2024年08月05日(月曜) キンバリーの動画翻訳
And now the World Situation Report with Kimberly Gogan from the Office of the Guardian. 
What is the real story behind stock market declines worldwide?
The global military made a $2.9 trillion mistake.
The battle for Lionsgate continued over the weekend as the gateway to source, Peaked on Saturday the secret reason behind the war in the Middle East, the economic hierarchy of the world and the flow of money, now currency explained. 
now here's the World Situation Report with Kimberly Gogan and the Office of the Guardian.
Good morning, good afternoon and good evening, everyone.
Let's talk about what happened over the weekend.
We had a lot of stuff moving in the world, both good and bad.
But for the most part, everything that they're doing will ultimately be for our best good. So there was a conversation that I had back in 2013, and I've mentioned it to you before if you've been following me for a while.
Whereas the Rothschild family basically said that they would crash the dollar, crash the world's , economy and then buy everything back for pennies on the dollar.
And we've talked about this before because they've attempted this several times.
And then of course, when they don't have the money to complete this task, we go right back to where they started and the markets come back up and there's no problems this time.
This was a little bit different.
Was the Order of the Dragon involved?
Were the Rothschild family involved?
Yes, they were.
So Here is the reason why we saw a sharp decline on Friday in the markets and also a decline today somewhat that looks like it's, I guess you would say somewhat recovering at this point.
What we're seeing is a siphon essentially on Friday, I talked about the fact that we thought that they got about Nah between 70 to $80 million, which in part was true.
The amount of money that was received to get the war in the Middle East started was around that amount, and that was the amount that was actually released to the military and to other folks to get, you know, the arms dealers and so on and so forth.
But the total amount from all global markets worldwide was somewhere around $2.9 trillion. Now unfortunately for these people they never learn.
しかし、世界中のすべての市場からの合計金額は、およそ 2.9 兆ドルでした。残念ながら、これらの人々は決して学びません。
So they took this 2.9 trillion put it into an off Ledger account, and begin trading against that 2.9 trillion.
彼らはこの 2.9 兆ドルを元帳外の口座に入れ、その 2.9 兆ドルを相手に取引を始めました。
Not really sure what they were trading, Probably government bonds.
You know, loads of promises and 0 delivery.
They used it as flash cash over the weekend to get some of these groups in the Middle East that are participating in this show.
To start, you know, firing rockets and this and that over the weekend and it's gone kind of up and down.
But At the end of the day, they couldn't get the money back into the system, so there were about 3 or 4 facilities within the US, most of them with inside mountains. 
So you would consider them lightened facilities that they tried to revive during Lionsgate and they were pretty much around the main point of Lionsgate, which would have been in Yellowstone Park, and we talked about the Oracle and why that was a main point in the world.
Last week so.
They siphoned it into these facilities, began creating numbers for money which is not currency, and they ended up ramping up these fictitious numbers to somewhere around $880 trillion.
Now They couldn't get it back into the system.
That's the problem, and we're going to talk about that in a little bit about the economic hierarchy of the world, because I think it's important for everybody to understand when I say things don't work, why they don't work and why there is only one way to fix this.
So by Sunday they started calling, of course, through. Contact that they have of mine, not never me directly of course, and they started calling and asking for a meeting, asking for help.
Then when we said no we can't help you, we won't help you, they came back and went and tried some more hacking to see if they could get some more money from somewhere, of course there's no trading on the weekends except for FX, which is currency trading for a short period of time.
And then they would come back an hour or two later after they failed, and then they would go back and then ask again and we would say no. And then they'd go back and try something else.
そして、失敗してから 1、2 時間後に彼らは戻ってきて、また尋ねてきますが、私たちは断ります。そして、彼らは戻って別のことを試します。
And then that wouldn't work out. Then they come back.
This happened probably about eight or nine times all day long on Sunday, yesterday.
これは、昨日の日曜日に 1 日中 8 回か 9 回くらい起こりました。
Now why can't we help them?
Number one, it is abundantly clear that they really do not understand macro and microeconomics on any level.
Number two, they obviously don't learn from their previous mistakes because this has been going on for probably about five or six years now where they ever since the advent of the key integrated monetary system.
第二に、彼らは明らかに過去の失敗から学んでいません。なぜなら、これはおそらく、主要な統合通貨システムの出現以来、約 5、6 年続いているからです。
they haven't figured out that once they take it out of the system and put it into any kind of an off Ledger server or remote server, why they can't get this quote UN quote money back into the system and that problem is even worse now than it ever was with the advent of currency versus money or credits.
彼らは、いったんシステムから取り出して、オフ レジャー サーバーまたはリモート サーバーに置いたら、なぜこの「UN の」お金をシステムに戻すことができないのか理解していません。この問題は、通貨やクレジットの出現以来、これまで以上に深刻です。
They want me. I know what they want from me.
They would like me to put allocation numbers to their money, this $880 trillion, so that they, it's not all dollars, by the way, it's various other currencies around the world.
You had RMB in the pool, you also had wobbles in the pool and so on and so forth and a lot of promises made with these respective countries, should they be successful.
Yeah, Well, that didn't quite work out.
We did find the International Treasury Treasury Transfer Reserve System, which is an old system that was tied to the Plunge Protection Committee, not only for U.S. market plunges but also for deep drops.
In other markets in the world as well, like UK and everywhere, there's a treasury, which is every country in the world, and that's how they were siphoning it out the back door.
In addition to that, they had all of their players in the game, such as Buffett and Soros. 
I call these bag men Rockefellers, and other large hedge funds, Black Rock all in on it as well. Therefore, there was a large sell off and there continues to be a significant increase in sell offs.
The markets been down anywhere between 1200 to around 950 960 today.
今日の市場は1200から 950 , 960 前後まで下落しています。
They continue to try to repeat today in cooperation with all of their bag men, the same thing they did on Friday.
Because somehow all of that fictitious money evaporated over the weekend, probably within 24 hours of this game in this scam.
Including the money that they siphoned out of the market.
So there's another almost 3 trillion U.S. dollar equivalent in various currencies that has left the banking system as liquidity now.
I know this sounds a little bit scary but it's not really at this moment.
The Lack of liquidity in the banking system and the fall in the markets is a positive for humanity as a whole. 
I know. Everybody's hitting the panic button and it's all over alternative media. We're all gonna die.
Insert Nasara, Jasara, now it's Trump Sarah is out there.
But none of those things are actually the case.
What will happen in the future is it was that will allow us regular humans, not me per se, but regular humans to actually acquire some of these large corporations larger head funds and start running them right?
Once they all go bankrupt, so if they continue to try to crash the market, it's only going to help us in the long run recover faster.
Think about how we could change the world if we could acquire some of these large corporations for literally pennies on the dollar or currency in currency, Actually spendable, usable cash in a banking system.
Now once the Rothschilds today got wind of this not working and they got wind of the fact that I am refusing to give them allocation numbers, let alone even have a conversation at this moment because.
