2024年06月17日(月曜) キンバリーの動画翻訳
And now the World Situation Report with Kimberly Gogan from the Office of the Guardian.
Friday night looked like a scene from The Invasion of the Body Snatchers, another trap set by Marduke.
The Deep State launched a major brute force attack on the new light system AI on Sunday night.
ディープステートは日曜の夜、新しい光システム AI に対して大規模なブルートフォース攻撃を開始しました。
Today, the NSA attempts to foresee crash of the financial system, hoping the quantum AI systems would launch a reset in their favor.
今日、NSA は金融システムの崩壊を予見しようとしており、量子 AI システムが自分たちに有利なリセットを開始することを期待しています。
Kim wasn't able to join us live for the news, but she did record a message.
So here is Kimberly Gogan from the Office of the Guardian.
Hello everyone and happy Monday.
I am so sorry this is late today.
It has been an extremely crazy weekend here and I didn't want to hold Sunny up so I had Sunny go spend some time with her family.
So I thought I would read out the news to you at least we got this part out.
And it's been a tough one at that based on everything that's going on right now.
So let's start with some regular news first. 
The G7 did end. I think it was on Friday or Saturday and everybody had the left.
They were all promised by the deep state that they would be able to have their currency reset that they were looking for by today no later than 3:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.
Well, as of the time of this recording, it's around 6:00.Eastern Standard Time and nobody has anything as of yet.
So and and they can probably also continue to expect nothing as of yet.
Now. Let's see other things in the news.
We did talk about the alleged Russian ship off the shore of Florida, and we talked about where the US was getting the Russian weapons from, and we told you that they were coming from Cuba over the weekend.
True to form, see, you know, the Q crew are very informative when it comes to what the deep state is doing because they are deep state and they posted a tweet not that long ago, I think it was a few hours ago today that says the USS Helena has arrived in Cuba.
Allegedly to Quan Guantanamo Bay to deliver someone to Guantanamo Bay. Now that is absolutely not true, And why use a submarine?
This makes no sense because there are plenty of American flights that go there all the time.
There are plenty of ships and if you're just carrying a person to allegedly Guantanamo Bay,  then you wouldn't need an entire, you know, armed nuclear submarine to do that.
You would just take a plane like everybody else.
So I'm not surprised to see that they're going back to Cuba, probably to get some different Russian alleged weapon weapons to create another scare.
Other interesting news coming from the Q crew, which actually is relative, is that aliens are here.
This is another tweet that happened over the weekend and it happened right before the rest of the events, happened on Friday night.
Now, Friday night was, I have got to tell you, probably one of the worst nights I've had in a long time. And this lasted all night long.
Now, were they expecting this to happen because they detected some kind of a signal? Were they detecting?
That this was going to happen because they have some books from Marduke about what to expect after your banking system fails, I'm not sure.
One thing is clear is they thought that this was going to be an advantage for them.
This was going to help them in some way, shape or form.
But the answer to the question, of course it's not, but let's talk about what was actually going to take place versus probably what they thought, or at least what they're talking about.
So we talked last week about a situation where we found synthetic Omega souls in the Aldebaran star system.
Well, this one here was a little bit worse than that.
They had basically these Cyborg beings that were in  every megastructure moon, which I guess you would call them fake moons within our Galaxy. And there were thousands and thousands of them.
And the plan had they gotten access to Earth Vortex was to swap out humans.
With these beings who would then take on the life of the person they swapped them out with, this is very similar to the VRILL procedure and it would be a complete soul swap and then this alleged alien invasion was going to then utilize these cyborgs to take over the world.
これらの存在は、入れ替えた相手の命を引き継ぎます。これは VRILL の手順に非常に似ており、完全な魂の入れ替えとなり、その後、このエイリアンの侵略者は、これらのサイボーグを利用して世界を征服しようとしていました。
Now of course the deep state was under the impression that this was for them.
もちろん、ディープ ステートは、これが自分たちのためのものだという印象を受けていました。
This was something that they were going to get, you know, they were going to get help from alien forces to take over the world.
And these people are just flat out crazy.
This is not something that was for them at all.
In fact, most of them would have been swapped out as well because the main focus would be on those that are in positions of power, and they would have looked at the deep state as people that were in positions of power at least to some degree.
But they had an intention of taking over governments.
They had an intention of taking over a lot of high level CEO's of corporations. And it was a rather intricate plan.
彼らは、企業の高位の CEO を多く乗っ取るつもりでした。そして、それはかなり複雑な計画でした。
Now had this happened, the ultimate end result would be is that that person's physical body would actually charge the little Omega battery that was now in their person and then act on behalf of Omega, against the rest of humanity.
