2024年08月16日(金曜) キンバリーの動画翻訳
And now the World Situation Report with Kimberly Gogan from the Office of the Guardian.
Michael, Gabriel and Raphael chose to leave, but not before they left a gift for the Deep State and a worldwide effort took place today by the Deep State to continue with the depopulation agenda.
All this and more on today's World Situation Report.
Here's the World Situation Report with Kimberly Gogan in the Office of the Guardian.
Good morning, good evening and good afternoon. It's getting late over here.
We're not late, but it's late for me because it's been a really long day.
Lots of stuff has taken place in the last couple of days and none of it really pleasant, but I will. Tell you about it so that you are informed as to the progress I guess you would say we have made on this planet. I'm laughing because it's just been such a long day and.
People never cease to amaze me, and I'm not even talking about people, I'm talking about others.
And there was a point in time for me where, you know, I was having conversations. This is many years ago.
I was having conversations daily, most days, all day with Marduk, Enki and Enlil and  that was on the telephone so not anything weird. 
and that I had spent a lot of money, you know, which was a lot for me to fly to meet with them and, and that kind of thing. 
and just a couple months later, you know, I watched them all sit at the computer terminal at the time. And it's a special terminal.It's not a terminal like you would use your laptop or those types of things and and they all try to erase me from the alpha system and input someone else. And for a couple of days I was pretty shocked because I thought that they were ready to help us achieve balance on the planet, which is what it was supposed to be more than a decade ago.
And I thought that they were ready to do that and that we were going to work together to achieve some kind of balance at least. At least that is the line that they told me.
And once I figured out that that was not the case in any way, shape or form, it took me a a good three days to kind of they passed it.
I'm like, where am I going?
What am I going to do now, you know?
And then after about 3 days of that, I'm like, well, I guess I'm gonna have to figure out how to use this system all by myself, and that's what I ended up doing. And it took me a long time to figure out how to use Alpha at the time.
And, you know, to figure out that, you know, few years after that, that I needed to build an intelligence system for myself and I needed to build a number of other things because I couldn't trust anybody I was talking to, you know, that was from the intelligence world or, you know, even others, you know, from other locations.
And I needed to make sure that, you know, I knew what was going on beef, so I could make an educated decision for my own self.
And that's part of the reason why we do these newscasts as well, so that you are informed and you can make proper decisions for your own self.
I'm not trying to make those decisions for you, but yesterday was another one of those days where I am just shocked and surprised this time because of what happened the last time. You know it took me minutes to recover and not days but I was truly surprised that after us throwing out.
You know, an olive branch, so to speak, and to Michael, Raphael and Gabriel, knowing who they are and and that their duality, you know that they were on both sides and knowing that they were on both sides, you know, I know that there was always a chance that they would pick one side or the other.
But after they go home and they go back to source and source basically told them that they needed to come here and clean up the mess and they had one day to prove to him or it you know, however you refer to source that.
They had the best of intentions on doing so.
So they come back here, they have a lot of discussions about what they're going to do, and it turns out they decided to leave.
They decided not to stay, which, OK, fine, but they didn't have to make the giant mess that they made on the way out.
I mean you talk about leaving with a bang or a splash. They definitely did that. And it was definitely apparent over the last 24 hours that these folks here.
I strayed way too far from source and definitely join the dark side as it relates to everything that's going on on this planet.
So now when they return to Source, you know, as per their covenant with Source, which has nothing to do with me, their soul has been terminated forever.
So that was the consequences and that's what they chose.
I guess, you know, hey, they've been around for a long time, you know, thought that it was a great time to end the saga. I'm not sure, but that's what they decided to do, but not before they decided to help the deep state along with all of their plans.
so number one. One of the things they did is they actually made an agreement with the Order of the Dragon, the Order of the Black Sun, and the Japanese faction there too, but they would now be the controller of all the world's assets. They gave them lots of their own keys to systems that they used to use to try to keep a neutrality on this planet, meaning a balance and along with that they promised them a whole lot more access.
