2024年08月14日(水曜) キンバリーの動画翻訳
And now the World Situation Report with Kimberly Gogan from the Office of the Guardian.
The structure of the archivist( also known as the Watchers) revealed What role did they play on Earth.
The alignment between Jupiter and Mars today set the deep state and the motion on another failed plan.
Iran's monetary system was shut down today and it is being blamed on an Israel cyber attack. More fake news from the deep state, but what is the real story?
All this and more in today's World Situation Report.
Now here's the World Situation Report with Kimberly Gogan and the Office of the Guardian.
Good morning, good afternoon and good evening. Depending on when you're listening to this. 
I know it's pretty late, but it's been a pretty busy day.
Lots to talk about today, as always. OK, so I'm going to get right to it and we're going to talk about some regular news first.
Things that are being said and on some news channels are that the World Health Organization has announced that there is a monkey pox crisis in Africa, and they say it's spreading rapidly and there's a desperate need for vaccines. They have claimed that they are putting out some.
Some bid, I should say, some request to vaccine makers to make some monkey pox vaccines. Well, for those of you that have done any kind of research on monkey pox, it is fairly mild. It is probably even less mild than chickenpox and.
Usually it disappears within two weeks without very many symptoms. Maybe a rash, that kind of thing.
But I find it interesting that they're making these announcements based on a lot of other stuff that is going on.
We did find some interesting laboratories and underneath the World Health Organization in Geneva, Geneve, so Let's just say that I don't think they'll be sending out any kind of monkey pox from there anytime in the near future, and maybe that's what they had planned all along.
Next, other things that are in the news that you may or may not have heard about is Iran's monetary system was shut down today. It appears that they are having a severe liquidity crisis based on some of the work of the green dragon and their deep state.
It appears that Iran had participated, probably based on their Chinese partners or Chinese deep state partners and European or UK deep state partners.
The blue Dragons and the golden Dragons in one of these archivist. Off Ledger system Schemes, I guess you would say they took a lot of the money that was in the Iranian banking system, took it off Ledger and put it into the off Ledger system.
And then when that system went away and it crashed, they were left with basically no liquidity in their banking system. At this point, and the only way they're going to get more Iranian dinar is actually from us. So I'm not sure what they're going to do at this point.
No one has reached out to us, nor do they probably know to reach out to us. 
I'm sure I know that as of a few hours ago, they were desperately waiting for China to wake up so that they could.
Possibly get some clearance and some allocations from the Chinese who have no hope of giving them any kind of allocations. So I don't know what the end result is going to be for Iran and its banking system at this moment in time.
You know, are they going to start to use something else?
We are not sure. So we'll see what happens there.
I don't know if that's made mainstream media or not yet, but that is definitely something that probably will hit the news if it hasn't already.
Next.In Afghanistan, they are currently celebrating the withdrawal of American troops with a parade.
This parade seemed very similar to a smaller level I get on a smaller level, I guess you would say, of what they do in Russia every year, which celebrates the ending of World War Two and in Russia, they usually parade their latest weaponry and show how their military readiness is, you know, up to par.
And, you know, there's a lot of veterans and, you know, there's a lot of celebrating people that have passed away in the in the war in the past and that kind of thing.
Well, in Afghanistan, their parade consisted of mostly American weaponry that was left there. And we found that very interesting.
I found it interesting because. You may or may not know, but the Taliban after the American exit, and I'm going to take you back a few years here, but the Taliban made a deal with the Chinese deep state and it involved a lot of opium and heroin trade and that kind of thing.
They are pretty much little China at this point have made a lot of trade deals with China and a lot of them are failing due to the failing economy of China now.
I don't know if this was kind of a dig against China or a how do I say it a a an insult by parading around although American weaponry based on all the things that are going on behind the scenes, but that is yet to be told.
Based on what we were talking about in the last news with Eric Princess, who was also Chinese and also cannot be found at this moment. He was definitely took apart in both the American side of things and also the Chinese side of things in Afghanistan.
He was present during the withdrawal, which was signed off by President Trump, by the way, before he went out of office. And when he was still breathing. So then it was carried out during the Biden administration, there was a lot of controversy about it.
Just before this happened, for the first time ever, the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi at the time, made a trip over there with promises of a big. Position in the order during her trip or attempted trip.
So there's been a lot of controversy going on with this whole Afghanistan withdrawal thing, not just what happened today, but based on the fact that it was a lot of American weapons, I don't know, I don't know what kind of deal is being made or what the Americans maybe have offered the Afghanistan people, but it certainly looks like there is a possible situation brewing there.
