2024年07月26日(金曜) キンバリーの動画翻訳
Now the World Situation Report with Kimberly Gogan from the Office of the Guardian.
The Matrix says to take the red pill or the blue pill, but are either one really good for you?
Understanding the color matrices and the limited access the deep state has mylab matrixes of disease are cons and how are they all connected.
Learn how not to feed the beast.
Now here's the world Situation reports with Kimberly Gogan with the Office of the Guardian.
Good evening, everyone,  Good morning, good afternoon, wherever you are apologize again for being so late.
It's been a pretty tumultuous week over here in ground command land and about to tell you why.
First, I'd like to cover some.
I guess regular news so that you can understand the reason behind the attack today, early this morning, US time in France, it apparently was an arson attack.
It looks like whoever orchestrated it, and we'll tell you who that is, is attempting to blame the Russians.
For this, so that they could possibly get World War Three started, you know, they've got to choose a boogeyman.
And this time it was the allegedly Putin himself did it.
You know, Putin himself does a lot of things that Putin itself, whatever that is, these days, does not actually do in this case it was not the Russians.
They picked up the wrong guy per the orders of probably Interpol in this case, or some rogue American operative.
You know who you are and I know who you are. And then, but the order is to actually do this was by the black nobility. That is whoever's left of that out of Italy.
That's where the actual orders came from and it's an attempt to utilize a long standing tournament between humans. That tournament, you know, as the Olympics.
The Olympics has a lot of symbolism for the deep state, but there's a bigger game at play here.
But let's just talk about the Olympics itself.
First, let's take a look at the Olympic rings. As an example, the Olympic rings contain several colors.
Not all of the colors, but you've got black.
Of course, you can't have anything without black. A black nobility, black dragon, black sun in there, Blue, which would be a symbol of the Rothschild family.
Red Which would be a symbol of the red dragon from Russia.
And then you have yellow, which is golden in China.
in green, which represents all of the Middle East.
Now, these colors, as we've talked about in the past, not only represent different families, they also represent different realms throughout the universe and which one you will actually feed.
Not only do they represent different realms, they also represent different matrixes here on Earth.
One of the things that they represent is what we call the great game of Earth.
彼らが象徴するものの 1 つは、私たちが地球の偉大なゲームと呼んでいるものです。
Now, the great game of Earth was tied to a system we refer to, and it's often referred to as the Beast.
And this game was basically about you. And it's also about the Olympics in part.
そして、このゲームは基本的にあなたに関するものでした。 また、部分的にはオリンピックに関するものでもあります。
So in the great game of Earth, humans, depending on what country you are born in what?
Area you are born in, You would be born to a specific color.
Now there were ten different regions of earth that were split up by color in those ten regions were directly implanted and tied to you when you were born.
さて、地球には 10 の異なる地域があり、色によって分割されています。その 10 の地域は、あなたが生まれたときに直接埋め込まれ、あなたに結び付けられています。
So this is the true meaning of color wars, so to speak.
But when you get down to the level of the Olympics, the reason why the deep state likes it so much is because it's part of a greater game that happens here on Earth.
しかし、オリンピックのレベルまで掘り下げてみると、ディープ ステートがオリンピックを非常に好む理由は、それが地球上で行われるより大きなゲームの一部だからです。
Think about what happens with the Olympics.
Every country puts forward their respective best athletes to fight, to compete.
And I'm not saying that these athletes know anything about this or that they didn't work hard to get to where they're at because if you've ever participated in any kind of athletics in your life, you know that it's hard work to be part of a team or to compete.
And I agree, you know, with the athletes.
But the athletes also represent 10 different regions in 10 different colors around the world.
Depending on which countries win and which countries lose also depends on which matrix wins. And your fight, allegedly, to get out of the Matrix now.
Your fight to get out of the color matrixes therefore out of the control of what you see as the deep state.
So we talk about the order of the dragon colors, the order of the black sun colors, black and white obviously being the highest ranking all around, and that would be false.