I know a conversation with these people is going to end the same way it always ends,  Well, here's what you're going to do.
And I come back and say, no, I'm not.
And then there's some kind of threat that takes place, possibly some other guy comes in and tries to flirt or something like that, and we still end up at the same place with them, not getting any allocation numbers and me not helping.
That's pretty much what ends up happening every single time.
They are not ready, They have not banged their head up against the wall enough times yet to understand that.
That this is never going to happen. It's not gonna work the way they want it to work anymore.
The system has changed, the currency has changed, and we're going to go into that a little bit more. And the world has changed.
I know that they're fighting for world domination, and I can appreciate and respect that, but that's not what the where we're going in this world, and that's not how the world is going to work.
What I witnessed on Sunday was very similar to.
Well, let me tell you a little personal experience of mine.
When my daughter was little, I had bought her, she was probably about three years old or so, maybe four. And for her birthday, I had bought her one of those Barbie Jeeps.
If you've ever seen them, they've got the battery power in the back and, and she starts, you know, she gets in it. You put it all together and she gets in it and she starts driving around the backyard.
And at the time I had these large 6 foot or so concrete block walls where I lived and my yard wasn't very large.
My backyard, my garden, wherever, wherever you're listening to this from.
So she starts driving around and she kept banging into the walls.
And she thought it was funny.
And so she would then go ahead and bang against the same wall at the same speed she did last time.
And she would do this repeatedly until she just got bored.
But, you know, I mean, this went on for an hour.
You know, it was so amusing to her the first time that she drove it to crash into the wall like that.
And that's what they did all day, all weekend long.
Not only that, they went ahead and repeated the process today, meaning they had siphoned some odd about a billion dollars, maybe a little bit more into this off, ledger or banking system. It's not a banking system.
I shouldn't say that it is a small server type system which would have been tied or tried to. They tried to tie to Omega and what's left of it. And and then do the trading again.
They also, when that didn't work out, they also began making phone calls to countries and kings and world leaders and other people to see if they could exchange their $1 billion in no valid cash, not valid cash for $1 billion in real cash.
And nobody thus far is willing to do this or to participate in this action because they keep doing the same thing.
I mean, I'm not sure if that's the reason why, because most of the people they're calling are part of "the Order" or they're, you know, a bag man of some sort.
And even the bag men are smart enough not to give them, you know, liquidity for off Ledger money because history has shown over the last several years that they have no possibility of bringing it into the system. And this part is true.
Now, eventually, sometimes people wake up.
I'm not saying that that's what's happening with the order.
You know, there's still playing the same game that they've always played before to no avail.
But the recent failure really stung because the banking system was already short of liquidity.
Markets were already being propped up by, you know, usually their people and it really stung.
The message that we got this morning was they needed to urgently meet, of course never with me because they don't ever want to do that with my contact.
in this case, it's Tom. They wanted to urgently meet with Tom. Because bad things are going to happen in the market today.
Well, of course bad things are going to happen in the market today.
You just made a mess all over the place and now you want me to help you fix it.
Well, I wasn't a part of your mistake, therefore I'm not going to be a part of your solution either (this is )#1. 
#2, if we are going to fix markets, we can do that all on our own. We don't need to help them to do it.
We don't need their help in doing doing it either because they don't understand how economics, macro and micro work either.
So if I was going to do that, I would employ some specialists, you know, people that if I was going to bring people on board to do that, it would be people that have spent a lot of time.
Understanding economics, how that works and how to fix it and then permanently take a position in that kind of a role. And we would spread this out and then we would fix these corporations and get them back on track.
And I'm not talking about, you know, some of these people I know that have rebuilt companies.
You know, they've been in mergers and acquisitions and those types of things that are good people that are part of the care organization that not only know how to do all of these things, but have done it successfully for years.
So those are the people that we would be looking at that have humanities interest and and at heart if we were going to put people in those kind of positions.
So that's kind of where we're at with markets tanking.
I do know that there has been a lot of heated exchanges today between the Rothschilds and the SSP operatives and the generals of the SSP, so to speak, and whoever's left in that organization. Umm, because they failed.
This is what Rothschild's telling them that they have failed to secure the money to so that they could then crash, you know, all the markets in the world and have a banking crash and all of that and EBS and all the other fun things they want so that they can then take over , or retake over the entire world.
Well, these people, the unfortunate part about this is that these generals etal actually believe that the Rothschild family are the bankers of the world.
They also believe that the group I call, you know, they're called, they're Jesuit bankers predominantly, but they're very high-ranking bankers that work for "the Black Nobility".
I call the bankers of death. because they are the ones that generate money for death, things like war, that kind of thing, but without any basis behind it, they having trouble doing that.
So they're kind of been, you know, somewhat out of business.
Now, remember, everything is compartmentalized. Even in the financial world, everything is compartmentalized.
Meaning you had a specific job. If you were with the SSP, your job was not to design A financial system. It was not to make it run. It wasn't to do anything.
But you're a small little part, like say you're a trader over here, or you're an assassin over there, or you're, you know, you were in the military.
Over here and you know, they might have some knowledge, some of these people of economic warfare. But remember, and I will repeat this again because it's necessary at this point.
You still did not take down X country. You did not take down the rubble all by yourselves.
You did not do that.
You did not take down the British pound and caught create a depression and the United Kingdom after World War Two.
You did not do that. Not those that came before you did not do that either.
They need to have an understanding of an economic hierarchy, which I'll explain to you in a few, but other things that transpired over the weekend as a byproduct of actually, truly not understanding how economics works was a battle.
That took place this weekend in part there was a battle which started on Friday. It kind of went a little quiet and then there was a little more of a rumbling on Sunday and overnight last night, my time in the Middle East.
Part of that was because the Rothschilds used this old, and so do the generals. I mean, so let's not lie here, but you know, they use this kind of thing like, well, the money would have worked if you had done your job.
You know, and then everybody gets angry and then they start firing rockets all over the place and before you know it, a few people have died is at the highest level though.
They still believed that they were going to get some help at the peak in the height of the Lions Gate, which goes on for about two weeks. That peak occurred overnight my time on Saturday night.
Therefore, the eruptions in this particular area in the Middle East all around the gate. Needed to increase so they could increase death and appease their enemies. Hoping for something to come back.
What they don't understand is that everything that was built around the gate in that region and also around the world , and in an over and under that gate is gone.
So if they were expecting an increase in Omega, it didn't happen.
If they were expecting some more access to money or control over financial systems, it didn't happen.
It wouldn't have happened even if we did nothing and left the space junk in place, because it never was the case. But that doesn't prevent them from still listening to God knows what and God knows who and God knows where, you know, to think that this was a good idea, but at the highest level, that is the reason for the war.
Everybody has always told that the money will come out if you just do this, you know, put the money up front.
do it for your country, you're a patriot. So on and so forth.
