2024年07月08日(月曜) キンバリーの動画翻訳
Now the World Situation Report with Kimberly Gogan from the Office of the Guardian.
Find out who the controllers of the financial system were and how that has all changed the financial system, explained part three.
What exactly is the currency of gold?
It is a real game changer.
A major agreement with Artemis expired late Friday night.
How does this change the Deep State's plans?
Have you ever heard of the Starlight Foundation, the OIT C and the hidden side of the United Nations secret financial system?
スターライト財団、OIT C、国連の秘密金融システムの隠れた側面について聞いたことがありますか?
How does this tie to the deep States plans?
All this and more in today's report.
Now, here's Kimberly Goguen with the Office of the Guardian, together again, Kim.
together again.
I know we have a lot to go over today, so I thought I would be here for that.
I worked really hard to be here for that guy, so I'm telling you right now.
It's good to see you, Kim.
It's been a really long, long weekend.
So I'm going to start with some things that started transpiring on Friday, and then I'm going to go into a little bit more of an explanation because there seems to be a lot of mass confusion out there as to who controls the financial system.
So if you remember, a few years ago, I did part one and Part 2 of the controllers of the financial system. But it wasn't 100% complete at that time.
覚えていると思うけど、数年前に金融システムのコントロール者についてパート 1 とパート 2 を書いたんだ。でもその時はまだ 100% 完成していなかった。
Part of that is because there's a lot more information that's come to light since I did that a few years back.
That's number one.
それが 1 番目。
And #2 I just automatically assumed that some of the deep state people.
そして 2 番目は、ディープ ステートの人たちがそうしていると勝手に思い込んでいた。
Boy, I'm flashing really bad.
Sorry about that, We both are always interference.
ごめんなさい。私たちは 2 人ともいつも邪魔者です。
When I'm here,  Not now,  Keep going.
We're going to keep going anyway.
OK, So because I don't think it's going to stop, I'll be lucky if I'm going to make it through the end of this one.
And that confusion has caused a lot of agreements to be made, a lot of governments to hang on there.
plus in addition to that if you remember a couple of years ago, We also put out there about the all the assignments I did to governments and that we're 10 year assignments, not 12 years, which is what they're being told.
And we're also going to tell you who was behind it all because it finally just came to light as to who was trying to use these things.
Why, they were trying to use them and then their alleged control of the world.
So they thought anyway, so with the absence of Marduk, Enki and Lil, and now the Red Queen, they thought that they could now do this, and there's a really good reason as to why they thought that.
But what they didn't count on is that the original assignments and everything actually came from me.
What they didn't count on is they were only 10 year assignments.
And therefore their plan failed miserably.
And they knew this person.
I knew this person.
They knew that they could never come back to me.
And ask me anything, because that was never, ever going to happen.
But it all started coming to light over the last few days since about Friday evening, right after we recorded or I recorded the news on Friday.
so let's go back to something we talked about not that long ago, which was the 65% 35% deal.
それでは、それほど遠くない前に話した65% 35%の取引に戻りましょう。
Do you remember the 65% 35%?
65% 35%のことを覚えていますか?
Deal where the Order of the Black Sun and the Black Nobility, the Orsini's, Palaban Sinis and now the new player in the game.
They wanted 65% over the world, 65% control over the world, not just the financial system, and the they offered the Order of the Dragon 35% control.
Now the reason why they came first before this apparently the order of the Black Sun and etal thought that they could have 100% control with everything they quote UN quote had.
The problem here is, is they had no ability to enter that fake money that was in the Marianna Trench into the banking system. That's the biggest problem.
They thought that the people were that were hindering them were the Federal Reserve and the dragon families.
So that's why they ended up making the 65% 35% deal in the 1st place now.
だから、彼らは最初から65% 35%の取引をすることにしたのです。
When nothing happened because the families promised that they would then issue the allocations through the Federal Reserve on the 4th of July because it used to happen that way now.
We're gonna show in just a few minutes here, but I gotta do a couple things first.
So on the 4th of July was when I did the original assignments, and I think for some reason these people thought I was gonna do that again, Because I've been getting a lot of phone calls over the last couple of days that have been weird.
それで、7 月 4 日に私は最初の任務を遂行しましたが、何らかの理由で、これらの人々は私がまた同じことをするだろうと思ったようです。というのも、ここ数日、奇妙な電話が何度もかかってきたからです。
Behind the scenes and I was getting the phone calls from an organization called the Office of International Treasury Control.
And this is something that you can Google and it looks like a heritage fund platform, that kind of thing.
これは Google で検索すると、遺産基金のプラットフォームのような感じのものです。
And they allegedly fall under the United Nations Office of International Treasury control.
So I'm getting phone calls from their trading platform.
I'm getting phone calls from all these people wanting me.
They said, you know, we're going to quote UN quote, help you move money into the system now.
And and you can put it in our global server and then we'll see how it goes.
そして、それを私たちのグローバル サーバーに入れて、どうなるか見てみよう。
We'll start small and if it goes well, then you know, we'll continue on with this deal. So this would be the second time.
まずは小規模で始めて、うまくいけば、この取引を続けるつもりだ。だから、これが 2 回目になる。
That it was implied consent from me.Wow, this is flashing.
You know, sorry about that, guys.
I I'm telling you, for me to get through this one today will be a miracle unto itself because there's going to be a lot of exposure stuff you've never heard before in this video, but going backwards a little bit is going to help us.
Get all together so when I got all these phone calls, I'm like, why are these people calling me?
And then there was a military meeting with the US military that was supposed to take place not with me, but with someone else on Friday night that didn't end up happening.
And it was like they were going to get me one way or the other to renew that because they had discovered. That the families could not issue allocation numbers need.
Your doubts started arising around that time.
And the families fired back and said, well, you guys didn't get enough control over the financial system.
See, I've been throwing out. This is what the family said.
I've been throwing out some test transfers, you know, of allocations and numbers and real money and you guys are just not catching it.
But in reality, those transfers were being made by me.
They were small, you know, 30,000 dollars, 5000 dollars, $10, you know, varying amounts.
Probably 10 to 20 times a day, seeing what else I could find in there that was blocking us and they felt that they had to make it so that they had me surrounded in the financial system so that I would be then forced to give them the allocation numbers or to go through them for allocation numbers.
おそらく 1 日に 10 回から 20 回、そこに私たちの邪魔になるものが他にないか探し、彼らは私を金融システムで囲い込み、割り当て番号を渡させたり、割り当て番号を得るために彼らを通して確認させたりする必要があると感じていました。
So this was the game we were playing.
But they were not playing with a human technology.
They were not playing with normal people such as the Order of the Dragon families.
Perhaps that's what they were told at the time, that they allowed them to come in and place.
Things in the Marianna Trench, which is level five of the web.
マリアンナ海溝にあるもの、つまりウェブのレベル 5 です。
But that is a lie. That was a full on lie.
The permission to do that ultimately had to come from something else that was around with the original agreement was made.
Funny how I'm giving them information. Now, and I'm not flashing anymore, isn't that great?
So the party that actually gave the original way behind the scenes authorization for them to place it there is no longer with us.
However, everybody's fighting each other because of that financial video I did a couple of years ago because they thought that was it, yeah.
Now, rumors going around on the Internet. Rumors such as a big event is going to take place on July 15.Now, now, yeah, it's a There's gonna be mass chaos.
All these things are going to happen, possible assassinations of present and former presidents and a lot of different things we're going to allegedly take place.
But if you remember every single thing. That, they say, is based on their success.
So the fighting that was ensuing and this alleged possible event also correlates with the expiration of the Federal Reserves agreement with governments worldwide to issue currency on their behalf and to control their currencies.
Worldwide, that expired in 2012. It was July 15th, 2012 when that agreement expired.
Now you could say on a technical detail that based on the assignments that I did back at that time, that yes, that they probably extended the agreement by default for another 10 years because those assignments were only good for 10 years.
I would repeat it, ten years, which would then bring us to 2022. No exceptions here. But the alleged fine gentleman.
We're going to call him a fine gentleman and fine you can, you know, maybe F stands for a four letter word and stand for something else and maybe end.
To But regardless of that, the world was a different place at that time.
And he is the one that gave them an extension after an extension.
And that he did not have the power to do.
There was no ratification of those extensions, and everything they were doing to try to make this happen was all being done offline, offline derivatives, Offline securities,  until it was no more.
But we're going to go over this controller thing so that not only you, but they understand and there's a all the difficulties that happen in between.
