2024年07月17日(水曜) キンバリーの動画翻訳
And now the World Situation Report with Kimberly Gogan from the Office of the Guardian.
The Trump Organization has already started to build its executive branch, assuming they win the selection, well, election.
Treasury attempts to utilize an old gold police to support a new currency today.
Where did the old gold leaves come from and was it valid?
And the cleanup of the attempted reversal of the Golden Age continues.
And here is today's current status.
All this and more on today's Real News World Situation Report.
Now here's the World Situation Report with Kimberly Gogan with the Office of the Guardian.
Good afternoon.
My time today, I guess good evening for some of you and good morning and other places.
I apologize for today's report being a little late and that Sunny is not here today.
It's been a very busy few days here and we'll talk about that in just a minute.
I wanted to talk a little bit about some real news.
Since there is a lot still going on all over the alternative media about the Trump Organization. Meaning, you know, he's a martyr.
There was an alleged shooter again in Milwaukee.
I guess they're not getting enough St.cred, so to speak, from the first shooting.
So they decide to have a shooter and probably everywhere he goes, there'll be a shooter until they figure out that no matter how many alleged shooters are there, there will be no more support for this organization than they already currently have, you know, you this isn't a right left thing for me and I just want to point this out.
We already know that we currently have a president that passed away shortly after he was elected in office now.
We are obviously can see that whoever they have in there, they strings, they're pulling the strings behind the scenes in China for this particular president.
They are looking for a crash of the United States in a transfer of power over to China and that is why they make the president of the United States.Look so bad.
This obviously wouldn't happen unless China somehow got a grip or a hold of the world economy to the point where they believe they could be successful in running the entire world and moving the world's power center over to China.
So don't get me wrong, I I don't even consider that like.
An issue, but I do have some issues with this organized Trump Organization.
Now the reason why I do is because the people, the operatives that run the organization behind the scenes are doing a lot of evil things to humanity.
This is not evil as in politics or even project, warp speed that he launched during his prior administration when he was alive.
This also ties into a lot of human trafficking ties.
There is a lot of pedophile rings that are associated with the organization. Not only that we have the Q team that was built underneath Kushner at one point in time.
And the Q team keeps putting out these messages like we control your dreams. That's the latest one.
It's over for you. You know, all of these kind of things, we're all gonna die. There's going to be blackouts.
You know, the quantum flip is happening and all of this.
Stuff which the quantum flip that they're talking about is something that could be devastating to the human race.
So my problem and the reason why I keep mentioning these people stems from this.
Now we're gonna have a little bit of a conversation about them, just real briefly, because I think it's important to really understand, you know what, what is happening behind the scenes.
OK, so we've talked a little bit in the last few weeks about Jamie Dimon. Dimon, however, you say his name Demon works for me and he is currently at with JP Morgan Chase.
He also is currently with a group called the Global Headquarters.
And the global headquarters, as you know, is a basically what you would call the head of your military industrial complex.
These are the guys that have the global security contract underneath the order of the Black Sun.
Now he believed that he was in charge of this organization or had taken the reins or was promised this position.
Due to some serious manipulation of derivatives that was happening at JP Morgan Chase, the fact that he was endorsing central bank digital currencies and endorsing digital currencies for the bank in a lot of other financial manipulation that is being done on behalf of the Order of the Black Sun.
Well, in the last 48 hours, they have actually tapped the Trump Organization has tapped Jamie Dimon, who plans on retiring at some point this year, to be the new Treasury Secretary.
Now knowing all of the things that this man is involved in and, you know, lots of financial, economic assassinations of countries and all kinds of things he's been doing, especially recently.
You know, this is the guy that they pick.
So let's talk for a second about the guy that was under the Trump Organization as the last secretary, Treasury Secretary, Steve Minuchin, now Steve Minuchin.
Is known actually behind the scenes to run a pedophile ring on behalf of most of the Washington DC politicians and elite. This is a fact.
He definitely has a black book of that. He has a history of that.
