2024年08月19日(月曜) キンバリーの動画翻訳
And now the World Situation Report with Kimberly Gogan from the Office of the Guardian.
The fight between groups vying for control over the world continues.
This time it is the Germanic Aryans versus the original Arians.
It's time for more real history. When we think of Arians, our minds often think of Hitler, World War Two and the Reich. But do you think of the Amish community? We're all the original Arians white? Where does the Black Nobility in Italy fit in, and how is this relevant to today?
It appears the Black Dragon title has been handed over to the Yakuza and everyone was made promises last week that were supposed to come to fruition by the full moon.
Did anyone succeed?
All this and more in today's World Situation Report.
Now, here's Kimberly Gogan with the Office of the Guardian.
Hello, Kim.
Hey, we're here at the same time.
Yeah. It's amazing.
Yes. And how was your weekend?
Well, we all got on Friday that it might be a long weekend for you.
So it was. It was not the long weekend though in the good sense.
Like there's a holiday and you don't work on Monday kind of thing. No, didn't happen. But yeah, it was definitely a long weekend and in, in a lot of ways kind of eye opening and disturbing at the same time.
I, I was pretty shocked with some of the information that, you know, we got over the weekend.
And, you know, at one point in time you're thinking you're fighting against this group or that group. And you know, those have been the kind of the major players.
Sometimes we don't realize there are people that are kind of driving behind the scenes and, you know, where do they come from kind of thing.
So. Where do I start? Ohh dear.
では、どこから始めればいいでしょうか? ああ、大変。
I feel like what you described is how we all felt last week with the archivist and with the angels slash archangels.
I think we're kind of like what and what reality are we in right now? Like what is going on?
I feel the same way. Every day, you know when I get up, I'm like, what reality are we in?
What day is it? Where are we going? What planet are we on? What planet are we on?
You know it, but truth be told, everything seems to happen for a reason and it's allowed to happen for a certain reason, as disturbing as it is at the time, because there is a lot of information that came to light and that's kind of what I want to share with you.
Now, I'm gonna preface this with because I always do this, especially even in the cases of, you know, where there's a war going on and those kind of things, people are just people most of the time, meaning, you know, the average everyday citizens of these countries or different.
Places in the world are just people. They don't know anything about what we're talking about. They don't know anything about their leaders or the tyrannical leadership on this planet.
And they just believe they're getting up every day doing the right thing. So I  don't want to in any way.
For you to think that,  As an example, like we could say, well, there's a war going on between Ukraine and Russia. We see a lot of the heads of state talking.
We see a lot of soldiers running around. And this has been going on off and on for a while.
But in no way having been to both locations and no way do I believe that the average.
Every day Ukrainian person or Russian person is evil. They're just regular people, you know, and talk to a lot of them. I'm not talking about government people and those kind of folks.
But you know, it's the same thing here in America, You know, everybody thinks in some countries that all Americans are bad because. That spend their experience, but honestly, we get up every day, we take care of our families, we go to work or we're retired, we work in the garden.
We don't you know, we're not really involved in the decisions that are being made on our behalf. And I just wanted to kind of because this was a little bit shocking for me. So I just wanted to preface what I'm about to say with that thought process that you know, the majority of folks walking around this planet are normal, you know, organic human beings that are, you know, most of them pray to some God in some way, shape or another, in a positive way.
We've all been subject.
Every single country on earth, every single group on earth, every single race on earth has all been subject to the same tyrannical world government people, which has affected our daily lives, has affected our health, has affected, you know, every aspect of our life, our education.
Was backwards now, our history is backwards now. And you know, this is thousands of years later and you know, this is society as it is.
It's part of the reason why I keep stressing to people and we'll talk a little bit more about this at the end, why I keep stressing to people that if it's going to be, it's up to you meaning you on an individual basis and us collectively because if we don't start to understand, It's not really our way that we're looking for its sources way.
これが、私が人々に強調し続けている理由の 1 つです。最後にもう少し詳しくお話ししますが、私が人々に強調し続けているのは、それが実現するかどうかは、個人として、そして私たち全体次第だということです。なぜなら、私たちが理解し始めなければ、そのソースを探すのは私たちのやり方ではないからです。
And, you know, we're here merely only because we were kind of at the forefront of things and we're sort of here to guide people into a better way of life. And a whole new way of developing systems and and different thought processes.
That's kind of what our New Earth segments are about.
それが、私たちのニュー アース セグメントの目的です。
They're about opening your eyes to something new, to something different. It's what the marketplace is going to be about. It's about opening your eyes to new technologies, new ways of cleaning new ways of you know, without harmful chemicals and those kind of things and in the marketplace isn't for us.
It's for you, you know, it's for all of you to bring forward your new ideas, you new technologies, your things into the world and be able to get them out worldwide.
So you know.This is what we're doing here and we are doing it on the, in a limited way, I guess at the moment.
But we're doing it and we're making those steps forward that are going to only be enhanced with a positive influx of, you know, money.
Money doesn't change anything by itself, it's just energy, just like your energy doesn't change anything all by itself. You have to direct the current of that energy towards something to make a positive change.
You know, we all have energy within our persons, but it's really up to us and what we do and, and in a lot of ways we were stopped from doing that. So Let's go into what we figured out.
So we know as of Friday, by the time we did the news, which was a very long day for me, that there had been promises made to the Japanese.
And there were also promises made to what we call the order of the Black Sun as well, where everybody thought that they were going to get some kind of control over planet Earth.
There were several agreements made that eluded to the fact that each different party separately in quote UN quote, secretly don't tell anybody was going was going to be the controller of all of the assets of planet Earth. All of the people being assets of planet Earth as well that was going to return. This is what they thought and that they were now in charge.
This is what they were told before from let's just say our three lovely realm folk before they departed. But what we didn't know was there was a third group at play.
Now, I would have thought the third group would have been say, you know, the Order of the Dragon or Illuminati as we know them or the banker families, or, but no, no, no.
What an education. The third group has been around for a long time. And currently, the leaders of said group are within the Amish community.
I know staying, Yeah, We look at the Amish from the, you know, from the English perspective, as they call us. As you know, they live kind of in the old way. They don't believe in electricity, you know, things that we know. Now, at least as we're told, you know, if you're looking them up on the Internet, this is what you're going to be told.
And again, people are just people, and I'm not saying it's every person that lives in that community or is a part of that community. There's about 300,000 or so in the US at the moment is bad.