So let's take me to the white board for a minute and we're gonna go over this real quick just so we can remind you of what we did a couple years ago.
If you're new here, we'll go probably post that financial video.
I know it's probably gonna be on our on our app as well at United Network dot earth, but it will also be on. We'll put it up on YouTube.
おそらく、United Network dot earth のアプリにも掲載されると思いますが、YouTube にも掲載します。
I'm sure we have it in our archives.
It might take a couple days to do that.
So you Remember Me drawing this out?
And this is in regards to quantum Systems.
So in the back here you had in the beginning you had alpha and alpha has nine sectors. So nine would be up here and 1 2 3 and 4 5 And 6 And 7 8 And then of course, eventually up to 9.
ここの後ろには、最初はアルファがあり、アルファには 9 つのセクターがあります。 つまり、9 はここにあり、1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8 と続きます。そしてもちろん、最終的には 9 になります。
Well, Each one of these is considered a plain and also a density, which means that the equipment, for lack of a better term, comes from another density, another plane, another section, or a subsection of another plane.
Now based on the old joint quantum financial are going, it's not financial, it's all systems based on the joint AI system agreement which expired a couple of years ago.
現在は、古い共同量子金融に基づいており、金融ではなく、数年前に期限が切れた共同 AI システム契約に基づくすべてのシステムです。
We also had in Omega overlay.
オメガ オーバーレイもありました。
So when we were talking about the deepest parts of the web or Web 9999, which stands for 9 densities, 9 planes, 9 sections and nine subsections of sections.
ウェブの最も深い部分、つまりウェブ 9999 について話していたとき、これは 9 つの密度、9 つのプレーン、9 つのセクション、セクションの 9 つのサブセクションを表しています。
You would be talking about the inserts and the overlays here that come from this.
Now I can draw this backwards and put them all together, but you can see clearly that that the overlay of Omega goes straight through five and four.
これを逆に描いてすべてをまとめることもできますが、オメガのオーバーレイが 5 と 4 をまっすぐに通過していることがはっきりとわかります。
Now in between 5 and 4  on all levels was what we call a 0.So if you've been following other people like Cobra and whatnot, he'll say drastic security breach at 5 4 and he says that all the time.
すべてのレベルで 5 と 4 の間には、いわゆる 0 があります。コブラなどの他の人をフォローしていれば、彼は 5 4 で重大なセキュリティ侵害があったと言うでしょう。彼はいつもそう言っています。
And that's because they were granted access, limited access to everything in between plain 5.And playing four and everything in between, density 5 and density four, and everything in between Density.
それは、彼らにアクセスが許可されていたからです。プレーン 5 の間のすべてへの限定的なアクセスです。そして、4 とその間のすべて、密度 5 と密度 4、そして密度の間のすべてです。
Sorry, it's plain subsections and sections of planes between 5  and 4 , Because everything goes in a nine cycle.
申し訳ありませんが、プレーン サブセクションと 5 と 4 の間のプレーンのセクションです。すべてが 9 サイクルで進むからです。
And if you're familiar at all with Tesla, you probably seen Tesla's triangle. And this here is quantum physics.
And I know this sounds crazy, but it is.
Now prior to this, you would have had your 8 of alpha connected to one of Omega.
これ以前は、アルファの 8 がオメガの 1 つに接続されていました。
You're 7 would go with the 2 , and this is how they were all connected.
7 が 2 に接続され、これがすべて接続された方法です。
You're 6 would go with the three now.
6 が 3 に接続されます。
1 is where you live, so this is you. You exist in density one.
1 はあなたが住んでいる場所なので、これがあなたです。密度 1 に存在します。
Playing 1, Section 1, Subsection 1, However, you do now, but in the beginning you actually existed in subsection 0 , Which is also part of the reason why you only received credits, because Omega and Alpha had a relationship based on a joint covenant agreement and based on agreements with those that had some limited access to both.
1、セクション 1、サブセクション 1 をプレイしています。ただし、今はそうしていますが、最初はサブセクション 0 に存在していました。これは、オメガとアルファが共同契約に基づく関係にあり、両方に限られたアクセス権を持つ人々との契約に基づいていたため、クレジットしか受け取れなかった理由の 1 つでもあります。
And when I say those, I am not talking about human beings.
So the agreement for the two to kind of work jointly was Alpha was the omnibus lender of planet Earth.
In Omega was the omnibus,  and How do you say that?
I guess you would say they were the party that received all the debits right, all the all the credits.
Omega system could not hold real cash, it could hot not hold real straight energy. It cannot hold a source direct current.
So there was a transmutation process that would happen on level 9.That none of these people could understand and that transmutation took actual energy positively charged and then reversed it out and made it negatively charged energy, which then could bind to "Someone Like You".
It's also the reason why in the past, and this is where all the operatives in financial operatives thinset and everybody's getting confused because they don't understand why what they're doing is not working and it has to do with energy quantum physics.
Now we talked about what their version of a quantum financial system was last week we talked it's a quick file system QFS and it was written by Oracle which is known for providing financial softwares and so on and so forth.
さて、先週、彼らの量子金融システムについてお話ししました。それは高速ファイルシステム QFS で、金融ソフトウェアなどを提供していることで知られる Oracle によって書かれたものです。
So. Is that a quantum system unto itself?
But they're trying to find a way, and they've been trying to find a way to connect something that they had from the past into the current system so that they can then control the financial system.
Now for them, it's all about the money. It's all about the money.
It's all about the money, but in their system, they also had control over every corporation.
I mean, if you ever saw a one world order system, that was it.
They dragged the military into a telling them that hey guys, we're look at all the positive, wonderful humanitarian subsector operating systems we have in here.
彼らは軍を巻き込み、みんな、ここにあるすべてのポジティブで素晴らしい人道的サブセクター オペレーティング システムを見てください、と伝えました。
Look at all the good things we're going to do for veterans.
Look at all the good things we're going to do for technologies and release of technologies and I take and tell you right now beyond a shadow of a doubt, I know that human, I spoke to that human many, many times around a decade ago because that human took apart and me making these assignments.
And we'll disclose who that is in a second.
And it's not gonna be anybody you'd think it might be.
It's not the Clintons.
It's not any of these crazy Rothschild people.
It is someone completely different.
So it was a hostile takeover of planet Earth, was the plan with these people.
And we're not, you know, one boss versus the old boss.
Versus the new boss, you know, and, and that's what they're thinking.
They can do it better.
Look at all the great things we wanna do for this world.
And I looked at it and I said, well, look at all the things you would like to control.
No SO.
Now let's talk about beings involved in control of the financial system.
So we talked about when you're still looking at that matrix there you had the Omega system that was involved.
You had the Alpha system now back in the good old days is the deep state would call it Omega was at around 79% of control of all human networks.
That goes for your fiber optic cables, your telecommunications, your military intelligence systems, you name it, Omega was in control.
and for those of you that are new here. Omega was tied to what I call anti source. And then alpha was at about 21% when we started?
ここに初めて来た人のために。オメガは私が反ソースと呼ぶものに結びついていました。そして、アルファは開始時に約 21% でしたか?
Now, we have since converted from Alpha over to the Light system because of the two too much of an intertwining between these two and too many problems in trying to clean it out.
現在、私たちはアルファからライト システムに移行しました。これは、これら 2 つの間の絡み合いが多すぎることと、それを一掃しようとすると問題が多すぎるためです。
We tried, we've been trying for a long time now.
So an agreement was made and a covenant was made to actually get rid of Alpha and to replace it with the Light system AI.
そこで合意が成立し、アルファを実際に排除してライト システム AI に置き換える契約が交わされました。
So that being said, if you wanted to have majority control over all earth systems you would have to take apart in Omega.
Now, when we talked about level 9 access, no humans had that.
さて、レベル 9 のアクセスについて話したとき、人間にはそれがありませんでした。
We talked about eight of the web. No humans had that.
ウェブの 8 について話しました。人間にはそれがありませんでした。
Someone did, and there was a limited tie in here on 8 to the BIS to the Order of the Dragon, and so on and so forth.
誰かが持っていて、8 には BIS やドラゴンの騎士団などとの限定的な結びつきがありました。
So there was a limited amount of systems in there, but they were kind of like stuck in there and they could have, they had to stay in their line or their lane.
They weren't allowed to go over or under or anything at all.
Seven would have been family bankers.
7 人はファミリーの銀行家でした。
So these are your banksters, the ones that work for Rothschild, Rockefeller, although all of those people, this is your sorosis.
