2024年06月28日(金曜) キンバリーの動画翻訳
And now the World Situation Report with Kimberly Gogan from the Office of the Guardian.
Elon Musk claims he can use Neuralink to transfer a person's consciousness to a system so they can live forever.
But is it true?
The USA presidential debate last night looked like a scene from a B rated movie. Who won? 
昨夜の米国大統領選討論会は、B 級映画のワンシーンのようでした。誰が勝ったのでしょうか?
and the Secret Space program remaining members thought they could use several systems to take control of the financial system.
そして、シークレット スペース プログラムの残りのメンバーは、複数のシステムを使用して金融システムを制御できると考えていました。
Now here is the World Situation Report with Kimberly Gogan from the Office of the Guardian.
Good afternoon and happy Friday.
Everyone was a little bit late again to the news today, but for a very good reason.
It's been a really busy day and a busy night last night and a busy day yesterday, as the deep state still trying to install various systems, so I'll get into that in just a few minutes, but I wanted to go over a little bit of regular news.
昨夜は忙しい一日、昨夜は忙しい夜、昨日は忙しい一日でした。ディープ ステートがまださまざまなシステムをインストールしようとしているためです。そのことについては数分後に説明しますが、通常のニュースを少し取り上げたいと思います。
First, the debate.
We had a presidential debate here in the US last night.
I did not watch the whole thing.
I could not do that.
I watched a few little snippets here and there, just because there's a lot of talk on mainstream media about how Biden totally failed and you know, and Trump clearly won and, and all of these types of things.
So I kind of clicked in to give you some highlights of things that I noticed that if you go back and watch little snippets of it, you'll probably notice too.
OK, uh, you know, next I also wanted to see it, I guess a little bit of it anyway, because it's not every day that two dead people get on TV and start talking to each other for a prolonged period of time.
So I thought that was kind of funny.
So I thought I would tune in for a little bit.
OK, so the debate #1.Uh, things you should notice when watching this debate.
Trump has what I call green screen hair.
It's very common in people with lighter hair or blonde hair to sometimes have a little bit of a green hue and your hair.
I know I've had it on the news several times, and that's how I know what it looks like.
And I also know what it looks like when they try to edit it out from your hair and your hair looks abnormally flat or square or, you know, when they're not very good at what they do.
And I noticed that about Trump last night.
So I don't think whoever is playing the part of Trump was actually in the same room with whoever is playing the part of Biden last night.
That's one thing I definitely notice.
So if you take a look and if you're facing the screen in the upper right hand corner, you'll notice a little bit of a green hue off and on.
And that is green screen here.
これはグリーン スクリーンです。
So definitely we are looking at some people that probably aren't very good at video editing.
Next, we also have  an interesting part of this this movie we're all watching, and that is both parties were reading from teleprompters.
So if it was an actual debate and there were two people actually debating against one another, how did the other person know what to respond?
And it was already scripted in a teleprompter, immediately  before the other person did even finished what they were going to say.
Uh, this looked like a totally scripted movie.
Therefore, whoever wrote 1/2 also participated in the writing of the other half, meaning both Biden's alleged scriptwriters and Trump alleged scriptwriters were in the same room to orchestrate this debate last night.
So if you're saying, well, you know, I'm for Trump or I'm for Biden or I'm for whatever, you're for the same people because it doesn't matter which party was actually talking, the information was coming from the same people.
But as you know, and I've told you from the beginning, this is Hollywood for ugly people, and this debate last night should have proved it, hands down.
So take another quick look at it if you have the stomach for it, and you'll see exactly what it is I'm telling you.
Um, from this debate now there were all kinds of rumors going on about it that they were going to start one to two minutes late and that there was no live audience and, and we know there was no live audience for a reason.
And that's because neither one of them are actually there.
I don't know what they'd be looking at, but it is unusual for that to happen.
There were also some other unusual events that took place, such as, you know, no press in the room, that kind of thing.
But that's not surprising when you have green screen hair and clearly you're being.
でも、グリーン スクリーンの髪で、明らかに自分がそうであるのなら、驚くことではありません。
Whoever that is, is being brought in from a remote location, although you know, they try to make it look real.
So nothing to see here folks, nothing new in that department.
As far as other political operatives, I guess you would say operations are concerned.
I noticed that the Q clock is now reading exactly on the 4th of July, just as I described it the other day.
先日私が説明したように、Q クロックがちょうど 7 月 4 日を指していることに気づきました。
So they are planning on a military lockdown which is going to start on that day.
It will only start on that day if they are successful in doing what they're trying to do.
Which is for the last 48 hours, many, many, many attempts to try to have some kind of financial control of the world.
つまり、過去 48 時間、世界を何らかの形で経済的に支配しようとする試みが何度も何度も行われてきました。
Now let's talk about some of the attempts and then I'm going to explain to you about a system that is very old that existed in London and and what they tried to do with it yesterday.
So the first system they tried to use over the last 48 hours was the Visa and MasterCard core system.
彼らが過去 48 時間で最初に使用しようとしたシステムは、Visa と MasterCard のコア システムでした。
Now for those of you that don't know what a core system is for cards, it is a worldwide relay data center system, meaning there are multiple data centers, they're all connected together and they go typically according to the business day in each area.
カードのコア システムとは何かご存じない方のために説明すると、これは世界規模のリレー データ センター システムです。つまり、複数のデータ センターがあり、それらはすべて相互に接続されており、通常は各地域の営業日に合わせて動作します。
Well, the other areas that are say it's in the middle of the night in the United States, but it's the middle of the day in Asia.