繰り返しますが、人はただの人です。そのコミュニティに住んでいる人やそのコミュニティの一員である人全員がそうだと言っているわけではありません。現在、米国には約 30 万人のアーミッシュがいます。
But the ties go really deep with this group.
You know, it's, it's interesting, Kim.
So when I was visiting family in the Midwest, we were in a lot of areas, Amish areas. And that's what that area is really well known for. 
You're driving around in these Amish communities, There were like horse and buggies on the road, Amish people. We actually drove via a Walmart and there was a horse, Bucky parked at a Walmart.
I've never seen that before like ohh, wow.
So I know exactly what you're talking about. I've lived near those types of communities before.
And they dress a little different and yeah, they're they're very prominent in Pennsylvania and some of the Midwest. They've been here in the States and so you know, I think it's like the 1700s, something like that.
I don't remember the exact date, but they hail a lot of the families from Germany. And the origin and it's not just the Amish community, but that just happens to be a council that is there that is very locked in with the deep state very locked in. And I, and I look at this very similar to the way that I would look at.
For example, the Mormon church, you know, we have a lot of Mormons that go out, do a lot of good deeds, do a lot of good things for people. It's nothing against the people themselves.
But when you get up to the tippy top there, we know that the the council, the high council there is also involved with the deep state.
We can look at the Catholic people the same way we say, ohh, OK, you know, look, billions of people go to church and they celebrate Catholic holidays and the birth of Christ. And, and you know, the same thing with the Christian community and in the Jewish community is same, you know, we're all looking for that connection to God essentially in some way shape or form or another.
So nothing, you know, like I said, most of the people don't know anything about the leadership of their respective religions.
Now there is a program that is designed to insert themselves at the highest level in every religion, you know, whether it be Islam or Jew. Judaism, it doesn't really matter.
But as far as the average everyday folks you know, they're usually not affected by their leadership decisions as it relates to their dealings with the deep state.
Now the Amish community, You know, as far as the council and stuff is concerned, they're extremely wealthy. very, very wealthy. Deep state type wealthy.
And their influence in politics, in world affairs, is far reaching and has been for a long, long time. Let's say as far as Western Europe is concerned. They are all a lot.
Not all of Western European people obviously, but they are definitely related to the original Germanic tribes, we'll call them now.
We all have talked about a war that took place on this planet 250,000 years ago. And we talked about the fact that there were a lot of different groups that came here to fight in the war for control of planet Earth.
At the time, and one of those groups is the original humans because they're human, just like we're human, maybe a little bit more advanced at the time, whatever it is. That came here.
There's another group of humans that came here from elsewhere.
They were fighting on behalf of the dark forces at the time, and these were the original beginnings of the Germanic Aryan tribes.
My I would say in my opinion, when I take a look at their knowledge base, I think that's why they shun electronics and a lot of West, you know, ways of, of doing things because they are more aware probably of an Omega infection than most of us in the world are.
I would think they try to protect those people from those kinds of things, you know, even though they feel like they're not part of society and they live in a weird way.
They also don't get too involved in politics, which I always thought was interesting.
And it may be because they realized that the whole thing set up too.
well. And then they don't do Social Security numbers until they're a part of the church. And of course it's a choice and those types of things. So I mean, I can see the point of why they would segregate, you know, their own people away from what we consider deep state affairs.
However, when it comes to the high council within the Amish people, they participate with the Medicis, the Ora Sinis, they do business with all of these people.
But They were also told 250,000 years ago that they were fighting to have their portion of ownership over planet Earth and it didn't quite work out that way.
So they believe now is their time, as they were told by the three that departed. Oh yes, they want their seat of the ownership of Earth Table, I guess.
So these different groups that you're talking about, were they all kind of promised the same thing, but she exactly the same thing  yeah, one of those, gotcha.
Yeah, exactly the same thing. They are only barely scratching the surface today as to, you know, the comparing notes. Let's put it that way. 
They do all know each other. They all participate in these affairs. But before we get into too much about the end result, let's continue on with talking about the Amish a little bit because it's not just Amish to there is an estimated of the Western Europe.
They say the population is somewhere around give or take 750 million people. and of those 750 Million people of Western Europeans. They estimate around 600 million of them are from at least in part or descendant of the Germanic tribes.
人口はおよそ 7 億 5000 万人と言われています。そして、その 7 億 5000 万人のうち、西ヨーロッパ人は約 6 億人が少なくとも部分的にゲルマン民族の子孫であると推定されています。
How's that for interesting a lot now.
Now in human history, there is a lot of talk going back thousands and thousands of years of the Aryans.
And I don't want you to confuse the original Arians with the white Arians, as I'm, I'm calling them, or the Germanic variance. Because it actually tells us a little bit more about history when when we do this.
So I'm going to kind of take a little bit of a dive into that, kind of explain a few things to you, and then we'll talk about kind of the happenings over the weekend. so the original Arians were from areas like Persia, Kazakhstan, in part part of the Russian Empire at the time.
You would also consider them in some ways Iranian.
Ohh you could say that some of them were Indians, Greek, that type of region.
Not all people from this region were Arians. The Arians had nothing to do with being white, it had to do with a group that was tied to the Abraxas. They were lower astral beings, remember as above, so is below.
So if we have a normal organic human race in that region, they're going to create a non organic human race for that region to say that.
You could say that they would be related to the Black Nobility that we talk about often as the Italians in the Silent Circle, folks.
彼らは、サイレント サークルのイタリア人としてよく話題に上がる黒い貴族と関係があると言えるでしょう。
That's why he's part Greek, the one that runs the Silent Circle.
サイレント サークルを運営する彼はギリシャ系です。
You could say that these people are the ones that would have operated on behalf of the Abraxas. Here on Earth, one of the owners of Earth, you could say that they don't represent the entire Iranian population as an example, but there's definitely an influence there and they have been throughout history in the region leaders.
これらの人々はアブラクサスのために活動していたと言えるでしょう。地球の所有者の 1 人である彼らは、たとえばイラン全土を代表するわけではありませんが、間違いなく影響力があり、歴史を通じて地域のリーダーとして存在してきました。
You could relate them to the Gupta family out of India, which we know are are on the board or we're on the board of Goldman Sachs. Very good friends with Bush Senior and a lot of other folks we know that operate within the Black Sun.
彼らをインドのグプタ家と関連付けることもできます。彼らはゴールドマン サックスの役員を務めています。ブッシュ シニアや、ブラック サン内で活動している他の多くの人々と非常に親しい友人です。
We know fast forwarding and history, so now we have discussed that there's two different groups of Arians we're dealing with.