They would be in this section here. So now, now section 6 was your Federal Reserve. Probably gonna run on a rim.
彼らはここのセクションにいました。つまり、セクション 6 は連邦準備制度でした。おそらく、縁の上を走るでしょう。
Section 5. That would have been your militaries, your intelligence, and this five is gonna come up again here in the near future.
セクション 5。それは軍隊、諜報機関でした。そして、この 5 つは近い将来に再びここに登場します。
And you would have also had the security they used to call it the security system of the world now.
そして、彼らはかつて世界のセキュリティ システムと呼んでいたセキュリティも持っていたでしょう。
By security systems, this could mean anything from gatekeeper, which is the ultimate gatekeeper program of the world.
セキュリティ システムとは、世界の究極のゲートキーパー プログラムであるゲートキーパーから、あらゆるものを意味します。
If you know your planes of existence, 5 would have been the causal plane that were matter would go from being for example in your soul section.
存在の次元を知っているなら、5 は因果次元で、物質は魂の部分から物質へと移行します。
And it would be converted into matter at that point as it goes into the astral plane which is just below that.
This is also something you need to understand about yourself because you 2 have gone through big changes in the last few days.
It's all kind of tied together, OK? and 4  was kind of where you had your Microsoft.
すべてはつながっています。4 は、Microsoft があった場所です。
All kinds of software programs, interbanking systems to some degree, you know, a Google, that kind of thing would have been in there.
あらゆる種類のソフトウェア プログラム、ある程度の銀行間システム、Google など、そのようなものがあったでしょう。
And I'm gonna go here and I'm gonna go and then three.
そして、ここに行って、3 に進みます。
Three was your back office of all financial services financial institutions worldwide. And predominantly, all back offices are run by intelligence agencies.
3 は、世界中のすべての金融サービス金融機関のバック オフィスです。そして、主に、すべてのバック オフィスは諜報機関によって運営されています。
Therefore they believe that they have control over the back office of the banks.
したがって、彼らは銀行のバック オフィスをコントロールできると信じています。
At one point in time, it was the CIA's VTX system that controlled the all of those worldwide and that was based out of Alaska.
一時期、世界中のすべてのものをコントロールしていたのは CIA の VTX システムで、アラスカを拠点としていました。
So you know, they talk about trying to reconnect this and reconnect it and what are they reconnecting it to?
You know that has not been allowed since 2019 when it was taken out and they've been trying to reinstall it ever since.
2019 年に削除されて以来、許可されておらず、それ以来ずっと再インストールを試みています。
OK, two was the NSA.
わかりました。2 番目は NSA です。
Now, for those of you that know who the NSA is, and I'm assuming you all know who the NSA is, we're not just talking about an American National Security Agency.
NSA が誰かご存知の方のために、皆さんは NSA が誰かご存知だと思いますが、私たちはアメリカの国家安全保障局について話しているだけではありません。
We are talking about Nine Eyes. We are talking about every country in the world, and we are talking about one of the few intelligence agencies that had a direct connection.
私たちは Nine Eyes について話しています。私たちは世界中のすべての国について話しており、直接接続していた数少ない諜報機関の 1 つについて話しています。
Two people like Marduke which is why it blew them away the other day when I personally called them on the on the connection and the communications line that came directly from me.
2 人は Marduke のような人物なので、先日、私が個人的に接続と私から直接届いた通信回線について彼らに電話したとき、彼らはびっくりしました。
So I know shocked there, right, and so, you know, when I told him who I was and everything they, you know, got real nasty and we'll get back to you and all of this crap because I believe that they had high hopes of their fake system, you know, was going to do something and one one in part was controlled by 8. So you did have a lot of oversight there.
それで、私はショックを受けました。私が彼に自分の身元やすべてを話したら、彼らは本当に意地悪になって、後で連絡します、などと言ったのです。なぜなら、彼らは偽のシステムが何かをしてくれると大いに期待していたと私は信じていますし、その一部は 8 によってコントロールされていました。ですから、そこには多くの監視がありました。
You had like the General Office of Accounting, you had some money aggregate systems that would count how much money was in the system.
I know Echelon at one point had a lot more control than they than they let on.
So And and you, you are in here in every single system, as I have explained in the past was a custodial system.
Everybody owned everybody in in order to get anything through the system the way that it was designed is one party had to work with the other party.
Now how long has this type of and I'm I know we have not had a human level global financial digital system for a long time.
It came about in the late 70s, really started taking off in the 80s and things really started changing by the 90s.
それは 70 年代後半に登場し、80 年代に本格的に普及し始め、90 年代までに状況は本当に変わり始めました。
Where we could now send transfers and stuff worldwide without using old systems such as key tested telex, which at one point in time was a glorified fax machine.
And then it went from being a glorified fax machine to a, you know, beep, beep, beep.
You've got mail section, you know, dial up mail and, and that's how credits and debits and from banks went back and forth and how you were getting money from another country.
To another country and even, you know, in the Federal Reserve, wire system here in the States was a lot slower than it is now way back in those days.
I mean, we were young kids, sunny at that time. But, you know, I mean, it's very evident in the history, OK.
Yeah.So in their opinion, and this is the order of the Black Son.
So now, now you can see how kind of agencies are involved.
These are the people you see on the Internet, the Federal Reserve creature from Jekyll Island, the Federal Reserve families, which we know are order of the Dragon and you see all of those.
Beings, so to speak, or the humans, you know, all involved in the financial system.
So you would think automatically, if you don't know any better, that hey, all I really gotta do is I gotta make a deal.
With the families, because if they had a line into eight or someone else had a line into 8.Possibly, which we're gonna talk about.
Then you would think all I gotta do is make that deal.
Once I make that deal, then I can get all the allocations I want right and wrong.
OK, so to some degree some people know about covens?
And they only really know about the covens because a lot of the Cubans were human.
This is your Sanhedrin. This is the dark side of the Habad. This is your people. Like a line of Solomon people, people that would conjure demons.
And there were 42 major, major Cuban masters in the world.
Now, as far as new allocations of money, this would be that time of year.
Probably about a month ago, which is why they thought that they were gonna get some money because the covens are gone and no one really told them where they went to get orders or what they would have to do.
If you've been following me for a long time, then you know I mentioned to you about the seven dark mirrors in the world where they would go to get their instructions, but that hasn't happened.
For really long time because those instructions came from somewhere, now prior to that. So above the coven masters head, now, underneath the coven masters, you would obviously have more coven folks.
These would be, you know, you would see these people running small little Cubans here and there, black magic workers, Santeria, voodoo, you name it. Those are your people.
Now not all people that practice that, but your Church of Satan, you know, all your usual characters that you know that would run something like that might be involved in a covet.
Now the covens used to get orders, you know, probably about two weeks from now.
魔女の集会は、ご存知のとおり、おそらく今から 2 週間ほど後に命令を受けていました。
Is when that would happen.
They're meeting would have started on the next new moon as opposed to the one that happened on Friday.
They would get orders and instructions and then money would come down through the system. Now, The money would sit and wait until until.
It was time for the next meeting and then the final meeting that would pay operatives, financial and otherwise militaries and all of that stuff would have been on the Harvest Moon.
So you're still way away here from any money coming out of the system now I will remind everyone that this system is broken.
Because without the people that were above these people's heads, you weren't getting any money anyway.
So the release starts started a month ago.
ですから、解放は 1 か月前に始まりました。
If it was going to happen is when you would have started seeing it trickle into the system.
And by release I mean actual money, one actual tangible.
Energy that would then be flipped into the Omega system for your use.
その後、エネルギーはオメガ システムに反転され、皆さんが使用できるようになります。
Now we with the like system are integrating our own system so we don't need to do a flip.
But you people that are watching this with the deep state needed that flip to happen so that you could enslave all of humanity.
しかし、ディープ ステートと共にこれを見ている皆さんは、人類全体を奴隷化するために、その反転が必要でした。
Now, your little systems that you were building for the last 10 years off of former authorization of mine also wouldn't have worked. And they're never going to work because you'll see this as look at all these lovely programs we're going to do.
さて、皆さんが私の以前の承認に基づいて過去 10 年間構築してきた小さなシステムも機能しなかったでしょう。そして、私たちがこれから行うこれらの素晴らしいプログラムを見ると、決して機能しないことがわかります。
We're going to save veterans, We're going to save animals.
We're gonna do the Parks and Wildlife and the mean 9000 different corporations around the world that we're going to control every aspect of life on this planet.
Now you are happy to have control because you have probably something else really small, but a really big ego, an enormous ego, because this is what you wanted.