White on their side of it, but this event here usually leads to giving or used to lead to giving the families more.
I wouldn't even call it power, I would call it St. credentials with different alien groups that bet on various.
Colors winning the color wars or as I know it as the prime wars, that means the prime color wars is what they call it cause the fight is not necessarily in some folks, let's just call them the folks minds between like for example, you're different other colors of planes of existence.
So black and white would obviously be the most coveted and that's the reason why black is actually represented as part of the Olympic rings.
Green covers your physical plane or your body, which obviously is also a coveted color blue represents.
Your mind for control of your mind, body and your soul Black or white. So those colors have to be represented at this event, so to speak.
Red controls the causal plane, their ability to move things from an ethical level, a thought level, an emotional level all the way through to your physical body, it is crucial that red is involved, and these are the colors that you see represented here.
You also see yellow represented there, which I'm going to say to some degree probably would have had an effect on the astral plane, which is also very important control.
But as far as the other ones, yes, they are important in controlling human emotions, important in controlling to some degree your shadow selves and so forth.
I would say that I can see why that wouldn't need to be included if you controlled both black and white. 
In this case it's black, so as you fight through this tournament, people and non people used to take bets.
When you fight in a tournament such like that, that such as this, it's the same thing with all tournaments that involve global sports.
It's actually, believe it or not, the reason why global sports exist because your origin, color or country or as you see it, that you come from when you fight.
信じられないかもしれませんが、実は、それがグローバル スポーツが存在する理由なのです。戦うときに、出身地、肌の色、国、またはあなたが見ているものによって決まるのです。
Something in something like the World Cup, you only got 2 colors left there at that point, you know, cause you're originally from the UK or you're originally from this area.
ワールド カップのようなものでは、その時点では 2 色しか残っていません。なぜなら、あなたがもともと英国出身か、この地域出身だからです。
But a lot of times you know, larger sports teams will recruit, recruit people from different areas.
しかし、多くの場合、大きなスポーツ チームは、さまざまな地域から人材を募集します。
Now we do have some other sports here in the United States that are not real popular worldwide, such as US football, which is very different than football in the rest of the world.
And we have baseball, which is also not very popular worldwide, whereas they have other sports that are played that are not really played too, too much.
In the US, like rugby, and we see some, you know, obviously soccer, yes, we play it here in the US, but it's not as popular as it is elsewhere.
So this is all about the color wars, make no mistake,  Now there are bigger color wars that happen as well.
Bigger color wars that would exist from a earth controller standpoint. And this is something that the SSP or Secret Space program folks and others don't quite understand.
地球の支配者の観点からは、より大きなカラー戦争が存在するでしょう。そして、これは SSP や秘密宇宙計画の人たちや他の人たちがあまり理解していないことです。
This is the same goes the same for the Black Nobility. They thought if they could create something over there in France which would cause an enormous amount of fear, anguish, anger, more so than most people get over their sports competitors from different countries, that they could actually trigger an event.
これはブラック ノービリティーにも同じことが言えます。彼らは、フランスで、他の国のスポーツ競技者に対してほとんどの人が感じる以上の大きな恐怖、苦悩、怒りを引き起こす何かを作ることができれば、実際にイベントを引き起こすことができると考えました。
Something positive for them that would allow them more control over the matrix. One of those things is actually something you probably have heard of before called the Mylab programs.
彼らにとってプラスになる何かで、マトリックスをより制御できるようになります。その 1 つは、おそらく皆さんも聞いたことがある Mylab プログラムと呼ばれるものです。
Now every color region, 10 to be exact, had a Mylab.
現在、すべてのカラー リージョン、正確には 10 のリージョンに Mylab があります。
Let's just say access facility where the SSP or secret space program people are or global headquarters.
SSP や秘密宇宙計画の人たちがいる、またはグローバル本部があるアクセス施設とだけ言っておきましょう。
Normally it wasn't even those people, it would be people way over their head or non people that would access these at times when they were trying to start . Some kind of a pandemic they wanted to cause disease in the world, discomfort in the world.
