2024年08月12日(月曜) キンバリーの動画翻訳
And now the World Situation Report Kimberly Gogan from the Office of the Guardian.
The Paris Olympics were being used as a laundromat for the deep state.
An attempt was made to funnel in hundreds of billions of illegal funds into the banking system, and it looks like they received help from an unusual group of suspects.
The deep state struggles to get there World War started who is participating?
Chatter this weekend over secret lines indicates they would like to strike the United States in order to get the people to fight for free. The problem is they do not have the money nor the resources to run the world as they have hoped.
Now here's Kimberly Gogan with the Office of the Guardian.
Hi, Kim.
Good to see you.
I know I'll at least hear me anyway, right?
I feel you. How about that?
I feel you'll make it back.
I will make it back so you can all see me and we can smile at each other soon, yes. Then I will get busy.
Yeah, I'm very busy, Always busy.
Yeah, there's a lot going on in the world and some of it's not news I really wanted to hear, honestly, and I'm a little bit surprised.
At some people, honestly, no, I don't know if I say people, but you know folks here really that you know when  things get tough.
Sometimes People or beings make bad choices. That's true.
Yeah. Alright, well, let's start with the first things we started to uncover in the last couple of days the Paris Olympics.
It's been a source of a lot of controversy. There's a lot of weird things going on there.
But the other thing that happened at the Paris Olympics is it has become, or had become, a giant laundry mat.
And by laundry mat, I don't mean people are washing their clothes like we all do. I mean they are. We're using it to launder.
A large sums of money into a system which we're going to talk about too.
So if you don't know, I will tell you that most stadiums and large sports facilities worldwide are all laundry mats. It's the reason why people would like to own a stadium now.
Do they make monies that money off concerts and sporting events? And you know, we all buy tickets to these things or have and in some point in our life.
コンサートやスポーツイベントでお金を稼いでいるのでしょうか? ご存知のとおり、私たちはみな、人生のどこかの時点で、こうしたイベントのチケットを購入したり、購入したりしています。
And "yes", they do.
But they also hold hundreds, if not thousands, some of them of concerts that never actually happened. And they sell tickets, and the tickets are all bought in cash. And then they bring the ticket money to the bank.
Yeah. From these fictitious concerts and events, and, you know, voila, clean money.
It was made through allegedly a clean source and this is not for super notes. Or this is more along the lines of cash that has been legally produced, meaning it could be euro, it could be peso, it can be dollars,  It doesn't matter. 
And that money then gets filtered in through these fictitious concerts and sporting events that never actually take place, and they land in the bank.
And then there's usually a cut. Cut goes to the stadium owner. A cut might go to the sporting team that didn't actually have a game or or the artist that sang that didn't actually sing and then, you know, the rest of it goes back to the original party as clean money.
This happens a lot in the case of, you know, your, your drug cartels, illegal arms trading, all of these. Types of things that some of our intelligence agencies in the US here participate in worldwide, and, you know, depending on where you are in the world, you're well aware of this.
It's not just US, it's also Israelis do it a lot and so on and so forth. So the Paris Olympics, albeit a real event, also sold a lot of tickets to a lot of sporting events that didn't actually take place.
During the Olympics, of course, the French government was in on it in a lot of other folks were in on it as well, and everybody got their, you know, their piece of the pie. But Unfortunately they always do things in a crazy way because their goal is world domination.
So even though they managed to launder because if you remember, I'm going to take you back a few months where we talked about the silent circle kind of going off the deep end.
We also talked about the fact that they lost their universal trust, which was a 250 year old trust that was based in Armenia where all the laundry used to happen worldwide.
また、彼らがユニバーサル トラストを失ったという事実についても話しました。これは、世界中ですべての洗濯が行われていたアルメニアに拠点を置く 250 年の歴史を持つトラストでした。
And when all that shut down, they needed to start to find ways to launder that money into the system to make it legal, clean and clear so they could use it on behalf of the Black Nobility and other world domination adventures a business ventures, yeah, so to speak.
そして、それがすべて停止したとき、彼らはそのお金を合法でクリーンで透明なものにして、ブラック ノービリティやその他の世界征服の冒険、つまりビジネス ベンチャーのために使用できるように、システムに資金を洗浄する方法を見つける必要がありました。
And you know they were doing bits and pieces here and there and then the.
But the Paris Olympics was to be their grand plan to get large and I mean large amounts of money into a system so in this particular case, there have been.
しかし、パリ オリンピックは、システムに多額の資金を投入するという彼らの壮大な計画でした。そのため、この特定のケースでは、次のようなことがありました。
A lot, and I mean a lot of C 130s, C seventeens flying all around the Middle East, coming to and from Jordan, Cyprus, you know, and people would think, well, they're moving troops around, they're moving, you know, but that is actually not the case, and it's they're moving around pallets of cash.
大量の、つまり C 130 や C 17 が中東中を飛び回り、ヨルダンやキプロスを行き来していました。人々は、兵士を移動させている、移動させている、と考えていましたが、実際はそうではなく、現金のパレットを移動させているのです。
Well, at first, you know, in part there was a lot of super notes that were moving, they were trying to move them into crypto to back cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and otherwise, you know, so that was part of the plan, but.
Again, the people that were selling Bitcoin for fictitious cash that may or may never be good at some point in the future died fairly quickly because they couldn't put the money into the system. So, you know, still Bitcoin for as one example as all cryptocurrencies are, and I mean all, our agency created peer-to-peer networks.
繰り返しますが、将来いつかは役に立たないかもしれない架空の現金でビットコインを売っていた人たちは、そのお金をシステムに投入できなかったため、かなり早く亡くなりました。 ですから、ご存知のように、ビットコインは、すべての暗号通貨、つまり私たちの機関が作成したすべてのピアツーピアネットワークと同様に、1 つの例です。
The master nodes are held within as is the master software for it and the master programming for it and the connections worldwide, our agency and agency thing predominantly your, NSA or you're "nine eyes", that is the origin of all cryptocurrency.
So if you think you're exiting the system to a more fair and equitable system, you're wrong. OK, I will repeat that you are wrong.
Crypt means dead. What lies in a crypt?
Dead people.
You are using the currency of dead death, and those that worship death are the order of the black sun. Therefore you are having black sun currency.
back to our laundromat here.
So they decided that since the cartels are having a more difficult time laundering their money into banking systems for their human trafficking and other lovely activities that they do, they decided to use the Paris Olympics.