The second thing that happened today, which I found interesting and we have a little bit of footage of that, is that there were 50 trucks, 18 Wheeler trucks carrying cargo of some sort which we have yet to identify. That was going across the border between Afghanistan and Iran.
I think we got a video of that somewhere here.
And the interesting thing on it, about 5 seconds of this video, 5 seconds in, you'll see that there is an Evergreen container in the background. We all know that the Evergreen shipping company is owned by China and just happens to be that it's going across the Iran, Afghanistan border.
We don't know what's in it at this moment, but we will. Hopefully that will.
We will find out over the next couple of days, but 50 cargo trucks exploding on the border right after the parade with a Chinese truck.
#### P1
#### P1
Um, carrying God knows what, at the same time going across, umm, you know, you got to kind of wonder about these things and, and what's really going on here. There's also been some turmoil, more turmoil in the Middle East from the standpoint of leaders.
In Iraq and in other countries that were supposed to be participating in this alleged beginning of of the World War, look to be questioning because payday was supposed to be either yesterday or today.
I ran also promised that they were going to retaliate. Against Israel between Tuesday and Wednesday, it is no longer Tuesday or Wednesday in Iran as of the time of this broadcast and we have seen nothing. The only thing that we have really seen happen is a little bit of I think there's about 40 rockets or something like that where.
私はまた、報復するつもりだと約束しました。火曜日から水曜日の間にイスラエルに対して、この放送の時点ではイランでは火曜日でも水曜日でもありませんが、私たちは何も見ていません。実際に起こったことと言えば、ロケット弾が 40 発くらいあったと思います。
Fired off at Israel from the Hezbollah in Lebanon a couple days ago, so not a whole lot going on there right now other than the fact that everybody is waiting for something they don't have, which is money.
To make matters worse, it looks like Iran is also blaming their monetary system issue on a cyber attack by Israel and that is absolutely false. That did not happen.
There are also rumors going around that there was a cyber attack on America and allegedly people, Social Security numbers were taken and that kind of thing. Thus far I haven't seen anyone take the blame for that. But I believe that was part of the setup for the attack on America and it was supposed to be a hot attack coming from the Middle East.
Insert terrorist group here, or Al Qaeda or ISIS. Thus far no one is taking the claim for that, that I know of, and no one in the Middle East,  actually attacked the American Social Security system or wherever they got these numbers from, or the banking system, or anything else other than a whole group of Americans have been trying really hard to crash the banking system over the last 24 hours in every way possible or to find some kind of a way.
ここにテロリスト集団、アルカイダ、ISIS を入れてください。今のところ、誰もその責任を負っていません。中東の誰も、アメリカの社会保障制度や、これらの番号を入手した場所、銀行システム、その他のものを実際に攻撃していません。ただ、アメリカ人の一団が過去 24 時間、あらゆる手段を使って銀行システムをクラッシュさせようと、あるいは何らかの方法を見つけようと必死に努力してきただけです。
To own the financial system of the world, that's all I've really seen as far as regular news that is worth bringing up with some back story to it right now.
So to go back to more back stories behind everything that's going on, the archive of structure. I talked in Monday's News about the archivist structure a little bit and how they decided that it was a great idea to hand over their keys to some of the archivist lines that are not supposed to be utilized for anything other than recording data to the deep state, or at least allow them to use them during the Paris Olympics.
Now the plot thickens, but I will tell you what I've seen thus far is it appears that the archivist and some others that are not archivists. They had a different position and we'll talk about that in a minute.
Looked like they were going to make an attempt to take control of the planet and probably also the deep state.
This is another surprising one for me when we're finding out who is behind it, so.
誰がその背後にいるのかがわかったとき、これは私にとってもう 1 つの驚きでした。
We've talked in the past about realm owners and realm owners were those that were appointed by source or anti source or neutral source and they were appointed to let's just say manage the realm on one side or another's behalf and in some cases both of them if they were supposed to be neutral.
And in this case, we had three that were still here on Earth, and that would have been "Michael, Gabriel and Raphael". And of course, contained within the same person was the ability to go to "Archangel Michael, Gabriel and Raphael", which means that they are both.
For source and for anti source, they are fully well aware of all the changes that have taken place and they were fully well aware of the fact that they don't have these realms anymore and not the third in the 1st and the 2nd.