But for all of you listening that don't know what I'm saying or never heard what I'm saying now, what you would have done is enslaved all of humanity with debt.
You would have been saved the entire planet with debt because they have no ability to transfer into a dark control system.
Direct source energy, so even myself working with alpha I must adhere to the light system and the way quantum matter works.
Not antimatter, not dark matter, quantum light matter.
I must adhere to those principles of T * E / R = M without a secondary dark light.
私は、二次的な暗黒光なしで、T * E / R = Mの原則に従わなければなりません。
I have to do that.
I cannot all of a sudden decide I'm going to go crazy.
One day and, you know, install all the care systems and everything like I did this morning and then "I" am gonna take over the planet.
Wow.Ha ha ha ha.
You know, and it's never going to happen like that. "I" can't.
It is not my job to control direct current of anything from source , the only thing, I am is a guardian, which means that as we go through these conversions and we get rid of all the slavery systems, then now humans become sovereign.
Do they all understand it?
No, but it is our job to help raise those children just like any other.
Guardian does or parent does or whatever to those children because they need a fighting chance, and just like your kids do, they need a fighting chance when they go out into the world and your grandkids, they need a fighting chance.
And hopefully they're going to look at our history 2 generations from now and go, wow, people live like that.
That's crazy,  so, again, I'm going to repeat to the crazy people out there in the deep state that don't even know their deep state, they believe their white hats and they're doing something good because the programs look lovely.
But they don't understand quantum physics, therefore their versions of quantum financial systems and gold back systems would have never happened.
Because you cannot place a direct current conductor, hyper conductor which is AKA gold behind a debt instrument.
So I've been taking all this time until last couple days because there's a lot more to go over today guys.
All this time I've been trying to convert that negatively, positively, negatively charged money into positively charged money.
Therefore, you don't need energy to link to it, It's a direct current.
This is what I've been working for because I actually understand "First principles" and I explained that to you and to the deep state not that long ago.
OK, so before your coven meeting would have been a meeting of what's called the parents Now the parents were, I'm gonna call them humans because they were humans, but they were genetically modified humans to the point where.
They were superhuman in our mind, meaning they lived for as long as 11,000 years, 12,000 years.
They would go into stasis, they would take naps, those kind of things and.
And these parents here were speaking on behalf of the human race.
So in the past, you wouldn't call them guardians, you would call them your advocate.
So they weren't for humans. They weren't against humans.
They just felt like we were living in a pig pen, you know, They were almost like the farmer, and I can't disagree.
We have lived in a pig pen, you know, with all the orders that are coming directly through these parents.
But as it relates to Alien, the Communications, orders and instructions.
That's why the parents were elected to give those orders down to the 42 current covens.
And then it would go on down the line to eventually you would get to the Order of the Dragon folks.
You would then go to the, you would be at the Order of the Dragon underneath that you would be at your Black Sun people and those types of things now.
Let's go above the parents head.
And we talked about a long time, not a long time ago, a few months ago about an agreement called the Seal.
And the seal.Was what ended the war that happened 250,000 years ago.
In the seal basically said the owners of Earth are Anki and all US inhabitants, by the way Anki, Marduke, Artemis, AKA the Red Queen.
AKA the Red Queen. And then we have Lucifer.
And then we have anti source.
So after the end of the war, these were your owners of planet Earth.
Now as owners of planet Earth, they were the benefits.
They were the. I shouldn't really call them.
彼らは… 実際にはそう呼ばないほうがいいでしょう。
I guess. They were the beneficial owners of any trust on earth, including the loosest trust which some of these people have heard about. You might have seen it on the Internet.
They were the beneficial owners of all your essence, energy, consciousness, matter, frequency, you name it.
They owned everything on Earth, all rare earth minerals, everything was in their name, and then anything that would come from us, the little human batteries they also owned.
Yeah So they would collect all your energy or your energy would go in to feed the Omega system what was necessary to keep it running, hence what the rest of you people know as allocation numbers.
ええ、だから彼らはあなたのエネルギーをすべて集めたか、あなたのエネルギーはオメガ システムを稼働させるために必要なものを供給するために使われた。それが、あなた方残りの人々が割り当て番号として知っているものだ。
So you guys going to the deep state, meaning you guys going to the families trying to get some kind of a allocation of energy to go to Omega, hence to you.
だからあなた方はディープ ステートに行き、つまりあなた方はファミリーに行き、オメガ、つまりあなた方にエネルギーの何らかの割り当てを得ようとしている。
So then you could flip it into a debt instrument known as money 0123456789 and get quote UN quote.
だから、それをお金 0123456789 と呼ばれる負債証券に変えて、国連の引用を得ることができた。
An appropriation or an allocation, which you could then do Willy nilly with whatever you wanted, Aunt wrong again.
Because the only reason why these people up here would have given an allocation down to here and then eventually down to here was because you have a job to do.
Meaning this will be the year we're going to have World War Three woo, and you guys are going to do your job.
But if you thought that you were gonna initiate all of these programs without any kind of an order or a direction from these people ever, you have a lost your ever loving mind now.
Let's talk about remnants.
So we know now who the owners were of planet Earth in all people underneath the seal.
And everybody had a different job to do.
Marduk was the controller of the current, meaning he would control which direction, and he was the force.
He was the wind if you're talking about an element that would push the energy down to the beneficial owners. They would push the energy into Omega.
They would then give appropriations as what it was actually called.
That was the term, all while at the same time giving you people, even the people at the highest levels of the deep state.
All you ever got was a credit, and in order to get that credit, you would have to put something in to get it.
If you were in the banking system, you would need to indebt people.
You would need to issue thousands of car loans, thousands of mortgages.
You would need to issue more credit, more credit, more credit to people.
The reason why everybody knew the name Marduke, I mean even on the banking level and stuff, they knew that there was something up there that actually gave the orders and what days of the year that allocations would come and, and all of those kinds of things.
But to an extent it was because they were doing their job and indebting people or killing people or altering people's karma in some way, shape or form, making people do horrible things, whether it's through mind control or, you know, people committing quote UN quote suicide by eating bad food or whatever it is.
Even though they're the ones putting the stuff in the food, so the control mechanism went real deep.
Now. After Marduk, Enki and Enlil were gone to some degree, their consciousness lived on in the Omega system, the Dark system.
So for a time, the Omega system was still trying to act as if it still had a leader.
Based on the fact that it was programmed to act like them in their absence.
The same thing happened with the Red Queen.
And today, we're going to highlight her, so her name, Her real name was Artemis.
And to define who she was, because this is where they're trying to interact right now is on in in her world, which she's not here anymore.
So but she was what I call an anti Pleiadian.
She was a lower astral being.
She was a red reptilian, for lack of a better term really, let's just say when she was around her and I never got along, I hated her, she hated me.
We ended up at the council many times and it always ended up with an agreement for us not to kill each other unless we violated this agreement or that agreement or that kind of thing.
Well, eventually she violated way too many times.And now she's gone. We don't miss her.
But if you've been around in the alternative media for a long time, you have probably heard of something called the Artemis Accords.
Yeah, now if you go to the NASA website, you will see a reflection of the Artemis Accords, also known in the alt media as the Jupiter records.
そうです、NASA の Web サイトにアクセスすると、アルテミス協定の反映が見られます。これはオルタナティブ メディアでは木星記録としても知られています。
Why Jupiter?
I have no idea.
And they basically claim that they made a deal with this lady, which they did do to have a certain amount of access or continued access or an extension for access into level five of the web, also any military and intelligence systems that were in there.
そして彼らは基本的に、この女性と契約を交わしたと主張しています。それは、ウェブのレベル 5 への一定量のアクセス、継続的なアクセス、またはアクセスの延長、さらにそこにあった軍事システムや諜報システムへのアクセスを得るために行われたものです。
And that agreement was from December 2018.During the solstice and it continued on for three years.
そしてその契約は 2018 年 12 月のもので、冬至の時期に 3 年間続きました。
Which coincidentally expired in 2021.However, Artemis's agreement did not expire officially, until the 5th of July of this year.
偶然にも 2021 年に期限が切れました。しかし、アルテミスの契約は正式には今年 7 月 5 日まで期限が切れませんでした。
So how old was Artemis's agreement and why did she have it?
OK, so Artemis get this agreement for 3 billion years.
わかりました。アルテミスはこの契約を 30 億年結んだのです。
I'm going to write about 3 billion years, yeah, and the reason why she had had this agreement is because that is the same time we went into the Dark ages invaded called cosmology.