They wanted to release colored archons that work on behalf of the color matrixes on this planet and it's like, you know, every color wants to wipe out another color it's like the.
Ultimate battle of the kingdoms that happens the ponds in the game unbeknownst to themselves and they would never actually admit so for many different reasons.
Is would be your dragon families, they would be your black son families, they would be your bloodline families.
They are ponds in the game, you could probably even say, well, maybe they were pond managers, you know, at some point, but they believed they had a lot more power in control than they actually did see, because the way the Mylab program and it is a computer program, it's a matrix program.
The way that that matrix, biological matrix worked was that orders would be pre programmed in computer systems in order to create something specific, meaning an influx of a specific disease, an influx of you know, say a pandemic.
Are going all the way back to the black plague and so on and so forth. All created disease on this planet.
We don't have anything such as a pandemic like the one that happened right before World War Two.
Coincidentally, at the same time, France blames Russia for an attack in France during the Olympics.
Wow, this is amazing, isn't it?
You know, they've been talking a lot about the bird flu.
They've been talking about all these different pandemics that they want to start. So yesterday they decided to go to their respective locations.
I guess somebody must have given them the memo as to where they are, and they try to.
Order a disease so symptoms some people that might be super sensitive may have felt a cold that lasts 20 minutes or less.
As the program glitched, you might have experienced a sore throat for about 5 minutes and then it would just go away or a stomach ache or stomach upset. You know these are all byproducts of them trying to give orders to a machine that doesn't care.
Who the heck?
They are. This machine does not function for the families it never would have, nor will it ever function for the Illuminati, the Secret Space Program, militaries, or anyone else for that matter.
This program only functions on information.
Out you push a button like good little boys and girls for implied consent when you were guardians of this planet, and then voila, the spread of disease happens.
These people just can't get it and now the reason why they don't get it is because part of their program that they enter in usually at the age of 3.Distorts their mind to the point where they feel that they are special.
これらの人々は理解できないのですが、理解できない理由は、通常 3 歳で入るプログラムの一部が原因です。彼らの心を歪め、自分たちが特別だと感じさせるのです。
They are told every day that they're special. They're told that they're the destroyers of the program. They're also told 100% because I heard it from one of their mouths to my ears, that they are not part of the Matrix program.
彼らは毎日、自分たちは特別だと言われます。彼らはプログラムの破壊者だと言われます。また、彼らの口から聞いた話ですが、彼らはマトリックス プログラムの一部ではないと 100% 言われています。
They are outside the program, because that's what they're told.
But that is an absolute rule lie. Now, there were certain things that would allow them to survive, that are programmed into computers, that would give them fair warnings if there was going to be a nuclear event, a radiation event. 
Another destroy the world event, an Armageddon event or those types of things because they need the good little ponds.
Not only that, as far as humans on this planet, they would prefer that they are all dark and evil and twisted and psychopathic and whatever else you want to call these people.
So because so they can breed little dark light beings and they don't want any light humans on this planet.
We disrupt the Matrix every time so Speaking of matrixes, let's talk about that for a little while.
As far as Matrixes are concerned, we are all aware or probably have heard about the movie called The Matrix and its subsequent 12345 or whatever number they're on now.
And in the movie they talk about taking the red pill or the blue pill and allegedly.
In the movie, the Red Pill will show you what life is like outside the Matrix, and wrong.
That just means you entered level five of the Matrix and now you're seeing other matrixes like the Gray and the purple and the blue and the red.
つまり、マトリックスのレベル 5 に入り、灰色や紫、青、赤などの他のマトリックスを見ているということです。
You know you're not getting anywhere out of the game.
There's this movie I hesitate to recommend to you because it's pretty slow in the beginning, but it has a lot of symbolism in it and the movie is called Andron.