Now the archivists relate to each one of these parties as their history recorders. They were also sometimes called the Watchers.
You may have heard about the Watchers on the Internet.
I've heard some people talk about them, and the Watchers would have not so much reported back to them.
But they would have been been reporting to either neutral Source, anti Source and in some cases I guess you would say Source, although that really wasn't the reason why they were. That position I should say was created. It was created mainly for neutral source and anti source because there is no need for source to manage Archives.
And what I mean by that is , yes, to some degree.
We have had government structures, We have had other things that would require history to be recorded here on Earth because us humans were prevented from accessing our own soul records and the Collective Soul records of the planet, and of this, the human race.
So I could see why you know that that position would have been necessary.
Well, out of these three, there is one in particular, and I won't name that name at this moment in time, but they know who that I know who they are There's one in particular.
That was very angry about this situation, one of the one that I'm referring to also, let's just say.  it was more on the side of the dark than he was of the light. He preferred to be in the dark and I think did that because he was the one of the ones that was closest to the Omega verse #1 #2 He also.
彼はこの状況にとても怒っていました。私が言及しているものの 1 ニンも、つまり、彼は光よりも闇の側にいたということです。彼は闇にいることを好み、それは彼がオメガ バース #1 #2 に最も近い人物だったからだと思います。
Let's just say it was easier to control something that was inorganically made with a computer system or an A sentient AI than it was to control the light and therefore even during the dark age he would have more power and control by airing on the side of the dark, the other two pretty much, I would say, have remained neutral.
コンピューター システムや知覚力のある AI で無機的に作られたものを制御する方が光を制御するよりも簡単だったとだけ言っておきましょう。したがって、暗黒時代でも彼は闇の側に立つことでより多くの力と制御力を持っていました。他の 2 ニンは、私が言うには、中立を保っていました。
They weren't getting in the way of this person, but they also weren't participating in what this person wanted to do and or I I say person and I use that lightly.
It's not a person.
And this being is the one that gave the archivist and there was an agreement in a covenant, as far as I can tell, way back to even November of last year when they started making moves on this process.
そしてこの存在は、アーキビストに情報を与えた存在であり、私が知る限り、彼らがこのプロセスに動き始めた昨年の 11 月まで遡って、契約で合意がありました。
I am a little shocked because.
When you operate on the level of a realm party, let's just say party, there are rules to this game in rules you do not break, and that means that you unless you have permission to step outside of those roles by source itself. You could end up with the elimination of your soul at that point.
あなたがレルム パーティー、つまりパーティーのレベルで活動する場合、このゲームには破ってはならないルールがあり、つまり、ソース自体からその役割から外れることを許可されない限り、あなたはその時点で魂を消滅させることになります。
You know, I suspect they might have made these decisions because they did go outside of the rules in some way, shape or form and they had no, did not have that connection to source. Earlier today, these beings did try to go home, so to speak, and Source wouldn't allow it.
And he said that you have one day to go down there and make a decision, meaning here is as to whether or not you're going to participate in fixing the mess that you made.
And I don't disagree, you know, at this point, however, they have made it hell on Earth since they've been back , and I'm not so sure they're going to make that decision.
I think they would rather have their sole eliminated, at least one of them than two participate in the cleanup of this planet, and to be fair, I will say even for the neutral ones, I will say that.
It's not easy being here, you know it's not easy and, and you all know this, I'm sure you feel it every single day.
It's not easy to be here at this time. It's a time of great transition. It's not easy to be here and watch the tragedies that happen on a daily basis.
And most of you or some of you have been involved in this and until the last three years all of you have been involved in this because we are all aware of the jobs we lost and the businesses we lost and the and the period of time where we weren't leaving our house and grocery stores were open at a minimal amount of time. You know, and that type of thing that we experienced as being here.
皆さんのほとんど、あるいは何人かはこれに関わってきました。過去 3 年間は、皆さん全員がこれに関わっていました。なぜなら、私たちは仕事を失い、ビジネスを失い、家から出られず、食料品店の営業も最小限の時間しかなかった時期があったことを知っているからです。私たちがここにいる間、そのようなことを経験しました。
So we are also our I am very well aware of the fact that we were on apocalypse, like 15.0 or something, you know, at the hands of the deep state and all of their lower astral friends for a while there.
ですから、私たちはまた、ディープ ステートとその低位のアストラル フレンドの手によって、15.0 か何かの終末期にあったという事実をよく知っています。
So I mean, I get it if they didn't want to stay, and I get it if they were willing to bear those consequences. At this point, we're doing OK. We've been doing this on our own and we've been doing it without.