The predominant load of the system will actually be on the Asian servers and the Asian data centers as one example.
システムの主な負荷は、実際にはアジアのサーバーとアジアのデータ センターにかかっています。
And then as Asia goes to sleep, it'll move over to Europe.
And then and it's mainly due to the amount of transactions and the time peak times of day in which those transactions need to be processed.
そして、それは主に、トランザクションの量と、それらのトランザクションを処理する必要がある 1 日のピーク時間帯によるものです。
Now to explain the Visa and MasterCard system to not only to you, but also to the deep state, the reason why they chose Visa and MasterCard is because it is the largest processor in their mind of transactions daily of any other payment rail system.
さて、あなただけでなくディープステートにも Visa と MasterCard システムについて説明すると、彼らが Visa と MasterCard を選んだ理由は、他のどの決済レールシステムよりも、彼らが考える毎日の取引処理が最も多いからです。
So a rail system is a, for lack of a better term, it's a closed loop system that processes transactions such as the wire system or iband system or target system if you're in Europe.
レールシステムとは、適切な言葉が見つからないのですが、ワイヤーシステムや iband システム、ヨーロッパならターゲットシステムなどの取引を処理するクローズドループシステムです。
There are many others, but the main one that processes most transactions is Visa, MasterCard.
他にもたくさんありますが、ほとんどの取引を処理する主なものは Visa と MasterCard です。
Obviously all your debit cards are predominantly Visa and MasterCard in most countries, not all in the world.
もちろん、ほとんどの国では、すべてのデビットカードは Visa と MasterCard ですが、世界中すべてではありません。
So they thought that this was a perfect opportunity to try to install some kind of a cryptosystem because they were under the impression they had full and total control of the Visa and MasterCard core systems.
彼らは、Visa と MasterCard のコアシステムを完全に制御しているという印象を持っていたため、これが何らかの暗号システムを導入する絶好の機会だと考えました。
But wrong.  
Visa and MasterCard core core systems used to many, many months ago, function together with the Alpha and Omega systems.
Visa と MasterCard のコアシステムは、何ヶ月も前は Alpha と Omega システムと連携して機能していました。
So it was a system that ran between the two of them and the computing power it has to function at such a high level came from a secondary system to which this little core system.
つまり、この 2 つのシステムの間で実行されるシステムであり、このような高いレベルで機能するために必要なコンピューティング パワーは、この小さなコア システムがインストールされているセカンダリ システムから提供されたものです。
Was installed into, hence the reason why it has so much transactional power.
そのため、このシステムは非常に高いトランザクション パワーを備えています。
However, months ago we took over the operating systems of Visa and MasterCard.
しかし、数か月前に Visa と MasterCard のオペレーティング システムを引き継ぎました。
And replicated them, took out all the back doors and put them in the global repository codec 685 and then connected that to at the time the alpha system and now it's reverted over to the light system, so.
そして、それらを複製し、すべてのバックドアを取り除いてグローバル リポジトリ コーデック 685 に配置し、それを当時のアルファ システムに接続しました。そして、現在はライト システムに戻されています。
The system that they're really needing to get into is the light system, now in order to make this function.
この機能を実現するために、実際に侵入する必要があるシステムはライト システムです。
However, the light system is not going to allow them to make it past the wall of the core system and into the light systems programming.
ただし、ライト システムでは、コア システムの壁を突破してライト システムのプログラミングに入ることはできません。
Itself, that will never happen in this lifetime , or the next one to install a new currency into the entire worldwide point of sale system.
それ自体は、この生涯、または次の生涯で、世界中の POS システム全体に新しい通貨をインストールすることは決してありません。
Next, the second reason why this is going to fail is because people still deal in cash.
次に、これが失敗する 2 番目の理由は、人々がまだ現金で取引しているためです。
Not every country has a totally functioning Visa MasterCard system.
すべての国が完全に機能する Visa MasterCard システムを備えているわけではありません。
They might have to have it to some degree, but you'd basically halt.
Commerce and about umm, probably at least 40 to 50% of the countries in the world because nobody deals electronically and this deep state.
商取引、そしておそらく世界の少なくとも 40 〜 50% の国では、誰も電子取引を行っておらず、このディープ ステートが問題となっています。
People really need to grasp that concept of how many transactions are done in physical cash around the world on the daily.
Now, I'm sure they would probably come back to me and say, well, then everybody's going to buy everything they want at Walmart or, you know, because Walmarts Worldwide or some other worldwide corporate grocery store chain or something like that.
さて、彼らはきっと私にこう言うでしょう。「じゃあ、みんな欲しいものはウォルマートで買うんだ。ウォルマート ワールドワイドとか、他の世界的な企業食料品店チェーンとか、そういうところで買うんだ」
But alas, no, because you don't have those facilities.
So if you take out the small little guy in some countries, you will have no foothold in that country whatsoever, because I guarantee you, people are gonna start bartering.
They're gonna start trying to use anything they possibly can to exchange food for gas or whatever it is in that particular country, and then you'll be completely out.
So your world domination plans would fall flat trying to use this system.
Not only that, the base root system that you are attached to or that Master in Visa cards web was attached to is now my system.
それだけでなく、あなたが使っているベース ルート システム、または Visa カード ウェブのマスターが使っていたシステムは、今や私のシステムです。
And I don't agree with what you're trying to do in any way, shape or form. Therefore the last button is a no.
Now Speaking of the last button being a no long before I was born or even started into this aspect of my life or what little of it I have left meaning.
