2024年07月24日(水曜) キンバリーの動画翻訳
And now the World Situation Report with Kimberly Gogan from the Office of the Guardian.
Russia and Ukraine have agreed behind the scenes to end the war.
All that is left is the media campaign. 
and big changes are going on at the United Nations as the Order of the Dragon and the Rothschilds continue to lose power and the Internet tells you that Lionsgate starts on the 28th of July.
But that is simply not true.
All this and more on today's World Situation Report.
Now here is the World Situation Report with Kimberly Gogan from the Office of the Guardian.
Good afternoon, good evening and good morning everyone, depending on where you're listening.
Today has been an interesting day all around.
Lots of news to report.
So I'm going to go ahead and get started in the regular news.
Well, sort of regular news, let's just say before it's mainstream news.
Russia and Ukraine have been in talks in conjunction with the Chinese government and some with the US government to end the war in Ukraine or wars with Russia and Ukraine.
I should say this was prompted by a complete and total lack of funds it is now come to.
Russia and Ukraine's attention that the Chinese were backing both sides financially for quite awhile, that's China's deep state, whether that be directly from China or that be indirectly through the United States.
So if you remember back a couple years ago when the war first started,  and you're new here.
I China pretty much has been in about 80% control, if not more of the United States government, and they have been for quite a while.
But in this particular case, they were the ones that were the force behind prompting all of that crazy funding and free weapons and all of the US support.
For Ukraine, including but not limited to the alleged bust that was going to go up in the capital building of Zelinsky and the dog and pony show that Zelensky did for Congress not that long ago.
And the visits to the US and China was the one that was prompting.
All of this, supporting all of it and making the deals behind the scenes as to how much money was gonna go where and why this a lot, a lot of this.
Control had to do with the Federal Reserve and their alleged former stake in the Federal Reserve in their ability to provide funds through Marduke and and other ways of providing funds.
Then of course, they allegedly said that they were the ones that provided the funds in 2012 and a few years after.
To the US and also they were told, everybody was told that the Trump funds actually came from the May Wah in China, which was not true.
I am not Chinese and my name is not Mah wah nor will it ever be.
And Mah Wah is just a title anyway.
So that is good news for Russians and Ukrainians in all the countries that have been bleeding out the ears, spending money on supporting this crazy show over there on behalf of China's deep state.
So hopefully we'll start to see this trickle into mainstream media.
I'm being told no later than mid August.
Is when we should hear about it some more.
They may be waiting for a celestial event, and I know that's a shocker for you guys to see if something comes their way, but by that point, it'll obviously be too late.
And with today's shenanigans, which we'll go into in a few minutes, it should be extremely obvious to these people that no one's coming to help them.
But you never know.
They could be waiting for a full moon in August.
We don't know at this point.
OK, next bit of regular news that is interesting.
There is a lot of buzz going on on around the United Nations right now.
And within the walls of United Nations power sector that the United Nations Security Council has agreed to disband the council due to their lack of power and the fact that hardly anyone in the world is listening anymore.
This is no surprise because what they did was build a system based on fear and greed.
And right now the United Nations and NATO cannot provide either.
They spent a lot of money in the Middle East and in the Gaza Strip, a lot of money in Ukraine and.
If you remember a few months back, we were discussing about NATO's big operations all the way from Armenia through to Albania, Turkey, movement of a lot of weaponry into Jordan, Yemen.
They've spent a lot of money they did, they did not have.
Recently trying to get this World War Three scenario underway.
There's also been a lot of talk about nuclear threats and China and Taiwan that is very expensive so right now, everything seems to be at a standstill.
NATO is wondering why there's no money coming, especially today, because today was supposed to be another one of those days ending in why where everybody was expecting to get money, including the Global Headquarters Group with the Order of the Black Sun.
The Trump operatives and everybody else was expecting to get money today.
Now they are all increasingly aware of behind the scenes that.
There's a new currency, and they don't really understand it. They don't really understand why we did it.
And quite frankly, at this point, from what I've been hearing all around, I don't really care that they don't understand it.
There is a lot of calls that we have been getting from various countries who would like to own their own Currency.