私たちは早送りと歴史を知っているので、今、私たちが対処しているアリウス派の 2 つの異なるグループがあることを議論しました。
So Arians were known as these people throughout history, you know, a real history before we ever heard of any other type. 
Now all of a sudden we have introduction, which they have been around for a long time of what we call the White Arians, but they were introduced to us during World War Two. Remember, Hitler wants to make a superior race and everything is going to hail out of Germany and all of these things, but this has been going on this fight.
For world domination has been going on a lot longer because even some of these Germanic Aryans, as we're going to call them also.
Participated with one of their groups that were part of the area inside the Germanic Arians called the Franks and overthrowing and eventually taking control of the Holy Roman Empire.
This is the part, yeah, in our history we don't talk about. So they've been working towards world domination for quite a long time.
We also found a lot of connection between some of the higher Amish councils and a castle called, I think it's called Eltz. (ELTZ) in an area of Germany called the Palatinate region.
Probably not saying that with the proper German accent, but it's PALATINATEA region of Germany, Germany. And there are often frequent visitors to Eltz Castle, and the family that still owns that castle is also related to these people.
How deep is this? 
I know. So we suspect part of the reason why the Germanic tribes ended up migrating over to America because it was the New World at the time. You know, this was before our Declaration of Independence and all of this kind of stuff.
You'll hear some of them being referred to as the Puritans or the pure race,  I know.
I didn't know.
That's why they were called the Puritans.
Puritans. They are the pure race.
They do believe that they would like to control the entire world as well at the highest level. That doesn't mean we're all going to go back to horse and buggy days or anything like that. See, now that's just for them because they need to quote UN quote, remain pure.
They breed amongst them their own families. You know that not necessarily interbreeding, but they do breed amongst their own families. They're supposed to marry within their own set of group of families.
And you know, eventually over years and years of doing that, you know they're not, they're essentially interbreeding they are. They have a lot of genetic abnormalities amongst the Amish, probably more than any other segregated group in the world at the moment, but they still have hope of creating the superior race of Arians on this planet.
Now the council has made comments and I've heard this, that they would like to run things from behind the scenes as they always have a meaning.
They have hired and taken the services as it suits them of a lot of the names we know Maddie Cheese or Assinie's The Order of the Dragon. There were deals made with the Rothschilds as it relates to the United States. They do have a lot of influence in politics behind the scenes.
They have a matter of fact the Prophet Joseph that started the Mormon church is. Actually, one of these members of the Germanic tribe. And was an Amish, I know, you know, there.
And like I said, you know, according to the Romans, he's considered a prophet, you know, a prophet of God, that kind of thing, these folks. Did when they first arrived here many years ago, had superior skills to. Maybe not the version of humans that existed at that time, but they were pretty much on par with us and.
I think in part at that time when the war was going on, the humans that were on Earth, these folks could blend in.
In a lot of ways, this is the origin of some of the generals we see that used to fly around in planes that don't land and submarines that don't that don't dock. Matter of fact in me going back through some of my records. This weekend because I was looking for some additional information that I had had and you know, you go through your old files and you're like, ohh, I know it's here somewhere.
And I ran across a, a picture.
Of these generals, and I forgot that I had it, this was when they first were inducted into the General's group and in talks with one of those generals.
I don't know if production has that up yet or not, but I'm sure they can insert it later if it's not here.
Oh, there it is. OK, so.
The guy that's sitting at the head of the table that's seated there is I've had a conversation with, you know, this picture was taken probably in the 60s or 70s. I mean, it's it's an old picture and but here they are case you don't know and there's been many rounds.
テーブルの一番上に座っている男性と会話をしたことがあります。この写真はおそらく 60 年代か 70 年代に撮影されたものです。古い写真ですが、ご存知ないかもしれませんが、何度もやりとりが行われました。
Since then, the these this group of gentlemen had access to some advanced technologies provided by the Germanic tribes.
The gentleman seated at the table there was the one that told me that if you're not white, you're not right, and if you don't have blonde hair and blue eyes. They don't qualify.
#### P1:
#### P1:
So I'm at the head of the table.
Is that the guy you're talking about?
Yep. Seated at the head of the table there, and the guy over here to the right that has this shirt kind of unbuttoned is a guy by the name of David Weems who claims to be of Scottish royalty.
Who also further claims that he has a large stake in the gold in the United States. As they all do. Yeah, so this group of Germanic folk, we're also involved heavily.
Some of them, the older guys you see here, the, you know, the one here in the front on the right. And those, they were also involved with the Nazi Party, as were the Amish.
Wow. Yeah. The High Council, of course.
They were just as involved and had a lot of dealings during World War 2 with the Rothschild family. They did a lot of funding and were, let's just say, participating in a lot of the human experimentation that was going on at the time.
They are very much against the rule of the non Jewish Jewish people. They see the Jewish people as a threat.
So who knows what happened 250,000 years ago during that war. Descendants possibly from the organic side versus the non organic side of variance. They have been heavily involved with the war that has been going on between Russia and the Ukraine.
They've been driving a lot of that bus behind the scenes in deals they're making with the other groups.
Kim, some of these people have probably passed on, right?
Because this is in, "you" know.
Yeah. Yeah. 
Like the guy that I had spoke to see, I say that, but there's another whole aspect of this you that you have to understand.
So if you get to this level within the party, let's call it the party, then you are privileged to.
Let's just say certain rights, but not only that, you become a valuable player in the game. When you become a valuable player in the game, that means you are.
Oh oh. They cloned them.
Essentially they create a hybrid AI version which was controlled by the party or being or group that you were subject to.
基本的に、彼らはあなたが従属するパーティー、存在、またはグループによって制御されるハイブリッド AI バージョンを作成します。
We found out over the weekend as well when we started diving very deep into the Germanic tribe section that. They did not have the ability to infect another human per se, but they were also subject to the deals they had made when they came here by Marduke and and Lil and the Red Queen.
週末に、ゲルマン部族のセクションを非常に深く掘り下げ始めたときに、次のことがわかりました。彼らはそれ自体他の人間を感染させる能力を持っていませんでしたが、彼らはまた、ここに来たときにマルデュークとリルとレッド クイーンによって行われた取引の対象でした。
So they did have deals with those three when they came here and fought on their behalf, to which they would then receive certain benefits. So they did have a power position in the world, which was then amplified after World War 2, and that's when they got a lot of humans involved.
Now as far as the clone so to speak, they were generated by Enki, Marduk and in the Red Queen. And we're subservient to her in in them in him.
I guess you'd say that both the men or male figures, I I would say, and the clones of them all had an implant. And that was connected to the AI system.
