2024年05月03日(金曜) キンバリーの動画翻訳
And now the World Situation Report with Kimberly Gogan from the office of the Guardian.
The New Deal has been laid on the table.
As governments and banks go bankrupt worldwide, find out what we expect from them in order to engage the care organization.
Algorithms are being implemented in order to create greater security and a more interdependent.
World Plus an update on the current state of affairs as the fight between the elite and operatives worldwide continues.
World Plus は、世界中でエリートと工作員の間の戦いが続いている現状に関する最新情報を提供します。
Now here's Kimberly Gogan with the office of the Guardian.
Hello, Kim.
Well, happy Friday.
Happy Friday.
How are you doing?
You know, it's not going too bad on our side of it.
We're we're making a lot of progress as far as moving on by ourselves, our care algorithms are just about finished.
we've installed some new operating systems for "care" and "care projects" and "care programs".
「ケア」、「ケア プロジェクト」、「ケア プログラム」用の新しいオペレーティング システムをいくつかインストールしました。
So we've been working on that and.
Kind of installing a cross reference to the Hall of Records and those types of things.
So it's there's a lot of operating systems involved with care moving on in the future, you know.
つまり、将来の医療には多くのオペレーティング システムが関与することになります。
And then of course there's some oversight stuff too as far as  monetary disbursement what type of disbursement.
Her type of project, you know, not all projects will have everything dispersed all up front, those kind of things.
And then of course there's a little bit of oversight, you know, stuff to we've.
Built in contingency funds, um contingency funds are for, for example, if you have a construction project that you're doing, say you're building a hotel and you usually build in at least 10 to 15% for what we call contingencies as an example, you're a normal supplier is out of nails and you need to buy it from a different supplier and it's going to be more expensive or?
組み込まれた予備費、ええと、予備費は、たとえば、ホテルを建設している建設プロジェクトがある場合、通常、いわゆる予備費として少なくとも 10 〜 15% を組み込むためのものです。 たとえば、通常のサプライヤーの釘がなくなり、別のサプライヤーから購入する必要があり、その場合、価格が高くなりますか?
There's rain or a storm or something and some things are destroyed in that storm and then you've got to replace them.
So these are the things that you would use a contingency fund for, things you can't account for also security funding for projects, because most all of our projects is at least in  the interim are going to need security.
That's physical boots on the ground.
Security also accounts for things like material integrity.
So if you source materials, maybe you.
It's still say for an example we need to make sure that the specifications are correct for the usage of that steel and even though we order those specific specifications, that doesn't necessarily mean that's what you always get from this deal manufacturer and it's a way to sabotage products, it's something that.
たとえば、その鋼材の用途に対して仕様が正しいことを確認する必要があると依然として言えます。特定の仕様を注文したとしても、それが必ずしもこの取引メーカーから常にそれを入手できることを意味するわけではなく、それは方法です 製品を妨害する、それは何かです。
sorry, Projects something that they've done for years.
So we need to make sure that we're not getting, you know, if we're ordering, say, Rosemary essential oil extract or something that we're using for to replace antibiotics or an antifungal or something.
That, uh, if we are not distilling it ourselves, you know, the integrity of where it's coming from, lab reports, that kind of thing to make sure. we're getting the highest quality materials of any sort for the research and development center.
それは、えー、私たちが自分たちで蒸留していない場合、それがどこから来ているかの完全性、研究室の報告書、そのようなことを確認する必要があります。 私たちは研究開発センターのためにあらゆる種類の最高品質の材料を入手しています。
So it's kind of like the world of supplements.
Too, like when you go online, you you have no idea which brand to buy, you have no idea how many milligrams you need.
They just say that this is good for that, But do you, you know, it's all about the quality.
Of the materials, that kind of stuff, you know of what you're getting, whether or not it actually works.
So one brand may work for you in another brand may not, and it can be quite confusing.
So it's going to be the same way for our project owners and our health and Wellness people, you know.
We need to make sure that we are sourcing good quality, so that's part of security as well.
So we're building in all of these algorithms so that when a project is submitted, we account for all of these things to ensure that care is doing the utmost, best work possible with the resources that we have.
So that's what I've been working on predominantly is a way to move forward, not really counting on governments or deep state people.
So you know, so that we can get funds out as quickly as possible to everyone and keep them safe.
Also involved in that is some new banking algorithms, new rules to the banking system.
Because we need to ensure even though perhaps like say, the government will not pass a law saying you cannot take money from a civilians account.
You know, if uh, there's no probable cause, or maybe they pass a law that say we don't need probable cause to seize funds from a person or a company, and our algorithm, regardless of what they say, will ignore them. and enforce it electronically.
もし、正当な理由がなかったり、個人や企業から資金を差し押さえるのに正当な理由は必要ないという法律が可決されたりしたとしても、彼らが何を言おうと、私たちのアルゴリズムはそれらを無視するでしょう。 そしてそれを電子的に強制します。
So it's not possible.
See what I'm saying?