That call came in from, let's just say, one of the countries who wants to end the war and it's not Ukraine.
And you know, I, I, I gotta be honest with you and when it comes to Russia, I, I personally have been there.
I've spent quite a bit of time there off and on throughout the years and here's my impression right now.
I know what's going on behind the scenes because I looked into it.
There is a big fight right now going on between what we call the oligarch clans in Russia.
The oligarch clans are either loyalists of the Order of the Dragon in this case.
You would call those that are with the Order of the Red Dragon, which originates out of Russia.
Then you have other clans that would be loyalist to the Order of the Black Sun.
The order of the Black Sun would be people like Fake Putin and a lot of the old KGB agents and so on and so forth on.
On that side, the ones that want to revive the USSR would be the Black Sun.
They would love to have no God, of course, their God is death.
And then on the flip side, the red dragon folks would like to have another Zar back because it's easier for them to control.
You know, they used to be back in the day, they saw themselves as the kingmakers of Earth.
In reality, they were never the kingmakers.
They were just the town crier for the king makers if you will, they were the ones that passed down the orders and information from on high non humans on this planet which would then give the information down as to who was going to be the king of what country and Russia is no exception here.
So the fighting between the two groups and the shake UPS that have been happening.
Recently, not only there, but also within the United Nations and also here in the US are all interconnected based on the fact that the Order of the Dragon promises money on a particular day and then the Order of the Black Sun nights, you know, your Trump.
Operatives etal are promising money on another day and every time one fails to perform, the other one steps up and makes their promises and they fail and then the other one steps up on the other side, makes their promises and they fail.
But the one thing I see happening.
Quite a bit of right now, not only in Russia, the US, the United Nations and China, what it appears is happening around the world is that the operatives are getting tired of being promised a bunch of this and a bunch of that and having zero delivery and that includes United Nations operatives as well.
You would be looking at Monarch military here. You would be looking at the whatever's left of.
I don't think we have very many umbrella military corporation anymore.
They might have appointed some more,  That's your Trump operatives,  Russia is no exception here,  They're also part of the SSP.
彼らはさらに何人か任命したかもしれない。それはトランプの工作員たちだ。ロシアも例外ではない。彼らも SSP の一員だ。
Ukraine is also part of the SSP, and of course everybody on paper and in mainstream media is part of the United Nations.
ウクライナも SSP の一員であり、もちろん、書類上や主流メディアに登場する人々は皆、国連の一員だ。
So. Yeah, There is a good chance over the next several months that we will see no more United Nations.
At this point, there's no support for it anymore.
Countries aren't listening to them anymore.
I don't know if people are going to still show up for the meeting come September, who knows, but at this point in time.
That looks like a card that is definitely getting ready to fall.
Now, to be fair, in these meetings that were taking place at the United Nations, behind the scenes, they definitely real questioning.
Let's just say the validity of their leaders and their ability to perform, that's number one.
Number two, they are the Security Council and Security.
Even though they might be with a military in a different country or whatever representative each of the respective Security Council country members sent, remember they still are more loyal to the Order of the Black Sun.
So if the Order of the Black Sun says in whatever's left of that says that they want to dissolve the United Nations because they think it would make them look like the good guys, that could very well take place.
Now As for our the United States military at the Pentagon, they are also struggling to find a way to maintain power and have said so to some people in my inner circle, which there aren't many, so they probably know who that is.
They both sides would like to talk, you know, of course they never want to talk to me, but they would like me to just hand them out money.
So that they could probably go back to their.
Respective gods, let's just call them the Order of the Dragon on the one side, the global headquarters or global military on the other side, and say, look, we did it, we did it, we got it from her.
Do we get a position now?
Because that's what they're offering at this point, you know, Ohh, you guys are just, you know, stupid.
You can't do your job.
If you can't go get anything from her and weasel your way into some money, then you know, you know, you're out or you're worthless, you know, to us.
And no, you can't have a promotion, you know, and the nonexistent order.
It's like getting a promotion at Enron at this point.
Also other people talking are NATO.
NATO is very confused by new currencies.
NATO is talking about all their operations around the world and how they can't afford to do it anymore.