He also liked to utilize his connections with the Treasury Department in Washington.
And in New York to launder a lot of money for a lot of politicians and kind of wipe the records clean so you wouldn't know who's buying how many kids in on a on a regular basis and whatnot.
So you know, the track record here for the organization as far as what they're involved in is kind of rough even from the last time.
Now I did a long time ago when I believed that Trump was actually going to do the right thing for the country because he was kind of an outsider in the political circle arena, except for his involvement with campaign funding and that kind of thing.
I did send him Minuchin's file, all of the politicians involved, the where he buys the boys and girls from, his involvement with the Clintons and Child Protective Services in the United States and all of that kind of thing.
All those records are there, very easy to see.
He would launder a lot of that money through his treasury.
Expense account, whose black card, Treasury, black card account, and a number of other places too did anybody do anything to this guy.
You know, except for where the original one disappeared to, no, as he still is the person that is fronting as Minuchin, still running a ring, yes so.
I don't know why they didn't choose to bring him back because the one that they've got now is just as bad, you know, if not worse. So hiring people from within the Black Sun Central circle is probably not make him the most popular president in the world.
at least not with those of us that are allegedly fighting the deep state. He doesn't fight the deep state.
He hires the deep state.
Not really sure what that's all about, but you know, I, I actually we do you know, you watching this now and listening to this No, that that is a fact.
After we sent Minuchin's file to the president, nothing happened. Everything was squashed underneath the rug.
He continued on to through the end of the administration, so no surprise there also.
Vice president picks that happened this week, but his former vice president Mike Pence also runs a child trafficking ring. They love their children there with the Trump administration, don't they?
And I'm sure he's saving babies left and right like they say on the Internet. 
But his child trafficking ring was in cooperation with AMLO, which is short for Obrador, President Obrador of Mexico, which he still runs to this day or whatever's playing that part now with that person, which they still run to this day.
And they are those that financial information can be located at Santander Bank. Mexico, the information is all there.
And probably in Santander in Spain as well, and then a few other locations in the world, depending on where they're buying children from today. So that was the former vice president.
This current pick, Vance, is a Yales, Yale, Skull and Bonesman also an organization and a society that falls under the order of the Black Sun.
So I guess they're just a group of Black Sun people that want to run the world.
And meanwhile their operatives are putting out things like we're going to control all of your dreams and we're going to do all of these things to you, and there's going to be a quantum flip.
Your life will never be the same 144,000 people and you're going home and all the crazy things that they post.
I watched the things that they post because oftentimes that means that there's something going on in the world that could potentially harm all of humanity.
So shot, no shot.
Whatever these people are contemplating on the Internet, the only thing I can tell you is what the facts actually are.
You know, this is an organization run by the Order of the Black Sun and all of their friends and family network. And meanwhile the same organization is trying to kill all of humanity so I can imagine what would happen if this person got back into an office and probably try to initiate some other type of pandemic in another warp speed.
But that is some very interesting information in relation to other things that are going on as far as this golden age reversal is. So I'm going to talk about that in just a second.
And what the real plan was behind the scenes in launching these Pfizer vaccines and all of the other things that were done under the former Trump administration.
Next, let's talk about what else is happening in the regular world today.
You and I have spoken back way back in 2022 about a woman that was the female representation of Lilith on this planet, and her code name was called May, what, meanwhile, has not been with us?
That position has remained empty since 2022. But most recently they tried to appoint someone that they believed is in her bloodline as the new "May - Wah".
My understanding is this person's last name, Miss Rodriguez, Filipino person.
A female to take that slot now this person truly believes that she has this position and she's running around the world telling everybody until.
She wasn't, which means that today when she tried to assign a gold agreement, she believes she controls all of this gold.
And that really was never even the case for Mahwah anyway.
But she believes she now controls all of this gold to which she was trying to assign more gold to Treasury Department.
And and of course global headquarters because they all global headquarters and the order of the Black Sun love Mahwah because she was the issuer of all of their clearances to exist.
