2024年08月21日(水曜) キンバリーの動画翻訳
Now the World Situation Report with Kimberly Gogan from the Office of the Guardian.
The annual Jackson Hole Federal Reserve meeting starts tomorrow officially. However, the real meeting started two weeks ago.
Rothschild owned and run FEMA declares it is bankrupt and will only be able to provide minimal  Services. The world is a changing place.
More on how humans were used as batteries,All this and more on today's World Situation Report.
And now here's Kimberly Gogan with the Office of the Guardian.
I cam happy Wednesday.
Yes, it is Happy Wednesday. The week is half over.
Not like that means anything, but it makes me feel better sometimes you know. OK, good.I'm glad.
Lots of stuff going on this week. It's it's going to be a bit busy.
Both on, let's just say, the deep state work front and on our front.
So I wanted to talk a little bit about kind of all of that.
OK #1 the official of Jackson Hole Federal Reserve. Economic Forum starts tomorrow. So this is when the actors come in and start talking on TV.
1 番目は、ジャクソンホール連邦準備銀行の役員です。経済フォーラムは明日から始まります。つまり、役者が登場してテレビで話し始めるときです。
But as you know, like all meetings, they start a couple of weeks ahead of time. So during these couple of weeks is when all of the operatives show up and fixers and you know, and they start making different negotiations Based on the upcoming year, normally what would have happened is the orders would have come down along with money from the coven level as of the full moon the other day.
しかし、ご存知のように、すべての会議と同様に、会議は 2 週間前に始まります。つまり、この 2 週間の間に、すべての工作員やフィクサーが現れ、さまざまな交渉を開始します。今後 1 年に基づいて、通常であれば、先日の満月の時点で、魔女団レベルからお金とともに注文が下がっていたはずです。
And so there would be something to actually talk about, but in this case there are no orders, there is no money. So they're Ohh, she eating anyway. There's approximately about $6 trillion worth of corporate con.
そのため、実際に話し合うべきことはあるはずですが、この場合、注文はなく、お金もありません。 つまり、彼らはとにかく食べています。およそ 6 兆ドル相当の企業詐欺があります。
I well, there's $6 trillion worth of corporate contracts on the table right now.
ええと、現在、6 兆ドル相当の企業契約がテーブルにあります。
Those are for you know, it could be they're selling electronic equipment to the government or it could be another government somewhere not.
This US, you know it, it could also be infrastructure contracts, military industrial complex contracts, airline contracts, these types of things. So those things have been pre negotiated.
There is also when you include all of the central bankers and their fixers that have been there for a while, you're looking at well over $100 trillion being promised.
Yeah, and they were all expecting that money to show up on Monday, worst case Tuesday, which was yesterday.
Since there is no money and there is no movement forward in any way, shape or form. They've now said, well, you know, worst case Friday, possibly next Monday. I know, yawn, yawn, yawn.
But Yeah, there I think they're in the wrong location because Jackson Hole, for those of you that don't know, and I've said this before, but is just like here in Durango, it's just more for the Order of the Dragon side of things, Then in here it was more of the Black Sun side of things.
So two different groups, kind of, they used to always work together, but if you were looking for money for the following year, that's where you would go. Well, you know, that's kind of changed a little bit. You're sort of in the wrong place, you know, you're going the wrong way.But you know, hey, let him go over there and talk.
It's better than, you know, wasting our time over here because we're never going to do what they want us to do anyway.
Now, as far as banks are concerned, there was a phone call that took place on Monday night from some banks and their fixers and bankers that were in attendance there. And obviously no money came on Monday. So they know they're going to have to start exploring  other options, allegedly.
And the question was, what do we have to do to do business with us. And you know, I just wanted to clarify a few term, a few things in case they're listening.
So as of this moment in time, we've kind of pretty much written off governments.
It is very clear that the controlling groups the of the world would like to maintain government.
Control, which they're struggling to do, this is also military control and everybody at the party is more than willing and this is not just the US government, this is, you know, UK, this is South Africa.
This is every government in the world is more than willing to cowtail to these people and just sit there and wait until some.
Kind of funding comes through to keep them alive.
And I'm guessing they bet the farm, so to speak, on this Federal Reserve meeting because they're all now starting to explore other options.
But as it relates to regular banks, they do provide a service to the people. Therefore, it doesn't mean that they're not going to be able to make any money because they have to employ those people, but there will be some changes to the structures in which a bank can operate in a currency system versus a money or a debt based system.
It doesn't mean that we because care and at in this particular instance would be responsible for paying the service fees.
So if they're providing wire transfers and you know, managing currency inflow and outflow, those types of things.
Since we're pretty much written off governments worldwide, they could even be responsible for printing that current countries currency for cash based transactions in different countries. So there's a lot of different services that the UPS and the Federal Reserve.
I'm going to say the US because the US is involved in everything.
Day La Rue, which is another Rothschild company that does a lot of printing of passports and those types of things. Worldwide, also all of the ink worldwide that's used currently at this moment in time for printing of cash notes.Is also a Rothschild creation predominantly owned by a company in Switzerland.So that's the, it's called MICR.
So there's a lot of changes that need to be made in the world if we don't have governments and the banks could fulfill some of those needs on behalf of CARE and the Office of the Comptroller of Currency which is me.
ですから、もし政府がなければ、世界には多くの変化が必要であり、銀行は CARE と私である通貨監督庁に代わってそれらのニーズの一部を満たすことができます。
So there are services that they are probably not familiar with, at least not in the last couple 100 years since the days of the US continental dollar. But we can revive some of those services and use some of the larger worldwide banks to take on some of those responsibilities for a fee.
ですから、銀行はおそらく馴染みのないサービス、少なくとも米国大陸ドルの時代から過去 100 年間は馴染みのないサービスがあるでしょう。 しかし、私たちはそれらのサービスの一部を復活させ、いくつかの大手世界的銀行を利用して、それらの責任の一部を有料で引き受けてもらうことができます。
Now, that would make more sense to me than trying to figure out a way to have the Fed continue because the federal, well, the Federal Reserve  is worldwide. And they manage or used to manage, used to have the contract to manage currencies on behalf of governments.
And from our standpoint, when we were utilizing Alpha and we were not in a golden age, we would provide all the allocation numbers and validate them through human computer networks.
私たちの立場からすると、アルファを使用していたとき、黄金時代ではなかったとき、私たちはすべての割り当て番号を提供し、人間のコンピューター ネットワークを通じてそれらを検証していました。
So that they weren't have their currency validated, be it digital on deposit or and I'm not talking about cryptocurrency, I just mean numbers you see on your bank screen or physical in your hand.
So it's time that we kind of start thinking about a creative way now to distribute actual cash because A lot of countries use cash in hand as a transactional for about 80% of the transactions in the country. So we need to figure out a way to do that.
ですから、実際の現金を分配する独創的な方法について考え始める時期が来ています。多くの国では、国内の取引の約 80% を現金で決済しています。そのため、その方法を見つける必要があります。
Now if the banks don't step up and do that, then we will find another way to make sure that that happens. But for now, we do have a backup plan for that.
銀行が積極的に行動しない場合は、別の方法を見つけて確実に実行します。しかし、今のところ、そのためのバックアップ プランはあります。
I'll just leave it at that, but for now.