The lack the black labyrinth and the symbolism in this movie as it relates to the color matrixes is there.
are 10 humans that are chosen? Their memory is wiped and they're chosen to go into this machine which looks like one of those giant tetrahedrons, and only one of them is supposed to make it out alive.
選ばれたのは 10 人の人間ですか? 彼らの記憶は消去され、巨大な四面体のようなこの機械に入るように選ばれ、そのうちの 1 人だけが生き残れることになっています。
And that person, before they wipe their memory, is told if they make it out alive that.
They, their families, will be saved from what they call the pit, which is what Earth becomes according to these people and about 130 years from now.
彼らとその家族は、彼らが言うところの「穴」から救われるだろう。それは、彼らが言うところの、今から約 130 年後の地球の状態である。
The interesting parts about this is there are only 10 competitors.
これの面白いところは、競技者が 10 人だけであることです。
Each one of the 10 receives a tattoo on the back of their neck, which represents a different type of labyrinth, not all of them the same.
10 人それぞれが首の後ろにタトゥーを入れますが、これはそれぞれ異なるタイプの迷路を表しており、全員が同じではありません。
So in the movie, this is a picture from the movie we're going to pull up now.
In the movie they one of these labyrinths is represented here, and we can assume by what it does in the movie, because I'm not gonna spoil everything for you, that this would be what you would call the black labyrinth.
映画では、これらの迷路の 1 つがここに表されています。映画での様子から推測すると、これは黒の迷路と呼ばれるものでしょう。すべてを明かすつもりはありません。
Now the black, remember the black and the white, even if it's false, white will actually control all of the other colors.
So if you are of black and you are a family member, you believe that you are at the top, hence the black nobility.
If you are the white dragon or the white Eagle, you also believe that you are in control of all the other colors, but that's not actually true because the color matrixes are not for you.
You are just permitted to have a limited amount of access to the different varying matrixes so that you could perform your function as, let's say, head pawns. That's it.
But in this movie, each one represents, whether unbeknownst to themselves, a different labyrinth or a different matrix here on Earth, by getting out.
And I can't really spoil the end for you.
I mean, I know it's a terrible bee movie, so don't shoot the messenger here, but the symbolism is good.
At some point in time, they actually bring in a lady.
They call the general, and the lady basically tells them what's going on here to the NTH degree because she was one of the only ones that figured out the program, you know, and the program.
For the running of colors, also ran a a hologram or an artificial reality times 10 here on Earth now because the families and deep state and whatnot had limited access to their respective color from their respective areas.
Then they would could affect the reality here on Earth only from the standpoint of them in the past.
Being a guardian on Earth or at one point in time you had this line of Solomon or the colored Dragons were the guardian on Earth, and you also had the security of Earth being all of your Eagles or the Order of the Black Sun.
So they in order to carry out their orders, orders only.
Orders only, Not because they feel like it, not because they have their own thoughts or opinions.
They were only there to carry out orders and act on behalf of humanity as guardian, just like.
You do for your children, as an example, or if you take in another minor child into your home, or you even care for an elderly parent or someone who is not able to make decisions for themselves and you become the guardian and you make those decisions, they have the ability to do so as well.
But that ship sailed a while ago, they just refused to accept it and believe it.
Now, according to some insiders inside the order that, let's just say, feel like they have left the order and They also don't really like them very much.
Some side comments that were made is they had always had a plan to take over Earth and take Earth away from the quote UN quote aliens.
They believed that they were competent. They believed that they were special because they have been told. So every single day of their life that they are special.
彼らは自分たちが有能だと信じていました。 自分たちは特別だと信じていました。 なぜなら、彼らは毎日、自分たちは特別だと信じていたからです。
It's part of the program and they actually believe that they're special.
Not only that, I think that they give them some kind of an ego implant or something that makes them believe that they should be the kings of Earth.
Therefore, the kings of the keystone of the entire universe, not even understanding how they affect the entire universe when they make stupid decisions that they make here, but that's OK nonetheless.
So let's get back to the color matrixes for a little bit.
