2024年07月05日(金曜) キンバリーの動画翻訳
And now the World Situation Report with Kimberly Gogan from the Office of the Guardian.
Countries are allegedly walking away from the United States dollar per the Order of the Dragon, and apparently they believe this will crash the dollar.
But is that really true?
Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan Chase and others predicted a stock market crash would happen on the 5th of July, but the market closes up a few points.
What's the real story?
The remaining Deep State members gather together hoping for orders to come in from somewhere in the universe overnight tonight.
And now here is the World Situation Report with Kimberly Gogan from the Office of the Guardian.
Good afternoon.
Well, afternoon my time everyone.
First of all, I'd like to apologize for not being here on Wednesday, but as you know, I knew this week was going to be a really busy week for those of you in the US.
I hope you had a lovely holiday yesterday.
Not everybody had a lovely holiday yesterday.
I guess you would say I didn't, I worked all day, but definitely not for those that were expecting a lot of influx of cash.
It was pretty chaotic most of the day and the day before as everybody was trying to ready themselves for an influx of money.
People trying to ready themselves with various old systems they were trying to connect to would be people like the CIA, the Pentagon, the Treasury, the Federal Reserve, There were also a few other countries as well, such as China, Russia.
There were a few other countries like Brazil and they were all trying to hook up these old systems and old terminals that used to work with the old old VTX system.
And for those of you that don't know the VTX system.
Was created in part by the CIA.
It ran on a Level 3 web or level three of the Internet, and this used to be a backbone for a computer, financial networks from a bank level, treasury level on down.
They were sadly disappointed when the systems did not connect earlier this week, and therefore, they were all concerned about missing the boat, so they spent most of the day on Tuesday and Wednesday trying to hook up new any system fed now system.
Let's try blockchain.
Let's try other quick file systems of Oracle. now quick file systems also shortens down to QFC.
Oracle の他のクイック ファイル システムを試してみましょう。クイック ファイル システムも QFC と短縮されます。
So it turns out that this new quantum financial system, as they're calling it, was actually not even a quantum financial system.
Wasn't even a quantum human computing system like for example blockchain and and some other technologies out there.
たとえば、ブロックチェーンやその他のテクノロジーのような量子人間コンピューティング システムでさえありませんでした。
It wasn't anything new.
It was something that has been in the works under Oracle Systems for a very long time.
それは、Oracle Systems の下で長い間開発されてきたものでした。
Oracle Systems as you know is one of the leading.
Oracle Systems はご存知のとおり、リーダーの 1 つです。
Providers of banking software and banking products and this quick file system QFS launched several different banking products for, for example, for day trading and it's supposed to make things faster.
銀行ソフトウェアと銀行製品のプロバイダーであり、このクイック ファイル システム QFS は、たとえばデイ トレード用のさまざまな銀行製品を立ち上げ、物事を高速化するはずです。
And that type of thing and they felt because Oracle had a a leg in as a software provider.
そして、そのようなことがあり、彼らは Oracle がソフトウェア プロバイダーとして有利な立場にあると感じました。
That this would this quick file system as it's called and you can look this up, I think it's called Sam S AM if I remember correctly, QFS, and under Oracle Systems.
これはクイック ファイル システムと呼ばれ、調べてみればわかりますが、私の記憶が正しければ Sam S AM、QFS と呼ばれ、Oracle Systems の傘下にあります。
And so since Oracle already had its leg into a lot of the different banks, being a provider of software, they felt that this would be an easy transition and a secondary option to receive funds from some unknown source on the 4th of July.
Oracle はソフトウェア プロバイダーとしてすでに多くの銀行に参入していたため、これは簡単な移行であり、7 月 4 日に未知のソースから資金を受け取るための二次的な選択肢になると感じました。
Well, that system didn't function very long.
It doesn't really work in that fashion.
It's not designed to process transactions even for what we call G1 and G2, which would be most of the European Union, and the United States.
これは、欧州連合のほとんどと米国にあたる G1 および G2 と呼ばれるものに対しても、トランザクションを処理するようには設計されていません。
To the magnitude where it's not just processing maybe back in bank batching systems or something like that, It's, it's.
Design is not designed to process everybody's credit card and debit card transactions even in on a limited basis, let alone worldwide.
設計は、世界規模どころか、限定された範囲であっても、すべての人のクレジットカードおよびデビット カード トランザクションを処理するようには設計されていません。
So the system didn't quite work out and that left me and them very busy as they continue to hack the light systems operating systems.
That we have now taken a hold of and we have some more updates on that here in just a minute.
Another thing rumor that's was going around and apparently fell flat is the stock market crash today.
Why did Jamie Dimon and everybody else think the stock market was going to crash today?