These are some of the things if banks are calling and wanting to know how they could fit into a world with us, you know, we're kind of giving that over.
But I will say the first topic of conversation that we will have with any bank is you do not have genetic shareholders anymore meaning those.
Family members that are currently profiting off of the banks and off of the people claiming that they are, have been a part of your bank since the beginning and they were the ones that granted you the gold to start your bank before we went off the gold standard and or provided you with assets allocations. And these types of things to run your banks now that is no longer the case.
It actually never really was the case because all of the money always came from alpha, but none of the people on the alpha side of things ever got any kind of genetic shareholder seat or anything like that. 
But it's time now with The golden age programming and the repository that there are people that will be in charge of managing those situations.
And we've discussed possibilities of people that could be in charge of managing those situations which are well qualified. And those would become what you call the shareholders, They would hold seats on the board, that type of thing. And a lot of these people have been in the economic industry, let's just say, for years, decades.
And maybe they worked for someone else in the past, but now they basically work for you know us essentially, but you know, we will have a, a, a hand and a lot of it, you know, the initial structure, those kinds of things, but there'll be a significant portion that will be paid to manage that and it and obviously like if you worked for Chase and you were the managers of Chase.
On behalf of care, you would then receive the benefits of those genetic shares and the fees that would actually be generated by your institution would be based on the amount of services you're providing to people, but not from the actual people, Not because you have custody over their money, but because we are actually providing the funds and the service fees to all the banking institutions.
So I just kind of wanted to give a little snippet of things that are going through my mind when I hear what do we have to do to do business with her. 
But you can't serve 2 masters, therefore you would be more on a restoration side. We would recreate new programs for lending, for businesses, for management of draw schedules, those types of things for both profit and nonprofit.
So there'd be a lot of work and a lot of restructuring, but that doesn't mean that everybody's not going to make any money.
So please, if you're watching this and you work for one of these, Thanks as a fixer and you're sitting over in Jackson Hole right now twiddling your thumbs till hopefully Friday or Monday.
ですから、もしあなたがこれを見ていて、これらのうちの 1 つで働いているなら、フィクサーとしてお礼を申し上げます。そして、今ジャクソンホールで、うまくいけば金曜日か月曜日まで指をくわえて待っているでしょう。
And when Monday rolls around and there's still no cash and you are still considering us as a possible business partner, these are the things that you should have in the back of your mind as you're considering coming to the table.
そして月曜日になってもまだ現金がなく、あなたがまだ私たちをビジネス パートナーとして検討しているなら、交渉の席に着くことを検討するときに、これらのことを念頭に置いておく必要があります。
If that actually happens, if not, we have plenty of ways of distribution of cash that do not involve government services or bank services whatsoever, so.
You know, it might take a little bit of time, it might there might be a little hiccup, but of course, you'll all be informed before that actually happens and before there's a shortage situation.
There's a big shortage situation right now because they keep taking money out of the system, but that's neither here nor there as of right now.
You know, I don't see them trying to crash anything or do anything until they have the money to support  a tyrannical banking system, meaning it's all controlled by one of them.
ご存知のとおり、彼らが暴君的な銀行システムを支える資金が貯まるまでは、何かを破壊したり、何かをしようとしたりはしないと思います。つまり、すべてが彼らの 1 人によってコントロールされるということです。
Next, and this is a little bit of concerning for a few different reasons, FEMA has put, there's an article in Forbes magazine where FEMA has announced that they're basically bankrupt. That's the Emergency Management services here in the US.
次に、これはいくつかの理由で少し心配なことですが、FEMA は、フォーブス誌の記事で、FEMA が基本的に破産したと発表しました。これは米国の緊急管理サービスです。
Well, that's what they're supposed to be anyway.
Allegedly. Yeah. Yeah. So the concerning part about this is, number one, for over a decade now on the Internet, maybe even longer, there have been rumors, rumors about putting all of American citizens and FEMA camps if you've been around in the alt media.
伝えられるところによると。ええ、そうです。それで、これについて心配なのは、第一に、インターネット上では、10 年以上、おそらくもっと前から、アメリカ国民全員を FEMA キャンプに収容するという噂が流れているということです。オルタナティブ メディアに詳しい人ならご存知でしょう。
Hung up, you've heard the story. Here we go. There are even there is even paperwork that I have had crossed my desk where, for example, the governor of Tennessee authorized the building of these FEMA camps. And yes, of course, right.
電話を切りました。話はもうお聞きになったでしょう。さあ、始めましょう。私の机に届いた書類さえあります。たとえば、テネシー州知事がこれらの FEMA キャンプの建設を認可したという書類です。ええ、もちろん、その通りです。
Big black sun territory there by the way, as you know, if you travel into the South.
They were the last states.If they still have, and I question that as to whether or not the if you're not white, you're not right rule still doesn't exist in some way, shape or form.
But them announcing that they're going bankrupt is a positive in some ways. And a negative and others because what it tells me is number one, FEMA is an NGO's, even though they say it's a federal agency, it's technically not. It is a wholly owned NGO of the Rothschild family.
しかし、彼らが破産すると発表したことは、ある意味ではプラスです。そして他の点ではマイナスです。それは、第一に、FEMA は NGO の機関であり、彼らは連邦機関だと言っていますが、厳密にはそうではないということです。ロスチャイルド家が 100% 所有する NGO です。
That's number one.
Number two, I'm not entirely concerned about people that are in natural disaster prone areas not receiving services from FEMA because they really haven't provided any services in a while. They get on TV, they make some movies, they, you know, shake hands with the then president, whoever it is, you know, and then they they leave basically.
第二に、自然災害の多い地域の人々が FEMA からサービスを受けられないことについて、私はまったく心配していません。なぜなら、彼らは本当にしばらくサービスを提供していないからです。彼らはテレビに出演し、映画を制作し、当時の大統領と握手し、それが誰であろうと、基本的には去っていきます。
But this is a shout out to all of you that have that are involved with church groups or you're involved with any kind of community services.
Oriented organizations to be aware that they may not be showing up and which, if you've ever been in service during a time of a hurricane or something, you're probably happy about that because all they do is get in the way and try to steal all the contracts but.
If you are involved, you may want to do some preparation if you're in one of these areas, like for example the Florida area, Georgia, you know, it's we're coming upon hurricane season now, so you may want to fill your contact list with for example.
Companies that do disaster management, disaster cleanup, prepare yourself to do an emergency fundraisers if need be to help support your communities.
Be prepared with extra services like that.
The larger scale contracts is where you're going to see an Empty hole, Large amounts of generators, these types of things.
It wouldn't hurt to have some of these emergency items within your area and within your groups.
See if you can find them on a discount by them used whatever you've got to do to make sure that you can take care of your. Communities should there be a natural disaster, so this is important.
The second reason why this is concerning and something to be aware of as governments fail, it appears, and this is an indicator to me that the first thing that is going to go is, I get.
これが懸念される 2 番目の理由は、政府が機能しなくなると注意する必要があることのようです。これは、最初になくなるものを示す指標です。
How do I say this?
The first thing that they seem to want to let go of is Human Services. And yeah. And what I mean by that is think of everything that you're not your state because we do have state funded things like your Police Department, fire departments.