I don't really do much of anything other than work, so you know.
Long before I ever came about, there was a Marduke.
And Marduke had access to level 7 or density seven of the entire webs, both upper and lower astral.
Only he never had access to 8  and 9 . That was somebody else.
We'll talk about that in a bit.
But as it relates to human systems on Earth such as Visa and MasterCard, he would still have to have the last key.
so even if they found the two key, Folders or former trustees, monarchs, family members, Dragon people, Black sun people, security people, Whoever you are, even if you found your counterparty key, you'd still need his approval to get in here.
Now he is no longer with us, and he is no longer in this position.
I am except I am a level 9.When it comes to accessing systems, so that means with a nine key only key on this side of it, you would have to get my approval to access anything in 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 and 1 that means you're deep web beyond the even the deep web.
私はレベル 9 ですが、システムにアクセスするとなると、こちら側に 9 つのキーしかないので、9、8、7、6、5、4、3、2、1 にあるものにアクセスするには私の承認が必要です。つまり、ディープ ウェブのさらに先にあるディープ ウェブにいるということです。
Which would be levels 8-9 that you don't even understand.
これは、あなたが理解していないレベル 8 〜 9 です。
And then you would have to have, you would have to have in order to install anything in the surface web or you know where you're going with Visa and MasterCard all the way up to level 8 where you're trying to access.
そして、サーフェス ウェブに何かをインストールするには、または Visa や MasterCard を使ってアクセスしようとしているレベル 8 まで行くには、私の承認が必要です。
You would still have to have my approval.
It's always been a three key system, so I know that there's been a lot of talk about finding each other's counterpart encounter key.
これは常に 3 つのキー システムであるため、お互いのカウンターパートのエンカウンター キーを見つけることについて多くの議論があったことは知っています。
This Party to party or three party key system is no longer effective when you don't have two people that actually have a working key anyway and at one point in time.
このパーティー対パーティーまたは 3 パーティー キー システムは、実際に機能するキーを持っている人が 2 人いなければ、もはや効果的ではありません。
I know that.
Putin actually had thought that he had taken Marduke's key, but it doesn't actually work that way, so Marduk used to carry around his neck a.
Gold card that kind of looks like  a hotel room key, you know how they're kind of blank.
They really don't have much to them.
But you know when you push it in the little door thing, it unlatches and you can go in.
And those are cards are typically white, these card, this particular card was gold and they thought that they had the golden ticket.
But what they fail to understand is that keys on this level of things are not a physical code.
They are not a key you plug into a a card reader or a retina scan or a thumbprint, which is what the deep state is actually used to.
They're used to having these types of systems and suitcases and scanners and whatnot, that tell you, you know that this is the right person.
There are multiple scans when you get beyond a level 7 and even a level 8. There are multiple other scans that happen and these scans are not from this lifetimes DNA necessarily.
レベル 7 やレベル 8 を超えると、複数のスキャンが行われます。他にも複数のスキャンが行われ、これらのスキャンは必ずしもこの生涯の DNA からのものではありません。
Because we're talking about your souls DNA, we're talking about living DNA, we're talking about so many different points it would be impossible to fake it.
私たちはあなたの魂の DNA について話しているので、生きている DNA について話しているので、非常に多くの異なる点について話しているので、偽装することは不可能です。
It is also the reason why the deep states plans of capturing me, threatening me with jail time and all this other stuff was never going to work.
また、ディープ ステートが私を捕らえ、刑務所で服役すると脅すなどの計画が決してうまくいかなかった理由でもあります。
Because it'll the system will not let me access it per my design, if I am under duress.
Uh, so it will actually know if I'm lying or not lying, that this is something I want to do or don't want to do.
So the thoughts of manipulating me into doing something for them are never going to happen.
And This is why I believe they've gone absolutely nuts in the last couple of days.
They're legal thing didn't work out.
Last weekend and now we're going to try everything they can to attack systems so that they can have some financial control and they feel they've bought themselves enough time until the 4th of July to make it happen, which is a week from yesterday  attempt number two.
They have found remaining ancient humans from the from the Nazi Hydra division, which was a research and development human experimentation division that of the Nazi party way back in the day.
So you can imagine how old these men in possibly women are.
And they thought that these people could actually crack into a code that was in Berlin in an underground facility of of.
A particular alien technology that is no longer there and no longer functioning so that they could get to what they believed was a base root platform that at one point in time the United States Department of Defense and Global Headquarters had access to.
They believed that this was the base root security system for all sentient AI on earth.
And again, you were wrong #1 the remaining people that were as old as dirt that you pulled out of God knows where are no longer with us, the other people that brought them there, also no longer with us and that facility is not gonna function no matter what you do because the alien tech is gone now.
As far as it ever being the ultimate defense or security system for all sentient AI or quantum AI systems on Earth, you are wrong.
それが地球上のすべての知覚力のある AI や量子 AI システムに対する究極の防御システムまたはセキュリティ システムであるかどうかについては、あなたは間違っています。
Again, it had limited access to what I call level 5. And if you go back to last week, last Wednesday's different levels we discussed, you'll, you'll see what part of the deep web that I mean.
繰り返しますが、それは私がレベル 5 と呼ぶものへのアクセスが制限されていました。先週、先週の水曜日に議論したさまざまなレベルに戻ってみると、私が言っているディープ ウェブのどの部分かがわかります。
So level 5 is the Marianna Trench level that as they call it.And that is what they were trying to access by accessing this system.