So we're, we're having to build in our own security mechanisms right now because we currently have no external security to ensure our success.
現在、成功を保証する外部セキュリティがないため、現在、独自のセキュリティ メカニズムを構築する必要があります。
So I took a look at the way that for example, global headquarters which we've talked about.
And their security contracts with that that are all expired now for the Order of the Black Sun for global security.
But I figured out, well, security equals control, which we've talked about quite a bit.
And it's not that I'm trying to control you, the people, I'm trying to control them from interfering with you.
So the best way that I can do that is to build it in electronically and then use the key intelligence and military system for a physical security to the best of our ability.
So I'm building in all those little caveats there.
In all, those algorithms take time because you have to think about everything from materials security to, you know, to physical security to monetary security.
And we're building our own rules based system and disregarding government laws totally.
So they can get on TV and talk about what they want to do, but they'll it'll be impossible for them to enforce what they'd like to do.
In 2013 in the US, as an example, they did pass a law that they can shut down your account because they consider you a risk and they do not have to define.
一例として、2013 年に米国では、あなたをリスクとみなし、定義する必要がないため、アカウントを閉鎖できるという法律が可決されました。
Why you are a risk?
Umm, gosh, what a mess at all.
Yeah You could never have bounced a check or a payment or anything like that.
And they can still just say, well, Sunny, you're a risk and shut your accounts down.
And, that's a U.S.law, although.
that is a U.S.law, OK.
I don't know if any other hard for.
yeah, was going to say it wouldn't be hard for another country to pass the same thing if that were successful,  I'm saying, So yeah, starts here goes other.
So if they were successful in blocking a project of care in that way, they will not be successful in blocking a project of care. You know anymore in that way.
したがって、その方法でケアプロジェクトを阻止することに成功したとしても、ケアプロジェクトを阻止することには成功しないでしょう。 そういう意味ではもうわかりますね。
So you got to take a look at all the details, all the ways that I've been affected in the past, all the things that people have done in the past to steal money from us and and those types of things which brings us to stealing money from us. 
ですから、すべての詳細、私が過去に影響を受けたすべての方法、過去に人々が私たちからお金を盗むために行ったすべてのこと、そして私たちを 私たちからお金を盗んでいます。
and by us I mainly mean me, So I've been doing this now for quite a while.
私たちとは主に私のことを指します。 だから、私は今、かなり長い間これをやっています。
I had been releasing releasing funds on a poll transaction basis, which means that a bank actually goes in, I give them an access code and a data code and they log in and they actually pull the funds directly into the bank from Alpha.
that's System went defunct in 2018, but the very beginning of 2018.
このシステムは 2018 年に廃止されましたが、2018 年の初めに廃止されました。
But for a time I had pulled funds in for projects this way, which all of which was pretty much stolen in at the time.
Marduke was involved in a lot of that, then I figured out how to push funds out.
And it was basically purpose driven.
You know, I could fund governments, I got that part down.
And then it's just been a struggle to get it directly to you.
So I had to try to figure out.
You know how to be more independent on our own over here.
And care is now being designed to do that, but in the past they were supposed to pay Me 2%, which was the fee that we had set.
For transferring of funds for budgets or for paying off debt to China or all the other things we did during all the different administrations, Obama included.
You know, we did a lot of stuff during the Obama administration as well as Trump.
Now Never once, have they ever paid us a dime.
And this is important because I gave a new proposal today.
Next, when the Chinese gave RMB or Chinese currency or Chinese yuan bonds to all the Treasuries worldwide, they got what's called a haircut.
And if you are unfamiliar with the term haircut, it means that if the bond face value was say $100 million, which they were much more than that.
そして、ヘアカットという用語に馴染みのない人のために説明すると、これは債券の額面がたとえば 1 億ドルだった場合、それをはるかに上回る額であることを意味します。
Uh, they would give 20% of the credit line they issued against it to the Chinese.
ああ、彼らはそれに対して発行した信用枠の 20% を中国人に与えるでしょう。
And retain 80% for say government budget, but they actually paid the Chinese deep state 20% or 15% or whatever it was.
But not us. so it's always not us.
しかし、私たちではありません。 だからそれはいつも私たちではないのです。
But yet they call us constantly asking for money, telling us they'll be ready on a day ending.
And why So everybody that has lend money to governments, I mean, and in the beginning in 2018, in March of 2018, we gave money to every government in the world.
そしてなぜですか 政府にお金を貸している皆さん、つまり 2018 年の初め、2018 年の 3 月に、私たちは世界中のすべての政府にお金を貸しました。
Now, if you go all the way back to 2012, I had actually, and I'm going to say aye, because I had given money in 2018, I transferred it out.
さて、2012 年に遡ると、私は実際にお金を寄付していましたし、そうですと言うつもりですが、2018 年にお金を寄付していたので、それを送金しました。
I did the first push transactions out of Alpha ever in 2018.
私は 2018 年に、アルファから初めてプッシュ トランザクションを実行しました。
I also went in, assigned all of that gold and all of those bonds to governments back in 2012.