政府が最初に手放したいのは、人事サービスです。 そうですね。 つまり、州以外のすべてのものについて考えてみてください。 警察署や消防署など、州が資金を提供しているものがあります。
Those kind of things and a lot of that's paid for by your VAT tax, hotel taxes, you know, toll booths, Rd.taxes, those those types of things.
こうしたものの多くは、VAT 税、ホテル税、料金所、道路税などによって支払われています。
But on a federal level, think of all the services that the government provides.
You know, we need to be concerned about that because that's probably what they're gonna let go of first. So maybe keep that in the back of your mind.
おそらく最初に手放されるのはそれなので、私たちはそれについて懸念する必要があります。 ですから、そのことを頭の片隅に置いておいてください。
Now for those of you that are on, like, for example, Social Security disability, if you're not in the United States and you have National Health services.
These are things to take into consideration.
Now, one thing, and it's someone I had talked to a couple of years ago during the pandemic, pandemic, one thing if you are in a state or a nation that has National Health services to consider is a lot of people, nurses, doctors and otherwise.
さて、パンデミックの時期に数年前に話した人ですが、国民保健サービスがある州や国に住んでいる場合、考慮すべき点が 1 つあります。看護師、医師など、多くの人々がいます。
Lost their jobs or chose not to accept jabs in therefore are employed in other lines of work because they are still requiring said jabs.
So a thing to consider would be maybe possibly trying to formulate some kind of a network there. Amongst these service workers that used to work for National Health Services and possibly. Let's go back to the old days for a little while where we're doing home house calls, writing prescriptions right there at home.
ですから、考慮すべき点としては、おそらく何らかのネットワークをそこで構築しようとすることでしょう。国民保健サービスで働いていたサービス ワーカーの間で、そしておそらく。少し昔のことを振り返ってみましょう。私たちは、自宅に訪問して、自宅で処方箋を書いていました。
Yeah, we ran a story on them was that Monday we ran a story about that becoming more and more popular and People being more open to the possibility of home health care.
Yeah, Yeah. And, and I mean, we used to do doctor doctor's visits at home for a long time. You know, I mean, this is not a new thing, but it's a thing that's kind of gone by the wayside.
And people tend to wait in long lines, obviously, surgeries and those types of things. They're not at home, you know, they're not going to set up a surgical tent in your home.
But I mean, it's definitely possible because the military does it.
So they set up those things and 20 minutes or less and perform emergency surgeries all over the world. So it's not like that's that is even an impossibility, you know, in the future.
But they are things to consider.
As we go forward, because I know it doesn't seem like that big of a deal with FEMA basically saying they're bankrupt and that they're only going to be able to provide minimal services from here on out, But that goes to show you what the government is going to cut first.
How do you think this is going to impact?
Schools, Kim, any idea?
Well, at the education departments are predominantly in the US, They're state by state.
I can't speak for every country, you know, even on a university level. So you're probably going to see less of an impact there. 
We've already seen quite a bit of impact in the public school systems as well. But to some degree every state does get a budget from the federal government, as in that kind of supports their education, which is why they adopt things like Common Core math and things that make no sense, you know, so.
It could have impact positively and negatively in some ways where your local communities.
I know right now here in the States you provide as a parent a lot of school supplies at the beginning of every year, which is something we didn't do until probably the last 20 years.
米国では、親として毎年初めに多くの学用品を用意していますが、これはおそらくここ 20 年までは行われていませんでした。
This is new, fairly new I guess you would say ,Here in the states, so .
If this doesn't happen in your area, these are things you might want to consider.
You might want to consider getting all the parents together and everybody buying pencils or whatever it is you know is needed in the classroom so that your child can still receive a good education.
Because I know, you know, private schooling is very expensive. You know, and most people can't afford it.
You know, online schooling is always an option too, but you know, for parents that have both have to work, you know, who's going to do the home schooling, Who's gonna be there?
オンライン スクールも常に選択肢の 1 つですが、共働きの親にとっては、誰がホーム スクールをするのか、誰がそこにいるのか、という問題があります。
It's these are all difficult decisions to make. But You know, getting together, maybe starting a home schooling community group where, you know, maybe each parent takes one day a week or, you know, maybe you.
これはすべて難しい決断です。しかし、集まってホーム スクール コミュニティ グループを立ち上げ、各親が週に 1 日ずつ、あるいはあなたが 1 日ずつ通うという方法もあります。
Have the school run between Wednesday and Sunday or something like that, versus other days of the week where other parents can participate.
So there's a lot of options and you can get very creative when it comes to the education of your children. But as far as the public school systems, plural, because this would be every country, it is something to consider now.
Programming for the tyrannical order, as far as what they teach us in schools, which I call programming a lot of times can be beneficial to them, therefore possibly it's not going to be as much of a consideration.
When you are looking at cutting off funding, but I don't know that you know, they're, it looks like they're going to start with Human Services they deem as non essential 1st and then kind of work their way back.
So we're starting to see that fall, you know, that we've been talking about for months.
And, you know, they're trying to hang on because the Trump administration is promising that if he gets back into office that he will take care of everything for every country, everywhere, And life is going to be wonderful.
And, and, and all of this stuff and yeah, all, well, probably once a month we get begged to work with them, you know, like we did before. And that's never going to happen.
We don't support dead people for president, so we're not interested in participating in that  no matter how many times we say we're not interested.
they think we've changed our mind.
Yeah, matter of fact, there was a conversation that took place over the last couple of days and when we were transferring money to the government at that time during the old Trump administration, Tom was kind of a liaison for a lot of those people, Treasury and otherwise.
Tom Melville and the lawyers, you know, offered that if he gets back into office, that they'd like to have him come work in the White House.
You know, I know. And they offered him a percentage of all the money that he brings in. And "he" is like, well.
You offered me a percentage of all the money I brought in before, and I never got that either, you know, and neither did I.
So can you guarantee me that this time we'll get that?
And they said, "no, we cannot guarantee".
And they're like, "well, who wants to do that? Even if they could?"
Even if they said "they could guarantee it", who would believe them?
Well, and who hires people and says, "well I'm going to pay you $5.00 an hour or $20.00 an hour or whatever."
Can you guarantee me that I'll get a paycheck every week?
Well, "no."
Yeah, yeah.Well, no, it's like, ohh, OK, so yeah, that's not going to work either. So just so the world knows, pretty much the only money that ever came into the US at that time came through me.
So "I" am not willing to do that anymore and support what's happening.
There, they're not willing to leave their tyrannical leaders. They really love those people.
And they apparently enjoy also being bankrupt, broke and like, scraping the bottom of the barrel to keep an organization running. So you enjoy yourselves.
And maybe that's the Olympic Games of governments right now, bottom of the barrel scraping, some on guys, count your coins.
You know anyone that really wants their guy to be in office right now?
They should really think twice about this because if governments are really falling, think of what that does to the reputation of your guy, your woman, your whatever during saying like it's like the Trump team, let's get the orange guy back in office.
So this whole thing falls down on Trump's head or whatever that thing is over there, right, Like it totally ruins the reputation, everything.