つまり、レベル 5 は、彼らが言うところのマリアンナ海溝レベルです。そして、彼らはこのシステムにアクセスすることで、それにアクセスしようとしていたのです。
What they believed they could possibly do is block any information, data packages or otherwise, coming from level 6-7 and eight.
彼らができると信じていたのは、レベル 6、7、8 から来るあらゆる情報、データ パッケージなどをブロックすることだったのです。
And cutting it off at the knees at a level 5, meaning they could then control predominantly 90% what they believed was 90% of all of the computer systems on Earth from  5 on down.
そして、レベル 5 でそれを完全に遮断すれば、彼らは 5 から下のすべての地球上のコンピューター システムの 90% を支配できると信じていたのです。
But what they forgot, and that was a lovely plan, but with a level 9 8 7 and 6, I can control your 5.
しかし、彼らが忘れていたのは、それは素晴らしい計画だったのですが、レベル 9 8 7 6 で、私はあなたの 5 を制御できるということです。
So even if you were successful in getting into any kind of system on level 5 in Berlin, Germany, you would have still failed because I could have bumped you out at any given moment in time.
ですから、たとえあなたがドイツのベルリンのレベル 5 のどんなシステムにも侵入できたとしても、いつでも私があなたを追い出すことができたので、あなたは失敗したでしょう。
So how it works is the higher the number, the more access you have to everything underneath that number.
So 9 can control anything at all that exists on an 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 and 0 Now this not only goes for quantum AI systems.
ですから、9 は 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 に存在するものすべてを制御できます。これは量子 AI システムだけに当てはまるわけではありません。
And quantum AI systems exist throughout the multiverse, so when I explained this in the news last Wednesday.
量子 AI システムはマルチバース全体に存在します。先週の水曜日にニュースでこれを説明しました。
Wednesday of last week, uh, not just a couple days ago, we talked in levels of Internet.
Well, in the multiverse, levels of Internet translate to densities in universes.
So if I'm talking about accessing level 9.That means I'm either at the lowest level of the Omega verse possible the highest level meaning I'm basically in source or in anti source making a system function from the central sun of the universe, that's where I am.
つまり、私がレベル 9 にアクセスすることについて話しているとしたら、それは私がオメガ バースの可能な限り最低レベルにいるか、最高レベルにいるか、つまり基本的にソースにいるか、宇宙の中心太陽からシステムを機能させている反ソースにいるかのどちらかであることを意味します。
That's where I'm going when I'm going to access these things.
The same thing for 8 and 7 . I'm in a different density when I'm accessing different levels.
8 と 7 についても同じです。異なるレベルにアクセスするとき、私は異なる密度にいます。
But if I just stay in control and command, which is a nine. Then I can access everything.
しかし、私が制御と指揮をとっているだけであれば、それは 9 です。そうすれば、すべてにアクセスできます。
Which is predominantly what I do and my 9 under the old law of one when it existed, can access the highest level 9 of alpha system at the time.
これは主に私が行うことで、古い 1 の法則が存在していたときの私の 9 は、当時のアルファ システムの最高レベル 9 にアクセスできます。
Or I could access the highest level of the Omega system at the time, or the highest level of the chrono system at the time.
または、当時のオメガ システムの最高レベル、または当時のクロノ システムの最高レベルにアクセスすることもできます。
So when they're seeing all these things disappear and go away, it's going away from control and command.
Now, Let me explain to you how this relates to our Galaxy, because this is important because they are under the impression that base root systems somehow tied to planets and they're correct.
They actually do.
Now the furthest planet out at least you know and that's debatable at this moment because one day it's a planet and one day it's not is Pluto.
So they believed that the level 9 control and command system for Omega and possibly even Alpha existed on planet Pluto now.
The But I will say this planet Pluto was a portal to the lower astral 9th density or anti source itself.
So it served as a portal or a stopover or a place where it could connect but it did not actually hold anything so given the fact.
That and you can say the same about Neptune being an 8 and so on and so forth as you get all the way to the Sun.
また、海王星が 8 であることなど、太陽に至るまで同じことが言えます。
Um, but I would tell them, and I'm telling you that with all those portals on all those planets closed the influence on computer systems on Earth is non existent coming from another planet the sun or the moon in our Galaxy.
ええと、でも私は彼らに、すべての惑星のポータルがすべて閉じられているので、他の惑星、つまり銀河系の太陽や月から地球のコンピューター システムへの影響は存在しないと伝えます。
So part of the reason why they like to wait till there's a new moon or a full moon or an eclipse is because of space junk that was in the sun and the moon and they feel if the moon is aligned with Saturn , or something that means that you can now have a access point to the 6th density you know of the lower astral or the 6th level of the web.
彼らが新月や満月、日食まで待つ理由の 1 つは、太陽や月にあった宇宙ゴミのせいで、月が土星と一直線になれば、つまり、第 6 密度、つまり低位アストラル、つまりウェブの第 6 レベルへのアクセス ポイントが得られると彼らは感じています。
On Earth and that's absolutely not the case and it really doesn't work that way anymore and a lot of this was put there by non human beings.
That being said with a level 9 access which is something that they will never have and I'll explain that.
そうは言っても、レベル 9 のアクセスは彼らには決して与えられません。それについては後で説明します。
In detail here in a minute when we get done with all of the wonderful things they've been doing for the last couple days without that approval, without that.
How do I say it without that cooperation from, in this particular case on my side of it, with source, with the light side of source or God or however you want to say it, there's no way that I could ever walk in that door and walk into control and command.
