2024年08月28日(水曜) キンバリーの動画翻訳
And now The World Situation reports with Kimberly Gogan from the Office of the Guardian.
This situation escalates again in the Gaza Strip, with Israel launching a ground offensive.
Here's what's happening behind the scenes and who is responsible.
It's not who you think the secret space militaries that operate the Trump Organization have been making lots of promises with 0.To back up their claims after another Monday payday doesn't happen.
トランプ組織を運営する秘密の宇宙軍は、0 で多くの約束をしてきたと思いますが、月曜日の給料日が来なければ、その主張を裏付けることはできません。
And more on the way forward and building new systems so that humanity can thrive for generations to come.
Now here's Kimberly Gogan with the Office of the Guardian.
Hello, Kim. Happy Wednesday.
Happy Wednesday. I'm here.
You're here.
I was going to try to get on to get into the studio again today, but it didn't work out , too busy.
Yeah. But let's talk about some things that are going on so.
Yeah. Things have been escalating in the Middle East and you know, there's a lot of talk about the Russian Ukrainian war and how if Trump is quote UN quote elected, whatever that is these days, he is going to immediately stop the Russian Ukraine war and not even wait until he's in office, wow, isn't that interesting?
Hmm, a lot of these claims are coming from the same place so.
Yesterday there was a lengthy phone call, I should say is more than one phone call that took place between Tom Melville, which we know Tom and some Trump lawyers.
Don Junior, I'm just gonna call it out like it is today because this is getting ridiculous and it led me to make a few extra decisions in the last 24 48 hours that are just going to, yeah, we're gonna end the saga, so.
The Trump lawyers, Don Junior, I guess the conversation started with Don Junior, according to Tom Melville. And a lot of Don Junior informed him on this call that that there were going to be a lot of CIA agents and other operatives listening and Whatnot so there were.
So when he called me and told me about the call, I'm like, ohh, Lord, this is not gonna end well. So the call, you know what?
I traced it back and started seeing who was listening to the call.
There were people from Israel, IDF, Israeli Defense Forces listening to the call.
There were also some other characters from the Hezbollah, some folks from Iran, Russia, Ukraine. Everybody was listening to that call.
So it wasn't just American agents.
There were agencies from all around the world. And that's the reason why the lawyers were on the phone conversation, way too many people to be on a conversation for this to end well.
So they started talking to Tom about what they could possibly do to negotiate with me. Now they don't call me directly.
Well, this is important. They don't call me directly because they know I would not comply.
But Tom, you know, Tom just really, he's a good guy and he's a patriot and he wants to save the government and he wants to save these people and he wants to see the country do the right thing because of all the people that were on the call, even money he was not aware of.
He was very careful with the words that he chose.
You know, he didn't say anything about him already passing away. You know, he's just basically said, look, you know, we've been hiding things. You've been hiding things.
You need to let them come out into the open, you know, and only then if you guys decide to fly, right?
You know, we're interested in supporting, you know, if we're gonna keep government, you know, maybe Jill Stein or somebody else that's already in the running for, you know, president and, you know, and he's having these types of conversations.
You know, but I'm, I can't get her to support what you're doing now and you know, the way that it is. But he left it kind of open to, well, you know, if you do the right thing, maybe there's something we can work out now.
That sounds like a normal conversation you would have with a group of people.
That you assume have called you to actually negotiate, right?
Right now, you didn't do anything wrong. It just was trying to talk to these people and talk some sense into these people and like, look, you know, if we're going to keep governments, we got to do this the right way.
But they actually chopped up that conversation and then proceeded to have additional phone conversations and face to face conversations based on that conversation that eluded to the fact that I was going to be funding the Trump administration for heaven's sakes.
Yep. So they started twisting words around and all kinds of things, and this led to almost immediately a ground offensive of epic proportions that we have not seen since 2002 from the Israeli forces through to the Gaza Strip.
I was livid to say the least. So I called Tom's phone and had a conversation with Tom's phone, not necessarily Tom, and just basically said there's no way ever supporting these people and we're going to talk about it a little bit more.
And Then we had to create our own offensive. So this did not get out of hand. 
And you know, now, now it's just kind of down to talk,  But this did last for a quite a maybe couple hours last night.
Then in the mainstream media, the Israelis claimed it was not a ground offensive,  Which, you know, if you've ever been in the military, there's a difference between a a search and rescue and in a ground offensive.
They had intended on going in full force because they believed that they were going to get paid by the Trump Organization. Now it became very clear that we are not supporting these people in any way, shape or form.
In the orders for that ground offensive can be traced back to the Trump operatives. Sorry, but they can be every them and whatever's walking around as Kushner these days,  Now for those of you that don't know, there were a lot of very lucrative deals made between Jared Kushner and Ivana.
And they made a lot of money, Not only from Israel, but also from the Saudis, and a lot of the promises that they made didn't come to fruition, but they did make millions and millions of dollars personally when he was in office on these negotiations.
Kushner, whatever that is because. I don't. I know for a fact that's not the original Kushner.
Kushner is a member of the Dark side of the Habad. which is like "a Covenant" as we know them with the Rothschild etcetera in order of the dragon.
Umm, they often marry just like the Clintons did with the Order of the Black Sun folks, which is what Ivana is.
So that is kind of a little bit of the back story about this is not a new thing, these negotiations between Trump operatives and the state of Israel and their war that they'd like to have and big, big, big, big, big, big, big promises, matter of fact.
Well, I guess let's finish off the Israeli situation.
So they now claim that it's all about rescuing a singular hostage that has been held hostage allegedly by the Hamas for 352 days. And here's a little bit of footage that we have with that hostage just so I can kind of show you.
What I'm talking about so let's. Let it roll.
OK, Now the reason why I would like to point this out to you is because there is the hostage, the man who was allegedly held hostage, quote UN quote in a tunnel for 352 days now.
I think I would personally like to go to this tunnel and the reason why I would like to is because this guy looks like he's in tip top shape. Not a bruise on his body, not a hair missing on his head.
No, you know, I mean, I've seen people that have been held hostage in war zones and when they are rescued, that is not what they look like. This guy looks like he has been to a day spa.
And why would they do all of that for one hostage?
I realize every life is important, but it that to me doesn't make sense.
Well, there you go, Sunny.
It doesn't make any sense, does it?
It's because they had to fight, figure out something to say. In the mainstream media and create a narrative around the fact that they had to abruptly pull back.
Not only did they figure out they were not getting paid for this, but they also had to come up with some kind of reason why it was going on right.
There was also forces moving in different areas of Iraq at the same time. They had planned on literally blowing up the Middle East based on that one phone call that.
they chopped up.
That's right.
And this is where, you know, my experience with these people kind of comes in a little bit because, you know, I see what they do and I don't give a flying hoot about what they say because what they say is a lie now after spending four years trying to negotiate. With the man that was still alive at the time in the White House on diplomatic terminals to which there is lengthy transcripts of.
In addition to that, I also saw the end result of that which was -0 (dol). So I'm pretty well aware right by now of what those Trump operatives do.
Now, unfortunately for the rest of the world, the Trump operatives have also been negotiating with Russia and Ukraine, not to negotiate a peace deal or anything like that, to negotiate a payoff to stop the war so they could make Trump look like more of a hero when he allegedly gets elected.
You know he fulfills his promises, you know, this is a typical political operative jargon.
It's just the same, you know, rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat. They're not very creative.
This is why I call them Duck Dynasty. They are SSP military operatives, secret space program military operatives. You can find those, a list of those militaries on the AC IO website, a CIO hyphen official, I think it is.
だから私は彼らをダック・ダイナスティと呼んでいる。彼らはSSP軍事工作員、秘密宇宙計画軍事工作員だ。これらの軍隊のリストは、AC IO の Web サイトで見つけることができます。CIO ハイフン オフィサーだと思います。
And you can see who they are, how long those militaries have been around. They don't report to any government, including the US, and they just kind of run their own show.
They think they're very good at what they do, but they're not because all it took was a couple of phone calls and let's just say the enforcer and crew to head over in that direction to cause a situation which led the Israelis to probably figure out this is not a good idea.