Let's just say with resistance coming from some of them. And that's been OK. It's been fine.
You know, we when Sources with you, there's no battle that you will lose. And I know that. So therefore, I'm not not worried about the outcome.
I do worry sometimes about the I'm not going to say I worry, I am concerned,  because they're not the same thing about some of the things that happen on this planet and why they're allowed to happen.
So I think the same thing you guys think sometimes, especially since we haven't seen chemtrails for months and now all of a sudden in the last week they're back. 
I'm like, great, you know, and obviously we know where they're coming from and why  and who was guiding them to locations when they didn't have any, so at least now we know.
We'll see what kind of decision they make and it'll probably be by noon tomorrow because Eastern Time, because there will be out of time at that point. They had one day to make that decision.
OK, other things going on today.
So the deep state has been taking or trying to take full advantage of all of the tools and the tool boxes that these guys gave them. Now to make it worse, when they let decided to leave before they were booted back here, they gave them everything they had, even things that the deep state didn't even understand.
Did they try to use them?
Ohh yeah, every single one.
And and this one I'm I'm a little bit confused about. That they were participating in today, I guess you would say the deep state, I expect to see hacking at the financial system.
I expect to see them expecting Lionsgate pay because the Lionsgate officially ended sometime around the 12th, 13th according to them. And I'm not going to talk more about that.
Until later on, because I think it's in our best interest at this point as to what is really going on with that, because I don't want them to use it against us and I don't want them to stop something.
So we'll leave it at that. So officially it ends on the 12th or 13th and today was supposed to be.
You know, yesterday or today was supposed to be a payday for them because they thought they get Lionsgate pay.
Now I don't know if these archivist watchers and Realm people told them that's what it's going to happen or it had something to do with an alignment today between Jupiter and Mars.
I'm not really sure what they're doing at this moment in time because I caught some of them at Pembroke Castle in Wales, UK,  holding some rocks and chanting some weird chance about six of them were there. I'm not sure what that was all about.
彼らが今何をしているのかよくわかりません。というのも、私はイギリスのウェールズにあるペンブルック城で、石を持って奇妙な詠唱をしている彼らの姿を目撃したからです。偶然ですが、彼らは 6 人ほどいました。あれが一体何だったのかはわかりません。
Another perplexing area of the world where they were doing some very strange ceremony was in the Woo Dang Mountains of China. Yes, that was an interesting place. Let's just say not a +1 for us.
彼らが非常に奇妙な儀式を行っていた世界のもう 1 つの不可解な地域は、中国のウーダン山脈でした。ええ、興味深い場所でした。私たちにとっては +1 ではないとだけ言っておきましょう。
There's a lot of temples on those mountains which, you know, they always use religion against you and they want you to worship something dark. So I'm I believe that's why they built those things there, but so other ceremonies going on there, Another one was going on in Kilmer Cemetery in Sky. So please forgive me, Scottish people.
I'm sure I probably didn't pronounce that properly in any way, shape or form, but I tried.
And I would try a Scottish accent, but that would also be insulting to the Scottish people of the world. So I think I'll just not not do that. So for them I don't know.
Today was ceremony day. Not sure why. Not sure who told him to do a ceremony. There were several others that were attempted in different places around the world, but I don't get it. I'm not. Not really understanding why does this. 
is it an alignment?
Is it the end of Lions Gate? Is it?
Did somebody lie to them and tell them today would be the day to do a ceremony so they could appoint themselves the leaders of the world or something so they could get more access to some of these lines that were formerly held by demons and and archangels and other people in computers, I'm not sure.
But nonetheless, they attempted to make some additional messes and I apologize for not catching the one and Iran, but we you know, they attempted to make additional messes all over the place.
They are still talking about the possible public execution of Khamenei.
I don't think they're going to do that. It probably they would blame it on Israel or somebody or Al Qaeda or who knows.
I don't think they're going to do anything like that unless there's a windfall, at this point, there is no stopping  for the Dragon folks and for the Black Sun folks.
We are constantly monitoring to make sure there isn't going to be, at least to the best of our ability, any kind of major hot war everywhere at this moment. There's still a threat of a banking situation that they'd like to cause in the mass media, mainly here in the United States.
They have not successfully gotten ahold of any kind of a line or a closed loop or a payment system or anything to where they could actually make it real at this moment, but it is being discussed and talked about.