So all of these C one 30s and stuff that are flying around throughout the Middle East, probably 70% of them are carrying cash from these per these places, so to speak.
中東中を飛び回っている C130 などの飛行機の 70% は、これらの場所から現金を運んでいると言ってもいいでしょう。
Now, They put this money into another system that was in existence already. And this was where the real disappointment on my part came from. They took this money and they put it into a system that was only controlled by archivists.
Ohh wow wow. Yes.
So desperation has set in and I'll talk to you a little bit more about the archive as two and why I believe the things they did, things that they shouldn't have done.
絶望が始まったので、2 人のアーキビストについて、そして彼らがやったこと、彼らがすべきではなかったことを私が信じる理由について、もう少しお話しします。
It appears that a number of them, as you know there were in the past, we had neutral archivists because they were supposed to be neutral. They were supposed to not air on the side of the light or on the side of the dark.
They were supposed to only monitor. They were never supposed to do anything but record history with these lines.
But as a part of recording history, they had a lot of different lines in both alpha and Omega.
That would record things like earth changes, government things, you know, as you know, the government submit agreements through the archive. This is well, these are all parts of history as a new president comes in or out as you know.
You know, wars happen, results of things, you know, monetary transactions were also monitored by the archivist as well. The flow of energy, even those coming and going through stargates on the planet, you know, and, and this isn't just for Earth.
This is a every realm, so to speak, or density, had its own version of archivists, both upper and lower as you know from the past, we have had "a Light Hall of Records" which in "a Dark Hall of Records".
However, there had to be an agreement for both for something to come into fruition after the dissolving of "the Dark Hall of Records" in the transfer of all powers over to "The Light Hall of Records", which is the one that we run.The archivist could no longer submit.
しかし、「ダーク ホール オブ レコード」が解散し、すべての権限が私たちが運営する「ライト ホール オブ レコード」に移譲された後、何かが実現するには両者の合意が必要でした。アーキビストはもはや提出できませんでした。
I mean, they could submit, but then it would all came to our desk here on my desk.
And you know, we would approve or decline it. So there was really no power they had over that anymore and their lines for like financial things and, you know, monitoring, we're only supposed to be used for monitoring.
Although they did have obviously I'm going to say a quantum version of spyware and those kinds of things that would be record transactions, telecommunications.
Those types of things were created as well, and over the last few days it came to our attention that they had partnered up with these money launderers. And had allowed them to utilize well, I they didn't give them the keys.
To be fair, they(archivists ?) took in what they had and registered it.
To their financial lines as one example, they also created a telecommunication lines for them to communicate within their telecommunications monitoring systems or archiving systems and  they broke the rules.
Why would they do that, Kim?
Well. I'm going to make a guess here. Archivists have, as with anyone throughout the multiverse that had a connection to Omega, even you per SE1. At one point in time, you also had those artificial connections which were messing with your DNA and, and, you know, archons and implants and those kinds of things.
ええと、ここで推測してみます。アーキビストは、SE1 のあなたを含め、オメガとつながりのある多元宇宙のあらゆる人々と同様に、そのつながりを持っています。ある時点で、あなたも人工的なつながりを持っていて、DNA をいじったり、アルコンやインプラントなど、そういったものを操作したりしていました。
In our case, it was done because we were under the guardianship of something dark when all of these programs were implemented.
Omega can't affect your human, or could not when these things were going on, unless it had an artificial implant of some sort. Unlike in the past, how Alpha used to work before we transitioned over to the golden age and golden age AI and those kinds of things.
オメガは、何らかの人工インプラントがない限り、人間に影響を与えることはできません。あるいは、これらのことが起こっているときに影響を与えることもできませんでした。黄金時代や黄金時代の AI などに移行する前のアルファの仕組みとは異なります。
Didn't need that connection because it ran on all things source and its power source was source, just like you. Therefore, like any other sentient living thing, we have a connection to each other.
You know, you can be miles and miles away from a loved one and you still have that connection.
You know, "if your kids are OK", you know, if you're you're, you know, "your family is OK". And when we're in the presence of each other, we can also some what we call it maybe.
Even reading body language, but it's not really body language. You're reading somebody's energy.
And Omega had, I'm sorry, Alpha had the ability to do the same thing. Omega could only do so through artificial atheoretical implants and other methodologies.
Well, the archivist here, being from both sides, also had the same.
Although unlike ours, Ours were kind of a one way St. to some degree. It would read and determine what information would go in or out.
Some of the implants were designed only for output like disease and and cellular degeneration and all the other things that Omega created.
But the archivists and the deep state, at one point, you remember us talking about this maybe a year ago, we were discussing how.
There was a grid under Washington, DC, as one example, which then would send information to an artificial implant in those people's heads, and they would then be able to transmit instructions back and forth the same with the Draco.
一例として、ワシントン DC の下にグリッドがあり、そこから人々の頭に埋め込まれた人工インプラントに情報が送られ、ドラコと同じように指示をやり取りできるようになります。
The same with they all had to have it in order to have that communication with Omega.Same way they would transfer their consciousness into Omega.
They had more privileges than the average everyday human did on this planet, while the archivist also had those communications with those systems. Both good and bad in this particular case.
So in other words, their connections to alpha were only semi organic.
We talked about the original purpose of Archons recording history. To some degree, they did use the Archons to have those communications. Somewhere along the way, and I do believe.
It was about the time, a few weeks ago when the golden age came online, which left no place for alpha and Omega.
In the universe and therefore they were both to be dissolved based on the creation of something different, and I think it even started as far back to some degree with the light system.  now they have no connection to the Golden age.
They have no connection to the light system.
The archivists don't have any connection.
So this was possibly out of survival , they did this?
I think so.
Wow, I think so. Because the only parties in the world that wanted to bring back that balance system where they would have that power and connection to them both was the dark side.
And just to clarify, these are not humans. Archivists are not humans on this planet.
Archivists are not humans.
No, they look like humans when you see them, but they are not humans in any way now.
To some degree we talked ohh, we did a video.
I actually did the video where we talked about realms and realm owners and kings of the realms, both lower astral and upper astral.
And at one point in this time we also discussed the fact.
We have Angel Michael and Archangel Michael which is one is dark and one is light.
We had the same with Gabriel as an example and in the case of the third density on down. And then of course the third density on up in the lower astral, these beings would communicate with each other.