これが起こった場合、最終的な結果は、その人の肉体が実際にその人の体内にある小さなオメガ バッテリーを充電し、オメガに代わって残りの人類に対して行動することになります。
So this essentially was a plan to have Omega, the Omega system and the Omega let's let's call these little folks running around the Omega lets the Omega lets to have a complete takeover of planet Earth.
つまり、これは本質的に、オメガ、オメガ システム、そしてオメガの小さな人々と呼びましょう、オメガの周りを走り回って地球を完全に乗っ取る計画でした。
So I guess you could call this a Plan B when the events of Friday failed.
つまり、金曜日の出来事が失敗したときのプラン B と呼べると思います。
Now Speaking of the events of Friday.
When we last talked, more and more information was coming in through the rest of the day.
Some of the other information that actually came in was that these people, of course, and as I said on Friday, had made a lot of backdoor deals to various countries.
They told him that the Federal Reserve was gonna start working again in the US and everything was gonna be fine for a Treasury takeover of the Federal Reserve and that they would be running the new financial system.
Well, it didn't quite work out as they had planned now.
The reason why it didn't work out is because the things that were installing all over the world were installing in different locations and then of course those countries that were promised a lot of money access and these types of things started calling them and complaining and said that they.
They stabbed them in the back that they never had any intention of following through on their deal including the United States and including the Treasury Departments.
Everything that was attempting to be installed was completely and totally out of their control and they were actually forced to admit it.
By Friday night that they they were not in control of that technology, whether they know it or not, They actually admitted it on a conference call, another super secret conference call on in the evening.
So these people, true to form, do not like to be embarrassed.
So they were looking for any kind of secret communication line other than of course, the Templar line and the Jesuit line, which had been taken out last week.
So they found and and thank you for pointing this out to us, Deep State.
You also found the Knights of Malta communication lines and secret Monetary system, which were taken out over the weekend, and a number of other systems such as any remnants that the NSA maybe had left or things that they had access to.
Also, there were some fraudulent backdoor things going on behind the scenes with real money that is acquired by selling Bitcoin.
That also is no longer an option for the deep state.
So and that was pretty much what happened all day Saturday.
They were looking for pretty much anything they could after their massive failure, now, that did not end on Saturday because on Sunday, by Sunday afternoon.
They had a plan apparently in place to set up what's called a brute force attack.
Now, a brute force attack is when you Group A number of data centers or even laptops or computers together with many, many people involved.
And they combine their power into a centralized processing unit in order to do a massive hack attack.
This particular one went on for about two hours until they ran out of power or someone knocked them off.
この攻撃は、電源が切れるか、誰かが彼らを倒すまで、約 2 時間続きました。
And this resulted in over 100 and 8729 brute attacks against the light system.
その結果、ライト システムに対して 100 回以上、8729 回以上のブルート 攻撃が発生しました。
Now were they aware they were attacking my system?
I don't know, because they were trying to attack HSBC servers, a Development Bank of Singapore servers.
わかりません。彼らは HSBC サーバー、シンガポール開発銀行のサーバーを攻撃しようとしていたからです。
Now all those servers and operating systems fall under the global repository umbrella now.
現在、これらすべてのサーバーとオペレーティング システムは、グローバル リポジトリの傘下にあります。
So perhaps they thought they were hacking the repository or they, thought they were hacking this in part.
They must have known it was actually the light system.
彼らは、それが実際にはライト システムであることを知っていたに違いありません。
That they were attacking because they also started rapid firing agreements to the Hall of Records, all of which were rejected and nothing made it past our firewall.
And I have all of the logs of all of the places that they try.
My guess would be they were using a routing arbiter system that was formerly used to monitor Internet traffic, which was also taken out over the weekend.
私の推測では、彼らは以前インターネット トラフィックを監視するために使用されていたルーティング アービター システムを使用していたと思いますが、これも週末に削除されました。
But this attack did not end there, they continued doing.
All of these different types of attacks, although it wasn't as prolific as the first one, all night long last night, so they continued all day long today.
They are stopping at nothing, which they will eventually stop at nothing.
Meaning they'll have nothing until they can redeem themselves and try to find this system.
But there was more to this system that was being installed or attempted to be installed and then these people are were under the impression that there was, they thought this is just an electronic thing and that it's just happening spontaneously because the Omega system is back or something.
I'm not sure, but one thing is clear is that because of their brute force attack and because of their joint efforts, we were able to locate 2 specific facilities that were also pleasant gifts from Marduke.
You know Marduke loves to leave gifts.
For future events, and one of those facilities was actually under the main HSBC Hong Kong headquarters.