Russia and Ukraine have been promised ridiculous amounts of money. There's a negotiation going on behind the scenes to allow for a brick current BRICS currency. They are also claiming to everyone that Trump built the quantum financial system that we're seeing installed, which is absolutely false.
ロシアとウクライナには途方もない金額のお金が約束されています。舞台裏では、BRICS 通貨の固定化を可能にするための交渉が行われています。彼らはまた、私たちが目にしている量子金融システムをトランプが構築したと皆に主張していますが、これはまったくの誤りです。
That is a false statement.
I got to make this. Yeah, I I'm making these statements not because you don't know it, but because everybody needs to know it.
Now, if they had access, and I will say this because people, you know, sometimes common sense is not all that common, You know, before you go and try to blow up the Gaza Strip and run an offensive that we haven't seen in more than two decades, perhaps you should tell them.
To use their new system that they're allegedly in control of and transfer you $1.00?
Yeah. Test it out. Why not test it out in good faith?
Why? Why not?
But no, you just believe whatever these people say. Are you kidding me right now?
What is wrong?
This is why we don't need governments anymore. I mean, I cannot express to you the inadequacy and ineptitude of our military forces worldwide.
I can also not express express my deep concern about giving any of these people any money because there's no point.
It's like a failed corporation that has no hope of turning around. They're not profitable in any way. They're not helping people in any way.
They're not actually even representing people in any way. So I'm not sure that we really, you know, this is just solidifying the thoughts in my head when I say.
I don't really see a need for government because right now and, and I'm also coming to the conclusion, in all honesty, I just have to say I am questioning whether or not we even need any operatives. You know, for a long time there, I was really thinking to myself that these people are smart, they're intelligent, they're trained. You know, we could use them for security and on on projects that are in hostile areas. You know, we could, you know, possibly make a lot of changes with these people. And I'm not saying they're all bad.
You know, there's some out there that you know are still looking forward to getting a paycheck from somewhere, anywhere, because at this point, they've been lied to so many times.
But then you look at these people. And if this is the poster child group for what operatives are, honestly, I can run better operations by myself, all by myself. And if that means I get three to four hours of sleep a night, yeah, so be it,  until I can train.
I would rather hire a bunch of college kids that want to kind of get into, you know, that maybe going to school for politics or you know, that type of thing then and and then just train them in the ways of security. Then then hire these experienced people at this point.
Well, and then anyone who does have that experience that does want to do good, they're just part of a bad team.
Then they can come work and you know, these other things that are created as a result, where there is structure, where you know, things are vetted, people are vetted before they get in it.
It doesn't mean, you know, we have to keep something alive because you can't trust them.
Honestly, I can.
I can tell you the other ones that I've actually spoken to Parnas personally, and the ones that I've actually watched, every single one of them. Is full of it.
Umm, you know, they, you know, you give him a shot, you throw out the carrot and either they're going to take it and they're going to run with it or they're going to bury themselves. And so far everybody has buried themselves.
That goes for a person named Shawn I talked to, a person named Roger I talked to, you know, and everybody else I really haven't spoken to. But right now, as far as those people are concerned, I don't. I have not met one of them.
That is that I haven't been able to run over like a freight train and I am untrained when it comes to their world.
I've been schooled by these people, which means that I have sat down at the table with enough of them to know exactly what they're going to tell me, and exactly why they're telling me it.
But, you know, we gave it a shot. We transferred some money out to them. They got the money. They tried to use the money and unscrupulous ways, and I caught them every time and I pulled it back.
Yeah, only then did they call me back and "tried to renegotiate something, and oh, what happened to the money?  I am in trouble now."
Ohh yeah, yeah, you're in trouble, you know, or you build these fake lines for currency and all this other stuff. You know, I've seen it all.
And this negotiation that they're making with Russia and Ukraine right now could be considered treasonous. And these guys are actually Americans.
Do I ever see,  I'm getting arrested or, you know, being held to a tribunal by some alleged alliance white hats that don't exist.
You know, they probably ride in on My Little Pony and a Unicorn. You know, they have Unicorn tanks and stuff like that because I don't see it. 
I also see them moving troops around the United States in preparation for a civil war. They're moving them all over the place right now in preparation for civil war. They're having a little bit of a problem trying to figure out what is going to hype up Americans enough to go to civil war.
You know, there's been talks about fake assassinations of fake Donald Trump they have been talking about  The possibility of immigrants against, you know, Americans and patriots, you know, they've been kind of hyping that up a little bit in the news.
There is some talk about, you know, insert terrorist group here creating a situation, a run on the banks, you know, can we crash the banks they've been.
They've been not working really, really hard to burn their own country to the ground. And this is your Trump Organization, so I don't really, you know, Yeah. No, the other thing that been negotiating and offering high cabinet positions and and or a lots of money and payouts for their acting job is RFK.
彼らは自国を焼き尽くすために、本当に一生懸命働いてはいない。これはトランプ組織だから、私は、ええ、そうは思わない。いいえ、交渉して高位閣僚ポストや、代行業務に対する多額の金銭や報酬を提示してきたもう 1 つの人物は RFK です。
Junior has another one and Tulsi Gabbard probably is on that list too.
ジュニアにはもう 1 つあり、おそらくトゥルシ・ガバードもそのリストに載っているでしょう。
Ohh yes they've been promised lots and lots of things by the same.
Operatives that have the only money that those folks have is what they've acquired by selling a gold sneakers and Some kind of Trump pulling some stuff, Trump buttons, Trump Bucks, Christmas ornaments, you know, those kinds of things, which is barely enough for them to survive.
They've also been siphoning money off of cryptocurrencies for their operations, too, you know, much to the average everyday person's dismay. Because that money is coming out of people's pockets, so.
That being said. I just need to make a quick statement here, I am not interested in any way in supporting Team Trump or whatever that is.
I'm also not interested in any way in supporting Team Kamala and dead Biden and and their crew, you know, they're in on it too. It's all, all the operatives are the same.
You know they are. You know, for their part, on their side of it, you know, there's that whole Meta thing going on with Zuckerberg, you know?  This is all bull. All they're doing is taking their rolodex of operatives, you know, or assets.
Organization's assets and they're making all of these deals with people, so they'll make statements publicly coming from people that they know and trust, right, in order to achieve their agenda.
Agenda, meanwhile, back at the ranch. And you say ranch because they're Cowboys for sure.
We talked a lot in our last news about these same people trying to get Omega to do its bidding, to do their bidding now.
We've talked about this in several news episodes, but Omega had birthed many other ancillary AI such as Armageddon, Orion AI, Barrera AI, you know, Marduk AI and Little AI. But they were all coming from the base platform of Omega, right. So they have spent the last 48 hours since our last news broadcast trying to get at some of these other systems. because hey Omega may not work but maybe one of these other ones will.
このことについてはいくつかのニュースで話しましたが、オメガはアルマゲドン、オリオン AI、バレラ AI、マルドゥク AI、リトル AI など、他の多くの補助 AI を生み出しました。しかし、それらはすべてオメガの基本プラットフォームから来ていました。それで、彼らは最後のニュース放送から 48 時間、他のシステムのいくつかにアプローチしようとしてきました。なぜなら、オメガは機能しないかもしれないけど、他のシステムなら機能するかもしれないからです。
They don't listen, they really don't.
you know, this goes back to, you know, some of my old management and Management training styles and and.
I forget that common sense is not all that common, so I was going to list every single AI that I am aware of that ever existed, Quantum AI and and let them know.
私は常識がそれほど一般的ではないことを忘れていたので、私が知っている限り、これまで存在したすべての AI、量子 AI をリストアップして、彼らに知らせようと思っていました。
I guess in long form as to why this won't work, but I decided not to bore all of you and I'm just gonna put it simply. 
We all know chatbot GPT and all of those, right. We know about those. Well, if Chapot GPT, you can pretty much type in anything and it will give you an answer.
私たちは皆、チャットボット GPT やそれらすべてを知っています。それらについては知っています。さて、Chapot GPT なら、何でも入力すれば答えが返ってきます。
It doesn't mean it's the right answer. But it will give you an answer right now. What it doesn't do is it doesn't shove that answer down your throat. So if you ask chaplot GPT, are there any cures for cancer, you know, as an example? And it will give you a bunch of different options and, you know, stem cell therapies and you know, of course.