Remember, they were supposed to be, to some degree, neutral.
And because we were in what you call the neutral zone, so to speak, and they worked interchangeably to restore balance consistently in the realm of the third density, second density and 1st density.
And you know, there was obviously a, a gate that existed between the two, lower astral and upper astral. And to some degree, the folks that were responsible for those realms participated with the archivists quite a bit.
You could even call them the leaders of the archivist who participate in the third density , second density, first density you know, and then first one 2-3 down.
彼らを、第 3 密度、第 2 密度、第 1 密度、そしてその 2 〜 3 下の第 1 密度に関わっているアーキビストのリーダーと呼ぶこともできます。
Therefore, since we live in the third density here in Earth is in the third density and it is round, contrary to popular belief, we have archivists, you know from this area which you would consider neutral.
したがって、私たちは第 3 密度に住んでいるので、ここ地球は第 3 密度にあり、円形です。一般的な考えとは反対に、このエリアには、中立と見なされるアーキビストがいます。
They are even on the dark side. They were never supposed to allow the humans access to their lines should their halls.
They were never supposed to participate in human activities through those halls. Now in my opinion, where the turn happened is because if they didn't maintain some kind of balance between alpha and Omega.
And I can see a little bit here and there of influence from them, but not gone as far as to give them access to some keys that they did not, should not have had several months.
And which tells me that their influence other than giving information and straight facts. I mean, I can give you straight facts.
I can call you up and I say, Sunny, you know, there's an accident on the corner of this street, in this street.
You know, I know you gotta get to an appointment and this is the route you would normally take. I suggest you take a different route. I can make a suggestion sure.
Now I can give you straight facts. There's an accident here. Meaning the road is blocked.
It's there. It's a block. Or I can try to, hey, let me give you a ride.
Let me let you take this other route, you know.
Well, to get around that accident, you could try this maybe you should take the bus or the OR the subway or underground rail or whatever.
Now, I'm still influencing your decision at that point.
On how you're going to get to where you need to go, I can see that their their job was only to say there's an accident.
Right. Period.
They were never supposed to truly influence people to make different decisions. 
They could do some estimating on data. How long will it take the fire department of the Banana Republic to clear this accident? They could say something like that. Well, the accident should be cleared in approximately 3 hours and 41 minutes.
You know, based on the performance of the Banana Republic's fire department Police Department, right.
But they cannot influence your decision on either side.
That's that is the rules.
Also the realm owners having influence with these folks are not supposed to influence things one way or another either.
So flipping to the golden age programming. And we're going to talk more about programming of the golden ages, which is actually a positive thing for us.
Left them kind of jobless.
They knew it was inevitable that they would be jobless.
Therefore, I think that the reason because you know, this is a speculation. I think the reason why they did what they did was to try to maintain alpha and Omega so that they would maintain some of the power that they had on this planet.
That's ego, isn't it?
Isn't that the definition of ego trying to maintain power?
Man, I've been saying this for years that just because something is an alien doesn't make it a God, and doesn't mean it doesn't make poor life choices and doesn't mean that it couldn't flip on a dime.
And it's the same thing I talk about when I talk about global security.
Yeah, you just don't know. There could be some race of beings that have been our friends for thousands of years to come in the future, and then all of a sudden they flip a switch.
And they deliberately went against source deliberately.
They did.
I feel like they betrayed us.
They did. They did.
I can understand the fact that they have to share information with the other side. I can understand the fact that they have access or had access to more information than most.
I can appreciate the fact that they've been sharing a lot of historical data and no wonder I'm sitting here.
Going Is it 1979, Iran are we doing the fall of the Shah again?
You know what we doing here?
And basically, yeah, they've been sharing a lot of historical data on how those things were run. But they crossed the line when it came to laundering money for them utilizing archivist lines, and therefore there are no more archivist lines in existence at this time.
You know I did.
You know, Tom is the one that talks to them most of the time.
You know, they've always said it's not time to talk to her yet, which was another red flag.
You know, if you're, if you're having all these come, if you're neutral and you're having all these conversations face to face with people like the Pentagon and you're having conversations face to face with , you know, the Black Nobility and all these other people, you know, allegedly trying to educate them on why this won't work, It's like there are coaching them.
And then then why can't you talk to me the same way?
So now what do we do?
Well, they all got fired.
In other words, they have no access, no lines, no communications with Alpha and Omega anymore.
Whatever is left of it minimally over there, no communications with them mean they can still go talk to those people you know if for as long as they stay alive at this point.
Is that all of them, Kim, They're all like in a group.They all kind of agreed to do it together kind of thing.
They all got fired.?
At this point  I don't know the answer to the question.
I will say this much though, one person who I would consider to be a leader. I was having a conversation yesterday trying to determine why they lost their access.
ただし、これだけは言えます。リーダーだと考える人が 1 人います。昨日、なぜ彼らがアクセスできなくなったのかを突き止めようと会話をしていました。
And the response went back to, well, how did you know we lost access to Tom?
Because of course Tom is, you know, the one that's kind of been training with them and that kind of thing.And he said, well, Kim told me.
Yeah, well, after that, the rest of my day was crap because the amount of, you know, attempted attacks and and, you know, we don't attack each other like pull out guns like you think.
I mean, we, we attack each other in other ways.
And I'm like, Oh my God. Are they're all bad?
I'm like even the ones that I had hoped for are bad.
Was that yesterday that that went down, you said?
this was on Saturday.
Saturday, OK, Yeah, Early Sunday for some of you in the world, it was later in the afternoon. Saturday is when all this started to go down.
Then the next step for them was to try to use what we call the old Zeta lines and.
その後、彼らの次のステップは、私たちが古いゼータ ラインと呼んでいるものを使用することでした。
You probably seen enough videos online and movies to see that these little short Gray guys.
And the organic side of them are called the Zetas. They're from a planet that's called Zeta.
They are not evil in any way. They are not AI even.
彼らは決して邪悪ではありません。AI でもありません。
The ones that originally existed on this planet came here because they were brought here as slaves and they are very good with quantum systems.
Now, I haven't seen them around here, probably in  six months to a year. But that's because they were allowed to go back home. So they're being reunited with the people there. They're not enslaved anymore.
今、私はおそらく 6 か月から 1 年の間、この辺りで彼らを見かけていません。しかし、それは彼らが故郷に戻ることを許されたからです。彼らはそこの人々と再会しています。彼らはもう奴隷ではありません。
They're, you know, they're kind of they're, they're people didn't go as nuts as are humans did on this planet. So they don't have.