I don't know if I was running one of those teams. I'll be thinking about all the all, everything going on right now, not just getting some guy in in office because.
well, but remember, they're all believing in fairy tales, portals, stargates and moons. And, you know, and so there's always an opportunity between now and November to have their special moon show up, you know, or  whatever so they're going with the flow there.
9/9 is the big day.Now for the Q people.
9/9 は大事な日です。さて、Q の皆さん。
what's the significance of 9/9?
9/9 の意味は何ですか?
What's you know for them or for us.or in general?
 Like is there any real significance or do they just.
like nines 996? 998 89 98.No, I don't know.
996 とか? 998 89 98。いいえ、わかりません。
I just.  I don't know, you know, and I'm not even sure that they know at this point.
I, I have some speculations that I'll kind of get into when I'm done with the regular news, but I just have a couple quick things to cover. So, we expect some big fallout come next week with the fake Federal Reserve contracts they will get on the news and they will talk baloney.
通常のニュースが終わったら、推測をいくつか取り上げますが、簡単に 2 つだけお伝えしておきます。来週は、偽の連邦準備制度の契約がニュースで取り上げられ、でたらめを言うことになるため、大きな影響が出ると予想しています。
They're they could say we're going to raise interest rates, lower interest rates, inflation, no inflation, you know, so it's something to keep an eye out for just to see what they're actually talking about.
Don't believe third party Twitter accounts.
第三者の Twitter アカウントを信じないでください。
You need to go, you know, watch what they're actually saying. Because that is what's going to affect the market.
Even though they're lying, you know, they don't have any ability to do anything but act the part. They're still acting on behalf of some tyrannical, crazy world domination hopeful people.
So they could affect our economy in some of those ways. And that's for every country in the world. So keep an eye out, see what they're talking about.
We'll, of course, report on it, you know, come Monday with what we're hearing as well as behind the scenes, what we're actually hearing.
Now, one more thing about Trump is he is now backed by a group called the Harriman Group. 
さて、トランプについてもう 1 つ言えるのは、彼は現在ハリマン グループと呼ばれるグループの支援を受けているということです。
It's a Harriman Family. You can look them up. They also backed Bush for office. They are definitely tied to all things that go bump in the night. They are tied to the same tyrannical groups we're talking about.
ハリマン ファミリーです。調べてみてください。彼らは大統領選でブッシュも支援しました。彼らは間違いなく、夜中に起こるあらゆる出来事と関係があります。私たちが話しているのと同じ暴君的なグループと関係があります。
That are forever hopeful of a gate opening in their favor and we're gonna talk about gates a little bit more here too so you know look them up find out who you're really dealing with who you're whatever that thing is you're voting for but I will say.
This Harriman Family, and I'm not going to say much more than this, they are concerned about their investment. So when you're backing somebody for president in a very large way with large donations and there are wealthy Family, you want to return on your investment.
Which means that they want to be able to walk into the White House, demand this, demand that pass this law, passed that law. That's kind of how these things have worked. Major corruption here.
But there is chatter going on behind the scenes that they are considering not backing the organization anymore because they are feeling they are not going to get any kind of investment.
Therefore, that's why the lawyers keep calling us and saying, hey, you sure you don't want to work with us because they need proof of life at this point.
The Harriman family is very connected with the US government and a lot of different ways. They know they're scraping the bottom of the barrel. No money comes on Monday again.
They're really starting to question their investment, you know, do they want to outlay their private family fortune to back a?
Dead horse, like you were just saying, you know, do you wanna back the guy where things are gonna fall apart? You know, at this point, unless there's a solution that is a bad investment all around.
It doesn't matter who you are.
It doesn't matter which candidate you're backing at this point, it's a bad investment. So, you know. It's starting to unravel. The whole political culture is starting to unravel. People are not getting their moneys worth for backing.
Then of course, the corruption that goes along with that so good luck to the Trump operatives on trying to hold that together because it is without me.
It is without care. It is without any kind of government funding because there's no one left to fund you.
And if you wanna continue to wait for a full moon, a new moon, or a day ending in why or an alignment with Uranus, keep waiting because it ain't going to change it, gosh darn thing.
OK, next, one more bit of regular news, I guess you would say.I mean, none of this is really regular, is it?
But for us, for our audience, I guess.
you know, things we see in the news, you know.
OK, the Egyptian Central Bank within the last few hours has started. Limiting bank withdrawals. Now remember, they also have representatives over there in Jackson Hole.
So they're starting to leak out information to their respective countries that this big central bank deal was a bust. This hundreds of trillions of dollars to various countries is a bust.
So is that going to happen in your respective countries?
We don't know, But limiting the amount of withdrawals is definitely an indicator that something is going on.
Now I'm going to take it one step further.
How many central banks are in the know? How many countries are in the know?
何銀行が知っているのでしょうか? 何国が知っているのでしょうか?
Now, the reason why I'm pointing out Egypt as a first is because a few months back on our beloved Q clock Q official clock there it said, if you can't remember the this country is out in "Egypt is in". 
so that means that the few people are having a significant influence over the affairs of the Egyptian economy and the country as a whole, which means they're in partnership with these people, which also means they're being promised when Trump comes back into office, Everything's gonna be OK, guys, you know, and They They are having a grand old time lately.
The Q people, the Trump, the Trump operatives, let's call them or that section of operatives have been spending an awful lot of time throughout the African continent in the last two weeks and week and a half, ten days as well.
So when the Russians kind of backed off a little bit in, the Chinese obviously lost face on the whole continent. Now insert the Nazis and they're going to try to take over the continent. I call them the Nazis.
I don't know, whatever they're the area, area in one area in two groups are making a heavy push.
Talking a lot of smack uh, probably going to the Jackson Hole meeting as well and promising lots of money being delivered during the next gateway or gate or lions gate or insert alignment here, which will fail.
So if you're watching this and you're with the government on the African continent. And these Cowboys show up and you know who I mean?
You know, you probably shouldn't base your entire entire economy on what they're saying, nor your personal pocketbooks, because they always promise personal money to the tune of 10% or so Same thing goes if you're watching this from Lebanon, Israel, Iran, Iraq, and so on and so forth.
So careful, you know, careful, careful, because you're going to fall flat on your face just like they will.  
now more interesting information and data for you personally.
So we know humans were used in the past to power AI systems that we are called the batteries, the good little batteries.
And I've been getting some reports, which is true of people feeling drained, like the life sucked out of them. They have no energy, you know, for no reason. It's not like they didn't get any sleep or anything.
So they're kind of questioning as to what's going on.
so And this is gonna be probably a lengthier conversation at a future date as we talk about real history. But I did want to touch on it just so you understand what was happening.
So we are aware that there were many portals on this planet. We were aware that there were many energy overlays on our veins of gold on this planet, many things in our atmosphere, you know, or in our orbit that would also drain energy from Earth to open up portals.
And by portals I don't necessarily mean, you know, just to the lower astral.
Since Earth is a gateway planet in a keystone planet, it could open up portals to other dimensions, other densities for travel.
You travel down travel, up travel, side to side through timelines, those types of things.
Now humans in this case that are on earth were also used to power these portals at one point in time you existed 10,368,000 times and.