She also assigned to them a security contract to quote UN quote protect.
The goal and her alleged assets at the time many, many years ago, the former May Wah was probably in her 80s would probably was not aware of some of the other agreements that took place before her tenure.
Therefore, she felt like she was doing her job.
You know, I guess, you know, these people don't tend to give the next in line a whole lot of information and that's what's causing a lot of disruption in the world right now.
So in a conversation that was had with the Treasury Department the other day, that would be in the US because every country has a treasury, whether it's public or not with the Treasury, a person from the Treasury Department.
Recently, they were all headed over to London because there are a number of banks, mostly larger banks like Barclays and a few others that are going under in London.
I mean, they're at critical mass right now and that's because they're listening to a bunch of people that have no hope of ever.
Performing any function, but yet they keep going on on these old contracts and old pretenses because they believe these things are real.
So first I need to break down for you the May Wah situation.
The May wall line was the line of Lilith, now  the gold ownership in the past, before you know we took it over on our side.
The old gold ownership was with Anti Source.
And then there was a lease that was given for a short term, renewable every 99 years to whoever held the position of the May Wah. In other words, ownership never transferred hands.
And the May Wah organization, also known sometimes as the Mayflower Organization, never owned the gold, which is why with all the treasuries of the world and the the other agreements that lease agreements that are out there also with the country of Denmark or the Queen of Denmark.
I should say there is a difference. The other agreement or lease agreement that they had is with the old USSR because it was part of the 100 year plan to basically burn the Russian Empire and install communism everywhere and that agreement they believe is still intact which it's not. And the Federal Reserve also had agreement and the Treasury had an agreement.
So there were four parties that had an outstanding lease agreement for a lease of gold on top of the May wall lease.
Now, that 99 year lease expired even before her death.
And they thought, I guess this is another Black Sun scam because that would have been part of the Black Sun organization.
They thought by appointing this new perso,. out there that they could then utilize that gold.
Now they thought that the reason why they couldn't utilize the gold wasn't because their secondary contracts had expired.
They felt that the reason why they couldn't use the gold was actually because there was no current.
Person to authorize the usage under the lease agreement known as Mahwah.
However, that is not the case actually because the Mahwah agreement was never actually renewed as a lease, a master lease to all the other subsequent leases.
Therefore, when her lease agreement expired, even I think it was a year prior to her death, then all the other lease agreements expired as well.
So you can create a person to sit in that chair, but without the ultimate covenant, you won't.
That person will have no authority.
Now the next reason why that was a flawed model of theirs is because.
The ownership of the gold of earth is not Anti Source anymore, it's actually Source and with myself as the guardian and myself as the trustee of the gold on that behalf.
So the position of Mahwah on the dark side of things is no longer actually applicable.
In this case, therefore, the treasuries transactions they're trying to do in I think it's in London right now, which was today and then a few other things they tried to do over the last few days, but mainly it was in London today completely failed.
Not only that, any remnants that existed in the Omega system of "Mahwah" went away.
Any remnants and of anything that of anti source that tried to reinstall themselves due to this other program went away and everything on that front has pretty been pretty well cleaned up and everything went back to the way that it was meaning the gold is now assigned to the repository you as humanity are the beneficiaries of that gold and all the energy and everything else, including currency, that it creates.
The Treasury can actually see a lot more now on all of their screens , along with the governments of the new currency and a new algorithm and a new way of creating currency.
But that doesn't stop global headquarters and the military industrial complex from doing what they do best, chase fantasies now as part of this.
Reversal that was set up by non humans that has been happening for the last couple of days.
One of the things that has happened is that they're starting to see things flicker over to the side in the Omega system.
起こったことの 1 つは、オメガ システムで物事が横にちらつき始めていることです。
Things that have flickered are a few trillion dollars, for example, for this gold security contract. That was one thing they saw last night.
ちらついたのは、たとえばこの金の証券契約の数兆ドルです。それが昨夜彼らが見たものの 1 つです。
They believed that they had access to a global server to go ahead and work on getting this money into the system.