I'm assuming they did because the general consensus of the Order of the Dragon Rothschild family and to some degree the Order of the Black Son, whatever is left of those.
Two groups is that they would like to crash the dollar.
2 つのグループは、ドルを暴落させたいと考えています。
Now.They still felt if they could crash the dollar by some crazy means because they make no sense, that that somehow they could use a different currency and propel that to being the world's reserve currency, whether that be central bank digital currencies.
US note, U.S. Treasury note, and economics just doesn't quite work that way when it's not manipulated.
So let's talk about for a second the world's reserve currency and what that actually means.
The world's reserve currency means that predominantly the the most of the trading that happens in the world is done in U.S. dollars, meaning these are high dollar trades like oil, gold, gas.
You know, we've talked about this before, but it is not the only world's reserve, currency authorized by the IMF or International Monetary Fund.
ご存知のとおり、これについては以前にもお話ししましたが、IMF または国際通貨基金によって承認された世界の準備通貨は米ドルだけではありません。
At this moment in time, there are also others such as the euro, the British pound, the Japanese yen, Chinese RMB, the Canadian dollar and the Swiss franc.
So there are other reserve Currencies although the US dollar holds the majority of the shares of the market due to BlackRock, and Black Rocks, Black market off market trading platforms that were connected to the world's commodities Futures Trading platforms.
In nearly every single country, that hasn't been the case for quite a while, as I've told you.
Therefore, the backing for all of these commodities transactions really doesn't benefit the US dollar anyway at this moment in time.
So changing a world reserve currency or going to multiple reserve currencies as in the Rothschild plan of having.
Seven to nine of them doesn't really change the value of the dollar any at this moment in time.
現時点では、7 から 9 の通貨ではドルの価値はまったく変わりません。
Now.The next thing everybody talks about or is talking about, and this is back chatter happening now, is that they're promising people that going to a gold standard is going to change your life.
The answer to the question is absolutely not converting to an asset based trading system in a way from derivative systems.
その質問に対する答えは、デリバティブ システムから資産ベースの取引システムへの転換は絶対にありません。
Will actually ultimately change your life and lower the cost of things like food.
You know, and the other prices that are rising around, you know, things that we use on a day-to-day basis unnecessarily so.
The next way they plan on crashing the dollar is by convincing other nations to drop the dollar.
Now we've heard about Saudi Arabia.
They allegedly have officially dropped the dollar.
OK, great.
Unfortunately for Saudi Arabia, and nearly every other BRICS country out there. You still hold a significant amount of Treasury notes.
サウジアラビア、そしてほぼすべての他の BRICS 諸国にとって残念なことです。あなたはまだかなりの量の財務省の紙幣を保有しています。
So when you have a lot of Treasury notes or Treasury bonds or government bonds of any other type denominated in United States dollars and, and this is another thing the deep state needs to keep in mind that the.
ですから、米国ドル建ての国債や国債、その他の政府債を大量に保有している場合、これはディープステートが心に留めておくべきもう 1 つのことです。
That the United States is not the only country currently denominated in U.S. dollars.
There are others out there that are still using the dollar as its currency currently.
Because the deep state went in and blew up their economy just like they did with the USSR.
Using the same cookie cutter method that they've continuously used throughout history, even in Korea and other countries, and they haven't quite finished the transition in the process. Countries like that would be the country of Iraq.
In Iraq, a lot of transactions, even just day-to-day going to the grocery store.
Transactions are still done in U.S. dollars, although they're trying to walk away from it, but it's not possible when assets to a central bank are considered debt instruments.
Remember, banks work the opposite that we think like in the way that.
Regular people think, I should say we think we have a car and we have an asset.We have a house and we have an asset.We have a loan.
We have a liability on the bank side. Your loan becomes an asset.
And Bonds, Treasury notes and otherwise are nothing more than loans. That's it.
And If they were to drop the dollar completely and they were to actually manage to affect the value of the dollar, then the asset base of many countries will go down to, Probably at least half if not more than what it is right now.
So the theory that they have is that they're gonna come in with insert currency name here.
I've heard rainbow dollars, US note, U.S. Treasury coins, I've heard all kinds of currencies being floated around depending on what group is working on.
What to actually replace the Federal Reserve dollar or the note?
Changing an economy is not going to happen overnight.
Changing a currency is not going to happen overnight.
It is going to take time to do something without harming everyone in the world and every nation in the world.
so if they think the people of BRICS that are being led by the nose, by a group of operatives telling them what to do, which is actually what's happening.