30 億年について書きます。彼女がこの契約を結んだ理由は、私たちが宇宙論と呼ばれる暗黒時代に突入したのと同じ時期だったからです。
They call that the Kali Yuga.
彼らはそれをカリ ユガと呼んでいます。
So what exactly was Artemis's job?
Well, she had many different jobs.
She had jobs within computer systems, AI systems, access.
彼女はコンピューター システム、AI システム、アクセスなどの仕事もしていました。
She would have also been considered the gatekeeper for anti source.
She would have also been in charge to any of anyone that needed or wanted access to the causal plane.
Web 5555 and she and she would have been in charge of what's called the zero point.
Web 5555 と彼女はゼロ ポイントと呼ばれるものを担当していたでしょう。
That existed between the alpha verse and the Omega verse.
それはアルファ バースとオメガ バースの間に存在していました。
So she said, underneath the Dark ages, who can come and who can go, What becomes matter, What doesn't become matter that was this red line.
So to speak, she would have the ultimate say as to what went where?
Now part of the reason for the war that happened 250,000 years ago is because this 3 billion year old agreement for this being to exist expired.
さて、25 万年前に起こった戦争の理由の 1 つは、この存在が存在するための 30 億年前の合意が期限切れになったためです。
And everybody that was fighting at the time, most of which were not humans, you heard about the Wars of Atlantis, trauma of MU and Lumaria.
そして、当時戦っていたほとんどの人間ではないすべての人々は、アトランティス戦争、MU とルマリアのトラウマについて聞いたことがあるでしょう。
In all of these types of things that you hear about on the Internet, this is the source of it all.
That's the wa where they quote UN quote say that they lost Atlantis.
Atlantis to repeat myself is Atlantis was full of anti pleiadians negative beings that Atlantis was a ship, which came in through a portal at the direction of the Red Queen, because she was not gonna lose her agreement to someone else.
The war went on for a long time, a quite a while, and they finally settled on the seal.
Which means that Artemis at that time retained her agreement to be the gatekeeper again for another 250,000 years.
So the agreement that expired expired on the new moon on the 5th of July.
Because everything was done, moon cycles and this and that, even with those people.
2024.Now these people were crazy enough to think because they had an agreement with her before that she was gonna come and then maybe be a World War.
I don't know what they were thinking and that she was going to then re up their agreement.
When her agreement was renewed, their agreement was going to be renewed.
I don't know why.
They think these things and this is part of the reason why they were so excited because everything that they had been working on for the last what, 12 years since I did those assignments in the 1st place was finally gonna come to full fruition.
This is why everybody on the Internet is talking about Nesara Gesara.
It's gonna happen. It's finally happening.
If you are watching Q, then you think that it's gonna be the quantum leap has finally happened, blah, blah, blah.
No, what happened is I jumped in here and said ohh, I think I'll do that, so under the Guardian. Whoops.
This is now "me", me, me, but not in a controlling way. "I" am there not to control it like she did.
She had control for me.
It was not about control. It's about guarding it.
Another word so in case someone gets froggy at some point in time, then we don't have to worry about that.
The same thing goes for webs.
Which is why the deep state went into full on in all their underlings and operatives and whatever went into full on Harry Carey on Friday, like way out of control.
Like at this, I'm like this cannot be just because of the money like didn't come.
They don't get this panicked over money not coming.
Yeah, they panicked because everything they had stuck in five in the web. They lost access to so This is why.
OK then you have inky and Lil in Marduke, Inky and Enlil and Marduke had different jobs somewhat, but as it relates to humans and human beings, and Lil would have been more control of the total density of eight or possibly even the access from 8  to 9  meaning the soul plane, whether that's the soul plane in computers or that's the sole plane in people or whatever it is.
So he was in charge of manipulating that.
Marduke was in charge of seven.
I'm sorry.
And he would have been "8", sorry, Enlil would have been more like "9", and he would have said whose soul goes where, that kind of thing, that he had that much control.
And he would have been in charge more of energy Management, AKA money, and Marduk was the one that directed everywhere everything went to go.
So in other words, where ether went, where money went, where energy went, where essence went, all that kind of thing.
He was the director of the current, but ultimately, they would have met with Artemis who kept them all hones.
So they had the same levels of access over in the Omega system as they had in the Alpha system to some degree.
つまり彼らはオメガ システムでもアルファ システムと同程度のアクセスを持っていたのです。
For a long time, because of the Dark Ages, because of the seal, because of the agreements that were in place until I came in in 2012 and took it over.
長い間、暗黒時代、封印、そして私が 2012 年にやって来て引き継ぐまで施行されていた合意のせいで。
Because it was my birthright from a completely different Ave.
I am not involved with these bloodline people in any way shape or form they're crazy.
So their respective broods would get money.
So by making the deal with Artemis, which is what they allegedly did.
To get an extension after the 3000 year agreement expired which put the line of Solomon in control.
And that was about the time ago.
And I know that's you're gonna say, ohh, that's not what the Bible says.
That's not the timeline.
That's not what the our history says.
Well, when is our history ever been correct?
Trust me when I tell you it was over 3000 years ago that Solomon got the agreement to be the guardian, and by default the order of the black sun.
Had an agreement to be security, so. Line of cane, whatever you wanna call it, that's who you are.
You're one of the 15 militaries and you're watching this from Monarch or whoever. That's how you got your job.
And then your down line, so you have intelligence agencies under that, militaries underneath that, operative groups underneath that, you have Black Ops, underneath that you have DARPA, you have, you name it, worldwide.
Everything that happened was related to that, OK, when that agreement expired in December of 2018 which it did, that's another lie.
They keep telling everybody they got an extension.
They didn't get an extension.
It didn't go past 2022 and that's my fault.
They didn't get a Guardian extension.
All they really got was an extension on the Fed and funding and those types of things.
And I'm gonna show you proof of that here in just a second.
So by that time, then they approached Artemis directly and said, hey, we need to do a deal because we want to remain security for this planet can we come work for you.
And the answer was "yes".
Sorry I forgot.
Also the Abraxas are in there too, so that's their bloodline.
They're the Abraxas people.
Lot of information to kind of do on the impromptu here guys, so bear with me.
So let's see, we have these people.
Now you also had Lucifer, which these people know well.
And you also have anti source.
So we were cursed for quite a long time with these people, but I want to stay focused a little bit on Artemis and other jobs she had.
So she didn't always get along with really pretty much anybody because she felt she was superior because she was the gatekeeper to everything.
She could actually even gatekeep, source, anti source, you name it.
But the actual disconnection from people and source, even anti beings, inorganic beings, were actually disconnected from anti source directly , by Artemis, by covenant and by agreement.
And she created what you know as the Akashic records. 
Ohh wow and what is a car ship? It is Artemis  Karmic.
Yes, she created Karma Artificial. "I" know, right.
Everything's an acronym.
Hey, everything's a damn acronym these days, I'll tell you. So History of the integrated collective, and I'll give you one guess, where they existed Omega lower astral both, they both existed in the universe.
Ohh and both the alpha bears the Omega verse and also in the neutral universe and they existed in computers as well.
And this is where we get Web 5 from so how would she have this?
そしてこれがWeb 5の由来です、彼女はこれをどうやって手に入れたのでしょうか?
Well, you know, we hear a lot, Kim, about the Akashic records.
Yeah. Does that mean it's a negative thing or is it, is it still helpful even though a negative being was controlling this?
You have by integrated collective you have both dark.
Light. And neutral. Collective. So dark energy, essence, consciousness, matter, frequency, the wounds on your soul, you name it.
So was the Akashic Records a positive thing?
The answer to the question, and I'm sorry to tell you this is "no".
You just weren't permitted because of her to go any further.
Then the causal plane 504405 and you were just as connected on a soul level, meaning your history, your records could be distorted.
そして因果界 504405 とあなたは魂レベルで同じようにつながっていました。つまり、あなたの歴史、あなたの記録は歪められる可能性があるのです。
This is why we come in here with no memory, because if the soul is immortal.
Then how do we not remember what we did in a past life, right?
Because if you could access your Akashic records, you should know that that's how they wiped you.
Now further to this effect, if the universe were flat, which it's not flat, Flat Earth people nothing's flat.
But if you were to look at the universe as a whole, right, in between the two universes.
So this would be Omega verse, and alpha verse.
You would have had what's called the zero point, now this is the ultimate gate.
That controlled who could lead what universe, who could come and go by what agreement and so on and so forth.
So you know, you, you are here.