まず、彼らがしたことの 1 つは、ドラゴンの騎士団、黒い太陽の騎士団、そして日本の派閥とも実際に協定を結びましたが、彼らは今や世界のすべての資産を管理することになります。彼らは彼らに、この惑星で中立性、つまりバランスを保つために使用していたシステムの鍵を大量に与え、それとともに彼らにさらに多くのアクセスを約束しました。
They said to these folks once they got back to source that they would get sourced to agree to make them the owners and that they would have full access to control and command of Alpha and Omega which.
It's a dying system anyway, but that's what they promised them.
They told them it take no longer than three days, so between now and the full moon, surprise surprise that they would then have access to the system.
Now that was the full on lie the 2nd that they showed up there at source with said proposals, both of them were shot down. All of them were shot down and so therefore there were no control and command keys that were going to work.
However, they did manage to make quite a mess today with the limited access that Michael, Gabriel and Raphael had by quite a mess I mean they gave them access to an earthquake program.
There was a number of well, let's just say places in the world where there was alien technology right underneath the Teutonic plates, which could have actually caused a situation like you saw in the movie, maybe 2012, where we could have seen enormous amounts of earthquakes and flooding. They did give them access to that.
They gave the courage, lazy people access to that. "I" cannot believe they did that, but they did. It was short lived.
The programs went away along with the alien tech that was underneath there, but not before we saw a few small little earthquakes in in Syria and a couple of other places. So those programs went away.
Next, they also gave them access to a program that could create a pole shift. Wow, isn't that great.
So lucky for us they didn't really know how to use it anyway, but it was spotted before they got it so that is a positive.
The next thing they did was actually allow for two remaining archivists that came from the depths of the lower Astral to bring additional alien technology to help these crazy people back to this planet, they came in through Penn Station, Union Station and a few other places in the world in Europe and brought as much stuff as they could overnight, which we had to then clean up today.
So that was really exciting for us too.
Other programs they'd like to do, obviously when they brought in the space junk and a few other things, they went to the old location of CERN in Switzerland and a few other places in the world to where they decided to bring in some more Omega tech in order to help these people create the following things.
彼らがやりたい他のプログラムとしては、宇宙ゴミやその他の物を持ち込んだとき、スイスの CERN の旧施設や世界の他のいくつかの場所に行き、さらにオメガの技術を持ち込んで、人々が次の物を作るのを手助けしようと決めたことは明らかです。
Let's see programmable bacteria, Mycoplasma, access to vaccine qubits.
And a number of other things that we had already dismantled, but they revived these programs and made sure they handed over proper keys to the Nazi crazy people.
The locations that they put this were evident as to what they were expecting to happen because CERN Switzerland was one there is a quick QUIX quantum computing company in Netherlands that also received alien technology underneath the old Shield facility, which is a very high level NSA facility in Wichita, KS, US under the Belgrade fortress in Serbia under a company called a QT quantum computing in Austria, the tomb of Kazanlak in Bulgaria, the Citadel Fortress in Budapest and Shanksville, Pennsylvania. 
彼らがこれを置いた場所から、何が起こると予想していたかは明らかでした。なぜなら、スイスの CERN は、オランダの QUIX 量子コンピューティング会社で、旧シールド施設の地下からエイリアンの技術も受け取っていたからです。シールド施設は、米国カンザス州ウィチタにある非常に高度な NSA 施設で、セルビアのベオグラード要塞の地下にはオーストリアの QT 量子コンピューティングという会社があります。ブルガリアのカザンラクの墓、ブダペストのシタデル要塞、ペンシルバニア州シャンクスビルにも設置されました。
remember where that plane landed for 911?
911 の飛行機が着陸した場所を覚えていますか?
Yeah, that was the access place to the underground. Utopia of the actual world government, which were not humans, although they look like humans, you know, right there underneath that memorial wonder.
Ever, ever wonder why they landed that plane there?
Well, now you know.
Next, the castle in Hillford Scott, Scotland, and then of course, in addition to that, all 14 Hitler headquarters in Germany, in Poland and in the surrounding area. There's a couple in Russia as well.
次に、スコットランドのヒルフォード・スコットにある城、そしてもちろん、それに加えて、ドイツ、ポーランド、その周辺地域にある 14 のヒトラー本部すべて。ロシアにもいくつかあります。
Unbelievable, you know.
And then, of course, these facilities were geared toward all of those Nazi programs of days past for genetic modification and all kinds of diseases so that we would be left here on Earth with only a pure race.