彼らは、このお金をシステムに取り込むために、グローバル サーバーにアクセスできたと信じていました。
I have people calling me asking me if I want to transfer money into a global server and I do not want to transfer money into a global server that is owned by global headquarters because what will happen there is they feel that they could steal allocation numbers from me and then make that money.
グローバル サーバーに送金したいかと私に電話してくる人がいますが、グローバル本部が所有するグローバル サーバーに送金したくありません。なぜなら、そこでは割り当て番号を盗んでお金を儲けることができると彼らが感じているからです。
Good, and put it into the financial system and give us as " humans 0 "  now that is not the case my friends #1  all my allocation numbers are highly encrypted and there's no way you're ever going to break them.
いいですね。そしてそれを金融システムに入れて、私たち「人間 0」に与えてください。でも、それは違います。私の友人 #1 の皆さん、私の割り当て番号はすべて高度に暗号化されており、解読できる方法はありません。
Nobody else has been able to break them, and the same people that think they are going to break them have been trying to do so for approximately.
他の誰も解読できず、解読できると考えている同じ人々が約 10 年間そうしようとしてきました。
Four years now and it hasn't worked to date, so I don't know why they think today would be the day where you could screen scrape my allocation numbers,  but no, next, the fake money that they're seeing pop up on screens and the minimal access to whatever Glimmer tries to show back up of Omega system.
4 年経ちましたが、今のところうまくいっていないので、なぜ今日が私の割り当て番号をスクリーン スクレイピングできる日だと考えているのかわかりませんが、そうではありません。次に、画面にポップアップ表示される偽のお金と、Glimmer がオメガ システムのバックアップとして表示しようとするものへの最小限のアクセスがあります。
Omega Quantum AI system is "Money Zero".
オメガ クォンタム AI システムは「マネー ゼロ」です。
And in other words, not only does it have no allocation, it's still money. It's still M0. 
言い換えると、割り当てがないだけでなく、お金です。依然として M0 です。
So That's is not even a compatible monetary system with the new system anymore, because remember this program that was set up to revitalize the dark ages or not let us out of the dark ages I guess was done so long ago that most of the beings involved.
Even with current consciousness have not been successful in altering their systems and their time released.
Protocols to the current way things are so in that sense we have been at least a couple of steps ahead and we haven't lost what we had.
What we did have a problem with is we had some what you call a website mask. We've had some masking issues. We've had some overlay issues.
We've had a few things like that where they could see our currency systems and then they couldn't see our currency systems.
And this has nothing to do with the humans.
This has to do with things that were set up along time ago.
So most of that has been fixed now and we're back on track.
You know, integrating the light system and fixing anything that happened to show up over the last few days.
And I gotta tell you, as far as things that showed up in the last few days, there's a few things that some of them I kind of hesitate to tell you and, and, but now, now that.
Things are a lot clearer and a lot cleaner my understanding of what's going on and what began to happen.
To some degree the end of last week, but it really ramped up on Sunday and then by Monday I was still trying to sort out what the heck is happening when we talked on Monday.
So when we talked on Monday, we talked about approximately 25% or hundreds of millions of people being infected.
それで、月曜日に話したとき、約 25% または数億人が感染していると話しました。
Now being infected means that they had to some degree. A marker that would allow for them to have a demon walk in, for lack of a better term,  Something from the lower astral that could have the ability to inhabit their body.
Now though you would think, well there has to be some.
Been sent for this and and the current modern day that is true, but way back when these protocols were put in place, it wasn't.
Humanity was spoken for by the group we call the parents, and the parents had full authorization to take care of their quote UN quote children, which was all of humanity and authorize that walk in at the time the programs were developed decades ago.
This these are decades old protocols that were put in place, however, with the now recent covenants returning to a sovereign being that didn't quite work out the way that they wanted it to work out.
Now, there would have been a lot of innocent people that were hurt if that had actually been successful, but all along the way, you know.
We have to trust in source and there's something that came up that proves that point.