NATO has also had the order of the Black Sun because if you don't know NATO is actually the Rothschild and Order of the Dragon's private army always has been, but NATO, even though it's not on their website anymore, at least I don't think so.
I was actually founded by Bush Senior, which was head of the Order of the Black Son or a Black Dragon, at least on the human sector.
And, So they have had global headquarters and what's left of the Black Sun whispering in their ear, telling them that when Trump gets back into office that they'll be huge amounts of money that are going to come in.
And NATO actually placed a call to Tom Melville and asked Tom, "if I was still going to support Trump like we did during his last administration", well, I can clear this up for you.
Absolutely, NATO, if you're listening to this, because we know you are, the answer is absolutely "not".
We do not support dead people in public positions and you know, anymore, ever, you know?
We're not interested in Duck Dynasty running this country second time around, especially since this time around they have no alien leadership.
And that's very clear, It's very clear they do not know how to run an operation without a brain behind them.
And I can see them falling by the wayside, many of them died today in today's events around the world.
And so you know many more will also continue to die if they continue to try to call upon their alien gods to come and save them.
So no where if that guy dead guy gets into office, you can expect financial system that will run autonomous autonomously apart from the US government.
It will be in support of the new currency of gold which is of the United States of China, of Russia of Newton, United Kingdom, insert country name here South African Rand. Everybody has currency of gold now.
And we are going to move on without you and it will just be for the people.
And you can go continue to play your political games for free and expect to get people to give you money.
Now, they might say, well, if she supports, for example, another country that has decided to move away from the order, like with the Banana Republic, you know, as an example.
Doesn't matter, insert country name here.
Then we'll just go do contracts with those people because this is what they're talking about behind the scenes.
And I know you very well, Duck Dynasty people, and they're talking about going behind our back, behind the scenes and trying to take money from those countries.
But I can tell you right now we're going to split it up.
Into millions and millions of people, and those people will have your pictures and your names on every telephone pole in every single country, everywhere to not talk to you.
If I have to do that, I will do that.
And I have your entire roster.
I know what everybody looks like.
And I tell you if you were going to run another season of Duck Dynasty, you guys would win. Because that's what you look like most all of you.
And on our side of it, we will make sure that no one in the world touches you.
Now you have a perfectly good opportunity to do 2 things Trump operatives.
Number one, you do the right thing, you basically say the truth to the American people.
You can spin it any way you want, but that man died of natural causes like you know he did.
OK, that's number one.
Number two, You will have no business trying to run financial anything.
If you wanna go balance your own checkbook or whatever it is, then you go do that.
But stay the heck out of United States government pockets because you have no idea how to run a financial system that is evident and clear.
I watched you at Wright Patterson.
Wright Patterson Air Force Base, I've watched you in Texas today.
I've watched you in Spain, Portugal, and every other Project Odin, Project Poseidon, Project Hercules insert other Greek, Apollo Insert other Greek God.
Year I watched you try to use abraxis systems.
And you think that they're yours and that that actually is connected only to a financial system.
And you couldn't be more wrong.
And money never came from the Abraxas in the 1st place.
And I watched you make a total donkey, donkey, up yourselves in the last several days.
OK, so please, if you wanna go do politics, you wanna go do something else, then you must do it my way.
Period, End of story.
Or I will ensure that no one in this world will touch you, not any one of those 15 militaries, no one will touch you, everybody will have all your files and all the things that you did.
So stay the heck out of my way and stop trying to raise alien gods, OK?
And please tell people when people die that they're dead.
This is not 1913, and this is in Woodrow Wilson.
Get your crap together, people, because the world is moving on without you. So you can promise NATO everything you want, but you will not perform.
You will not perform when Trump gets back into office, You will not perform. Ever. Ever.
So you're going to spend four years in absolute misery going back on every word you ever gave to any terrorist organization?
Yes, I watch you.
How is Yemen these days, guys?
How is Hezbollah these days?
And oh, by the way, you've got a whole little sector of Ukrainians that aren't Ukrainian at all, are they?
And what about your dealings with Blackwater or Frontier or whatever he's calling himself these days?
We know about that too.
So I hope you guys know that that is just a little tidbit of the information that I have on you.