I, I don't really see it happening at this moment, but I really would be cautious with any kind of market investments that you may make because if I see anything happening, it would be more attempted market manipulations in order to take money for their operations out of the markets.
They don't have an off Ledger system to put them in anymore, so I'm not really sure you know what they would do for them it it kind of has to be an off Ledger situation because they need to be able to trade it up to ridiculous numbers and then put it back into the system which implies they would need allocation numbers for that.
So that obviously is not going to happen and they keep kicking around different cryptocurrencies and those types of things.
I'm also aware and I know it's been in the news quite a bit about the plane that went down in Brazil.
And who you know different reasons for the plane going down in Brazil. Some people say that it was people involved in the RV. My not quite buying that.
ブラジルで飛行機が墜落した理由はさまざまです。RV に関係した人たちが原因だと言う人もいます。私はあまりそうは思いません。
But You know, they've got to put it out there in some way, shape or form that makes you wanna fight for the good guys. And speaking of fighting for the good guys, there was a meme that crossed my desk and I kind of wanted to mention it to you guys because I, it feels very relevant to what we're doing here.
And the meme basically said that, you know, when you watch the movie Divergent, you, you rooted for the  rebels, you know, the Renegades, When you watch this movie and you watch that movie and it mentioned a bunch of different movies, you know, you voted for the underdog, you voted for the rebels, you voted for those that were going against the system.
And for the most part, if you're watching this, you're probably one of those people that goes against the system or would like to go against the system. The consequences of what happens when you go against the system oftentimes prevent most people from taking that step and taking that leap.
And I'm aware of that, and as I've said from the beginning when I started doing podcasts and news and , you know, eventually news and Zoom calls and those types of things was, you know, going against the system.
I mean, even for myself has been very difficult.
And, and, and I understand that there's a lot of advice on how to go against the system. But a lot of that advice is wrong and has landed a lot of people in jail.
There are ways to go against the system that are not going to harm you or put you into prison or cause you problems. And one of the ways is simply not to fight the system itself.
And what I mean by that, don't get me wrong, I am not in any way agreement with a lot I see on the Internet and a lot I hear about on the intelligence system. But on your end of it, without having access to the intelligence system, without having access to clearances and other things, how do you fight the system?
The best way to fight the system is in the Gray.
What do I mean by in the Gray?
I'm not talking about going partially dark or anything, so don't take this the wrong way, what I mean is, every law that has been written in every single country, everywhere has rules for the humans, That means us, the slaves, the cattle.
Those rules do not apply to other people.
So even if you hear of people doing certain things and not getting caught, it's probably because they're a part of the system and it was designed that way for us though. We have to look at the Gray and everything. (this is ) Number one, 
ですから、特定のことをして捕まらない人がいると聞いても、それはおそらく彼らがシステムの一部であり、私たちのためにそのように設計されているからです。私たちはグレーゾーンやその他のすべてに目を向けなければなりません。 (これが) 1 番目です。
Number two and I know you're gonna think I'm crazy when I say this, but you have to fight like a woman.
2 番目です。これを言うと、皆さんは私がおかしいと思うでしょうが、女性のように戦わなければなりません。
And I'm not saying you're gonna throw a girl punches or anything like that, guys. So don't take this the wrong way. Men that are watching this what I mean by that is we are naturally not as strong as men.
I mean, we're not physically, we're not built this way.
I mean, I know there are plenty of women that do bodybuilding and probably take lots of testosterone and all kinds of stuff, but for the most part, we are not those women. So we have to learn of other ways to defend ourselves.
In case of a conflict, and the main way we usually choose is, you know, some of us choose to reason with the aggressor, some of us choose to take self-defense classes, that kind of thing if it's a physical confrontation. But for the most part we find ways around.
Over under our aggressor, meaning if we want to get something done and there's an aggressor standing in our way, we usually try to find a way around that aggressor, whether that is a law or that is anything, you know, we need to do to take care of our families , you know, we, we go around things.
For myself, you know, I took a lot of pride and joy and comfort in the fact that there really wasn't a system that was intact even starting in in school that I couldn't break the first thing you do is, you know, I used to do is I would learn the system.
I would learn what every single teacher wanted to see from me.
I would learn, well, this one grades more on homework, that one grades more on tests. This one doesn't care if I ever took a test. So those classes, I would only come in to bring the homework in or whatever other assignments that were important and that would never do anything else because it didn't matter as far as my grade was concerned.