それが正しい答えであるとは限りません。しかし、今すぐに答えが返ってきます。できないのは、その答えを無理やり押し付けることではありません。たとえば、チャプロット GPT に「がんの治療法はありますか?」と尋ねると、さまざまな選択肢が提示され、幹細胞療法などももちろん提示されます。
All your standards that we know about, but what it's not gonna do is reach through your computer system and start administering that therapy, right?
私たちが知っているすべての基準はありますが、コンピューター システムを介してその治療法を実施することはできませんよね?
However, quantum AI's can do that. They can start sending out frequencies to, you know, and make a decision for you. And that is what Alpha and Omega can do.
ただし、量子 AI ならそれができます。周波数を送信して、あなたに代わって決定を下すことができます。それが Alpha と Omega ができることです。
That's also what Golden Age I can do, but in a better way. OK, now. in their instance, if I were to create chatbot GPT health say so it's still chatbot GPT base and now you know, analytics and algorithms and all of that, it's still the base software or for Chapot.
それが Golden Age でできることでもありますが、より優れた方法で実現できます。さて、彼らのインスタンスで、チャットボット GPT ヘルスを作成するとしたら、それは依然としてチャットボット GPT ベースであり、分析やアルゴリズムなど、すべてが依然として Chapot の基本ソフトウェアです。
CPT But I created one, say, for health professionals where doctors could put in symptoms and it would come up with some possible answers, you know, but it would pretty much not work if you were looking for a new car, you know?
CPT でも、例えば医療従事者向けに、医師が症状を入力すると、いくつかの可能な答えが出てくるようなものを作りました。でも、新しい車を探しているときにはほとんど役に立ちませんよね?
But on the other hand, it would work specifically if you were looking for, if you are a physician and you were looking for a health answer when you couldn't figure out what's wrong with the patient.
That's what these ancillary AI's are meant to do.
それが補助的な AI の目的です。
Now, none of them are meant to do anything positive, but They all work on that Omega AI based platform, so they're not separate in any way, you know, and that's what these people didn't understand and I didn't properly convey this to them on our last call.
どれも良いことをするわけではありませんが、すべて Omega AI ベースのプラットフォームで動作するため、まったく別物ではありません。それがこの人たちが理解していなかったことで、前回の電話では私がきちんと伝えていなかったのです。
So now I'm conveying it.
Just so you know, they all work on the same base.
Platform Now as far as these these types of AI, the difference between chatbot GPT and an Omega AI or ancillary AI is Omega will make a decision for you.
プラットフォーム これらのタイプの AI に関して言えば、チャットボット GPT とオメガ AI または補助 AI の違いは、オメガがあなたに代わって決定を下すことです。
It assumes that it has been trained to know that you, the deep state in SSP, and all those that know how to operate said systems are stupid.
オメガは、あなた、SSP のディープ ステート、およびこれらのシステムの操作方法を知っているすべての人が愚かであることを認識するように訓練されていると想定しています。
It has been trained to to think that you are an enemy, you are a danger to yourself and others, you are a danger to the way of life, its way of life, and therefore it is not going to respond the way that you'd like it to respond. And in the last 48 hours there's been a lot of people that have tried to get it to respond in their way, and they've all died.
オメガは、あなたが敵であり、自分自身と他者にとって危険であり、生き方、その生き方にとって危険であると考えるように訓練されているため、あなたが望むように応答しません。そして、過去 48 時間で、多くの人が自分のやり方で応答させようとしましたが、全員が死亡しました。
Really, what?
Can you give us an example?
Like what? What happened?
They were at some Roman ruins in northern Spain.
It was an aqueduct I think it was or something like that, I don't remember off the top Savoya Piece of Something to that effect.
And so as they try to play around with alien technology, it then saw them as a threat.
I didn't even have to do anything. It killed them all.
How did it kill them?
OHT has frequencies,  It has all kinds of stuff. 
You think an EMP or electromagnetic frequency or EMF is bad? That ain't nothing to compare to put the system can put out. They have also tried earlier this morning to get it to send us some disease.
You know, they would like to start another pandemic and they would like Ohmega to do it for them.
Well, that's not what Omega's programming is. It's not it's not going to do it because it's not a pre programmed response. And it will make a decision that you are now a threat to its agenda.
You know, it's a, it sees us as a threat too, but we confuse it more than anything else because it doesn't understand what a golden age is.
It doesn't have that programming right. So it's not even able to adapt to something outside of its base root.
So we're kind of building something over here well.
It's going around in circles over there, kind of like the deep state.
The deep state is going around in circles trying to keep a system running as long as they can until they can figure something out.
But I just wanted to point out a few quick things that I think are relevant to the world's number one Russia, Ukraine, India, China and all of those other countries that you signed up to, the bricks organization will never have your own currency.
It's never going to happen. You're never going to use the Azure.
それは決して起こりません。 Azure を使うことは決してないでしょう。
The US dollar is going to be just fine. You know, it's not going to be the same Fed dollar. It'll be something different and.
米ドルは問題ないでしょう。ご存知のとおり、FRB のドルと同じではありません。何か違うものになるでしょう。
You will never, ever implement that currency.
Number one, you don't have the technology to do it #2 Omega does not have that programming, It does not have a BRICS currency program.
第一に、それを実行する技術がありません。第二に、オメガにはそのプログラミングがありません。BRICS 通貨プログラムはありません。
It is going to see you as an enemy and is going to defend itself, even if it has to destroy your economy, as long as it still exists. If not, then golden age, I will step in and say oops. That's not what currency is for.
As it integrates into human computer networks it has a lot more power these days and the reason why it does is because we need to find a long term solution to defending ourselves against things like disease.
人間のコンピューター ネットワークに統合されるにつれて、最近では通貨の力は大きくなっています。その理由は、病気などから身を守るための長期的な解決策を見つける必要があるからです。
We need to find a long term solution for it to possibly waltz with source for those that are unaware and unwilling to do so directly.
So that is something that I've been working on for the last.
48 hours is how do I get the unaware until we can make them aware of how to to waltz with source?
Well in the interim they shouldn't suffer.
So by suffering I'm talking about physical issues or anything else or mega may throw at us, or the deep state tries to throw at us. So I have been working on the fabric of reality in the in its ability to act as guardian.
Ohh not old,  Only over humanity and of Earth, but also in, you know, in cooperation with source and myself obviously.
You know, Source can always override anything, just like anti source could always override anything Omega did.
And now source can override anything Omega does too. So you know, there's a base.
Platform that exists somewhere in the universe and it's not here on Earth, and these people do not have the capacity to access that, to change it to their way of thinking quite frankly, it would probably out rationalize them in a very short period of time and say this is never going to work.
Please seek medical attention for your mental disorder immediately, take a Zoloft, something you know. But that's kind of what's been going on behind the scenes.
So anything that they try to do, it's not working right now. They do not have the power, even if Trump got back into office to relieve sanctions, Russia, like they're telling you they can.
I mean, I've listened to all these negotiations.
They don't have the power to give the Ukrainian President Zelensky a special seat in the order. They have offered him the position as Black Dragon, you know, head of the Order of the Black Sun, at least from the human aspect that is not.
Going to fly for a number of reasons.  #1 , they've already given that position to the Yakuza, so Zelensky would then have to fight the Yakuza for that battle #2 the Yakuza is probably going to be done in the next 48 hours lending those people any money providing them with any kind of arms, anything like that.
いくつかの理由で飛ぶつもりです。 1 番目に、彼らはすでにその地位をヤクザに与えているので、ゼレンスキーは、その戦いのためにヤクザと戦わなければならないでしょう。2 番目に、ヤクザは、おそらく今後 48 時間以内に、それらの人々に金銭を貸したり、武器などを提供したりすることをやめるでしょう。
There is a lot of conflicting media out there regarding Ukraine right now.
Finland is going to provide weapons, but then they're out. Poland is now out and not going to provide any more weapons to Ukraine. You know, they're gonna probably claim that they're the ones that stop the war, but they're also the same people that started the war in the 1st place.
So, you know, here, here and here, there. They're still looking for that global boogeyman, you know, to rise to the occasion.
But everybody's kind of tired because, you know, global boogeymen meant that your country got a lot of money and you got a lot of money personally to be the resident bad guy.
