2024年07月12日(金曜) キンバリーの動画翻訳
And now the World Situation Report with Kimberly Gogan from the Office of the Guardian.
Several countries are calling, desperate for liquidity, but they seem to just want it all for free again.
And Europe is predicting a serious disruption in the European Central Bank as early as next week.
All this and more in today's World Situation report.
Now here's the World Situation Report with Kimberly Gogan from the Office of the Guardian.
Well, good evening if you're here in the US I apologize for the news being so late today.
I wasn't even sure I was going to make it.
And I'll go into that a little bit and kind of explain to you what what happens sometimes, but first a little bit of regular news.
So I talked about someone that I was having conversations with and what we could possibly do together.
We did have a conversation.
I did some explaining about who I am, what I do, that type of thing, and I sent a lot of information over.
Some of that information was very old codes that haven't worked in years, just to see what would happen.
Well, it doesn't appear that this particular person was directly involved, but it appears that everybody that's on his phone,  is directly involved because after that they spent all night long hacking no surprise there.
But again this just goes to show you because most of these people were Pentagon and and kind of around there let's just say and it just goes to show you that you know everybody wants something from me.
But nobody wants to actually perform a function for us, and by us here I mean the people.
I mean where, you know, I could certainly put out liquidity everywhere right now, but what is that going to do for us, the people?
No, nothing.
Absolutely nothing happened.
Positive for anyone listening to this right now.
Any other time I had put out money in the past and that has to change. There has to be some accountability here.
Um, next, other phone calls that we received, Russia, China, South Africa, Vietnam, Laos, Indonesia, Philippines, all of them looking for a way to manage their own currency.
Now those system I was systems I was describing to you earlier this week were definitely backing all of BRICS.
That has become abundantly clear and the BRICS alleged new currencies and the BRICS alleged new allocation numbers and all those types of things you hear about.
All the new BRICS, partners, all of that was tied to an assignment that I had done to Russia many years ago, probably in 20, probably around 2012 as well, 20/12/2013 So that too has expired.
And so of course when that system went away, everything had gone away.
At that time, I know that Putin, who was still alive at the time, was using that to go around and do a lot of negotiating with Saudi Arabia and a number of other countries based on this very large amount same thing with China.
And then they had credit lines off of this facility, which they've had out there I guess for a few years, which was authorized by someone that is no longer with us and therefore they can't seem to get it back.
That trade facility, tied to the United Nations and the Office of International Treasury Control, had a lot more impact and a lot quicker than I had actually expected. We also are seeing issues happening in Australia as well. 
for those of you that don't know the one of the three people I described earlier this week, again it was Wednesday. From Thailand was actually telling people that he was majority owner of the Australian Reserve Bank and that all the gold there was his and those types of things.
And no, it had to do with some assignments I had done a long time ago, when all of these things started faltering.
Now Australia is on shaky ground.
We're also getting reports out of Europe that the European Central Bank could start to falter as early as the beginning of next week.
They too are hanging on, waiting for some promised funds to come in.
I think they believe that those funds are going to come in through insert deep state name here, whether that's coming from China or the US or wherever they think it's coming from.
But again, they have failed to reactivate that platform, although God bless them today they tried.
Really, really hard. And I believe they're trying really, really hard as we speak, actually.
But no, also there is a rumor going around that the global headquarters folks have received new, new codes today and exchange for another payday that has passed.
I believe that those codes were issued by the Rothschild family, but I'm not entirely sure I'm looking for that information now.
I think the reason why this was done is because, again, everybody is fighting to control the planet and to control everybody else, and they want to go ahead and make agreements with them, you know?
Who's gonna work for who and that type of thing, And none of this is working out.
You know.You can't express to you the amount of who's on top this week game that is being played behind the scenes, but yet nobody is actually on top over there.
Nobody actually performs, but it gives them, you know, three or four days, maybe a week or so of fame before everybody figures out that oh, this is just another lie.
So, That being said, this will all probably erupt by Monday.