People get up, fly straight, or get off this planet, and we're more than happy to oblige, just like we did today with some of you that were in various locations around the world, didn't we, So let's talk about various locations around the world because this is only part of our day-to-day.
And in the last 24 hours, we always have a lot of news and there's a lot more that happens behind the scenes, but there's only so much time in the day.
Only so much time to do news so.
Let's talk about Lionsgate.
Everybody talks about Lions Gate on Aug to 8. You have some websites that will tell you it starts on the 28th of July and continues through August 12th. 
which is why I said that the war in Ukraine might not be publicly announced over until after about mid August.
But it actually starts today.
Ohh no.
Now, why is it called Lionsgate?
Now, In the past we have always thought that the gatekeepers of Source, which is kind of true in some ways, were lions and have been throughout our history.
You have heard Bible stories about lions and a lot of that is very true.
However, the lion on behalf of anti source who has held control over Lions gates is not.
The lion we think it is, it is actually asteroth.
So if you do some.
Research on Asteroth, the lower Astral being one of the chief demons of health, you will see that his symbol is often represented as a lion, now astronauts sidekick.
アステロートについて調べると、低位のアストラルは健康の主要な悪魔の 1 つであり、彼のシンボルはライオンとして表現されることが多く、現在は宇宙飛行士の相棒であることがわかります。
And oftentimes assistant in these types of gateway events is Anubis. It's spelled "ANU BIS".
そして、多くの場合、これらのタイプのゲートウェイ イベントのアシスタントはアヌビスです。綴りは「ANU BIS」です。
I might be pronouncing that wrong, Tomato, tomato, but Anubis is his sidekick in this and there is quite a bit to be said as far as both of their participation in Lionsgate.
So you remember before Lionsgate used to belong to the dark side, It would be a time when anti source for lack of a better term.
And all his favorite demons would come upon earth and torture us basically for several days, probably until the following full moon after lions gate.
This also gave some power to the deep state.
The deep state apparently is aware somewhat that today would be that day and they immediately went to the following locations with some black magic items and tried to raise anti source once again.
Now do they know that?
The items they took with them were specifically to call upon Astera and Anubis.
I don't know, did they know that they this is the place you have to go to get some anti source energy going on in this world?
Possibly I did the machine tell them that before the machine stopped communicating to their brain.
Ohh, possibly.
But nonetheless, they went to all these lovely locations and began to weave black magic with I'm going to say no end result.
We'll leave it at that, but that doesn't mean it didn't cause some turbulence in some different areas of the world.
And most of the places where the turbulence was would have been in the general area because they're black magic tools aren't as strong as.
They used to be Now items that they take to such an event, there must be 10 people, nine around them.
They hold these crystals that contain an energy that is both black and red is the color of this particular energy and it represents the antichrist or condemnation in this particular case, the second item that they bring with them is something called the rod of God.
And the rod of God for them is not about God and it's not about Source, it's about Anti Source so the rotted.
self is a hyper conductor for the energy for which it is made to conduct.
So it did cause stuff that was already here.
So any dark energy that's left on this planet that kind of collect in these respective areas, which I will list for you in a second and caused some uncomfortableness, let's just say in these.
Regions did they think they were actually raising anti source?
I don't know and it really doesn't matter what they think anymore because they're not thinking anything at this moment in time because they have all left this planet.
So if there's another crew that would like to go there with this special rod made of a compliment compilation of meta materials which are man made metals in this case it was alien made metals for them.
Then feel free to join the rest of them because at this point my frustration level with you people is at an all time high so we have no problem making sure you.
Indicate this planet rapidly and all the better for humanity, and you're going around in circles anyway, and you're taking every government in every country with you.
So why not just get rid of you and then have them call and nobody answers the phone.
You'll probably put somebody else in that position to answer the phone because you still think that some alien race is going to pick you up on the 19th or whatever lie you're promising everybody today.
You know, unfortunately for you, it's so glad you replay you Tuesday for a war today or a hamburger today or whatever movie it is you're going off of that you base your Duck Dynasty operations on.
So the following Locations and their surrounding areas probably would have had a difficult time energy wise today.