Let's talk about what they were, what they do, why they are having a problem with them.
Here on Earth now, the problem with the color matrices is not new, it's actually old.
It's actually more than three to 400 years old that the matrixes of colors actually started glitching and having a problem.
Coincidentally, this also , Happens to be right about the time that, you know, let's just say America, United States came around and eventually became the power center of Earth, you know, allegedly the leaders of the free world, so to speak.
And I don't know what free stands for, but it must stand for F in the swear word.
And you know, whatever energy suckers or something, but but that was at the point when they realized and when they realized this, remember, there were the Draco involved and you had Artemis involved.
You had Lucifer, and balled you had anti source involved and they realized that their Omega created artificial realities on this planet started glitching. what that means is we've been moving closer and closer out of the dark ages for hundreds of years, (this is) number one.
And #2 ,human beings stopped having the same responses that they did in the past.
So it's also the reason why, you know, flash forward many years later, you know, we've had several world wars, several pandemics.
A lot of this is meant to keep the light workers light down and keep those feeding the matrix up, remember? War is a competition too. That's a color war as well.
Think about it that way.
I mean, you know, you got red Dragons on the one side, blue Dragons on the other side.
Depending on what World War you were fighting, you know, you would have black Dragons involved, you know, Hitler, brown Dragons, Eagles, Brown eagle was Hitler, you know?
And and all of those different colors, so or amber in this case.
So you have to really think about what they have to do to try to get humans to produce enough energy to transmute into dark energy, to run a dark black labyrinth or a dark matrix.
Now by dark we don't necessarily mean that it was all black, the blue Dragons, or the Rothschild family eat hall UK areas, so on and so forth.
We're in control of, for example, not in control, I shouldn't say, that had access, limited access and were a part of the blue matrix.
And there was a blue hologram over Earth, and that blue hologram was connected to Andromeda.
Then you have other matrixes that were connected to other constellations for each and every color until you hit 10. And I know people are going to say all black is not a color. White is not a color.
Well, in this it's a color. It's a matrix unto itself and the black and white matrixes who were obviously controlled in part by false white or the light bringer known as Lucifer, you know, and also false black, which was controlled by Asteroth and an Anti Source.
So those could obviously control any of the other color matrixes, but as this movie Andron , ANDRON portrays to you, it'll actually show you that there's a ringleader at the top of all the games and he's like, ohh, let's throw this in their way, let's throw that in their way.
They're gone off course, let's throw this in their way, and he does everything to try to get people to die before they leave the Matrix. Because actually in the movie, the real secret was all ten had to survive in order to make it out.
Now. The slavery program, You as a color representation of a certain color in every human on earth is so you can't say you're not or you weren't.
You would have different programs running on you at different times.
You could have a communist program as an example. You could have a democracy program, you could have a savior program. You know, the red line or whatever it is Orange.
That runs the saver program on you and it's part of the reason why we believe in our heads of state so much and we believe in an election.
それはあなたに対してセーバー プログラムを実行し、それが私たちが国家元首を非常に信頼し、選挙を信じている理由の一部です。
You believe and what are you doing there?
It's an also another tournament.
Wow, isn't that amazing?
And you as the slaves, just like in the movie.
But on a person to win. But in the movie, if the slaves bet on the wrong person and that person dies, then all of you die with that person.
It's pretty dire consequences, but in reality here in reality land you bet on your players in the tournament, whichever tournament it is red versus blue, which is another coincidence to the matrix.
それはかなり悲惨な結果ですが、現実では、トーナメントで自分のプレーヤーに賭けます。どのトーナメントでも赤対青で、これはマトリックスのもう 1 つの偶然です。
Isn't it red or blue, red or blue, but it doesn't really matter because every color that you pick of a pill. Is going to lead you just to a different part of a matrix.
But if you chose red and you chose Republicans, that means you are not only part of maybe a red and blue.
