-torn areas, you know, either.
We're talking about cities, you know, where there really wasn't any kind of war happening, at least not in a few decades. You know they don't have full power either, right?
Agent M:
Agent M:
That is true, yeah.
And remember, H and I were having this conversation about something that was going on one day and, you know, he's like, well, you know, I just got back and I really need to go take a shower or whatever.
そして、覚えておいてください、H と私はある日、何かが起こっていることについて話し合っていました。彼は、ええ、あのね、今帰ってきたばかりだし、シャワーを浴びに行かなきゃ、とか言っていました。
And, and, and he was mentioning to me that that they have cisterns that collect.
Rainwater on the roof because they claim that there's a drought even though at the same time there's a drought there's also a flood happening the dams are overflowing actually at like within a week of of us having this conversation and.
They're collecting rainwater to have running water all the time because the water isn't on all the time.
Agent M:
Agent M:
That is true. A lot of the cities in in the Middle East lack water.
For example, Damascus does not have any rivers or or you know, sea or salination plants near them.
They rely on one major. Well, and that well is in very close to the Moses caves or Caves of Moses, the one Destiny location, Dial of Destiny location.
I have personally been there and it's one of the best tasting waters. You can taste very clean, but that's still I mean. A big city like that is relying on one.
Well, right now you have places like, you know, there are other places like across Jordan or Jordan has no snow rivers or, or season that.
So I mean, they do have a seed, you know, the access to the Red Sea, but it's still there is a lack of water.
So Iraq has two rivers, but because the, the, you know, the, the government has been so corrupt in, you know, they've been just focused on creating fake projects so they can steal that money and pocket it and spent it on now. You know, primarily escorts.
イラクには川が 2 つありますが、ご存知のとおり、政府は非常に腐敗しており、偽のプロジェクトを作成することに集中して、そのお金を盗んでポケットに入れ、現在主にエスコートに使っています。
I'm sorry, say "no".
Agent M:
Agent M:
Yeah, exactly.
Lot of snow and Viagra.
Yeah, yeah. So these are, you know, things that that need to be changed the the the flow of rain that happened in the past year.
ええ、そうです。つまり、これらは、過去 1 年間に降った雨の流れを変える必要があるものです。
Could sustain the whole region for 10 years, but there was no infrastructure set, you know, set all of it went away.
この地域全体を 10 年間維持できたのに、インフラが整備されておらず、すべてが失われてしまいました。
In fact, it did a lot of damage to villages and and and people that live near the dams and near the the rivers more than did them. But it destroyed their crops as well. So these things need to be addressed and, and need to be done.
And I don't think they're, they're all interconnected.
You cannot do them one isolated from the other.
They all have to be under one master plan for the whole.
Begin to connect everything and everyone, because whether we like it or not, these borders were set up under 100 years ago.
すべてとすべての人を結びつけ始めてください。なぜなら、私たちが好むと好まざるとにかかわらず、これらの国境は 100 年前に設定されたからです。
These people used to be the people in the Middle East, used to travel all across.
The entire place with no passports or no ID's and and you know you had relatives in in different what we call now countries and.
I think the people are are starving to get back to that point.
Well, change is never easy, but you know, there's, we've only been desalinating water now for, you know, probably at least a century, if not more and longer than a century. You know, they could have put infrastructure there.
まあ、変化は決して容易ではありませんが、ご存知のとおり、私たちは少なくとも 1 世紀、いや、1 世紀以上も前から水を淡水化してきました。彼らはそこにインフラを建設できたはずです。
Long before there was ever wars and Desert storm, long before you know, they've made Ridiculous sums of money in oil since we've had cars, you know, they've been around for for a while we've had cars and they could have done, you know, put up desalinization plants, large plants they could have put in infrastructure.
And he's right you know, in a lot of cases the the soil there is very hard because.
It's the same thing kind of like it is in, in, if you're in the US, like it is in Arizona or other deserts you might be familiar with. You know, it gets really, really hard and then it forms something called caliche.
At least that's what we call it here in the US where it's like cement, you know, about 6 feet down, but you don't need to go down that are to build the infrastructure.
Matter of fact, that's the whole reason why they killed Gandhi over in Libya is because he was building waterways for 30 years. So, you know, I'm not saying he's a good guy or a bad guy or anything like anything else.
Them But they definitely didn't want water in the Middle East.
So As far as I'm concerned, the pastor these Cowboys get out of our way, the better off will be, we don't have the Clintons sending Navy Seals over there to die at the moment. 