彼らが、BRICS の人々が、一団の工作員に操られて、何をすべきかを指示されていると考えているなら、それは実際に起こっていることです。
if they think convincing countries to join BRICS and walk away from the dollar being headed by the Rothschild family right now, this is who's putting out these operatives is going is going to help in some way.
彼らが、各国に BRICS に加わって、ロスチャイルド家が率いるドルから離れるよう説得することが、何らかの形で役立つと考えているなら、これは工作員を送り込んでいる人たちです。
Move the entire world away from a dollar and go with the RMB say, which is their plan as a reserve currency, or insert new currencies overnight.
You've got a lot of financial unwinding to do, never mind when you get down to the Arab average everyday, Citizen in the world, never mind all the bonds that are out there on the market that are held by private investors such as Berkshire Hathaway.
You may or may not know that Goldman Sachs is one of the largest buyers of Treasury notes and government notes from the United States, denominated all in dollars. Same thing goes for JP Morgan.
JP Morgan processes most of the on market oil transactions not only for the United States government, but also for other countries, all denominated in dollars.
So brilliant people and operatives of the deep state listen up here for just a second unless you solve that problem and all of the coupons and you know, notes that are issued off of that derivatives or governments versions of derivatives would be Treasury coupons or Treasury strips.
They're sometimes called in the market if you were to try to unwind all of that.
You're you're gonna lose every bank in the world , genetic shareholder people. You will lose every hedge fund that's out there.
Ridiculous deep state people.And in addition to that, right now every currency in the world literally has a stake in the US dollar because they all hold Treasury notes and Treasury bonds that back their respective currencies.
If it's not that, then it's Federal Reserve bonds and notes, and then there's the repo market and everything else.
I don't want to get into too many details and make people's head hurt on the news, but the point is, is that you would crash every currency in the world, including your precious RMB, you know, China's economy is largely based on trade with the United States, whether it be, for example, China Petroleum having letters of credit or documented, documented or DLC letters of credit that come from people they buy and sell oil from, you know?
With China Petroleum or maybe it's Apple because apples huge over there.
Maybe it's Ford, but you all have documentary letters of credit based on some bank, whether it be Wells Fargo, HSBC, one of these other large banks that all have these dollar denominated assets, or they'll issue you the documentary letter of credit.
So the quickest way to burn Russia, China, India and South Africa and everybody else, Saudi Arabia and all the other countries, Iran, that are considering, you know, this as an alternative to the United States in the dollar. you have just failed Economics 101.So in the news in the last couple of days, they're getting other countries on board, such as Zambia and Zimbabwe, who are considering passing laws that make trade in U.S. dollars illegal in those countries.
Now, I understand they're angry, and I understand they're angry about the US dollar, and I understand that shouldn't have a monopoly as a reserve currency.
I completely am an agreement, but you cannot stop this car.
Slam on the brakes at 140 miles an hour and expect the whole world be OK, because it's not going to be OK and it's not going to put China in charge of anything, which is what the Rothschild's plan actually is.
時速 140 マイルで急ブレーキをかけ、世界全体が大丈夫だと期待してください。大丈夫になるはずはなく、中国に何も任せるつもりもありません。それがロスチャイルドの実際の計画です。
It's not going to happen.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, It will burn the capital reserves of nearly every single bank on the planet.
And then therefore then you have a crashed quote UN quote banking system that you intend to buy back for pennies on the dollar.
そして、その結果、あなたは破綻した国連の銀行システムを手に入れ、それを 1 ドルのわずかな金額で買い戻すつもりです。
But the way you're driving operatives around tells me, you know, zero about finance, absolutely zero because you're going to burn everything to the ground.
Everybody's going to have worthless, papers A loaf of bread in any given country will probably cost something to the tune of about $10,000, Next the lovely people of the Cube, let's call about them the lovely people of you or Operation Trust.
誰もが価値のない書類を持つことになります。どの国でも、パン 1 斤の値段はおそらく約 1 万ドルになるでしょう。次に、キューブの素敵な人々、あなたの素敵な人々、またはオペレーション トラストと呼びましょう。
Here is another reason why you have a problem.
問題を抱えているもう 1 つの理由がこれです。
People telling people to keep cash because 810 days of darkness and you're going to have to, you know, have money on hand and and whatever on hand, you know, food and this and that.
810 日間の暗闇の中で、手元に現金を保管しておくようにと人々に言う人がいるのは、ご存知のとおり、手元にお金や食料など、手元にあるものを何でも用意しなければならないからです。
Well, food, maybe that makes sense to me.
But having cash on hand doesn't mean that gosh darn thing if you just burned everybody's economy to the ground because nobody your money is going to be worth nothing.
I don't care if you're paying in cash or euro cash with springs, Chinese, RMB, dogs, dinars.
I don't care what currency you think you're going to buy something in.