But that's not really the reason why I'm late for the news.
This, this is all things that have happened over the course of the last couple of days.
I mean, we're definitely seeing countries in a full on panic.
We're seeing banks in a full on panic.
Everybody still wants to be on top and they don't want to talk to me because if they talk to me, then they know that's probably not the case.
And when somebody asks that question again today, you know, I have to give the following answer.
I'm sorry. You know, if you own your own company, then you know what I'm talking about.
So you own a company and you make widgets.
In this case we're talking about governments, and somebody else wants to come in at a different widget making factory and say to you that I would like to merge our two companies and become partners.
この場合、私たちは政府のことを話していますが、別の部品製造工場に誰かが来て、私たちの 2 つの会社を合併してパートナーになりたいと言っています。
Well, that's not really what they want to do here.
They want to actually do a hostile takeover of everything I have, but let's just say they presented as a quote UN quote partnership.
Now if it's a partnership, then you would probably do an assessment of their financial statements.
You would see how much they have on account, like you know how many, how much in sales?
They do when they sell their widgets, what their profitability is like, and you'd want to assess their management too. You would want to see that they were managing everything properly.
You know, like you think you are with your own company over here and and you know, you're a very profitable.
You've been in business for a long time and now widget making number two wants to be your best friend, and go into a even a 50 50 partnership when their company you defined out later is fully bankrupt.
あなたは長い間ビジネスをしてきましたが、ウィジェット製造のナンバー2はあなたの親友になりたがり、後で定義した彼らの会社が完全に破産したときに、50 50のパートナーシップを結ぼうとしています。
Nobody is managing anything correctly. Their public relations department at this point is in the toilet.
誰も何も適切に管理していません。 この時点で彼らの広報部門は失敗しています。
And nobody over there is performing any kind of function that actually makes the quote UN quote employees happy. (This is) Number one. 
そして、あそこでは誰も、いわゆる「国連」の従業員を実際に満足させるような機能を果たしていません。 (これが) ナンバー1です。
number two, there been , you know, robbing Peter to pay Paul now for a few years and a bunch of fake credit lines. They've also committed bank fraud on a high level.
And this is supposed to be your widget making partner, you know, in in this factory here.
And they're going to come to you and they're going to tell you that they feel more competent than you to manage your resources.
You know, they come in and say, well you know, we're willing to merge our companies, but we really need to be in charge of all your accounting, your books, your bank.
You're going to look at them probably like they have 4 heads and possibly a green body or something because that makes no business sense whatsoever.
So why would I?
Why would I do that?
You know, at this point, why would I do that?
Why would I partner with these people who clearly are very manipulative?
They lie, they cheat, they steal.
They're pretty good at that.
They're also pretty good at murdering people, you know, that go against them.
They're also pretty good at suppressing.
Technologies that could help with our health and you know, the way we move about the, the planet and all kinds of things.
They've suppressed all that too.
So but I, I'm not getting where the partnership what's, what's my benefit here. and thus far, nobody can provide me with a benefit other than when I give you little.
Tiny bits of information, you take it and run with it like it's gold.
Now, if you think for one red hot second I sent this person anything that I wouldn't have sent, I'm for.
Haven't even said on the news or showed you pages of here and there over the years, that kind of thing,  of course I did not.
You know, why would anybody do that?
You know, right now I have a it's like saying, calling up a bank hacking company, you know, and saying, hey, you know, you're the hacker is the ones that are stole all that money from, you know, XYZ bank last week.
I just wanted to know if you'd like to have my debit card information, possibly my Social Security number.
And then also, if you'd like my bank account number, I can give you that along with the routing number and any other information you need to steal my retirement, you know, or whatever I have on deposit.
Because, you know, I just wanted to make it a little easier for you to do that rather than trying to go around the long way. Are you kidding me right now?
Said no one ever, you know, if you believe that I have an inheritance in Nigeria for you, you know, it's ridiculous and what's happening.
So more and more I understand that that there's a liquidity problem, but we how do I say this nicely?