Looks like they would like to send some some people over there to die.So it's it's. Don't take people's words for it. Let's put it that way.
When people are telling you that they're saving this and saving babies and saving these things and all that, they are not saving anyone.
Sorry, there might be a few military people running around and and Israel slash, you know, Gaza or the West Bank area right now that have saved some kids, you know, animals, things like that. But for the most part, as far as orders, they're not ordered to do any of that. There's nobody.
High up in the military, there's no white hats.
Some sorry, but we're on our own kids, you know. We are on our own and.
The more we try to figure out, so the more we talk to agent M more we talk about these types of things. 
The more we can understand it's, you know, our infrastructure in America is falling apart. Europe is better than ours, believe it or not. And you know, there it's semi nonexistent as far as what we know.
You know, we got a long road ahead of us.
You know, are they going to blow it up?
Drones, well, I don't know, you know, we have to something we have to think about.
We have to think about how to protect those, you know, ocean pipelines that will go to desalinization plants in major cities. And so we can bring water and there's no shortage and people aren't, you know, the electricity isn't going out.
Anymore, you know, 6 hours a day of electricity, you know, for you Americans watching this, you know it is probably about 100 to 120°(F) there.
You know where they have no electricity there, you can't even run a fan, you know, unless you're special and you have a generator. And most people can't afford those things either.
So you got to really start thinking about infrastructure projects. And without being in this location, you wouldn't understand why.
Gee, we can give them all this juice or that juice and it's like, you know, they don't even have any power on to run a juice and juice the thing you're telling them to juice.
You know what I mean?
It's just, it's not funny. It's it's just a reality of it, you know.
And then of course, do you know anything about all these tribes?
Who are these people?
What are the regions?
Where do they, where are they?
Who's gonna fight who if we decide we're gonna put these salination plant here, You know, you gotta, you've got to have somebody that understands the area and their region.
You will never be successful in giving people project advice that are not in the location where they intend to build the project. And you know, Americans, I love you all dearly. I'm an American, you know as well.
But please stop trying to save Start starving children in Africa.
They need to save themselves. No offense, but they do.
That means they need to come up with their own ways of transporting food, their own places where they can grow food, and they need to figure it out.
And they have done it for centuries, since others invaded the lands, so to speak, you know, they, they have been feeding themselves.
You know, the UN doesn't, the United Nations doesn't drop off that much food, guys.
They really don't, you know, and maybe there's some cool stuff that they get you cookies or whatever that gets imported from Europe. But for the most part, they're ready to do it and they're ready to do it themselves.
They don't need your help. No offense, guys.
You know, focus on the children that are starving down the street from you because I guarantee you there are.
You know, we paint this picture to the rest of the Western world and on television like this is the greatest country. It it hasn't been the greatest country for a long, long time.
You can thank our Cowboys for that. And I'd like to burn it further to the ground. So that's something we need to be concerned about too because we now know what they would like to do. They have sold out.
And to China. They think they wanna be China operatives.
I don't know if that's, you know, they would like to like to do that over there. China's also lying to them, to be fair. And everybody's lying to the Russians, both the Chinese and the and the and the.
Yeah, ohh, boy, you know, But the world needs to change, and it's going to change because we're changing it.
It's not because somebody's coming to save us. It's not because the military is going to do something for us.
And I'm sorry. And it's a hard fact, really.
And there have been times in my life where the only thing there was source. That's it.
You know, and I thought to myself, how am I going to do this by myself? How, how that's not even possible. But you know, what things are possible that you never even dreamt of?
You know, when you're, I mean, you'd be surprised Things just show right up on your doorstep. You know, you come up with a great idea.
You know how you can negotiate with all these tribes to get everybody to at least agree that you all need electricity and water and what they're sharing. That might be if it's a monetary thing.
And I know you don't like these. People and that's fine.
You don't have to like these people, but you need to send the water through, you know, I mean, how do we make those negotiations And no, you know, someone that has been there knows those people like agent M, you know, will help us get that job done.
You know, we may need lots of things from you guys too.
I know the medical system there is terrible as well.
I mean, they don't have you don't make a doctor's appointment there. You'll you'll sit there all day long and you might not get to see the doctor for three days. You have to come back in the morning and wait in line again.
So You know, I know everybody thinks that the US is burning and I could receive some messages saying, oh, I had to walk, my car is broken.
You know, he tried being agent M over here.