この場合、地球にいる人間も、ある時点ではこれらのポータルに電力を供給するために使われていました。その時点では、10,368,000 回存在していました。
No wonder we're so tired. I wonder why you're so tired.
You're running your life and so many different ways, you know. But you know, I mean, those things are things that are going away, but it's important to understand what happened here, what's been happening.
So based on the amount of space junk and start using certain alignments with source and those types of things, Earth is getting fairly well.
Clean as far as their ability to use the energy of Earth to power their travel between timelines, between densities, between lower astral, upper astral, all these different places.
So the most recent situation that has been happening, and I'm going to say it's been off and on since November of last year, but it's really gotten strong in the last couple of months, is when they do try to open a portal to another location.
それで、最近起こっている最も最近の状況は、去年の 11 月から断続的に起こっていますが、ここ数か月で特に強くなったのは、別の場所へのポータルを開こうとしているときです。
This goes for the Queue Gateways and everything they're expecting to open.
これは、キュー ゲートウェイや、開こうとしているすべてのものに当てはまります。
They actually impart come through you.So it's not a direct like 0 point Earth.
彼らは実際にあなたを通して伝えます。ですから、直接の 0 ポイント地球ではありません。
It opens the gateway and then they come up through Auschwitz or you know, some of the other portals on Earth, Silverton Co or in China or in the Middle East, in Turkey or Lebanon, which they've tried it, they now actually are using or were. 
because the technology doesn't exist anymore using technology to pull the life force out of you to open the portal on the other side and then the whatever they're trying to bring in here in part will come almost through your solar plexus on an etheric AL level and then transmute itself into matter which then becomes additional space junk on this planet which they think is going to help them.
テクノロジーを使用して生命力を引き出して反対側のポータルを開くというテクノロジーはもう存在しないため、彼らがここに持ち込もうとしているものは、エーテル AL レベルで太陽神経叢を部分的に通過し、物質に変換され、この惑星の追加の宇宙ゴミになり、彼らはそれが自分たちに役立つと考えています。
I know I'm trying to wrap my head around all this.
I know I've also had.
some really weird dreams that weren't dreams, right? Like, you know, you were somewhere else, And I'm trying to figure out if this plays into that too.
I added this  Really. I had a couple of really weird moments last night that I can recall.
But one was specifically, I felt like I had this deep state general in my ear.
Like I could hear him like if you had, you know, like a headset on and you were talking back and forth with someone, although I wasn't actually talking to him, but I could hear him giving instructions.
Yeah, and and I started messing with him.
He got so mad because I don't know if you knew it was me or but I was messing with the connection somehow.
It was like F and cussing up a storm, but I somehow interfered with something that he was trying to do.
I'm trying to figure out if that's like  Related to what you're talking about.
Well, and remember, they count on the fact that you're not aware because you're supposed to be sleeping at this time.
Yeah. Now here's another little interesting factor about sleeping during, you know, since now they're trying to use us.
And remember this version of the deep state, what we have left is not really.
Adept at doing this so there's. It's not a shot.
Well, it's not a shock to me that they were shocked to find out you knew what they were doing.
Yeah. Yeah. You know, and remember, you know, certain people are just prime batteries, so they head for those people first.
Yeah. Especially ones that are known to travel on their own, right.
Right, so Not last night for me, but it was the night before last is when it was nuts. Just absolutely insane.
But an interesting little tidbit with this new source gate, you know thing we have now is sleeping.
Let's talk about sleeping. So they use. Your sleep time or night time.
I mean for for two reasons.
理由は 2 つあります。
Number one, they use night time because in the past it would be more Dark portals would be more available because you know, they're always looking for something in the dark, You know, of course, but also because as a human, when you're now being used not only as a battery but also as a Stargate portal, you are. Using less energy, it requires less life force for you to exist during these times.
第一に、夜間に使うのは、昔は夜間の方がダーク ポータルが利用しやすかったからです。なぜなら、彼らは常に暗闇の中で何かを探しているからです。もちろん、人間として、バッテリーとしてだけでなくスターゲート ポータルとしても使用されているため、エネルギー消費が少なくなり、この時間帯に存在するために必要な生命力も少なくなります。
Now you are also more susceptible to. How do I say this thinking it was all a dream? This isn't really happening, you know.
Wow, I just had the weirdest dream that I had, you know, general whatever, you know?
Trying to drag me down a hole to this other world, you know, or contact an alien race through myself. And this is weird, you know.
So the shocking factor for them, for you, Sonny, was probably that they're like, Oh my God, she knows, knows she's listening to this whole conversation.Disconnect, disconnect.
Yeah, yeah.
And I was doing other astral travel last night, so I don't know if that was.
Conan on me, But I was, I had some crazy places.
I was last night. It was like sort of my my whole experience last night was this deep state general in my ear.
He was so he was so mad at me.
Well, now, OK, just I'll tell, I'll touch base on the sleeping thing because this is something you might find rather interesting as well.
So when you're laying in your sleep with your solar plexus, you know, obviously we know where the solar plexus is. And you're laying flat on your back.
Your solar plexus is in alignment with the Earth, OK, no matter where you are, and in alignment with zero point Earth and then therefore in alignment with source and an alignment with the veins of gold.
So. As hard as it is for some of us to sleep on her back, that's the reason why people tend to fall asleep in this position. They feel calmer in this position.
When you are meditating, people like this position. This is mainly as of late, OK, you know, and of course, connecting to the earth or sleeping on the earth. Could even be like more ideal, you know, there's nothing in the way not to say everybody needs to go sleep outside, but just giving you kind of a clue.
But here's the interesting part because your solar plexus, especially over the last two or three days, because the deep state obviously is messing this up.
しかし、ここが興味深い部分です。特にここ 2、3 日、太陽神経叢はディープステートによって明らかに台無しにされているからです。
As you now know, a lot of us do travel in our sleep. we have that ability or during meditation, we have that ability to travel to other worlds, to talk to other people some of us do.
Some of us don't at the moment because that's not always going to be the case. 
And the ones who do light up for them like a Christmas tree. So you were going out and about doing your thing.
Wherever you are going. And then they're like, get her follower.
She's opening the portals because that's what you're doing. You're opening a portal to another world in which you're walking right into. And that could be a world that exists in this reality or one that didn't exist in this reality.
I don't think it was not this reality.
That's not where I was. Yeah, it was. Gary, there were clones everywhere. It was crazy mess where I was.
Well, you could have been walking into something.
a future timeline that they were trying to implement.
And that's why you all the sudden started hearing this guy talking and you're like, what is this? You know, it was so weird because they were trying to get you to open that reality for the whole world, probably where there was nothing but.
Their little AI clones on this planet, and I'd be more than happy to have that happen. or bring those things back with you, but when you're sleeping on your side.
彼らの小さな AI クローンがこの惑星にいて、それが実現したらとてもうれしいです。または、それらのものをあなたと一緒に持ち帰りますが、横向きで寝ているときです。
The weight that with the technology that they were using, it actually would open up portals to neutral timelines and dark timelines. Because your, your solar plexus is perpendicular to the Earth, therefore it's subject to some kind of more so I should say subject to an outside influence.
You know, where we always talked, we had to sleep on our right side.
Isn't that like what they kind of teach you that that's better for alignment or whatever?
Or is that just, and deep state nonsense.