Now those skills that I played around with, I did the same thing with jobs and and employers I worked with, and I'm not saying I was disrespectful in any way.
I just knew what my employer wanted to see and I would make sure that I excelled at those things.
As a small example, some of the employers that I had would just be absolutely livid if you were you came to work one minute late. Others would be not, yeah, they were like, well, as long as it's like 5 within the first five or 10 minutes, that's OK Of your shift, it's OK, you know. But, you know, if you didn't do this particular task, they would just lose it, you know?
小さな例ですが、私が勤めていた雇用主の中には、1 分でも遅刻すると激怒する人もいました。そうでない人もいました。そうではなく、シフトの最初の 5 分か 10 分以内に 5 分でも遅刻しなければ大丈夫だ、という人もいました。でも、この特定のタスクをやらなかったら、彼らはただ失格になってしまうのです。
So you do that text extra well, extra fast. Extra clean and they're happy with you and they don't mind if you come in five or 10 minutes late. 
ですから、そのテキストを非常に上手に、非常に速く、非常にきれいにやれば、彼らはあなたに満足し、5 分か 10 分遅れても気にしません。
So the same thing goes with the world.
What care is designed to do is it's designed to create an entirely new system that we can exist in and become less, if not completely independent of the current system and all the things that the current system provides.
For us, and what I mean by systems, I'm not just talking about governments and dead presidents running around and all of those kinds of things. Yeah, that's a show that's a nice movie. And for the most part it, you know, other than taxes and some other things, it doesn't really affect your day-to-day life for the most part unless it's.
Entertaining for you when you watch it constantly on the other hand your basic.
The basic part of your existence is not to feed the system and what I mean by that is, yes, there is a thing.
It used to be called, well, it's still somewhat exists, I guess in the news because they decide, they talk and then inflation happens where the markets drop or whatever. So that can affect some people, but for the most part.
There are a lot of people that get very angry about the fact that we don't we are on a gold standard as an example, and that money can just be printed and printed and printed and printed with no consequences.
Now I ask you, when you start watching these videos and the worry videos and then we're all going to die videos on YouTube and doom scrolling.
It even has an official name now. It's called doom scrolling.
I caution you when you watch this stuff to say, and this is not a selfish thing. How does this affect me?
Is the fact that, you know, depending on where you are in the world is the fact that.
The Federal Reserve printing endless money really affect you personally?
The answer to the question is "no", it does affect you if they're trying to create some kind of a political maneuver which devalues the money and it's not traded globally, so to speak.
And in those cases, pretty much most of those humans have found a way around it and they've found exchanges for dollars or exchanges for euro or other currencies which they can use worldwide.
So, you know, I mean, that's really not even a factor , our sanctions a factor. We look at sanctions. This country has been sanctioned well, 99% of the time, not all of the.
つまり、ご存知のとおり、それは実際には要因ではありません。私たちの制裁は要因です。私たちは制裁に注目します。この国は、99% の確率で制裁を受けていますが、常にではありません。
Time the country itself is not sanctioned.
You're gonna look at me and go, what. You know, we just look at the headlines again. It's glittering headlines of how these things are affecting you.
You know, you look at the fact that the price of gasoline at the pump or fuel, whatever you call it, you know, petrol, depending on where you are in the world, goes up, because there's sanctions on insert country name here, that's Russia, Iran.
But in reality, the country is not sanctioned.
There are individuals that are sanctioned, There might be a couple of oil and natural gas companies that have been sanctioned, but that doesn't stop them from flowing oil and gas around the world.
That just increases the price at your pump.
But why?
The answer is, "it really doesn't."
There's just as much oil and gas flowing, there is no shortage of anything. A bacteria will continue to poop and and excrete gas and nothing really has changed other than the fact that you have to make more.
You have to make more money to pay more for your petrol at the pump.
In reality, pretty much every country except for Venezuela and I know in the US here, you know as we're paying four times the amount we are and has been for eons. So these are systems that.
You know, to some degree I would say affect your life. This is something you should be concerned about.
The lie about the sanctions is that it's a lie. I mean, it's a total lie.
Are there ways around that system?
It's gonna be tough because, you know, you could ride a bicycle, you could do some other things to avoid that. But that is a system that I could say is something that people probably would pay attention to to make sure that they can afford to put petrol in their car or gasoline. And get to where they need to go. And that's a system that is a major focus.