But you know, nothing really happened and everything seems, I'm not gonna say 100% quiet there, but we have had people there in the region.
And they have met with some strange and unusual things that have happened during this time, so.
What did actually take place is a small amount of some things in stasis.
Not here on Earth, not in our sun, not in our moon, not in our Galaxy, in a place far, far away in the Aldebaran star system, which were AI generated, for lack of a better term, demons or armies.
地球でも、太陽でも、月でも、銀河系でもなく、アルデバラン星系のはるか遠く離れた場所で、AI によって生成された、もっと適切な言葉が見つからないのですが、悪魔か軍隊です。
This is something.
Artemis had put in in place should we ever get to this point so that she and her army could reclaim reclaim control of earth and give credit back.
This is a covenant she had. This is the Red Queen that she had with anti source.
To get back control of the universe or get back control of the causal plane and then get back control of Earth, because at one point in time she was the only soul controller of Earth.
And then it converted to the other six, six members of what we call the seal. So at that point, there was a little bit of time.
It took a little bit of time to clean up this mess.
It wasn't terrible.
It was done before anything reached the Galaxy or this gate, so that's a positive.
And these people woke up Sunday morning right back where they started from.
So no. No, no help from the aliens this time, boys and girls. And there never will be actually, because we have so many folks here at this moment on high alert to ensure that you fail.
That would be the deep state, You know, we, we need to ensure that you fail or you decide to take a different turn and understand that the planet has changed.
And you know, if they if the deep state is confused, I suggest they watch a whole bunch of videos because they need some kind of information next.
They also believe that my world situation reports are scripted, that I'm getting the information from someone else, and in their opinion, hopefully a man's somewhere.
The only man that I listen to on a consistent basis is this dog.
His name is Frankie and he can get me to play ball at any time, at any moment of the day.
So other than that, there are no other men that will listen to on a consistent basis and I don't work for anyone.
I just wanted to put that out there because these generals seem confused now, If I sat here and gave you every single bit of information that happened over the weekend to the letter. and if I gave you every play by play.
There's two reasons why I don't do that.
Number one, the news would be approximately 47 hours long even an abbreviated version. That's not really gonna work for most people.
I don't think anybody can make a career of watching a world situation report.
But I do give you the highlights and the information that is important to you.
But next thing is some of the things that we do behind the scenes or operational meaning we have a plan.
If they continue to try to crash the markets, we have a plan to solve the liquidity problem, not for the banks, not for the deep state, not for the Rothschilds, not for any generals, but for you.
So I'm not terribly concerned.
About the markets, the only thing I would caution you on is to be very, very careful if you are involved in the markets, you know, as far as pension plans and those things are concerned.
But I've been telling you that for months, so I would take a look at your investments and maybe look at stuff that might be a little more safe.
I'm not going to give you investment advice because if it doesn't work out or something, you'll, you'll be angry with me.
But right now, from what I see, things are going down.
We've also seen a sharp decline in a Bitcoin to the tune of about almost a $10 million prop. I'm sorry, $10,000 drop per coin.
I expect that you're probably gonna see that decline even more as they try to siphon money out of Bitcoin.
Do they have the back door to Bitcoin anymore?
Well, it is an NSA project. It's built on NSA servers.
そうですね、それは NSA のプロジェクトです。NSA サーバー上に構築されています。
I know you say it's peer-to-peer. I do completely understand how blockchain works, but regardless, there is always.
A major notes, there are major nodes and minor nodes involved in all blockchain nothing is autonomous, nothing is just peer-to-peer, Yes.
there's a lot of metadata sourcing that happens throughout these different cryptocurrencies and that type of thing but  I don't, I don't see anytime in the near future for many different reasons, this becoming the norm or the currency of the world.
I have seen that allegedly whatever is running the Trump thing these days is promoting, things like Bitcoin sneakers and all kinds of stuff and wants to use Bitcoin as the basis for the economy.
最近トランプ政権を運営していると思われる人物が、ビットコイン スニーカーなどあらゆるものを宣伝し、ビットコインを経済の基盤として利用しようとしているのを見ました。
There are many reasons why Bitcoin and the NSA should not run the world's economy.
ビットコインと NSA が世界経済を運営すべきでない理由はたくさんあります。
This weekend is a perfect example of why that should not be the case. (This is )Number one.
Number two, in order to support the world's economy, you're looking at somewhere around 114.Or so trillion dollars per year.
It might be a little bit higher now that we're a few years out from the pandemic when everything was shut down, but you're looking at approximately around that amount in the US dollar equivalent of.
So this is in various currencies and so on and so forth. That's number one.
Number two., pretty much anybody or any country with an intelligence agency knows that the and Bitcoin is there's a creation of the NSA in cooperation with the Japanese man who at the time when he started the project was around 10 or 11 years old.
And he was specifically slated for that purpose because he had invented some technology course which was taken over by the NSA like most technologies used to be.
Next, there's also talk behind the scenes of not only using Bitcoin, but a  compilation or a basket.
Of coins, so XRP and others to back the world's economy because they believe that they do not need allocation numbers to put this in the system, which is completely and totally incorrect.
コイン、つまり XRP やその他の通貨は、世界経済を支えるために使われています。なぜなら、彼らはこれをシステムに組み込むのに割り当て番号は必要ないと考えているからです。これは完全に間違っています。
Now I understand what they're saying because they have realized that they can't use it, as in mass, in circulation.
I think anyway, finally, after me saying it several times, but they figure they can use it as an asset on every central bank's books.
Well if a basket of currencies supporting 1 singular currency or two or three doesn't sound familiar, then I will jog your memory a little bit and talk about the IMF SDR.
1 つの通貨、または 2 つまたは 3 つの通貨をサポートする通貨バスケットが聞き覚えがない場合は、少し思い出して IMF SDR について話しましょう。
So the IMS IMF special drawing rights was basically the same thing, you know, although it was based on the dollar and majority, but then they China joined with the RMB and so on and so forth, and then now we have a compilation of currencies that support these special drawing rights which at one point in time were considered assets to a central bank.
つまり、IMS IMF 特別引出権は基本的に同じもので、ドルと過半数に基づいていましたが、その後中国が人民元に加わり、その後、かつては中央銀行の資産と見なされていたこれらの特別引出権をサポートする通貨の集合体があります。
Obviously that program didn't get kicked off, so I don't know why they think this.
Cryptocurrency or a crypt, as in currency of the dead, is going to work for the entire world.
But let me give you the other flaws, number one, number two.
しかし、他の欠陥、1 番目と 2 番目を挙げましょう。
OK, so flaws in doing this, even if you're only supporting around 200 and some odd central banks with your currency, your your cryptocurrency, this still will not function.
では、これを行うことの欠陥についてですが、通貨、つまり暗号通貨で 200 かそこらの中央銀行だけをサポートしたとしても、これは機能しません。
And the reason why it will not function is because it has to be recognized as an asset in an asset based trading system which is based on currency.