Agent M:
Agent M:
That's not a good.
Well, that's what I'm trying to say.
You know, count your blessings. He's still walking, he's breathing after, you know, a whole month of barely making it, you know.
We have a lot of work to do and we have to look at ourselves too and say, what are we willing to do?
You know, things that we see as saviors aren't just people either, You know, we see what we can walk down the street to a pharmacy or a, we call them drug stores here in America, and you can go pick up some.
Asking if you have a migraine, you can go make an emergency appointment and get seen the same day. And we complain if we have to wait a couple hours at an emergency room or an urgent care, you know?
You don't realize how good you have it and how good the system actually is compared to where.
The way it is in other countries, so but but we definitely need to take a look at the things that we find convenient and figure out something to replace them. And hopefully something healthier , you know, that works.
So long road to go, guys.
We've got a lot of work to do. So roll up your sleeves, get to work on your planning of how we're going to do that in your community and your area in your country.
And try not to focus on the dark parts of things that are trying to happen here and there.
I know it's disturbing and it's upsetting, but these people, Yeah, Strong. You know, they've been through this for decades.
Most of them don't even know what it's like to live in an area where it's not where there is no war and people aren't shooting at each other. And it's not often as bad as it seems on TV either.
You know some of these places, H&M, you remember the time we had that footage of them videotaping?
Them shooting rockets and it really wasn't even happening.
Agent M:
Agent M:
Oh yeah, I mean they they falsify things all the time, especially recently. Ohh, where there isn't like pay or the, you know, nobody's holding their promises. And so for OK, I'll give you an example recently.
This is not in Iraq, this is in in Lebanon right before that.
It's, you know, incident with the Israelis going into the West Bank. 
The Hezbollah launched. I counted them for the Rockets and they came out and the media saying they launched 320 rockets. I was like there were only 40I counted them.
You know, from all footage, from all different angles, I saw them and you know.
They they allegedly also said that they hit Israeli forces with it. In fact, the only thing that was hit was a chicken farm. And a few chickens were killed and injured. Other than that, nothing.
And now you can see there's a meme that is, you know, going like wildfire in the Middle East where chickens are armed. They're pictures of chickens that are armed. You know, to protect themselves and you know.
so it's like that that could that could be very important.
Yeah. Now. Yeah, they they do that a lot.
The other thing that we've also heard in over the last week is Allegedly, there had been eight people, according to data. That had passed away of monkey pox in the last 50 years.
Now, if we look at the current data that is being reported, over 525 people have died on the African continent. There's hundreds of thousands of people that are infected. And you know, the numbers just went off the charts.
I'm like. Yeah, no, definitely not. Unless POX stands for some kind of new machine gun or drone is it POX drone.
H&M. Now Pakistani Ohh.
That Maybe it's like disease X. And SpaceX and Elon Musk, maybe he's got a POX drone.
Agent M:
Agent M:
that's yeah, I mean the list since since coronavirus first came out or at least the, you know, in the media, if you list all the names of the variations that happen of that and.
Every single disease that came after that, you know, there we would reach probably 100 now. And monkey pox is probably not going to be the last.
I mean, I don't know what proxy they're going to come up with later, but it's not going to work. You know, they don't have.
Yeah, they don't have the the means to spread them and they don't have the means to bribe and pay the governments to actually implement lockdowns and, and other things and because they have not paid up on their last, you know, COVID bonds and and other things.
So I don't think they're gonna, you know, unless, you know, they're, they're going to decide to be that specific type of donkey. I don't think they're going to fall for it again, at least not that way.
I don't know.
Don't insult donkeys. They're nice. No, no.
They have fallen in many, you know, unlike the donkeys, they have gone into the same hole many, many times and tried to jam that square peg right into the round hole over and over, you know, with no results. So We'll see what happens over the weekend.
You know, God willing, we'll start to see some change.
I know we've been working on change over here.
We had some wonderful conversations last night with some different inventors of different products. There is actually a home device.
Now that you can remineralize your water and create a charged water, like a plasma charged water for your entire house.
It's like 500 United States dollars.
I was like, ohh, my gosh, I need that.
So wow, we're taking a collection. No, I'm just kidding.
We're not getting that.
But what I'm saying is, is that.
You know, it's just people are coming out with so many amazing innovative things and.
You know, it's gonna be up to the marketplace to help them.
I mean, I didn't even know this.
Apparently there was a, they call it the Tesla, no affiliation with Elon Musk at all.