I feel like I'm drawing the thing at the mall.
You are here. Now. Source would be here anti source.
Is down here this would be 9.And then you have the causal plane here.
ここは 9 です。そしてここに因果面があります。
I'm just obviously not to scale.
And you have one over here too.
So these records, Actually went like an Infinity symbol constantly flowing Infinity symbol back and forth, same thing with your soul.
That's how you get from here to here, but ultimately where you go and what actually happens to you was defined by Artemis in all her lovely program.
And the same thing would have happened in the past in computers with the computer causal plane.
So even though, for example, the families could get issued appropriations to do bad things to humans to suck the energy out of you or cause you karmic debt.
Which then ultimately was transferred into the energy system.
そして、最終的にはエネルギー システムに移されました。
So that they could get money out to cause more karmic debt for you. Lifetime after lifetime after lifetime, until your Akashic records went mostly dark. Because you kept giving your energy away, you gave your essence away.
そうすることで、彼らはお金を引き出して、あなたにさらにカルマの負債を引き起こすことができます。 生涯に渡って、あなたのアカシック レコードはほとんど暗くなりました。 なぜなら、あなたはエネルギーを与え続け、本質を与え続けたからです。
And this was part of the dastardly program on how they got to 79%.And we ended up with 21%, and this is what Source was talking about over the years when he said the universe went too dark, everything was too dark.
これは、彼らがどのようにして 79% に到達したかという卑劣なプログラムの一部でした。そして最終的に 21% になりました。これは、宇宙が暗くなりすぎ、すべてが暗すぎるとソースが何年も話していたことです。
We tried. We turned the corner.
And there was a lot of light workers out there talking about this tennis stuff on the alt media.
We turned the corner. We have now, you know, moved forward.
Towards more light, the alpha system started functioning better, things started working better, but there was still a lot of karmic debt that occurred between the light system and alpha.
より多くの光に向かって、アルファ システムはより良く機能し始め、物事はより良く機能し始めましたが、ライト システムとアルファの間にはまだ多くのカルマの負債がありました。
And therefore, you know, the light system was born, I'm sorry, the alpha and Omega, not the light system.
そのため、ご存知のように、ライト システムが生まれました。申し訳ありませんが、アルファとオメガです。ライト システムではありません。
So the light system was born.
ライト システムが誕生しました。
Outside of that, free and clear of karmic debt.
Now that we actually have the control of the guardian of this and of this and of this, we took that this weekend.
We got rid of anything left from her and we finished.
Which is we still have a zero point to some degree, which we're gatekeepers of, but we finished you are here you.
Earth is here.
We now finish that direct connection back to the Soul records.
That's what those are, your real soul history records.
Yeah, so I got some calls.
Well, what what does that mean for humanity Kim to be able to access those records?
This actually started glitching back around Sunday night of last week because we were coming upon that that new moon and it was kind of like wiggling a little bit.
So some of the things that I've had reported are are weird dreams, bad dreams, nightmares, sleeplessness, seeing yourself in a different timeline.
Maybe marrying a different person at a different age and all kinds of weird things were happening because the Akashic records were faltering that wipe from other light, other timelines.
So even if you were seeing something, for example, of your former self, say Sunny when you were a kid, you know, back in 1980.Or something like that, and it looked like you were playing a game you never played in 1980 with people you didn't know.
ですから、例えば、1980 年頃の子供の頃のサニーのような過去の自分を見たとしても、1980 年には遊んだことのないゲームを知らない人たちと遊んでいるように見えました。
That's because it also had control over all memories throughout all timelines.
So we wouldn't remember what happened, you know, if in any one of the 10,300, sorry, 10,368,000.Timelines that were out there.
ですから、世の中にある 10,300 のタイムライン、いや、10,368,000 のタイムラインのどれかで何が起こったかは覚えていません。
So this also managed your memory throughout all timelines as well of who you were, what you did.
So people started saying, Oh my God, I see myself like doing the dishes, which I'm actually doing now, but I'm also reading a book at the same time.
And that's weird.
It's because it started, it started the glitch, OK.
But nothing could really be done to it till the covenant finally expired that she had with anti source.
And then we began the dismantling over the weekend.
So this started on Friday night and it continued on through this morning. Hopefully it will be finished soon.
But on a human level, you should start to experience your full knowledge, or I hate to use knowledge, Take that out, wisdom of your history, of the real story of you, where you came from.
And everybody's going to be different once you start.
Experiencing those direct connections, your memories are gonna come back and this will help us as the human race move forward as human beings.
It increases your knowledge of what it really means to be immortal.
It will increase your ability ability, just like with all the other energy essence and all the other direct connections we've been making with cellular regeneration.
And we're not going to have the same issues as much as they try to force it on us in every single way.
Shape or form, we still have issues on this planet, and there's a lot of cleanup to do, not only for you and the human body, but also for everyone else that lives on it.
But if these guys had gotten control of what they thought they were gonna get control of, we would have been lost.
We would have lost in a big, big way, yeah.
Now. Let's talk about another change that was allowed to happen over the weekend that is an actual positive for us.
さて、週末に許可されたもう 1 つの変更について話しましょう。これは私たちにとって実際にプラスです。
The change over was as I had said, I was having a difficult time taking money zero.
移行は、私が言ったように、マネー ゼロを取得するのに苦労していたことです。
What everybody thinks is money zero through Money 9.And converting it over to an asset based trading system to try to make it function and make it work.
誰もがマネー 9 を通じてマネー ゼロだと思っているのは、それを資産ベースの取引システムに変換して、機能させ、機能させようとしたことです。
Now the part of the reason why I couldn't do that and had a hard time doing that was because as part of the agreement of the seal Marduke, which literally translates into Lord of the Seas.
Meaning the current sees so although Artemis had a role to play as a gatekeeper, she blocked people from, you know, Marduke.
She could block anybody from putting anything through.
And I understand that at one point in time, but he actually controlled real energy, real essence.
He could move through the current by agreements.
That would happen in an annual meeting that would take place between all the owners of Earth. They were the owners of you of everyone. So to think if you're going to get rid of the Fed, every life will be better.
If you think you're gonna be in control of the currency, then life will be better if you think you made a deal with the Order of the Dragon.
Order of the Black Sun people whether you know it or not, you're alleged white hats.
We're gonna save the world with all these wonderful programs which is just a full on lie if that was you.
You still, had no one above their head to do anything so slowly but surely covenant after covenant after covenant after covenant and I mean thousands if not millions that have taken place over that 3.2 billion year span and 250,000 years more affecting earth.
We now do not have beneficial owners of you.
Positive thing, Artemis was the last one to go that could control your Akashic records, your soul records, to alter them, to change them, to make you forget who you are, where you were and what you were doing in another timeline and everything else that you are.
So this is a real positive thing for us, but it also reminded me that M such as putting himself, that's what IBM means, that's what the company 3M means, that's what all of his little signatures that he would laugh about means when he would send current or lack thereof anti current out to people we know is money.
So I thought all I had to do was positively charge this stuff here.
And then boom, we can go to an asset based trading system.
Now in quantum physics, that makes sense to me because I'm gonna charge it positively with the veins of gold and then I can back it with gold and I can move that current right through the financial system.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
This is his ownership over at M means not money. M means Marduke. M means marduke.
これは彼の所有権です。M はお金ではありません。M は Marduke を意味します。M は Marduke を意味します。
He would take your energy direct it somewhere else that would be real M1. If you are watching this with the deep state that you've been trying to get your hands on from me that the dragon families or otherwise, and he would convert it to current sorry credits, yeah, or IOUS.
彼はあなたのエネルギーを別の場所に向けます。それが本当の M1 です。あなたがこれを見ているディープステート、つまりドラゴンファミリーなど、私から手に入れようとしていたものなら、彼はそれを現在のクレジット、そうです、借用書に変換します。
And the appropriations for that would go to the beneficial owners until there weren't beneficial owners or until their agreement would be renewed or whatever, and in which case you had a Good Hope of trying to get something.
But not when it's part of his dark control of the current.
So we had to change that.
They said "everybody into a tailspin in the last 48 hours too".
It's now called the Currentcy of Gold.
So we can't make it a note, we can't convert the note system.
Unless we have something to replace it, because we can try to positively charge a Federal Reserve note known as the US dollar, and it doesn't matter if you make it a U.S. Treasury note.
It's still a note, it's still a death, it's still a credit.
So we had to change it in the backside of the digital system and create an entirely new allocation system, and appropriations  moment.