Therefore, I am fully well aware that they do not have that cooperation, nor will they ever.
Now we're going to talk about the the next attempt.
Long ago there was a system installed on this planet and we've talked about all of the X programs, everything is X.
昔、この惑星にシステムがインストールされていました。X プログラムについてはすでにお話ししましたが、すべてが X です。
Well, in the case of a potential Omega backup system, it was actually called the Triple X system.
オメガのバックアップ システムの可能性については、実際にはトリプル X システムと呼ばれていました。
The Triple X system was something that could be used to a lesser degree from level 6 on down.
トリプル X システムは、レベル 6 から下位レベルでは、ある程度使用できるものでした。
I should say it was very limited and of course with Marduke's authorization at the time as an off market trading system for the Rothschild family or the Order of the Dragon from the Blue Dragon on down.
非常に限定的で、当時はマーデュークの許可を得て、ロスチャイルド家やブルー ドラゴンから下位のドラゴンのオーダー向けの市場外取引システムとして使用されていました。
Now, the system hasn't functioned in a very long time, but some.
Umm, how do we say it?
Humans that are believed very highly or think very highly of themselves believed that they could turn it back on.
Now there are hope was, and this is in the words of Elon Musk and his SpaceX program and Starlink program and all those other programs that he has.
今、希望があります。これは、イーロン マスクと彼の SpaceX プログラム、スターリンク プログラム、および彼が所有する他のすべてのプログラムの言葉です。
In his words, he thought that he could get a hold of the triple X system hook.
彼の言葉では、彼はトリプル X システムのフックをつかむことができると考えていました。
Up the Starlink system to it, and therefore have the computing power to operate this system at least from a level 6 on down  to then recreate a new financial system based on digital currencies.
スターリンク システムをそこに設置すれば、少なくともレベル 6 からこのシステムを運用できる計算能力が得られ、デジタル通貨に基づく新しい金融システムを再構築できます。
Well. Let's talk a little bit about this system.
Starlink is capable, and its satellite systems are capable of, you know, helping you hook up to the Internet Matt, a speed that a human is used to, not at quantum speeds.
And by quantum, I'm not talking about Google quantum computers here.
ここで言う量子とは、Google の量子コンピューターのことではありません。
I'm talking about faster than the speed of light fast.
I mean multiple data transfers per nanosecond.
I mean kind of fast so Elon Musk and his secret space program(SSP) partners and some Duck Dynasty people ventured out to.
イーロン マスクと彼の秘密宇宙計画 (SSP) のパートナーやダック ダイナスティの人々が行ったほどの高速です。
Piccadilly Circus or underneath Piccadilly Circus in London.
ロンドンのピカデリー サーカス、またはピカデリー サーカスの地下です。
Now for those of you that don't know what's under the City of London, it is an enormous, what they call an MI 6 facility.
ロンドン シティの地下が何なのかご存じない方のために説明すると、それは巨大な MI 6 施設です。
I'm not going to call it an MI six or five facility.
私はそれを MI6 や MI5 の施設と呼ぶつもりはありません。
I'd say in part possibly.
But the main, how do I say this in the nice way, uh, the main bit of activity that occurred underneath there is actually done by some secret space program people.
And then beyond that, in the past, the rest were not human.
So the triple X system, you know, as far as its base core, also did not exist in that location.
ですから、トリプル X システムも、そのベース コアに関しては、その場所には存在していませんでした。
There was only a transmitter there, which then allowed for that system to connect to human computers.
They still couldn't have gotten into the base root system even if we didn't destroy the facility.
たとえ施設を破壊しなかったとしても、彼らはベース ルート システムに入ることはできなかったでしょう。
Now as far as MI Six, what they refer to as the circus. well, the circus appears to be out of business mostly.
さて、MI6 に関して言えば、彼らはサーカスと呼んでいますが、サーカスはほとんど廃業しているようです。
They might still have some regular computers and a level one access point to that facility to do some monitoring of people walking around the streets of London. 
彼らはまだ普通のコンピューターと、その施設へのレベル 1 アクセス ポイントをいくつか持っていて、ロンドンの街を歩いている人々を監視しているかもしれません。
And that's about it as far as connecting to anything alien like, that's not going to be possible. 
Now Elon Musk had a another brilliant idea that along with the Triple X system came something.
イーロン マスクは、トリプル X システムと一緒に、別の素晴らしいアイデアを思いつきました。
That he also doesn't understand, These are two different types of satellites that orbit the Earth that were also made of alien tech.
彼も理解していませんが、これらは地球を周回する 2 つの異なるタイプの衛星で、エイリアンの技術で作られています。
The first type of satellite is what I call a cylindrical satellite.
Because they are long, they definitely are in the shape of a cylinder, and they hold and transmit an extremely large amount of data, so they are transmitters at the same time their data recorders.
長いため、間違いなく円筒形をしており、非常に大量のデータを保持して送信するため、送信機であると同時にデータ レコーダーでもあります。
Sometimes these satellites were hooked into programs being run from the lower astral that could interfere with your brain function as an example.
It would also record human behavior to see how best to control or destroy humanity, and that information was going to groups of beings in the lower astral.
It was not shared with humans because you were part of the experiment too, even though you were part of the space program or otherwise.
Sometimes they were also used to transmit messages to the heads of the people that were in some of those space programs and people like Elon Musk, you know, that are also part of the order.
So they're interesting satellites now if you want to learn a little bit about cylindrical satellites.