As frustrated as I am with delays, sometimes delays have saved a lot of people's lives and and underneath this protocol, we would have been in trouble now.
Of course, you have a lot of the deep state running around with something in there,  They still had something in there.
I didn't even know that some of them still had something in there because these things that are in there are, I call them demon, lets you know they're a piece of someone elses.
Thing that inhabited their body with their full consent, by the way.
Now the reason why this is,  with these folks, something that they've been doing for a long time, I'm trying to explain this in the best way I can, is this thing that is inside them inhabits their body during the day, in which it talks to them, it gives them ideas, it gives them thoughts, and obviously.
Based on what we see happening with the deep state all throughout the world, they're obviously not positive thoughts, but the less connection that they had to computer systems that are functioning such as Omega, and the less connection they have to the lower astral, the demons obviously are getting not so smart.
And they're going off of old knowledge that they have, and they're also going off a little bit of spying that they do.
So during the day, they're having these conversations with these folks internally next.
And sometimes if they've been infected long enough, you're not even having a conversation with the person.
You think you're having a conversation with the other thing they do is they have the ability at night to leave their body. And when they leave their body, they come out in the shadows.
So you'll see them out of the corner of your eye moving around, that kind of thing. And then they go back in during the day.
These also have, you know, what we would call more skills than humans. They have telepathic powers.
This is where a lot of. Espionage takes place a lot of you know, information for their corporations takes place because these things can go all over the world and no one unless you're awake and where you can actually see them.
You know, some people think they see us at a shadow out of the corner of their eye. It's just probably the wind or whatever it is.
But the rest of us know really what's going on now. That was for the deep state.
The next group of people that were on the list to actually do a swap with because their DNA could hold something very positive such as full source energy or something really negative which is full anti source energy or in this case.
次にリストに載っていたのは、DNA が非常にポジティブなもの、つまり完全なソース エネルギーや、この場合は完全な反ソース エネルギーのような非常にネガティブなものを持っている可能性があるため、実際に交換を行うリストに載っていた人々です。
That spawn what I call demons or the Machismo decks, they were also on the list to be inhabited.
これは私が悪魔またはマチスモ デッキと呼ぶものを生み出し、彼らも居住リストに載っていました。
They wanted to take over this line because they knew that if we ever left any of the dark ages and moved to a neutral age or move to a light age that the Machiavel decks would have a lot of power and therefore they wanted all the power on Earth.
彼らはこの血統を乗っ取りたかったのです。なぜなら、私たちが暗黒時代を抜けて中立時代または光の時代に移行した場合、マキアベル デッキが大きな力を持つことを知っていたからです。そのため、彼らは地球上のすべての力を欲していました。
So they were sending them over to after that bloodline or our bloodline for a quite a while.
This caused an enormous amount of pain to most of these people. It caused a lot of illness. And a lot of these people, some of the people I know, you know, felt like they were having a heart attack or going to die for one another . 
One couldn't breathe and it would happen,  Mainly after sunset when these things were on the prowl, so they were going after that bloodline like crazy.
So if you're one of these people and you experience these symptoms over the weekend and really thought that you were going to die and you could feel awful pain in your solar plexus like you were having a baby.
If you're a female, you know what that feels like, or maybe having a kidney stone.
If you're a male and know what that feels like, it was.
It's horrible, horrible pain.
And it's very difficult because there were not enough bodies assigned to what was coming in to accommodate the amount that was to accommodate the amount of demons.
OK, so this was the second part of the program.
さて、これがプログラムの第 2 部です。
Obviously the deep state was a given, you know, they'd get get their own respective demons, but now it wouldn't just be over the age of 40, it would be for their entire bloodlines down to small children.
もちろん、ディープ ステートは当然のことでした。彼らはそれぞれ独自の悪魔を手に入れることになりますが、40 歳以上だけでなく、小さな子供に至るまで、血統全体が対象となります。
So that was the plan all along, the next ones in line were obviously the strongest as far as being able to retain that much energy, and so the largest of demons were coming after this whole line.