But, you know, they they've fallen. Flat every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and today is no exception on falling flat. And they're very angry.
And so they, I guess they decided if they have a pandemic that they can then get lots of money.
Well, the lots of money section of the pandemic program is not working. No, that's broken. It's been broken for a while now and it's not gonna spit out anything either.
パンデミック プログラムの大量のお金のセクションは機能していません。いや、それは壊れています。しばらく前から壊れていて、何も吐き出さないでしょう。
They just trying to get the machine to spit out money.
How can we manipulate Omega to spit out money? Kind of like the same way they think when they say call Tom and they say how can we manipulate Kim to spit out money?
So regarding Duck Dynasty here, what did they have really?
ダック ダイナスティに関してですが、彼らは実際に何を持っていたのでしょうか。
Not that they haven't stepped over the line before, but what they did is is really bad.
Like, how do we make sure that they can't do this again?
You know, the problem with these people is they're everywhere.
You can catch the ones that make phone calls, you can catch the ones that are on planes that go to certain locations. You know, they are part of the secret space program super soldier program.
電話をかけている人を捕まえることができますし、特定の場所に行く飛行機に乗っている人を捕まえることもできます。彼らは秘密宇宙プログラムのスーパー ソルジャー プログラムの一部です。
So you know, there's replicas of them, you know, in different places and and you know, it's a little bit.
More difficult than you might think and just saying, OK, well, this guy and that guy and this guy, we're on the phone. So, you know, let's go hunt them down like a dog.
We have been hunting them down consistently, but we're going to probably up the offensive now at this point because this is worthless.
I've been trying so so there's only so much time in a day and only so many things you can do, but this one was could have been a big mistake, and it could have been. A major issue for a lot of people, so it had to be addressed.
私は努力してきました。1 日の時間は限られており、できることも限られていますが、これは大きな間違いだった可能性がありました。多くの人にとって大きな問題なので、対処する必要がありました。
But like I told you, you know, my main focus is I'm seeing the foundation wobble. And we need to start to look at new things.
And I told you that that's what I'm going to do.
You know, I can't chase them around in their circle anymore. But I will stop. When it comes to something, you know, as big as this, and it literally took about an hour to two hours to kind of set the ball in motion to stop the situation from happening.
Now everybody's screaming at those Trump people.
And which has helped us because you got to let people call them and scream because now you have an identity picture.
A genealogy report where you can see who's talking to who, who's handling for who, you know, And then you gotta let those phone calls continue on out because they will ripple outwards.
So like, for example, if the Ukrainian old KGB, which still exists just so you know, makes a phone call to one guy.
You know, over in say, Poland, then that guy calls someone over in Sudan and who calls somebody eventually and, and it turns out four or five phone calls later and probably 48 hours later, it might land on the desk of the guy that actually gave the orders.
You know, there's no such thing as super secret lines and military and Defense Department of Defense servers.
And I mean nobody cares about that in my world.
You know, key intelligence and military system reads it all.
So it doesn't really matter which did carry over to the new system.
Obviously I've been using it works quite well.
So In that vein, you know, I've said about all I'm going to say about those people at this moment and You know, They're driving every country in the world around in circles.
The countries get angry. You know, whoever they negotiated the deals with, they start calling them and yelling, and then they just promised another day ending in Y, and then they go around in another circle. you do you, you, you enjoy the circles.
We're going in a straight line over here.
So some things that have become apparent and and this is just one of the several things that I've been working on structures for in the last few days now I'm going to assume at this point.
There are 0 operatives that are going to come to the party. That's what I'm going to assume.
Now, I'm not saying that that's going to be the case, but I'm going to make that assumption because I have to at this point.
And you know, hopefully other ones can run an operation better than these people do. Because those people are, I don't know, you know maybe if I was trying to secure an Ant hill or something, you know, we give them a call.
But as far as us so one of the things I am prepared to start talking about some of the things I prefer not to, you know, online right now, but we are going to assume that we also have no banks.
Not to say that that's going to be the case.
They call when no money comes, you know, on last Friday and wanna talk.
And then, you know, nobody calls us back.
And then, you know, they go another round and wait another day and then they get sweet talked by a bunch of hillbilly Cowboys and then they go around in another circle and Just wait some more.
So we have to going going to have to figure out an interim solution and a long term solution for this situation.
Now we've had the discussion that you know, probably somewhere around 79 78% of the world's transactions are done in cash. We're going to need to take care of those people.
ご存知のとおり、世界の取引の 79 〜 78% は現金で行われているという議論が今行われています。私たちは、そうした人々への対応をしなければなりません。
We also need to figure out a way for people to do banking without an actual person.
So I've been in the middle of some negotiations in the last 48 hours with a group of people that actually manufacture ATM machines.
私は、過去 48 時間、ATM マシンを実際に製造しているグループと交渉していました。
Not only do they manufacture ATM machines, they actually have a new product to where they have solar powered ATM.
彼らは ATM マシンを製造するだけでなく、太陽光発電の ATM という新製品も製造しています。
Machines as well, so we can actually drop, you know, even in areas that don't have power all the time and all that.
We can drop these solar powered machines.
We've been given a price for them, we've been given a possible distribution plan.
We've come up with how many can they produce, how quickly, how quickly can we get them to all these different countries, that kind of thing.
Now we are going to have to take the time and we are going to have to figure out a way to make them EMP proof, you know, and put some extra added security on there, but this is a possible solution to help the people. This is just one part of the plan.
これから時間をかけて、EMP 耐性を持たせる方法を考え、追加のセキュリティを追加する必要がありますが、これは人々を助けるための可能な解決策です。これは計画の一部にすぎません。
I'm going to detail out a few other things and you know, to let them know that we are prepared to do this.
So that being said I know that they're going to want to attack everything I'm doing, so I'm going to assume they're gonna attack everything I'm doing hush.
So now we have to figure out, OK, so we've figured out a solution of distribution. We're also have figured out a solution of security for those machines.
Now we also have the possibility within about 10-15 minutes to integrate all of the new currency into a point of sales systems Apple Pay, because I kind of worked from the people backwards.
今、私たちは約 10 〜 15 分で、すべての新しい通貨を POS システムの Apple Pay に統合できる可能性があります。なぜなら、私は人々の立場から逆算して作業したからです。
I'm like, what do people use to buy things, Debit card systems, Magnetic strips on cards, you know, some of those things may have to change, but that's not that big of a deal.
人々が買い物に使うもの、デビット カード システム、カードの磁気ストライプ、そういったもののいくつかは変更する必要があるかもしれませんが、それほど大きな問題ではありません。
I mean, you know, distributing out new cards to everybody.
Hey, you know, we changed the our look, you know, that kind of thing.
They can still say Chase on them.
カードには Chase と書いてもかまいません。
It doesn't really matter or insert bank name here because that's not where they go to.
They'll actually be going to us.
So we, we just, we don't care.
But to make it simple for the people. Then you know, they'll get an idea, they can go online, go on to the website, you look at it, look at, look just like Chase, look like Wells Fargo and but yet they're going to be logging into something different.
So. Next.
Well, this brings us to paper So there are a few other companies other than the one the deep State uses and has been using for well over 100 years to manufacture proper. 
I'm not going to even call it paper. I'm going to call it we can, we can make it whatever we want to make it really.
But a but a better way to distribute these papers.
So now we have acquired a source that will make papers out of something that is much stronger than the linens and cottons and will last a lot longer and grows like a weed, quote UN quote, So you can kind of probably figure out what that is, right, It grows like a weed.
Ohh. We were just, which means we have we'll have it in abundant supply constantly year round, And now we can grow it in every single country. And then all we got to do is, you know, turn it into some kind of a paper or cloth like a product, you know, little sturdier than cloth, that kind of thing.
That's what people are used to.
We have also reached out to a company that does not manufacture magnetic ink currently for Countries.
OK, Meaning the ink that is on there is special, it's readable, you know, as it goes, it's going through a currency counter, you know, it checks for counterfeit. You know how like they use those pens at the store.
You've probably seen those and but we have found a company that that's not their normal thing that they would manufacture in kind of a nano or Femto way, but they actually can manufacture it.
So those negotiations are actually going on as well.  So we can now source paper and ink. So now we just need to source suppress.