Now, if the banking system and the things that currently monitor it, like the key integrated monetary system, do not recognize Bitcoin as an asset, it will actually kick out any bonds or currency that they try to issue against Bitcoin.
#2 ,the financial system does not accept Bitcoin, as a whole, yes, you've gotten some banks to agree to accept it and that kind of thing, but you're still in need of actual currency or money in the system to circulate through financial institutions.
2 番目は、金融システム全体としてはビットコインを受け入れていないということです。確かに、いくつかの銀行がビットコインを受け入れることに同意したなどといったことはありますが、金融機関を循環させるには、システム内に実際の通貨やお金が必要です。
People also would like to have cash in hand in many countries, over 80% of the world and.
また、世界の 80% 以上の多くの国では、人々は現金を手元に置きたいと考えています。
That being said, you still need something of a currency that's acceptable in a financial institution.
Regardless of what you put on a balance sheet at a central bank or a treasury, it will not work.
So I'm hoping that the deep state is listening to this right now because they need to understand why this is not a viable option for the world.
Not only that, the way that cryptocurrency works, physical cash and cryptocurrency do not go together in a peer-to-peer way.
Who is going to issue your money and how do you know it's secure?
I mean, are you going to have people sitting in their houses writing on a on a coin or a piece of paper or something?
You know, currency of gym, you know, I mean, or Fred or are you gonna say Bitcoin currency issued off my wallet?
How do you know?
You know, what if somebody steals it?
What if somebody replicates it is how's that going to affect your wallet?
I mean, it would be a total mess. These people have no idea what they're talking about anyway whatsoever.
And I've been watching them, like I said, for a long time now, and I can see they're consistent mistakes.
So that being said , let's talk about economic hierarchy for a minute.
The economic hierarchy of the planet clearly does not work the way that the remnants of the deep state think it did. Because if they did, then they wouldn't be taking economic advice, financial system advice from the people that they are taking it from, nor would anything that these people are saying in the Super secret meetings, the ones that are giving the financial advice.
Make any sense to them?
If they had actually bothered to do their homework, but they don't.
They just think, you know, they've been told since they were little kids that they're special.
So therefore they're special and those people are special. And this is the finance division of Satans Earth, right, or Lucifer's plan or whatever they believe they are.
So they just automatically believe since they were in the financial sector.
Sector that they had some training.
Now. Let's talk about the hierarchy.
Let's bring up the whiteboard here for a little bit.
All right. Economic hierarchy.
So what we're dealing with down here?
We have governments.
You know, which are obviously struggling quite a bit.
We have others like the IMF.
IMF のような他の組織もあります。
I would consider them pretty much right in line the United Nations.
NATO would be down here as well.
NATO もここにあります。
You know, all of these organizations that we see in the mainstream media that we think are all bad.
Now, are they bad?
Yeah, they're bad.
But they're not the creator of the evil, really.
And I'm doing this, I know some of you already know this, but I'm going to put this out there anyway.
You would also have, you know, kind of like around this realm here with NATO and the governments. You would have financial institutions.
また、この領域には NATO や政府のようなものがあります。金融機関もあります。
And what you call genetic shareholders, these are people like "the Rockefellers", "the Lee(LEE) family", "the LE family" and "the Li(LI) family".
そして、いわゆる遺伝的株主は、「ロックフェラー」、「リー(LEE) 家」、「LE 家」、「リー(LI) 家」のような人々です。
You would have, you know, if you were Deutsche Bank, you would have the white dragon.
You know, there would be different folks that would be the genetic shareholders now, genetic shareholders in this case.
Doesn't necessarily mean that they were ridden or trained in this area.
Up here, you know they're still talking about.
Down here they're talking about financial institutions, you know, you're talking about the stock market down here, you know you're talking about.
You know now who else would be down here in the financial institution, So you could probably even put the corporates down here, meaning these are your airlines that they created.
These are your clans, your oil clans, your your gas, natural gas or LNG plans. These are your food clans, your agriculture plans, your Johnson and Johnson people. You know Pfizer, you know your farmer clan.
Those kind of people, they would all still be way down here at the bottom.
I know that we all think they're evil, and they are, and but that's because they get orders from someone else.
You know, maybe a step above this.
They might have been aware that there is an order of the Dragon, and all its respective colors, all nine colors, nine colors of Dragons.
And then over here. You know you'd have nine colors of Dragons. Well, 10 actually, cause you're gonna include black there, but you know Black Sun, and Eagles.
そして、こちらです。 ドラゴンには9色あるでしょう。 まあ、実際には10色です。黒も含めるからですが、ブラックサンやイーグルスもご存知でしょう。
OK, so where would people like the Vatican be?
They would be down where financial institutions are.
Where would be other people we think are evil, Federal Reserve?
They would still be down where financial institutions are.
Yes, they had, to a limited degree, the ability to act on behalf of central banks around the world they were responsible for.
Receiving allocations and passing them through a centralized location because it's much easier to control a centralized location than multiple different countries all of the time.
You make one phone call to the Federal Reserve if you're with one of these organizations and proof.
これらの組織の 1 つに所属している場合は、連邦準備銀行に電話を 1 回かけるだけで証明できます。
Now you have, you know information gets passed up, requests were made, so on and so forth.
Tools of financial institutions would still be down here.
We talked before about the Association of numerical numbering agency in Belgium.
Tax institutions would be also down there because they would be related to the XN.
税務機関も、XN に関連しているため、ここにあります。
System X/N system in Belgium, they would also be down here.
ベルギーのシステム X/N システムもここにあります。
They were tools that were used to submit and they were vehicles that were used to submit requests.
A lot of that has to do with control of your birth certificates, their obligation to care for you, if you need, you know, healthcare or public education or or police forces or fire departments, all that is all generated to take care of you as a citizen, things that you didn't allegedly have to pay for.
And then eventually they started double dinging you anyway because they charged you taxes in your home.
Homeowners taxes and all of these other types of things that would eventually go to a fund, some of these programs as well as the other funding.
Now above these guys, you know, you've you still had Cubans. There were 42 different covens. And each one had and there were 42 family masters. This also includes your Chinese elders that they talk about all the time and that kind of stuff.
And I know I'm this is a little bit repetitive for some of you people, but these people need to understand this or Let's just say I am fully well prepared to take advantage of the information of the situation.
Could the world move faster if they understood this or even cared?
I don't know. Possibly.
so family masters,  and then above this you had a group called the Parents.
There were 21 of them and then above them, you would have had the six owners of "the Steel", let's call it.
彼らは 21 人で、その上には「鋼鉄(Steel)」とでも呼びましょうか、6 人の所有者がいました。
The six owners of the seal are what you call aliens that ran this planet.