You will have burned every economy in the world.
Now. One other kink in their plane. Currently the International Monetary Fund, and their version of how to evaluate a a currency is completely and totally incorrect.
さて、彼らの飛行機にはもう 1 つの欠陥があります。現在、国際通貨基金と彼らの通貨の評価方法は完全に間違っています。
In other words, if they have a geopolitical reason, they will drop the value of a country's currency.
Regardless of their global, their GDP, regardless of what kind of production they have to back their currency, it doesn't matter case in point, Iraq.
There is absolutely no reason whatsoever within the GDP of that country is the same or similar to And then if I add black market oil trading out of there, it's even higher, but it's the same if not similar to, for example, Singapore.
There's absolutely no reason why Singapore's currency is at like 6:00 or 7:00 depending on the day to one of the US dollar and why Iraq is like, you know, 100,000 to one or whatever it is these days.
That's the IMF's way of controlling countries and getting them to do what they want them to do.
Also, they use their friend and partner, the World Bank, to do that as well.
And the World Bank puts countries into debt so that they can say, OK, well, you can't pay us right now in U.S. dollars or whatever.
Currency they're expecting for that contract whatever, whatever countries currency is being backed by the production line.
That the World Banks contract is denominated in so as an example, this is important to understand production lines currently back current in the real world of currencies, it's all about production lines.
That's why gross domestic product is important.That's why the amount of trade. That the country does, through the World Trade Organization or otherwise, is important.
Now, if you get a loan from the World Bank and it's denominated in dollars. Then yes, it's a debt to that country, but it's an asset to the United States. That makes sense.
It goes behind the US dollar as credit. So,the country might have a debt in U.S. dollars, but what they then do is they go in with their.
Believe it or not, there is a group of people that call themselves the World Bank and or IMF Enforcement Unit. They carry badges and everything.
Who are these people?
They're not legally on the books anywhere. No one knows who they are.
But there are a group of dangerous people that go around and threaten. Countries much like the IRS does to us.
Not just the IRS, but the tax authority in respective nations and with the country can't pay, which oftentimes they can't because they're so in debt then or their currencies worth next to nothing then they'll go in and take an in ground asset or a **** on an in ground asset.
IRS だけでなく、各国の税務当局や国全体が税金を支払えない場合が多く、その場合、多額の負債を抱えていたり、通貨の価値がほとんどなかったりして、地中資産を差し押さえたり、地中資産に圧力をかけたりすることになります。
Now, What is that worth to the United States dollar?
Nothing, people.
Deep state nothing.
Because unless they send someone in to mine said resources, even if it's one nugget of gold a year, then that production contract and that lien is not worth anything.
It's worth nothing in the world of supply and demand, which is what values currency. Now this is a lot of financial information, but it has to be put out there because.
Even if they were successful in getting money yesterday, let's just say they were successful in getting money.
Even if they were, their method of crashing the dollar is absolutely insane. It's ridiculous.
It's never going to crash anything.
I don't know who gave them this plan, but they must be laughing at you from the beyond at this point in time, because I know I am.
But that doesn't mean I can't run around and try to make sure that everybody doesn't make a mistake, and quite frankly, let's just say.
I didn't exist. They're still gonna fail now.
Now because I exist, what will end up happening is whatever currency they choose, if we so chose to register that within the financial system.
We were just issue those bonds in those denominations because we are the currency curator of M1 for the planet.
That's why, and we can issue bonds or debts or currencies or whatever we want right from here and and we don't even have to think about it and it will take approximately 15 to 20 minutes to fix everything that they're doing, so I'm not concerned about this type of thing.
Next rumor that people are concerned about right now is that they're talking about the same.
People with the operatives that are running around in circles, they're talking about pads.
We're gonna have 10 days of darkness. They're gonna shut off the grid.
They don't have any access to any countries grid at this moment in time.
You know.Does the power sometimes go out when there's a lot of heat?
In some countries there are, you know, less fortunate than the US is.
But it's the US that they're focused on with false flags and attacks and all kinds of different things.
Well, that's not going to work out either. And quite frankly, I highly doubt they're going to pull any trigger.
Even if they had the opportunity to do so and could figure out a way in rally like they did in California a few years ago when they hit the transformer with the directed energy weapon, you're still not going to be able to achieve that task with nuclear power.
And you're not talking just about a transformer now. And there's a lot of bad things that could actually happen from doing that.
Not only that, I don't believe they have the resources to make that happen because they're certainly not gonna put their elite butts into an aircraft and go hit a button themselves, nor would they even know how to.
I don't even know if they know where they're elite but is at this point in time, but it certainly looks like.
That's not gonna happen either at this moment, but we have to be ever diligent.