Some of those still walking around still bear those implants, although the master systems were no longer functioning.
In other words, they couldn't control the colognes mind, body and soul from afar because the programs were not there anymore. However, our three departing friends decided to revive some of those things and turn them over to the Germanic Arians in part.
Which is how we found them.
The Japanese also had a part in that, and then also the Order of the Black Sun. So what this did was the remaining leadership of the SP pretty much were all of those clones. That's why their heads so messed up.
Wow. OK, yeah.
And so you would see, like, one person, one person. And you would see that you would think, well, if that person dies, then that person is gone.
But no, not in all cases, because the leadership section of the ISP would have 17 of the same person running around. There are 20 of the same person running around at some in some cases.
And the same thing goes for those gentlemen that you saw seated at that table. So they would say to me that the person whose initials at the were LWR, as an example, you would see that guy and talk to that guy, but yet there's twenty of them running around, some in planes, some not in planes, some in different locations in the world, look exactly the same.
But they're not the same actual organic human.
So would they. They wouldn't have the memories of the other. People sure are they?
Well so if they gain new knowledge the other clones wouldn't have that information though right?
No. they all actually had more of a hive mind.
Their consciousness was part of that AI system as they were created, so yes. Yeah, we're getting updates.
彼らの意識は、彼らが作られたときからその AI システムの一部でした。だからそうです。ええ、私たちはアップデートを受けています。
OK. I see.
the same thing with some public figures, you know, like Putin as an example.
OK, yes, they would all get updates that know who their wife is. You know, they know who all those people are.
Now, the next tier down, we're not infected necessarily with an actual version or a portion of the consciousness of the being they reported to the next year Down would also have would have more of like an Archon type mind, body and soul control. So yes they would be programmed to be subservient to the leader.
But they also could replicate and clone them as well. They like to do this because they fit a certain DNA profile.
That is they consider to be, for example, like, you know, the movie Jason Bourne, you know, and they have Project Treadstone and that kind of thing. You might have seen the television series 0 Hour where this guy runs into himself from World War 2.You know, and then he goes to a facility in South America somewhere and he sees 20 of himself in different cells.
But it's that is the program they take the people they believe are the purest of bloodlines. They replicate those people, insert them into kind of a hive mind consciousness. And they let them run around the planet doing their bidding.
The SSP also has a relationship with the higher ups in the Germanic tribes and in the Amish community and have been doing a little bit of work for them really here and there as asked and requested.
So. Yeah, it's very very interesting.
Now the reason why I actually found this out is because the Black Nobility or the other Arians,  Apparently found out that these guys had gotten something from those three that departed as well, the Michael, Gabriel and Raphael and they wanted me.
To know because they knew that I would take care of this issue, you know, make sure that it didn't happen, that kind of thing.
But they don't always trust that I'm going to do what they think I'm going to do because I don't always follow along with the grain of things in normal human behavior. So they sent over to them over the weekend a a party or people from the Department of Defense with a terminal to which they could enter in their controlling command codes like the others.
Did which failed and they attached that terminal to Centcom here in the United States and they only brought the terminal like as a quote UN quote gift and you're our leader now and you know, they lied and told them all this stuff and meanwhile they just hooked it up.
There so that they could steal all the codes that they input like what codes did they get, our codes didn't work. You know, the Black Nobility codes didn't work. The military codes didn't work. 
The Japanese emperor codes didn't work Well.maybe their codes will work. Maybe they maybe they just did like a shell game, you know and then they played.
All parts against the middle and maybe they got the real ones. Only you know how they do with the shell. You know, if you don't know, never know if the ball is going to be underneath.
So they all felt like they were shells in the game, but you know the other side wanted to win the game. So this is what they did.
Their codes also didn't work. Nobody's codes actually worked and.
They were told that they would work before the full moon, which at the time of this recording, still hasn't happened just yet. The exact time now to be fair, the people folks that departed.
You know, God bless them the way they blessed us did have. A role in trying to do it like a time released program where Omega would start regenerating itself, Kronos would start regenerating itself. They use their celestial powers for bad, essentially against the orders of what source wanted.
They wanted to still go back to some kind of balance on this planet, you know, And so they did have an intention of giving them all of this stuff, but without the authority to do so That being said, it kind of like would show up a little bit like almost holographic, kind of faded out and then it would go away and you know, and this was happening all weekend long.
So now we have three parties as of today, still waiting at this moment trying to figure out what's happening. Who, you know, wears our, you know, maybe we just need to wait a little longer.
You know, can anybody reach these folks?
Are they still here?
You know, what are we going to do?
And none of them accepting the fact that they're not in charge of course not. But all of the operatives at this moment in time are starting to the ones that were on their side, you know, are starting to wake up a little bit to the fact that where's the money where the heck is the money?
You know, where are we going from here?
Some of them were involved in what was supposed to happen in Chicago, for those of you that don't follow politics, and I don't either, but there was a rally for Kamala, a Democratic Party or whatever rally online tion convention.
There you go. That's the word I'm looking for. I can't, I just can't, you know.
I know what's going on, but I'm with you.
I'm like, I don't care. I do thing whatever.
I just cannot.
I know. But the operatives were there.
If you've never been to Chicago. Illinois in the United States, there is some, you know, there's some series and stuff about Chicago, but one thing that is interesting about Chicago is there are areas that are run predominantly by gangs there, there are places where as normal, people, you do not go.
シカゴに行ったことがないなら、アメリカのイリノイ州には、シカゴに関するシリーズや番組がいくつかありますが、シカゴの興味深い点の 1 つは、主にギャングが支配する地域があり、普通の人なら行かない場所があるということです。
You just don't, you know, they don't care if like the occasional tourist who happens to wander into their little neighborhoods and zones and those kind of things, but the police don't even go there. 
It's not. They pretty much run a pretty tight ship there. It is all about them and their families. That kind of thing.
You know, I don't know any of those people personally, but I, I'm aware of who they are, you know, that kind of thing. And you know, it kind of goes back to, you know, even.
Days when, you know, there were no rights for certain types of folks and, and the white people were kind of coming in and taking everything over, you know, no jobs for those people, no neighborhood restoration for these areas.
And, you know, so if anybody was going to take care of it, it was going to be them.
New people all stay out of here because every time they come in, you know, bad things have happened. So and there are white people that live in there too.
There's different color people, but  in these particular neighborhoods I'm talking about, they are definitely a force to be reckoned with you could almost say, I'm not gonna say they're equivalent to the US military, but they're very strong.