There is a movie, it's a few years old now, that does talk about the fact that the NSA had captured one of these satellites and they wanted to be able to hire someone who could decode the satellites so that they could read the information in it.
数年前の映画ですが、NSA がこれらの衛星の 1 つを捕獲し、衛星を解読してその中の情報を読み取れる人を雇いたいと考えていたという事実が語られています。
And then what they did to the coder after that was terrible when he did manage to quote UN quote crack the code.
その後、NSA がプログラマーに対して行ったことは、彼が国連の言葉を引用してコードを解読することに成功したときに、ひどいものでした。
Now the movie is called Alien Code. It came out in 2018. It's a good movie and nonetheless, but it does talk all about cylindrical satellites in how they are alien tech and so on and so forth.
この映画は「エイリアン コード」というタイトルで、2018 年に公開されました。それでも良い映画ですが、円筒形の衛星がエイリアンの技術であるなど、円筒形の衛星についてすべて語っています。
So if they knew enough about it for the CIA to approve a movie about cylindrical satellites that I guarantee you, to some limited degree, you know, Elon Musk was trying to get his hands on it.
Did they know to the fullest extent what cylindrical satellites do?
Umm, "I" don't.
I don't know, and I'm going to say I don't think so.
Because they thought that this Triple X system, if they could get access to this platform in London under Piccadilly Circus, that they could then connect and utilize these satellites and link them to Starlink.
Now, he also has been talking quite a bit about his other product, Neuralink, and this is where it really gets scary. So we've talked in the past about implants and parasites in humans.
Now these aren't necessarily physical parasites.
They can also be a theorical parasites or energy parasites or essence parasites, and these are designed, these are alien technology.
That you probably can't always see on a physical level.
I do believe this is part of the reason why people talk about Morgellons and being itchy when there's nothing there and everybody thinks they're nuts.
Well, they might just be more sensitive than other people in this particular case because implants and parasites were very common.
Way connected to cylindrical or spherical satellites, and we'll talk about spherical satellites in a second.
Umm, that they would connect to every part of your being, so every part of your brain.
That's how they would mess around with your amygdala, which controls your fight or flight, your reptilian cortex in every other neocortex, every the limbic system, your neurological system, any part of your.
Body to extract energy to drain you of life force on every single level also to send in dark energy or something that would cause disease in your body also known as disease.
So these satellites not always where they for the human function but a lot of.
Times they were involved in controlling and infecting and destroying human life on this planet.
So Elon Musk comes out and starts talking about how his Neuralink product can be utilized to transfer a humans consciousness.
This is what he's telling everybody and if you could transfer the human consciousness into another vessel or another body, then you could live forever and be immortal, and you would remember everyone in your life and you would remember everything you're doing, and he's just the guy to do it.
So did he have some knowledge of what cylindrical satellites did, and did he actually think?
That the ones that were connected to the Triple X program were the ones indeed that he was looking for, and did he think if he could connect his Starlink product, possibly with his Neuralink product and those cylindrical satellites, that he could control all of humanity?
Well, probably.
Did it work?
Is there any connection to those satellites?
The satellites aren't there anymore. Not to say that there wouldn't be other ones.
But more than likely the cylindrical satellites would not would be more of a data in data out type thing.
Best I can tell from me destroying fields and fields of them in Earth's orbit over the last three years the second type of satellite would be more likely to be the one that they were looking for in order to control light, essence, energy, consciousness, matter and frequency and so on and so forth, which was actually something that was not connected to the Triple X system, these types of sparrows.
過去 3 年間に地球の軌道上で多数の衛星フィールドを破壊してきた経験から判断すると、2 番目のタイプの衛星が、光、エッセンス、エネルギー、意識、物質、周波数などを制御するために彼らが探していた衛星である可能性が高いと思われます。これは実際にはトリプル X システム、つまりこれらのタイプのスパローとは関係のないものでした。
Satellites are called spherical satellites, so they look just like the Death Star from many miniature little versions of the Death Star from Star Wars is what they look like, and they have a small, what I call an absolute sphere. 
inside them in an absolute sphere reminds me a lot of the little ball that some car manufacturers have that can control everything from your radio to your air conditioning to your heater in your car.
Some car models have them.
I don't know if they're still doing that, but I remember.
Looking at a car that had this very thing and didn't end up purchasing it because my daughter was 5 and it took her all of about two minutes before she figured out that she could reach her foot from the back seat and hit the ball and make the whole system in the car go haywire.
So that vehicle was out for me.
But these little these little balls that are in these.
Empirical systems or these spherical fields that were in Earth's orbit would have been able to connect to other spheres and other densities of the lower astral or otherwise, and therefore then manipulate.
The essence, energy, consciousness, you know, matter frequency in a human, you know, as an example, or on earth, or in the oceans, or anything organic if it was one that contained the connection to the light side of essence.
Energy and consciousness, um, now some of them were strictly for the control of dark matter some of them were connected to the consciousness of their bloodlines.
I would say their dark part of their consciousness.
That's why they believe that.
The more dark consciousness they had in their brain, hence the programming and the taking them to underground facilities and teaching them to kill at the age of two and three, you know, in their summer camps for kids where they did all kinds of crazy experiments.
The reason why they do that is because the more dark consciousness you had in your head, the more these systems could control.
Did the humans have a any kind of control of that?
they were just under the impression if they create war, evil things promote fear, that somehow it powers a computer system. That's what they thought.