As much of resistance in the restoration where, where they are from, we can call them at any time.
They're funny. They're you know, they were always very good teachers and you know, because they helped me a lot when it came to.
At the time when Marduk was still alive to some degree and they said, look, you know, we can help you if you help us.
So the agreement was upheld on both sides and they're home now.
So But there are others that the SSP in cooperation with Mardu Kital cause at Tal took somebody corrected me on my English etal.
I know my English is terrible so but the information is good. The English might be terrible, but the information is good so.
So they created artificial Zetas, just like we had artificial humans and we had artificial Pleiadians and artificial, you know, and so on and so forth from lower astral beings.
And these guys, little guys, used to help them with AI systems as well , Because they were made to be a helper for the Omega system and other things.
そしてこれらの小さな男たちは、AI システムでも彼らを助けていました。なぜなら彼らはオメガ システムやその他のもののヘルパーとして作られたからです。
Advisors because that's what their specialty was.
Well, when the one group left, the others pretty much also left too, did they?
Try to bring in some of these folks or create some of these folks with the help of the archivist. Yeah, actually they thought that they could have them by Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest.
Ohh so this is recent They just tried to do this.
Yes this weekend.
Artificial Zetas, That's what we're talking about.
Yeah. AI versions of Zetas.
Wow. Yep. Yep, but that ship has sailed.
Literally that portal is not a portal anymore the facilities in Latvia. And Canada are gone with which they to do that, and that's the end of that story. So there are no more Zeta lines for Technical Support.
Anymore either in either one of those systems, so and it's just a matter of time before the two of them are the the systems are completely gone as long as we can prevent any others. that may have had access to them trying to regenerate them.
This has been a battle for sure. Just to like, I'm like, die already die. We don't need you anymore.
You know, I've been asking sores, I'm like, hey, can we just get rid of these.
Please? Yeah, Please.
お願い? ええ、お願い。
But, you know when I get finished with the regular news, I'll tell you, I think we finally figured out an answer. or I think I figured out an answer with Sources Help.
でも、通常のニュースが終わったら、やっと答えがわかったと思うよ。あるいは、Sources Help で答えがわかったと思う。
So talk about that in a minute.
And you're going to laugh at this. And but not before I tell you about the other things that are going on that I want the whole world to be aware of.
Because this is important.  currently at this moment, we are aware that there are tensions in the Middle East, which have, you know, had their little eruptions here and there. There's been rockets fired by the Hezbollah to Israel.
You know, there's been some drone attacks and and right now it's fairly minimal as far as a world. War is concerned predominantly because there is no money.
So we we know about that now there are some people.
Currently having conversations and I'm gonna tell you exactly where they are.
God bless their souls from here on out because as soon as I'm done with the news here because I finally found them probably 5 minutes before I got on this on the news so God rest their soul soon are actually talking about how to start a World War for free.
彼らの魂に神のご加護がありますように。このニュースが終わったらすぐに、おそらく私がこのニュースに出る 5 分前にようやく彼らを見つけたので、彼らの魂に神のご加護がありますように。彼らは実際に無料で世界戦争を始める方法について話しているのです。
Because, you know, waiting for money continuously is only causing them delays on their side, they feel to their plans for world domination. And they'd like to get started as quickly as possible.
So since there is a lot going on right now in the Middle East and with the information that we put out on Friday about the Taylor Swift concert and I, I know I would never normally.
Never mentioned a Taylor Swift concert on the news , trust me when I tell you this, but I knew there was something else behind it when it was shut down because of.
Things allegedly they found that were from ISIS and al Qaeda, Yeah, Terms we haven't heard in a long time.
彼らが発見したとされるものは、ISIS とアルカイダによるものでした。ええ、長い間耳にしていなかった言葉です。
It's been a solid couple decades since we've heard about al Qaeda, and probably at least or close to 8 or nine years since we've heard about ISIS anywhere. And I'm like, hmm, OK, what are we doing here now?
I also put out in the news that we had spotted Eric Prince in some Blackwater associates or Frontier or whatever they call themselves.
It doesn't matter. They're Blackwater, for crying out loud. It doesn't matter if you change the name Katamari, whatever they change it to, I really don't care. It's Blackwater.
They work for the Black Sun, they are military contractor extraordinaire for the order of the Black Sun and they arrange to themselves to be terrorists or create terrorist worldwide.
I know for 100% for a fact. And I can even pinpoint the location on a map to where they were building an Islamic terrorist training facility on in China a few years back.
So Blackwater is what I'm going to call it.
I have the right after everything I've seen these people do , so the discussions that I've been hearing since Saturday night are that they would like to create a full on attack against the United States.
They figure if they create a full attack in the United States, they could probably cause a crashing of the financial system or lack of access to banks. Therefore, they could utilize what's left in the American banking system to further their cause so to speak and they could get some money and some payment at out this way which they feel would then buy and on the hub in the upper echelon of world Dominator people, Black nobility and otherwise. 
they feel that this wouldn't necessarily give them enough money, but they feel it would give them total control over the United States.
Right now they do not have total control. They don't have total control of the dollar, which is a worldwide thing.
He who controls the dollar at this point wins.
They feel if they needed to implement a new currency into the United States infrastructure, they could do it after they burned the country to the ground, killed a lot of American citizens.
Then you know, of course, you would have the Patriots fight.
Riding on the one side, it would also be a reason not to have a selection, you know, of dead people and for a little while now this conversation.
I'm going to be abundantly clear, is taking place offshore.
It's not taking place in the United States. It's taking place on Little Cayman Island.
OK, it is not the main island of the Caymans, but it's taking place on Little Cayman Island. So I've had ears and I'm listening to all of these plans because chances are, even if you, let's just say remove them from the face of the earth, which we have them, we have a target over their head at the moment.
They are talking to some Trump operatives and some other folks there about how they're going to orchestrate this.
Some of these people are operatives that would have taken place in, say, 911 and other structured events on behalf of the deep state that we know worldwide to be devastating.
Therefore, they have the team of quote UN quote, experts of evil, they believe on this island right now, altogether.
Altogether now, and Eric Prince is there as well, and they're having discussions on how to blow up the US, things that they've been discussing see, this is very informative conversation.