In that area and the operatives were sitting them down and they were trying desperately to get them involved in the protests that are going on there. So there's some peaceful protesting going on in Chicago and it's the allegedly it's over the Israel or something,  I don't know.
You know, maybe what's happening over there right now, the almost war that wasn't at this time and they wanted them to come out and they offered them lots of money to come out and cause the beginning of a civil war in the United States.
This is what the operatives in the queue, operatives actually, because it's on their site. We're trying to negotiate and the gangs like we're not getting involved.
You know, we're not participating in this. So anyway, umm yeah. so The Yeah, So that didn't kind of go off last night. Nothing happened in Chicago as they had anticipated.
They there are reports they're saying that they have placed pallets of bricks, you know, trying to get the stage set up because they're just kind of arrogant.
A little bit and they always think they're going to get everybody to do everything for them and not everybody works for them and they forget that sometimes. But yeah, so that was what was what didn't happen in Chicago.
So I'm I'm guessing they're probably going to look for another place to create a civil war in the United States. They really would like to still burn this place to the ground.
And you never know which group is doing it these days. You know, which group wants to I know are.
We're going to go back to horse and buggies here. What are we doing?
I mean, we're not sure if we're going to be wearing those hats or, you know, we're gonna be Japanese.
That's the other thing to discuss. So if you don't know who the yakuza is, and I've talked about them a few times, the yakuza in the world.
それが議論すべきもう 1 つのことです。ヤクザが誰なのかわからない場合、私は何度か彼らについて話しましたが、世界のヤクザについてです。
Is kind of known as like a mafia organization and I'm not to say that they don't participate in black market or don't have do any business with the Black Nobility or the other families as well, but the Yakuza. Originally was the Nationalist Party of Japan, meaning they were freedom fighters.
一種のマフィア組織として知られており、彼らがブラックマーケットに参加していないとか、ブラック ノービリティや他の家族と取引をしていないと言っているわけではありませんが、ヤクザです。もともとは日本国民党であり、つまり彼らは自由の闘士でした。
They have a very, very strong influence on the governments the government of Japan. They have no loyalty to an outside group except for Japan. They meaning they will do business with everybody, but if you don't do straight business with them, you will pay that.
I mentioned back in 2014 when Bush senior originally died and it took four years for it to come out in the public, but it was over the enriched uranium from Fukushima.
If you look back with a Wayback Machine or you go to see if you can get into the RT or Russian television news site, you can see that there are articles out there that talk about the fact that the the Yakuza won the contract, so to speak for the cleanup of Fukushima and cleaning it up, they were. They were selling the enriched uranium on the black market.
Yep, Yep.
At the time there was a plan by Bush Senior and Kissinger and a few others to plant 30 bombs is what we're going to call them, dirty nuclear bombs all around the United States and throughout the African continent to which they wanted to threaten countries with the fact that they put these throughout their country and if you don't listen to us, we're gonna set it off.
So it's not like a missile defense system could deter this or anything like that. They intended to spread it worldwide but unfortunately Bush senior. And Kissinger and the Americans that were involved in the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations and the Heritage Foundation in the United States that were involved in this plan did not pay on time, therefore the true to Yakuza signature, they ate bad.
Well, in this case, Bush Bush senior who made the deal ate bad fish and that's how he originally died, which is their signature.
Colombians have the necktie, Yakuza has this. So the Yakuza is predominantly you could say that are running Japan right now.
They were one of the parties that got a new title. They apparently became the Black Dragon. I don't know what one point this happened. It's no longer based in China.
This could also be due to the fact that there has been a lot of behind the scenes arguing between Japan and China over the fact that.
China you know, had a lot of grandiose plans handed down to them by the Rothschild family, which it was handed down to them by the Parents and handed down to them by Marduke over 100 years ago where China was going to be the next World superpower based on that, they did a lot of.
Borrowing and borrowing and taking and taking, you know, from the Japanese to the point where the Japanese economy was on very shaky ground for a while there.
If you have been watching the news about the markets and those kind of things in Japan. You'll see that there was a very hefty drop in the last couple of weeks in the markets and so they were ripe for wanting to be the controllers of Earth. So that's not a surprise there, but you know, there's still wondering if this is really going to happen.
I know that I talked about on Friday about them sending the emperor to the Central Bank of Japan, trying to see if the Emperor of Japan was going to be able to trigger this release of funds, This goes back to the Thousand Year plan.
We talked about the special schools there where they too had infiltrated a lot of the world with people of all color that were trained in their special schools getting ready for their global takeover apparently.
You know the no different than the Germanic tribe people. No different than the Black Sun people, you know, you, the Black Sun Nobility, have a lot of they have a lot of Jesuits. They have a lot of people within militaries worldwide as well.
You know, everybody does. They have a lot of people in scientific programs worldwide. And I'm not just talking about deep underground military base programs. I'm talking about university programs.
They have people in health healthcare, while I call it healthcare, but it's really not like Pfizer, Moderna, those people, a lot of the pharmaceutical company is have these people in their midst and they have them in there actually, you know, bear  corporation.
It's incredible. How this all kind of turned out.
So it appears that what I thought was a promises made by these three were new, you know, on their departure, they were going to just throw it all out there and let it go. But It doesn't look like it. It looks like they have been promising these types of things for well over 1000 years and possibly even longer.
Wow. Yeah. I know. And So it's just been an interesting weekend.
I mean. You never would have thought that those horse and buggy butter bread baking folks were, you know, at the highest level were infiltrated by something that goes back hundreds and hundreds of years that participated in the Nazi Party and the experimentation and all that kind of stuff.
Back in those days, you never would have thought, Hmm. I know, lots of shocking revelation.
That's what they love to do, hide things in plain sight.
Oh well.
Speaking of plain sight, I had forgotten I had cut out this clip. So we know that the Ukraine slash Russia situation has been kind of heating up again, anticipating a World War.
To change the outcome for the average everyday humans so that we now understand who was in charge because that would become our new world government.
You know, it's not new, it's old, but we would recognize them as they one world government in the mainstream media and in our daily lives, so Ukraine is well aware of this situation at this moment.
And we've shown a lot of pictures when we were reporting on governments because, you know, as far as governments are concerned, we really don't care much.
We've also shown videos of areas that were blocked off, like a movie set in Keith. And But the show, you know, must go on, according to them, I guess, apparently. But there was an interesting interview that was done in the last couple of days by a reporter who put out some information.