And then eventually it'll be a different kind of travel and a different type of vehicle to get you where you need to go.
That'll be healthier for you and healthier for the planet and and probably not needing to wait for bacteria to to poop. So that we can extract it and refine it.
But as it relates to a lot of the stuff that's out there, I mean, you know, I've seen people getting to get into some seriously heated discussions about the Earth being flat around. I've talked about this before. You know, we're not going to unround it. We're not gonna unflattened it.
Depending on what it is, it would be odd because you know, there are planets you can see that are all also round with a telescope, a decent telescope. And if not, you don't have one, there's a place you can go, probably in your country, where you can go see except for yourself and  why would we be the only flat one?
Yeah, probably not.
But is it going to change your life any, you know, if so, you've been living on a flat or around planet for a long time.
Why are we having this discussion and raising your blood pressure and getting all angry?
You know, trying to convince me of your thought processes in your opinions, which you're entitled to, but as it relates to going around the system and surviving in a system. That is not meant for your highest and best good.
There are ways to do that, and we've been talking about them for years. We need to figure out new food supply chains for people.
You know, we need to do and some of these things have been done and continue to be done without care assistance.
These are things that I have seen people doing on their own. You know, there's not a lot of clothing in this particular country, or it's very expensive and therefore people are wearing clothes with holes in them all the time. Well, you know, there are ways around that, too.
And there are other things that they can grow and that are stronger than cotton and everything else where they can start making close, you know, or sewing their own SO we just need to be a little bit more resourceful until we cross that finish line and can really make those changes.
Is the deep state going to affect your life?
There are few ways where they can, but for the most part, and for I would say over 90% of the people on the planet, they're really not. And getting angry at it and yelling at the letter that came in the mail from the IRS is not going to change it.
影響を与える方法はいくつかありますが、大部分、そして地球上の人々の 90% 以上にとって、彼らは本当に影響を与えていません。それに腹を立て、IRS から郵送された手紙に怒鳴っても、状況は変わりません。
You could spend that same amount of time you're yelling at that piece of paper and you could actually book up the laws yourself and you could find out different deductions and ways of tax, not evasion, but tax avoidance.
Meaning you can open your own foundation, You could do a Family Foundation. What's the difference between a Family Foundation and a non taxable foundation?
You know, so there's a lot of stuff out there that you can do to pay less tax, even as a W2 employee is what we call it here in the States.
ご存知のとおり、米国では W2 従業員と呼ばれていますが、税金を少なくするためにできることはたくさんあります。
So there's a lot of stuff you can do to work your way around the system to make life better for you.
Until all of these programs that I know all of you are working on and all of your projects start to come to fruition and even once day one happens it takes time.
It takes months to build a factory. It takes months to build, you know, a food processing plant. It takes a long time.
I mean, these are not going to be immediate solutions to make the entire world's life better, and money doesn't solve that problem when all the systems are broken. So My homework for all of you is to take a look at a system that really annoys you, something that kind of makes you angry.
And I'm talking about something that affects you personally and your family personally, whether that's a healthcare system, tax system, you know.
Anything else that the the way you buy your groceries and I challenge you to look at that particular system, how it looks in your state or your province, how it looks in your city and how it looks worldwide. And take a hard look at that system because it's time we get back to critical thinking and get out of the if it's if the savior syndrome.
And if it's going to go back to if it's going to be it's up to me system, and make things better for you. for your family then, if it's something that really works well and it's something that's not gonna get people in trouble.
We'd be happy to share that on you and end with everyone else. Do a field messenger report on what you've discovered in your particular area and ways around the system that work for you.
Because even if we find a way around the system, and maybe it's not perfect right now, also think about that.
System the new way around things that you've found and then put the money of care and the backing of care behind it and what can we really do for the whole world to change that system that's.
Not working for you right now so. We really need to start stepping up, start looking at systems, start looking at how to break those systems.
And you don't need to be, you know, actually matter of fact, in this particular case, the more experience you have, the more life experience you have, the more ability you have to learn how to break systems.
It's not hard to break the system. Challenge yourself.
Challenge your mind with that new wisdom that you're starting to get to the test and start really looking at systems that don't work for you and your family.
And then eventually you and your city, and then eventually the entire world, with and without care.
Because money only enhances an idea in a thought, a well thought out plan. That's all it does.
It doesn't create the plan for you. It doesn't make the plan work.
Believe it or not, if it is not a solid plan, it will not make the plan work.