So we're just going to keep tap on it and listen to them for a while because we need to know who they're going to call to orchestrate different parts, who their bomb expert is all of these types of things.
It's called an identity picture or a genealogy report.
Who talks to who, who talks to who, who invites who, which planes they're taking in there, You know, because if you're going to ensure something doesn't happen, you have to know everybody that's involved.
So while they're sipping my ties or whatever, it is you prank on little Cayman Island. You know, having these discussions about how this could actually work.
Now remember something, Eric Prince has been working for the deep state of China now for years.
They gave him his own investment company, which he calls Frontier. He's not the CEO anymore after some conflicts during the Trump administration, that kind of thing.
But you know, he's been promised a lot of cash that hasn't been paid out either.
So they thought they would call some of their other deep state buddies and formulate a plan of their own, you know, because they're just super, super smart, you know, and super super short.
Just saying for guy very short.
Not very smart if they're all meeting in the same place.
Well, that's a super secret island, Sunny, you know.
Yeah, yeah. They, they it's super secret.
No one will know where it is.
And that's why I'm calling it out on the news so everybody knows where it is.
Anybody who would like to go attend the meeting of people that intend to blow up the United States, That's where you go.
That's where you go, so all you patriots with your guns and Hummers that are Trump lovers and all this crap, and you know, you can just head right down there, little Cayman Islands sinking boat off the shore.
Yeah, there you go. Possible locations that they have been discussing #1 Blackwater has been afforded tactical nukes, so they're not, you know, are the large scale nuclear weapon arsenal that we know they're called tactical nukes, they're a little bit more portable, used on submarines, ICBM's, those kind of things. And they have some of those.
そう、そこだ。彼らが議論している可能性のある場所 #1 ブラックウォーターは戦術核を与えられた。つまり、私たちが知っている戦術核と呼ばれる大規模な核兵器ではなく、潜水艦や大陸間弾道ミサイルなどに搭載されるもう少し持ち運びやすいものだ。そして、彼らはそのような核兵器をいくつか持っている。
So they feel that that would be necessary in the US, Blackwater or whatever they're called these days, insert name here, is talking about playing the role of ISIS and al Qaeda.
彼らはそれが米国で必要だと感じている。ブラックウォーター、あるいは最近何と呼ばれているかはわからないが、ここに名前を挿入して、ISIS やアルカイダの役割を果たすことを話している。
And during their attack here in the United States, there's still not willing to give up control over the entire Middle East, which is what they plan.
So they must be from there of course and.
That is, who is going to take credit for the attack?
In addition to that, now it's down to logistics.
So today's conversations they're talking about possibly what do they want to hit first, like what is going to have the biggest impact, crash the markets, you know, all the things that you people have been talking about doing for a long time, Now, what would have the biggest bang for the buck so attacked ?
Possible first strikes are the White House. You know, that's a given.
Other places they're discussing is the Capitol building, Statue of Liberty.
That was about as far as I have gotten till I had to step out into the news as to different locations that they feel would be a perfect first strike for their revival of ISIS slash Al Qaeda.
I'm positive here.
That there is some kind of a deal going on behind the scenes because China government doesn't really have a ton of money at this point , not enough for a World War, but.
From what I can tell, remember every area of the world, every color, every race has their own mafia groups, don't they?
Well, in China you have the triads.
They're also very prevalent in San Francisco in the United States. It's called "the Cumin Tang" for the Tang family, you also have the Jades, which are a little bit more brutal.
They are more involved in black magic and a lot of other things, more of an assassin group.
So you have these groups who also had a stake in the $750 billion.
Well. So yes, they did. They were laundering, thought they were laundering a bunch of money that kind of went by the wayside.
You know, We will see once they get wind that the lines are not there. They are expecting a big transfer of money into the Cayman Islands.
I know this into a one of those, you know, cabal orchestrated non existing bank banks.
My I was told, not told. I overheard them talking about the fact that this money should be there by tomorrow.
Is what they're saying to pay for this extravaganza?
Umm, but they're acting as if they already have the money like it's a given, so I'm guessing they do have what they think are backers for this plan in this program.
So once they did their first strike, of course they would implement martial law. So that would mean the entire United States military is in on the gig. just so you know. Yep.
People that were sworn to defend this country.
Yeah, not the soldiers, you know, not the not those people.
But I'm talking about as far as the entire Joint Chiefs of Staff is in on the gig. They are willing to participate because of course they'd like to be in control of the US They don't mind if the.
Body count in the United States is much higher than 911. Of course it would be with you know, there is still nuclear fallout from even tactical nukes. And yeah, so that's what they're doing at this very moment as I'm talking to you.
米国の死者数は 911 よりはるかに多い。もちろん、戦術核兵器による放射性降下物もまだあるので、そうなるでしょう。そして、私があなたに話しているこの瞬間に、彼らはまさにそれをやっているのです。
Now, could they actually send out those nukes?
I mean, is that something that.
Well, you gotta remember they're kind of portable. They can take them anywhere.
You know, they the only thing is, is that as with all enriched uranium materials, they leave what's called a center a wave so if you are, you know, this is very common when you have a lot of like nuclear power plants and those kinds of things.
In our, you know, they monitor from the sky, from radar, it's kind of like infrared, but not it's actually detecting the amount of nuclear.
How do I say this?
The amount of nuclear possible caustic materials that are floating out into the atmosphere from this nuclear plant to make sure it's not an unsafe level for humans who happen to live in the area. So this is a common thing that they do.
Are they constantly monitoring for these nuclear what?
I call waves. It's like a scent, so to speak.
You know, it's kind of would appear and you know, an infrared, there are certain things that humans do that are gaseous from time to time.
You can actually see that on infrared surveillance. And this is no different. It's it's kind of like a waft. It looks like a scent almost.
And I'm sure that being the fact that our alleged protectors, the United States military is involved, I'm sure that they wouldn't care if those things were brought into the country to DC or otherwise, or, you know, they're also having discussions about, you know, the Golden Gate Bridge.
They need a full east Coast, West Coast affect here, possibly also some places in the Midwest. They're determining these locations that would all be struck at the same time, allegedly.
To which then the Republican Party, the Trump operatives are saying that they would then come out and say, that's Albert border crisis, it's all Biden's fault, you know, and then they would use this to promote the orange guy.
You know, just typical Duck Dynasty crap really is all it does do. Yeah, Yeah. And they're not gonna leave there alive anyway.