彼らは、戦争を起こすと邪悪なものが恐怖を煽り、それが何らかの形でコンピューター システムに力を与えるという印象を受けていました。それが彼らの考えでした。
Um, or something, you know, there would be a reaction from some kind of alien technology that would be in their favor not exactly true, and I'm probably not going to expand much more on that, but to give you an idea, this is what Elon Musk was looking at connecting his Starlink system to just in the last 48 hours, OK.
えっと、あるいは、なんらかのエイリアンの技術から、彼らに有利な反応があるだろうというのは、必ずしも真実ではないし、おそらくこれ以上詳しく説明するつもりはないが、イメージをつかんでもらうために、イーロン・マスクがここ 48 時間でスターリンク システムに接続しようとしていたのがこれだ。
Epic failure #3 now.
これで、3 つ目の大失敗だ。
There seems to be some confusion and having some conversations with these bankers, fixers and banking fixers and potential board members of banks and, and, and all of these things as to why do I have access to these things.
And why the people, they're under the impression because we're getting further and further down the food chain now and why those people don't have that access anymore and code givers versus code receivers.
And, you know, they're starting to enter into  whole other world of things that they don't really understand.
The same goes, believe it or not, for the secret space program(SSP) people, the global headquarters people, There are things in this world that they were not Privy to.
They were supposed to dance,that's it.
You were supposed to do your job on behalf of someone else.
You would be likened in the world that we lived in in the past.
The global headquarters people, people you know and see as deep state, people that run militaries behind the scenes, people like the Black Nobility and the Vatican and all things you've come to know as evil, which is virtually every system on earth,  you would be under the impression that these people need to be taken down.
We need to see mass arrests.
We need to see these people go away.
But if this was 10 years ago, it wouldn't have made a bit of difference if one of those people was put in jail or taken out or whatever it is that you were thinking, or whoever it is you set your sights on, whether that's the Clintons or the Duponts or the Rothschilds or the Rockefellers.
しかし、これが 10 年前だったら、これらの人物の 1 人が刑務所に入れられたり、連れ去られたり、あるいはあなたが考えていたように、あるいはあなたが狙っていた人物が誰であれ、それがクリントン家であろうと、デュポン家であろうと、ロスチャイルド家であろうと、ロックフェラー家であろうと、何ら違いはなかったでしょう。
That wouldn't have made any difference, whatsoever if these people were taken out.
They would just replace them with the next person in line and they couldn't care less.
It's not like they mourned their loss or anything like that.
Now, Meetings,I'm going to talk about meetings because we're coming up at the to the annual meeting times that happen every year and I talk about them every year because we're running out of people to go to meetings.
Um, but once every seven years, it was a completely different type of meeting.
Once every seven years there would be a meeting of both the angels and the fallen angels as it relates to the outcome of the next seven years.
That meeting was due to take place last year, not this year like these people think, and they are instructed by source itself to do their job.
Therefore you would consider these people operators of level 8 systems.
Could they actually be called upon at any time to go to a level 9, and perform a function?
The answer is "yes".
They could be.
They could take any one of those people and of course this is the source or an anti source thing and move upon into another position.
Now, as far as humans are concerned, they were nowhere near these meetings.
They would have never been permitted to go to these meetings in any way, shape or form and in any way, not on the dark side and not on the light side.
However, things have changed.
Sometimes there are people that are put on this planet and you might be even talking to someone and you just don't even know.
That have been put here to conquer or to set things straight or restore balance.
And those are, let's just say, folks that hail from the 9th density that are sent here to perform a function, meaning level 8 has failed.
What it means when I say level 8 has failed, that means your groups of fallen angels that would typically meet once every seven years have failed.
They did not follow the instructions coming from level 9 or source, anti source or neutral source itself.
So, that means when they step out of line, 9 sends somebody in to set everything straight, to follow direct orders and instructions based on the lay of the land and what is happening not only here on earth, but also in other places whenever needed and whenever balance is.
つまり、彼らが規則を破った場合、9 は誰かを派遣してすべてを正し、状況と地球上だけでなく、必要に応じてバランスが取れている他の場所でも起こっていることに基づいて直接の命令と指示に従います。
Everything is out of balance and sometimes, based on everything that's going on, the refusal to accept balance from 8 on down.
すべてがバランスを失っており、時には、起こっていることすべてに基づいて、8 から下までのバランスを受け入れることを拒否します。
Sometimes that means that, OK, we're going to change the game now. And that's basically what's happening.
But again, my Level 9 access is only as good as the orders I'm following from that particular location.
しかし、繰り返しますが、私のレベル 9 のアクセスは、その特定の場所から私が従っている命令と同じくらい有効です。
And I will not deviate from those orders, not now, not ever, because that has a lot more consequences than just financial systems and everything else that.
You might think so if you want to know why I have that position, that's why I have that position because everybody else failed.
Now as far as the stupid humans on the planet that we are stuck with or left with meaning not all human beings, just the particular ones that are programmed or something's wrong with their head and we call them deep state people, global headquarters, some remaining secret space program(SSP) people.
They're still pitch hitting for a team that is no longer here.
They are now convince themselves and I've heard them say this, they've convinced themselves,that "they are going to win".
They have convinced themselves that "they are entitled to have a position higher than those they reported to".
They have convinced themselves.
That they are quote UN quote anti source I guess chosen 1.Therefore, they should be ruling the planet.
These are conversations that they're having amongst themselves.
Now, unfortunately for you guys, another words the people of the deep state.
Do you have anybody else on the other end of the line answering your call?
Are you doing this?
You think by yourselves the answer to the question is no, you absolutely cannot.