So let's start here the border of Iran and Iraq.
They still think that that gateway belongs to them and you are wrong.
Any other members of the Green Dragon would like to participate in this adventure and you have another rod for yourself and some Antichrist crystals.
グリーン ドラゴンの他のメンバーでこの冒険に参加したい人はいるだろうか。あなたにはもう 1 本のロッドと反キリストのクリスタルがある。
Feel free to join everybody else at the Iran Iraq border ,Yellowstone Park in Wyoming, not too far from Old Faithful.
イラン イラク国境、ワイオミング州のイエローストーン パーク、オールド フェイスフルからそれほど遠くない場所で、他のみんなと気軽に合流しよう。
There was definitely some disturbances there and they're the ones that caused it the Ozarks in Arkansas.
That was where the seal was, and they felt that they would have the greatest chance of recondensing planet Earths to hell.
I guess Winslow, AZ Also another place we've been, I guess I was the girl in the flatbed Ford there today.
Saratoga New York if you know the song in Tenant Mountain Next White Top Mountain in the Appalachians of Virginia, Wisconsin and the Apostle Islands National Park, Here's one that is pretty much an obvious Bush mountain in Texas.
テナント マウンテンの歌を知っているなら「サラトガ ニューヨーク」。次はバージニア州、ウィスコンシン州のアパラチア山脈にあるホワイト トップ マウンテン。アポストル諸島国立公園。ここはテキサスにあるブッシュ マウンテンのすぐそば。
Why not, right? in Indiana, the Angel Mountain Historical Park in North Dakota, Devils Lake State Park. And we are back at the Hope Cave and Socotra Island in Yemen today as well Petra, Jordan Petra is a historical site in Jordan.
いいじゃないですか。インディアナ州、ノース ダコタ州のエンジェル マウンテン歴史公園、デビルズ レイク州立公園。そして今日はイエメンのホープ ケーブとソコトラ島にも。ヨルダンのペトラ。ペトラはヨルダンの歴史的な場所です。
And then we have another historical area of Syria called Palmera say that twice back at the cigarette and of her in Iraq, the Basilica cistern in Turkey.
それから、シリアのパルメラという別の歴史的な地域があります。イラクのシガレットと彼女のところで 2 回言いますが、トルコのバシリカ貯水槽です。
If you haven't seen that and you don't know what that is, that's a a great place to take a look at on YouTube or wherever.
見たことがなく、それが何なのかわからない場合は、YouTube などで見てみるといいでしょう。
It's actually quite beautiful.
There's a lot of Waterways underneath the basilica, so worth a look at.
Wasn't going to be beautiful if they had their way, but that's OK.
The Gurgi Mosque in Libya, the Golden Gate it's called in Kiev, Ukraine.
リビアのグルギ モスク、ウクライナのキエフではゴールデン ゲートと呼ばれています。
The Faisal Mosque in Pakistan, That's a really pretty mosque, by the way.
パキスタンのファイサル モスク、ちなみに、あれは本当にきれいなモスクです。
Oh boy, here we go in Burma.
The show I'm gonna I'm gonna spell this one for you, "SHWESANDAW", the Shwesandaw Pagoda, and last but certainly not least, the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation Pyramid.
これから紹介するショーは、「シュエサンドー」、シュエサンドー パゴダ、そして最後になりましたが、平和と和解の宮殿ピラミッドです。
In Kazakhstan, so these were all the places where our friends went today. And they have now been cleared up.
Now all of these sites were tied to other space junk that was in the sun, the moon as serious as well, Star and Saturn.
So this would be apparently in the past an event.
That would happen every year around this time.
Also, if you remember last year, this time on the 24th of July is when they used to all go to their dark mirror places and the mirrors are no longer there and apparently they know it to get their orders and instructions for the year.
また、昨年のことを思い出してください。7 月 24 日のこの時期は、彼らは皆、暗い鏡の場所に行っていましたが、鏡はもうそこになく、どうやら彼らはその年の命令と指示を受け取るためにそれを知っているようです。
And that would be specifically for Coven Members only.
That would not be for the people that are trying to get the orders now in any way, shape or form, and the coven members would.