There were a lot of threats going on out there about cyber attacks and those types of things over the weekend.
I'm sorry, it's not the weekend. We had one day holiday over the holiday here in the United States time.
申し訳ありませんが、週末ではありません。米国時間では、休日は 1 日でした。
I can tell you an equivocally, the only people that were hacking the US computers was actually US people. And you could you could thank our fine intelligence agencies for that and the NSA and some other folks that we're doing that.
はっきりとは言えますが、米国のコンピューターをハッキングしていたのは、実際には米国人だけでした。そして、私たちがそれを実行できたのは、優秀な諜報機関と NSA やその他の人々のおかげです。
Even placed a call in the last few days to the NSA telling them that this is not going to work. And that I know where they got their technology from.And those people are no longer around anymore.
ここ数日、NSA に電話して、これはうまくいかないだろうと伝えました。彼らが技術をどこから入手したかはわかっています。そして、その人たちはもういません。
It didn't really end well.
I hung up the call and on the diplomatic line, never received a call back and didn't expect to.
But that's OK. They're just back in the waiting section.
We have more waiters than we have restaurants at this point.
I'm just kidding.
It's not restaurants, but you understand what I'm saying. We have way more waiters in this world.
So Speaking of waiters, today would have been the day that governments received budget money and all kinds of different things were supposed to happen today.
So operatives were going to get paid. 
everybody's getting paid because of the big win that was going to happen yesterday, well, when none of that happened, umm, this is the reason why I am late and not with Sunny today on the news is because it is complete and total deep state chaos out there, unbelievable chaos.
We also have another situation happening.
Today and today is a new moon. So happy new moon, everybody, and the deep state has.
Was expecting to get some orders, instructions and money.
Maybe it's not for they they're thinking , Maybe the money doesn't come because of a trigger that would be tripped on the 4th of July.
I don't know what the trigger is honestly.
They kind of talk a little crazy and they still think that there's an alien race that's going to give them some money.
I'm not sure.
But we'll talk a little bit more about why they might think that, I think, and then of course today would be the start of the first meetings that would take place between the parents.
And at that time it would be the Draco's and they would start every year around this time, and talk about the plans and then issue money for the following year and then and then on down to the covens next and then on down to the families and then on down to governments and operatives from there on out. So, you know, we're going through this process.
So they figure and here is their impression of what is going to happen.
They have bought themselves a little more time because they figure the full moon really isn't until later on this evening, Eastern Standard Time.
I think it's supposed to be around 7:00 or something tonight, and they figure that it could take overnight before they get their orders.
Because, you know, they never participated on that level.
So they don't know if the order is actually come out at the beginning of the meeting or on the new moon or, you know, during the new moon, maybe at the exact time of the new moon and some other location in the world.
Who knows what they're thinking, but they really truly believe that the orders come from a alien connection and communication line that they believe to be #1 and Antarctica.
And the second location they believe that this phone call will come into is in Greenland.
It's not called Tool Military base anymore.
It's called begins with a P. It's like some kind of prefer or something like that. But anyway, it's not Pfizer.
So now they have people on standby at both locations waiting to receive an incoming communication from an alien race, which they've been there now for a few days, they don't know it could have happened anytime according to them, from three days before the new moon, possibly up to three days after.
Hence the reason why the biggest rumors of Nesara, Gesara, RV's and all of this is now Monday the 8th.Because that would put them three days past the full moon,  I don't know. they're just really cold and they're hanging out.
There's a group of people really cold and hanging out.
So we thought about it.
I'm like, well, "are the group of people that are cold and hanging out doing anything?"
They're just probably drinking coffee and trying to stay warm I guess where they're at, I guess, sometimes it's better to certain people to tell the story now.
I'm not entirely sure they're going to leave there upright.
They they could get frostbite, they could get hypothermia.
You just don't know what could happen when you're in such a remote location.
Yeah.So we'll see, You know, we'll see what happens over the next couple of days, how long they stay, but you do need some Ray.
So let's see if they report back to everybody and tell them that nobody called and no money came through any kind of a system or those types of things.
So Speaking of systems, I'm going to give you a little bit of an update as well on systems.
So, we've told about told you about the fact that we put transmuters on the dark system so that we could fully integrate the light system without any issues or any problems.And we kept doing this ebb and flow thing.
私たちは、ダーク システムにトランスミューターを設置して、ライト システムを完全に統合し、何の問題も起こさないようにしたことをお話ししました。そして、この盛衰を繰り返しました。
We'd get to like 98 99% and then it would go back to like 50% and then it would go forward  a little bit back, a little bit, and it was doing the same thing for Earth.