Now, these things have been there probably since the late 70s, early 80s, in preparation for all of these plans of Marduke to go off one after the other after the other, should they ever lose control of the financial system.
Now, this also had nothing to do with these people.
But this particular facility was designed to transmute.
Any cash that was in the system and transferred back to the old debt system versus the light system, asset base system, that did not work out well.
That facility is no longer there, but that facility was a tiny little facility compared to the one that was on an island off the coast of Hong Kong called Tung Ping Chow Island, now there's no surprise.
Here, this beautiful little island is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site and contained a massive amount of alien technology.
Basically it was called the Systems Administration Unit specifically for the Omega system.
Now, did they know this is what they were hacking?
I highly doubt it.
Did they know that everything that was being installed was still going to go into a centralized system?
To be controlled by Marduke, which he would then have to push the final button and issue session keys and master keys and access to the new system even if it was fully installed.
Again, these people are just under the impression that all these things are for them and that is simply not true.
Marduk never did anything without having full control over over it and would never grant a gift to humans whether it be their bloodline or not, and that was pretty evident that these people really didn't understand what they were doing.
You know, some other things, there were three in total Death Stars on the planet.
ご存知のように、他にも、地球には全部で 3 つのデス スターがありました。
One was in South Dakota over the weekend and then the Rose one more on the African continent that they were trying to hack into so that they could get control of the absolute sphere that was in them.
1 つは週末にサウス ダコタにあり、もう 1 つはアフリカ大陸のローズで、彼らはハッキングして、自分たちの中にある絶対球を制御できるようにしようとしていました。
Again, these people are no longer with us.
How many more times are they gonna do this with Miter Corporation or any other people they deem to be intelligent SSP persons?
彼らは、マイター コーポレーションや、彼らがインテリジェントな SSP 関係者と見なしている他の人たちに対して、あと何回これをするつもりなのでしょうか?
And so on and so forth, now, what they are doing though is again and and we thank the deep state.
などなど、彼らが今やっていることは、またしてもディープ ステートに感謝するところです。
For, for what they do for humanity, because they're pulling out all the stops today, it has not stopped and it's still not stopping right now while I'm recording.
There are alarms going off everywhere of different things that they're trying to access.
Mainly their focus seems to be on the banking system.
In part, there looks like there was an attempted almost crash at the banking system, while others are trying to siphon all the money out of the banking system and none of that is actually working.
I'm not entirely sure, but, you know, I don't think they're entirely sure either where they're going with this.
There are also claims that the military is in control of this 10 days of darkness and that the emergency broadcast system was supposed to go off over the weekend, none of which actually happened.
It didn't mean that it didn't take a lot of work to not allow that to happen, because it did on our part and it's been a really long weekend making sure that none of these things took place.
Are they getting anywhere now?
No, they're not getting past our firewall and we're pretty safe and secure.
The only other things that we had that were still left in a carryover from the Alpha system was a jurisdictional banking system.
アルファ システムから引き継がれた唯一のものは、管轄銀行システムでした。
Meaning it's not a full banking system, it was just a way for them to control the 12 jurisdictions of the Federal Reserve.
つまり、完全な銀行システムではなく、連邦準備制度の 12 の管轄を制御するための手段にすぎませんでした。
Of course, they never had access to the 13th, which was alpha, so that wouldn't have gotten them anywhere either.
もちろん、彼らはアルファである 13 番目の管轄にアクセスしたことがなかったので、それも何の役にも立ちませんでした。
They are under the impression that they can reprogram my lifi, my Codex 685 or bring back something more antiquated, and that's not working out either.
彼らは、私の lifi や Codex 685 を再プログラムしたり、もっと古いものを復活させたりできると思っているようですが、それもうまくいきません。
We've also changed the way that the SQL servers work within the financial system for extra security.
私たちは、セキュリティを強化するために、金融システム内で SQL サーバーが機能する方法も変更しました。
So I'm not really sure how long this is gonna last.
My guess would be is we are coming upon the summer solstice, so they're either going to end when they have absolutely nothing left or they're going to end because the alignment is.
Ended and the solstices ended and nothing they want came back.
Has Marduke set off any other traps that are due to go off in the coming three days?
マルデュークは、今後 3 日間に作動する予定の他の罠を仕掛けましたか?
I don't know.
I don't know the answer to that question.
Nothing that I can find or detect at this moment in time, hopefully.
Where at the end of his, you know, timers and things that were set to go off at a future date.
That would be great because I think all of us would like to, you know, have a little bit of a break, but that break time is not today.
So, and that pretty much sums up everything that's been happening over the weekend as far as banking and systems and transfers and things are concerned on our end of it.