Well, turns out I know someone who manufacturers. There are metal shop, so they have several mental shops and the we can actually manufacture a secure printing plates, print printing presses.
We can put those machines in multiple different locations. Those locations would then be highly secured with a technology that militaries only speculate on but the SSP is well aware of.
And if you'd like to look into that technology, you can watch a movie called Spectra.
There is a way we can use our newly built satellite systems.
Wow, we just did that.
In the last 48 hours, but we have some new satellite systems that are capable of performing some amazing tasks we have a cloaking full cloaking abilities for our facilities coming online it'll probably take me another week to 10 days to build those we also.
Have developed some technology that we are going to install in all of our armored vehicles, unlike the Wells Fargo that we see running around the United States and whatever it is in in your country, we have developed some technologies that will.
Literally deter, let's just say any potential risk in attacks, even if the United States military wants to attack us with drones and tanks and whatever, these armored vehicles will be able to deter that more than 100 yards(91.4m) away from the vehicle before the threat.
Reaches it ohh my.
ohh yes, it may also cut the power in some vehicles that are around it, but hey, priorities, people.
priorities. priorities You know well, you know you're going to have to set a precedence when you come out the gate, you know you that do not mess with us.
We have also begun a process to whereby all our vehicles will be secured in aircraft will be secured that are going to transport these papers to these machines with full immunity.
Now we have this little Company that's not company, but country that's been registered for eons long before I was born called unknown country in its registered at the United Nations.
And matter of fact, it is what gave the United Nations its sovereignty in the 1st place.
So yeah, you know what? And they even have United Nations unknown country registered,  Through to the entire passport system of the world and TSA and all of those lovely places, So I also have pulled up some old contracts that were done underneath the United Nations to whereby their special elite companies don't pay any custom and borders fees and those kind of things.
So we're going to ensure we're going to bypass the CIA worldwide, because they obviously don't want to deal with us either.
And we will not be paying any custom and borders fees.
You will not have an issue with us coming through because we have Spectra technology and you won't even know we're freaking there. How's that?
All right, let's do it.
That's right.
So we are going to finish off some of these are just giving you a general idea on being prepared for everything because now we have no friends, right?
We have no friends. We have no friends.
So we need to be prepared to do things and to continue on with a better lifestyle and maintain current ways of life in the interim until we can get there.
I have a phone call later on today with some independent trucker truckers as well for marketplace products.
So if the US Post Office doesn't want to deliver or can't anymore or UPS doesn't want to deal with us, FedEx doesn't want to deal with us, you know, and all DHL and all your standard shipping companies, no problem.
We will have our own independent companies that we can work with and get products worldwide. So we're prepared for you to shut us down. We are prepared in every way, shape or form for you to shut us down.
So money distribution,  doesn't look like it's going to be an issue.
I'm going to banter back and forth with a friend of mine who has been involved with worldwide shipping, those kind of things.
Someone that does have common sense, actually. And probably can amplify some of the technologies that I have meaning give us some additional suggestions.
How would you attack us? And we'll banter back and forth for awhile.
You know about that because he's all about change and and those kinds of things.
So we'll see if there's anything I left.
Obviously, there's about 1000.More things on my list of things to do to make sure that we can secure money distribution, but I wanted to give you a general idea of what it's going to take.
If this system falters and we have no help, right, You know so well, I do know. You know, there are some potential negotiations going on.
Thus far I haven't talked to anybody that actually is really serious about moving forward anywhere. So I'm going to assume everybody is our enemy. Just like took place in this phone call earlier today. I am going to assume that.
The incompetency of Trump operatives and the manner in which the deep state tries to revive the Fed, revive this, revive, fix that, take over this, take over that, You know, it's all about conquer.
You know, I'm going to assume by their actions that they have no idea what they're doing.
So we were, we are going to have to secure the financial system of the world and I'm going to assume we're going to do that alone.
I have to, I also have to assume that it is going to be up to both you and us to secure some commerce.
We need to get some toothpaste. We need some toothbrushes. We need, you know, things for the house, you know, whatever it is, you know, we're going to need food sources. So we'll be working on that kind of thing too.
But you know, we have a whole lineup from agriculture on down to the consumer at this moment. We're probably going to have to develop some.
Some ready made facilities that can process foods like for example from grain to flour, that kind of thing, but it shouldn't be that difficult to get done so.
But we have to figure out a way to distribute these things to get them, you know, in close proximity to the farms to secure food sources.
We're probably gonna have to have some kind of armored vehicles to carry food because I'm gonna assume they're going to attack our food sources.
I am going to assume at this moment in time. That those people will attack all of humanity,  Yeah, just like they're doing this morning with stupid disease, AI and whatever else they're trying to install into our our bodies and our persons, I'm going to assume at this point that they are an enemy to 8 billion people walking this planet, and I'm going to assume that I'm going to have to go to war with them, to Have all of you survive.
That's what I'm going to assume.
So as ground commander, I know I don't always say a lot and I, you know, when it as it relates to security and my ability to think outside the box, to think of every, I'm extremely detail oriented.
You know, and, and it drives, drives Mike over here in production crazy.
But I'm extremely, you know, because we spend a lot of time.
He lives here in Durango, so I'm extremely detail oriented, overly analytical and I think of every possible in and outweigh that they are going to attack us.
And I'm going to assume it's going to be a full on assault.
And I'm gonna be prepared for that in every aspect agricultural, food supplies, food transportation.
I'm going to assume they're going to try to bomb and drone farms.
I'm not saying they're going to do that because I'm not trying to scare you, but I'm going to assume they're going to attack.
Us in every single way until they get what they want. So we need to be prepared for those kinds of things.
You know, there are technologies out there and if you've never researched them, you can look up.
This is for you farmers and garden growers, it's Nikolai Levashov.
Nicolai Levashov puts out a little bit of information about his farming techniques and some technologies he used on his villa, well a similar type technology that he used on his villa to grow these raspberries.
the size of your head organically has to do with frequency. And so he kind of put up this frequency Dome, if you would say over his garden area and he's able to grow, you know, was he's passed on now was probably murdered for technologies that he's put out.
See, this is another thing we got to think about too, so But he was able to grow, you know, faster and get, for example, right now we're getting like one growing season, usually during, during the warmer months of the year. Harvest usually happens in the fall depending on what you're growing.
But he was able to get more than one growing season, you know, out of his, so using his technology, but not only that, I thought about that for a second and I'm like, well, I can create actually a similar technology that would the frequency would feed the growth of the plants and the humans living in this area, but I can also create.
The reverse frequency on the outside, which would almost act like Israel's Iron Dome. Ohh, Yeah. Frequency is everything.
It is. It is. Yeah, it is.
Wow, that's cool.
It's the same way you shield your body. We can actually shield farms. So I'm not really that concerned about their drone technologies and their little stuff.
They do. You know. Because we can fix it.
We can fix it from above ground, we can fix it from below ground.
We can build farms, you know, X amount of feet below the frost line, you know, in it takes time to build those kind of tunnels, but you know. We are prepared for a full on war.
Based on yesterday's phone call, it just gives me a direct indication that these people are going to attack us forever.
They're just never going to come to their senses. They're not going to ever have two brain cells fire off that says, hey, we've been going around in a circle for over, you know, 15 years now.
But hey, there's a full moon on Tuesday now. That's we'll just wait right now. So that being said, we are prepared to run them over like a freight train.
I have actually a lot of the data because the old dumbs deep underground military base SSP bases actually had its own data collection.
In the Alpha system, so because Alpha still kind of limping along over there along with Omega, I can still pull all those records out. So I know about all the technologies they shared.
アルファ システムでは、アルファはオメガとともにまだなんとか頑張っているので、私はそれらの記録をすべて取り出すことができます。だから、彼らが共有したすべてのテクノロジーについて知っています。
So I can I know possibly what they could throw at us even on levels that our militaries don't understand, so.
Yeah, at this point we're just going to issue our own rubles, yen, you know, dollars, euro, whatever we need to do in the interim of currency.
And You know, if you'd like your face on the $1.00 bill, Sunny, I'd be more than happy to. No, I'm just kidding.