98% から 99% くらいまで行った後、50% くらいまで戻り、その後少しずつ前進し、地球でも同じことが起こっていました。
We feel like we're on an energetic roller coaster. And if you feel like that, this is the reason why, because I can't figure out where it's coming from. 
And I think we finally have figured out the secret, I hope to why they believe information is going to come through.
So, at one point in time, I told you, I think it was like last week about Elon Musk saying that these humans think they're going to transfer their consciousness into an AI system and live forever, and then choose to transfer that consciousness into another vessel, a body or whatever.
And then, you know, become, I guess God's or whatever they believe, or immortal.
Now that program doesn't work anymore, and I'm not so sure they would have allowed them to do that anyway, even when the parties that ran the program actually could do it.
And actually, we're still with us. But others that transgender conference consciousness into computer systems.
I would say even before death would be people like or folks I should say, because these aren't people, Lucifer, the Red Queen, whose real name was Artemis, guys, remember a few years back.
Everybody talking about the Artemis Accords or the Jupiter Accords, remember those guess who signed those and who they signed up with.
Yes, a fifth level lower Astral Demon that at the time had some gatekeeper capabilities way back in 2018 when those agreements were signed.
Now that party is no longer with us.But her consciousness into some degree was spread far and wide.
So we talked months ago about alien technology and how it runs and the effects of alien technology on this planet, not only on the planet, but also off the planet, and definitely within AI systems.
So Can you imagine someone transferring their?
I guess you Sness, essence, energy, and so forth into a, for lack of a better term, let's call it a sphere, the spheres are larger than the one.
There's a picture out there with Trump and the Saudi Arabian king I think it is at the time.
You know, around the sphere and everybody's like, what is the sphere? What is the sphere?
They're much larger than that usually, unless they come in a Beltway or whatever. But normally the consciousness that's in that ball, if it's dark, then it belongs to say, a fraction.
Love, or a portion of the consciousness of the Red Queen, or Artemis, or maybe it was Marduke's consciousness, or maybe it's Lucifer's consciousness in totality now.
Humans on this planet can become personally affected by the consciousness of another being.
Also, if the consciousness still exists in the essence, still exists in the energy still exists, you can actually see. It almost sometimes forming a.
It it looks like a giant BLOB of plasma for lack of a better term.
And that giant BLOB of plasma can be formed from only a portion for example of a beings essence, energy or consciousness.
Now, couldn't figure out why, you know, why are we still cleaning you know I mean, we have cleaned so much stuff and then there'll be stuff that's not there today but I'd wake up tomorrow morning and there's more stuff and it turns out that these.
Consciousness balls and soul cubes and all kinds of things they put themselves into, predominantly from the lower astral, or the null zone, which is the space in between lower astral and the upper astral.
And they transfer it into, for example, the Omega system or the Kronos system, or sometimes they can even transfer it to a planet such as Earth.
And then the being still exists, therefore it can still make his decisions to create things on its own, as long as energy is still being being transmuted into a dark energy.But there's still existed.
Until it's used up completely, it's no longer powering that being.
But they could actually replicate this process thousands if not millions of times for each being.
The same thing goes for the Abraxis, Marduk, Inky and Enlil. The consciousness is out there.
It's still making quote UN quote decisions to make my life miserable.
I'm sure they didn't do that for me, but you know, it's a war fought with attrition, you know, if we can wear the light people down, wear the light workers down, you know, we can continuously do this infinitely.
They felt with this process, now, this is part of the reason why I don't believe they would have.Offered the same service to the people like Elon Musk or the people like the Palaban scenes or the Oraciones.
And the reason why I don't think that they would have allowed for this immortal process to happen is because these people don't think very highly of them.
And quite frankly, neither do I.
What value would it be putting their brain into a sentient AI or their consciousness, so to speak, into a sentient AI and let them keep making decisions like the ones they're making now?
彼らの脳を知覚力のある AI に、あるいは彼らの意識をいわば知覚力のある AI に組み込んで、今のように決断を下し続けることに、どんな価値があるでしょうか?
That would be a "no".
That would even be a "no" from an evil alien alien race.
That would be a "no".
Who would want those people?
They don't make decisions, look what they're doing.
You know they can't even get orders and instructions right?
You know, that were detailed out to the letter predominantly because without one of these beings, you're never going to make it. But when things start to reinstall themselves, it's frustrating.
ご存知のように、これらの存在の 1 つがなければ、決して成功しないため、それらは文字どおり詳細に説明されていました。しかし、物事が再インストールされ始めると、イライラします。
I'm like, "where did this come from?"
This was something left behind Marduke by Marduk as an example.
But was it really?
Is it just an ongoing standing order from the consciousness?