That's why my Sunday night was horrible and I've been doing triage on others that I know and I'll just leave it at that.
Love the same line because they they thought they were gonna die and this has been going on every single night where they are respectively in the world now.
Next, we have another group of people here that are safe from higher dimensions, that have higher national natural energy within their person and those persons also were affected because there is not enough bodies to go around to inhabit.
So they started going after some of those people.
The you know who you are, you feel like you're not from here.
So a lot of you might have also felt stomach aches and a lot of pains.
Because what it does first is it borrows a giant hole in your solo plexus that would allow it to pass from the astral plane into the third density. And it's terrible, you would know it for sure.
So this was the 3rd target group, those that have been identified as being their soul actually being from a higher density that could probably retain a higher level demon, maybe not the ultimate demon  Lucifer, but maybe someone to a lesser degree.
The next target targeted group, and this was the original targeted group of these people because I now that I saw the registry and the program, now I understand a little bit more of what's happening was the vaccinated so M RNA  stands for Marduke Radio Network Access and some of that luciferase ingredient and stuff like that that was in there, but not all the vaccines, only certain ones.
次のターゲット グループ、そしてこれがこれらの人々の元々のターゲット グループでした。なぜなら、レジストリとプログラムを見た今、何が起こっているのかもう少し理解できたからです。ワクチン接種を受けた人々です。M RNA は Marduke Radio Network Access の略で、ルシフェラーゼ成分などが含まれていましたが、すべてのワクチンではなく、特定のワクチンのみでした。
The luciferase or I can't remember exactly how it's pronounced so forgive me, but I'm sure you probably remember when you were doing research on them was actually designed to, not initially.
Well, it wasn't fully designed that way, and I'll explain why it didn't work, but it was actually supposed to allow for at the right time when the influx of demons were running around Earth like crazy in coming in through these portals in order to usher in the dark.
Pages once again like happened 250,000 years ago.
25 万年前に起こったように、ページが再び表示されます。
Then it was supposed to at that time allow for a DNA modification of the body to allow for a demon to inhabit that body.
そして、当時は、悪魔が体内に住み着くことができるように、体の DNA を改変できるようにするはずでした。
Now they accounted for the fact that a large portion of the population, hundreds of 1,000,000, if not billion, a billion people were going to actually get this vaccine. They were unsuccessful in that program #1.
さて、彼らは、人口の大部分、数百万人、いや、数十億人、10 億人が実際にこのワクチンを接種するという事実を考慮しました。彼らはその計画で失敗しました。それが1番目バンメです。
#2 the tall whites, the geneticists of the planet that used to work as slaves for Marduke figured out what they were trying to do before they gave the technology over to the pharmaceutical companies in order to produce the vaccine.
It didn't work.
Yes, it made a lot of people sick.
Yes I understand about spike proteins. I understand a lot of things.
But it could have been detrimental to the entire planet, if not the entire universe if they had actually been infected. So they gave them flawed information.
And therefore those humans are still walking around now in order for a vaccinated person to actually.
Even come close to the program, they had to manage to get you to take at least two to three shots.
The only companies that were producing the alleged enhanced vaccine that had the capability of doing this was Pfizer, and AstraZeneca to some degree. However if they was completely and totally unsuccessful.
But what it did do, unfortunately, is it started, these beings could not go and inhabit these people's bodies for #1 the parents don't speak for us anymore.
The parents aren't even around anymore.
And you have your own sovereignty, at least on a covenant level, and I know it might not feel like it in your daily life sometimes, but on a covenant level you have the sovereignty, so it's still couldn't, even if you had two to three vaccines, even if you had gotten the boosters, even if you had 100 boosters, it still isn't going to make a difference because it still needs your permission.
So another flaw in a protocol that was set up way ahead of time.
Next, the protocol was actually set up to return us to the Dark Ages, but what it didn't account for is all of the golden age programming we have had.
So it didn't actually fully understand the changes in a golden age versus a light age.