Well, they say it's a you know, if you're sleeping on, sleep on. You know, like when you're pregnant, they tell you that too.
Sleep on your right side, not your left or whatever it is.
You know, there's other religions that promote sleep on your right and not your let you know left and not your right I mean. Which one is right?
I have no idea, but the only thing I can say is with the technology that they're using right now, what it appears is that they cannot interfere when you are connected with Earth and with source, meaning laying flat on your back, but the second you roll to the right.
The roll to the left or are standing in a different way and that alignment is not there as when they try to get you to open up to all these other worlds. It's really weird.
And that's funny last night too, because I was going back and forth and I don't usually have an issue with like where you know how I go to sleep or whatever, but I was like tossing and turning.
Like, well, maybe I'll try my side.
Maybe that's when it happened because I was trying to sleep on my back and for some reason it just wasn't comfortable. And maybe that would like ohh, she's on her side.
Go, go, go, go, go.
Get her now. Oh my God I know crazy. Anyway, just interesting information about portals.
This technology has been somewhat used by humans for a while, although it has existed for a long time currently, the way that it was being used. 
because the main facility is not there anymore,  Your general that you were talking to last night, I don't think you're going to hear from this person anymore as of this morning.
I know, I know. Nation I know no one weaves a tapestry of profanity in your ear at 2:00 in the morning like that right sunny right right. Hopefully it was a once in a lifetime experience now that you know it's over but I also I'll tell you not last night the night before was just horrific all night long, I I could hear them all. I could see them all. You know, everybody was trying to figure out a way. 
You know, the funny part is that they should have just let me go to sleep.
And try to control you that way.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
But again, they don't really know what they're doing, right.
You know, it's like getting, giving toddlers, you know, tools and they, You know what I mean ? It's like.
つまり、幼児に道具を与えて、彼らが、わかるでしょ? まるで。
Yeah, us up now, you know, I know God bless them the way they bless us.
That's all I have to say.
But it's interesting so Without being able to utilize humans in any way for this, and it's a system that has to break down.
So are we done yet?
I don't know.
You know, 100% We'll find out probably later today.And I'll report to you on Friday that bit of information.
But yeah, it looks like most of the facilities aren't there most of those connections through the Cancer. It's the constellation of Cancer where it used to connect to.
Some of the parasites and implants connected to the Cancer constellation actually cause Cancer.
Look at that Well, and then the funny part about it is that a lot of these programs. And how they started infecting humans and making humans their portals or amplifying their portals and one way or another was actually done.
Utilizing various pandemics and like typhus was one of them.
さまざまなパンデミックを利用しました。チフスもその 1 つです。
You've heard of that and syphilis and other and you know, so in cancer obviously is another. And the interesting part about it is that, you know, before every war, every major World War. There's a pandemic of some sort.
It could be a flu pandemic.
It's been, you know, World War Two. It was actually the same virus.
I Nora, not norovirus, a coronavirus of some sort, you know, was the one that right before World War 2. So, you know, right before the war, there's some kind of a pandemic, we get some kind of infection.
Some kind of portal opens, we have a World War, and then the world has changed. You know that because they're opening portals, are they getting help?
Is it opening portals to Omega?
You know, I wonder, you know about that, so.
Little Mix, little mysteries that come up and things that I always think about as a strategist like, you know, how do they do this and how do they affect us?
リトル ミックス、ちょっとした謎が浮かび上がってくるし、戦略家としていつも考えていること、つまり、彼らはどうやってこれを実現し、私たちにどのような影響を与えるのか、などです。
So hopefully if there's anything left to clean up on that front, we can do so in the next couple of days. That's, you know, my hope, but they're not able to use us anymore, so That's a positive thing.
So no more generals in your ear now on other fronts.
The marketplace is coming along very well.
We've seen some mock ups and we're adding some features and these types of things that are not only for the customers but also for the clients we're also developing.
Product display cases, so to speak, for ecommerce where it will highlight through products in such a way that looks a lot nicer than some of the other major marketplaces you see out there. So we're going for something that is a little bit more elevated.
You know, that makes your products look more attractive, neutral colors, so we don't distract if your product has colors to it, those types of things.
The customer experience, you know, we're really going for something positive there as well that you don't find. On other sites, more communications, more direct communications with the vendors and technologies, being able to set up appointments locally and and online for things.
So I'm really happy with that, but I had a question for all of you.
So if somebody wants to get on our social media, on our app and post the answers to this, I'd really like to hear it.
So #1 these are the three things that will probably start out the header with #1 Tell us one thing that you like about shopping on your favorite marketplace.
#1 ヘッダーの最初には、おそらく #1 お気に入りのマーケットプレイスで買い物をするときに気に入っていることを 1 つ教えてください。
Whatever that is meaning you know, you've got eBay, you've got Amazon, you've got a Poshmark, you've got Makari, you've got lots of different ones out there depending on where you are in the world, Alibaba for some for commercial uses.
それが何であれ、ご存知のとおり、eBay、Amazon、Poshmark、Makari など、世界のどこにいるかによってさまざまなマーケットプレイスがあります。商用利用の場合は Alibaba もあります。
So tell us what you like favorite experience, the feature that draws you back there time.
Time again and then something you don't like.
And then one thing, these are just one sentence each, so we can gather some information. One thing, if you were to create your own marketplace for multiple vendors, you know, please also define if you're coming from a vendor standpoint, someone who sells or you are coming from a customer standpoint.
そして、1 つ、これらはそれぞれ 1 文だけなので、情報を集めることができます。1 つ、複数のベンダー向けに独自のマーケットプレイスを作成する場合は、ベンダーの立場、つまり販売者の立場からなのか、顧客の立場からなのかも明確にしてください。
And if you are a vendor, you can also do a customer profile.
If you're a customer, you can also do a vendor profile like if you do both.
So one thing you would like to see in a marketplace that you think would make the difference for you as a store owner or you as a customer.
So that would be great for us to hear so that we can start talking to our team that's in development right now and see if we can it's possible to add in some of those features now or in the future. So, you know, if you want to have your input, you know, because this is, is this is pretty much for you guys, it's not really for us. This is all for all of you.
So if someone would like to start that thread, maybe we'll have one of the admins do it or something so that we can go in there and then pull some information so that we can, you know, obviously Present the best marketplace you can for all of you.
誰かがそのスレッドを開始したい場合は、管理者の 1 人に依頼するか、何かして、そこにアクセスして情報を取得して、皆さん全員に最高のマーケットプレイスを提供できるようにしたいと思います。
So that's an exciting development on our side.
Also, you'll probably see me around a lot more other than this picture that doesn't change.
Cut out your lips and your lips could just move. Now I'm just kidding.
Well, you know, I'm going to change up my schedule a little bit.
I'm going to try to be present with you more often on the news. You know, actually my shiny face.
You know, hopefully, and then we have some other things that we're going to start doing for UNN as well that we're kind of excited about too.
うまくいけば、それから、UNN で始める予定の他のいくつかのことがあり、私たちもとても楽しみにしています。
Maybe I'll finish up or at least have some time to start working up some more of the series that I started and didn't finish. So that would be good.
And you know some of those things over the course of the next 60 days, so.