OK so currently I make widgets and my widget at this moment is the currency of gold.
It's the new currency that's on the planet that has overridden at least code wise and most banking systems around the world.
That's my widget that I make and I have countries calling saying that they would like to have my widgets.
OK, I completely understand you'd like to have my widgets, but they would like me to send them, you know, crates or, you know, say pallets full of widgets and and say thank you very much.
And then not only that, they would like to run their own widgets from said country.
They would like me to just hand over the keys for them to issue their own currency of gold right out the gate now.
No. You haven't managed currency ever before, at least not in well over 100 years, All of you.
That's number one.
Number two, even before that we had the Treasuries, and even before we had the treasuries, we had banks that acted as treasuries.
And those are global institutions such as JP Morgan, Citibank, you know, if you were Russia with Citibank, if you were China, it was, you know, Bank of China.
Those are all managed by somebody else. And not the people they think that managed it either.
It wasn't even the deep state that managed it.
The deep state followed orders and instructions as to what to do to manipulate the world using money.
That's it.
You know, do these families still exist?
Are they genetic shareholders of any of these banks?
Well, maybe on paper, maybe the banks believe it, but actually that's not the case anymore.
It's not even in their operating systems anymore and it's not ratified in as an agreement either, so but they still want to listen to these people.
So you go listen to those people.
You go try to make more fake money that you know, will so you can lie to the entire world and cheat every government in the world again, you know, go ahead.
And that's what you're trying to do as I'm talking right now. You know it's.
I don't know, you know, I give up on them and as far as you guys are concerned, I I probably would.
Think about doing that too, as far as savings and working with or without banks, preparations are being made to actually do that to where we could, if need be, issue our own cards or figure out, you know, by ATM machines, by the dozens.
貯蓄や銀行との協力、あるいは銀行なしでの協力についても考えてみてください。実際にそれを実行する準備が整い、必要に応じて独自のカードを発行したり、ATM マシンで数十台を処理できるようになりました。
For every country, if we need to, we could even figure out a way to print our own currency.
It would cost a few $100,000 to do all that, but that's not that bad and I'm sure we could get somebody to do that if need be.
But anyway, the point is we really have to start looking at this as a business partnership.
とにかく、重要なのは、これをビジネス パートナーシップとして見始めなければならないということです。
And I want all of you to take a moment and think about that.
Do you want to get back into business with these people?
Are there some benefits to it?
Because the world knows that company name, right, the United States or?
China Republic of China or you know, the Russian Federation, whatever it is, you know, people know that name. It's a known company name even though the company is bankrupt right now.
I mean, could we use the company name to do something positive in the world?
You know, it's how much is the name worth and if that is the case, we need different management because the management that's there is not working so all things to take into consideration honestly.
But we would have to pick the management at that point, you know, we would have to basically say, look, you know, your company name is worth something to me, but you know, we're not willing to take you on as management and they're not willing to step down as management.
So we're kind of in a, in a little bit of a Mexican standoff, if you will.
You know neither one of us is willing to move so But I'm also not in their position either.
You know, where where we make we actually make some sound decisions when it comes to not overextending yourself and that kind of thing, you know, to the best of our ability.
So OK, I'm going to give you a little bit of information about what's happened today.
That is the real problem. Give you an idea of what the base root problem is.
But I can't give you full details at this moment because I'm not sure if we finished it all off completely.
So this is more on a higher level of things, meaning, you know, people that would be aware this was happening would be your SSP folks, you might see some.
これはより高次の問題です。つまり、これが起こっていることに気付いているのは、皆さんの SSP の人たちでしょう。皆さんも何人か目にするかもしれません。
Global headquarters, barely, maybe some family members, some of those people kind of thing that might be vaguely aware of what happened, but clearly these people think this is a positive thing.
And I took a look, I guess the Q clock expired last night and then it rolled back over for another 10 days and now it basically tells us that it's going to do a full sweep, incoming alert, incoming dimension shift.