The answer to the question turns out to be actually, "yes".
So by pulling all of those keystones that were tied to their souls from systems this weekend and throughout the morning this morning. I should say the week.
I keep saying it's the weekend. I don't know why I think yesterday was Sunday.
I still do for some reason. OK over the over the day yesterday and the day before and this morning as well,  Now we're going somewhere because things are not reinstalling themselves anymore now.
What that did for the deep state is it gave the deep state hope they would see a glimmer of something showing up underneath HSBC in Hong Kong or Wells Fargo and San Francisco or the Federal Reserve or something underlyingly, and they would think, ohh, here it comes, here it comes, just as it promised us.
Just as it promised us.And then it goes away.
Well, still the gatekeeper over here, and that and because this other party whose consciousness existed is not the gatekeeper anymore, it doesn't have the ability to allow things to come in and manifest into reality anymore.
But pulling all of the soul keystones, now that is going to make a big difference.Because no longer should they, as long as we make sure we got them all.
And this is still a work in progress for today for me, as long as we make sure we got them all, then that means that there'll be no more regeneration of things that we have taken out and no more days ending in.
For the deep state, for them to think that something is going to appear or to wreak havoc on the planet for a while, so much so we have to clean it up.
And it's not just this planet, it goes everywhere sometimes.
So I'm really happy with the progress of that and what we did yesterday appears.
That appears to be 100% spot on on pulling these stones because we're not having that regeneration that we saw before.
石を撤去するのは 100% 正しいようです。以前見られたような再生は起きていないからです。
Now on the flip side of it, we had some neutral stuff that was still showing up in places like Eagle Mountain, Yellowstone Park and a few other places and in northern New Mexico, Utah area, it was kind of a large area. And those things were also removed this morning as well.
その一方で、イーグル マウンテン、イエローストーン パーク、その他のいくつかの場所、ニューメキシコ州北部、ユタ州など、かなり広い範囲で中立的なものがまだ現れていました。そして、それらも今朝撤去されました。
So let's just keep our fingers crossed there and hope that this little experiment, because this is something that's never been done before.
And we asked about it, asked us some others about it as well, the Universal Council to see if this was something that's ever happened so we could try to Before we did it, we wanted to obviously make sure we weren't gonna have a negative fallout from from doing so.
So thus far, it seems to be going very well.
So I'm happy with the results of that and I'm happy with our progress there.
Hopefully, I will no longer have to deal with things regenerating themselves and trying to reattach themselves to the light system from here on out.So happy about that.
うまくいけば、これからは、物事が再生してライト システムに再接続しようとすることに対処しなくて済むでしょう。とても嬉しいです。
Next, I do have a little bit of an update for you on the marketplace.
I meant to give it to you on Monday, but, you know, things just got a little crazy and I was trying to get the news done for you, so the marketplace where we're kind of at with that is we have tried to morph the current software and programs that we're using into a full vendor service marketplace.
月曜日にお伝えするつもりでしたが、ちょっと混乱してしまったので、お知らせしようとしていました。現在のマーケットプレイスの状況としては、現在使用しているソフトウェアとプログラムを完全なベンダー サービス マーケットプレイスに作り変えようとしています。
We've had difficulties with shipping. We figured our way around that.
We also had some difficulties with the vendor side not being quite so user friendly.
ベンダー側がそれほどユーザー フレンドリーではないという問題もありました。
We want to make it more user friendly than, for example, an Etsy or an Amazon to utilize for you to sell your your your products and technologies.
たとえば、Etsy や Amazon よりもユーザー フレンドリーにして、製品やテクノロジーを販売できるようにしたいと考えています。
And things like that because we're looking at the marketplace for us as a long term usable marketplace that will not only be for your things, but we can also have communications through the marketplace for a, for example, farmers intranet.Where people can buy and sell.
Their products internally without dealing with commodities, future markets, if they still exist for a while, without dealing with those types of prices so that they can feed their cattle and exchange grain and and buy and sell used farming equipment and those types of things.
And another phase of that is actually also going to be an intranet for education.
そして、そのもう 1 つのフェーズは、教育用のイントラネットになる予定です。
We're also hoping to launch in future phases a health intranet where you can pick and choose your provider.
They of course all will work with, with assurance, you can choose natural medicine.
You can choose whatever it is you know, this is free will and knock, sorry, not free will, sovereign will.
And this is your choice personally on how you choose to treat yourself and and we want to make those resources available as well in different phases.
So the platform that we're working on.With the difficult parts in in not owning the coding, for example for the vendor plugins and those types of things kind of left us at a spot where if we had launched it, we're going to have a lot of difficulty with our store.