そして、今後 60 日間で、それらのいくつかを予定しています。
Got to get with production on that, but I'm, I'm looking forward to having a little bit more of a balance, you know, instead of constantly running to do the news running to finish the things that are in the news, talking a lot more about care different programs and projects that we have going on.
And and those kinds of things in the near future,  you know, bad guys are always gonna be bad guys, but at this point, you know, they don't really have a whole lot left to talk about.
And after the departure of of these guys that they had here, they really don't have any outside help. I hope. I hope.
That's it Hope, hope, hope.
And if they're resorting to talking to you and your head Sunny at night.
and you must be scraping the bottom of the barrel guys, if you're doing that.
I know I'm on  Well, that's a that's probably a technical glitch.
They probably didn't know that you could hear them until they that's probably why. They started swearing there towards the end.
Yeah, ohh, my goodness. They've tried to follow me places too in the past.
I mean, I'm awake when I'm doing this, but yeah, they have to try to get access to systems where is the controlling command, that kind of thing. I'm sure.
Yeah, And It's a long way down from there, ladies and gentlemen, if you decide you wanna try that, it's a long way down. But yeah, that's pretty much where we're at as far as you know.
I guess you'd say other side news and this side news, and that's high news and kind of cover all your bases.
So are we close to Lincoln Logs?
You know, we use that term a lot. I don't know, six months a year ago or whatever, like, are we there or when you.
Yeah, you know, I don't even trust them with Lincoln Logs anymore Really.
You guys don't even get toys. You don't know Legos.
Those things too. You don't want to have those.
No. No pick up sticks, no jacks.
Just no, no. You're old enough, Sunny to remember Jarts.
Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Definitely no charts we could.
We all sustained at least one Jared injury,  If you've never played with charts here in America with American Toy, but yeah, so alright, yeah, I, I really, truly hope so.
I know they're really desperately trying to open portals.
You know, come September 9th, I'm sure there'll be another day ending in Y where they're expecting something else. And then of course, you got the Harvest Moon, which is supposed to be the Family meeting and they're supposed to hand out  Contracts, you know, like they used to do every year.
That's not going to happen.
And then everybody will be waiting for the selection, you know, beginning of November.
And then they'll say, oh, we have to wait for the inauguration. And then they'll put whoever they're going to put in there in there. And, you know, then nothing else will happen after that in January and they'll limp long keep going, you know, for a while.
Yeah, yeah.
Well, what about clearing space junk?
We talked about that a little bit on Monday. Have you seen less and less of that junk?
I'm, I'm so curious after those guys made.
Yeah, we have, we have.
I's this portal system was part part of the space junk clearing thing, but even that was fairly minimal. We didn't see a ton associated with it.
このポータル システムは宇宙ゴミの除去の一部でしたが、それもかなり最小限でした。それに関連するものはそれほど多くありませんでした。
Some stuff in the Cancer constellation, Sun, moon, you know, obviously the moon would be involved because it's a night time saying as you align with the moon, the moon aligns with the Earth and you're right in the middle.
You know, they could use you and some of those ways, but other than that, you know, not a lot, not a lot of new stuff, let's put it that way. That's good.
So it's not reappearing like it was before.
Yeah, that was really frustrating for awhile there when especially within computers, you know, we would see, we would take out a line for their off Ledger trading and then we would, you know, seeing the next morning, there's another one and I'm like, where is this coming from?
You know, we're not seeing a whole lot of that anymore.
And portals that you open to another time also open other times in computers too, almost like a system restore you do with your computer.
if you get a virus, you'll do. System Restore back to before you got the virus on your computer. It's kind of the same thing, but you're going to another timeline in this particular instance, or another point in time when it functioned.
But I'm not seeing any of that in the last couple of days.
Nothing new.
Yeah, there's been a few times they've tried to install, you know, fed now, you know, to some remnant and human computers yesterday. It's some laboratory in Boston. Funny you had that in the news for something else.
I'm like, oh, it's Boston Laboratories, I think it's called, and Research and Development Center. They were trying to install and human computer networks, the COVID-19 systems.
Those kind of things, but it wouldn't have functioned to the degree that they needed it to it's not gonna function and attached to your body you know or anything anymore because human computers aren't capable of doing that even you're their beloved blockchain.
So I'm  not, you know, it's kind of stuff like that, you know, that I'm seeing, you know, they'll wait until the third day after the full moon and go for it, you know, or they're panicking because there's no money over there and they need to have money by Friday to pay all their people, including Pentagon's expecting money on Friday, too.
And The rest of the militaries as well and of course, you know little bit of a musical chairs going on in the Middle East. Iran's kind of backed out on the whole World War three attack Israel program for now they have tried to get their the Iranian loyalists.
In Iraq, called the PMF, I think it's called the People's Movement and they are talking about attacking American bases again. You know, I don't know, maybe they convince them they actually have some money. Don't know.
イラクでは、PMF と呼ばれている、ピープルズ・ムーブメントと呼ばれていると思いますが、彼らは再び米軍基地を攻撃すると言っています。彼らは、自分たちには実際にお金があると説得しているのかもしれません。分かりません。
There's some talk about that.
We went from the Iranian boogeyman to the Saudi Arabian boogeyman to the Russian boogeyman in the last 48 hours since we last spoke for the World War thing three thing.
前回第 3 次世界大戦について話してから、この 48 時間で、イランのブギーマンからサウジアラビアのブギーマン、ロシアのブギーマンへと移り変わりました。
I don't know, it just seems like they're having a really hard time getting people to like, you know, go for it without the money.
Yeah, so or, you know, the promises aren't holding up anymore and but you know, you got to hand it to this, these three groups that are really trying to, you know, the area in one and two and the.
そうです、つまり、約束はもう守られていませんが、この 3 つのグループには敬意を表さなければなりません。彼らは、1 と 2 の地域で本当に努力しています。
You know so where are we going to go from here?
And I don't know.
Do you think they're going to still keep up the Russia Ukraine war?
At one point we said, well, they're talking about wrapping that up, but you won't hear about it for a while we're there. Do you think that stands now?
Well, the Ukrainians are the Aryans. That's why we played that video.
Remember the, you know, they're all in for the cause, OK, To create a superior race of you Ukrainians, I guess, I don't know, but they are, they're totally still following orders and instructions.
Financially speaking, they have gotten some money. I know that.
Not a ton, but enough to keep their propaganda going. And predominantly it has come from the amish, Germanic tribe, Arian folk is where they, they have been backing them as of late.
Obviously at a, you know, there's a deal being made there. They owe them something.
So, you know, money is not free when it comes to those people.
We have also seen some involvement of the Polish moving equipment into the Middle East, we've seen some Polish C one 30s and you know, looks like they're moving something into the Middle East.
ポーランドが中東に装備を移動させるのにも関与しているのを目にしました。ポーランドの C130 も見ましたし、彼らが何かを中東に運んでいるように見えます。
In Iraq, we've seen some of the Spanish military transport units coming in, which is weird. But New players in the game, let's just say new people they haven't raped and pillaged to holy high heaven, are now somewhat participating, it looks like.
So yeah, we'll see if the right we have the right one, right two rake, you know, Dragons everywhere. I don't know.