そして、私が調べたところ、Q クロックは昨夜期限が切れ、その後 10 日間ロールオーバーし、基本的に完全なスイープ、警報の到来、次元シフトの到来を告げています。
The sweep is coming now either.
These people are one of two things.
これらの人々は 2 つのうちの 1 つです。
Based on what happened today, either they are the most evil human beings that ever walked the planet or the stupidest.
And there's no in between for these people because they somehow used to get information from somewhere that something was going to happen now.
Let's just say they're the stupidest people.
When Marduke was around, I used to watch him answer the phone and actually at one point physically in front of their face, watch him answer the phone for what I call those people.
This would be your Order of the Black Sun folks, and this would be your Rothchild folks.
And you know your the families that you know the names of and some of them you don't.
These folks here would call and they'd give them some line of whatever and then hang up the phone. And they knew they were lying.
They used him take bets amongst each other, you know, for who was going to tell the most amount of lies and have the humans believe them.
And so either these people our stupidest humans on the planet and still believe that line or they are just pure evil.
Either way, The best way I can explain this to you without causing a problem for us is.
Some beings, as I had told you before, have the ability to make a consciousness transfer, meaning they can even split their consciousness.
In the hundreds of little pieces, and put it in any universe anywhere, any dimension, any pocket of time, anywhere in the universe, and operate them all simultaneously. And I have been feverishly hunting down any of their consciousness that I can find anywhere.
So it's almost like if somebody blew your body apart into 1000 molecular pieces, and then each molecular piece went in a different direction somewhere in the universe. and yet, you have a centralized operating system for all those pieces called your consciousness.
つまり、誰かがあなたの体を 1000 個の分子片に吹き飛ばし、それぞれの分子片が宇宙のどこかで異なる方向に向かったようなものです。それでも、あなたには意識と呼ばれる、それらのすべての断片を集中的に操作するオペレーティング システムがあります。
So therefore your legs could be walking on Mars and maybe your head is, you know, here on Earth, and maybe your arms are over there, but they all perform similar functions like you were still all one piece.
したがって、あなたの足は火星を歩いている可能性があり、頭は地球上にあるかもしれませんし、腕はあちらにあるかもしれませんが、それらはすべて、あなたがまだ 1 つの断片であるかのように同様の機能を実行します。
And this is what these beings have the ability, not humans, but these beings have the ability to do.
And they're granted that ability by at one point in time many years ago by anti source.
So hunting down all these little molecular pieces of consciousness everywhere has been extremely painful.
Because even though you get one group of it, one bunch of it, one thing stuck in a computer system somewhere, it doesn't mean it's not operating from the 9th density of the ninth plane or the 8th plane of the lower astral somewhere.
たとえ、意識の 1 つのグループ、1 つの束、1 つのものがどこかのコンピューター システムに詰まっていても、それが第 9 次元の第 9 密度またはどこかの下層アストラルの第 8 次元から動作していないということではありません。
And there's just a speck of it and you've got to go find it. And it's very frustrating for me.
But I'm sure this is like winning a war by attrition for these folks because, you know, they figure if they just keep us going and going and going, you know, they'll wear us down eventually.
But that's not the case, we're very resourceful on our side and we keep fighting the good fight.
But when that consciousness is still active, even if it's just one particle of that consciousness, but still active.
しかし、その意識がまだ活動している場合、たとえそれがその意識の 1 つの粒子であっても、まだ活動しています。
It's still going to take the orders and instructions from the main consciousness party, and even though 99% of the particles are gone, that one particle will still activate something, which then tries to activate something like an extinction.
依然としてメインの意識側からの命令や指示を受け、粒子の 99% が消えても、その 1 つの粒子がまだ何かを活性化し、それが絶滅のようなものを活性化しようとします。
Program on Earth, for example, and the rest of the people, if it's not the SSP that's running this queue thing, the rest of the people all thought, yay, money's coming, money's not coming, you're all going to die today if nobody did anything because so some speck of consciousness is somewhere in the universe.