And do you know how much money they have given us?
That's right the big fat 0  Empty.
No boy, zippo. Nothing. No thing.
いや、ジッポ。 何もない。 何もない。
But yet they keep calling saying they need money.
So in order to avoid this contentious situation and this ought not only goes for me personally.
We also have another situation of where political operatives are not getting any money from their people as well the governments are not getting paid.
The local people here that came up with a plan to fix the United States government also did not get paid to do so, even though they were told they would.
So here is the new great deal, you know, I feel like.
I should have yellow hair and orange skin when I say that, but the new deal.
Yeah, OK, since we have officially, over the last decade and some change, paid out a tremendous amount of money into the banking system and into governments worldwide to the tune of hundreds of trillions of dollars.
そうですね、私たちは過去 10 年間といくつかの変化にわたって、公式に、数百兆ドルに達する膨大な金額を銀行システムと世界中の政府に支払ってきました。
OK, that's a fact.
Here is our contingency if you would like to do business with us.
I understand you're broke and I understand you cannot pay us in cash,  OK, I get that.
Because you need cash from me in order to function.
However you have stuff.
You have lots of stuff.
That is government owned worldwide.
Now depending on each type of government, that stuff could be different.
As an example, you know, in China.
The government owns more than 50% of every single large corporation in the country.
政府は国内の大企業すべての株式の 50% 以上を所有しています。
Therefore, you have stuff you can give me to pay me back for my little 2% that I asked for when I sent you all that money China.
したがって、私があなたにそのお金をすべて中国に送ったときに頼んだわずか 2% を返すために私にくれるものがあるのです。
You have things like free oil, free gas free rare earth minerals, free computer chips free, lots of free stuff.
You can give me that I want for care, OK?
And I want it for free because you owe me money if you'd like to engage in a conversation with me.
You must pay me back.
You can pay me back in goods and services, and you can pay me back with a lot of stuff that you have because you have stuff.
And "I" want stuff.
Now, I don't want your fentanyl or your pharmaceuticals or any of your other crap that you have, but I want other stuff.
Now, I don't want your fentanyl or your pharmaceuticals or any of your other crap that you have, but I want other stuff.
So if you want to sit down at the table and talk about a continuance of government in China, you will bring me stuff.
So if you want to sit down at the table and talk about a continuance of government in China, you will bring me stuff.
Which I will then give to all those participating in care, which will make your projects a whole lot richer, a whole lot faster and a whole lot more profitable. won't it if you could get free steel, pre , rare earth minerals.
Which I will then give to all those participating in care, which will make your projects a whole lot richer, a whole lot faster and a whole lot more profitable. won't it if you could get free steel, pre , rare earth minerals.
OK, next.
OK, next.
I understand things are different here in the United States, and the government pretty much doesn't own corporations like that.
I understand things are different here in the United States, and the government pretty much doesn't own corporations like that.
You know, they give money away for free to get political favors, you know, too large corporations, but That's not entirely true government of the United States.
You know, they give money away for free to get political favors, you know, too large corporations, but That's not entirely true government of the United States.
You have the DEA that seizes thousands, if not millions of vehicles per annum from drug dealers all over the country.
You have the DEA that seizes thousands, if not millions of vehicles per annum from drug dealers all over the country.
Therefore, does anybody on this call need a free car?
Therefore, does anybody on this call need a free car?
Do you need anybody, need a new car, ma'am.
Do you need anybody, need a new car, ma'am.
But you do, don't you, and I know I.
But you do, don't you, and I know I.
Need a new car?
Need a new car?
And I'm sure the locals wouldn't be unhappy here if they got a new car to engage in a 5 minute conversation.
And I'm sure the locals wouldn't be unhappy here if they got a new car to engage in a 5 minute conversation.
So for every hour you talk to these people here locally, you pick up the phone, you call them and you do their head in constantly asking for ridiculous things.
So for every hour you talk to these people here locally, you pick up the phone, you call them and you do their head in constantly asking for ridiculous things.
You will deliver a car to Durango Co to the person that you're speaking to.
You will deliver a car to Durango Co to the person that you're speaking to.
One per hour for every minute that you're talking to them and I know you have the inventory.
One per hour for every minute that you're talking to them and I know you have the inventory.
Matter of fact, you even have a sexy cigarette boat that I would have my eyes on.
Matter of fact, you even have a sexy cigarette boat that I would have my eyes on.
You know what a cigarette boat is, Sunny?
You know what a cigarette boat is, Sunny?
No, I don't, It's one of the fastest speed boats in the world and they are so much fun.
No, I don't, It's one of the fastest speed boats in the world and they are so much fun.
So for when I get that vacation, I'd like to have one of those.
So for when I get that vacation, I'd like to have one of those.
I know you have at least four or five in your inventory because I've checked your DEA inventory, so I know what you got.
I know you have at least four or five in your inventory because I've checked your DEA inventory, so I know what you got.