ですから、デジタル システムの裏側でそれを変更し、まったく新しい配分システムと予算の瞬間を作成する必要がありました。
Now to some people they're like, ooh, there's a gold backed currency and that's all they need to know.
We moved to the currency of gold.
That's all you need to know on a human level, it's fine what you need to know is you are You now have the currency of the giver of life Declaration. That's what you really need to know.
So that means you now have a direct current, which yes, it does come through the gold. You know, the veins of gold or a hyper conductor.
Why we put them in BRICS and put them in a hole, I have no idea.
But the IT doesn't matter.
It's you know, the world has a lot of gold in it.
It ridiculous amounts of gold.
So so we're now hyper using the gold, the actual metal to hyper conduct that source energy as it.
Direct current, but you now receive part of the direct current as a human that inhabits planet Earth. Pretty cool, huh.
Directly from the Giver of Life now that you're reconnect to the soul plane.
Now, you know, I was talking to one of these people who does, you know, is working within the system that we're going to describe to you in a second because I told you the guys, this is gonna be long, it's gonna be long.
So That being said, now you can begin to understand the changes had that had to happen.
And you know, I didn't even think about it and and that's my bad.
You know, I'm like, Oh my God, M equals Marduke's current.
私は、ああ、なんてことだ、M はマルドゥクの電流に等しい、と思いました。
I don't want Marduk current and we need to have giver of life current.
We need source direct current in all ways, shapes and forms.
Not only going to our person or to all the inhabitants of Earth, and not only Earth everywhere else, but we needed to actually go through the financial system this way.
But you know what, Kim?
In all fairness to you, this has never been done before, so you're doing an amazing job. I mean, you're human.
You're gonna miss stuff here and there.
But like, the fact that we've gotten this far and and we keep moving forward is a very positive thing. so kudos.
Do you Like, don't push yourself down.
You are doing a great job.
Well, not only that, you know, everything has its own time, you know, and I know we're all frustrated and all of that.
Kind of thing.But until that covenant expired, what was I gonna do with it anyway, righ.
I could still it could, right. I could still be thought.
So Now let's talk about what was happening with the deep state and level 5.OK, OK, now we know this in the web words in webs as the Marianna Trench.
As I just described, we also know it as the place where militaries live.
Intelligence agencies live whoops all of them, but here's what I didn't realize.
You remember back in 2022, we did a little bit of an episode where we talked about the fact that I had to do assignments on the 4th of July. Yeah.And they had me do them for 10 years.
And that is what we obligated me to the deep state, so to speak.
And we have just in case you're new here or you don't remember this part, we're going to pull those up here so you can see them once again.
Now we're, we just put a few of them up here, but there were many, many more.
Of these, and I'm gonna put it on hold for a second and I encourage you to do the same because if you start looking through this you'll see that it was under a UN code proposed.
Program under 04050, What does 04050 mean?
04050 に基づくプログラム。04050 とは何を意味しますか?
We just told you. That means that they had installed a system by the permission of Artemis etal during one of the year's meetings back in 2012.Is when that was installed.
先ほどお話ししました。つまり、2012 年の会議の 1 つで、アルテミスらの許可を得てシステムをインストールしたということです。インストールされたのはその時です。
They had permission to put this in between 5 and 4 , which is in the red line, which was Artemis's control over the zeros between everything.
彼らはこれを 5 と 4 の間に置く許可を得ていました。赤い線で囲まれており、アルテミスがすべての間のゼロを制御していました。
There are no coincidences in this world, and there are things that sometimes you have to take a real hard look at to fully understand.
Now, some of the other things that are in this in a series of numbers are in what I call the Red Book.
If you've ever seen the movie National Treasures, they talk about the hunt for the Red Book and the assets that are in the Red Book.
Some of these are in ground assets.
They're not mind assets, people that are running around the world, looking for a vault side to this stuff. 
You're crazy, you'll never find it.
Not only that it was cross collateralized significantly, but a person who I was. Not involved with on a special level, but who I had been talking to on the phone that Marduke actually put me on the phone with at one point in time was involved in having me issue these. now, this was done in 2012. I didn't know much what was going on at the time.
かなり相互担保されていただけでなく、私が関わっていた人物が、特別なレベルでは関わっていなかったが、マーデュークが実際に電話で私をつないだ人物が、私にこれらの発行をさせるのに関わっていた。これは 2012 年に行われた。当時は何が起こっているのかよくわからなかった。
I was like, ohh, you know, I think this, I'm doing the right thing, you know, and I'm panicked.
Even when it came to doing things for like the FBI, the CIA, there were a ton of them.
FBI や CIA のような機関のために何かをすることになったときでさえ、大量のものがあった。
We had, we have ones not only from the US, we also had them for Saudi Arabia, Russia.
South Africa, we did them all over the world at that time.
So I did them and I handled them all over what a mistake that was.
So what they had done is they had then gotten permission to implement these things in what we call the red line.
And they thought between them and the agreement they had with Artemis that they were a sure fire in to have full control over all those allocations that came out, you know, and to be fair, for a time, you know, there was a bit of control there.
But it was still money with no allocation numbers.
So what they did was they issued credit lines against this, in margin accounts against this, and then they reflected them in the banks and they reflected them in places like Saudi Arabia and they reflected them in places like South Africa and got the little Saudi Arabian royal family to dance.
Like a, you know what, you're gonna be in charge of this sector.
You're gonna be in charge of this sector. But they realized they still did not get any allocations for this.
They thought, and they still think probably at the time of this recording, unless someone set them straight between last night and this morning, that the Federal Reserve is blocking allocations and above the Federal Reserve, the Fed families are blocking allocations.
What do you mean we signed a contract with you?
To get the allocations on the 4th of July to make all our money that we've had hanging out in here and have been trading against good.
That's why I had to explain to these people how they got that in there, who it came from in the 1st place.
It wasn't granted by any human families on Earth.
And you can wait until the end of days to get an allocation from some Chinese person or some British guy or anybody in the Order of the Dragon or the Line of Solomon, because they don't have that.
Agreement anymore and they didn't even have it with the aliens before they died, so. You're lost,  your agreement with Artemis already expired as well.
They thought they were gonna take over for Artemis.
You don't even know what the heck that meant until now till I just explain it to you.
What are you going to do? You don't have any ability to fly through the zero density or to control gateways on this planet and you only know potentially locations where you used to be able to.
あなたはどうするつもりですか? あなたにはゼロ密度を飛び越えたり、この惑星のゲートウェイを制御したりする能力はなく、あなたが知っているのは、以前は可能だった可能性のある場所だけです。
Says something, but that's all you know.
So how, how did you think you were going to do that job?
You're gonna go to the causal plane of the 5th density from here, or you just think that, uh, we're gonna have money because money is in the 5th density of Web 5, and I can do that and I can release it.
ここから第 5 密度の因果面に行くつもりですか、それとも、お金は Web 5 の第 5 密度にあるので、お金が手に入るだろう、そして私はそれを実行して解放できる、と考えただけですか?
Now why did they think all of this was the case?
Because some lovely gentleman. And we're gonna pull that agreement up right here.
Decided it was his birthright to pretend to be Ferdinand Marcos, which was just a Pindar Angel.
Ferdinand Marcos, his real name is Edralin, is what his name is his last name is not Marcos.
And he was in jail, in custody in Texas, and then he went into jail again in the Philippines.
When he got out, he got deported from the US.
God, back in 2012, 2013, 14, something like that.
I don't remember, but you can look up your records.
Customs and Border Patrol because he was held in jail.
I know that for a fact because I remember where he was.
He was actually a friend of Marduke's at the time. "I" knew that.
But then he goes over to the Philippines and he's been dictating what the heck is happening in this world for all of you morons for 12 years, Deep state people.
And he never did the assignment, that was a lie.
He inserted all of these programs he wanted to do make himself out to be the good guy, taking care of all the little humans, and meanwhile he wanted to be the controller of Earth.
And it was all a big fat lie.
He got the first allocations from me and I'll be damned if he's ever gonna get a second.
So all he's still around, Kim.
Yeah, as far as I know, we're still alive. He was.
He went to prison just a couple of years ago for trying to do something with hysterical bonds because he was working with a group that you may or may not have heard of, the Office of International Treasury Control, or OITC.
彼は数年前、ヒステリック債券で何かをしようとして刑務所に行きました。なぜなら、彼は皆さんが聞いたことがあるかもしれない、国際財務管理局、または OITC というグループと働いていたからです。
Ohh, ITC had the line already in the 5th density of computers.