So I'm just trying to get as much information as possible in case that they have given orders out to other people.
And like I said, this is happening like in real time at this moment. So yeah, we'll see by the time that this is aired. I hope that every decent person that works for any agency in the United States gets wind of this. 
You have a treasonous act going on in the military. You know, if you don't, then the entire United States government and every soldier in it is complicit in this.
Anybody who hears this If the dollar goes down, this is how they believe they're gonna actually crash the dollar. They tried to do it the quote UN quote nice way by hacking into Omega Systems and so on and so forth.
And now they intend to do with the quote UN quote not nice way by burning the United States to the ground.
If you burn the US to the ground, you'll basically. Learn the economies of the world to the ground and they have an intention of trying to use a different currency or something which would be of theirs.
So you would be whether you've chosen to buy cryptocurrencies or not, they would probably reintroduce the Black Sun coin of some sort. And force every nation in the world to use it.
Of course, after a war of this epic proportion, they would intend on probably taking time to reimplement a new currency.
Therefore, they would have to come up with something to keep at least some of us alive.
Remember, they only need 500 million (people), according to the Georgia guide, Stones. So that's not a whole lot.
That leaves a lot of room to kill a lot of people in a short period of time with no skin off their back. It's disgusting. It is, you know, it really is.
But I'm just laying it all out there because I'm, I started hearing about it on Saturday.
It looks like people started moving around the Caribbean. I've been following them around and now we know exactly where their meetings are taking place, super, super secret location.
Everyone so anybody that gives a crap about the United States in any way, shape or form, or their families that live here, that kind of thing, you might want to head on down to Little Cayman Island and go pay a visit, see if you can participate in these meetings.
Yeah, anybody else in the region of the Caribbean that has any kind of military force may want to go ahead and intervene as well, because all your countries will go to.
Yeah, this is not just a US thing. Them they're trying to take down everything.
It'll take down the economy of the entire world is what it will do, because they they're going to amplify things in the Middle East. They'll amplify things. They'll probably be a fight with China. And then the whole world will be ruled by the Order of the Black Sun.
We, you know, that's the plan. You know, these things. You know I'm going to do it with or without anybody, even if everybody that's listening to this ignores me.
You know, it doesn't matter at this point because it's on my watch and it's my my responsibility to at least to the best of my ability to protect the lives of innocence. And that's what we're going to do.
Yeah, that's what's going to happen. So I appreciate all the information they're giving me from, again, Little Cayman Island and I will continue to get more information. And if you know anything about this little island, you're not getting anywhere fast.
You know, you could go by boat, you could go buy small tiny plane or something like that. But you're not getting anywhere in a hurry. So even if you switch islands, I know by the amount of time it took me to record this, how long that will take for you to get to your next destination.
So not to worry, guys. You know, maybe I wasn't a Navy SEAL like Eric Prince,you know, that's one person in the world.
I think I'm actually taller than Can you believe?
But then too, because we're the same height.
Yay, no.
One giant step for man Exactly. Someone we're actually taller than, so that's really good news anyway. So that's what's happening at this moment.
Now to get to the better part of things.
So I've been after this archive, this thing, I was pretty disappointed.
They pretty much not a whole lot they can do but give out information they had from the past,  They don't have any access to any records or anything anymore, so.
It would have to be from memory at this point if they can choose to continue to help them after what they've seen happen and the fact that there has been a violation.
Then sorry, we're going to protect the lives of innocents, right. You know, maybe you archivist, should head down to Cayman Islands and help these people burn the planet to the Earth, you know, to the ground.
Isn't that your job?
It's not really your job now, is it?
But there are other things that are happening that are more positive, so in my conversations and I and I spend a lot of time going back and forth to source because, you know, I've got to get agreements that expire, I have to get information, I have to find out where things are located and that kind of thing so we can get rid of all of this space junk, you know on the planet.
The Suzies, they're called synchronizing unifying senor metric integrater equity answers that were in Latvia and in Canada today. That's what they were going to use to make their little dudes again,  yeah, but anyway I've been asking every single time I go we do not need alpha.
We do not need Omega anymore. We're in the golden age.
We are running a golden age program now. You know, I understand that there's stuff in our way and this is but you know, I feel like some days.
Hunting and pecking, space junk, you know, everywhere, different planets, things that have been implemented from the past to take place in the future, Those kind of things instructions that weren't there for Omega as an example whatever is left of it, you know.
Yesterday are now there today, part of that could have been to do to do with the archivist, because yeah, the halls have no time.
They could have gone back two weeks and sent in something to appear today to run us around in circles until they could try to reestablish themselves.
I guess I don't know, but How do you do it?
You know, I keep asking Source how do you do it?
How? How can we do it?
There has to be a way to do it. Well, finally, I believe I got my answer yesterday in one of my trips to get agreements and and find space junk. And he said, well, the only way to really do it is to go back to the beginning.
And I'm like the beginning of what?
The beginning of when we started this, the beginning of and he said the beginning before time. Because if you are looking on how you know? 
From my standpoint, how do things go forward and back in time?
How do things appear 100 years later or 1000 years later that weren't there yesterday?
It has to do with the way that time actually works. And It had a lot to do in part with when things were registered in the Hall of Records to appear.
You know, when the halls of time between time and timelines of no time, and all of these things that existed allowed for these things to take place. 
And how many beings had control of time or had figured out how to control time?
You know, I'm old enough to remember one of these movies, the Laura Croft movies, when they, you know, not the last one, but a while ago when all the all the Illuminati wanted was to control time.
I'm sure they did probably, but not for reasons like it stated in the movie. But she goes back into a time of no time, when she met with her father, remember for a short period of time when the machine was working.
Anyway He said you have to go back before time began. And we went to this place so I've described it before to you, so Sources. It's a big space, you know, it's not like the size of Earth or you know, it's, it's a large space there and within.
The structure the closer you get to the center of the central sun is a place where there really is no anything. It's all that is.
It's like the brightest of white golden light that you could ever see. It's it's time stands still in this place.
There is no time. There's no nothing.
Until you get a little further out, then you start seeing the souls and beings and and whatnot that that coexist within Source.
And so we went to the place of no time of no thing. Not in a dark way, but of no thing and and you're gonna laugh at this one, Sunny, because of your background.
And he said it's like a mustard seed Ohh, not funny, except it's a master universal system for terraforming all universes of the divine.