Next, we have something called VA mortgage lending programs, Veterans mortgage lending programs and they are run and we also have HUD.
Next, we have something called VA mortgage lending programs, Veterans mortgage lending programs and they are run and we also have HUD.
And most of those are run through a program called Ginnie Mae.
And most of those are run through a program called Ginnie Mae.
And Ginnie Mae has over the course of the last few years due to our situation that was created for us and we know what that situation was.
And Ginnie Mae has over the course of the last few years due to our situation that was created for us and we know what that situation was.
You know, we get locked down, we get out again and you have repossessed an enormous amount or foreclosed on an enormous amount of homes around the country, haven't you?
You know, we get locked down, we get out again and you have repossessed an enormous amount or foreclosed on an enormous amount of homes around the country, haven't you?
Also commercial buildings for companies that went out of business and you have an enormous REO or real estate owned property list for Ginnie Mae, which is a government program.
Also commercial buildings for companies that went out of business and you have an enormous REO or real estate owned property list for Ginnie Mae, which is a government program.
So I would like that too.
So I would like that too.
You can pay me in that.
You can pay me in that.
You can pay me in properties all around the country, which I can then share with care.
You can pay me in properties all around the country, which I can then share with care.
We can make homeless shelters.
We can make homeless shelters.
We can make halfway homes for recovering addicts.
We can make halfway homes for recovering addicts.
We can get people off the streets.
We can get people off the streets.
We can do lots of things with those things.
We can do lots of things with those things.
We can convert them into bakeries or local shops or.
We can convert them into bakeries or local shops or.
You know, whatever it is you wanna do, plus there's commercial properties in there too.
You know, whatever it is you wanna do, plus there's commercial properties in there too.
So you know what we would be more than happy to take?
So you know what we would be more than happy to take?
Your real estate owned portfolio, government people and that goes for the people when you decide to pick up the phone and call these people.
Your real estate owned portfolio, government people and that goes for the people when you decide to pick up the phone and call these people.
Here locally and ask them to help you get funding for the government or force me to give money to the government.
Here locally and ask them to help you get funding for the government or force me to give money to the government.
You will also pay them in some kind of thing that they want.
You will also pay them in some kind of thing that they want.
Next is my understanding you have some submarines.
Next is my understanding you have some submarines.
Maybe there's someone in our group here that has a project that would benefit from the usage of a submarine.
Maybe there's someone in our group here that has a project that would benefit from the usage of a submarine.
But maybe we might like that.
But maybe we might like that.
I know you have enormous amounts of ships, you've got Coast Guard ships, you've got all kinds of stuff we could use for fishing or feeding people or something else. but you are going to pay us, or we are not going to talk to you.
I know you have enormous amounts of ships, you've got Coast Guard ships, you've got all kinds of stuff we could use for fishing or feeding people or something else. but you are going to pay us, or we are not going to talk to you.
So you've got inventory even in democratic countries you have inventory that we want.
So you've got inventory even in democratic countries you have inventory that we want.
You have fireproof planes that can fly into natural natural disaster areas so that we can put out fires, because FEMA has no help of no possibility of helping us whatsoever in the event of a natural disaster.
You have fireproof planes that can fly into natural natural disaster areas so that we can put out fires, because FEMA has no help of no possibility of helping us whatsoever in the event of a natural disaster.
So we can just take all themas equipment.
So we can just take all themas equipment.
I mean we don't mind, it's fine, you won't, don't can't pay us in cash for our 2% and calculate it out folks because that's a that is a pretty high number.
I mean we don't mind, it's fine, you won't, don't can't pay us in cash for our 2% and calculate it out folks because that's a that is a pretty high number.
You know it's to the tune of at least.
You know it's to the tune of at least.
I'd say somewhere between 2:00 to $4 million, maybe up to five if you go worldwide of money that we've paid out.
I'd say somewhere between 2:00 to $4 million, maybe up to five if you go worldwide of money that we've paid out.
So that's just our 2% fee, so we would like that in equipment from all of you, so if you are from the British government or the Zimbabwean government or whoever and you'd like to call us and you would like something from me.
So that's just our 2% fee, so we would like that in equipment from all of you, so if you are from the British government or the Zimbabwean government or whoever and you'd like to call us and you would like something from me.
I want something from you,you will pay us back for that money.
Now the next little caveat and fun little games that we've been installing due to this care algorithm can also prevent governments from receiving money from third party sources anywhere in the world.
Because you know what security equals control now, doesn't it?
So what would an example of that be, Kim?
Well, let's just say the Silent Circle decided to give money to the US government for continuance of government , or China comes out with a new plan to issue more bonds to the Treasury Department.
I can lock you down.
I am your new global headquarters, not only for financial purposes, but also for telecommunications for military systems.
And other things I'm sure you would love to have.
But since the since none of them would like to work with us, I have created it all by myself that I can manage from the comfort of my living room.
Isn't that amazing?
It really is, yeah.