私たちが取り組んでいるプラットフォームは、ベンダー プラグインなどのコーディングを所有していないという難しい部分があり、もしそれを立ち上げていたら、ストアで多くの困難に直面することになるだろうという状況に陥っていました。
Owners payments, you know, it was kind of limited and what kind of payments payment methods people could use.
You know, as you know, credits and cards and debit cards aren't really that great in some countries, you know, as far as payouts are concerned.
ご存知のとおり、支払いに関しては、クレジット カードやカード、デビット カードは一部の国ではそれほど優れていません。
Some countries use PayPal, some don't, some use Western Union, some don't and it's hard to find a consistent payment platform utilizing the plugins that we had available or that you know most of your WooCommerce and, and Bigcommerce and Shopify and and Square and you know all the other platforms that we looked at  offer to integrate.
PayPal を使用する国もあれば、使用しない国もあり、Western Union を使用する国もあれば、使用しない国もあり、私たちが利用できるプラグインや、WooCommerce、Bigcommerce、Shopify、Square などのほとんどのプラグイン、および統合を検討した他のすべてのプラットフォームを利用する一貫した支払いプラットフォームを見つけるのは困難です。
So we made a decision in the last several days to code our own marketplace.
Now we have a group of coders that is going to do this for us.
現在、私たちのためにこれを実行してくれるコーダー グループがいます。
It will be a user friendly.
Platform for our staff should we need to make some changes and those types of things so the base PHP coding for it will be able to be utilized by people we have currently on staff as well and these guys will stay on with us for about a year to make sure things go well.
変更などが必要になった場合に備えて、スタッフ用のプラットフォームを用意します。そのため、基本的な PHP コーディングは、現在スタッフとして働いている人たちも利用できるようになります。彼らは、物事がうまくいくように 1 年ほど私たちと一緒に働きます。
And that we can continuously grow the platform into what the world will eventually need to help launch care initiatives.
そして、このプラットフォームを継続的に成長させ、最終的に世界がケア イニシアチブの立ち上げを支援するために必要とするものにすることができます。
We can also have a life assurance platform as another phase, as an example.
There we can also have an essentials option attached to the marketplace as well.
And we just figured out that we are not going to be able to make this platform robust enough in order to handle what we need now and what we need in the future.
So we have signed that contract.
We should be sending out first payment and they have selected A-Team for us to work with to getting everything up and running and the time frame on that appears to be a maximum of around 90 days.
最初の支払いを送金する予定で、彼らはすべてを稼働させるために協力する A チームを選択しました。その期間は最大で約 90 日のようです。
Now that of course you know it, Can go a week either way or whatever it is, but once it's done, it'll be done right in this platform, will grow with us with all our additional things we wanna add to the platform.
We of course want to add a music platform to that as well, which we've already got the look and feel and the design for that was done.
Quite a while ago, so we figured that this would be the best way to go now.
In the interim, we are probably going to add a little small marketplace.
It's not really for outside vendors, it would just be for our.
Essential oils and you know, I don't know if we're gonna do merchandise like hats and that type of thing. Again, that's up to you guys.
Maybe you can comment on our app to tell us if it's something you want or don't want and we could consider doing that.
We also are probably going to consider there's been some people that have.
Products that we believe in and we might add those things to that.
We also have a few things that have been suggested by some of our New Earth folks that are products that you could use or things that you could use.
For example, for health concerns or for other concerns that we can put links in there too.
So that'll help support as well. And it's quite expensive to do this.
That's why we're going to have to do it in phases because. But it'll still get done and I'm gonna be, we're gonna be much happier with the product.
And those of you that are considering being in like for example, the education division of care or something like that will probably be much happier because you'll have a way to get out your initiatives a lot quicker through a marketplace like this.
So in the long run it's gonna be great and the short term we've gone as far as we could with what we had available at the time as far as software and and other Internet programs. 
したがって、長期的には素晴らしいものになるでしょうし、短期的には、ソフトウェアやその他のインターネット プログラムに関して、当時利用可能なものを最大限に活用しました。
But this ultimately is going to be what we need.
And you know, yeah, it's another couple of months but.
I'd rather have a couple of months and have it be right and have it be buildable mean meaning we can add additional phases as we come up with international co-ops for farmers or something like that. But I think that this is the better way to go so  we've done that.
So that is the update on the marketplace.
I wanted to make sure I got that out at the end of today's news.
And that wraps up the situation report for the 5th of July 2024. And I look forward to talking to you on Monday.
Hopefully, we'll have some good results.
And either way, I'm gonna see you on Monday because we have an interesting broadcast.
So have a wonderful weekend, everyone.
And I will see you Monday and you'll see me.
Calen: (男性アナウンサー)
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