2023年06月14日(水曜) キンバリーの動画翻訳
Kim is not able to join us today as there is a lot going on. 
The situation with the US is coming to a head. 
The Deep State Blue Dragon Brewer family and those operating out of Cheyenne Mountain are trying to steal the money from the US by allowing the US to transfer it out and then steal it. 
Drastic measures are being taken by Kim in order to prevent this from happening, such as bankruptcy of each nation in the world with the Global intelligence agency and ground command as the trustee global Martial law with the Global Intelligence Agency as the administration as well as ground command.
これを防ぐためにキムは、世界諜報機関と地上司令部を管財人とする世界各国の破産、世界情報局を管理者兼地上とする戒厳令などの抜本的な措置を講じている。 指図。
and then martial law in each individual country with the Global Intelligence Agency as the administrator and nationalization of the world's largest banks. 
the clock is ticking as the suggested time of transfer is this Afternoon. 
Kim needs to be ever-vigilant as this is a very fast moving game of chess. 
It's a game of skill at the highest level. 
Please pray and send good energy to our teams and our ground commander. 
And of course please pray for the entire world. 
We need all the help we can get at this time from all of the light workers out there, 
Kim will update us all as soon as possible as to the outcome. Please share UNN with your friends and family. 
キムは結果についてできるだけ早く私たち全員に報告します。 UNN を友達や家族と共有してください。
We need everyone to come together and help restore our planet. 
When news happens in your area, record it and share it with us so we can help you share it with the world. Remember, if it's going to be, it's up to me.
お住まいの地域でニュースが起こった場合は、それを記録して私たちと共有してください。そうすれば、私たちがそれを世界に共有できるようお手伝いします。 覚えておいてください、そうなるかどうかは私次第です。
I'm Sunny Galt joining us Monday, Wednesday and Friday for The Real News. 