You know, like I said, I got tired of waiting for people, but I have to let it get so far that before I can actually announce something like that publicly.
but now they're seeing it, they're seeing it bleed out. 
so are we going to continue to allow financial scams, fake currencies, the Hostess Twinky, to be the national currency of the Banana Republic?
No, no, no, we're not.
And since these people have refused to work for us even if we offered them the 10%.
That they asked for We might as well just retain it in 10% and security fees for care products projects so it doesn't fall in the project owners shoulders, My yeah.
彼らが要求したことは、プロジェクトオーナーの負担にならないように、10% とケア製品プロジェクトの保証料として保持しておいたほうがよいでしょう、そうですね。
So there will be a worldwide security fund now for that.
So We have just gotten a lot harder and a lot smarte. because we're tired of dealing with this game of people calling people and wasting their time, their brain space, their creativity, their knowledge base, their wisdom base and their ability to function.
つまり、私たちはより困難になり、より賢くなったのです。 なぜなら、私たちは人々が人々に電話をかけ、時間、脳のスペース、創造性、知識ベース、知恵ベース、そして機能能力を無駄にするこのゲームに対処するのにうんざりしているからです。
You're just wasting their time.
They have families, they have jobs.
I'm sure they would probably rather take an underwater basket weaving class than take your call.
I know I would.
So now you're going to pay us.
You have stuff.
We want stuff.
We like stuff.
I'm sure the US military has lots of building building materials too, and I know that they have a 10 year reserve in oil and gas, that they got for free due to sanctions.
And I know you also have industrial grade diamonds that I could use as well.
Those things are used for laser projects and all kinds of things.
Ohh yeah yeah. You got stuff.
ああ、そうそう。 物はあるよ。
You have abandoned military bases that nobody has used in years on US soil. There's stuff I could use some stuff.
あなた方は、米国本土で何年も誰も使用していない軍事基地を放棄しました。 使えそうなものはありますよ。
Why not?
You donated one to Elon Musk and he didn't give you any money.
So hey. "I" want stuff.
それで、ねえ。 「私」は物が欲しいのです。
I'm open for business, give me your stuff.
Yeah. Many thanks, SUnny.
うん。 ありがとう、サニー。
You'd like a new car.
We need UNN vehicles with our logo on the side.
Yes. And playing, we'd like to fly around and do stories.
はい。 そして遊んで、飛び回ったり、物語をしたりしたいです。
like dollars to get you a lot of DEA seized vehicles.
DEA が押収した車両をたくさん手に入れるのにドルのようなものです。
can it sure can? Yes, it can.
確かにできるでしょうか? はい、できます。
Maybe we can even get some cool like, you know, I don't know, MP vehicles or something like that, that, you know, we can give them out to our field messengers and let them go on site.
もしかしたら、MP 車両かそのようなものを、フィールド メッセンジャーに配って現場に行かせることができる、クールなものを手に入れることもできるかもしれません。
That's what I'm saying, Yeah, that's right.
Make him look official.
So yeah And if corporations, they're corporations would like money or their banks would like money, Ohh, you've got stuff too.
You've got real estate, owned properties, repossessed cars, you've got all kinds of stuff.
You repossess stuff every single day for nonpayment, more so in the last three years than you ever have manufacturing equipment.
あなたは毎日、支払いの不履行のために物品を差し押さえていますが、過去 3 年間では製造設備を持っていた以上にその傾向が強くなっています。
They've got stuff.
You need liquidity.
I need stuff.
Same thing that goes for BlackRock.
You've got stuff too.
Ohh yeah they've got commodities, they've got all kinds of contracts for commodities and black market commodities and all that kind of.
You have stuff too.
You need liquidity.
I need stuff.
Why don't you get it from all those corporate donors, government people, get "me", stuff.
But you owe us trillions of dollars, so before anybody picks up the phone to talk to you, I highly suggest.
You get your stuff.
Because I can tell you during my time with a local person that was my alleged handler, that is no longer here anymore, I definitely paid out enough during that time.
And I'm not saying all, Pete, local people are created equal or anything like that, but you know, there's a certain percentage of that 2% that needs to be offered on the table.
ピート、私はすべてが平等であるとか、そのようなことを言っているわけではありませんが、ご存知のとおり、その 2% のうちの一定の割合はテーブルに提供する必要があります。
Get yourself some stuff, guys and ladies.
You know, so that is the only way I can prevent us other than getting a 900 number if they still do those and charging by the minute for stupid conversations.
If you'd like to have a stupid conversation, press 1.
くだらない会話をしたい場合は、1 を押してください。
If you'd like to whine, moan and complain, press 2.
泣き言、うめき声、不平を言いたい場合は、2 を押してください。
If you'd like to engage me as Kimberly's new handler, press 3.
キンバリーの新しいハンドラーとして私を雇いたい場合は、3 を押してください。
And stay on the line a representative with who will be with you shortly.
We'll we'll never answer the phone.
Yeah, but stay on as long as possible at $2.99 a minute.
はい、ただし、1 分あたり 2.99 ドルでできるだけ長く使い続けてください。
Yeah, you know.