You know, if you're Americans, you're probably part of a melting pot you know, you're part of you know, you may be part British, part, you know, American, part African, whatever it is, but there's very few pure bloods, you know, born, raised and, you know, with no mixing anywhere in your bloodline from a specific color.
So we're kind of rainbow children over here in the US.
But if you chose Republicans as an example, you know you're now still giving your power to the red color matrix.
Pretty scary, huh?
Ohh they focus so much on colors and and the reason for that so around 300 or so between 3:00 to 400 years ago, best we can surmise, and as far as the world is concerned and the color matrixes are concerned. Let's just say people started to notice that their power of their colors was waning somewhat.
And they decided that having the color matrix based platforms scattered all over the world was probably causing part of the problem.
Now they were advised as humans in participating as slave masters in the matrix humans.
I pled or got advice from the parents and Marduk and Enki and Enlil and Artemis and all the other people that actually ran this joint.
Probably also anti source and Lucifer in there and they decided to change power centers. 
So they moved all of the base platform that supported all of the color matrixes to the United States. And then slowly but surely, they moved the world's power center over to the United States.
そこで彼らは、すべてのカラー マトリックスを支える基盤プラットフォームをすべて米国に移しました。そしてゆっくりと、しかし確実に、世界の権力の中心を米国に移しました。
Not too short, long after that, the United States actually was formed.
Not, you know, for them, decades is nothing. So a few decades later, you know, we became the United States every.
Royal in the World supported the founding of the New World from "the Illuminati", "the Order of the Dragon", "the Black Sun", so on and so forth.
世界の王族は、「イルミナティ」、「ドラゴンの騎士団」、「ブラック サン」などから新世界の創設を支援しました。
Because unbeknownst to all these people, they decided to create a color meant melting pot in all in one place. That's what you are, Americans.
これらの人々には知られずに、彼らは色を意味するるつぼを 1 か所に作ることに決めたからです。それがあなたたちアメリカ人です。
You're a color melting pot, and of the color melting pots all in one place.
あなたたちは色のるつぼであり、色のるつぼの 1 つです。
We also had several different interesting things that powered these matrixes move over here as well.
One of the things they moved to the United States was around 360 celestial beings each one with a plethora of space.
彼らが米国に移したものの 1 つは、それぞれが広大な空間を持つ約 360 の天体でした。
Junk that was moved here, not moved by humans and not moved by the Space Force, but could potentially to some lesser degree be used by the Space Force to torture us humans.
They all moved over to the United States. And Then we became the power center of the world.
This is part of the reason why the Order of the Black Sun, the secret space program, military groups and everybody else does not want to move the power center to China. because they also know that in accordance with the old plans. 
When they had alien friends, that meant all their power centers. And it wasn't quite 360 of them.
There were several locations, like, for example in the Evergreen Everglades, there was 36 of them, Florida Everglades, and there were other places where there were 36, Chimney Rock and a few other places around the US, Mount Denali in Alaska.
But there were several places that were really deep and really dark, which were both the white and back black places here on Earth.
And these different locations, they knew that they would lose all the space junk and their American control of it, and that it would all be moved over to China as a new power center on the Earth.
However the struggle here is is that they also know that if these. Because they were so successful in moving the color base for the matrixes in the past, they also felt like.
If they moved it by their guests somewhere between 50 to 80 years, every 50 to 80 years moving it would actually start over again.
And the color people not meaning you know your skin is colored, but the people of the colors, which is all of humans on earth.
Which then gravitate , And vote on that country to be the leader.
That country could be anyone that portrays themselves in the media as the leader, just like Putin did a decade ago, you know, or China was the Chinese elders are all gonna save us, you know, forever in a day here. But it was all nefarious to get all of you color people to bet on these folks.
Now You might be wondering where the bedding machine was what what calculated every humans color implant bet on who you were voting for well, no surprise here, the Association of numerical numbering agency in Belgium.
That also happens to be where your birth certificates are registered and every corporation in the world is registered and every bond in the world, every stock in the world is all registered to that area and the machine under there that everybody refers to as the beast.