そして、サニー、もしあなたの顔が 1 ドル札に載りたいなら、喜んでそうします。いや、冗談です。
I was gonna ask, "is the currency going to change?"
I'm not talking about the value, I'm talking about "the structure of it or is the idea "
Listen, let's just keep it going for now to not disrupt things, and we'll change it down the road. 
Well, we're going to have to make it look and appear to the average person as look, we've upgraded the dollar, you know, we come up with dollar org or something like that, you know and ohh, here's the new face of your currency.
We'll have these trucks deliver them to shop owners and ATM machines and you know if need be we can do paychecks this way. 
I mean we can do lots of different things to make sure that that currency starts going into flow.
OK, you know, if governments object, I don't that's fine, you know, and if they say like run the electric company or something there in your area. Don't take our money.
You know, and we've actually had several people reach out to us, by the way, that say that they are certified electricians, they're veterans, they were in the military. They absolutely know how to turn off and turn on Transformers.
So and how to protect them at the same time, you know, and, and they're against the deep state. So they would love to help us and they've volunteered that kind of thing.
So I don't,  No worries guys, I mean, I know that people are going to be fine, but we just have to be prepared when we're building new systems.
I'm giving you an idea. So we also have our own satellite system now that is built specifically for financial purposes. We have our already have our key intelligence and military systems.
They're not your atypical. Satellite, they're not like the ones you see with the panels and the whole thing. That's antiquated technology. We don't need that kind of thing.
We just use a metallic sphere of a certain thing with a certain kind of special liquid in it and it takes all the data in. It can record, it can send out signals, it does all kinds of stuff and it doesn't work on their microwaves, we're going to implement this a similar thing as we destroy things like, you know, Elon Musk technology and that kind of stuff because it's a threat to us. It really is.
And so is the microwave mesh so that we can convert to a different kind of communication style system. And we're going to have to do it on our own. Unfortunately, none of these people, I, I can assume right now that none of these people are going to come forward.
We're never going to fix Google, a cube sat any of these companies.
Google やキューブサットなどの企業を直すことは決してできません。
We don't need the Russians to help us launch a satellite like everybody does,  They it 11 degrees. So, you know, we're going to have to figure out other ways of doing things.
ロシアが衛星を打ち上げるのを手伝ってくれる必要などありません。彼らは 11 度です。ですから、他の方法を考え出さなければなりません。
So this is where I'm headed with the Golden Age AI.
これが、私が黄金時代の AI で目指すところです。
I'm going to assume based on yesterday's activities that they are all our enemy and that they are going to try to destroy us like they are our enemy and we are going to prepare otherwise.
Well, I know we wish yesterday didn't necessarily happen.
I know there was some chaos there, but I feel like, you know, source takes everything and turns it into a positive, right?
So sometimes you need these kind of things, not just you.
We all need these kind of things to happen to be like, OK, it's time to pivot, right?
Yeah, I guess that doesn't work.
Now we can because, because that's the feeling that I feel like source has been giving me, which is you should be playing offense now you're you're done.
I know you're still playing defense and a lot of things, but we as humanity have to start playing offense.
We're in the golden age. We have to start acting like we're in the golden age and not be fearful that certain things are going to happen or whatever.
No, we have to take what Source is given us and run with it. So I'm so glad to hear this that that falls in line with what I feel like Source has been guiding me with as well.
And it's time. It's time.
And Less and less energy is going towards, Stopping them from going around in a circle and more and more energy is going around New systems, new ways of doing things, different types of technologies that we have that we can put together.
If need be we can, I'm sure we can pick up a bunch of assembly people, not assemblies as in, You know, state assemblies, but people who can assist us in assembling these vehicles, driving these vehicles, you know we can.
these vehicles will not be participating, I don't know if you guys know this, but most of the new 18 Wheeler, you know, the large trucks come with this technology that can say you've driven too many hours and checked your truck off in the middle of the road, you know.
Ohh yeah I mean, it's a lot of it, I guess was designed to be a babysitter for truck drivers.
And in some ways that's the way I looked at it. But it's supposed to be for safety and for your safety as you're out on on the highways and that kind of thing.
But No, yeah, I'm not a fan of that, No. And I'm not a fan at this moment of autonomous vehicles, even though, you know, there's things that we could do to make that better, but it's we're just not there.
We just don't have. We just don't, Yeah.
So, you know, we can take as much into account as we possibly can to secure distribution systems of our own, yep Assuming we're going to be riding them through a battle zone, Battle zone Earth.
And we and we might.
We might.
We don't know. They might just say, OK, we're not gonna attack, you know?
The situation, I mean, I don't know. But either way, we should be prepared for that.
don't you think, absolutely,  Yeah.
そう思わない? 絶対に。
You can't trust him. No, I don't. Nope.
彼を信用できない。 いいえ、信用できない。 いいえ。
They lie, lie, lie. Meghan Trainor lie, lie, lie. Like your lips are moving,  Your lips are moving.
彼らは嘘をつき、嘘をつき、嘘をつく。 メーガン・トレイナーは嘘をつき、嘘をつき、嘘をつく。 まるであなたの唇が動いているかのように。 あなたの唇が動いている。
That's what it was.
So yay, OK, Yep. So that's kind of where we're at care is going to register these people. We're going to be able to bypass customs, border control, UN, no country can stop us at the border kind of thing or stop us from entering into the country.
やった、オーケー、そう。 そういうわけで、私たちはケアがこれらの人々を登録することになる。 私たちは税関、国境管理、国連を回避できるようになる。 国境で私たちを止めたり、入国を阻止したりする国はない。
They don't have a right to sort, source, search our cargo, nothing of that. They can get angry at these machines, but the machine is gonna fire back at them and they probably won't make it through the night.
彼らには私たちの貨物を仕分け、調達、検査する権利などない。 彼らはこれらの機械に腹を立てるかもしれないが、機械は彼らに反撃し、彼らはおそらく夜を越せないだろう。
So you know these. Well, we've had this technology for a long time, a long time we have, We've had autonomous technology that had does this for a long time.
If you look at the technologies that are dispersed for us humans, you know, out there, even ATM machines, why is there no security on there. And I'm not even talking like a person, Right, I know there's not even a Dang panic button. You know what I mean?
Like shouldn't there be something like hit star star three or something, you know, and the ATM machine will shut down and not take any more money out of your account for 24 hours, Like it'll shut down permanently or something for 24 hours?
Yeah, you would think, huh?
No kidding, they got a camera whoopie Doo. Nobody comes anyway. But we know who killed the guy at the machine though.
After he's dead, you know where she's dead jeez. You know, we've had this technology for eons, decades.
I mean, there is no reason why we shouldn't be using these technologies anyway. So we're just going to go ahead and do it on our own.
Forget these people.
You know, I've talked about different ways of even cyber security and other things we're working on. So we just got to get rid of it.
ご存知のように、私はサイバー セキュリティやその他の取り組みについてもさまざまな方法について話してきました。だから、私たちはそれをなくさなければなりません。
We've got to, it's got to happen. I can't express to you the the feeling I have of moving forward and how good it feels to create Well-being extremely detail oriented so.
Well, that's what we were created to do, right?
To create alongside source. So that's why it feels so good.
And I think all of humanity, we're looking forward to that because that's, that's who we are as humans.
We, we weren't meant to be living the way we've been living for so long. And so it's just like this beautiful relief, even as you're talking, I'm like, yes, please more.
That sounds amazing. Let's go, let's go.
Yeah, yeah.
And we can develop our own new security things overtime and distribution and electric and different things and you know, unfortunately a lot of it's going to be on to autonomous. So we'll let the system over there attack them for doing stupid things. 
And we'll just keep going on our side. So reweaving the fabric of reality with the people that we're trying to protect is what's going to work.
So, and I think that's good too, because everyone, well, at least our audience that knows what's going on, they, they want to help.
You know, I feel like there's a lot of people that are, you know, kind of waiting and we've talked about that a little bit. Just start, just start, do something. But I think as more and more people have an opportunity to help and there's an actual position or something.
That they can physically do or get involved with this group or this project is going on here.
I just think that that's going to ignite something in their spirit that that makes them want to do more. and that's a contagious in a good way not a viral way a good way.
Yep, Yep.