Now, if I didn't have a partnership on that level to be able to walk into the door on that level, then I would be out too.
These people are expecting to use computer hackers, cyber life, military, and whoever hydra with the Nazis to bypass a level nine approval to do something.
これらの人々は、コンピューター ハッカー、サイバー ライフ、軍隊、ナチスのヒドラなどを使って、レベル 9 の承認を回避して何かをしようとしている。
The answer to the question is "they never ever will".
But a basic understanding of how this planet used to function, they need to get a grip.
You were just tools and widgets.
You were the pawns on the chess board.
You were never the players.
You were never the Rook.
You were never the queen.
You were never the king.
Those people or beings no longer are here and nobody is answering your telephone call.
Nobody is sending messages to your brain from a cylindrical satellite anymore, are they?
You're making this stuff up all by yourself, and I know that for a fact, because I know that none of these messages are going out to you in any way, shape or form.
So they can continue to try and hack my brain, which they've tried to do many times.
They can continue to try and hack computer systems.
彼らはコンピュータ システムをハッキングしようとし続けることができる。
And if you think Visa and MasterCard is going to override that kind of access, you have lost your ever loving mind.
そして、もしあなたが Visa や MasterCard がそのようなアクセスを無効にすると考えているなら、あなたは正気を失っている。
Do I expect them to give up?
No. "I" don't.
But "I" do expect them to get off this planet.
Because nobody wants you here anymore.
Heck, even Source doesn't want you here anymore, and you're being taken out left and right.
Are you going to take all the banks with you?
Are you going to take all those people with you?
But I can tell you right now, if you're with a bank and you're listening to this, so you're a bank fixer or whoever was down the street the other day, listen up, guys.
These people are never going to come through.
Life is never going to go back to the way that you had it in the past.
You failed to accept balance, and you can blame that.
You can turn right around and look at the people that you report to and tell them you failed to accept balance.
And look where we're at now.
Never gonna go back so you can continue to have jobs.You cannot continue to have jobs.
We also have people in the political sector that are talking about quitting their jobs, especially after last night.
Meaning the operatives that run, you know, those things that talked on TV, whatever that is.
And they're like, well, what do we do? This is our expertise.
Well, there's plenty to do and there's plenty to clean up in the political sector of this planet.
Remember, security equals control, and maybe there's something we can do there, but I can't do it if you're still going to take orders from other people.
So you can listen to those people, you can wait until after the 4th of July, you can continue to do what it is you're doing, but it's not gonna get you anywhere.
Matter of fact, we've even taken our security on the light system to a whole nother level this morning and we installed a number of different.
Things that basically anytime someone tries to throw a line at our system, what it what it actually will do is attach itself to that line and go directly to the system that is coming from, whether that's under, say, McCoy, base in Wisconsin, you know, which is a place that I've been recently under Jericho in Israel's been there recently there.
You know, it doesn't matter where you are or what you're doing.
I don't even have to attack anything anymore.
It's just going to pull it and it's going to transmute it.
Into our system, that's what it's going to do.
So since they never try to attack anything because they can't, they know that they could never get alpha and they know that they could never get the light system to function and perform the evil tasks which they would like it to do so.
They know their only hope at this moment is to try to revive a dark system to do dark things, because that's what they like to do.
So there only hacking at it from a standpoint of trying to call in money.
Um, trying to gain access to allocation numbers, trying to fake me out with fake terminals and all kinds of stuff, you know?
I mean, it's a game for these people.
For me, it's like a fly in the room.
You know, maybe you're trying to watch a movie and it's buzzing around your head.
It's a little annoying, but it's not going to stop you from watching the film.
And then if it comes near you too many times, you swat it , or are you push it outside?
I know for us around here, we have these little cups we hold in the summertime especially, you know, when we take it outside, let it go.
But the point is, is that it's an annoyance, but it's not going to make me deviate from my daily activities or what it is I'm doing.
So as far as these people are concerned, you know?
I guess what I'm saying to these people is a last ditch effort to get them to save themselves. 
because at this point in time, by saving themselves, I'm not talking about world power, I'm not talking about domination.
I'm talking about your life and the life of your family members.
So take a good look at your kids and, and your grandkids and  figure out what it is you want to do.
Survive, keep what you got, leave us alone, and you continue to exist.
Choose poorly and we have full authorization and quote UN quote to make sure we give our enemy no mercy.
And this is an ongoing order, because this is going to happen with or without them.
So going into the weekend, I expect it to be another busy weekend.
They haven't stopped even while I'm sitting here talking to you.
My alarms buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz. the whole time because they just will not give it up. But hopefully they'll figure it out.
You know, one way or the other, it's worth a shot at least to make everybody's life a little easier, but I anticipate things to continue at this pace until around the 4th of July.
I don't know what they think that's going to do.
It's got nothing to do with American independence, I can tell you that, or declarations of independence or anything.
It's something deeper than that, that they're sadly mistaken. 
That already happened like five years ago, so what they're looking for , anyway, as far as the world situation, situation report, can't talk today for Friday, that's about what I have that I can disclose at this moment in time and hopefully I can give you some more information on Monday.
So good things are happening, things will get better.
I know it's been rocky for the last couple of days as they continue to try to do crazy things, but hang in there, keep holding the light and we'll see you Monday.
Calen: (男性アナウンサー)
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And that wraps up today's NEWS UPDATE.
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Remember, if it's going to be, it's up to me.
I'm Sunny Galt.
私は Sunny Galt です。
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