I think it's 1948 and I've lost my mind, you know, when I saw all the stuff that they did today, I guess they thought, you know, if you're going to go out, you're going to go out with a bang.
But they gave zero to our side.
Now I can think of a reason why they would give zero to our side because we are actually working on our side.
We're building golden ages, we're changing alien technologies, we have access to gateways, we have access to actual quantum systems that these people don't have. So maybe they thought they were going to even out the playing field or something.
But if that was the case, then they wouldn't have turned all of world, all of the world's assets over to these people, and an agreement that was rejected. So not quite buying the balance program there in any way, shape or form, It looked like they were going to torch this planet and everyone on it.
And allegedly these people were given information on where to hide and where to go so that they would not be affected by the incoming storms on this planet.
Now, one thing I can tell you is if any of us ever went in one of their apocalypse #16 programs (Apocalypse 16.0 ). Yo y'all would come with us, meaning we would take the deep state along with us, kicking and screaming maybe, but they would all come with us and we would make sure of it.
There would be no immunity for them, for all these diseases they intend to spread. So today was another one of those days ending in Y, where the Deep State thought that everybody was getting paid and then of course they were all proud and boasting everywhere about their newfound wealth of Earth and that they finally won World War 2.The gas and we're going back to those days.
But it was all a lie.
You know, I and and I look at this from my own self and I say, "well, you know, I listen to Marduke and Enki and Enlil for a few years and that was all a lie too."
And it's going to take them a few days to probably get over the lie.
Doesn't mean they're not going to continue to try to do bad things between now and the new moon. Hopefully they don't have anything left at this point, but I don't know that of gifts that these alleged angels gave them.
But we'll see, you know, we'll see if there's anything left.
It'll probably be a busy weekend for me, mainly making sure that we don't have any kind of, you know, end the world apocalyptic software programs or anything, any alien technology that could flip the poles left on this planet.
私にとってはおそらく忙しい週末になるでしょう。主に、地球を滅ぼすような終末的なソフトウェア プログラムや、この惑星の極をひっくり返すようなエイリアンの技術が存在しないことを確認することになります。
So, and that's why the news is, you know, late again today and and, and I apologize for that, but you know, there were a lot of things that needed to be attended to because I was trying to figure out who the heck would did this and why.
But turns out we found out who it was and nothing has changed at the end of the day.
You know, there was a few points today where I can say that you know, you might have felt a little bit of an illness for a little while or some fungus or something crazy because they were going at everything that is toxic to humans for a while there with their eliminate the rest of us humans and bring in only theirs.
They wanna breed all their own people. And like I said, it's 1948, but this is what they're actually talking about.
彼らは自分たちの人間を繁殖させたいのです。そして、私が言ったように、今は 1948 年ですが、彼らが実際に言っているのはこれです。
So I think we should probably do the opposite. And I think that we should take all of the humans, you know, and whatever shape, form, color, wherever you descend from.
And we should breed those humans on this planet like we always do.
We have families, we have children, and we can eliminate them because as far as I'm concerned, there are brain damage should not be passed on to other humans on this planet at this point, I think their brain is severely damaged.
I don't know if that's a genetic disorder with their bloodlines, but they interbreed all the time and that's never a positive thing, as we know in science. And yeah, I think that I think that we should eliminate the imperfect fit race on this planet, and that's the deep state, and there are various bloodlines until we can find anymore.
Let's hope that they can stop breeding between now and then.
Maybe we'll take some of those programmable bacterias and microplasma and make them all sterile.
Wouldn't that be great?
Maybe we can use one of those programs to create them to be a bunch of Unix.
Wouldn't that be awesome?
Because at this point, I don't think they deserve to have any kind of reading capabilities whatsoever, you know, and my frustration is pretty high today, I've got to admit because you know I expected them to leave.
You know, there was a part of me that expected them to leave.
I never expected them to do this being from, you know, where they are originally from.
I guess. You know, when they say fallen angels, they fall far because I would never think anyone up there.
At all would ever disobey anything coming directly from source so I'm really surprised I really AM and the damage they could have done to 8 billion of sources creations. That's all of you would have been shocking plus you know a keystone planet but you know.
hey, you know, what do we expect from these people?