So that's kind of where we're at with that as far as the Raymond Redington's of the world, the cartels of the world and the operatives of the world at the time of this recording.
And I tried to wait a little bit to get the information for you as to what was going to happen.
But there was a call scheduled for 1:00 PM Eastern Standard Time in which the operatives were supposed to get information about their big payday that was due to happen today.
しかし、東部標準時間の午後 1 時に電話が予定されており、その電話で工作員たちは今日予定されていた高額の給料日についての情報を入手することになっていた。
That was based on a system Restore.
They thought that would kick in.
Remember anime AI?
And it's going to kick in within three days of me cutting off the energy supply to Omega and Kronos to fade out any remaining operating systems on that side.
When the system didn't kick in as expected yesterday, they started to panic a little bit.
Now it's come to my attention that some of the SSP operatives that wanted to own all of the operatives and the deep state under their umbrella.
ここで、SSP 工作員の一部が、すべての工作員とディープステートを傘下に収めようとしていたことに気づきました。
Some of them did take markers, as I understand it, from the Raymond Redington crew, not all, but some.
OK, yeah, well, they were busy Bible thumping.
They were busy thumb pumping as well onto a marker and signing it with blood because that's how markers work.
For those of you that don't know what a marker is and you're following this, a marker is when you agree to do something.
And you're willing to bet your life on it.
If you fail, then they will come after you.
That's kind of how it works.
And either you will end your life or they will end your life, or you will die trying to complete said task.
That's what a marker is.
So everybody is sitting on the phone waiting at this moment in time, still waiting.
As far as I know, I haven't seen anybody come to the meeting yet to talk about the next biblical story or other crazy tale.
Because they don't have any money and they're not coming with money and contracts right at that, I can guarantee you.
So we'll see what happens.
I do know that there has been a budget put forth, and I won't say to who per se, but there is a budget that has been put forth for the specific people that are making the promises.
And not delivering.
And what I mean by a budget has been put forth.
They're not getting any money.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
The contracts to which the budget has been put forth for is actually the elimination of these people.
Ohh, it's like a hit list.
Yes, there is a hit list budget.
And it's been paid, there is money there.
Oh, OK. Yep. Yep.
ああ、わかりました。 はい。 はい。
So there are contracts available for those of you that are watching this that might like to take said contract.
But it's not put up by us, no, I know.
I'm just on the outside of looking in.
But if there's going to be any hope of people moving forward to do things, it's got to happen.
So I won't know unfortunately until later on this afternoon if they postpone this call,  they get on. they send somebody on and say,  it's been rescheduled for 3:00 Eastern or something like that, which happens all the time or they just don't show up or they show up and give some crazy story.
したがって、残念ながら、彼らがこの電話を延期するかどうかは、今日の午後遅くになるまでわかりません。 彼らは誰かを送って、東部時間3時とかに再スケジュールされたと言う。それはいつも起こるか、彼らが現れないか、あるいは現れてクレイジーな話をするかである。
Yeah, so new moon, full moon, you know, just wait, it's a super special full moon or new moon on the 7th, or, you know, they've been talking about trying to do that too.
But the natives are pretty restless out there, so I don't know how many people are going to wait for for anything they have to say anymore.
So we'll see.
Unfortunately, I won't be able to report that till Monday when I talk to you because it's it's playing out right now in real time.
Right but it does look like they are very serious about these contracts.
So this could be a positive for us.
You know, with with less of them and more of us, positive movement for us and the Care Sector, making sure that we've accounted for every detail, at least to the best of our ability, so that we can move forward on our own without an operative, without anybody if need be.
ご存じのとおり、彼らの数が減り、私たちの人数が増えることで、私たちとケア・セクターにとって前向きな動きが生まれ、少なくとも私たちの能力の限りにおいてあらゆる詳細を考慮して、私たちが前に進むことができるようにしています。 必要に応じて、工作員なしで、誰なしでも自分自身を所有できます。
Because at this moment we're not talking to anybody.
Nobody's talking to us, so we'll, well, they are.
I shouldn't say that they're calling.
They're calling people in my peripheral looking for a handler to do something.
There's been calls about, hey, we're going to transfer money into your account, buddy.
This is for Tom Melville.
Y'all know who Tom is.
And you know, all you need to do is give Kim a call and and and ask her to clear it for you.
You know we'll pay you.
And I'm like, we'll pay you, Tom.
You know what that means to me?
Absolutely not a gosh darned thing because we'll pay you every single time you went into Manhattan and went into the Treasury Department over and over and over again and met with the Federal Reserve over and over and over again. and all those meetings on the New Jersey military base over and over and over again.
あなたがマンハッタンに行き、何度も何度も財務省に行き、何度も何度も連邦準備制度と面会するたびに、私たちはあなたにお金を支払うので、まったくひどいことではありません。 ニュージャージー州の軍事基地での会議も何度も何度も繰り返した。
So now we've sweetened the deal, I have told Tom an informed Tom if you would like us to do something for you.