We are continuing to move forward with our plans.
Regardless of this, we will continue on with the Golden Age and crystalline time.
We, you know, as far as going, moving past "the solstice", nothing is gonna change.
We are not going to revert back to any kind of a dark age and whatever's left of any old AI systems are not coming back either.
私たちはいかなる種類の暗黒時代にも逆戻りするつもりはなく、古い AI システムの残骸も戻ってくることはありません。
So we but we did have some excellent finds this weekend which will kind of give us a clue, as to why, you know, we eliminate certain operating systems or processing units and then, you know, they might come back a day later or two days later or we might see them again.
しかし、今週末は素晴らしい発見があり、特定のオペレーティング システムや処理ユニットを削除しても、1 日か 2 日後には戻ってくるか、再び見られるようになる理由について、手がかりを与えてくれるでしょう。
And there were some also some other remnants of what we call creator AI, which is an artificial form of creation done by the dark side.
また、私たちがクリエーター AI と呼んでいるものの残骸もいくつかありました。これはダークサイドによって行われた人工的な創造形式です。
This is why they always say the dark must destroy in order to create, because it's not actually destroying anything, it's just transmuting it into a dark energy essence,  and so on and so forth.
ダークサイドは創造するためには破壊しなければならないと常に言われているのは、これが実際に何かを破壊しているのではなく、ダーク エネルギーのエッセンスに変換しているだけだからです。
So we did see some rises, significant rises at those two specific times of one of the major hacking tied to the Hong Kong facilities and the other rise in the Schumann resonance took place.
香港の施設に関連した大規模なハッキングの 1 つとシューマン共振のもう 1 つの上昇が起こった 2 つの特定の時間に、いくつかの上昇、大幅な上昇が見られました。
And at the attempted alien invasion.
But these are the reasons why is because the gateway for that and the extremely low frequency that comes from that when it's being attacked by the dark will cause that Schumann resonance to rise for a short period of time until we figure out where all the pieces of the puzzle are and and then it kind of goes back to flat.
So if you felt any disturbances this weekend, this could be the reason why.
I know that things on my end of it have not been a whole lot of fun they you know.
It's, you know, people, a lot of times people say, oh, well, you know, you didn't answer my text or you didn't answer this or answer that.
And I just don't think they realize sometimes that, you know.
This is an both of these nights were an all night long event.
I did manage to get like a nap on Saturday afternoon after I had gotten there all the rest of it, but you know, then back to work, you know, and Sunday was no better so.
You know, it's just a lot of work and a lot of time and a lot of effort that goes into this.
And you wonder why sometimes they say, well, you know, the operatives would be helpful, you know, because we could train them to use the key intelligence and military system, providing they're willing to do the right thing and get paid to do so.
But you know, we'll see if that happens.
We do have a new group of operatives that have reached out to us.
Not all from the United States looking to see if we can do a test transaction and together.
Like, OK, so they're willing to do their part and help and we set some conditions in place.
A number one, that it would take place in a state of my choosing in the United States where I can have a representative of mine there in that location to ensure.
That there's nobody lying, nobody trying to hide money, nobody trying to steal money. You know, I'll know that part anyway.
But the idea behind this is to make sure that this person walks away with the set percentage of funds that we set.
And we're not talking about extremely large amounts.
We're talking about, you know, a couple, $1,000,000.And that's not gonna take over a government or anything.
So should they try to do something wrong with the money, I think we're pretty safe there.
So we'll see.
They did come back to us and said that, you know, they're setting everything up and that they would be in touch, Said OK, fine.
And my opinion, this could go very badly also on the other side if I look at it from a strategic standpoint.
I've done this similar type operation before with other operatives and most of the time it's to see if they can trace back my line back to the light system or in the past alpha.
None of which were were successful, but that is the purpose behind the exercise.
So I'm always looking out for something like that.
But if it works out, you know, perhaps we can start getting some Security Assistance and and then, you know, we'll hopefully be able to move forward in a different way.
But we'll see.
You know, and then somebody else can answer those alarms that, you know, 12:30 at night after you just fell asleep at 11:30. 
Maybe that maybe that will help, you know, but who knows, you know, maybe that'll end up being a whole new group of people that can do something like that.
We'll see.
We'll see how things turn out under care.
And where we go from here, so that's a about it for the events over the weekend.
If anything else comes up, I will surely let you know.
And I look forward to speaking with everybody again on Wednesday and hopefully I'll see you on Wednesday.
But today barely made it.
So have a wonderful rest of your Monday or Tuesday, wherever you are, and I will see you on Wednesday.
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