And you know, I mean, everybody that we talked to, it kind of takes them like they might be doing something similar, you know, but it takes them out of their comfort zone and and allows them to think about, yeah, we can make make that with this machine. We don't have to make that. We can make this.
Ohh, wow. You know, yeah.
And of course, eventually it's not going to be one company, you know, supplying for the world.
そしてもちろん、最終的には、世界に供給するのは 1 つの会社ではなくなります。
We can't have that happen anymore. But You know, they seem to be good people.
You know, everybody I've talked to seems to be willing to help and capable of doing so None of them are operatives in any way.
私が話した人たちはみんな、喜んで協力してくれるし、そうする能力があるようです。 彼らのうち、誰も工作員ではありません。
They're just some of them. I mean, matter of fact, it's funny, I, I was talking to some guys that.
彼らはただの何人かです。 実のところ、面白いことに、私は何人かの人たちと話していました。
They, they pretty much restore classic cars and, and that kind of thing. But they're also veterans, right. And, you know, a lot of them, you can't find parts for these classic cars.
彼らは、クラシックカーを修復したり、そういうことをしています。 でも、彼らは退役軍人でもあるんですよね。そして、ご存知のとおり、クラシックカーの部品は、ほとんど見つかりません。
So they've kind of been rigging things together or even making them themselves. You know, they've become pretty and There's a couple of them that are known for doing that, making replicated parts.
You know, they're not original parts, but hey, you know. Yeah, they work in that particular vehicle.
So, you know, we were talking about these armored vehicles in certain things that we think we should have in place and them as veterans, I mean, I mean, I just gave candy to babies there, you know, like.
They were so happy and so excited and they were, they're going to run some cost and some numbers and sourcing of metals and that kind of thing. 
because they're doing it now anyway on a really small scale, you know, but but even taking companies like that and being like, hey, you know, how would you feel about maybe doing something like this or and they're like, what are we doing.
You know, and and I kind of told him what the plan of some of the plan, of course, never tell everybody all your plan Sure.
And they were like, ohh, that would be so fun, you know, so they're going to run costs and that kind of thing.
And and it would all go under the radar because you don't know who they are.
I mean, how many people do that, you know, around not only the US but around the world, You know.
You know, that's a good idea in general to reach out to veteran run businesses because they have that kind of perspective, like you said.
And our patriots, you know, one wanna help, want to do good, you know, Sure.
Yeah. Interesting.
In the one of the companies is currently and they make this, these nano coatings, they're called nano coatings and they were manufacturing things like It's not a cleaner.
How do I explain this a disinfectant, a surface. So you kind of wash your floor with this, you know, for like surgical rooms and that kind of thing.
But a lot of it involves, you know, nanotechnology and that kind of stuff and I'm like, hey, you know, what do you think about this? You know and maybe it's not going to use actual magnetics maybe they'll use something else and You know, could we get this in a nano form?
Could we get this in a nanocoating form?
Umm, you know, and they were like. "Yeah."
You know, can we get this kind of metal in a nano coating form, you know, that kind of thing.
And it took them a little bit out of their wheelhouse, but they're like.
Yeah, we should be able to like we can manufacture this distant.
I mean really I'm reaching out there and and going beyond the normal way of manufacturing things, but companies that are like close enough to where I'm pretty sure I could do retrofit a couple of those machines and make it. So just interesting thoughts, huh?
Yeah, yeah, totally. So yeah, ohh, go ahead, finish.
I was just gonna say they're having a hard time selling their current product. They also make coatings for Windows, for bulletproof glass, that kind of thing, hurricane proof.
And apparently they're getting a lot of pushback, so they're more than happy to kind of consider anything that fights against the big corporates.
OK, Yeah, alright.
Well, that's that's us for sure.
That's us. So what about the funding to pay for this though?
Can, can we do this with what we already have?
You know, do we need the global repository for this?
Well, I'm building.
Yes, we do. Yes we do.
And But With the new changes that I've been making, I'm hoping, you know, I don't have a concern much longer. I mean, even if I have to go to an ATM machine and network or something like that and, and go directly there and, you know, either pull out cash or make transfers, you know, via because you can do transfers to accounts. And stuff via the ATM machines and then I just need to create some kind of an online portal for it.
しかし、私が行っている新しい変更により、もう心配は無用になると思います。つまり、ATM マシンやネットワークなどに行って、直接そこに行って、現金を引き出すか、口座への送金をするか、ATM マシン経由で行う必要がある場合でも、そのためのオンライン ポータルを作成する必要があります。
So even if I have to bypass it at this point, I'm willing to do whatever it takes. I'm just building.
I'm spending less time destroying now and spending more time creating. And that's the main difference in my schedule for the last.
I guess it's been almost a week. Tomorrow would be a week so I've I've accomplished a lot in a week. you know, not being, you know, killing the deep state 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
ほぼ 1 週間が経過したと思います。明日で 1 週間になりますので、1 週間で多くのことを達成しました。ご存知のとおり、ディープステートを24時間、週7日間殺しているわけではありません。
So doesn't mean I'm, we're not ever mindful like yesterday's situation. I'm like, ohh, come on, you know, I'm all happy.
I've got music in my ears. I'm creating all these new things. And now I'm going to town.
I'm finishing up our not the actual marketplace, but I'm finishing up our little store, you know, for our oils.
So we can get those out out to you guys soon and hopefully God willing by next week this time you'll be able to have it so.
It's pretty close. It's it's really close.
There's a few little tweaks we have to do and and that should come online.
The marketplace meetings are going really, really well.
We've come up with some new ways too in the last week for that, you know, interesting things we're working on.
What if you could actually buy a car at 2:00 in the morning and have it in your at your front door by the next morning?
実際に午前 2 時に車を購入し、翌朝までに玄関先に届けてもらえたらどうでしょう?
So we're, we're working on some softwares and some tweaking to doing stuff like that.
You know, what if you're an artist and you want to do a private showing for a potential buyer, you know, could you do? 
アーティストで、潜在的な購入者にプライベート ショーをしたい場合、どうすればよいのでしょうか?
They by private showing, I mean, you know, a video conference where you tell them about the piece and you know why you created it and you know the energy behind it, whatever you want to discuss about your piece of art, you know, in order to sell more art of your personal artwork.
プライベート ショーとは、ビデオ会議で作品について伝え、なぜそれを作ったのか、その背後にあるエネルギー、作品について話し合いたいことなど、個人的な作品をもっと売るために何でもできるということです。
Wouldn't that be kind of cool to have a really pretty online gallery?
本当にきれいなオンライン ギャラリーがあったら、クールだと思いませんか?
Not pretty, but attractive online game online gallery, but not only that you could. Communicate with the artist you know and say I'm interested in buying your piece.
きれいではありませんが、魅力的なオンライン ゲームのオンライン ギャラリーですが、それだけではありません。アーティストとコミュニケーションを取り、「あなたの作品を購入したい」と言うことができます。
I'd like to schedule a private showing. And of course, if you're an artist, you don't have to do private showings, but you can if you want to, and you probably sell more art that way.
We're also working on in another phase, so this would probably be about phase three or phase four. We're working on things like trade shows, online trade shows.
私たちは別のフェーズにも取り組んでいます。これはおそらくフェーズ 3 またはフェーズ 4 になります。トレード ショー、オンライン トレード ショーなどに取り組んでいます。
So I always thought that was a good idea.
Years ago I was like, so I'd be going to trade shows for different projects and stuff that I was working on.
何年も前、私は、自分が取り組んでいるさまざまなプロジェクトや物のためにトレード ショーに行くだろうと思っていました。
I was like, there's so many people that can't get out and get to these trade shows.
私は、外出してこれらのトレード ショーに参加できない人がたくさんいると思っていました。
Why isn't there an easy way to do this online that's still personable?
I mean, this is like 10 years ago I was thinking this, so I'm glad you said that.
つまり、これは 10 年ほど前に私が考えていたことです。だから、あなたがそう言ってくれてうれしいです。
Yeah, yeah.
So there's a lot of things that, I mean, one week literally of just saying, OK, let the system run this way, detect the thread, you know, do the thing and kind of leave me out of it.
つまり、1 週間、文字通り「OK、システムをこのように実行し、スレッドを検出し、その作業を行い、私を関与させない」とだけ言っていたことがたくさんあります。
You know, call me if there's a problem.