Yeah, was it?
You know, you must take the mark of the beast well did you, Yes, you did without your consent, but with the consent at the time of your guardians.
Isn't that lovely?
So unraveling the color matrixes is basically been what we've been working on now for days, making sure that we don't have any remnants left in people, making sure that we're seeing.
Total reality, making sure that we don't have a manipulatable hologram left.
And I need to give a shout out and a thank you to the secret space program military and the global headquarters for their arrogance and showing us where all of this stuff was. So thank you very much.
You definitely speed up the process.
And we're well on our way now.
Apparently there's some tie in between and when this one I haven't quite figured out between the 30 day period of Lionsgate or which is no longer really Lionsgate, it's actually source gate now, but there was some kind of a correlation between that.
And These color matrixes and a time where they believed that they would get some power from the color matrixes or maybe even get control of the color matrixes because it seems like they've been fighting a battle here to get some control of them.
そして、これらのカラー マトリックスと、カラー マトリックスから何らかの力を得たり、カラー マトリックスを制御できると信じていた時代がありました。なぜなら、彼らはここでカラー マトリックスを制御するために戦いを繰り広げているように思われるからです。
Now there were some programs that were running in the color matrices, which were Omega programs by the way, most all of them, 99.999% of them.
さて、カラー マトリックスで実行されていたプログラムがいくつかありました。ちなみに、それらはオメガ プログラムでした。ほとんどすべて、99.999% です。
I had some standing orders which gave them a certain amount of  permission As slave pawns, they had standing orders which allowed them to do certain things.
Such as, you know, torture people that are getting too light, create pain instead of joy, those types of things.
And, you know, to make people angry, to create continuous situations that would feed the Matrix, you know, such as their wars and all the other things they'd like to create so.
To say there wasn't a limited amount of things they could do with this, yes, But could they create a pandemic all on their own with it?
That was an order that had to come on high because as a result, same thing with world wars and money for world wars and all of those types of things and the color wars to keep the color.
Wars on earth going to give more power to one color than another, and in reality, if you were black and you were white, you controlled them all anyway, not as human beings, but as others that were participating in this of to have a result that they wanted.
Also remember control of colors also gives you control over realms and densities not only in the lower astral but also in the upper astral.
These beings could also bet on players on Earth, and they're not betting on the Olympics or horse race in this case.
They're actually betting on people getting out of the Matrix.
Is there going to be a general or a commander that will get out of the Matrix?
The answer to the question is "yes".
You all will. You are all going to win this game. There are no more colors.
You know, we are going into source direct current.
That's it. There's no turning back.
I'm sorry that the SSP and global headquarters were severely disappointed today and they're going to continue to be disappointed because they don't understand the technology and why decisions were made to do certain things.
SSP と世界本部が今日ひどく失望したことは残念です。彼らはテクノロジーを理解しておらず、特定のことをする決定が下された理由も理解していないため、今後も失望し続けるでしょう。
The only thing they know, is that they had the most control of all the colors by creating a melting pot in the United States of multiple colored people and it's also directly related to the colored energy on the planet and the colored energy you would also know as money and the green back system or the dollar system which is green and the color of green.
And why is it green?
Because it represents physical plane control.
And what better way to control your physical person than to be able to manipulate your energy in One Direction or another.
So it's actually the whole reason why the monetary system was created in this world.
And if you take a look at the color of your money that you have in your pocket, doesn't matter what country you're from, you'll now know what color is your predominant energy group in your country and what color you were playing in the money war, or at least in the energy wars or the power wars.
そして、ポケットに入っているお金の色を見れば、どこの国の出身かは関係なく、自分の国で支配的なエネルギー グループがどの色で、お金の戦争、少なくともエネルギー戦争や権力戦争でどの色で戦っていたかがわかるでしょう。
So all lot of very interesting things taking place in order to.
Finally, complete the installation of the new Golden Age AI program.