Then you need to pay us.
We expect to have a foreclosed property or something and the amount that you would have normally paid us up front to do something for you, because payment on the come now.
Sorry, your word is absolutely no good, Like, no credibility whatsoever.
So you're going to, you're going to go into your coffers and maybe you pull up off Staten Island with a submarine titled In the Name of Tom Melville.
I don't know what you've got planned, but you will do something.
Before we go to other meetings, have conversations, do this ridiculous I wanna be a handler thing.
You know other people I talked to too.
And you know who you are.
If you're listening to this, those people should be doing the same thing.
Ohh. Ridiculous conversation.
ああ。 ばかばかしい会話。
Where's my Bentley?
Where's my Porsche Cayenne, because you know these drug dealers.
私のポルシェ カイエンはどこですか、あなたは麻薬売人を知っているからです。
They don't drive, you know, 1997 Hondas or anything.
彼らは、1997 年のホンダなどには乗りません。
You know they are driving in style.
You know, when they seize a property, it's like an island in the Bahamas.
So, hey, I could use an island in the Bahamas.
How about you, Sunny?
That sounds nice.
Let's do that probably get a nice big house on it, the whole thing you know, just as long as it's not the Epstein Island.
Well, yeah, but I'm good with any other one.
Yeah, you know.
Yeah. So that is pretty much where we're at.
うん。 ということで、ほぼここまでです。
It's kind of a short world situation report, but everything else is kind of like hanging in the air right now.
You know that I stopped listening to to come here, so but hopefully it won't take us much longer to finish the algorithms for care to ensure security for you.
I don't care about banks or anybody else unless they want to give me bank stuff.
Yeah.I don't want bonds.
I don't want papers.
I don't want any of that.
I don't care about that.
I want something I can drive, live in, give to homeless people, do something.
Yeah, yeah. Is there any update, Kim, last time we spoke there was a Faraday Cage, I using the word cage that sounds horrible, but you were you were talking about that I think in our last report.
ええ、ええ。 何か最新情報はありますか、キム、私たちが最後に話したときはファラデーケージについて話しました。私はケージという言葉を使いましたが、それは恐ろしいように聞こえますが、あなたは前回のレポートでそれについて話していたと思います。
Is there an update with that?
Because I think it was going to take some time in order to phase out.
So the last bit of it was put in on we did part of it on Monday morning and part of it on Tuesday.
So that brought us to yesterday and also today we are seeing very little external interference with inside the system.
The only thing that I've found because remember I said we have to make sure there's nothing inside there that could feed it.
So it's not really an external system issue at this moment.
There were a few operating systems and rules based systems that were in there that we have.
We we spent most of the day yesterday removing and part of this morning well, we're installing cares to take its place.
So if there was like a black sun security system for example of for save the red ants, I mean they went down pretty deep.
Trust me, you know we are now going to be responsible for saving the red hints and their security on this planet.
So that was pretty much the most momentum part of what we've been finding.
The other thing that we found was Earth being in a trust.
For some of the realm from from the owners, the six owners plant life.
所有者からの領域の一部については、6 人の所有者が生命を植えます。
There was a trust for virtually every part of life that generates energy on the planet that was not functional.
There was no money in it, there was nothing they could do with it, but it was still there and it was more of a non human thing.
Benefit for that, there was also a few fail safes we found. which would be if energy wasn't being transferred out it would accumulate into a holding tank similar to like the way that they would lose until it reached the top and it had to let some out.
その利点として、いくつかのフェイルセーフも見つかりました。 これは、もしエネルギーが外に伝達されていなかったら、彼らが負けるのと同じように、エネルギーが保持タンクに蓄積され、最後にエネルギーが頂点に到達し、一部を放出する必要があるということです。
So we made sure that that wasn't the case anymore , little stuff like that.
It's just been a quantum programming things.
There were also some standing orders in there, for example, you know if if somebody.
Created a scenario that was savory to the former owners that money would come out for said unsavory situation.
You know think 4 horsemen of the apocalypse type situations, pestilence and that sort of thing, but the problem is, is that I actually.
Cut off the operating system years ago that would allow for an automated standing order to pull money from Alpha.
So what they got was some numbers on a screen that nobody could touch, nobody could use, you know, in the past.
So we needed to make sure that those standing orders weren't still relevant.
It could actually stop money from moving all the way through the system.
But it doesn't mean that Omega could actually interfere in what's happening in alpha harmonic genesis anymore, you know.
So, OK, so that's your status report on that.
We are not seeing holographic anything anymore.
Well, that's good, which is positive.
So she's pretty well dead from what I can tell, we did have a couple of fail safes that were in the Omega verse, if the Omega verse, the organ is dying.
It's called in medical science you would call it like an.
I think it's called an fraction and an infection, Yeah.
So it's like an obstruction, like if, for example, if you have a vein or an artery that's obstructed, it doesn't let blood flow to that organ and it starts to die.
The organ itself starts to die , or necrosis or whatever it is, is how it's used in medical terms.