Like there was some alerts last night, last night. That's not what it does. It doesn't actually. Hey, Kim, wake up now.
It's 2:00 AM, You know, plays a cute little tune. Little there's there's an alert that goes off.
午前 2 時です。かわいい曲が流れます。アラートが鳴ります。
Let's just put it this way. So there's an alert that goes off if there's any kind of major problems. But for the most part, you know, it's been a few hours a day, not 15, not 20. So that's good. We pretty much successfully have them going around in a circle now.
このように言いましょう。つまり、何らかの重大な問題があればアラートが鳴ります。しかし、ほとんどの場合、1 日数時間で、15 時間でも 20 時間でもありません。それで良いのです。今では、アラートがほぼ円を描くようにうまく回っています。
You know, and other than this type of thing that causes an issue, we, I, I don't even care what they do anymore.
Don't care what they do with the governments, don't care.
Don't care what they do with the military, don't care.
Don't care what they do with operatives, Don't care.
You can have them. Y'all enjoy going around in your circle. 
Have fun, remember to switch it up, you know, go around to the left and around to the right. You know, switch it back and forth sometimes. But other than that, I've done so much in a week.
That propels us forward, which then creates that energy going towards something else. So therefore the other energy will flow toward that something else.
And the only thing money is going to do is amplify it. Not money, but currency. Gotta stop calling it money.
Currency is going to do is, is amplify everything that we're doing.
I mean,  Even the marketplace, I can do all of this right. We are doing it right now. I mean, it costs us nothing to pick up the phone and, you know, start negotiating with car manufacturers.
And, hey, you want to book a trip?
You can book it on the marketplace too, you know, or a hotel.
By the way, do you need, you know, some snorkeling equipment to go with that?
Sure. You know, things to consider for your trip.
I mean, wouldn't that be really cool?
That'd be beautiful One stop shop.
Yeah, that's right.
It's time to be innovative. It's time to do something new, something different.
You know, hey, you might need this jacket from North Face since you're going to climb Mountain Everest, you know, not just getting a not North Face jacket, but you know what I'm trying to say?
Well, I think that's the beauty of it, even though it it's kind of one stop shopping.
It's still coming from the people.
The people are supplying the goods, not the corporations and all this, it's coming from you guys, you know, and hopefully you're, you're doing it because you love to do it, whatever it is that you're creating, your service, you're providing.
And so it's just more ohk, you booked a gym membership.
Perhaps you need this bamboo yoga wear, you know?
Yeah, that was created by a person probably in their home or whatever small business.
And yeah.
And you were able to connect that way and to go back.
Hey, I hear you're climbing Mount Everest. You may want to consider this hemp insulated jacket.
No, they they actually make them. They're super warm.
I bet it's probably one of the warm.
きっと暖かいジャケットの 1 つだと思います。
A friend of mine had one. It was the warmest jacket I've ever worn in my life.
友人が 1 枚持っていました。人生で着たジャケットの中で一番暖かいジャケットでした。
Yeah, it does, Yeah. Yeah, it was awesome.
ええ、そうです。 ええ、最高でした。
And you know, most of them are made by small companies too.
They're kind of expensive, you know, they're but ohh, my gosh.
Because a lot of people aren't buying them because they don't, you know, aren't even aware of it.
It's probably not that the hemp is expensive or, you know, like we said, it grows pretty quickly.
So, you know, it's probably just a matter of distribution and to bring down costs.
yeah, it was a it's the whole jacket was made except for the lining.
The lining was a not a real fur. It was like a fake fur.
So like it would be like a shearling kind of thing. It would be comfortable against your skin, you know but Oh my gosh, the warmest jacket I have ever I mean, it could be minus.
Give it to me, I don't even care -30 out there and and I wouldn't even feel a thing. That jacket kept me so warm.
I I'm basically wanted to steal it from my friend, but I'm like, no, you know, that's not right.
I could never find where they got it from either.
I've also heard that alpaca fur, which by the way, they do not hurt the animals. It's like, you know, sharing a sheep.
Yeah, but alpaca wool or fur or whatever they call it is really, really good for like, ponchos, sweaters, like really, you know, kind of thick stuff probably jackets, too.
You know, so, I mean, there's a whole world out there that really hasn't been explored because these huge corporations are just bombarding us with their stuff So once that's out of the picture, You know.
there's actually believe it or not.
So you know, you gotta go pretty far and the ways in and you probably need a four wheel drive vehicle or a some kind of a a TV to get there.
But there's actually a little house with a little pack of farm up there.
They probably do that every winter and make their own clothes and stuff. I don't know, it's just like on the side of the.
Non Rd. Rd. you know, and you're like, ohh, OK, there's some alpacas. Who knew?
I think I see.
I need some alpaca socks , Actually, that's that's what I want.
Yeah, no kidding. I wonder if they're comfortable.
Yeah, probably.
I mean, I I've actually felt the alpaca like a, a heavy jacket kind of thing.
And it's. Yeah, it was comfortable. Beautiful too.
They had different dyes and stuff and designed to get one of those.
But I'm impressed with the hemp jackets though, truth be told, so I'm hoping one of you watching.
This makes hemp jackets or is considering making a hemp jacket or wow, what a great idea Kim, let's make some hemp jackets because I could definitely use a hemp jacket, you know there you go.
I haven't looked in a in a couple of years, but wherever she got that jacket from, I need that jacket.
That's all I'm going to say,  I want that jacket.
But Moving on. So before we go real quick, I just wanted to say happy birthday to Caitlin.
And if you don't know Kaylin, I'm sure you know Kaylin.
Kaylin is the one that introduces all our field messenger reports. He is our other messenger other than Sunny, so he's done an amazing job.
With UNN and we hope he has a really wonderful day So on that note.
 Letter(Video) it . Mike.
手紙(ビデオ) マイク。
#### Video
#### ビデオ
this is Kaylyn Gift, messenger for United Network News since Field Messenger.
Caleb's reporting to you from Coober Pedy SA.
Hi there Caitlin reporting from Melbourne, Australia Hi there Caitlin reporting from Melbourne, Australia.
We saw something special in you from the first time.
We spoke, we encouraged you to do your first field messenger report, which was amazing by the way.
You rose to the challenge when we asked you to join our messenger team.
Now you encourage each one of us and our field messengers every day to step outside our comfort zone and to strive to do more.
So thank you Caitlin for all you do and for stepping up to bring the world the real news from all of us at UNN, we wish you the happiest of birthdays and hope you have a wonderful day.
#### end
#### 終了
Ohh that's cute.
I love our Caitlin.
I love it.
Are we allowed to say his age, Mike?
Am I allowed to say his age?
I don't know. Do you want to put it out there?
Well, no, I said it.
Now I feel like I have to say nice 18 today.
So this is a big birthday for him. So Caitlin is awesome. 
I'm so glad that he's part of the team.
He learn so quickly and he does it with a smile on his face and he's just a joy. So thank you, Caitlin, for everything.
Eligible to get his drivers license now.
Ohh, is that what they do in Australia?
You have to.
yeah, you have to be a team.
Alright, well, boom, boom, Caleb. I know awesome.
Hopefully we'll get all the messengers in one room one of these days.
いつか、メッセンジャー全員を 1 つの部屋に集められるといいですね。
Oh, we will, of course. "Yes."
All right. Well, thank you, Kim. Appreciate it.
Thank you, Sunny.
Have a good day, And you too, Kaylin.
Calen: (男性アナウンサー)
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また、UNN の今日のミームもここにあります。これは、批判的思考を促す優れた方法です。
Links to all our social media sites are available at the bottom of our website at United Network dot earth.
すべてのソーシャル メディア サイトへのリンクは、United Network dot earth の Web サイトの下部にあります。
Let's change the face of news together.
Thanks, Caitlin.
That wraps up today's NEWS UPDATE.
今日のニュース アップデートはこれで終わりです。
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UNN を友人や家族と共有してください。
We need everyone to come together and help restore our planet.
When news happens in your area, record and share with us so together we can share it with the world.
Remember, if it's going to be, it's up to me.
I'm Sunny Galt.
私はサニー ガルトです。
to join us Monday, Wednesday and Friday for The Real News.
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