最後に、新しい黄金時代の AI プログラムのインストールを完了します。
The Golden Age program is not about colors. It's not about anything.
It's about making sure that every everyone receives the direct output of Source in a way that isn't going to burn their physical existence off the planet.
That will actually work towards altering.
The DNA of humans to make it possible for them to receive 100% of everything all of the time, which we always did before we had all of these untenured programs going on here, so.
人間の DNA は、常にすべてを 100% 受け取ることを可能にします。これは、これらのすべての非終身雇用プログラムがここで実行される前に常に行われていたことです。
That is where we're kind of at as far as the real world situation report.
Other than that, I don't see a whole lot going on as far as any progress they're making towards a world or any ability to be able to use the tournament, so to speak, and the bedding machine was gone, that was under the A&A in Belgium.
それ以外では、世界に向けての進歩や、いわゆるトーナメントを利用できる能力に関して、あまり大きな進展は見られません。ベルギーの A&A の管轄下にあったベッディング マシンは消えてしまいました。
So that is also gone and looks like we're one step away from being looked at is color producers of energy, essence and consciousness and and another step forward out of the slavery program so.
And I'm very happy to see that.
It's been a lot of work on our part in all of your parts to get here.
And when I say, you know, always keep anchoring the light, it's actually very important for you to anchor the light because as these programs go away and start to dissipate, some naturally because of all the direct current, some unnaturally because we force it to happen.
Remember, along with your colors you also had as a receiver of money and other things, you also had colored archons that were associated with this. And we know archons are creators of disc.
This ease within your system, that could be emotional disease, that can be physical disease, that can be an energetic disease.
Maybe you have less energy than you should, or too much energy in your adrenaline pumping for no reason.
So there's a lot of manipulation that can happen with colors. And could have happened with the my lab programs.
Did we get all the facilities?
We sure hope so.
You know, I was working on it right up until the time of this broadcast, which is very, very late at least not in time here.
It's it's only late afternoon here early evening.
But The one thing that we did figure out as far as Archons are concerned and the throwing up of them from various things we take away, is that.
しかし、アルコンに関して、そして私たちが持ち帰ったさまざまなものからアルコンが吐き出されることについて、私たちが理解したことが 1 つあります。
You might feel something coming on for a short period of time.
But it requires you to put energy toward it in order to bring it into physical fruition.
It also you can put the energy towards healing that issue and it will go away.
Sometimes it's more difficult to make it go away than other times, but it's also a mind, body, and soul connection thing where you can protect yourself from some of these programs as they dissipate.
Because sometimes when you're the more you get rid of a system or the more you get rid of a matrix, or the more you get rid of a program, the more it fights for its survival, so it will start shooting out archons all over the place to try to take your energy.
So we've seen this happen a few times in the last couple of days we've seen it happen and you know, we clean it up as fast as we see it and figure out where it's coming from and, and obviously stop the bleed.
But you know, we're not, we're not God here, but we try and we do get warnings when it's severe.
Enough it'll it'll wake me up like a shot with alarms going off everywhere when it's very very severe and something needs immediate attention at 1:00 in the morning or midnight when I just went to bed 2 hours before so it's great.
But and I'm sure a lot of you have that too.
You know, when there's something really dangerous going on in the world, you probably get your own alerts as well.
And that's a good thing because it's a self protection measure for you.
And those are a lot of things that would be suppressed in the past as well. So we're getting there.
We are making a lot of strides forward and try not to pay too much attention and give too much energy to the tournaments going on in this planet.
Not to say we don't enjoy watching sports and those type of things, of course we do.
But remember, you know your your appreciation for athleticism is  a good thing, you know, we appreciate qualities and a lot of people for a lot of different reasons, but giving your power away to them as a whole nother story so.
OK, well that pretty much wraps up the world situation report for the 26th of July.
Hopefully I will see you all on Monday and won't be as busy as I was this week.
I hope that this is over soon so.
God bless you, take care everyone and have a wonderful weekend.
Calen: (男性アナウンサー)
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