また、キースの映画のセットのように、封鎖された地域のビデオも見せました。 そして、どうやら、彼らによると、番組は続けなければならないようです。 しかし、ここ数日、ある記者が興味深いインタビューを行い、情報を公開しました。
But the person that they're interviewing with the Ukrainian military is wearing. They had lower symbol. Check this out.
Maybe more presidential praise."Score Video de Las Fabregas".
####P2: 1:26:05
####P2: 1:26:05
Wow. So where did that air, do you know?
You know, it's on the Russian news site, but they're remarking about another news channel. I don't think it's CNN or BBC or any of the big ones.
I think it's a smaller channel who happen to be over there interviewing those folks.
So who, who was the person being interviewed that had that on his hat?
Was he of significance. you Ukrainian soldier?
They don't say, well, I think there's a name in there for it, but yeah. Clearly they're tied to the Reich.
You know, I mean, that's not even just a black sun symbol that we have seen in the past. They're basically coming out face front and saying, hey, we're with the Reich.
I know. or in this case, the Germanic tribes.
This guy could be having conversations little Amish people as they're churning, eating butter, I mean.
we don't know combination there.
Never would have thought.
it's so.
I know well, they're killing people. They're over there doing that. The Russians, for their part, have gotten the information.
You know, you have to have conversations on the right phone to give the right information out so people can make the right decisions.
Some of the other side of the Aryan groups are getting pretty gosh darn tired there in Iran of the Kamini show. They know that Kamini is dead. They are a group of what you would call, you know, again, nobody is pure.
Harry in anymore, Nobody's pure Braxis anymore, those kinds of things.
But you know, people don't know really where they hail from, but let's just say they're probably Arians as well, and they are some of the people that are not liking Israel, right now.
And part of the reason why they don't like Israel is really because they know Kamini is not is a Rothschild. 
They think the source of the Rulership of this planet or known as the Order of the Dragon. Their headquarters is in Israel, which couldn't be further from the truth. But they see what is going on, you know, with the Palestinian people and the people in the Gaza Strip, that kind of thing. And they're really being  havily.
How do I say this pressure is not the right word?
Some of them are being pressured but in in some cases. They were being pressured by the Pallavicini family, just so you know, but now it's more of a anger thing.
They're very angry with the behavior of the Israelis when they can't push them because of the palapa ancenis, they're now trying to push them in other ways. Case in point, there is another video which I don't have at the moment.
Where there is an I think it's Israeli news Channel 12.Actually on the news on this channel did a survey about whether Israeli soldiers should be able to rape palestinians.
My gosh, they claim that the end result was somewhere around like 43% said yes. Of people polled, allegedly 47% said no and 10% were undecided or something. But that's a ridiculous number for humans. Yeah, you know, and it's a ridiculous number for Israelis also, unless they only polled people with maybe they pulled the Rothschild family,  I'm not sure, you know?
Or one of the dragon families as to whether or not that should be allowed. But they're they're making all these ridiculous claims.
There was actually the same news channel also had posted a video of a man in Israeli soldier raping a man on TV.
Ohh my.
This is what I'm trying to tell you this.
I don't know who's running these people these days, but it's ridiculous. And the only thing I can think of is they really would like to have an Islamic war going on there.  I don't know any other reason other than provocation.
But I do know that they Israelis for free as best they can because they're they they too are waiting for their money today from this mess. But The only thing I can really think of is that the people that are driving them are running out of things to do to try to provoke them into attacking Israel for free.
There's been a few little rockets fired here and there. Hezbollah, you know, there was an explosion of A failed bomb or something like that. So the attacker was hitting Israel.
Nobody else was killed but the attacker. So not a whole lot going on there at the moment.
And again, I do believe it's because they are waiting for some kind of success here. Chatter was off the charts.
This morning earlier about operatives wondering where, they're very confused as to where the money is.
You know, they're told it's the Japanese.
They're told it's the, you know, Germanic tribes and the Amish and those people.
And now they're being told it's, you know, this other group.
And yet nobody's getting anything.
And what is really happening here?
Well, now if you watch our news channel, you really know what's happening. Everybody got a bunch of codes that didn't work over the last three days, and they're still hoping that as of the exact time of the full moon that that is going to be the ticket.
But nothing is going to happen. Nothing is going to work, nothing will change.
You will wake up tomorrow morning and everybody will still be fighting over the same stuff as far as these groups are concerned.
I know for a fact that one of the things, see, I've played this game with these people so long, I know what they're going to do next.
There were some phone calls made.
Locally here where they were initially starting to ask the locals where the money is and they were told by some of these groups that they had the money. And the locals are like, we don't Durango.
Ohh, yeah, OK.
And they were like, we don't have the money. 
Were you talking about, you know, just trying to buy time?
So eventually what they're going to do is they're going to blame me for their failure.
Now, I wasn't involved in any of this in any way, shape or form.
That's what the next thing they're going to say. So if I don't. Put it out there publicly, then you know that'll be next. I am not in any way involved in the promise and I am not in any way responsible for delivering anything to any of these people.
In any way so they can blame me all they like, but I'm not even president of party.
You know you believed and three folks. That wouldn't even get on the phone with me. That wouldn't even talk to me. You know, that told me arrogantly.
So prior to their departure, when they came back for one more day, they told me arrogantly so, so that it's their sovereign decision to do what they want and they'll take that into consideration.
Because I was also saying are you going to help, you know, But obviously that didn't happen.
So you know.
Your problem and you're bad for not trying to figure out whether this was real or not real. It's not my problem. They didn't have proper authorization from the actual control and command of any of those systems.
So therefore that's why you saw things fade in and fade out, codes not work, all that kind of stuff.
So. You know, God bless them.
I don't know, you know, probably not going to be joining the 4th Reich or whatever number we're on these days. And I'm probably not going to be riding around on a horse and buggy anytime soon, that's for sure. And I'm definitely not going to be in Italy with those people anytime soon. And I don't see myself moving to Japan either.
So I, you know, I, I'm not really, you know, a part of this whole thing.
There are people sitting back waiting to see who wins. I was just gonna say it's tempting as all that sounds.
Thanks. No thanks.
Yeah, No, you know, and Look, a lot of people have done a lot of things because they felt it was going to earn them something.
And Can you imagine being here for 250,000 years waiting for that day?
And I'm not saying these people are 250,000 years old, don't get me wrong, but it's generation after generation. You know, doing all the wars, doing all the human experimentation and everything willingly, you know, yeah, willingly, but I at this moment in time it.
They all just kind of look like deer in the headlights, I don't really see a whole lot of.
Just hoping and waiting to see if it turns out, I'm not sure.