それは、今命令(オーダー)を受け取ろうとしている人々のためのものではなく、「魔女団のメンバー(Coven Members)」のためのものです。
Then go because it's the end of the full moon three days after the full moon, which would be the end of the last meeting between the parents and non humans.
満月の 3 日後に満月が終わり、親と非人間との最後の会合が終わるので、行ってください。
Parents say you you could say that they were loosely humans, and then they would be getting their instructions at this time.
The following meeting would actually start somewhere around the new moon, the upcoming new moon next month, and then the orders would come out on the full moon for the next crew.
Down in the food chain and then the final orders going out to operatives around the world on the Harvest Moon in September.
食物連鎖の下位にあり、9 月の収穫の月に世界中の工作員に最終命令(オーダー)が送られます。
So we do this every year with these people.
We now have a new crew.
There's a lot of people that are dead and no longer with us in the higher groups, but these people are none the wiser.
So they're going to go to all these various locations.
Brown Anti Source is going to come up and greet them for being loyal subjects and give them plenty of money and plenty of orders and wrong again deep state.
It's like I I wish I could help their head.
I wish that there was a diagram I could draw on a whiteboard maybe, or use small words to fix them, but I think it's impossible at this point.
On the other front, lots of good things are happening on this earth, on our side.
Hit the Golden age system seems to be doing exactly what it was meant to do and clearing out from human computer networks anythings that is left of Omega or any other dark ties.
This is sending the deep state into a panic because even if they see a remnant of something pop up over to the left, nothing is actually showing up in human computer networks and it's frustrating for them.
They can see it kind of starting in the ethers in there.
What they have left over there that they monitor this stuff with, but it never actually comes to fruition.
And I know how you feel, deep State, because every single time I would transfer money that would start in the ethers and work its way down into the matter, the physical plane of existence, you two would make my stuff disappear.
So I can feel your frustration.
But now?
The shoes on the other foot.
Next, another important thing that happened today which was very interesting as part of all of the clean up not only of these people off the planet in their respective rods of anti source, we also have had the beginnings of earth itself.
Being back in control of its own soul.
So just as we were separated as human beings from the sole plane of existence by Artemis and others, we also are able to connect, reconnect  Source just like us.
As humans were able to start to reconnect to that soul plane directly again, Earth also is having that ability.
So this is really exciting as far as the restoration of Earth and her making that reconnection with a few little hiccups on the way, you know, based on the events of today and that kind of thing.
But it's officially coming together again, so this is really good news for Earth.
It's going to help us as humans and her inhabitants, and hopefully we'll be able to move forward with more restoration of Earth very soon altogether.
There's a few other things about the restoration of Earth, and I know a lot of you are already doing this.
The more the more light energy you bring in here, the more source direct current that you focus on for not only for yourself, but those that you love around you, and the more that you focus on that for Earth.
As well, the faster that we'll be able to move forward.
Things are going really well as far as them not having the space junk and the ability to utilize that space junk anymore to harm us and to harm Earth.
But you know, we could always use more help from you to assist us in making sure that there's no large amounts of dark energy they can collect and respective locations again.
So the more we do that, the more positive things that we focus on. The better for Earth and the better for all those around you and generations to come.
So once again, I thank you in advance for all your help with that.
And with that, we are going to conclude today's World Situation Report.
I probably have a few more things to say, but I'll probably get to that.
More later on this week so on Friday. 
thank you so much for tuning in and thank you for watching the World Situation Report.
Have a great night.
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すべてのソーシャル メディア サイトへのリンクは、United Network dot earth の Web サイトの下部にあります。
Let's change the face of news together.
And that wraps up today's NEWS UPDATE.
本日のニュース アップデートはこれで終わりです。
Please share UNN with your friends and family.
UNN を友人や家族にシェアしてください。
We need everyone to come together and help restore our planet.
When news happens in your area where cored and shared with us so together we can share it with the world.
Remember, if it's going to be it's up to me, I'm sunny Galt.
覚えておいてください、それは私次第です。私はサニー ガルトです。
Join us Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the Real News.
月曜、水曜、金曜に、リアル ニュースをお届けします。