It doesn't matter how much money you make if every single night after work you go out and you buy expensive clothes or, you know, you start blowing everything that you made in that day, if not more, you're still going to be in the same amount of debt that you're in right now, so you gotta have a plan.
You could get another job, you know, You think, well I'm in all this debt, you know, and I'm still shopping every single night.
I'll get a better job and with that pays me more money. And so you go, you get the better job that pays you more money and somehow you're still throwing more money doing the same things that got you into this position in the 1st place. Maybe you buy a more expensive  Car in your car, payments go up, whatever that is.
If you still don't have a plan, making more money or getting more money or access to millions or billions of dollars is not gonna make that plan work.
So My homework and my challenge for all of you is to find the system that is not working, that is affecting your daily life. Find solutions for that.
Find solutions that will only get better and or allow you to spread those solutions around the world. And that will help care succeed, because care is you.
Here's me in part, but care is also you.
You know I. I used to have this theory, not theory as it used to something.
It was something I practiced actually, when I had an office and I had offices full of people and I did the same thing with my child and and some others.
I would never let anybody walk into my office at work, in the workplace, obviously not my child, and complain. And if they were going to come in and complain about something that's not working, then I needed them to bring me at least one viable solution.
職場で誰かが私のオフィスに入ってきて文句を言うのを私は絶対に許しません。もちろん子供もです。もし彼らが来てうまくいっていないことについて文句を言うなら、少なくとも 1 つの実行可能な解決策を持ってきてもらう必要がありました。
That would solve this issue.
And I stopped calling them complaints because, you know, the people that like to complain a lot oftentimes don't find a solution for the problem. And I further challenge you to look at the things that you.
Well, we can call it complain about to look at the things that you maybe post about,  and what is really important to you and to the people.
So I know that there's a lot of government posts and constitution posts and, and, and all of those types of things, but in reality, I'm going to wake up tomorrow and even if you changed every line in the Constitution, and I guarantee you my life's not going to change any.
But if you figure out a way to lower the price of petrol or gasoline or find coupons or something somewhere along the way, or maybe you can negotiate with your local gas station where they do coupons once a month or whatever that is, you know, or maybe it's included in a subsidy program in your area for low income people that can.
Now I'm interested. Now I want to talk to you because I can tell you, I'll wake up tomorrow and there'll be nothing different in my world. if they went back to the old Constitution, rewrote the Constitution, changed it up in every single way, it's not gonna, it's not gonna make a difference.
I mean not in any way.
You know, matter of fact, I, you know, I've been doing some research into this, into this Iran thing and, and who's going to be blamed for cyber attacks. And, and I just got a message from one of my contacts.
And the message was that now apparently Trump is blaming Iran for his campaign facts.
I don't know if he's having campaign hacks on this one or he's saying the last one  or the 2020 thing. I have no idea. But you can see how quickly this mess turns into this big political crisis in reality.
I'm still going to wake up tomorrow morning, God willing.
I, you know, still have my place, and whether it was Iran, no one or their own operatives, which it was that hacked the 2020 election or allegedly hacked the 2020 election. And I didn't change my day. 
It's not gonna feed anybody's kids.
It's not going to change my health care system or what I choose for my own health and what I can educate others on. It doesn't do anything.
So You know, I just thought I'd throw that bit of news in there because it came up as I was talking to you so I challenge you. And I challenge you to challenge yourself at truly starting to think critically.
Empower yourself, remember how powerful you are, ask for the wisdom of Source and change just one system a little bit. And then factor in, if there was more monetary assistance behind it, how would that could change it even more or spread it worldwide?
I know you're going to come up with some great ideas and some great things in the future and now. And I would love for you to share those successes with us and with the world so that you can help guide and lead the world into a better way of living in a better system.
And then we'll have you come back and do other ones when you know care is there and there's more money behind it.
And how much, how much more of a success you've had with your plan that you come up with. I can't wait.
I'm looking forward to seeing those field messenger reports and I know all of you probably are that are watching this.
I do appreciate our field messenger so much.
I've seen, I mean, I've made dog food a little bit differently since I've watched some of the videos.
I've tried some different recipes we've I've used some of the agricultural advice in our garden. So I really think all of you are doing your best to help people change their worlds for the better so.
I just want to say thank you to all of you and look forward to seeing those reports. And that wraps up today's World Situation report.
I hope all of you have a great rest of your Wednesday or Thursday depending on where, what time it is where you are and we will see you on Friday.
Calen: (男性アナウンサー)
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