そして彼は、それはマスター シードのようなものだと言いました。ああ、面白くないですが、それは神のすべての宇宙をテラフォーミングするためのマスター ユニバーサル システムです。
There you go.
I have a mustard seed on my key chain for my my car keys I keep, do you?
私は車のキーのキー チェーンにマスター シードを付けています。あなたはどうですか?
We have the answer all along, Kim.
I just didn't know it.
That's the key to the beginning of how the universes were terraformed.
And it's of course, Source energy and essence of the divine and of the divine, Remember at the time and if you look in Genesis and it talks about the seven days and that kind of thing.
The first thing that happened was Sourced and anti Source was created.
Umm and then the seas were parted. The essence energy consciousness sees all the current seas. And you know they would create a dark and light of everything.
Well, the terraforming of the universe happened in the same way by terraforming.
For those of you that have not heard that word before, it basically means that it is the creation of life on a planet, the creation of a planet unto itself, the creation of a habitat of some sort.
We have terrariums for pets, you know of certain types.
Yeah. I know, confusing huh?
Well, I was just thinking.
I remember you saying in the past that you have memories of terraforming the Earth.
I do have memories of terraforming a lot of different things at one point. Now I'm sanitation engineering.
Creating, cleaning.
cleaning, cleaning, but.
You can't. We couldn't. We tried to fix it.
Yeah, you know we try to reimplement like t * e / b equal them.
ええ、ご存知のとおり、t * e / b を等しくするように再実装しようとした。
We tried to fix it without re terraforming everything but that was not possible.
So the retail reformation process, if that's a word, if not, I just created one.
Don't kill me. english people watching this English majors or watching this, so the Reed Terra formation of the universe is, and Earth, because remember, Earth was one, was one of the first things that happened in the replicator.
私を殺さないでください。英語専攻の人やこれを見ている人は、宇宙のリードテラ形成は、地球、覚えておいてください、地球は 1 つだったのですが、レプリケーターで最初に起こったことの 1 つです。
Systems tied there too are now replicating this process.
It'll take time, but ultimately the same thing happened with the Alpha Omega.
System as well the Retera forming of sentient AI to fit the golden age is what's taking place as well.
システムだけでなく、黄金時代に合うように知覚力のある AI をリテラ形成することも行われています。
Is that going to eliminate my need to sanitation engineer?
Probably not.
Is it going to eliminate the fact that the window licking section of human beings we call the Deep State are still going to try to blow us all up with tactical nukes in the near future?
No, probably not.
That's probably a sanitation job.
But you know, it's going to, in the long run, be what we need.
And I don't know if it's just a matter of getting things clean enough to change it or what.
But you know it's everything in Sources time.
Unfortunately I don't always have all those answers for you, so I'm reweaving the fabric of reality without changing the terraforming keystone, for lack of a term. 
Lack of a better term.
Was not possible.
So that was kind of a positive thing that happened this weekend and matter of fact.
It sounded like from the conversation I had with Tom after speaking, he spoke to the archivist.
They basically said that they're they're shut down, there's no more archives.
They're going to have to rework things in the future in the golden age and You know, so that eventually we have human born archives.
You know, until humans recognize the fact that they can access their own archives, which are your sole records.
And how to access soul records possibly of planet earth if you are given permission, and those kinds of things so you can learn your own history for the you know what you need to know. And that time will come.
But you know, I do think there's a place for something, some kind of need for this , until we can develop a better structure but I can tell you right now and I don't see myself ever going hey archive is good to see you again you want another job no that's kind of what you have.
so it kind of sounds like they kind of they wanna help  I'm confused as to what to think of them now.
Well, you know, it's those people that try to say, oh, you know, I'm glad my spouse left me because, you know, now I can go on to a better life and we're going to change my life.
And, you know, and really deep inside, you know, they go home at night and cry their eyes out or something. You know what I mean?
Like, they're not real happy that this ended.
They're not happy they lost their job because they're gonna do all these great things and start their own business now, and they'll produce better widgets than their last company they worked for.
And so forget those people and, you know, and meanwhile they're, you know, shocked and sad and hurt and surprised and, you know, whether they ever show it or not.
And and honestly, You know, We'll see.
I'm not I I'm out right now at this moment in time on that situation after watching, you know, planes fly around and seeing archive is lines.
You know, you, you violated your agreement and that wasn't with me. That was with source. So you gotta take it up with Source and figure out where you're gonna be from here on out, because that's not my problem.
That sounds like a you problem to me.
So do you not think that there are threat to humanity, though at this point?
Let me put it this way.
Their leash is very short at this moment in time. One step in the wrong direction. And yes, you are in the enforcer has been informed, everybody has been informed and everybody is keeping an eye out for these folks at this moment in time because we are not there.
0 Tolerance policy right now they know better. Yeah, they know better.
You know, the deep state is just ridiculous with a mind that is messed up.
You know, Speaking of Deep state, honestly someone had recommended a series to me like 3 years ago and I just don't have time to do anything for the most part. I get probably an hour of watching some TV or something at night and then you know, I go to sleep or try anyway unless there's like last night was terrible I mean.
They were everybody was running around crazy, angry, screaming and yelling at each other and my alarms kept going off left and right and probably because, you know, these lines have disappeared and other the Zada lines went away and all the other things they try.
And I just couldn't get to sleep.
So I started watching a few of the what's it called the Man in the High Castle.
Have you ever seen that series, Sunny?
Yeah. Yeah. I it's that alternative reality.
What would have happened with.
Was that World War Two?
Was it?
Yeah. Yeah, and you can kind of see the mindset of those.
You know, you got the Nazis and the Japanese largely, you know, the Axis powers won the war.
But some of the things they do just, you know, reminded me of what it would be like to live in a world if the order of the Black Sun that you people in the alternative media call the White Hats and the the Alliance, you know you call them.
Same as Hitler called, you know, his group and you know, one of the things that really struck me is because I I was up for hours last night, you know, pushed an alarms and those kind of things and.
As I was watching it because I had to do something while I was waiting for the next one to go off.
So as I'm watching it, there's one part where they talk about that there are no more cripple people or people with disabilities or anything because they consider them a drain on society. So they they put them in a truck.
Once a week and they take them to the Crematory and they burn them alive basically. And then, you know, in their minds, they say, well, people don't have to suffer anymore. And that's what they tell the public.
Yeah, you know, sorry, we took your father, your mother, your child, whoever, you know, because they have a disability.