It's they named it Tesla after Nikola Tesla because I guess they were having and it was just like a week or two ago and it was about 3 hours from here in Albuquerque, NM.
Where there was this whole big trade show that was going on with hundreds of new technologies that these people have up and running currently.
Different frequency machine healers, all kinds of different stuff. And I'm like, you know, how did I miss that? Well, I missed it because they don't have any marketing.
さまざまな周波数のマシン ヒーラー、さまざまなものがあります。どうして見逃したんだろう、と思いました。マーケティングがなかったから見逃したんです。
Unless you know, like you're in the know, you don't even know that it's there.
So we're going to start working on, you know, hopefully with some of these folks too to get the word out when they have these types of shows.
We're definitely gonna be talking to some of the inventors of those, more inventors, I should say, of these new technologies that are already in production, that are already available.
So we're excited about that kind of stuff.
Nobody did bring a transformer for you H&M, so I'm sorry about that.
H&M さん、誰も変圧器を持ってきてくれませんでした。申し訳ありません。
Agent M:
Agent M:
That's OK. We'll look forward.
But we have a way to clean water, so that's good.
Yeah. You know, but anyway. You know, we're going forward with marketplace, we're going forward.
You know, with the with all of those types of ideas, the oils, we're gonna start doing a lot more of the next explanation of what they are, why they work those kinds of things and what you could look at for something for yourself if that's what you want to do.
We're going to also bring in some other people.
That I have worked with oils as well and actually make their own that kind of thing too and get their expertise on, on the in their suggestions because you know, we're doing this.
You know, not for our own selves. We're doing it for you and for everyone. So, you know, the more people that work together, the better off we're going to be.
So it'll be great, I think, to have a couple of different experts on to talk about different things.
There are some medical devices that are affordable.
And that you can use at home for a pain. They use frequency, sound and and a certain amount of light, I should say.
So there's a lot of different things that they've taken that are kind of on the market that they have perfected they've actually.
There was one guy that took and put think, he said well over 100.Um.
ある男性は、100 を超える周波数を機械に取り入れました。
Human frequencies, beneficial frequencies into his machine so when you run the machine on yourself, it can actually make all those changes in your body that are positive for healing many different things.
So so many great things out there we have not stopped moving forward obviously there's still.
Operations in progress as far as, you know, know you're not gonna crash the currency, know you're not gonna do this, but you know, we're working hard at progressing. Let's put it that way.
Very much so, putting together systems that are going to replace other systems. Which everyone is going to have to participate in. And I don't mean like we're forcing you to be slaves.
What I mean is it's gonna be all of our jobs to make sure that the system works.
There has to be a guy that drives the truck is going to be a guy that picks up and unloads the truck. There's going to be a lady that's going to do this There's going to be a man that's gonna do that. 
So you know, we're not. There's no one left behind and no ones left out. But it took, you know, all those people and some aliens to make the crappy system we live in now.
It's gonna take all of us to get together and make this work and really listen to each other too, because a lot of people have great ideas, you know, and maybe your Ideas halfway there, but maybe they have something else.
And and don't go yelling at these people.
We're not our enemy. We are not our enemy.
There are enemies out there, but we other people are not it.
And I'm sure everybody would like to be right.
You know. But we're going to have to throw that attitude out the window where, you know, ideas are supported not because of who the person is or that they've been doing something for 30 years.
Because I've been surprised by someone who doesn't even have any experience in something going, ohh, look, you know, outside looking in, here's that solution.
It's like, wow, I never thought about that, you know, so.
Well, just remember, we're not each other's enemy, please. You know, try to move forward in a way you don't have to like everybody, really you don't.
You don't have to invite them over for barbecues or anything like that.
But remember, you have the same mission and that is for to make the world a better place, for generations to come and may it never go back to the way that it is now.
Just repeat that in your head every time you wanna yell at Mary or Fred or Frank or whoever, just repeat that over and over again.
We are not each other's enemy.
No . So on that note, Sunny, now it's your turn.
It's my turn.
You have to wrap up the news.
Alright, Thank you, Kim.
Thank you, Agent M.
ありがとう、エージェント M。
Calen: (男性アナウンサー)
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And that wraps up today's NEWS UPDATE.
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So together, together, we can change the world.
Remember, if it's going to be, it's up to me.
I'm Sunny Galt, joined us Monday, Wednesday and Friday for The Real News.
私はサニー ガルトです。月曜、水曜、金曜に The Real News に出演しました。