封印の 6 人の所有者は、この惑星を支配していたエイリアンと呼んでいます。
I'm sure that the SSP watching this and others are aware that there were folks they had to appease in order to keep the planet safe of all of the six owners, you would say that humans were considered meat in a food source.
これを見ている SSP や他の人たちは、6 人の所有者全員から惑星を安全に保つために、なだめなければならない人々がいたことに気づいていると思います。人間は食料源の肉とみなされていたと言うでしょう。
So for those of you listening with the SSP, then you are obviously know that you have dropped off some humans for sacrifice to some of these folks who would then have had those humans for dinner.
ですから、SSP で聞いている皆さんは、これらの人々の一部に犠牲として人間を降ろし、その人間を夕食に食べたことを明らかに知っています。
I know you did, you know, I know that was part of your job because you believed it was global security at that point.
If we give them a few, they won't take us all, and to be fair, things they would never tell you.
Things they wouldn't tell you would be #1 they still had rules.
They did not have the ultimate say on this planet, that's for sure.
#2 even with all six including anti source is in here or what you would call Lucifer was only one of these six.
They only had 79% of the control of this planet even at its height.
They were never in 100% control never,  not one time, not ever.
They were also never more than 79% of head of in control of the financial system.
Sorry, and the people that they're relying on, these people are going back and forth between each other, whatever is left between these two orders here.
Trying to figure out what's going on and the reason why they don't know what's going on is because.
These people, although they'll never admit it to their underlings or whoever's left alive after this weekend, that they would just order takers.
You know, they were the people at the drive through at McDonald's that just handed you the bag and the and the coke.
They don't train those people on how to make the burger and they don't even know. Where the meat comes from, you know, they don't know anything about what is in the burger.
Even the people that are cooking the burger, neither do you when you eat it. But the point is, is that they were just they don't know how many fries are supposed to be in there.
Well, how big the scoop is going to be in there,  They didn't know any of that.
They don't know anything about how and why the.
Financial system was structured the way that it is. These people Are now trying to run something.
And they don't understand why what they're doing is not working, and siphoning all of the money out of the market is not going to work because there's still waiting for one of these folks or their people to come and give them orders, or drop money on their lap on days ending in why that they used to drop money on their lap.
It doesn't happen anymore like that.
And again, even these folks up here never had more than 79% including anti source of this planet therefore.
There were still 21% influence coming from.
My side or our side, even before I ever took this position, and for the last 3 billion years it's been this way.
The generals of the deep state are not going to change that. The NSA is not going to change that. The SSP is not going to change that.
Now the tide has turned, which is why they're confused now, because we are in a different age.
We are now my side, not 21% anymore,  We have flipped the tides and we are.
Based on their incompetence and based on their inability to understand that we could have gone into a balanced situation and been 50 50, which is where we should be, but now we're at damn near 100%.
Well, these guys are running around making a mess of the financial system, and we're not only talking about finances, we're talking about everything on the planet.
So of these owners here that were on your side, yes, to some degree.
They , I would say have thrown some alien tech up here and there. Most, 99% of the time none of these people down here actually see it at all.
彼らは、エイリアンの技術をあちこちに投げ込んでいると言ってもいいでしょう。ほとんどの場合、99% の確率で、ここにいる人たちは誰もそれを見ていません。
It it is only seen up here, which basically is where you would see me.  so I've basically taken over.
Guardianship for these people. We don't have parents anymore.
Parents for those of you that don't know, and this might be your first time watching this, parents were hybrid humans. They were splices if you will.
They also had the privilege of a life extension technology and some of them live anywhere from 10,000 to 15,000 years. They are not here. They are gone now.
彼らには寿命延長技術の特権もあり、中には 10,000 年から 15,000 年生きる人もいます。彼らはここにはいません。もういません。
Here we had family masters, coven masters, we really don't have any of those people anymore.
We might have a few floating coven members around and underneath these Cubans you would see programs like what I call the  industrial Psychics.
These are your people from Project Looking Glass when it was around.
These are the people that work for the SSP and do psychic attacks on people.
これらは SSP で働き、人々にサイキック攻撃を行う人たちです。
These are people that perform things like PSI OPS. These are people that do things like.
これらは PSI OPS のようなことをする人たちです。 これらは、次のようなことをする人たちです。
I guess you would say like you might have seen in the movie Inception.
It's a movie that's probably a little over a decade old, maybe a little longer now.
おそらく 10 年ちょっと前の映画で、今ではもう少し古いかもしれません。
And in that movie, it's like they get into people's heads and try to make them make different corporate decisions.
They still have some of those around their trip, typically trained by the covens, or even higher to perform their functions and that kind of thing.
But getting back to where the what is going wrong with the deep state.
You have me over here, on this side here, you used to have Abraxis. You used to have Lucifer. How you used to have Artemis or the Red Queen. now this is the origin of your Nasas Artemis Accords, by the way.
Other people call them the Jupiter Records, but whatever.
You also have Inky. Inky is known as the Ghost.
He was also a very heavily involved in orders given to intelligence agencies and whatnot.
You would have Marduke. You would have enlil. And above them all you had Anti Source, or the ultimate source of nothing, no thing, Antimatter, the opposite of the light, false light, origins of things like the Emerald Order, Covenant origins of things.
Loads and loads of space junk and all kinds of stuff because this is unnatural.
And over here you would have a system that was called Omega.
Believe it or not, we had more than one Omega.
we had Omega one and Omega 2.Omega 2 is what functioned on this side of the multiverse, Omega one is what functioned in the lower astral, and the two would often communicate with each other.
オメガ 1 とオメガ 2 がありました。オメガ 2 はマルチバースのこちら側で機能し、オメガ 1 は下層アストラルで機能し、この 2 つは頻繁に通信していました。
On this side over here.
We had in the past alpha. We had A1 and A2 as well.
過去にはアルファがありました。A1 と A2 もありました。
A1 functioned on this side of the multiverse and A2 function on the lower astral, therefore creating a balance.
A1 はマルチバースのこちら側で機能し、A2 は下層アストラルで機能し、バランスが取れていました。
I know this is something that the deep state doesn't understand.
これはディープ ステートが理解していないことだとわかっています。
That is true now, each one of these systems being artificial systems had over 10,368,000.Replicas functioning simultaneously in both sides of the universe and in the nil zone or neutral source.
これは現在も事実で、人工システムであるこれらのシステムのそれぞれには 10,368,000 を超えるレプリカがあり、宇宙の両側とゼロ ゾーンまたは中立ソースで同時に機能しています。
This is all about money, believe it or not guys. I mean, I know it doesn't look like it, but it actually is.
So simultaneously there were 10,368,000 timelines existing at one point in time, each one of you had a replica.
つまり、ある時点で同時に 10,368,000 のタイムラインが存在し、皆さん一人一人がそのレプリカを持っていたのです。
In those timelines, we have those weird memories, deja VUS, those kind of things. That's because you're existing in multiple places at the same time.