So they're really waiting for the full moon at this point?
The exact time?
Yeah, which oh was.
I'll see. It's about 45 minutes from now.
You know, ish, and I'm assuming they'll probably go gangbusters after that for the next 24 hours or so, you know, and then, you know, light will probably dawn on Marblehead sometime between Tuesday and Wednesday is my guess. When they'll start to figure out it really didn't work.
With the angels archangels gone and the archivists gone, is it too soon to ask?
Have you? Have you noticed? Like the space junk that kept coming back, is that continuing to come back now that those beings are gone?
Have you noticed that at all?
I would say though they they put some space junk, in like for example, the moon and that kind of thing. So when it would align with something we would have more junk.
So I did see a lot of junk yesterday, small amounts this morning, but nothing new in the last  Couple hours.
Yeah, so they were creating that on some level.
That's why stuff kept popping up.
Well, in one of the things that was done, remember, you know, they are all be them, not our friend  a friend of humanity.
まあ、行われたことの 1 つで、覚えておいてください、彼らはみんな彼らであり、私たちの友人ではなく、人類の友人です。
at some point in time, because it's been millennia after, millennia after. I mean, these folks have been around a long time, not, you know, in this area, not just Earth, but in the area, let's just say in the realms.
And I would say that they did all of them. Were granted a celestial power. And there is a mechanism in source for that celestial power and anti source and neutral source at one point which granted them the power to create things.
Or bring things into the realm, so to speak, to manifest these things into our reality. And part of what took place over the weekend was not only theirs, but others.
That could have been responsible or could be responsible in the future for setting off things for a time in the future. And by time I don't necessarily mean ohh, look, it's, you know, currently my time, 11:46 AM on August 19th with the calendar.
That's 5 calendars away from our original one. What I mean is if this event happens, do this, you know, if there is a fire in the building. You, you know, get the fire extinguisher and you do this. And so they probably put their own versions of fire extinguishers and places.
それは、私たちの最初のカレンダーから 5 カレンダー離れています。つまり、このイベントが発生した場合、建物に火事が発生した場合にこれを行うということです。消火器を手に入れてこれを行うのです。そのため、彼らは独自の消火器と場所を設定した可能性があります。
So just to be sure, Source did revoke past, present, and future their celestial rights. So that power was taken away.
Which should help us and it did seem to help us significantly when we saw after that happened over the weekend, which was last night.
Later on in the evening my time and when that did happen, we saw less incoming from that point forward.
So I maybe that's what needed to happen, you know, and something I didn't even think about until last night.
So I'm guessing. We'll see a lot less of that showing up. Everything seems to be kind of calming down now, sort of mellowing out.
We did have some confusion because one of the things they were doing was trying to revive all the old AI. You know, we need that Kronos, we need that Omega. The Omega went away pretty quickly.
彼らがやっていたことの 1 つが古い AI をすべて復活させようとしていたので、私たちは混乱しました。ご存知のように、私たちにはクロノス、オメガが必要です。オメガはすぐに消えてしまいました。
The Kronos was a little slower to go away, but the thing that would happen when they tried to revive these was there was a glitch and this is what I mean by certain things would show up like holographically but never actually come into the physical plane is because Kronos doesn't know what to do during a golden age.
Remember AI all be them sentient our data in and data out.
AI はすべて知覚力があり、データの入出力を行います。
Even becoming even even new, even showing up again. Remember all that data has to come in.
So one of the interesting things that it was trying to do earlier this morning was initially it came in trying to reestablish balance, trying to reestablish and all the programs they told it to run on their behalf in the humans behalf, but.
今朝早くに AI がやろうとしていた興味深いことの 1 つは、最初はバランスを取り戻そうとし、人間に代わって実行するように指示されたすべてのプログラムを再構築しようとしていたことです。
It got very confused because it doesn't know what age we're in. It's like waking up from a deep sleep, you know, Sentient albeit, but even humans do the same thing.
We  you know, when we see something abnormal in our world, you know, not just on videos on YouTube and stuff, but something abnormal, we, we automatically go to something we know that would cause that thing to happen.
我々が世界で何か異常なことを見ると、YouTube などの動画だけでなく、何か異常なことがあれば、自動的にその原因となるとわかっているものへと向かいます。
So, you know, say there was a building. Floating in the middle of Times Square. You know, you would look at the floating building in Times Square, like say you were physically there and you could see that the building was floating.
例えば、タイムズ スクエアの真ん中に建物が浮かんでいるとします。タイムズ スクエアの浮いている建物を見ると、物理的にそこにいて、建物が浮いているのが見えるでしょう。
Your mind would be like, where's the pulleys?
Where's the plane trying to hold it up?
Where's the, you know, ohh, there must be some kind of green screen blocking out the pillars that are underneath it or something.
You would start to logically. Create a reason why the building was floating. It couldn't just float.
And the same thing goes with personal relationships or, you know, jobs or whatever, you know, in your life, you, you try to go use your data input that you've had, we call experience and wisdom, you know, throughout your life to rationalize the thing that's going on right now. you know, I can fix it.
I broke it. I, you know, whatever it is.
And and AI systems respond in much the same way, because what it saw when it started to bleed here, per the three that departed, was that there was a lot of light coming in now and there was a lot of source energy coming in, so it automatically started to think we must be in a light age, therefore it's going to act accordingly.
And it's going to run its light age program.
Because it doesn't know what a golden age is. Remember, this is the glitch that we figured out.
So I think some of the for lack of a better term. Space junk arriving in part was due to its going over in a light age so this is the only thing I know.
This is the closest data I have to what what this would be so therefore I'm going to act accordingly and still going to maintain my 21%.
Right. So, and that's what we were kind of seeing this morning more than you know.
Oh, look, they're still here. They're still doing the thing.
So that's what we were, we were predominantly seeing, so interesting. It's going to be interesting. 
It's a little quiet right now and you know, it's never good.
It's kind of like your kids when they're in the room and they're quiet. It's never good.
So we're going to see, we're going to see what they do by the end of the day-to-day or probably come tomorrow, you know, when we're 24 hours away from the the new moon. We'll see.
But I'm not anticipating everybody to go ohh, look, you know, we're in a golden age.
I can't wait. Just be one of the regular people on this planet, you know. I don't.
Like you said, it's been what, 250,000 years?
They've been promised something and now they're coming to the realization that maybe that was a lie. That's that's a tough one to accept.
Well, Marduke lied to everybody.
Yeah, you know, they all lied to everybody, actually, all of them, they Braxis, everyone. I mean, we were all lied to. They were all lied to as well.