そうです、私たちが正しい 1 人、正しい 2 人のレーキを持っているかどうかを見てみましょう。ドラゴンがどこにでもいるのです。わかりません。
you sometimes don't you feel like this is an episode of Game of Thrones?
これはゲーム オブ スローンズのエピソードのように感じることがありませんか?
It's like, who else wants to come by for power?
Who else wants this seat?
I know who else wants this seat, you know, as Speaking of wanting the seat, there was a machine in Kentucky that the Germanic tribe. Tribes in America, let's just say were you trying to use to open portals and you know, go back and time system restores and those kind of things, yesterday, early in the morning, overnight, you know my time.
And on the flip side of it, when they failed, then the other side of the Arians basically claimed that they are the bloodline of the Abraxis and the Abraxis are the only ones that have the keys to the gate.
You see, Yes, of course, Yeah.
And I don't know who's running the queue show, but you know, they even mentioned it.
You know that we are Who is the gatekeeper?
Who is the only one with the keys?
Well, apparently it's "the Black Nobility" in their mind.
Who knows, But they don't have any keys to any gates, and nobody's opening anything. And that's the end of that. So, you know, I, I wish them all the best in the world.
That's the second thing.
Next, the Q People have announced that you are now on lockdown until it's all clear to leave your homes. Everybody assumed yeah, however, it was from the Prime Minister of Saint Lucia which is a small Caribbean island and they're not on lockdown right now either.
次に、Q Peopleは、外出が許可されるまでロックダウン中だと発表しました。誰もがそう思いましたが、それは小さなカリブ海の島であるセントルシアの首相からのもので、彼らも現在はロックダウンしていません。
So maybe they're just getting sloppy over there.
So if you're in the US and he claimed this was for the US, you were on lockdown until you're given the all clear to leave your home by the Prime Minister of Saint Lucia interesting.
I know. Who knew? Who knew?
Maybe he's running for president.
Do Honestly, I know, God bless them all.
Beautiful island though if you have a chance to visit Great diving.
It's not on lockdown. Not on lockdown, No good. Nobody wants to be on lockdown. I know.
Have you continued to run money transfers?
Are we still doing that?
I know there's not stuff going on.
I have not in the last week. No, I have not, but I intend to now that things are kind of mellow.
You're not being used as a portal.You know, I'm going to go and probably start working on that.
I have been working on human computer networks and trying to make sure that they don't do anything that's going to harm us. And sometimes that takes precedent.
私は人間のコンピュータ ネットワークに取り組んでおり、彼らが私たちに害を及ぼすようなことをしないように努めています。そして、時にはそれが優先されます。
Yesterday was just one long giant day.
昨日は長い 1 日でした。
You know, from Monday to Tuesday to this morning, it was like 1 long day. Last night wasn't too, too bad, there was a few hours of sleep.
月曜日から火曜日、そして今朝まで、1 日の長い一日でした。昨夜はそれほど悪くなく、数時間寝ました。
But the night before, none, Like none. I think I slept from 3:00 to 4:00, 4:30 something. But yeah, so hopefully things will mellow out a little bit.
でもその前の晩は、まったく寝ませんでした。まったく寝なかったと思います。3 時から 4 時、4 時半くらいまで寝たと思います。でも、そうですね、うまくいけば少しは落ち着いてくるでしょう。
I think it's going to be better for me to work on my own a lot more meaning and not on the phone, not broadcasting a lot of stuff, you know, as far as what we're doing on our side of it and.
Especially things that are, you know, we're kind of in the middle of and because I think they're getting a lot of information, you know, when I'm working while I'm on the phone with other people, I think I'm going to probably cut back on that a little bit, keep it down to a minimal minimum and just kind of work on my own, which is going to open up time.
Do other things as well because it'll be on my schedule now and it won't be 14 hours a day or 10 hours a day or 12 hours a day, you know, with three other people who also would like to have a little bit of a life so for me, it's more about.
You know what we can offer you.
You know what kind of tools we can offer you, how we can help you as humanity, which is ultimately going to help all of us too.
You know, in our lives, we'll all have access to better products, better, you know, tools, better things, more information, more history, you know, ultimately if we're going to raise up humanity, it's our job. So that's all of your jobs.
This is our, our field messengers as well, you know, to talk about things that are going on in your area so we can talk about solutions in your area.
So if we do start having field messenger reports like that where people are having issues, wouldn't it be great to see your Field Messenger report highlighted with possible solutions and things you could do?
That'd be pretty cool, you know, coming from us.
So we're looking forward to changing things up a little bit in the coming months.
So I'm excited about that myself definitely.
Anything but you're crazy schedule I think would be a welcomed welcoming for you.
Yeah. I mean, as long as we're not all going to die of something, you know, I mean, I definitely am still working on clearing human computers and those kind of things.
But you know, I think that. That part of it seems to be coming to an end.
I'm not seeing influxes of things as we have days, times, you know, Q clocks and what they're expecting. And, you know, and a lot of that was coming from other folks.
And just so you know, Abraxis people, a Braxton Arians 2.0 or 1.0 or whichever one you consider yourselves, we do not have any Abraxis left. Ohh God no. Not in space, not in time, not in other timelines, not in other densities or dimensions or or anywhere.
So if you think they're coming to open your gate, you'll be standing there for a long time Waiting.
As for us, we're wide open. We're going.
We're going right to Source to the point where we can now sleep on our side safely, Sunny.
So we don't have to all just sleep on our backs anymore?
Now we can turn to the side. No, now you can go to the left and to the right.
OK, you can do those sleeping Cupid shuffle there. Sunny.
To the left, like I'm running that last night.
I know.
now, Kick my dog was like, what are you doing? Stop.
Mine just goes and sleeps on the floor so mine refuses.
Mine has to be in the bed with my husband and I and I'm like even with a king size bed this bed is not big enough for the three of us.
Sorry 50  lbs dog Come on. I know, right?
Anyway, mine. Bigger than that. I'm gonna say something else.
She's bigger than that. Mines Boo.
I mean, it's just me.
So yeah, but you have like a 60 70 LB dog.
Ohh. Jessica, this Francesca is her name, but we call her Chesca for short.
She's uh Oh yeah. She got a little chubby because mom's been working a lot and has been walking her quite as much as I used to.
Ohh I thought you were gonna cause you were baking or something.
No, it's she just well, she's a retriever so they gain weight pretty easy.
She's she wasn't 90 lbs.
90 lbs. Really. Yeah, she's pictures.
I I wouldn't have guessed that, you know.
You Should we vote down anyone that's listening to this news?
Well, she's back down to probably about 80. She's lost about 10 lbs now.
But I was like, yeah, for a while there was like, ohh, girl.
Chaska happens to the best of us.
I know happens. I know it happens. You gained 20 lbs, you lose 20 lbs.
よくあることです。よくあることです。20 ポンド増えて、20 ポンド減ります。
But she should be probably about 70. Like that's about the norm for her. So we had to work on it.
でも、彼女はおそらく 70 ポンドくらいのはずです。彼女にとってはそれが普通です。だから私たちはそれに取り組まなければなりませんでした。
Alright, well, thank you, Kim.
Thanks, Sunny. Have a great day. Alright.
you too.
Calen: (男性アナウンサー)
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