Do we expect them to, you know, get a conscience, some kind of morality, some kind of a thought process that, you know, they're not leaders if there's no one following?
I'm sure they think that they could do this better on this planet.
But you know, I don't think they can and and part of the reason why, you know, like I said, the things I said about the complaining and to come with some positive solutions and challenge yourself to find those solutions is because I have faith in you and I believe our Creator. Has faith in YouTube .
でも、彼らにはできないと思います。そして、私が不満を言うことや、前向きな解決策を考え出すこと、そしてその解決策を見つけるために自分自身に挑戦することについて言った理由の一部は、私があなたを信頼し、私たちの創造主を信じているからです。YouTube を信頼しています。
and I think that if we all can come together and put aside our differences, whatever that is, and come up with positive solutions and stop expecting the governments to change. 
I saw your comments.
You know they're never going to change. They they are never going to change.
We can build a separate system outside the system that works for everybody, without funding and without support from beyond and systems and networks and surveillance networks and all the lovely things that they used to have.
They'll just become a group of people sitting in a house, that's it or a few houses, you know, around the world, you know, do they still have a military?
They have a military,  I don't consider, after what I've seen the United States military and the Qatari military and the Italian military and the Russian military and the Ukrainian military and the United Kingdom military, and I can keep going on and on and the Chinese military.
And everyone else that's involved in this mess over after what they've done in the last several days, not only to their own people, but to other people, I think we don't need those people in any way, shape or form, as far as veterans and soldiers, you know, you're not read in on what the upper echelon does and how they put your life in danger and what they do to people on the planet and the things that they make you do.
I'm not faulting those people in any way, but I will tell you that I have 0 faith in the upper management of any military establishment in any country on this planet after watching all of this.
So I believe I'm, it's fair enough to say, and I know this broadcast is a little bit short, but I've been probably about, you know, two hours of sleep and probably 18 hours into the day at this point.
And I'm going to say one last thing about those people.
I think they can take their world alliance, and I'm saying that for a reason, and just stick it where the sun doesn't shine, not even the black sun, yeah, I'm, I feel like that today.
So that is where we are at at this moment and hopefully they're out of toys.
Eventually they will run out of toys when no one else can actually create them for them and we will move on on our side.
I had no intention at this point of reviving any old structure from any old system. And that's why part the second part of the reason why I challenged all of you to look at new systems and new ways of doing things.
Yeah, here is going to build some of their own too, to help out. Develop humanity because we realize not everybody is in the know, not everybody knows all the things in this world that you do.
I understand there'll be a lot of education not only on your spiritual selves and, and, and how your body's function and how to fix your bodies and, and all of those types of things that will happen in the near future, but I will say as far as reviving any of those old systems, if and if you did happen to take a look at those systems and you could see any aspect of it that you actually think will work.
I mean, I'm talking food supplies, I'm talking housing, educational programs.
Any any aspect of anything that we receive in our homes and the chemicals that are in there and what they do to us, I don't think you'll find anything that is gonna work for us in the future.
To address some of the people that made several comments about taxes, I also mentioned in our last news episode about what's called tax avoidance.
It is 100% legal.
This is not like your people to cash in your birth certificates or anything. It means that you spend your money on charities, you form your own charity, you form your own trust, you do all your own things to do what you need to do to pay as little in taxes.
It's possible, and it's definitely a process.
If you're unfamiliar with it, maybe you could look up information on how the Getty family set up their circle of companies and foundations so that they could not pay any tax in the United Kingdom. So it's definitely possible.
I'm not saying you'd pay none.
I'm just saying that you could get it down to next to nothing if you actually took the time to work at it instead of took the time to write a four paragraph message on on the app to tell us about how bad taxes are.
We all know how bad taxes are.
We all live on this planet and there's probably not one of you listening to this that has not paid taxes in the past. 
Or pays them currently we also understand that governments force you to do that.
but if there's a whole other system you're living in and there's a whole military force on the other side and there's a whole security force on the other side, who is going to bother you.
This is what I'm talking about, about creating a whole new system.
That intends on protecting the people.
We can take the good people that were in the military, because I'm talking about your soldiers. They don't know anything about what we're talking about right now. There are good people in police departments.