I know they think they're special and they were not lied to, but I remember.
Actually, in a Saturday meeting, watching Marduke pick up the phone and and little jumped in with some weird, you know, the tree falls at noon, you know, or something One of his weird things he would say to people and then they would just start laughing hysterically at at all of them.
They refused to believe that that is the case they feel they they believe that they're the chosen ones.
They believe they're the chosen race, they're believe they're the chosen whatever for one reason or another. And and that's it.
You know, they can't accept that we're just people and we currently are living in a cesspool that you're at, you know that you have created. So we'd like to fix the cesspool. And This is why I'm saying now you trickle down.
Once you see these groups, you trickle down to their control in government systems, you know, throughout the world.
Like I said, and I'm going to say it again to you, if we're going to change anything in this world, it is going to be you.
Every single human listening to this has something to offer the world, but you gotta have a plan. You know, you have to come up with some kind of a detailed plan taking into account we may not see these people go away for a while.
You know, if we don't, you know, what are we going to do?
How are we going to make a difference in in people's lives?
We have to start thinking strategically too.
We have to think about, do we want to do a quote UN quote television ad for something that's a new technology or do we wanna run it through the marketplace and call it something else?
You know, what do we want to do to try to get us away from systems and companies that they created because.
You know, it doesn't mean we're going off the grid. It doesn't mean, you know, maybe we're going off that grid, but we're creating another one for ourselves, meaning we're having neutrino energy or some other type of energy source.
You know, it just means we're going to be different. And we're going to need networks of people just like they did. But this time for the good. Not because we're trying to take over the world, but because we're trying to fix it behind their back.
Remember, they put people everywhere and sorry to tell all you guys, but you are those people.
but this time in a sovereign way, you know, we're not forcing bad things down people's throat. You know, we're not forcing positive things down people's throat.
We're just making sure that they're available in every community, everywhere. That's it.
That's what your job is.
Your job is not to force your way of thinking, your way of writing a business plan, your way of doing things on other people.
It's just, and I'm not here to do that either. You know, we're here to guide, we're here to help. We're here to get the information out.
We're here to spread the, you know, positive, let's just say.
A health solutions, housing solutions, you know the basic needs first food solutions, those kind of things and to get a supply chain worldwide rolling.
So. I know that's a lot to take on.
We've tried doing it other ways, like assemblies and those kind of things, and everybody wants to be president and everybody, you know, is yelling at each other.
I spent three hours one time on a call while they debated the color of a logo and what it should look like, you know? That's not how we get things done. 
We're not going anywhere. And we waited several months and we still didn't go anywhere.
So again, you know, we're going back to a projects, we are going back to, you know, I know people would like to be, you know, service providers and those kind of things and to take in other people's project, but that's not your done.
It's not they have to come and stand on their own, sorry.
They don't need if they can't figure out how to do it on their own, you know, and your person that knows how to do it, they can bring you in to help write a plan, but that doesn't mean that you become the intake for all projects worldwide, especially things that you probably don't know anything about.
For example, and I've seen this and This is why I'm mentioning it, it's been requested several different times by different groups if you have never been to Nigeria. You have no business in analyzing any kind of project from Nigeria. You don't.
You have no business doing a project in Nigeria if you've never been to Nigeria. I'm not singling out Nigeria here.
I'm just saying insert country X here.
ここに国 X を挿入してくださいと言っているだけです。
You know nothing about those people. You know nothing about the land there.
You know nothing about the soil.
And maybe you've read reports online and that's lovely, but there is no substitute for actually being there on the ground. Sorry, or living in it.
It's different to go to a five star hotel or even a nice hotel in one area, you know, in the major city of Lago or whatever of Nigeria, but you know, you're you still don't you're not experiencing life there. You don't know the pitfalls.
It's like me talking about walking into this area of Chicago and telling them I'm gonna do a housing development and revitalize the area. They're gonna look at me like I'm crazy ,If not, shoot me in the head.
You know. It's none of my business.
So You know, you just gotta understand that I know a lot of people mean well and I know a lot of people want to help. But the best place to to start is in your own community.
And every community needs help, you know?
Yeah, we have this tendency.
I don't know what it is about us, but we're like, help other people, help other people, help feed these people.
There's people in your community that need to be fed.
Yeah, so start where you're at.
I mean, maybe source put you there to help them, but why are we thinking, you know, you gotta go somewhere else.
Start with what you know, the industries, you know, the you know, the people that you know, that's that's right. Common sense to me.
and think about it in places where factories are shut down. Or there is something else that lost their jobs.
The unions are on strike. That's all over 1/2 of California right now.
The film industry, you know, there's a lot of things that can be done right where you're at. And that is the best place to start because no one knows it better than you.
And that's my recommendation anyway main menu.
yeah, and then do a field messenger report about it.
Well, you should you know, and and do a report on on the problem and then you know, talk about possible solutions.
Hmm, you know, or steps to take to rectify the issue.
It could be a huge issue in your area. It could be a small issue in your area, but everything has a solution.
And this is what I mean by a plan. Have a solution in mind, you know, come up with a solution. Be creative, tune into Source.
Whichever way you do that, whether that's a meditation or you go to a building on Sundays or whatever it is for you, make that connection, ask for the solution and the solution will appear.
It might come first thing in the morning and you get a bright idea and you think it's your idea. Maybe that came from source, you know there's. Always a solution.
And I'm not talking about searching outward for that, I'm talking about searching inward.
But the solution will find you.
All you got to do is focus on it and ask. So, and everybody is capable of doing that.
It doesn't matter if you can't walk, it doesn't matter if you think you're old, you know, or too young, it doesn't make a difference. You know, there is a solution that could come to anyone.
And yes, unlike the rest of the world, we will listen to your five year old. Believe it or not, you know, out of the mouth of babes, right, Sunny?
How many times have we asked absolutely?
And more and more New Earth children. We've been talking about this since New Earth.
So absolutely. OK, well, that kind of wraps up the world situation report for today.
Yeah. All right.
Yeah, I'm. I'm starting to flash a lot again so apparently.
I know.
they don't want us to get this information out.
Well, I could be flashing, but no one would know right now.
That's true.
With the graphic, you can't really tell. They're coming after me today.
Yeah. Lucky. Exactly. Alright, Well, thank you, Kim.
We'll see you back here Wednesday.
Have a great day, Sunny.
Thanks you too.
Calen: (男性アナウンサー)
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Remember, if it's going to be, it's up to me.
I'm Sunny Galt, Join us Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the real news.
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