たとえば、地球上のプログラムと残りの人々、このキューのことを運営しているのが SSP でなければ、残りの人々は皆、やった、お金が来る、お金が来ない、誰も何もしなければ今日みんな死ぬ、なぜなら意識のかけらが宇宙のどこかにあるから、と考えていました。
That you have to hunt down and find before everything erupts here on this planet.
You know, and the, and sometimes you know, the frustration level gets really high and sometimes it takes all day and sometimes it takes all night.
I can't stress to you enough that I can't give more information at this moment because if they find it, if there is something out there, and If they manage to connect to something, what could they trip because they really don't understand what they're connecting to.
#2. It became apparent that there were a couple of communication posts left on this planet where they were getting standing order information.
Through this consciousness, somehow, someway, those have been eliminated, at least the ones that I could find thus far.
And hopefully this information will stop about these crazy quantum flips and whatever they're talking about on this Q clock, because they're basically talking about us all dying.
I don't know if they know that, and quite frankly, they're stupid president or fake dead guy that they want to put in an office.
Doesn't really mean a whole lot at this point if there's no American citizens and there's no citizens on the planet.
What are you going to be running?
I mean, what?
There's nobody to follow you, There's no souls for you to leverage. There's no nothing for you to do at that point if we're all wiped out.
But you clearly knew that there was going to be some kind of a sweep, did you?
Were you told by this computer system that they were just going to sweep?
Bad guys away.
No, it was everybody.
Why do you believe anything that comes from a black screen made of black plasma with green plasma writing?
Why do you believe this?
I just don't get it.
I mean, clearly it's black plasma, now, black plasma would infer that you're reading something virtually on antimatter at this point, or dark matter, as you call it, which means it comes from a dark place.
And then you get on YouTube and wherever else you go and you start talking about God and Jesus. And saying prayers for people.
Get over yourselves, people.
I mean, really, this is ridiculous. 
but anyway, the point is, is that I'm hoping. And I'm going about to go back and check here as soon as I'm done giving you a little bit of an update here.
But I'm hoping that this is has been cleaned up.
It's been about 15 hours so far of doing this.
これまでこれを 15 時間ほど行っています。
And we'll see what happens tonight.
Hoping, you know, I can get, you know, as soon as obviously, you know, they figure out that those codes don't work, they're going to be going a little bit. 
D tonight too, so If you're finding you were feeling off, feeling sick, feeling weird today, off and on like it was common, it would go and it would come and it would go.
今夜も D です。今日、気分が悪くなったり、気分が悪くなったり、変な感じがしたり、よくあるように断続的に感じたり、出たり出たりしていたとしたら、それは消えたり出たりしていました。
This is probably the reason for that.
But hopefully by, you know, sometime next week, I can go and do a little more detail once I'm 100% sure that there's nothing they can try to hunt down to get some information from or you know, kick off some extermination program somewhere that exists and some other density.
Ohh, you know, I'm, I, I'm hoping, trust me, I can hear it, you know, in all of you, you know, when I see you on the chats and stuff, I'm hoping that this is over at just as much as you do, but you're fighting a war on multiple levels.
They're fighting a war with an enemy that doesn't even know what they're doing, what they're triggering.
Maybe, maybe not. Maybe they're just flat out evil and they're think they're going to be God's on another planet somewhere or something?
I'm not sure but hopefully, hopefully soon.
I'm hoping so, but I am going to get back to this and make sure that nothing else is going to go off overnight tonight.
As I understand it, the risk could last up to three days, so I want to make sure that that's been cleared up and I wish you all a wonderful weekend and I will see you on Monday , hopefully with more details.
私の理解では、リスクは最大 3 日間続く可能性があるので、それが解消されていることを確認したいと思います。皆さんに素晴らしい週末をお過ごしいただきたいと思います。月曜日にお会いしましょう。できれば詳細をお伝えしたいと思います。
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Calen: (男性アナウンサー)
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