They don't know anything about what we're talking about right now that actually do want to serve and protect the people. And those are the people that we need to look at.
You know, or some of you that might have been in the military in the past, like we did that video about the retired gentleman that was a veteran and he could he could figure out where the shots were coming from.
He knew how many shots, he knew how what the distance was based on the sound of the shots. So there is a lot of good people out there that just want good things for this. Country and for their respective countries that have that type of experience.
But if this planet's gonna get cleaned up, I'm sorry.
It's up to us, it's up to you, it's up to all of us to do it because it's never going to work if you expect one lady, be it me or one man, be it somebody else, to do it for you. You know things won't get done. 
It's gonna take a village to raise this planet. You know, and all in humanity and and all the things that are wrong with it right now that don't serve us in any way. 
And I know it's hard to start from scratch. I know it's hard for it was hard for me, you know, after talking to these people for years, you know, non people, people for years and then having to say Oh my God, it's over. They betrayed me, it's over now what am I gonna do?
You know, it took me some time and I think it's probably gonna take all of you some time to realize we need our own Internet, one without backdoors and surveillance and and censorship and other things that we don't like about the Internet.
You know, we, we need to be able to get information from one another till we can learn, how to get it from each other directly in the future.
You know, we need access to proper medical care and not be concerned about an FDA or CDC or at WHO or any of these other people. And we need to not allow them the tools to spread anything to all of us, you know, there's always some kind of fear.
私たちは適切な医療を受ける必要があり、FDA や CDC、WHO などの人々を心配する必要はありません。そして、彼らが私たち全員に何かを広めるツールを与えないようにする必要があります。常に何らかの恐怖があります。
If something ever since, you know, 2020.We need to figure out a way around that. We need to not be fearful of that. We need to figure out how to do it because it can be done.
It's been done before, and we can be successful if we all join together and come up with a plan. Stop arguing about the semantics of about, you know, you know, you didn't have that experience or you don't like those people, or I don't, you know, like that country, or, you know, I don't eat that kind of food or whatever it is.
Those are just semantics, basic human needs.
Is what we're looking for and basic earth needs so she can carry us for billions of years to come.
This is what we need to focus on not semantics, not the old. You know.
I know people that have been divorced for 20 years that still complain every single chance.
They get about their ex-spouse 20 years later or about a job they held ten years ago like well you don't have that job anymore or how Enron or insert company name that hasn't existed in years, you know screwed them over when they were an employee.
You know it's over. It is over.
Or what your mom did, or your dad did, or your brother did or your siblings did or something that happened many, many years ago that is over.
Can you imagine a world where it doesn't happen anymore?
And it's going to be up to you to create that world where those bad things don't happen anymore. I'm not to say that people aren't gonna not get along and be divorced or, you know, or what reasons did you get married , or is there a better way to find out, you know, who you love?
I mean, I don't know.
Maybe there is. Maybe there is something.
That, you know, we all forgot when we meet that person and we stand in front of that person and how your body changes and you get the butterflies in your stomach instead of just saying, ohh, well I'm at this age and I really should be married by now or my parents arranged a marriage depending on where you live in the world, You know, we need to figure out a better way to be in a better way.
Live, that's all I'm saying.
And I understand that I received 9000 complaints about people complaining about things that, you know, without 0, without any solutions from any of them either. And I knew that was going to happen.
そして、私は、誰からも何の解決策も出されずに、人々が物事について不満を言うという苦情を 9000 件受け取ったことを理解しています。そして、私はそうなるだろうと思っていました。
But that hits a button and it strikes a chord with people sometimes when we ask, we ask them to stand up for themselves their children, their grandchildren, and future generations, and they're gonna tell you 1000 reasons why they cannot.
しかし、それは人々の心に響き、私たちが彼らに、自分の子供、孫、そして将来の世代のために立ち上がるように頼むと、彼らはできない理由を 1000 個も言うでしょう。
And you know what?
When they tell you 1000 reasons why they cannot, they're absolutely 100% right.
Now. If you tell me 1000 reasons why you can, I guarantee you, you can, but again, the choice is up to you.
Thank you for watching today's World Situation Report and I will see you guys on Monday.
Calen: (男性アナウンサー)
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