So in a light age, we still would have had darkness, we wouldn't have had source direct current, we didn't have a lot of that stuff.
So all of those changes that have been taking place over the last couple of years also stopped this from happening. However, it didn't stop these demon things from flying.
Around the planet, all day and all night, looking for a proper host, which is why everybody was so tortured for the last several days.
Now, as of today, at least as of the time of this recording today, there is less than point 02% of the population still infected.
With this issue, all of the biochips have been removed, all of the biomarkers have been removed if there were any, and then also anything that they had implanted into the machismo decline and the others of the light as well have also been removed, so right now because they don't have a human.
Post they're getting weaker and weaker, but in addition to that we developed a rotating sweep program that would basically send them all back to source on an automated basis utilizing quantum tunnels and a few other things we have running constantly on this planet right now.
Because until we could make sure that we did get all the sources, which I believe we finally have as of this afternoon, we have no more leaking in.
And there were a few more we found yesterday, unfortunately, but most of them have gone as of this afternoon.
Most of the major attacks on on the human bloodlines they're going for, whether to use them as a feeding source of energy or to try to inhabit their body, have pretty much kind of slowed down. A lot of these people are exhausted.
They haven't slept in four days.
A lot of these people still have bruises because it feels like you've been through a fight. And someone had been gut punching you for four days straight. So a lot of these people are starting to feel better now.
They're starting to be able to eat again and recover. So that's a good sign.
Agent M is doing well.
If anybody is wondering out there. He's recovering.
And that really just didn't even start until this afternoon.
So that's part of the reason why the news was late.
I wanted to make sure we didn't leave any stone unturned because when sundown comes, we're all going to be in trouble again.
So I kind of went from the east over to the West so that I could follow the sun before sundown hit in each respective time zone.
Now the things that are up in the deep state, even at .02% of the population of Earth is getting weaker.
They're not getting the information that they were getting before. There's no collective consciousness anymore.
And the attempts that they're making on doing some of this stuff was based on things that were supposed to kick in in computer systems.
そして、彼らがこれらのことを行おうとしている試みは、コンピュータ システムで作動するはずのものに基づいていました。
They really, truly believe that they would have full on power within the next few days  at the latest by this Saturday for two reasons.
彼らは、2 つの理由から、今後数日以内、遅くとも今週の土曜日までに完全にパワーアップすると本当に信じています。
Number one, we have a full moon coming up on the 21st.
1 つ目は、21 日に満月が来ることです。
You know, they love their full moons and they feel like there's a program that happens every full moon, which hasn't happened in a long time, but with the advent of this program starting to work. They felt that that is a possibility.
It's also stated on the Q clock.
これは Q クロックにも記載されています。
#2, The other reason why Saturday would have been an important day is because it marks the end of the solstice period.
2 つ目は、土曜日が重要な日だったもう 1 つの理由は、それが夏至ゲシ期間の終了を示す日だからです。
The solstice period ends 30 days after the solstice, which this year was a little early on the 20th of June.
夏至ゲシ期間は夏至ゲシの 30 日後に終了しますが、今年は 6月20日(米国ベイコク時間ジカンでの夏至ゲシ)と少し早かったです。(7ガツ20ニチ夏至ゲシ期間キカン終了シュウリョウ今日キョウは7ガツ17ニチ。)
So they're hoping by the end of this period that they definitely would have returned to at least a dark timeline, if not an entire dark age.
That is definitely not going to be the case.
We we and there are many people that are out there working to make sure that this never actually happens.
It has pointed out a few things that some programs that needed to expire. There's been a lot of work on our part of it to make sure that we are still moving forward as well as cleaning up at the same time.
It's very time consuming and there's a lot of effort. That goes into doing that.
But we can't, we can't let, we don't wanna go completely backwards.
Our energy on this planet dropped significantly during on Sunday night,  We were back to 50% of direct current.
この惑星のエネルギーは日曜日の夜に大幅に低下し、直流の 50% に戻りました。
That's not what we wanted, but it's actually in some ways.