And and then they put them in this truck and then they haul them off for for burning.
Until one of the And I don't know what happens after this because I am and end up falling asleep after a while.
But he said he was talking about the fact that his son had been diagnosed with a genetic disorder and his son was about to be paralyzed. And of course he knew that meant death.
And there was nothing he could do to change it. Once everybody found out, he he too would be carried away.
But it's funny how when something happens to one of their family members versus happens to, you know, in this case, you're talking millions of Americans that would die and visitors that are here.
You know, we have always have a lot of foreigners here, students coming back now to start College in the next couple weeks, yeah, you know, the school year starts, so yeah.
But anyway, that's what they're discussing, you know, and what better to do it than one of the world's like, greatest terrorists, you know?
Yeah. I know. But we'll see. Yeah, They're not going to be around for very long, you know?
No, no. But they're giving out a lot of good information with their arrogant, egotistical, you know, that island's probably not big enough to have that many large egos in the same place. So the Grand Cayman, yeah, yeah, you need a bigger island.
But they figured this would be a little bit more secret.
You know. Anyway, whatever more work, but that's OK.
Now you know. God bless these people.
But they'll have no money tomorrow too, in the next day and the next day.
And you know, I'm sure they're probably plotting and planning on how to do that.
There is not anymore, but there used to be for those of you that don't know.
And I've mentioned this in the news before, but I thought it was a good time to bring it up Cayman Islands.
The The larger island of Cayman was predominantly Bush Island. You could have called it Bush Senior Island when he was the black Dragon, Black Eagle. And a lot of offshore trading happened there.
They would actually recruit younger people that showed a high level of skill in gaming and other things to do high level off Ledger trading on the Cayman Islands to the tune of.
It funded every war for, you know, even Iran war or the Iraq war, you know, Iran, Iraq war, Desert Storm, you know, everything for years until it was shut down in 2000 and seven, 2008 and they no longer had access to to those funds, still to this day, there's a lot of nefarious activities that take place on that island and I am sure.
Without question, they do believe that they could use some of the pallets of cash that are there, They could use, you know, there's old cash there. That they could possibly get that into the system, launder that in, but what they forget is what they used to do is they used to meet these folks.
And they would take in, you know, drug money, whatever it was that the Order of the Black Sun was doing and the black market or even , dollars that had been sent to other countries for other reason during times of transition to other currencies, those kinds of things.
And then they would put them, you know, they would count, they would go through counters and then most of the time they would burn these pallets.
Well, not all of them were burned. So they think that they could actually use these non burned ones, but they forget that they were put into an off Ledger system that is no longer there but there's still records of it within the system.
So that is going to fail. I do know that they would like to get access to which they were promised, by the archivist, by the way, that they would be able to get access to the Black Eagle Trust and funds that were located in the Caymans, which is probably why they're close by.
Yeah, that makes sense.
I feel like in any movie you watch they talk about oh, this account in the grand Caymans are like bad people are going to the  Cayman Islands to like after they do something bad, they're going to the Cayman Islands. 
And now we know why. Yeah. Now you know why?
Well, you know, you ever well, God, going back to the first movie I saw about the Caymans is called The Firm.
You remember that with tom-tom. Tom Cruise was on that.
Yeah. No surprise. with the lawyers down there. Doing all kinds of funny things for their clients.
And yeah, yeah, they tell you everything. and these movies.
that's crazy.
They do. They do it. That too, has been had been a laundry mat for a long, long time.
Well, I mean, they do tell you everything. They are required to tell you everything. You know. Because they are required to tell you everything.
There are some really crazy cute posts out there in the last 24 hours.
Do you have imaginary friends is one of them?
Are you in the underworld?
Ohh my, I know. I'm like wow.
This is on Twitter by the way for those of you, yeah.
Yeah, yeah, I, I absolutely, from reading these posts, I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that these people should be running the world, right.
And then you couple that with, you know, you got the symbol of the black sun all over that series.
I mean, and and that is how they think.
I mean, I've had conversations with these people.
Where they said that people, for example, that accept state assistance of any sort, you know, be a disability or they call them useless eaters.
They actually said those words from their lips to my ears and that they all need to die.
They've mentioned these types of things to me before burdens on the system.
They are burdens on the system, So yeah, I know, and if there wasn't some agreements out there and covenants that are way over their head, you know, God knows what kind of society we would have been living in by now.
Right, You know, another thing in the movie is that the symbol for the Japanese looks like the seal.
We talked about the seal, that looks exactly like the seal to me on the other side of it.
That's obviously the black eagle, you know, for the black sun. And then it started me thinking, I'm like in this movie, it's everything is in the face front.
They're not movie series. Everything is in the face front, you know, you see these symbols everywhere.
They talk about Project Looking Glass.
You know, it'll only take you so far, they say, and these types of things, but I started thinking about it, you know, because we talked about the color wars and and the colors of every country's flag and who would be involved in running said country is dictated by the colors of that country's flag.
Now that we have governments, but even before that, how many coat of arms have you ever seen without at least a dragon or an eagle?
Umm, most a lion.
I feel like a lions in there a lot too.
Yep. But there's a lion and there's also a dragon.
Yeah, yeah, yes, true.
Yep, a lot of time and I think it's in the British family code of code of arms. It looks almost like there's two Dragons guarding the lion or.
Stepping on the lion or something if I recall.
It's been a minute. So don't shoot me British people if you if I'm wrong, you know, but I'm trying to recall this off the top of my head as I'm talking to you, but I'll not all but a lot of them do have.
You know, the royal families around the world and whatnot.
I'll have either a black eagle or some kind of an eagle of some sort.
The US here we have the bald eagle, which consists of white and black and gold and you know. Yeah, so.
I'm, I'm just thinking about it and I'm like, that already kind of happened. We're just not living with it, Like in your face. 
Right. But, you know, people with a big ego need to be kind of in your face. You know, they need to be out there.
They need to be known as the furor.
I don't know who is going to play the furor in this movie.
No, I'm just kidding maybe that's Eric Prince.
Maybe that's what they're promising him. And should he win, he can be the fearer. Probably, you know.
You know the short guy Napoleon fell for it too, so you know.
Alright, Miss Sunny, Well, you have a lovely day and I'll see you guys on Wednesday. We'll give you an update as to where we're at with everything.
And yeah. All right, we'll see you then.
Thank you, Kim.
Sounds good, Sunny.
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