臓器自体が死に始める 、または壊死など、それが医学用語で使われる方法です。
But we did the same thing to dark technologies.
Dark, you know, any remnants of that.
so when it got to a certain critical point, critical mass, we did have a vortex open up in the Orion Nebula, another one in the Regal star system, which was an attempt to try to get some energy in any kind of blood flow in to prevent it from actually dying completely.
それで、それが特定の臨界点、臨界質量に達したとき、オリオン大星雲、リーガル星系の別の星雲で渦が開きました。これは、体内のあらゆる種類の血流にエネルギーを取り込もうとする試みでした。 実際に完全に死ぬのを防ぐためです。
You know, which lasted 5 minutes.
There was also another vortex that opened up in the Congo in Bukavu,  yesterday that was also closed off.
There was nothing to come through it or anything.
So there that we weren't in danger of that, but it was basically set to make sure that the omegaverse.
And any species down there survived when it hit that critical point of infraction.
Yeah, there we go, I said the word there.
My English is getting better, Sunny.
That was a new word for me the other day.
I'm like, ohh, we have an infection  what is that?
Did it actually?
Did the word pop up like an alpha or something,or how did it was?
It's operating, yeah, because it was an operating system.
ええ、それはオペレーティング システムだったから、動作しています。
It was a reversal of an infraction is what it was for an operating system for that.
これは、オペレーティング システムにとって違反行為の逆転でした。
So in the event it was dying off, there would be a reversal.
That was the hope, but most of the stuff that would have made it function wasn't there.
Like I said, a few little things here and there.
Nothing major, no energy left the planet, so that was good.
But yeah, that's pretty much where we're at as far as the dying of  the darkness So to speak.
Can the Deep State see any of this or the, you know, the Space Force people can they, you know see any of this going down or no?
It's just alien tech kind of stuff.
They knew they they were under the impression that the operating system by itself, if it still existed.
彼らは、オペレーティング システムがまだ存在していたとしても、それ自体が存在すると思い込んでいることを知っていました。
This was a theory on their part, because they have the, I don't know what you want to call it, the people of Worshippers of Death Handbook, I don't know over there.
I don't know what you call it, what they're getting their information from.
And so if this happens then, then this will kick in.
So they were expecting a full reversal of the system, not really knowing what that is, but it was just like a instead of  but they they do get very excited when they see.
You know,  Yeah, but it doesn't last long.
It's like a rollercoaster of emotions over there, I bet.
So I'm sure they're feverishly looking their through their.
Book of Death, Worshippers of Death, handbook over there and trying to see when the next day or the next event that could take place so that they can then pass that ridiculous information onto the operatives along with probably several Bible verses and you know maybe some some stuff from the Torah too,   throw it in there.
死の書、死の崇拝者たち、そこにハンドブックがあり、翌日または次の出来事がいつ起こるかを調べて、おそらくいくつかの聖書の一節とともにそのばかばかしい情報を工作員に伝えようとしています。 律法からのものもいくつかあるので、そこに放り込んでください。
Maybe they're not all Christian people and the operative section or you know, so you should probably throw in some Buddhist quotes.
I mean, really up your game a little bit, Diversify a bit, versify.
Be more inclusive of your operative listening audience.
You know, maybe some of them are Satan worshippers, you just don't know.
You got to get them all in there , no more just,  Jesus Bible , if you are gonna, you know, sucker in a bunch of people into believing you're crap, you might as well make it more entertaining for them because nobody's believing. you anyway so you might as well just throw the book at him or all the books.
みんなをそこに入れなきゃいけない、もう正義じゃない、イエス聖書、もしあなたがたくさんの人を騙して自分がクソだと信じ込ませるつもりなら、もっと面白くしたほうがいいよ、誰も信じてないから 。 とにかく、あなたはその本を彼に、またはすべての本を投げたほうがいいでしょう。
How about the atheist books?
And maybe some Nazi quotes in there?
Shake it up a bit, you know?
What have they got to lose?
You know what have they got to lose, right?
Just throw it all out there, yeah.
Anyway so we'll see what happens on Monday.
If something miraculous happens over the weekend, I'll be sure to let you know.
I'll jump into the community chat and let you know.
But as far as I can tell, this is just going to be another huge disappointment for them.
Will they move in another direction?
It appears to me that Raymond Redington's of the world are going to move into another direction.
And they are going to do exactly what they said they were going to do.
And I can just leave it at that for right now.
But you can fill in the rest of the pieces yourself from what I've told you, yeah impressive people.
Yeah. Very skillful in what they do.
うん。 彼らの仕事はとても上手です。
That's right.
Yeah. I don't want to be on their bad list neither.
うん。 私も彼らの悪いリストには入りたくない。
As a matter of fact, I'm good over here.
All right. Well, we look forward to Monday.
よし。 では、月曜日を楽しみにしています。
Have a good weekend, Kim.
You too, Sunny.
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I'm Sunny Gulf joining us Monday.
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