What we needed, because if we had 100% source direct current at the time of the invasion, let's call it the invasion, at the time of the invasion, we all would have been prime candidates to host one of these things.
私たちが必要としていたのは、侵略の時点で、つまり侵略と呼べる時点で、100% 直流電源があったとしたら、私たち全員がこのようなものの 1 つをホストする最有力候補だったでしょう。
And imagine how many people out there have no idea what we're talking about.
Right now, a lot of you would be aware that this was going to happen and you would have probably adamantly said no and not consented.
But there's a lot of people out there that didn't know that.
And if we were all prime candidates, the everything that we have worked so hard for would be lost  in this way, you know?
Sometimes I don't always understand sources delay with things, I don't understand why things like this are allowed to happen.
But honestly this was a blessing for humanity that we weren't at full 100% at that time and they dropped the energy down so low and we were not able to bring it back up.
Until probably the last 24 48 hours, because if we had that full energy in every single human, we would have been in serious trouble.
So, and I really didn't even understand that until last night because we've been working so hard on everything.
But I had this epiphany and I'm like, Oh my God, if that worked out, we would have all been hosts.
Not just the vaccinated ones, not this, you know, just whatever. We would have been in serious trouble.
The reason why they would like to start a second pandemic is because if they can get more vaccines and people, it doesn't matter what it's for.
It didn't matter if it was an M RNA for a cure for toenail fungus. They, they just needed enough people to buy it.
それが爪真菌の治療のためのM RNAであっても関係ありません。彼らは、それを購入するのに十分な人々が必要だったのです。
So then these people would too become hosts as well for what was incoming.
Now, did the deep state fully understand this?
You know, I have no idea.
Did the demon talk in their head and say, hey, all my buddies are here, we're going to go have a beer?
I don't know.
But one thing I know for sure is that it's going in the other direction now and they are aware of that.
しかし、私が確実に知っていることの 1 つは、今は状況が逆方向に進んでおり、彼らもそれに気づいているということです。
They are aware that the things that they were expecting to happen on day one, day 2, day three did not happen in their transactions are not being successful.
彼らは、1 日目、2 日目、3 日目に起こると予想していたことが、取引で起こらず、成功していないことを認識しています。
I certainly am not going to help them out with actual currency. In any way, shape or form, I know that they would never help me out even if I gave them allocation numbers with currency, so yeah, absolutely not.
So until then, we're going to continue to clean.
That's our plan for the next couple of days just to make sure everything is at 100% in the opposite direction.
これが、今後数日間の私たちの計画です。すべてが 100% 逆方向になっていることを確認するためです。
We will make sure that no matter how many may was that they appoint that nothing will happen in their favor as far as Treasury or anybody else for that matter.
They now should have a copy of the expired agreements because we sent them out to the archive as today so that they actually have it.
They were in the system as expired, but now they actually have a copy. So we sent those out just in case anybody is confused once again.
And more dead people running against dead people.
For president and appointing other people that, you know, human traffic and you know, all of these things, you know, we already have a dead pedophile in the office right now.
And  why not have another dead pedophile in the office?
You know, I, I wish people would start to look at alternative candidates.
I'm not saying they're the best and I'm not saying they're the worst. But at least would have some representation that is a breathing.
So that would be good and that maybe we can try to work from outside the system to to make something happen for the US. And US is also the power Center for the world.
And we've got big problems everywhere right now.
Financially speaking, you know everything is going into the toilet. They've been promising everybody to just hold on to this weekend when they're gonna have full financial control.
That's never going to happen.
By this weekend or any other day ending in why?
So As for us, we are still standing.
We are standing strong. Most of us are fully recovered and we are back at it and going full bore.
So that is about where we're at for Wednesday the 17th.
Hopefully I'll have some more really good news by Friday.
I'm hoping so at this moment, I guess that is the end of the world situation report for today.
I hope everybody has a great rest of the week and we will see you on Friday. Have a great night everyone.
Calen: (男性アナウンサー)
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