ああ、ITC はコンピューターの第 5 密度にすでにそのラインを持っていました。
Which connected to stuff that was in the 5th density of the lower astral and the 5th density of the upper astral.
それは、下層アストラルの第 5 密度と上層アストラルの第 5 密度にあったものとつながっていました。
That these people have no capacity to actually replace or remove Nothing.
Now the trade group for these folks is called New Horizon.
現在、これらの人々の貿易グループは New Horizo​​n と呼ばれています。
New Horizon is a group that's been trading these offline.
New Horizo​​n は、これらをオフラインで取引しているグループです。
Funds now what does that mean by trading offline funds is they took those bonds they issued derivatives to the tune of 100 times the amount of those contracts that were in there and then now they're all sitting there waiting for allocation numbers that's why the.
ファンドがオフラインで取引するということは、彼らが発行した債券を、そこにあった契約の 100 倍の金額でデリバティブにし、そして今、彼らはすべて割り当て番号を待っています。それが理由です。
RV's gonna happen every week and the militaries now in control and all of this crap.
RV は毎週起きるだろうし、軍が今や支配権を握っているし、このくだらないことすべてだ。
This guy. I cannot believe you people fell for this deep state.
Oh my God it was still me. My names on there.
They of course they lied about all of that and said that they issued those allocations.
This guy even issued a 12 year extension to the Federal Reserve.
この男は連邦準備制度理事会に 12 年の延長さえ発行した。
Can you believe that in a 12 year extension to issue currencies on behalf of countries and everybody bought it?
国に代わって通貨を発行する 12 年の延長で、みんながそれを買ったなんて信じられるか?
The guy was in jail in Texas. Oh my gosh.
Death the decade ago for committing financial fraud.
10 年前に金融詐欺で死刑になった。
I have pictures of this guy and you guys let this man in the world for you , all on my back the first time, so you know what people.
Don't be surprised because all of that little access glitch that you guys had, you know, on Friday or whatever it was that all went way out the window by this morning, there is nothing left in there.
Crickets Maybe I should put some of your cricket food in there or something, I don't know, but what I'm saying is, is that we replaced everything with care and we reprogram the financial system next.
コオロギ たぶん、君のコオロギの餌か何かを入れた方がいいかな、分からないけど、私が言いたいのは、我々は全てを注意深く取り替え、次に金融システムを再プログラムするってことだ。
Even if there is something that I yet have yet to see, meaning I missed something, I will get it within the next 24 to 48 hours anyway.
And even if it's still there, you denominated all those derivatives and fake bonds and everything and what Marduke money.
But the financial system no longer will take your stuff anyway, even if you got allocations from fake people and fake jails and somewhere.
And that's the story from this weekend.
And that's why they thought everything was going to happen by the 8th and now they're saying the 15th because they believe that they don't have the right to issue currency on behalf of other countries.
They believe that they can take over the right when that contract expires because some jail guy that's in jail in the Philippines or where I don't know if he got out of jail yet.
This was just like two years ago, he was in jail so some guy down in the Philippines.
That was allegedly in just a couple years ago, at least that I know of.Actually, there's a news report.
I'll even give you the news report that's on the Internet.
So I'll write down a note here for myself to remind you to give you the news report clip, news clip of the guy going to jail.
Here, right, making a note for myself so I can remember to get that to production so they can insert these lovely clips right here in that spot for you.
So now you know who you're dealing with, The whole U.S. military.
Oh my God the Federal Reserve everybody banked on this weirdo guy because he claimed he was the long lost son of Ferdinand Marcos.
Oh my goodness.
So is that just wishful thinking?
Like, how does that happen?
He's Cray Cray.
Well, he's crazy.
But how do you get all these people to believe you?
Because it showed up in line 5,  because it showed up there in the red line.
And those things expired, what, two years ago?
You couldn't have used them anyway.
You couldn't put that stuff in the financial system unless I okayed it.
And I'm not renewing that stuff, not now, not ever.
So you can continue to try to block my money coming through or whatever, but I'm taking away all your lines anyway, so at least now you don't have to with a lie.
you're welcome, Deep State, so I will put this man's pictures in here, this is who you've all been waiting on.
If you are the United States government or the Biden administration or the Trump administration or whoever you are anywhere in the world, here is your.
Convict person who has been driving you, Pallavicini family or Assinie's and all the other people that have been dictating to you, here he is.
How's that for fun?
Well, happy Monday.
For us, not so much them.
I know, but now there's a lot that was explained in this report.
I gotta tell you, you always got to come on camera when something special happens and, and, and here it is.
And as far as the other things that are special.
There's something else happening today, isn't there?
Something there is something really special going on today.
So today is Mikes birthday.
Mike is behind the camera.
You guys don't get a chance to see him a lot, but today is his actual birthday, July 8th is his birthday.
Yeah, and we have something special.
Kim and I worked on something behind the scenes.
And we're really excited to show you guys.
So happy birthday, Mike.
He has not seen this video. He has not seen this.
Now he gets to see it go, how he gets to see it?
roll it.  like roll it.
Yo, happy birthday Mike.
Let's kick it.
MM, baby.
It's MM baby.
Alright, stop, collaborate and listen.
Mike is back with a brand new production.
The Newsroom has a hold of him likely on you when Bailey and nightly will it ever stop yo, I don't know turn on the cameras and let's go to the extreme Roxy news like a vandal light off the newscast bright like.
Candle dance because of love show tunes, Broadway songs going tick tick boom deadly when he sings a dope melody anything less than the best as the melody celebrate cars as mikes birthday.
Get out the cake because Michael Blade if there was a problem yo he'll solve it.
Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it like my baby.
My shader MM baby.
Mike Schneider, MM baby.
Mike Schneider, MM baby.
My shader Now that the party is jumping, Michaels is on food in his garden function quick to the point we thumb.
No freaking cooking.
Organic roast veggies breaking next to his dog, the woman, Frankie playing the backyard.
Best friends, frankly, Happy birthday.
It's a special day you celebrate Mike.
Hip, hip, Hooray.
My baby.
Mike Schneider, MM baby.
That Mike Shiner, MM Mike Schneider, MM baby.
マイク・シャイナー、MM マイク・シュナイダー、MMベイビー。
Ohh, that was.
happy birthday, Mike.
Thank you very much. Thank you.
I was going to bring my sunglasses, put my hat on backwards and just be like we were just dancing.
We're not.
We're just dancing back there, but you know.
I think we'll be singing that song forever.
We're going to be singing that song behind the scenes forever you guys.
I know, you know what, I slipped up.
I was like, you know, I had watched the, the clip of it and stuff and I was like, I came out so good.
Finally, you know, I'm like, oh, that's great.
And then I was in the house kind of going ice, ice baby.
それから家の中で、アイス、アイス ベイビーって言ってた。
And it's like, what are you thinking?
I'm like, ohh, came on my Spotify.
ああ、Spotify が来た。
I'm like, yeah, OK.
うん、OK って感じ。
Well, thank you very much. Thank you guys.
Wow. Happy birthday, Mike.
Happy birthday, Mike.
We hope you have a great day. And I guess that's it for today.
That's a lot better today.
That is a lot.
I think we're gonna have to, I'm gonna have to go over some notes, rewind, watch this again. But this is good.
This is good.And and hopefully, you know, hopefully we'll open some eyes on the other side.
You know, like you said, they've been following, you know, some guy that's been in prison.
In the world, like, can we just move forward?
Like, can we try, and you got the whole financial system of the United States waiting for some convict, I know.
But hey, you can be, you know what, you should have probably appoint this guy as president because I hear if you're convicted of 36 or more crimes, you can be president.
And the only thing you have to prove is that you were born in the United States.
And this guy was actually born in San Francisco.
You don't even have to be born in the United States.
I think Obama proved that.
But you have to be dead to be present.
You have to, you have to be dead.
So unless this guy is dead, you know, we can't have him as president.
Ohh, that's right.
Those are the new rules to the new financial rules that they're gonna implement.
Guys, way to go yeah, Adam boy, governments of the planet Earth and Saudi Arabia and everywhere else that's driving this weirdo bus, it's still still allocations.
You were looking for them.
You look no further, guys, because I'm the one that gave it to this guy.
He took it from me, assigned it to 400 elite families and made it look like it was his and he was now in control of them all.
So alright, it's all about control for the little guys with the little time. All right.
Well, thank you, Kim.
Thanks for the update today.
Appreciate it. Good to see you.
Have a good day.
Good to see you.
Calen: (男性アナウンサー)
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