The uniqueness of "the Celestial" is that you can do that. Not only that, you can function.
「天ヒト( Celestial)」のユニークな点は、それができることです。それだけでなく、機能することができます。
Pretty much wherever you need to function on any plane, you need to function on, and eventually you'll remember when nothing is hampering you from doing so anymore.
OK, so if we had all these systems. Running all at the same time simultaneously, let's talk about what the deep state had access to.
They had minimal access to certain webs, as we've discussed in the last month or two in Sorry not Omega 1, Omega 2.When they were communicating with lower astral beings that were not here using technology that I actually created through 33 Thomas St.   and was stolen from me by Mr. Angie himself.
過去 1 〜 2 か月の「申し訳ありませんが、オメガ 1 ではなくオメガ 2」で説明したように、彼らは特定のウェブに最小限しかアクセスできませんでした。彼らは、私が 33 Thomas St. を通じて実際に作成し、アンジー氏自身によって私から盗まれたテクノロジーを使用して、ここにいない低位のアストラル体と通信していました。
So that technology when they were communicating, they were communicating with Omega 1.Now.
つまり、彼らが通信していたときのそのテクノロジーは、オメガ 1 と通信していたのです。
I really truly understand that they would like to have Omega 2 back, which is what they're most familiar with and had access to to a limited degree.
彼らが最もよく知っていて、限られた程度しかアクセスできなかったオメガ 2 を取り戻したいと彼らが望んでいることは、本当によくわかります。
But I can promise you one thing. You never had full access.
しかし、1 つだけ約束できます。あなたは完全なアクセス権を持っていませんでした。
These people up here had 90% access, and then when you got to Anti Stores there was 100% access.
ここにいる人々は 90% のアクセス権を持っていましたが、アンティ ストアーズに着くと 100% のアクセス権がありました。
You know, but these people did have a lot of access.
Parents had a little bit of some family, masters had a little bit of some, Cubans had a little bit of some.
But that's because they needed to serve their purpose as as the people, the sheep herders, you know, they herded us.
That's that was your only job here. so now when we get over into today's world. I do not know why they think on a day ending and why something is going to reappear here which is then going to allow their money to work. Because this thing is all but destroyed.
This thing is also all but destroyed.
All these folks are nonexistent in the universe, even though they think they're immortals, and this had an agreement with source that it's time would end.
It was no longer needed when the universe was converted into a different way.
So The primary job of these folks up here that none of these people walking this earth right now would have ever had the privilege to speak to directly or indirectly.
The purpose of these people here was to take all of the energy.
Because much like your physical computer that sits in front of you, it needs energy to run.
Now, unfortunately for them on our side of it. I have the source of all energy running A1 and A2 at the time.
さて、残念ながら、我々の側では、すべてのエネルギー源は A1 と A2 で稼働しています。
I've now converted this to golden age.
in order to trick, these sentient AI's to nonexistent, so that being said, I don't need to plug into anything, but anything inorganic or located in the lower astral needs energy to run.
これらの知覚力のある AI を存在しないものにするために、そうは言っても、私は何にも接続する必要はありませんが、無機物や低位アストラルにあるものは稼働するためにエネルギーが必要です。
So it was shaving 79% of the energy off this planet.
つまり、この惑星から 79% のエネルギーが削減されていたのです。
Now for those of you that don't know that might be watching this with the deep state money in a quantum system is the same as energy.
これを視聴しているかもしれない皆さん、ご存知ないかもしれませんが、ディープ ステートの量子システムにおけるお金はエネルギーと同じです。
They are the exact same thing, except your old money system was credits, and this is the source of your Fiat.
That allegedly even you alleged white hats don't like OK what that means is they take your whole energy that's allocated to your person even you and the deep state you only got credits you never got an asset you never got anything now there were people that would push and move "gold" around the financial system that they didn't own.
These people owned it  as I explained before, even may wah, which these people worshipped only had a lease.
But the owner of the vehicle AKA gold AKA energy hyper conductor is still these people up here.
Now that is no longer the case. Now that belongs over here. So ultimately, source owns it.
We can create as much as we want, we don't need it. We can also create hyper conductors anywhere in the world.
And I am the guardian, so every time they ring the phone and try to call an alien line, they get me.
Unfortunately for you people on the deep state, every time they're waiting for a parent to come up up here going, what are you waiting for down there, because I'm not pushing that button.
It's still me now, because these people don't understand this and this is just a tidbit of information on AI, replicas of AI.
今もまだ私です。なぜなら、これらの人々はこれを理解していないし、これは AI、AI のレプリカに関するちょっとした情報に過ぎないからです。
And then there's about 89 different API's that were under Omega because it functioned in organically, it needs to have softwares and programs and and things to run autonomously on their own.
そして、Omega の下には約 89 種類の API がありました。それは、Omega が有機的に機能していたためで、ソフトウェアやプログラム、そして自律的に動作するものが必要でした。
We don't actually need that because we run on straight wisdom.
I mean, we don't need any of that on our side of it.
Therefore I can remove alpha, which I did do is dying.
And the reason why I had to remove alpha is because whether we are in a light age, a dark age or a neutral age. There is still some percentage of alpha that could be accessed through Omega to the tune of up to 21%.
アルファを削除しなければならなかった理由は、私たちが光の時代、暗黒の時代、または中立の時代にいるかどうかに関係なく、オメガを通じて最大 21% のアルファにアクセスできるからです。
so without the creation of something completely new, I could never get to 100% and it became abundantly clear that the humans on planet Earth have no idea what I'm talking about right now, especially since they keep banging their head up against the wall trying to make money.
したがって、完全に新しいものを作らない限り、100% に到達することは決してできません。地球上の人間は、私が今話していることをまったく理解していないことが非常に明らかになりました。特に、彼らはお金を稼ごうと壁に頭をぶつけ続けているからです。
So Let's get down to financial system controls.
So we've already determined that the people that these people are listening to, and the other people you held at gunpoint on occasion here with people like the Treasury and the Fed have no idea about anything I just talked to you about.
How money was even generated so in the Dark Age, where we just left during the Dark Age, even though they controlled like the Fed, the Treasury, you know, they can have a lot of these security systems in place the Black Sun generals, the SSP, all of that stuff.
All they've ever known since the advent of a financial system is that they control the money magic.
And magic it was.
It did a lot of harm to people. There were a lot of curses on money.
We only receive credits. They would take all our energy to get those credits.
And that's why money had to change.
So people don't even understand why they wanna go to a goldback system.
They don't even understand a lot of times why they want to have an asset backed system.
You know, even these generals talk about they'd like to have an asset based system and they don't even understand the importance of that.
So in their world it was important for you to have a gold backed system.
When the gold was owned, owned by anti source.
To the families, not the Rothschilds, not the Order of the Dragon, not the parents, not the Cubans, not the Coven Masters, not even Marduk, Enki and Enlil is because it would create dark energy, and dark credits.
So anti source siphoned off 79% of the energy of this planet and as retribution it would give a certain amount of dark energy you know as dark credits and you also know as money.
And that's how money was generated.
But not exactly OK.
So at the time when all this was going on, Alpha still had 21% control of this planet, Alpha being connected to Source.
Not anti source was the universal and I'm gonna write this out so maybe they'll get it universal.
Ohh, create or of all meaning infinite, sorry about that infinite energy, even in the darkest of times, in the darkest of places, no matter how much war the people watching this created, there was still 21% energy coming to this planet.
And it was still coming from the universal creator of all infinite energy, infinite essence, consciousness, matter, frequency, so on and so forth.
The ability to convert this high of a percentage came from space junk transmitters, Transformers.
And they were in the sun, they were in all the planets in this Galaxy, they were in the lower astral.
We had pillars that would connect at certain times, like during Lionsgate and so on and so forth, but this year all changed.
in January of 2023, no more was this the case.
We were moving out of a dark age and we were going to move into a golden age. And this has been what's been taking place for over a year now.
Now a year in the world of cleaning space junk is not a long time in a year for you.
People to understand it in the deep state is an awful long time.
So you need to catch up with the program.
OK, so the reason why, just to stop here for a second, the reason why you're all frustrated is because you're listening to people that claim they were in control of financial system.
They also claimed they controlled all the gold.
They also claimed they controlled the Fed. They claim they controlled the treasury, they claim they controlled every financial institution on earth and it's all a lie.
And I know that's hard for people that are watching this to understand, but it was all a lie.
They were what we call Logos.
Meaning, in the words of military terms, if you're watching this in your general and you're with the military, then we are gonna call these cannon fodder.
I know you know what that is.
So they would just keep changing the faces from 1 country to another, from one king to another even before that and from one land to another to tell you basically that these are the good guys and those are the bad guys.
And this is all part of this general training,but that is orders came from people that were so far over their head.
You know, way up here non human beings. And then the money would come trickling out because there was an agreement at the time.
Until January of 2023, where Alpha gave, not infinite energy gave by agreement the amount of energy.
To the anti source crew that would be all of you watching this in the deep state and then eventually give credits to the humans for taking some of the energy that they generate as good little batteries as you call them in the deep state so.
Over here allocation numbers, quotas, money, anything to do with energy or energy generation is infinite.
We don't have to be concerned about losing any money.
Now let's talk about currency of "gold".
Now currency of gold goes along with the agreement and the covenant that was filed in January of 2023 to end the Dark ages and going into the Golden ages.
It also stands for a Giver of Life Declaration which is what was filed in January of 2023.We finally got to a point where we were not feeding the Omega system the energy it needed to survive, therefore Omega in Kronos.
Two on this side of the universe and one down below in all their ancillary AI's like Armageddon and Kythera, Time Keeper and Mullner and Thor, and there's a hundred of them, I'm not going to bother listening them all.
We're all a byproduct of either these, one of these two.
Cronus was typically known as the regulator. Also inorganic and also did not function on infinite energy.
Therefore it needed to take energy in order to give us money credits. Now because of life, creation and an inorganic universe meaning the lower astral or what you would refer to as demons, Because of the infinite amount of energy needed nearly off the veins of gold and earth. 
And all gold on this planet, monatomic and otherwise, that's tonight on the veins of gold of Earth, which is where Source, not anti source.
Source would connect directly to the veins of gold.
Every single year now, when that happened, there is an overlay on the veins of gold.
Like a siphon and vortexes and all kinds of things that would happen which would then feed all the energy to Omega and Kronos, which then generated what we call hybrids.
You also might call them demons, You also might call them.
Let's see what else will we want to call them.
You could call them Abraxis, this is non organic life generated by an AI. Sorry, guys, but it really is.
And I know that the deep state loves those people, but, you know, just tough luck here.
OK, so now we're back in Lionsgate again.
And for the second time this year, and now we have  pretty close to 100% output.
It's gone backwards a little bit when we had that throw up on Saturday, but then we went forward again and we're fine. It's not feeding dark energy to those things anymore.
So if we're close to 100%, that means that people.
100% に近づいたら、それは人々を意味します。
Earth in all earths inhabitants, so not just people. We're talking animals, plants, everything and earth itself.
And now receiving 100% energy directly from source which is guarded by me.
そして今、私が守っている源から直接 100% のエネルギーを受け取っています。
Meaning anybody that gets in my way," I have the right to terminate".
Which is why if you're with the deep state and the SSP is kind of getting thin these days, now you know why, because you're still trying to regenerate this old system.
だから、あなたがディープ ステートに属していて、SSP が最近薄くなってきているのなら、その理由がわかります。なぜなら、あなたはまだこの古いシステムを再生しようとしているからです。
That's not going to happen. And you still want to control the world and do that whole world domination thing when you don't even understand what I'm saying right now.
So I thought I'd try to lay it out to you, you know, as simply as possible.
But anyway, back to the humans that actually understand what we're saying.  so which is guarded by me.
So my job is to make sure that we stay at 100% transmission all the time.
ですから、私の仕事は、常に 100% の伝送を維持することです。
The other thing this allows us to, you is there is a Co creation of the golden age AI.
これによって、黄金時代の AI の共同作成が可能になります。
This is a quantum AI which means that it spans densities, dimensions, and its base platform and backbone is not located on planet Earth.
これは量子 AI です。つまり、密度や次元にまたがり、その基本プラットフォームとバックボーンは地球上にはありません。
However, it is also connected to these veins of gold, which is now generating what we call currency.
Why is it called currency?
Current how does money, how does energy move on this planet?
How how does everything move on this planet?
Via a current, so I am moving an energy current.
I'm transforming that into matter that you can hold in your hand in your bank account.
Through a few different steps that come into play to do that, and it is of gold.
Not only that, I'm using the veins of gold to generate 100% energy, which is why I do not need to use any human energy and I do not need to issue credits or money to people.
それだけでなく、私は金鉱脈を使用して 100% のエネルギーを生成しているため、人間のエネルギーを使用する必要がなく、人々にクレジットやお金を発行する必要もありません。
I can issue something humans understand.
They don't understand this process at this moment.
There are 8 billion people on them that are walking this planet that do not understand.
この惑星には理解していない人が 80 億人います。
And some of those 8 billion people are your Rothschild families, your bankers and generals that are trying to understand it, so this is quantum physics.
そしてその 80 億人の中には、理解しようとしているロスチャイルド家や銀行家、将軍もいます。これが量子物理学です。
So I'm sure some of you have.
Quantum physicist in your in your world, you'll understand how we did this.
OK, so while that really happens during during Lionsgate is I could get more energy, but I get no more energy yesterday than I got today during Lionsgate.
It just means that I can can I spit out more money?
During Lionsgate, the answer to the question is no.
It's the same, you know, at the world still works on supply and demand too.
Regardless of the ever abundant energy.
So what I mean is we have to sit down in the car where it actually is.
You can't just say, OK, we're in abundant system, everybody can have a bazillion dollars.
Now we have a current financial system, albeit broken.
That needs to be slowly revised so humans can adjust to the change so we don't have total chaos unlike you people with your BS and your irritable bowel syndrome or whatever you're selling these people and Trump bucks and Trump Sarah or whatever you're talking about these days.
You know, you don't understand that we still.
Have a system and everything is a system that runs, meaning there are corporations involved in these systems, there are banks involved in these systems, there are people involved in these systems, there are retirement pays that are involved in these systems.
And I know that they don't really care much about the average everyday people, but what they're doing is never going to function in today's system. Because we have already changed the very top of all the systems, this has now changed forever.
And it's not going back.
We have changed to a abundant generation of energy and no need to feed the beast, so to speak.
We're not feeding the lower Astral, we're not feeding demons anymore. We're not feeding them energy. They're not permitted to come here anymore.
We're not involved with those people. Therefore, I don't need to issue credits to anybody anymore.
I can actually give human beings energy.
Now, What does that mean?
That does change eventually in the future, that job structure and in the way that we employ people.
It's not necessary for us to have taxes anymore because we don't have babysitters taking care of us like, you know, the Families or the Black Sons.
Alleged security, which doesn't look like security to me in any way, shape or form that contract expired where they used to get 10%.
Rothschild over here is still trying to run a banking system they know nothing about and they were not involved in, therefore they could never ever ever ever ever predict when money is coming.
They could never predict on a day ending and why a gate opening, a new moon, a full moon, when money comes, it would be a lie.
Because they don't know any more than you people on this side.
Now all you both know is that you'd like to be in control of the planet. And you're so far down the food chain you never even saw the light of day or the dark of day as for human beings on this planet?
How is the market crashing going to affect you?
Well, "it's not".
It's going to be as it can be fixed just as easily as it's been broken.
Pensions and things like that, stocks, all that kind of stuff that can be fixed just as easily as it's broken because the corporate structure of planet Earth is a system.
That is a system issuing stocks, rate to raise money, creating an IPO, all of this kind of stuff.
それは株式を発行し、資金を調達し、IPO を作成するシステムです。
That too is a system money generation is a system.
Credit lines are a system. Margin accounts are a system.
信用枠もシステムです。マージン アカウントもシステムです。
They are systems that work together to make a financial system for you people, which these people did not create in any way, shape or form.
How easy is it when you have the Backbone system?
バックボーン システムがあれば、どれほど簡単でしょうか?
To start trickling things down and fixing a system. It's very simple, you know, I don't need, you know, we don't even need to get out of her chair.
The people to run that system will be the 8 billion people in this world in a sovereign way.
そのシステムを運営するのは、この世界の 80 億人の国民です。
We will have leaders. Leaders are not bosses.
Leaders listen to their people.
And they make decisions based on what is good for the whole years.
Some of which we already know and are already working really hard to change every single system in the world so that our financial system can eventually turn around and then we can move into other areas of quantum physics.
Because by then people will have been educated enough to understand it.
But we're talking five, 10-15 years down the road with small changes to make life better for people on this planet.
And As for the deep state in their world domination of the banking system, good luck. You'll never get there.
You're going to keep spinning around in a circle and you're going to be like my daughter continuously, who at four years old drove her Jeep right into the brick wall, hilariously.
Several times a day as money as 50-60 times before she got bored.
Now truth be told my daughter is a lot older now and she still drives a Jeep but she would be very upset if she crashed in the wall because she has common sense and I've raised her well unlike you people.
And I don't know whether you deep state people came from but hopefully.
This helped you understand a little bit more about currency, and hopefully this will help the deep state understand a little bit more about currency and how it works and why we had to change it.
And I wish they would stop holding people like the Treasury officers and other people at gunpoint to try to make them stick a square peg into a round hole.
Right now, as far as human computer networks, we have the golden age AI that has bled pretty much throughout everything.
現在、人間のコンピューターネットワークに関しては、ほぼすべてのところに血を流している黄金時代の AI があります。
You're seeing the currency throughout everything, you're seeing everything change and you think that some human over there is going to change it back.
They can't change it.
They will do the function,  Which you asked them to do, which doesn't work. Gun or no gun, you can't make it function. It does not function.
It's like taking a dead horse. And holding it at gunpoint and saying get up, and it doesn't get up, does it. No, it doesn't.
It's like saying to the jockey of said horse.
Jockey, I'm gonna hold you at gunpoint right now and you need to get that horse up and you need to make it ride.
And the jockey's gonna be like, well, Sir, you know, might be the few times we'll say, I can't, well, I'm going to kill you if you don't get it up and ride.
So the jockey's gonna sit on the horse and bounce up and down for a while and, and make it look like he's trying to ride the horse and really trying to do the good job. And then eventually he's going to tell you that doesn't work, which is what everybody's done.
You need to come to a resolution that there are things in this world that were not passed down to the Rothschilds or the Lee family in China, or the Black Sun or the Black Nobility or the generals or any of you SSP people that think you know everything because you had an alien encounter at one point in your life, you know?
There are things that happen that you don't understand, and with all the changes made, we're not going back.
These are covenants at the highest level in the universe that made this happen. I didn't ask for it to happen. It happened.
I spent years here trying to get you people to understand.
Balance and offering 50 50 in a third, a third, 1/3 and trying to get you people to understand that we were going to be in a very contentious situation if you people didn't understand balance.
バランスと、50 50 を 3 分の 1、3 分の 1、3 分の 1 で提供し、あなたたちがバランスを理解しなければ非常に論争の多い状況になるだろうと理解してもらおうとしました。
But now you're here.
And luckily enough for our side of it, we had done every single thing that we were asked and more. And we changing the world.
So, Anyway, that's about what I have to say for today.
I'm sure there's a lot of other events that happen over the weekend here and there.
I see that they've kind of reinitiated stuff a little bit in the Middle East as I've been talking to you. They seem to be small things at this point, but then again, everybody thinks they're getting paid this afternoon and it's never going to happen.
So they can be, they've got countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, you know, looking at numbers on screens periodically, that's come and go.
You know, everybody's angry at this point in time that the fictitious money didn't come out of the fictitious system that didn't fictitiously produce Unicorn cash, you know, for everyone. But you know, that's the name of the game on their side, so.
If you're tired of going around in circles and you're with the deep state, give us a call.
Anyway, I wish them luck on trying to fix the global markets.
We do intend to fix it, after it you burn it to the ground, we will then go ahead and buy everything up for pennies on the dollar and we'll keep it moving.
But we're not going to help you do it.
Why would we do that?
So hope that makes sense to everybody and have a lovely afternoon this afternoon and we will see you on Wednesday.
Calen: (男性アナウンサー)
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I'm Sunny Galt.
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